Missouri Beef Cattleman, (USPS 890-240 • ISSN 0192-3056) is published monthly (12 times a year) and is the official publication of the Missouri Cattlemen’s Association, 2306 Bluff Creek Drive, #100, Columbia, Missouri, 65201. PERIODICALS postage paid at Columbia, Missouri and additional mailing offices. Subscription price is included as a part of the minimum membership dues of $70.00 per year in Missouri Cattlemen’s Association. Postmaster: Send address changes to: Missouri Beef Cattleman, P.O. Box 480977, Kansas City, Missouri 64148
Volume 51 - Issue 11 (USPS 890-240 • ISSN 0192-3056)
Publishing Office
2306 Bluff Creek Drive, #100, Columbia, MO 65201 Phone: 573-499-9162 • Fax: 573-499-9167
Andy Atzenweiler: Editor/Production/Ad Sales P.O. Box 480977 • Kansas City, Missouri 64148 816-210-7713 • E-mail:
Missouri Cattlemen’s Association
MCA Website:
Mike Deering • Executive Vice President - Ext 230
Macey Hurst •MBC Editor/Production Artist
Lisa Stockhorst, Administrative Assistant – Ext 234
Missouri’s Cattlemen Foundation
Missouri’s CattleWomen
2022 MCA Officers
Bruce Mershon, President 816-289-3765 • 31107 Lake City Buckner Rd., Buckner, MO 64016
David Dick, President-Elect 660-826-0031 • 23529 Anderson School Rd., Sedalia, MO 65301
Chuck Miller, Vice President 573-881-3589 • 393 Spring Garden Road, Olean, MO 65064
Marvin Dieckman, Treasurer 660-596-4163 • 28998 Hwy JJ, Cole Camp, MO 65325
Charlie Besher, Secretary 573-866-2846 • RR 5, Box 2402, Patton, MO 63662
2022 MC A Regional Vice Presidents
Region 1: Joe L olli, 30019 Klondike Pl Macon, MO 63552 660-346-9711
Region 2: Anit a Vanderwert, 4902 Cochero Ct., Columbia, MO 65203 • 573-808-3000
Region 3: Jeff Reed, PO Box 35 Williamsville, MO 63967 • 903-279-8360
Region 4: Deb Thummel, 12601 Hwy. 46 Sheridan, MO 64486 • 660-541-2606
Region 5: Alex Haun, 1031 SW 600 Rd Holden, MO 64040 • 816-345-0005
Region 6: Warren Love, 8381 NE Hwy ZZ Osceola, MO 64776 • 417-830-1950
Region 7: Josh Worthington, P.O. Box 246 Dadeville, MO 65635 • 417-844-2601
Brooklyn DeFries, Novinger, MO
Sarah Guymon, Tipton, MO
Lilyan March, Greentop, MO
McClane Johnson, Savannah, MO
Chad & Afton Schomburg, Schomburg Farms, Rock Port, MO
Nash Schomburg, Rock Port, MO
Steven Hendrix, Purdy, MO
Darwin Luthi, Duval Valley Farms, Lamar, MO
Josh Nieder, Adrian, MO
Rylee Shelton, Sedgewickville, MO
Nikki Crocker, Ashland, MO
Olivia Dalton, Ashland, MO
Hannah Fleming, Ashland, MO
Charles Lewis, Ashland, MO
Kathleen Merritt, Columbia, MO
Lindie Pauley, Hartsburg, MO
Ashley Sjostrand, Hartsburg, MO
Maura Vanskike, Hartsburg, MO
Logan Viers, Hallsville, MO
MFA Agri Services, Jackson, MO
Kristen Seabaugh, Jackson, MO
Jason Walther, Jackson, MO
Karissa Peel, Carrollton, MO
Chad Barker, National Beef, K ansas City, MO
Duane Farmer, Bear Creek Valley Angus, Bolivar, MO
Cali Hillsman, El Dorado Springs, MO
Macy Stauffer, El Dorado Springs, MO
Anna Swallow, Salisbury, MO
Colin Swallow, Salisbury, MO
Tim & Amy Swallow, Salisbury, MO
Grady Claybrook, Highlandville, MO
John & Tonya Claybrook, Highlandville, MO
Erick Arnold, Arnold Farms Cattle, Alexandria, MO
Magdelyn Thessen, Jefferson City, MO
Stan & Angie Thessen, Thessen Brangus Farm, Jefferson City, MO
Aubrey Embry, Embry Farm, Clarksburg, MO
Dalton Huston, Steelville, MO
SchanDona Redman, Everton, MO
Brooke Moss, Fairgrove, MO
Ruth Ussery, Ussery Farms, Elkland, MO
Allen & Linda Baumstark, New Haven, MO
Jamalynn Atkinson, Ash Grove, MO
Cole McClain, Fair Grove, MO
Kade Hodge, New Hampton, MO
Wiatt Hodge, New Hampton, MO
Scott Losito, Preston, MO
Troy & Teresa Lowe, Chilhowee, MO
Toby O’Brien, Ewing, MO
Kyle Daniel, Elsberry, MO
Jay Hasekamp, Hawk Point, MO
Kim Hasekamp, Hawk Point, MO
Emily Conley, Linn, MO
Glenn & Laquetta Ewigman, Brookfield, MO
Cory & Jillian Bowen, 3B Farms, Seneca, MO
David Bunch, Anderson, MO
Cedar Springs Farm LLC, Anderson, MO
James Cope, Pineville, MO
Justin & Erin Farmer, SW City, MO
Cody Goswick, Monett, MO
Bob & Marsha Hampton, Seneca, MO
Brandon & Brandy Keith, Keith Cattle, Anderson, MO
President’s Perspective
with Bruce MershonOpportunities to Learn and Grow
As cattle producers, we often spend more time talking to our cows or ourselves than we do with other people. Due to the nature of the business, our workday can be isolating – and downright lonely at times – if we’re not careful. That’s why, this month, I’m urging you to take advantage of one of MCA’s best opportunities for hanging out with like-minded folks: the 2023 Missouri Cattle Industry Convention & Trade Show.
Held January 6-8 at Margaritaville Lake Resort, the 55th annual event promises to be entertaining, educational and inspiring. Early registration for the convention package is only $150 per person – the same price as last year – until December 10. Go to to sign up now.
David Dick and the Convention Planning Committee have planned an outstanding program including a thoughtprovoking keynote speaker for lunch on Saturday: Gregg Doud, vice president of global situational analysis and chief economist with Aimpoint Research. Don’t let his job title intimidate you. I’ve heard Gregg speak and he’s got some incredible stories to share, as well as information about staying competitive in the global cattle industry.
Some of you may remember Gregg from his time as an economist for NCBA and prior addresses at our convention. More recently, Gregg was the chief negotiator opening the door for the United States beef exports to China. By the way, China purchased $2.3 billion worth of U.S. beef products in 2021, and beef exports are up 60% so far in 2022. Come learn more about this incredible opportunity for our industry directly from Gregg. (Read about Gregg’s current employer at
On Saturday morning, the Cattlemen‘s Education Series breakout sessions will be full of today’s relevant issues and latest technologies. Excellence in genetic selection and gene editing will be discussed during the technology session. National issues and who controls Congress in Washington,
MCA President
D.C., will be covered in the policy session. A legal panel and risk management session will help you with balancing your financial exposure.
Saturday afternoon will feature a working demonstration to help mediate the effects of drought on your operation next to the trade show. The Missouri Beef Industry Council and Missouri Department of Agriculture will hold special sessions in the afternoon. The Missouri CattleWomen will also hold their annual meeting and related events. Plus, Saturday night’s banquet gives producers an opportunity to socialize and catch up with friends and neighbors.
As of writing this column in mid-October, spot live cattle futures are the highest since August 2015. For many weeks in 2022, we have harvested more females than males at the same time the price of fed cattle has risen. What happens to prices when we are not forced to sell cows and calves early due to drought? Prices will go higher. Demand for beef both at home and abroad continues to be strong.
Yet, the cost of doing business continues to soar. It’s no longer enough to know what’s going on at the local sale barn. In fact, we must recognize that our survival and profitability are directly affected by global issues. How do you prepare for the future? A good start is to attend MCA’s annual convention.
You may just find that talking with others and not just your cows is not only enjoyable but a profitable endeavor! I’ll see you at the lake.
Straight Talk
with Mike Deering
A Decade
It hardly seems possible that 10 years have come and gone since I started my career journey with the Missouri Cattlemen’s Association. I was just a kid full of ideas – piss and vinegar, as my old man would say. I have mellowed some, but my passion and sincere quest to advance this industry hasn’t wavered. I made a lot of friends and just as many enemies. I made a lot of mistakes that I don’t regret. I have learned far more from screwups than I have from victory laps.
We can be proud of the fact that the last 10 years have been about growth, effectiveness and providing value back to those of you who invest in this association. Financially, we focused heavily on non-dues revenue, which we increased by more than 1,000 percent over the last decade, so that we could provide value without increasing member dues one red cent. We need more members, but we continue growing year over year –often seemingly like a slow-moving train.
We have created meaningful programs, including the Missouri Cattlemen’s Leadership College and the Profitability Challenge. We ramped up junior programs in a big way. Most recently, we added the Replacement Heifer Show & Sale as a way for youth who aren’t necessarily interested in the showring to become engaged in the Missouri Junior Cattlemen’s Association. Under the leadership of Janet Akers, 2015 MCA President, we revamped our annual convention to focus on education for all producers rather than just leadership meetings.
We have become a force to be reckoned with when it comes to moving policy forward in Jefferson City. We focused our efforts on member-driven policy that
Executive Vice President
provides immediate value back to producers, but also on initiatives that will help ensure the next generation has a fighting chance.
This association stopped the taxation of disaster assistance; led the first-ever veto override of agricultural legislation in state history; stopped regulating raindrops; led the effort making Missouri the first state in the nation to legislatively address fake meat; expanded the equine liability waiver to include livestock; and the best news is, this list doesn’t even scratch the surface. All of this has been possible because we created a grassroots advocacy program rivaled by none. Our “Cowboys at the Capitol” program puts staff on the bench and our producers on the frontline interacting directly with legislators.
