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ISSUE Thursday NO. 68 June 29, 2016

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Co. Wexford gets its first Columbarium Huge turnout for Hope beach walk

A Co. Wexford parish is this week celebrating being the first graveyard in Ireland outside Dublin to install a free standing Columbarium for the final storage of cremated human remains. With the increasing trend towards cremations rather than burials the local parish committee in Cleariestown decided to embark on a project which would provide for the dignified storage of the precious aches of cremated persons. The Cleariestown Columbarium is a collection of fifty six secure niches and each niche can accommodate one or two remains. The front section incorporates a memorial plaque and the cremated remains are placed in specially designed urns Already there have been several enquiries from members of the public in respect of the Cleariestown facility. With the growing popularity

Jackie O Reilly ,Margaret Stamp and Anne Marie Sinnott of the local committee pictured beside the new Columbarium in Cleariestown Cemetery. of cremations over burials it is expected that the Columbarium in Cleariestown could be in high demand in the years ahead. The local committee decided to go ahead with the develop-

ment on the strength of the upsurge in cremations across Co. Wexford. Unlike when ashes are buried in a grave there is no maintenance required for a place in a Columbaria.

It was the longest day of the year as well over one thousand people gathered at Curracloe beach for the annual Hope Cancer Support Centre Summer Solstice 5k Walk and ceremony of Light and Healing. For many of those taking part this is an annual event. They take part both to support the work of the Hope Centre and enjoy the serenity which the walk provides for participants. The huge numbers made their way slowly from the Winning Post out onto the beach walking at waters edge

before doubling back through the sand dunes and making the return journey on the narrow road.

A ceremony of Light and Healing followed when the participants returned to their starting point.



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Fine Gael councillor Frank Staples was elected Mayor of Wexford on Tuesday night defeating Sinn Fein's Mick Roche by five votes to four. Fianna Fail's Tony Dempsey defeated Deirdre Wadding by a similar margin to become Deputy Mayor. Cllr. Staples is to make the provision of twenty four hour services for Mental Health a central issue of his Mayoralty. He is the second rural based councillor in a row to hold the Office.


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Chronicle June 29, 2016



Memorial to Robert Brennan is unveiled in Wexford

A Wexford man who played a big part in the 1916 Rising and then went on to have a remarkable career was honoured in Wexford on Saturday afternoon when a memorial in his memory was unveiled by Mayor Ger Carthy. Suring the 1916 Rising Robert Brennan led as quartermaster of the local Brigade. His wife Una, a Bolger from Oylegate, was also in Enniscorthy with Cumann na mBan and was one of three women volunteers who climbed and raised the tricolour over the Athenaeum. Robert Brennan was subsequently sentenced to death for

his part in the Rising but the sentence was subsequently commuted to penal servitude. He helped to found the Irish Press newspaper and served as its manager for four years from 1930 until he was appointed Secretary to the Irish Legation in Washington. He later became Irish Minister to Washington where he served until 1947. On his return to Dublin he served for a year as Director General of Radio Eireann. A campaign to honour him in his home town began last year but the first plan, to have George's Street where he

resided for a time, renamed Brennan Street was roundly defeated in a poll of local residents. Members of the local Borough District Council then decided to erect a monument in his honour. On Saturday there was an impressive ceremony to unveil the monument with relatives of Robert Brennan travelling t o Ireland for the occasion. Mayor Ger Carthy gave the welcoming address while the keynote speech was delivered by Defence Minister Paul Kehoe and local historian Nicky Furlong delivered a his-

Members of Walsh Family and other desendants of Robert Brennan pictured at the memorial.

tory of the life of Brennan. His grand-daughter Yvonne Jerrold spoke on behalf of the family before the monument was unveiled. The weather was kind for the occasion with more than one hundred members of the public, including many relatives of Brennan and his wife Una, enjoyed the ceremony . The Memorial was blessed by Fr. Aodhan Markam and Canon Arthur Minnion while the music of the St. Patrick's Fife and Drum Band added to the occasion and the Proclamation was read by Captain Danny Sullivan.

Capt. Danny O Sullivan who read the Proclamation pictured with Wexford District Manager, Angela Laffan.

Mayor Ger Carthy being escorted to the ceremony by O.N.E. Commodore John Barry Wexford branch.

SF Deputy Leader opens Gorey Festival The Deputy Leader of Sinn Fein, Mary Lou McDonald, travelled to North Wexford on Friday evening to perform the official opening of the Byrne/Perry History and Heritage festival.

The event was formally the Byrne Perry Summer School which was founded by the Late Fr. Walter Forde when he was a curate in Gorey. Fr. Forde played a key role in the organisation of the

Summer School until his death last year and he was remembered at this year's event with the opening lecture named in his honour. The Fr. Forde Memorial Leature entitled 1916 What

Amanda Byrne,Gorey District Manager,Mary Lou McDonald, who officially opened the festival, Cllr. Pip Breen,Chair Gorey District Council.andHazel Percival, Gorey Library.

Happens Next was delivered by Patsy McGarry of the Irish Times. The festival included many free events for all the family in addition to lectures, walking tours and music.

All the events at the festival focussed on the events which followed 1916 leading up to the 1918 General Election. The main programme of events for the festival was

A section of the attendance at the opening lecture

on Saturday with three separate session covering the Decline of the Irish Parliamentary ; The Rise of Sinn Fein and a final session entitled 'All Changed'



Chronicle June 29, 2016


Chronicle June 29, 2016



Deliveries to Dunnes cause long delays on N11 Councillors in Enniscorthy are up in arms over the traffic problems being caused by delivers to the Dunnes Stores premises in the town centre which they say are causing serious traffic problems on the N11. Now they are to check the planning permission for the store and the conditions which attached to it with a view to halting delivers which contravene the terms of the planning permission. Things came to a head recently when two long trail-

ered lorries arrived at the premises at 10.30am and caused long traffic delays as they attempted to negotiate their way into the store. The outgoing Chairman of the Enniscorthy Municipal District Council, Paddy Kavanagh, told his colleagues that he had received a complaint from one motorist who was stuck in traffic as far back as the old St. Senan's Hospital and delayed by thirty five minutes as a result of the incident. He said traffic was difficult enough on the N11 through

Enniscorthy without further problems being created by deliveries to Dunnes Stores. Cllr. Kavanagh said he believed that when the planning was granted for the store there were some conditions attached in respect of delivery times and these should be enforced. Another member of the Council, Kathleen Codd Nolan, was caught up in a separate incident herself which happened at peak school traffic time. She told the meeting that no deliveries should be made at a time when people were

trying to bring children to school. This point was echoed by Cllr. Johnny Mythen who said difficulties were also being caused by bin collection lorries which often arrived in parts of the town at peak school traffic time. He said time restrictions should be put on the collection of waste in the urban area. Director of Services John Carley said times for the collection of bins were set out in the permits granted to collectors, but they were not really enforceable.

