GHS Yearbook 1998

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Opening •••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••••••••••••••.••••• Stu.dent Life ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 6 50 88 108 Sports ................................................. . Clubs ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Acade111ics •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• People ••••••..••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Faculty- •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 144 224 Babies and Buddies •••••••••••••••••••••••• 236 Index ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 280
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O min o u s Cre , v Seniors Laura Gouak. Erika Edwards, Stephanie J ohnson, and Cann en Hohmger hang out al the Powder Puff football game at t he H omecoming Carniva l The Junior Class won the Powder P uff play off al the carnival Se n ior Torrey Shelton said, "We may have lost. but we \vent down fighting." Photo by Ron Ftnelh

R oya l T rea tm e nt Senior Celeste Le1d1ch \lops for a moment at the Homecoming game. Eight couples were nominated for H omecoming royalty Celeste said, "It \Va, really exciting being elected royalty this year "Photo by Ron Finel l 1

A C ut e Co upl e M s Suzy H arren and M r Char tey Crew pose fora picture before Homecoming in 1966 Suzy and Charley were elected M r. and M s Demon 1966 Semor Paul H udson said. " T he looks and style have changed, but the idea 1s still the same ..


Being the oldest high school in Colorado carries a certain level of prestige. For 125 years, GHS has carried that prestige with pride, and that pride is exemplified in our 125th anniversary. The yearbook editors and s taff have dedicated themselves to capturing the spirit and prestige of our anniversary. In an attempt to do this, the yearbook has several new additions this year. For the first time in history, and one of the first few in the nation, every book includes a CD-ROM version of the book, which will run on both platforms, and contains movie s, sounds, pictures, and all the issues of the school newspaper. The CD-ROM and the book both have a large focus on the extensive hi s tory of the school. The yearbook has added new division head s dedicated to the history of GHS, and how things have changed over the years, while the CD-ROM contains a large section dedicated solely to the history of GHS. On many of the sports and academics pages, staff and faculty have made contributions of pictures and quote s on how things have changed since they participated. Without the contributions from the staff and alumni of GHS, this focus on the history of our school would be impossible. For 125 years, GHS has been producing yearbooks This year the editors and staff have tried to make it a history book, embodying the Ii ves, spirit, and 125th anniversary pride of GHS. With all of these factors, 1998 and the Demoni um have truly been, One for the Ages.

Opening 3

Roya l T rea tm e nt ScruorRoyalty Nick Cook.son and Celc,;te Le1d1ch \\alk along the red carpel dunng the H omecoming game Because 11 was the I 25th ann1vers.iry 1h1s) ear. ,chool -.pint wa<; at an all 11n1c high Junior Robert Schreiner ,aid. "Being here JI GHS on 1hc I 25th ann1ver-af) 1s real\) exc111ng."

Ba la ncin g Ac t Mr L owell Sharp nde, his b1k.e 1n the Homecoming parade The weather was great during the parade th1:-. year and attendance was high Freshman Ryan Field,-Spack :-aid, " T he parade \\.as the h1ghltgh1 of1hc Homecoming week"

Vic to ry Senior Adam Seymourcarncs h1s scooter above h1:-. head tnumphantly as he wins fir51 place in the c la,, compc11t1onc; Through de term inatton, skill, and a little help from the Judge, 1hc Senior Class managed 10 win all of t he class compel1ttons this year Senior Cameron Lindberg said, "Of course the ,cn1ors won. we're l hc bc-;t." Pholo by Ron F inclh

Photo b) Ron Finel11 Photo by Bill Kelle)
ONE fortk 4 AGFS ----

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Class 0£ 1998

TuK'Jldl"t'tf eftJ,,, dflfk.1((4 atqllg 1,,itw J(d ,rektJI 91/"lt di" t'-o/ kH,, &air "' /t. n~ K du- fol" ~, ,~~tt9 irokol""al~ ""Jv.e tu 91:-r'td ,rtakc, acaal~ KfU"r ,rd,, ¥ P"' f.tlM ve 9,;.r~I~ ok~

Student Life 5

rJu, l(H«( /iree ~e- 't ede. 1~' ~9 Jal,. «UJ(tIt liOJfad 4HI" tJw. UN #1 (4"'~ lllfJ.f //,e, a ~ 1", o,<d l/4,rUdllU'9 /Pil,f a Mllf.Jl(t«ift t.Htf~ ~dt;,rt a rekal@CIPitf, "

ONE 6 i°i:s •

pirit e d P e rform e r s M embers of the 196 l G H S football team perfonn their ritual dan ce at the H omecoming asse mbl y Th e dance is st111 perfonned today when th e football team dresses up as cheerleaders and dances during the H o mecoming Assembly M rs Eileen Cook said, " I went to a very st ri ct Catholic sc h ool w h e re the Nuns would hit you for chewing g um "

Han g in ' Out Three seniors of the class of 1972 kill t1n1e a t GHS Whil e there was less free time at GHS 1n the past, studen ts s t, II managed to make the most of 11. Mrs Tammie P eters said , "When I went to schoo l at GHS none of the buildings \Vere connected, so 11 got really cold "

B e auty Qu ee n s The 1970 Prom Queen Jackie Roy a nd her attendants P att i M cNeal and Rh on da Rumbau gh pose after the dance Prom 1-. one of th e o ld es t 1rad111 ons at most high school s , including GHS Elain e Fit zgerald said, '' Wh en I went to school, women had five occupation choices · housew1 fe, teacher. nurse, \ec retary, or social worker"

J - 1 '
Student Life 7

S e n io r pir i t The Senior Clas, 1, creaming lhc1r class chant at the Homecoming as,en1bly Sp1nt \Vee!... 1s full of wild days such as 70's day. crazy hair/paJama day. aloha day. toga day and n1aroon and \\hlle <la) Frec;hman Jennifer Sestrich said her favont.c day ,vas " PaJarna day becau,e l could wake up a half hour later" Photo by Diel... Byrne

To uc h D o , vn JuniorTigl'll I saac and freshman Dan1clle Howell arc chccnng for the bands at the pcrfom1ancc. Sp,nl Wee!-. included c;p1nl days, penny war,. building the floats. and cla"s hall dccorallng Sophomore Jose Sch1mnc1ster said. "It was cool. because 1t got everyone into the school ,pint"

Photo by Ron Finel11

S trut y our s tuff The varsity football team struts their stuff trying to impersonate t h e Tridettes The sophomores won the class hall decorating contest, while the teachers were dasqualttied for using Af\ada 's colors Sophomore Amanda Urban said. " I liked lhat the teachers and th e staff got active"

Photo by Ron Finella

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ONE 8 rc:J;s

Notes & Quotes

Th is year the h e ld th e a nnual c la ss o ly mpi cs s u c h a s Tu g- O -War a nd P owder Puff F oo tb a ll

" I l ik e d crazy ha i r d ay beca u se everyo ne's h ai r loo ke d coo l. " Sophomore Andre \v Quirk

Durin g s pir it w eek each c la ss put pe nni es i nt o their c lass jar a nd s il ver co in s int o th e othe r jars fo r th e penny wa rs.

" I l ik e d S pirit W ee k bec au se every one wa s wea rin g differe nt c lo th es." F res hm a n K asey

P rimmer

Th e C l a ss o f 1998 won th e fl oa ts co ntest. Th is wa s th e fort h co n sec ut ive year o f th ei r wi nn i ng " I li ked m a roo n and whit e day b eca u se of ho m eco m in g a nd the band go t to perform a lot tha t d ay." So ph o more Ca ra H a sse tt.

B y L ee An n e K e phart and H ea th e r M c D owe ll

Pie in th e Face Mr J ohn Brodbeck 1s given a pie 1n th e face during th e H omecoming assemb l y Every year the teac h ers ge t together and come up wi th a f1.,nny s kit to s how dunng the a sse m bly Ju nior Aimee H olley s aid , " I felt exci ted becau se I knew th e De mon s were go in g to win ." Photo b y Bill K e lley

Aloha Seniors Lynn M aharas and Anthony Edward s are t rying to concen trat e on the1 r s tudies dunng all t he exci tement o f a loha day Se ni or C hris tin e Maren, Junior L1 zee H ogheem, so phon1ore Allison B arre ll , an d fr es hm an Kelly Aronowi tz were th e Student Council class p residents who helped pl ain the act1v1 11 cs Sophomore T onya Fush1m1 sai d , " I fe lt Sp1nt W ee k was a success be cause a lo t of people pa rt icipa te d ." P hoto by Amber Carey •

Student Life 9

R ea dy to Boogie Senior J ason My e rs gets ready to show off hi s outfit and new dance mov es during the ever-popular sen ior football players' dan ce routine Th e se niors spen t over two hours a day for a week putting the three minute routine together " [ t was the mos t fun I have ever had dunng an asc;embly," said sen ior Dan Fi she r Photo by R Finelh

ONE forlk AGES

amm1n Senior Tim Raw so n belts out a tune J . ' during the carniva l M a n y e nJ oyed the mu sic provided by two rock band s, Shipshape and The Ginder;, and a g roup called Brothers F ive. " I really liked alt the music but the Brothers Fiv e was an1azing," said senior Teresa P eters. Ph o to by D Byrne

Wasting Away! Juni or Chns H ickman and so phomore Du s tin W e ndlin g s in g " M a rgantaville " by J immy Buffe t w ith th e ir e moll o n s s h owi n g through. Man y peopleenjoycd th e harmonic sou nds while watching Powder P uff football or eat ing lun c h " I'm so g lad th at we had suchagrea ttum o ut ; it see med ltke th e whole sta ff of teachers was there li s tening ," sai d W endlin g. Ph oto b y R Fin e lh


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Notes & Quotes

One of th e favorites among the s tudent body wa s th e foo tb all players' dan ce routin e.

" Th e football players' dance rout ine was the best I 've eve r see n ; I have never lau g hed so hard ." Se ni o r Matt Larso n

~ Another highlight for many s tudent s was seei n g th e ir favorite t eachers tryin g to find a so lu uon to th e unan swe rab le q u estio n , " Wh a t is a R e d ?"

"Seein g M r. R e id dressed up as a roos t e r put a s m i le on my face ." Juni or C h ineane Narans

B oo th s from the c arnival in c lu ded th e Future Bu s in ess Leaders of Ameri c a , German Cl ub , Di vers it y C lub a nd many o th e rs.

" I really e njoyed th e food , mu sic a nd ac t ivit ies a t th e carn iva l. " So ph o m o re M a rgo Ca lig u iri J oe B orde n a n d Tim Pra y

Makin g a S pl as h Sophomore M att Schl1cman gets nailed by a water-balloon at the German Club booth dunng th e Homeco min g carnival The Gennan Club booth was a hll by m aking over $150 " I d1dn ' 1 mind ge ttin g s pla s h e d becau se 11 was a sco rchin g day and the water fell good," sa id Schhe m an. Ph oto by R Fin ell1

Go Lo ng ! Junior Jill Erga nbnght se ts ba c k 10 throw the ball 1n the Powder P uff football game again s t th e so phomore class Th e JUn ,ur girls were 1h1 s year's cham pion s by beatin g the fr es hm e n 49 -7 and the sophomores 7-0 an th e final s. " The be s t part of th e ca rnival was th e Po\ltJer P uff games becau se of the beautiful wome n ," s aid sop h omo re Dan H aschke Ph oto by R Finelh

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Stude nt Life t t

Do,vn Boy Senior J ason Myers pushes one of the Reds off to make a little room for a touchdown Senior Joel Nelson was able to score three touchdowns Coach M att Loyd said, "The whole team \vork.ed hard, that's \vhy \Ve won I JUSt hope \VC can continue to work. hard Photo by 8111 Kelley

S l am ' e m Senior ick Lahey goes fo r a tackle to to help secure Golden·s win against Arvada. Arvada \.\as <;O in11m1dated they wercn 't able to make a single field goal Senior Robm P ohtte said, " T hey picked the best game to win out of the whole season"

Tak e Do,vn Se n io r J oel Nelson pushe d harder to get a\vay fro rn t he Arvada Reds· grasp Arvada wasn' t able co make their first touchdo\vn u nll l four m inutes in to th e second qua n e r Se n ior Da n Gasper sa id," T he game offe red mu lt i p le opport u n i ties for athletic cntenainmcnt, and didn't fail to bnng a smile 10 n1y face.''

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ONE 12 rc::s
Photo by 8 1\l Kelley Photo by B i ll Kelley ,

Notes & Quotes

Gold e n \V On th e Ho m eco min g G am e aga in s t th e Arv ad a Red s, 28- 18.

~" Hom eco min g was to tall y a weso m e, es pec ia ll y wa tc hin g th e De m o ns cr us h th e Re d s." se ni o r Dave Fe th

A to tal of 1829 tic ket we re so ld fo r th e Ho meco m ing g am e, 726 to s tu de nt s a nd I l 0 3 to adult s. " I wa s i mpresse d a t a ll o f th e e nthu sias t ic fa ns, th e re was a t re me nd o us c ro\v d , and th e band had an exce ll ent h a lf ti me s how" Bre nda Bu r ke tt

~" We ta c kl e d th e Re d g u y w ith th e b row n thin g in hi s hand ." W i ll Bo rtl es

''A nn o un ci ng fo r th e Ho meco m ing g am e 1s o ne o f th e mo re e nj oya bl e thi ngs I d o, es pec iall y w he n \V e ki ck so m e butt , lik e we did aga in s t th e R ed s!" Lo we ll Sharp - By Ju l ia J o hn so n and Juli a Sc hmidt

H omeco min g Roya lty Seniors Nick Coo k son and Celeste Le1d1ch happily won the honor of being voted H omecoming Ki ng and Quee n All royalty rode on fa,h,onable cars d u nng the parade to the garrie Sophomore Anna Long sa i d, "Th e carnival was rea ll y pretty and colorful'" Ph o to by B Iii Kelley

O uta My Way Senior J a,on M yers runs for a clearing of the Reds M yers was able to run 100 yards and t hro\\ an add111onal 140 yards Sophomo re Sarah Herbert said, " l' n1 really happy that t he team wa, able to play that well and do so good 1n ,uch an important gan1c Photo by 8 111 Kelley

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Student Life 13

Havin ' Fun Senior-, Mega n \Vord and Nicholas \I/ alter, JOtn the train a-; 1t passes them on the dance floor The co,t of the uc~ets were S 9 00 each th1i, )ear Senior Mil-ey Bro""n s aid The dance was jWesome I had the best lool-1ng date there, Photo bv Bil l Kelle, .

Cute Couple Dani e l Satterfield and Vanessa Sanc1stevens smtle for the came r a as they dance together Mu sic for the dance was provided by American M obtle Sound Sophomore J aime Henderson said le was a perfect night and I had a total blast. Ph oto by 81II Kelle)

Follow Me Fre shman Crystal Wel c h leads a train across che dance floor The photography for the dance was done by Daniel Reynolds. J unior Umll Ozdem1r sa ,d The night was a definite l O I don 1 think I ever left the dan ce floor " Ph oto by 8111 Kelle y

14 ONE
fortlu AGES


Notes & Quotes

" I had a great night but lt was a b it sad th i nk ing th a t i t wa s my la s t H o m ecom in g." Senior K alle Coope r

Th is yea r 's f reshma n ro ya lt y were K e ll y Aronowitz and Au s tin L arson.


Th e D J rocked!" Jun ior M ykah P almer

Sop h omo re royal ty was K e lh Re hd er and her hand so m e escort was Je sse Pr es to n

I h ad a really good tim e, I jus t wish that I cou ld of ha d a date ." Jun ior Wojt e k J ankowsk i

Th e Junior Class wa s represe nted by Shannon Sumner a nd J os h Brid ge man.


Th e mu sic was rea ll y fun to g roove to!"

Sop h omo re Al ex W ells

B y Abbey Kn ox a nd C hri s t i n a K aven

Loo k No C rut ches Sophomore Josh Bennet stands with his c rut c hes held high in th e atr The dance was held from 8 00 p rn to 11 :30 p m Junior Brendan Chisholm said, Th ere weren ·1 enough slow dances, but all in all the night was full of fun and excitement "

by Bill Kelley

So Ma ny P eo pl e Senior Danielle Menapace flashes a smile acros, the dance floor dunng a song A record breaking ~e\en hundred and thirty six people allended the dance " It was bump 1n' and I was out of con trol ," sc11d Junior Shannon Sumner Ph oto by 8111 Kelley

Student Life 15

Mr . Pr es id e nt Senior Ren Bucholz meeLS President 8111 Clinton at Boys' Nation in Jul y The Boys· S tate program allows studenlS 10 manufacture a model state government from the ground up. and Ren was one of two delegates from Colorado to go to \V ash1 n g1on Ren sa id , "We met a lot of 1nteres11ng people "

Swee t C l eats Seniors Ma c gen Con nolly , Bnanna Wells, and Kall e Cooper take a break from one of the I 00 softball games they played thi s year The Sweet C lealS team played a very competi tive brand of softball preparing th e girls for the excellent season they had at G H S this fall Senior Nick Low, who part1c1pated in rod eo this summer said, "Riding 1n the summer 1s better because the stock bucks more in warm weather."

Winners Accepting a first place award for the Golden M arlins sw im team are seniors M a rk Lauwers, Mik e Frost. and Aaron Brown Man yG HS athletes stay 1n top s hap e by participating in compellt1ve sports over the summer "Summer sw1mm1n g 1s a lot of fun because it 1s not as compelltive as high school swimming, and is cen tered more on fun and improvement than on winning," said Aaron

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ONE fortk 16 AGFS , 7

S m ok in ' Sen io rs Anne Fay and Danielle Chappell c rui se Lake Loveland \V1th style Many lucky stude nt s e nJoyed the summer by taking road tnps w11h the1rfnends Anne said, "The key 10 a good road tnp 1s the tun es •· P hoto by M egan Word

K ee p up th e Rh y thm Senior Sara Logan prac tices her paddl1ngsk1lls on Soda Lakes near M ornson W a ter fun was the mo st popular s umm er activity in clu din g going to Chatfield R eservoir and Wat er World Sen ior Kim W es tb y said, " Th e best pan ofsumme r is betngaway fr om school."

H o g H eave n Seniors Cal K e ll y and Au s tin Turner enjoy a break from riding their din b ikes t his su m mer GHS s tudents enJoyed ndtng everything from gia nt tra c tors to Jet s ki s over the s ummer Sophomore L indsay Colv in sa id, " The coo les t thing I drove thi s s ummer was my M om's car \V lth out her knowing "

U nd e rwat e r Han go ut Senior K nst in Sax ton wa tches out for big cri tt ers while sno rkeltng a t the Catalina Is land M arine I nstitute Demons were anracted 10 the water th is s ummer s u ch a s C hn s and Juli a J ohnson ge ttin g SCUBA ce rt11i ca1 1on and d1v1n g 1n K ana. H awa11. But sopho more J ay H oe ne sa id the coolest 1h1ng about summer 1s "you h ave more lime 10 m ake money from your J ob "

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Student Life 17

Hand s up Jun ior Chn, H 1cl-man threaten, to ,hoot ,cn1or Wendy Samland , the doctor The Oun,der \ " about two conn 1cting ,octal groups, the grca,er, and the ,oc:-. D 1rcc1or J ohn Klug ,aid. " The be,t p.irt of d1rec11ng the play " bnng1ng word, to ltfe Thi, rnarvdou, thing happen,"

D ea th B eco m es Him Jun1orChns H1cl- m,1n and ,ophon1ore Adam Smtih , Ponyboy. Vl\lt Kenny S1om1s while he 1s inJured The• Out~u/e, ., wa, adapted from the novel by S E H tnton " T he best p.irl about being 1n the play 1, the expcnence and the leeltng you get on opening night." , ,d JUn1or Chn, H tcl-rnan Photo by Ron Finellt

Greasy Move Ju nior Scoll Morga n w ho plays T wo- 81 1, show, h1, style on open i ng n ight The cast rehearsed nine hou rs and wo rl- cd on se ts and scenery for live hours every wcc l- Senior \Vcndy Sam land said. " T he best p.i n of acttng ts th e per form ance, the comm uni ty. and th e fee li ng of having a little family "

by Ron F i ne llt

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ONE 18 for the AGES
Photo by Ron F1nelli


Notes & Quotes

Th e play t a kes pla ce dur i ng th e late l 920's in Tul s a , Oklahoma


I lik e The Outsiders be ca u se th e kid s lik e it. It 's a pl ay th a t they 've b ee n wantin g to do for awhile ."

Direc t o r J o hn Klu g

Th e c a s t sold tick e ts for $ 4 , o r $3 \VJ th a ca n of food Th ey donate d a ll th e ca n s to c h anty.

" Th ey're really rea l is ti c and you c an r elate to them It 's a pla y s imi lar to t he way teenagers' l ives are t oday ." Senior Sa rah Sch iff m a n

600 t ic ket s were s old dur i ng the three ni g ht s it wa s playing .

" The hard es t part o f th e play is deal in g with th e emo tional sce nes and ge ttin g into c hara c ter ." Senio r M e lissa Turn er B y M e n aka Mahaj a n a n d Mi c h e ll e Kin g

Hit On Juna orChns H ic km an. who pla ys Dall as, puls 1hc moves on sopho mores Anna L ong. who play s M ar-,ha. and Lauren Mi lner. who pla ys C h e rry Aud1t1ons were held during 1he ,econd wecl- of school Sophomore K enny S1onns said, " M y favonle scene , , when J o hnn y kill , B ob because I ltl-e how 1t ' ., togclhcr w1 1h lt g hi-. and everything e lse" Ph o10 by Ron Fin ell,

T e ns io n in T u Is a The g rca,cr,, argue abou11he problem, 1n th eir ,;oc 1ety Th e h arde,1 selling to create wa, 1he 11lu s1on of fire u ang only lt g ht s Student d1rcc1or,;cn1or W endy Samland comn,enied , " M ,ln} of u s cnJoy pcrfonnmg in thi-. play because we ·ve read 1he boo l- and have a grea t affection for It Pho10 by R on Finell,

Student Lue 19

I summer

, s ream

Notes & Quotes

'' I love playing the wacky character 1n thi s play, I'm literally 't he man'.'' Sen i o r Wendy Samland ~'t The cas t members pra c ticed fo r their perfo rm ance every week day from approximately 2: 15 to 5:30. "A ll I can say is that Shakespea re is hard er than it looks." Juni or Ch r istopher H ickman

The winter play was performed 1n a 50's s tyle ba sed on the comedy, A M1d su 1nrn er Night's Dream

" Thi s was the best play perform e d by the ever-sotalenced Demons." J unior Shara H erzog

A Mid s ummer Night's Drea m was dire c ted by teac her Mr. J ohn Klu g.

"S hake s peare ha s co me alive on the Golden H ig h School s tage." Senior M e li ssa Turner Katie Knepp and LeeAnne K ephart

Secre t Pr o po s a l Aga1n,;1 Egea 's (senior Enn Overturi) will, Lysander (Junior Travis Valenllne) asks for H em11a 's (Junior Mana Solano) hand 1n n1arnage A Midsummer N,p,ht's Drean, ran Feb 1213 Junior Nicole Ferguson said , "It was the funniest most exc itin g play J have ever seen. " Photo by Ron Finellt

Fa ir y C ha tt er Sophomore Adam Smith, the head fairy , tells the other faines that he 1s very sly and rnischievous On the last pcrfonnance night all the seniors got to ,;ay an inspirallonal phrase dedicated to the cast. " ll , a great experience doing Shakespeare I learned a lot abo ut theatre and Engl1'h," said JUn1or Travis Valen11ne Ph oto by Ron Finellt

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ONE 20 for the AGES

Roar Ju n ior Christopher H ickman as Nick Bottom, 1nes to convince W endy Samland. Peter Quince.I an Kimsey, and M eghan B urnell that he can play any part in the play T he cast members really worked hard to learn Shakespeare, 1n clud1 ng an extra wee k to prac11ce Senior J essica Anderson said , " T here are a lot of inte rest in g c h aracters, and was se t 1t m 1he 50's so the so u nd track 1s cool oldies " P ho10 by R o n Fine l h

He 's Mine T itania, p layed by senior M aegen Con nolly, a rgues wtth Oberon, J un ior Scott M o rgan, about who P uc k belongs to. All the cast members put a lot of 1maginat1on and effort into learning how to present a Shakespearean performance Junior R yan Frost ,aid, " T his play will be g rea t ,f we learn our hnes."

Love Triangle Senior Erin Ove rt urf, playing Egea , tries to convince her daug ht er Hermia, played by Junior M a n a Solano to marry Demetrius , Junior Ryan Frost rather than Lysander, JUn1or Travis Valenune , Before the play begins M r Klug prepare s the cast me m bers by letting them talk about how well they will do 1n the play "This play was fun yet difficult but overa ll , 11 was a bla'.> t," said Junior Scott Morgan

Student Life 21

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Photo by Ron Finel11 Photo by Ron Finelh


Notes & Quotes

The Broncos had to beat Kan sas City and Pittsburgh o n the road to the Super Bow l.

" By th e e nd of th e game I \Vas ex hausted from c hee rin g so hard ." Fres hm a n Ke ll y McT eer { ..a De n ver \Va s the second wild -ca rd team and th e third non-d ivis ion \Vinnin g team to win the Super Bowl.

L, " Ho w about th e m Bron cos?" Sop homore Bnan L ogan

t;l~ Green Bay was a 12 point favor it e a nd l ost 24-31. 1 wa s rea ll y di s appointed th at I couldn ' t go to the para d e." Juni or Tra cy Heywood

tt-A T e rre ll Davis ran for 157 ya rd s and thr ee to uc hd owns de spite mi ss in g th e seco nd quarter with a migraine headache.

We are th e C h a mpi o ns Quarterback J o hn Elway throw, hi s hand, up 1n triumph Elway pav,cd for 123 ya rd , and ran for a touchdown in the ,econd quarter Sophomore Th atche r Glode sai d , "The B ronco, are arnaztng, after the firs t Green Bay touchdown, I thought 1t was over" Ph oto cou rt esy of RMP Ph oto Serv ice

Sa lu te T h a t Juru or, Anne K oncgn1, Cry-.tal Craig, Emily R ussell, Ju,tin Verard1, Kevtn WI l11 arn'> and J ared Bl ac kn ey cake a day off frorn ,chool 10 ce lebrate the Bronco, v 1clorv The wtn wa., the 20 th , ann1ver,ary of th e Br onco-. first S uper Bow l appearance Senior CJlvm K elley said, " W e are a ll crazy Bronco fan, now that th ey won., Photo courte,y of Anne K onegn1

rO NE 22 _for Liu A G ES I

Time to Ce l e brat e 650,000 Bronco maniacs flood 1he s1 ree1, of Down1own Denver 10 cong ra1ulat c the World Champ i ons M any stu dcn1 s took lhe day off to celebra te 1he v1c1ory which las1cd over four hours Junior Anne Konegnt said, "The parade was the bcsl, I would do 11 all overaga1n 1n a ,ccond " P ho1ocounesy of The Denver P os t

~ g on y of D efe at Juni or Ant h ony M c P hatl digs 1010 a fl~,11\e mound of Jello aher losing a bcl o n the Super BO\\ I The Bron co, were ,I 12 potnl underdog. hut can1e ou1 with a seven point v 1CIOC) · Thl' bc,1 ahou l th e Super Bowl\\ a, being able to go to a part) on ,t Sunda) nigh t ." s:ud freshman N.11han S1r.111 Photo h) Ron hndh

Out of R eac h Den, er Bron co Terrell Dav,, allude, the tackle of ,1 Green Ba) Pa c ker ,ind, for lhc end ,one D.i\ 1, ran I or a 101al ot 15 7 y,1rd, .ind three touchdo,, n, n1.ik1n g h11n 1hc Super Bowl MVP " II ', about 11me the Bronco, brought home the I ornb,1rd1 Troph) ." ,.11d Junior f-ottc Photo provided h) RPM Photo Sen 1cc

Student Life

- -· _

Shootin the Hoops The H ou s ton Comets defeated th e New York Liberty 1n th e fir st annual WNBA c hamp1on s h1p The WNBA headed off their in augural seaso n thi s year Thi s national woman 's lea g ue g ive s th e recog nition to women a thl etes that they have alway s dese rved

Mother of the Ce ntury M othe r T eresa spe nt h e r day s praying for the lives of others , nev e r s topping to think of w h e n s he might Jose her own Within her I1fet1me s he accomplis h ed many th in gs mclud1ng the Noble P eace Pn ze 1n 1979 She died at age 87 of h eart failure , on Sept. 5, 1997

ONE 24 fo r the AGES.. ':;;::: -I

Dead Heads Beware Phi sh has es ta b lis h ed a u ni qu e s t y le of i m p ress i ve con ti n u o u s roc k and ro ll ente rta inm e nt. Ltk e t he Gra tefu l Dead P hi s h has bee n honored th eir own ice crea m flavo r , " P h1s h Food," by Ben and J erry Th eir one of a k t nd perfo rm ance h as ins p ired many reluc tant fo ll owers, si mi lar to the " D ead Hea d s" o f th e 60's.

Spi c e it Up The Spice Girls rocked the charts chis year w i th their hi t si n g le " W annabe" fr om t heir album Spice The ir first and only albu m sent the five girls in to superstardom al m ost over night. T heir t rendy styles symbolize the youth of today's genera t ion.

Fatality of a Princ ess D iana, Pn n cess of W ales died suddenly in a car crash w h ile traveling 1n P ans. taking t he whole world by surprise. T he ouc pounng of co n solacion shown by the millions of people devascated by the her deach symbolized the i mportance ofD,ana's hfe As a prelude co her fune ral more than a million bouq uets of flowers were left outside h e r p alace

Mar s Landing Scientists have made yet a n o th er b rea kth rough, se n d i ng t he first mobi le vehicle to another p laner Th is craft abo ut the size of a microwave he l ped to transport infonnat1on back to earth T he " P athfinde r'' m 1ss1on allowed sc1ent 1sL.;; to uncover unknow n info rm at ion about M ars.

Student Life 25


Top Ten Video Rentals


Top Ten Best Movies

Top Ten Best Television Shows

Top Books

1. The Perfect Storm of Men Again st the SeaJun ger

2. Into Thin Air - Krakaver

3. All over But the Shoutin ' - Bragg

4. Und er World - Delillo

5. The Spirit Catches You and You Fall DownFadiman

6 What Falls Away - Farrow

7 Cold Mountain s - Frazier

8. Personal Hi story - G rah a m

Ten Worst Movies

1. Flubb er

2 . The Saint

3. I Know What you Did La st Summer

4 Speed 2: Cruise Control

5 Volcano

6. Kiss The Girls

7 Con Air

8. Bat,nan and Robin

9. Dante 's Peak

10. Lo st High way

The Ten Worst Television Shows

l Jenny M cCathey's Shows (NBC)

2. Dellaven tura (C BS )

3 . ER' s Season Premiere (N BC )

4 Pauly (Fox)

5 Head Over H eels (V PN)

6 . Meego (C BS)

7 . Pirate Tales (ACE)

8 . Larry K ing L ive (CNN)

9 . Police Acadenzy: The Series

10 . Hi tz ( VPN)

Fa ce/OFF
Con Air
2 .
Men in Black
Speed 2:
e Control
The Fifth Ele1n ent 10
R o,ny and Mi chelle' s Hi gh School
3. M}1 B es t Fri en.d's Wedding 4. Contact 5 .
6 Au stin Powers : Int ernational Mari of Mys tery 7.
R eunion
Titani c 2. A s Good as It Gets 3. Dorznie Bra sco 4. Face/Off 5
In the Company of M en 6. Th e Ice Storm 7. L.A . Confidential 8 M en in Bla ck 9. Shall W e Dan ce? 10 . Wag th e Dog
X-Fil es
Larry Sanders Show
Simpson s
. Friends
. Murder One 8 Profil er 9 . Seinfeld 10 . Mo esha 26 ONE fo r the AGES
2 .
4 New s

Top Ten Records

1 Spice - Spi ce Girl s- Vir g in

2. Tragic K in gdom- No Doubt Trum a/I nt e rsco pe

3. Fa l li11g into Yo u!Ce in e Di o n/ 55 0 mu sic

4 . Space J am- so undtra ck - warri e r Sun set/Atl a nti c/

5. Pieces of Yo u/ J e we l- Atl a nti cs AG

6. B l ue- Le Ann R imes/ Curb

7. Bu rn in g D ow11 th e H o use - Th e W a llfl owe rsInter sco pe

8. L ife Afte r D ea th - Th e N o it o ri o us B I G - Bad Boy/ Ari s ta

9. Secere t s -T o ni Brax to n L aF ac e/ Arti s ta l 0 No Wa)' Ou t- Puff Dadd y a nd th e F am ily- Bad Boy/ Arti s ta

She 's a Star Singer J ewel 1s stnngmg he r guitar while singing one of her so ngs At age 17 Jewe l s tarted writ mg songs a nd nO\V at age 23. s he 1s a star "Mu s ic makes me fee l full of energy and lots of s tamina ," said sop homore Chn s Me din a Ph oto RM

Photo Service

Top Ten Singles

1 "Candl e i n th e Wind 1997 /So me tl1in g Ab o u t th e W ay Yo u L oo k T o ni g ht"-E lto n J o hn

2. " Yo u we re M ea nt fo r M e/Foo l is h Ga mes"J e we l

3 . " I ' ll Be M iss in g Yo u"- Puff Da dd y a nd F ai th

E va ns (F ea turin g M ase)

4 . " Un - Brea k M y Hea rt "-T o n i Brax to n

5. "Ca n ' t N o bod y H o ld M e Dow n"- Pu ff D add y

6. " I B e li eve I Ca n Fl y" ( From Space J am)- R .

Ke ll y-

7 " Do n' t L e t G o" (Love r) (Fro n z Set it Off)-En

V og ue

8 . " Re turn o f th e M ac k"- M ark M o rri so n

9. " Ho w d o I Li ve"- LeA nn R imes

10 . " W a nn a be"- S pi ce Gir ls

Life 27

and e:rness

Notes & Quotes

Si n ce 1969 th e G H S j uni o r r aft trip h as been a s uccess.

" In an o utd oo r e n v i ro nm e nt everyo ne i s on th e s am e leve l , n o m a tt e r wh o th ey a re ." M ic h ae l K e il In th e pa s t 18 ye ars 1700 s tud e nts h ave go ne troug h th e progra m ~" I go t to kn ow s o m e s tud e nts n o t in vo lved in s po rt s, it is mu c h e a s ie r to wo rk h ere no w that I kn o w a vari ety o f kid s. " Coac h Tim C hampa g n e E ve ry ye ar th e s c h oo l run s th ree jun io r r a ft trip s. • ~" It bro ug ht th e C las s of ' 98 c lo se rtoget he r. " Tam se n S tok e s."

Th e r aft trip c o s ts $ 130 fo r fo ur d ays o f f un ~" Th e m os t exc it i ng thin g that I h ave ex p e ri e nced in m y hi gh sc h oo l c aree r. " Drew Will iam s

By M arle na E s te s a nd Karl a He f fe lfin ge r

Sc rub a , dub ,dub Th e w h o le c rew of th e third ra ft tnp s mll esw ,th JOY as they finally get to ba th e aft e r three da ys of n o s h o w e rs. Th e tri p offered st u de n ts to cross th e s ta te hn e be tw ee n C o lo rad o a nd Uta h in a new way, by nver Coac h B o b H ayes sai d , " W a rm s prin gs (a rapi d ) w , 11 get you r h ea rt up int o yo u r throa t. " P h o to b y J o hn B rodbec k

Go for the Go ld Coac h M a tt Lo y d , Ca lv in Ke ll y. Ann e F ay, Ka u e Cooper, Aus tin T u rn e r , and M a rk R oo d s mil e with pl e as ure as th ey pa<;S u p t he o th er boa t <; Dur i n g th e c ou rse o f t h e tnp s tud e nt s are g iv e n m any oppo n un1 t1 ec; to s h o w th e ir ph ys ica l s kill s. Th e bes t s kill t ha t Susa n L ucas le arn ed o n th e tri p w as " to m ak e s ure to h o ld up yo u r ba thin g su it in a wa terfal l." Ph o to by Bri dge t M cCaul ey

• le • • l
ONE 28 for the AGES

Tr uckin' A s teacher Mark H omecker, and s tudent s Karla He ffe lfin ger, M ichael Ke ll , Ty Gibson, J esse Brittian, and J oey Kendell c rui se down the Yampa Riv e r, th ey enjoy th e beautiful c anyon s s urrounding them The e ntire four day tn p cove red over 70 miles of occasio n a l white water rapid s and all k i nd s of unexpected adventu res. Laura Gouak sai d , " Mak e s ure to watch ou t for the tarantulas " Ph oto by Marl ena Es tes

Sunny Days Se n iors C h ri s H amblin , M ikey Brown , and M ike ,;rost bas k in th e s un to enjoy the warrnth after a cold day o n th e river Ttie main reaso n for thi s pro gram ts to deve lop close n ess among Juniors before going int o the ir senior year. Se ni or Dan F is h er s a id , · It gives you exci tement that you have n eve r had before , it m akes you grab life." P ho to b y Anne Fay

Res t Up The seco nd raft trip ta kes advantage of the liul e bit o f lim e that th ey h ave to rest be fore goi n g on to the n ex t rapid Th e Yampa raver as a bone c h ill in g 48 " an the s prin g time Senior Joey Kende ll said, " You know you 're a tru e rafte r, when you Jump an regardless of th e s n ow that 's fallin g " Ph oto by J ohn Brodbeck

Student Life 29

• •4-•• - - '

Ouch! Juni or. L indsey Alpers and Lesley Blendm show off a painful but sty li sh fad A sma ll percentage o f GHS students have p1erc1 n gs othe r than their ear-... th e most common 1s to ngue and navel Wh en asked 1f she had any body p1erc1ng, -.ophomore Enn Hagberg said, "No but I really want my tongue pierced " P hoto by Ron Finnelh

ONE for the AGES

0 Id Beauty 1966 home co ming quee n se nior Mauree n Gib so n looking her best Th ey wore mint s kirt s, hot pants and boo ts. Bu s in ess T eac h e r, M rs. Ph1l1 1s P nce look ed back on h er high sc hool years " W e wore sho rt dresses \Vtth h ee ls or platfonns."

Looking Good Sophomore J aso nFraser s hows off hi s f a s h1on statement Nikes are th e m os t co mmonly worn s hoes. they ran ge from bas ke tb a ll to almost every othe r s port a nd s tyle. Sophomore Lind say Col v1 n s aid s he like s N ikes becau se, " They arc co m fortable an d tre ndy " Photo by R on Fin e lh

-·- " -
t~,onc/ (1, (J I /\ ,.,. I ",, ' ., "::T ' ,:)() i:' w ..t \ ll ,) ..

es are


Notes & Quotes

" I dre ss th e way I want to , not to be different, I just am. It 's JUSt that 1f yo u 're differe nt or original peop le want to be lik e you "Sop homore Stephanie Davi s

Mo s t people c h oose to wear th e co lo rs blue and bla c k

" Ba sica lly I wear whatever fit s my sty le th a t day I wear e ith e r a, r walks. platforms, or co mbat boot s." Fres hman Ananna Chrzan

The mo s t co mmon it ems carried around are ba c kpa c ks and pag e rs

" I don ' t have a s ty le . I wear whatever I ha ve tha t is comfortable and I think l ooks a lri g ht. " Sophomore Kay cee He id Kim Fa te and Andrea Chrzan

Mad Hatt e r Freshman Aurora Arlet and sophomore Ti ffa n y M cEwe n show off 1he1r sense of ,tyle at the Homecoming pep rally M os t people shop at the Gap for their 'ilyle Sophomore Abbie Hawes said, " M y two favorite place:-. 10 shop are th e Gap and Amencan Eagle" Ph oto by 8 1II K elley

Rid e 'e m Co , vb oy 1976 Rodeo Queen se ni o r Carlynn Lewis stands next to her hor,c In 1976 , bell botton1s and sandals were the style " W e wore hip huggers , pJatfonns. sta1ghtcned our long hair with irons or orange JUtcc cans, and I 1-;1ened to the Beatles ,'' recalled socia l worker, M rs Lea Ann Shzcsi..1

Student Life 31
ONE for the 32 AGES

The Spring Supplement to the 1997 Yearbook, Demons by Definition

How Low C an You Go? J unior J ames Burken does t he limbo at After-prom Attendance rates wen t up this year a t After- prom due in part to the new fun and games offered t here Junior Dan Gasper s aid , "After P rom was well planned and a lot of fun ." Photo by Matt Montgomery

What to Do ? Junior Mark Lauwers and friend rest during After -prom Tea c hers and parents offe red games entertainment and prizes to en c ourage students to come to After- prom Senior Man Montgomery said , " After- prom wa s a lot better th is year than it wa s la s t year." Ph o to by Matt M ontgomery

Very Still Campus Supervisor Ron Griffin po ses for one of the many art c lasses here at GHS There were over 300 s tudents enrolled in art cla ss es thi s semester Jun ior Pe ter Rappmund sa id " Art 1s one of the few classes you can really enjoy." Photoby Ron Fin e ll•

Notes & Quotes

Jo seph and the r\ma ztng Technicolor Drea ,nco at was th e sp nn g mu sical during th e ·96 -97 sc hoo l year.

" Th e mu s i cal was a g rea t way to m ee t new fnend s." Skye Svenningsen

Th e da ys that the s h ow wa s perfo rmed were April 17th- 19 th .

"Th e cast and c rew were lik e a bi g famil y" Mr Eric Wein s tein

Jen Wengrov1 s and Bria H amplemann were two young l adies that played brothers .

It wa s quite en li g htenin g be in g a brother. " J en Wen grovi u s

The rehears al s las ted three h ours after sc hool.

" I d o n • t kn ow what to d o after school any more after s pendin g all th e time after sc hool." Bryan Hi

The cast and c rew had nine weeks to pre pare for the mu sical.

the local e le mentary sc hool s. Sop homore Scott M o rgan s tate d , 0 Th e cas t and cre w go t along and we e nd ed up with an awes ome mu s ic al " Ph o to b y Ron Finellt

H e's A li ve Senior Shane Marquardt is really getting into his role as Pharaoh of Egypt dunng hi s Elvi s 1mpersonat1on The mu sical lasted one and ,1 h alf hou rs, making ll one o f the fastes t s hows a 1

G H S Fre s hman Du s tin W e ndhn g sa id, " The audience see med to ltked the upbeat co ntempo mu s ic ." Photo Ron Finelh

Hear the Angel Senior W endi Eberhart is bl ess ing th e audi ence with h er 1mpress1on of an a ngel. The mu s ical was full o f hum or, drama , and acuo n Sophomore Tra v is Valentine , " I liked the fact that the broth ers attacked a pass ing goa t •· Ph o to b y Ron Fin el h

- - - I
ONE 34 for lhe AGES
He's Gone Levi , one of J oseph's many brolhe rs, play e d by so ph o more Scott M o rgan is s inging to h is father about J osep h 's terrible acc id e nt Th e cast and c rew al s o performed
a maunee for

Who Has It ? Jos eph , se nior Mark H ic kman , 1s as king hi s 12 broth ers who h as taken hi s golde n cu p

In thi s year's mu s ica l a h and full of actors had to double up o n parts In all three night s that the s how wa s performed there was close to a 1,000 people that s aw the show Jun ior Van ess a H annemann sai d , " I alway s looked forward lo mu s ical rehearsal be ca use I got to sedu ce guys on s tage and then I became a loving wife to Pot ip har " Photo by Ron Finell i

Lookie He re Senior M ark H ickman 1s s h owing off hi s co lorful coat to hi s brothers Se ni or Wendi Eberhart s pent many hours making a majorit y o f the costumes. Fres hman J ordan A s h s aid , ' Th e cos tum es brought hfe to th e c h aracters." Ph oto by En c W e in s tein

What about So ph omore Ch n s H ickman is , c; krng J oseph th e meaning o fh1 s bizarre dream

All three n ights that the s h ow was performed weresoldout. H1ckm ansa1d, ' Th1 syear's mus 1cal was one everyone see 1ned to enJoy " Ph oto by R on Fin ell,

What Did We Do? J udah, so pho m ore Trav is V ale nt i ne, is s ittin g an a loca l pu b s urrou n ded by the rest of h is family There were a tota l of 30 cas t membe rs and 12 m o re s tudents that were 1n the pll. J unior J asso n Schwenman s aid , ' Th e cas t and the pit blended wonderfully givi ng th e audience a s weet so und that Golden will re mem ber for years" Photo by Ro n Finell i

Supplement 35

Notes & Quotes

" It was a great experien ce to share with my c las s mate s Everyone wa s dress ed beautifully and it was well organized ." Sharhonda Robin son

The theme for Prom ' 97 wa s " A Night 1n the Orient."

" The dan c e wa s fun, and the mu seum was interes ting After prom wa s really coo l with all kind s of s tuff to do ! I'm the bes t gambler ever."

Adam Wendling

The prom wa s held at the Natural Hi s tory Mu seum

" Afte r-prom was great, the jungle theme was awes ome! " Letitia Chri sten sen Jun gle Fe ver" was the theme of Afte r prom At After Prom there were the traditional gambling table s and " Watering Hole."

" I think After Prom wa s the bomb! Es pecially the money I won. " Jo sh Hall. Lots of different type s of mu s ic wa s played at Prom

" I was kind of sad becau s e they only played country music at the begi nn i ng."

Jerarnia Hooks.

There was a large white fro s ted cake at Prom with a large imperial dragon made of frosting on top

How Do I Look? Junior Ja son Myers di scu sse s important matters w ith h is date C arhe Williams. Prom had a very mag ic al a i r " Ifelt like a princess, it was an en c hantin g ev e nin g," sa id freshman J ean M oseley Photo by Bill Kelly

,. - '
ONE fo r the 36 AGES
B Heidi S terrett and Jes Ward
True Love Ju n io r S uzie Lucas and her date Mark Humphrey dance c lo se at P ro m Prom was h e ld fr om 8 :00 p m to 11 :00 p m., and afterward s s tudents wen t to After-prom for the re s t of the night " Prom was fun .fo r the 4 5 minutes I was there," s aid Juni o r Sylvia Gardne r Ph oto by Ro n Finelli
Strike a Pose Juni o r Lauren Milner and senio r M ary Curan get down a t Prom Prom h ad many diffe ren t s tyl es of dress es, from conservative to trendy " It was ni ce to s ee everybody so dressed up ," sa id senio r Kelly Cherey Photo by 8111 Kelly

Hum a n B ow lin g B a ll J uniors Renee M cReynolds, Alexi s Crowder-J ackson , and fnend watch as the ir c lassmate 1s pushed 1n a giant round ball at After-prom " I t was a great experience to share with all of my close friends," said senior Heather Wi lson Besides human bowling, students part1c1pated 1n gamb ling, eati n g, dan cing, swimm in g, and s um a w res tli ng

On th e E d ge Chn s topher Eddy chmbs the rock w all at the Golden Rec center. After P rom h ad m any act1v111es including rock climbing and d anci n g . " A fte r-prom was the best The games and th e m es we re grea t !" sa id Junior Kelly Gables Photo b y M a tt M o ntgo m ery

My Lady S en1 o r Rya n S m i th and hi s d a te l'mtl y Tho mpso n mak e a gra nd e ntran ce at Pro m Ttu s p ro m w as very d iffe rent fro m past proms. " l w o uld n' t h ave m issed It fo rth ewo rl d," said se n io r M elissa J o nes Ph o to by B1 11 Kelley

• • • ' • 1 .. 2 . .3 ... Hula! J u n io r Claire G riffin an d o th ers hul a th e ni g ht away. O n ce s tu de nts c h ec ked i n at th e G ol d en Rec ce n te r for Afte r-p rom th ey coul d no t leave Thi s was m ade a ru le to kee p peop le fro m d ri nking an d d ri ving " [ thi nk After- p ro m
b, espec1ally th e m o ney I w on 1" sa id J unior J osh H
P hoto b y M a tt M o nt gomery Summer Supplement 37
bo m

Last S t eps. Senior Ni c k M a lkm us receives th e class fl ower at commencement. For many sen iors , th e c ommence m ent ceremony 1s an importan t event 1n t heir lives. Senior Steve Steke tee s aid , " I'll never forget th at day ."

by Ron Fine lli

Notes &: Quotes

"G raduation was a good fini s h to a fun high sc hool experience."

The class of 1997 had three valedictorians : Tom Dus ter, Kristin Fisher, and Kris ten Versaw

" I really had a great time in high schoo l. I' m going to mi ss it a lot."

G raduation w as held at Brooks Fie ld on Ma y 24, 1997

" It was a hu ge honor to s p ea k a t graduation, plus itwa s a lot of fun ."

Alejondro Flores

~ The c la ss flower fo r the cla ss of 1997 wa s the Dai sy

S in gi ng it lo ud Sen iors Mark H ic kman , B ria Hamp le man , Kath erin e Clark, a nd Ellen H ale si ng "Seasons of Love" at co mm ence m e nt cerem o ny i n B roo k s F iel d on Colora do Sc h oo l of Min es ca mpu s Th e irs ' w as one of two mu s ic al performances g i ven th a t m orni ng Se n ior R ebecca D rag ul said, " I think th at th e mu s ica l se le c ti ons were perfonned beau tifull y, and added a lot to the ce remo ny " Ph oto by Ro n Fin e llt ONE for the l8AGE S

l'U take tha t. Se nior B J Rey n o ld s talces he re diploma from Mr Jon DeStefano at co mmencement. B J sa id " I am fin a ll y done with high schoo l No w for the real fu n." Ph oto by Ro n Fin ell!

., - i

Finish ing No tes. Senior Bn a Hempleman sings "Reac h" a t the B accalaureate presentation on M ay 24 Senior Brandon Schow said, " I thought they did a great Job of putting tt on , and the music was outstanding." Ph oto by Ron Finelli

Notes & Quotes

" Baccalaureate was a lot more emotional than I expected .// Bria Hempleman

The Bacca laureate presentation was held in th e GHS audi torium .

" Ba cca laureate wa s a so mething special for all of u s senio r s." Thoma s Du s ter

Emily Weingroviou s, Andrea Lanterman and Mike Osgood were all se nior s peakers at the ba cca laureate presentation

11 Although a little on the boring s ide, I thought it was a really coo l event." John De latore

~ Bacca laurea te wa s s ponso red by the GHS Parents Associa tion

teary g ood -bye. Senior Rebecca Doherty s heds tears at the B accalau reate ce rem o ny held in the auditorium of GHS For many se niors tt w as a very emot io nal time R ebecca sai d , " I was a littl e upset that night. Mos tl y because 11 ts the la st t ime 1 will see m a ny of m y c lass mates ." Ph oto by Ron F inelh

Gl ad to be go n e_ Senior Jaime H arvey shows her relief to be finished. Senior J ohn Delatore sa id.

" Hi gh school was fun but I am ready to be gone" Ph oto by R on Finelli

• • • •. - - - I
Sommer Supplement 39

Notes & Quotes

11 We are the best team and lacrosse is the bes t sport. " Karla

The 1996-97 s eason was the second year for lacrosse at GHS

" It was fun I got to mee t new people and I learned a lot. " Hans Layman

The la c ro s se team bought jackets to show their unity.

