April 2022 - Missouri Beef Cattleman

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April 2022


Beat the Heat

Preventing and Minimizing the Effects of Warm Weather on Cattle

Succession Plans Create Success in Multigenerational Farms

MEMBER NEWS 6 Association Update 18 Beef Checkoff News 36 County News

APRIL 2022

Leaving a Lasting Legacy



Leaving a Lasting Legacy

Beat the Heat



MCA President’s Perspective Real Problems Need Real Solutions


CattleWomen’s Corner


Straight Talk: Mike Deering


Regional Range Report


What’s Cooking at the Beef House


Capitol Update

Warmer Days

Hoping for the Best is Unacceptable

Feral Hogs - Still a Problem

Celebrating 40 Years

Thanks to These Women

The Missouri Beef Cattleman is an official publication of the Missouri Cattlemen’s Association.




Volume 51 - Issue 4 (USPS 890-240 • ISSN 0192-3056) Magazine Publishing Office 2306 Bluff Creek Drive, #100, Columbia, MO 65201 Phone: 573-499-9162 • Fax: 573-499-9167 Andy Atzenweiler: Editor/Production/Ad Sales P.O. Box 480977 • Kansas City, Missouri 64148 816-210-7713 • E-mail: mobeef@sbcglobal.net

Missouri Cattlemen’s Association MCA Website: www.mocattle.com

Mike Deering • Executive Vice President - Ext 230 Mike@mocattle.com Sydney Thummel • Manager of Membership - Ext 231 Sydney@mocattle.com Macey Hurst •MBC Editor/Production Artist Macey@mocattle.com Lisa Stockhorst, Administrative Assistant – Ext 234 Lisa@mocattle.com

Missouri’s Cattlemen Foundation www.mocattlemenfoundation.org

Missouri’s CattleWomen


New MCA Members






Limousin News


Obit.: Doyle Vern Hendrickson


Obit.: Larry Atzenweiler


Advertisers Index

2022 MCA Officers

Bruce Mershon, President 816-289-3765 • 31107 Lake City Buckner Rd., Buckner, MO 64016 David Dick, President-Elect 660-826-0031 • 23529 Anderson School Rd., Sedalia, MO 65301 Chuck Miller, Vice President 573-881-3589 • 393 Spring Garden Road, Olean, MO 65064 Marvin Dieckman, Treasurer 660-596-4163 • 28998 Hwy JJ, Cole Camp, MO 65325 Charlie Besher, Secretary 573-866-2846 • RR 5, Box 2402, Patton, MO 63662

2022 MCA Regional Vice Presidents

Region 1: Region 2: Region 3: Region 4: Region 5: Region 6: Region 7:

Joe Lolli, 30019 Klondike Pl Macon, MO 63552 660-346-9711 Anita Vanderwert, 4902 Cochero Ct., Columbia, MO 65203 • 573-808-3000 Jeff Reed, PO Box 35 Williamsville, MO 63967 • 903-279-8360 Deb Thummel, 12601 Hwy. 46 Sheridan, MO 64486 • 660-541-2606 Alex Haun, 1031 SW 600 Rd Holden, MO 64040 • 816-345-0005 Warren Love, 8381 NE Hwy ZZ Osceola, MO 64776 • 417-830-1950 Josh Worthington, P.O. Box 246 Dadeville, MO 65635 • 417-844-2601

APRIL 2022

Missouri Beef Cattleman, (USPS 890-240 • ISSN 0192-3056) is published monthly (12 times a year) and is the official publication of the Missouri Cattlemen’s Association, 2306 Bluff Creek Drive, #100, Columbia, Missouri, 65201. PERIODICALS postage paid at Columbia, Missouri and additional mailing offices. Subscription price is included as a part of the minimum membership dues of $70.00 per year in Missouri Cattlemen’s Association. Postmaster: Send address changes to: Missouri Beef Cattleman, P.O. Box 480977, Kansas City, Missouri 64148




APRIL 2022

Kip Smith Auction & Land Co., Lockwood, MO Todd Aufdenberg, Jackson, MO Greg Baumann, Baumann Family Farms Inc., Savannah, MO Cooper Beaver, Neosho, MO Jonathan Borges, Marshall, MO Bo Brown, Purdin, MO Clara Cambers, Backwoods Belted Galloway, Deepwater, MO Doug & Dena Cambers, Deepwater, MO Dave Clarkson, Laclede, MO Larry Crutsinger, Crutsinger Hereford Farm, Whitewater, MO Morgan Crutsinger, Whitewater, MO Erin Dry, Midwest Ag Supply, Carthage, MO Tucker & Jessica Dunaway, Tumblin T Ranch, Carthage, MO Alex Engeman, Montrose, MO Chris & Bonnie Francka, Bolivar, MO Gary Freeman, Jefferson City, MO Robbie Haneline, Haneline Farms, Licking, MO Charles & Andrea Harris, Harris Farms, Taneyville, MO Seth Herrold, Herrold Farms, Gilman City, MO Landyn Hulett, La Plata, MO Chris Huth, Huth Farms, Bunceton, MO Marilynn Teague, Jimmie Chastain, Pickle Creek Beefmasters-Chastain Ranch, Dunnegan, MO Kenneth Jones, Clarksburg, MO Sarah Kenyon, West Plains, MO Eric Kraus, The Missouri Bank, Sedalia, MO

Bruce & Jan Lyon, Anderson, MO Mike Meier, Meier Farms, Monett, MO Roscoe Miller, USAA, Mt. Vernon, MO Jason & Christy Otter, Lonestar Ranch, Thayer, MO Robert Pope, Pope Farms, Jasper, MO Roy Raithel, Russellville, MO Kassie Rameaka, Carthage, MO Michael Schieffer, Troy, MO Tim Schnakenberg, Billings, MO Misty Schroeder, Moreau Meat Market, Jefferson City, MO Terry and Erica Schwoeppe, Schwoeppe Farms, Labadie, MO Ryan & Mandi Seela, Seela Farms, Jasper, MO Lacie Sharp, Moberly, MO Grace Simmons, Boonville, MO Grant Simmons, Boonville, MO Lacy Smithson, La Plata, MO Wyatt Smithson, La Plata, MO Zane Smithson, La Plata, MO Courtney Sparks, St. Catharine, MO Jeff & Kristy Sparks, Brookfield Veterinary Clinic, St. Catharine, MO Kelsey Sparks, St. Catharine, MO Steve Stamate, Ash Grove, MO Bruce & Nancy Twenter, Pilot Grove, MO Dillon Versemann, Versemann Angus Farm, Jackson, MO Kent Wamsley, Hatfield, MO See the MCA Membership Form on page 85.

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with Bruce Mershon Real Problems Need Real Solutions April means green grass in Southern Missouri, and by the end of the month, greener pastures in Northern Missouri, too. Spring is the season of opportunity. Yet, experiencing our fifth “black swan” event in the industry, many cattle producers wonder how they are going to survive. We have all the ingredients for a strong and prosperous market: historic demand both at home and abroad, a rocksolid product, and greater efficiency than ever before. And yet, we can’t decide how to address our industry issues. Is it packaging, pricing, product or all of the above? It reminds me of Major League Baseball’s recent lockout. Millionaires arguing with billionaires was probably not on your radar as you were busy feeding cows all winter. An ESPN announcer said MLB could move to a seven-inning game to shorten games, hoping to attract a younger audience. What? It’s not the number of innings, it’s the lack of action in each inning that leads to channel surfing. MLB isn’t fixing the product. Instead, they are changing the packaging. Are we doing the same thing in our industry? For example, some believe that changing or adding a label to the package of beef will bring more profitability. Consider this: we have the best beef demand in 40 years because it’s the best product ever produced. Last year alone, beef exports were up 17% over 2020 and 9% higher than 2018, which was the previous record. Labels didn’t drive the demand. A quality product drove that demand. Even with record-setting demand, cattle producers currently receive the smallest percentage of the retail dollar in recent history. There are several reasons why this is happening. First, we’ve become very efficient at harvesting more cattle. Today, U.S. farmers and ranchers produce the same amount of beef as we did in the mid-1970s with one-third fewer cows. Second, there is not enough capacity at packing houses to handle the

MCA President supply. Finally, a lack of price discovery and transparency exists between the feedlot and the four major packers. MCA can’t directly influence supply and demand or increase slaughter capacity. But we are addressing price discovery and transparency. As I’ve mentioned before, U.S. Representatives Vicky Hartzler and Emanuel Cleaver are co-sponsoring the Cattle Transparency and Price Discovery Act. Your MCA policy supports this legislation with the goal to create a more open and transparent price structure. Unlike labeling, we believe that greater price discovery will have a bigger impact on producers’ bottom-lines. MCA needs your help to push this legislation through Congress, and its passage would be a homerun for the industry. Finally, we can still influence product quality. Spring is bull sale season. Next year, consider the carcass merit of your bull purchase. In the last 20 years, beef harvested has moved from 2% Prime to almost 10% Prime. At the same time, the premium paid for Prime over Choice is the highest ever. We are experiencing more Prime beef produced with increased premiums paid. That doesn’t happen in most economic models. Can we survive – even thrive – in 2022? Absolutely! As the saying goes: “A farmer has to be an optimist, or he wouldn’t still be a farmer.” If we work together and apply a little of this optimism, I believe we will succeed.


APRIL 2022



with Mike Deering Hoping for the Best is Unacceptable “From time to time,” some folks get frustrated about MCA’s involvement in elections. I get it. I fully get it. However, I cannot stress enough the importance of MCA and other agricultural organizations engaging in this process. You can absolutely rest assured that those groups who want to put you out of business are fully engaged in elections in this state and throughout the country. We must work to elect leaders who understand and value agriculture. This association has a robust process when it comes to candidate endorsements. Candidates are vetted thoroughly, and the process is as grassroots as it gets. The Policy and Legislative Affairs Committee reviews each election carefully, reviewing voting records, policy platforms, social media engagement and more. In many elections, the committee also conducts interviews. The committee then sends recommendations to the full Board of Directors, and it must be ratified by no less than 80% of the board. It isn’t an easy hurdle. There are most certainly times when MCA endorses a candidate that you don’t personally support. It happens. It is okay. When it comes to MCA endorsements, the committee and the board are looking at issues related to the cattle industry, agriculture as a whole and rural Missouri. They are using the MCA policy book as their guide. When you and your family make decisions on how to vote, you are most likely looking at a lot of issues important to you and you aren’t focused solely on agriculture. Our association is laser focused on electing candidates who will be advocates and fighters for farm and ranch families and we stay in our lane when it comes to policy positions. While the process is robust, it is also flexible. Any member of the Board of Directors representing MCA county affiliates throughout the state can object to a recommendation or move to endorse someone who wasn’t recommended. They can also opt to endorse someone early

Executive Vice President before the process has event started. That was the case when a member moved to endorse Lieutenant Governor Mike Kehoe in his 2024 gubernatorial bid, and it passed the full board unanimously. This is rare, but it can happen, especially when someone is running whom our members truly believe in. Alongside endorsements is our MCA Political Action Committee. This is our money, regulated by the Missouri Ethics Commission, that we can use to throw financial support behind candidates who will work hard to pass meaningful agricultural policy and vehemently oppose anything that stifles property rights or our ability to farm and ranch. We encourage members to invest in our PAC to help ensure we have fighters for agriculture in office. One of the best ways to do that is to attend the 19th Annual Cattlemen’s Steak Fry on June 11 in Sedalia. As we gear up for the 2022 election cycle, I felt it necessary to explain our process and how it works in case any member is unfamiliar or wants to engage in the process. Every election cycle, we receive a question or two about the process, and it is my responsibility as your executive to ensure we make that information available to all members. While it is more than normal to be annoyed with the election process, I cannot fully explain with words how important our involvement truly is for the future of this industry. Hoping for the best is unacceptable and will have short term and long-term ramifications.