Ballagh school jumps queue to get road safety plan

The primary school at The Ballagh is to jump the queue to have extensive traffic control measures put in place on the approach to the school because they took the initiative to have a detailed plan carried out by a consultant prior to making an approach to the

Council. Schools throughout the county have been battling to have the Council provide traffic control and safety measures but up to now plans have been put on hold pending a the implementation of a formal strategy. That will involve the grading of each school to determine the type of traffic control measures which would be appropriate in each case. However, councillors in the Enniscorthy Municipal District have now decided to jump the gun and approve detailed traffic control measures for The Ballagh, at an overall cost of â‚Ź7,000. Councillor Oliver Walsh who has been campaigning on behalf of the school for some time reported on a meeting with the Parents Council where they had presented their

own consultant's report and offered to a 50/50 share of the cost. He said the Council should do its best for The Ballagh given the amount of work which they had carried out themselves and their financial offer. He said there was no doubt that the measures were needed in the Ballagh and in response to issues raised in relation to the county policy he said the Ballagh could be proceeded with as a pilot project. He was strongly supported by Cllr. Paddy Kavanagh, who highlighted the fact that the school was putting up its own money, and by Cllr. Willie Kavanagh. But concerns over the approach being taken were expressed by Cllr. Barbara Ann Murphy who pointed to the many other schools across the

district which were on the waiting list and she asked if the proposed policy in respect to safety outside schools was to be ignored. Cllr. Kathleen Codd Nolan said other schools had been trying to get safety measures for many years and she herself had been involved with Caim school. Cllr. Paddy Kavanagh said the fact that The Ballagh was making its own contribution would mean that there would be money left in the fund to carry out works at another school. Cllr Willie Kavanagh suggested that Cllr. Codd Nolan get Caim to engage a consultant to carry out a report and Caim could then be the next school to get a safety plan. Cllr. Codd Nolan indicated that she would work with Caim on this.

Growing concern as Enniscorthy continues to decline There is growing pessimism about the future of commercial life in Enniscorthy following the closure recently of another high profile business. At a meeting of the local District Council there was an air of despair as councillors reflected on the latest closures the hit the town centre, in particular the loss of Doyle's Butchers in Rafter Street, one of the longest established and highest profile businesses in the town. The issue was raised by Cllr. Johnny Mythen who highlighted recent business closures and said the situation in Enniscorthy was 'serious'. 'Something has to be done', he told his colleagues as he pointed out that the decline in commercial activity in Enniscorthy was continuing. Cllr. Paddy Kavanagh said

at one time in the town there were fifteen butchers and now there were just three. He said that the decline in the town was continuing despite the best efforts of so many people and organisations and decisions which were taken in good faith the trend was still down. The big problem was that if you went to Wexford town you would meet half of Enniscorthy shopping there and if you travelled to Gorey you would meet the other half. He said his heart went out to people who had tried so hard to keep their businesses going and to the people who worked in them. He said he just did not know what could be done to reverse the situation. Cllr. Johnny Mythen said that perhaps some of the big

plans which were in the pipeline for the town could be fast-tracked. Cllr. Kavnagh agreed and said that if a town in the west of Ireland was facing the type of problems evident in Enniscorthy a special task force would be set up to tackle them. Cllr. Kathleen Codd Nolan said it was so sad to look at Doyle's Butchers who had been so progressive over the years. 'We need to take some sort of action', she said. A new CEO has recently been appointed to Enniscorthy Chamber of Commerce and Cllr. Paddy Kavanagh said the Council would work closely with her to advance projects and initiatives.



Chronicle June 29, 2016






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Chronicle June 29, 2016


News Council goes high tech to answer queries

Wexford Co. Council is to automate the system for dealing with queries from Co. Councillors and members of the public. The new system was unveiled last week in Gorey where the eight local authority members in the district are to pilot the project. In future if Co. councillors want to get a rapid response to an issue or concern they are raising they will not telephone someone at Co. Hall. Instead they will e-mail their issue to the Customer Service Desk at Co. Buildings. The Service Desk will then

forward the complaint or question to the relevant department while attaching a unique reference number to the query which will be emailed directly back to the councillor concerned. Council chiefs expect the vast majority of queries to be answered within three days but where no response has been received within ten days the matter will be re-activated by the Customer Service Desk Co. Secretary Pat Collins travelled to Gorey to explain the new system last week. He urged all councillors to use

the system saying that all queries lodged through it would be given top priority. The system has taken almost two years to perfect. It was instigated following complains from a number of councillors in 2014 about the length of time it was taking to have queries dealt with. Mr Collins told councillors in Gorey that the new system if used correctly would enable the Council to identify bottlenecks in the system and where delays were occurring. There was a broad welcome for the system but Cllr Robbie Ireton said he did not

want to see it replacing face to face contact between officials and members of the Council. The Council hopes that any problems will be ironed out with Gorey councillors before the system is rolled out across the county at the end of the summer. When fully operational it will enable the Council to identify where the internal system broke down in the event of a councillor or member of the public not getting a response to a question or problem they raised.

Is a Marina vital for the future of Courtown? Sharp disagreements have emerged between public representatives in North Wexford over the future of the Courtown seaside resort. Fine Gael councillor John Hegarty told a meeting of the Gorey Municipal District Council that the building of a Marina in Courtown should be the number one priority for everyone in the area. He said the tourist product in North Wexford was outdated and needed the marina to give it a boost. He was supported by Fianna Fail's Malcolm Byrne who said that the development of a Marina under a partnership with a private investor should be considered as a way of progressing the idea. Plans for a marina had been at an advanced stage in 2008 but they fell victim to the property crash and recession.

However, Courtown based councillor, Robbie Ireton, did not agree that a marina should be the priority for the resort. He said the replacement of the beech must be top of the agenda for Courtown. And he dismissed the suggestion that sand would have to be imported from the UK to complete protection works in the resort. He said sand which had been washed out of Courtown in the storms just needed to be brought back. Councillors were discussing multi-million euro coastal protection works which are to be finalised in Courtown next year and they were told that these works and the marina were completely separate projects with different sources of funding. The protection works will cost in the region of €10m and councillors believe that if this

work was scaled back some of the money could be invested in a marina with Cllr Hegarty suggesting that the marina could be downsized from what was originally proposed. The value of a marina to North Wexford would be substantial with Engineer Gerry Forde revealing that the marina in Kilmore is estimated to be worth

€1m per year to the local economy. The new Chairman of the Gorey Council, Pip Breen, will attend a meeting of INTEREG with fellow councillor Oliver Walsh of Blackwater next month and they will try to secure funding for the project from that source.

