MBC September 2020

Page 1


September 2020


The Best Defense


Building in Backgrounding


Better Water Better Profits

Successful Spraying in the Fall Minimizes Pasture Weed Issues

Water Quality Management is Essential to Maximum Profitability

MEMBER NEWS 6 Association Update 28 Beef Checkoff News 30 County News


20 The Best Defense

Opportunities and Challenges for Backgrounding Cattle in Missouri

Building in Backgrounding


MCA President’s Perspective Your Voice Was Heard


CattleWomen’s Corner


Straight Talk: Mike Deering


What’s Cookin’ at the Beef House


Adapting to Challenge

The Next Headline

Steak Fry - Thank You All

On the Edge of Common Sense: Baxter Black Carhart Cowboy




Capitol Update Welcomed Chaos

ON THE COVER: Photo by Ben Niendick

The Missouri Beef Cattleman is an official publication of the Missouri Cattlemen’s Association.




Volume 49 - Issue 9 (USPS 890-240 • ISSN 0192-3056) Magazine Publishing Office 2306 Bluff Creek Drive, #100, Columbia, MO 65201 Phone: 573-499-9162 • Fax: 573-499-9167 Andy Atzenweiler: Editor/Production/Ad Sales P.O. Box 480977 • Kansas City, Missouri 64148 816-210-7713 • E-mail: mobeef@sbcglobal.net

Missouri Cattlemen’s Association MCA Website: www.mocattle.com


New MCA Members


MSF Sale of Champions


Angus News




Red Angus News


Obituary: Jean Green, Rowena Atzenweiler




Advertisers Index

Missouri’s Cattlemen Foundation www.mocattlemenfoundation.org

Missouri’s CattleWomen


2020 MCA Officers

Marvin Dieckman, President 660-596-4163 • 28998 Hwy JJ, Cole Camp, MO 65325 Patty Wood, President-Elect 660-287-7701 • 16075 Wood Road, La Monte, MO 65337 Bruce Mershon, Vice President 816-525-1954 • 31107 Lake City Buckner Rd., Buckner, MO 64016 Matt Hardecke, Treasurer 573-846-6614 • 19102 Skymeadows Dr., Wildwood, MO 63069 David Dick, Secretary 660-826-0031 • 23529 Anderson School Rd., Sedalia, MO 65301

2020 MCA Regional Vice Presidents

Region 1: Eric Greenley, 61998 Pleasant Valley Rd. Knox City, MO 63446 660-341-8750 Region 2: Chuck Miller, 393 Spring Garden Road Olean, MO 65064 • 573-881-3589 Region 3: Charlie Besher, RR 5, Box 2402 Patton, MO 63662 • 573-866-2846 Region 4: Deb Thummel, 12601 Hwy. 46 Sheridan, MO 64486 • 660-541-2606 Region 5: John Shipman, 34266 Hwy KK Mora, MO 65345 • 660-221-1013 Region 6: Clay Doeden, 14555 S. Hwy A Stockton, MO 65785 • 417-808-0415 Region 7: Traves Merrick, 1956 Hwy 97 Miller, MO 65707 • 417-536-8080


Missouri Beef Cattleman, (USPS 890-240 • ISSN 0192-3056) is published monthly (12 times a year) and is the official publication of the Missouri Cattlemen’s Association, 2306 Bluff Creek Drive, #100, Columbia, Missouri, 65201. PERIODICALS postage paid at Columbia, Missouri and additional mailing offices. Subscription price is included as a part of the minimum membership dues of $70.00 per year in Missouri Cattlemen’s Association. Postmaster: Send address changes to: Missouri Beef Cattleman, P.O. Box 480977, Kansas City, Missouri 64148

Mike Deering • Executive Vice President - Ext 230 Mike@mocattle.com Sydney Thummel • Manager of Membership - Ext 231 Sydney@mocattle.com Candace Bergesch • MBC Editor/Production Artist Candace@mocattle.com Lisa Stockhorst, Administrative Assistant – Ext 234 Lisa@mocattle.com




Caleb Bergman, Alma, MO Connor Bergman, Alma, MO Jeff & Jody Bergman, Bergman Farms, Alma, MO Jay and Connie Bestgen, California, MO William Betteridge, CrestMead Farm, Pilot Grove, MO Abagayle Britton, Circle S Farms, Olmsted, MO Kevin Britton, Circle S Farms, Olmsted, MO Brody Brown, Brown’s Show Srock, Rolla, MO Justin Brown, Rolla, MO Jacob Cafourek, Harrisburg, MO Billy Claiborn, Crocker, MO Tyker & Sarah Clements, T&S Farms, Windsor, MO Robert Corbett, Corbett Wagyu, Knob Noster, MO Jack & Katherine Davis, J&K Tall Grass Ranch, Wheatland, MO Kyle Evans, UPCO, St. Joseph, MO Paul Freund, Freund Dairy Farm, Concordia, MO Steve Glass, Glass Family Farms, Sturgeon, MO David & Kim Hagan, Terrace View Farm, Hannibal, MO Roy Hill, Hill Farms, Neosho, MO Ken Hostetler, El Dorado Springs, MO Clay Huston, Falcon, MO Chris & Kristin Imhoff, Jefferson City, MO Michael Inglish, California, MO Kevin & Jamie Johansen, Lebanon, MO Charlie Kavanaugh, Warrensburg, MO Ralph Kliethermes, Eldon, MO

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See the MCA Membership Form on page 91

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221 State Hwy H Fayette, MO 65248

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McBeeCattleCompany.com Annual Fall Bull & Female Sale, October 31, 2020


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Kevin Lawson, Lawson Cattle Farms, Kirksville, MO David Libbert, Centertown, MO Sierra Mueller , Jefferson City, MO Chance Myers, Bar M Farms, Purdy, MO Matthew Newkirk, SNS Farms, LLC, Adrian, MO Andy Nolke, Crooked Creek Cattle Company, Columbia, MO Audrey Phillips, Higginsville, MO Carl & Debbie Proehl, Doniphan, MO Putnam County State Bank, Unionville, MO Jerry Rellihan, Osceola, MO Madi Ridder, Marthasville, MO Kaitlin Salmon, Appleton City, MO Francis Sherman, Quincy, MO Tim Sievers, Commerce Bank, Cape Girardeau, MO Billy & Sherrie Snyder, Snyder Farms, Pleasant Hill, MO Stacy Hoerr, Stacy Hoerr Inc., Taylor, MO Mikayla Storck, Concordia, MO Daniel Tappmeyer, Hermann Vet Clinic, Hermann, MO Brad & Mandy Tucker, Mercy Lane Angus Farm, Rogersville, MO Robert Gable, E.A, S.A., Twin Oaks Simmental, Oak Ridge, MO R.J. VarVera, Farmington, MO Gerry Wessing, Cary, NC Robert Wilcox, Wilcox Farms, Moberly, MO Jade Williams, Buffalo, MO








Beef Industry Offers $1,750 in Scholarships Source: Missouri CattleWomen One lucky woman will receive a $1,000 scholarship as the winner of the Missouri Beef Queen contest. The first runner-up will receive a $500 scholarship, and the second runner-up a $250 scholarship. The contest is sponsored by the Missouri CattleWomen (MCW) in cooperation with the Missouri Cattlemen’s Association (MCA), Missouri’s Cattlemen Foundation (MCF) and the Missouri Beef Industry Council. The scholarships are provided by the MCW, MCA and MCF. The contest is open to single females between the ages of 16-21 (by Dec. 31, 2020). Contestants must be a Missouri resident, have a farm background, have an interest in beef and the beef industry, already have or would be willing to obtain a Master’s in Beef Advocacy (MBA), be collegiate or junior members of MCA or her parent(s) must be a MCA or MCW member, and must be sponsored by a local cattlemen’s affiliate.


The contest will be hosted on Saturday, January 9, 2021, during the 2021 Missouri Cattle Industry Convention & Trade Show at the Holiday Inn Executive Center in Columbia, Missouri. Contestants will be judged on an application, resume, speech and professional interview. Judges will be scoring the contestants on knowledge of beef, presentation, appearance, personality and their entry application. Coronation will be the same evening.


Queen contestants are encouraged to obtain the MBA prior to the competition. The 2021 Missouri Beef Queen will be required to complete her MBA prior to March 15, 2021. Complete contest rules and applications can be found on the Missouri Cattlemen’s Association website (mocattle.org) under the Missouri CattleWomen’s tab. For more information about the the Missouri Beef Queen program, contact Darla Haines, Missouri Beef Queen Chairperson, at darlahaines2003@ yahoo.com. Applications must be emailed or postmarked by November 1, 2020. The Missouri CattleWomen is an auxiliary of the Missouri Cattlemen’s Association. MCW sponsors a variety of programs and activities that focus primarily on the areas of beef promotion and consumer and youth education.





with Mike Deering The Next Headline 53-Year-Old Man Dies in Western Missouri Farm Accident Funeral Set for Man Killed in Missouri Tractor Accident Fatal Tractor Accident in Cole County Tractor Accident in Carroll County Fatal for Dawn Resident Northeast Missouri Woman Killed in Power-Takeoff Accident Farming Accident Kills Northwest Missouri Man These are the first six headlines you will see when you search “Missouri farm accidents” on Google. That last one hit home for me. It could have been the headline in April of 1993 when Lloyd Deering was killed in a tractor rollover accident leaving behind a wife and two kids. I was 11 years old at the time, but it seems like yesterday. Time gives you courage to tell your story, but it does nothing to ease the pain.


Who have you lost in a farm accident? Who did you think of when you read those headlines? I feel fairly confident you thought of somebody. It is difficult not to know someone who was injured or killed in an agricultural accident if the statistics are even somewhat accurate. The 2018 data for the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics indicates that the agricultural sector is still the most dangerous in America with 574 fatalities, or an equivalent of 23.4 deaths per 100,000 workers.


Farm accidents can happen anytime, but statistically the fall harvest season is often the most dangerous. For this reason, the third week of September is recognized as National Farm Safety and Health Week. This annual awareness effort, initiated by the National Safety Council, has been proclaimed as such by each sitting

Executive Vice President president since Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1944. The Missouri’s Cattlemen Foundation also hosts its annual Farm Safety College in September, but this year it will be a virtual event. Personally, it is the month when I set aside the pressing policy issues or hot topics for my monthly column to focus on farm safety. It is critical to make safety a priority on our farms and ranches. I believe a lot of injuries and deaths are preventable by simply being aware of the dangers, avoiding shortcuts and making sure efforts are taken on the farm to minimize the risks. I believe we all need reminded of this because it is easy to get stuck in a routine. I do not want your dad, friend or loved one to be the next headline. I do not want to be morbid, but please go ahead and picture it. Make it real in your life. Let this be your wake-up call. [Insert name] dies in [insert county] farm accident. It could happen, but we can take steps to make it less likely. We can make this the dinner conversation this evening. We can talk to our family about what needs fixed that could be hazardous. We can set aside some money to put roll bars on that old tractor. Make it the headline conversation at the coffee shop in the morning. Talk about it. Sometimes that is all it takes, because discussion is awareness. Stay safe.