APRIL 2022


Regional Range Report by Jeff Reed, MCA Region 3 Vice-President Feral Hogs - Still a Problem Serving as the Region 3 Vice President in Southeast Missouri, there is one issue that continues to stay at the forefront of producers’ concerns: feral hogs/swine. The damage caused by these creatures to production agriculture is humbling. 2012 is the year that stands out when talking with individuals in our region regarding when we began noticing an abundant number of feral hogs. The occasional feral hog had been around in the past, but this was a sudden and dramatic increase unseen in the 100 years of our operation. Our farm lies along the Black River in Wayne County, and Black River in Wayne county and our operation consists of cow/calf, backgrounding, timber and row crop. Additionally, we are surrounded by some state, but mostly federal, ground. We have been called an ideal habitat for feral swine with sloughs, river frontage and an abundant food source. January 2020, Missouri Cattlemen’s Association updated feral hog policy and adopted policy on the use of thermal imaging devices in regard to feral hogs. At this time, the Missouri Department of Conservation was requiring conservation officer approval and written landowner consent when utilizing thermal imaging on any leased ground.

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House Bill 1292 was introduced to allow landowners or landowner agents to utilize thermal imaging devices. I traveled to the Capitol to testify in support of this bill on behalf of MCA. This bill was eventually sidelined with an agreement for MDC to adjust current law to permit the use of thermal imaging by landowners and their agents, which became legal in November 2020.


The next piece of legislation to dramatically affect the feral swine issue was was originally brought forward by Senator Don Rone. His bill would make it a felony to release feral hogs in the state of Missouri and clear up some verbiage that was hindering some federal funding mechanisms. I again traveled to the Capitol to testify with both the House and Senate in support of tightening the penalties for releasing feral hogs. This

bill was included within an omnibus bill and passed with Governor Parson signing House Bill 369 into law in July 2021. Since the signing to March 1, 2022, there have been a total of five feral hogs killed on our farm. Specifically from March 1, 2020-March 1, 2021, there were there were 252 feral hogs removed from our farm. For the county of Wayne, that number was 1,626. From March 1, 2021-March 1,2022, there have been 43 feral hogs removed from our farm and 584 from Wayne County. As mentioned previously, since Governor Parson signed into law harsher consequences for releasing feral hogs and up until March 1, 2022, we have removed just five feral hogs. Unfortunately, there are those who continue to attempt to derail the success that has been seen by the methods utilized by MDC, USDA APHIS, landowners and cooperating organizations, but as you see from our continued work with these organizations, the numbers and damages are declining. I would be remiss if I did not mention the dedication and efforts of the eradication specialists who, day in and day out, help landowners, despite being harassed and criticized at every corner by the naysayers. If there is anyone who deserves accolades, it is these people who continue their work to remove as many feral hogs as possible from Missouri’s landscape to truly help agricultural producers. Through Missouri Cattlemen’s Association we have been able to lobby for common sense legislation when it comes to the feral hog issue and we are beginning to see some great results in our region. The involvement of Missouri Cattlemen’s in the feral hog story is a true testament to the grass roots organization and an example of the great things that can be accomplished when like-minded producers align and address an issue.

APRIL 2022


What’s Cookin’ at the

Missouri Beef House By Beef House Team

Celebrating 40 Years This year marks our Missouri Beef House 40th Anniversary since we opened the doors to fairgoers during the Missouri State Fair in Sedalia, MO. A visionary group of leaders in our grassroots association saw an opportunity for us to showcase beef during our state’s largest agriculture expo. Our restaurant would provide an avenue to promote the beef industry to consumers from across the state by the producers. Ever since that decision in 1982, we’ve taken pride in serving premium beef to families and friends. Forty years is a milestone that could not have been reached without a focus on the best product with great service and a great team for the best customers. There is no doubt we know that beef is the most nutritious, appetizing and high-quality protein. Our philosophy to “go the extra mile” when serving people is what drives our mission. Without our consumers, our business wouldn’t exist!

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The unique opportunity for our members to be a part of the personal service team remains a focus, and has since we opened the doors. Without the gracious volunteers


that serve during county shifts, the annual success of the Missouri Beef House would not be possible. If you have not had the opportunity to volunteer, we encourage you to have conversations at your affiliate meetings to see how you can be involved. We’re proud of our past and we’re excited about our future! The Missouri Cattlemen’s Association Beef House will continue to operate based on our founding principles: friendly, personable service; consistently quality food; a memorable atmosphere and customer satisfaction. Mark your calendars for August 11-21, 2022, to celebrate with us at the Beef House during the Missouri State Fair! Thought for the month: “Rain, rain, go away… We’ve got beef to serve today!”

APRIL 2022



BEEF CHECKOFF NEWS Nascar Win Win Beef Farmers & Ranchers Congratulate the Winner of the 2022 Beef. It’s What’s For Dinner. ® 300 at Daytona Source: BeefItsWhatsForDinner.com Austin Hill was first to the checkered flag, and the beef, as he won the 41st season-opening race for the NASCAR Xfinity Series – the Beef. It’s What’s For Dinner.® 300. For the second year the Federation of State Beef Councils, on behalf of the Beef Checkoff, partnered with the Daytona International Speedway to sponsor the race one day ahead of the legendary DAYTONA 500. “From the shared emphasis on family values and legacies in both racing and cattle farming and ranching, to the love of beef on the grill, beef and NASCAR just make sense,” said Brad Hastings, 2022 National Cattlemen’s Beef Association Federation Division Chair. “The partnership also provided an opportunity for the Beef. It’s What’s For Dinner. brand to be back on TV, reaching younger and increasingly diverse NASCAR fans across the nation.”

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APRIL 2022

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As drivers raced to the checkered flag, beef was the star of the NASCAR’s opening week.

Days before drivers took to the track, beef was in the spotlight on local TV and radio stations across the country as seven-time burger bash champion and celebrity chef Josh Capon shared race day recipes. Whether tailgating or homegating, Capon’s Southwestern Slider, Bacon Onion Jam Slider, and Korean Beef Lettuce Cups are sure to get fans to victory lane this season. The race wasn’t the only competition that got fans excited about beef. Chefs Lamar Moore, Jennifer Carroll and Ryan Clark battled it out on the grill during the Checkoff-funded Beef. It’s What’s For Dinner.®300 cookoff judged by Chef Josh Capon and World Champion Pitmaster Lee Ann Whippen. While Chef Lamar Moore’s Beef Tenderloin with Cheesy Grits and Chef Ryan Clark’s Flank Steak ‘Street Corn’ Skewers made for delicious competitors, Chef Jennifer Carroll came out in front with her Berbere Beef Kebabs. Throughout the week, the Beef. It’s What’s For Dinner. midway tent was a fan favorite. Free race day sliders, fans testing their skills on roping dummies, and an interactive social media photo booth provided the ultimate beef experience. Additionally, campers and tailgaters sported signs showing they were grilling beef and in return, were surprised with beef merchandise such as hats, shirts and bags.

Finally, the Beef. It’s What’s For Dinner. brand was also showcased in advertising during the race on Fox Sports 1, on the racetrack big screen and on signage throughout the Daytona International Speedway property. To view all of the tasty recipes and learn more about the race, visit BeefItsWhatsForDinner.com, and follow along on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. About the Beef Checkoff The Beef Checkoff Program was established as part of the 1985 Farm Bill. The checkoff assesses $1 per head on the sale of live domestic and imported cattle, in addition to a comparable assessment on imported beef and beef products. States may retain up to 50 cents on the dollar and forward the other 50 cents per head to the Cattlemen’s Beef Promotion and Research Board, which administers the national checkoff program, subject to USDA approval.

About Daytona International Speedway Daytona International Speedway is a state-of-the-art motorsports facility and was awarded the SportsBusiness Journal’s prestigious Sports Business Award for Sports Facility of the Year in 2016. Daytona International Speedway is the home of The Great American Race – the DAYTONA 500. Though the season-opening NASCAR Cup Series event garners most of the attention – as well as the largest audience in motorsports – the approximately 500-acre motorsports complex, also known as the World Center of Racing, boasts the most diverse schedule of racing on the globe. In addition to at least nine major event weekends, the Speedway grounds are also used extensively for events that include concerts, civic and social gatherings, car shows, photo shoots, production vehicle testing and police motorcycle training.

About the Federation of State Beef Councils The Federation of State Beef Councils is housed by the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA), which is a contractor to the Beef Checkoff Program. The program is administered by the Cattlemen’s Beef Board, with oversight provided by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The Beef Checkoff Program was established as part of the 1985 Farm Bill. The checkoff assesses $1 per head on the sale of live domestic and imported cattle, in addition to a comparable assessment on imported beef and beef products. States retain up to 50 cents on the dollar and forward the other 50 cents per head to the Cattlemen’s Beef Promotion and Research Board.

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NCBA Welcomes Announcement on Japan – U.S. Trade Agreement Source: NCBA WASHINGTON (March 24, 2022) – National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA) welcomes today’s announcement that the United States and Japan have reached an agreement in principle on the Japanese beef safeguard. As part of the terms of the Japan – U.S. Trade Agreement, both countries entered consultations after the volume-based safeguard was triggered in March 2021. NCBA strongly supported efforts to secure improvements to the beef safeguard that are mutually beneficial for Japanese consumers and American cattle producers.

“While the details of the agreement in principle have not been disclosed, NCBA is encouraged that today’s announcement means we are taking necessary steps to secure long-term solutions that enable American cattle producers to continue providing Japanese consumers with high-quality U.S. beef at competitive prices. NCBA greatly appreciates Ambassador Tai’s leadership and the hard work of negotiators who have been working on this effort for the past year,” said Kent Bacus, NCBA Senior Director of International Trade and Market Access. Japan is one of the top export markets for U.S. beef, accounting for over $2.3 billion in U.S. beef sales in 2021.

Register Today for 2022 Stockmanship & Stewardship Events Source: NCBA CENTENNIAL, Colo. (March 14, 2022) – Registration is now open for three Stockmanship & Stewardship regional events, with the first stop in Blacksburg, Va., in May. During each event producers can become BQA certified, network with fellow cattlemen and women, participate in hands-on demonstrations led by stockmanship experts including Curt Pate and Dr. Ron Gill, and learn cutting-edge operation techniques. 2022 Stockmanship & Stewardship events include: • Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Va., May 20-21 • Leavenworth, Kan., June 16-18 • Auburn University, Auburn, Ala., Aug. 12-13 “In today’s world, no matter the beef production system you are involved with, stockmanship and stewardship are more important than ever,” said Curt Pate, Stockmanship & Stewardship clinician, and cattle handling expert. “This quality program combines ageold skills with modern practices to improve your bottom line and quality of life.”

APRIL 2022

Stockmanship & Stewardship is a unique educational experience for cattle producers featuring low-stress


cattle handling demonstrations, Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) educational sessions, facility design sessions and industry updates that you won’t find anywhere else. The program is sponsored by the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA), Merck Animal Health, and the Beef Checkoff-funded National Beef Quality Assurance program. “Merck Animal Health is proud to have a longstanding partnership with NCBA in ensuring education and animal welfare training with our sponsorship of Stockmanship & Stewardship,” said Kevin Mobley, executive director of sales and marketing for Merck Animal Health. “With products and technology designed to enhance animal health, productivity and traceability, combined with the expertise of our people, Merck Animal Health is in a unique position to provide leadership and innovation in the area of sustainability.” For more information about upcoming Stockmanship & Stewardship events and to register, visit www. StockmanshipAndStewardship.org. Cattle producers attending a Stockmanship & Stewardship event are eligible for reimbursement through the Rancher Resilience Grant. To apply for a grant to cover registration costs and two nights hotel, visit www.ncba. org/producers/rancher-resilience-grant.

Get Jazzed in New Orleans for the 2023 Cattle Industry Convention provide producers with information they can put to work on their farms and ranches.