I write this article not to brag, but… oh, never mind. I most definitely wrote this article to brag on this association and what our leadership and members have accomplished. I have been blessed to be just a small part of it over the last decade. It has been quite the ride, and I thank each and every one of you for investing in this association and trusting me to work alongside you. It’s more than a job to me. It always has been. I look forward to seeing you January 6-8 at the Lake of the Ozarks for your annual convention.
Regional Range Report
by Kevin Valasec, MCA At-Large RepresentativeFocused Leadership
Greetings from Northwest Missouri, specifically Andrew and Buchanan Counties. I am currently serving as the Andrew County State Representative for the AndrewBuchanan Affiliate and also as the Member At-Large on the MCA Executive Board.
As I write this, I am sitting in the Kansas City International Airport waiting for a flight to Reno, observing a diverse and multicultural group of people. I am willing to bet the majority of which are disconnected from agriculture and beef production. Now more than ever, our industry needs to unite and reconcile our differences, which requires leadership.
The definition of leadership is, “the ability of an individual or a group of individuals to influence and guide followers or other members of an organization.” I would like to focus on the word influence. Social media is buzzing with “influencers,” some of which make a pretty fair sum of money. As beef producers, we need to strive to be influencers, taking every opportunity to tell our story with those people disconnected from where their food comes from.
As a newcomer to the MCA leadership team, I am overly impressed with the talent, commitment, and selflessness of the association’s executive leadership team and staff. We are truly lucky to have them as a voice for the cattle industry in Missouri. Leadership is an age-old art dating back to the beginning of time and not unique to humans. Herd animals have informal leadership structures or a pecking order: for example, the old lead cow that acts as a guide, establishing a hierarchy and directing the movement of the herd. These are instincts to ensure their survival. MCA is no different. We rely on the diverse and experienced leaders and members to guide the organization and provide a conduit for our views and positions on issues relevant to cattlemen in Missouri. Within MCA, leadership is instrumental in evolving the Missouri cattle industry in a positive direction, focusing on the producer to ensure
our livelihood and culture continues for generations to come. The members of MCA are its lifeblood and core, driving the organization’s existence to protect cattlemen’s interests.
With focused leadership, determination and passion for the cattle industry, MCA continues to grow in Missouri. The Andrew-Buchanan Cattlemen are the newest affiliate in Region 4 and MCA. In the last year, our affiliate has seen many successes and growth. Members in both Andrew and Buchanan counties have stepped up into formal and informal leadership roles. In 2021, Lynn Anderson of Buchanan County was host to a Cattlemen’s Field Day with over 40 participants from across Missouri in attendance. In March of 2022, the affiliate under the leadership of Doug Johnson and the organizational management of Matt and Andrea Fischer, with the help of all the Andrew-Buchanan affiliate members, successfully executed a Steak Fry, which grossed over $23,000. My final shout-out goes to Miles and Holly Mitts, owners and operators of Lazy L Cattle Co. They are the hosts for the 2022 Region 4 Cattlemen’s Field Day and staunch supporters of MCA. I look forward to their continued involvement and leadership within the organization.
While the majority of members will not become formal leaders within MCA, each one of us has the opportunity to lead change and grow our organization. MCA is an organization designed to work from the ground up; our members direct policy and positions on issues within MCA at the state level and at the federal level through NCBA. The executive leadership is charged with following the direction of members through their county and area representatives. I challenge all members to assume an influencer role and ask those in leadership what you can do to make the organization better at the county, area, or state levels within MCA. Our industry and way of life is in jeopardy, and each one of you is critical to shaping the future for generations to come. Be a transformational leader; the world needs more beef cattle leaders and influencers!
Region 1 VP - Joseph Lolli Region 5 VP - Alex Haun
Region 2 VP - Anita Vanderwert Region 6 VP - Warren Love
Region 3 VP - Jeff Reed Region 7 VP - Josh Worthington
Region 4 VP - Deb Thummel At-Large Rep. - Kevin Valasek
Beef Quality Assurance Doesn’t End at the Farm Gate
Cow-calf producers, stockers and feedyards implement Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) practices on their operations to produce the highest quality cattle and provide consumers with the best possible eating experience. However, BQA doesn’t end at the farm gate, and those transporting cattle are encouraged to become BQA Transportation (BQAT) certified.
“Hauling can be one of the most stressful times in the life of cattle,” said Colby Carpenter with W&J Carpenter Trucking Inc., a 2022 BQA Award winner. “BQAT provides anyone transporting cattle with the information and resources they need to make sure animals are handled properly, resulting in less stress and a higher quality product for consumers.”
BQAT is a comprehensive management program that incorporates responsible practices in all phases of transporting cattle. In-person training and free online courses are designed for both ranchers hauling cattle in gooseneck trailers and professional drivers who are transporting animals in semi-trailers. These courses teach proper methods for hauling cattle including biosecurity, fitness for transport, pre-trip planning and loading, and emergency management.
BQAT is science-based, and producer-driven and online modules have been updated. A working group of industry leaders from all sectors of the cattle industry came together to revise BQAT material and provide updates needed to fit industry needs for hauling cattle.
“As the industry changes and evolves, educational materials are revised,” said Trey Patterson, Wyoming rancher and chair of the Beef Quality Assurance Advisory Group. “We work with producers and those hauling cattle to create a program that meets the needs of the animals and the industry.”
The Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) program, funded by the Beef Checkoff, provides information to U.S. beef producers and beef consumers about how commonsense husbandry techniques can be coupled with
accepted scientific knowledge to raise cattle under optimum management and environmental conditions.
BQA guidelines are designed to make certain all beef consumers can take pride in what they purchase – and can trust and have confidence in the entire beef industry.
BQA and BQAT certifications are available through in-person trainings and online courses. To learn more about BQA and to become certified, visit
About the Beef Checkoff
The Beef Checkoff was established as part of the 1985 Farm Bill. The Checkoff assesses $1 per head on the sale of live domestic and imported cattle, in addition to a comparable assessment on imported beef and beef products. States may retain up to 50 cents of the dollar and forward the other 50 cents per head to the Cattlemen’s Beef Promotion and Research Board, which administers the national Checkoff program, subject to USDA approval.
What’s Cookin’ at the
Missouri Beef House
By Beef House Team
AHCA Challenge Event
On Thursday, October 13, 2022, the MCA Beef House was opened to serve our delicious beef burgers to 90 competitors and guests in the 11th Annual American Horseman Challenge held this year at the Missouri State Fairgrounds in Sedalia, Missouri. American Horseman Challenge Association (AHCA) members from North America had the opportunity to compete with individuals from outside their local competition area in an obstacle course event perfect for all riders, all disciplines and every skill level. The four-day event included a barbecue on Thursday evening at the MCA Beef House sponsored by the Sedalia Area Chamber of Commerce Convention and Visitors Bureau for the ninth consecutive year.
Executive Director Carolyn Crooker said, “An area of tourism some people may overlook is private events that bring in new visitors… on the fairgrounds and the economic impact for our community.”
What is AHCA, you ask? AHCA is a timed equine obstacle course event with divisions for all ages and all levels of riders and horses. Rules allow riders to use strategy when completing an obstacle to showcase the horse’s training and the partnership with the rider. Although this is a timed event, the emphasis is on horsemanship. The events promote camaraderie in a family friendly atmosphere, and competitions are conducted with the utmost of respect and integrity.
“The mission of the AHCA is to promote horsemanship and sportsmanship at its highest level while providing an arena of camaraderie within a competitive obstacle course setting. Its purpose is to instill public awareness and respect for the horse while members strive to improve their horsemanship skills,” as seen on www., which also puts emphasis on values including competition, camaraderie, respect, and integrity.
A BIG thanks goes to MCA volunteers Suetta Carter, Marvin Dieckman, Jim Fairfax, John and Kathy Harris, Eric Kraus, Kenny and Susan Smarr, Ted and Merrilyn Williams, and Pat and Patty Wood who graciously accepted the MCA challenge to cook and serve this delicious meal.
Thought for the month: Thank you for the food before us, the friends beside us and the love between us.
Dallas County Cattlemen
Members of the Dallas County Cattlemen’s Association heard from one of our own at the group’s October 11 meeting held at Prairie Grove School south of Buffalo. Fellow cattleman Dr. Jim Rhoades spoke to producers about the importance of pregnancy testing in herds. Dr. Rhoades has worked in private veterinary practice but is now the bovine senior professional services veterinarian for IDEXX Laboratories, headquartered in Westbrook, Maine.
Dr. Rhoades is a 1992 graduate of the University of Missouri College of Veterinary Medicine. He actually started preg testing research at the University in 1989, and he has been involved in numerous studies throughout the United States, as well as throughout the world. He considers testing an important tool to manage bovine reproduction and one of the most impactful things producers can do in their herds.
Dr. Rhoades mentioned that only about 20% of all cows are ever preg checked.
Since costs can run as high as $800 per year to feed a cow, he said, “Open cows are not what we need to be feeding.”
IDEXX is the fifth largest animal health company in the world. The company is 100% animal health and their entire business is diagnostics. In August of 2021, IDEXX launched Alertys, a pregnancy test that is a way to extend a vet’s reach but certainly not to replace them. Dr. Rhoades considers the test a window into the health of a herd. If a producer has less than 85% pregnancy
See What’s
in Your County
rate, he recommended walking alongside your vet to find why a cow is not pregnant.
The Alertys test takes about 20 minutes and is visually read using serum or a blood sample. A cow needs to be 28 days along for the test to be used. Kits cost around $8 each and can be purchased retail from animal health distributors.
Everyone enjoyed seeing how the test works with an actual “hands-on” demonstration using serum that Dr. Rhoades brought and sample test kits.
DCCA would like to thank Dr. Rhoades for a very interesting and informative presentation. Earlier in the evening, the 90 members present enjoyed a delicious roast beef dinner sponsored by IDEXX and prepared by the ladies of the community. A huge thanks goes to all of them also!
DCCA’s annual meeting will be November 8 at Prairie Grove School.
South Central Cattlemen
The South Central Cattlemen met for their monthly meeting on September 22 at the Extension Office in West Plains. The meeting was sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim and catered by Snider’s BBQ of West Plains. Dr. Mikael Orchard from Barn Hollow Veterinary Services and Randy Schilling of BI were the guest speakers for the evening.
President Janet Crow opened the meeting with association updates. Minutes and financials were presented to the group and approved. John Williams asked the blessing on the food and meeting. Linda Riser from Missouri State University spoke about the university’s FFA State PAS Contest and asked for volunteers to judge the contest.