Tragedy waiting to happen in Morriscastle Emergency services would face an impossible task in trying to reach the scene of an accident on Morriscastle beach, local councillor Mary Farrell has warned. She warned that there would be a tragedy if something was not done to address the situation saying

Department blocking progress on housing Wexford Co. Council's plans to deal with the county's chronic housing crises are being hampered by roadblocks being put in their way by the Department of the Environment. The Council's Chief Finance Officer and Director for the Gorey District, Annette O'Neill, revealed some of the problems at a meeting of the Gorey Municipal District Council. Designs finalised by the local authority then had to be submitted by the Council to the Department where they were fully examined again causing delays. 'They do not trust us with the design', she told councillors. A plan to raise a €2m loan to enable the Council to purchase as yet unspecified land, which was approved by councillors last month, has

also been blocked by the Department, she revealed. The Council is also barred from purchasing repossessed houses which come on the market. She made her comments in the face of more criticism of the failure to act rapidly in respect of the housing crises in North Wexford. Several members suggested that more Compulsory Purchase Orders should be used in Gorey to enable the Council to take over derelict and unoccupied properties with a view to bringing more social housing units on stream. However, Councillor Anthony Donohue questioned the value of CPOs saying that the process was lengthy and would be unable to deliver many properties in the short term.

North Wexford Windfarm noise probed The environment section of Wexford Co. Council has been dealing with a large number of complaints in respect of noise pollution from people living close to Wind Turbines in North Wexford. The problem seems to be particularly acute in the Askamore area and the

At the Strawberry Fair Ball in the Riverside Park Hotel Enniscorthy were Princesses Amy Fenlon, Katie Kirwan, Bronte Kavanagh, Amy Davis, Rebecca O Connor, Claire O Rourke, Jemma Cullen and Rachel Kelly.

she had been called to the beach to see for herself the difficult situation during a busy weekend recently. She told a meeting of Gorey Council that with parked cars emergency serviced simply would have no way of reaching the beach.

Council is now carrying out monitoring of noise levels in the area. Councillor Anthony Donohue welcomed the fact that action was being taken on the issue. He said there had been numerous complaints from people living in that part of the county about noise.



Chronicle June 29, 2016


Chronicle June 29, 2016


GER WALSH Enough empty houses to provide a home for all

The problem of vacant houses across the county has become a big political issue in recent weeks since it emerged that excluding holiday homes there are enough vacant houses in the county to more than cater for the 4,000 people on the housing list. It seems remarkable but there are in the region of 6,000 vacant houses in Co. Wexford and they are not all in places where people do not want to live. In fact quite a lot of them are in urban areas where the pressure for housing is most intense. If the authorities could find a way of getting these properties into the control of the Council then the housing crisis would be wiped away. I'd imagine that Simon Coveney would love to wave this particular magic wand be-

cause it would eliminate a big headache for him. Equally members of Wexford Co. Council who are trying to deal with the housing problems of the public on a daily basis would be delighted to find some way of getting these properties back to the position where they were providing a roof over the heads of families. They have been making all sorts of suggestions mainly that the Council should compulsory purchase the houses or just take them over, which is the view of some public representatives. While this might seem like a good quick fix it is actually pretty illogical because in the first instance taking property away from people by compulsory order is a very slow and costly business. In some instances the proce-

dure could take many years and unless the Council had a cast iron case to take over the houses they would be very likely to find themselves in the High Court and the whole thing could become a costly mess. But it still seems a shame that so many houses are lying vacant while so many families are without a house so a way of getting people back in these houses must be explored. Some of them may not be suitable for social housing but it must also be remembered that there are many people out there who would like to purchase houses but very few are currently available. So we must ask the question as to why so many houses are currently vacant. If we knew the answer to that then some type of scheme could be put in

Paddy's White House invite for Michael The new Chairman of Wexford Co. Council, Paddy Kavanagh, is well known as a very straight talker who is not afraid of tackling local issues, even if his stand does not always win universal approval. He will certainly bring a different perspective to the Chair of the Council and he will perhaps give voice to some of the concerns of

people who feel their views have been drowned out in a sea of political correctness in recent years. But Paddy's most memorable quote on day one of his Chairmanship had nothing to do with political correctness. Instead it was his suggestion that Fianna Fail's Michael Sheehan, a man who famously put himself right up their up there beside John

F Kennedy a few years ago, was welcome to join him after the meeting for his celebrations in The White House . Paddy added 'It's the only White House you are likely to get to'. Paddy's party was in the White House pub in Templeshannon. The comment had other councillors reeling with laughter and to be fair Cllr. Sheehan saw the funny side.

Welcome back Anthony

There was great joy at Co. Buildings last week when Sinn Fein councillor Anthony Kelly returned to the Chamber after a six month absence having suffered a stroke last January. Anthony was very seriously ill for a time and his fight back has been remarkable. There was genuine relief to see him back in the Chamber and a great rush to greet him. Despite still showing some effects of his illness Anthony demonstrated that he means business on his return and made a number of contributions to the AGM. Right: Welcome back Anthony.....New Council Chairman, Paddy Kavanagh, welcomes Cllr Anthony Kelly back to the Chamber after his recent illness.

place to unlock this particular bottleneck and get at least some of these properties back on the active market. While there will always be extraordinary reasons for some

properties to be left empty it seems unlikely that so many houses would be left like that unless there was some symptomatic reason. Finding the underlying reason

as to why people have simply walked away from these houses must be the first step to providing the remedy for the problem which genuinely is a bit of a scandal.

It is rare for a major public occasion that the people who put in the work to get everything ready get proper recognition. Last Saturday a new memorial to Robert Brennan was unveiled in Wexford town and one of the men who campaigned for it, Brian Cleary, took this picture a few days earlier to ensure that they men who did the work got a little recognition. Four men from Wexford District Council who put the finishing touches to the new memorial for the occasion.From left: Dave Martin, Seamus O'Shea, Packie Kavanagh and Audie Taylor.

EU is increasingly unpopular in Ireland The shockwaves caused by last week's British vote to leave the EU will continue to some time. While there had been some indications on the ground that the strength of the Leave vote was higher than being picked up in opinion polls the entire political and business establishment seems to have been absolutely stunned that ordinary British people would fail to take the advice of the great and the good who, to a man and woman, had warned of the dire consequences of leaving the EU. More than anything else the vote demonstrates a clear disconnect between this establishment and a cross section of ordinary working class people. What put the thing over the edge of course was the fact that these voters were joined by huge numbers of older people who just wanted to wrestle their country back from Brussels elite . There should be lessons from the British vote for Irish politicians because despite the huge amounts of money which have poured into this country over the last four decades the EU is increasingly unpopular among many sectors of the population.

However, politicians and political parties are so wedded to the European project that they have either failed to pick up on this discontent or they have simply ignored it. The EU is viewed by many as an elitist organisation more interested in imposing controls on the everyday lives of ordinary people than in making life genuinely better for them. They see the EU as a sort of big boys club which likes to tell people what to do. Rural communities in particular feel that the heavy hand of Europe is responsible for the decline of many rural communities and also for virtually destroying a way of life which people in this country enjoyed for generations. From when they can cut ditches to whether or not a Home Bakery can continue in business the EU is seen as a negative influence.. Add to that the perception that the EU was responsible for ordinary people being hammered as a result of the banking crisis and suggestions that Brussels wants to tell us what to do in respect of abortion and water changes and you soon have a very powerful coalition of interest groups who are

increasingly anti-EU, regardless of what warning on the economy might be issued by the 'experts'. While it is the national government which has imposed all the unpopular laws and regulations which are so hated by many people all these rules had their birth in some Brussels office. Co. Councillors are well aware of how unpopular these EU directives are but they have a real difficulty getting the message through to the higher levels of their parties. In Britain people were given the opportunity to head butt those EU Officials in Brussels and even if they were unsure of how their actions would affect their lives in the long term they decided it was too good an opportunity to let pass and grabbed it with both hands. If Irish politicians do not use this opportunity now to go kicking and screaming to Brussels demanding an EU which is more understanding, less dictatorial and more appreciate of the real concerns of ordinary citizens then they will provide the fuel for extremist politicians, from both right and left, to prosper in this country into the future.