What’s Cookin’ at the

Missouri Beef House By Pat & Patty Wood, MCA Beef House Managers

Steak Fry - Thank You All Ever wonder who is behind the scenes of the 17th Annual MCA Steak Fry held July 11, 2020, decorating the tables and preparing the meal? MCA Cattlemen and CattleWomen volunteers! Pat and Patty Wood plan the menu with input from the MCA staff, order food according to projected attendance, and prepare a checklist for all necessary items from tableware to drinks and a lot in between. Our menu included: 10 oz ribeye, baked potato, salad, Tuscan veggie mix, dinner roll, ice cream, tea and lemonade. Suetta Carter, Kathy and John Harris, Merrilyn Williams, and Patty Wood decorated all the tables with tissue flowers in patriotic

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style, which were handmade by Colvin and Sela Follis, Kathy Harris, Katie Manley, and Patty Wood. With the numbers anticipated this year, it was imperative that we have four grills to cook our steaks from Middendorf Meats, St Louis. A BIG THANKS to Benton County Cattlemen, Lafayette County Cattlemen, Pettis County Cattlemen, and Mike Carter for letting us use their cookers. While most of the food is prepared at the MCA Beef House, all food and serving items must be transferred to the Agriculture Building on the Missouri State Fairgrounds where our event is held due to large attendance numbers. A HUGE THANKS to Mike Carter and Pat Wood for bringing their gators and trailers to transport many loads back and forth between the two locations. A TREMENDOUS THANKS to all our volunteers who helped either prepare food, cook, serve, clean up, etc. Benton County— Sam Crawford, Brad Crouch; Bollinger County—Charlie and Donnia Besher; Cape Girardeau County—Butch and Eileen Meier; Cole County-- Ed and Judy Ehrhardt; Cooper County—Eric Kraus; Dallas County—Lynette Miller; Lafayette County—Jeff Bergman, John and Kathy Harris, Darrell and Sherie Neuner, Don Schesselman, Brian Wildschuetz; Pettis County— Mike and Suetta Carter, Jim Fairfax, Nathanael Hutchison, Alan Ream, Seth Ream, John and Donita Shipman, Ted and Merrilyn Williams, Pat and Patty Wood; Polk County—Keith and Beverly Stevens. The success of the dinner served to 400+ people was possible because each of these volunteers work for a cause, not applause. Live life to express not impress!

Thought for the Month…“Little Boy Blue go shut the gate, the sheep’s in the meadow, the cow’s on the plate!”


Thanks to the generosity and sponsorship of LAG Industries, the MCA Beef House patio entrance has custom metal art signs on display on a yearly basis. The Brackmans of LAG Industries have partnered with the MCA Beef House to bring a unique opportunity to the highest bidder, the chance to put your name or business on a 9 x 48 inch metal sign. We auctioned the Beef House patio entrance/ southside sign at the MCA Steak Fry held in July. The proceeds will benefit the MCA’s Political Action Committee (PAC), whose purpose is to be involved in the political process by supporting those elected officials who support the beef industry as well as those issues that directly impact the nature of the beef business. Our highest bidder at this year’s 2020 Steak Fry in Sedalia, Missouri, was the Lafayette County Cattlemen’s Association. Thank you LCCA for your support at the PAC auction!


Missouri State Fair Sale of Champions Auction (SEDALIA, Mo.)—The Missouri State Fair Youth Livestock Show celebrated youth in agriculture on Saturday, August 22. The annual Sale of Champions highlighted the day, breaking numerous records from previous sales raising a total of $193,120 for Youth in Agriculture. The Grand Champion Steer was exhibited by Austin Dorman of Wright City. Austin is the son of Joey and Tracy Dorman and is a member of the Wright City FFA Chapter. His 1,310-pound Crossbred steer sold for $15,000, and was purchased by the Hayden Freedom Foundation, Sedalia. Additional funds for the Grand Champion Steer were also contributed by Youth in Agriculture and hometown supporters resulting in a total record-breaking sale value of $42,500. The Grand Champion Barrow was exhibited by Payton Rodgers of Savannah. Payton is the daughter of Blaine and Melissa Rodgers and is a member of the Kodiak Kadettes 4-H Club. Her 289-pound Crossbred hog was purchased for $10,500 by a collective group of Edward Jones Associates from across Missouri and Illinois; Heimer & Associates, Inc. /Rodney Heimer, Quincy, IL; Heimer Hampshires/Jesse & Amy Heimer, Taylor; and Passion for Pigs Veterinary Services, LLC/ Dr. Stephen Patterson, Shelbina. Additional funds were also contributed by Youth in Agriculture and hometown supporters resulting in a total sale value of $17,810.


Reagan Rodgers, of Savannah, exhibited the Grand Champion Market Lamb. Reagan is the daughter of Blaine and Melissa Rodgers and is a member of the Kodiak Kadettes 4-H Club. Her Hampshire lamb weighed 123 pounds and was purchased for $8,500 by CFM Insurance, Concordia; RIBUS, Inc./Steve Peirce, St. Louis; and the Edward Jones Associates, along with additional funds from Youth in Agriculture and hometown supporters. The total sale value of the Grand Champion Lamb was $14,547.


The Grand Champion Meat Goat was exhibited by Stetson Wiss of Lamar. Stetson is the son of Casey and Brooke Wiss and is a member of the Show-Me 4-H Club. His Boer goat weighed 93 pounds and was purchased for $5,500 by Heritage Tractor, Inc./Ken Wagner of Baldwin City, KS. Additional funds were also contributed by Youth in Agriculture and hometown supporters resulting in a record-breaking total sale value of $10,892. The Grand Champion Pen of Chickens was exhibited by Lauren Bailey, of Clinton. Lauren is the daughter of Cathy Bailey and Danny Bailey and is a member

of the Clinton FFA Chapter. Her broilers weighed an average of 6.92 pounds and were purchased by the MU Sigma-Alpha Sorority; Hawthorn Bank; and Subway/ Eddie & Shana DeJaynes (in memory of Mike Riley) for $4,000. Additional funds were contributed from Youth in Agriculture and hometown supporters resulting in a record-breaking total sale value of $10,416. Gage Baker, of Fulton, exhibited the Reserve Grand Champion Steer. Gage is the son of Rhad & Leah Baker and is a member of the Rising Sun 4-H Club. Gage’s 1,325-pound Crossbred steer was purchased for $8,000 by The Climate Corporation, St. Louis; and the MU Independent Aggies. Additional funds from Youth in Agriculture and hometown supporters resulted in a total sale value $28,868. Connor Keithley, of Chillicothe, showed the Reserve Grand Champion Barrow. Connor is the son of Chad and Betsy Keithley and is a member of the Chillicothe FFA Chapter. Connor’s 292-pound Crossbred barrow was purchased for $7,000 by BTC Bank and Team Sloan Livestock/Scott, Tonya, Cody and Troy Sloan, Cameron. Additional funds were provided by Youth in Agriculture and hometown supporters resulting in a record-breaking total sale value of $35,068. Mikena Brown, of Neosho, showed the Reserve Champion Market Lamb. Mikena is the daughter

of Jason and Misty Bond and is a member of the Neosho FFA Chapter. Her Hampshire lamb weighed 153 pounds and was purchased for $2,500 by Grant Company, LLC/Eric Grant, Kansas City; and Missouri State Fair Concessionaires (Exclusive Home Products/ Michael Firkus; Grigsby Enterprise, LLC/Wonderstick/ Lee Grigsby; Little Truck’s Place/Mac Heimsoth; McKinney’s Fried Chicken; McKinney Food Services; Swat & Penny Ryal; Truck’s Place/Mike Johnson; Two and a Half Men/Caleb Eckhoff). Additional funds were also contributed by Youth in Agriculture and hometown supporters resulting in a total sale value of $10,795. Grey Porter, of Mercer, exhibited the Reserve Grand Champion Meat Goat. Grey is the son of Gary and Lori Porter and is a member of the North Mercer FFA Chapter. Grey’s Boer goat weighed 91 pounds and sold for $3,250 to BTC Bank and ADM Animal Nutrition/ MoorMan’s ShowTec. Additional funds from Youth in Agriculture and hometown supporters resulted in a record-breaking total sale value of $14,071. Jasey Peoples, of Polo, exhibited the Reserve Champion Pen of Chickens. Jasey is the daughter of Jason and Gina Peoples and is a member of the Polo Trailblazers 4-H Club. Jasey’s broilers weighed an average of 6.61 pounds and sold for $1,750 to the Edward Jones Associates, with additional funds from Youth in Agriculture and hometown supporters resulting in a record-breaking total sale value of $4,353. The last lot of the sale was the Limited Edition Sale of Champions Commemorative Belt Buckle, which was purchased by the Jerry Litton Family Memorial Foundation, located in Chillicothe, for $1,800. The last action item of the day was Randy Little of Republic and the Edward Jones Associates who each

made an additional contribution of $1,000 to the Missouri State Fair Youth in Agriculture Scholarship Program. Additional information regarding the availability of scholarships will be posted on the State Fair’s website in November. Applications will be due on February 1, 2021. Wayne Yokley, Chairman of the Missouri State Fair Foundation Youth in Agriculture Committee, and Superintendent of the Sale of Champions, offered thanks and appreciation to all buyers and Youth in Agriculture sponsors. The youth exhibitors were especially excited to participate in the Sale this year and raised a record-breaking amount of hometown support. Proceeds from the Sale go to the sale exhibitors and are used to award Missouri State Fair Youth in Agriculture scholarships. He also thanked LiveAuctions. tv for providing their online bidding service which was sponsored by Wheeler Auctions & Real Estate, Chas Wheeler, Paris. A complete list of all 2020 Youth in Agriculture sponsors will soon be available at www.mostatefair.com.

Note from Mike Deering About the Sale of Champions This Year Taken from a Facebook Post After the Sale… Sir Charley and I attended the sale of champions today at the state fair. Records were set and it was inspiring. This is the first time I have ever heard every single exhibitor thank the sitting governor for ensuring they could show their livestock and for showing up and talking to them. I’m quite certain Governor Mike Parson talked to every single exhibitor. Not really, but it sounded that way today. I even texted a friend and asked if they were required to thank the governor. It was a joke. It was all genuine, heartfelt and awesome.