Dr. Orchard’s presentation discussed the different types of worms cattle are susceptible to and the differences between prescribed wormers. He explained the benefits of implementing the Refugia protocol into one’s herd. He further explained that Refugia is just one piece to the puzzle of parasite control. Farmers and ranchers must have an integrated approach to parasite control that includes mixed species grazing, proper anthelmintic use, protein supplementation, fecal egg counts, good herd management, proper nutrition, and managed grazing height in fields. Throughout Dr. Orchard’s presentation, Randy Schilling would explain which parasite control would work best for proper herd health.
President Janet Crow closed the meeting with a reminder of the October 18 meeting. The meeting will be sponsored by MFA, Inc. and held at the West Plains Civic Center. MFA, Inc. will be grilling burgers for the group. All are invited to come out and join us for the meeting. For more information, contact Janet Crow, Elizabeth Picking or Jenny Poor.
Franklin County Cattlemen
Hello from Franklin County, and welcome fall! The Franklin County Cattlemen’s Association has had a busy summer serving up ribeyes at two fairs, the New Haven Youth Fair and the big Washington Town and Country Fair. The fair at Washington got hit with a huge storm on opening night causing the fair to be shut down, which cut our steak sales significantly, but we made up for it the next four nights, still selling just under 5,000 and 460 pounds of brisket. Our youth had great steer and breeding stock shows. We retired our previous beef queen, Miss Madi Ridder, and crowned our new beef queen, Miss Cady Koch. Cady has been showing beef since age eight. She is involved with her local family farm raising beef cattle. Cady will be pursuing a degree in animal science upon completion of general education studies at East Central College. She hopes to pursue the degree at Northwest University or the University of Missouri. She has accepted a job at Land O’ Lakes in the beef division, beginning the first part of October.
The Franklin County Cattlemen’s Association awarded five scholarships at our local Washington Town and Country Fair. Winners of the high school scholarships were Adam Homeyer, Cady Koch, Arran Armfeld and Ben Ridder. The college scholarship was awarded to Lilian Gildehaus.
Eddie Sydenstricker Bub Raithel Sydenstricker Nobbe John Deere Kyle Vukadin • Kyle Tate Office: (573) 581-5900 Kenneth Roberts Blake McDonald
Newton and McDonald County Cattlemen
The annual September meeting of the Newton and McDonald County Cattlemen’s Association was held September 20 at the Newton County Fairgrounds. 125 members and guests were in attendance. The meeting was sponsored by the Missouri Cattlemen’s Association. After a blessing given by Ronnie Tosh, chicken and pork fajitas along with all the fixings were provided and served by the Crowder College Agriculture Department.
Field Specialist in Agriculture Business with MU Extension Wesley Tucker presented a program on farm succession, sharing information on how to pass on the family farm to the next generation while keeping the business alive.
After the presentation the business meeting was called to order. The Pledge of Allegiance was said by Ronnie Rogers and the Crowder Agriculture students. The minutes from the previous meeting were read, John Hobbs gave the treasurer’s report. Warren Townsend moved to accept the minutes and treasurer’s report as read, and it was seconded by Alan Drake. The motion passed unanimously.
Randy Drake reported that the free watermelons provided by the association during the premium sales at both the Newton County and McDonald County Fairs were a huge success. Members were also pleased with the Crowder College Roughrider Rodeo where they helped with parking cars.
The nominating committee gave a report on the slate of officers that will be presented to vote on at the November meeting: President Brian Hall, Vice President Lucas Thogmartin, Secretary Lynn Ruhl. A motion to accept this slate was made by Warren Townsend and seconded by Nick Neece. The motion passed unanimously.
Once again, the association will continue to provide FFA Jackets to students in need in our local schools. Students will need to submit a letter outlining their need
to their FFA advisor who will forward it to John Hobbs as our contact person. Schools included will be Neosho, Seneca, Diamond and McDonald County. We have had a wonderful response to this program.
A motion was made by Connie Rogers to adjourn the meeting, and it was seconded by Alan Drake. This passed unanimously with members stacking their chairs as they left the venue.
Lafayette County Cattlemen
Fall harvest is in full swing, but Lafayette County Cattlemen took time to promote beef at two recent events.
The annual Higginsville Country Fair on September 17 saw a full day of grilling 1/3 pound burgers, 1/4 pound all-beef hotdogs and everyone’s favorite ribeye steaks! The weather was beautiful and the crowd really turned out for shopping at vendor booths, browsing the art and tractor shows, and the annual parade. Historically our biggest fundraiser of the year, this year didn’t disappoint! New to the menu this year were beef sticks, and they were a great grab-and-go item!
It was another picture perfect fall day on October 7 for Wood & Huston Bank’s Tailgate at Higginsville for the Lafayette County C-1 Homecoming. LCCA kicked off the evening by feeding the team and cheerleader and then served 1/3 pound burgers and 1/4 pound all-beef hotdogs to the crowd prior to the game. Over 600 enjoyed the pre-game meal!
Plans are underway for the educational meeting series beginning Tuesday, November 29, at the Mayview Community Building at 7 pm. More details and full schedule will be available soon.
Barton County Cattlemen
The Barton County Cattlemen met on October 4, 2022, at the Show Me Ag Youth Academy Farm Open House in Lamar, Missouri.
The Academy is one of a kind. In just 18 months, an idea became reality. Students run a 169-acre cattle farm and 400-head feedlot, providing a unique education for youth in beef production. Tours were given of the facility and feedlot. Cameron Locke, DVM, Academy veterinarian, demonstrated the use of scanning equipment on four head of cattle. With the equipment, he showed how fat, marbling, ribeye and size of rib cage are estimated.
A delicious Wagyu brisket dinner prepared by Scott Nolting was served by the Academy students to the nearly 250 people attending the event.
Following the meal, Cody Garris, Academy board president, introduced Danny Little, developer of the concept and driving force of the Academy, and Tammy Bartholomew, executive director of the Academy. Next, Vicky Hartzler, United States Representative, and Ann Kelly, State Representative, each gave comments praising work of the academy.
MCA President Bruce Mershon spoke about the current state of the cattle industry in Missouri. He was happy to tell of a large packing plant now being built in Missouri and noted, with the increase in the number of small packing plants, the dependency on the few large plants will be reduced.
Our next Barton County Cattlemen’s Association meeting will be at the Theibaud Meeting Room, date to be announced. All cattlemen are welcome. Please see our Facebook page, Barton County Cattlemen, or with questions, contact President Brett Faubion.
St. Clair County Cattlemen
St. Clair County Cattlemen’s Association met on Tuesday, October 11, at Osceola School District in Osceola with 30 members and guests present. Mike Dobbs with University of Missouri Extension gave a report on the youth program in the county and building the 4-H program. They have started Health and Nutrition in the Classroom, and Soccer for Success has been good to create exercise.
Kevin Johansen with AgButler spoke to the Cattlemen on the labor shortage that everyone is experiencing. AgButler is a web-based platform with an app that assists in finding farm labor at no fee. AgButler is currently working with 23 junior colleges in the state that focus on ag. The purpose of this platform is to allow employers — farmers and ranchers — to connect with laborers that meet the criteria the employers are looking for. A fee does come into place once the employer starts to make connection with the laborer. Anyone wanting more information should contact Kevin Johansen at (573) 289-1061 or Thank you, Kevin Johansen with AgButler for speaking at our meeting! Thank you, Osceola FFA, for the delicious meal!
St. Clair County Cattlemen are working to sustain the Mo Beef Kids Program. Any person or business interested in donating, please contact Weston Shelby or Lawanna Salmon. Monetary donations are being taken to help the Cattlemen purchase cattle when no one has one ready to go at the scheduled time. Sale barns now have the capabilities to allow people to sell cattle at the sale barn and to make donations to the Mo Beef Kids Program. This will allow the program to get funds for the areas that don’t have cattle and be able to sustain programs in other counties. The following have already donated for the 2022-2023 school year: Mike and Gwenny Nance; Community First Bank; Gregg Smith Ford; Hawthorne Bank; Dull and Heany Law Office; Jim Falk Motors; Legacy Bank; Oakstar Bank; Philip and Carol Johnston; Weston and Julie Shelby; Susan Hemenway; Dan and Shelby Wisner; Eddie Meredith; and Larry and Rhonda Shelby.
Warren Love reported on the NRCS meeting on October 15 at Love Ranch. There were 30 people in attendance. St. Clair County Cattlemen cooked and served burgers at the field day. Thanks to Josh and Lawanna Salmon, Susan Salmon and Philip Johnston for coming and serving. Warren also reported that MCA Region 6 now has 912 members and is doing well. Warren reported the Missouri Cattle Industry Convention & Trade Show will be January 6-8, 2023.
St. Clair County Cattlemen plan to be at the County Trunk or Treats, so make sure you stop by and see them!
Our next meeting will be the Annual St. Clair County Cattlemen’s Meeting scheduled for November 4, 2022, at 6:30 p.m. at Top of the World Barn.
For More Information Call… David Patton Office Ross Patton Bill Patton 573-308-6655 573-422-3305 573-308-6657 573-308-6658
Visit our website: or E-mail us: “Make South Central your Livestock Market”
Polk County Cattlemen
We have a new queen! Jaka Sharp, daughter of Jody and Alisha Sharp, was named the 2022-2023 Polk County Beef Queen. Along with a crown, sash and busy schedule, Jaka will receive a $1,000 college scholarship. Jaka, a Missouri Junior Cattleman, is a senior at Halfway High School where she is the FFA Chapter President, as well as the Area X FFA 1st Vice President. Jaka is excited to take over the Beef Queen duties from our 2021-2022 Polk County Beef Queen, Madeline Payne, who is also the current Missouri Beef Queen. Jaka will be competing in the Missouri Beef Queen Contest in January. First Runner Up was Missouri Junior Cattleman Mary Grace Warden. Mary Grace is a senior at Bolivar High School and the daughter of Alex and Stacy Warden. As First Runner Up, Mary Grace will receive a $500 college scholarship.
On September 23, 2022, Polk County Cattlemen’s Association members Keith Stevens, Mark Stanek, and Howard Hardecke grilled hamburgers and hotdogs for over 150 students at Missouri State University Cattlemen’s Association Farm Safety and Health Day. With a goal of advocating the importance of farm safety to local students, speakers provided education and resources on mental health, pesticides, vaccines, grain bins, animal husbandry, and farm equipment safety.