~" For my first year of lacrosse at GHS , I had fun and I enjoyed th e team " Mike Bryant

~" I had a great year because my teammates were supportive ." Nick Cookson ,

" The conditioning was hard but it was worth it in the end ." Severine Swanson uri and B Re o lds

• • - • , ,. I, • '.:I ,., ., • Try to Ge t Past Me Sen ior Mike Maharas tne s to keep the opponent from tying the s core Lac ro ss e had lo d o c ommunity servi ce in order to pay for team expen ses Fre shman Kyle Arndt said , " La c ro ss e is a rough s port, but I love il. " Photo by BJ Reynolds'• • i,' Way to Go Fres hman M a tt Snellercongratulates fres h ma n Chris Bl use on hi s perfonnance Girl s' varsity won the divi s ion three c h ampion s hip Fres hman Mari ss a Lowther s aid , " My teammates and coaches were really s upportive and helpful. " Photo by BJ Reynold s Where Do You Think You're Going? Fresh m an M ike B ryant is ru nn ing down the fi e ld t rying to keep up wi th hi s opponent. Next year, the girl's lacrosse team will become a school sponsored sport. F reshman Justin Dusdale sa id, "Next season our team is going to work hard and try to win cha m pionships." P hoto by BJ Reynolds ONE
for the 40 AGES

Huddle U p Senior Andy Thoma s talks 10 fellow teamma1es se nior Scott Lm se nb1gl e r , fre s hman M ike Bryant , and fres hman Seaver Baru c h about stra tegy play s Boys· varsity lacrosse went 10 State and lost 10 Douglas County Thom as sai d , " I'm sa d 10 be leaving , but I might come ba c k and co ac h next year" Ph oto by BJ Re ynol ds

Keep Your Eye on the Ball Fres hman Hans Layman prepares to ca tch th e ball The girl ' s la c rosse team had 27 pla yers thi s seaso n , enough to make a JV and varsi ty team Fres hm an Sever Baru c h sa id, " Lac r osse 1s the best sport: it 's hard and roug h, that 's why I like 11." Ph oto by BJ Reyno ld s

Clear the Way Jun io r Ni c k Cookson clears the ball in to get c los er to the goal. The girl's La c ro sse te am only los t tw o ga me s during th eir se aso n Freshman Becky Wood sa id , " For my firs1 year of playing , I had a great scru:on " Ph oto by BJ Reyno ld s

Heads Up Senior Scott L insen b1 g ler passes the ball , hop in g , t will be ca ught. The boys ' la c rosse team finis hed 1n si xth ou t of 14 teams Fresh man Han s La yman said , " I 'm glad I JOtned lacrosse . It was a bla st." Ph oto by BJ Reyn o ld s

Summer Supplement 41

• "'I • • • •
• •

Notes &: Quotes

Sen i o r Drew Sm ith was the best track runner i n th e District League.

Jun io r Marc Rood and so ph omores T ony Cappe ll o and Austin S mith mad e district MVP .

10 gi rl s from th e track team at OHS qualified for th e state mee t for c hamp io n s hip .

Se ni or Drew Smith got seco nd in s t a te in the 100 m e te r.

Sen i o r Kri s ten Versaw received seco nd i n th e 200 m e te r in state

" 9ur gi_rls ' team kicked butt all seaso n , we worked really hard Everyone' s times improved from meet to m eet. Th e g u ys ' team did good too," Jun ior Anne Fay


" I l ove track , the upp e r c la ss men make ita bl as t ," Sohpomore Au s tin Smith

"!rack is s o much fun , I h ave a lot of fun with th e p eo pl e who parti ci pat e 1n tra c k and th a t is what makes it eve n more fun," Juni o r Karla Heffelfi n ger

B y Ti ffany Gill and H eidi Dwiggins I

Keep Go in g . Jun ior Andy M oore run s to reach th e finish ltne a h ead of all of h is oppone n ts Even though it was a fair l y new and you n g group of people , the track team ended up doing very well 1n a ll of their meets Fre s hman Margo Ca ligiuri s aid , " T rack wa s g reat because 1t kept me in shape an d I love to c ompete " Photo by Ron F1nelli

I' m Do n e! Junior Rob Childerston cro ss es the fini s h line ahead of hi s opponent. Boys• track did ve ry well thi s year, a lot of peopl e went to State Fres hman Laura Word s aid , " Our relay team was young , but we s till did we ll ."

by Ro n Finelli

I Think I Can Sophomore Austin Smith s trives to fini sh h is race. Some o f the m eets were canceled due to snow and cold weat h er J u ni or Aus11n Turne r s aid , " Tra ck was hard , the coach forced us to try hard so we could do better " Ph oto by Ron Fine lli

X 5 , ,j l .x5 -
- •.........
42 O NE
the A GE S

Ph o to b y Ron F i ne l1 1


G irl s' S c o re s

Wh ea t Ri dge/ J e f fer s o n cance led Co l orado R o undup cancel ed

B oy s' S co r e s Wh eat Ri dg e/ J e ffe r s on c an c e l ed

l o rado R oundup c ance le d

Yippee! Ju n io r R odn ey R o nw a ld 1s abou t to ; 'Uld afte r h1s longJ um p J uni o r K arla H effelfinge r took 5th 1n State Sen io r D re w S mit h sa id , " I rea ll y enJoy runn i n g trac k, I' m JU St s ad beca use

m graduaung " P h o to by Ro n Finelli

Fi~t Row S Sumner D Ch:ippel , L. \Vo rd , M CaJ1 g 1un K Pol111c , A Dittbrenner J K unze S Gaulc , S Ph11li ~ N M arl.. o vivhc l.., E EL.berg Second Row · K. Heffelfinger Y K im , V J oiner, K VeNw , A H oogheem L Hoogheem E Ru,sell C C W illiam.\, G Vcr<.:iw, M Thom.s:, Th i rd Ro w Coach L Young J Goble, R Sander., A Fay M H unger N Pape ._, E Hagberg , C Long K Cooper J Pineau. D Blad ney. Co.ich M Loyd Fou rth R ow · H effelfinger T 8uJnowsk1 , J Pa~ J Ca-,c 10, M Fro,1 T Cappello, A Seymour, M Duane 8 Chisolm J Rood A Smith F iflh Ro-. M Fa11We;ither R Ronwald •• C. Ke lley, B Bo ul ey, A Turne r, W Hoffert , J Reider A Roger-. R Wobb roc l.. Back Ro w Co:ic h Hammoc k M Rood R Clulde rston M Hagelburg, J Dc, mar1eau , C Corbin E Langsted.J , Hoene J B ndgeman D Smith Coach Champagne Almost There ... Sen ior Drew Sm tth ro u nd s a turn to w a rd th e fini s h lin e dunn g hi s re lay Bo th boy s · and g irl s' trac k dt d very w e ll thi s s eas o n J uni o r K a tie Cooper s ai d , " W e c h anged to SA thi s year s o we h ad to wo rk a lot harde r "
Apri l3 3 rd Win djamme r 8 th Le ag u e R e l ay s 6 th B ear C ree k In vit. 4 th A -W e
t/ Wh ea
Ri dge/
lum 2 nd Green Mtn /Wh t. R dg. 3rd R egio nal s 2 nd S t a te 18 pts
Ap ri l 3 2 nd Wi ndjamm e r 6th Leag
e R e l
s 10th B ear Cre ek lnv it. 6th A-
/ C
d G ree n M tn /Wheat R id ge 2nd R e g io n al s 10th State 12 p ts. S11rnmer Supplement 43
W e s t/
t Rid ge
o lu m 2 n

I Go t It Sophomore Annie K o n egni sp ri rts to s to p a Ch atfield Charger from scori ng The Lady Demons shou t out the C h argers 2-0 to k ee p them in hne for a playoff spot. " We had a great season this year and we really work ed togeth e r ," sai d K o negni Ph o to b D ic k B m e

J/ Notes & Quotes

" We re all y pla y ed well thi s seaso n ." Jill Erg anbri g ht Tara O ' N ei ll received a n a ward f or th e m os t go al s sco re d .

" Th e t e am r e all y c am e toge th e r " Anni e Ko n eg ni O' N e ill al so receive th e to p o ffe ns ive playe r award .

" I had a l o t o f fun thi s seaso n ." J e nnife r F i nk

Th e top midfi e lder award wa s g i ven to J ill Erganbright

" I h o pe we make Sta te ne x t y ear " Erin R o zell e

Pe nn y Gree ley w as a ward e d to p d efe nd e r .

9 t

Let Me Ha ve It So ph o m o re M ik a h P a lm e r reac h es for the b all in th e ir win aga i ns t C h a t fie ld Th e De mons we n t 1- 1 in th e playoffs w i n n in g agai ns t S kyv iew 1-0 i n th e fi rs t r ou nd They were th e n elim i na ted b y Ai r A cade my 3-0. " Be in g a you ng team, it w as d iffi c ult to p redic t a s uccess ful season. The ladi es h ave prove n th at yo uth is n o t a fac to r , n lh is ga m e," sa id coac h A nd y Fu e nt es Ph oto b y D ic k By rn e

Get Out of My Wa y Soph o m ore Tal e ah

M ata ya ru ns to tra p a ba ll in the C hatfi e ld ga me Th e De m o ns fi n is h ed th e reg ul ar seaso n w ith a 7- 6 - 1 record and a 1- l reco rd in the pl ayo ffs. " Hard wo rk and dedicat ion and lo ts o f h eart have m a d e th is tea m s uccessfu l," sa id Coac h F ue nt es

• j
ONE fa r th~ 44 AGES
Scoreboard Alameda 4 -0 Con i fe r 8-0 P omona 1-2 G ree n M o untain 1- 4 Co l um b i n e 1-3 B ear C r eek 1-3 C h atfield 2-0 Arva d a 6-2 L akewood 7-0 Stan dl ey L ake 3-0 Arvad a W e s t 0 -0 Dakota R idge 0-2 Everg ree n 0 -5 Wh ea t R i d ge 2-0 I

Gas ping For air Fre s hman Brian Logan take s a quick breather between s trokes Golden took first place at the J e ffco Relay s Senior Dave J ohnson sai d Everyone has been working hard to ac h ieve t he i r goals." P hoto by Bi ll Kelley

Th is year was ili e


?e!n«;~rs~ a~'!?a~~~

leag ue

" I'm pro u d to s ay th a t we co mp e ted in th e B ig 10 leag u e because it wa s co mp ose d of th e bes t teams in J e f fe r so n Cou n ty ." Evan J o n es

Go lde n w as the o n ly tea m to be u nd efea ted in d uel mee t record in the B ig l 0

" Everyo ne co ntribut e d t o th e te am by sco ri ng p oint s an d th at wa s our goal fo r v ic tory " Coac h S h an non Greivel

Th e ir new coac h , S h a nno n G reivel , was n omi na te d fo r th e Coac h of th e Year

A ward

"S h e pu s h ed u s to o ur li mi ts i n p rac t ice s o we cou ld p u ll ahead f rom our o pp o ne n ts " Bri a n Loga n

B y J oe B o rd en


Blood, Sweat and Glory Sop h omore Alan Daniel s s tnv es to the fini s h wi t h a detenn1ned look Go lden fini s hed wnh an undefeated dual meet record, the only team 1n t he B ig JO to do so. Junior Make Fro s t s aid, " The se niors gu 1ded the team with a great deal ofleadership whi c h helped bring us to vi c tory"

P hoto by Bill Kelley

Swimming for Victory Sophomore Spencer Nee attempts to c r us h hi s opponen ts us in g the butterfly s troke The team put everything toge ther to des troy W heat Ridge by 60 point s. Senior LeJo Flores sa id , " We killed every tea m we faced by us i ng s trategy , s kill and so me lu c k." Ph o to by Bill Kelly •

--. - .~ I
Pomona 100 -83 W G reen Mountain 117-60 W Columbine 89-86 W J effco Relays I Sl P lace Bear Creek 103 -8 0 W Arvada Wes t 96 -94 W Wheat R idge 120-60 W League 4th Place
Snrnrner Supplement 45

Ba ck at Ya Senior Sarah Coonan nail s the ball back lo her opponent. The tenni s learn was al" ays very s upportive of each other Coonan said, " And rea D1tbren ner has I mp roved the mos l. She didn ' t k r ow anything yet she was ab le to m ake varsi t y ." P hoto b Ron Finelli f j

Notes & Quotes

" Our coach work s w ith everyo n e, not ju s t o ne pe r son. She doe s n ' t p l ay favonti s m ." A ndrea Dittbre n ne r

Golden 's tenni s team wa s ab le to win fo ur ou t of th e eig ht matc h es t hey played

The team is young and as th e fre s h man g row o l der they become an excelle nt team ." Sarah Coonan.

Th e tennis team wa s doing so we ll th a t th ey were m ove d u p to SA

" Gir ls' tenni s 1s cool but they don't ge t e n oug h c re d i t l ik e th e b as ket b al l and volleyball team s get.'' La uren Robertso n

B Ju lia c hm idt


Strid e With It Fre s hman H olly Schan h a ls reaches far to get th e ball bac k over th e net. The h a rdes t team the g irl s had to face was Columbine Juni or Andrea Dittbre nner sa id , ' Th e bes t thi n g about coac h WI lson is thal s he works wi lh everyo ne ."

Ph o to by Ro n Fin e ll1

Fro nt row : H Schanhals, J Unger , A D1tbrenner

A Mod 1z, N Fros t, M Re itm eye r , V R ic kard Ba ck

Row : coac h L Wil so n , B Raye , S Dovey , S

Coo n an , D S mith , T Dovey Photo by Zem 1

ONE 46 fo r the A G ES
S t a ndl ey Lak e 7- 0 Gree n M o unt ai n 4-3 Arva d a 7 -0 P o m o n a 1- 6 Whe a t Rid ge 2-5 Arv a da W es t 2-5 Co lumb i n e 2-5 B e ar C ree k 6 - 1

What Do You Want? Senior Dave Elli s turn s toward s the c oaches to li s te n to s ome advi ce between batters Junior Enk Horvat s urpn sed everyone by becoming the second lead hitter with five homeruns and 15 RBI s. Photo by Ron Finelli


Notes & Quotes

The highli ght of the seaso n was defeatin g the p owerh ou se Chatfie ld , kn ocki ng them out of the c hampion s hip

'This year ' s team had a good year and I don ' t think th eir record reflects how they played thi s year." Coach Bob Stokes.

Senior Dave E ll is was the leading hitt e r with s ix h ome run s.

"Our team wa s s tro ng thi s year despite some of the lo sses. " Toby Michaels

Throw Me Some Heat Juni or Zac h Sh irk gets ready for the pit c h off throw Shirk was the first baseman and he h ad the win over Chatfield ' ' We played up to our full potential dunng the Chatfield game ," s aid Shi rk Ph oto by Ron Finelli

Front Row : Coach Bob Stokes. Kevin Bilger, Drew Wtlhams, Mike Fros t, Dave Elli s, Erik H o rvat Kevin Williams, M ike Hac hkey Coac h Hubbard

Middle Row 1 Toby Mi c h ael s, Ryan Whitford , S c ott L1n s ton, Adam R is tau , Lee Newgent Jake Zwa1n , Za c k Shirk Ba c k Row : Kevin Clerk1n, R yan M c Call um , Sean Davi s, Sean Parker , J e sse Preston , Chri s M iller Photo by Ron Finelh

~- - ···. I
GHS Opponent Lakewood 7 0 Dakota Ridge 5 4 Evergreen 6 2 Chatfield 2 4 Green M ountain 10 I I Columbine 5 6 Bear Creek 3 9 Wheat Rid ge 3 5 Arvada 5 15 Pom ona 13 15 Sta ndl ey Lake 0 10 Arvada West 4 3 B ea r Creek 3 12 Columbine 15 17 Chatfie ld 3 5 G reen Mountain 2 3 Rangev1ew 2 3
Summer Supplement 47

No t Fa r F rom th e Fai rwa y JuniorTiffan ) Bausch tees up a powerfu l s hot m a tough matc h Senio r Nikki Varvens a nd ju n ior Celeste Le 1dicr received a ll -con fere nce h o nors. Juni o r Ce leste Le idich s aid , " I like golf because we get to be out 1n th e s un ." P hoto by R Finelli

Notes & Quotes

Golden gi rl s' golf fini s hed 5th i n th e ir leag ue and h ad a hig h point of beating Pomona.

" W e will d o even better next year with more experie nce," Casan dra Dittbrenner

M a ny m e mb ers of the team s aid that thi s team wa s among the bes t that G o ld e n h as eve r had .

" The team pl ayed very well thi s se a so n and we s h o uld be a co ntender next year." Emily Thomp so n

Th e go lf team had o n e of the be s t regional t o urnam e n ts in team h is tory B Tim Pra and And Th o mas

Loo kin g for a Pla y Juni o r Celes te Lei dic h looks for a s pot on the green to place herbal I. Th e g irl s' go lf had a good so lid season with man y new fa ces Ju nior Emily Th ompson sai d , " A lo t of the g irl s improved a lot, and I'm sa d to see M rs Wilcox go " Ph o to by R Finell ,

Puttin g for Par Sophomore Abbey Knox maneuvers a putt i nt o the hole at th e W estwoods

Golf Cl ub for R egio nal s Th e g i rls pl ayed well through out th e se a so n Fres hman Casa ndra Dittbrenner said, " W e did w e ll for h avi ng jus t one se nior thi s year Ph oto by R Pinelli

Chip Sh ot J unio r T i ffa n y Bausch tries to c hip he r ball s afely onto th e gree n Th e gi rl s are h op in g to grow and get more ex pen e nce for n ex t seaso n Juni or Em i ly Th o mp so n s aid , " It wa s a good seaso n and we h ope to d o better next year " Ph oto by R Finelh

48 O NE fo r the AGES
/ r w _,,,_
Scoreboard R olling H ills 3rd F oothills 5th F ox Hall ow 5th M eadows 5 t h Lake Arbor 6th R egionals 5th

Linin g it U p Senior J oshua B arthels Ime s up a s hot at the Arvada Invite held at the Indian Tree go lf co urse Th e golf team placed higher thi s year than the last tw o years Senior Dave Feth sa id , I had a lot of golf playing fun thi s year"

S tandin g Tall Juni or J a,me Kochevar s tand s tall 1n a c heerleader fonnat1on at the Homecoming game at Brook 's Field Senior J ame s Burkett sa id, " I thought the c heerleaders did a great JOb at the homecoming as se mbly and in the parade " Ph o to by Ron Fin e ll i

C allin g it Loud . Seni or Ja so n M eyers ca ll s a play at the H omecoming game The football team beat Arvada by 16 point s. Senior Laura Ekberg sai d , " The game was fun to watch , and the guys on the team played wonderfully "

Photo by Ron Finelh
Photo by Ron Finelh
ONE for the AGES

Class of 1998

()(H,t'- tk ~J' 90~(.f kve cfujdfo/ff a ioJJ? to a !ifors-t,!e, Iflff"'o~~!tll"tictjal(Cf /ff«..ft s-iot<J Mft-1J' clwott'ol( Mel 1';,attol( /I( o~c/e,,- to Je, COlff/ett'tive II( a9o~t. It ,:s, akr CO/fflfft°tlffel(t to co/ff;e~ 1';, Mf 9o~t tfue cl~

-- ·• I y.«'4 .v.§o..-i::~ • R; • '."W',:"1': ~VIY "' ,OS ':,,; '· X , ' ' it ~ ---? D
Sports 51

Tk J(?rs't cfur e1~ce, I ,talf6;la,dQl'e, allQ/ tk l(UU J'/(Jf"Cf. T~e, 1J' a Je,t'te/" /tt"J'/utilf6 Mda«11dtl";at'tictjati(}lf 1~ J'/(Jf"Cf. Oe.r;ite, alltk c~ (}l(U tk J41'(t, eta!'-~ it~ aJ(J"t tk e(l./l(e,,

52 ONE for th e AGES , fng~m~ ·: ,.. ~t ' '• :I 1 ,

70 's Spirit Tndeues pose for a picture , n a G fo nnallon an 197 0 The Trid e u es are st tll a bi g part of GH S today, performing al assemb li es and sc hool eve nts throu g hout th e year Freshman R y an Nee sa id , " Th e Tnd e u es are some of lhe best performers I' ve see n "

Big Swinger A 1964 te nnis pl ayer takes a s h ot at a tenni s match Tennis, as well as m ost ot he r sports here at G H S, has not c han ged mu c h since the 60' s. Senior Mit ch Sandoval said, "T e nni s 1s fun to play o ut s id e of school because tt only takes 2 people to play"

Got the ball A bas ke1ba ll player ca tches the ball for th e camera in 1946 B asketball has gained popu larity over the years and 1s now one o f the fou r most popular spo rts an th e United Sta tes Se ni or Joel Nelson sa id. " I'm s u re glad they ' ve change d th e un1fo rm s "

• ' I
Sports 53

Quick Re turn Senior Enc Horvat takes his best backhand shot in the match against Pomona H igh School on Sept. 18

J997 The tennis team had a high ski ll level this year because seven of their 12 players were seniors with past experie nce "The team·s grea test ,t rength was th ei r sk.11 I and maturity," co mm ented Coach Di ck Byrne Ph oto by Dick B yrne

Front Row : Coach Dick B yrne, Alexei Sologoub, Russell M altempo, T1M Pray, Brand o n Allen, Adam Nims. Back Row : Tan Schmid t, Mitch Sandova l, Eric Horv a t Drew Coonan, Mik e Frost. Troy Hannemann, Kenne th Wan , Coach Mik e Horvat


Notes & Quotes

Th e be s t part of playing tenni s is lh e ca marad e ri e of th e team."

Se ni o r Mik e Fros t

Thi s yea r the team h ad a ll new coac h es, inc ludin g, Coach D ic k

B y rn e and Coac h M ik e H orvat.

" Th e c oa c h es were grea t thi s year. Th e la s t co upl e of years w e didn ' t h ave ver y goo d coac hes, but I lik e ou r new coaches ."

Se n ior En c H orvat

Th e team took fourth overall in th e 4A s tate co mpetition

"S tandley Lak e was m y be s t m a tc h because my partn e r and I were pu s he d to our limit and we eve ntuall y won ." Sophomore

Ru sse ll Malt empo

Sen io r M ike Fros t fini s he d fo urth in numbe r two si ngle s i n S t ate .

" The funnie s t thin g I eve r did in a game was break my ra c ket. "

Senior Mit c h Sandoval

" I think we had a good team thi s year beca use all of th e players ha ve g r ea t attitude s and s kill s." Coach Di c k Byrne

In S t a te, Juni o r Alexei Sologoub finished seco nd in numb e r three s ingl es.

ONE for the 54 AGES


G raceful Grab Senior Troy Hannemann kneels to return tne ball to hi s opponent from Pomona H igh School Mo s t of the players on the tenni s team have been playing tenni s for at least seve n years Ru sse ll Maltempo believes that ·· tenni s is probably one of the finer s ports offered at GHS becau se of the quality of the coaches and players."

by Ron F1nel11

1 earn Pl ayecl .score Arvada We s t 6-1 Co lumbine 0-7 Cl Green Mountain 6- 1 "" Bear Creek 5-2 Standley Lak e 4-3 0 Horizon 7-0 m ui Arvada 6-1 "" Chatfield 3-4 0 Pomona 4-3 V Wheat Ridge 2-5 (/) Highland s Ranch 6-1 Re gio nal s Firs t Sta te Fourth
Sc ra pin g By Junior Alexei Sologoub s tretches to respond to the serve fro m hi s Pon1ona High School opponent. The seniors of the team who out number th e other players seven to five, lead by example because they are consistent and wor~ hard " I thought some of the younger players on the team could have been n1ore serious 1n pracHce," replied Mike Frost Photo by Ron Finclh
• • f t .. t f • " .. .,. • • • • 4 ..,. Howh.asit changed? Ron F inelli C lass of 1964 • r;,l(l(/J' I I( tk 60,r l'~flli-d;lap.r to U/UJ.I' Ulk-itu Ol(o/· Tola,;/ap.r UI~ J'tzt, 18 .rkl"'t.r Ulk-ic/4 coMt- to tk t~ of tkt,. ,!125 !Vt:&r , .. f 'f • • .. ., Ra.ra.e-CJ> tola, (Vt, at lt-aJ't tU11U tk J'(Zt, ofllrj' oU UIOOdt-1( w;-t,01( t"t,{1,f(u, ..rold , Sports SS ..

Hang on Vanessa Junior Vanessa Joiner ,s prepanng for h e r dismount from the unparall e led bars Thi s 1s Van essa's third yea r on the gym na s ti cs team but the first year w11h a new coac h Vanessa comme nt ed about her new coac h , " It 1s a btg difference without Coach Wil cox, but I thank our new Coach David Yonk1e will ge t the ha ng of 1h1ngs soo n e r or la11 er" P hoto by Ron Finel11

Fr o nt ro w : Courtney Parry , Vanessa J oiner, Enka Edward s, Stefanie Nahl ey, Kell y M c D a ni e l Ba c k ro w : Kirstin Everett, J ess ica Borin g, Casandra D111brenn e r , Elain e Ekberg, Andrea D1llbre nn e r Photo by Ron Finelh

Notes & Quotes

" T he se n io r s st re n g th e n our tea m and we' ll m iss th e m nex t year." Sop h omo re Cassan dra D i ttb re nn er

The gymnas ti cs team h as a new coac h ; th ey los t ha lf o f th e ir tea m last year .

" T he senio rs h ave m ade t his year m y bes t yea r. I love th e m a lo t a nd will m iss t h e m ." J uni o r Van essa J oi n e r

A ndrea D itt brenner h a d a n inJured hi p- fl exo r b ut s he sti ll w e nt o n t o compe te agai nst G reen M o unt ai n a nd Dako ta R idge.

" Gym n astics is a very to u g h s p o rt W e h ave to b e very d e te rmin e d , we ll d riven a nd e nthu si a s tic to s t ick wi th it. " Se ni o r K e ll y M cDa n iels

Gy mn astics prac t ices ever yd ay an d by pu ttin g o ut a grea t dea l o f e f fo rt they came i n wi th a f o urth p la ce fini s h in o ur regio na l co n fr e n ce.

" Th is was a g rea t fi rs t ye ar f o r m e, I h ave bee n abl e to meet a lo t new girls. I a l so h ave improved m y gy mnas t ics s k i ll s a lot thi s seaso n eve n if we d id lose m os t o f o ur mee ts." Fres hman Kirs t in Eve re tt

B y K evi n Willi a ms a nd Jak e Zwa in

• • . -
56 ONE for th e AGES

Friends Forever Fnend s Courtney P arry and Je ssic a Bonn g s hare enthusiasm after one of the best finishes of the year They came 1n second only to one of the best team s in our d1slnct, Conifer, on Sept. 16. " I t doesn't matter 1f we win or lose becau se the girls on our team will always support us," said Courtney Ph oto by Ron F inellt



to sta rt her performance on the beam Andrea was one of the three seniors on the team this sca,on Senior Kelly M c Da ni e l said," Being one of the seniors on the team 1s great because no\\. I am one of the three leaders " Ph o to by Ron Finelh

Kicking off the Routin e Sen ior En I.a Edward, prepares tor the hardest pan ot her rout1 neon the beam.Gymnast 1c, mal.c, the girls have stretch very well so that th ey can do their rou11ne Edwards said. " W e \.\Ori-. rea lly hard and the perfom1anc:.cs arc tough , but the best rc,,.,a rd 1s bein g pan of a team Ph o to by Ron Fmellt

Team co r e Golden 124 00 0 Evergreen 138.75 Ck Pomona 142.25 < Green Mountain 133.45 0 m Bear Creek 137 50 Ul Golden 142 .5 0 Ck C h atfield 133.75 0 V Lak ewood sc ore not available (/) Standley lak e 140.5 0 Chatfield 140. 85 Broomfield 15 1.1 25
the Beam Senior Andrea Dittbrenner prcpanng
Sports 57 ! •

Down For The Count Sop homo re Ma ll Curtis 10t1m1dat c-. his opponent 10 the Golden l nv1tat1onal It wa, a ha rd win ag a1n<,t Green M ount..1 10 but Gol den c ame away w11h th e win "Th e hard es t tea m to beat th1-, year 1, Pu eb lo Sou th ," ,<11d Cu rti s

Notes & Quotes

To tryout a ll yo u hav e to do is go to ope n gy m When the seaso n s tart s if th ere are t wo \Vre stler s 1n th e s ame weight class, th ey wre s tle eac h o th e r to see w h o will wrestle for varsi ty and w h o will \vres tl e for JV .

" I have been wres tlin g for two yea rs n ow and I r eally e nj oy it."

Sop h omore Mik e Gowey .

Gol d e n 's be s t wrest le r th is year was se nior D ay ln Blac kn ey

" I l ike to watc h th e wres tl ing m a tc h es because th e r e is always so methin g goi n g o n and i t 's ac ti o n pa c ked The bo ys alway s give it their a ll. " Fres hm a n M e l iss a H ueman

Thi s yea r th e re were three se ni o r s o n th e wre s tlin g tea n1.

" Wres tl in g is a h ard s port to d o Wres tlin g tak es ba s ica ll y all m usc le." So ph o m ore J e re m y M att hew s.

Da y ln Bl ac kn ey pl aced fourth in R egio n a ls a nd s eventh in State

" Th e Wh ea t Rid ge team bea t Golden o n th e mats , but had to o man y forfeit s." F res hman T o n y Carve r

T h e tea m ca ptain s w e re Dalyn Blac kney a nd C hri s Hamblin

Front Ro": C n, -,y Owen, Ni c k Mont ane,. M1J... e Gowey Steve Fro,t. Mi ca h Leadfo rd Ky le M artin, Con Sayya h Ba c k

. -
Photo by Ro n Findlt By Erin E nn a a n d J enn i fer Brun e
l 58 O NE fo r Lht AGES
Row : Tim Champagne. Mall Curtl\, Brandon Rood J a red Blac:.J...n ey. Chn, Vorh ies, Day ln Bla c J...n ey, Sco ll Acker

Let' Get Ready To Rumb le Freshman tvt ,cah ford gch pumped up to delcnd h" lean\ ag.itnsl P ueblo South. one ol the lop 1ea1ns 10 the ,talc The\\ re,1l10g team practices every day fro,n 2 45 11 11 5 " \Vrcstllng 1, a cxc1110g 'P<)rt, but tl 1s VCI) cha ll enging with h ard cond1t 1on1ng tn\.olvcd.'' ,,11d Lcad lon.l Photo h) Ron F10cl11

T,vi s t and Shout Junior Jared Bl ackncy take s charge at th e Golden In v1tallonal Th ere were I 6 members oft he \.ars1ty wrest) ing team " I don ' 1like wearing the un1fonns because !hey aren't 1ha1 comfor1able.'' said Bl ackney

How bas it changed?

Gene Young1Dan Class of1969

"ElfU'? we ,fu/to «1t'utl'e- qollt.-1( tJ.1Cd qo!lelC a!waF kl tk Jut ltic'lf;l(d Ill!tk /Qt<utfet..r wu--e cle-a,,, J'M.t>t-rj/ .r/40,.t M.rt<cu.t.f Tk,- al!wot<e tk .f(U(t- 'T.rirt<t.f Mdu.l(1/01'1f!J' tl.l(d tk-1 «IU't- .f(Jl!(t, of tk Jut wt<utlt-1'.r I I( tk, sta.u tfuk to tk.1,.. coa.c/4 /Jar,.ellIfeft'trj

T ea m Sco r e T e am Sco r e Cl Standley Lake 6-49 Evergreen In" 14th °" Pomona 16-46 Green Mountain 27-39 < 0 Chatfield 12-65 Wh cat R1d ge 31-43 m Ul Columbine 10-63 Eaglecrest NIA °" 0 Bear Creek 11 -63 Ranum 4th V (/) H inkley Inv 6th Bear Creek 11 -64
Photo by Ron F1nelli
" Sports 59

Fig h ting for the Wi n Junior J ulta King fight s her way to the fini s h hne in the bac ks troke re lay The gir ls· s wimming team placed third at J effco lnv1tat1 onal thi s year Fres hman Brittany M eagher sa id , "S w1mm1ng wa s a blast and everyone was fnendly We had a lot of team s p1nt , whic h \Vas cool " Photo B y Bill Kell ey

Boys' Swimming: Front row : Mi c h eal Schreiner , Chnstopher J ohnson, Daniel Gasper, S co tt Reynolds, Jerry King , Paul H ud so n , Bnan Logan Ba ck Row : Alan Daniel s, Timothy H oppin, M ark Lauwers , Coach Steve Bat es, J ohn Struman , Dane Schow, Thoma s Cecil, Aaron Brown, Aaron Schlesi ng e r Not Pi ctured Mi c heal Frost

Notes &: Quotes

The boys' swim team placed 11th place at the Jeffco In vitati onal "S wim team take s a lot o f co mmitm e nt and co min g to prac ti ce everyday is in c redibly hard , but it 's wort h it. " Sophomore

J onatha n Ek s trom.

"So far ou r seaso n is off to a great s tart and I th i nk we ' 11 make it to regio nal s at thi s rate ." Se ni or Mi c hae l Schreiner

"Th e boys team is d o in g excep ti o nall y well thi s year and they h ave superb p ote nti al." Coac h Shannon Grieval

Jared Kin g won th e Hoy t Bra v ner Award at the Colorado In vitatio nal

Th e girl s' swim m in g team pla ce d th i rd in th e l eague rel ays, with 22 girls a bse nt.

" I love to dive because i t is ex itin g when you l earn a new div e and finally ge t it ma s tered ." Senior Robi n Politte.

The team had 42 memb er s i ncludin g eight se ni ors .

"Th e wors t part about sw immin g is all o f the pra c ti ce " Fres hman Me g hann Kla se m er.

The team ca ptains are s eniors Kerry Jone s, Sara Loga n , Sarah Palm e r, Robin Poli tte, and Erin Rya n

- - -
O NE 60 for the AGES

U p for Br e ath Dane Sc how comes up for breat h wh ile doing the butterfly du n ng the 100 bu1terlly The boys' sw 1m m1 ng team placed fourth place at the Jeffco Re lays this yea r F res hman K atheri ne Be n nett said, ·•our boys• sw1mm1 ng team 1s s imp ly the bes t, and can beat any school'" Photo By B111 Kelley

Bre ath o f Air J unior Ashley Meagher swims the butterfly stroke 1n a fall competition Among n1any competJt1ve s\vimmen.-, butterfly stroke 1s cons1dered to be the hardest of the four s trokes because you must have excellent rhythm. strength and stamina " I have been 1n swimming for eight years, I stay m 1t because I love the sport." s aid fres hman Brittany Meagher Photo by B11\ Kelley

G irl s' $ \vimmin g Fro nt row : S Logan., A Menna E Ryan. M Klasemer, K McVaugh, A Berkman , B Meagher, K Scott f idd l e r o,v K Jones. M Thomas , N Markovch1ck , J Johnson. M fine. S Ozdemir, J Lm s enb1gler, S S,vanson , M Rich , A Meagher Ba c k r ow· K Watson T Do"e} E Hoogheem , R. Pointe. J King, S Palmer, S Dovey K Polilte, J McTeer , S Ph1!11p, K Fagerburg .

Boys Usffhem G irls Us/Them Standley Lake 120-72 Arvada West 62/112 League Relays 3rd Place "'- Evergreen 79-104 Wheatridge 115/6 I < Bear Creek 97-92 Chatfield 123162 0 Colorado Invite NIA m Pomona 92/93 w Dakota R idge 76-93 "'- Evergreen 98188 0 Pomona NIA Bear Creek 106/86 V Jeffco Invitational 3rd Place (/) Arvada West NIA Columbine 106/67 League Meet NIA Columbine 120-74 State Meet 5th Place
- - -

We ll Do n e Junior Lizzy Hoo gheem puts her anns around freshman Sarah Pi zzo and M olly Albano congratulating them after runnin g the five kilometer race Cross country 1s a very demanding spon " I 've had a good lime gett in g to know everybody on the team. " s aid fre shman Brittan y M eagher. Ph oto by 8111 Kelly

Front Row : Stephanie Fink. Lizzy H oogheem, Laura Word , D a ni el Chappell, Sarah Pi zzo Middle Row : Anna Berk man , Nadia Markovc h1 ck. Mary Th omas, M ega n B ackman. Enn Roz elle, M olly Albano Back Ro,v :Adam Dra gul, J ohn S treetman, Mi chael Pfi sterer, W es Hoffert, Brendan Chi sholm. Mark. Fa1nv eather ot Pi c t u red : M ike F rost, Bill Tarantino , and Bnltan y M eagher Photo by Ron Finelli

Notes&: Quotes

Th e mo s t challengi ng ru n wa s th e co ur se a t Georgetown

Th e team was s tranded at th e s tale mee t in Pu eb lo due to a s now s torm .

Sa rah P izzo took 7t h in s tat e.

" I think th e team to beat thi s year is Evergreen ." Junior Li zzy H oogheem

L izzy's bes t tim e in the five k ilom e ter is 21. 1 minute s.

" P ractices s tart around w h e n sc ho o l sta rt e d ." Fres hm a n Brittan y M eagher

C ross co untry meet are ge ne rall y three to four h ou r long

Th e team run a n average of 17 mil es in pra ctices per week

" Our tea m is C.C cool." Juni o r Bre ndan Chisholm

There are seve n vars it y runners o n th e team

The ave rage time for g irl s i n the five kilometer is 23 minut es.

The average time for guys in th e five kilo is 18 minut es.

Th e longes t run at o ne pra c ti ce was 12 mil es which was around th e m esa

B y Adam Nims

O NE for the 62 AGES • • •

Do,vn a nd Dirty Sophomore Stephanie Fink wipes mud off of her face after running the five kil ome ter Th e co urse was one of the most difficult th ey had to face over the course of th e year. " Th e reason I was muddy was I s t 1d down the two m ud pit on the course," sai d Stephanie Fink Photo by 81II Kell y


Hurdlin g th e Ob s ta c le Sophomore M ark Fairweather hurdles one of the many haystacks on the race at Dak o ta Rid ge T he g irl s' cross co untry times are very close "Th e uniforms are coo l look 1ng this year," said Bnu any Meagher Phot o by B11! Ke ll y

Hay Sen ior M ike D Frost hurdles on of the many hay bail s 1n th e five kilometer run P ractice s tarted on Aug. 11 and ended Oct. 25 with S tate. " Th e team th is year 1s much better than las t year." said JUmor Lizzy Hoogheem

Photo by Bill Kell)

•-·- -·• I Meet Northglenn Inv Met ro Regio nals Sta te Boys 9th 7th 4th Gir ls 2nd 9th 7th
t of the scoreboard
not made available by coach **
fr om Denve r Post Online
Howb.asit changed? Lowell Sharp Class of 1959 ·el"().f.f eoa,,r~? «IQ.f for J°?'1 (J.(o/', k/io 4 0«1~ 1ro.,Je- t½, c/Jr/4 t t/tt,riJtrfr eoa!Ira,,r Tk Jut ra,,r.(u< I ~ eoaeW "1a.J' (/t',ra Ale-!ro,r, "'io 1.r l(O«I tk fl/~ eoae/4 • Sports 63 I

Practi ce Mak es Perfe c t Senior Luke Van \Vocn se l tees off beforl.! th e game for th e ex tra practice. The average score for all the go lfer., a ll -;easo n wa s an 85 " Aft e r h i g h sc h ool, l'm -; till going to play go lf I want to ge t a go lf scho lars hip ," ,ai d Van Woe n se l P hoto by R on Finelh

Notes & Quotes

Wh e n as k ed w h o hi s in sp ir a ti o n w a s, Luk e V a n W oe nse l r e pl ied, " D avis L ove III , b ec au se h e is o ne of th e b es t pl aye r s and thi s year h e wo n h is fi rst to urn a m e nt. "

Go lde n p l aced s ix th o ut o f th e b ig 10 in th e co u~t y .

" M y bro th e r h a d pl aye d : it's a f a mil y thin g Al s o 1 rea ll y like it ," Sop hm ore K y le D in k le • •

Lu ke V a n W oen se l , Dav id F et h , J os h Barthttl s, and D av id S und • participa te d in r eg io n a ls.

" Th e be s t t h in g a b o ut go lf is w h e n I s ho t a 79 a t ~ p as t B e ar C r ee k t o urn a m e nt. " Se ni o r J os h B a rth e ls. ·

Lu ke V an W oe nse l pl aced seco nd in th e co unt y, with a fi rs t pla ce ga m e of 69 s tro kes a nd a 75 s tro k e aver age

" Ti ger W oo d s is a re all y goo d pl aye r , peo pl e j us t th ink s h e's o n e of th e ot h e r g u ys ." Sop hmore K y le G o lo s.

Se ni o r D av id F e th 's b es t ga m e was a n 82, he lpin g him pla ce 28 th 1n th e cou nt y ove ra l l.

" Luk e is lh e b es t thin g th a t ever happ e n e d co th is te am ove r a ll. " Coac h M a rk H o m ec ke r.

D avi d S und had a low score o f 83 a t W es t w o o d s.

Behren R oy<,ter, Jo,h B art h e ls, David Sund, Coach Homeckcr, K yle Golo'>, David Feth. K y le Dinkl e, Bnan Koch P hoto by R on Fin ellt

O NE 64 for lhe AGE S

Eyeing the Green On th e green at Westwoods , se nior David Feth pu tt s the ball to ge t an 87 Dav id and a few othe r team ma tes played In the regional s w here the) led Golden to p lace s ixt h out of 10 1n the county Senior J osh B arthcls said, " I' ll m iss David the most : he's been m) best f n end since second grade " P hoto b) Ron Fi nell ,

Swinging Hard Sophomore David Sund s wings lhe c lub al W es twood s where Golden pla ced fourth David ha s s taye d 1n the 80's stroke average for every game H ts 85 s troke average , helped h1n1 place 30th 1n the co unty " Even though we placed si xth 1n the co unty , we did good. but not good enough," sa id Sund P hoto by Ron Fine lh

Howb.asit changed?

·- - ·--Fo x Holl o w 7 th place A Mead o w s 6 th pla ce °'< 0 m We s t W oo d s 4th place ui °'0 Indian Tree 7 th p l ace V (/) F o othill s 9th place
Hornecker Class of1970 -~!/ .fuJ' c.fu1fdhJ' t.ful( Mj otleer .r;o,.t tl/'aaJ(dJuaase- it1:r lrv"!t OI( tro.lit1ol( Tk b!Jr!t c~ tk«JJ, Af tlf e-rrv/A<t-lft wit/4 all tk 1 ~0,0/4ite MdtiCa./f1a,r «et<ilJ'J,eft.r • Sports 65

Strike, You 're Out Senior Kall e Coope r pitche s a s trike against Ke nnedy 1n th e ir seco nd game of th e seaso n Th e team gave 1l their all and beat Kennedy 13 -0 " It 's a ton of fun and a c hallen ge to k ee p up with her le vel of co mpetition ," sa id fre shman M eg han Cooper her sis ter. Ph oto by Ron Fin el11

Notes & Quotes

There have been 54 s trike outs between the tw o s i s ters M eg han and Kati e Cooper

" It i s fu n to be one of the on l y fre s hmen becau se you get to play with the upperc la ss men. " Fres hman Laura Bollinger

Abbey Knox had s tolen bases four time s, the mo s t on her team

"C hatfield was 9-0 until we played them , a nd they have the be s t pitcher in the s tate !" Sophomore Kri s tina H opkinso n

Thi s year there were three new freshman players: Meghan Coo per, Laura B ollinger , and J odi Guthrie

" Katie Cooper i s an awesome pitcher and ou r d efen se always backs her up ." Junior Shannon Sumner

Se n ior Katie Cooper threw 776 pitches , 529 of which were strikes.

~" Girl s' so ftball is awesome. It is a g rea t sport for girls to s how what they are made of." Sophomore Rheann o n Dri ver.

In 11 games th e r e were 75 hits and 65 run s.

Sco r es provided by R ocky Pre p s web page. Recent s tat s were not made avai lable to u s by th e coac h

Front Row : Darcy Krt101 c h , Carly W illiams. Middl e Row : M e li ssa Be logea, Meghan Cooper, Laura Bolltnger, Abbey Knox , Crys tal Craig, Kn s ltna Hopkin son Ba c k Row : Coac h T om P e te rso n , K atie Cooper, M aegen Connolly, Brianna W e ll s, Shannon Sumners, C oac h Shannon Barrowc;

66 ONE for the AGES
o{J I

G i vin g it He r All Sophomore Kristina Hopkin son s lid es safety 1010 third 10 the game against Kennedy Th e team prac tices 10 hours a week and they h ave played 1n many tournaments. "Coach Barrows and Coach Peterson are g reat coaches, and they take the game very seriously which makes us work harder," sa id se nior Brianna Well s Photo by Ron Fin e lh

Team Eve rgreen D,. Kennedy "'- Dakota R idge < Arvada 0 Arvada West m Pomona ui Columbine "'- Chatfield 0 V Standley Lake (/) Green M ountam Bear Creek Wheatndg e Lakewood Score 11-0 13-1 2-4 8-5 1-8 6-3 2-3 4-1 3-12 2-1 4 -6 10-0 10-4 W estnun ste r Poudre Denver Wes t Gateway Eaglecrest Tournaments Rangev1ew Di s tncts Regional s State 5-1 13-6 17 -3 6-4 19-1 4th 2nd I s t 4th Ga me Winnin g Cat c h J u n io r Abbey Kn ox catc h es the ball at h ome
in the game against Kennedy and h elped hold Ke nn e d y to a no run game Abbey h as played on varsity s in ce her fr eshman year and t his 1s h e
as catch e r " I 'm really glad that girls· softba ll , s beco min g more popula
sa id re hm an M eghan n K lasemcr Photo by Ron F ine ll!
r ,"
Howliasit cliangedP Shannon Barrows Class of 1992 ·TkM.- are- o. lot « Ql"'t- /;uuf.s-, o.l(I tk o.J;t"tj of tk;/ap.r k..r tlf~MAJ.J'do. lot • Sports 67

Hang Time Senior Cal Ke ll ey goes up for the c; hot agamst a player from N1wo1 T ryouts were held during th e first week m N ovembe r Ju nior Lee N ewge nt co mm e nted w e're doing pretty well thi s seac:on, better than ta s t year" Photo by Ron Fin e llt

Notes & Quotes

Cal K elley and Eri c H orva t were chose n MVP ' s after the Broomfield ga m e and bo th were interviewed o n te lev i s ion " I e njoy playing road games because I lik e to go in and beat ot her teams on their floor." Jun ior Adam Qu een.

Th e b oys' team rai ses m o n ey b y working th e R ockies ho me gam es " I d on't h ave a least f avorite part of ba s ketball. I like it all. "

Senior Eric H orvat.

" Ca l Ke ll ey a nd Eri c H orva t s h ow leade rs hip both b y the way th ey play th e ga m e and how d edica ted they are to b aske tball. " Coac h B o b Stokes.

Thi s year th e boys' team r eac h ed th e seco nd round of pl ayo ffs, which ha s n ' t h app ene d s in ce 1954

At one po int th e boy s' team w as rank e d ninth in th e sta te. Se ni or Eri c H orva t wa s seco nd in point s and blo c ke d s h o ts and third 1n s teal s in the J effco 5A individual s tat s.

Se ni or Ca l Ke ll ey wa s I 0th in points, seve nth in s tea ls, and 12th in assis ts in th e Jeffco 5A individual s ta ts

B y Sa r a h Adam , She ll y B ar low, and Mi c hell e Kin g

First Row : M anager Ni co le Newco mer Second Row : Adam Ri s tau , En c H orvat, Ross M arun. Ja c;o n M eyers. Adam Queen Back Row : Cal Kelley. Urn,t Ozd e mir, Greg Anders on , Coac h Bob Stokes, P au l Barrett, Lee Ne wge nt David Ko l ,n No t Pi c ture d : J oel Nel s on

ONE fo r the 68 AGES
Team Score Team Score Broomfield 74-55 Chatfield 66- 49 ll. Alameda T oum First Place Bear Creek 64-48 ..q, Skyv1ew 47 -46 P omona 56-62 0 W estmins ter 53-70 Arvada W est 61-51 m Dakota Rid ge 78-68 Arvada 56-53 ui Lakewood 7 1-60 Wh ea t Ridge 66-54 0 Conifer 75-48 Green M oun tain 81-66 V (/) Columb in e 57-88 B oul d er 61-46 Stand ley Lake 46-44 Lewi s P almer 57-67 4 J. Dunkin' Senior Eri c Horva t h as a ll the tim e 1n th e world for hi s s la m dunk Thi s year o n th e boys· te a m th ere were fiv e se ni or p layers Enc H orvat sai d Th e best part about our 1ea m 1s the lea rn c h enu stry that ge ts built up during th e s1:.aso n " Ph o to b) R o n Fmelh Tou g h "D " Sen ior J ason M yers keep s an eye on hi s player while playing defen se Th e team captains were seniors Cal Kelley and Enc H orvat Ju nior Lee Newgent said, "Th e most exciting s hot was when Cal made a last seco nd shot at M cN 1chols and won the g am e for us." Ph oto b y Ro n F1nelh 1 T How has it changed? Bob Stokes Class of 1962 -1Jo..rutio.l/,tku- MJ.IH, cfu;dfQA( eQ,f~.rellti Ta;-r #rc/4ae,/UPt<la. ,f j, .f£;,wo.l~.r Tk ,f/).A(t, qi tk jo..«t- «10..f tk 15lqq~I .rkt O.,f, ,fO( tk ~ o..ri ta.lit.ff t.fP"" foce,/4M # Sports 69

Guards Up Senior Laura Ekberg tak es the ball to the hoop during the ga me again,t Westmin s ter She wa s a team c aptain alon g wnh se ni o r Torrey Shelton. Wh en a s l-. ed how well the team ge ts along. sophomore Erin R ozelle said, ' 'The team c li c k s well and we are all close fri en d-. ." Phot o by R on Finell 1

Notes & Quotes

There i s a sig n a bove the door in s ide th e g irl s' locker room that says " Th e tradition s tart s he re" and th e players reach up and hit it o n their way o ut before each game .

" The be s t part of coaching th e gi rl s' ba s k e tball team is that I ge t to work with a goo d grou p of girl s." Coach Shannon

Barrow s

Th e team's goals for th e se a s on were to ge t seco nd or third in leag u e

" I enjoy go in g to the games b eca use it 's exc itin g to watch with m y friend s. I hk e it when there 's a lo t of tension to see who wi ll win a nd a c lose sco re at the e nd ." Senior J eff Kemler

Senior Kri s tin J o hn so n wears the same s hirt durin g warm -up s and a lw ays goes to Juice Stop befo re games for goo d lu c k

" Th e b est thin g about being o n Golden's ba s ketball te am is being with th e team a nd it' s rewarding to work really hard and see r es ult s 1n the ga mes." Senior Laura Ekberg

Th e D e mon mo tt o is " D efe n se Win s Championships ."

" M y favorite part of playing for Golden is th e le sso ns I learn a bout teamwo rk ." Senior T orrey Shelton

B y R ya n Fi e ld s a nd M e nak a Mahajan

Front Row : Tal eah M a taya, Andrea Dittbren n er, Laura Ekberg. Torrey Shelton. M y k ah P a lm e r Back Ro,v: Enn Ro1elle Erin Hastings. Shannon B arrows (coac h ). T ara

O ' Neill , Kn s t1n J ohn,on

O NE 70 for the AGES

High Sen1orKnsttnJohnsongoes foraJump s hot wh ile Wes tmin s te r pla yer.- attempt to block 11. Th e play e rs go t new equipmen t v. 1th th e mo ney they raised worJ..1ng concess io n s ta nd s a t Coors Fi e ld " I lov e goi ng to th e girls' basketball games because th e c rowd gets rea lly excited and ,ve all can be re ally loud." s aid fr es hm a n Alan Brun o Ph oto by Ron Fin ell ,

Team Score Team Score Q Wes tmin ste r 58 - 49 Sta ndl ey Lake 71 - 25 °" Th ompson Valley 33 - 21 Chatfield 36-57 -ct. Ke nn edy 46- 36 Bear Creek 52- 64 0 S kyv1e,v 59- 36 Pom ona 37 - 77 co Evergreen Toum Third Pl ace Arvada West 45 - 56 Ul Coni fer 55- 24 Arvada 52- 57 °" Dakota Rid ge 34 - 35 Wh eat Ridge 37 - 64 0 V Lakewood 34 - 41 Green M ountain 32 - 37 (/) Col umbtn e 47 - 46 Grand Jun ctio n 52-40 Arapahoe 31 - 65
Full Sp e ed Ah e ad Jun, orTaleah M ataya and sen ior Andrea Dittbrenner s pnnldown the cou rt
has it changed?
of1984 ''k/4 "11', Cka,IH, a 3;orl(t t',r~Qlfd
aJ'edtk J'flM ~ J'a~ o/Ja!laJ' tk J°F Tk «lft/ol'lfl(J' «1u--t, tirJ' Mrr/J/e,;olpw Qlfd~? ~o/-I IQQJ' tk Olfo/ , ,,./ol( tk tui,,, "'k eo«II;& tA~ lar,e Jal/. /t/4 IQOI( gtate II( 1982 Ql(d1(0 otw tleffoo,,,.t, I Ju.ktJall tuur k4J' Mt,!ti,i~ -" Sports 71
. T ryouts for the girls' basketball team began on Nov 11
Knst1n J ohnson s aid , "Th e team ge ts along really well. but so metim es we get selfi s h and 11 cos ts us games ." Ph oto by Ron Fin e ll, How

Give I t a Kick Jared Blackney runs to s 1eal the ball from Arvada The bo1 s' soccer team, cons1s11ng of 15 players , ,s coached by Chad Reid. Wh en asked why he t 1kes coaching for Golden , he replied, " Th e players are w1lltng to work so hard for a co mmon goal " Photo by D, c k B yrne

Notes & Quotes

" Thi s year's tea m is better beca use we' re all wi llin g to keep goi n g and n ever give up ." Juni o r Jared Bl ackney.