It’s easy to like Mike Parson. He’s a good person and he is who he is no matter the audience. That’s called genuine. When it comes to agriculture, he gets it. He’s a cattleman and a friend to all of us in agriculture. He had to make changes to this annual event but he kept the heart of the state fair and that’s the kids. The sale of champions was a good reminder for me today to remind you to support him. I’m absolutely for Mike.


It made me think about what’s at stake in November. We have a truly good human being versus someone who has expressed opposition to modern agriculture and has even been associated with the Green New Deal.










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BEEF CHECKOFF NEWS Through the Eyes of an Intern With Hannah Persell, MBIC Marketing Intern As the summer months fade away and my time serving as an intern for the Missouri Beef Industry Council (MBIC) quickly dissipates, I know the knowledge, experience and insight I have gained will remain valuable for a lifetime.


Growing up in North Missouri, I have always

had close ties to the agricultural industry. I spent much of my childhood lending a hand on my grandparent’s farms, who both raised beef cattle and a vast array of other animals throughout my life. My passion for agriculture began there and has continued to grow through extracurricular activities such as 4-H and FFA. In FFA, Beef Production- Ownership was a fraction of my Supervised Agricultural Experience project. Currently attending the University of MissouriColumbia, I anticipate graduating with my bachelors of science in agribusiness management in May 2021.


All maps created by Hannah Persell, MBIC Marketing Intern

With a desire to build my professional career in the agricultural industry, a love for beef and an interest in marketing and communications, I was excited for the opportunity to serve as an intern for MBIC. To be frank, until spending time researching the entity before my interview, I knew very little about the beef checkoff and its purpose. The mission of the Missouri Beef Industry Council is to improve the demand for beef. Funded by Missouri beef farmers and ranchers, through marketing, education, research and consumer outreach efforts, MBIC has an astonishing reach across the state.

With the reduction of travel opportunities, my role as an intern also pivoted. While I have enjoyed learning more about a future career in marketing and communications, all projects, events and opportunities, my favorite has been one which I call “MBIC on the MOOOVE.” This project tracked MBIC staff’s involvement and reach across the state within the past fiscal year. The maps shown do not fully encompass the total reach but provide a glimpse of impact across the state. These graphics reassure me, even in a time of uncertainty that your dollars are well invested.

I believe MBIC’s priorities do and should lie in promotion and building consumer trust through concentrated efforts with Urban consumers. However, there is a growing negative sentiment about the checkoff because of a natural divide in producer and consumer audiences, where they reside and how they obtain their information. It is a challenge, as producers, farmers and ranchers to appreciate the efforts and milestones being made daily by dedicated and committed staff, when unable to experience what goes on. After all, we do live in the “Show Me State.” Interning with MBIC has been very fulfilling as I have seen first-hand where the collected checkoff dollar per head goes, what the dollar does, the true return on investment and value that is returned to our cattle industry.


Even amidst a pandemic, with little ability to travel to consumer events, the adaptability of the staff and leadership of the Missouri Beef Industry Council has been showcased. As we pivoted to an online world, MBIC prioritized keeping beef consumption and nutrition top of mind. From taking part in virtual conferences, to providing teachers who were not in the classroom with online resources, the positive dialogue about beef has actually increased.



See What’s Happening in Your County

St. Clair County St. Clair County Cattlemen met on Tuesday, August 11, 2020, at the Landmark Restaurant in Lowry City. There were 39 members and guests present. Mike John, MFA Director of Health Track Operations talked about the Changing Market Dynamics and the Direction the Beef Industry is going in terms of Traceability. MFA Health Track is a program that helps with the traceability of cattle in terms of AI sires, breed, and any other valuable traits. Several auction barns around the state have the high frequency scanners in the sale rings. MFA Power Calf is a mobile app you can download to your phone to input data into in the field so that you can keep accurate records and get adequate data back on your cattle after they have left your farm. Thanks to Mike John and MFA for sponsoring the meeting! Thanks to Landmark Restaurant for the meal.

Farmer’s Exchange. The cattlemen will be set up serving ribeye steak sandwich meals at the Osceola Rodeo on Thursday, Sept. 3 to Sunday, Sept 6. Please stop by and get your meal deal! All proceeds will go to support our St. Clair County Cattlemen’s scholarship fund. Our next meeting is scheduled for October 13, 2020, at 7 p.m. at Osceola School District, and the sponsor will be Boehringer Ingelheim. Patrick Davis will discuss cattle nutrition and forage testing, and Jeff Schoen will discuss cattle health management.

The cattlemen are already working to plan for the MoBeef for MoKids Program. So far, Bill Creek, Phillip Johnston, Legacy Bank, Community First Bank, Jim Falk Motors, OakStar Bank, Hawthorne Bank and Gregg Smith Ford have donated for the 2020-2021 school year. Anyone interested in donation should see a board member.


The cattlemen are continuing to sell beef raffle tickets for someone to win half a beef for $5 per ticket. The winner will be drawn at the Osceola Rodeo Days on September 6. Anyone interested in a ticket should contact a board member or stop by Lowry City


Hwy 42 West • Vienna Missouri 65582 45 Miles South of Jefferson City Selling All classes of Cattle Wednesday • 10:00 a.m. Featuring ‘Star-Vac Program’ Cattle Weekly DVAuction Service for convenient online viewing & bidding For More Information Call… David Patton Office Ross Patton Bill Patton 573-308-6655 573-422-3305 573-308-6657 573-308-6658 Visit our website: www.scrsvienna.com or E-mail us: scrsvienna@gmail.com “Make South Central your Livestock Market”

Mike John with MFA speaking to the group.

The meeting was held at Landmark Restaurant.

Dallas County We hope that everyone has stayed healthy and safe the last few months and will continue to do so. Of course, many of our activities and events have been cancelled. However, we were able to fire up our grill for the Dallas County Fair for three days at the end of June. A lot of people commented on how good our ribeye steak sandwiches were. We were proud to sponsor two

showmanship awards for the beef show, which had a record number of nearly 130 entries. Five DCCA members enjoyed attending the MCA Steak Fry in July. We planned to host U.S. Representative Vicky Hartzler for a meet-and-greet luncheon at the Dallas County Fairgrounds August 24. Then later in August, we planned to sponsor two of our local FFA officers on the MJCA Youth Industry Tour in southwest Missouri. Our monthly meetings have been put on hold until further notice.

Specializing in Land, Equipment and Livestock For Upcoming Sale Info:

Dallas County Fair Showmanship Winners: Hayden Warner, DCCA member Lynette Miller, Kinleigh Bolin, Josie Toombs

Contact: Mike Williams Higginsville, MO cell: 816-797-5450 mwauctions@ctcis.net


New 450SL mixer with scales, 475 cu ft and 36� right side conveyor. Special price $27,950.00


David Igo 660-631-2310 Marshall, MO


Lafayette County The Lafayette County Cattlemen and friends took their annual summer bus trip July 18-22. After several schedule changes, the group departed Concordia and spent the morning at the MU South Farm learning about the Grow Safe System and its use in the Top 100 Profitability Challenge led by MCA. Dr.Derek Brake and students explained what was going on at the farm and answered questions from the group, followed by a picnic lunch. The American Farm Heritage Museum in Greenville, Illinois, was the afternoon stop. This 20-acre outdoor museum is supported and maintained by community volunteers. After enjoying a slice of homemade cake and drinks, we proceeded to Evansville, Indiana, for the night.

First stop was the MU South Farm.to learn about the Top 100 Challenge.

Sunday morning’s travel ended at Williamstown, Kentucky, where Edwardo’s served lasagna and alfredo pasta with salad and breadsticks on their shady patio. The rest of the day was spent enjoying the Ark at Dry Ridge, Kentucky. Upon leaving, a necessary fuel stop led to a chance encounter with Santa! (We never know who we’ll see on our travels!)


Monday morning was spent at Churchhill Downs and the Kentucky Derby museum. An early arrival earned us an “on the rail” look as horses were worked on this historic track. A private presentation from a retired jockey was a great way to learn lots more about the sport of horse racing. A tour at Louisville Slugger really struck up our baseball fever, and everyone received a souvenir bat. We headed for Paducah in several thunderstorms and enjoyed Texas Roadhouse for the second time on the trip.


After walking the Paducah Riverfront, we headed toward the Mississippi River on Tuesday and had a picnic lunch at the Trail of Tears State Park. We were the first visitors to the new American Tractor museum in Perryville and enjoyed visiting with the owners of this private collection, now available to the public in a great venue. A little shopping for both the guys and gals was followed by dinner at Mary’s Burgers and Brews. A twilight visit to the Missouri Veterans Memorial was very moving. Many found names on this full scale black granite replica of the Vietnam Wall and shared their stories. Wednesday morning, we headed to Patton and had a great breakfast at Donnia and Charlie Besher’s farm. Pasture tours of first- and second-year warm season grasses were given by Charlie and staff he has worked with from the local NRCS and MDC offices. A visit

Who knew? Santa vacations in Kentucky!

NRCS and MDC staff talked about establishing a warm season grass pasture.

to Stonie’s Sausage Shop for lunch in Perryville was the end tour time in Southeast Missouri. After a final Dairy Queen ice cream break, we returned to Lafayette County. Although wearing masks and using hand sanitizer were new elements this year, we still learned a lot and had a great time “talking cattle” along the way!

Pettis County On July 11, 2020, the MCA Cattlemen’s Steak Fry took place at the Agriculture building on the Missouri State Fairgrounds in Sedalia, Missouri. Once again, the Pettis County cattlemen and cattlewomen, with the help of Lafayette and Benton Counties, cooked and fed roughly 400 people. After a brief pep talk from our head cook, Mike Carter, and some help from the Governor, we got to work and took care of business as well as had a good time. We are looking forward to next year, hopefully with a lot less drama. Dodge the cow pies. Beef is where it’s at.

Douglas/Wright County The Douglas/Wright County Cattlemen’s Association met on Tuesday, August 11, 2020, at 6 p.m. in Mountain Grove, Missouri, at the Club 60 Steakhouse. The group enjoyed a steak dinner with sides sponsored by Wehrman Insurance. President Ernie Ehlers welcomed the group and gave a treasury report. He proceeded with a blessing before the meal, and 34 members in attendance enjoyed fellowship during dinner. Due to COVID-19, our sponsor was not in attendance, but left information for our members to contact them in the event that they would like to purchase crop/drought insurance. The Douglas/Wright County group will hold their next meeting on Tuesday, September 8, 2020, at 6 p.m. at the Club 60 Steakhouse in Mountain Grove, Missouri. Mick Plummer of the Ag Center is the sponsor. Cattlemen in the area are always welcome and encouraged to attend.