Event Returns to the Big Easy CENTENNIAL, Colo. (Feb. 28, 2022) – Mark your calendars for the 2023 Cattle Industry Convention and NCBA Trade Show, which is returning to New Orleans, Feb. 1-3. It’s time to get jazzed for a trip to the Big Easy to experience the largest annual beef industry event.

The convention’s world-class NCBA Trade Show will feature several acres of indoor and outdoor displays as well as live cattle handling demonstrations, educational sessions and entertainment. Trade show exhibitors will offer products and services such as animal health products, equipment, irrigation technology, software, trailers and so much more.

“New Orleans is always a popular location for convention, and we are excited to return in 2023,” said Don Schiefelbein, a Minnesota cattleman and National Cattlemen’s Beef Association president. “We are already starting to develop a schedule filled with education and entertainment.”

Activities won’t stop when the sun goes down. In a city known for its cuisine and distinctive music, evenings will be filled with entertainment. Registration opens on Oct. 3, 2022, and additional information will be available soon at convention.ncba. org.

Thousands of cattlemen and women will gather to learn, conduct business, network and have fun. Cattlemen’s College, which immediately precedes convention, will bring thought-provoking, stimulating sessions that



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APRIL 2022

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Strong Momentum Continues for U.S. Beef Exports; Pork Exports Trend Lower Coming off a record-breaking performance in 2021, U.S. beef exports remained red-hot in January, according to data released by USDA and compiled by the U.S. Meat Export Federation (USMEF). Pork exports continued to trend lower in January, despite another outstanding month for exports to leading market Mexico.

Korea jumped significantly, but shipments to most other markets were below last year.

Wide Range of Markets Fuel Another $1 Billion Month for Beef Exports

“We have spoken often over the past year about port congestion and other logistical challenges, and shipping costs are heavily impacting the U.S. pork industry’s ability to serve certain markets,” he said. “Australia, for example, has been a very reliable destination for U.S. hams for further processing, but shipping raw material to Oceania is becoming cost-prohibitive. The low price of European pork is also impacting demand in other further-processing markets such as Southeast Asia and Taiwan. This underscores the importance of our Western Hemisphere markets, where the U.S. industry continues to pursue new strategies for increasing pork consumption and expanding demand. It is also a reminder that the U.S. industry must continue to strive for market diversification, so we are well-prepared for shifts in the competitive landscape.”

Beef exports totaled 119,066 metric tons (mt), up 13% from a year ago, while value soared 57% to $1.03 billion. This was the third-highest value total on record – trailing only August and November of last year – and export value per head of fed slaughter set a new record, exceeding $500 for the first time. Export value to South Korea set a new record – topping $300 million – and strong year-over-year increases were achieved in China/ Hong Kong, Japan, Taiwan, the Caribbean and Central America. “This is a truly remarkable run for U.S. beef exports, and the momentum is not limited to our large Asian markets,” said USMEF President and CEO Dan Halstrom. “Regions such as Central America and the Caribbean contributed significantly to January export growth, and export value made strong gains in the Middle East.” Strong Pork Exports to Mexico, but Global Shipments Trend Lower January pork exports totaled 208,808 mt, down 16% from a year ago, while export value fell 14% to $555.6 million. Exports to Mexico were outstanding, up 36% from a year ago to more than 87,000 mt. Exports to the Dominican Republic, Costa Rica and El Salvador also continued to gain momentum and export value to

APRIL 2022

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As expected, the continued rebound in China’s pork production has slowed demand for U.S. pork, but Halstrom also noted the impact of additional headwinds.

Lamb Exports Trend Higher, Led by Strong Demand in Mexico January exports of U.S. lamb totaled 1,533 mt, up 49% from a year ago, while export value climbed 59% to $1.9 million. Variety meat exports to leading market Mexico accounted for $1.3 million of the value total, a yearover-year increase of 73% and a new monthly record. Lamb muscle cut exports were higher year-over-year to Mexico, the Caribbean and Panama. A detailed summary of the January red meat export results, including market-specific highlights, is available from the USMEF website.

Ron McBee

221 State Hwy H Fayette, MO 65248

(573) 228-2517 mcbcattle@aol.com


McBee Spring SELECTION DAY Sale, April 16, 2022, Fayette, Mo.

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NALF Commercial Marketing Booster of the Year went to J Bar J Ranch Source: North American Limousin Foundation

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From the first duo of Jack and Jane to the current gang of boys under the age of three that wander the land, four generations of the Glendenning family have called J Bar J Ranch home. Jack D. Glendenning, Jack, and Jane’s son is the second generation to run the operation. While Herefords and Angus were the first breeds on the ranch, Jack D. said he and his father became hooked on the Limousin breed in 1984 after the purchase of their first fullblood bull. Jack D. and his wife Vicky were both raised in the Lebanon area, graduating from Lebanon High School. They enjoyed exhibiting at the Laclede County Fair and the Ozark Empire Fair. Jack attended CMSU in Warrensburg, Missouri, where he obtained a bachelor’s degree in Animal Science as well as a master’s degree. Vicky attended Draughon Business College in Springfield, Missouri. They were married in 1991 and lived in Warrensburg before returning to Lebanon. Jack sold Morman Feeds and began developing a herd of Limousin cattle on the family farm. For a time, Jack also managed C&S Limousin for Chris and Sally Tegmeyer near Lebanon. In 1994, Jack D. and Vicky began helping Jack’s parents at the Riverfront Campground near Bennett Spring State Park. In 2003, the Glendenning family purchased the Sand Spring Resort, a retreat location offering fishing, canoeing, floating and more.


Nowadays, with the help of their children and young grandchildren, Jack and Vicky run registered and commercial Limousin and Red Angus cow-calf pairs. As J Bar J Ranch became more involved in the breed, Jack had the opportunity to watch his children grow up as a part of the cattle industry. From an early age, all three of their children, Josh, Jace and Jayme, expressed an eagerness to be involved in the breed. “I didn’t make them do any of it,” Jack says. “They love the cattle business.” From working on the operation as they grew up to showing livestock at county fairs, all three of the Glendenning siblings were involved in the ranch until they reached college. Even after college, and all three finding their own careers and starting their own families, the kids continue to stay as involved with the ranch as possible. Josh runs the AI program and Jace helps with the farming whenever he can. Jayme, who was recently married, has relocated out of state for the time being, but a betting man would wager she will be back some day.

While Jack enjoys the time spent alongside his children, it’s the fourth generation of the family that really steals the show. Spoken like the proud grandpa that he is, “I wanted our boys to be involved in the ranch, and my dad has gone out of his way to keep them involved,” Josh said. “It reminds me of my grandpa and me when I was little.” Given his years of involvement it is no surprise Jack D. found a desire to serve the Limousin breed on a broader level. Jack served on the NALF Board of Directors for two terms and has served on the Missouri Limousin Breeders Association board for several terms. Additionally, he has been involved in the Heart of Missouri Limousin Association for going on 30 years. In recognition of their service, Jack D. and Vicky were inducted into the MLBA “Hall of Fame” in May of 2020. The ceremony took place as part of the MLBA annual meeting, banquet and benefit auction held at their very own Sand Spring Resort. Several years back Jack was able to find a unique opportunity to help his cattle enterprise while simultaneously creating a new avenue to promote highquality beef to consumers. While Sand Spring Resort is its own unique entity, Jack said it’s the sports bar, the Gravel Bar and Grill, that allows him an opportunity to showcase and utilize J Bar J Ranch genetics. When Jack and Vicky first took over the restaurant it was buffet style and not doing well financially. In time, Josh, Jace and Jayme managed to convince Jack and Vicky to turn the place into a sports bar. The real selling point was the idea of using beef from the ranch to create renowned burgers sourced at a local level for guests. At present, the restaurant goes through roughly 15 to 20 head each year for the burgers alone. With separate entities, often the lines blur between Jack and Vicky’s “day job”—Sand Spring Resort— and their cattle operation. Not only is their beef served at the restaurant, many Limousin meetings and sales have taken place on the Sand Spring property. At the end of the day, Jack said the restaurant has served as an additional outlet for his true passion— the cattle business. While challenges come and go, Jack will continue to call the livestock industry home. If Jack is ever tempted to do something with a little less stress or a shorter time commitment, all it takes is an excited look from his grandchildren to remind him why this tradition stands the test of time for his family.

APRIL 2022


2022 Womack Missouri Agriculture Conference Set for April 20 Source: University of Missouri Extension COLUMBIA, Mo. – For the first time in two years, the annual Abner Womack Missouri Agriculture Outlook Conference will be held in person. The 2022 conference is 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Wednesday, April 20, at the University of Missouri’s Bradford Farm, 4968 S. Rangeline Road, Columbia. Researchers from the MU Food and Agricultural Policy Research Institute will discuss their newest baseline reports for crops and livestock. Development of the reports began in January, before two major events affecting agricultural markets: drought in South America and the conflict in Ukraine. Sessions will cover “Missouri Farm Income Outlook” from the MU Rural and Farm Finance Policy Analysis Center and “Representative Farms Economic Outlook” from Texas A&M’s Agricultural and Food Policy Center. A panel discussion will look at “Agricultural Credit at the Farm Gate.” The conference will also discuss federal policy’s impact on U.S. ethanol use and what to do with all the bean meal left by the increase in soy oil production. After lunch, the conference will turn to global supply chain disruptions, increasing input costs, rising consumer food prices and “How Conflict in the Black Sea Region Impacts U.S. Producers and Agribusinesses.”

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The Womack Conference is free, including lunch, but advance registration is required. Register at mizzou. us/2022WomackConference.


Scott Cape, Owner of Jim’s Motors in Cuba, Missouri. All I have ever done is sell and trade trailers. Give me a call for your next trailer 800-897-9840 www.Jimsmotors.com

Commodity Trades Welcome

APRIL 2022



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See What’s Happening in Your County

Lafayette County Cattlemen The Lafayette County Cattlemen held the third in the series of educational meetings on February 22 at the Mayview Community Building. Jon Roberts, MFA Livestock Specialist, gave a program on animal health protocols with emphases on vaccinations, worming and general calf management practices in preparation for spring calving season. Members took an active part in the meeting with questions and scenarios leading to an evening of good discussion. The next meeting will be held March 22 (same location) with the program on beef cattle minerals by Glenn Waters, sales specialist for Purina Animal Nutrition LLC. The LCCA annual winter meeting was held Saturday, March 12 at the Butler Acres Event Center at Dover. The social hour was hosted by Naught-Naught Insurance and, following the dinner, Eric Lockard spoke to the group regarding updating current insurance. Glen and Phyllis Dieckmann of Lafayette County Truck & Tractor of Higginsville were recognized for their sponsorship of the social hour for over 30 years. The dealership was recently sold to Crown Power & Equipment. Proceeds from the social hour benefit the Lafayette County Cattlemen Scholarship Fund. Over 100 members and guests enjoyed prime rib smoked by Randy Hinck of Plowboys at Marshall, accompanied by sides and delicious desserts by Gail Lilleman.

Ethan Vanderwert shared his winning speech with LCCA at the annual meeting.

Speakers for the evening included Patty Wood, MCA Beef House Manager; Alex Haun, Region V MCA Vice President; and Ethan Vanderwert, winner of the MCA Beef Speaking Contest. (meeting report continued in next month’s issue)

Benton County

APRIL 2022

The Benton County Cattleman’s Association met for their monthly meeting on January 10 at Warsaw and voted to send a contribution to fellow cattlemen who have met disaster in Kentucky and Western Kansas. The members voted to send $2,000 out of the treasury and also raised over $800 in donations from members at the meeting. They also raised more than $1,000 from area banks and feed dealers. Many thanks go to those who donated and prayers for the farmers and ranchers affected by these disasters.


Jon Roberts of MFA led a good discussion of animal health protocols for LCCA.