Chronicle June 29, 2016

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Chronicle June 29, 2016



New Council Chairman wants Training Centre set up in St. Senan's

The provision of a training centre for those involved in seeking a trade at the old St. Senan's Hospital in Enniscorthy has been identified as a top priority for the new Chairman of Wexford Co. Council, Paddy Kavanagh. Cllr. Kavanagh was elected to the post just hours before he stepped down as Chairman of the Enniscorthy Municipal District. He won the Chair by 25 votes to 7 with the backing of his Fine Gael colleagues in addition to Fianna Fail councillors, two Labour members and three independent councillors. The Enniscorthy councillor became emotional as he delivered his opening speech following his election to the position. It is his first time to Chair the Council. He told colleagues that his vision was to see St. Senan's be-

come a Centre of Excellence for trades catering for the many people from the county who were not academically minded but who wanted to pursue a valuable career in different trades. He thanked all those who supported him over the years, especially his family who were in the public gallery to witness the vote. The new Vice-Chair of the Council is Michael Whelan of Fianna Fail. He was elected by 22 votes to 10. There were many tributes to the outgoing Chairman, Tony Dempsey, as he stood down following a year in Office. One of his objective as outlined at the start of the year was to secure a Technical University for the South East and he told his colleagues that immediately prior to the meeting he had spoken by telephone to Educa-

tion Minister Richard Bruton who had assured him that the project was on track. He announced the establishment of a Junior Council for Transition Year students in the Wexford District and reviewed various economic and cultural developments which had taken place during his term of office. There were tributes to councillor Dempsey from all groups on the council. Paddy Kavanagh said he had thrown himself wholeheartedly into the job and Cllr. Malcolm Byrne said the fruits of some of his work as Chairman would not become obvious for a number of years. There were tributes too for the outgoing Vice-Chair, Kathleen Codd Nolan.. In particular she was praised for her speeches during an economic expedition to the United State last March.

Walkout protest as Pip wins Gorey vote

The new Chairman of Enniscorthy Disktrict Council, Oliver Walsh, receives his Chain of Office from outgoing Chairman, Paddy Kavanagh. Also in photo are District Manager Padraig O'Gorman and District Director, John Carley.

Walsh takes Enniscorthy Chair without opposition Oliver Walsh of Fine Gael is the new Chairman of the Enniscorthy Municipal District Council. He succeeds his party colleague, Paddy Kavanagh and he was elected without opposition at the Council's agm. Cllr. Walsh, who has previously served as Chairman of Wexford Co. Council, said one of his aims for his term was to bring greater unity between the town and rural areas of the district and have

both 'pulling together' There had been a lot of bad news in the district, particularly in the town of Enniscorthy and a key aim of the Council had to be halting the decline of Enniscorthy. The new Vice-Chair of the Council is Fianna Fail's Keith Doyle. The highlight of Paddy Kavanagh's year was the Easter Monday celebrations in Enniscorthy. 'It was one of the best days ever in Enniscorthy.

New Co. Council Chairman Paddy Kavanagh with wife Brenda and sons Conall and Patrick.

It was right up there with the bi-centenary of 1798 and the Tour De France' he told colleagues. But he said the Easter Monday celebrations just didn't happened. A lot of hard work went into the celebrations. Cllr Kathleen Codd Nolan said Cllr. Kavanagh did a 'really good job' during his year in the Chair and Cllr Johnny Mythen said 'you did us proud on Easter Monday.

While the election of Chairmen in various other councils went off without incident there were fireworks in Gorey when it came to electing a replacement for outgoing Chairman Malcolm Byrne. There was bitter criticism of the agreement which sees Fianna Fail and Fine Gael, who have five of the eight seats, share the Chair over the germ of the Council. The three members outside the pact, Sinn Fein's Fionntan O'Suilleabhain, Labour's Robbie Ireton and Independent Mary Farrell, launched a furious attack on the arrangement and two of the three-----Mary Farrell and Robbie Ireton, walked from the meeting in protest. The pact was described as anti-democratic, lacking in fairness, a sham and unethical during a ferocious attack from the non aligned trio who have been critical of the arrangement since it started two years ago. Fianna Fai'sl Pip Breen was elected with the support of the pact members. He was proposed by his party colleague Joe Sullivan and seconded by Fine Gael's John Hegarty Cllr Hegarty was later elected to the Vice-Chair. Cllr. Breen promised to work to the best of his ability for the people of Gorey town and district. He said his political journey,

The new Chairman of Gorey Municipal District Council, Pip Breen receives his Chain of Office from outgoing Chairman, Malcolm Byrne which began in 1969, was a long one which had ended with this the high point of his time in politics. He paid tribute to the two previous Chairmen, John Hegarty and Malcolm Byrne, for the work they did to bring the district to the point it is at now. While bitterly criticising the process which saw his elec-

tion Cllr. Fionntan O'Suilleabhain said Cllr. Breen was a gentleman. Cllr. Hegarty said to get side tracked by the issues being raised was to miss the point of the occasion. Earlier Malcolm Byrne reviewed his year and said his message remained that North Wexford was a good placer to live and do business.



Chronicle June 29, 2016

News The All Ireland Farmers' Market in Enniscorthy

Kilmore Quay Memorial Ceremony

The All Ireland Farmers' Market was held in Enniscorthy at the weekend with local producers Ballycross Farm from Bridgetown finishing in second place. Pictured at their stand were, Minister Paul Kehoe, Eileen Whelan of Ballycross Farm, |Oliver Walsh, Chairman of Enniscorthy Municipal District Council and John Carley, District Director for Enniscorthy

Because of bad weather the ceremony normally held at the Kilmore Quay Memorial Trail & Garden in memory of those lost at sea was moved indoors this year and was held in the local parish church. Pictured at the ceremony were Fr,Denis Doyle PP, Fr.James Doyle CC, Clr.Jim Moore, Commodore Hugh Tully,Flag Officer Naval Service,.Minister Paul Kehoe,Padraig OGorman,Ethy. Canon Arthur Minion and Rev.James Cogley PP.

Annual Garden Party in aid of Ferns Union of Parishes

Mary and Katie McGuire were at the Annual Garden Party in aid of Ferns Union of Parishes .

Official opening of Gorey School of Art

Cora and Des O Brien,Gorey and Deputy Michael D'Arcy were enjoying the reception at the official opening of Gorey School of Art

Centra’s hurling event in Wexford Park

Pictured at Centra’s hurling event in Wexford Park is Wexford hurling star Lee Chin with Jamie Breslin, Ronan and Kyle Shannon and James Rayburn.

