Durham College

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Continuing Education Course Calendar

Why Durham College? w w w . d u r h a m c o ll e g e . c a / c o n e d

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S e pt e m b e r to D e c e m b e r / F a l l 2 0 1 3

I decided to try online learning and the scope exceeded my expectations. Over a period of six decades, I have taken many in-class continuing education classes, such as business and French language courses. With the onset of severely deteriorated hearing I found the French language course challenging. Although I successfully completed the course I resigned myself to the possibility that it was my last opportunity for enrolment in a continuing education program. I decided to try online learning and enrolled in a Political Geography course. This was certainly a new venture. The subject material was excellent, the scope exceeded my expectations and the structure of assignments provided challenges that promoted effective learning. I felt somewhat apprehensive coping with this new learning venue but the availability and quality of technical support I received helped me to overcome my apprehensions and I was able to enjoy the course. Kenneth E. Jenkins

Lasting Imprint Elephants play a vital role in their ecosystem; with their large mass and physical power they create pathways for other animals to use, convert woodlands to grasslands, and trap rainwater in the impression of their footprints for smaller species to drink. Similarly, the effect of individual learning may lead to future developments that leave a lasting imprint on one’s community.

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