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Kenny & Janyce Hinkle 14103 E. Summers Rd. • Nevada, MO 64773 Ph/Fax: 417-944-2219 • Cell: 417-448-4127 E-mail: hpca@centurytel.net

Russel and Randy Miller 21146 400th Street Graham, MO 64455 660-254-0137 • 660-415-6339 E-mail: galaxybeef@hotmail.com


Angus Ranch 660-248-3640

Fred Weiker • Julia Weiker Fred: 660-248-3765

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October 15, 2022

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For All Your Angus Needs! PO Box 280 • 3997 S Clark • Mexico, MO 65265 Ben Eggers • email: ben@sydgen.com Barn: (573) 581-1225 • Cell: (573) 473-9202

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April 12 • SydGen Influence Sale Expecting 80 Bulls and 40 Females

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Alan Mead, Owner 573-216-0210


E-mail: Julie@missouriangus.org


Russell & Susan Coon

1318 Shelby 169, Bethel, MO 63434 660-284-6518 h • 660-341-2705 c ruscatsol@gmail.com

Larry Coon

1284 Shelby 169, Bethel, MO 63434 660-284-6473 h • 660-342-3889 c

APRIL 2022

Julie Conover, Executive Director 634 S.W. 1201 Rd • Holden, MO 64040

Doug & LaRee Frank 608-279-3172 Brent & Keri Hazelrigg 703-587-9959 Visit us online: FHCCbeef.com


Southwest Missouri Cattlemen The Southwest Missouri Cattlemen’s Association held their monthly meeting on Tuesday, March 1, 2022, at the University of Missouri’s Southwest Research Center in Mt. Vernon. The members enjoyed a delicious steak dinner sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim. The sides for the meal were catered by Summar Boggs. President Scynthia Schnake introduced Jeff Schoen with Boehringer Ingelheim. Jeff gave an informative presentation on Boehringer Ingelheim’s product LongRange. LongRange is an extended-release injectable parasiticide. The benefits of using the LongRange dewormer are for bigger gains, better reproduction and greater economic returns. Jeff went over how to use the Boehringer Ingelheim Investment Calculator app to calculate your ROI. We also heard from the Missouri State University’s (MSU) Collegiate Cattlemen’s Association about their experiences in Houston attending the National Cattle Industry Convention and NCBA Trade Show. MSU Collegiate Cattlemen’s President, Kendra, said their meetings are usually held on the first Tuesday of the month, and they have approximately 20-25 collegiate members.

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President Scynthia Schnake started the business meeting by introducing Jay Chism. Jay Chism is the new director at the Southwest Research Center. Scynthia presented Jay with a $1,000 check for the Southwest Research Center. Scynthia also read a thank you card from Debbie Seufert for the $500 Jim Seufert Memorial to the St. Mary’s School in Pierce City. Scynthia reminded the members that the deadline for the County Leadership Conference was upcoming.


Scynthia also informed members that MCA and Merck Animal Health are working together on the Cartridges for Cash program. The Cartridges for Cash program is a way to raise funds for Missouri’s Cattlemen Foundation. Each county affiliate is being challenged to a competition. The affiliate that collects and turns in the most cartridges will win a $1,000 scholarship to award to the junior member of their choice. The county affiliates are to collect the Ralgro wheels and Revalor cartridges used by their members. The county affiliates can either bring the used wheels and cartridges to the quarterly MCA Board of Directors meetings or at the 2023 Missouri Cattle Industry Convention & Trade Show in January.

Newton and McDonald County Cattlemen The January meeting/5th Annual Chili Cook-off of the Newton and McDonald County Cattlemen’s Association was held January 18, 2022, at the Newton County Fairgrounds. The meeting began with a prayer from Mark Hall. Jay Wason, who is running for Congressman Billy Long’s office, spoke about what changes he would like to see if elected. Bailey Moore, representing Joplin Regional Stockyards, the meeting’s sponsor, spoke about how calf sales were going at the yards. Several field reps from the Joplin Regional Stockyards were also present to answer any questions that members had. Tracy with the USDA office announced the Tri County, Spring Forage Conference, the Exeter conference and other opportunities for education members could attend. The pie and labor auction for McDonald County FFA was announced. MFA’s upcoming agronomy meeting was also announced. Tyler Sprenkle will be having a farm consignment auction on March 5. The yearly calendar of events was distributed. The business portion of the meeting was called to order by President Randy Drake. Ronnie Rogers led the members in the Pledge of Allegiance. The minutes from the previous meeting and the treasurer’s report were presented. Dewey Allgood made the motion to

accept the minutes and treasurer’s report, seconded by Dave Noah and passed unanimously. Karen Fink gave a report on what the Crowder students have been doing in their travel seminar and their trip to help build a community garden in the Ninth Ward in New Orleans, LA. Karen also announced the winners of the Chili Cook-off as decided by the Crowder student judges: third place to Connie Rogers, second place to Melanie Allgood and first place Chili Champ to Brian Hall. Prizes were provided by Goodman Meat Processing and Randy Drake. The results of the member vote on the chili winners are third place to Pam Holloway, second place to Shelley Hall and first place to Melanie Allgood. Prizes were provided by Goodman Meat Processing and Randy Drake. The Missouri Cattle Industry Convention awards were announced with Ronnie Rogers winning Top Hand for recruiting the most new members in the state. Newton and McDonald County was the affiliate recognized for recruiting the most new members in the state. It was reported that FFA jackets were donated to the various schools in the two counties and thank you cards were received by John Hobbs as coordinator of the FFA jacket donations. Our directory was reported to have netted the treasury $3,600. A motion was made by Ronnie Rogers, seconded by Isaac Townsend and passed unanimously to adjourn the meeting. .

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St. Clair County Cattlemen St. Clair County Cattlemen’s Association met on Tuesday, March 8, at Landmark Restaurant in Lowry City with 38 members and guests present. Dalton Dull and Elliott Smalley spoke to the group about their business, Lone Oak Cattle Company. Lone Oak Cattle Company started in 2020 with a solid set of cows. Dalton and Elliott are working to raise bulls that will be sustainable and not something you have to worry about falling apart on you once you purchase them. Lone Oak Cattle Company is an all-fall calving operation that pushes to be the in top 20 in birth weight, weaning weight and good feet. They do not push their bulls to gain weight; they look for genetics that will give people a solid bull and put pounds on their calves. Lone Oak Cattle Company currently has 18-month-old bulls ready to sell. Contact them for details; they look forward to working with the local Cattlemen. Thank you, Dalton Dull and Elliott Smalley with Lone Oak Cattle Company, for speaking to our group and sponsoring our meeting! Thank you, Landmark Restaurant, for the warm, delicious meal! St. Clair County Cattlemen are working to sustain the MoBeef for MoKids Program. Any person or business interested in donating, please contact Weston Shelby or Lawanna Salmon. Monetary donations are being taken to help the Cattlemen purchase cattle when no one has one ready to go at the scheduled time. A big thank you to Phillip and Carol Johnston, Legacy Bank, Community First Bank, Jim Falk Motors, OakStar Bank, Hawthorne Bank, Dull and Heany, Gregg Smith Ford, Jim and Stephanie Neuenschwander, Eddie Meredith, Stewart and Kiefer Real Estate, Wheeler Livestock Auction, and Love Ranch, LLC, who have donated so far for the 2021-2022 school year. Sale barns now have the capabilities to allow people to sell cattle at the sale barn and make donations to the MoBeef for MoKids Program. This will allow people to make donations to the program and be able to get funds for the areas that don’t have cattle and be able to sustain programs in other counties.

APRIL 2022

Calling all Cattlemen from St. Clair County that aren’t already St. Clair County Cattlemen’s members: St. Clair County Cattlemen’s Association has decided that anyone who is a new member this year will be put in a drawing for a MiraFount one-hole livestock water tank. Contact Lawanna Salmon for more information.


St. Clair County Cattlemen’s Association scholarship application is now available and due to Susan Salmon by April 1, 2022. Any high school senior or college freshman pursing an agriculture degree that needs a

Dalton Dull and Elliott Smalley with Lone Oak Cattle Company

Mike Nance, St. Clair County Cattlemen’s Association President.

Members attending the meeting.

scholarship application, please contact Susan Salmon. The Cattlemen plan to award three scholarships of $2,000 each this year. The next meeting is scheduled for April 12, 2022, at 7 p.m. at Farmhouse Kitchen with Appleton City Feeds sponsoring.

Dallas County Cattlemen The February 22 meeting of the Dallas County Cattlemen’s Association was held at Prairie Grove School with 72 members and guests in attendance. Thank you to the ladies of the community for preparing the chili dinner enjoyed by all. Speaking to the group that evening was Wesley Tucker, field specialist in ag business and succession planning coordinator for University of Missouri Extension. Tucker helps farm families pass management and ownership on to the next generation. He talked about the importance of open communication and successful planning to help farm families maintain profits and healthy personal relationships. Our March 8 meeting was also held at the school with 81 in attendance. Again, a big thank you to the ladies who prepared a delicious brisket dinner. We really appreciate the school for opening their doors and hosting us so many times throughout the year. We also want to thank Josh Worthington and family of Worthington Angus for attending that evening. Josh not only sponsored our meal but gave an excellent presentation. Worthington Angus will be hosting their 7th Annual Production Sale on March 26 at their farm near Dadeville. Josh and his family are first generation Angus breeders who believe in using science and data to make informed breeding decisions. He talked about the importance of DNA testing and using EPDs in making breeding decisions. We are looking forward to our annual pie auction at our April meeting. Josh Worthington.

Douglas/Wright County

APRIL 2022

Wesley Tucker.

Douglas/Wright County Cattlemen’s Meeting: Tuesday, April 12, 2022, at 6 p.m. Shetlers Event Center, Mountain Grove, MO Sponsored by: University of MO - Clint Dalbom Double S Liquid Feed Services, Inc - Steve Potter High Brix Agronomy Solutions - Bob Reed RSVPs are required. Everyone is welcome!


Bates County The March meeting of the Bates County Cattlemen’s Association was held Saturday, March 5, 2022, starting at Dr. Curtis Long’s Briarwood Angus Farms in Butler, MO. Zach Callahan and Ty Peckman from the MU Meat Science Department were on hand to perform a meat processing demonstration. Doc Long donated the steer for the event, with Zach and Ty discussing each area and cut as they worked their way through a side. They discussed how each cut is removed from the side, including those that may be valued more by other cultures. Samples of the different cuts were grilled and enjoyed by the crowd. The meat processing team was formed in October 2021, to help fill an increasing demand for others to learn the trade. Trainings are conducted on the MU campus, but a mobile unit has also been formed to provide training in the field. The campus trainings are two-day, intensive processing trainings for those interested in getting into the industry. Contact the MU Meat Science Department for more information. After a move to the Ohio Street United Methodist Church, dinner was catered and served by Linda Howard. Dinner for the evening was sponsored by Doc Long and his Briarwood Angus Farms. The regular meeting was called to order by President Ryan Grimes. After approvals of the previous minutes and the treasurer’s report, it was reported that Brad Jennings would be attending the Counry Leadership Conference on March 7-8. A note was then read from the family of Jack Baker, thanking the Cattlemen for their donation to the scholarship fund in Jack’s name. Doc Long and Dave Warfield spoke of the events of the day at Briarwood Farm and the potential of having another program like it next year. Doc is planning to

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have some of the program next year focus on marketing cattle and different options that are available. Their hospitality during the day and sponsorship of the meal was greatly appreciated.


Zach Callahan, Dr Curtis Long and Ty Peckman

The April meeting of the Bates County Cattlemen will take place on April 12, with the location to be announced later. The sponsor and program for the night will be by Tyson Basore with VitaFerm.