Patron at the Paupers' Cemetery in Coolcotts

The annual patron at the Paupers' Cemetery in Coolcotts, Wexford took place last Friday night. The ceremony was attended by the Minister for Defence, Paul Kehoe, Mayor Ger Carthy and members of the Borough District Council. Canon Denis Lennon and Canon Arthur Minnion performed the blessing of the graves. Pictured is the scene at the formal blessing ceremony.


Chronicle June 29, 2016



RNLI honours Wexford volunteers at awards ceremony

The RNLI held its Annual Presentation of Awards at the Guinness Storehouse where the charity presented 56 individual awards to volunteers from across the country. Five of the awardees were from county Wexford. The awardees were honoured for their significant contribution to the RNLI in Ireland and years of dedicated and committed service to the charity. Many awardees were fundraising volunteers, recognised for years of service to the charity, while others were lifeboat crew who collected their long-service badges after many years on the lifeboat. Guest of honour at the ceremony was outgoing RNLI Chairman Charles HunterPease who will step down later this year after a successful term as Chairman of the Institution. Speaking to the awardees and their friends and family during the ceremony, Charles Hunter-Pease commented; ‘To everyone receiving an award, whether their service has been at sea or ashore, please wear it with pride. It is the mark of someone very special, selflessly dedicated

to the lives of others.’ ‘Every day, all around our coastline, people come together to do something incredible for someone they’ve probably never met. Lifeboat crews put to sea not knowing what situation they will face. It also takes determination to raise funds. It’s a determination that sees people raise astonishing sums to keep our service running, and that is no small feat, it requires endless talent, imagination and energy.’ Mr. David Delamer Chairperson of the RNLI Council in Ireland formally opened the proceeded and who welcomed the volunteers and their families to the ceremony. The citations for each awardee were read by Emma Gibson RNLI Area Manager and Owen Medland RNLI Divisional Operations Manager for Ireland central. The county Wexford RNLI awardees citations were as follows: Mr Trevor Campbell from New Ross RNLI Branch received a Gold Badge. Trevor is a committed and diligent treasurer who works with the chairman of this

small branch to raise the profile of the RNLI and to raise income. He helps organise flag days and Mayday collections in the New Ross area. The branch is also involved in assisting with the appeal of the new D Class in Fethard-on-Sea and they work closely to support them and their fundraising activities. Mr John Dimond from New Ross RNLI Branch received a Gold Badge. John volunteers as Secretary and Chair of the New Ross branch and is an enthusiastic and committed volunteer. He has been a long serving fundraiser for the RNLI in the area. Although a small RNLI branch John engages with the community to raise awareness and is the longest serving member in the branch. Mrs Anne McMorris from Kilmore Quay RNLI Station Branch received a Bar to Gold Badge. Anne has been a diligent Station Treasurer at Kilmore Quay for 25 years. Anne also took on the Chairperson of the Station Management team in 2008 and has also been an dedicated RNLI fundraiser in the area too. She also delivers ‘meals

on wheels’ to the elderly in her limited spare time. Dr Reggie Spelman from Kilmore Quay RNLI Station Branch received a Bar to Gold Badge. As a GP in a rural practice in Wexford, Dr Reggie Spelman has kindly provided medical support and advice to the Kilmore Quay lifeboat station for over 34 years as the Honorary Lifeboat Medical Adviser for which the marine community are extremely grateful. Mrs Florence Jenkins from Wexford RNLI Fundraising Branch received a Bar to Gold Badge. Florence is an outstanding volunteer who has over thirty-five years fundraising for Wexford Lifeboat and is at present the Chairperson in the branch. Her dedication is incredible and she is heavily involved in Mayday, flag days, working in the lifeboat shop and lifeboat coffee mornings. Her work ethic is second to none and nothing is too much to take on. She raises the profile of the RNLI in Wexford town. Pictured clockwise from top right: Dr. Reggie Spelman, Anne McMorris, John Dimond, Trevor Campbell, Florence

Rosslare should be focal point for regeneration---Kelly

Enniscorthy Association to receive funding for energy upgrades

The South-East Economic Monitor, a report published by researchers at Waterford Institute of Technology, has found that the region still has “persistently high levels of unemployment, deprivation and significantly lower job quality” in comparison with other regions. The economy in the south-east has now seen 14 years of stagnation. Unemployment is still high relative to other regions, in particular long term unemployment.

Minister Paul Kehoe has welcomed the announcement by Denis Naughten T.D., Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment that 38 community energy projects are to receive €20m in grant funding through the Better Energy Communities scheme operated by the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland. Welcoming the announcement Minister Kehoe stated: “One of organisations to benefit from this funding will be the Enniscorthy Community

According to Wexford Sinn Fein councillor, Anthony Kelly, one area that could be addressed is the lack of investment and “under-representation” of the IDA in the region. Councillor Kelly has highlighted proposals put forward by the party that would address these problems: "It is not like there are not ideas out there that could be developed and turn around the long term problems of unemployment and deprivation through creation of economic opportunities. For a start we need

an enhanced regional transport hub that aligns road, rail and port infrastructure. This would maximise the use of Rosslare Europort (this should happen alongside a parallel investment in Waterford). We need structured planning that links these into the completion of the Enniscorthy and New Ross Bypass. This would create a platform for the development of Rosslare Europort to act as a focal point for the economic regeneration of Wexford."

Housing Association who will receive energy upgrades to 27 houses. This project is led by Capita, working with Retrofit Energy Ireland Ltd (REIL) as the project coordinators. “Energy upgrades to homes have a multi-fold impact, reducing the cost of running the house for the occupant, increasing environmental responsibility and creating jobs during the implementation of the project. “The total investment in energy efficiency across this

funding is almost €48 million, supporting more than 700 direct and indirect jobs right across the country. “As a Fine Gael Minister, my priority is to ensure that the Government uses the fruits of our recovering economy to provide better services for everyone. This is a good example of how grants can be used to improve our energy efficiency, save people money on their energy bills and create local jobs into the bargain.”



News FDYS to get new home in Wexford town

The Ferns Diocesan Youth Service which has been providing a wide range of services to young people in Wexford for several decades has ambitious plans to move from its long term home at Francis Street to a high profile location opposite the Bank of Ireland. The service aims to open what is described as a Type 3 Youth Cafe which provides a wide range of services for young people. The new building, which previously housed the

ESB and Halifax Bank, will provide a much higher profile for FDYS and hopefully will create greater awareness of their services. Representatives of FDYS unveiled heir plans to members of the Wexford Borough District Council last week when they revealed that they require €57,000 to complete the move. They hope to raise the money from a variety of sources and they won the backing of councillors for their work.

councillor has claimed. Cllr. Frank Staples said that where a landowner was aware there was a danger to road users they should be allowed to act. Engineer Craig Innes said

that if there was a danger the ditches could be cut back. Cllr Deirdre Wadding said she would not like to see a situation where landowners could decide for themselves whether or not there was a

danger. Mr Innes said it would be better for the landowner to get clearing from the Council before they started cutting back any dangerous areas.