Pep talk with Mike Carter and the cooking crew.


Governor Mike Parson helping with the cooking duties.


On the Edge of

Common Sense with Baxter Black Carhart Cowboy Mr. Moses remarked the other day he’d received a catalog in the mail from a western clothing outfit. He wasn’t sure who the outfit catered to, but the name ‘Long Island’ seemed to stick in his mind. The photo on the front had burned an image into his brain. A male model stood in cowboy posture, a Clint Eastwood steely-eyed glare glinting from beneath the brim of his Zorro hat. It appeared that moths had eaten the collar off his shirt. He wore a duster that was sort of a cross between Jim Bridger’s old trapping coat and Santa Ana’s parade uniform. Mr. Moses guessed it weighed more than a wet hallway carpet. There was an odd collection of gold chains, buttons, military pins, silver boot toe tips, training spurs and epaulettes decorating his wardrobe. He looked like a Korean General just returned from a Rotarian’s convention.


Mr. Moses imagined himself dressed like the cowboy on the cover of the catalogue, jangling out to feed the cows and break ice. Him hangin’ his giant rowel and


Scott Cape, Owner of Jim’s Motors in Cuba, Missouri. All I have ever done is sell and trade trailers. Give me a call for your next trailer 800-897-9840 www.Jimsmotors.com

jingle bob on the twine as he kicked a bale off the back of the flatbed. Being jerked flat into the muddy rut, cows tromping giant footprints on the tail of his coat, the dog running off with his pancake hat. Then rising, sodden and trudging off rattling and clanging like a Moroccan bride with a limp. “Shoot,” he said, “I couldn’t even walk up to a horse dressed like that.” Mr. Moses considers himself a Carhart cowboy. For those of you who live in the tropics, Carharts are warm, insulated canvas coveralls with more zippers than a Hell’s Angel’s loin cloth. Carharts, ear flaps and Lacrosse five buckle overshoes. Real cowboy winter wear. Granted it limits mobility. You’d have to get undressed to mount yer horse. You can’t hear much other than the diesel, but a cowboy can get the job done. Could be the cowboy on the catalog cover measures his time in the winter by the bottles of brandy he goes through lacing his evening café au lait, or possibly the edge of the sun rays on the floor of his glassed-in sun room. Certainly it would not be the amount of mud built up in the wheel wells of his Lexus. Mr. Moses has his own way of judging the length of winter. He says he keeps track by watchin’ the pile of ice that accumulates next to the stock tank.

Commodity Trades Welcome

Spoken like a true Carhart cowboy.



















Rookies, Quick Studies and Jumping In Source: CAB Black Ink - Miranda Reiman It was a rookie mistake. Perhaps I was off my game, because it was the first time I had a 5-year-old cattle feeder show me around a yard. I asked him to bring me to his favorite cows. “We don’t have cows in the feedyard, but I can show you some heifers.”

For the most part, these kids didn’t sit and read a manual or study flashcards of the process. They’ve been immersed in it since they were even younger. Responsibility grows with knowledge. It’s both reward and burden, but tends to be a great motivator.

I had to laugh, because he knew. He knew the cows were out to grass, and had memorized the feed truck’s route, so he knew which steers were next in line for a meal. He knew how to drive that four-wheeler as I hitched a ride behind him.

I’m a fan of learning—in all its many forms. I like to attend conferences, read and talk to experts, but if this year’s COVID-19 school shutdown taught me anything, it’s that sometimes the best teachable moments are those you didn’t quite feel ready for.

I couldn’t help but smile at all he knew from this summer where he traded daycare for job-shadowing his dad at the yard.

If you want to make herd improvement, by all means, gather all the data and tools and talk to all the people, but at some point you’ve just got to jump in. Make the changes.

A week earlier, I wrapped up an evening photo shoot to have a 9-year-old anxious to show me “one more thing.” I’d already gotten to watch him work with his 4-H cattle, horse and goat, but there in the grass was an elaborate mini working facility all set up for a demonstration. He brought cows in to vaccinate, pour and then took them to a new pasture. “This is a Bud Box, so any type of cow will see that fence—it’ll close behind them—so the only place they can go is up the alley.” He expertly ran a set of plastic cows through the chute, narrating the whole process. He knew his stuff.

Callaway Livestock Center, Inc.

On I-70, 4 miles east of Kingdom City, MO on outer road

573-642-7486 Every Monday:


Slaughter Cattle 12:00 p.m. Selling All Classes of Cattle 12:30 p.m.


During that same visit, this cowboy’s three older siblings each showed that they not only had a good handle on what they were doing for herd improvement and cattle care, they knew why they were doing it.

1st Thursday Nite of Each Month: 6:00 p.m. Bred Cows and Breeding Bull Sale

John P. Harrison 573-386-5150 Jack Harrison 573-386-2186 David Bell 660-327-5633

Are you thinking about weaning calves at home for the first time? Wanting to implement source-and-age verification? Trying to make dramatic improvements in growth and carcass quality? It might be the right time to just go for it, learn along the way and apply lessons the next time around. Even if you make a few rookie mistakes now and then.

2020 Angus Convention Simplified to 137th Annual Meeting The American Angus Association® has made the difficult decision to reformat the 2020 Angus Convention originally scheduled for November 7-9 in Kansas City, Missouri. Considering the current gathering restrictions created by COVID-19, modifications were necessary to balance the health of attendees and the need to conduct the business of the Association. The event will be a two-day meeting on November 8-9, and will continue the long tradition of holding an annual meeting of delegates that has occurred since the inception of the Association in 1883. The National Angus Tour and trade show portion of the event have been canceled, and the number of educational sessions will be reduced, but virtual options for members and attendees will be offered.



Fine-Tuned Engines

Beef Scientists Share Mineral Supplementation Strategies Source: CAB News - Maeley Herring

MBCSept2014c.qxp_Layout 1 9/24/14 9:59 AM Page 62

Under the hood of a pickup lies an assembly of metal, its details often forgotten – until the motor breaks down. All that’s left is a vehicle that can no longer do its job. Mineral nutrition in cattle is kind of like that. Hidden beneath the hide, minerals act behind the scenes to maintain general function. When cattle can’t access all the minerals they need, reproduction rates drop, tissue growth diminishes and illness sets in. That’s why mineral supplementation underpins any cattle operation. Breaking it Down “Every biological process in cattle involves minerals,” Stephanie Hansen said at the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association “Minerals 101” webinar in July.

Buffalo Livestock Market 1 mile west on Hwy 32 • Buffalo, MO 65622 Barn: 417-345-8122

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Everything. Of course that includes health, feed efficiency and reproduction. Less obvious? “Things like marbling, ribeye area development and muscle fiber type,” the Iowa State University feedlot nutritionist explained. Topping off the minerals helps all functions, but quality beef starts with the cow. “The dam’s nutrition program can have huge effects on carcass quality or heifer reproduction in the future,” said Jeff Heldt, beef technical services manager at Micronutrients, in a later interview. The healthier the cow when bred, the higher chance her calf will realize its potential. That only gets more important in the following months. “In the last third of gestation, that fetal liver is accumulating trace minerals that meet its basic mineral needs for the first three to six months of age,” Hansen said. Beef-cow milk is low in trace minerals, so newborns have to pull from nutrients stored in their liver. For the weaned calves on wheat or those placed in finishing yards, mineral nutrition helps ensure they never have a bad day. Weaning, shipping and changes in environment are critical times, Hansen said. Calves in transit lose less and rebound faster if they’ve had adequate trace minerals. Avoiding Roadblocks Sounds easy enough, but how can you tell if it’s all on track? (Continued on page 48)



“Measuring success or failure in mineral nutrition is often very challenging,” Heldt said. Add protein to the ration and you’ll see an increase of gain. “But you feed a hundred milligrams a day of copper, and there’s no obvious response or physical observation.” Planned programs can help. Knowing the amounts of mineral types in feedstuffs, requirements for cattle, and absorption rates ensures cost effectiveness, Hansen said. All forages contain minerals, but content varies much by species, maturity, soils and climate.

“If you’re thinking about developing your own supplementation program—a great way to be cost effective—testing your own forages can be really important,” she said. To get the full picture, test water sources for antagonists like sulfur or iron that disrupt mineral absorption in the rumen. “Half of the mineral in forage is actually available to the animal,” Hansen said, noting digestibility, maturity and antagonists. “Find a baseline,” Heldt suggested. Knowing average mineral content in forages and any antagonists present opens the gate to cost-effective supplementation.

Quality Livestock Equipment Since 1961 Panels, Headgates, Calf Tables, Calving Pens, Manual Chutes, Hydraulic Chutes, Tip Chutes, Tubs & Alley Systems

Staying on Course It can be hard to invest in something without obvious or immediate results. The need for minerals is plain enough, but figuring out what and how much to supplement seasonally? Not so much, Heldt said. It’s an added cost that takes time to distribute and monitor. That’s why convenience comes first in creating a plan to follow. “You can design a pretty in-depth, extensive mineral program and easily overcomplicate it,” he said, advising to keep it easy and simple “to make sure it gets done.” Worrying about the cost-benefit ratio can get in the way, too. You’re more likely to stick to a program if you know the importance of minerals at every level, even basic grazing, where they can improve fiber digestion. “Forage – pasture grass, hay, wheat – is the core feed base for any ranch, and the mineral source can positively affect fiber digestion, setting cattle up for future success,” Heldt said.


Mineral supplementation requires a time and monetary commitment, but it’s worth it to keep what’s under the hide running smoothly.




Matsushima Receives Industry Achievement Award Source: CAB News - Abbie Burnett “Learn the good things, forget the bad things.” That’s 99-year-old John Matsushima’s advice for living a good life. Japanese-American heritage did not always make it easy, but you won’t often hear him talk about it. Instead, he focuses on the people he’s worked with – colleagues, peers and graduate students – as the secret to his success. For his immeasurable impact on the industry and the people in it, Matsushima received the 2020 Feeding Quality Forum Industry Achievement Award. He was recognized during the virtual event, for August 25-26. It started with curiosity piqued at his father purchasing 10 heifers and one bull at the Denver Union Stockyards: “I always thought, how can cattle eat green grass and then produce red meat?” The boy enrolled in 4-H and Future Farmers of

America and soon won a cattle feeding contest. Two subsequent scholarships paid his way to Colorado State University (Colorado A&M at the time) to receive his bachelor’s and master’s degrees. While conducting research for his doctorate at the University of Nebraska, Matsushima caught the attention of the Monfort family when he thought up one of the biggest contributions to the feeding industry to date: the steam corn flaker. “We were having breakfast one morning, and instead of bacon and eggs, we were having cereal,” he recalls. “And it came to my mind, maybe what we ought to do is feed cattle a warm breakfast.” That revolution lowered costs for the feeder, and in turn, the beef consumer. “By improving the feed efficiency, you can trace this back to the economy,” Matsushima says. “So today, the consumer can buy their beef almost 10% cheaper than before.” Steam flaking was the tip of the iceberg for Matsushima.