Polk County Cattlemen The Polk County Cattlemen’s Association held their first meeting of the year on March 10, 2022, at Smith’s Restaurant in Bolivar. There were 72 members and guests in attendance. The meeting sponsor Jeff Schoen from Boehringer-Ingelheim informed members about the importance of deworming cattle highlighting LongRange. The members were updated on several happenings since the last meeting, including highlights from the Missouri Cattle Industry Convention in January where Josie Toombs and Madeline Payne received scholarships, Jackie Truitt received a Top Hand

award, and Madeline Payne was crowned as Missouri Beef Queen. Upcoming events include Missouri Beef Days and our next meeting on April 14.

Jeff Schoen from Boehringer-Ingelheim. Polk County members at the MCA Convention in January.

The Right Scraper

Bob Moreland, President.

Whether it’s feedlot or row crop Strobel has the right box scraper. Premium steel quality, excellent configuration, and a reasonable price. What else could you ask for? Call David at 660-631-2310

APRIL 2022

David Igo • 660-631-2310 Marshall, MO


Barton County Cattlemen The Barton County Cattlemen met on March 8, 2022, at the Thiebaud Meeting Rooms in Lamar, MO. A large number attended the meeting, including students from the Show Me Youth Ag Academy. The meeting began with a delicious brisket dinner prepared by Scott Nolting. The meal was sponsored by Superior Beef Genetics. President Brett Faubion opened the meeting with prayer.

pedigree, performance, progeny performance and genomic testing.

Members voted to have a junior membership available for our local association.

Some of the newer EPDs include claw set and foot angle.

Ester McCabe, Ph.D., Director of Performance Programs with the American Angus Association, presented a program entitled, “EPDs: A Tool to Make Decisions.” When using EPDs for making herd decisions, it is important to determine your breeding objectives. For example, consider if breeding is for retention of replacement heifers or if the calves be sold at weaning.

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EPDs compare one individual to another or one individual to the breed average. They are not equivalent to actual performance. They are a combination of


EPDs are designed to use within a breed and are not relevant when comparing animals from one breed to another. However, an adjustment chart has been created to unable comparison of breeds. This is available from the U.S. Meat Animal Research Center (US MARC).

There are several EPDs in the research phase, including hair shed, which indicates heat tolerance and susceptibility to fescue toxicosis and functional longevity. American Angus Association has programs to help with management of records for herds and EPDs, such as Angus Herd Improvement Records. Our next Barton County Cattlemen’s meeting will be 7 p.m., April 12, 2022, at Theibaud Meeting Rooms. Meetings are scheduled for the second Tuesday of the month. All cattlemen are welcome. Please RSVP on our Facebook page, Barton County Cattlemen, or to Brett Faubion if you plan to attend.

Andrew Buchanan County Cattlemen Andrew Buchanan County Cattlemen’ s held it’s first annual fundraiser for county scholarships on March 12. The event was well attended by around 140 local cattlemen and friends. FFA members from area schools showed up to offer assistance with the event. The Savannah Fire Department volunteered to cook the steaks. MCA President Bruce Mershon attended and addressed the crowd. Region 4 Vice President Deb Thummel and Manager of Membership Sydney Thummel were also there representing MCA. There was a live auction and a silent auction proceeding the dinner. The group will have their next meeting April 7 at 7 p.m. at the American Angus Association to discuss the upcoming year.

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Evaluating the Basic Principles of the Beef Business and Profitability Source: Chip Kemp, Director, ASA & IGS Commercial and Industry Operations Many have written endless articles on the varying pitfalls of our chosen profession. In the interest of full disclosure, I’m guilty of that exact thing. But, in truth, we can boil it down to controlling those things we can control to set ourselves up to better navigate the challenges of those things we cannot control. Complex? Yes. But, at the same time it can often be elegantly simple as well. The reality is, if I’m addicted to shiny metal and wheels this business gets hard. If I’m trying to build a profitable beef business while paying suburban property prices this business gets hard. In a commodity-based business model long term profits force to zero. What are you doing to buck that trend? On the other hand, there are some easy and evident truths: 1) The “short-term cow” is a long-term problem. Lack of female longevity will cripple an operation. She can’t make a fancy enough calf or a heavy enough calf to make that okay. Lack of cow “stayability” has

become rampant, as many have forgotten the value of responsible crossbreeding as they chase terminal benefits without regard for a whole-enterprise profit picture. Maybe this isn’t true at your ranch. However, I’d wager that if most of us did a thorough business analysis, we would find that we have built an unsustainable business trajectory by not being honest with ourselves about the maternal merit of our cow herd. (Continued on page 48)

Show-Me-Select™ Replacement Heifers, Inc. Missouri

-Mew o h S


Replacement Heifers

• Improving heifer development • Increasing marketing opportunities • Providing a reliable source of quality replacements

2022 Spring Sale Schedule

APRIL 2022

Coordinator Erin Larimore 660-281-5518 Kendra Graham 573-756-4539 Anita Ellis 573-642-0755 Eldon Cole 417-466-3102 David Hoffman 816-380-8460 Daniel Mallory 573-985-3911


Location SEMO Livestock Sales LLC, Fruitland, MO Farmington Regional Stockyards LLC, Farmington MO South Central Regional Stockyards, Vienna, MO Joplin Regional Stockyards, Inc., Carthage, MO Kingsville Livestock Auction, Kingsville, MO F&T Livestock Market, Palmyra, MO

Date May 6 May 13 May 20 May 20 May 21 June 4


Select e M Show Replacement Heifers Time 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 11:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m.

For More Information Contact: Erin Larimore (660) 281-5518 or check out our website: https://extension2.missouri.edu/programs/show-meselect-replacement-heifer-program. Sales are sponsored by Show-Me-Select Replacement Heifers, Inc., with support from University of Missouri Extension, the Missouri Beef Cattle Improvement Association, the MU College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources and Division of Animal Sciences; the MU College of Veterinary Medicine; the Missouri Department of Agriculture; and the Missouri Cattlemen’s Association. For catalogs and other information, please visit: https://extension2.missouri.edu/programs/show-meselect-replacement-heifer-program or contact the sale coordinator and/or livestock specialist.

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2) Certain truths are nearly never spoken about in our business. They are taboo. We know them to be true, but we live in a world where blue ribbons abound, and as such, everybody bites their lip and side-steps the truth. One such truth: some breeds struggle to provide the feedlot performance, or carcass merit, or consumer measurables that are presently demanded to get top dollar for feeder calves. Another truth: NO ONE BREED corners the market on all those traits. Additionally, responsibly crossed cattle prove to be the most consistently profitable cattle. I could compile numerous academic articles, papers, and research summaries. But, maybe it is more meaningful when we realize where the industry puts its dollars. In 2020, calves from Continental sires (SimAngus and Charolais) topped the large Superior Livestock Auction summer sales. Or, when one dissects the Tri-County Carcass Futurity data from Iowa, those same sire groups (Simmentalinfluenced and Charolais-influenced) generated terminal calves that garnered larger checks from the packer than any other sire group. To be clear, these two things are linked. When feedlots make more on responsibly crossed cattle, they tend to pay to get more of those calves into their yard. Simple business IN E cA AD i M er sense. m A si n


21 19

3) Neither #1 nor #2 happened by accident. It takes serious commitment to data collection, and credible and humble scientists to analyze the data. You can benefit from those efforts by demanding multi-breed EPD that allow you to directly compare bulls of different breed types. Additionally, demand a credible wholelife-cycle index and a reliable terminal index so that you have the appropriate tools to fit your management approach. Use the wholelife-cycle index if you are retaining daughters. If you purchase your females, put the terminal index to work. Indexes make the complex straightforward.

4) Ask your seedstock provider how they can help you balance breed complementarity and heterosis to add female longevity in your environment and feeder calf value to your family’s business. If your seedstock provider ignores these facts or denies the benefits of crossbreeding to your commercial program, then ask them to defend their position. If they can’t suitably do that, then why are they your seedstock provider? Evaluating the basic principles of the beef business and profitability Simmental Genetic Trends These Simmental genetic trends highlight a population with both maternal and terminal merit. Examining the Simmental genetic trends over the last 20 years, we see an increase in calving ease and stayability, while holding mature size and milk constant. On the terminal side, post weaning gain, carcass weight, and marbling are all trending up. The entire package of a genetic offering for both longevity, calving ease, growth, and carcass quality promises a unique set of traits to help the commercial cattle industry be successful.

APRIL 2022

Living the Ritchie Life.


The choice of what to cut back on is part of living a busy life. Provide fresh water for your animals, and have more for the other things.



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APRIL 2022


Genetic Evaluation: A Team Sport Source: ASA - by Jackie Atkins, in collaboration with Randie Culbertson and Wade Shafer On a nearly daily basis I witness the tug and pull in our family dynamics between individuals competing directly and the group working collaboratively. Nearly every time my kids are competing with each other to put their pjs on first, pack their lunch first, or run to the gate first, they are pushing and shoving, and only care about themselves at the expense of others. When we flip this conversation into a team sport by asking, “How fast can we all be ready for bed?”, this instantly changes the dynamics. Instead of elbowing each other out of the way, when our family is the team, the older kids help the younger ones get toothpaste on their toothbrushes, find clean pjs, comb hair, and work together toward a common good in a spirit of camaraderie. Not only is there less fighting in the family when we have a team goal, but everyone finishes faster as we aren’t wasting time fighting over silly things like who touched the toothpaste first.

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I see this play out in breed association politics as well. If a breed association’s mentality is to make their association number one, they will start elbowing, pushing, and shoving to “win”. When the common good is to provide tools for the commercial cattle industry, this completely changes the dynamics. Now the breed


associations can collaborate and work together toward helping the commercial cattle industry have the most accurate tools at their disposal. I feel so fortunate to work with a collective of teamoriented breed associations through International Genetic Solutions (IGS). It is invigorating to join forces with the staff of the various breed associations and problem-solve together. This summer we worked on a project that highlighted these benefits. We had one-onone meetings with each association in IGS and went through the individual data entering into the genetic evaluation. It was a great opportunity to see how each association is adding to the IGS evaluation and also how each association is benefiting from the IGS collective. We looked through a wide swath of data points to review contributions made by each breed organization. The American Simmental Association (ASA) has ~150,000 genotyped animals and an above-average number of females and terminal cattle genotyped. In females born after 2010 with a Stayability record (n = 126,003), the members of the ASA have genotyped over 27% of those cows compared to the IGS average of 16%. Similarly, if we look at the number of terminal calves born since 2010, the ASA contributed 30,744 carcass records, of which 34% were genotyped. This is well above the IGS average of 10% of the terminal cattle being genotyped.

Clearly the membership commitment to Cow Herd DNA Roundup and the Carcass Expansion Project show up in the numbers of genotypes in these populations. This is paving the way for research and development to improve what we can do for future predictions of maternal and terminal traits. An area where we saw a drop in ASA data compared to the average IGS percentage was in yearling weights submitted. The ASA has just under 23% of the animals in our database with at least one phenotype who have a yearling weight, compared to an average of 28% for IGS. The Calf Crop Genomics program has an incentive for completed growth trait record submission, so it will be interesting to see if this benchmark improves in the future for ASA. This report also highlighted the benefit to ASA of being in IGS. As of June 2021, the ASA had 12,979 bulls in the ASA database that also have progeny in another breed registry in the IGS collective. If the ASA were in a genetic evaluation all by ourselves, we would have close to 2.3 million progeny from these ~13,000 bulls, which is a healthy amount of data. But, by having one joint genetic evaluation, we add over 2 million more progeny to these 13,000 bulls, bringing the total to just over 4.3 million progeny records. This of course adds quite a bit of data to the 13,000 bulls, but also all of their relatives benefit from the additional progeny records.

more time focusing on the habits that precede the results.” — James Clear, Atomic Habits • ASA has ~150,000 genotyped animals. • In females born after 2010 with a Stayability record (n = 126,003), the members of the ASA have genotyped over 27% of those cows; the IGS average is 16%. • In terminal calves born since 2010, the ASA contributed 30,744 carcass records, of which 34% were genotyped; overall, 10% of terminal calves are genotyped in IGS. • ASA has just under 23% of the animals in our database with at least one phenotype who have a yearling weight, compared to an average of 28% for IGS. • As of June 2021, the ASA had 12,979 bulls in the ASA database that also have progeny in another breed registry in the IGS collective. – If the ASA were in a genetic valuation all by ourselves, we would have close to 2.3 million progeny from these ~13,000 bulls, which is a healthy amount of data. But, by having one joint genetic evaluation, we add over 2 million more progeny to these 13,000 bulls, bringing the total to just over 4.3 million progeny records.

