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!e !ish all our readers and advertisers a 0appy Christmas and a Prosperous 6019

!"## Cllr Robert Ireton making a presentation on behalf of Wexford County Council to London/Wexford Association President Michael Sills for his 47 years of dedication and services given to the association. The presentation took place at the London/ Wexford Christmas Party in Hendon

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!"#$%&'&$(&#)$'*$+,-./$ 0%&,1$%&2)3$4*,$5*6.5-77*,)$ C o. Councillors face being kept in the dark about the position of people on the local authority housing list and the identity of those who are allocated houses next year when Data Protection legislation enacted to comply with European Law comes in to force. There was a furious reaction from council members when news of the proposed Data protection proposals were announced at the December meeting of the Council. County Secretary Pat Collins revealed that in future the Council could only communicate in-


formation to councillors who had made written representations on behalf of an individual and could not provide the names of people who had been allocated houses, or the state of the housing list, across the board. Cllr. Ger Carthy said the role of the Co. Councillor was being continually undermined and he said it had gone beyond a joke. Cllr. Paddy Kavanagh, strongly attacking the move, said a situation could arise where someone in a locality could be located a house, family, friends and neighbours would be aware of the personFs identity but the

local councillor would be kept in the dark. GWhatFs the big deal about providing the names of people who have been allocated houses?F asked Cllr. Johnny Mythen. Cllr. Larry OFBrien said councillors were the most important people when they were being asked to increase Local Property Tax or Commercial Rates but irrelevant when it came to providing information. And he said every single piece of information about him over the past two decades was available to the public, his address, telephone number, his ex-

penses and everything else. Cllr. Barbara Ann Murphy said the way things were going councillors would soon be barred from having access to the electoral register. Council Chief Executive Tom Enright said the change in Data Protection was the law and would not just affect the Co. Council but every organisation. Councillors have sent a motion opposing the interpretation of the legislation to the Data Protection Commissioner and have sought the support of every Co. Council in the country in their battle against the move.

Matt Goodison,Richard & Zoe McCann were in a happy mood at the Wexford General Hospital Children’s Christmas Party

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and burned under the cover of darkness. Local residents had initially

Park and the car park at O’Leary Road has been the scene of shocking anti-social

Residents’ sixteen year wait for takeover (

lems recently and this week members of the local Municipal District Council supported

people were being intimidated by some of those who gathered in the lane.

Kilmore sign !"#$

Car parks safety concerns


Efforts to have a warning sign in place to warn motorists of a new round-about at Kilmore have to date proven unsuccessful, despite the fact that members of the local Municipal District Council agreed that such a sign should be erected. Cllr Ger Carthy who initially raised the issue a month ago was less than impressed that the decision of the Council had not been acted upon and he said that if the decisions of councillors were not to be imple-

mented they would have to seek monthly reports on the progress of all matters they had decided at previous meetings. While engineer Lar Lett said there had been consultations with local and the Council was looking at a permanent sign in the area Cllr. Carthy was not satisfied. The problem which had been raised related to the need for a sign to warn people of the new road layout but that had not been addressed, he said.

everyone involved at Co. Council level for the effort they had put in to preparing the Bid Document. Cllr. George Lawlor said it was one of the most important bids ever drawn up by the Co.

Council. Chief Executive Tom Enright said the Fleadh was now a huge event and there was a 1#/!.(4$ 5&(&*!$ +3%$ !36(/$ !"#!$ hosted it with many people returning after their initial visit.

3456%4.220/7%"6860./9% FLEADH WOULD PROVIDE €80M BOOST FOR WEXFORD 0/%95:+-;8-<+69=

Residents of one housing estate in Wexford town have been waiting a shocking sixteen years to be taken in charge by the local authority. People living in Whiterock Heights first applied for the Stations forbut electakeoverolling in January 2000 beaset up in they aretions still should awaiting supermarkets and other decision.


Cllr. George Lawlor told a meeting of the Municipal Borough District Council that an €85,000 bond provided by the builder was in place to tackle some outstanding issues on the into and supermarkets be examestate he urged officials to ined. progress the matter.

busy locations to encourage greater turnout, the December meeting of the Co. Council was told. Cllr. Malcolm Byrne said they should get away from using schools which had to be closed to facilitate voting. He said they should be imaginative about the locations for polling stations and he suggested that the possibility of putting them

Foot Pain? Knee Pain? Hip or Back Pain?

Councillors were discussing a review of polling stations which has to be conducted every ten years. The proposals will go out to public consultation shortly and members of the public will have until the end of January to air their views. Already one proposed change is causing concern. The absence of a school in Clohamon meant there was no obvious venue for a polling

Officials at Wexford Co. Council are to take the unusual step of examining safety in two privately owned car parks in tnhe town following cvoncerns raised by local councillors in relation to one of them and a number of incidents reported station in second the village from the one. and it is proposed to move Coming under thethe voting location for people in the area spotlight will be car park at a to Killmyshal. major new gymnasium at But local councillor Bar-

bara Ann Murphy expressed concern about the move and predicted the lack of a polling station in Clohamon would lead to a lower turnout in the parish. She said locals were attempting to source another venue for a polling station in Clohamon.