Take vacant houses from owners, say councillors

Houses which have remained vacant for some time should be taken from their owners by Compulsory Order a meeting of the Wexford Borough District was told. Cllr Deirdre Wadding said the Council should be able to take the houses when they are left vacant and provide them for people on the hous-

ing list. She said at the current rate of progress it would take fifteen years to deal with the existing housing list. 'We can't wait we have to be proactive', she added. Cllr Davy Hynes said the problem of vacant and derelict houses at a time when so many people were

Whitebrook takeover Whitebrook Housing Estate in Wexford town is to be taken in charge by Wexford Co. Council following the completion of the formal Taking in Charge

Process. Members of the Wexford Borough District Council have welcomed the decision to take over the estate.

3,000 tenants asked Council to repair homes

'Let landowners cut hedges' The problems caused by excessive hedgerow growth can lead to a dangerous situation on many rural roads and landowners should be allowed to take action to deal with the problem, a Wexford

Chronicle June 29, 2016

homeless was a very serious one. He had been campaigning about two vacant houses in Bride Street and it had taken twenty years to get anything done about them. He said there were two houses vacant in Devereux Villas and they have been empty for ten years.

Wexford Co. Council has had more than 3,000 requests from its tenants for repairs to their homes in the first five months of the year. That's more than twenty one calls every single day of the year so far. In total there were 3,239 calls for repairs across the county with the largest number coming from the

Wexford District at 994. Wexford has the highest stock of social housing in the county. But New Ross was not far behind with 897 calls while Enniscorthy had 899. Gorey, where the housing stock is much lower had 449 calls. Marginally more than 50% of the repair requests have been carried out to date.

Work planned for Coolco!s Lane Road strengthening and resurfacing on the busy Coolcotts Lane on the outskirts of Wexford town is to begin shortly. Engineers Craig Innes and Laurence Lett have reported to councillors that the work will

be undertaken during the school holiday period when the road is quieter. The road from Screen to Curracloe and at Old Boley will also see work start over the next few weeks.

At MJ O Connor Solicitors we offer a no nonsense approach and provide sensible advice in relation to all areas of the law. A Free Legal Advice Clinic runs at our Wexford Office in Drinagh very Tuesday. An appointment must be made in advance and our office, which has ample parking, is open through lunchtime and outside of office hours by arrangement. Every Tuesday evening we provide Free Legal Advice on all matters in half hour appointments from 4.00 pm until 7 pm Contact Seamas Turner at 053-9122555 or by email 'Maynooth Reunion' - Fellow students, Hugh O’ Connor, Joe Bridges, Fr. Paddy McCafferty and Aidan Roche, who studied with Fr. John Carroll at his silver jubilee celebrations in Barntown recently. Fr. Carroll has been curate in Barntown for the past ten years and is also Diocesan Press Officer.

Council to spend €125,000 on festivals

A total of €125,000 is to be spent on festivals and events in Wexford town and district by the Co. Council this year. The top spending has been allocated to the Wexford Winterland Festival and Christmas lights which will be funded to a total of €40,000, while the John Barry Maritime Festival and Wreath laying Ceremony

will get €15,000 the same as the Art in the Open Festival. The Wexford Festival Opera also gets €15,000 while €22,500 has been allocated for support for the Quayfront and other Community Events during the year. Rural areas get much smaller allocations. €3,000 goes to the Kilmore Seafood Festival,

€2,000 to the Leo Carthy Weekend in Our Lady's Island while Light Up Bridgetown gets just €750 and the Sea Shanty in Rosslare gets €500. The list is completed by support for two other Wexford town events. The St. Patrick's Day Parade received €8,000 in grant aid while the Wexford Food Festival got €3,500

Every Tuesday morning we provide Free Legal Advice, with an emphasis on on Employment Law issues, from 8am until 9.30 am Contact Catherine O Connor at 053-9122555 or by email In addition we also continue provide a designated Family Law Service dealing exclusively with Marriage Breakdown which provides free legal advice specific to Separation, Judicial Separation and Divorce. This service is available anytime by appointment. To arrange please contact Seamas Turner at 053-9122555 or by email


Chronicle June 29, 2016



Wexford success at AIMS Awards

Members of the WLOS at the AIMS Awards in Killarney INEC last weekend when we were nominated for Best Overall Show for EVITA finishing just outside the Top 3 but winning

Best Musical Director, Fintan Cleary, Best Technical Award, Runner Up Best Chorus, Runner Up Best Supporting Male James McDermott and Runner Up Mary Kelly Award for un-

sung hero, Pat Lawlor. Over 1,000 members of AIMS were at the Awards ceremony where the AIMS National President Colm Moules paid a lovely tribute to the late John Don-

nelly, Director of WLOS who was tragically killed in Turkey only a few weeks ago which was followed by a minutes silence and a prolonged standing ovation.

Fifty years of Gorey Summer Theatre Imagine being stuck six feet under with your close relations for all of eternity. That is the underlying theme of Gorey Little Theatre Group's July Summer Play, which is the darkly comic offering 'Family Plot' by Daragh Carville. Directed by Michael Dunbar, the play will run at Gorey Little Theatre every Tuesday and Thursday during July commencing at 8.30pm nightly. Tickets are available at the door at €12 for adults

and €6 for children and students. The cast comprises Ronan Byrne (Frank);Amanda Sheil (Ma);Nicola Galvin (Aunt Lizzie);Lily Heinrich Doyle (Emer;Gillian Tallon (Tess) Oliver Stephens (Da) This is the fiftieth Summer that the Theatre Group has staged its Summer Plays and in addition to the July offering, the Group will stage John B Keane's 'Sharon's Grave' in August.

Problems on Riverwalk The River Walk beside the Slaney in Enniscorthy has become a very popular route for walkers but dog fouling and overgrown trees and shrubs are causing a problem for those using it. Cllr. Paddy Kavnagh told a meeting of the District Council that there was no point in carrying out improvements in September when the walking

season was at an end. Instead it should be carried out now when the walking season was at its peak.