We pulled similar numbers for each organization in IGS and saw the same pattern across all the breed associations using the IGS genetic evaluation. Some breed associations saw an increase of nearly 14 times the amount of data through the collaborative efforts of IGS than if they had their own separate evaluation. Seeing the fruits of this effort reminds me of a line from James Clear’s book Atomic Habits, which I recently discovered: “You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems. Your goal is your desired outcome. Your system is the collection of daily habits that will get you there.”

“This year, spend less time focusing on outcomes and

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I think a tremendous benefit the ASA and many organizations in IGS offer their members is to have systems that allow breeders to help meet their data collection goals. Without those systems some breeders would meet them anyway, but certainly far fewer than can today. Again, we are working as a team to create the best level of genetic awareness. If we want the commercial cattle industry to have the best tools to predict genetic merit, then we work as a team with appropriate systems to meet the data goals.



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Dr. Lindsay Upperman Joins the Red Angus Association of America Source: The Red Angus Association of America DENVER – The Red Angus Association of America welcomes Dr. Lindsay Upperman to its breed improvement department as a beef cattle geneticist. Upperman will work with the director of breed improvement to develop and deliver genetic selection tools, conduct research projects focusing on genetics and phenotypic information and develop educational programs that empower RAAA members and commercial producers to improve the genetic merit and quality of their cattle. “We are pleased to add Lindsay to the breed improvement department. Her experience will be a benefit to our members and commercial producers,” said Ryan Boldt, RAAA director of breed improvement. “Lindsay’s commitment to working to provide selection tools that will improve the commercial beef cattle industry aligns perfectly with the RAAA’s core policies,” he added.

Dr. Lindsay Upperman.

Upperman earned a bachelor’s degree in animal science from Kansas State University, her master’s degree in animal biology from UC Davis and her Ph.D in animal science with a focus on animal breeding and genetics from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. During her academic career, she was selected for the All-American Collegiate Livestock Judging Team and won the BIF Roy A. Wallace Undergraduate & Graduate Scholarship as well as the Baker/Cundiff Beef Improvement Essay Contest. Prior to joining RAAA, Upperman worked at the American Gelbvieh Association as the performance programs coordinator. “I am excited to utilize my current skillsets in helping to advance genetic progress in the Red Angus breed, along with gaining new experiences, knowledge and a further appreciation for a breed that keeps the commercial producer at the forefront,” said Upperman. “I look forward to meeting the members involved in this association and welcome future discussions for developments in breed improvement.” Outside of her career, Upperman enjoys being outdoors including; hiking, kayaking and fishing and is an active member of her local church congregation.

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Upperman started in her new role on March 7 and can be reached at lindsay@redangus.org or (940) 387-3502 ex. 29.


Missouri Red Angus Breeders

K Farms Red Angus K Bulls and Heifers Ken & Brenda Keesaman 816-675-2503 • C: 816-390-4988 Kody Keesaman 816-724-1432 Kolten Keesaman 816-808-2846 3803 SW Rogers Rd. • Osborn, MO 64474 Ken@kkfarmsredangus.com www.kkfarmsredangus.com Visit us on Facebook at KK Farms Red Angus Cattle


Matt & Jennifer Boatright David & Mariah Boatright 29775 Pony Path Rd, Sedalia, MO 65301

660-287-1341 www.maplewoodacresfarm.com Mo. Fescue Seedstock

Balancing Performance with Maternal

Mike and Stephanie Smith Columbia, Missouri 573-881-0395 • 573-449-1809



Bulls & Females For Sale Charolais • Red Angus • Blacks Bruce & Janna Bradley Marshfield, MO • 417-848-3457 BruceBradley@hotmail.com

Jerry Ellis 660-909-6110

Centerview, MO ellisjerryd@hotmail.com

Slayton Farms

Barry Slayton • 417-293-2214 bslayton48@gmail.com West Plains, Missouri

APRIL 2022

Specializing in Only RED ANGUS • RED SIMMENTAL Bulls and Heifers with “Hybrid Vigor” and Performance Sales at NEW DAY GENETICS LLC or the Farm


Adding Value to Farm Commodities Can Ease Supply Chain Strain Source: University of Missouri Extension COLUMBIA, Mo. – For two years, shoppers have seen how supply chain problems can shock the food system. Initially triggered by the pandemic, these problems have persisted due to labor shortages, transportation bottlenecks and now international conflict. “Supply chain issues have really hit home for consumers,” said Mallory Rahe, University of Missouri Extension agricultural business and policy state specialist. “Many of us have walked down an empty grocery store aisle, or we’ve had to choose a food product other than one we’d normally buy simply because what we wanted wasn’t in stock.” On-again, off-again product availability coupled with consumer interest in local foods has led more farms to consider adding value to the commodities they produce. Adding value can take different forms, such as processing a raw commodity into a ready-to-eat product, adopting a unique practice such as grass-fed or organic production, or marketing foods on a local basis.

The MU Extension publication “Adding Value in Agriculture, Food and Forestry” lists questions that farms should answer through research. Rahe said to begin with these five questions: 1. What problem will you solve? Think about how your product can solve a problem or fill a need. Identify businesses that would be your competitors and find ways to differentiate how your product addresses the need. 2. What customers will you serve? Learn all you can about your target customers, including their motivations and preferences. To collect this information, browse through social media or conduct informal interviews. 3. What resources do you need? List the raw materials you’d need to make the value-added product. If you don’t raise all of the needed materials on your farm, identify possible suppliers. Also, account for facility and equipment needs. Document how much all of these investments would cost.

As farms develop and sell their own value-added foods, consumers have more choice and may feel less of the supply chain strain.

4. How will you structure the business? The valueadded enterprise should be separate from the farm enterprise and ultimately sustain itself independently. Gauge how the value-added business may require different skills from those used to run the farm. You may need to call on advisers or hire others to support you.

The meat industry provides on example, Rahe said. When the pandemic led to bare retail meat counters, producers responded to consumer demand by selling whole animals, halves or quarters. Others have sold meat directly to consumers through farmers markets or online marketplaces.

5. What are the economics? Estimate what your value-added enterprise’s cost structure would look like. Project how many units you could sell at a certain price. Understanding these economics will help you gauge whether you have the potential to profit and how you would need to finance the value-added enterprise.

Farms interested in starting a value-added enterprise should first conduct their due diligence, Rahe said. That involves research into the risks, costs and opportunities.

Ideally, you’ll organize the answers to these questions in a written feasibility study that you can keep on file, Rahe said.

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“Lenders and investors will want to see that you have the potential to succeed, so a written study provides the documentation,” she said. “Even if you don’t need external funding, a feasibility study provides a plan that you can rely on when you’re deciding whether to start a value-added enterprise and how to operate the business.”


Custom Cattle Feeding • 12,000 Head Capacity Family owned & operated since 1917

Steve Sellers 620-257-2611

Kevin Dwyer 620-680-0404

“Adding Value in Agriculture, Food and Forestry” is available for free download at muext.us/AddingValue.

APRIL 2022


Upperman named Executive Director of Angus Foundation Source: American Angus Association® The American Angus Association has named Jaclyn Upperman executive director of the Angus Foundation. She will lead the Foundation’s mission of serving Angus youth, education and research. “Jaclyn’s passion for the Angus family runs deep,” said Mark McCully, chief executive officer for the American Angus Association. “We are fortunate to have her extraordinary enthusiasm and drive leading the Foundation.” The Foundation is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit and an affiliate of the Association. A product of the National Junior Angus Association and its leadership opportunities, Upperman knows the ways the Foundation influences the success of the junior program.

“I’ve had the privilege of seeing first-hand the positive impact the Angus Foundation can have,” Upperman said. Upperman has served as the American Angus Association Director of Events and Education, including junior activities, for eight years. Many of the junior programs are funded by the Foundation, providing opportunities for Angus youth to develop strong leadership skills for the future of the breed and agriculture. “The combined legacy of so many Angus supporters makes a difference in not only youth programs, but also in education and research initiatives for the beef industry,” she said. “I’m excited to lead efforts to expand the Foundation’s reach.” A native of Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, Upperman served on the National Junior Angus Association board of directors from 2009 to 2011. She worked for the American Chianina Association before directing the Events and Education department for Angus. Upperman replaces Thomas Marten, who leaves the Foundation to pursue seminary studies. Marten joined the Foundation in 2020 and had a significant impact in his two years. Caitlyn Brandt, who has worked side-byside with Upperman for six years, will be promoted to the Director of Events and Junior Activities. Upperman and Brandt will take on their new roles beginning March 7. For more information about the Angus Foundation, please visit angus.org/Foundation. About the Angus Foundation Established as a 501(c)(3) organization in 1980, the Angus Foundation remains focused on its mission to support Angus education, youth, and research. The organization as distributed more than $3.9 million in youth scholarships since 1998 and has also invested more than $1.3 million in beef cattle research in the past decade.

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For more information, contact the Angus Foundation at 816-383-5100.


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Governor Parson Announces Meta Selects Kansas City for New $800 Million Data Center Source: Governor Parson - Office of Communications ( JEFFERSON CITY, MO) – Today, Governor Mike Parson announced that Meta Platforms, Inc. (Meta), formerly known as Facebook, Inc., will locate a nearly one million-square-foot data center in Kansas City, investing more than $800 million and supporting up to 100 jobs. The data center, a first of its kind in Missouri, is expected to be operational in 2024. “We’re proud to welcome Meta to Kansas City, Missouri, for this historic, cutting-edge development that will positively impact our state’s economy for years to come,” Governor Parson said. “The Show-Me State stands out as a rising technology hub due to our strategic location, skilled workforce, and business friendly climate. This unprecedented investment signals Missouri is open for business and that our state is a prime destination for high-tech leaders and innovators alike.” Meta’s data center will be located in Kansas City’s Golden Plains Technology Park, a 5.5 million-squarefoot data center campus. The site will be supported by 100 percent renewable energy, ranking it among the most sustainable data centers in the world, and add additional renewable energy to the region’s local grid. The facility will achieve net-zero carbon emissions and, on average, use 32 percent less energy and be 80 percent more water-efficient than the industry standard. “Meta is excited to call Kansas City our new home. It stands out with so much to offer – good access to infrastructure and fiber, a strong pool of talent for both construction and operations, and more than anything, great community partners,” said Darcy Nothnagle, Director of Community and Economic Development at Meta. “Meta is committed to being a good neighbor and investing in the long-term vitality of the region for years to come.”