When he noticed scours tormenting young calves, he tried antibiotics, which practically eliminated the problem. What’s even better, he followed those calves through to the packing plant and discovered they had no abscessed livers.


Matsushima made everything better for feedyard cattle, from curtailing foot rot with extended concrete aprons at bunks to creating a baked “feed grade” urea, and incorporating higher roughage to grain rations. When cattle feeding started, the consensus called for very long periods on feed to utilize surplus grain. As Matsushima discovered, this added surplus fat to beef (Continued on page 52)



carcasses. So the National Western Stock Show (NWSS) Fed Beef Contest was born. He remained superintendent of the contest for 20 years, just one of many steps the scientist took to improve beef quality in the feeding industry. With great work done in the States, he also made quite the impression globally. Matsushima helped develop the first feedyard in Africa and consulted in countries like Germany, Australia and China. But perhaps his biggest international acclaim was in Japan, were he earned the Japanese Emperor award in 2009 at its highest level, the Emperor Citation. But of all he’s done, Matsushima’s work with students brings him the most satisfaction. “They would always ask curious questions,” he says. “They helped me a great deal. That was one of the research highlights of my career, in teaching.”


In all, he fostered discovery in more than 10,000 students and 55 graduate students, the latter helping to conduct the NWSS Fed Beef Contest and participating in his research projects.


One of those graduate students was longtime Elanco ruminant nutritionist Scott Laudert, who recalls Matsushima’s work ethic. “He was always early to get into the office,” Laudert says, noting Matsushima was often the first to the feedyard at 4:30 or five o’clock in the morning.” “He was just an exceptional teacher in that he’d take someone under his wing and teach them all they needed to know,” he says. “And if they were able to perform, he’d just let them take off on their own.” Matsushima doesn’t see these awards as recognition for himself, but of the people around him. “You know, people don’t receive credit for what they’ve done themselves,” he says. “They’ve had other people help them, and that’s true with me. There were good friends and good family – they all supported me. And there’s been a number of good livestock leaders, good teachers, good students. They all helped me.” That support team included his late wife, Dorothy, two children Bob and Nancy, and four grandchildren. “What I’m most proud of,” says Matsushima, “is my family. And I’m proud I’m an American citizen.”

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Bulls Always for Sale, at the Farm.


New Program for Feedlots is set to Transform the Industry and Impact Profitability KANSAS CITY, Missouri (AgPR) Aug. 7, 2020 – Vytelle (the recent combination of Vytelle IVF and GrowSafe) announces through its GrowSafe business the launch of the Beef Marketing Program to monitor individual animal performance, predict carcass weight and optimally market cattle in the feedlot. The Beef Marketing Program is specifically designed for feedlots and offers producers unique insights into individual animal performance that translates to growth management, labor optimization and improved animal well-being by significantly reducing stress related to weighing animals compared to traditional chutes. The program comprises hardware, software, a comprehensive warranty program and a suite of analytics services. “Unlike any other time in history, global beef industries are faced with producing more product with fewer resources and in a more sustainable manner. Our Beef Marketing Program will transform how feedlots manage their operations,” said Gareth Llewelyn, VP of GrowSafe Operations. “The powerful combination of GrowSafe hardware and analytics enables feedlot managers to manage animals as individuals, reducing variation, optimizing this use of feed and predicting carcass weights and harvest dates. The net result is a significant boost to profitability.”


GrowSafe Beef continuous in-pen weighing system, the industries most advanced weighing technology, is at the core of data collection for the Beef Marketing Program. GrowSafe Beef measures individual animal partial body weights and watering behavior while animals drink at the water trough. The technology weighs every second an animal is standing at the trough, which can equate up to 450 weights a day. Unlike traditional chute weights, which provide a single weight and can negatively impact labor and cattle performance, GrowSafe Beef continuously weighs cattle in the pen providing individual animal growth curves. The Beef Marketing Program gives you access to manage variation by individual animals and pens to market more uniform loads of cattle.


On aggregate, an analysis of over 29,000 samples show 99.8 percent correlation between same-day GrowSafe Beef and chute weights. A full-scale study consisting

of 4.59 million weight records across different days, times and animals demonstrates that GrowSafe Beef technology is three times more consistent than chuteweighing on an individual animal basis. This precision data collection allows GrowSafe to accurately measure phenotype in genetic testing facilities as well as measure and monitor individual animal performance in feedlot production systems. “Data collection and analysis of individual animal performance and behavior are critical to the future of optimizing production in feedlots,” explained Guy Ficeto, GrowSafe’s Feedlot Marketing & Sales Director. He went onto say, “Feedlot managers can improve the efficiency of their operations by viewing the daily performance of animals and optimizing labor around the data. Concurrently, managers can use insights of the program to monitor the well-being of animals by detecting changes in behavior. The Beef Marketing Program was designed with these daily practices in mind which allow us to help producers manage what is unseen today.” The Beef Marketing Program is available globally to feedlots. To learn more about the Beef Marketing Program, visit https://growsafe.com/our-solutions/ feedyard/. About Vytelle IVF Vytelle IVF provides revolutionary reproductive technology to beef and dairy producers throughout North and South America, with expansions underway in the United Kingdom, Australia, and China. Vytelle is committed to advancing genetics, life and business for commercial beef and dairy producers around the world. For more information visit vytelle.com. About GrowSafe GrowSafe builds advanced animal agriculture systems to help producers optimize their operations. GrowSafe’s advanced data acquisition platform features integrated hardware and software analytics that provide producers with data to make better decisions for their operations. Today, GrowSafe is helping to raise more efficient, environmentally friendly and healthier animals in 16 countries across the world. For more information visit growsafe.com.



Pork Exports Trend Lower in June but Remain on Record Pace; Another Tough Month for Beef Exports Source: USMEF June exports of U.S. pork fell below year-ago levels for the first time this year but exports remain on a record pace in 2020, according to data released by USDA and compiled by the U.S. Meat Export Federation (USMEF). Beef exports were down sharply from a year ago in June, reflecting a lingering impact of a temporary slowdown in beef production combined with restrictions on foodservice and weakening economies in major import markets. June lamb exports trended higher, posting the second largest totals of 2020. “We expected that the interruptions in red meat production would continue to weigh on June exports, but anticipated more of a rebound from the low May totals - particularly for beef,” said USMEF President and CEO Dan Halstrom. “But it takes time for the entire chain to adjust to supply shocks, and thus it was another difficult month for exports. However, weekly U.S. export data suggest an upward trend in demand in most markets, and with production recovering the U.S. has regained its supply advantage. So we expect beef and pork exports to regain momentum in the second half of the year.” June pork exports totaled 207,181 metric tons (mt), down 3% from a year ago, while export value fell 9% to $516.3 million. Exports continued to trend higher than a year ago to China/Hong Kong, but were the lowest since October. Exports also increased year-overyear to the ASEAN region, the Caribbean, Honduras

CENTRAL MISSOURI SALES CO. 3503 S. Limit • Sedalia, MO


Your Reliable Market In Mid-Missouri Certified Special VACC Calf Sales the 1st and 3rd Mondays at 2:00 p.m.


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Jay Fowler Cary Brodersen E.H. Fowler 660-473-1562 660-473-6373 660-473-1048

and Taiwan and were sharply higher for Albania and Ukraine. But shipments trended lower to Mexico, Japan, South Korea and South America. Despite the June decline, first-half pork exports were still 24% ahead of last year’s record pace in volume (1.55 million mt) and 29% higher in value ($4.05 billion). Exports accounted for 24% of total pork production in June and 22.2% of muscle cut production, down substantially from a year ago (27.8% and 24%, respectively). For the first half of the year, exports accounted for 31.5% of total pork production and 28.6% for muscle cuts, up from 25.8% and 22.4%, respectively, last year. Export value per head slaughtered averaged $46.19 in June, down 19% from a year ago and down sharply from the high levels achieved in April and May. The January-June average was $63.61 per head, up 27% from a year ago. June beef exports were close to the May lows, down 33% from a year ago to 79,013 mt, with value falling 32% to $492.3 million. Exports were below year-ago levels to most markets but trended higher to Canada, China and South Africa. For January through June, beef exports fell 9% below last year’s pace in volume (591,609 mt) and 10% lower in value ($3.63 billion). Exports accounted for 9.7% of total beef production in June and 8% for muscle cuts, down sharply from a year ago (15.4% and 12.7%, respectively) and the lowest in 10 years. First-half exports accounted for 13.3% of total beef production and 10.9% for muscle cuts, down from 14.2% and 11.6%, respectively, last year. Beef export value per head of fed slaughter averaged $219.53 in June, down 32% year-over-year. The first-half average was $300.43 per head, down 4%. June exports of U.S. lamb were the second largest of 2020 at 2,289 mt, up 113% from a year ago, while value climbed 29% to $2.23 million. First-half export volume was nearly even with last year at 7,752 mt, though value was down 21% to $10.43 million. A complete summary of January-June exports of U.S. pork, beef and lamb, including market-specific highlights, is available online - www.usmef.org.



COVID-19 Even Affected Steer Feedout Source: SW Missouri MU Extension - Eldon Cole COVID-19 is blamed for almost anything that occurred since mid-March and you can add to that list the Missouri Steer Feedout results. Some of those results probably were good for the owners of the steers while some had bad results occur. The results of the retained ownership, educational program were revealed August 4 at the University of Missouri’s Southwest Research Center, Mt. Vernon. The feedout program began in early November when 127 head of 2019-born steers were processed at Joplin Regional Stockyards and at the Paris Veterinary Clinic. The calves were weighed, tagged and evaluated by USDA personnel for feeder grade, body condition and a price was placed on them. The latter item is used to establish a value entering the finishing phase at a feedlot in Iowa. In addition to the above at JRS a panel discussed each group of 5 steers or more. Their charge was to be very honest about the strengths and problems each group faces in the feeder cattle marketing world. The evaluators were Jodie Pitcock, USDA at St. Joseph,

Custom Cattle Feeding • 12,000 Head Capacity Family owned & operated since 1917

Steve Sellers 620-257-2611

Kevin Dwyer 620-680-0404

Jackie Moore, JRS, Carthage and Chip Kemp, American Simmental Association. Nine groups were processed at JRS and 5 were sent from Paris. Results, including rankings among the 14 gives participants an idea how their steers compared to other Missouri cattle. As mentioned above COVID-19 did influence the outcome. Normally, the steers are slaughtered in mid-April and May. Due to packing plant labor conditions, our first kill group went on June 17. Some of those steers weighed between 1450 and 1700 lbs. In addition, the buyer Greater Omaha was different than traditionally used and they paid a flat price regardless of carcass merit. The second kill group sold on July 7 to Tyson’s on a grade and yield scale which gives a more typical comparison to previous feedouts. Once again, there were some heavy steers in the July steers. Feed conversion likely was affected on some of the heavier steers but on-average the rate was comparable to the conversion one year ago. The biggest change in carcass merit showed up on the percentage of steers grading Prime- or better. Thirtyfive head or 29% made that grade. Eighty-seven percent made low-Choice, or better which was a record. Unfortunately, the added days on-feed pushed the average fat cover to 0.61 inch. Normally, they average between 0.45 and 0.50 inch of fat. Some steers ran over one inch of fat which pushed them into a 5 Yield Grade carcass. The Feedout dates back to 1981 and is not designed as a competition but as a program to let participants use the data to adjust their breeding and management efforts. It also lets stocker and feeder buyers know how good our cattle are. This information can be used by producers to differentiate their feeders from average steers.