Sopho m ore J oe B o rden keep s a penny in hi s le ft s hoe fo r goo d lu c k

Seni or Jake H e nd rix a l ways put s hi s right soc k on fir s t f or good lu ck

" They ' re really inten se!" Cam pu s s up erviso r , R o n Griffin

Jun io r J a red Bl ack ney believes that s itting on the ri g ht s id e of th e bu s i n f ro nt of the back tire he lp s him pl ay better.

"Soccer players h ave nice leg s." Se ni o r Vanessa Hann e m ann Juni or Scot t Atkin so n 's favori te part about p l aying for Golden is the Tridettes.

" I don 't think th e guys' socce r te a m ge ts e nough recogni tion for a ll th ei r h ard work. Th ey rock!" Senior Anne Fa y.

Front ro\v : Scott A1k1n son, Peter Du se nbury, Bill H illen Midd le row : Au stin Smith, Mall L arson, W es Sramek, J ason P rananis, J ake He ndrix , Chns Rozelle , Ryan V1erke Ba c k row : Chad Reid (co ach ), Joe Borden, Ryan O ' Brien , Andy Solo n1 on, Geoff Sims, Andrew Dale Jared Bl ackney, B rian Folle. Charhe Corbin, Ann M acDonald (ass1s 1an1 coach)

" Our team thi s year did better than we did la s t year , winning our fir s t ga me of th e pl ayoffs. I'm proud of th e m ." Coac h Chad R eid. Th e socce r team fini s hed off th e seaso n with pi zza and a big p a rty. B y M enaka Mahaj a n a nd M ic he ll e Kin g -

ONE for the 72 A G ES
Team Score Alameda 8-0 Evergreen 0 - 1 A Oakola Rid ge 2-6 °" Lakewood 4-0 '< Arvada West 1 - 2 0 Green Mountain I - 2 m B ear Creek 2-0 w Chatfield I - 3 °" Arvada 4-0 0 Wh eat Ridg e 2-2 V (/) Standley Lake 0 - I Columbine 0 - I Pomona 2 - I D enve r South 4 - 1 C he yenne Mounlam I - 5 ... • I t ,.,. Go Get 'em Chnl\ Rozelle , Bnan Fol le. and Jared Blac kney are dec1d1ng which player to go afler fo r th e ball Th e boys' vars1ly team. which practices every day had 13 games m the fall seaso n \Vh en asked what has favorite pan of playmg:;occeras, Wes Sramek. th e team cap tain said. " h 's a thtnktnggame , You have to use you r brain and stra tegy" Ph oto by Di c k Byrn e ·· Tak e It Away J oe B orde n sprints to th e baJI during the game again s t Arvada W est Out of lhe 50 players thal went to tryouts on Aug 11 - 12, abou t one - third made th e varsity team. Coach Chad Reid sa id " M y tea m 's greatest strength ts the e ffo rt put forth and our cond1t1on1ng.' ' Photo by Dick B yrne , Howh.asit changed? Chad Reid Class of 1988 ,I .rtartel;o/lf! .rot:c-er 11/"'f1or k;./4 ;Vo"' £1.r ie,1l(;la,,9 at~ 5/, Sports 73

B um p It Junior Soma Camey pa sses the ball in a s uccc,sful win ea rly 1n th e -,cason. Th ey came from behind 10 t he seco nd game from an 11 -2 defi ci t. "Ca rley Wilham , out s ide hitter, 1s ou r mos t co n s1s 1ant pla yer," sa id Soma Camey Photo by Ron Fin c lh

Notes &: Quotes

T he ca pt ai n s t hi s year were Se ni o rs Amb e r Ca rn ey and L y nn Mah aras

~" Th e s t re ng th o f th e team is, w he n w e' re down we brin g eac h o th e r up ." Jun ior Carl ey Willi a m s

Th e tea m prac ti ces three a nd a half h o ur s o n w ee k d ays, o n Sat urdays fo r th ree h o ur s, a nd th ey c om e in o n M o nd ays a t

6 :30

"Ca rl ey Willi a m s (o ut si d e hitt e r ) is ou r m os t co ns is te nt pl ayer." J un1 o r So ni a Ca rn ey

Th e hi g hes t num be r of aces was 2 1 g iven by se ni o r L y nn

Mah a ra s.

" H ea th er Turnw a ll bl oc k s th e b a ll l ik e n o o n e ha s e ve r see n b e fore!" Se n io r C h a rity L o ng

K aycee H e id h a d th e hi g hes t numb e r o f kill s, 72.

" Wh at I lik e bes t a b o ut bei ng o n the team is ho w m uc h f u n we h ave a nd how g re at o f fr ie nd s w e are." S o ph o more Sarah Phill ip s

Th e new c oa c h , Caro ly n C r o uc h , ha s t urn e d th e te am aro und to ta ll y fro m la s t year.

B y H e id i K os te rm a n an d Ste f a ni e Nahl ey

Front row: Amber Camey, Lynn Maharas Midd le row :Sarah Kamph , Carley W1ll1am s, Sarah Ph1ll1p s, Debbie Wilber Ba ck r ow: Coach Carolyn Crouch, Kaycee Heid, Hcalhcr T umwall , Sonia Can1cy, Charily Lon g, M ariana Theodoro , Coach Nic k Vauxm c

- - -
74 ONE for the AGE S

S a ves th e Da y Se n ior Amber Camey d,ves for 1hc h,111 during. a Golden ,,,.111 over Bear Creels. They pr.1c 11 cc d over 20 hours a wcel-.. rract11.:111g 1s a lot of hard worl-.. and we hardly have t ime to do our hon1cworls.. hut 11 ·, worth 1t 1 s.11d Junior Soni..t

Ce le bra te! Senior Charity Long hugs teammate Sonia Camey while Carley Williams claps after a victory On Sept 24 they beat Bear Creek 1n t,vo 16 - 14 games Sarah Philhps said, "We are 1nd1v1du als at school, then when we get togethe r on the court, we become one big happy famtly!''

by Ron Finellt

Reac h Sophomore S.1rah K:unph reache, ror th e ball in a g.ime held at G HS The) were undcleated ea rl y 1n th e ,ea,on '" 1th a record of 9 -0 Senior Debbie WIiber ,.11d. •·\Ve may be the ,hortcst as far a, height. but\\ e ·re one of the bigger for ces in the league"

Team Played Score Team Played Score Ci "" D 'Evelyn 2-0 Fort Collins 0-2 < Alameda 2- 1 Arvada West 0-2 0 Jefferson 2-0 Arvada 0-2 m Manual 2-0 Standley Lake 2-0 \}J Dakota Rid ge 2-1 Pomona 0-2 "" Alameda 2-1 Green Mountain 0-2 0 Skyv1ew 2--0 Wheat Rid ge 1-2 V Chatfield 2-1 Columbine 0-2 (/) Lincoln 2-0 \Videfield 2-0 Bear Creek 2-0 Fa1rv1ew 0-2
Camey Photo By Ron F incl11 Photo
Sports 75
Photo hy Ron F1nclh

Ready, Aim , Fire Qu a rt e rbac k Se ni o r J aso n M yers w arm s u p with Co ac h Loy d be fo re th e bi g G ree n M o untain g am e. Th e tea m a nt1 c 1pa ted Gree n M oun ta in to be th e ir hardes t gam e o f th e yea r P ri n c ip a l D ave And e r,;o n sai d ." At th e la, t , ucces-; aga in <, t G reen M o unt a i n, we were pre p ared to pl ay a good h ard g arn e" Ph o to by Ro n Fin e lh

Front Row : A H inkl e, J P h1lltp s, A Ni c ho ls, J S tanton , G

Wil so n, J P res to n Sec ond Row : N Lah ey, T C ape llo , A

Sey m o ur , S Davi s, W Bo rtl es, D Doffin g. D F is he r, C.

K ess ell , Third Row : M Roo d , J B urke tt , R C h1lden. ton , A

Roge rs, B Rood D Willi a m s, A R is tau , J R ood Fourth Row :

R M c C allum , J Pa sc hall , C K e ll ey, G And ers on , A Tu rne r

K M 1c k e, I W an o, Fifth Row : S Fro s t, L He nd e rso n, B

Val es qu ez, J Myers, J N e lso n J Re hd e r, M C u rt is, C M ille r

Ba c k Row : J P o s p1 se l B Ha yes. D Pe tro D M org an , J

A nd e r so n D H amm oc k M Lo yd

Notes & Quotes

" Th e lea d er s h ip o n th i s tea m s h ow s a lo t o f c h arac te r and poi se. "

Athl e t ic Direc to r D ave And e rs o n

Se ni o r R o b C h i ld e r s to n is th e m os t in s pi r atio n al o n th e tea m.

" Pl ay in g o n th e tea m is f un and i t fee ls goo d t o b e a part o f s o m e thin g ." Se nior Drew William s.

F o r th e fir s t tim e i n G o ld e n 's r ece nt hi s to ry th e t e am d e fe at e d

G r ee n M o unt a in

" T he te am ha s r ea ll y imp rove d s in ce las t y ear; th e se nior lea d e rs hip o n th e team is o ur g r e ate s t s tre ng th " Co a c h Matt L oy d

Se n io rs Marc R oo d , J oe l N e lso n , And y Ro ge rs, and Ja s on M ye rs we r e th e te am c apt ain s.

" Aft e r a win th e f ee lin g w e ge t is that w e ar e th e bes t. Aft e r I hit s o m eo n e and loo k in th e ir e yes a nd th ey are s care d , I f ee l that I am th e bes t. " Sen io r And y Roge rs .

Aft e r hurtin g hi s ankl e juni o r Alan N ic h o ls c am e ba c k f o r th e big w in aga in s t Gree n Mounta in .

" Coa c h L oy d 1s willin g t o be a fri e nd a s we ll as th e te a c he r. " S e ni o r R o b C hild e rs to n

B y Al ex is Crog h a n an d Juli a Sc hmidt

76 ONE far t he AGES
A lk < 0 m ui lk 0 \J (/) Te a m Pl ayed Centaur us Columbine Arvada Green Mtn Dakota Ridge Wheat Ridge Everg r een C onifer A lam eda Playoffs : Durango Sco re 14-21 7-10 28-18 17-3 10 -16 18-14 36-24 54-0 26-25 0-13 \\!hat a Ru s h Senior A n dy
a nd Juni
Anderson warm u p for their Homecoming game Two sop h o mores ,vcrc good enough to make the , ar.; 11, tean1 th is year, ,v h 1ch u sually on l y co nsists ofJuniors and seniors Senior Lisa \Vorobc) sa id, "The best part abou t watch i ng footba ll , 1s laugh in g a t the guy, as th ey pat eac h others behinds " P hoto by Alexis Croghan For the Win Senior Joel Nel s on makes a break. for 11 ,vhtle trying to get away from Green Mountain Golden was ranked as a 4A school but was able to compete w i th some of the SA schools Senior Andy Rogers said , " The hardest part of football 1s getting the adrenahne to pracllce everyday The games are easy to get pumped for, the practices h ard" Photo by Ron Finel h How bas it changed? John Brodbeck Class of1964 -/won..;,/ tk.,, bat did.( 't wear tk"" wk.,, l;4fd (footJall} o,-;~ettU<t' It '"'ale tk j<l«t. 1,r~ti~ wk,r it war all lt-rl of a. JlvSports 77
or Greg

Ha nd Jive Se n io r S u e Lu ca:. le ad s the uppercl asc; me n 1n the h an d Jt ve a t th e H o m eco min g a sse mbl y It 1s trad1t1 o n fo r th e -.e n1 or Tnd e tt es to led eac h cl ac;s 1n th e h and Jiv e at m aJo r assemb li es, a nd 1s so m e thin g eac h o ne loo k s fo rw a rd lo wh e n t hey beco me ,e n1 o rs Se ni or M eago n Zi eg le r sa id , " T love pe rfo rmin g beca u se everyo n e's eye-. a re w a tc hin g yo u and wh a l yo u a re a p a rt o f" P h o to b y R o n Fin e lli

TridetteSq u ad: S u e Lu cas, C o ry n S p rag u e, Audra M a upin , A llis on Ba rre ll M e ago n Z ieg le r , Lau re n R o bert so n , J ess ic a Sp ice

Notes & Quotes

Th e T ri de tt e s pr ac tice every d ay a ft e r sc ho ol until 4 p m unl ess th ere is a ga me th e y have to go to

" Th e wo rs t p art abo ut b e in g a Tri d e tte is a ll th e co ld da ys 10 th e s h o rt s k irt s." Se ni o r M eago n Z ieg le r

Th e T ri d e tte s o nl y pe rfo rm at h a lf tim e of v a rs ity gam es.

" I wo n ' t mi ss it a s mu c h a s I will lo o k fo r wa rd to ne w th in gs ." S ue

Lu cas

Th e Trid e tt e s never pe rfo rm wi th th e c h ee rl ea de rs exce pt f o r a t a s c h oo l p re p rall y .

" I rea ll y e njoy th e re lati o ns h i p be twee n th e g irl s " Junior Laure n

R o b e rt so n

A ll th e Trid e ttes a ll wo rk ve ry hard fo r a co mmon goa l.


Eve ry bo d y 's eyes a re wa tc hin g y ou a nd eve ry th in g yo u are a p a rt

o f " Se ni o r M e a go n Z ieg le r

A ll th e gi rl s ag ree th a t pe rfo rm i ng is th e bes t pa rt about b ei ng a

Trid e t te

" I fee l very n e r vo us be f o re p erfo rm ing, but I lo ve e nt e rtaining peo pl e ." Juni o r L a ure n R o b e rt son

By T1m Burc h a nd T a ra D av iso n

·-. -
ONE fo r th e 78 AGES

Tridettes Boo s t Spirit Juni or J ess ica Spice and se nior Sue L ucas prepare the D emons for th e H omecoming gam e against An ada M any g1rJ<. a g ree that pcrfo n n mg 1s the be s t part of being a Tnd e tt e Senior M cagon Ziegler said.· I love gctt mg to k nO\\ some reall) great g irl s " P hoto b) Tar.i Davison

Go Go ld en ! The Tnde11 es enthus1ast1cally root for the Golden football team a t the Green M oun tam game Many h ours of hard practice after ,choo l go into each dance the T ndettes perform Senior Sue Lu cas said. "No matter how g reat your ab1 hty there 1s always room for improvement " P hoto by Ron F1n el h

Reac h for th e tar The Tnd elles dance as entertainment dunng th e half lim e show for the Green M oun tain vs Golden varsity football game Tndetles dance at eve!) home varsi ty game Junior Lauren Robertson said. '"My favonte part about being a Tnd eue 1s the wonderful rcla1ton,h1p between the girls " P hoto by R on Finell1

How has it changed?

Brooke Ehrman Class of 1979

•/4 tu 1970 .s> tk <f;ar~ettu (l ce tuur) Iii £cl Mu.Ct,ru ti( lc11i-kelu/wirte p-p bQQU8M.le,r fuel, l<Vt1f tk Mttlt,re wu<e CQArlffQK/Jlace ,4,rltia.t wa..s> Je/o,.e R¥ Aru.J'1c, J'Q """ MP.Wl(eJ' WtM,,I( ( ,feaJ'Lo/ fJ.J' t,rtet',r;, •

Sports 79

In t h e Spo tl ig h t Senior Mindy J ohnson waves 10 the onlookers at the H omecom1ng parade t hrough downtown Golden The c heers pra c ti ce after sc hool five day s a week for two hours each day Senior Robin P ohtte sa 1d , " The best part about the sc hool assemblies 1s when the c rowd gets into what the c heers are preform mg." P h o to by Btll Kelly

Fro n t R ow : As hl ey Long , T eres a Peters , Christa R 1dl J amie K ocheva r ec ond R ow : Mary McSk1mm1ngs, T eresa Emmon s. Lon M aloney , Mi ssy John so n, Coach J oy Sumner T h i r d Row: Apnl M aloney , Talitha Whi t lat c h, Mindy J ohnson, Morgan Worthington o t Pi c t u r ed : Robin Politte Ph o to by Ron Finelh

Notes & Quotes

" M y favori t e s p o rt to c hee r for is foo tball b eca u se th e c r ow d s a re e no rm o u s." So ph o mo r e Lo n M a l o ney

Th e ave rage cost o f a f ull c hee rl e adin g un if o rm is a bout $500, th e gi rl s h ave fu n d rai sers to h e lp s upp o rt th e cos t o f th ei r unifo rm s.

" M y favo rite c heeri n g eve nt to go to was th e fir s t g am e, becau se a ll of th e e ffo rt and p rac ti ce over th e s umm e r rea ll y paid o f f."

Fres hm an As hl ey Lon g

Th e c heers wo n th e B uff a lo Bill d ay a ward in two di f f e rent co mp e tit ions, firs t pl ace fo r p erfo rm a nce, and th ird pl ace f o r m archin g.

Th e bes t ex p erien ce th at I h ave h ad w ith c hee rs h as bee n wa tc hin g th e m wo rk toget he r a nd attai n th e ir go al s." Coac h J oy

Sum ne r

Thi s year, th e r e a r e th ree ca pt a in s of th e s quad : T e r esa Emmon s,

C hri s ta R i d l a nd R o b i n P o lit e

" Th e wors t p art a b ou t c h ee rin g is th e s tress b e twee n asse mbli es a nd bi g eve nt s." Fr es hm a n M o r ga n W o rthin g to n

T o ge t tra i n e d ove r th e s umm e r , th e c heers pr a c ti ce d th ree tim es a wee k and a tt e nd e d NC A s p irit ca mp

B y J ay S to k es and R ya n N ee

80 ONE fo r the AGES

Roll the C amera The cheerlead1ng sq u a d 1s being 1a ped fo r a Channel 9 Ney,s spec ial Th e Gol d en cheerleaders \vcrc the only squad al lhe NCA S p1 n 1 C.an1p 1hat go t a b id lo N a ti ona ls ·•1 thtnk. that the \vorst part abou1 cheeri ng 1s \\ h e n I go t hurt." sa id se ni or Teresa Pe1er- Phot o by Bill Kelley

Standin g Proud Senior T eresa E m mons smiles as she 1s h eld up high by th e rest of the cheers m the Homecoming ga m e This year's squad has e ig ht new members \Vh1ch 1s more than the new memben; 1n last year's squad Freshman T alitha Whitl atch said, " M y favonte part of cheers 1s when the c rowd gets in volve d " Ph oto by B, II K elley

D e di c ation Sen1orcapta1n~ Christa R1dl, Teresa Emmo ns and Robin P ol11te, lead the rest of the g irl s m a c h eer a t the Green M ounta i n football game Th e cheers practiced a ll su m mer and almost everyday after school. Freshman April Mal oney said. " M y favonte part about cheers 1s aJJ of the girls worku,g together Ph o to by Alexis Croghan

How has it changed? Jackie Bornstein Class of 1963 '/ve,1 1,..!, Ultt'"t, ,rot allol(/ult<J1(1.1'-tlctjate l,r 90,..t.r. k/4 wu-e, o,r{f aJ/e, t<J Je, ciurki.rler.r a,rrla6r1;..e, tk I°!"/' Sports Bf

JV Volleyball

Fro nt row: Kati e Stodola, Leah Endenfield. Christy Dem mg Geronna Fanelli, Middle row : N1l..1 Frost. L1 sana R oJaS, Broo k e Homec ker Kile y Kn epp. Back row : Coach Adams. Ka rl a B ien1ul1s, Erm Bern ard. Nichole M oo re, D ean n W allace. Court ney H all , S tep hani e Fi sher

JV Football

First row: D o mini c M on tan ez. J e rem1a Sta nto n Gator Wil son. Jami e Z ieg ler, econd ro,v: Mike Gowey, Ch ri stian Mill e r, J ason Gregory J aso n Long, Jimmy Bo llin ge r Adam M yers, Third ro,v: Coach Campagne, J os h Drat c h , Se th Gibson, M att Curtis. Ken Ramsteller, Bra ndon Rood Cole Bi ela k , J o hn B ielak, Ba c k r ow : Spencer B arlow, Chad Gleaton, M on te P rzybylski, Kevin Cle rk1n , U m1t Ozdem 1r. Tre nt on Clerk1n. J osh S nyd er, Is aa c Wano

Jump for Joy Senior Aaron B arrell leap s over a h ay bail at the Dak ota R idge c ross co untry meet. A runner 's place o n th e vars it y or JV tea m was det e rmin e d by their tim e 1n th e past m eet ··cross co untry 1s a coo l sp o rt because th e team really ge ts c lose," sa id junior M 1c ha e l Pfi sterer. Ph o to by B 111 Ke ll ey

Freshman Football

First row : M ike Lahey. Rob Ri zz uto , Ben Ryan , Sam T ate , Jesse Keesee, Second row: Cody Hay es. Sam Saindon. Spence r Grenfell, Mi ca h Leadford Logan Palm e r Third row: Coach Engli s h, John Cou rtn ey , J oey Ko dro\v , Donnie Pridm ore. Ri c ky Soper. J W Wes th ead, Bu c k y Schmidt, Coach We 1n gardt Ba c k row: \Vill M arlin, M ike Emmons, Travis M oon. J os h L 1ndvillc-Engler. Jo s h Hubb ard, Garrett Regne r , Ton y Carve r

Coac h R e id did not make th e J V b oy!>· soccer pi c ture av ail abl e for the yearbook.

ONE for the AGES


3rd Level Softball

Fr o nt ro,v : Candice Cordova, H olly Schannals, Sonya Cordova, Mi c helle Manl1Ila Be lin Yavuz , Back r o·w: Coac h Mc Kay , Sara Garre tt , Emily Yocom , M olly Cook, Mi c hell e King , Erin Enna , Sara Coffey

JV Softball

Front r ow: Tamm, \V alker, M ary Bugnows k1 Kelly Hayes. M eredith McKee. K elly Jon es Ba c k ro,v : Coach D1go s 10 , K endra K elley, Amy Vecchiarelh , Jodi Guthrie, Jaime Henderson. Brianna B aker

3rd Lev el Volleyball

Front r ow: Katie Winham , Sunn1e Fan elli, Aurora Arlet, Middl e R o,v: Kri s ten M c Vaugh , M egan Kin g, Toni Sul li van, Kim S,v1shcr , Ba c k ro w : Jae, Ryan, Hannah D01 , Kelly Wal so n, Coach Neils , Chri s tine Gregory , Adne Schne id er, Sylvia S\van::..on

- -
Sports 83

G irls' Leve l Ill B as ke tball

Codi Offerson, Elaine Ekbe rg, Emily Yocom , Bria nna B a ker, Mrs Laura Carte r (coac h ), Laura Bollinger, Ta y lore Beckman , D a n ielle R ose ner. Cassandra Dittbren ne r

Bo ys' Level Ill B as k e tball

F ro nt row · Jam es New come r Middl e row Clement Lau, Logan Palmer, J ay S tokes, Ben Ryan Ba c k row D onnie Pridmore , Ph1ll1p Tottempud1 , Mr B ob S tokes (coac h ). Travi s Moon, Kelly McTeer, Andy Z imm erman

Front row · Cassa nd ra Dittbrenn er Middl e row Meredit h Mc Kee, Megha n Coope

Me lt ssa H ueman , M r Randy Schreiner (coac h ), Sarah Adam, Shelly Barl

King, Molly

-- ii) 3 'fC~ ~t , I J ,u i o'11j \ 3r V:, ;, ]"-0 \ N ~\\\.D~ J~~Dt1 34 45 l f t .. _ ,: •\ H• , I 35 _ 'th~ 4,. . l • l\) \y )CY G01-Db,\
JV Girls ' Basketball
· M ic he ll e
r , Laura W ord. Kn st1na H opkinson Back row
A lbano ,
o w , J am
ONE for the AGES
oOLDt~ CJ WIEaTUIG0o~t~ wlES~UNS 10~£1!/ I '-ltfTUlfO • JV \ Vres tlin g Front row C hn s tmaOw e n s, Mr S c ottA c ker (c oac h), C o n Sayyah Ba ck row R o bert Hendrix , Branden Hopk1n son , Garrell Wagn e r, Mr Tim C h a mpagn e (ass 1t. c oac h ), Mike Ke tc hum John Co urtn ey, Brand e n Gumme rso n JV Boy's Bask e tball Front row : Margo Calig1un l\tliddJ e r ow: Gator W 1ls on , Euan Lan gs te d , Kev in W 1111ams, Ad a m Qu ee n Ba c k row : Jo s h H ubbard J us ttn V e rad1 , G eo ffe rg S im s. Mr Bob Stokes (c oa c h ), Um1t Oz.demir, Ro ss Martin , Adam Ri s tau Sports 85

Notes & Quotes

Often, the days of a rodeo s tar can be up to seve n and a half hours long.

'' It 's dangerous, eig ht seco nd s of terror ." G HS worker Michael Carlock

Contact the front desk of th e sc hool for inforrnauon on how to Jo in "Th e bes t part about being on rodeo is betng wi th your friend s." Se nior Nick Low

To prev e nt yourse lf fr om being inJured, you mu s t wea r a helmet , vest, gloves, s pur s, rope s, shin guards, hat , long s leeve s hirt s, and nd ing boots.

'' I think tt 's a tough s port to watch becau se it can be so v io lent." Seni or Jo sh Ha ll.

Stee r w restling a nd bear back are ju s t t wo of th e many rodeo even ts. By A. Bar ke r a nd M.J ean ne

H a ng in ' To u g h Sophomore Josh John son goes air-born as the bu ll tnes to buck him off 1n Delta at th e fall rodeo John son has been on the rodeo team for two years Senior Adena Re her said, " It 's probably one of the hardest ~ports along with football."

Rid e T ha t Bull Sophomore Matt Bunn hangs on for dear ltfe as he rides the bull through the sopping wet mud at th e fall rodeo 1n Craig Colorado This is Matt 's seco nd yea r as a bull rider Senior R ay W atson said. " l feel stronger about this year's team "

ONE 86 for the AGES • • • . • • .. ... .. ... • • ., .. ...... . "' .• • ... •• • • • .. • • -· • '• 1• ,. ... •• • • - ,J.. - -. - '-... -. ' -~ - £..:- •

I ook () u t Hel o,\. St:nior 1cJ... L o\\, 1s riding coug h to sCa} alive at Che state finals 1n Gree l ey Nici,. h h.: n "11h the lc,1m for three years. and is n ow the president T eam advisor, P att, Low said, " I f more parenl'i would he conct:mcd about the safe t y of t heir children and weanng safety equ1pmenc. less head n1uncs "ould occur l\lso, you don' t need a 101 of money lo be on the team, you need a lot of \Jl0r1smansh1p."

Ri de that Pon y Se ni or K ell i S h aw k. 1ck. s u p d u st as s h e rounds

1he le I barrel Kelli h as bee n a barrel rider on the lea rn for t hree

}:3~ [other B onnie Sha\\, s ai d. "Safely 1s a ,·cl) important rule Kid, ,,re more cn1hus 1ast1c a b ou t l hc clu b th is ) ear"

Student Li£e 87

'·-·• I - ,o,'l,,:t....- -
. Tl • • • , • · r _j_J
Fr o nt ro " : B o Ala1rd. Josh J ohnson, N,cJ... Low (pres i dent), Kelh Sha,v Mid d le R o,\ : M att Bunn. J ennifer R eher, Adena Reher B a c k R o" : John L o\", P atti Lo," (ad, 1sor) ' o t P ic tur e d : R a) \ Vatson. Rich Buchalter Pho10 b} Ron Finelh

D ee p Con ce ntration Sophomore Brad ley H agg closely s urveys the chess board very carefully before making h is next move Spencer Nee and Dax J orda n h ad the honor of beating the number one player m the s tate thi s year Se ni or Katie Cooper s aid , " I think it' s great to be 10 clubs beca u se you get to be a part o f so many n ea t act1v1t1es ." Photo by Jim R ob i n so n

Behind th e Scenes So ph o m ore Keit h Turgeo n work s with th e s ound and li gh ts on s tage dunn g a play D ra m a c lub , s sa id to be the technica l part of the ac ttn g at Golden Jun io r Con tl1 c l Mediati on m e mber , Crysta l C raig, s a id , " I feel like I' ve h e lped a lo t of s tudent s through toug h tim es and that make s me fee l great!" Ph oto b y R F inell ,

Dan cing Girls The bran d new GHS Dan ce T e am perform s at the winter pep assembly Th e 1997-98 team co n s is ts of 15 gir ls Juni or R oss

M artin s aid , "C lubs h ave rea ll y made h igh sc h oo l a lot more fun Espec iall y as a n underclas s man clubs helped m e to get 10 know a lot of new people " Ph oto by R F inelli

--·· -·-
88 ONE fo r the AGES


-I •
Class 0£1999 ''I Je,iwe, tkt cftd.r o.coo/lf;i:s,/4 /lfOJrj' ofjutii>u. t/o« h,QtH, tk o;;ol"t'wrt'tj, to /lfUt
j C lub s 89
;u;~ ~t 1ir1J-o!rruf ilf fOW' .s>oko! Ml CO/lf/fe,te, o.otiu./t1M tkt /lfO.k p« foe,!100/ alo«tfOtJ/'.s>e,ff. ,,

*et«J.f ftap,e, ala1tiF folft'!ld tlu .s-alf(e fo,r&t/()1(- t!u1

J~11tlif{erelf t;u;!e t~tiu- t!tatftav-e tlu.s-(1Jf(e/l(te,,-

M~ ti( Q~der tQ a&&Q/l(lflf/4 a&()/1(/1(()1(pal. *

O NE 90 i.'f;}i!,s

Smil e The Canteen Board of J954 poses for their group picture [ n the year 1958 a club by the name of Safety Siders was introduced, and 1l was lhe first of 1ls kind 1n the United States Scuba Club member, M r Dick Schalhamer. said, " W e had many exciting clubs. though I believe that now there 1s much more variety and a club for everyone"

W es t e rn ty l e The yearbool,. class of 1979 dress up for their g roup pic ture, bringing bacl,. the wild we-;1. A club by the name ofThe M ountaineers would climb the g) m wall for pracllcc 1n the year of 1975 Mr Bob Haye, quoted. " M o,t of u, JOtned club, 10 get out o f the hou,e and away from our pa~nt-. during. the "'ee1,.:·

Bag Hea d The. ,en1or.. onl}. M C club hides their l,1ce, lro1n the camera 1n the year 1979 During the 1970 the A,nencan Field Service Club had the g.0.1I to r.u,c enough 1noney to bnng a foreign c'<ch.i n ge ,tudent to Golden H1 g.hschool Mr.. Tina Shearn com,ncntcd. "A lo t ha, changed. ,vc h ad ,eront1c, ,ind ,cx 1al club, One of our favorite thing, ""a' to h,\vc ba,l..ethall games. club ver;us club Clubs 91

·•. .

Notes & Quotes

" M y favo n te proJec t th is year w as th e Io d i ne D eficie ncy Disord e r co ll ec ti o n ." Fr es h man J arre t A m mo n

K ey C lub wi ll h ive acco mpli s hed ove r five diffe re nt co mmu n1 ty serv ice events dunn g the year.

"Seei n g a ll th e C hr ts tm as car d s w hi c h e l ement ary c hildre n m ade fo r th e e lde rl y was very en li g hte nin g ." J u ni o r Ju sti n e B aruc h B y C hri s t in a K ave n a n d S te ph a n ie Nahl ey

FBL A. Fu t ure Bu s in ess Lea d ers of A me n ca, m ee ts o ne access every s ix w eek s to di sc u ss f utu re b usi ness event s.

"F BL A is a ll abo u t co mp e tin g an d ge ttin g a n e d ge in th e bu s in ess wo rl d ." Se n io r Andree

Fos ter

M e mb e r s o f FBLA rece ive o ne JO b c re dit f o r pa rt1 c 1pa t in g i n th e pr og ra m

Wrappin g It U p Fre s hrn en Jen nifer Brune , Kendra Kelley and As hley Blain - Hartung wr ap presenls for customers at Barnes and Noble Key Club delivered Chris tmas cards to the elderly dunng Chri s tma s vacation " I like Key Club becau se 11 look s good on your co llege appltcauon," s aid se nior Katie Cooper

K ey Club : F r ont R o w: C Le1d1ch, J Parfet S Connelly. D Chappell, A Fay econd Row: M ike O ' Don s 10 , A Turner, B Gould , K Cooper. K Ande rso n, K Kelley , J B rune, S Fanelli A Blain - Hartung T hird Ro w: M Brown . A Coonan , N Cookson , M

Fro s t M MahJan , J Ammon K Aronowllz. B Logan , M Saul , A

Pfi sterer , S PtllO Fo urth R ow: C Bruno J Baruch. R Arta le, S Connelly J Borden, M Schhema n, E Madison, T Su lli van, K Watson Ba ck Row · N Bndges, A Ber kman, L Hoogheem. M Thoma -;, N Markovchtck. A Lars on , A Bruno , K Le Fevre, M Long, C Welch Photo by Ron Finelh

ONE 92
for the AGES

R ead y to E at Senior Andree Foster and Junior

B rian F olle get lo eal lunch during a FB L A leadersh 1pconven11on The main purpose ofFBLA 1s 10 introduce ,1uden1s 10 lhe business world 1n a pos1t1, c \Va)' Sophomore Kyle Martin said. " FB LA gives me an idea of what the business field 1s like •

P hoto by Ron Finel11

Bus in ess In Boulder FBLA member-.. gather for a qu ick picture before proceeding to the next seminar at a leadership convention

F uture B usi n ess L eaders of America are composed of students interested ma more detailed loo!,. al the business world Senior Nichole

H ud,on said, " F BLA ,s a good experience 1n business and community proJects " P hoto by Ron Finell,

FBLA: Fro nt R o '" :T aba1ha M oench ~fiddl e

R o w : M ar ~ Fanculh , Corinne Newcomm, Nichole

H udson. Julia Sch 1n1dt, Deborah Bennett, Kelly Adams , M rs P hyllis Price. Hope Maninez, Kyle

M anin Bac k R o v, : Ke, 1n Fanculll, Brian Folle

T hatcher Glode. Ryan King, M ark. H agelberg , Ph1lhp P1 won a. N1cho)a<; J ohm,on. Andree Fo.,ter, Jacob H endrix Pho10 by Ron F mell1

Clubs 93

Notes & Quotes

" Th e D a nce Team was a good id ea and very orig inal." Junior Enn Ni c h o ls

To make into the dance c lub co ntain s thre e levels of dance in c luding advanced, intermediate, and c lub dan ce.

" I think the Da nce Team 's first p erfo rman ce was g rea t. " Senior Dina Walker

Th e Dan ce Team al ways performs to either jazz or hip -hop

H eather M c Dowell and LeeAnne K e phart

The Bibl e C lub was established three years ago.

~" I lik e the Bible Club be cause we get to go places and he l p other peop l e." Fre s hman Me g ha n Klase mer.

Thi s year 's leader s of Bibl e Club are juniors Ginny Schwader and Amanda Prigel.

~" I fe el good about the s tuff we do in B ible Club." Fres hman Kira Dun c an

A m e n! Jun ior Ginny Schwader plan s their tnp to the Salvatton Army for commun1 ty service. One of the focuses of the Bible Club 1s to help the co mmunity " I ltke the Bible Club because I can be around -.ome of my friends," sai d fre s hman Cassidy Welch. Photo by Katie Carlson

Bibl e C lub : Fro nt Row · GinnySchwader , Kira Dun can, Meghann Kl aserner. Cassidy Welch Bac k Row · Amanda Pn gel, Kri s tin Mc Vaugh No t P ic tur ed Aurora Arlet Ph o to B y Kati e Carlson Bibl e C lub F r o nt R ow Ginny Schwader. Kira Duncan , Meghann Kl aseme r, Cas-.1dy Welch Back R ow Amanda Pn gel, Kn sttn M cVaug h No t P ic tu re d Aurora Ariel Ph oto By Katie Carlson

ONE 94 for the AGES

Their Debut The Dance Team makes lheir first perforn1ance at the annual W101er Pep Assembly The D ance T eam 1s choreographed by dance tnslructor Joy Egan who g ives dance lessons at West Side Dance 10 Golden Sophomore Bl air Alen,us felt the Dance Team did good because "Not all the g i rls were used 10 perfonn1ng 10 front of people" Photo by Ron Fin elh

Pump it Up The Dance Team danced to a series of musical selecuons during the course of their performance Th e Dance team practices from 2 30 p m till 4.30 pm. everyTuesdayc; and Thursdays Freshman Priscilla Scuta said. "For the ttme we had to leam our first dance, we did prelly good " Photo by Ron Finelh

Dance Team: Front Ro,\ : Blair Alcn1us. Tiffany Armenta. Amanda Bri ngs. L1,Jna RoJa,. Nicole M oore. Middle Ro,v: Am.inda Gabel. Pnscilla Scuta. Christine Maren, fegan \Vord. Abbey Ha,ves, Kri,ten Look Ba c k R o\\ : Larissa Conner, Jamie M cTeer. Andrea Chr?an , Jennifer Pa rfet

Clubs 95

' =====---'--~--- ·

Notes & Quotes

Thi s 1s the seco nd yearfo rth e C h ess C lub atG HS .

"C hess C lu b s timulate s strategical a nd c nti cal th1nk1ng and is a wonderful o pp o rtunit y for intellectual development. " Senio r Dan Ga s pe r About 30 peop le, ranging fr om fre s hm a n to se nior s belong to the c hess club

"C h ess Club is fun , 1t mak es me fee l s mart , th e tournament s are long , but it' s a worthwhi l e ex peri e nce ," Sophomore Sea n Martin B y Juha

J o hn s on

OM , a lso known a s Odyssey of th e Mind 1s made up of tw o tea m s headed b y Junior Matt Bo yd a nd sophomore Kri s tina H op kin so n " OM 1s th e idea of bui lding pe rso nal c r eativit y, working together, and problem so lvin g ." Juni o r Matt Bo yd

; z.. OM is s pon so red by Mr s. Eileen Coo k , who ha s been th e s pon s o r for the la s t s ix y e ar s.

Tim Pray a nd J oe B o rd e n

Co ncentration Sop homore T o ny Cappa co ntemplates his next move at the Fairvc,w tournament on Nov 3 Mr Jim Ham me rs m11h . th e # 1 ranl- e d profes., 1onal c hC'>'> player in Colorado, '>pen t a day with th e G HS c he s, learn and played 15 ,1mu ll aneou, game\ again\ ! the mcn1hcr-, of the c lub Th e dire c tor Rebe cca Cro1Ler -.aid, " I thinJ.- th e tea m co uld go re.illy far they work hard Jnd they play all the 11me 1"

Ph oto by Ji m Robin-.on

C h ess C lub - Fro nt Ro" : 8 Cory. C K Turgeon B Turner J Jl gc,. Back Row : R D Baldwin , R Bu c ho l1 , R ~chrcincr, C Medin a S Lamen K But e. her , E Wouk. F Dun ca n C Coughhn. S Martin , S Ko t,ur.i. B HaJ gc. A Soloqucb, D Odoud

• ..
96 ONE jbrthe AGES .·
Photo by Ron Finell!

Hard at Work Sophomore Chad Serpan move s to wrn his match at the Nov 3 tournament. The Chess Cl ub competes about every other weekend at tournaments wh ich last an average of two hours Senior Ren Bucholz sa1d, ''This 1s a good year for the chess club. we're working hard and we' re doing really well" P hoto by Jim R obi n son

Cr e a tin g a M as terpie ce Part1c1pates of Odyssey of the Mind crea te dunng a practice session Each team member of O M pu ts in approximately a year coward the O M problem that la.,ts about eight minutes M s Elieen coordinator of O M sai d ' 'The kids work really hard on their problems and on s ty le, creat i vity, le ng th , orig1nahty an d pe rformance" Ph o to by R F i r

Odyss ey of the Mind- F r o nt R ow : Co,1ch M arilyn Boyd Don, \ Vang Bccc.i Llr,on. Amie W .ir<l. Ann,1 O tdocfer Michelle Manti 11.i Ba ck Ro ,, : Doug l,1, 8 ,1lwin M .itt Boyd , Erin Overturf, Lc1111,<l K nstin.i,on. Sponsor MrEltccn Cool... P hoto by R Finell,

Clubs 97 ' • I , r

Notes & Quotes

lmp r o v T h e ate r \Vent to a G irl Sco ut troop to ta lk a b o ut dive rsi ty a nd prejud ice.

" I li k e lmpr ov b eca u se I e njoy p e rfo rmin g a nd pl ayi n g ga m es." Fres hm a n A nn e lyse M1ore ll i Improv Th ea te rwe nt to Pl eas an tv iew El e m e ntary to do a skit ab o ut r acia l iss u es and o ne s kit a b ou t bei ng le ft o ut of th e po pul ar c rowd

" I joi ne d I m prov beca u se i t gives m e a n o pp o rtunit y to ac t a nd s p e nd ti m e w ith m y f n e n ds." Fres hman An a nn a C hrza n

. Dram a Club does a c t ivi ti es s uc h as go in g to pl ays, d o in g s k1ts, and h e lpin g build se ts a nd sell in g ti c ke ts f or th e sc h oo l pla ys.

" I love Dr a m a C lub a nd I h o p e peo pl e e njoy th e Outsi d e r s b eca u se th e re w a s a l o t of h ard w o rk put int o it." Fres hm a n N a ta li e H unt Dra m a C lub m e t every Thurs d ay durin g access a nd p l a nn e d s kit s f o r th ei r t ri ps to e le m e nt ary sc hoo l s to a ddress seri o u s to p ics th a t kid s face tod ay.

Dirty L oo ks Freshman Stefanie Nahlcy gives freshman Carissa Smith a dirty look while doing a skit during [ mprov practice. One of t h e t h ings I mprov T h eater does 1s perform skits to teac h t h eir audiences about issues such as A ID S, sex, preJud1ce. and to p rovide answers to moral questio ns "'The best part about being in I mprov 1s doing skits for the different people and teaching the ele m entary kids abou t important issues," said fres h man Natalie M cCarty Pho to by R on Fine l l!

Fro nt Row: S tefa n ie Nah ley. H eather M cDowell, N ata li e M cCarty, Can,sa Smith Ba ck Row: Ch n s Fauble. Annelyse M iorell1. A p ri l Cooper. Ian Kimsey. Arianna C h rzan. Amber W orden, D iane Kessler (sponsor)

98 ONE for the AGES
-· c:::::='-"-
(t\o.1 • t. C. f', e.

Takes Two to TangoM arcusMaltempopo1n1,a11he<lanc1ngcouplcs<lurmg one of Drama Club's s kit s I n November the Drama Club members went 10 the play Joseph and the Techntcolor Drea,ncoat 'The best part about being in Drama Club 1s meeting int eresting people an<l doing fun ac11v111es with them, " said fr es hman Cann LeFevre Ph oto b Ron Fin e ll,

On th e Spot Fr e s hman Kathy Bennell works the spotltght Th e student leaders for Drama Club are Junior Chris Hi ckman and senior Me lissa Turner ' The reason I JOmcd Drama Club was bec au'>e I've always enJoyed being in plays and I want to learn about acting and th eater, " sa id freshman Annelyse M1 orel11 Photo by Ron Fin ell,

H McDowell , M Carlson K Darland, J Fuller,]

Anderson. Third Ro,~ : A Urban , C Hassell C

Smtth, E Batley, M Reitmeyer M Turner S

H u1.1:10ga , S Ramsteller, K Jone s Fourt h Row:

R Pi erce , A Chrzan, A Cooper , C Fauble , A

M1orcl11 , K Gtlbert , B Turner , C Lefevre , A

Ariel T Valentmc , I K1m-.ey Ba ck Row : C

Co tant, G Trzepac1 N J ungferman , K Bennell

R Mall empo A Sm11h , L Simmons T l\1c. Ewen

C H ic k man

Clubs 99

.. ·--.; =:.:~-
First Row : N H unt R. Collins. A Otdoerfer. A Ward , S Nahley , R Cain ec ond Ro\\ : T Frederick. J Kempter. K Marcum M Maltempo

Notes & Quotes

Yo u th in Gove rnm e nt stu d ents go to th e s t a te capi to l bu il di ng and play th e govern m ent fo r t wo day s; th ey on ly ge t to do this o nce a year

"Yo u th 1n Govern ment 1s very f u n a nd 1t gets u s out of sc h ool fo r t wo d ays ." F res hma n J os h P arry You th 1n Govern m e nt went fro m 8 :00- 4 :30

" I d o n ' t th i nk we h ad eno u g h t im e t o d o everythin g we wan ted to I li ke d ge tt i ng to kn ow h ow every th in g work ed ." Seni or R e n Buc h o l z

B y A dam N im s an d Andrea C hrza n

W ES C lub 1s a job\w ork progra m fo r a t ri s k and c h a ll enge d teen s. T h e m e m be rs rece i ve cre d i t f o r the ir h o u rs if th ey wor k m o re th a n 15 h o urs a week

" I n W ES C lu b yo u ge t c red it for wo rkin g at a JO b yo u e njoy ." Sen io r S han e S tone.

W ES teac h es teen s e mpl oya b i lit y a nd l ife s ki ll s. M ember s h a nde d o ut C hri s tm as g ifts a t H ead S tare

B y J ea n M ose ley a nd T im Burc h

S tud y in g f o r th e Bill s J unior Michael Pfi s lerer and Fres h man Mall Coyle s ludy for the up coming Youlh ,n Government. The governor of youlh and government \Va~ J eff Bridges. " The worsl p art aboul Youlh in Govemmenl was lh e people who thought lhey k n ew everything there wa s to know aboul bill s and s luff like lhal ." sa id Junior Ted B urke

Y o uth in G o ve rnm e nt : F r o nt R ow : J osh P arry Ausun Larson , Dan e Schow, M all Coyle , M enaka M ahaJan Middl e Row : Mi lch Sandoval. M egan Bachman , Alan B runo Cas~y Goet sc ke , V1c loria Ri c kard , K ri s len Bemi s B a c k R ow : Ted Burke M ic h ael P li~le re r , M all Boyd , Cynthia K innan, Sonia Carney, Ken W an

100 ONE for the AGES

Read y , Set, Go Senior Jeb Burton lends a helping hand to a new driver Jeb 1s apart of WES. Work Sk1lls\Perfonnance, which 1s a group that helps s tudents find Jobs. get sc hool credit for 1t , and learn re~pons1b1hty Senior Kell, Shaw said. " I ltk c WES because 11 gives you a cha n ce to learn,... hat work ts all about" Photo by Ron Finell,

And I Want a Ra ce Ca r and a A httl e guy s its on Santa's (Se nior Greg Karpoff) lap WES members vo lunt ee red at H ea d Start. a program that helps littl e kid s 1n need Senior Paul Quarl es sa id , " I liked giving out the toys to little kid s " Photo by Ron Fin ell,

Clubs 101
WES: Front row Jon Chamber Ime , Paul Quarles, Jeb Burt on, Greg Karpoff Ba c k row Jake Tutty , M s. M aureen M cGo\van, Kelli Shaw, H eather Bennett, Keith Rindt Ph oto by Ron F1ncl11

Notes & Quotes

Co lor G u a rd

To be a part of Color Guard you have to be ab l e to throw the flag and not be afraid to catch it , reliable , and willing to learn

" Th e wors t part of Color Guard 1s performi ng in co ld w ea ther." Senior Eri ca Smith.

Color Guard co mp e te s in four major compet1[lo ns eac h year

Pe a ce Jam

" I think that what P eace Jam 1s about is r eaJly good, he lping the Earth and maki ng thing s b e tte r." Senior Madel eine VanMeter

Thi s year P eace Jam meets to make sandwi c he s for the homel ess, goes to nursi ng home s, ha s c lo thing and book drive s, a nd he lp s out in a so up kitchen f o r Thank sgiv ing

P e ace Jam F ro nt R ow :L1sa Emanuel , Robert H endrix, J a mes M c Kee, Jose Sch1rrm eis ter, Mrs. B o1an Mi ddl e R o w : Crys tal Duart e, Kyung un Jhun g, Linn ea Nelson , Ke ll y F agerburg, Dons Wan g Bac k R ow: E n n Hagberg, Renee Gcrnt, Lucas Salg, Erin Overturf, Ren Bucholz Ph o to by Ron Fin elh

Walkin g f o r a C ause Senior Renee Gem, s mil es with pride as ~he rai se awareness at the A IDS walk P eace J am writes tellers to the heads of the state ·•1 wa s proud to pan1c1pate 1n this year's A I DS walk," sa id Gem, Ph oto by Amber Camey

102 ONE for the AGES

Remembering It All Freshman Angela M enna conccn traced on her Color Guard routin e at the half tim e show at th e football game The team practices every Tuesday, Wedn es day, and Thursday after school for about two hour.; The hardest part 1s when you don'c know something and everyone else does, " said sophomore Amber Daniel P hoto by Ron Finel11

Smiling to the Crowd Senior Lauren Fit zpatrick enJoying her Job as part of the Color Guard Homecoming week the Color Guard males and sells loll1pops as a part of their fund-raisers " The be s t part of Color Guard 1s pract1c1ng without the band ,' said freshman Angela M enna

Photo by Ron Finell, J
Clubs 103
Color Guard Front R ow: Angela M enna , Amber Dan iel. Britt any M eagher Nora Kenworth} Ba c k Row : Jessica Ba!J<er, Tenaya Mahonee. Lauren Fitzpatrick, Enn Overturf, Enca Sm11h Ph oto by Ron Finelli


Notes & Quotes

I n a t o urn a m e nt a parti c ipant ge ts jud ge d a m inimum of three t i mes, a nd o n e m o re t im e for fi nals .

I'm 10 f o re n s ics beca use I w ant e d t o d o ac tin g in fr o nt o f p eo pl e ." So ph o m ore Rh ea nn o n Dr ive r .. F o re n s ics is a g rea t ex p e ri e nce beca u se yo u m ee t a lo t o f n ea t peo pl e an d it's rea l re war di ng."

So ph o m o re Mi ssy J o hn so n

Th e te am h as a t o urn a m e nt every Sa turda y and th ey las t a ll d ay .


T h e wo rs t p a rt of F oren s ics 1s all th e down tim e 1n th e to urn a m e nts." Se n ior Mitc h Sa ndava l

Th e re a re m a n y diffe re nt f und - rai se rs to he lp fo re n s ics s uc h as c ho co la te sa les, e tc.

B y Ad a m Nim s a nd C hri s t in a K ave n

P rac ti c in g th e Ac t Freshmen A n nely se M1 orel h and Kelly J one s prac uce th e1ract fo r the nex t tournament. In a tournament the re are two maJor debate team s. Cross- Examination and Lincol n - Dougla s. " You put 1n a lot of t ime when you take t his class. II can be a lot o f ha rd work someumes and it 's a huge c ommit m e n t but It 's s o much fun ," sa id fres hman Aurora Ariel P hoto By Adam Nim s

Fi rs t R ow : A Gale, L Huem an, M J ohnston, K Van Leer, C L 1ed1ch , R B ucholz, B Go u ld , M Sa ndaval, Mr Sharp, M rs. P e ters.

S eco nd R ow: A Long, A Arlet , K Storm s, R J enn in gs, J J oh nson, M B achman , B Logan, R Gem1,E Overturf,M J ohnson, K D uncan )

M c Kee T hr id R ow: M P fi s terer, A Daniel s, T H apptn, S Laman,

D Wan , C Kinnan, K Palanu k , K W an , A M 1orelli , D W ang, K Nassa n , S. Davi s. Fo urth R ow: M B oyd, R Thres her, T Bu rk e, R

K ing , P Yem1ng ,S T u rn er, K . J o n es, M K lasemer, An n a Long Fi fth

Row : B Turner, S M a rt in, B Coccia , J Layshom , N D tt tnc h , D

Stoke r , I Kim sey, G Regne r , D W e ndling. S ix th R ow: V Ric k a rd ,

E Yocom , L M a loney, M J o h n so n , K Bem1s, J P arry,N Ke n wort hy ,

C. Cockle, J D es M artea u , F Duncan

P ho to By Ron F i n nell1

104 ONE fo r the AGES I • .... . I

Strikin g th e Pose Junior Travis Valentine prac ti ces his pose to wm in a tournament. Th e different team s are 1nterpretatton of literature, ong1nal oratory, extemporaneous speaking, crossexam1nat1on debate, and L incoln-Douglas debate "A lot of commitment goes into forensics but 1t 1s well worth it," said freshman N ick Dittri c h Photo by Adam Nim s

D e batin g th e Truth Senior Ben Gould Mands an front of the room presenting hi s sta temen t The topic of cross-exa m1 nat1on 1s the "federal government shou ld e.stab li sh a policy to subs ta ntiall y in crease renewable e n ergy use in the Un1ted Sta tes " ' 'Th e \VOrsl part about forens1cs 1s we have to wait a coup le of days to find out why we got the sco res we did," sa id freshman Annelyse Mto rel h Ph oto b y Adam Nim s

R e adin g th e Facts Sen ior Mit ch Sandoval stand s 1n front of the Judges arg uin g a point F ore ns ics requires studen ts to research , rehearse, m emorize. and convince " Being a debater will loo k. good to help me become a lawyer when I a m older," sa id fre\hm~n Ashley Long Ph o to by Adam Nims Clubs

105 , •

Notes & Quotes

NHS me mb er s mu s t have a GPA of3 .6 or hi g her to remai n in th e c lub .