Specializing in Land Equipment and Livestock APRIL 2022

For Upcoming Sale Info:


Contact: Mike Williams Higginsville, MO 816-797-5450 mwauctions@ctcis.net


Among other factors, Meta chose to locate the facility in Kansas City for its central location, which offers improved network connectivity between coastal data centers. The Kansas City region also provides greater security, decreased risk of natural disasters and other threats, competitive energy prices, and options for renewable energy. Due to these and other advantages, the area is the third fastest-growing technology market in the nation. Kansas City has already ranked among the best cities for startups in the country, and provides a wide talent pool with the skills needed for technology jobs. “We are incredibly excited to welcome Meta to Missouri,” Acting Director of the Missouri Department of Economic Development Maggie Kost said. “Meta’s decision shows Missouri is a strategic choice for technology companies to expand and grow. We’re grateful to Meta and all of the state and local partners that made this project possible.” “Kansas City is the most connected region in the U.S. with more than 5.5 million miles of fiber deployed. This infrastructure, coupled with a dynamic and robust talent pool, provides Meta the resources it needs for long-term success in our market, said Kansas City Area Development Council President and CEO Tim Cowden. “Meta’s selection of Kansas City, joining many other global tech brands in our region, puts a spotlight on our thriving tech industry. The region’s new state-ofthe-art single terminal airport opening in March 2023 and our collaborative business community make Kansas City a top location of choice for other tech companies seeking growth.” “Meta’s data center at Golden Plains Technology Park is a significant economic development investment and win for the Kansas City region,” said Evergy President and CEO David Campbell. “We know the company had a choice regarding where to site this major project, and we’re proud to be an essential partner to help make this a reality. We look forward to delivering clean, safe and reliable energy to Meta’s facility, supporting one of the most sustainable data centers in the world.” For the building of its new data center, Meta plans to use the Data Center Sales Tax Exemption Program, a tool that incentivizes the location and expansion of data centers in Missouri. The Data Center Sales Tax Exemption Program was created by the Missouri General Assembly in 2015. Learn more about the Data Center Sales Tax Exemption Program.

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More Missourians Commuting Outside Their Counties for Work Source: University of Missouri COLUMBIA, Mo. – While the past two years have fueled growth in remote work, most workers in Missouri still commute to their jobs. And some are opting for longer commutes: A new report from University of Missouri Extension shows that more workers in the state are commuting to jobs outside their home counties compared to 20 years ago. According to the report, about four in 10 workers in Missouri worked outside their home counties in 2002. As of 2019, just over half of Missouri’s workers were “out-commuting” – crossing county lines to get to their jobs. This trend has implications for economic development efforts, says Alan Spell, co-author of the report and assistant extension professor at MU’s Exceed – Regional Economic and Entrepreneurial Development program (extension.missouri.edu/exceed). The two-page downloadable brief, written by Spell and research project analyst Justin Krohn, is part of Exceed’s Missouri Economy Indicators series. Out-commuting grew significantly in both metropolitan and nonmetropolitan counties over the last two decades, but that growth was markedly higher in nonmetro counties. While the proportion of out-commuters in 2002 was about the same for metro and nonmetro counties – 42.2% and 41.3%, respectively – those numbers had diverged sharply by 2019, when 50.5% of workers in metro counties were out-commuting, compared to 55.9% of workers in nonmetro counties. This increase is consistent with trends throughout the U.S., Spell says, though the growth of out-commuting in Missouri has outpaced the national average.

“Job opportunities have increasingly migrated to our towns and cities as businesses seek larger markets and labor pools,” he says. “Yet many people choose to live in more rural settings, so commuting becomes a part of their workday.” For communities, businesses and employers, this trend demonstrates the importance of “thinking regionally,” according to Spell and Krohn. “While city and county boundaries matter for governance, businesses don’t stop recruiting workers at the county line,” Spell says. “Companies are having a hard time filling open job positions. Community leaders who understand their regional worker flows can better support these firms. For example, if businesses across a region need skilled labor – nurses, welders, etc. – then communities can work together to promote these careers and engage with area training providers.” Data for the brief came from the U.S. Census Bureau’s Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics program. Spell notes that it’s too soon to tell how the rise of remote work might affect commuting patterns, adding that remote work is an option only for a minority of workers. Remote work trends are examined in a December 2021 Missouri Economy Indicators brief from Exceed. New briefs are available every few weeks. They are part of an MU Extension program started in 2020, at the onset of the pandemic, to report on key Missouri indicators. To receive future briefs, sign up for the Exceed newsletter at tinyurl.com/ExceedUpdates. Past briefs in the series are available at tinyurl.com/ ExceedEconomyIndicators.

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MU Extension’s Center for Applied Research and Engagement Systems has interactive maps illustrating commuting inflow and outflow by county and census tract in the center’s Missouri Map Room. Visit cares.page.link/F1QW.


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Doyle Vern Hendrickson Doyle Vern Hendrickson, 89, a longtime resident of Sedalia, Missouri passed away March 21, 2022, surrounded by family, at the Bothwell Regional Health Center in Sedalia. Doyle was born January 3, 1933 to John D. Hendrickson and Irene (Tracy) Hendrickson in Buffalo County, NE. He graduated from Ravenna Nebraska High School in 1950, and served in the US Army from 1953 to 1955. He married Alice Hinkson on August 28, 1955, who survives at the home. Doyle was a lifelong farmer, first farming in central Nebraska and then in rural Sedalia area from 1972 to present. In addition to his wife Alice, survivors include two sons, John Hendrickson and his spouse Sue of Centralia IL, James Hendrickson and his spouse Debbie of Oxford MI, and one daughter Julie Carpenter and her spouse Mark Carpenter of Sedalia. Also surviving are three grandchildren Kyle Hendrickson of Hillsborough NC, Jesse Hendrickson of Brooklyn NY, and Allyson Sampson of Sedalia MO. Other survivors include three step granddaughters, Christina, Ruby, Kim, and their six children and six grandchildren.

Doyle’s credo was to love what you do and do what you love. He was a passionate Shorthorn cattle breeder as the owner of Nile Valley Farms. During his lifelong career he was honored with many awards from his peers. Doyle enjoyed wood carving and created dozens of caricatures mostly from material harvested from his farm. Some of his favorite subjects included cowboys, Christmas themes, and Native American warriors in ceremonial regalia. He was a member of New Bethel United Methodist Church south of Sedalia, serving as trustee and president of the cemetery board. Funeral services were held at Friday, March 25, 2022, at Heckart Funeral Home with Pastor Deb Galey, officiating. Pallbearers were Kyle Hendrickson, Jesse Hendrickson, Mark Carpenter, Nathanael Hutcheson, Bruce Spratley, and Dr. William Chamberlain. Burial took place at New Bethel Cemetery in Sedalia. A memorial has been set up to support the Shorthorn Youth Development Fund in care of Heckart Funeral Home.

“Dedicated to Producing”

No Excuse Herefords Offering One of the Area’s Largest Selection of Breed Leading EPD Hereford Bull Prospects at the Farm!

APRIL 2022

J. D. Bellis Family Herefords


Jim D. and Carla Bellis 19264 Lawrence 2170 Aurora, MO 65605 Cell: 417-466-8679 E-mail: jimbellis@missouristate.edu

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Larry Atzenweiler Larry Atzenweiler passed away on February 24, 2022 peacefully in his sleep. Larry was born on December 3, 1934 to Walter H. and Anna M. Atzenweiler in Topeka, Kansas and grew up in Kansas City, Missouri. Larry graduated from Southwest High School, in Kansas City, and then from Kansas State University a few years later. He was a member of the Beta Theta Pi fraternity. While at K-State Larry was introduced to the love of his life, Rowena Jean Cook, from Columbus, Kansas. The two were united in marriage in 1958. After college Larry served in the Army Reserves and then went to work for Butler Manufacturing as a sales training manager. In the early 1970’s Larry started the Atzenweiler Company and sold advertising for a few beef cattle publications. Then in 1971 Larry was one of the founders of the Missouri Beef Cattleman magazine which became the official publication for the Missouri Cattlemen’s Association. Larry worked for Missouri Beef Cattleman for over 40 years.

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Larry was proceeded in death by his parents, his daughter Ann (1979), and his wife Rowena (2020). Survivors include: son Andy (Gena) Atzenweiler and


their children August and Stella; son David (Shirley) Atzenweiler and their children Alex, Lauren, Jacob, Dane, and Andy; his sister Mary Ann Woodcock of St. Louis, Missouri. Along with many nieces, nephews, and many friends. If you would like to make a donation in Larry’s name - a memorial fund has been set up with the Missouri’s Cattlemen Foundation. Please send donations to MCF, 2306 Bluff Creek Drive, #100 , Columbia, MO 65201 with Larry Atzenweiler in memo line. A memorial service will be held later this spring for Larry and Rowena. There will be an article about Larry in an upcoming issue of Missouri Beef Cattleman.

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Thanks to These Women Senate dysfunction has been publicized widely, including last month’s article we submitted to this magazine. Personality politics seem to emerge each day. Personal attacks are levied from one to another. The place is brutal. Prior to working 20 years in the Capitol halls, I would have said I was an optimistic person – one of those glass half-full types that annoy everyone. Now, I’m a realist. I no longer expect the best or the worst in others. I see people for who they are and believe them when they show me. Though, in every tough situation, there’s always a lesson to be learned, a silver-lining on which we can focus. In thinking about this year thus far, my unsung heroes of the session are a group of bipartisan women that serve as senators. These women show up each day ready to work. They rarely engage in the tactics and antics creating the Senate fissure we are experiencing. These unheralded women aren’t in major leadership roles; yet they continue to demonstrate leadership each day in how they carry themselves and conduct business. These women matter to me. These women should matter to you. I’m not saying that I agree with all their policies and politics. They don’t agree amongst themselves. I am saying that we all should take note of the profound and positive impact they are making on the Senate’s course. Like all unsung heroes, their true impact oftentimes goes unnoticed. Not by me and not any longer. The composure they demonstrate each time a verbal fight breaks out on the floor is remarkable. The way they work together, despite clear differences, is noteworthy. The respect they show one another should be magnified.

I don’t know what it is like to be one of the eleven female Senators serving this state. I’m certain it’s more difficult than we know, or they make it look. I do know that it is the right time to thank them. Senator Lauren Arthur Senator Sandy Crawford Senator Karla Eslinger Senator Elaine Gannon Senator Karla May Senator Angela Mosley Senator Cindy O’Laughlin Senator Holly Thompson Rehder Senator Jeanie Riddle Senator Jill Schupp Senator Barbara Washington Sometimes the simplest things mean the most. Gratitude for these women is what I must share. This has been a challenging year. I appreciate them. Our thanks, Nancy and Cooper

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SALE REPORTS Nichols Farms Private Treaty Bull Sale 1.28.2022 • Bridgeport, Iowa Angus Bulls Number sold Top price Average price 66 $6,800 $5,110 South Devon Bulls 39 $6,100 $5,060 Purebred Simmental Bulls 52 $7,100 $5,275 Hybrid Sim/Angus Bulls 35 $5,900 $5,000 J&N Ranch’s 36th Production Sale 2.12.22 • Leavenworth, KS 93 Black Hereford Bulls Galaxy Beef Production Sale 2.18.22 • Macon, MO 12 female lots 78 Bulls Jamison Herefords Spring Bull Sale 2.25.22 • Quinter, Kansas 100 Bulls Express Ranches Spring Bull Sale 3.4.22 • Yukon, OK 171 Older Bulls 238 Yearling Bulls Mead Farms Spring Bull Sale 3.5.22 • Versailles, MO 133 Yearling Bulls

Avg. $5,946

Avg. $12,250 Avg. $5,483

Avg. $6,245

Avg. $8,115 Avg. $8,027

Avg. $5,100

Kingsville Livestock Auction

Sampson Cattle Co. Bull Sale 3.12.22 • Kirksville, MO 36 Bulls 17 Com. Open Heifers

Avg. $4,254 Avg. $1,441

Soaring Eagle Farms Bull Sale 3.12.22 • Springfield, MO 51 Reg. Bulls

Avg. $10,063

Valley Oaks Angus Sale 3.16.22 • Chilhowee, MO 51 Bulls 14 Reg. Females 50 Com. Bred Heifers

Avg. $4,330 Avg. $3,064 Avg. $2,062

Hinkle’s Prime Cut Angus Benoit Angus Ranch Sale 3.17.22 • Esbon, KS 149 Bulls

Avg. $7,372

Henke Angus Sale 3.17.22 • Salisbury, MO 79 Bulls 19 Females

Avg. $5,636 Avg. $3,431

Falling Timber Farm 13th Annual Bull and Female Sale 3.19.22 • Marthasville, Missouri 34 Bulls 34 Females