On October 3, local business Polk County Title Company celebrated a milestone with a customer appreciation lunch featuring the Cattlemen’s ribeye steak sandwich and all-beef hotdog meals. Volunteers grilling and serving were Larry Lane, Steve Brockhoff, Mark Stanek, Beverly Stevens, Shannon Floyd, Marla Moreland and Bob Moreland.
Five members of the Polk County Cattlemen’s Association volunteered their time to work at the Cattlemen’s Beef House at the Ozarks Fall Farmfest on Friday, October 7. It was a gorgeous fall day, the fairgrounds were packed and the Beef House was busier than we had seen in the past. With a line out the door all day, Jody Wing, Howard Hardecke, Shannon Floyd, Marla Moreland, and Bob Moreland certainly got a workout and were happy to see volunteers from the MSU Collegiate Cattlemen’s Association show up to take over for the second shift.
The October monthly meeting was held at Smiths Restaurant with 62 members and guests in attendance. Guest speakers included Polk County Beef Queen/ Missouri Beef Queen, Madeline Payne and MCA President Bruce Mershon. The meeting was sponsored by Preferred Livestock Products with owner Michael Watkins and sales representative Shelby Skinner giving
an interesting and informative presentation on livestock protein and mineral supplements.
In lieu of our regular monthly meeting in November, we encourage our members to attend the Southwest Missouri Beef Conference and Trade Show on Thursday, November 10, 4:30-8:30 p.m. at the Sacred Heart Church in Bolivar. The conference is sponsored by the University of Missouri Extension Office.
Multiple Paths, Same Endpoint
Source: Matt Woolfolk, ASA Director of Performance ProgramsWhen you’re setting your destination into your Google Maps on a road trip, often you will be given multiple routes to get to the destination. Options include shortest travel time, least miles, or avoiding the toll roads and back roads. Even if you choose to ignore the guidance, it can be a helpful tool when heading to a new place. Much like directions to your destination, there are often several ways to land at the same end point when we are calculating selection indexes. To dive deeper into this subject matter, we’re going to make a U turn and go back to the basics of selection indexes to get a better grasp of the harder stuff later in the journey.
Selection indexes are essentially a complex algebraic equation with weights of importance placed on every EPD included in the index. These indexes are based on economic factors in certain production scenarios; the weightings of an EPD trait are not arbitrary. An index is usually expressed in a unit of dollars. Comparing two bulls for an index, the higher figure is projected to produce more revenue for the operation when he is used in a breeding scenario like the one the index is designed for. Situations that indexes are constructed for usually center around a commercial cow herd with a specific end point or marketing goal (replacement females, feeder steers, retained ownership, etc.). In a seedstock situation, these indexes find value in helping the genetic provider (YOU) produce cattle better suited for the commercial customers in those production scenarios.
American Shorthorn Association produces a trio of indexes for members to use in their breeding programs. The $Calving Ease index ($CEZ) is designed to identify genetics that excel in eliminating calving difficulty in heifers. Our $Feedlot index ($F) is constructed to help commercial producers find the bulls that will best work for their herds in a strictly terminal operation, focusing on growth and carcass quality. Finally, $British Maternal ($BMI) aims to identify the Shorthorns that are best suited for commercial breeders in a situation where they are retaining their own replacement females.
Much like developing a ration to feed your calves, there are multiple ways to get to the same outcome when using selection index technology in your program. While the ingredients may all be the same, the proportions and amounts can vary, all while still getting your cattle to the desired endpoint. I want to take the time to dive further into this concept, so below are some examples of how not all $BMI and $F are created equally. We’ll study how these bulls’ genetic profiles don’t necessarily look the same but can produce the same outcome from a revenue-generating perspective or index value.
$British Maternal
There are several ways to arrive at almost equal $BMI when you study these three sires. Bull A excels in calving ease, solid carcass, and high milk, while also being low enough growth to not be penalized for (likely) larger mature sized cows. Bull B’s value in a $BMI scenario is largely in siring calves that will bring the most value at weaning through his high growth genetics. And Bull C is a combination bull that has good growth data, high milk, and solid calving ease. Obviously, these bulls take three very different paths to the same destination. With a more complex index like $BMI, there’s going to be multiple paths to the same answer. Remember, while $BMI does focus on aiding the rancher that is keeping his own females, it does not abandon the steer mates to his heifers. That is why you see growth and carcass traits involved in $BMI. A bull’s peak value may be in making top-class daughters with minimal regard to her brothers, or he may sire good females while siring killer feeder calves. Both possibilities are viable options to generate similar financial returns to the operation.
This index is designed to focus on terminal marketing, so it’s logical that growth is a driver of $Feedlot. With Bull 1, you get good growth with above average carcass values, creating value all the way through. Bull 2 is unique that his high CED is a bonus to him (CED factors in because we must have live calves to get them to grow in the feed yard). Growth is good on that bull, and carcass is acceptable. The growth data on Bull 3 are his selling point, adding pounds (and dollars) to a carcass that may not necessarily excel for quality on the grid. For cattle to rank highly in the $Feedlot metric, higher growth EPDs are important. Being elite for growth and carcass isn’t necessary, but if your bull is weaker in one area, he better be stronger in the other to be a top end $F bull.
Our final chart (on the next page) brings all six bulls used in this article together to compare their $BMI and $F values. You’ll notice that the high $BMI bulls don’t all translate to high $F cattle, while the high $F cattle look like stronger $BMI cattle as well. That’s likely due to the growth component factored into $BMI for the steer mates.
One important takeaway from this exercise is the making selections based solely on a selection index can
be just as detrimental as making selections based on a single EPD. You may love Bull A’s $BMI, but if your customers have any market for selling or retaining feeder steers, he’s not a good option for fitting that niche. It’s still necessary to study the component traits of an index to make sure the bull you’re looking at is fine-tuned to meet your breeding goals.
While it’s easy to get lost on the trip to breeding better Shorthorns, indexes can be a good guiding post for you, if you take into account the component pieces involved to make sure you stay following the little blue line on the “Google Maps” in your operation.
Top Ten Rankings
Source: Matt Woolfolk, ASA Director of Performance ProgramsAs I was reading through another breed publication, I found an article highlighting the top ten sires for calves registered in that breed in 2021, and how they ranked as a group for an EPD profile. The author used the average of the ten bulls for various EPDs and where that average figure would rank in the breed on a percentile basis. I’m not one to steal a man’s ideas, but I am known to use them to guide my own inspiration. I conducted the same exercise for the top ten Shorthorn sires by number of registrations, but also added information from our friends and competitors in some other British breeds. If we don’t look at those we share a market with, it’s hard to know where we are and where to go.
Below you will find a table that compares the top ten sire for calves registered in the Angus, Hereford, and Shorthorn breeds. You will also find the ranking of each of those ten sires for various EPDs within their breed. Also included are the percentile ranking where the highest and lowest individuals in the breed’s top ten lands on their individual genetic merits. Angus and Hereford both have a maternal index ($Maternal in Angus and Baldy Maternal Index for AHA) and a terminal index ($Beef in Angus, $Certified Hereford Beef for Hereford) that while not mirror images of our $British Maternal or $Feedlot, they are good comparative tools that give an idea of where breeders are placing emphasis in their genetic selection.
What stands out to me in this exercise is that the heavily used Shorthorn bulls do not necessarily stand out from the breed population for their genetic merits. They are ranking lower across the board for their genetic predictors than the other British breeds’ top-used sires. In each of these EPD and index rankings, the average
percentile for the Shorthorns ranks third of the breeds being compared. While there are some individuals that do rank near the top of the Shorthorn breed in each category, there are also bulls who rank very poorly in the population that are siring a good number of calves. Outside of CED, the low-ranking Shorthorn for each trait is consistently in the very bottom of the breed population. There are certainly low-ranking Angus and Herefords being used heavily, but they do not seem to have bulls that are in the very bottom of the breed as often as we do.
I believe the EPDs of the top ten sires in each breed show a direction in which breeders are wanting to take their livestock. You realize that the Angus and Hereford cattle are looking for a bit more growth, and the black hided bulls are certainly headed in a more terminal direction (as indicated by their lower ranking for milk and maternal index and top of the chart for terminal index). The Herefords are also pushing for more terminal merit, but don’t appear to be taking it as far or straying away from their maternal roots. When you look at the Shorthorn figures, what trend do you see? Is there a direction that things appear to be going based on these figures? Balance and moderation seem to be the trend. Balance without going extreme in a bad direction is admirable, and Shorthorns seem to be on that path. However, it can be difficult to make improvements in our genetic offerings by staying in the middle of the road.
The averages of each of these ten bulls in any of the breeds is only a part of the story. In small samples like this, outliers can move the needle of the entire group in either direction. For each set of bulls and each EPD, I looked at how many of the ten fell below their breed average. In the Angus data, the most bulls they had below breed average for any EPD was two. Four of their top ten do not fall below average for any trait, and the most any bull comes up short on is three. On the Hereford side, three bulls fell below average
for Marbling, with all other traits being two bulls or less. Five Hereford bulls are above average for all our studied traits, and the most that any single bull has below breed average is three. For the Shorthorns, at least three bulls fall below average in every category on the chart. For WW, YW, Milk, Marb, and $BMI, at least five of the top ten most-used Shorthorn bulls are below breed average. One Shorthorn bull on the list is above average for all these EPDs, and every other sire is below average for at least two figures. Three of the bulls are below average on six EPDs. The overall average of the ten bulls is certainly nothing to slouch at but seeing this many sires below the average mark leads to believe there are some positive outliers in the group holding the average up to its current level.
Across the breeds, the top ten sires all make up similar percentages of the yearly calf crop in their registry, ranging from 7.0 to 8.7 percent of calves. Shorthorn falls in the middle, with the top ten bulls siring 7.5% of the calf crop, which is just over 1,100 calves in our registry. Where we are at a major disadvantage as a breed is sheer volume, as the other breeds in this exercise have 7 to 20 times the numbers of cows on inventory and calves being registered as we do. If we as Shorthorn enthusiasts want to see our breed’s genetic merits be competitive with the cattle we are directly selling against in the commercial bull market, we will need to
shift in the “popular” genetics and what bulls are given the opportunity to sire the large numbers of calves. There are some bulls on this top ten list that can rival Hereford and Angus genetics for traits that matter to the commercial bull buyers, while there are others that just don’t reach those marks. We will always need genetic diversity, but we need functional genetics now more than ever if we want to push forward and put a scare into the kings of the bull market. We’ve had sales in this breed this year that have the attention of seedstock folks outside of just our Shorthorn circle. As a breed, we must keep building on that momentum and make conscious decisions to move the breed forward.