(Continued on page 60)




The feedout did have only one group of 9 steers that showed a profit. They were entered by Vandalfsen Farms, Reeds. They were A.I. sired by a Polled Hereford named Torque. Their dams were dairy crosses with Jersey and Holstein genetics. The calves were never on a cow, but were hand-raised and weaned around April 1. They only weighed 426 lbs. when delivered in November and they were killed at 17 months of age weighing 1156 lbs. In November the evaluators were uncertain how to establish a price on the dairy crosses. They ended up setting them in like straight dairy steers would have sold for, $1 per pound. That gave them an advantage in the end as their profit was $61.63 for the 9 steers per head. Overall, the 122 head had an average loss of $159.95 per head. A big penalty always results from death losses and 5 steers, 3.9%, died during the feedout. Even though only one group of steers showed a profit, overall 29 head showed a profit with the top-profit per head of $219.76 on a steer entered by Ronnie Veith, Purdy. The steer was the top gainer overall at 4.55 lbs. per day. His carcass graded Choice plus with a Yield Grade of 2.8. The top gaining group were 5 Hereford-sired steers out of Brangus cows. The owner was Duane Walker, Neosho and their daily gain was 3.68 lbs. One performance measure calculated by the Tri-County Steer Carcass Futurity is the dollar retail value per days of age. This measure looks at the overall animal performance going back to birth. In short, $RV/DOA looks at preweaning and post-weaning gain, carcass merit, feed conversion and expenses for health at the feedlot. The top $RV/DOA group was entered by Cavlin Hudson, Middletown. They were Angus-sired and the group even lost one steer. The $RV/DOA is calculated only on steers hanging a carcass on the rail. Recognition for carcass merit goes to Carrier Muddy Creek Angus, Lockwood as 10 of their 12 steers graded low Prime and better with a Yield Grade of 3.55. The best Yield Grade cattle were entered by Keuper Farms, LLC, Ionia with an average of 2.29.


A complete power point presentation may be viewed by going to the following link: https://extension2.missouri. edu/media/wysiwyg/Extensiondata/CountyPages/ Lawrence/Docs/Feedout2019-2020.pdf


The next steer feedout will begin November 3. Entry will be no later than October 10. Contact your Extension livestock field specialist for details.







5 Tips for Keeping your Animals Hydrated Source: BioZyme, Inc. (SAINT JOSEPH, Mo., July 22, 2020) The summer heat has been brutal, and there doesn’t seem to be any reprieve in sight. With modified county and state fairs and livestock expos on the horizon, it is vital to keep your livestock hydrated. Water is the most essential nutrient of life. Humans, animals and plants all rely on the water for survival, due to its molecular makeup. Water is vital for bodily functions like nutrient intake, absorption and feed conversion, overall health, waste removal and temperature regulation. Since most show animals are in a confined area during most of their lives – either tied in a stall during the day or penned up – it is the responsibility of the owner/exhibitor to make sure they get the proper amount of water to keep eating and stay healthy. Not only is water intake important to the overall health and performance of your animal, it is also important to the appearance. A hydrated animal will have a healthier skin and hair coat, healthier hooves, brighter eyes and overall look healthier and more show ring ready than an animal that has not had enough water. Here are five show friendly tips to keep your animals – of any species – hydrated this summer.


1. Start at home. Making sure your animals drink at home is imperative to your success on the road. Water and feed intake work synergistically, and if your animals are not drinking, chances are they aren’t eating either. Be sure to provide a clean, fresh water source. If your animals are used to drinking out of a watering system or an automatic tank, make sure the lines and bowls are clean, so the water the animals are accessing is clean and cool.


2. Use a bucket. Teach your animals to drink out of a bucket. This might seem trivial at first, especially if you do have automatic waterers at home. However, you won’t have that luxury on the show road, and you definitely want your animals to drink while traveling. Use the buckets you will use at the show, and fill them with clean fresh water at home, so they get accustomed to drinking from buckets. This is a good way for the animals to learn something new before getting to the show and will eliminate one stressor from their show travels. 3. Keep it clean. No matter what your water source is or if you are at home or on the road, you always want to start with fresh, cool, clean water. If your buckets are dirty or your water troughs have debris in them, clean them out and start fresh. If you are using a hose that has

been laying outside in the sun all day, make sure you run it first to get all the warm water out before filling your animals’ water. A hot animal doesn’t want to drink hot water. You also might want to consider buying a water purifier and using it on your hydrant at home and taking it with you, as it filters out the chlorine and other harmful elements from the water. These are a good investment, especially since so many fairgrounds have chlorinated “city water” that animals are not used to. 4. Haul your own. If you are going to a one- or twoday show, and have the resources, haul your water from home. Hauling your own water in clean, enclosed plastic jugs leaves little reason for your show stock to go off water while at the show. 5. Give them a boost. Two to three days prior to traveling to the show, start adding Vita Charge® Liquid Boost® to their water, and continue to add it to their water for the duration of the show. The key ingredient in Liquid Boost is Amaferm®, a precision-based prebiotic designed to impact intake, digestion and absorption. It is research-proven to combat stress by supporting the animal’s own immune system, significantly increasing intake and nutrient utilization. The Amaferm will help increase water intake, and therefore keep the animal’s appetite where it should be. The berry flavor will also help mask any unfamiliar flavors in the water at a show. You’ve worked hard to get your animals looking, feeling and eating their best. Make sure they keep drinking their best to keep your chances of getting to the winner’s circle at their maximum. Keep them drinking at home and on the road. To learn more, visit www.surechamp.com. About BioZyme® Inc. BioZyme Inc., founded in 1951, develops and manufactures natural, proprietary products focused on animal nutrition, health and microbiology. With a continued commitment to research, BioZyme offers a complete line of feed additives and high density, highly available vitamin, mineral, trace mineral and protein supplements for a variety of animals including cattle, pigs, poultry, sheep, goats, horses and dogs. BioZyme brands include Amaferm,®, VitaFerm®, Vita Charge®, Sure Champ®, Vitalize®, and DuraFerm®. With headquarters in St. Joseph, Missouri, the company reaches a global market of customers that stretches into countries across five continents. For more information about BioZyme, visit www.biozymeinc.com.















Red Angus Association of America Launches Virtual Mentorship Program Source: Red Angus Association of America Denver – The Red Angus Association of America is proud to announce the launch of “Learn From the Best – Seedstock Series,” a continuing education mentorship program. Learn From the Best is an innovative program designed to equip and empower Red Angus breeders 45 years old and younger to take their programs to the next level of success. The program features 10 meetings in which participants will be able to “get inside the mind” of the industry’s leading seedstock producers through interactive discussion and question-and-answer sessions. At registration, participants will identify and nominate top registered breeders they would like to interact with in order to gain industry insight. Because each seedstock mentor has a leading track record for success, participants can be confident they are receiving genuine, time-tested advice from highly experienced breeders.


Additional sessions will focus on genetics and breeding, herd health, marketing and feedlot economics. These sessions are unique and not offered anywhere else in the beef industry. For example, during the genetics and


breeding module, participants will be divided into six sub-groups that will be charged with establishing longterm breeding direction using a virtual herd and then make selection decisions for five generations to track their genetic progress. “We are excited to offer this one-of-a-kind opportunity for young seedstock producers so they may learn how some of the most successful seedstock operations became what they are today. We feel this is a great way to offer continued education and help create beneficial relationships that will last for the future producers of our breed,” said Nolan Woodruff, RAAA commercial marketing specialist and program coordinator. The virtual-only series is limited to 24 participants per 12-month cycle to ensure each participant receives quality time with each presenter. Participants will pay a one-time fee of $100 and no travel is required. For additional questions about Learn From the Best – Seedstock Series contact Nolan Woodruff at nolan@ redangus.org or Harold Bertz, director of commercial marketing, at harold@redangus.org. To sign up for the program, visit www.RedAngus.org.



Red Angus Association of America Unveils New Logo, Magazine Name Source: Red Angus Associaiton of America DENVER – The Red Angus breed has grown rapidly over the past several decades, reaching many milestones in the beef industry including breed partnerships, industry-leading tagging programs and early adoption of Total Herd Reporting. In alignment with this progress, the Red Angus Association of America is proud to announce the launch of its new association logo as part of the growing presence of the Red Angus breed. “A progressive logo speaks to the progressive nature of the Red Angus breed, which has always embraced forward thinking. The new logo also gives a nod to our roots through the use of a profiled cow head, similar in nature to the red bull head of the original logo. Our new branding reflects our presence in the beef industry and symbolizes our strength moving forward,” said Brandi Buzzard Frobose, RAAA director of communications. The new Red Angus logo emphasizes the impact of the breed in an updated way, while not losing sight of the breed’s proud pioneering history. Paired with the new logo is the long-running slogan, “Ranch Tested.

Rancher Trusted.” which has been a common theme of the breed for many years. The RAAA proudly focuses on the commercial producer and Red Angus cows live up to the motto, year after year. Also undergoing a makeover is the American Red Angus Magazine, which has been renamed the Red Angus Magazine. This change was made to bring the name of the magazine more in line with the overall branding of the association. The name change was launched in the July/August 2020 issue. In the coming months, RAAA will be updating letterhead, marketing materials, business cards, branded clothing, etc. with the new logo. Changing a logo is a long process that involves many steps and finalizing the transition will be gradual. Entities have used the RAAA logo in any previous marketing materials should contact Brandi Buzzard Frobose at brandi@redangus.org for assistance in updating those files with the new logo.