Wexford Drama Group cast Friel classic for summer Fresh from their sell out success of John B. Keane’s “Big Maggie” the hard working team at Wexford Drama Group have just cast the second of their 50th Anniversary productions. The group are delighted to have secured the rights for “Philadelphia Here I Come” by the recently deceased giant of Irish theatre that is Brian Friel. Regular Drama Group audiences will remember the group staged another Friel classic last summer as Stephen Byrne directed “Dancing at Lughnasa” to great acclaim. Mr Byrne is back in the director’s chair and has just established a knock out cast for this year’s summer offering. Philadelphia Here I Come tells the story of Gar, a young Irish man, as he prepares to leave his dull Donegal community and his seemingly insensitive father to live with his aunt in Philadelphia. The hero has an alter ego, seen only by himself and the audience: the public Gar holds back his true emotions, while the private Gar tells the brutal (and sometimes hilarious) truth. As Gar packs his bags, he and his inner self examine his relationships with his boorish dad, his former

sweetheart, his frustrated schoolmaster, his shallow buddies, and his loving housekeeper. Philadelphia Here I Come is a play that explodes with a beautiful mix of comedy and drama, a must see for theatre lovers this summer. The cast includes lots of experienced drama faces and a few performers better known for their singing voices, who take to the drama stage for the first time. The pivotal roles of Gar Public and Gar Private are played by Jack O’Connell and Alan Fitzhenry respectively. Jack is a newcomer to the group and Alan is at this stage a recognisable face for Wexford drama audiences having most recently played Teddy Helin in “Big Maggie”. Tony Brennan makes a welcome return to the stage in the role of S.B. O’Donnell and will once again play opposite long standing drama group member Hilda Conway who plays the part of Madge. Following on from his hilarious return to the stage as Byrne in “Big Maggie”, Eugene Mcloughlin plays the part of the Master. Mention hilarious and this next actress will certainly come to mind for the numerous com-

edy roles she has played with Wexford Light Opera Society. A welcome addition to the drama world is Catherine Biddy Walsh, who plays the American aunt Lizzy Sweeney. Another Light Opera face has come on board as George Lawlor won’t have to look to hard to find the character of Senator Doogan, with the very talented Megan Power playing his daughter Lizzy. Making up this marvellous cast is Brian Hynes as Con Sweeney, Michael Murphy as Ben Burton, with Chris Doyle, Dylan Walsh and Danny Mcloughlin as the lads. Rehearsals are Jack O’Connell & Alan Fitzhenry play the pivotal roles of Gar Private and Public now in full swing for the production of July. You can keep up to Drama Group on their website "http://www.wexforddramathat will be performed in Wexdate with rehearsals and all www.wexforddramagroup."com or find the ford Arts Centre over two that’s happening with Wexford HYPERLINK group on Facebook or Twitter. weekends beginning on 28th



Chronicle June 29, 2016

News Saving money in first year doing the daily commute to WIT

A daily commute from Wexford to WIT at the age of 17 gave PJ Doyle the opportunity to follow a course of study he was interested in PJ Doyle has just completed Year 4 of Architecture & BIM Technology at Waterford Institute of Technology. PJ who is from St. Aidan’s Crescent, Wexford Town attended Wexford Vocational College, Wexford Town. He hopes to go on to work in an Architecture Firm following his studies in Waterford. His family are Eileen Doyle, Bobby Doyle and Jason Doyle. PJ explains why he chose to study close to home. “I chose to study Architectural Technology because construction was something which interested me and was good at

while studying it in my secondary school. From a young age I wanted to become an Architect after one spoke to us at my primary school. After researching courses to do with construction, like Architecture, Architectural Technology caught my interest most because it combines architecture design with a more construction based approach. W.I.T was one of the few Institutes in Ireland which had this course option and the lecturers were teaching more innovative software and more advanced skills in 2012. WIT was also very close to home, which gave me the ability to commute by bus for my first year as I was only 17 and after leaving school at the time.” While the commute was tough for first year it saved

him a lot of money and made it possible for him to mature. In second year he moved into student accommodation in Waterford. “It was a challenge to become fully independent and to manage my finances. However that was a very exciting experience of my life and I achieved that student life experience (one which I think everyone should experience). Living in Waterford also gave me extra time with my studies, reduced stress and forced me to learn how to cook, manage money and become more mature." PJ‘s advice for CAO applicants who are considering their options is: “While applying for courses, think long and hard about what you want to become, not what you want to

A to Z Grad Guide After Party – Definitely one of

the most important parts of the night. Make sure to have a place to go when 2am comes around. No one wants to go home after their grad. The after party is make or break!

Band - If you’re going to your

debs make sure the grad committee have a decent band playing, Bands cost a bomb so try not let them waste all your money on somebody muck.

Corsage – Make sure to get this sorted well in advance lads! It needs to go with the dress and not be huge and ridiculous like some of them you see.

Date - One of the most impor-

tant things to have a good night is a good date. Don’t pick somebody who is way out of your league that will shift your whole class and not you, your night will be ruined. Go for a friend who’s up for the craic or somebody you’ve went off with before if you’re single, if you’re taken bring your partner obviously.

Energy Drinks – if you’re like

us and have had 2+ grads one after each other, cans of Red Bull are key! Make sure to have a few back at the house for after so you’re not brown bread by 2 O Clock.

Flowers - Boys!! Take note,

Flowers and chocolate is an absolute must!! Not for your date but for your date’s mother of course, you have to have the mother on your side.

G-String – Girls, no one wants

to be seeing your underwear through your dress. Sort it out and pick something that suits the dress!

Hair – this one’s for lads and

pants. No one likes gravy-covered pants.

Iron – Lads, make sure your

rder x2 – If you don’t order your drinks minimum 2 at a time you’ll end up waiting at the bar for most of the night. There’s probably 200 people in the room drinking as well, that’s a lot of waiting! “36 Jager Bombs pls”.

girls. Make sure the hair’s on fleek for the big night. Don’t be letting your cousin who does hair sometimes near you. Get it done properly – it’s a deal breaker! shirt is ironed and your suit is pressed!! The amount of people at grads that look like they’re just finished in court is mad! Don’t turn up looking like a scruff.



Protection - Let’s be honest

everyone wants to smash at the end of their grad. So unless you want 40 children remember to have it prepared. This isn’t just the lads responsibility, girls! uiet – Mainly because we couldn’t think of one for Q. But it’s still important. Don’t just sit their awkwardly with your grad date and be quiet. Talk to them and everyone else at your table. No one likes awkward silence.

Keys – Make sure you’re not

olls - An extremely important part to any debs is the breakfast roll the hotel makes you when you leave. The best idea in the whole world but just remind your hotel that you really want the rolls and they’ll sort that out.

Limo - Not everybody’s cup of tea but if you like to arrive in style a Limo is a must or a hummer ….. Or a party bus, plenty of options out there, I’ve even seen people arrive in a tractor or by the guards. Sort it out well in advance and it’ll be one less thing to worry about.

Money – Whatever you think

you’re going to spend, double it. Then double that. Lads, you’re buying drinks for 2 people. And realistically you’re buying a shot for every person in your year. Grads are expensive AF!

Napkin - Before you tuck into

your meal make sure you’ve a napkin on your lap, food can be disastrous if it falls onto your

PJ Doyle Pictured at the 2015 WIT conferring for his Level 7 BSc in Architectural Technology

They are the veterans of FIFTEEN grands between them so there are few more qualified to offer advice for the big night than our duo Adam Ennis and Eoin Healy. Here we repeat their A-Z guide on how to survive your big night which was first published last year So just follow these simple guidelines and you’ll have the best night ever but the next day may not be so great. Enjoy. white dress is now see-through. It’s fairly vital


… - Hahahahaha! We know what you are thinking like we might have some advice to offer the girls here, but you can think away..


atch – Lads, the grad’s a perfect chance to break out that new timepiece you got. Watches are a must to go with your suit!