Avg. $4,109 Avg. $3,888

Hinkle’s Prime Cut Angus 3.21.22 • Nevada, MO 92 Bulls 72 Females

Avg. $7,812 Avg. $7,559

Kingsville, Missouri Hwy. 58 • 45 Miles SE of Kansas City, MO

Special Cow & Bull Sale Friday • April 22 • 5:00 p.m. Cattle Sale Every Tuesday 10:00 a.m. 816-597-3331 or 816-732-6070

Visit our website kingsvillelivestock.com or E-mail us at: kingsville@earthlink.net

Gelbvieh and Balancer® Bulls & Females Specializing in Balancers® for the Modern Rancher Ertel Cattle Company • 660-234-5265 26694 Anchor Way • Greentop, MO 63546 www.ertelcattle.com • gertel@ertelcattle.com

APRIL 2022

For information call Rick or Jeremy Anstine



Double A Land & Cattle Co. Commercial Female and Bull Sale, Nevada, MO Four State Angus Association Sale Springfield, MO Bennett, Biggs & Switzer Production Sale Green City, MO 43rd Annual Gardiner Angus Ranch Production Sale Ashland, KS Ade Polled Hereford Annual Production Sale, Amsterdam, MO B/F Cattle Co. Spring Maternal Integrity Gelbvieh & Balancer Bull Sale, Butler, MO Andras Stock Farm “The Andras Kind” Sale, Manchester, IL Ridder Farms Annual Bull and Female Sale, Hermann, MO Brockmere Farms Inc. Sale, New Cambria, MO Hunter Angus Sale Fair Grove, MO Howard County Angus Association Sale, Fayette, MO Berti Limousin Sale, Sullivan, MO New Day Genetics Sale, Salem, MO Central Missouri Polled Hereford Sale, Cuba, MO Renaissance Sale, Strafford, MO Fink Beef Genetics Sale, Randolph, KS Sydenstricker Genetic Influence Sale New Cambria, MO McBee Cattle Co. Braunvieh Production Sale, Fayette, MO

April 2 April 2 April 2 April 2 April 2 April 2 April 2 April 4 April 7 April 8 April 9 April 9 April 9 April 9 April 9 April 12 April 16

Buffalo Livestock Market

April 16

East CentralMissouri Angus Association Sale, Cuba, MO April 16 The Power Performance PedigreeRegistered Angus Sale, Mountain Grove, MO April 22 Flint Hills Classic - NextGen Cattle Co. Spring Bull Sale, Paxico, KS April 23 Missouri Red Angus Sale, Springfield, MO April 23 Thomas Farms Limousin Sale, Damascus, Ark April 30 Wall Street Cattle Co. Angus Bull & Femal Sale, Lebanon, MO May 2 7th Annual Gardiner Angus Ranch “Meating Demand” Bull Sale, Ashland, KS May 6 Show-Me-Select Sale, Fruitland, MO May 7 Great American Pie Annual Limousin Sale, Lebanon, MO May 7 Mead Angus Farms Spring Female Sale, Versailles, MO May 10 The White Buffalo Ranch Land Auction, Laclede County, MO May 13 Show-Me-Select Sale, Farmington, MO May 14 Byergo Angus Sale, Savannah, MO May 20 Show-Me-Select Sale, Vienna, MO May 20 Show-Me-Select Sale, Carthage, MO May 21 Spur Ranch “Back to Grass” Sale, Vinita, OK May 21 Show-Me-Select Sale, Kingsville, MO May 28 Soaring Eagle Production Sale, Springfield, MO June 4 Show-Me-Select Sale, Palmyra, MO June 9-11 MJCA Replacement Heifer Show & Sale, Sedalia, MO June 23 Value Added Sale at JRS, Cathage, MO

1 mile west on Hwy 32 • Buffalo, MO 65622 Barn: 417-345-8122

Sale Every Saturday 12:00 Noon

APRIL 2022

• Selling 1200 to 1700 head Farm Fresh Cattle weekly • Special Stock Cow and Bull Sale 3rd Tuesday night of each month at 6:30 p.m. • Pre-Vac Feeder Calf Sales 2nd Saturday of every month in conjunction with Regular Sale (Pfizer Pre-Vac, BLM BPre-Vac, Bayer Program, Mo Quality Assurance. LMA-Vac and MFA Health Track)


Order Buying Service Available


Lyle Caselman 417-345-7876 H 417-533-2944 cell

Leon Caselman 417-345-4514 H 417-588-6185 cell

Hwy 42 West • Vienna Missouri 65582 45 Miles South of Jefferson City Selling All classes of Cattle Wednesday • 10:00 a.m. Featuring ‘Star-Vac Program’ Cattle Weekly DVAuction Service for convenient online viewing & bidding For More Information Call… David Patton Office Ross Patton Bill Patton 573-308-6655 573-422-3305 573-308-6657 573-308-6658 Visit our website: www.scrsvienna.com or E-mail us: scrsvienna@gmail.com “Make South Central your Livestock Market”

MCA Supports Bill to Reduce Burdens on Veterinarians

MBC Classified

The Missouri Cattlemen’s Association today (March 24, 2022) testified in favor of legislation to ensure scientifically unfounded rules and regulations do not prevent veterinarians from utilizing their expertise when it comes to animal care and well-being. MCA Executive Vice President Mike Deering said Missouri has seen propositions in the past that would ignore sound science and dictate to animal owners how they can or cannot care for their animals. He said these proposals fly in the face of of common sense and advice from veterinarians who are the experts on animal science.


“Activists pretending to be experts in the field of veterinary medicine is unacceptable and could be detrimental to the animals they proclaim to want to protect,” said Deering. “Animal health experts should not be thrown to the curb when it comes to animal wellbeing. Cattle producers want the absolute best for their livestock and the best way to do that is to partner with a veterinarian. Quasi government officials with a badge who have zero comprehension of veterinary medicine should not be trying to circumvent animal health experts and state law.”

The MBC Classified column appears monthly. Classified advertising is only 50¢ a word. Send your check with your ad to Missouri Beef Cattleman, 2306 Bluff Creek Drive, #100, Columbia, Mo 65201. Deadline 15th of month before an issue.

BLACK SIMMENTAL BULLS SINCE 1993: Calving Ease, Attractive, Athletic, Sound Footed and Docile. We Deliver. Mike Williams, Higginsville, 816-797-5450 NEW ARROWQUIP 8718Q head holder & sternum bar with unique upgrades to 8’ tub & high torque removable motorized attachment for front and rear jacks. Call 1-970520-1215.

Specifically, H.B. 1586, sponsored by Rep. Jim Murphy (R-94), prevents any political subdivision from “enacting, maintaining, or enforcing any order, ordinance, rule, regulation, policy, or other similar measure that prohibits, restricts, limits, regulates, controls, directs, or interferes with the practice of veterinary medicine.” MCA stood alongside the Missouri Veterinary Medical Association to fully support the legislation. The bill is nearly identical to SB 1058, which is sponsored by Sen. Justin Brown (R-16).

APRIL 2022

“We urge the full Missouri House of Representatives to pass the legislation without delay and send it to the senate and ultimately the governor’s desk,” said Deering.


APRIL 2022

Advertiser Index


American Angus Association........................................ 62 American Food Group.................................................. 26 American Simmental Association...........................47, 49 Aspen Animal Health....................................................91 Bradley Cattle .............................................................. 59 Brickhouse Farms Red Angus...................................... 59 Buffalo Livestock Market.............................................. 88 Callaway Livestock Center Inc......................................18 Champion Feeders........................................................ 50 Classified....................................................................... 89 Clearwater Farm........................................................... 37 Coon Angus Ranch...................................................... 37 Cotton Seed...................................................................57 Double A Land & Cattle............................................... 59 Elanco - Cydectin......................................................... 35 Elanco - Insectiside....................................................... 23 Ellis Cattle Company Red Angus................................. 59 Ertell Cattle Company Sale.......................................... 87 F&T Livestock Market...................................................16 Feed Train....................................................................... 7 Fink Beef Genetics Sale.................................................41 Frank and Hazelrigg Angus......................................... 37 Friday - Cartoon........................................................... 44 Galaxy Beef LLC.......................................................... 37 Gardiner Angus Sale.................................................... 63 Gerloff Farms................................................................ 37 Great American Pie Limousin Sale...............................31 Green’s Welding & Sales............................................... 56 Hinkle’s Prime Cut Angus............................................ 37 HydraBed...................................................................... 76 J.D. Bellis Family Herefords......................................... 76 Jim’s Motors.................................................................. 32 Joplin Regional Stockyards........................................... 92 Kingsville Livestock Auction........................................ 87 KK Farms Red Angus.................................................. 59 Kranjec Valley Angus Farma....................................... 37 La Crosse Seed...............................................................51 Lacy’s Red Angus......................................................... 59 Lamine Valley Red Angus............................................ 59 Maple Oaks Red Angus................................................ 59 Maplewood Acres Farm................................................ 59 Marshall & Fenner Farms............................................. 37 MC Livestock Red Angus............................................. 59 MCA - Cowboys at the Capitol.....................................81 MCA - Junior Points Shows.......................................... 69 MCA - Junior Show/Expo.......................................67, 68 MCA - Liability Signs................................................... 86 MCA - Membership Form............................................ 85 MCA - Policy Priorities................................................. 82 MCA - Presidents Council............................................ 84 MCA - Steak Fry......................................................71, 72

MCA - Top Hand..........................................................74 McBee Cattle Co.......................................................... 22 McPherson Concrete Products..................................... 89 Mead Farms.................................................................. 37 Mead Farms Sale...........................................................13 Merck Animal Health................................................... 73 MFA ............................................................................. 75 Missouri Angus Association.......................................... 37 Missouri Angus Breeders.............................................. 37 Missouri Beef Days....................................................... 34 Missouri Beef Industry Council.....................................19 Missouri Cattlemen’s Leadership College.................... 70 Missouri Department of Agriculture............................ 39 Missouri Limousin Breeders Association..................... 33 Missouri Red Angus Association.................................. 59 Missouri Red Angus Association Sale.......................... 58 Missouri Red Angus Breeders...................................... 59 MultiMin...................................................................... 29 Ozark Hills Genetics..................................................... 59 P.H. White .................................................................... 78 Rogers Cattle Co. and Lile Farms Red Angus............. 59 Salt Fork - Strobel......................................................... 43 Sampson Cattle Co....................................................... 37 Sellers Feedlot............................................................... 60 Shoal Creek Land & Cattle Red Angus....................... 59 Show-Me-Select Sale Credit Program ......................... 83 Show-Me-Select Spring Sales....................................... 46 Slayton Farms............................................................... 59 SN Partners....................................................................21 South Central Regional Stockyards............................. 88 Southeast SMS Sale...................................................... 66 Spur Ranch Sale............................................................61 Square B Ranch/Quality Beef...................................... 37 Stroup Feeders.............................................................. 45 Superior Steel Sales....................................................... 54 Sydenstricker Genetics.................................................. 37 Sydenstricker Genetics Sale...........................................17 The White Buffalo Ranch Land Auction..................... 77 Thomas Farms Production Sale................................... 35 Touchstone Energy....................................................... 79 Valley Oaks Angus........................................................ 37 Valley Oaks Angus/Valley Oaks Meats........................ 15 Wall Street Cattle Co. Sale........................................... 65 Weiker Angus Ranch.................................................... 37 Westway Feeds................................................................ 9 Wheeler Auctions & Real Estate................................... 64 Wheeler Livestock Market............................................ 43 Mike Williams.............................................................. 64 Windrush Farm Red Angus.......................................... 59 Y-Tex........................................................................... 2, 3 Zeitlow - Ritchie Waterers............................................ 48

APRIL 2022



APRIL 2022

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