Missouri Shorthorn Update
Source: Brett Naylor, Missouri Shorthorn Association PresidentLast March we hosted our 1st ever association sponsored online sale selling live lots, semen, embryo, and donation lots. The sale was a resounding success, with a live lot average of over $2700. Bred females themselves averaged over $5100 per lot. We also were able to raise over $10,000 for youth activities. Much of that money was donated to the Shorthorn Junior National Show held this past June in Kansas City.
Over 400 exhibitors and 1000 head of cattle from all across the country participated in the weeklong event. Many Missouri residents volunteered at the event, one that has received praise as being voted “Best of the Barn’s” most enjoyable show among cattle breeds.
Despite the current weather climate and feed situation purebred sales have been incredible across the country. Sale averages have been shattering previous records, including bull sales. Many bulls are finding homes in commercial operations across the country, and the programs are ecstatic with their performance. The American Shorthorn Association has reported increases
in total registrations and bull transfers for the past year showing the demand for the breed is strong.
On a local level we have seen our state membership grow to new levels. Current Missouri Shorthorn Association membership has doubled over previous years. We have launched a new website, moshorthorn. com, to aid in communication and marketing. Our Facebook page has a large following and we invite you to follow along!
“Over the past year, Shorthorn breeders in the state of Missouri and the Missouri Shorthorn Association have been on a roll.
Our youth program is one of a kind, and over 40 kids with their families participated in the national junior show in KC this summer. Total head exhibited at the Ozark Empire Fairs, Missouri State Fairs and national shows all increased over prior years.
The positivity for the breed is growing like we’ve never seen. Recently, the breed was represented with a booth and live cattle at the Ozark Fall Farmfest in Springfield, Missouri. Many people stopped, looked at the cattle, had a great conversation and walked away with strong interest in the breed.
Many studies have shown over the years that the breed exhibits superior yield grade and marbling characteristics compared to other breeds. Studies have also confirmed the breed exhibits superior fertility in comparisons to other breeds. When you combine these things the Shorthorn cow is unlike any other.
We all believe in the cattle, but it’s really about the people involved in the breed. As current President of the MSA I am constantly overwhelmed with the support from our current membership. We like to call ourselves, “the family friendly breed,” for a couple of reasons. The first being there is no other breed as docile as Shorthorns. Children start forming a strong bond with the calmness and charming nature of the cattle at a young age. We also consider ourselves the family breed because that’s what we are, a big family. We all are working towards the same goals. Our junior program is wonderful and one where your children can learn many skills, and make friends without constant competitiveness overshadowing the livestock showing experience.
We hold multiple events throughout the year and will be having our 2nd Annual “Missouri Shorthorn Online Sale” on March 28, 2023. We always invite you to reach out, look into the breed, and join our group. See what Shorthorns have to offer and become part of the family friendly breed. I promise you won’t be disappointed. Missouri is Shorthorn Country!”
Missouri Shorthorn Association Officers
Brett Naylor -President
Bill Betteridge – Vice President
John Hendrickson – Sec/Treasurer
Kyle Dameron – Junior Advisor
Rusty Merideth
Travis Sartin
David Gall
Jose Cruz
Janet Kier
Shorthorn Lassies Traditions
Source: Pam NaylorAlthough the Chicago International Livestock Show has long been a thing of the past, a tradition that began there back in 1956 still exists in the Shorthorn breed today. It was that year that the first Shorthorn Lassie Queen was crowned. Twelve young ladies from across the country vied for the title, and Ann Hertzler Bullock from Missouri was crowned. Throughout the years numerous young ladies from Missouri have been named as the national or alternate queen.
Officially organized in 1956 at the International, the National Shorthorn Lassie organization is the women’s auxiliary of the American Shorthorn Association.
The organization encourages the influence of Shorthorn breeding as well as arranges exhibits at national shows, presents awards, and publicizes the breed. The group
provides reception committees and conducts activities that pertain to the national queen contest and other promotional activities. Many states such as Missouri have an active Lassie group and help sponsor awards such as showmanship in the 4-H and FFA shows at the Missouri State Fair.
The answer to the Lassie’s unique costume lies in the Shorthorn breed’s heritage. Since Shorthorn beef cattle originated in the British Isles and many of the valuable beef improvements were made through cattle imported directly from Scotland, the national Scottish costume was selected as the official dress for the Lassies. The queen’s tartan is known as the Royal Stuart. The royal tartan is the official tartan for Britain’s Royal Family.
The kilt is officially described as a type of short, pleated petticoat worn in the Highlands of Scotland. The tartan is cloth itself, usually woolen, either checked or crossbarred with narrow bands of various colors.
The plaid is actually a garment worn like a shawl wrapped around the body and fastened at the left shoulder. It is worn by both men and women in Scotland in place of a cloak.
Lassie queens can be seen throughout the year at shows, sales, and other functions promoting the Shorthorn breed.
Missouri Livestock Symposium
Source: University of Missouri ExtensionKIRKSVILLE, MISSOURI – Beef producers will learn what opportunities and challenges are ahead at the 23rd annual Missouri Livestock Symposium on December 2 & 3 in Kirksville, Missouri, says Garry L. Mathes, committee chairman.
Zac Erwin, University of Missouri Extension Livestock Specialist and Symposium vice-chair says, “The beef speaker line-up this year is a great opportunity to hear from industry players that will provide a unique perspective on beef production and how they see the challenges that producers will face moving forward.” Erwin adds, “Industry dynamics are in a period of rapid change and producers need to make decisions now that will have long-lasting impacts.”
Dr. Andrew Griffith, Associate Producer, Agricultural and Resources Economics with the University of Tennessee, will speak about “Driving the Livestock Markets: Who is Steering and Who is Along for the Ride.”
Doug Ferguson, multigenerational Nebraska cattleman and contributing writer to BEEF Magazine will talk about “Marketing Fundamentals to Prosper.”
Trey Patterson
Dr. Trey Patterson, President and CEO of Padlock Ranch Company, speaks on “A Systems Approach to Managing Cow Herd Replacements.” Padlock Ranch Company, established in 1943 is a diversified cowcalf, farm and feedlot operation headquartered in Ranchester, Wyoming.
Erwin adds, “Not only are each of our notable beef speakers going to speak on some great topics, but we have built in two panel discussions to give our audience the opportunity to ask questions and really get engaged in the conversations this year.” Dr. Eric Bailey, MU Extension state beef specialist, will lead a panel discussion focusing on post-weaning production and opportunities. Dr. Jordan Thomas, MU Extension state cow-calf specialist, will lead a panel discussion on cow herd management and pre-weaning strategies to stay profitable.
The Missouri Livestock Symposium meets at Matthew Middle School, 1515 Cottage Grove in Kirksville, Missouri. The hours are 4 to 10 pm. on Friday, Dec. 2, and 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 3. The Missouri Livestock Symposium also has an agricultural trade show open during the two days.
In addition to sessions on beef, there will also be sessions on horses, sheep, market goats, forages, stock dogs, horticulture, and farm succession planning. Multiple tracks go at the same time throughout the day.
The program is free, with no advance registration. The Symposium also offers a free beef dinner, at 6 p.m. Friday and a free lunch on Saturday. Meals are sponsored by Missouri commodity groups. A volunteer symposium committee organizes the event.
The program is free in large part to our Platinum-level sponsors: University of Missouri Extension; Sullivan Auctioneers, LLC; Missouri Department of Agriculture; Missouri Sheep Merchandising Council; FCS Financial; KTVO Studios; and the Missouri Beef Industry Council.
More information along with additional program sponsors can be found on our website at www. Or ask at the Adair County MU Extension Center, (660) 665-9866, or Mathes at (660) 341-6625.
The Symposium draws visitors from across Missouri and nearby states. An equal opportunity/ADA institution.
Educational Opportunities Enhance Cattle Industry Convention Experience
Source: NCBACENTENNIAL, Colo. (Oct. 19, 2022) – Make plans to attend the 30th annual Cattlemen’s College, sponsored by Zoetis, which precedes the 2023 Cattle Industry Convention & NCBA Trade Show, Feb. 1-3, in New Orleans. This premier education experience draws more than 1,000 attendees every year, and includes two days of learning, idea sharing and networking.
Cattlemen’s College begins Tuesday, Jan. 31 with trending hot topics, the latest in grazing as well as live cattle handling demonstrations. The day’s activities conclude with an evening reception offering an opportunity for everyone to gather with friends and reconnect.
There are 18 sessions and six educational tracks to choose from on Wednesday including reproduction technology, herd health, practical nutrition management, better beef business, sustainable grazing and the latest in genetics. The event concludes with a keynote presentation from Ray Starling, executive advisor for Aimpoint Research.
Prior to joining the North Carolina Chamber of Commerce as general counsel, Starling served as the Chief of Staff to U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue where he coordinated execution of the Secretary’s policy agenda for the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Starling focused on regulatory and deregulatory initiatives and acted as a point of contact for stakeholders throughout agriculture and rural communities. He also served as a principal agriculture advisor to the President of the United States at the White House, chief of staff, lead agriculture advisor, and chief counsel for U.S. Senator Thom Tillis, and general counsel when Tillis was Speaker of the House in the North Carolina legislature.
Each year, the Cattlemen’s College agenda is developed based on feedback from producers, and their comments drive the program. One past attendee reflected that, “Cattlemen’s College was extremely informative, and I valued the information greatly. I also had a great time at the social events and was able to meet fellow cattle producers from across the country and share experiences.”
Cattlemen’s College sessions feature industry leaders tackling innovative topics. Attendees can look forward to hearing about advocacy in action from panelists Brandi Buzzard Frobrose, Debbie Lyons-Blythe and Carrie Mess; learning about the economic benefits of grazing from Myriah Johnson, PhD, Farm Credit Services; understanding cattle behavior with Dean Fish, PhD, and Lily Edwards-Callaway, PhD; experiencing the “Hundred Dollar Difference” with Dusty Abney, PhD, Cargill Animal Nutrition; and learning factors impacting commercial bull selection decisions from Troy Rowan, PhD, University of Tennessee.