" It's fun to do thin gs toge th er a nd we love getti ng letters fr o m penpal s." Senior T orrey Shelton

Th e membe r s are c ho se n acco rd ing to their char acter, service, a nd leaders hip abi l iu es .

" I ge t to be i n o ne of th e on ly c lub s whi c h recognize s academic ac hi eve men t and I ge t to he lp o ut 1n the co mmunity ." Senior Pe te r Palanuk

Th e club doe s activit ies s uch as tutoring e lementary s tudent s, food drive s, c leaning up the c ampu s, and road c lean up .

" I rea ll y hk e hel pi ng people that don ' t have e no ug h foo d and mentoring th e l ittl e e le me ntary sc hool lud s." Senior Enca Smith

Ms. Sandy Na o ons a nd M s. J ackie Bo rn s te in are th e spon so rs for National Hono r Socie ty e-ib NHS memb er s v isi ted th eir pe n pal s at Pl e asa ntvi ew Elem e nt ary sc hool o nce pe r sem es ter and pla y games and d o arts and c raft s w1 th them fo r th e day

Budd y Up Seniors Ch n s J ohnson and Torrey S helton give eac h other a hu g during an NHS meeting in the courtyard Only Jun iors and ,en1or, are accepted tnto Nati onal Ho nor Soc iety based upon th eir qualifications " [ enJOY bctng on NH S because I like working with coo l little kid, ," said ,enior Ben Gould Photo by Ryan Fi elds

S trik e a Pose Seniors Ryan Wobbrock. Marc R ood, J aso n M ye r s, and J ennifer Parfel act s ill y during an NHS meeting Th.., yea r', NHS c lub had 102 active members "N HS 1s all about commun it y service, helping little kid'- , and the community a belier place ," sa id senior Kenneth W an Photo by Tim Burc h

106 ONE for the AGE S • • ... ,l jil {, >

Livin ' Lar ge Seniors Ryan Wobbrock. Jason Myer..,, Marc Rood, Je nn ife r Parfet, Anne Fay, and Megan \Vord share a friendly moment 1n fron t of the camera " I feel that NHS members gain a lot from working with the ki ds," said Sand} Nations Photo by Tim Burch

Le t 's Chat Seniors Marc Rood, Megan \Vord and Anne Fay di sc uss N HS iss ue s m the courtyard Selections for the 1998 - 1999 sc hool year began m March " NHS 1s mainly about ma1ntam1ng aca demi c s tandard s, tutoring kids , the food drive , and other service act1v1t1es," sa id se nior Ren Bucholz. Photo by Ryan F ields


Fro nt R o w : C Craig, J Mi ller L Hoogheem , S Sumner. C Johnson J Pea coc k. , T Ra\V\On eco nd R o\v: R Bu c hol z. M Turner , L Salg, R Ge r n1 , K Wan D Wan , K Fagerburg, C Bruno

M Willian,.., , E. Srnllh, M Quirk., M Schreiner. R Ktn g, T Heywood T hi r d Row : S Adam , J GoJd..,tem , K Look, K M1 cke , A Ltpstem , S Barlow. S Palmer, E Edwards, L Ek.berg, T Dove}, T Shelton, R Martin.A Knox , J Baruch, J Bol11ngcr T Bu1nowsk.1 Bac k Ro\\ : D Webster , B Raye Ryan Wobbrock. J Nel,on, J Meyers, M Rood M Word , J Parfet . A Fay , B Gould, A Daniel..,, K Ozde1n1r G Ander on C \ Vil h am,. J Steelman •

, W ~! . , \,. • • • • • .. I -
Clubs 107

Co n ce ntration Senior Jamie M cT eer studies d1hgently m the courtyard dunng access. M any students found 1he refuge of the court yard to be a nice place to study and finish homeworl- Freshman Dane Schov. <-aid. " l may deny 1t, but I enJOY most of my clas.,es' Photo by Tara Jo Davidson

Working It Sen ior Aaron Brown types a newspaper story 10 Mr F1nelh's room The newspaper class gave students an opportunity to voice their op1n1ons Senior Cy Hall said, "The things l ltke best about newspaper are 1he creauve opportuntltes 1t presenb to me and my s 1aff " Phot o by Ron Fin ell,

Study Buddi es Seniors Laura Ekberg and Chris1me Maren work together to solve a calc ulu s problem Calculu'> 1s the highest level math course offered at GHS Senior Ben Gould said, " I' m glad l stuck with math all four years; ca lculus 1s my favorite math cou rse so far" Ph oto by Ron Fmellt

ONE 108 for the AGES

Aft!to~/4 foM al( ~~~lfaf.ftMl;o1:-rtitMtlj' o/l~ ti-at otkt-- a.ffut.s> Mak¥ tk l"M/utaiit'tj ofa.fc/400/, itir tk .ftai;t-c,, Md/l"O«le,f.f of {ll( acade,,f(/C, /Mr(l/1( ti-at Mak tk .f((.CCM.f ofa .rc/4oof.

Academics 109

Class of1965

1 /UJ.t;~J' toda, Q/"l, Jt,,ttu,. Md MOl'l, l~l(Ofl,QttlH, T~t,, 0/"l, ll(Of"t- t,,,u;/t/11 tie,~ to luv,,I( toda, .fo.c/4

a..r tulel(ololt Mddwdo/Mt-l( Cr ti( raa.l(t<ur;~iu.

8a.t la.r1caf~ t/4,1f!' k,ai,el( c~ t/4at Mac/4.

tf:it.r QI'(,, tk J'Q/f(l,. JI

. 110 O NE for the A G ES

Os mo s is Students of the 1959 year book ,taft attempt to learn through osmosis The process of producing a yearbook has changed dramatically s i nce the I 950's Mr Richard Schalhamer said • 'The abacus classes we had back then are a lot easier than the computer classes we have now

Mentally E ngage d A student 1n a 1929 classroom exh1b1ts hennterest 10 one of her classes Although the aesthetics of school and the approach of teaching has changed. the ,tudents' attitudes haven't changed much M r Richard B yrne said • Chemistry was a lot easier because we had JU,t invented dirt and there were no elements yet"

Type Writers The I 926 ncwspaperstaffworl-.s hard to put out the school newspaper T hanl-..s 10 technological advancements, the newspaper 1s now con1pletely published by the newspaper class Mrs. Diane Kessler sa id , ''The classe, bacl,.. then ,vcre not a, detailed. the student d1dn ' t learn as much"

·- - ··--
• .... '
Academics 111

Notes & Quotes

Production costs for the plays $25 to $35.

'" Beauty and the Beas t ' was probably the bes t be cause 1t was beautifully written and it mad e me cry " Senior Meaghan Burnell

250-400 stu dent s attended per assemb ly.

" The mo s t rewarding part of Children's Theater 1s doing a good JOb and having all the kid s watching with sa ti sfied faces." Junior Renee Cain.

There are 27 members total; nine actors, 18 actresses.

" We get to create di stan t land s and recreate old fa 1rytale s .. it 's thrilling. " Junior Morgan


By Aubrey Franklin , Nicole Fergu so n , J ennifer Powell , Tiffany McEwen

H e lpin g E l ves Shandy Ehresman, Tiffany Frcdencl.., and Wendy Samland are elves and s hoe s for the shoe mak e r every night Everyone m the class agreed thal the class 1s h a rd work, ye t very reward mg Children· s Theater 1s fun and a lol of hard work, but beheve me 1l's worth 1t 1" said sen ior Kn stin Saxton Photo by Ron Finelh

Po s in g Sill y Juni ors B renna Raye, Joe Kempter, Lucas S immons, M organ Reit m eyer, Gavin Trzepacz, Renee Cain, and senior Kimberly M arcum practicing a scene from the play Rcpu n zel Children·s Theater presents plays to hundreds of e lementrary stud ents eac h season. " I lo ve everything about C hildren's Theater, especially after th e show when you get hit on by all th e six th grade boys. It sure improved my love ltfe," said senior M aegen Con n olly Ph oto By Ron Fin ellt

ONE for the AGES


Pra c ti ce Mak es F un Junior Joe Kempter 1s gelling beat up by Gavin Trzepacz Kimberly Marcum. Morgan Reitmeyer, Luke Simmons. and Renee Cam, wh ile pract1c10g for lhe play "The B oy Who Cried Wolf" Where 1n the world can I be a w i tch, a cow, and a princess all 10 one day?' said senior Wendy Samland. Photo by Ron Finell1

Cut, C ut, C ut J un1orBrcnna Raye, sen1orKin1berlyMarcum, an d JUntor Joe Kempter practice their parts for the sk11 T his class teaches techniques for dealing with serious and not so serious issues "Children· s T hea ter 1s a lot of hard work, but watching th e smiles on all the kids' faces makes tl all worthwhile," said Ju n ior J oe Kempter P hoto by Ron F ine ll 1

Front row M aeghan B urnell, H e1d1Wilson,C h ns

H ic k man. Re n ee Ca in Ki m berly M arcum.Joe Kempter. Tiffany F redric k, M indy J ohnson l\ liddl e R o,v M arcus M altcmpo. W endy Samland. M organ Reltmeyer, M elissa Turner J essica Anderson, Shandy Ehresman, Andrea l 1pst~1n, Hannemann, Andrew Coonan, Ba c k r o'" Scott M organ, Maegen Connolly, Brenna Raye, Travis Valentine, Luke Simmons. Gav1nTrzepacz, Adam Smith, Kristin Saxton P hoto by Ron F inelh

Academics 113

Notes & Quotes

" Art is thoughts running through your mind ." Fres hman Marlon Fellows

Students have a chance to go to th e Jeffer so n County senior art s how , Cherry Creek Art s Fest iva l , and many others.

" I took art becau se it 's hand s on , and it feel s good ."

Senior Rex Singleton

IO ton s of c lay are u sed year ly in ceramic c l asses.

" Art is a good way to use free thinking. " Junio r S teven Stamer

All the art tea c hers know their field and are current ly working artists outs ide of sc hool.

" Our art department 1s the best around " Senior Shana Kron e

S up e r P a int Fres hman Travi s De Witte ,s concentra t,n g hard on his paint mg Art g ives the students a chance to express th emselves creatively. " I lik e to exp ress my ideas when working with c la y," s aid se ni or Charli e Cus ter Ph o to by Tara J o Davi so n

Us in g Yo ur H e ad Fres hman Laura Bollin ger scu lpt s her favorite baseball player Students can relax and u se th e ir per so nal feehng s to express them se lves th roug h a rt " Art gives me a c han ce to use what's on my mind ," s aid se nior Dann y Fi s her Ph o to by Tara J o Davi so n

114 ONE for lhe AGES

Musical Drawing Freshman Ron Doughty turn s up the tunes as he shades in his drawing Art 1s like commun 1ca11cin without words "Art 1s like se lf expression," said sophomore Jos h Pumphrey Ph oto by Tara Jo Davison

Feeling The Cla y Freshman Desiree Stone works her clay into a bowl on the wheel Wh en working o n proJects the st ud en ts learn about ded1cat1on and patience " Working on art proJects relaxes my mind," said sophomore Mind y Mill er Ph oto by Tara Jo Davison

Up Close Sketches Junior Jo s hua Knox gets excited over hi s drawin g. Art offers th e students hands on learni ng expenencc " Phot ography 1s a great art class if you can' t draw," sa id so ph omore Din a Ph1l11ps Ph oto by Tara Jo Davison

Academics 115

Notes & Quotes

" B a nd i s ex tre m ely f un , e s peciall y w h e n we pl ay th e fi n a li zed pi ece of mu s i c .'' Se ni or T i m R aw s o n

T h is ye ar Go lde n h a d mo r e f ea ture d s o lo is ts th a n a n y previo u s year

" Band is a grea t th in g , peop le are reall y c l ose and everyo ne h e lp s yo u o ut w h e n yo u nee d i t. W e h ave a great t i m e ." So ph o m o r e W e s Walto n

Durin g th e s u mm e r, th e b and prac t ices three d ay s a w eek three h o urs a d ay

" M y favo rit e thin g i s to ex pre ss th e w a y I fee l t hro u g h m y mu s ic ." Se n io r D an i e ll e M e na pa ce

T h is w as a gro und br e alan g year f o r th e ba nd me mb e rs b eca u se it wa s th e fi rs t year th ey h ave pl aye d s o m e thin g o th e r th a n c l a ss ica l mu s ic. B y Tara D av i s o n and Tim Burc h

So und of Music So ph o m o re Cara Ha sse tt .J uni o r Ke lly F a ge rburg, fr es hman J e nnife r Ses tn c h pl ay th e ir heart s o ut a l th e Hom ec omin g g am e B and me mbers beco me so close they are like famil y " Band pr ov id ed multipl e o pp o rtun1t1 es fo r mu s i c al e nri c hment , a nd s ubs equ e ntl y w as ben e fi c ia l to m y ov e ra ll a c ade mi c e xpen e n ce," s aid se n io r D an Ga s p e r

Ma rch On Th e G H S marc hin g b a nd pre pares fo r a ha lf llm e p e rfo rm a nce Th e marc hin g band pra c t1 ces m a n y h o urs to coo rdinat e th e ir ma rc hin g s te p., w hil e th ey pl ay " Th e wh o le g ro up ha s impr o ve d , a nd 1t 1, th e bes t g ro up o f 82 p eo pl e l ha ve -.ce n 1n b a nd ," s aid se nio r S hil a G a ul e P h o to by R o n F in e lli

. -
ONE 116 for /h l' AGES

M ajor Musi c Senior Justin P eacock directs the members of the marching band at the Homecoming halftime J ustin was voted the best drum ma1or 1n Colorado this year '·My favorite part of band was meeting all the neat people that I wouldn't have met otherwise." sa,d senior M indy J ohnson Photo by Ron F inell,

Fee lin ' G roo vy senior Tim Rawson concenLrates on his mus,c during one of the band's many performances All of the band members practice many hard, long hours 10 prepare for their half lime shows, and compet1t1ons " T raveling all around the slate 1s my favorite part about band," said sophomore Wes W alton Photo by Ron Finellt

All Read y Sen,ors Nick Wa lters, Jeff Kemler, and Enn Porter.and ,ophomores J ,m Caine and \Yes Walton catch a breath between songs at the Homecon,mg game The band plays a large part 10 the sp1nt of Homecoming ''This wa, the first yearthal the public I "'tened to us ,o closely. 1t motivate, u, 10 play betlcr," ,aid ,en1or Mindy J ohnson Photo by Alex,, Croghan

l . . . . . . .. ...... ...
Acad~mics 117

Notes & Quotes

Th e re are 45 total people 1n mixed choir; 40 g irl s and five guys.

"The best part about being in choir , is being with your friends." Fres hman Cassie Goetzcke

There are three choir concerts a year: Fall , Christmas, and Spring.

Th e worst part of mixed choir 1s the sec tional s."

Freshman Brent Bellew .

A sec tiona l is when a s pec ific group of people si n g.

" If I had a chance to take choi r over again, I would." Fres hman Shannon Brown

Yo u must audition to get a so lo in the concert for mixed choir. By Aaron Barke r & Mick

S in g in g S tars Freshmen Colleen Creed and Shannon Brown hit a high note while practtcing for the Chnstmas choir concert Choir is only a seme).ter- long. unless you decide to take 11 ove r again. ·•1Joined mixed choir because I like to sing," said freshman Sarah Baer Ph oto by Ron

B e S h a rp Sophomore Kil ey Kn epp and senior Russ Han sen warm up their vocal chords Five years ago, mixed choir was a non-aud1t1on concert choir unttl 11 changed into a mixed cho ir g roup " I enJOY mixed choir because r have a great teacher, and ,l's challenging," said freshman Natal ,e Hunt. Photo by Ron Finell,

118 ONE far the AGES I J

Lookin g G ood Freshmen Sarah Ba er and Apnl Maloney are pract1c10g their songs 1n mixed c ho1J Mr Wemstem has been leaching mixed choir for about five years, now ''W e have a very good g roup of kids thi s year," said Mr W e 1nste10 Ph oto by Ron F1nelh

K ee p Pra c ti c in g Freshmen Cass ie Goetzcke a nd Roxanne Trenk practice for lhe wmter choir concert To JOm the mixed choir class, you don '1 need any past s10g1ng experience " I enJOY seeing my friends smg at the concens in mixed choir," sai d sophomore Blaire Alen,us Photo by R on Finelh

F ro nt R o w : Colleen Creed, Shannon Brown , Cassie Goetzcke , Rox a nn e Trenk, Ru ss H ansen, Kiley Kn epp. M all M ontoya, Aaron Ballmger, Bntn1 T ortora l\ liddl e Row : Ann S1okcr , R ebecca Larson , April Maloney. Sarah Baer Case 7 Pri mmer. Lacy Fritz. M ar) McSl..1rnm1ngs. Arlene Medrano M1st1 Babcock Jessica \V arren.Ashlcy M anyno,\ B ack Ro,, :Theresa Dy k stra. Natalie Hunt Rebecca Pi erce. An11c \Vard Michelle \Vh1tti cld. Jennifer Reher. Lavena Mote1- Fos1er, Bnlln ey Jowc,-._, Lisa Senter o t Pi c tu red: Brem Bellew Falon Alexander Melanie Chavc1. K athryn Gancc. Tiffany Goetz Ca,s1e H ahn. Mi chelle Lcmrnerrnan Charity Strcwclcr, Crys1al W elch. Morgan Worthington Ph oto by Ron Ftnel lt

' - • II !3 •• i1il 11:l ••
Academics 119

Notes & Quotes

There are of 27 voices that make up the 24th Street Singers.

" I t 1s a great program that influen ces you ng si nger s to purs ue caree rs in s inging ." Senio r Wes Sramek

Both the 24th Street Singers and Mountain Magic si ng everything from popu lar songs from the Secret Garden to unknown 1920 ' s big-band mu s ic.


'They a lways put on a great performance, and it s how s the dedi cat ion they have." Senior S han non H ols i nge r

Mountain Magi c 1s a group made up of 20 girls

" It was a wo nd erful musical performance, well worth my dollar." Silvia Gardner By Juha Schm i dt. Ju lia Johnso n, a nd A lexis Crog han

Sweet So lo Junior Tiffany Fredri c k s ing s a solo at the C hri stma s choir conce rt The 24th Street Singers are s plit between 13 boys and 14 g irl s who s ing everything from pop to ;azz Semor Adam Wendling s aid, "S inge rs 1s fun , but c hallenging , becau se of the music we si ng a nd beca u se o f the hou rs we pra c uce , it 's fun bec au se we have excellent d1rect1on " Phot o b y Julia J o hn so n

Mountain Magic Front row : J Wengroviu s, H Sterren, S. Luca s, J Rey nold s, V Join e r , D Shier, Middl e row : E. Krau s, C Sayyah, L Winham , M W11liam -., C Pa rry, T Frederick , Ba c k row: K Bran c h , A We1 s he1t , N Cisneros. J Law , M Davie s, S Camey, M H odson

for the AGES

Group Work The 24thStreetSrnger, perfonn theirChnstm.i.s show for the student body at GHS Both Mountain Magic and the 24th Street Singers spend about eight week'.', preparing for a concert, except during the holiday season. when they pan1c1pale 10 IO to 15 add1t1ona l performances throughout the community Director Enc Weinstein '.',aid. " Mountain Magic and 24th Street S1ngen, are excellent community outreach program'.'> they're very diverse and create a lot of opportunity for the kids" Photo by Julia Johnson

S,veet Notes Senior Adam Wendling sings for the elderly at Wide Horizon Nursi ng Home T he 24th Street Singers practtce from 6 30 a m to 7 15 a m. Monday through Friday before their regular schedule Assistant pnnc1pal DaveAnde~on said, ' 1'hose kids are very dedicated. a real class act They represent the school very well " Photo b) Julia Johnson

24th Street Singers: Fron t row : L Simmon,. R Mal tempo, C Narans, K Colligan, K Neul--1rchner. S Svenn mgsen, M Quirk. C Hickman. J Kempter, l\-1iddle row : J Reynolds, G Vcr'.'law, S Schiffman, K \Vest by. T Peters, A Foster. M Salano, V Hanneman, Back rO\\ : S Stone. B Hic kman. R Eagan T Valentine. A Wendling. D \ Vendlmg. M Mahempo. S Morgan

Academics 121

Notes & Quotes

~.z. Teen livin g tea che s s tud e nts about friend ship , dating, self co ncept , and problem so lving.

"So me food 1s rea lly goo d when 1tis cooke d right , otherwise H's rea lly bad." Fres hman Jeremy B1lli s

Creative foods explores s ports nutrition , low fat cooking, vegetarian coo king , and other cooking trend s.

"The y co me in as poor coo ks and leave a s great chefs." M rs. Brooke Ehrman

Fashion and interior de sig n tea c he s s tudents principles and e lements of de s ign s to c rea te an enJoyab le living atmo s phere through fa shion

Mm Mm Go od Sophomore Chnslina Wtnl er ices her cake w ith care Sluden l s in Food Experience learn about nutn11on etique11 e, and food preparation Christina said, " M aking the cake was fun but it tac;1ed really bad " Ph oto by Ron Finelh

T ak e th a t Seniors Laura Gouak and Rex Single ton uc;e 1he 1echn1ques 1hat they learned 1n Sen i or S trat egies L1 v 1n g On Your Own 1s designed to s1mula1e life experiences such as apartment selection. buying a car, budgeting , and chec kin g. and credtt "We made this nasty egg s tuff and 11 almo,;1 made us throw up, " recalled frcshn1an H e1d1 J anish Ph oto by Ron F1nclh

- - -----------~~ = j
ONE 122 for lhe AGES

S tran g le H e r Campus Supervisor Ron Griffin lea c hes se niors Danielle M enapace and Dana Self a new lec hniqu e i n se lf defe n se Senior Stra1eg1es tea c hes s 1udents finance and bu s in ess education , c redit issues. lega l iss ues. and relation s hips

·•r like to leach se lf defen se It' s a rough w o rld and I 1h1nk 1hat they need to know tt ," s aid Campus Advi so r Ron Gnffin Photo by Ron Finell i

A Littl e Ov e r H e re Fres hm a n Jennifer M cCu l11n cleans a mixer at the end of her coo king c lass Food Expenea ce covers topi cs of eating di so rde rs, weight management, and th e food guide pyramid Fres hman En c Zachnson said, " Di s hes are th e bes t part of coo king class." Phot o by R o n Finelli

Cookin g it up Fres hm an Arlene M e drano 1, ,etting up 10 work in h e r l..11 chen 1n Food Experi ence Rela t1 on,h 1p, tall.., about building h ea lthl )' rclat1onsh1p, inclu din g male/ female ro les. effec ti ve commun 11ca 11 on <; l,.ill ,. and prepara11on for m arria ge Junior Kerry R amo, sai d , " I like H orne Econon11c because you learn ho\\ to coo k food " Ph oto b} R on Finelh

Academics 123

Notes & Quotes

Technical e ducation teac her J ohn Kellenbenz ha s taught here for 28 years.

" In my shops I haven't had anyone ever ge t tran s ported to th e ho s pital : JUSt nick s and scra tche s. We have a very good sa fety record ."

Mr. Kellenben z

Mr. Kellenbenz graduated from Golden 1n 1964 and s tarted teaching at Golden 1n 1969

" To make the Technical Education Department better, we need to offer c lasses that app ly to a wider range of s tudents. " Teacher J eff H auser

As a community in volvement, Coors Ce ram ics help s Golden 's aviation classes by s upplying drafting uten s ils and parts from robottc applicati ons.

F lyi ng without a License Since li censes aren't offered at Golden. freshman Sarah Jeschk.e navigates her virtual plane through the sk.1es In Architectural Drafting. they use mostly board drafting \\. 1th 25 percent Computer Aided Drafting (CAD ), wanting to go to half-and-half "W hen we get bored. the co nv ersatton gets really interesllng 1" said JUn1or J essica Spice Phot o by J eff Hau se r

Ji gsaw Ma s ter Sophomore Du stin Wendlin g cu t s away for p arts of a n ew gilder that he 1:. making 1n Av1a11on Aviauon stude nt s avoid remote cont rol gliders because powered aircraft are very tnck.y lo fly "Arch1tec tural drafting will help me 1n my career," said sop homore

Cohn Haynes Photo b y Alexis Crogan

124 ONE for the AGES {ffJlii (I)~) OG6Ll5 PDSITIVED US r B( WORN HEN 01-'[R \JING THIS MACHINE I

B e ur e toBreathe frcshmanTomLynchtumsbnghtred while straining to remove the rough edges On the average, 250 students a semester sign up for technical education classes · I don 'l believe our shops could get larger anything larger 1s not really appropriate for the h igh school level " said technical educauon instructor John Kellenbenz. Photo by Jeff H auser

Rammin g it Through Freshman J oe} Colegrove pauses a momen t while ramming his wood to make sure his cndp1ece is set nght In the metals shop alone, over $200.000 of equipment 1s used When asked why he wa-. taking Auto Shop -.ophomore Lee Perry said, "No homc\vork, and ll'-. easy Photo by J eff H auser Pie c ing it Together As he puts his aviat1onghdertogethcr, sophomore Bretl Zahrte 1s careful not to break. the balsa wood Technical ar1s instruc to r J eff H auser has been negotiating ne\\ act1v111es \\ 1th United Airlines. " It 'd be neat to have an old aircraft 1n the shop." stated Mr Hauser P hoto by Alexis Crogan

Acad~mics 125

Notes & Quotes

There are four teachers w ho teach the gym classes . "Coac h Lloyd make s thi s c la ss fun but hard ."

Juni o r Adam Ri s tau

Th e gym classes don ' t tum d ow n kid s who s ign up for them so t he num ber of kids are normally h igh ' ' B enc h is hard , s quat make s me f ee l good ." Senior Levi H e nd erso n .

Everyone w h o 1s in the c lass ge ts a good unders t a nd i ng of how to keep their body 1n good phy s ica l condition.

"Coac h Ll oyd 1s my be s t friend ." Juni or Umit Ozdemir

Th e c la sses th a t are off ered are Tenni s/Vo ll eyball/ B owli ng, Advanced Fitn ess/Co ndiu on1ng, T ea m Sports, Aerobic , a nd F itness Co nd i ti oning. B y T om Lu edtke and K evi n W il liam s - -

Se ttin g i t U p Senior H e1d1 Cies lar 1s se ttin g up the volleyball c;o that another teamma te could s pike 1t E very year 1n first semeste r gym you have to run the one mil e and sec ond se me s ter you have to run the two mile " I would gel s omething out of thi s class 1f I lifted. "' said JUn1or J aso n M elnick.

Ge ttin g it U p Senior J on Ridpath 1s s potting Senio r Chns Hamblin 1n the bench press. Everyone on the football team has to take \Ve1ght ltft1ng " I like thi s c lass because I bench 50 pound s three umes :• s aid

JUnior Luke Kelly

- ·- " - -
126 ONE for the AGE S

Lifting It All So ph omo re J am1e H enderso n lifts I 40 pounds tn d ea d lift Th e re are t\vo different weight lifting classes advanced w eight lifting and lhe readiness progra m ' Thi s c lass 1s kind of bortng because all I can do 1s bench (press) because of my knee," sa id freshman Ashley Long Ph oto by Ron Finelh

The Ab Works Sophomore Dan Hasch k e 1s \V0rk1ng his ab s dunng weight liftin g class The c lass makes everyone keep an eye on their body " I love this class because it makes me push myself to th e limn ," said Jun ior Chris Mill e r Ph oto by R on Finelh

Hitting It Home Fres hman Kalle Winh am hi ts the volleyball 10 the o th er s id e of the net Th ere ,s a nc,v gym teacher. Amy \V1l son, who took the place of Mari lyn Wilcox " I hke this class because coach Homecker 1-; the best coach/motivator m the world," said Junior Scott \V1n ston. Photo by R on Fi nelh

lmJ • I I 0 --
Academics 127

Notes &: Quotes

"T h e bes t p a rt a bout S t uden t Co un ci l is t h e c h ance t o plan Pr o m ." Juni or Crys t al C raig

T h e executive officers co n sis ted o f C hri s un e M are n , Va n essa H a nn emann , Ca rl ey W ill ia m s a n d D av id F e th

"Cou n ci l is rea ll y f un a nd inte res t in g." So ph omo re M argo Ca ligu 1n

Dunn g t h e firs t se m es te r S tu dent Co un c il pl an ned a H allowee n d a n ce w hi c h turn e d ou t to b e a bl as t.

" I rea ll y e nj oy plannin g ac t iv iti es tha t affec t th e e n t ire sc hoo l. " Se n ior A nn e F ay

D r. J o hn H orst was th e S tud e nt Cou nci l s p o n so r.

"S tude nt Cou nc il 1s a g rea t c lass, I ju s t wis h w e go t m ore recog niti o n ." Se n io r L y nn M a h a r as

B y Ab b ey Kn ox

H ar d At Wo rk Senior Chnsune M aren talks wit h Assic;tant P nnc1pa l Andrea Gleason abou t new ideas Every semester each class 1s to complete two big proJects for the school J unior K ate Colligan said, "The hardest thing about S t udent Council 1s u-ymg to plan something that is fun for everyone " P hoto by Ron

Ca rr y in g C a n s Sohomo res Laura W ord and M argo Cal1gu1n carry the collected food for t he homeless after the annua l Student Council Auction Every year s t udents have a c h ance to purc h ase a council member and make him or her a slave for a day Sophomore

Laura Word said, "I don't think people realize ho,v hard we actually work•· Photo by R on Finelh


ONE 128 for t

Da v id Fe th e rm a n Senior David Feth stands before the school dunng the H omecoming pep rally S1uden t council 1s 1n charge of planning all the act1v1t1es th at deal w ith the entire s tude n t body " S tudent Council is a true honor lo be a part of," said sophomore Mikey Choruzy Photo by R Fine l h

F i rs t R ow: V H annemann, A Fay , K Cooper, C M aren , Dr Hors! S ec o nd R ow: J Ammon , T Sullivan, K Aronowitz , A Larson , B Hi llen Third R o w : K Colligan , M Choruzy, M Calig1un, L Wo rd , A Barret , S Fink F o ur th R ow: C W ilham s, L M aharas , T Rawso n , A Turne r , A Konegni, R V1erke Back Row: M P fi s tere r , L H oogheem. S Sumner, C Craig , J Streetman

T he Se nior Me mb ers All of the se niors 1n Student Council s m ile for the ca mera as they get ready to load the bu s to come home from the i r annual retreat. The se n iors' main obJect1ve of thi s year was to plan gradua1 1on and find the se nior gift Junior M ike Pfi sterer s aid , " I like to be involved and make a differen ce " P ho to co urte sy of Lynn M ahara s

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Academics 129

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I j I I I I I I I I I I I I I .,)

Notes & Quotes

" Keyboa rding 1s my favor i te class because everyday we do some th in g new." So phomore Casan d ra Leidic h

In Bu siness Law c lass th e s t uden ts get to li s te n to g ues t s peakers suc h as lawyers, po li ce men , and hy pn o tt s ts.

" I took a bu s in ess class so I co ul d ge t a JOb c redi t. " Sen ior J esse Fu ll e r

D1 stnct s tanda rds fo r ma th are nu m be r se n se, alge bra, da ta ana lysis, geome t ry, meas ur eme n t, and co mput a tio n.

·'& " M a th 1s im portan t beca use 1t wi ll hel p me in th e bu sin ess wo rl d." Sop ho m o re Andy Solo mo n Senior s trateg ies 1s a c lass whic h co mb ines mat h of fi n ance, business, and fami l y s t ud ies.

Co mput er W a r Senior Elhsa J ones types away on the Macintosh 1n Mult1med1a Macintosh Students get a chance to learn ho\v different computer programs work "Business will help me in the future by g1v1ng me a head start on the business world." sa1dJun1or Amy Carlson

Photo by Ron Finelh

G o F ig ure Freshman James H all uses a paper clip to calculate a probab1l 1ty problem I nteractive math helps students clan fy th1nk 1ng, develop proble1n-solv1ng skills, and communicate their reasoning skills ''Mat h will help me 1n the future because we use math ,n everyday s1tuat1ons," stated freshman K ris ten M ceaugh. P hoto by Ron Finelh

130 ONE for the AGES l < «J

Mu s ica l C li cking Junior Gill R o mero creates hi s own h ome p age using HTML programming Th e mos, popular class thi s year was l.. eyboardtng "You learn man y new thin gs 1n Bu s in ess Law c lass," s1a1ed Junior Ad am Qu een P hoto by R on Fine ll, No,v That 's Fun Freshman Jen na S hiftman laughs a<; s h e fini shes h ercircularchart S1udcnts are only required to take two year<, of math classes to grad u ate " Th e bes t thing abou t my math c lass 1s that we ge t to learn how lo use geome tn c construcllo n ~." s aid Juni or J ake W e llen s1e k. Ph o lo by Ron Finelh

Hard At Werk Senior Ca rm en Holsinger conce ntrates real h ard on hercompu1erass1gnment FBLA offers outside of school JOb credits, when you ,vork at a bustness o n en ted job " In Bu siness Law I learn a b o ut m y nghts so that cops can' t sc re,v me over," said Junior H olly James Ph oto by Ro n F inel h •

' I • • • / - - -
Academics 131

Notes & Quotes

" Animal s and pl a nt s are way coo l a nd very inte res tin g." Bi o logy teac her K e n YanderLaan

95 p e rce nt o f the s tudent body tak es b io lo gy

" l too k f o ur years of scie nce becau se, I will b e a doctor so meday." S e n ior Dani e ll e C h ap pe ll

C h emis try a nd Ph ysics a r e both ty pical co ll ege requirement s for mo s t co ll ege degrees.

Ph ys ics i s life and life 1s phy s ics." Ph ys ics teac her Ri c hard S halh a m e r

S umm e rfi e ld bi o logy, a s umm e r course is offered to all G H S s tudent s.

" I lea rn ed a b o ut a to m s and m o lec ul es, h ope full y that will h e lp m e 1n sc ien ce for years to co me ."

Fres hm an Kat y Rid ge

Earth sc ie nce is G H S s tud e nt s fir s t sc ien ce c ourse.

B y Karl a H e ffelfi nge r a nd Marl e na E s tes

S umm e r S tudi es J unior Ju s un e B aru rch gets ready 10 pick up h er overs i zed ba c kpac k dunng s ummer fie l d B 1ology M a n y different type s of c;c h olarsh1ps were offered to sc ien ce bound s tud en ts. Fres hman Ton, Sullivan s aid , " I plan lo take sc ience for a ll f o ur years of high sc h ool " P h o to by Ron Fin ell1

S tay in th e Lin es Fre s hman K ym P ete rso n colors the ea rth for h er a,s1gn m e n1 during earth sc i ence class Cnucal thinkin g 1s a n important s ~1ll leamed 1n c h e mi s try Senio r Sa ge Connelly s aid , " I n Bi o logy 2 J learned all about th e hu man anatomy: I h ave s in ce de c id e d not 10 be a doctor " Ph oto by R on Fin e ll,

132 ONE for the AGES

Holding the Elements Chemistry teacher Jan Bry so n and se nior J enn ife r Parfet trap gas 1n balloon s during a che mi s try expenment. Science 1s n ' t the only thmg c hemi s try s tudent s learn ; they also learn how to really use their math s kill s. Senior Ryan Artale sa id , " Ph ysics help s you to understand how s imple things 1n nature work ." Photo by Ron Finell,

Dropping the Ball Juni ors Ro ss Manin and Anne Konegni drop the ball during a phys ic s lab . Chem is try and phys ics are typi c al requiremen ts for mos t c ollege degree s Sen ior M atthew Ma upin s aid , " Ph ys ics was the most use ful course because it 's s omething that I c an use m real ltfe ." Photo by Ri chard Sh alham er ,

A Closer Look Sophomore Erm B ernard uses a micro scope to tak e a close r look at h e r biology s pe c imen In B 1ology II as the final exam s tudent s view a d1 sce ased human body after thi s cxpenment many s tud ents decide whether or not to go into the medical field Sophomo re Seaver Baru c h sai d ," I'm learning a lot of u se ful thing s whether I ' m intere s ted or not " Ph oto b y Ron Fin e Iii

• Academics 133


Notes & Quotes

American and W orld Hi s tory, Government and Econo mi cs, Amen ca n Government, and AP Hi story are j u s t so m e of the c l asses offer ed at GHS

I n Mrs. Li sa Wahl 's W or ld Hi story c lass s he sh ows a lot of blood and guts." Junior H e id i W i lso n Th e ba s i s of geog raph y is to learn location and c lim a te o f a co untry .

"Government is a c la ss with not too mu c h homework and it' s easy to und ers tand if you pay a tt en tio n ." Fres hm an Mark Fanciulh

Govern m ent i s a c l ass about h ow the governme nt ha s an e ffe c t o n the eco nom y.

" In Mrs. S har o n Roybal's c la ss, I l ike 1t that we never ha ve h omewor k ." Fres hman Antje La wer B y Andrea C h rzan and S tefanie Nahley

Lea rnin g, W h a t F un ! M r Mi chael O'Dons10 ex plain s ch e image on the TV screen to hi s class. Group int eraction 1s the bas is of soc1ology " In Mrs S h aron Roybal's class we can work with a partner on almost everything," c;a1d freshman Brand y B a ich. Ph oto by Di ck Scha lham er

Y umm y Sophomore Joe Borden shows h is road proJect made o ut of candy for M s Tina Sheam's AP Hi story class lo his friends. AP Hi story 1s cons id e red o n e of the harder social stud ies classes because o f all the work involved " M s Lisa Wahl 1s the best history teacher ever," sa id senior Beckie Foster Ph oto by Ron Fin e ll1

ONE 134 for the AGES \ t I

Work Together Sophomores Ka11eAgard and Kel h Rehder work on a proJect as a group in Mr Chad Reid 's American hi s tory class Amencan h1 s1ory teaches student about the p ast and how ic has affected chem " I lik e 111n American hi s tory ,vhen Mrs Shannon Barrow's aces out everything when she gives a ta l k, " said sopho m ore Jennifer Tedhe. Photo by Adam Nims

Show and Tell Sophomore Enn Badey shares her AP h1 s1ory proJect w11h che class Studying the process of the mind 1s what psychology students do " Mrs Shannon Barrow ' s hi s tory class 1s cool because she really gets 1010 what she 1s teaching and keep s us exc n ed," sa1 dJun1or A1mee H olly Photo by Ron Finel11

Concentrate Juniors Linda To. Ha, Nuyen , and Sco11 Atkinson work ou1 of !heir books on an Amen ca n history assignment The Core class 1s to leach the studen t s 10 become good c111zens "Social studies 1s fun and interesting and you learn a 101 of stuff that can be useful. " said freshman Sara Dnenl,.a Ph o10 by Adam Nims

Academics 135

Notes & Quotes

E ng li s h 1s no t j us t re ad in g a nd wri un g, but i t teac h es goo d co mmuni ca tio n s kill s as we l l.

" I lik e d En g h s h B b eca u se we go t to u se th e co mpute rs." So ph o m o re A lexand e r W e ll s

In En g li sh A s tud e n ts mu s t d e m o n s tr a te th ei r tal e nts 1n re adin g, wri tin g , a nd s p e llin g.

" I lik ed Mr. H e rge nre te r beca u se he's a teac he r yo u c an to h e' ll bu y yo u lun c h 1f he l oses a b et. "

So ph o m o re Kri s tin a Ho pk in s o n So m e s tud e n ts w h o lik e ac ti n g ta ke C hildre n 's Th ea ter s o th ey c an p e rfo rm p l ays th ey m a d e up to e le m e nt ary s tud e nts.

" I li ke Mr. S h a rp 's c la ss beca u se h e's f unn y and h e mak es th e c la ss i nt e res t in g. " Fr es hman

Dani e ll e Yanik

H e ath e r M c Do w e ll L ee Ann e K e ph a rt

Wh a t Lu c k Sopho mores \V1lham H illen and Dax J ordan are perfonn1ng the play The Louery 10 M rs J oan J ouen's Comp II Engli s h c las s At O H S s tudents are pu s hed lo learn Engh s h, co n s ide ri ng the D e mon s mu s t receive four c redits to graduate Junior Step h anie Thompso n sa id ," I think that Engli s h 1s a big part of ou r soc iety so 11 's 1mportan1 10 team 1t." P hoto by R on F inelh

Oh Rom eo Fres hman El izabeth Schrock and M icah Leadfo rd are trying not to laugh wh ile preform1ng the famou s balcony scen e from Romeo and Juliet Research p apers for Engli s h are always wordp rocessed, therefo re, there are vanous co mpu ter labs s tude nt s u se to accomplis h their ess ay s Junior Sara h Cooker sa id the areas s he hkes about Engl is h a re " reading book s, analyzing , and di sc uss ing " P hoto by Ron F in e lh

136 ONE fo r the AGES'flI

O h o! Seniors Jos hua Hall, Eli ssa J ones. and Casey Collins are studying for a big t~t 1n English IV At Golden, English 1s a tough subJect to choose al reg1strat1on because there are more English classes to choose from J unior H ollie Brak.ken said her favonte English class was " Public Commun1ca1tons because we learn a lot about telev1s1on and you ge1 to make cool speec he s " Photo by Ron Finelli

F o und It ! Senior Rebekah Foster and Lavena Motes are pulling up some infonnat1on 1n the school library GHS st udent s usua lly read Romeoa11dJulre1.A,111go11e. To Kill A Mo cl..1ngb1rd, The Grear Garsb)'. and The Grapes Of Wrath by the time they graduate SophomoreL1ndseyFeltersrud, " Mr Stan Hergenreter 1s coo l because he made learning fun, and you can talk to him about things ." Photo by Ron Finelh

Go to th e A ppl e Mr Dick. Byrne explains ho,v to fix a computer problem to senior Adam Wendling 10 Advanced Essay Theater class 1s where the stude nt prepares 1nterpre1a11on of sce nes from plays. as well presentauons of their original scenes Fre sh man Kathy Benn e u said that if she cou ld pick any book to read for English " 1t would be Pha1110,n Tollbooth because it' s an interesting book and 1t makes you th1nl.. "Photo by Ron Finelh

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Academics 137

Notes & Quotes

" I decided to do n ewspaper beca use I wa nt to beco m e a journ alist." F res hm an Ki m Sw is her. T here wer e 17 w rite rs f o r t he n ewspaper fi rs t se m este r

" I th i nk th a t eac h sec ti o n edito r does a great jo b beca u se wh e n all e lse fa il s, th ey h ave to writ e artic les." A d visor R o n F ine ll i. R o n F in e ll i h as bee n th e a d viso r fo r th e Go lden Tri d e nt s ince 1992.

"Newspape r is m y favo rit e c lass beca u se we ge t to c h oose wh a t w e do o ur a rt ic l es o n a nd m eet i nte res tin g peo pl e." Fres hm an Cassi d y W e lc h I n eac h edi ti on o f th e Tri de nt , t he re a re appr oxim a te ly 45 a rti c les.

F ini s hin g To uc h Senior Rachel Savage types her art icle while se nior Kara P a lanuk checks he r computer screen for errors. The G H S newspaper use d to be called the Gold Miner but was changed about 30 years ago to The Trident " l e ncourage writers to be accurate and te ll both s ides of a story, wi thou t s lan11ng views towards their opinions," explained advi so r Ron F inelli P hoto by Ron Finelli

D o ubl e C h ec k Senior Cyrus H all and Luca s Salg look over an ed1t1on of The Trident before sending it 1n for pnnung The re are five editors for the T rident, one for each sec llon of the news paper. " The best issue of the new s paper thi s year was the spec ia l one put out for the sc hool 's I 25th annive rsa ry, " commented fre s hman Shelly Barlow

P hoto by Ron F,nellt

I \
138 ONE
_____._ -

Rin g , rin g! Senior Tiffany Gill takes notes while speaking 10 a possible advertiser There were eight ed111ons of the Trident published 1h1s school year "My favorite article that I've written for the newspaper was about fear because I learned a lot from•~·· expla1ned freshman Kim Swisher Pho10 by Ron F1nelh

What about. .. Senior editor Cyrus Hall and senior Justin Peacock discuss current newspaper article topics Much of lhe funding for the newspaper comes from business advert 1s1ng "The best part of being 1n newspaper 1s getting people lo think when they read my articles," said Cyrus. Pho to by Ron Finell,

Fro nt ro , v: Rache l Savage, Tiffany Gtll, Teresa Emmons, Emily T hompson, LucasSalg, Kara Palanuk M i dd le r o, v: Cyrus Hall, J ohn Pastor, Cassidy Welch, Kim Swisher. Jus11n Peacock , Aaron Brown Ba c k r ow : Derek Linscott , Jeremy Malthews. Ken Ramstelter. Dina \Valker, Shella Ramstettcr P hoto by Ron Finell,

• .. • a •
Academics 139

Notes & Quotes

" It 's th e b igges t book in hi s tory .'' Senior Chris John so n

Ev ery thin g is des kt o p publi s hed by the s tudent s th e m se lves

~" It 's more than a c la ss, we work hard to make a book worthy of GHS ." Senior Juha Schmidt

There is a CD-ROM version in c lud e d 1n every yearbook thi s year.

" Mr. Finelh is a g reat tea c her becau se he intera c ts with the s tud ents ." Junior J ake Zwain

Y ea rbook take s a lot more hard work than mo s t peo ple think , and only hard workers wi ll be inv it ed back for the next se me s ter

"Ye arbook 1s a great way to meet people who are th e opposite sex.'' Junior Kevin William s

Type Away Freshmen Sarah Pi zzo and Abby Pfi s terer brainstorm ideas for their n ex t s pread Approximately I 250 yearbook s were d1 s tnbuted to the studen ts ofG H S "' Yearbook 1s fun because you ge t to meet so many people that are so in volved 1n Golden act1v1ties," s aid fresh m an M ena k a M ahaJan Ph o to by Ron F inellt

Fro n t row : J e nnifer Pow e ll , S tefan ie Nahley M enaka Mah aJan, Tim Burch, M arlena E ste s. K arla Heffelfi n ger Midd le Row : Nicole Fergu so n, Leeanne Ke ph art, Andrea Chrzan Adam Nim s. Jay S to kes, Mi chelle Ki ng. Sara Pi zzo. Abby Pfi stere r Ba ck Row : H eat h er M c D owell, Alexi s C roghan, Juli a Schmidt, Juli a John so n Chn,; J ohnso n , Ju stin Sttegelme 1er, Dale Web s ter , Aaron B arker. M1 c l-.. J ean n e Ph oto by Ron Fin el l,

O NE 140 fo r the A G ES
i I I J

Working Together

Senior Chris Johnson and freshman Alexis Crogan converse about headlines for the yearbook There were 42 people that were helping to produce the yearbook firs t semester My favorite part about yearbook 1s that I am helping to produce something so memorable. " sa1dJun1orTom Luedtke P hoto by Ron Finell!

Wax on Wax off Sophomore Juha Johnson completes her spread by waxing her paper to se nd away to the printer There was much d1vers1ty of students 1s Yearbook.. which helped to make the book 1nterest1ng " I enJ0Y work mg on .,preads for the yea rbook wtth my friends," .,a,d freshman Michelle Kmg Photo by Ron Fmel1 1

Working Hard Freshman

Hea ther McDowell and J unior Leeanne Kephart work together 10 make their deadline Yearbook.·, ed1tors-m-ch1ef were Dale Webster and Chn,; Johnson, who put many hours of hard work mto the production of the yearbook. "One of my favorite , hard cla.,,e, "yearbook., said ,ophomore Aubrey Franklin Photo by Ron F1ncll1

Academics 141 ' I

Notes & Quotes

The Multimedia Macinto s h class puts a lot of effort int o making web pages. When fini s hed, th ey are put on to the internet. " My favorite program 1s mPo\ver becau se it is fun and it 's so me what challenging." Senior Eli ss a J ones

In Creallve Computing IBM , the class uses a word proce sso r , make s s pread s heet s, and compiles databa ses.

,.,.~ " My favorite part about computers is all of the programs that you can u se and make ." Sophomore Robert Schreiner.

~2 The Multimedia Mac class mu s t fini s h a total o f 18 se lf paced lesso n s by th e end of the se mester.

Falling , vith S ty le Steven Scarbrough plays a fun and exc 111ng n,ght simulator game trl his compu ter class. Using the mP owe r program student can c reate video chp-., audio clips. and pictures into their prescntallons "The wor-,t part compu tin g 1, trying to lea rn the HTML language," said freshman K1r..t1n Evere tt. Photo by Jeff Hauser

Typing for Fun Freshman Mi ck Jeanne and Jesse Hind s work hard on th eir computers dunng Mult1m cd 1a Ma ci ntos h The Creauvc Computing IBM clas-; u,es Mi crosoft Works " l 111'.e to use co mputers at home, school and for pleasure," said senior Jacques Ho. Ph oto by Ron Finelh

142 ONE .for the AGES --

Usi ng th e Mouse Senior Robin Keller and other s tud ents in the Multimedia Mac class work hard to get 1he1rpr0Jects finished. The Multim edia class 1s self paced, and 1f a studen t finishes early 1hey may go on to more difficult tasks 'The worse part abou1 compu11 n g 1s that everything has to be perfect before 11 works" said senior Brittan y Van Gundy Ph oto by R on Finell,

A He lpin g Hand Seniors Dale Webs1er and Will B onles concen1ra1e on a Po wer M acintosh in 1he Mult1m ed 1a Mac class There are two creat i ve compullng classes. Crea ti ve compu11ng IBM and Mulum ed,a M ac101osh " I have learned a lot 1n computtng, I have probably learned more than I will use," said se nior Sylvia Gardner Ph oto by Ron Finelli

Des ig nin g th e World Senior N,ck J ungferman designs a grc1ph1c on a 6100 P ower Macinto,h For one of !he proJect, ,n Mult1m ed1a Mac c;tuden1, design profc-.s,onal looking text usin g Text Sty ler " I like crcauve computing I BM because almost every job U'ies a computer, and that will help me lacer in life," said freshman El, \1/ouk Ph oto by Ron Ftnell,

Academics 143

Demonium Senior \Ves Sramek shows off his demomcvisagedunng Homecoming week Strange clothes. costumes and body paint were JUSt a few of the ways students showed their school sp1nt. Freshman Dane Schov, said, "All the school sp1nt was what made this year fun •· Photo by Tara Jo Davidson

What is a Red ? Mr Roger M yers poses as Stalin dunng the teacher skit at the H omecoming assembly Each year the G HS teachers perfonn a skit p1tt1ng G H S versus their Homecoming rival. J unior Chns M edina said, "Every year the teacher ski t gets longer and longer" Ph o to by Ron Finell 1

Show Tunes Senior Mark Lauwers plays the saxophone dunng the Homecoming Carnival. Several small bands were put together by G H S students thi s year Sophomore Chad Serpan said. " Th e bands at G HS are almost as good as the more well known ones." Photo by Ron Finelh

144 ONE for tJse AGES

Class of 2000

Tk;,.,o;!t, tLt11/cf~IKDM, d;-IH4'&-e, tkil(1oa 1rtj,/4tt/411(" J«t111e,/ol( 'to!ao>crif?;u1'M/DD4 &-ia~~ Dl"/1"'f/1M, /It 111!r ;.e, fu to Je, 111,t,o~ 140. l<IMt. Tlir fulo1r QJ(d~.r,'tj, «a.l,u, 111!111kit /tIC tola,.