-Ray - A lot of alcohol is consumed at Debs so be careful walking up and down stairs or you’ll end up In A&E for an xray so try and avoid that, don’t be a mess running around the place!


ou-----this is your night. Whether you are the guy or the girl remember you won’t be doing this again so make the best of it. No matter how many

Grads you attend your own is always special so give it a lash. And if you are the date make sure it is a special night for your date. Know what we mean….


ip - Boys beware!!! Some of us when we get drunk after going to the toilet we forget to zip up the owld pants which isn’t a good look! That’s it folks have a great time.

Fitzerald’s Menswear

32/34 South Main Street, Wexford Phone Number: 053 9124546


ager - This is the last time your whole class will be together before everyone goes to college and to the dole office, so make it a good night and have a few Jager Bombs to leave school in style. knocking on your front door trying to get in home with some young one you brought home from the grad. Bring your keys!

study. Then put in the time and hours into researching courses which will help you become what you want. Utilise teachers at school, and ask them on their opinion of what your options may be. When I was figuring out my options, I organised multiple meetings with my career guidance teacher, probably more than I needed. Mrs. Kent Nagel at Wexford Vocational College which was extremely patient and helpful, she gave me great advice about my options. She also introduced me to a famous quote which every young student coming out of secondary student should abide by. "Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail" - Ralph Waldo Emerson.




hift – Getting the shift is mandatory. Once 1 O’Clock comes around it’s time to start laying down that ground work lads. Girls, your date’s probably spent a fortune between tickets, drinks, corsage and the rest, the least you could do is give him the shift.


able - It’s the last time you’re going to be sitting together, make sure you’re with your mates. Where you’re sitting will have a massive effect on your night!


mbrella – It’s normally raining at a few of the grads. So, make sure you have your umbrella sorted early in the day. No one likes a cranky young one ‘cause her hair is wet and her

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Chronicle June 29, 2016



John Barry Commemoration

Wreath layers Philip Dillon,Mayor Ger Carthy, Minister Paul Kehoe, Angie, John Fowler and Brendan Howlin TD pictured with District Manager Angela Laffan and District Director Tony Larkin.

Scouts who took part in the Guard of Honour


speech. Wreaths were placed at the John Barry statue at Crescent Quay on behalf of the people of Ireland, Wexford and the Barry family. The Labour Party leader, Brendan Howlin, placed a wreath at the Maritime Memorial to commemorate all those Wexford men who were lost at sea.. The ceremony concluded with the playing of the Irish and US national anthems. Right: Mayor Ger Carthy addresses the crowd at the ceremony

Minister Paul Kehoe inspects the guard of honour

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The annual John Barry commemoration was held in Wexford on Sunday when Mayor Ger Carthy led members of the local Borough District Council in celebrating the Wexford man who is known as the father of the American Navy. Uniformed bodies joined in the ceremony with the Minister for Defence, Paul Kehoe inspecting a guard of honour and delivering the keynote

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Chronicle June 29, 2016

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Chronicle June 29, 2016


18 Find someone here to Fix It, Clad It, Buy It, Sell It, Build It, Heat or Insulate It, Paint It, Print It or Make It, Hire Someone, Find a Job, Pass that Test. It’s All Here in The Chronicle Services Section

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Open 6 Days 10am - 6pm

(Open During Lunch) (Opposite Ulster Bank) North Main Street, Wexford



€12.00 €13.00 €8.00 €10.00 €10.00 €10.00



€14.00 €5.00 €7.00

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Patsy Morris

We are a vibrant, refreshing and dynamic law firm offering general legal services

Fitted Kitchens & Wardrobes Ltd Ballylarkin, Inch, Gorey, Co. Wexford Tel (0402) 37226. Fax (0402) 37276 E-Mail: Web:

For a professional finish with a personal touch

Courteencurragh, Gorey, Co. Wexford Open Every Day from 10am - 5.30pm. Only €7 Entry Fee Pay Once and stay the whole day!

Contact Us:

O’Gorman Law Solicitors 43 Main Street Gorey County Wexford

Tel: 053 94 89413 E: W: DX: 48 013

Kavanagh's of Gorey Telephone: 053 9422124 Phone Peter on 086 3446187 Email:

Top Quality Traditional & Modern styles of Headstones Work Carried Out in all Cemeteries to Highest Standard

Existing kitchens/furniture revamped to suit your personal style and budget. Modern & Traditional styles to choose from.

Call to our showroom or give us a ring to make an appointment.

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Contact Frank Cullen on 087-2310296 Email:

MONSTER CAR BOOT SALE at Ferrycarrig Park Home of Wexford Youths FC Restarting April 28th Every Thursday from 5pm

CARERS WANTED Required in all areas of Co. Wexford

Contact Paudie on

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Prices from €10

Phone 053-9421166 or 086-8788424 Email: Web:

Previous caregiving experience working in the community with Adults, Children and people of all ages with disabilities. Email: or Call: 053 91 84042 for further details


PLEASE CONTACT AISLING PROPERTY LETTINGS FOR A FREE QUOTE ON YOUR PROPERTY Over 13 years experience in property lettings and management Advertising your property on,, and Vetting suitable tenants Property Management and Rent collection Property inspections Organising Repairs

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Chronicle June 29, 2016

Find someone here to Fix It, Clad It, Buy It, Sell It, Build It, Heat or Insulate It, Paint It, Print It or Make It, Hire Someone, Find a Job, Pass that Test. It’s All Here in The Chronicle Services Section


Ph: 053 92 42000 Proprietor: Victor Meyler ATA accredited

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Storm Damage Attic Conversions

PVC, Fascia & Soffit



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TEL: 086 4036363

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Old Dublin Road, Enniscorthy

Wipers Supplied & Fitted for ALL makes and models of vehicles Covering the South East Direct billing to Insurance Companies Very competitive rates for non-insurance

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We have a range of childcare options offering both full-time and part-time care. Baby Room: 6 months to 18 months Montessori: 3 years to school going age Toddler Room: 18 months to 30 months Afterschool: 5 to 12 years All meals provided Registered with Health Board - All staff fully qualified

"For a home from home envrionment for your Little Lambs" 49 Ardmore, Carnew Road, Gorey, Co. Wexford

Ballymoney Golf Club Gorey, Co. Wexford. Phone 053 94 21976

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Tom’s Chimney Sweep

10 Years Experience! • • • • • • •

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Visit us at Email:

Call Tom on 087 9921426

To arrange a visit to our new showroom, outside Gorey

or Find us on Facebook

Or Phone 086 3667813 Or 087 2231532

Mon-Fri 7.30am - 7.00pm. Contact Sarah on: 053 9430323


Large Choice of Finishes, Colours and Styles Sliding Wardrobes Walk-in Wardrobes Free Call-out & Design Service Enquire about our New Showroom


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Having trouble getting a Mortgage? We can help. Contact us for free no obligation review at a time and place of your choosing. We give you a Choice of Lenders - Competitive Rates - Expert Advice.

053-9420899 Philip Cullen t/a Southeast Financial Services is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland



Chronicle June 29, 2016 South Main Street, Wexford

Colman Doyle Homestore



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Drop into our MUST SEE Showroom

Open every day including Saturdays 10am-2pm


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