With so much information presented, it is nearly impossible to experience all Cattlemen’s College has to offer in person. To make it easier to access content, all sessions will be recorded and available for registered attendees to watch at any time in the future. To register, select the Education Package, which offers the best value and combines admission to the convention and Cattlemen’s College. For more information, visit https://
Cattle producers attending Cattlemen’s College are eligible for reimbursement through the Rancher Resilience Grant. To apply for a grant to cover registration costs and two nights hotel, visit www.ncba. org/producers/rancher-resilience-grant.
August Pork Exports Trend Higher; Beef Exports Again Top $1 Billion
Source: USMEFAugust exports of U.S. pork topped year-ago totals for the first time in 2022, according to data released by USDA and compiled by the U.S. Meat Export Federation (USMEF). Beef exports were slightly above last August’s large volume and again topped $1 billion in value, reaching this milestone in seven out of eight months this year.
“We speak often about the importance of developing a wide range of markets for U.S. red meat, and the August export results are a great illustration of that,” said USMEF President and CEO Dan Halstrom. “Exports face significant headwinds in some key destinations, with weakened currencies topping the list. But the emphasis on broad-based growth really pays dividends in these situations, allowing the overall export picture to remain very positive. I also cannot say enough about the loyalty of our international customers, many of whom have diminished purchasing power but continue to show a strong preference for U.S. red meat.”
August export growth was driven by another strong performance in leading market Mexico, a continued rebound in exports to China/Hong Kong and year-overyear increases in South Korea, the Caribbean and the Philippines. For January through August, pork exports were 15% below last year at 1.72 million mt, valued at $4.9 billion (down 13%).
Widespread Growth, Led by China/Hong Kong, Middle East and ASEAN, Bolster August Beef Exports
August beef exports totaled 133,832 mt, up 1% yearover-year and the second largest volume on record – trailing only May 2022. Export value was just under $1.04 billion, slightly below the then-record total achieved in August 2021, which was the first time monthly exports topped the $1 billion mark.
Pork Exports Led
by Growth in Mexico, Korea, Strong Variety Meat Demand
Pork exports reached 226,293 metric tons (mt) in August, up slightly from a year ago and the largest since November 2021, while export value climbed 4% to $659.6 million. Pork variety meat exports were the third largest on record in August at nearly 53,000 mt.
August beef exports to China/Hong Kong were recordlarge and shipments to leading value market South Korea exceeded last year’s large volume. Exports also achieved robust growth in the Middle East, Canada and the ASEAN region, which included a new record for shipments to the Philippines.
For the first eight months of 2022, beef exports increased 5% from a year ago to 1.004 million mt, valued at $8.23 billion – a remarkable 24% above last year’s record pace.
August Exports of Lamb muscle Cuts Trend Lower
For the first time in 2022, exports of U.S. lamb muscle cuts were lower than a year ago at 125 mt, down 35%. Export value totaled $827,000, down just 4%. Through August, muscle cut exports increased 65% to 1,407 mt, valued at $8.54 million (up 68%). Led by the Dominican Republic, Netherlands Antilles and Bahamas, exports to the Caribbean more than doubled from a year ago to 720 mt (up 106%) and increased 88% in value to $5.2 million.
A detailed summary of the January-August export results for U.S. beef, pork and lamb, including marketspecific highlights, is available from the USMEF website.
USMEF to Honor Lighthizer, Saunders at Upcoming Conference
Source: USMEFAmbassador Robert Lighthizer, who headed the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative under the Trump administration, has been selected to receive the U.S. Meat Export Federation’s (USMEF) Michael J. Mansfield Award. USMEF established the award in recognition of the U.S. Senate majority leader and ambassador to Japan whose five decades of government service advanced U.S. trade relations throughout the world.
Leann Saunders, co-founder of Where Food Comes From, will receive the USMEF Distinguished Service Award. This award honors outstanding figures in the red meat industry who exemplify the exceptional, individual dedication responsible for the federation’s success. Both awards will be presented Nov. 10 at the USMEF Strategic Planning Conference in Oklahoma City.
“I’m truly honored to receive the Michael J. Mansfield Award,” Lighthizer said. “I’ve known some of the other recipients and they all did a great job for this country. We worked closely with USMEF through several negotiations and hopefully did a good job for the people USMEF represents. I’m grateful for the 20-hour days we get from our farmers and ranchers, and the reality is, when they are successful America is more successful.”
During his time at USTR, Lighthizer spearheaded key trade agreements that expanded opportunities for U.S. red meat. This included the Phase One Economic and Trade Agreement with China, which achieved
meaningful access for U.S. beef for the first time in the post-BSE era and lowered trade barriers for U.S. pork.
“In the case of China, President Trump took very strong actions to try to begin to rebalance that relationship,” Lighthizer said. “In the final analysis, farmers, ranchers and agribusiness hung in there with the president and we ended up with a really good deal. I think Phase One was a historic agreement for a lot of reasons, but certainly one of them was what it accomplished for the meat industry.”
Lighthizer also led negotiation of the U.S.-Japan Trade Agreement, which lowered tariffs for U.S. pork and beef and leveled the playing field in the highly competitive Japanese market – the highest value destination for U.S. red meat exports.
“When I spoke to people about the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), they told me it basically came down to increasing agricultural sales to Japan,” Lighthizer explained. “And that’s really what we did in the Japan agreement. We got almost all the benefits of TPP, but without having to pay the price in other sectors.”
Ratification of the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) was also a major achievement. While USMCA did not make major changes in North American meat trade, its passage calmed trade tensions with Mexico and Canada and preserved duty-free access for U.S. red meat in these critical export markets. Lighthizer also oversaw the effort to establish a U.S.specific allocation of the European Union’s duty-free beef quota, securing more reliable, year-round access for U.S. beef in the high-value EU market.
livestock identification and traceability systems. IMI Global, a division of Where Food Comes From, was instrumental in developing identification, traceability and verification systems that assisted the U.S. beef industry in meeting specific export requirements following the first U.S. case of BSE in 2003. Today the company’s programs enable ranchers, growers, feeders, packers and processors to meet specific export or private brand label requirements related to production practices.
Saunders previously worked for PM Beef Holdings, where she developed the first-ever USDA Process Verified Program for U.S. beef, and for McDonald’s Corporation and Hudson Foods Corporation. Her involvement with USMEF dates back to her time as a student at Colorado State University, where Saunders earned bachelor’s and master’s degrees and developed a powerful interest in the global growth potential for U.S. agricultural exports.
“USMEF holds a dear place in my heart, and has for a very long time,” she said. “As a student, I had some really great mentors in my undergraduate and graduate programs –people like Dr. Gary Smith and Dr. Tom Field who exposed me to the great work USMEF was doing and the support it provides to the beef, pork, lamb and grain industries.”
Appreciative of the guidance that helped her achieve a successful career in agriculture, Saunders makes it a priority to mentor young people and help foster the next generation of U.S. agricultural leaders. She currently serves on the board of directors for the University of Nebraska’s Engler Agribusiness Entrepreneurship Program and on the Dean’s Advisory Council for the Colorado State University College of Agricultural Sciences.
“I feel very strongly about giving back, the same way people gave up their time to help put me in a position to succeed,” Saunders said. “There is a lot of excitement about agriculture among young people today, and the international markets are especially intriguing for them. They can learn about what’s happening around the world in a way that supports U.S. agriculture and that supports those who work every day to feed the world in a sustainable manner.”
Lists of past recipients of the Michael J. Mansfield Award and the USMEF Distinguished Service Award are available from the USMEF website. More information on the USMEF Strategic Planning Conference is also available online.
Cattlemen Collaborate to Elevate the Industry’s Most-Favored Female
Source: Megan Underwood, RAAA Communications InternThe ballroom was filled with cattlemen collaborating to learn about innovating the industry’s most-favored female during the Commercial Cattlemen’s Symposium at the 69th annual National Red Angus Convention at the Hilton Garden Inn in Kalispell, Montana.
Jordan Thomas, Ph.D., assistant professor and state beef reproduction specialist in the Division of Animal Sciences at the University of Missouri, kicked-off the symposium with his keynote address titled, “The Building Blocks of a Profitable Commercial Cow: What Do Heifers Need to Do?”
Thomas began his address by defining the job description of replacement heifers. Thomas shared that heifers have to be structurally sound; in good health and of good disposition; have a low likelihood of calving difficulty by having an adequate pelvic area and bred to a calving ease bull; conceive early in their first breeding season; be of high genetic merit for profitable traits and have the desired visual phenotype and confirmation.
Thomas explained the “Red Choice” program launched by the Red Angus Association of America is not just a marketing program, it’s a program to elevate Red Angus females in future generations. The primary goal of the program is to take better-managed females and increase their retention in the herd of origin, where their extra value will be measured over time. Females eligible to sell as a Red Choice female provide buyers with confidence that she has been managed to the highest quality standards possible.
Pelvic area measurements are important in selecting replacement females however, they don’t control for everything. The service sire still matters, and producers need to remember there is always a bell-shaped curve to the collected data.
“Being honest about what contributes to whether a heifer breeds early or late is all about management, environment and randomness. It depends on the operation and how it fits into their management system,” explained Thomas.
The symposium highlighted a heifer-nutrition panel featuring Jeff Heidt, Ph.D., beef technical services lead and U.S. ruminant innovation lead with Micronutrients USA LLC, and Brian Fieser, Ph.D., nutrition support specialist for ADM Animal Nutrition, which discussed
and Cons of Low versus High Input.”
As genetic progress changes, the nutrition process also adjusts to feed the animals. According to the panel, many producers underfeed their animals to maximize their genetic potential, but they should be careful when they cut corners on nutritional inputs to avoid sacrificing future opportunities of cow productivity.
“Don’t get so consumed in minimizing the checks you write, that you minimize the checks you receive,” said Fieser.
Forage testing is crucial so producers know which nutrients are available and which ones to supplement. They should never cut an animal short on available protein, the most important nutrient. With drought conditions, it is important for producers to maximize on the created risk and advance their operation instead of setting themselves back as pregnancy rates tend to suffer two years after a drought.