People 145

f'utk4ulwUk/1r,-u•rH de ~nei4/

uu:C 1 llt6t_ /)/kOU at f.u ~JH/ foll,11el ~t b;r jl/~9 l,,ill &(( JJ/-ti,rt; ,UII J"I''-, /1/4 JdI /4-p ladJ.t u II(~JM,4tlt'ddltd ,

ONE 146 Jc;~

Prom Ro ya lt y 1958 P rom Queen Karen Ander-on poses after the dance with her attendants Carol Churche s, Faye Anderle. Betsy Taylor, and Madeleine Vacher Before the 70's, women 10 school were not allowed 10 wear pants or show their legs M n. L inda P oveda said, ''There wa,n 't as much pressure when I went to school You were encouraged to ach ieve but you \Vere not pushed as much you are today "

We s tern Entertainment A member of the Senior Class of 1973 sings in his band dunng an assembly Popu la r music dunng the 70's included art ists such as Ji m M omson and The Doors Mr Tom Sv1ee1 said. " Wh e n I went to school gu)'s had to wear belts, and couldn't swear or wear hats, tsh1rts, or tennis shoes "

Mixing and Matching Members of a c h emistry class 1n the earl y l 900's work 1n a lab-like environment. T here have been drasuc changes in th e science co u rses over the years due to new advances 1n technology M r Dick Schalhamer satd, " W hen I went to school everyone thought the)' were go i ng to be drafted so they dtdn't really worry about what they were goi n g to do after high school "

-· -
People 147 I I
Kelly Adan1 s Jessica Anderson Kel lt Anderson N1cole Angel Altssa Arche r Rya n Artale Jess ica Bakk. er Craig Baldwin Shauna Barbee Aaron Barrett Paul Barrett Jo s hua Barthel s
ONE for the AGl?S KLU.i A,()~M'\ BGMJee
' ~BeHOii '-'YY)~.._ ,. lJ~,~
T1ffan) Bau sc h Deborah Bennett Heat her Bennelt Steven Benoit M 1chelle Bernard Dalyn Bl ackney Mi chael Blondin James Bo hk s Wilham Bortlec.
Seniors 149 I
Carla Bosse Mi c he ll e Boyd Jesse Brittain Jennifer Brotherton Aaron B ro,vn Mi cha e l Brown Mi chael Brunker Ren Buc hol z Thomas BuJnow sk.1 Jame s Burkett Me aghan Burnell John Burton
ONE I fortlu ·150 AGES
Ja cob Campbe ll Enc Carlson Margaret Carl son
Amber Carney Danielle Chappell Robert Childers ton He1d1 C1eslar Cry<.tal Clements Clinton Coal.ley Everton Coelho Casey Collins Ronald Collins
I ) 151 I
Brandon Condron Sage Connelly Maegen Connolly Nicholas Coo1'son Andre\v Coo nan Kane Cooper Alexi~ Crowde r -Jac k. son Charles Custer Su-.a n Dani el Tar a Da viso n Jack Debo er Ge nev ieve Dilw o rth
ONE :1s2 '6~ dtLJ ::
Andrea Dittb re nn e r Dou g la s Doffin g Lal eh Douvill e

S' Seniors

I , _
Tiffan} Dove> Michael Duane Michael Duran Keen Anthon} Edv,ard\ Enk.a Edwards Laura Ekberg Jenn1fe r Elgin Teresa Emmons Marl e na Estes
,. ;::s
Ktm Fale Anne Fa> Da vid Feth
l (
Enc Fink Daniel Fi s he r Amber Fi s k
s te r Re bekah Fo s ter Hei di Freie r
s t Mi c h
s t
ONE for tJu 154 AGES
Lauren Fitzpatrick Tra vis Fl e ury C hri s t in a Ford Andree Fo
Steve n Frost
Jesse Fuller Jessica Fuller Robert Fulton Carlos Gamarra Sylvia Gardner Daniel Gasper Shtlah Gaule Renee Gem, Tyre! Gibson
/fJJJJllD Q. · Senion 155 • I
Anissa Gil Tiffany Gtll Laura Gouak
156 fortk
BenJam1 n Gould Claire Gnffin Danielle Hagberg Cy ru s Hall Jo s hu a Hall C hn s to ph er Hamblin Tracy Hamm Kach enne Hampson El s ie Hankin<; Troy Hann e mann Vanessa Hann emann Ru sse ll Han se n
Enn Ha s tin gs Karl a Heffe lfi nge r Lev i He nd e~o n J aco b He ndn x Bradl ey He rbe rt Jac qu es Ho Rya n Ho f fman Ca rm e n Ho lsin ger S hann o n Ho ls in ge r Je ramt a Hoo ks En c Horva t Jos hua Ho tse n p1ll e r Seniors 157 ' •

• Ke ll y Adam s •J ess1ca Anderson •Kelh

Anderson •N1cole Angel •Al1s s a Arc her• Ryan

Artale •J ess1ca Bakk er •Cra1g Baldwin •Shauna

Barbee •Aaron Barre u • Paul Barre tt •Jos hua

Barth els •T iffany Bausc h• Deborah

B en n ett •H ea th e r Bennett•Steven

Beno1t•Robert Bentley •Mic helle

B emard •D alyn Bla c kney • M ichael

Bl ond1n •J ame s Bohk s •Wilham Bortles •Carla

Bosse •Mi che ll e Boy d • Ryan Bradford •Jesse

Britt a1 n•J ennifer Brotherton•Aaron

Brown•M1 c ha e l Brown •Mi c hael

Brunker• Ren Bu c holz •Thom as

BuJn ows k1 •Jam es Burkett •Meaghan

Bumell •John Burto n•Jaco b Campbell • Eri c

Carlson •M argaret Carlso n •Amber

Camey •D anielle Chappell • M elan1e

Chavez •Robert C hild ers ton •He1d1

C ieslar •Cryslal Clements •Chnton

Coakley •Ev erto n Coelho • Casey

Col ltn s •R on ald Co llin s • Brandon

Con d ro n •Sage Co nnelly •M aegen

sCon n olly •Nicholas Cookson •Andrew Coonan •J ohn Coope r •K atie Cooper•Alexi s Crowder-Jac kson •Charles Cus ter •Susan Dani el •Kev in Darcy •Tara

Dav1 so n•Ja c k Deboer•Genevieve Dilworth •Andrea D1ttbrenner •Douglas Doffin g •Laleh Douville •Tiffany Dovey • Mi c hael Duart e • Mi chael Duran Keen •Anthony

Edward s • Erika Edward s •Laura Ekberg •J ennifer Elgin •Teresa Emmon s •Marl ena Estes •K i m Fate •Ann e Fay •David Feth •Eric Fink •Daniel Fisher•Amber

Fi sk•Lau ren Fitzpatric k•Travis Fleury •C hn stina Ford •Andree Fo s ter •Rebekah Foster•H eidi Freier•M ichael D Fros t •Mi chael H Fro st •Steven Fro st •Jesse

Fuller•J ess1ca Fuller• Robert Fulton •Carlos Gamarra •Sylvia Gardner • Daniel Gas per •S hilah Gaule •Renee Gemi •T yre l Gib son •A n1 ss a Gil •Tiffany Gill •Laura Gouak •B enja min Gould •C la1re Gnffin •Danielle Ha gbe rg •Cyrus Hall•J osh ua Hall •Chris toph er H amblin •Tracy Hamm •Katherine Hampson •Elsie Hank1ns •Troy Hannemann •Van essa Hannemann •Ru sse ll Han se n •Erin H as tin gs •Karla Heffelfinger •Levi Henderson •Bradl ey Herbert •J acques Ho •Ryan H offman •Canne n H ols1 n ger• S hannon Hol si nger•Jeram1a H ooks • En c Horvat •J oshua H otse npill er•Jessica H owell •Nicole H ud s on • Paul Hud so n •Les ley Hu eman •Jay J ackman •Elliot Jame s •Christopher Jeffrey s •Casey Johnso n•Chris toph er R J ohnso n •Christop her W John so n•Kri st in J ohnson •Mindell John s on • Nicholas John so n •Sandra John s on •Stephan,e John so n• Eh ss a Jones •K erry Jones • Nicholas J ungferman •J onathon Keeney •Mi c hael Keil • Catv1n K e lley •J effrey Keml e r •Joey K endell • Shana Krone •Darcy Krtin1 c h •Rocky Kurtubi •Grnny Ku sy •Kri s lle La Pointe •Nic k Lahey •R obin Lang •Matthew Larson •Mark Lauwers •

..•.. ..' t t
158 ONE fM'tM

Celeste Leid1ch •Ru ssell Leonard •J os hua Lev1tt •Jason Leyshon •Cameron L indbe rg •Sara

Logan • C hanty Long •Cody Long•Roben

Lopez •Nicholas Low •Stuart Lucas •Susan Lu cas •Ahsha LuJan •Lynn Maharas •Tenaya

Mah onee •Marcu s Malt l! mpo •K imbe rl y Marcum •C hri s une Maren •Andre\v M a rt1n •Matthew Maup1n •Ry a n Mc Call um •Bndge t McCauley • M1 c he ll e M cCo llum • Kell y M cDan1el • Derek

M c Rey nold s • Renee M c Re ynolds •Jam1 e McTeer• Dan1elle Menapace •K ati

Meyers •Adam Miller •Casey Mill e r•Karen Mill s •Kathryn M1ll s •Lauren Milner-Anu s ka M1 sra •R1 sh 1 M1 sra •Tabatha Moen ch •Andrew Moore • Chnsuna Moreno •Lavena M o tes •Corey

Mudd •M egan Mull igan •Jason M yers •Joel

Nelson •Linn ea Nelson •Zachanah

Nelson •Karen Neukirchner •N1chole

Newcomar •Corinne Newcomm •Ezekiel Olgum •Kell i O'Mara •Tara O'Ne11l •Sheria Osbum •Grant Outerbndge•Erin Overturf•Peter Palanuk •Sarah Palm er •J e nn1fer

Parfe t•Stnckland P a rk s •Nick Pas tor-Ju s tin Peacoc k •Craig Pete rs •Teresa Peters •Ra c hel Pi con • Robert P1neau •Ph1hp Piw onka • Rob1n Politte •Enn Port er• Shawn Powell •Stacey Proctor•Molly Qu1rk • Ke rry Ram os •Peter Rappmund •Tim o thy Raw so n •Adena Reher•Jennifer Reynold s •Christa Rtdl •Jonathan R1dp a th •Wil liam Ri e d el •Jody R1ndt •Ke11h Rindt •Sharhonda Robm so n •Andrew Rogers •Marc Rood • M1 c ha e l Ro y •Chnstopher Rozelle • Enn Ryan •Robert R yan •Andrea

Samdon •Lucas Salg•\Vendy Samland •Mitc hell Sandoval • Ra c hel Savage

•Kelly Savo1e•Kn s t1n Saxton •Sarah Schiffman• Ian Schmtdt •Julia Sc hm idt • M1ran da Schm1dt•Ma1thew Schneider•M1 c hael Schre1ner• Bobb1 Schultz•Renae Seakan

• Dana Self•Amand a Sexton •Adam Seymour•J essam yn Shanks •K e llilee Shaw•Lataine

Shaw •R1 cky Shea•Torrey Shelton •Zack Shtrk •Shannon Shuey•M ercedes Singleton •Deann a-man Smith •Elizabeth Sm1th •Enca Smith •Laura Snyder•Patn c k

Solano •Jason Sparks• Bnanne Spear-Wesley Sramek•Tam se n Stokes •Shane Stone•Kev,n Tay lor •Mariana Theod oro •Emily Thomp son •Ann Tuffin•Au stin

Tumer•Meh ssa Tumer•HeatherTumw all

\Van•Rebccca W e bb

• Brittany VanGundy

•Stuart Webb •Dale Webs ter

•Brianna Well s

•Luke VanWoensel

•Adam Wendling

• Bryan Velasquez •Gloria Ve rsaw •D1na Walke r •Nicholas Walt ers •K enneth

• Cassandra W essel

• K1mberl y W estby •Ryan

Wh11e • Debra Wilber•Wh1tn ey Wilk • Carley Wilham s •Drew W11liam s •Thom as William s •Ryan Wobbrock •M egan \Vord •Donald Wozn1 c k •Adnanne Wright • K1andra Wund erh c h •John Young •Breanne Zens •Meagon Ziegler-

Seniors 159
Jess ica Ho\v ell Nico le Hud so n Paul Hud son
ley Hu eman Ja y J ackman Ell1ot Jame s Ch ri s top he r Jeffrey s Casey John so n C hri s toph e r R.Johnson Chris topher W. Johnson Kri s tin John s on Mind e ll John son ONE 160 '6~
JN1c:. ho la, Jo hn so n S a ndr a Jo hn so n S te ph a n ie J o hn so n Eli ssa Jo nes K erry Jo nes Ni cho las Jun g fe rman Jo nath o n Kee ney Mi c hae l Ke il Cal v in Ke ll ey Je ffr ey Ke n1l e r Jo ey Ke nd ell Shan a Kro ne
Darcy Krt1n1 ch Ro cky Kurtubi Ginn y Ku sy Ni c k Lahey Ro bin Lan g Matth e w Lar son Mark Lauw e rs Celes te Le1d1 ch Ru sse ll Leona rd
ONE 162 i(~ -,
Jo s hua Levitt J aso n Leys ho n Ca mero n Li ndb e rg
Sara Logan Charity Long Cody Long Robert Lopez Nichola s Low Su san Lu ca s Ahsha LuJan Lynn Maharas Tenaya Mahonee
Ma rcus Maltempo Kimberly Marcum Chnst1ne Maren
,,. - -
Andrew Ma rti n ~1 a tth ew Ma upin Rya n Mc Ca ll um Bri dge t McCa ul ey Mi c he ll e McCo llum Ke ll y McDa ni el De rek Mc Rey no ld s Re nee McRey nold s Ja mi e McT ee r
Dani ell e Me napace Kati Meye rs Ad a m Mill e r Casey Miller Karen Mills Kathryn Mills Lauren MIiner Anu,ka Misra R1sht M1 -; ra Tabatha Moench Andrew Moore Chnst1na Moreno Lavena Motes Core) Mudd Megan Mulligan
Seniors 165
- -
ONE 166 i°G':s
Jason Myers Joel Nelson Linnea Nelson Zachanah Nelson Karen Neuk1rchner Nichole Newcomer Conn ne Newcomm Ezekiel Olguin Kelli O'Mara Tara O'Neill She na Osburn Grant Outerbridge
Enn Overturf Peler Palanuk Sarah Palmer Jennifer Parfel Stnckland Park s Nick Pa s tor Ju s tin Peacock Craig Peters Teresa Peters Rachel Picon Robert Pineau Ph1hp P1\vonka
Seniors 167
Robin Po litt e Erin Po rt e r S h a\v n Po\\ e 11 Stacey P roc to r Mo ll y Quir k Ke rry R a m os Pe te r Ra ppmund Tim o th y Ra w-,o n Ad e na Re h e r J e nni fe r Rey nold s C hn s ta R 1dl J on a than Ridpath 168 Stct~ Pro c.-t-cr-
\V1lharn Ri ede Jod y R1ndt Keith R1ndt S harhonda Rob1n,on Andre\\ Rogers 1arc Rood tvhchael Roy Chn , top her Ro,cl le Erin R,an
Roben R,an Andre.i Saindon Lu ca-. Salg Wendy Sam land Mitc he ll Sandoval R ach e l Savage Kelly Savoie Kn s t1n Saxto n Sarah Sch iffman Ian Sc hmidt Juha Schmidt Miranda Schmidt
ONE .,o rr.!tw /.,.. •1
Matth ew Sc hn e id er Mi c ha e l Sc hre iner B o bbi Sc hultz
Renae Seakan Dana Se lf Amanda Sexton Adam Seymour Jessam) n Shanks Ke lhl ee Sha\\, Lata1ne Shav. Torrey Shelton Zack Sh irk
Seniors 171
Shannon Shue, Mercedes Singleton Deanna -man Smi th Ehzabeth Smith Erica Smith Laura Sn) der Patri ck Solano Jason Sparks Brianne Spear
Wesley S ram ek. Tamsen S tok e-. Shane Stone Kevin Taylor Mari ana Theodoro Emily Thomp-.on rfo.u..,,. ti. ,J~ Ann Tuffin Au"lln Turner Meh,sa Turner H eather Tum\vall Brittany VanGundy Luk.e VanWoensel BI)an Vela~quez Gloria Versaw Dina Walker
Seniors 173
N icholas Walters Kenneth Wan Rebecca Webb
I,. . -
Stuart Webb Dale Web s ter Bnanna Well s Adam Wendling Cassandra We sse l Kimberly We s tby Ryan White Debra Wilber Whitney Wilk
ONE 174 for tJu AGES
Carley W1lltams Drew Williams Thomas W11l1ams

Adria nn e Wn g ht K i andra Wund e rl ic h J o hn Y o un g

Brea nn e Ze n s M eago n Zi eg le r

Not Pictur e d

Robe rt B en tley Ryan Bradford

M e lanie Chavez

Kevin D arcey

Kri stle LaP ointe

Senior s Ro c k T h e Class of '98 really ge ts i nt o th e H and Ji ve d u ri n g th e H omecom i ng assembl y Th e Sernor Class was th e m os t active 1n years, fu lly p arucipating 1n mos t of t he sc h ool's ac11v1 t ies Senior K im Westby s aid , " B eing a • senior means yo u ve made It to the top "P h o to by Ron F inel11

'f3.fLMnJU_ :Jflh
R yan
c k M eg an W o rd D o na ld
Wo z n ic
Seniors 175

Notes & Quotes

" Thi s ha s been the hardest schoo l year o f my hfe ." Junior Crystal Craig

The Juni o r class ha s the cooles t , the smartest, and the most athletic, c la ss to ever go through GHS. 'Q " The Junior Class rule s man 1" Junior Ryan Fro s t

The Junior Class will be the last c la ss to graduate 1n the 90's

" W e will beat the heck out of the underclassme n !" Junior Kry sta l Hau g hey

Once you are a Junior you are co n side red an upperclassman.

"The Junior Class 1s the toughest c lass: \Ve de serve a m e dal. " Junior Jare d Black ney

Maintaining grades and making s ure that you take th e SAT o r ACT 1s very important for the Juniors to look at so they can get into college.

"Fi nally being an upper c la ss men is coo l and we get more respect and don't have to be womed about being pu s hed around anymore ." Junior Ethan Leyende

To ss It Juni or Emily Ru ssell lhrows lhe ball for lhe win 1n the P owde r Puff foolball game against lhe sophomore learn Lasl yea r we ca me m second. when the semors took first place last year " Now , we can see lhe Tndelles • faces ," said Junior Ju stin Verard1 Pholo by 8111 Kelley

I l ' . . ... - .-
176 ONE for the AGES
Jessica Abe Sarah Adams Emm y Agard B oaz Alarid M olly Albano Brand on Allen Lind sey Alpers M at th ew Andersen Gregory And erson Jo shua Angel Scott Atkinson Breann a Bacon Ri chard B aer Craig Bair Doug las Baldwin Spencer Barl ow W alter Bart osh Ju st in e Baru c h Samuel Baum an Ry an Becwar
J11niors 177 t •
Kri sten Bemis Danie l Be n oit Amanda B entley Brenda Beumer

Cole B1elak

John Bi elak

Jared Blackney

Brandon Blair

Leshe Blondin

James Bollinger

Jessica Bonng

Andrew Bosio

H eather Bo yd

Matthew B oyd

H ollie Brakken

Joshua Bndgeman

Kimberl y Brook.!>

Sarah Brook s

Jared Brown

R osean Brown

Candace Brun o

M ary BuJnowsk1

Edward Burke

Chad Butl er

Listing to Tunes Scott M organ and Chineane Narans are li s te nin g 10 one of the bands at the H omecoming Carnival. Thi s year's Jun1ori. arc th e Class of '99 and they are going to be the last class to graduate in the 20th cen t ury When asked about hi s c la ssma tesJ untorGavin Trzepaczsa id , ''We have no clue about the future, the pa,t 1s vague, and the prese nt i s s imply a Jumble of meanin g less even ts" P hoto by Ron Finell!

I -·· · ... - -
178 ONE far the AGES • ;,. {.; . :e ..

• -

Jacob Cabral

Ren ee Cam

Karen Canales

Pattnc1a Cannady

M ichael Cappello

Amy Carlson

Sonia Camey

J onathan Chamberlin

Shoshana Chase

Brendan Chishol m

Cortney Chnstensen

Andrea Chrzan

J enny Clark

Kevi n

Bethany Cocc ia Sarah Coker

K a th erine Colligan

B obbi Co mm ons

Bobbi Co nn er Ashley Conroy

Cha rl es Corbi n

Vio let Cotant

Crys tal Craig

M e li ssa Crov.e


. .

ONE for the 180 AGES

Sarah Cubbon Adnenne Cullum Timothy Dady Andrew Dale Alan Daniel s Meghan Davies Sean Davi s Matthew Debaet s Nile s Deboer Travi s Decoteau Geronna D1v1ns k1 Donald Domanu s Cindy Down s Adam Dragul Theresa Dyk Stra Roy Eagan Nick Eagleson Deryck Earley Leah Edenfield Nickola s Ehler
Ehres man Sandra Eltaen Adam Erbaugh Jill Erganbnght

Enca Enckso n

Apnl Evans

K elly Fagerburg

K evin Fan c1u lh

Nicole Ferguson

Clare Flemtng

Bri an Polle Ab1ga1l Fos ler

Tiffany Fredenck

Ryan Frosl

Raymond Furl ong

Tonya Fu s h1m1

Letllia Gaillard

Alyssa Gale

Za c hary Gamblin

Sabnna Gerw1ng

B ianca G1ura

J ordyn Gold s tein

K yle Golo s

M ansa Gonzale s

Palnck Graf

Suzana Grahovac

Tiffany Grantham

Lind sey Green

.. •
Juniors 181

Jason Gregory

Jason Groenhof

NeeraJ Gupta

Enc Guthne

Jeremy Hall

Lind say H ardin

Toni Hams

Mi chael H aschke

K rystal H aughey

M atthew H ayes

Shara Herzog

Tracy Heywood

Christopher Hi ckman

Brett H iggins

Leeann Hoage

M elanie H odson

W esley H offert

J e ffrey Hoffman

Aimee H olley

Ehabeth H oogheem

Bran d en H opkinson

Tim othy Hoppin

Brooke Homecl,er

Ti g1s t1 Isaac

ONE 182
for the AGES

Load 'e m U p Shannon Sumner hfls three cases of com on a truck for the Student Council food dnve. Juniors were ~ome of the biggest supporters of this years ac1Jv1t1es everything from sports 10 b1dd1ng thousands of cans offood ,n the slave auc 11 on Lind sey Green's a1t11ude towards th is year's Juniors 1s, " I f we shoot for the moon and mi ss at least we'll be amongst th e stars " Ph oto by Ron Finel11

Rebekah Ja cobs

Holl y J ames

Bne JamJ son

W0Jc1ech Jankow st...1

Kasey Jantz

Keit h Jen kin s

Kyungun Jhung

Jam es Johnson

Leandra Johnson

Mary Jo hn sto n

Vanessa J o in er Tra cy Jorgensen

Julia Keeney

Luke Kelley

Mi cha e l Kelley

Joseph Kempter

Leeanne Kephart

Ian Kim sey

Ryan Kmg

BcnJam1n Km ghom

.., __ \

Cynthia Kinnan

Stephanie Kl eineider

Abbey Knox

Jo s hua Kn ox

Jami e Koch evar

David Kohn

Anne Kon egn1

Alexander Kotsura

BenJamin Kowal s ki

Elaina Krau s

Coralie Kunz.

Scott Laman

Alexander Lamps on

Evan Langs ted

Enka Layton

Daniel Lee

Mallh ew Lee

J aso n Lewis

Ethan Leyendecker

Ashhe Lindberg

Jonah Linenberger

Andrea L1p s te1n

Jason Long

Kirs ten Look ONE 184 for the AGES

Thomas Luedtke Seth Macalady

Alex1ss Marchand Chnstopher Marston

Adam Martin Ross Martin Taleah Mata ya Audra Maupin

Anthony Mc Ph atl As hl ey Meag her Jason Me lni ck Kevin M1 cl-..e

Angela M111l er Came Mill er Chad Mill er Chnst1an Mill e r

Dan1elle Mill er Jana Mill er Geoffrey Monson Angela Montesano

Matth ew Moore Chns1ma Moreno Sco11 Morgan Chmeane Narans

Juniors 185

Spencer Nee

Lee Ne\vgent

Hai Nguyen

Brooke Nichols

Erm Nichols

Ryan Obnen

Tyler Olmsted

Adnenne Ortega

Chnstma Owens

Kadri Ozdemir

Kara Palanuk

Mykah Palmer

Jonathan Papes

Courtney Parry

J effery Paschall

Bruce Perkins

Michael Pfi,;tercr

Joseph Phillips

Joshua Pierce Ca-;sandra Porter

Sara Price

Amanda Pngel

Aaron Primmer

Monte Pr:,ybylsl-1

ONE for the AGES

Adam Queen

Dani el Ras con

Ju sun Rehd er

J ennifer Reher

Morgan Reitmeyer

Adam Ristau

Lauren Robert son

Gilberto Romero

Brandon Rood

Joshua Rood

Sabnna Rood

Gus Rosa

Re gina Rosenthal

Emily Ru ssell

Alisha Sack

J ason Samansky

Ez.ara Sauter

Con Sayyah

April Schilder

Miranda Schmidt

Y1rgin1a Schwader

Stefanie Seipp

Richard Shea


Juniors 187
cus Simmons

DJ Sloan

Adam Smith

Austin Smith

Cliff Smith


Deidra Smith

Robin Smith

Tawnya Smith

Johanna Snow

Mana Solano

Alexei Sologoub

Abbie Sorensen

J essica Spice

Coryn Sprague

Jerem 1a Stanton

Kaycee Starkey

Steven Starner

Zack Steele

Justin St1egelme1e r

John Streetman

Shannon Sumner

Skye Svenningsen

Casey Szabo

William Taylor

Livia Theodoro

ONE for the 188 AGES

• •

Sarah Thomas

Stephanie Thompson

Raymond Thresher

Linda T o

Shawn Traylor

Gavin Trzepacz

Patnc1a Turner

Shane Turner

J eram1a Tutt}

Jessica Unger

Travi s Valencine

Kn sun Yan Leer

Mad eleine Yan M eter

Amy Yecchtarellt

Bnanne Velasquez

Juslin Verardt

Peter Yem1g

Kortn ey Y1e,veg

Tammy \Vagoncr

Matth ew \Vales

Bn an \Valigors k.1

Derck \

Sarah \

Aimee \Vall£ Juniors 189

I I 1

Alan Ni c hols Jas on Staab

Shawn Park er Nathan Stone

Laleh Pezeshki Laurel Swanson

Ellen Ri s ner Merlin Tibbitts

Stephen Rom e ro Chri s topher Werner

Pa tri ck Sauerfield Heidt \Vhitm ore

Heather Sc haneman Thomas W11liam s

J asson Schwettman Mi c ha e l Zink

V1v1ka Scov ill

190 ONE fo r the AGES }~__________, Dami e n As hb y Rya n Bail ey Camera Ni co le Barker C hri s una Beit ze l Shy Sere na Brown
Jo s hua Dal ge uy Larry England J r Aaron Hinh.le Chad J ackson
Shannon Wamboldt Teh-y1h Wan Robert Wano J acob We llensie k J onathan Wh etst in e
\Vh1t e
c helle Wh1tfi el d Ryan Whitford Sara Wi ese
e l Wil ey Ill Kriste n W1Jh1t e Carly Willi ams Cn ssy W1l11am s Kevin William s Meg han W1l11am s
Wil s on Lindsay Winh am
ll Win ston
heay Wolfrum
le Yu shka Jacob Zwain
Ian Cook
Cora Mai er Thomas Sellers Erin Mau ghan Stephanie Shaw

Notes & Quotes

Th e So ph o mor e C la ss 1s cons idere d th e las t gra du a ti ng class of th is m1 ll en n1a.

" O u r class has go tt e n a lo t c l ose r thi s year, mai nl y because we've m a tu red a lo t a nd it's he lp ed th e ge ner a l social hfe a t G HS." S tep h anie Fi nk

Th e re are a tota l o f 360 so ph o mores roa m ing th e hall s at G HS


Bei ng the C lass of2000 c am es a certai n am ou nt o f respons1 bil1ty wit h i t; there are a lo t o f g rea t expec tat io ns th at go a lo ng wi th the ti tl e." Se re ne Co nn olly

~'1. Abo u t 4 5 pe r ce nt o f t he So ph o m o r e C l ass participated i n ext ra-cu rric ul a r ac t1 v1t1 es

"A long with being a sop ho more co mes a l o t m o re free d o m and sc hoo l s piri t." Na th an B la in Th e So ph o mo re C l ass P reside nt is A lli so n Ba rre t, Vice- Pr esiden t 1s L a u ra W or d , a nd th e Re prese nt at ives are J aime L1n se nbi g ler , Bill Hill en, Ma rgo Ca li gi uri , Rya n V1e rke and J uli a J o hn son.

"T he So ph o mo re Lo u nge h as been grea t; i t has a perfec t locat io n an d it's a lways full. " Mary Th o ma s

Hand Jive Sophomores show their school \pint \Vhtle part1c1pa t mg m the " H and J ive" at the winter sports a,sembly The sophomores won both t he penny wars and the lounge decorating contests during Sp1nt Week The p ri de in our class really -.howed during Sp1nt W eek," Megan Bachman Photo by Ron Fmell1

r;1 · I .•,<-~<.,.,X••---~~~~ss·'°•• -·-~-, ••·~-•- -~•.--,,c,,,-.,-,.,,-·,,y;•-•~~- Y~•s '-'C,:,•-,.'i:-~''•:,,,s•"" •
192 ONE for the AGES

BenJamtn Adam s

Jam es Adam so n

Katie Agard

Edwin Agee

Aaron A g uilar

Cas sandra Akers

Bl air Aleniu s

Cassie Anghm

Man ely Aponte

Stephen Arndt

Jeremiah As h

Seth At.l<Jn s

M1 s t1 Ba bcock

M egan B ac hm an

Eno B ailey

Levi Bain

Mt c hacl Baldwin

David Ball

Shelley Ballenger

Aaron Ballin ge r

Raymond Bar~cr

Alli so n B arrett

Car.-.on Bart sc h

Seaver Baru c h

S ophomores 193

W1lliam Bellis

Jennifer Bennett

Joshua Bennett

L yd ia B ennion


Enn B ernard

Erin Berry

Karla B1 en1uh s

Andrew Bishop

Nathan Blain -H artung

Chns1o ph e r Blu se

Jo seph Bord en

Aaron Bradeen

Kendra Bran ch

Breanna Brawl ey

Nicole Brid ges

Emil y Brooke<;

Wad e Brown

Mi c ha e l Bryant

Mallhew Bunn

194 ONE far the AGES
Show Off Ryan V 1erke dan ces at the Homecoming assembly to help his class win the con te sts. Anna Long sa id , ·•Being in the class of20001s exc1t1ng because we graduate at the tum of t he cen t ury·• Pho10 by B111 Kelley

Kenneth Butcher

Courtney Butler

J ames Crune

Sonia Caldwell

Margo Cahg1un

Anthony Cappa

Chnstopher Cappello

J amie Cannona

Fann Casino

M ichelle Cavanaugh

Thomas Ceci l

Lauren Chaffee

Min g Cheung

Stacey Chism

Mikey Choruzy

Ryan Chns tensen

Nicole Cisneros

Shane Clements


Carolyn Cockle

Sarah Coffey

Susan Coker

Lindsay Colvin

M an Compton

Sophomores 195

Crystal Connelly

Serene Connelly

Lanssa Conner

Sean Conway

Candice Cordova

SonJa Cordova

Conor Coughlin

Marsha Councilman

Jesse Crocl..

John Cubbon

Matthew Curtis

Bradley Danel..

Amber Daniel

Emily Daniels

Katherine Darland

Amber Davis

Stephanie Davis

Richard Davison

Lee Deboer

Christine Deming

Jeffrey Desmaneau

Jacqueline Dewy~

Meghan Dill

Kyle Dinkel

196 ONE for the AGES 'y <- I \ .L._. \

Casandra Dittbrenner

Daniel Domgaard

Samantha Dovey

Jack Down s

Joshua Dratc h

Rheannon Dnver

Crystal Duarte

Dani elle Dufty

Frank. Duncan Jr

Cody Durham

J ustin Dusdal

Pet er Du se nbury

He1d1 Dwiggins

J ohnathan Dyffryn

Mary Dyk stra

Du sti n Eagleton


Elaine Ek.berg

J onathan Ekstrom

David Elhi.

Robin Ellis

Travis Elmblad

Eh,abcth Emanuel

J crem) Erhart

e\\ E1n,pahr
Sophom.ores 197

Mark Fairweather

Roxanne Falco

Lynn Falkenthal

M arlon Fellows

Lind sey Felle r

William Ferguson

M o n ica Ferrel

Andy F iedler

Stephan ie F ink

Stephanie Fisher

Ju stin Fleury

Peter Fox

Aubrey Frankltn

Ja son Fraser

Lacy Fnt z

Chns t1n Frost

Hea th er Fro'>l

M ark Furtak

Tran a Garc ia

Bill y Garrard

Dav id Gasper

Bri an Gee

Se th Gibso n

Chad Gleaton

198 ONE for the AGES
' • -
,I... .q ~ - Jlt
Social Tim e Nicole Brid ges helps Stephanie Fink wnte note carcb for her c lass. Alli so n B a rrett sa id , " Th e d1vers1ty of the Sophomore Class allows lot s of opportunities for learnin g abou t each other " Ph oto by Tara Davi so n Thatcher Glode Ni co le Goble Mi chae l Gowey Conra d Gnms Bradley Haag Enn Ha gberg Mark H agelberg Counney H all Clansa H am-; R ourke Hams D aniel H asch ke Ca ra H assen Abbey H awes Coh n H aynes Kaycee H eid Crys tal Hei l Adam H eitz Jami e H enderso n
Sophomores 199
R ohen H endrix Sarah Herbcn

Bryon Hernande z

James Hickman

Wilham Hill e n

Ray Hind s

Jay Hoene

Kelly Hogan

Kn s t1na Hopkinson

Mark Howard

Mark Hud so n

Jo s hua Ugec;

Joshua Jani sh

Megan Jeffre ys

Travi s Jeffrey s

Robin Jennings

Jo -; hua John so n

Julia Johnson

Melissa Johnson

Heather Jones

Li s a Jones

Matthe w Jones Jr

Dax Jordan

Cedar Jowers

Alexander J ungferman

Sarah Kan1pf

200 for the AGES

Kelly Kasper

Amanda Keen

Scott Kemler

Con Kennedy

Nora Kenworthy

Crystal Kessell

Mike Kelchum

Joseph King

KIiey Knepp

Neltek.e Knudson

Amberlee Koch

Anclte Kunz.

Ja:.on Landers

Christy Lang

Rebecca Larson

Clint Lalham

Clement Lau

Jollsa Law

Hans Layman

Gayeon Lee

Paul Lind

Dercl.. Lin scott

Ja1n1e L1nsenb1gler

Bnan Logan

Sophomores 201
.. . Ann a Lon g Lind say Lott J onathan L O\V M arissa Lowther D ylan Lu cas Robbie Lud w ig Brenn a M aas Andrew Mal ey Anisha M alhotra L on M aloney Ru s~ell M altempo Mi c h elle Mant illa Nadia Markovch1c k T y ler Marshall Can d yce M anin K yle M arti n Sean Martin Dom1n1c M aninez Hope M art in ez Ashley M arty n ow ONE 202 for the AGES1/ I \ __________• •.... • Ooh La La Adam M yers practi ces hi s Fren c h while lookin g to hi s teacher for h el p Kenny S tonn s s aid, " Our c lass 1s fu n , but 1t 1s sad that there are so many people separated in to different groups" Phot o by Adam Nim s \

Enk. Mason

J eremy Matthews

Kevi n Matzke

Katona Maughan

Dere k Mc Bro om

Brennan McCue

Jarod McGill

James McKee

Christopher Med in a M1rmd a Mill er

Amanda Mod1 z

Dominic Montane:;,

Matthew Montoya

Des iree Moore

Matth ew Morn son

J ean Mo seley

Adam Myer, Kash1 Nassau

Ama nda Nummcltn

Jean O' Hayrc

Robert O' Ril ey

Edward Omara Ill

Nicole Pape, Lee Perry

• . ,,
Sophomores 203
• •

Adv11na Ph1ll1p s

Sarah Phillips

Ausnn Pik e Kelly Pol1lte

Jennifer Pow ell

Tim othy Pray

Jesse Preston

Joshua Pumphrey

Andrew Quirk

Morgan Ramsden

Kenn eth Ram,; tetter

Kelli Rehder

Raymond Reher

S hannon Remmers

Melisse Ri ch

Victoria Ri ckard

Landra Roberson

Rand, Rogers

L1 sana RoJaS

Nicholas Roth

Behren Roy ste r

Enn Rozell e

Dani elle Sa nchez

Sean Sands

ONE 204 for the AGES ' )


Lee Schafer

Holly Sc h anhals

Jo se Sch1mne1ster

M atthias Schlteman

J essica Schnathorst

Robert Sc hreiner

Aaro n Se1ts1nger

Trevo r Selkirk

Timothy Sen te r Chad Serpan

Sarah S h awcroft

D ana S h ie r

Geoffrey Sim, Ph 1ll 1p Stu

Tim othy Slate r Adam Smi th

D erck Smith

Hill ary S mi th W yatt Smith

J oshua Snyder

So nd ra Solawetz

Andrew Solomon

T yler So lomon

M ega n Sparks

0 / -::::.. _ :::t::..---:..:.:.:.:.-:.::::S:--: _
Sophomores 205

Kenneth Splant

Kevin Splant

Anthony Stamm

Natalie Stegall

He1d1 Sterrett

Katie Stodola


Kenneth Storm:.

Chanty Streweler

Michael Strocky

Sadie Sullivan

D avid Sund

J ennifer Tedhe

Mary Thomas

Claudia Torres

Bntn1 Tortora

R ahul Tottempud1

J essica Trujillo Lee TruJ1ll0 Keith Turgeon


work cutting out vanot.s painting s for her art class Ariana Winkler said, " I t's intere s ting being part of a class that is so large (362 people) but we all get along really well " P hoto by Tara Davi so n

206 ONE for the AGES ... .. t... I
• l
n s ity Ni cole Goble 1s hard at

Bryan Turner

Amanda Urban

Steven VanDyke

R yan V1erke

Ericka Vogl

Richard Voit -C hromy

Chn s topher Vorhies

Tammy Wal cker

Deann W allace

Wesley \Vallon

Don s Wan g

Jessica W ard

J ohn W atson

Amy \Ve1sheit

Crystal W elch

Alexand er Well s

Dusttn W endling

J ennie Wen grov1us

Jay so n Whil e Chnstopher Whitford

Lu cas Whitman

Aaron W1dom

M ehssa William s

Evan \Villt s


Aaron Wilson

Andrew Wilson

Anana \V1n~ler

Chnsuna Winter

Rebecca Wood

Laura Word

Amber \Vorden

K1ffany Wunderlich

Emi ly Yocom

B rett Zahrte

J amie Ziegler

Elizabeth Ztppnch

Rul e Out Nicole Bn d ges 1s hard at work m easuring pap er forherdraw mg T he sophomores

\Vere able to w i n firs t place i n decorating the i r lounge dun n g

Sp1nt Week Laura W ord sai d , " Th e lounge n1 ade us a lo t closer " P hoto by T ara Davison

Camera shy

D anny Arm1JO

R ock y B arber

M a lin da Bennett Crysta l B lack

M arta Bon ill a

Shahara B ryan

D avid Cas tens

J o h n Castens

J ames Chec ls.u sh

M arcus Conner

B 1nic10 Correa le Ross H a ll P o lo m a Rom e ro

J os hua D wig ht J oh n J ac k son Dav id So uthwo rth

Carl a F air Bn an J o hn so n M a tt h ew S te us loff

Aaron Fam il y N1co le Madrid J o n ath a n Sto ne

Sop h ia F onseca Mic h ae l M a rtin Kip S trobe l

J essica Forsy lh e T iffany M cewen Se th S w a n so n

Ke1lh Gilbert Crysta l O rne las R us tie Wil so n

J us t in Grahain J onah Oruz M arc us W ng ht

Anlh o n y G ua r asc 1 K orn R ie tz

M argare t H a ll D us ti n Robe rt s

208 ONE fo r the AGES •
,.I ,. -.. J
00.. ;f. • j '( ,.;... '..:,:·~-~ ~ .,>,. ·-· LJ,, :..\,,. , ; , • '•ll«•'. •:-.:9=~--<'$ ,.t~ •:-x •-,~, •• ,.~ v~:• ·•,•>x ~' ~-~:._· • ,7$-~ ,••. :,:,,;::_ .,: ~-~•-•¢;• '.<i:: ~- ~,vi,{ ' , '"h'.l'i. '<j:'' ·I l i; "- ,,, & • \ " rf Stf ·oml

Notes & Quotes

• The m ajo rity o f fr es hm e n are m os t afr a id o f fai l in g


:\'h e n I beco m e an upp erc l assmen , I am goi ng

; to tap e th e fr es hm e n to a p ole." C h ris Fair.

Seven o ut of eve ry 10 f res hm e n th i nk th e sc h oo l 's m o re s tri c t o n fres hm e n th a n u p perc l ass me n .

" I w a nt to b e a n arti s t wh e n I g ro w up ." Bre nt

· Be ll e w

• On e o f th e m a ny d isa d va ntages to bei ng a

• fr es hm a n is h avi ng a s m a ll lo un ge

" I th i nk f res hm e n n o rmall y ge t pi c k e d o n m o re th a n upp e rc l ass m e n " An ge l a M e nn a.

Th e re are 3 64 fr es hm e n reg is te re d a t GH S

" I h a te b e in g a fr es hm a n , b eca u se I ca n ' t dri ve ."

T o dd S h effi e ld .

M os t f r es hm e n like th e ide a of gra du a tin g in th e ye ar 2 00 1, m ai nl y b eca u se o f th e coo l c h ee r.

" Be in g a fr es hman i s coo l , b eca u se yo u ' re j u s t o n th ee d geof hav in g to tak eres p o ns ibil i ty ." Trav i s

M oo n

M ic k J e ann e' & Aaro n Barke r

Don't Fa ll Rob Broo k s, Sun n1e D 1v1ns k1 , Cody H ayes, and Al anBuen a re perched on lhe cab in ets walc h 1ng a Lnal ,n Engli s h class Ou l of all lhe fr eshmen in terviewed, the maJonly would ra ther wear Ni k es rather than Reebo k s " l hate being a fre s hman becau se wc do n ' t get to do everything that the seniors get to do ," sa id M ike Emmon s P hoto b y Ron Finell! 210 ONE for the AGES

. ' .. """'°"'"" V ~1~.ik~•x• ~• •
I. JI l ll

Terry Acree

Cynth ia Adamson

Jab1n Akers

Falon Alexander

Seth Allen

Jeret Ammon

Aurora Ariel

Tiffany Armenta

Ju st in Armstrong

K elly Aronowitz

Chn s topher As1mu s

S tephanie Baca

Sarah B aer

B randon Baich

Bri anna Baker

Seth Bakk er

Aaron B arker

S h e ll y Barl ow

T ay lore Beckman

Brent Bellew

Kath erine B ennett

Truman Beran

Jessica Berry

Je n nifer Bi ckley

J eremy Bil h s

Ashley B lain - H artung

J a son Bohk s

Sean Boice

Laura Bollinger

Cyru s Bonnet


~--~!"'--=! RR" • ~-~-! • .¥ :'

Cannon Bowers

Christine Branscomb

Diane Bndenburg

Amanda B nngs

Robert Brooks

Amber Bro\vn

Shannon Brown

Jennifer B rune

Alan B runo

Dean Buen

Danielle Bull

Timothy Burch

Carlos Cady- Rehe1s

David Caldwell

Brandy Carlill

Kathryn Carlson

Anthony Carver Came Case

Tammi Chapa

Stephanie Chase

John Chrisman

Arianna Chrzan

Heather C1eslar

Kendra Brooks
ONE for the AGES
Battl e o f th e Ages Jay Stokes and Ke n d ra Kelley race aga1n5 t the upperclassmen rn the annual class compel1t1ons. The classes compe ted in oenny wars, lounge deco rations, races, and other games. "I look forward to the da.1ces,' sai d Tiffany Armenta

Brand on Cisneros

J oseph Colegrove

D eena Conover

Daniel Conroy

M olly Cook

Apnl Cooper

M eghan Cooper

Chns1opher Com Teres a Com

Chavaugn Coronado

Crys tal Cotant

Johnny Cou ctn ey

Mallhew Coyle

Logan Craig R yan Craig

Colleen Creed

Alexi s Croghan

Milt on Cro1s s an1

Clayton Cu s hman

Jerem y Dahm

Paul Dak an

David Dan e k Trav is De W1u e

Jod elle Dearmin

Jennifer Delat orre

Amber Deleon

D avid Di gnan

Cass id y Dinze s Nichola s D1lln ch

Sunnie D 1vins k1


.... . • •
. • •

ONE for the AGES

Meli ssa Dockstader Hannah Doi R onald Doughty
M ehssa Down s Sara Drienka
c hael
Enn Enna
Mi c
st Bnltncy
J ason Drobn1ck Kira Dun can Nathaniel Dunmire Christina Dupont Ju stin Eberhart R oger Edward s C
ase Elh so n Mi
En gstrom
Li sa Escalante Elizabeth Ett e r Ki rs tin Everett Christopher Fair Mark Fan c1ullt Chns topher Faubl e Me g h an Faul Ryan Field s- Spack Jo se ph Fla geo ll e
egan Fl eming
Ju s tin Foo,
hael Freese Tamara Freie r
Fu sc

Amanda Gabel

Sara Garrett

R yan G emi

TanJa Geiwing

Chn s ty Goble

Ke ith Gob le Tiffany Goetz

Cassandra GoelZ.c k e

J esse Goshorn

Bradl ey Gozy

Win s ton Gray

Ch n s tine Gregory

Spe ncer Grenfell

D an ielle Gri ess

R andy G roe

J odi Guthne

Jame s H all

Jam es Hal s tead

Y vonne H a n se n Taunya H a pp

J ordan Hau se r Cod y Haye s Kelly Hayes

J esse H and s Andrea Ho

Cyn1h1a Horton

Danielle Howe ll

J o~hua H ubbard

M e h,sa H ueman

Suzy H uizinga


Natalie H unt

Wilham Huntsman

Lan ce Ibrahim

Melod y Jacobs

Levi Jami so n

He1d1 J anish

Jose J e nner

Ryan J ensen

Sarah Jesc hke

En c J ohnson

Man ss a John so n

Trevor J ohnson

Chnstopher J ohn ston

Kelly Jone s

Bnuney Jowers

Chnsuna Kaven

Jes t1n Keesee

K endra K elley

S tephen Kelley

Megan King

Michelle King

Gregory Kinnan

M eghann K la se mer

Viola K luc1k

Jes s ica K ne p p

He 1d1 K osterman

Mi tche ll K rau s

Sundara Ku hn

M ichael Lah ey

H eath er Lamprecht

216 ONE for the AGES - r \·,i 4 )C y \\\ \ no, 1"! -

Lending a Helping Hand M ike M orri s on gets h e lp wit h ho m ework from Collee n Creed during access Thi s year the fr es hm e n h ad a first day o rientation of h1k1ng up to the top of the Apex trail and fillin g o ut scave nge r hun ts Toe wors t part about hi gh sc h ool is hav in g to ge t up so early," said Me gan Fl e m ing

Au s tin Larson

AntJe Lauer

M icah Leadford

J erome Lee

Ryan Le e

Cann Lefevre

K ri s topher Lewis

Rac h el Lewi s

Kri s ten Libra

J osh L1nv1lle-Engle

D ylan L ippert

A s hley Lon g

M atthew Long

Robert Lows tuter

Larry Lucero

Sean Lu dde n

Th omas Lynch

Emily Madi son

Men aka Mah aJan

W1lltam Malli coat

Apnl Mal oney

Ni cole M andeville

Keith M ars ton

Willi am Martin

....~,, . ,,.1 t'1 <=>'
Freshmen 217 • .
Cryla l M aninson Gabriel Mascarenas Ferne McBride Michael McBroom Neal M cCaffeny Natalie McCarty Jennifer M cCollum Jeremiah M cCord Amanda M cDowell H ea lh er M cDowell M eredith M c Kee Mary McSktmmings Kelly M cTeer Krisun M cVaug h Bott any M eagher 218 Arlene Medrano Devin M endoza Angela Menna Lauryn M eyer Gerald Mi eszala Rachel Mill er Raymond Mill e r Annely'>e M1 ore ll1 Larry M onson Jerome M onloya Travis Moon Lu ca\ Moore Nicole M oore Theresa M organ Mi chael M o rn son ONE far th e AGES ft I , . '

J osh ua M orton

Eduardo M outinho

J essica M oya

Tnstan Mraz

S te fan ie Nahley

Ryan Nee

Paul Needham

Janet Neukirchner

Joseph Neville

J ames Newcomer

Viola N guyen

Adam Nims

Adam Noguchi

Mi c h elle O' H ayre

Codi Offerson

Grant Oge

Rory Olguin

Nicole Osborn

Adrianna 01doerfer

Seda Oz.dem1r

Joe Padilla

Logan Palmer

J o~hua Parry

M allhC\V Peachey

Alexander Pe rea

K irn Peter-on

Gabriel P fis terer

Rebecca Pi e rce

Sarah Pi zzo

Todd P orter



Donald Pndm ore

Casey P omme r

She ila Rams te tt er

J onathan R atcl iffe

Garren R egner

Jame s Ri chard son

Kath erine Rid ge

R yan Ril ey

R ob Ri zzu to

Re nee R obb in s

Jesse Roberts

J o hnathan R osa

Da niell e Rosener

J eremy R oze lle

Nathon Ru sso

BenJam1n Ryan

Ja cq ueline Ryan

Samuel Saindon

Abb y Sands

Van essa Santistevan

Daniel Sauerfield

Aaro n Saunders Sheena Sayed

Steven Scarbrough

Jennifer Schiffman

Aaron Schlesinge r

Bre nt Schmidt

Adne Schneider

Carolina Schoch-Smith

D ane Schow

ONE for the AGES

-, -,. \ .,. ~£-r .,,,, • ./

Elizabeth Schrock

Paul Schwenng

Knstel Scott

Pnsc1lla Scuta

Kn,11e Seipp

Robin Senf

Lisa Senter

Ryan Serpan

Jennifer Sestnch

Jeremy Shannon

Bethany Shaw

Teny Shaw

Todd Sheffield

Gina Shennan

Jody Sills

Kelly Skala

Ashley Smith

Camssa Smith

Loren Speer

Stephanie St J ames

Ann Stoker

John Stoke~

Desiree Stone

David Storey

Enca Stunn

Toni Sullivan

Sylv ia Swanson

Kimberly Swisher

Justin Szabo

Wilham Taranttno

• -------:::--::

Sam Tate

Jason Taylor

Kamal Tonempud1

Roxanne Trenk

Chnstopher T ruJ1llo

David Turner

Lora Ulander

Ryan Unger

Meltnda Unrein

Jacob Vanhom-Behve

Anthony Vargas

Zackarey Verard1

Amy Verm1l11on

Ward Vetter

Gregory Wamboldt

Amie Ward

Jonah Ward

Jessica Warren

Anna Watkins

Kelly Wa t son

Douglas Webster

J oshua We1<;

Cassidy We lch

ONE I ' 222 fo r the AGES
K ns1a Welch Fo rever Fa mous Hand Ji ve Krista Welch participates in the handJ ve at the winter sports assemb l y This 1s the IO year anniversary of the hand JI e.' " M y favonte thing about high school , s the freedom that I have," said Taylore Beckm an

Hard at Work Cassie Zebrosk1 s tudies hard during class Th e Fres hman

Class 1s the first class of 2000 " My favorite part about access 1s that I ca n finish my hom ewo rk and talk to my friends," said Toni Sullivan

Camera Shy

Paul Banagas

Shane Barber

Chn,topher B1lin,k1

Natalie Brown

Ryan Oa tl ey

Katharine Darland

Luke Durgin

J oshua Evans

J oha nna Evens

C le n1 en t Haves

Mi c k J ean ne

Aaron Ken11zer

Wes K line

Joy Lew"

Ron M artinez

Samuel Wellens1ek

Piers Wendlandt

J ohn Westhead

Talitha Wh1tlatch

Candice W11l1ams •

Ka th erine Winham

Lisa W orobcy

M organ Worthington

Eli Wouk

M atthew Ya coub

Ju st in Montoya

Wilham Nannie

Rocky Pn vratsky

Marshall Romine

J ennifer Rood

Fran l.. Sellers

Jam es Stlvey

Richard Soper

Dan1elk Yanik

Casey William, Arnber Yatckoske

Luis Yanez

Belin Yavuz

Stephanie Yowell

J oshua Yushka

Enk Zachnson

Drew Zam

Cassie Zebrosk1

Ryan Zenker

Andrew Z1mmennan

Holly Zinko

Bn an Zonl

Freshmen 223 • . .