To Advertise in Missouri Beef Cattleman magazine or Prime Cuts e-newsletter Please Contact: Andy Atzenweiler


Phone 816-210-7713 E-mail: mobeef@sbcglobal.net


Rates are available online at mocattle.com under the publications tab. Magazine deadline is the 15th of the month before an issue.

Missouri Red Angus Breeders

K Farms Red Angus K Bulls and Heifers Ken & Brenda Keesaman 816-675-2503 • C: 816-390-4988 Kody Keesaman 816-724-1432 Kolten Keesaman 816-808-2846 3803 SW Rogers Rd. • Osborn, MO 64474 Ken@kkfarmsredangus.com www.kkfarmsredangus.com Visit us on Facebook at KK Farms Red Angus Cattle

Balancing Performance with Maternal

Mike and Stephanie Smith Columbia, Missouri 573-881-0395 • 573-449-1809


Matt & Jennifer Boatright David & Mariah Boatright 29775 Pony Path Rd, Sedalia, MO 65301

Jerry Ellis 660-909-6110

660-287-1341 www.maplewoodacresfarm.com Mo. Fescue Seedstock

Centerview, MO ellisjerryd@hotmail.com


For Information About Advertising on This Page Please Contact: Andy Atzenweiler mobeef@sbcglobal.net 816-210-7713






Jean Green

Rowena Atzenweiler

Full of joy and just fun to be around. A lady, wife, mother, grandmother, great grandmother, family member and friend. Never ceasing to welcome with an embracing smile and sparkling eyes. A working woman and delightful homemaker. Always an encourager, good listener and wealth of wisdom. Full of love for the Lord and possessor of a true servant’s heart. The most organized woman ever. Jean Minert Green peacefully entered into rest on July 21, 2020 in Sedalia, Missouri.

Rowena Cook Atzenweiler, 84, of Leawood, Kansas, passed away suddenly and unexpectedly July 27. Beloved wife, mother, grandmother, sister, aunt and friend – she will be missed by all her friends and family.

Jean was born on December 1, 1927 in Kansas City, Missouri. She graduated from Paseo High School in 1944 and attended the University of Central Missouri (formerly CMSU) from 1945-1947, where she was a proud and lifelong member of Sigma Sigma Sigma sorority. On November 20, 1948 she married Robert Parke Green and they spent 57 years together in Missouri, Illinois and Texas. Her professional transcribing skills were valued as a court reporter for over 30 years; 100 words a minute, on an electric typewriter, with no mistakes! Jean was a member, Elder, Clerk of Session and in the Chancel Choir at Broadway Presbyterian Church, beginning in 1983. She was a devoted member of Chapter IP, P.E.O. and contributed her time and talents to the American Red Cross, Sorosis and the Bothwell Regional Health Center Auxiliary. In 2000 she was the recipient of the Missouri Cattle Woman of the year, which surprised and delighted her. She was always “the gift that kept on giving.” Jean was predeceased by her husband Bob and is survived by her 3 daughters; Bobbie Cowen (Michael) of Sedalia; Becky Perdue ( John) of Topeka, Kansas; and Debby Johnson (Robert) of Tucson, Arizona; 6 grandchildren, Schyler Cowen (Heather), John Cowen (Danyelle), Matt Perdue (Anne), Chris Perdue, Amanda Eldridge ( Jim), Mallory Swartz (Dale); 3 great grandchildren. She was loved by all those whose lives she so genuinely touched. Of all the things she cherished, none was greater than her family. May she live in eternal peace and happiness.


The family would like to thank the staff at Sylvia G. Thompson Residence Center for providing wonderful and loving care during her last years and they would also like to thank Crossroads Hospice for their attention and support in recent months.


A celebration of Jean’s life will be held at a later date. Memorials, in Jean’s name, may be made to Broadway Presbyterian Church, 209 West Broadway Blvd, Sedalia, MO 65301.

Rowena was born in Mapleton, Kansas, to Nina and Eldon Cook in 1936. Eldon died when Ro was two years old. A few years later, Nina married Harley Coldiron – the town dentist in Columbus, Kansas. Harley had two boys (Bill and Bob) and an infant daughter (Mary). Rowena felt very fortunate to grow up with two brothers and a little sister – whom she loved dearly. Rowena attended Kansas State University where she was a Tri-Delta. She was introduced to Larry Atzenweiler, whom she married in 1958. After KSU, she attended UMKC Dental School and graduated as a dental hygienist. Larry and Rowena were blessed by three children – Ann, Andy and David. Rowena was a member of the Missouri CattleWomen for many years. Her husband Larry worked for Missouri Beef Cattleman magazine for over 40 years, and their son, Andy, is currently the publisher and advertising manager. Rowena was proceeded in death by her daughter Ann in 1979 and her sister Mary in 2015. She is survived by husband Larry of the home; sons Andy (Gena), Kansas City; David (Shirley), Olathe; brothers Bill (Mary Kay) Coldiron, Overland Park; and Bob (Patty) Coldiron, of Philpsburg, Pennsylvania, seven grandchildren: August and Stella Atzenweiler; Alex, Lauren, and Jacob Atzenweiler; Andy and Dane Hutchins; Niece Janelle (Mac) Hofeditz, Tiberon, California; and nephew Brent (Sam) Piepergerdes, Lawrence, Kansas and with many other extended family and friends. A celebration of life will be held at a later date.







NCBA Addresses Checkoff Referendum Petition Source: NCBA DENVER ( July 27, 2020) - Today, NCBA President Marty Smith, a Florida cattle producer, released the following statement about the Beef Checkoff referendum petition launched in July.


“In the 1980s, NCBA was instrumental in the initial passage of the Beef Promotion and Research Act and the resulting referendum that established the Beef Checkoff as we know it today. The Act makes it very


clear that cattle producers have a say in the continuation of the checkoff through a grassroots petition process. “NCBA fully supports the producers’ right to have their voices heard on the future of the checkoff. However, we also believe the petition and signature gathering processes should be transparent and conducted with integrity. NCBA trusts cattle producers to make the right decisions for our industry, so if some producers feel they need to sign a petition calling for a vote on the Beef Checkoff, then they should sign. If enough sign, then we should vote. We are confident that a vote by those who invest and direct their hard-earned dollars will again show strong support for this program and will finally allow our industry to put this issue behind us. “For more than three decades, cattle producers have accomplished great things for the industry by working together to direct these investments. From improvements in beef safety, successful marketing programs to new product development, the Beef Checkoff has a long track record of solid returns for each dollar invested. Beef producers should be proud of that work and we believe that a majority of cattlemen and women stand behind the program.”

Strong Turnout of Cattle Producers Sets Important Policies for the Future Live Cattle Marketing Committee Unanimously Passes Policy to Increase Cash Trade Levels DENVER ( July 29, 2020) - A capacity crowd of cattle producers worked for more than six hours today to identify a policy that would help resolve concerns about live cattle marketing issues and lead the industry to more robust price discovery. The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association’s Live Cattle Marketing Committee considered several proposals, each aimed at encouraging greater volumes of cash cattle trade. After intense debate, the committee and the NCBA Board of Directors unanimously passed a policy that supports voluntary efforts to improve cash fed cattle trade during the next 90 days with the potential for mandates in the future if robust regional cash trade numbers are not reached by the industry. “The policy decisions we made this week truly show the grassroots policy process at work. We had tremendous turnout for this year’s summer meeting, clearly demonstrating that cattle producers needed the opportunity to meet in person to hammer out solutions to these important issues,” said NCBA President Marty Smith. “Despite the issues going on in the world today, we had more than 600 people turn out, the vast majority in person, to find solutions for issues facing our industry.”

The policy passed by the Live Cattle Marketing Committee and approved by a vote of the NCBA Board of Directors can be viewed at: www.ncba.org. The Cattle Industry Summer Business Meeting also included a full slate of both policy and checkoff committee meetings. This week’s checkoff meetings help set the plan of work for fiscal year that starts Oct. 1, as well as providing an opportunity for cattlemen and cattlewomen to review current contractor campaigns, including a very successful launch of the popular United We Steak campaign. “The past several months have been challenging for everyone, but they’ve been particularly difficult for America’s cattle farmers and ranchers,” said Smith. “This week’s meetings provided a crucial opportunity for us to come together—safely and with plenty of social distancing—to resolve the issues of the past several months. However, it has also provided an opportunity for a reset and chance to refocus on the priorities that haven’t gone away as we battled through this crisis. We’re thankful we had the opportunity to do just that during this week’s meetings.”

Smith noted that the work of the Live Cattle Marketing committee caps months of working group efforts to find industry- and marketdriven solutions to increase price discovery without government mandates.


“The policy we passed today is the result of every state cattlemen’s association coming together to work through their differences and finding solutions that meet the needs of their members, all of whom agree that our industry needs more robust price discovery. This policy provides all players in the industry the opportunity to achieve that goal without seeking government mandates,” said Smith. “Everyone who took the time to participate in this process over the past several months and throughout this week’s meetings is to be commended.”


NCBA & PLC Highlights Importance of Public Lands Ranchers In Senate Hearing Source: NCBA WASHINGTON ( July 23, 2020) – Ethan Lane, National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA) Vice President of Government Affairs and representative for the Public Lands Council (PLC), today testified before the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources on the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic to the public lands cattle industry. The testimony highlighted the importance of public lands ranchers during the pandemic, including their role in resurging the American economy. The testimony also addressed the need for future aid from Congress through access to vacant allotments or areas ungrazed during the summer season and flexibility to utilize grazing as a nimble, targeted natural resource management tool.


“Given the production impacts this year prior to and during calving season, many of these normal production targets were interrupted,” Lane said. “There may be a need for access to additional forage, including vacant allotments or other available allotments that were not grazed during the summer season.”


Lane also discussed the important role of public land ranchers throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, highlighting their commitment to continued food production, rangeland management, wildfire prevention, and wildlife conservation. “Despite these challenges, ranchers were on the land, managing the forage, ensuring wildlife had water and forage,” Lane said. “From the most fundamental need for food security, to the dollars that remain in rural communities as a result of agriculture production, to cost savings for the American taxpayer by avoidance of costs associated with catastrophic wildfire, public lands grazing does it all.” Lane called for the committee to remember the value of public lands ranching and its important role in maintaining open spaces throughout the year. “We fix fence, roads, water features. We are the eyes and ears on the landscape. We are reliable. We are consistent. We are essential.”


