Producers who plan to keep their drought heifer calves for themselves, should manage them differently than heifers sold as breeding stock by slowing the gain on their replacement heifers and pushing sale heifers harder. Bigger heifers bring more money than smaller heifers sold as replacements. They should avoid extremes but optimize their planned output.
“The quality of cattle replaced during drought sales are exponentially better and may be the result of such exponential genetic progress,” explained Fieser.
“The Importance of Good Heifer Nutrition” was the keynote address of John Hall, Ph.D., professor and Extension beef cattle specialist at the University of Idaho Nancy M. Cummings Research, Extension and Education Center, where he also serves as the station superintendent.
Hall explained that nutrition management in replacement females can be difficult and is not similar for every operation. Producers need to comprehend the effects of undernutrition at various gestation periods. Studies have shown that supplementing protein to cows grazing protein-deficient range altered pregnancy outcomes in heifer offspring. Strategic use of supplementation, weaning and specific nutrients are useful as first-calf heifers that delivered during the first 21 days remained in the herd longer than heifers who calved later.
“We have to be aware that the point we decide to raise heifers to in the pre-breeding period may have subsequent effects on future generations,” discussed Hall.
A heifer marketing panel provided opportunities to collaborate and innovate with Dave Patterson, Ph.D., chancellor’s professor in the Division of Animal Sciences at the University of Missouri, and producers John Maddux of Nebraska and John Price of Colorado.
The panel explained that programs like Red Choice add genetic improvement to operations that aren’t suited to develop their own heifers. Producers can develop a heifer of value that isn’t bred to calve at their ideal
time of year, but but might be a fit another producer, adding value to both operations. Heifers that breed in their first cycle will optimize their lifetime production by producing offspring that will be profitable in other operations.
“Having a sale with a large volume of females hasn’t required us to adjust our production system at all. The key point is we make sure the female leaving the ranch is pregnant and that adds a tremendous amount of value to her,” said Maddux.
To increase competitiveness in the global market, the panel recommended that producers adopt the concept of traceability by applying RFID tags. This management practice provides an opportunity to control animal disease but allows the traceability of animal data to improve genetics at an increased rate of time.
“We have used the Feeder Calf Certification Program since 2001. This is one of the most successful marketing programs from a breed association. Red Angus has been so great because they put so much focus on commercial cattlemen and don’t forget about us. We DNA test every calf to utilize the data to make our breeding decisions,” explained Price.
The panel expressed the importance of continuing to invest in developing females while much of the country is experiencing drought. This time of hardship can be used to capitalize on a strong market coming forward with time and rain.
“We have faith that the market will come. We have faith that there will be some really good times ahead and we will keep our inventory around to build as much volume as we can so we can take part in the better times ahead,” said Maddux.
The symposium concluded with the keynote address, “Genomic Technologies for Selection of Replacement Heifers,” from Jared Decker, Ph.D., Wurdack Chair in animal genomics and an associate professor in the University of Missouri Division of Animal Science, Genetics Area Program.
Accordig to Decker, performance data, contemporary group information and genetic similarity are the three essential pieces for accurate replacement heifer selection. Producers need to understand the definition of Expected Progency Differences - or EPDs. “Expected” refers to the future, average and mean; “progeny” focuses on the offspring; and “differences” implies comparison between animals.
“The most loaded word in this acronym is ‘expected.’ In an EPD, expected means the discussion of average or the mean. We’re predicting the average performance of the progeny of the animal. With an EPD, we are not trying to predict the performance of that animal, but instead the offspring of that animal. The difference allows the EPD to be compared to another animal or to the breed average,” explained Decker.
Genomic predictions of heifers provide additional information for ranking replacements, increase precision of genomics for re-ranking heifers and provide information equivalent to 10 to 20 progeny. Producers
need to test many more heifers than they plan to keep and must use the information to see the return on their investment. When testing a registered animal, breeders should use the association’s genomic prediction to produce GE-EPDs for the animal. Commercial straightbred cattle should be tested on a breed-specific test as it will outperform a multiple-breed test.
“When you DNA test your heifers, you now have the genomic profile for the rest of her life. The test results should be used as a keep-cull decision and will allow you to select bulls to account for her strengths and her weaknesses,” said Decker.
Decker also reminded attendees that when selecting replacement females, she is a candidate, not a replacement, until she is pregnant within a desired breeding season. Producers should select females for performance and genetic improvement; ones that are meeting performance metrics or are well positioned to do so in the future. Additionally, he said to select heifers to improve the genetic merit of the calf crop and herd.
The Commercial Cattlemen’s Symposium fueled the collaboration of producers through the discussion of industry innovations to elevate the industry’s mostfavored female. The discussion sparked ideas that producers can incorporate into their herds when developing replacement females and left attendees optimistic about the future of the beef industry. To learn more about how Red Angus breeders are elevating the industry, visit
The Red Angus Association of America serves the beef industry by enhancing and promoting the measurable advantages of Red Angus and Red Angus-influenced cattle. The RAAA provides commercial producers with objectively described cattle by implementing new technologies and utilizing scientifically sound principles that quantify traits of economic importance to beef producers in all segments of the beef industry. For more information, visit
Max & Peggy Lankford, Seneca, MO
Rick & Terry Lett, Mill Creek Pass, Noe, MO
Jerod & Amanda Lewis, Lewis Farms, Goodman, MO
Kyle Rogers, Rogers Farm, Anderson, MO
Travis Hall, Splitlog Farms, Goodman, MO
Thomas Walker, Anderson, MO
Kylie Begley, Palmyra, MO
Rachel Byers, Philadelphia, MO
Savannah Corey, Ewing, MO
Kadence Epley, Hannibal, MO
Jason Keilholz, Philadelphia, MO
Nataleigh Keim, Hannibal, MO
Sean Kindhart, Maywood, MO
Natalie Nick, Maywood, MO
Aly Noland, Hannibal, MO
Boyd Triplett, Palmyra, MO
Luke Triplett, Palmyra, MO
Aliyah Wagner, Philadelphia, MO
Cannon Wolfe, Philadelphia, MO
Brad Stout, Centertown, MO
Emma Burns, Syracuse, MO
Richard Aikins, Aikins Poultry, Stark City, MO
Trey & Michelle Baker, T&M Hog Farm, Goodman, MO
Patrick Ball, Neosho, MO
James Bard, Joplin, MO
William & LaMelia Beckett, B&B, Stella, MO
Black Rain Ordnance Inc, Neosho, MO
Tim Clark, Goodman, MO
Bob Haskins, Pierce City, MO
Fred Heilig, Pierce City, MO
David Howard, Seneca, MO
Matt Major, Neosho, MO
Rebecca Todd, WT Cattle Company LLC, Joplin, MO
Zoey Todd, Joplin, MO
James Schulte, Schulte Brothers Cattle, Meta, MO
Tom Huber, Perryville, MO
Kaylee Arnold, Rolla, MO
Chad Earwood, Platte City, MO
Chase Boggs, River Circle Ranch, Bolivar, MO
Austin Brakebill, Pleasant Hope, MO
Chantelle Hammers, Buffalo, MO
Levi Hobson, Pleasant Hope, MO
Jaylin Miner, Pleasant Hope, MO
Macon Orbin, Pleasant Hope, MO
Michael Roberts, Bolivar, MO
Clara Smith, Pleasant Hope, MO
Mary Uder, Bolivar, MO
Sophie Albright, New London, MO
Caylee Cox, New London, MO
Kathryn Kottman, Armstrong, MO
Samantha Burke, St. Charles, MO
Roman Ray, Ray Farms Cattle Co., Shell Knob, MO
Aubrey Cologna, Rolling Hills Farms LLC, Marshfield, MO
John Cologna, Rolling Hills Farms LLC, Marshfield, MO
Kayden Cologna, Rolling Hills Farm LLC, Marshfield, MO
Kaylee Cologna, Rolling Hills Farms LLC, Marshfield, MO
Logan Cologna, Rolling Hills Farms LLC, Marshfield, MO
Ray Kaderly, K5 Cattle Co., Fair Grove, MO
Wendy Eckman, Wolverine, MI
Mark Guffey, Guffey Livestock Salem, AR
Gabrielle Hill, Last Leg Ranch LLC, Berryville, AR
Kayla Bennett, Marshfield, MO
Bridget Burky, Billings, MO
Brianna Rotramel, Ozark, MO
Sara Bowman, Advance, MO
Hollie Bryant, Bonne Terre, MO
Abigail Dahmer, Jonesboro, IL
Haden Dow, Cape Girardeau, MO
Faith East, Cape Girardeau, MO
Libby Ezzell, Whitewater, MO
John Gricoshop, Cape Girardeau, MO
Hannah Jones, Puxico, MO
Jacob Kapp, Perryville, MO
Mylee Schilling, Perryville, MO
Allison Smart, Cape Girardeau, MO
Brie Zuebkemann, Red Bud, IL
Zachary Elliott, Maryville, MO
Ashlyn Vorthmann, Maryville, MO
Always on the Job
“You are not your job.” Do you know how many times we’ve been told this? Too many times to count. While the sentiment is a nice one, it doesn’t apply to us. We are our jobs. We are our business. We are our clients. Much like many of you are yours – your farms, your families, your businesses.
Farmers and small business owners understand this more than most. Many of you approach your job just as we do ours. No matter where we go or what we do, we carry the job with us. We think about it. We embody it. We are it.
We were recently asked why we leaned into special session the way we did. Why did we work the agriculture tax credit bill as hard in the House? At first, we found the question absurd. Though, the more I thought about it, the more intriguing I found the question.
The obvious answer is we are paid to engage. Our mere professional existence is predicated on providing a service – a service that isn’t rewarded for losing. A less obvious answer is we are naturally competitive. We don’t like to lose at anything. The notion of losing an agriculture bill on the House floor was something that neither of us could comprehend.
Though, the real answer is that we engaged the way we did because it is who we are. It is our job to do so, and we are our job. That notion started me thinking. Why is this the case for some but not all? Why can others turn off their work with no worry or guilt?
As a farmer-legislator in committee recently said, “I clocked into work at the age of four and never clocked out.” That statement resonated with Cooper and me. How true is that for so many farmers and farm kids?!