N e rd Float M e mbe rs of the GHS Phys ics Club dn ve Mr Di c k Schalhamer's so lar powered car 1n the hom eco min g parad e with Mr Sc h alhamer and so n nd1n g nearby Th e physics club thi s yea r was sponsored by Mr SchaJhamer and co n s is ted of th ose s tud ents laking th e Ph ys ics II co urse Senior Be n Gould sa id " Building an d presenting our Ph ys ics II proJecl was d1fficull, but fun •· P hoto b y Ron F ine ll1

Planning Period

Mr Sharp s pend s some lime planning ou t upco ming evenlS Mr Sha rp was in charge of the foren s ics cla sses and c lub thi s year and has been for a long time Senior Ren Bu c ho lz s aid , " Mr Sharp 1s a great debater and an exce ll ent teacher" Photo by Adam Nim s

R e d Rove r M rs Bec ky Kro s 1er part1 c 1pa tes 1n the homecoming fa c ult y sk i t , po s ing with h e r reddre ssed dog Th e fa culty skit 1s a way for th e s tudents a t G H S to sec a different s ide of th eir teachers Fres hman Do ug W ebster s aid , ' The faculty skit was long , but funny " Ph o to by Ron Fin e lli

224 ONE fo r the AGES '

Tk fo.c«ftf we, at 11/cf(V'-e, ()«ts>to.Jrcli,ff , Tk teacW-.f

Ml.fteff(V'-e, 1:,-tef~lt'~ cl'-eat1iH, Ml Ml tk1 clo a p()ljoJ of11rdtirj fuv-l(1irj fwr.du.{f1irj J1 tk /CV'-ticjat/ol( 1:,- tk 1:,-(ut.l('M< W,e, at 111cf tk teacW-.f le.a~ 1:,-91/'da l(UQ;,elt'el'at/QI( of .ftaclel(ts, U!M l(OUI U1Mt to Juo11re teacW-.f

) l . -- ---
Student Life 225 • •
' . • Shirley Alg1ene Asst Principal Dave Anderson As s t Pnnc1pal Linda B ake r Financial Secretary Shannon Barrows Social S tudies Mary Bataglia Campus Superviso r Jeremy Blincoe Science Charlotte Blythe Pnnc1pal 's Secretary Judy B01an Engli sh/Soc St Jackie Borns tein English Dick Bradsby Mathematics John Brodbeck P C Jan Bry s o n Science Brenda Burkett Math Jane Burnell Art Dick Byrne Englis h Joan Clark Englis h ONE for the AGES How has it changed? John Horst Class 0£1965 'Tk .rta'61ft.s, utere- Aror e, AMr de-Ktc.f ctY<e- {t~,1t,"lok uttl'e- a.raal~ r t.ttrktdto utule-l(d.f A!ro;are-l( f;J' J'to.r'to~tw Ql(dl.{ter-actd ///(0f't, / t'o{twt, /,{ tk le.arl(t~ t,l(fl/r Ol(IJ(t,l(t utiti J'"!/Ot' t Ql(d t,l(/'/Ck//l(t,I(( -

How has it changed?

Tammie Peters

Class of 1981

How has it changed?

Jill Colby A ss t Pn nc 1pal

Eileen Cook Math

Dick Bradsby Class 0£1960

·Footla.llMl Ja.,1ktla.ll,r,,u wtf'e- tk ltj, .foe/a.It{H,l(t oftk 1t1ui 0Mcu at tk .rckol "~" fol/owe-I ".s-oci M,N , "Ifa.t'ck:r, bMdr/til a ltff,,rerl(t k/µr:.rer .fM«1 ~, ,r,,er k/4 ,fur/ a. k--p iMIlat /(Qt a..r .KfU?re-at /1(({.f/ttQJ(.f

Debby Cooper Counselor Bec ky Croz ier LMC

•1ltlt-l(t ta kJ' .f"M"'a. 1uu ~,S' 4tv tk J.u;,it "f tk 1t1d11rt-l( '.f ll(dtH,,f(t-1(~ tk £,aal Rt1its- A11rtrl(tbre-l(t 1t1a.,1 ,1tilla. kt ir,1a.e-. llowl,H,I'~ tk auo~hkr6.fts> oftk k/4,re,I( '.f f,i If"'1-6K t-l(t k4 t M-acWif1i .rckol9e.ui •

Cece lta Davi s LMC Media Te c h Thomas D1mit P rin c ipal Scot Ed so n Mu s ic J udy Edward s S c ience

Brooke Ehnnan Life Studies

Ron Finella Eng/Pu bl 1c a11on s

T odd Fin~ Social St Elaine Fitzge rald Math

• .
Jill Fre1mann Notetaker Jeannie G1elhs Spanish Andrea Gleason Asst. Pnnc1pal Charla Gunn Counselling Secre tary David Hammock P E. Jeff Hau ser Tech Arts B ob Haye s M at h ematics Stan H ergenreter English M ark Homecke r P .E. J ohn H orst Foreign Language Barb Howes Attendance Secretary Bec ky H u ff Educational Asst. ONE 1 for the ''.!28 AGES How has it changed? Cheryl Kochis ·· Class 0£1964 ,8u9 (/I( tk rri""t .rteff"'a.r lfet'f /e,A(a.l(1t9 a..r "'e, !&a.I ta t,1e, ~r tfe.tlfj Ii< (/I( "''lf((J/(fl.O.It,fU41'IU,r.f. ,. • L ,. j .. How has it changed? JelFHaaser Class 0£1988 , It wa.r real~ to«;i /q;"I le.tita11a.Jt~le1"! (ti( J!/e,«19~) (/I( a. #a.e eta.r.r!e. I t/e.1',rt M t,l(t/re, rr1as-.fulJetwul( .ferul( redrawJ' ,

How has it changed? JoanJouett Class 0£1961 ,It ,fU/l(u/a.t tu tt/l(t, tk.t we, k.rfa yeat rfeal(J/ a,,,r/rtj"la.Ct(J.f.f at (Jar i-lji J'c,M(JI, w/wc,/4 wa..r a.J(Ja.t tk .tire, ()/~Ifcf. !low~ {J.f~ a.J(Jat 1/2 (JI (Jl(t,;u-c,t-l(t (JI tk ,1Ca,r/t,,rt., wer br(Jk

Mf l"«lu Tk yeat rlilpel(t-t, let«Jul( /I(? .tCM(JI

Q.l(r1~!ft torla., wa..t tk.tJ (Jl(,()(1/",f~ ~'°l(t, a.t 4't-M(JIwa..t a. l/41ra.tia. ja,r Br;, Ruf/'


_, Sandy Nati.ons Class 0£1966( J .. J ..A D1d enck Iversen Science Jo an Joueu Enghsh J ohn Kellenbenz Tech Ans Bill Kelley English D iane K
M athematic!> J ohn Klug Enghsh/fheater Cheryl K ochis Ac11v1t1e~ Secretary Juh e Kramer Science Lance Lana M ath Charlotte Lindsay Foreign Language Matt Loyd p E J oe M cG1nn1s An People ' . •
has it changed?
-Maureen M cGowan Special Ed Jo se f M artonovic h Special Ed Patricia M aupin Counselo r Linda Mill e r Special Ed K a thryn M ontgomery Educauonal A ss t. I ' 1 I J oe Murd oc k Technology Roger M yers Social Studies Sandy Nauons English Mike O'Do n s 10 Social Studies Gail O'Ne il Bu siness T ammy Peters En glis h Linda Poveda Foreign Language Ph y lli s Pn ce Bu si ne ss Bob Putka Math ema u cs Carol Quirk Educational A sst. Charles Regne r M athema ti cs Harr1c;on Re id Socia l St udi es Sharon Royb al Social Studies Di c k Schalha rn e r Physics Ed Scholec; Science ONE fo r lhe AGES { r
a How has it changed? Mike O'Dorisio Class 0£1965 Lowell Sharp English Calhenne Shearn Social S tudi es Kimberl y Short Counselor Le a Ann S hzesk1 Social Work er El a in e Smllh Science Bob Stokes Social Studies Tom Sweet Foreign Lan g ua ge K en va nd erLaan Science Bnd get Virkler Coun se lor Li sa Wahl Social S tud ies Ed We in e ll Forei gn Lan guage Enc W e in s tein V ocal Mu sic Bob William s S cience Jerry Yanz Forei gn Language Gene Y ou ngmann Art Lau ra Zach Mathematic, . . •

Notes & Quotes

Th e Di ve r s i ty C lub trave ls to e le m e n tary sc h oo l s to teac h l ittle kids th a t it is a ll rig ht to be di ffere n t.

" I li ke t o hel p yo un ge r c hil d r e n to l e arn a b o u t the diff ere nces i n th e worl d ." F r es hm a n K e ll y J o nes Th ey ce le b ra te th e d i ver s 1ty o f o u r sc h oo l. co m mu n ity an d wo rld

~" I r ea1ly love bei ng d if fere n t and teachi ng o th e rs th at it 's o k ay t o be di ffe r e nt. " F reshm a n D esi r ee

S to ne

B y K i m Pa l e and H e i di K os te rm an

T hi s 1s th e fir s t ye ar that G o ld e n h as h a d th e S tud e n ts R eac hin g O ut prog r am

" Th e s tud en ts in thi s prog r a m are g r eat." Soc i al

W ork er Lea A nn S li zes ki

Th e s tu de nt s wo rk w ith o the r s tud en t s to make th e m feel more comfortab le a nd fit i n a t Go ld e n

" Th e p r ogram is good a nd i t all o w s peop le to ge t a c h ance to h e lp o th e r s tud e nts so th a t th ey can wor k be tte r in sc h oo l. " Se n io r A aro n H inkl e

· B To rn Lu e d tke an d A l exis C r o h a n

F und -r a is in g Sophomore H e1d1 Scerrelt talk s about ra1s1ng money for D 1vers 11y Club Thi s year's Nauonal Diverslly Conference was held in Cherry Creek at th e Adam 's Mark H otel for three days " I ltke D 1vers 1ty because it' s a great way to impact on young kid s," s aid fre s hman Ni co le O sbo rn P hoto by He1d1 K osterman

Di ve rs ity C lub : Fro nt r ow: J essica Ward Enn Hagberg, Doris Wang , J ame s M c Kee B a ck ro,v : M rs Eileen Cook, Kristen L ibra, Des iree Stone, Ni co le Os born , Kelly J ones, H e 1d1 Sterrett Photo by He1d1 Kosterman

1' I I
232 ONE for the AGE S IVLI\J I ~1' l O,B L L~:::::::::::::;:<, .-

G rea t Ex pe ctati o ns Social worker Lea Anne Sl1zesk1 explains what she expects the club members to do bcfore the next meeting Golden Students Reaching Out 1s a program designed to give special training and support to selected 11th and 12th graders who are i nterested 1n being buddies \v1th other G H S students "The program 1s a rewarding and an 1ns1ghtful experience," said senior J on Keeney photo by

Ri g ht He r e Sophomore Jessica Ward points to the D1vers1ty Club 's agenda 01versny 1s being yourself and accepllng others as they are "Exposing young chtldren to d i fferent kids of people 1s essential to their acceptance of the different cultural groups they are exposed lo, " said freshman Renee Robbins P hoto by Kim Fale

S RO : Fro nt row Ashley M eagher, Karen NeuJ...1rchner. Jon Keene 1 . Molly Quirk. Lex, CrO\\'der Back row Lea Anne Sl1zc-.J...1, Kevin D arcy, Rachel Savage, Bryan Velasqtez. Aaron H inkle Clubs 233

,. I I I f '
I '

Notes & Quotes

Co nfli c t Medi a ti on m eets twice a m o nth durin g access to h e lp reso l ve co nflic ts be t ween s tud e nt s.

" It mak es m e fee l goo d to kn ow th a t I h e lp s tud e nt s reso lve th e ir pro ble m s." So ph o mo re Sco tt M o r g an Th e le ad e rs o f co nfli c t m e diatio n are Mrs. P a t M a upin and Mrs. Bridg et V irkl e r .

" I lik e to h e lp o th er s tud e nts so lve th ei r d il e mma s and pro bl e m s." Juni o r M eg h a n W ill ia m s

Co nfl ic t m e di a ti o n talke d a bo ut D .A .R . E . a nd hi g h sc h oo l to B e ll Middle Sc h oo l s tud e nts.

Th e T each e r Inte rnship Prog ram was s tarte d b y a s tud e nt 's re qu es t f o r th e o pp o rtun i ty to l e arn a b o ut the e du ca ti o n process three ye ars a go

" Th e T.I P i s a g r e at o pp o rt u nit y f o r kid s to mak e a dec is io n to go into e du ca t io n o r no t to." Direc to r

Stan H e rge nre te r

Th e inte rn s h ip 1s wo rth b e tw ee n o ne- h a lf and o n e hi g h sc hoo l c re dit a nd a b o ut 70 h o urs o f fi e ld work f o r co ll ege

B J ulia J o hn so n a nd Ad a m ueen

He lpin g Hand s Senior Karen Neuk1rc hner help s thi rd graders from Kyf!i n with their sc ience proJeCl. The student s m the 1nte rn sh 1p program s pend an average of three co e ight hours a day at their chose n sc hool , and up lo 300 hours a se me s ter , where they do everything a teacher doe s. including lesso n plan s and mteract1ve teaching " Before I enter college , I need lo decide between a bu s iness and ed ucat ional profess1on T I P 1s really help in g me to decide ," s aid se nior C hr is tme Maren

Co nfli c t M e diati o n : F ro nt Row: Andrea L1p s te1n Scott Morgan, He 1d1 W il so n Mi ddl e R ow : Ms Virk Ier , Crystal Craig , Carly W1lliam s, Meg han Wi l1 1a ms, , Ms. Maupin Bac k Ro w : Ross Martin , Umn Ozde mir, Greg Anderso n, Spence r Barlow

234 ONE for tlu AGES I \ • • • -

I ' m Sorry Junior Scott Morgan he l ps so phomore Carolyn Cockle and fre sh man April Cooper resolve their problem s. Conflict Mediation has helped many GHS st udent s gel through their problem s "Confl 1c L mediation 1s st udents helping students so lve their problem s," said Mrs Bridget Virkler Photo by Dou g Web ster

Happy Hallow e en Senior Lexie Crowder parties ,v1th kid s from W est Wood s Elementary in Arvada The Teacher Int ernship Program 1s a program designed to s upport selected s en 1ors who wis h to pursue a caree r in education Senior J en Parfet s aid , "TIP ts an a,ves ome program and I love k1 ckm' the kids around 1"

Teacher Interns: Front Row · Laura Snyder, Kare n Neuk,rchner , Je ssica Baker, Linnea N elson. Tarn s en Stokes, Kn stm Johnson Bac k Row Renee M c R enynolds, Alex" Cro,vderJa c k son. Christine Maren. Jennifer P .irfct , Andrea D ittbrenner , Tara O ' N eill, M egan Connolly Stan H ergen reter P hoto by Ron Fin ell1

- --
Clubs 235

What ? Senior Kim Westby stands up from the mess and look!. back at her mom As our parents and teachers were growing up they had very few electronic games and a few of them d1dn · t have a healing system Ms Linda Baker stated ," We had no central heating so we had a coal s tove that I would crawl under "

Guess Who Mr Ron Finel11 poses at age two for one of his few baby pictures Parents now - a- days have more money than they did when they ,vhcre babies Mrs Barbara Howes said, " When I was a baby , my parent s d1dn ' t have money to pay for my delivery"

Momm y . .. Senior Dale Webster at age one. patiently po,es for his baby picture Back when our parents where babies they had to deal with cloth diapers and their parents d1dn 't even know what a microwave was Mr, Carol Quirk. said. " It wa, ea-.,er for me to raise my babies than 1t was for my parents ..

• . • • I I • ' I
236 ONE
for the AGES

,, Twe, ~t, a lot of t/e.11f'S' tlui.t cfur/ t"'oa;,i tk

~J' Twe,waJ' 1(0 tka, ,~~t, Ql(dtU Motkr.r.rtard

/e,o,re, A(Ot't,, Tk f tt-l(dJ'fe.ti,r ptte-,r "'~ I I( e,&,,rt, I( ~,, .rcko( Jat co,re, alti,e ti( 11r1ll/e, s-ckolMd/4tj/e. J'cko/~

- -
\ Student Life 237

K ell y A d a m s

K K We've known each other for six years and ever, minute has been memorable Thank you for always bcmg there through our ups and downs I will forever cherish our fnendsh1p, and our all to often weird summers Keep smiling: you always made me

Love Andree J ess ic a

A nd e r s o n

See the good in people, Jessie and you will always find happiness

Mom & Aaron

J ess ica

A nd e r s o n

J ess, We've been friends for so long 1t' s hard to believe you're graduaung It seems 111-.e yesterday you, Lisa and I were playing Barb1es I hope the best for you, and I'm sure someday I wtl I see you 1n the movies

With Love LeeAnne

Ke lli A nd e r s o n

You have bles-.ed our lives with your beau11 fu I mite, caring hean and many accomplishment, May your future hold as much JOY and happiness as you've given u, Share your gift,, ,tay true to your,el f and reach for the ,tar, We couldn't be prouder or love you more

God Blc:-.,, Mom & Carl

238 ONE .for the AGE S

K elli And e r so n

Congratu lat1ons Kelli - good luck and have fun in college, you'll do great 1 You've always supported and cheered me on and I'll always be there fo r you.

Love. Jason Ke lli A nd e r so n

Thank.s for being there for me throughout my life, You have al ways been someone I could look to 1f things went wrong and have kep t me in hne Thanks for all the ndes, you' re the best cousin a person could have.

Always, Nathan

A li ss a A r c h e r

Alissa,comm1t to the Lord \vhateve r you do, and your plans will succeed. (Prov. 16.3) We a re so proud of you W e love you Jots. Love, Mom & Dad

A li s s a A r ch e r

B ubba, I can't believe my baby sis t er 1s graduating. You're the coolest c h ick.

D o n 't let anyone te 11 you less We've always had so m uch fu n toget her playing as kids. Y ou're my bes t friend and l know we wil l always be close Always, An d y ( lAH )

-I. ' I
I 1

R ya n Artale

Ryan. I f fish were money you'd bench!

You already are rich, w11h intelligence. patience. a11d a good outlook on hfe You are the l1gh1 of our lives. We will always love you. Keep on working hard and good things will continue to happen Here's to a wonderful college experience Love Mom and Dad.

J es s ica Bakk e r

You were always so quiet. That's probably why we put you 1n the closet Now you ·ve grown and have found your voice. Use 1t wisely and wnh humor. you'll get your point acros!'. with style Don 'tgo too far. J es..,. You bong the sm Iles and laughter into our lives. Jaime. Shawn. and Seth

J ess ica Bakke r

The "look." 1s so much a part of who you are Your heart and humor have brought us so much JOY and laughter

Con tinue 10 be true to yourself and strong in the Lo rd He has specia l plans for you and your many g if ts \ Ve love you.

J eccalynne M om and Dad

Aaron and Paul Barrett

Aaron and PaulY ou've been the greatest b rothers a s ister coul d ever h ope for I'nl going to miss you- stay cool and k. eep partying'

Always, Allison

Aaron and Paul Barrett

\ Vas 11 that long ago?

It seems only yesterday Forever for you, time that passed too quickly for us We are so proud of all that you have become. M ay your Journey in hfe bnng you all the happiness that you have brought ours. \Ve love you,

T ogether from the start, but 1nd1v1duals along the way Each of you have chosen a path of which I' m vcryproud Mayyour course always include the laughterand the friendship you have for each other Embrace your goal<; and ! God has a plan for each of you I love you. M om

The doctor swore there was only one of you. but then there were two of you, and now r can ·1 even 1mag1ne 11 differently You have become part of my heart.given meaning 10 my life and w,11 always be my best buddies forever I love you.

\ Ve' II ,cc all you guys at the top!

Babies & Buddies 239

------=1.: ,. , ' ,_ - 'i \ ~· \ 1 • '•' I .. •\:. .... .,· .. . ', ' .. L. • PU I · fAU - CCR\llt£nlAI. Dl\10t ll!'llllOI 12 sso rcn ..!!"U'\ • I • - rcaui PQO.l£YUJ NAIIO Mt ft'l'I SJ..... •... '
. • •

Jos hu a Barth els

Josh. you have filled our hves with love and happiness Set you goals and fulfill you dreams. and always remain the honest and canngyoungman you have grown to be

Love , M om, Dad and Bnanna

Tiffany Bau sc h

Tiffany. Your zest and enthusiasm forl1fe has been an inspiration to us all Congratulations

Tiffany Jo We are so proudofyou Welove you Mom. Dad. Lisa, and Shannon

De bi B e nn e tt

I am so proud of you

Keep your chin up and reach for 1he stars M ay all your dreams come true You will always be my best friend'

Keep smiling L ove forever Mom. Josh, and Joey

Heath er Be nnett

We 're so proud of a ll that you have accomphshed 1n school and at work A l ways try to fullfill your dreams and be confide n t that you can accomplis h whatever you se t your mmdtodo Love M om and D ad ONE

fo r the AGES

Dal y n Bl ac kney

We know 1here comes a ume when our JOb ts through and the ba l ance of your hfe belongs to you alone So keep your dreams alive Never let them die Nothing 1n hfe can be achieved 1f you fall to try We love you more 1han you know M om&Dad

Mi c ha e l Blondin

Congra1ulations I You made 11 1 We're so proud of you Whereveryou go, wha1cver you do our love and prayers will always be w11h you

We love you, Mom & Lesley

Jim Bohk s

Follow your dreams, font 1s 1rue 1hat \vhatever you dream you are capable of achieving. Never g,ve up because of t h e d1fficult 1es felt while working for you r goals in life The harder you have lo work for something importan t 10 you, 1he more valuable 11 wi ll be

L ove, M om and Dad

Will Bortl es

You have grown to become a bright and wonderfully canng person Your qu ic k wi t and sense of fairness will always serve you we ll K eep up you r good ,vork and t hanks f or the oppor1un1ty to paren t such a special person Love, M om and D a d

r • • 1 I I

Will Bortles

To my high school S\vee th eart, Thank you for holding my hand through the halh of my high school years through all my teachers You have taught me the most about life and respect and love \vh1ch wil l remain Oourish1ng throughout the rest of my life. You're w11h me always Love, Heather Chnstine

C arla Bosse

T o my amazing daughter who accep ts no boundanes You are already taking on the world I love you

M om

Bridge t 's Frie nd s

Girls-you guys are the best. Each and every one of you mean so mu ch 10 me I \viii never forget all of th e grea t memories we have toge ther Now that high school ,s done our fnendsh1p and lives have JU St begun I love you g irl s Lo ve, Bng

J esse Brittain

T here 1s a time for every thin g and a seaso n for every ac11v1ty und e r heaven. Th ere 1s a 11n1e to embrace, a time to let go, and a tim e to love In all that we've done wrong we must h ave d one some thin g nght to h ave suc h an awesome son L ove M om and D ad.

B r it ta n y's F ri e nd s

Bnttany, Karen , and J anet.

Ju st look at thts! At least once in recorded history, the three of you were caught 1n the act of gelling along and enJoy1ng

11 And now 11 1s recorded for postenty

W e love you girls Love and Fnendsh 1p, Karen and Bruce

Mik ey Bro,v n

D ear Mikey, \Ve an! so proud of ,.ou 1

Watching you grow from a happy toddler to a young ad ult h as been both a JOY and a plea,ure Keep up the good work and may God con11nue to bless you on your life's JOUmey Love M om and Dad

Mik ey Br o, vn

Thank you for everythin g' Th e memones we have shared are enough to la,t a llfet1 me, and l chensh them all R emember 1f you put faith 1n yourse lf, you wll reach your dreams

Good luck with L AX, school and anyth in g that hes ahead I'll miss you sheepcurl Love always, Candy

Th o m a s Bujn ows ki

Congratulat i on, T om' \V e arc so proud of you Good Iuck and keep dreamin g. You are never g iven a dream without also given the power to make ll come true L ove always , M om and Dad

Babies & Buddies 241

,. :..•

M e a g h an Burn e ll

Rememb er to be gentle with yourself and others. May all your dreams come tru e Love Mom , Dad, and Liam

Mar ga re t Ca rl so n

My little sis t e r Margaret , You are my sister. my fnend We have been throu gh so much together and have always been there for each other Now you wtll be starting a whole new life Journey but, remember I am always here for you I love you hule ,1s 1 Sonia

Mar g ar e t Ca rl so n

Deare st Margar et, Ponder life make wise choices, g row 1n all your wonderful quaht1es, determination, stro ng will, your md1v1dual Ity and yoursens1 t1v1 t y You are perfect in every way I'm proud of you my little sweetheart. You are mysunshme. W1thall my love Mom

Amb e r C arn ey

\Vhen you were born we named you "Prec ious Joy " You are that and much more. We feel respect, love , and awe as we have watched you step into theworld W ec hen s h you Amber

Love , Deb, and T J , Sonia and Ro ss


242 for the AGES

A mb e r •C arn ey

Amber. You have always been my hero and I will be so lost without you Pl ease always be yourself and don't forget your little siste r Love Sonia, your "little" SISier Dani e ll e C h a pp e ll

Sweetness' You know how I feel You are my buddy and my best friend I love you and know that you will go so far 1n hfe. You are s uch a beautiful p erson. Thank you for being you! Love Mom

D a ni e ll e C happ e ll

Dan1clle , I'm so glad we've remained fnends for so long! From dance to runni n g, and those ca ndy days. You've always bee n there for me! I love you. B est of luck 1n the future' Emdy Ru ssell

R o b C hild e rs ton


Robby 1 We are so proud o f you EnJOY all life h as to offer and follow your dreams

Always keep your head up and your heart open You will always "Jus t R obby " W e love you very much Love , M om, Dad, Stacie and Gavan

Your talent and creal1vlly show 1n all you do Continue g1v1ng ltfc your bes1 Remember to make lhe most of you r talent and always stnve coward your dreams

W e love you, M om, Dad , Heathe r , M ark, and P eter

Mi c k Coa kley

You've made us proud W e wish you all good thing s as you set out to make a life o f yourown Remember ,ve will always love you. M orn, Dad, and Lance

Robert Co llin s

W e're all very proud of you R e m ember that success 1s a Journey, make yours a great one Conttnue to be the loving young man you've grow n to be a nd you will go far We love you "Fro n s" and J essi ( Ba rb )

Sage Co nnelly

Sage "boom boom" Connelly, You must h ave been a beautiful baby, because look at you now•

Meagen Co nnoll y

Eighteen years have gone by so fast Thi s year 1s your lase. Your days at home a re at an end, but we'll be strong o r so we' Hpretend You're ready co fl y Off to college co explore new thing s.

W e'll chensh the Joy we have see n watching from baby to teen A s a l11tle girl, you w e re suc h a cu lle , now yo u 've grow n int o a g raduat e beauty L ove, M om and Dad

Nicholas Cook so n

You' re a wonderful person , so n You ha ve come a long way wnh a po s 111ve acutude, great se nse ofhumor , and strong goals. We are very proud of you God ble ss, keep and guide you lhrough th e rest of your life Be happy -we love you M om, Dad, and J e nn y

Kati e Coo pe r

K ate, You a r e the bes1 s 1~ter that anyone cou ld have You have done so muc h for me, and I will n ever forgel all the funw e'vchad Good lu ck #19 1 Love ya, M eghan

Kathl ee n Coo p e r

Dang Gina! It 's still curly' We ' re proud of you K atie EnJoy the many advenlures and !ravels ahead Love , M om, Dad , J Ill , Kelly , M eg, and Nate

Babies & Buddies 243

H e idi C i es lar

Ka ti e C oo p e r

Oh ya. Cooper' You are the person who I look up to the most, laugh w11h the most , and love the most. Never forget what ts important and never let go of your dreams

Our deep thoughts, long talk.s and " hit the target'' game will never be forgotten

Your fnend forever-

Shannon #18

S us a n D ani e l

We are very proud of our daughter Susan. She was a very happy baby and -.m1led all the time Susan ha-. many talents and she can always count on us for support Together with her brother Joe. we wish her the best of everything for the future

J a c k De

B o e r

You were alway'> kind, fun loving and smart

Now you are a young man w11h faith and confidence to fulfill your destiny Congratulauons on reaching this stepping stone May the Lord continue to bless 1n your \Valk

We love you alwayc;, Mom and Dad

J ac k D e

B oe r

Jack., You've been a great big brothe r and friend We have had much fun and many good times toge t her l ooking forward to our continued fnend,h1p 1n the future Love

Ni le-. and Lee P S congra tu I au on, you gimpy eared nerd


Ge nev ieve Dil wo rth

You have always been a Joy to us We are proud of you and the choices you have made Keeponplugg1ng through the tough times and enJOY the others. We love you. Mom. Mary, and Michael

T iffa ny Do vey

We are so very proud of the you now, Ti ffany. and that \ve will be the same an the future, wherever that future may lead you M ay you go through hfe \V 1th that w1nn1ng smtle making others ru. happy ac; you've made us I We love you Mom and Dad

A nth o ny

E d,va rd s

P eople's dreams have made 1h 1s land a special place 10 hve Hope and JOY and goals for life are things a dream can give So dream , my son, but heed these words Dreams can spell disaster when you stop smelling that t1ny rose, and dreams become your M aste r

E rik a Ed w ard s

\Ve are so happy ou r baby has g rown into the joyful, caring, enthus1ast1c person yo u arc. L ove M om. Dad, and D aniel

ONE for the AGES


Laura E kb e rg

Congratulations, Laura H avin g ac hi eved much already. you c an s tep into th e future with hop e and an t1 c1pat1on Di scove r you r gi ft s, develop your tal e n t s, k ee p your goals ahead of yo u You have so mu c h to offer th e world. W e love you I M om, Dad , E laine, Carla, Dal e

Te r e s a E mm o n s


Teresa' I 'm very proud of yo u Your adult hfe 1s about to begin K ee p smi lin g th a t beautiful s m ile you hav e and always be tru e to you rse lf I've loved s haring th e past 18 years w1 th you I 'll always be th ere for yo u and love you very much Lo ve , M om

J e nnife r E lg in J.J , I' m so very proud of you, you've faced a lot of obstac les 1n your hfe, and you've come throu g h s h1n1n g You ' re not a foll owe r, but mo st of a ll , a leade r, who s tand s up fo r he r beliefs Stay true to your h ea n , and remember, the world 1s yours.

Love , Dad •

E ri c 's B - B a ll Homi es

J oe l , J ac;on, Andy, and Cal, W e ll guy,, we came to a n en d of four g reat years I h ave to conside r yo u f ou r a, my best fn ends You h ave all been through so much w11h me and I th a nk. you for a ll of th e grea t times we h ave shared 1 Thank s, Enc H orva t

A nn e Fa y a nd F ri e nd s

To Our Girls, BFF-Neve r forget your specia l memori es and remember, fn en d s h1p s grow d earer with each passing yea r You h ave been a JOY to rat ,e Never lo,e th ose m1l11 o n dollar smtl e, 1 Love , Yo ur Mom, and Dad e;

Babies & Buddies 245

• • • I

E rika 's Friends

What can l say to the greatest friends a girl could ask for Thank you for all the wonderful memones we've ,hared You guys mean so much, your the greatest Love, Enka

Marl e na Es tes

Dear Marlena. Congratulations little '>IS You fioall 1 made it I'm so proud of you I w1!-1h you many happy times ahead The bes t 1s yet to come' Love always. Taylor

Mar l e na Es tes

Best fnends forever

Marl e na E tes

Dear Marl ena, Y ou have always been ou r little mun chk1n. We are so proud of you. We know you will always be ,uccessful in whatever you choose to do. Be happy Love always.Mom and Brad ONE

for the AGES

An ne Fay

Thanks for all the fun. laughter and JOY you bnng into our lives. EnJoy life to the fullest and may all you r dreams come true!

Love Mom, Dad. and Adam

David Fet h

Baby 'Boseph 1s a ll ground up Your future 1s bnght but you have much work to do May you break 70, get your hole-1O-one, and have a happy life. \V e are all proud of you S u san, Jerry, Dre\v, and TJ

E ri c Fink

Congratulations on your graduation from high sc h ool and the beg1nn1ng of many wonderful experiences m life W e've had some great umcs and it 's been a lea rning expenence watching you grow You have some fantastic quahlles Here's to future success and much happiness.

We love you, Mom and Dad

Er ic Fi nk

Hey Broha! Thanks for being suc h an understanding br othe r th e past year or two.

l'm glad we became f nends (sorry for being such a pest when we were liltle ) You · re th e oldest now and leaving soon! We love you and will miss you 1

Love, Your Sisters, Steph and Mi chelle

-I I I

Dani e l F is he r

Congra1ula11ons I You made 11 big brother Love always, S1cphan1e

Dani e l F is h e r

The smile on your face in 1h1s baby p1c1ure 1s lhe same snule "e have seen you carry throughoul

}Our life Congra1ulat1ons on this B IG day Go fonvard and tacl...le 1he "orld Love, M om and Dad

Laur e n Fitzpatrick

Today I 1hought about your beautiful face and felt your excitement for life ~nd your gcnu 1ne happ1 ness and I burst w11h pnde as I realized tha1 my dreams for you came true \ Vhal an ex1raord 1nary person you h ave become and as you continue to grow please remen1ber always how very much I love you- M om

Lauren F itzpatrick

Nine years' And \VC haven '1 stopped laughing yet Phone mara t hons, \Vater World, Siar Trek (somet1mes, sometimes not), .golf, and t h e Gem1n1 There , s sttll more to comeAlways, Your Fnend. Esther Lauren, B utld today. then. s1 rong and sure. wi th a fim1 and ample ba.,e. and ascending and secure Shall to n1orTO\.\. find its lace Love. Renee and Duncan

Where you go and whatever you do May the tuck of the l nsh be there w11h you Congraculallons1

Love, Dad

H ei di Freier

You have given us much love, laughter and sunshine over their 18 years Now, you have much to give the world. However. no matter how old you gee or how farawayyougo. You will always be "Pumpkin "

Love, Mom and Dad

Mike H. Fro s t

I can already -,ay 1hat you have brought me so many wonderful memones, but west11l have many more co discover Now 11 1s time for you co achieve your dreams I know that you will reach t hem Just remember, you'll always have a place 1n my heart I'll al\vays love you, Mykah

\Ve· II al\vay" be each other's "favorite student" and "favonte teacher" We put up with each other for three years and loved every m1nute 1

'l I
----- =.:.:..---------------
Babies & Buddies 247 , • • • I

Michael H . Frost

M1chael-ltfe 1s like a sport-play smart, play 1t honestly. play 1t with all your heart, play 1t to win Be free. be happy , always follow your dreams

Our love 1s forever with you, Mom and Dad

Michael H . Fro s t

Mike- Thankc; for always making time for your little sis You will always be my best fncnd Keep makmg me proud to be "ltttle Frost."

Love, N1k1

Andree Fo s ter

Congratulations on all of you accompl1shmenL'i ( P alace Explorers, MM , 24th Street Singers , FBLA, Conflict M ed1at1on) I t's been great havmg such an out going, hard work1ngdaughter Our t houghts and prayer; will be with you, for whatever the future hold'i Love, Mom and T odd

C ar los Gamarra

We were ble-,,ed by God w1lh a loving -,on Carlo,, remember to .ilway., ke1,;p your he..ir1 Mid ,oul ,n ( ,od, and work hard to mjke your dream-. and goal, come true We jn,; very proud of you jnd w1-,h you the hc,t of the world

Love, Dad, M om, Cathy and Mach,

ONE fo r the AGES

Sy l via Gardner

I applaud you! Bravo!

Love always, Mom

Daniel Ga s per

D an- T wo more years of " F irst day at sc h ool" w1 thou t you? I'll miss you Good luck wit h ltfe

W ith Brotherly Love,


Daniel Gas p er

D an- Keep your nose up and your w i ngs level 1n fhght You're our favo rit e pilot.

D on't stop a-, k, 1ng qucc;t 1o n s

W i th Love, M om and Dad

S hilah Ga ul e

Ye, Shila. you a re cute You have, 10 go and t hing, to do You will jlway, hc 111 our thoughh

We jfC ,o proud o l you M.,y ( ind hie,., you .111cl ~ccp yuu


wl h>Vl" yo u M 11 1n \t.111 .,11d \h.llll



To my role model, tru e love, and best fnend You've taught me a m1lhon things Someday I· 11 learn h ow to thank you. Love.


Renee Gerni

Ren ee, you bring so much JOY and pnde to our Jives Your accomplishments are outstanding, sometimes beyond beltef. You arc a true 1nsp1rat1on Stay true to yourself, dolly. and follo\v your dreams Rem ember. far or near \Ve'll ahvays be here Lov e you all the way to heaven and more, Mom and Chns

Renee Gerni

Renee, you are the best sister anyone could have You are the s tron ges t person I kno\v and you ahvays fight for what you belt eve In You knov. what 1s JU st and you have taught me to stand b} th ose issues With best\\ 1shes and lots of love


Renee Gerni

As a bab}, you were the ltght ol our I I\ c, 171c plca,urc }'()U g.1, c u, I dkd our hc,trh \\ 1th IO\ C \V ,lld\lllt!

} ou gro\\ 11lll) 1h1..· tt,, d} 1x-r-,on you .111.·. h ,1, brought th 11\lll h h,1pp11\l",, .111d Ill\ \vc- .Ill' ••111d ·"" ·", ,, ill Ix·, l't\ pHlltll lll \ l lll

I (l\ l' \I\\ .I\' (,1 .111dma ,md <,1 .111dp.1

Tyrel Gib so n

Thanks for sharing your high school year:-,, 1t def1n1tely hasn ' tbeendull1 With l ots of love and hugs and kts:-,es for a wonderful. ,mart, charming, talented, delightful , goodlook1ng , and altogether fantastic son 1 Go out and WOW the \\.Orld 1 Love.yourfarnil y. the G1bsons and the Gallaghers

Laura Gouak

Such a Joy, watching you born. grow, watching you become a special per;on Let yo ur beauuful personality now, may all your dreams come true. I'm so proud of you and love you so 1 Forever, Your Fri end. Aunt Carol L oving thoughts of encouragement to sis ter Elltsa. Class of '93

Benjamin Gould

H ere you are a future OMER builder 1n th e making You were such a busting, beaming , happy k1d 1 With pride v.e v. atchcd you build youc,clf 1n10 a thoughtful and canng person M ay you have a happ} and fulfilltng life ahead Lo ve. M om and Dad

C lair e Griffin Ct.urc- we .1rc all ,o proud ol ) ou " ccp y()Uf ,c-n,c- ol hu1nor .uHI u,c- \ our l!Ood l on,,non ,c-n,c 1n , ~i11qudgmc-11t 1 ~nJO) ltk \\ c- lo\ c-) ou \ 0111 c-nt1rc- I.unit}

B,, bics & Buddies 249

D a ni e ll e

Ha g b e r g

" P ick 1t up-put Lt back down" may not \vork anymore. but your sense of humor will carry you through anything We are so proud of you Love, luck and lolhpops 1

Also Love and Prayers Alway s.

Mom , Dad , Erin and DJ

Cy ru s Hall

Eighteen year-, ago

Mt S1 Helens erupted Eighteen yean. ago you were born peacefully adm1ds1 the gray ash Whal an ausp1c1ous beginning' Hale Bop, Mars probe s and compu1er smarts portend an exciting future Go for the s tars

Cy , and wherever you Journey , remember your folk s Jove you

Morn and Dad

C hri s Hamblin

Dear Chns,

We a re ,o proud of you I You have been and co ntinue to be a source of JOY 1n our lives Always follow your dream, , ask que s tions , and love life Weloveyoulots 1

Mom and Dad

Tracy Hamm

Even as a child, you were on the cutting edge of fashion. We arc very proud of you and what you have accomplished Your creativity and unique outloo J... will make your dreams become a reality Be lieve 1n yourself Follow you r dream s Lei ochers get to 1he real you, they will be so luc ky' L ove, M om, Dad, Andy Kevin & Deanna

250 ONE for the AGES

Troy Hannemann

Our baby twin A is now ou r wonderfu l so n with his own set of real wheels \ Ve ' re so proud of the young man you have be c ome Your s trength s will carry you far in ltfe May thenextchaptenn ltfe be ble ssed with happines s. We love you. Mom and Dad

Troy and Va n ess a Hann e mann

lt 's not fair You ge t to go off to college & I' m s tucl-. with Mom and Dad. I'm going to miss you lot s - so promi se to call and v1s1t me often Love you, Andy Vanessa


Our baby twin B 1s now a beautiful and talented young lady You r cn1hus1asm for life , your wann smile and easy laughter are a JOY to be a round Continue 10 love the lord, follow you r dreams and reach for the scan. We love you and wish you only the best

Mom and Dad

Marie Hankins

Soup Hane' You are my best fnend and I love you to deat h Remember the fishes in the sea.

I love you. Becca

Ru s e ll Han se n

\Vh ere did the years go'> I t seems JU St hk.e yesterday you were a baby Now look. at you, graduating from hi g h school! Congratulattons! We are so proud o f you 1 L ove. M om. Dad, Yvonne, and Tara Karla

H e ffe lfin ge r

Th e best of life, to S\\ cct ''Chubb) Cheel...s •·• You have always bee n the JOY and delight of our hearts Be yourself an d follow you r dreams' May God be with you a ll the days of your life

Always, Mom Dad \V ayne. Wendy, Jan , J ohn. Aaron. Amy. Kare n Levi

H e nd e rs on

Th e dog will really miss you and J am ie • can t wai t 10 get your old room I Have fun and s uccess in college. Love always, M om a nd Dad

alw ays remember

C arm e n a nd S hannon

H o ls in ge r

Ry an Hoffman

Ry, you have reached th e hi ghes t peak. 1n the first mountain 1n ltfe M ay )OU accomplish yo ur hop es and dreams on every mountain you chmb 1 \Ve love you, Papa Juli e and Andrew


Y ou I\VO are the handiwork. of God I was truly blessed to be given the opportunity to guide you to this very imp ortan t time 10 your life. I love you so much I pray He w1 II g ive me the strength now , to allow you to spread your wings and Oy - Keep your fa ith and Don ' t s ay th e "s" word LOL Love Mom and Dad

E ri c Hor va t

E, As I look up into my little bro th er's eyes, there,., no one I trust more or feel c l o-,er to 1 Your -.upers tar talent and ability to succeed have always left me ad m1rin gyou You are my best fnend that I have shared my hope , dreams and fear- with I love you baby bro 1

Love your big sis, J

E ri c H o r va t

Enc , WOW 1 Eighteen and gradua11ng 11 \V e arc ~o proud of you and your accompl1shrnents I Wh a t a JOY ll has been helping you become the young man you are! You have so much ofl1fc still ahead Never g,ve up on ;ou r dreams

Love , Mom and Dad

E ri c H o r va t

The thought of not see in g your cu te smile & beautif ul eyes C\'eryda) makes my heart hurt Eve n though there ,, 111 be miles be tween us our love and 1nemoncs ,v 111 get us through an) thing Nc\'Cf lose ,1gh1 of your dreams. and al\\ ays remen1ber I love you to the stars

Love ahvays, Sha n

Babies &: Buddies 251

• I

• ,..

icole Hud s on

Nicole , To a wonderful daughter who has work.ed very hard over the years You have achieved your goals and now you can move on to your dreams

Good luck w1theverythmg you do 1n the future

Love Mom and Dad and Kayla

Nicol e Hud s o n

Conohe, \Ve built a fnend c: h1p that will last forever r will chensh the times we have spent together, good or bad Thank s for alway" being there for me I will be here for you through th1c~ and thin You are my best fnend and I love you.

Love , Connne

Les l ey Hu e man

Lesley , we arc proud of you and your acc om p I Is h rn en ts Please do not lose your se nse of humor 1 Remember. we will always be there for you, whereveryougom hfe and whateverendeavorc; you pursue. We love you, Mom. Dad, K evin, and Melissa

Ja y Ja c kman

Thank you for lellmg u, hang around with you all these year. and for keeping us laughing Our precious son, dear friend and the light of our live, don ' t ever lo,e your scn,e of humor or that m1,ch1evou, grin

Follow your dreams and let God be your guide

W e Jove you, Mom and Dad


ONE fo r the AGES

C hristoph e r

J e ffr eys

Chris, The last 18 years have gone by too fast. From a cuddle bug lo a wonderful young man You 've always made me proud to be your mom Be happy 10 whatever you do from here Love Mom

Casey John s on Dear Casey. Wish we could go back and fi nish that sand castle. You have turned into a beautiful young woman We are so very proud of you! All our love, M om and Dad

C hri s W John so n

Keep an eye out Chns - for the awesome beauty of God - 1n na ture, the star., m work and play, w1th 1n your communny, 1n others, and w 1th1 n your own heart Love, Mom

C hri s W John so n

Oh, the places yo u 've

AD • been and the places • you• II go. Keep tha t wink m your eye Ch n s '(' and keep that advent u rou, ,pint alive C ha:-.e your dreams, , k. 1p -.tone-; acros,; ,trcam, T hank God for your life. even m ,1n re Be brave, hone, t, and above a ll lov1ng Remember your mom Love. M e

• •

C hri s topher W . John s on

Well I can cs ay I love you becau se you know that. I ca n ' t s ay I'll mi ss you more t han anything becau se you k now that too So. all I have to say is remember your little s i s ter when yo u ' re rich and famous. Love you, J ulie

Kri s tin John s on

Kn s t1n You are s pecial and I am proud you are ready to be on your own B ut , l wish I could sh ie ld yo u from all the se bumps and bruises 1n life If you are tru e 10 yo urse lf and your values, you ca n have whatever you want. Love.

Mom Mind y John s on

Our M indy , Yourhfe 1c;Jus1 beginning.S tay "trong and lov mg and enJOY th e nd e We l ove you, Mom , Dad, M 1.,sy and T ony

Sa ndra J o hn so n

Our liv es together hav e been full of exc it eme nt , sad times, and be s t of all. happ y lim es To get h er. we've made ll throu g h everyt hin g If 1t wasn't for 1ou, my life wouldn't be th e sa me l want to th a nk you for a l wa) s being th ere for me an d helping me ,v1th m y p roblem s. I love you Love, S t e phi e

S te phani e John s on

Side by side. day by day a fnendsh1p so rare o nl y we may s hare Throu gh good t imes and bad, we see eac h other t hrough No matt e r what happens, we ' II ahvays be tru e B es t wi s h es for whatever th e futur e may hold Congratulat ion s Love yo u r t win , Sandra Ann J o hn son andra and te ph a ni e John s on

What a JOY you two have been inourhvcs Follow you r dreams and yo u ' II both go far \ Ve've been throu g h a lot throu g hout the years. Your future 1s bn g ht and reme mber w e will alway, be h e re f o r you Lo ve, M om and T erry

E lis a Jon es

Ni c hola s John on

H ey, Bi g Gu) ,,e h ave alwa), been proud ol you and k no,, that ) ou ,,. ill keep Ille 1n pel"'pecu, e ._h ) ou pur,ue your goah \Ve love you ,o n1uch 10111 and D ,1d •

Th e tir--t tune \\l' '-l'~ you ,,e kn c,, )OU \\ l'[C 'l)lllCOOC' ,pc-l'lill 't o ur md1, 1du,11t,m .111d your rcr,1,tc-nl·e 1n ,K h1 c , 1ng 1he, } ou ,c-t for ) our-.dl prt)\c,, th 1, Ne, er l orget that you ,l f l' the , of your o,, n ltlc , tol) \Valk t,tll All our lo~e. 1nm .ind D a d

Babies & Buddies 253

-· ' ..

K e rr y Jon es

To our special lntle g irl wllh an 1ncred1ble future We are so proud of who you are. M om, D ad, K elly, and K ourtney

Jon K ee ney

D ea r Jon. You 've al\vays been one to make me laugh 1 You ' re the best brother a girl could ever ask for thanl-. s for all the grea t nt e m ones Your little sis te r f oreve r, Jules

P S Let the good limes roll'

Jon K ee n ey

J on, Even at age two you had a good taste 1n beer Congratulations W e are proud to be a part of your un1ven,e L ove, M o m , Juli a. J osie, an d Chelsea

C alvin Kelley

C alvin Kelle y

You are one of the true Joys 1n ou r hves You have brought us happ1nesc; beyond words. Aim high. foil ow your dreams, work hard, and be true to yourself. The best 1s yet to be! W e love you now and for eve r Lo ve. Mom and D ad

Ca lvin Kelley

Cal. As for big brotherc; go, you' re th e best 1 Good Iuck m co ll ege. W e know who's the c;tud and who·s th e dud I L ove, Luke

K e lli and

Friend s

Sports build character and friends are built for ever. You went throu g h a lot and made 11. You will co ntinu e to make it throu g h life. you arc a grea t gro up of g irl s Mom and R om

Kar e n and Friend s

Super-Frizz Long liv e h a ppy Gennan m e n , Gree n M&M 's ( but not the blue ones), petroleum

Je lly ! H eidt Lee Band geeks rul e I I' II always tr eas ure the math c la ss, any ways to answer the phon e' M olly-Wolly I hope you never forg e t our m1dn1ght conversation s, hom eco min g ' 96 and dumb boys! ILY ALS ! I Cor 13 4 - 8

• Love , A s hl ey


T o our big brother, You comp l e t e the pi c ture• It won't be th e same at hom e without you. We kn ow you have al 1th e thin gs you need to succeed 1n lifebrains. talent. an d Jove. W e Jove yo u , K e ndra and J C 254

ONE for


Jo ey Kend ell

Joey, Weare:.overy proud of you I can't believe you 're graduating We love you with all our heart. Love, Mom, D ad, Sarah , and Leslie

K y ffin Kid s

Enc Horvat, Ausun Turne r , Marc Rood, Tim Rawson Third grade - Kyffin Elementary Califom 1a Ra1s 1ns

K y ffin C la ss of 1987- 1988

What a special class! Special because so many of you were B rittany's friends Special because 11 was a year of happiness and tears T here w ill be a special place m our hearts for each of you Love and best w1shec;, Mr s Van Gund} and M rs H aw k ins-Fin k

Robin Ga y Lang

Y ou've come a long \vay baby. W e are so pleased w , th the yo un g woma n you have become Keep up the good work F olio,\ yourd reams. Love. you r Dad an d M om

Matt L a r so n

J asonM 1 ,Calvin K 1 Zac~ S' . M att L ! B oy , have you all g r own Buzz and Michele Larson

Matt L a r so n

Jamie Konegn 1, M att Larson, Burke Larson and Annie Konegn1 1 Those ,vere the days Buzz and Michele Lan.on

Matt Lar s o n

Hey cough guy, we love you I Follow1 n g you r hearts direcllo n and your nacural "tough" crea t e a beautiful life. Love M om. D ad. B urke, Greg and Suzan ne

Mark Lauwe r s Congratula11ons! We are so proud of yo u and we know you h ave a bnght futu re ahead We \VIII always chensh those wonderful years we we r e ,o luc y t o share\v11hyou Love.

Mom and Dad God Bless you P S Hurry up and get up co CSU Love, Canssa

Babies & Buddies 255

• ... . • • .••• • • ••• ...• • • •• • p • ...