Sept. 6-7 Sept. 7 Sept. 13 Sept. 19 Sept. 19 Sept. 19 Sept. 24 Sept. 26 Sept. 27 Sept. 28 Oct. 3 Oct. 3 Oct. 3 Oct. 3 Oct. 5 Oct. 9 Oct. 10 Oct. 10 Oct. 10 Oct. 10 Oct. 10 Oct. 10

Badger Creek Cattle Company Complete Dispersal Sale, Emporia, KS 27th Annual Autumn In The Ozarks Sale, Strafford, MO Williams & Williams Real Estate Auction, Reeds, MO Seedstock Plus Two Sales - Oak Ridge Farms Dispersal Sale and the Showcase Sale XV, Kingsville, MO Central Missouri Polled Hereford Breeders Association Sale, Cuba, MO Wild Indian Acres & Friends Female Sale, DeSoto, MO Three Cedars Farms Sale, Sedalia, MO NextGen Cattle Co. Flint Hills Classic 3rd Annual Production Sale, Paxico, KS WMC Cattle Co. Sale, Wasola, MO Gardiner Angus Ranch Bull Sale Ashland, KS Journagan Ranch/MSU Production Sale, Springfield, MO Pinegar Limousin Fall Production Sale, Springfield, MO Jac’s Ranch Production Sale, Bentonville, AR Ozark and Heart of America Beefmaster Fall Roundup Sale, Springfield, MO Express Ranch Fall Bull Sale, Yukon, OK Smith Valley Angus Sale, Salem, MO MLBA Heart of Missouri Limousin Sale, Lebanon, MO Missouri Red Angus Association Fall Bull & Female Sale, Sedalia, MO Bonebrake Herefords Female Production Sale, Buffalo, MO Byergo Angus Sale, Savannah, MO East Central Missouri Angus Association Sale, Cuba, MO Ozark and Heart of America Beefmaster Fall Roundup, Locust Grove, OK

Oct. 10 Oct. 10 Oct. 10 Oct. 14 Oct. 16 Oct. 17 Oct. 17 Oct. 17 Oct. 17 Oct. 17 Oct. 17 Oct. 17 Oct. 18 Oct. 19 Oct. 23 Oct. 23 Oct. 23 Oct. 24 Oct. 24 Oct. 24 Oct. 24 Oct. 25 Oct. 25

Hott Farms Complete Dispersal Sale, Sycamore, IL Big D Ranch’s Building Your Tomorrow Sale, Center Ridge, AR Peterson Farms - The Girls of Fall Sale, Mountain Grove, MO Valley Oaks Angus Sale, Oak Grove, MO THM Land & Cattle Female Sale Vienna, MO Seedstock Plus Fall Bull & Female Sale, JRS - Carthage, MO Gerloff Farms Sale, Bland, MO BUB Ranch Sale, Koshkonong, MO Angell-Thomas Charolais Bull & Heifer Sale, Paris, MO Aschermann Charolais/Akaushi 31st Edition Bull Sale, Carthage, MO Bradley Cattle Bred Heifer & Bull Sale, Springfield, MO Heart of the Ozarks Angus Ass’n. Sale, West Plains, MO Frank/Hazelrigg Cattle Co. Sale, Fulton, MO Hinkle’s Prime Cut Angus Sale, Nevada, MO Spur Ranch Sale, Vinita, OK Royal Collection Charolais Sale, American Royal Wagstaff Sale Center, Kansas City, MO Focused on the Future Sale, Billings, MO Lacy’s Red Angus Production Sale with MC Livestock, Drexel, MO Mead Angus Farm Fall Production Sale, Barnett, MO Ladies of the Royal National Hereford Sale, Kansas City, MO New Day Genetics Fall Sale, Springfield, MO Baker Angus Sale, Butler, MO Jefferies Red Angus Annual Bull & Female Sale, Checotah, OK

MBC Classified The MBC Classified column appears monthly. Classified advertising is only 50¢ a word. Send your check with your ad to Missouri Beef Cattleman, 2306 Bluff Creek Drive, #100, Columbia, Mo 65201. Deadline 10th of month before an issue.

“REESE” DISC MOWERS, CADDY V-RAKES, “REESE” TUBE-LINE BALE WRAPPER, AITCHISON DRILLS, SELF-UNLOADING HAY TRAILERS, HEAVY DUTY BALE AND MINERAL FEEDERS, FEED BUNKS, BALE SPIKES, CONTINUOUS FENCING, COMPLETE CORRAL SYSTEMS, INSTALLATION AVAILABLE: Tigerco Distributing Co. 660-645-2212, 800-432-4020 or www.tigercoinc.com. BLACK SIMMENTAL BULLS SINCE 1993: Calving Ease, Attractive, Athletic, Sound Footed and Docile. We Deliver. Mike Williams, Higginsville, 816-797-5450 COVERED MINERAL BUNKS: CCA treated wood bunks work well with salt or other mineral mix. Built is six sizes 6’ - 16’, at Sentinel Industries. Ashland, MO. Phone: 573-657-2164.


Oct. 28 Fink Beef Genetics Fall Bull Sale, Randolph, KS Oct. 31 McBee Cattle Co. Fall Bull & Female Sale, Fayette, MO Oct. 31 Wall Street Cattle Co. Sale, Lebanon, MO Nov. 1 WMC Cattle Co. and Guests Inaugural Bull Sale, Springfield, MO Nov. 6-7 GenePlus Brangus Sale at Chimney Rock Cattle Co., Concord, AR Nov. 7 Worthington Angus Sale, Dadeville, MO Nov. 7 Seedstock Plus Red Reward Fall Editon Bull & Female Sale, Osceola, MO Nov. 7 B/F Cattle Co Genes Fit for Fescue Sale, Butler, MO Nov. 14 Gibbs Farms Bull and Replacement Female Sale, Ranburne, AL Nov. 14 2 Sales - Missouri Red Angus Association Show-Me Reds Fall Herd Builder Sale in conjunction with the Greater Midwest Red Angus Breeding Stock Sale, Kirksville, MO Nov. 14 24th Annual Show-Me Plus Gelbvieh & Balancer® Sale, Springfield, MO Nov. 14 Gibbs Farms Bull and Replacement Female Sale, Ranburne, AL Nov. 16 Green Springs Performance Tested Bull & Angus Cow Sale, Nevada, MO Nov. 21 Sydenstricker Angus Sale, Mexico, MO Nov. 21 Complete Dispersion of Roth Herefords, Windsor, MO Nov. 28 Butch’s Angus Sale, Jackson, MO Dec. 5 Missouri Hereford Assn. Opportunity Sale, Sedalia, MO Dec. 5 Wright Charolais 10th Annual Female Sale, Kearney, MO



Advertiser Index


ADM.............................................................................89 American Angus Association........................................ 47 Bayer - Cydectin........................................................... 13 Big D Cattle Sale.......................................................... 87 BQA.............................................................................. 76 Brickhouse Farms Red Angus...................................... 75 Buffalo Livestock Market..............................................46 Callaway Livestock Center Inc.....................................44 Central Missouri Polled Hereford Sale......................... 37 Central Missouri Sales Co............................................56 Circle A Angus Ranch.................................................. 53 Classified....................................................................... 97 Clearwater Farm........................................................... 53 Coon Angus Ranch...................................................... 53 Corteva......................................................................... 25 Double A Land & Cattle............................................... 75 Ellis Cattle Company Red Angus................................. 75 Express Ranch Sale......................................................99 F&T Livestock Market..................................................58 FCS Financial of Missouri.......................................... 100 Fink Beef Genetics Sale................................................ 83 Frank and Hazelrigg Angus......................................... 53 Frank and Hazelrigg Angus Sale.................................. 47 Galaxy Beef LLC.......................................................... 53 Gardiner Angus Ranch Sale......................................... 61 GDI...............................................................................50 Gerloff Farms................................................................ 53 Grassworks.................................................................... 17 Green’s Welding & Sales............................................... 41 Hinkle’s Prime Cut Angus............................................ 53 Hinkle’s Prime Cut Angus Sale.................................... 51 Hott Farms Angus Sale............................................62-63 HydraBed...................................................................... 42 Jefferies Red Angus Sale............................................... 73 Jim’s Motors..................................................................34 Joplin Regional Stockyards.............................................3 Journagan Ranch/MSU................................................ 13 Kingsville Livestock Auction........................................ 16 KK Farms Red Angus.................................................. 75 Lacy’s Red Angus......................................................... 75 Maple Oaks Red Angus................................................ 75 Maplewood Acres Farm................................................ 75 Marshall & Fenner Farms............................................. 53 MC Livestock Red Angus............................................. 75 MCA - Show-Me-Select Sale Credit............................80 MCA Member Benefits.................................................88 MCA Membership Form.............................................. 91 MCA Presidents Council..............................................95 MCA Proud Member Signs.......................................... 92

MCA Top 100 Profitablity Challenge.................... 85-86 McBee Cattle Co............................................................7 MCF Golf Tournament...........................................93-94 MCF Scholarship Deadline..........................................60 McPherson Concrete Products..................................... 97 Mead Cattle Co............................................................ 52 Mead Farms.................................................................. 53 Mead Farms Angus Sale ..............................................49 Merck Animal Health................................................... 81 MFA.............................................................................. 79 Missouri Angus Association.......................................... 53 Missouri Angus Breeders.............................................. 53 Missouri Beef Industry Council....................................29 Missouri Red Angus Association.................................. 75 Missouri Red Angus Breeders...................................... 75 MLS Tubs..................................................................... 71 NextGen Cattle - Flint Hills Classic Sale..................... 43 Ozark Hills Genetics..................................................... 75 Pinegar Limousin Sale.................................................. 35 Richardson Ranch........................................................ 53 Rogers Cattle Co. and Lile Farms Red Angus............. 75 S&N Partners - TubeLine............................................. 23 Salt Fork Feed & Supply................................................ 31 Seedstock Plus............................................................... 27 Sellers Feedlot...............................................................58 Shoal Creek Land & Cattle.......................................... 75 Smith Valley Angus Sale.............................................. 59 South Central Regional Stockyards.............................30 Spur Ranch Sale...........................................................65 Square B Ranch/Quality Beef...................................... 53 Superior Steel Sales....................................................... 24 Sydenstricker Genetics.................................................. 53 T Bar S..........................................................................46 The Girls of Fall Sale - Peterson Farms/L&V Cattle/ T&L Cattle Sale....................................................... 82 THM Cattle Sale.......................................................... 57 Three Cedars Farms Sale............................................. 39 Valley Oaks Angus........................................................ 53 Valley Oaks Angus Sale................................................ 55 Wax - Marshall Rye Grass..............................................2 Weiker Angus Ranch.................................................... 53 Westway Feed..................................................................9 Wheeler Auctions & Real Estate................................... 31 Wheeler Livestock Market............................................69 Williams & Williams Cattle Ranch Auction................ 37 Mike Williams.............................................................. 31 Windrush Farm Red Angus.......................................... 75 WMC Ladies of the Ozarks Sale.................................. 77 Zeitlow Distributing......................................................48





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