Perhaps that’s how we got here – putting everything we are into our business. Maybe I do that because it’s all I’ve ever really known. Like my legislator friend, I clocked into my family farm at a young age and was working at Mizzou before I got to clock out.
I was raised watching my parents do the same thing. They were farmers. They are farmers still. Their farm is so much of who they are as people. There aren’t days off, sick time or paid vacation. They are their farm. Their farm is them.
I was recently told I need to work on my overall happiness and balance. It’s a fair critique. It’s not as though I’ve been hiding under a rock. I’ve heard of “work-life balance.” It’s simply a foreign concept to me. While I appreciate the notion of it, I think my Ford Fusion is more likely to morph into a Pegasus than I am to master any form of it.
While I assess whether any form of balance will find its way into my world, Cooper and I will appreciate all of you who clocked into your farms and have yet to clock out.
Our thanks, Nancy and Cooper
Gardiner Angus Ranch Bull Sale
9.26.2022 • Ashland, KS
83 Older Bulls ............................................... Avg. $8,232
187 Yrlg.Bulls ................................................ Avg. $6,588
370 Total Registered Bulls Avg. $7,401 57 Bred Heifers Avg. $8,982
19 Bred Cows Avg. $5,631
76 Total Registered Females Avg. $8,144
446 Total Registered Live Lots Avg. $7,528
634 Commercial Bred Heifers (head) Avg. $2,207
98 Commercial Bred Cows (head) ................ Avg. $2,516 1178 Reported Sale Total ............................. Avg. $4,247
Soaring Eagle of the Ozarks Fall Bull Sale 10.01.2022 • Springfield, MO
48 Total Registered Bulls Avg. $4,302 28 Commercial Bred Heifers (head) Avg. $2,142
J&N Ranch’s Fall Black Hereford Sale 10.7.2022 • Leavenworth, KS
14 Black Hereford Bulls Avg. $4,321
58 Black Hereford Females ........................... Avg. $3,444
Smith Valley Angus Sale 10.7.2022 • Salem, MO
42 Females ..................................................... Avg. $6,155 42 Bulls Avg. $4,157
Valley Oaks Angus Sale 10.12.2022 • Chilhowee, MO
52 Total Registered Bulls Avg. $3,760
25 Commercial Bred Heifers Avg. $2,340
Fink Beef Genetics 36th Fall Bull Sale 10.15.2022 • Randolph, KS
115 Bulls ........................................................ Avg. $5,745
Not reported in above average: 26 Charolais x Red Angus Bulls Avg. $6,420
70 Angus Bulls Avg. $6,971
Total Sale Gross: $1,315,575
Heart of the Ozarks Angus Sale 10.15.2022 • West Plains, MO
21 Total Registered Bulls.............................. Avg. $3,042.
25 Total Registered Females.......................... Avg. $2,152
Frank/Hazelrigg Angus Sale 10.16.2022 • Fulton, MO 73 Total Registered Bulls............................... Avg. $4,365 40 Total Registered Females.......................... Avg. $4,020 6 Pregnancies Avg. $7,250 119 Reported Sale Total Avg. $4,394
Hinkle’s Prime Cut Angus Sale 10.17.2022 • Nevada, MO 32 Older Bulls Avg. $7,054 38 Yrlg.Bulls .................................................. Avg. $9,743 70 Total Registered Bulls............................... Avg. $8,514 19 Total Registered Females........................ Avg. $10,631 20 Commercial Bred Heifers (head) ............. Avg. $1,850 89 Reported Sale Total ................................. Avg. $8,966
New Day Beef Genetics Fall Bull Sale 10.22.2022 • Salem, MO 93 SimAngus and Simmental Bulls Avg. $4,122
Mead Farms Sale 10.22.2022 • Versailles, MO 161 Total Registered Bulls............................. Avg. $4,510 72 Bred Heifers ............................................. Avg. $2,815 42 Bred Cows ................................................ Avg. $2,457 24 Fall Pairs ................................................... Avg. $4,979 138 Total Registered Females Avg. $3,082 269 Reported Sale Total Avg. $4,031
Nov. 2-3 M issouri Forage Grassland & Council Heart of America Grazing Conference, Springfield, MO
Nov. 4 Meyer Cattle Co. Fall Sale, Bowling Green, MO
Nov. 4 Downey Ranch & Kniebel Cattle Co Sale, Manhattan, KS
Nov. 4-5 G enePlus Brangus Sale at Chimney Rock, Concord, AR
Nov. 5 Seedstock Plus Red Reward Fall Edition Bull & Female Sale, Oseola, MO
Nov. 5 Fall Harvest Simmental Sale, Springfield, MO
Nov. 5 Wright Charolais 11th Annual Female Sale, Kearney, MO
Nov. 5 Henke Angus Farms Sale, Salisbury, MO
Nov. 5 Worthington Angus Bull & Commercial Female Sale, Dadeville, MO
Nov. 5 A ndras Stock Farm Red Angus Female Sale, Manchester, IL
Nov. 5 Red Tie Event, Hale, MO Nov. 5 B/F Cattle Co. Sale, Butler, MO Nov. 5 Moriando & MM Cattle Co. Sale, Mt. Vernon, MO Nov. 12 Valley Oaks Fall Female Sale, Oak Grove, MO
Nov. 12 Gibbs Farms Female Sale, Ranburne, AL Nov. 12 T homas Farms Production Sale, Damascus, AR Nov. 18 North Missouri Show-Me-Select Replacement Heifer Sale, Kirksville, MO Nov. 18 Southwest Missouri Show-Me-Select Replacement Heifer Sale, Carthage, MO Nov. 18-19 Cavender-Draggin’ M Fall Production Sale, Jacksonville, TX Nov. 19 Sydenstricker Genetics Sale, Mexico, MO Nov. 19 Heart of Missouri Limousin Sale, L ebanon, MO Nov. 19 Dalebanks Angus Sale, Eureka, KS
MBC Classified
The MBC Classified column appears monthly Classified advertising is only 50¢ a word. Send your check with your ad to Missouri Beef Cattleman, 2306 Bluff Creek Drive, #100, Columbia, Mo 65201. Deadline 15th of month before an issue.
BLACK SIMMENTAL BULLS SINCE 1993: Calving Ease, Attractive, Athletic, Sound Footed and Docile. We Deliver. Mike Williams, Higginsville, 816-797-5450
Nov. 19 West Central Missouri Show-Me-Select Replacement Heifer Sale, K ingsville, MO
Nov. 21 Green Springs Bull Test Sale Featuring Ga rton Angus Ranch Females, Nevada, MO Nov. 26 Ga laxy Beef Female Sale, Macon, MO Dec. 1 SydGen Influence Commercial Female Bred Heifer Sale, Kingdom City, MO Dec. 2 Southeast Missouri Show-Me-Select Replacement Heifer Sale, Fruitland, MO Dec. 3 R idder Farms Family Values Female Sale, Mature Cow Dispersal, and Bull Sale, Hermann, MO Dec. 4 M issouri Opportunity Hereford Sale, Sedalia, MO Dec. 9 Eastern Missouri Show-Me-Select Replacement Heifer Sale, Farmington, MO Dec. 10 Northeast Missouri Show-Me-Select Replacement Heifer Sale, Palmyra, MO Dec. 10 W heeler Angus Annual Production Sale, Paris, MO Dec. 17 Bradley Cattle Bred Heifer Sale, Springfield, MO
Advertiser Index
American Angus Association ................................ 59
American Shorthorn Association 42-43
Buffalo Livestock Market ...................................... 62
Busch Cattle Co. ................................................... 33
Callaway Livestock Center Inc. 79
Champion Feeders ................................................ 27
Circulation Statement 81
Classified ............................................................... 81
Clearwater Farm ................................................... 33
Coon Angus Ranch 33
Crestmead Farm/Merideth Ranch ........................ 41
Dalebanks Sale Ad ................................................ 63
Ertell Cattle Company Sale 36
F&T Livestock Market .......................................... 30
Frank and Hazelrigg Angus 33
Friday - Cartoon ................................................... 80
Galaxy Beef LLC .................................................. 33
Galaxy Beef Sale 23
Gerloff Farms ........................................................ 33
Green’s Welding & Sales 35
Hinkle’s Prime Cut Angus .................................... 33
HydraBed .............................................................. 32
J.D. Bellis Family Herefords 60
Jim’s Motors .......................................................... 47
Joplin Regional Stockyards 84
Kingsville Livestock Auction................................. 46
Kranjec Valley Angus Farma ................................ 33 Marshall & Fenner Farms 33
MCA - Liability Signs ........................................... 78
MCA - Membership Form 77
MCA - Policy Survey ....................................... 73-74
MCA - Presidents Council .................................... 75
MCA - Profitability Challenge 67-68
MCA - Top Hand ................................................. 70 MCA Convention 19-23 McBee Cattle Co................................................... 16 Mead Farms .......................................................... 33 Merck Animal Health 83 MFA ....................................................................... 3
Missouri Angus Association .................................. 33
Missouri Angus Breeders 33 Missouri Beef Cattleman magazine ...................... 71 Missouri Beef Industry Council 17
MJCA Replacement Heifer Show & Sale 2023 ..... 69 MLS Tubs ............................................................. 55
MultiMin USA 29
Northeast Missouri SMS Sale ............................... 51
Parkhurst Mfg. 58
Pellet Technology USA ......................................... 45
Premier Genetics ..................................................... 9
Ridder Farms 39
Sampson Cattle Co. .............................................. 33
Sellers Feedlot 62
Show-Me-Select Sale Credit Program ................. 52
Show-Me-Select Sales ........................................... 57
South Central Regional Stockyards 37
Southeast Missouri SMS Sale ............................... 50
Southwest SMS Sale 51
Superior Steel Sales ............................................... 65
Sydenstricker Genetics .......................................... 33
Sydenstricker Genetics Sale 2
Touchstone Energy ................................................ 49
Valley Oaks Angus ................................................ 33
Valley Oaks Angus/Valley Oaks Meats 15
Vitalix.................................................................... 53
Weiker Angus Ranch 33
West Central SMS Sale ......................................... 50
Westway Feed Products ......................................... 13
Wheeler Angus Sale 61
Wheeler Auctions & Real Estate ........................... 34
Wheeler Livestock Market 48
Mike Williams ....................................................... 34
Zeitlow - Ritchie Waterers..................................... 66