Ce le s te

L e idi c h

Cele s te, You have alway s been "dnven " to succeed Keep that \VOnderful canng outlook and rememberto laugh at life All our Love Mom and Dad


as o n L e y s h o n

You truly are my best friend We ve been trough everything and more We always thought the future was ,o far away, and unreachable but it ,cems to have come too,oon Don ' tworry. we ' ll reach our dream, together I know we can do 11 All m} love forever. Beth}

a ra Loga n

Sw1mm1ng , soccer, sk.i1ng, rafting, h1k1ng , So much to enJO) You're a wmncr and 11 s been fun to be pan of your succe,s You ' ve 1nade us proud and happy parents We love you very much and kno\v your \Uccesscs have only begun Love always M om and Dad

a r a Loga n

Good luck 1n college

I" ll m1,s you a lot You an! the be..,t ,1,tcrcver1

We ' ve had great time, together Love , Brian ONE

256 for the AGES

C harity L on g

We will always be grateful for our "angel straight from heaven"' \ Ve love your smiles, you r energy. a n d your great love ofleammg. We know you will use your talents and ume to hft other people. We love you Cherry H old your head high and carry on! Love, Your Family Co dy L o ng

Good luck on the hiking trails of your future We will support whatever paths and adventures you may choose EnJOY 1 Love Always, Mom and Libby

Ni c h o l as Lo , v

Nick. I alway, knew you wanted to be son1eonc, and now you are a bu l lndc r You have come a long way w i th \Vhat you enJOY You have s h own us you can do 1t Nowyou'llmake1t big Bes t of luck. Love, Mom us an Lu cas

Thank you for being such a wonderfu l daughter Follow your drcan1s, work hard, enJOY life and continue to be the perfect person you arc l am very proud of you, Peen, and I' ll alway, love you Loh of 1-. ,,,e, .md hug,, Mom

-· -
- --p I ( ~, , ) \ j

L y nn Mah a ra s

Th a nl.. s foralways being th ere a nd supporting me I wane you to kn ow, whenever o r wherever, I ' ll be watching out for yo u Love ya, Mik e

L y nn M a har as

Our bcauuful "baby" ha s gro\vn into a b eau ti fu l young woman Always so bright, caring, and self-assu r ed You have always made us so proud Our wishes for as many happy da ys ahead as you h ave given us 1 Love, M om and Dad T e na ya M a h o nee

Dear Tenaya, Good fuel.. ,n all your future endeavors I knO \V you will be a success at wha t ever you c hoose as a career

You have unftm1ted p ocen u al We love youverymuch Mom, Trevor, a nd Dylan

Kimb e rl y Mar c um

What a \vonderful and treasured g1 f t you arc to u,! We are than l.Jul for you and \Ve• re proud of your m.1ny accompli,hmcnt-- and talcnh. Youarc un1qu c and prcc1ou,. loved. ,ind adnHrcd M ,t} God hie ,, you \V1th ,111 our love, M o n1 ,ir1d D,1d

C hr is tin e M a r e n

C 1s forconsc1ent1ous H 1s for helpful R ,s for responsible I JS for inventive S 1s for se n s u1 ve T 1s for though cful I ,s for 1ncelhgenc N 1s fornurcunng E 1s for ene rgetic , Your fam tl y JS so very proud of you and we Jove you Mom and Dad

C hri s tin e Mar e n

Fnendsh1p 1s 12 years of laughing, leaning. s hanng , crying, caring sho ppin g, and growing and earned on for the rest or our live, Cheers to our future s and to th e future of our friends hip '

A nd y M a rtin

Andy, Follow your dream,, ,et your goa ls. but mo-.1 of all, hav e fun and e nJoy life. Love , Mom and Dad

M a tth e , v Ma upin


M att We are very proud o f you Aim hi gh a nd ncvercca,c to dream. Remember, you can accomplt,h anych in gyou ,ct your mind 10 Good fu el.. with college and th e rc,t of you r life W e love you and are proud of you Dad. Beck 1. Ra c h el, Sarah, and Audr.i

Babies & Buddies 257


Brid ge t M cCa ul ey

You are the best daughter that anyone cou ld eve r want. W e know you will reac h the top m whatever yo u do You have worked hard and deserve on ly the best of every th ing W eareso proud ofyou You will always be our pal Rid e lil,,e the wind littl e sweetie Good lu c l,, and we love you

M om and Dad

Mi c h ell e M cCo llum

I loved yo u th en and l love you now You ·re so special. you don't even 1,,now how much You·re my pnde and JOY and -;om uch more Tim es h ave been tough and sometimes n o t rea l But g trl , ll ove yo u an d always w1 11 1 W e love you, M om. Dad J enny, and Shaleah

Jami e M cTee r

From th e very beginning , You have been a spec ial g1 ft. You are uniqu e W e love yo u , Di c k , M om, and Ke ll y

Jami e M cTee r

You are our fa vori te daughter and , 1s te r You kee p balance 1n our life R eme mber th ey can break your back but th ey ca n never eve r break yo ur ,p1rit Lov e, D a d , Ke ll y, Ni c k , and J ake


Meli ss a 's Fri e nd s

Each fnend rep resen ts a world in u s, a world po ss ibly not born until the y arnve, and it 1s only by this m ee ting that a new world 1s born Fnend s M elissa always, Dani

e ll e Menapa ce

You 've brightened our hv es with yo ur pre sence, your s m1 le , and your talent s Now it 's time to take on the world' You ' ll alwa ys be our linle dancer- we lov e yo u 1 Lov e, M orn and Dad Kati Meyers Katie , w e applaud your e nergy. enthusia s m 1ma g 1nat1on , co n s 1dera11on , s 1nce r1t y, affe c llon , humor, loyally 1ns 1ght , acce ptan ce, ded1cat1on. dilige n ce, organ1zau on, 1ntell1gence, independen ce, co n fiden ce, per ce ption, poi se, per seve rance, and th e s upport yo u provide for all who know you You ' re a great kid I Never change. Love M orn and D ad

C a sey M ill er

IH ey cut1e, yo u grew " up " s o fas t 1 Keep your engine revved and your pi s ton s runn1 ng s mooth a nd never s top reaching for the s tars W e ' re proud of you Kee p s m1l1n g L ove, M o m , Dad , and Cody

ONE fa r the AGES


Karen and Kathr yn Mill s

Aren't you cu te' Remember you used to always kiss, hug, and make up whenever you' re down l love you, Dad

Lauren Miln e r

May you find Jove. success. and ful fillment 1n the new lrfe that awaits you. And may you find the JOY of that wonde rful IJ11legirl who danced barefoot in th e mountain grass of summer All our love. Mom , Dad, and Lind say

Anuska Mi sra

We a re so glad to see you graduate fr om high sc hool Educati o n ,., a gu1d1ng Ja ght in the Journey of life, and will brighten every path in you r life.

We love you, Dad , M om, and R1sh1

Molly' s Friend s

Girls, through the years we have shared loo many mcmones to count I couldn't have asked for better fnends To He1d1, Karen, and Br itt, I wish you the best of luck in college and beyond I You have all made these last four year; complete I love you I God bless, M olly

Andre,v Moor e


Andrew, what a t rue delight you are 10 us Qu,ck to smile and to lt ven up a room' We miss you already ' M ay God bles,; you with a fresh batch of Guardian Angels \Ve Jove you, Dad, Mom, P eter, and L1 1

Lavena Mot es

We are so proud or you Good luck1neverything you se t out to do. God bless you Love you al\vay,, M om and Gary

Ri s hi Mi s ra

You have been a sou rce offun and JOY for us Ma y peace and ha ppin ess be w, th you for th e rest of your life We love you, D a d , M om. and Anu s l.. a

M ega n Mulligan

Our sweet angel ha, grown , nto a fine young woman \V e are proud of her courage to change and grow Love. Mom. and

Babies & Buddies 259

• I, • ,.. •

J a s o n M y e rs

J D • Even at one year old, you could step and throw we a rc so proud of who you are and how you ' ve grown up 1 Tal..e that next step 1n your life and be happy Lo ve, Mom and Dad

J a s o n M y e rs

Fenen,heyChubs 1 We can ' t believe our brolhert'> all grown up! H ow will we manage without your temper fianng. 11me watching, and car-waxing?

\Ve ' re so proud of yo u andwe ' tlm1 ssyou Always remember the so ldier wllh1n, m ov ie ltn es, and dancing I hat e good-byes 1Shh JUSt go 1 Lov e. Carne and Adam

Zac h Ne ls o n

Zach, we're so proud of yo u as a person and th e many accompltshment s you've had and we know you w111 have in th e futur e Always be tru e to your<.elf and good thmgs will co me true 10 you and good thing s will co m e you r way Y o u are so very specia l 10 us. L ove Dad , M om. Brian , and Luk e Kar e n

Ne ukir c h ne r

Kare n - Wow zers 1 1 ca n ' t belie ve chat you're already graduating! I'm going 10 mi ss havin g you around the hou se, bu t 111 s going to be really ni ce havin g th e bathroom to m yse lf!

Ka r e n Ne uk ir c hn e r

Moop ste r- Congratulauons, you truly are a g ift. Our h o u se comes alive with yo ur si n g in g, your humor , yourenthus1asm W e would love to kee p yo u with us, but now you need to 0y hke an arrow from a b ow. Good luck and best wishes. Love, Mom and Dad

K a r e n Ne ukir c hn e r

Karen, Wh at am I goin g to do without you and our Fnday co ffee? I will always remember the fun we had 1n our travel s " Bu t Herr We1n e ll , l dtdn ' t bnn g my bike." " A littl e ditt y. bout Ja c k and Dian e Wh e re th ose tw o go'>"

Tc h B 10 Zett i love Always, K a te

C o rinn e Ne w co mm

Connne, Out of the " pot " and into the fire of life you go You have been t he golden trea s ure 1.n our hearts May you always kee p your s pirit s free .yo ur love of hfe , and your c oura ge to fallow your dream s We love you M om, Dad , and Amy

Co rinn e Ne w c omm

f , .:..


You ' re s uc h a l)ab 1 T love you Alway s re-

' m e mber Ph1hpp1an <; 4 : 13 J anet


260 for the AGES

Corinne, W e ll hon our fnend s h1p ha s been through It s up s and down s but there 's no one else I would rather been with tho se fun but crazy 11mes. Never forget praying to the porce lain god, mounta i n partying , the b ig " M ," towers, f rogs Jumping over lake s. and the Voit guys. L ove a l ways Nico le.

-- -
- -......,;:• ,( . ... •-)'.,.

K e lli O'Mara

We are so proud of you and what you have become Keep your goals 1n ~1 le, and reach for the stars

Th ey are there for you to tak.e Do what you want lo do, and live your hfe to the fullest We love you, M om, Dad, and Eddie

T 0. I can't believe we survived high school and we did ll together You and I have been through 1t all I love you with all m y hean. Love K.J

T, Congratulations. I am so proud of all that you have accomphshed. \Vilh yourdeterm1nat1on - anything 1s possible. B e true to yourself and you will go far I wish you success and happiness 1n your future. R eme mb er I 'll always be there foryou 1

I Love you I Mom Grant Outerbridge

You are a very talented, c reative, and dehghtful young man. and we are very proud of you As you begin the adventure of lrfe beyond high sc hool. al\\ ays know that ,ve love you Foll o,v your dreams and work hard for them. And keep that fantasllc s mile' L ove. M om and Dad

Eri n Overturf

Dear Erin: We wish you the bes t of everyth 1ng as you hve your hfe. You've brought the best of everything i nto our-, Love, M om and Frank

P e te r Palanuk

You arc a talented young man ready to challenge the world wrth your crea11v1ty B e true lo yourself and pursue your dreams with passion 1 We 're here for you.

Love, Mom and Dad

Sara h Palmer

These 18 years have been flown by You have brought such enJoymen t into our IIves and ha ve m ade us so proud of you Srny the caring, talented person you are and you r future w,11 be filled ,vit h happiness and success. \Ve l ove you Punk s, M om and Dad

J e nnife r Parfet

Jennifer Jill

You have been an absolute JOY l o raise You have grown 1nlo a temfic young lady and we are very proud of you I You are very bright and ha ve everything going for you M ay your college years bnng you fulfillment and happiness Good Jue}. a t CSU 1

Lov e, M om. Dad, And Ryan

Babies & Buddies 261

I L ··-..

Ju s t in P eacoc k

We w ere always hundred s. 1f not thousands, of miles away from your g rowing up Sllll, the di s tan ce neve r d1m1n1 s hed our lov e for you and the imme n se pnde we fee l at th e young man you have b eco m e Th e future 's so bri g ht yo u go tta wear s hades 1

Love , Un c le B ob and Aunt Linda


s tin Peacoc k

Fr o m s pr oc kets and s h c k rock, parad1ddl es and Jazz to cara b1n ers and Quandar y . watching you grow has been th e definin g eventofmylife Know that whatever path you fo ll ow. I will always be on belay for you. Que esta bien mi h1JO

M om

Ju s tin Peacoc k

Fi rs t ,n my 1mag inat1on. th e n in m y arm s, I came to kn ow you, on my s houlders you rod e Now you walk alone Ma y you r toe hold s be finn , may rhythm and harmony guide your path M ay your smile and humor not de se rt you

With love, Dad

Te r es a P e te r s

W e a re very proud of you and yo ur acco mpl1 shment s Alway s rem embe r th at c; uccess require s three bone s wi s hbon e, ba c kbone and funny bon e Love , Mom and Stine

Philip Pi wo nka

W e are p roud of yo u and w is h you gre at s uccess. L ove, M om, Dad , and Hal

R o bin P o litt e

Look s like \Ve· 11 both be s tarting over next year I wi s h you lots of lu c k You have been a tough older s ister to g row up with I h ope so m eday we ' II ge t along great. I h ope you have fun 1n \vhatever you do Oh, cheerlead1ng ,s n ' t a s port God bless Love , Kelly

R o bin Politt e

You ha ve always been a c heerlea der 1n you r s oul. Robin ; 11 's one of your many wonderful qualities.

W e're loo kin g forward to yo ur futur e, although we occasio nally ,vonder al howqu, c kl you rbaby ,s s li ppin g away \1/1t h proud love, M om and Dad

E rin Port e r

D ear Enn , Th e hi g h no tes, lo w n o t es, s harp s, and Oat s in your ltfe have provided you the s tart ofamagmficent m asterp iece Fill the sco re with knowl e d ge. f un and love Always let t he me lody you c reate fi ll you with inner peace \Ve a re yo ur proud est audience Love , M om a nd Todd

262 ONE
fo r the

E rin Port e r

Buddies. forever! t ! Love always, Dad

Moll y Quirk

Dear Molly, You are the k1ndes1, swee1es1 daughter anyone could ask for You have brought so much JOY and happiness 1n10 our lives!

Our love will always be with you whe rever you go 1 Mom and Dad

Moll y Quirk

M olly, I 'm really gonna miss you. You 're a great sister W 1th you at college I can' t gel money off you anymore! Good luck at college!

A n dy

P.S Here'samomen t where you' re taller 1han me!

Tim Raw so n

As you "climb" into the future, always remember to follow the paths that lead you 10 your dreams I I love you very much and wish you the best of luck 1

Love your big sis, Misty Jennifer R ey nold

Few people will ever know how hard you have worked to develop your talents B ut everyone has been ennched as you continue to let your light sh i ne \ Ve love you so much, Dad, Mom, Michel le, Jason, Jamie, Allyson, Jordan and Erin

It seems hke only yesterday you were this size Where did the time go? We're very proud of you and love you very much. Work hard and goaf1eryour dreams We knO\V you can accomphsh anything you really \Vant Love. Mom and Dad

Tim Ra,vs on Congra1ula t 1ons to ou r most wonderful Tim \ Ve a r e extremely proud of you Your humor, charm, and focus \v11l take you far We \v1sh you a lifetime if happiness.

Love, Mom and Dad

A ndr e , v R og e rs

We are so very proud of you You have been such a JOY 10 our lives We have watched you grow in t o a fine, s1rong , canng young man. May you foil ow yourdrea1ns and con11nue 10 achieve success Be happ} and healthy Love, Mom, Dad and Amy

Babies & Buddies 263

\ .... -
-E ,. ..


A n dy R o ge rs

Andy , for two and a half years you have s tood by me , always wnh a smile and a shoulder to cry o n You are not only my boyfnend , but my best friend too You are a \vonderful person with high aspiratio ns. Alway s follow your dream s and always remember me

I love you, Crystal

Ma r c R oo d a nd

A us t i n T urn e r

Fourth grade- Kyffin Elem Christmas

Elve s ( Aren ' t they cute' )

M a r c Roo d

Marc I am <,O proud o f the person you have become You have faced every cha I lengc 1n your life with courage s trength and determ1nat1on Your desire co succeed and w 1nn,n g ways will take you far Use you r spec ial gifts wisely 10 make all your dreams come true

I love you I Mom

M ic h ae l R oy

Mik e- Life,, coo..,hort

10 sweat the ..,ma ll

,1uff Ha ve fun w11 h your life Ken

Mi c h ae l R o y

My-Key- You are a very unique and a special pers on I am so proud of you Follow your dreams , but continue to be sensitive to the lives of others Have a great l1fe 1 Thank you for adding so much to my hfe You are the very best of the best. With love Your Dad

fM ic h ae l Ro y

You have been blessed with many special talents Never lo se sig ht of where these gifts have come from and use them for God's glory May God keep you in his loving care Thanks for being you and a part of my hfe I Jove you so much, Mom

C hri s Roze ll e

Chns, you've been a big part of my hfe and always will Thi s has been a very short 16 1/2 years Tam gonna miss you so much. Good luck with you r goals ahead Love always your sister. Eno


hri s Roze ll e

You have always dreamed big dream s! Continue to reach for the s ky Remembe rbe humble 1n your successes- n se quickly from your fatluresand neverqutt trying We arc proud of bo th you and your accomplishment, Keep God # I and the rest will take carcof,tself Love , M om and Dad

ONE 264
for the

Luca s alg

Lu cas, Your light and gentle sp1 nt shines on us all You were the magm ficent wonder c hild now a confident youngman Yourhumor, ded1cauon and diligence will see you through the tough tim es Embrace ltfe, see k peace. ma .! 1nc red 1ble films You are so loved Mr B Your gratefu I parents

Mitchell Sandoval

Mitch. H aving you a., ou r son has truly been a blessing m our lives. W ehaveexpenenced tremendous JOY and great pnde 1n \Vatch1ng you g ro\v from a boy into the young man you are B e happy and may God continue to bless you and gu id e you alway, Love you, Mom and Dad

Mitch e ll andoval

Th e words don't come to express how proud we are of you R emembe r - the world 1s yours Follow you r dreams' Love, M om and Dad

R ola Mit ch, Remember to keep fi1. 1-eep life simple and keep on being }Ourse lf Love, Mik e Oh yea h ' Ahvays remembermost people don 'c lool- dumb unlll they start talking, unless they are a top debater IIke youn.e l f K eep on talking. you've go1 sk ill Bro 1

enior Girls

front row, Amber Carney, Renee Gernt, Ca rl ey W1 lltam,. Lynn Maha n1s, Tiffany Bausch, H eather Turnwall. Jan11e M cTeer, Torrey Shelton, second r ow. Anne Fay. K arla Heffelfinger, Emily Thompson. Sage Connell}, Katie Cooper, Kell 1 Ander,on, Erika Edward,, top row. Laura E l- berg, T,flany Oo-.ey, M egan Word, Vane,,a Hanncm ann, Teresa Ernmon,, Danielle Chappe l l. Chn,une M aren, Celc•.ie Le1d1ch. J ennifer P .irfet, Megan Mull,

Babies & Buddies

E r I. l

) -
Andrea Saindon

Ra c he l Savage

Rachel , Like a " Birdie 1n the tree top " fly high , aim for t he s ky , and always lead the flock We love you, Your family

Ke ll y Savo ie

Congratulations Kel , You havemade1t Dad and I are proud of yo u. You have 1t all now

M ay your dream s come true 1 All ou r love , Mom and Dad

Ke ll y Savoie

Kelly , well look at u s now , we're all grownup It 's crazy how the time went by so fa s t. I hope you achieve everything you \Vant m ltfe , even 1f 1t 1s only marrying into money

You de se rve the bes t.

Good lu c k I I love you, Sara

Kri s tin Saxton

K n s py , W ell baby sister, you made 1t. Good chtng we wore down the G H S teachers bcfore you got there

Like it or not , you'll alway s be our baby s 1scer, and we ' ll alway s be your da:;h1ng ange l 1c brothers Now go clean you r room 1

Love , Carl and Netll

Kri s tin Saxton

Kn s ty , Your happy personality , your excitement when challenged , and your beautiful smile have always brought JOY to my ltfe l am so proud of you Let yourpos1t1ve altitude and inner s trength be you r gu i de throughout your hfe Remember , you are loved' Love , Mom

Kristin Saxton

"Tinkerbell " always becau se your feet s till barely touch the ground You are the greatest. Love , Dad (God)

Sara h Sc hiffm an

It' s been s uch a JOY hav i ng you 1n our hve s T h a n ks s o much for being you!

W e ' re s o proudofyou a n d all the effo rt s you've put into all your accomplishments You've got a wond rous, fantastic, future ahead of you.

E nJOY n! W e love you, M om and Dad Sa rah Schiffm an

Ses s 1e, ll 's been really cool hav10g you for a n older s ister

Yo u 're so funny and embarrass i ng at time s I I k now you' II do very well afte r g rad u ation Love , your s is. Jenna

fo r the AGES

266 ONE

Julia Sc hmidt

Jul , You are the co lors of the rainbow I love you with all my heart - We all do Lov e, Mom, Robert, Chns, Cella, Sarah, An ge la

Da n a Sel f

Dear Dana, Th e big da y 1s here, we a re so pr o ud of you Th e years hav e gone by so fast We love you so much our littl e Scooby Dad, M om , Ka ila , and Steph

M a tt Sc hn e id er

Matt , Word s ca nnot ex pre ss how proud I am of you God has ble ssed me, to have g iven you to me as a so n Go into th e future see kin g all th e love and happine ss you de se rve I lov e you, Mom

B o bbi Sc hultz

Congra1ulat1ons 1

You made It! I know thi s las t year ha s been very hard for you Everything has made us feel close r to you and we all no\v have a very spec ial fnends h1p Ju s t remember we love you and will a lway s be there for you All our love, Mom , Dad , Mi ssy, Greg, Kayla , and Man

R e n ae Sea k a n

You are my greatest gift and th e JOY of my life I'm so proud of you for the wonderful pe rso n you are and for all your future endeavors I Ke e p sm iling and lau ghin g, and when rocks c ro ss your path, Just move th e n, out of yo ur way.

Love , Morn

Se n io r C l a ss

Thanks for all the g rea t memones and laughs we had during th e four greates t /• yearsofo urlt ve.s We won· t forget an y of yo u that helped to shape who we are Goo d lu c k 10 th e future I Your fnends for llfe,Jason,Andy, and M arc

A d a m ey m o u r

LAdam, You are number one 1 Continue lo be goa l -oriented Abo ve all, be tru e to you r Christian prece pt s You ha ve g , ve n u s many happy memories We look. forward to watching yo ur life unfold a, yo u meet the c hallenges and enJoy th e good tim es ahead Love, Mom, J ohn, Dad, and Ruth

J ess a m y n h a n k s

This 1s only the beg 1nn1n g Th ere are many op portun1t1 es, adventures. and dec1s 1o n s ahea d Do n ' t worry you have th e qualities and e nthu s ias m to create a happy and successful ltfe

We a re proud of your good humor, bravery, intelligence and ren1ad,able artwo rl...

We love you, Mom , Dad , \Vh1tn ey, and Pumpl...10

Babies & Buddies 267

---,, - -~-~- - - - -- - ·-
-· .. ·-· -·-- ·· --· E [ l

Zac h S hirk

B e rn ice S h aw

My best and my only daughter We are proudofyou We love you Mom , Dad, Marl... and Granny

Ke llil ee S h a , v Kelhlee, you :.tarted nd1ng at six weeks wt th Pa Pa and now you ' ve grown up Keep up the good Job Love , Your Family

To rr ey S h e lt o n

We love you We love your enthusiasm. energy. laughter, and sens1t1v1ty You a re awesome' Love M om, Dad, Kayla, and Tobin

Z ac h S hirk

Dear Zach , Here's to ,pinning 1n the laundry ba,ket playing fireman on your bunk bed, and all the Easters we <;pent in our big boot-, Don '1 forget your little $1<; when away al college Love ya , Kelley

We know how hard 11 was for you lo leave your friends Life threw us a curve and you accepted 11 with grace and courage You are an 1nsp1ration to us You are truly our hero' M ay all your dreams come tru e Lo ve, M om, Dad , and K e ll ey

S h a nn o n S hu ey

Four years 1n Forensics with Mr Sharp's gentle prodding coupled with othe r great GHS teachers h as produced a con fident young man As a member of the I 25th Class and a second generation GHS grad we are so proud of you Love M om, Dad, Damon and Sara

R ex S in g le ton

Let your inner voice and good orderly d1recl1on con tinu e lo lead you fonvard I love you and am so proud of your uniqueness. Love, Gerry SI

E ri ca S mith

I pouted when you first came into my life. and now I am pouung because you a rc leaving. I made fun of your hair and how you drc,c;ed- but you are so beautiful and I love you always Your big S,,, All

- - -.
ONE 268 fo
the AGE S 4
j ' ,ff \.J • J , \ ...... -

As youngest of three, spread ove r 16 years. we are nchly blessed 10 have you You've responded splendidly to our teachings ; and, now you·re about to tak e n1gh1. God be with you at every tum and remember yo u ca n accomplish anything yo u choose 1n life'

W e love you' M om a nd D ad

J as on S p a rk s

W e are so proud of you for the choices and changes you've made and who you've beco m e. Ju s t remember peop le and things come and go but you r values are who you are K eep God. love and laughter 1n your life W e love you. D ad and J oyce

W es ley S ram e k

W es. Congratulall ons 10 our favorite grandson I L ove Grandma and Grandpa Sramek

W es ley ra m e k

W es, You 've s1aged well. n ow 11 ', up to you to CUI a good ltghl Lo ve, Dad

Wes ley S r a m e k

We s, Li ve. laugh love and learn Keep a smile 10 yo ur heart We love you, Aunt D en ny and Aunt Polly

W es l ey r a m e k

We s, Go forth and conquer' You'll always be my hero Th ank.., for making me proud Love , Mom

W es l ey r a m e k

Wes , K eep reaching forche star\. R emember· practice and perseve ran ce get }OU wherev e r } ou want to go Be 1ru e 10 yourself Love, Grandma and Grandpa R obinson

Ta m e n to k es

" M ay your rooi,, be deep eno ugh :-.o th,!I your ,oaring w,ng, will alway, bnng you home " K eep your fa11h and you rhumor 1 \Ve love you, M orn and Dad

Babies & Buddies 269

E ri c a S mith

Tamsen Stokes

H an s en - Over six years ago this picture was taken Now, look at us 1 We finally did ll 1 Thanks for everyth, n g You never Judge me and you always made me laugh (810 2) I love you, K.J

K ev in Tay lor

Congratulations Kevin! Wishing you the very best as you seel.. new adventures and 1t fe •s challenges. Love, D ad, M om, and Nathan Mariana

T h eodore

Mari ana. you are a wonderful daughter and s ister and we're very proud of you and your great performance. Follow your dreams. enJoy life and always be true to yourself And don ' t forget, keep this great sm il e on and ltfc will always smile at you back We love you very much M om. Dad , Laura and Canne n

E mil y

T h o mp so n

Congratulations, Little Em11y 1 W e are so proud of you• We wish you good lu c k and God 's blessings.

With love, Your fam1ly ONE

270 for the AGES

E mil y T homp so n

Em- I 'm so proud of youl! Kee p looking in the nght direction and you 'II do fine, and 1f you need me I'll be h ere to hold you r hand

Love, Your brother

E mil y Thomp s on

It 's been a pleasure to carry this sweet little pnncess around on a sil k pillow all he r Ii fe! Now, with love, 1will let her go Kn owing she's ready. mature and confide nt Em, con tinue to trust 1n the Lord and H e ,v1ll make your pat h straight. I love you, Dad

E mil y Thompson 's Friend s

" L ike h ot butter on P opcorn"'

Tiffany' s F riend s

Th ank you all for the funnie s t and most memorable four years ever Stay s trong. and do not lose touch with your dreams and aspiration s, because 1f anyone can reach the stars 1l 1s yo u all! Never forget the 1nemones 1 I love you all 1

Love. Sphff

-._ ,_. -·

It has been so much fun to have a S\veel baby , a delightful hllle girl and a beauhful young lady Everyone 1s very proud of you Keep up the hard work and you will certainly accomplish all your goals. EnJoy all that you do! God bless you 1 Love, Mom Danny D, and Mall

Austin Turner

Hey bro, You made It Keep on s k11n g Alex and Aaron

We 're so proud of you. We have so enJoyed watching you 1n all your act1v111es. You 've hung 1n there as the third son, and • you ve come out a winner' We know you will accomplish all your goals 1n life and always be a w1nner1

Love , Mom and Dad

Meliss a Turner

Meli ssa "T um around and you're uny. tum around and you 're grown " May you alway s be as happy as you are today Love , Mom and Dad

Melissa- ·'Let your mind start a Journey through a strange new \VOrld I Leave all though ts of the world you knew before' Let your sou l take you where you long to be 1" We 'II always be beside you, beaming with pride, from opening curtain, to final ovatton Love. Bryan a nd Cameron


Heather, you have brought so much happiness into our lives We love you dearly and wish you the best 1n a ll that you do. God bless you always Love, Dad, Mom , and Holl y Heath e r Turn\vall and C hri s tin e Maren

Madonna , dancing in parking lots, one way streets, weei...s at Summer Field Biology (tw ice). days on the raft tnp. "gotcha last," • Jeep1n summe r s, crazypan1es, Fourth of J uly I996, Tuesday at TNL, Patios at TMl, undying laughter, advice, tears, and the best of tim es hfe has 10 offer

Vanessa's Friends

Fri ends, 1nclud1ng my beloved brother, you all have provided so mu ch fun, insp1rat1on, support, and rm so lucky to have been blessed with you guys I know you will all grow to be tremendous successes I'll treasure our memones forever Bes t of tuck and God bless Love always, Vanessa

Babies & Buddies 271


E ( t

Ann Tuffin Austin Turner Melissa Turner H ea ther

Brittan y VanGund y

You thrilled and amazed us on May 26, 1980 With JOY we've wa tched you become a confide nt and canng young woman. Your accomplishments have been many these past 17 years The f uture 1s your<; " Reach high for star~ he h1dde n 10 your soul. Dream deep. forevery dream precedes the goal " (Pamela V Starr) With true love and admiration, M om and Dad

Luk e VanWoen se l

What a plca<;ure the last 18 year,; have given us. You have a lot to offer So, give 1t your best <;hot and you w1 II be proud as we arc and always will be Love ya, Mom. Dad, He1d1, Traci, and Sadie

Dina Walk e r

Din. Il' <; been a prelly weird year , but cool I'm glad we became fncnd'>, you have been like a b1g sister to me Hope you can wake up and get to college on time But don't forget your tin You'll need 11 Love, Angie

Ni c k Walter s

There arc so many d1fferent connecttons our ,eparate path'> might have made wit h every door that we opened every game we played Somehow we find each other through all that masquerade

SornehO\V we found each other and ,omehow we ,taycd 1n a '>late of grace Love

A lway,,Carla

272 ONE far the AGES


Re be cca We bb

You've had 1t tough but you've braved It through W e're really proud of ou r BeccaBoo With all our love, M om and Dad

Stuart Webb

Through the yea rs we have had fun ttmes and bad times. You are very smart, use that to achieve whatever 1t 1s you want Always remember the good times. Also be carefu l w!lh my car ' 1 [ am proud of what you have made yourself Good luck. Alan

tuart Webb

Be•a wishes to a and caring you n g man Remain as happy as yo u were when this picture was taken Don't sell yourself short. yo u can achieve yo ur goab! W e love you and are proud of you M om and Dad

Welche s te r E leme ntar y

Congratulations 10 us and everyone who helped us along the way P arents, teac hers, fnends,ect L y nn Mah a ras

,. -I

Brianna Well s and Kati e C ooper

Thanks for IO years of stolen bases. home runs, an unbeatable defense and lots or great Golden wins It was unrorgeuable 1 Love from your best fans

Brianna W e ll s

Savor every moment Sme ll the rlowers, hear the mu,;1c, dance , laugh more, compliment instead of cnt1c1ze. play ball, clim b mountains, wade ..,. c r ee k s read more. books, r espec t the ,v1sdom of age, love instead of hale, have no regrets of yesterday or fear of tomorrow, and be happy Mom , D ad. J aq1. and Alex

Kim W es tb y

W e arc very proud of you L ove M om, Dad, Brenda. K alle. and B,11

D e bra Wilb e r

Y our 1ntell 1gence. opt1m1sm, d eterm1nat1 on. 1ntegn t y.car1ng atltlude will allow you to be successrul 1n both you r professional and personal life Focus on your goal, and remember that , ucces, 1s mea.,urcd by h app1ne,.s and self-sa11,fac11on W e love you. M om. Laun1, and J oh n

C arl ey

William s

Carely, We are all very proud of you 1 Continue down the Journey that will always take you to the destmauons that you wished for Love

M om. Dad , Sam and J o,;h

Dr e ,v William s

Drew , Th ere 1s so much to say. yet so little space We want to know ho,v proud we arc of the fine young man you've grown to be Just remember to face h fe head on as you al,vays have and you will go faran hfe Fly high and be true to yourself Love Mom and Dad

Dr e , v William s

Drew, You were always hanging on to me, looking for answers but now 11 1, li me to let go Good luck " Bum, " Your bro , \1/ 111,

R ya n Wobbro c k

The Ic,,on, of It le are often d1fticult , but all ,1rug.g.le, of today arc the g1fh of to1norrow H ,1ve ,elf pndc at all time, ltve well, and laugh often R cnicmber hO\\ mu(. h you arc IO\Cd Mon1

Babies & Buddies 273

R y an Wobbro c k

Be true to your dreams andyoursp1rit. W eare very proud of th e young rn an you are Love Grandpa, Grandn1a,Jeff, Cathy. Gmna. Paige. T odd, Donna, and Alex

M eg an Word

You worJ... so hard 1n everyth in g you do and never accept second best I'll always cherish every thin g you've taught me I ,v1sh you Lheverybcstofluck 1n all the mountains you may ,cale Th e only advice I have 1s look out world here she comes Love. L aura

M eg an Word

W e're proud of you becau,;e of all you're accomplis hed. We 're exc ited for you h ave th e po wer to make you rdreamscome true and we' ll be here for yo ur dreams believe 10 you We love you.

M om and Dad

Adriann e Wright

You finally learned to put 11 on nght Congratu la ti on, you mad e 1t ! \Ve love you. M om, Dan , H ea th er.

J eremia h .and Pn ,;c1 lla Adrianne, I alway, kn ew you would rnake

11 Congratulauon,an d good lucJ... in th e future I l ove you a lot

You r ,1s ter. Heathe r J o

ONE fo r the AGES

Yo s1s ta You 're a luckych1ck,you 're fina l l y out of here!

N ow yo u and Sabrinna hav e to wail forBntandme We ' ll have our apartmen t toge ther , 1f we ca n s tand Mommy #2

D o n ' t think we're saying bye, ca u se there's ton s of good lim es to come Love you r s is ter forever, Kiff- to,

Kiandra Wunderlich

I'm proud of yo ur beingJus t yo u I You have given me more JOY than you will eve r kno,v I t's a miracle and a blessing that you' re my daughte r R eac h for th e h ig hes t, focu s on yourdreams' R e member your Journ ey has j u s t begun.

Y ou h ave our love, M om a nd T orn

Kiandra Wunderlich

The Journey of a thousa nd rntl es be g i n s with one s te p May your path be c lear, may you be guide d by e ternal wisdom, may yo u reach your s tar W e will ltght yo ur way with the hght of our lov e Your family and fri e nds

Meagon Ziegler

To our prin cess· You ' II probably neve r h ve 10 a cas tle , but we know yo u ' II go as far a, your drea m s ca n tak e you. You r co n,1ant humor an d lau g hter has always kept u s all tn c; t1t c hc s, especially at the dinn e r tabl e W e lov e you, Mom Dad , Shannon. and B randon


rix. and Sea M o nk ey

B ri t-s t

" My name 1s Fred " You've always been suc h a c.. hara c t er' Thank s for keeping m e sm ilin g for all these years It will be fun having you at sc hool with me next year l' m so proud of yo u Good luck Love your brother Brand on Kim

\V e have been togethe r for two

and we have been through a lot You \Vere always th erefor me when I needed you and for that I will al\\ ays love you

• M eag on Zi eg ler
W es tb y
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Forever and always Love, Geoff

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Abe, Jessica 177

Acker, Sco tt 58

Acree, Te r ry 211

Adam, Sarah 107, 294

Adam Seymou r 4

Adams, Benjamin 193

Adams, Kelly 93, 148, 238

Adams, Rhonda 82

Adams, Sa rah 177

Adamson, Cyn thia 211

Adamson, Jam es 193

Agard, Emmy 177

Agard, Katie 193

Agee, Ed win 193

Aguilar, Aaron 193

Akers, Cassand ra 193

Akers, Jabin 211

Alarid, Boaz 87, 177

Alb a no , Mo lly 62, 177

Alenius, Blair 95, 193

Alexander, Falo n 211

Al g 1ene, Shirley 226

Allen, Brandon 5 4, 177

Allen, Se th 211

Alpers, Lind sey 30, 177

Ammon, Jarret 129

Ammon, Jeret 92, 211

Andersen, Matthew 177

Anderson, Dave 76, 121 ,226

Anderson, Gregory 68, 76, 77, 107, 177, 234

ONE for the 280 AGE S

Anderson, Je ssica 21, 99, 113, 148

Anderson, John 7 6

Anderson, Kelli 92, 148, 238, 265

Angel, Jos hua 177

Angel, Nicole 148

Anglim, Cassie 193

Ann, Lea Slizeski 231

Aponte, Mari e ly 193

Archer, Alissa 148, 238

Arlet, Auror a 31, 83, 94, 99, 104, 211

Armenta, Tiffany 95, 211

Armstrong, Jus tin 211

Arndt, Kyl e 40

Arndt, S tephen 193

Aronowitz, Kelly 9, 15, 92, 129, 211

Artale, Ry an 92, 133, 148, 239

Ash, Jeremiah 193

As h , Jordan 35, 39

Asimus, Christopher 211

Atkins, Seth 193

Atkinson, Sco tt 72, 135, 177 B

Bab coc k, Mis ti 119, 193

Baca, Step hanie 211

Ba chman , Megan 100, 104, 192, 193,29 4

Baco n , Breanna 177

Bae~ Ri chard 177

Baer, Sarah 119 , 211

Baic h , Brandon1 3 4, 211

Bail ey, Erin 99, 135, 193

Bain, Levi 193

Bair, Craig 177

Baker, Brianna 83, 84, 211

Baker, Je ss i ca 235

Baker, Linda 226, 236

Bakker, Je ssica 103, 148, 239

Bakke r, Seth 211

Baldwin, Craig 148

Baldwin, Dougla s 96, 97, 177

Baldwin, Mi chael 193

Ball, David 193

Ballenger, Shelley 193

Ballinger, Aaron 119, 193

Barbe e, Shauna 148

Barker, Aaron 140, 211, 294

Barker, Raymond193

Barlow, Shel ly 138, 211 , 294

Barlow, Spencer 82, 107, 177, 234

Barret, Allison 129

Barrett, Aaron 82, 148, 239

Barrett, A lliso n 9, 78, 79, 192, 193

Barrett, Paul 68, 148, 239

Barrows, Shannon 67, 70, 226

Barthels, Joshua 50, 64, 65, 148, 240

Barto s h , Walter 177

Bartsch , Carson 193

Baruch, Ju s tin e 92, 107, 177

Baruch , Seaver 41 , 133, 193

Barurc h , Justine 132

Bataglia, Mary 226

Bates, Steve 60

Bauman, Samuel 177

Baus ch, Tifafny 48

Bausch , Tiffany 149, 265, 270

Baush, 'Tiffany 240

Beckman , Taylore 84, 211

Becknan, Taylore 294

Becwar, Ryan 177

Bellew, Brent 119 , 211

Bellis, William 194

Belogea, Melissa 66

Bemis, Kri s ten 100, 104, 177

Be nnett, Deborah 93, 149, 240

Bennett, Heather 101 , 149, 240

Bennett, Jennife r 194

Bennett, Joshua 15, 194

Bennett, Kathe r ine 61, 99, 13 7, 211

Bennion, Lydia 194

Benoit, Daniel 177

Benoit, Steven 149

Bentley, Amanda 177

Beran, Truman 211

Berkman, Anna 61 , 92, 194

Bernard, Erin 82, 133, 194

Bernard , Miche ll e 149

Berry, Erin 194

Berry, Je ss ica 211

Beumer, Brenda 177

Bickley, Jennifer 211

Bie l ak, Cole 82, 178

Bielak, John 82, 178

Bieniulis, Karla 40, 82, 194

Bi l ger, Kevin 47, 47

Billi s, Jeremy 122, 211

Bishop , Andrew 194

Blackney, Dalyn 43, 58, 149, 240

Blackney, Jared 22, 58, _59, 72, 73, 176, 178

Blain-Hartung, Ashley 92, 211

Blain-Hartung, Nathan 192, 194

Blair, Brandon 178

Blendin, Les ley 30

Blincoe, Jeremy 226

Blondin, Les lie 178

Blondin, Michael 149, 240

Bluse, Christopher 40, 194

Blythe, Charlotte 226

Bohks, Jame s 149, 240

Bohks, Ja so n 211

Boian, Judy 226

Boice, Sean 211

Bollinger, Jame s 82, 107, 178

Bollinger, Laura 66, 84, 114, 211

Bonnet, Cyrus 211

Borden, Joseph 72, 73 I 92, 134, 194, 294, 295

Boring, Je ssica 56, 178

Borns tein , Jackie 106, 226

Bartles, William 13, 76, 143, 149, 240, 241

Bos io, Andrew 178

Bosse, Carla 149 , 241

Bowers, Cannon 212

Boyd, Heather 178

Boyd , Ma thew 96, 97, 100, 104, 178

Boyd, Michelle 149

Bradeen, Aaron 194

Brads b y, Dick 226, 227

Brakken, Hollie 137, 178

Branch, Kendra 120 , 194

Bransco mb , Christine 212

Bravner, Hoyt 60

Brawley, Breanna 194

Bridenburg, Diane 212

Bridgeman, Jo shua 15, 43, 178

Bridge s, Ni co le 92, 194

Brings, Amanda 95, 212

Brittain, Je sse 29, 149 , 241

Brodb ec k, John 9, 226

Brookes, Emily 194

Brooks, Kendra 212

Brooks, Kimberly 178

Brooks, Rob e rt 210, 212

Brooks, Sarah 178

Brothe rton, Jennifer 150

Brown, Aaron 16, 60, 108, 139, 150, 295

Brown, Amber 212

Brown, Jar e d 178

Brown, John Mi cha el 14, 29, 92, 150, 241

Brown, Ro se an 178

Brown, Shannon 118, 212

Brown, Wade 194

Brune, Jennifer 92, 212, 294

Brunker, Mi c ha e l 150

Bruno, Alan 71, 92, 100 , 212

Bruno, Candace 92, 107, 178

Bryant, Mi chael 40, 41 , 194

Bryso n , Jan 133, 226

Bu cholz , Ren 16, 96, 97, 100, 102, 104, 107, 150, 224

Buen, Dean 210, 212

Buffe t, Jimm y 295

Bujnow s ki , Mary 83, 178

Bujnowski, Thomas 43, 107, 150, 241

Bull, Danielle 212

Bunn, Matth ew 86, 194

Burch , Timothy 140, 212, 294

Burk e, Edward 104, 178

Burke, Ted 100

Burkett, Bre nda 13, 226

Burke tt, Jam es 45, 45, 47, 50. 5 1

Burne ll, M eaghan 112, 150, 242

Burne tt, Jan e 226

Burton, John 101, 150

Butcher, Kenn e th 96, 195

Butler, Chad 178

Butler, Courtney 195

Byrne, Dick 54, 111 , 226

Carlill, Br andy 212

Ca rl sen , Kathryn 294

Carlson, Amy 130, 179

Carlso n , Eric 150

Carlso n , Kathryn 212

Carl so n , M a rg are t 99, 150, 242

Ca rmona , J amie 195 Amber 74, 75, 102, 151, 242, 265

Camey, So nia 74, 75, 100, 120, 179

Carver, Anthony 58, 82, 212

Cascio, Jose ph 43

Case, Ca rri e 212

Casino, Farin 195

Cavanau g h , Michelle 195

Cecil, Th o ma s 60, 195

Celeste Leidi ch 4

C haffee, Lauren 195

Chamberlin, Jon a th an 179

Chamberline, Jona th an 101

CJa cob 179

Cady-Reheis, Carlos 212

Cain, Re n ee 99, 11 3, 179

Caine, Jame s 117, 195

Caldwell, David 212

Caldwell, Sonia 195

Caligiuri, Margo 11 , 43, 85, 128, 129, 192, 195

Cameron Lindberg 4

Campagne, Coach 82

Campbell, Ja co b 150

Canales, Kar e n 179

Cannady, Pattricia179

Capello, Mi cha e l 76

Cappa, Anthony 96, 195

Cappello, Christopher 195

Cappello, Mi cha e l 43, 179

Champagne, Tim 28, 43, 58

Chapa, Tammi 212

C happell, Danielle17, 92, 151, 242, 265

Chase , Shoshana 179

Chase, Stephanie 2 12

C h e un g, Ming 195

C hild e r s ton, Rober t 43, 76, 151, 242

Chisholm, Brendan 15, 43, 62, 179

C hi s m , Stacey 195

C horuzy, Mikey 129, 195

C hr is man, John 212

C hri s tensen, Co rtn ey 179

Christensen, Ryan 195

C hr zan, Andrea 95, 140, 179, 294

Index 281

- ·--

Chrzan, Arianna 31, 98, 99, 212

Cieslar, Hea the r 212

Cieslar, Heidi 126, 151, 243

Cisneros, Brandon 213

Cisneros, Nico l e120, 195

Clark, Jenny 179

Clark, Joan 226

Clark, Katherine 38

Clements, Crys t al 151

Clements, Sh ane 195

C lerkin, Kevin 47, 47, 82, 179

Clerkin, Tren t on 82, 195

Coakley, Clinton151, 243

Coccia, Bethany 104, 179

Cock l e, Carolyn 104, 195, 235

Coelho, Everton 151

Coffey, Sarah 83, 195

Coker, Sara h 179

Coker, Susan 195

Co lby, Jil l 227

Colegrove, Josep h 125, 213

Colligan, Katheri n e 121, 128, 129, 179

Col l ins, Casey 137, 151

Co lli n s, Robe rt 243

Col l ins, Ronald 99, 151

Co lv i n, Lin dsay 17, 30, 195

Co m mons, Bobbi 179

Compton, Ma r i 195

Condro n , Brandon 151

Conne ll y, C r ys tal 196

Connel l y, Sage 92, 132, 15 1, 243, 265

Connelly, Serene 92, 192, 196

Conne~ Bob b i 179

Conne r, La r issa 95, O NE

282 for the AGES


Connolly, Maege n 16, 21, 66, 113, 15 1, 235,243

Conove r, D eena 213

Conroy, Ashl ey 179

Con r oy, Daniel 2 13

Conway, Sean 196

Cook, Eileen 7, 227, 232

Cook, Mo ll y 83, 213

Cooker, Sa r a h 136

Cookso n , N icholas 4, 13, 40, 41, 92,152, 243

Coon an, Andr ew 54, 92, 113, 152

Coonan, Sarah 46, 46

Cooper, Apri l 98, 99, 213, 235

Coope r, D e b by 227

Cooper, Katie 15, 16, 28, 43, 66, 88, 92, 129 I 152, 243, 244, 265, 273

Coope r, Meghan 66, 2 13

Co r bin, C h a r les 43, 72, 179

Cord ova, Ca ndi ce 83, 196

Co r dova, So nj a 83,196

Co m , C hr is t opher 213

Co r n, Te r esa 213

Corona d o, Ch ava u gn 213

Co r y, Bryso n 96

Co ta nt , C r ys t al 99, 213

Co tant, Vio l e t 179

Co u g hlin , Co n or 96, 196

Coun ci lm an, M a r sha 196

Cou rtn ey, Jo hn 82, 85,2 13

Coyle, M a tth ew 100, 213

C r a i g, C r ys ta l 22, 66, 88, 107, 128, 129, 176, 179, 234

C r a i g, Logan 213

Craig, Ryan 213

C r ee d , Co ll een 118, 213

Croc k, Jesse 196

C r og h an, Alexis 140, 141, 213, 29 4

Croissan t, M i lt on 213

C r ouch, Caro lyn 74

C r owder-Jackson , Alexis 37, 152, 233, 235

C r owe, M e l issa 179

Crozie r, Becky 96, 227

Cu b bon, Jo hn 196

C u bbo n , Sa r ah 180

C ullu m, Adr i e nne 180

Curtis, M a tthew 58, 76, 82, 196

Cus hm an, C l ayt on 213

C u s t er, C h ar l es 114, 152

Dav iso n , Ta r a 152, 2 75

D eW i tt e, Travis 114, 213

D ea rmin , Jode ll e 213

De b aets, M a tthe w 180

D e Boer, Jack 152, 244

D e Boe r, Lee 196

De Boer, Niles 180

D ecotea u , Tr av is 180

De l a t o rre, Jo hn 39

D e l a to rr e, Je nnif e r 213

D e l eon, A mb e r 213

De m ar tea u , Jeffrey 43

D eming, Chris tin e 82, 196

Des M a tea u , Je ffr ey 104, 196

Dewys, Jac qu e lin e 196

Di gnan , D avi d 213

D ilt M egh a n 196

D il worth, Genevieve 152, 244

D i mit , Th o m as 227

D ink e l, Ky le 64, 196

DD ady, Tim ot h y 180

Da hm , Je r e m y 213

Dak an, Pa ul 213

D a l e, An d r ew 72, 180

D a n e k , Bra dl ey 196

D a n ek, D avid 213

Danial, Sus an 244

D a n ie l, A m be r 103, 196

D anie l, Susan 152

D anie ls, A la n 45, 45, 60, 107, 180

D a ni e ls, Emi ly 196

D a r cy, Kev in 233

D a rl an d , K a th a rin e 99, 196

D avidso n , Ta r a 29 4

Davies, M egh an 120, 180

D avis, A mb e r 196

D avis, Cece li a 227

Dav is, Sea n 4 7, 47, 76, 104, 180

Davis, S te ph a ni e 31, 196

Daviso n , Ri ch ard 196

D inzes, C a ssi d y 213

Dittbre nn e r, An d r ea 43, 46, 46, 56, 70, 71, 152, 235

D i ttbre nn e r, C a s andra 48, 56, 19 7

D i ttri ch , N i ch ol as 104, 105, 213 1 05

Di v inski, Ge r o nn a 180

Div ins ki , Sunn ie 2 10, 2 13

D ocks t a d e r, M e l issa 214

D offing, D o u g l as 76, 152

Do h e rty, Re b ecca 39

D oi, Hann ah 83, 214

D o m an u s, D on a ld 180

D o m gaa rd , D a n ie l 197

D o u g hty, Ro n a ld 115, 214

D o u v ill e, La l e h 15 2

D ovey, Sa m a nth a 61, 197

D ovey, Tif fan y 61, 107, 153, 244, 265

Down s, Cindy 180

Downs, Ja ck 197

Downs, Melissa 214

Dragul, Adam 180

Dragul, Re b ecca 38, 38

Dratch , Jo s hua 82, 197

Drienka, Sara 135, 214

Driver, Rheannon 66, 19 7

Drobni c k, Ja so n 214

Duarte, Crystal 102, 19 7

Duarte, Mi cha e l 43, 153

Dufty, Daniel le 197

Dunca n , Frank Jr 96, 104, 197

Duncan , Kira 94, 104, 214

Dunmire, Nathanie l 214

Dupont, Christina 214

Duran-Kee n , Mi chael 153

Durham , Cody 197

Dus da l, Ju s tin 40, 197

Duse nbury, Peter 72, 197

Dus ter, Thomas 38, 39

Dwiggins, Heidi 197

Dyffryn , Johnathan 197

Dyks tra , Mary 197

Dyks tra , Theres a 119, 180


Eagan, Roy 121 , 180

Eagleson, Nick 180

Eagleton, Dus tin 197

Earganbright, Jil 44, 44

Earley, Dery c k 180

Eberhart, Ju s tin 214

Eberhart, We ndi 34

Eckberg, El aine 43

Eddy, Christopher 37

Edenfield, Le ah 180

Edson, Sco t 227

Edwards, Anthon y 9, 153, 244

Edwards, Erika 56, 107, 153, 244, 246, 265

Edwards, Judy 227

Edwards, Roger 214

Eh le r, Nickolas 180

Ehresman, Shand y 11 3, 180

Ehrman, Brooke 122, 22 7

Einspahr, Matth ew 197

Ekberg, Elaine 56, 84, 19 7

Ekberg, Laura 50, 70, 107, 108, 153, 245, 265

Ekstrom, Jonathan 60, 197

Elgin, Jennifer 153, 245

Eliaen, Sandra 180

El l is, David 47, 47, 197

El l is, Robin 197

El l iso n , Chase 214

Elmblad, Travis 197

Emanuel, Elisabeth 102, 197

Emmons, Mi c hael 82, 214

Emmons, Teresa 80, 81, 139, 153, 245, 265

Endenfield, Leah 82

English, Brian 82

Engstrom, Ja so n 214

Enna, Erin 83, 214, 294

Erbaugh, Adam 180

Erganbright, J111 11 , 180

Erhart, Jerem y 19 7

Eri c k so n, Eri ca 181

Escalante, Lisa 214

Estes, Marl e na 140, 153, 246, 294

Etter, Elizabeth 214

Evans, April 181

Everett, Kir s tin 56, 142, 214

FFa ge rburg, Kelly 61, 102, 107, 116, 181

Fair, Christopher 214

Fairweather, Mark 43, 63, 198

Falco, Roxanne 198

Fale, Kim 153

Falkenthal, Ly nn 198

Fanciulli, Kevin 93, 181

Fanciulli, M a rk 93, 13 4, 214

Fanelli, Geronna 82

Fanelli, Sunni e 83, 92

Fauble, Christopher 98, 99, 214

Faul, M eg h a n 92, 214

Fay, Anne 17, 28, 43, 72, 92, 107, 128, 129, 153, 245, 246, 265

F e l lows, Marl o n 114, 198

Fe l ter, Lindsey 137, 198

Ferguson, Nicole 20, 140, 181 ,29 4

Ferguson, William 198

Ferrel, Moni ca 198

Feth, David 13, 50, 64, 65, 128, 129, 153, 246

Fie dl e r, Andy 198

Fi e ld s-S pa c k, Ryan 4, 214, 294

Fine, M e li ssa 61

Fmell1, Ron 138, 227, 236, 247,294,295

Fink, Eric 15 4, 246

Fink, Jenn ife r 44, 44

Fink, S te phani e 63, 129, 192, 198

Fink, Todd 227

Fisher, Daniel 10, 29, 76, 114,154, 24 7

Fi s h er, Krishn 38, 38

Fisher, S tephan i e 82, 198

Fisk, Amber 154

F itzge r a ld, Ela in e 7, 227

Fitzpatrick, Lauren 103, 154, 247

Flageolle, Jose ph 214

Fleming, C la r e 181

Fleming, Megan 214

Fleury, Jus tin 198

Fleury, Travis 154

Flores, Alejondro 38, 38, 45, 45

Folle, Brian 23, 72, 73, 93, 181

Foos, Ju s tin 214

Ford, C hri stina 154

Foster, Abigail 181

Foster, Andree 92, 93, 121, 154, 248

Foster, R e b ekah 119, 134, 137, 154

Fox, Pete r 198

Franklin, Aubrey 141, 198, 294

Fra se ~ Jason 30, 198

Frederick, Tiffany 99, 113, 120, 181

Freese, Mi ch ae l 214

Freier, H e idi 154, 247

Freier, Ta mar a 214

Freimann, Jill 228

Fritz, Lacy 11 9, 198

Frost, C hri s tin 82, 198

Fros t, H eath er 198

Fr os t, Lauren 214

Frost, Mi cha e l D. 16, 63,154

Frost, M ichae l H . 29, 43, 54, 55, 92, 154,247,248,275

Fros t, Nicole 46, 46

Frost, Ryan 21, 176, 181

Frost, S teven 58, 76, 154

Fuller, Jesse 130, 155

Index 283

--- - ·- ~--·· "'

Fuller, Jessica 99 , 155

Fulton, Robert 155

Furlong, Raymond 181

Furtak, Mark 198

Fus co , Brittney 214

Fus himi , Tonya 9, 181


Gabel, Amanda 95, 215

Gable s, Kelly 37

Gaillard, Letitia 97, 181

Gale, Alyssa 104, 181

Gamarra, Carlo s 155 , 248

Gamblin, Zachary 181

Garcia, Trina 198

Gardn e r, Sylvia 34, 35, 36, 120, 143, 155, 248

Garrard, Billy 198

Garrett, Sara 83, 215

Ga s per, Daniel 12, 60, 96, 116, 155, 248

Gas per, David 32, 32, 33, 3~ 35, 3~ 3~ 39, 3~ 41 , 41 , 43, 43, 45, 45, 47, 198

Gaule, Shilah 116, 155, 248

Gee, Brian 198

Gerni, Renee 102, 104, 107, 155, 249 , 265

Gerni, Ryan 215

Gerwing, Sabrina 181

Gerwing, Tanja 215

Gib s on, Seth 82, 198

Gibson, Tyrel 29 , 155 , 249

Giellis, Jeannie 228

Gil, Ani ss a 155

Gilbert, Keith 99

Gill, Tiffany 139, 155

Giura, Bianca 181

Gleas on, Andrea 128 , 228

Gleaton, Chad 82, 198

Glode, Thatcher 22, 93, 199

Goble, Chris ty 215

Goble, Jacob 43

Goble, Keith 215

Goble , Ni cole 199

Goet s cke, Cas sy 100

Goetz, Tiffany 215

Goetzcke, Cassandra 119, 215

Golds tein, Jordyn 107, 181

Gola s, Kyle 64, 181

Gonzales, Marisa 181

Go s horn, Jesse 215

Gouak, Laura 29, 122, 155, 249

Gould, Benjamin 92, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 156, 224, 249

G owey, Michael 58, 82, 199

Gozy, Bradley 215

Graf, Patric k 181

Grahovac, Suzana 181

Grantham, Tiffany 181

Gray, Winston 215

Green, Lindsey 181 , 183

Gregory, Christine 83 , 215

Gregory, Jason 82, 182

Grenfell, Spencer 82, 215

Grie ss, Danielle 215

Griffin, Claire 37, 156, 249

Griffin, Ron 32, 33., 34, 35, 37, 39, 41 , 43, 45 , 47, 72, 123

Grim s, Conrad 199

Groe, Randy 215

Groenhof, Jason 182

Gummerson, Branden 85

Gunn , Charla 228

Gupta , Neeraj 182

Guthrie, Eric 182

Guthrie, Jodi 66, 83, 215

126, 156, 250

Hamm, Tracy 156, 250

Hammock, David 43, 76, 228

Hampleman, Bria 34, 38, 39

Hampson, Katherine 156

Hankins, Elsie 156

Hankins , Marie 250

Hannemann, Troy 54, 55, 156, 250

Hannemann, Vanessa 35, 39, 72, 113, 121 , 128, 129 , 156, 250, 265, 271

Hansen, Russell 118, 156, 251

Hansen, Yvonne 215

Happ , Taunya 215

Hardin, Lindsay 182

Harris, Clarisa 199

Harris, Rourke 199

Harris, Toni 182

Harvey, Jaime 39

Haschke, Daniel 11 , 127, 199

Haschke, Michael 182

Hassett, Cara 9, 99, 116, 199

Hastings, Erin 70, 157

Haughey, Krystal 176, 182

Hauser, Jeff 228

Hauser, Jordan 215

Hawes, Abbey 31, 95, 199

Hayes, Bob 28, 76, 91, 228

Hayes, Cody 82, 210, 215

Hayes, Kelly 83, 215

Hayes, Matthew 182

Hayes, Robert 52

Haynes, Colin 124, 199

HHaag, Bradley 96, 199

Hachkey, Michael 47, 47

Hagberg, Danielle 156, 250

Hagberg, Erin 30, 43, 199 , 232

Hagelberg, Mark 43, 93, 199

Hagg, Bradley 88

Hale, Ellen 38, 38

Hall, Courtney 82, 199

Hall, Cyrus 108, 138, 139, 156, 250, 295

Hall, James 130, 215

Hall, Jeremy 182

Hall, Joshua 34, 35, 36, 37, 137, 156

Halstead, James 215

Hamblin, Christopher 29, 58,

Heffelfinger, Karla 29, 140, 157, 251, 265, 294

Heid, Kaycee 31, 74, 199

Heil, Crystal 199

Heitz, Adam 199

Henderson, Jamie 14, 83, 127, 199

Henderson, Levi 76, 126, 157, 251

Hendrix, Jacob 72, 93, 157

Hendrix, Robert 85, 102, 199

Herbert, Bradley 157

Herbert, Sarah 13, 199

Hergenreter, Stan 228, 234, 235

Hernandez, Bryon 200

ONE fo r th e 284 AGES

Herzog, Shara 20, 182

Heywood, Tracy 22, 107, 182

Hi ckman, Bryan 3 4, 121

Hi ckman, Christopher 10, 18, 19, 20, 21, 35, 39, 99, 113, 121, 182

Hi ckman , Jame s 200

Hi ckma n , Mark 35, 38, 39

Hi gg in s, Brett 182

Hill en , William 72, 129, 136, 192, 200

Hind s, Je sse 142, 21 5

Hinds, Ra y 200

Hinkle, Aaron 76, 232

Ho, Andrea 215

Ho, Ja cque s 142, 157

Hoag e, Leeann 182

H odso n , Melani e 120, 182

Ho ene , Jay 17, 431 200

Hoffert, Wes le y 43, 182

Hoffman, Jeffrey 182

Hoffman, Ryan 157, 251

H ogan, Kelly 200

Holle y, Aimee 9, 135, 182

Hol s inger, Carmen 131 , 157, 251

Hols inger, Shannon 120, 157 251 1

Hoogheem, Elizabeth 9,61, 62, 63, 92, 107, 129, 182

Hooks, Jeramia 3 4, 35, 36, 157

Hopkinso n , Branden 85, 182

Hopkinson, Kristina 66, 96, 136, 200

Hoppin, Timothy 60, 104, 182

Home cker, Brooke 82, 182

Home cker, Mark 29, 64, 228

Hors t, John 128, 129, 226, 228

Horton, Cynthia 215

Horvat, Eric 54, 68, 69, 15 7, 245, 251, 255 , 275

Horvat, Mi chael 54

Hotsenpiller, Jo shua 157

Howard, Mark 200

Howell, Danielle 8, 215

Howell, Je ss ica 160

Howes, Barbara 228,236

Hubbard , Joshua 82, 85, Hud so n , Mark 200

Hud so n , Nicole 931 160, Hud son , Paul 2, 60, 160

H u eman, Lesley 104, 160, 252

Hueman, Melissa 58, 215 Huff, Becky 228

Huizinga, Suzy 99, 21 5

Hunt, Natalie 98, 99, 119, 216

Huntsman , William 216

215 252

Johnson, Julia 61, 104, 140, 141 , 192, 200, 294

Johnso n , Kristin 70, 71, 160, 235, 253

Johnson , Leandra

Johnso n , Marissa

John son, M elissa 200

183 216 80, 104,

John so n , Mindell 80, 11 3, 117, 160, 253

Johnso n , Nicholas 931 161, 253

Johnson, Sandra 161, 253

Johnson, Stephanie 161 , 253

Johnso n , Trevor 216

IIbrahim, L an ce 216

Ilges, Jo s hua 96, 200

Isaac, Ti g is ti 8, 182

Iverse n , Dideri ck 229

John sto n , Chri s topher 216

John s ton, Mary 104, 183

Joine r, Vanessa 43, 56, 120, 183

Jones, Elissa 130, 137, 142, 161, 253

Jone s, Evan 45, 45

Jone s, Heath er 200

JJa ckman, Jay 160, 252

Ja cobs, Melody 216

Jacob s, Rebekah 183

Jam es, Elliot 160

Jame s, Holly 13 1, 183

Jami so n , Brie 183

Jami so n , Levi 216

Jani s h , Heidi 122, 216

Jani s h , Joshua 200

Jankowski, Woj cie ch 15, 183

Jantz , Ka sey 183

Jeanne, Mi ck 140, 142, 294

Je ffrey s, Christopher 160, 25 2

Jeffreys, Megan 200

Jeffrey s, Travis 200

Jenkin s, Keith 183

Jenner, Jose 216

Jenning s, Robin 104, 200

Jensen , Ryan 216

Je schke, Sarah 124, 216

Jhung , Kyungun 102, 183

Johnso n , Casey 160, 252

John so n , Christopher R 160

John son , Christopher w. 60, 106, 107, 109, 140, 141 , 252, 25 3

Johnson, David 45, 45

Johnson, Eric 216

Johnso n , Jame s 183

John so n , Jo shua 86, 200

Jon es, Kelly 83, 104, 216, 232

Jones, Kerr y 60, 61, 99 1 161 , 254

Jon es, Lisa 200

Jon es, Matth ew Jr 200

Jone s, M e lissa 37

Jordan , Da x 88, 136, 200

Jorgen se n , Tracy 183

Jouett, Joan 229

Jower s, Brittney 119, 216

Jow e rs, Cedar 200

J ungfe rman, Alexander 200

Jungferman, Nicholas 99 1 143, 161

KKampf, Sarah 74, 75, 200

Karpoff, Gregory 101

Ka s per, Kelly 201

Kaven, Christina 216, 294

Keen, Amanda 201

Keen ey, Jo nath o n 161, 233, 254

Keene y, Julia 183

Kee see, Jes tin 82, 216

Keil, Mi cha e l 28, 29, 161

Kell enben z, J o hn 229

Ind ex 285

Keller, Robin 143

Kelley, Bill 63, 229

Kelley, Calvin 22, 43, 68, 69 , 76, 161, 254

Kelley, Kendra 83, 92, 216

Kelley, Luke 126, 183

Kelley, Michael 183

Kelley, Stephe n 216

Kelly, Ca l vin 17, 28

Kemler, Jeffr ey 70, 117, 161

Kemler, Sco tt 201

Kempter, Jo sep h 99, 113, 121, 183

Kendell, Joey 29, 161, 255

Kennedy, Cori 201

Kenworthy, Nora 103, 104, 201

Kephart, Leeann e 140, 141, 183, 294

Kessell, Crys tal 76, 201

Kessler, Diane 98, 111, 229

Ketchum, Mik e 85, 201

Kimberly We s tb y 294, 295

Kimsey, Ian 98, 99, 104, 183

King, Jar ed 60

King, Jo se ph 201

King, Juli a 60, 61

Kin g, M egan 83, 216

King, Mi c h e lle 83, 140, 141, 216, 294

King, Ryan 93, 104, 10 7, 183

Kinghorn, Benja min 183

Kinnan, Cynthi a 100, 104, 184

Kinnan, G regory 216

Kla se m e r, Me g hann 60, 61, 67, 94, 104, 216

Kleineider, Stephanie 184

Klucik , Viola 216

Klug , John 18, 19 , 20, 90, 229

Knepp , Je ssica 216, 294

Kn e pp , Kiley 82, 118, 201

Kn ox, Abbe y 48, 66, 67, 89, 107, 184, 294, 295

Kno x, Jos hu a 11 5, 184

Knud so n , Nelleke 201

Koc h , Amberlee 201

Ko c h , Brian 64 286 O NE for the AGES

Kochevar, Jamie 50, 80, 184

Kochis, Cheryl 228, 229

Kodrow, Jose ph 82

Kolin, David 68, 184

Konegni, Anne 22, 23, 44, 44, 129, 133, 184

Kosterman, H eid i 216, 294

Kotsura, Alexander 96, 184

Kowalski, Be njamin 184

Kramer, Julie 229

Kraus, Elaina 120, 184

Kraus, Mit chell 216

Krone, Shana 114, 161

Krosier, Becky 224

Krtinich, Darcy 66, 162

Kuhn, S undara 216

Kunz, Arielle 201

Kunz, Co ral ie 184

Kurtubi, Ro ck y 162

Kusy, Ginny 162

136, 217

Lee, Daniel 184

Lee, Gayeon 201

Le e, Jerome 217

Lee, Matthew 184

Lee, Ryan 21 7

Lefev re , Carin 99, 217

Leidi ch , Casandra 130

Leidich, Celeste 2, 13, 48 , 92, 104, 162, 256 I 265

Le onard, Russe ll 162

Levitt, Jash ua 162

Lewis, Ja so n 184

Lewis, Kris topher 217

Lewis, Rach e l 217

L eye nde c ker, Ethan 176, 184

Leys hon, Ja so n 104, 162, 256

Libra, Kris ten 217, 232

Lind, Paul 201

Lindberg, Ashlie 184

Lindberg, Cameron 162

Lindsay, Charlotte 229

Lindville-Engler, Jo s h 82

Linenberger, Jonah 184

LLahey, Mi cha e l 82, 216

Lahe y, Nicholas 12, 76, 162

La man , Scott 96, 104, 184

Lamprecht, Heather 216

La mp son, Al ex ander 184

Lana, Lance 229

Landers, Ja so n 201

Lang, Christy 201

Lang, Robin 162

Lan gs ted , Ev a n 43, 85, 184

Lanterman, Andrea 39

Larso n , Austin 15, 92, 100 , 129, 217

Larson, Matthew 11 , 72, 162, 255

Larso n, Rebec ca 97, 119 , 201

Lath a m , Clint 201

Lau, Clement 84, 201

Laue~ Antje 217

Lauwers, Mark 16, 3 2, 32, 33, 34, 35, 37, 37, 39, 39, 41 , 41 , 43, 43 , 45, 45, 47, 60, 144, 162, 255

Law, Jalisa 120, 201

Law er, Antje 13 4

Layman, Hans 40 , 41 , 201

Layton, Erika 184

Le, Carin Fevre 92

Leadford, Micah 58, 59, 82,

Linsco tt, D e rek 139, 201

Linsenbigler, Jaime 61, 192, 201

Linse nbigler, Scott 41

Linville-Engle, Jo sh 217

Lippert, Dylan 217

Lip s tein, Andrea 107, 113, 184, 234

Logan, Brian 22, 45, 45, 60, 92, 104, 201

Logan, Sara 17, 60, 61, 163, 256

Long, Anna 13, 19 , 104, 202

Long, Ashley 80, 104, 105, 127, 217

Long, Charity 43, 74, 75, 163 , 256

Long, Cody 163, 256, 294

Long, Ja so n 82, 184

Long, Matthew 92, 217

Look, Kir s ten 95, 107, 184

Lopez, Robert 163

Lott, Lindsay 202

Low, Jonathan 87, 202

Low, Ni cholas 16, 87, 163 , 256

Low s tuter, Robert 217

Lowther, Marissa 40, 202

Loyd, Matt 76, 229

Lucas, Dylan 202

Lucas, Susan 28, 34, 35, 36, 78, 79, 120, 163, 256

Lucero, Larry 217

Ludden, Sean 217

Ludwig, Robbie 202

Luedtke, Thomas 141 , 185, 294

Lujan, Alisha 163

Lynch , Thoma s 125, 217


Maa s, Brenna 202

Ma ca lady, Seth 185, 294

MacDonald, Arin 72

Madiso n , Emily 92, 217

Mahajan, Menaka 100, 140, 217, 294

Maharas, Lynn 9, 74, 128, 129 , 163, 257, 265

Mahara s, Michael 40

Mahjan, Menaka 92

Mahonee, Tenaya 103, 163, 257

Maley, Andrew 202

Malhotra, Ani sha 202

Malkmus, Nicholas 38, 38

Mallicoat, William 217

Maloney, April 80, 81, 119, 217

Maloney, Lori 80, 104, 202

Maltempo, Marcu s 99, 121 , 163

Maltempo, Rus se ll 54, 55, 99 , 121 , 202

Mandeville, Nicole 217

Mantilla, Mi chelle 83, 97, 202

Marchand , Alexiss 185

Marcum , Kimberly 99, 113, 163, 257

Maren, Christine 9, 95, 108 , 128, 129, 163, 234, 257, 265, 271

Markovchick, Nadia 43, 61, 92, 202

Marquardt, Shane 34

Marshall, Tyler 202

Marston, Christopher 185

Mars ton , Keith 217

Martin, Adam 185

Martin, Andrew 164, 257

Martin, Candyce 202

Martin, Kyl e 58, 93, 202

Martin , Ross 68, 85, 88, 10 7, 133, 185, 234

Martin, Se an 96, 104, 202

Martin, William 82, 217

Martinez, Dominic 202

Martine z, Hope 93, 202

Martinso n , Cry tal 218

Martonovi ch , Jo sef 230

Martynow, Ashley 119, 202

Ma sca r e nas , Gabriel 218

Ma son , Erik 203

Mataya, Tal eah 44, 44, 70, 71, 185

Matthew s, Jer e m y 58, 139 , 203

Matzke, Kevin 203

Maughan, Katrina 203

Maupin, Audra 78, 79, 185

Maupin , Matthew 133, 164, 257

M cBrid e, Ferne 218

M cBroom, Derek 203

M cBroom, Mi chael 218

M cCa fferty, Neal 218

McCallum, Ryan 47, 76, 164

McCarty, Natalie 98, 218

McCauley, Bridget 164, 241, 258

M cCo llum, Jennifer 218

M cCo llum, Mich ell e 164, 258

M cCo rd , Jer emiah 218

M cC ue , Brennan 203

M cC ullin , Jennifer 123

M cDaniel, Kelly 56, 164

M cDowell , Amanda 218

McDow e ll, Heath er 98, 99, 140, 141 , 218,294

M cea ugh, Kri s ten 130

McEwen, Tiffany 3 1, 99, 294

McGill, Jarod 203

McGinnis, Jo e 229

M cGo wan , Maureen 101, 230

McKay, Troy 83

McKee , Jame s 102, 104, 203, 232

McKee , Kell y 84

McKee , M e redith 83, 218

M cP hail, Anthony 23, 185

M cReynol d s, D e rek 164

M cReyno lds, Renee 37, 164, 235

M cSkimmings, M ary 80, 119, 218

M cTeer, Jami e 61, 95, 108, 164, 258, 265

McTeer, Kelly 22, 218

McVaugh, Kri s tin 61, 83, 94, 218

M eaghan Burnell 295

M eagher, Ashley 61, 185

Meagher, Brittany 60, 61, 62, 103, 218

M ed ina, C hri s top h er 96, 144, 203

Medrano, Arlene 119 , 123 , 218

Melni ck, Ja s on 126, 185

Menapa ce, Danielle 15, 11 6, 123, 164, 258

M end oza, D evi n 218

M enna, Angela 6 1, 103, 218

M eye~ Lauryn 218

M eye r s, Ja so n SO, 68

Me ye r s, Kati 164, 258

Mi cha e ls, Pa y ton 47, 47

Mi cke, Kev in 76, 107, 185

Mie sza la, Gerald 218

Miill e r, Angela 185

Miller, Adam 164

Miller, Carrie 185

Miller, Casey 165, 258

Miller, Chad 185

Miller, C hri stian 47, 47, 76, 82, 127, 185

Mill e r, Danie ll e 185

Miller, Jan a 107, 185

Miller, Lind a 230

Miller, Mirinda 203

Miller, Ra che l 218

Miller, Ra ymond 218

Miller, Mind y 115

Mill s, Karen 165, 259

Mill s, Kathryn 165 , 259

Milner, Lauren 19, 34, 35, 36, 165, 259

Miorel li, Annelyse 98, 99, 104, 105 , 218

Mi s ra , Anu s ka 165, 259

Mi s ra , Ri s hi 165 , 259

Index 287

- ---· - -

Modiz, Amanda 46, 46, 203

M oench, Tab a tha 93, 165

Mon so n , Geo ffr ey 185

M o n so n , La r ry 21 8

M o ntan ez, D o mini c 58, 82, 203

Mont es ano , Ange la 185

M o nt go m e r y, Kathryn 23 0

Mont go m ery, Math e w 3 2, 3 2, 33, 34, 35, 37, 3 7, 39, 39, 41 , 41 , 43, 43, 45, 45, 4 7

M o nt o ya , Jerom e 21 8

M o ntoya, M a tthew 119, 203

M oo n , Tra v is 82, 84, 21 8

M oo r e, Andre w 165, 25 9

Mo o r e, D es ir ee 203

M oo r e, Lu cas 21 8

Mo o r e, M a tth e w 185

M oo r e, N i co le 82, 95, 218

M o r e no , C hri s tina 165, 185

M o r g an, Da ve 7 6

M o r g an , Sco tt 18, 21 , 34, 121 , 185, 234

M o r g an , Th e r esa 218

Morr iso n , M a tthew 203

Morri so n , Mi cha e l 21 8

M o rt o n , Jo s hu a 21 9

M ose l ey, Je an 3 4, 35, 36203, 2 94

Motes, Lave na 119 , 137, 165, 259

Moutinh o, Eduardo 219 , 294

Mo y a , Jess i ca 21 9

Mra z, Tris tan 21 9

Mudd , C or ey 165

Mullig a n , M eg an 165, 25 9, 265

Murdo ck, Jo e 230

M ye r s, Adam 82, 203

My e r s, Ja s on 10, 12, 34, 35, 36, 69, 76, 106, 107, 166, 260

Myer s, Rog e r 144, 2 30 N

Nahl ey, S tefani e 56, 9 8, 99, 140, 219 , 294

Naran s, Chin eane 11 , 121 , 185

Na ssau, Ka s hi 104, 203

Nati on s, Sandy 106, 10 7, 229 , 23 0

N ee, Ry an 53, 219, 294

Nee, Spen cer 45, 45, 88, 186

N ee dham, Paul 219

Ne hl s, Robin 83

Nel s on , Jo e l 12, 5 3, 68, 76, 77, 107, 166

Ne ls on, Linnea 102, 166, 235

Ne ls on, Za chariah 166, 260

Ne uki r chn e r, Janet 219

N e ukirchner, Kar en 121 , 166, 2 33, 235 , 254, 260

N ev ill e, Jo se ph 219

Ne w comar, Ni chole 166

N e w comer; Jam es 84, 219

Ne w come r, Nicole 68

N ew comm, Corinne 93 , 166, 260

Ne wgent, Le e 47, 47, 6 8, 69, 186

Ngu ye n , Hai 186

Ngu y en, Viola 219

N i chol s, Alan 76

Nichol s, Brooke 18 6

N i chol s, Erin 94, 186

Nim s, Adam 5 4, 140 , 219, 294

No g uchi, Adam 219

Nummelin, Amanda 203

Nu ye n , Hai 135 0

O ' Brien, Ryan 72, 182

O ' Dori s io, Mike 92, 230, 231

Offe r s on, Codi 84, 219

Oge , Grant 219

O ' Hayre , Jean 203

O ' Hayre, Mi chelle 219

Olguin , Ezekiel 166

Olguin, Rory 219

Olm s ted , Tyler 186

O ' Mara, Edward III 203

O ' M a ra, Kelli 166, 254, 261

O ' Neil, Gail 230

O ' N e ilt Tara 70, 166, 235 , 261

O ' Riley, Robert 203

Ortega , Adrienne 186

O s born, Ni cole 219 , 232

O s burn, She ria 166

Otdoerfer, Adrianna 97, 219

Otdo e rfer, Anna 99

Outerbridge, Grant 166, 261

Overturf, Erin 20 , 21 , 97, 102, 103, 104, 167, 261

Owens, Chris tina 58, 85, 186

Ozd e mir, Jamie 61

O z demir, Kadri 107, 126, 18 6

Ozdemir, Seda 219

O z demir, Umit 14, 68, 82, 85, 234

Padilla, Jo e 219

Palanuk, Kara 104, 138, 139, 186

Palanuk, Peter 106, 167, 261

Palmer, Logan 82, 84, 219

P almer, Mykah 15, 44, 70, 186

Palmer, Sarah 60, 61 , 107, 167, 261

Papas, Nicole 43

Papes, Jonathan 186

Pap es, Ni cole 203

Parfet, Jennifer 92, 95 , 106, 107, 133, 167, 235, 261 , 265

Parker, Sean 47, 47

Parks, Strickland 167

Parry, Courtney 56, 120, 186

Parry, Joshua 100, 104, 219

Pa s chall, Jeffery 76, 186

Pas tor, Nick 13 9, 167

Pea chey, Matthew 219

Peacock, Ju s tin 107, 117, 139, 167, 262

Perea, Alexander 219

Perkins, Bruce 186

Perry, Lee 125, 203

Peters, Tammy 7, 104, 227, 230

Peters, Craig 167

Peters, Teresa 10, 80, 81 , 121 , 167, 262

Peterson, Kim 132, 219

Peters on, Tom 67

Petro, Dan 76

Pfisterer, Abbey 92, 140, 219, 294

Pfis terer, Michael 82, 100,

288 O
r the

104, 129, 186

Phillips, Adwina 204

Phillip s, Dina 115

Phillips, Joseph 76, 186

Phillips, Sarah 61, 74, 75, 204

Picon, Rachel 167, 275

Pierce, Joshua 186

Pierce, Rebecca 991 119, 219

Pike, Austin 204

Pineau, Jonathan 43

Pineau, Robert 167

Piwonka, Philip 93 1 167, 2 62

Pizzo, Sarah 62, 92, 140 , 219, 294

Politte, Kelly 61, 204

Politte, Robin 12, 60, 6l 80 I I 81, 168, 262

Porter, Cassandra 186

Porter, Erin 168, 262, 2 63

Porter, Todd 219

Pospisel, Joe 76

Poveda , Linda 147, 230

Powell, Jennifer 140, 204 294 I

Powe l l, Shawn 168

Pranaitis, Jason 72

Pray, Timothy 54, 145, 204, 294, 295

Preston, Jesse 15, 471 471 761 204

Price, Phillis 30, 93 1 230

Price, Sara 186

Pridmore, Dona ld 82, 84, 220

Prigel, Amanda 94, 186

Primmer, Aaron 186

Primmer, Casey 91 119, 220

Proctor, Stacey 168

Przybylski, Monte 82, 186

Pumphrey, Joshua 115, 204

Putka, Bob 230

RRamos , Kerry 123, 168

Ramsden , Morgan 204

Rams tetter, Kenneth 82I 204 139,

Ramstetter, Sheila 99, 139 , 220

Rappmund , Peter 32, 32, 33 1 3~ 3~ 3~ 3~ 39, 3~ 41 , 41 , 43, 43, 45, 45, 47, 168

Rascon , Daniel 187

Ratcliffe , Jonathan 220

Rawson , Timothy 10, 107, 116, 117, 129, 168 , 255 263 I

Raye , Brenna 107, 113

Regner, Charles 230

Regner, Garrett 82, 104, 220

Rehder, Justin 76, 187

Rehder, Kelli 15, 204

Reher, Adena 86, 168

Reher, Jennifer 119, 187

Reher, Raymond 204

Reid , Chad 72, 73 1 230

Reider, Justin 43

Reitmeyer, Morgan 46, 4 61 99, 113, 187

Remmer s, Shannon 204

Reynold s, B.J 38, 38

Reynolds , Jennifer 120, 121, 168 , 263

Reynolds , Scott 60

Rich, Melisse 61, 204

Richardson , Jame s 220

Rickard , Victoria 46, 46, lOO, 104, 204

Ridge , Katherine 220

Ridl, Christa 80, 81, 168

Ridpath , Jonathan 126, 168 263 '

Riedel , William 169

Riley, Ryan 220

QQuarles, Paul 101

Queen, Adam 68, 85, 13l, 187, 294

Quince, Peter 21

Quirk, Andrew 9, 204

Quirk, Carol 230, 236

Quirk, Molly 107, 121 , 168, 233, 259, 263

Rindt, Jody 169

Rindt, Keith 101 , 169

Ri s tau , Adam 47 47 68 7 I I I 6, 85, 126, 187

Rizzuto , Robert 82,220

Robbin s, Re nee 220, 233

Roberso n , Landra 204

Roberts, Je sse 220

Robertson, Lauren 46, 46, 78, 79, 187

Robin son, Sharhonda 3 4 1 35, 36, 169

Roger s, Andrew 431 76, 77, 169, 263, 264

Rog ers, Randi 204

Roja s, Lisana 82, 95 1 204

Romero , Gilberto 131, 187

Ronwald, Rodney 43

Rood , Brandon 58, 76, 82, 187

Rood, Joshua 43, 76, 187

Rood, Marc 28, 431 76, 106, 107, 169, 255 , 264

Rood , Sabrina 187

Rosa, Gus 187

Ro sa, Johna than 220

Rosener, Danielle 84, 220

Ro se nthal, Regina 187

Roth , Nicholas 204

Roy, Mi chael 169, 264

Roybal, Sharon 230

Ro ys ter, Be hren 64, 204

Rozelle , Christopher 72, 73 1 169, 264

Rozelle , Erin 44, 44 1 70, 204

Roze lle, Jere m y 220

Ru sse ll, Emily 22, 43, 176, 187

Russo, Nathon 220

Ryan , Benjamin 82, 84, 220

Ryan, Erin 60, 61 , 169

Ryan, Ja cq uelin e 83, 220

Ryan , Robert 169

sSack, Alisha 187

Saindon, Andrea 169 , 265

Saindon, Samuel 82, 220

Salano, Mari a 121

Salg, Lucas 102, 107, 138 , 139, 169, 265

Samansky, Ja so n 187

Samland , Wendy 18, 19 , 2o, 21, 11 3,170

Sanchez, Danielle 204

Sandova l, Mitchell 53 54 I I 100, 104, 105, 170, 265

Sands, Abby 220

Sands, Sean 204

Index 289

-·. -~·- ···- ·- -

Santistevan, Vanessa 14, 220

Satterfield, Daniel 14, 220

Saunders, Aaron 220

Sauter, Ezara 187

Savage, Rachel 138, 139, 170, 233 , 266

Savoie, Kelly 170, 266

Sa x ton, Kri s tin 17, 113, 170, 266

Sayed, Sheena 220

Sayyah, Cori 58, 85, 120, 187

Scarbrough, Steven 142, 220

Schafer, Lee 205

Schalhamer, Dick 91 , 147, 224, 230

Schanhals, Holly 46, 83 , 205

Schiffman, Jennifer 220

Schiffman, Sarah 19, 121 , 170, 266

Schilder, April 187

Schirrmeister, Jose 8, 102, 205

Schlesinger, Aaron 60, 220

Schlieman, Matthias 11 , 92, 205

Schmidt, Brent 82, 220

Schmidt, Ian 54, 170

Schmidt, Julia 93, 140, 170, 267, 294

Schmidt, Miranda 170 , 187

Selma th ors t, Jessica 205

Schneider, Adrie 83, 220

Schneider, Matthew 170, 267

Schoch-Smith, Carolina 220, 294

Scholes, Ed 230

Schow, Brandon 39

Schow, Dane 60, 61 , 100, 108, 144, 220

Schreiner, Michael 60, 107, 170

Schreiner, Robert 4, 96, 142, 205 , 294

Schrock, Elizabeth 136, 221

Schultz, Bobbi 170, 267

Schwader, Ginny 94

Schwader, Virginia 187

Schwering, Paul 221

Schwettman, Jasson 35, 39

Scott, Kristel 61 , 221

Scuta, Priscilla 95, 221

Seakan, Renae 171, 267

Seipp, Kristie 221

Seipp, Stefanie 187

Seitsinger, Aaron 205

Self, Dana 123, 171, 267

Selkirk, Trevor 205

Senf, Robin 221

Senter, Lis a 119, 221

Senter, Trmothy 205

Serpan, Chad 96, 97, 144, 205

Serpan, Ryan 221

Ses trich, Jennifer 8, 116, 221

Sexton, Amanda 171

Seymour, Adam 43, 76, 171 , 267

Shanks, Jessamyn 171, 267

Shannon, Jeremy 221

Sharp, Lowell 4, 104, 224, 231

Shaw, Bernice 268

Shaw, Bethany 221

Shaw, Kellilee 87, 101 , 171 , 268

Shaw, Lataine 171

Shaw, Terry 221

Shawcroft, Sarah 205

Shea, Richard 187

Shearn, Catherine 231

Shearn, Tina 91

Sheffield, Todd 221

Shelton, Torrey 70, 106, 107, 171 , 265, 268

Sherman, Gina 221

Shier, Dana 120, 205

Shiftman, Jenna 131

Shirk, Zachary 47,171, 268, 275

Short, Kimberly 231

Shuey, Shannon 171 , 268

Sills, Jody 221

Simmons, Lucas 99, 113, 121 , 187

Sims, Geoffrey 72, 85, 205

Singleton, Mercedes 114, 171, 172,268

Siu, Phillip 205

Ska la, Kelly 221

Slater, Timothy 205

Slizeski, Lea Anne 6, 31,232

Sloan, Dj 188

Smith, Adam 18, 20, 99,

113, 188, 205

Smith, Ashley 221

Smith, Austin 43, 72, 188

Smith, Carissa 98, 99, 221

Smith, Cliff 188

Smith, Deanna-mari 171

Smith, Deidra 188

Smith, Derek 205

Smith, Drew 43

Smith, Elaine 231

Smith, Elizabeth 172

Smith, Erica 102, 106, 107, 172, 268, 269

Smith, Hillary 205

Smith, Robin 188

Smith, Ryan 37

Smith, Tawnya 188

Smith, Wyatt 205

Sneller, Mathew 40

Snow, Johanna 188

Snyder, Joshua 82, 205

Snyde~ Laura 172, 235

Solano, Maria 20, 21, 188

Solano, Patrick 172

Solawetz, Sondra 205

Sologoub , Alexei 54, 55, 96, 188

Solomon, Andrew 72, 130, 205

Solomon, Tyler 205

Sope~ Richard 82

Sorensen, Abbie 188

Sparks, Jason 172, 269

Sparks, Megan 205

Spear, Brianne 172

Speer, Loren 221

Spice, Jessica 78, 79, 124, 188

Splant, Kenneth 206

Splant, Kevin 206

Sprague, Coryn 78, 188

Sramek, Wesley 72, 73, 120, 144, 172, 269

St James, Stephanie 221

Stahmer, Lucas 38~ 38

Stamm, Anthony 206

Stanton, Jeremia 76, 82, 188

Starkey, Kaycee 188

Starner, Steven 114, 188

Steel e, Zack 188

Steelman, Johna than 107

Stegal l, Natalie 206

Steketee, Steve 38, 38

- - -
290 O NE fo r the AGES

Sterrett, Heidi 120, 206, 232

Stiegelmeier, Ju s tin 140, 188, 47, 294

Stodola, Katie 82, 206

Stoke~ . Ann 119, 221

Stoker, Douglas 104, 206

Stokes, Bob 47, 231

Stokes, John 84, 140, 221 , 294

Stokes, Tamsen 28, 172, 235 , 269, 270

Stone, Desiree 115, 221 , 232

Stone, Shane 100, 121 , 172

Storey, David 221

Storms , Kenneth 18, 19, 104, 206

Strait, Nathan 23

Streelman, John 129, 188

Streweler, Charity 206

Strocky, Michael 206

Struman, John 60

Sturm, Erica 221

Sullivan, Sadie 206

Sullivan, Toni 83, 92, 129, 132, 221

Sumner, Shannon 15, 43, 66, 107, 129 , 183, 188

Sund, David 64, 65, 206

Svenningsen, Skye 34, 121, 188

Swanson, Severine 40

Swanson, Sylvia 61, 83, 221

Sweet, Thomas 147,231

Swisher, Kimberly 83, 138, 139 , 221

Szabo, Casey 188

Szabo, Justin 221

Thompson, Emily 37, 48, 139, 172, 265 , 270

Thompson, Stephanie 136, 189

Thres her, Raymond 104, 189

To, Linda 135, 189

Torres, Claudia 206

Tortora , Britni 119, 206

Tottempudi, Kamal 222

Tottempudi, Phillip 84

Tottempudi, Rahul 206

Traylor, Shawn 189

Trenk, Roxanne 119, 222

Trujillo, Christopher 222

Trujillo, Jessica 206

Trujillo, Lee 206

Trzepacz, Gavin 99, 113, 189

Tuffin, Ann 173, 271

Tuner, Shane 104

Turgeon, Keith 88, 96, 206

Turner, Austin 17, 28, 43, 76, 92, 129 , 173, 255, 264, 271

Turner, Bryan 96, 99,104, 207

Turner, David 222

Turner, Melissa 19, 20, 99, 107, 113, 173 , 258, 271

Turner, Patricia 189

Turner, Shane 189

Turnwall, Heather 74, 173 , 265, 271

Tutty, Jeramia 101 , 189

Vanhorn-Belive, Ja cob 222

Yanik, Danielle 136

VanWoensel, Luke 64, 173, 272

Varga s, Anthony 222

Vauxnic, Nick 74

Vecchiarelli, Amy 83, 189

Vela s quez, Brianne 189

Velasquez, Bryan 76, 173, 233

Verardi, Justin 22, 85, 176,, 189

Verardi, Zackarey 222

Vermillion, Amy 222

Vemig, Peter 104, 189

Versaw, Gloria 43, 121 , 173

Versaw, Kri s tin 38, 38

Vetter, Ward 222

Vierke, Ryan 72, 129, 192, 207

Vieweg, Kortney 189

Virkler, Bridget 231

Vogt, Ericka 207

Voit-Chromy, Richard 20 7

Vorhie s, Chris topher 58, 207

TTarantino, William 221

Tate, Sam 82, 222

Taylor, Jason 222

Taylor, Kevin 172, 270

Taylor, William 188

Ted lie, Jennifer 206

Theodore, Livia 188

Theodore , Mariana 74, 172, 270

Thomas, Andrew 41

Thomas, Mary 43, 61 , 92, 192, 206

Thomas, Sarah 189

uUlander, Lora 222

Unger, Jessica 46, 46, 189

Unger, Ryan 222

Unrein, Melinda 222

Urban, Amanda 8, 99,, 207

wWagner, Garrett 85

Wagoner, Tammy 189

Wahl , Lisa 231

Walcker, Tammy 207

Wales , Matthew 189

Waligorski, Brian 189

Walker, Derek 189

Walker, Dina 94, 139 , 173, 272

Walker, Sarah 189

Walker, Tammi 83

Wallace, Deann 82, 207

Walters, Nicholas 14, 117, 173, 272

Walton, Wesley 116, 117, 207

Waltz, Aimee 189

Wamboldt, Gregory 222

Wamboldt, Shannon 190

VValentine,, Travis 20, 21 ,, 34, 99, 105, 113, 121 , 189

Vanleer, Kristin 104, 189

VanMeter, Madeleine 102, 189

vanderLaan, Ken 231

VanDyke, Steven 207

VanGundy, Brittany 143 , 173, 241, 272

Wan, Debbie 107,, 190

Wan, Kenneth 54, 100, 104, 106, 107, 173

Wang , Doris 97, 102, 104, 207, 232

Wano , Robert 76, 82,, 190

Ward,, Amie 97, 99 , 119, 222

Ward , Jessica 207, 232, 233

Ind ex 291

Ward, Jonah 222

Warren, Jessica 119, 222

Watkins, Anna 222

Wat so n , John 207

Watso n , Kelly 61, 83, 92, 222, 294

Wat so n , Raymond 86

We bb , Rebecca 173, 272

Webb , S tuart 174, 272

Web s ter, Dale 5, 107, 140, 143, 174, 225, 236, 294, 295

Web s te r, Douglas 222, 224, 294

Weinell, Ed 231

We ingardt, Dave 8 2

Weingroviou s, Emil y 39

Weins tein, Eric 3 4, 121 , 231

Weis, Joshua 222

Wei s h eit, Am y 120, 207

We l c h , Cassidy 92, 94, 138, 139, 222

We l ch , Crystal 14, 207

Wel ch , Krista 222

We ll e n sie k, Ja co b 190

We l lens iek, Jake 13 1

Wellensie k , Samu e l 223

We lls, Alexander 15, 136, 207

We lls, Brianna 16, 66, 67, 174, 273

Wend landt, Piers 223

We ndling, Adam 34, 35, 36, 120, 121, 137, 174

Wend lin g, Du s tin 10, 3 4, 104, 121 , 124, 207

Wengroviu s, Jenni e 34, 120 , 207

We sse l, Cassandra 174

We s tby, Kimberly 17, 121 , 174, 236, 237, 247, 273, 275

We s thead , John 82, 223

Wh e ts tine , Jonathan 190

Whi t e, Jay son 207

Whit e, Ryan 174

White, Sher r y 190

Whitfield, Mi chel l e 119, 190

Whitford , Christopher 207

Whitford , Ryan 47, 47, 190

Whitlatch , Talitha 80, 81 , 223

Whitman, Lu cas 207

ONE far the AGES

Widom, Aaron 207

Wie se, Sara 190

Wilber, Debra 74, 75, 174, 273

Wile y, Daniel III 190

Wilhite, Kris ten 190

Wilk , Whitney 174

William, Carley 74

Williams, Bob 231

Williams, Candice 223

Williams, Carley 34, 35, 36, 66, 75, 107, 128, 129, 174, 190, 234, 265, 273

William s, Crissy 190

Williams, Drew 28, 47, 47, 76, 174, 273, 275

Williams, Kevin 22, 47, 47, 85, 140 , 190, 294

Williams, Meghan 107, 120, 190

William s, Meli ssa 207

Williams, Thomas 174

Willis, Evan 207

Wil so n , Aaron 208

Wil so n , Andrew 76, 82, 208

Wil so n , Ga t or 85

Wi lso n , Heather 37

Wil so n , Heidi 11 3, 134, 190, 234

Winham, Katherine 83, 127, 223

Winham, Linds ay 120, 190

Winkler, Ariana 208

Win s ton, Sco tt 127, 190

Winte r, Christina 122, 208

Wobbro c k, Ryan 43, 106, 107, 175, 273, 274

Wolfrum, Sheay 190

Wood , Rebe cc a 41 , 208

Word , Laura 128, 129, 192, 208

Wo r d , Megan 14, 95, 107, 175, 265, 274

Worden, Ambe r 98, 208

Worobey, Li s a 77, 223

Worthington, Mo r gan 80, 223

Wouk , Eli 96, 143, 223

Woznick, Don a l d 175

Wright , Ad r ianne 175, 274

Wunderlich, K iand r a 175 , 274

Wunde rl ich, Kiffany 208

yYacoub, Matthew 223

Yanez, Luis 223

Yanz, Jerry 231

Yavuz, Belin 83, 223

Yocom, Emily 83, 84, 104, 208

Yonkie, David 56

Young, John 175

Young , Lu cas 43

Youngmann, Gene 231

Yowell, Stephanie 223

Yushka, Joshua 223

Yushka, Kyle 190

zZach, Laura 231

Zachris on, Erik 123, 223

Zahrte, Bre tt 125, 208

Zam, Drew 223

Zebroski, Cassie 223

Zenker, Ryan 223

Zens, Breanne 175

Zieg ler, Jamie 82, 208

Ziegler, Meagon 78, 79, 175, 27 4, 275

Zimmerman, Andr ew 84, 223

Zinko, Holly 223

Zipprich, Eli zabeth 208

Zoril, Brian 223

Zwain, Jacob 47, 47, 14 0, 190, 294

A ll n a m es i n c lud e d in th is i nd ex w e r e t a k e n f r o m J effer so n Co unty S c h oo ls' o f fic ial d a ta b ase. Th e ind exi n g of th e nam es w as th e r es po n s ibility o f th e s t aff m e m be r s w h o co mpl e te d eac h s prea d .

~. - - --· "Signatures \ Index 293

Mind Meld Ed1tors-1n-ch1ef Dale Webster and Chris J ohnson put their h eads together 10 order lo plan out the CD- ROM yearbook Th e C D contams over 500 megabytes of infonnat1on 10 the form of pictures , sound, movies. a nd text F resh m an Eduardo M outmho s aid ' The idea of a CD yearbook really reflect~ the level of technology of our generat ion " •

E ditors-in-Chief: ............

Dale Webster

Chris Johnson

AdTisor ............................... Ron Finelli

Editors : .............................. Abbey Kn.ox

Joe Borden

Tim Pray

Kim Westby



Megan B~ c hman

•Aaron Barker

Shelly Barlow

Taylore Becknan

1ennifer Brune

Ttmothy Burc h

Kathryn Carlsen

•Andrea Chrzan

•Al exis Croghan

Tara Davidson

E rin E nna

Marlena Estes

Kim Fale

Ryan Fields-Spa c k

Nic ole Fergison

•Aubrey Franlc.lin

Karla HeffelSnger

Mi c kjean

•Julia Johnson

C hristina Raven

•1,e annP- K e phart

•Mi c helle Ring

Jessica Knep


One for the Ages wa s publi shed by Jo s ten 's School Produ ctio n s Group of Topeka, Kan sas. Our c ompany repre se ntative was Gary Cordray. The book is a si ze seven (e ight by eleven inches) and co nt ai ns 298 p ages ( the lar ges t GHS yearbook eve r !) Th e pap er is eig hty pound Bordeaux a nd 1300 books were pr odu ced . The cos t of the book wa s $37 .50 or $32.50 with an activity ti cket.

Th e CD ROM whic h was in clud ed in the yearbook wa s a ss emb led in Quark Imm edia o n a APS four gigabyte AV drive and ma s tered by CD- ROM

I nc orporated C hri s John s on a nd Dale Web s ter co nceived of the d es ig n a nd authored th e CD.

Heidi Kostennan

Cody Long

-Thomas Luedtke

Seth Macalady

•Me naka Mahajan

•H eather M c dowell

Tiffany M cEwe n

Jean Moseley

*Stefanie Nahley

R y an Nee

•Adani Nims

•Abbey P6sterer

Sarah Pizzo

Jennifer Powell


Julia Schmidt

Carolina S c ho c h-Smith

Ja y Stokes

Robert Schreiner

Justin Stiegelmeier

Kelly Watson

Douglas Webster

Kevin Wiillams

Ja c obZwain

The the m e id ea was ori ginally co nceived of by th e 1997 second se mes ter yearbook s taff, a nd the c over de s ign wa s co nceiv e d by Josten 's artist , Roxa nn e Ebberts, and was created by Chris John so n and Dale W e bs ter us i ng Adobe Ph o tos h op 4 .0 o n a P ower Ma c int os h 6400/200

A ll c opy and g rap hi cs were de sktop published on M ac into sh co mput e rs us ing Adobe Pagemaker 5 0 O utput was o n a Xa nt e Ac cel awrite r 8100 tabloid 1200 dpi bla c k a nd whit e printer and a Hewl e tt Pa c kard Deskjet 855 Cse co lor printer.

O ld ph otos were co urte sy of the Golden D A.R Pi o nee r Mu seum, 923 10th St., Golden

All bod y co py is in 12 point Palatino a nd caption s were in 8 point Times. All s tudent nam es a nd grad e leve ls we re taken from a co mput erized officia l di s tri c t e nro llm en t li s t. W e apo logize for a ny inadverte nt error s.

• denote~ f ul t year staff m e mber ONE 294 fo r the AGES

In previous issues of the GHS yearbook the closing ha s been a place to reminisce about the great times the editors and staff had after school eating pizza and trying to meet a deadline in 15 minute s. We feel very left out thi s year, as we (with the h e lp of our speedy staffers) did not have to s tay after school once during the entire school year in order to meet a deadline. So instead we will u se thi s space to t e ll yo u all about the wonderful things we have included in th e 1998 GHS yea rbook . The book itself is the longest in GHS history, due mainly to all the se nior babies and buddies pictures we received this year. After 125 years you would think that the GHS yearbook staff might run out of new ideas. This is not the case this year, however, as we have become one of th e first few sc hool s in the United States to pro- duce a CD-ROM yearbook in addition to the ,.... '°'. usual book. Thi s CDROM is even more @ ·~ unique because thi s year we are celebrat- ~:r:: · 1 ~ ~ ,._.,,,,._,..-.,..

ing the 125th anniversary of GHS. The CD in cludes movies, pictures f t \ ' and information about the different f f 11 aspects of GHS

completely origi- f~ I1 r1&l:t> a 1' ~('!"','r~' . nal in our clo sing, and will now :.V, [ ,. ,f,1, ~:bl =~ proce e d to thank those who have -1., contributed greatly in the pro- ~ ; £ 1,7,}j n~,: d uction of th e book and CD. Thanks J # y iii · to our parents, s ibdid. As far as specific people , wewillofcoursethankMr. Pinelli, who not only facilitated , but ins pired u s as well. We also would like to thank the following people: Abbey Kno x, Joe Borden , Tim Pray, Kim Westby, Aaron Brown, Cy Hall, Meaghan Burnell, Jimmy Buffet, and our ever faithful and hardworking staff. We love them all, and each of the se people contributed grea tl y in the production of a yearbook that i s certainly One for the Ages.

Closing 295

Signatures for the !4ges

·- '. MindM• and C hns J orde r to pla C D contain mtheform• F res h man J of a CD yt technology (J Edito Advis Edito Sa.i: Me ·A.a She Ta , • •J e1 -n Ka ·Ai •A) Tai Eri Ma Ku Ry Nie •A, Ka Mi -.Ju Cb -I.A •M Je5 294

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