Coolcotts and the car park at the Lidl store. Cllr George Lawlor said the Council which had granted planning for both developments had a duty of care to the public despite the fact that they were privately owned car parks. Engineer Craig Innes agreed and said he would exford Co. Council examine boththis car parks. week formally



launched its bid to bring Fleadh Cheoil na hEireann 2019 to Wexford town. If successful the event could be worth up to Y80m to the local economy. The Bid Document which outlines in detail the wide of facilities and services which Wexford has to offer was unveiled at the December meeting of the Co. Council. Cllr. Ger Carthy who is member of the Bid committee said a successful Bid would 5%.(4$ "'4&$ 5&(&*!/$ !3$ !"&$ 13cal economy and he praised

>57+%+??.-6%6.%@+82% A06*%9/.AB%01+ "CD$%,EDD#F!)!$"%

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We use the most medically advanced foot scan technology to assess your feet, along with our clinical expertise to determine if massive operation was !"#!$!"%&&$"'()%&)$#()$*+!,$-.custom made orthotics (insoles) put into effect at the lometres of roadway had been Call today to make are the solution to your problem. weekend to deal with gritted. The operation involved an appointment the problems caused by the ar- evening time gritting in adof the frostOFFER and further tic weather. While many parts vanceSPECIAL 30 minute from early examination in the mornof the county escaped the worst workOur of the snow and freezing tem- ing. which includes your results is Railway Road, Co. Wexford Mr Hore told councillors peratures someGorey, areas were badthat priority given ly affected. Phone: (053) 94 83338 (normalwas price €50)to the routes in line with2016 a plan Director of Services for majorExpires:4th of December Roads, Eamonn Hore, revealed drawn up by the Council sever-


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al years ago. Cllr. Barbara Anne Murphy had been critical of the lack of gritting on some minor routes he problem of some dis- dressed by the Co. Council. Council Chief Executive, Tom around Bunclody which she advantage communities A review of where mon- Enright, said the authority /#.)$ 0#)&$ 1.+&$ ).+*2'1!$ +3%$ 13missing out on grants and ey has gone in the past has re- would examine the situation cals. Canon Lorenzo Cleary, who was a curate in because Barntown 1960s, blesses the are restored pulpit panels at ways vealed that the same areas support schemes theyin the and try to come up with But Mr Hore said to do ev#%&$ .(/'+*2.&(2,$ 3%4#(./&)$ !3$ 5&(&*!.(4$3($#$23(!.('3'/$5#/./$ assist thoseSeamus communities that Sunday Mass in Barntown Church. Canon Cleary is pictured with with craftsmen andtocurators ery road in the county would forward proper applica- while other deserving areas are had not been active in seeking Morrisey, Tom Dempsey and bring Tom Wickham. require Gan army of peopleF tions for the funds is to be ad- not making the cut. supports in the past.


Anne Street Wexford Phone: 053 9140690 Closing Saturday 24th December Christmas Eve at 3 pm Reopening Wednesday 28th December %&;<=$'">?$%<*((<@$A(B)&*C D=&?($EFG$HIJKELJ$$$$IHIMNKEIM Closing Saturday 31st December New Years Eve at 3 pm

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Chronicle Oct 26th, 2017 )*+%,*-./012+%%%%%%!"#%&'()-%*+&, H The Chronicle Oct 26th, 2017 The



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Fun and Games at Wallaces T y It, Sell It, Build It, Heat or Insulate It, Rose Tyrrell,Bridget Lacey,Sally Murphy and Nora Tyrrell here was plenty of festive cheer fun and games in Wellingtonbridge on Saturday when Santa arrived at Wallaces Garden Center with bags of presents for the children.There was face painting fun and games as well and the children made the most of the occasion to get into the Christmas Spirit. Meanwhile, the older folk were busy examining the impressive )./;1#,$3+$+&/!.<&$:36&%/$#()$;1#(!/$#()$2%3//.(4$#$+&6$;%&/&(!/$3++$!"&.%$ own lists.

e, Find a Job, Pass that Test. Section

Rose Tyrrell,Bridget Lacey,Sally Murphy and Nora Tyrrell

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Caoilainn Scott was busy with her drawings Bobby Jo O Toole,meets Santa

n e e dss” D I Y needs” C o n st r u ct i o n & DIY u r Construction yo l your a lMay all Fo r Ella ““For Murphy,Santa & Caroline Murphy

te Centr Hire Centre orey Hire Gorey G

ehumidifiers Dehumidifiers D

ac a Vac y/Wet V Dr Dry/Wet

Estate, Industrial Estate, IDA, IDA, Industrial Road urtown Road ou C Courtown Diggers d ers oDigge Wexffor Co. Wexford , Co. ey eangos orKKangos G Gorey, e: 086 2297647 hone P Phone:

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KatieCher Cadogan Pickers ry Pickers Cherry

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Pickers ry Pickers Cher Cherry

Victoria Power,busy face painting Adam Nugent while FloatsGibson keeps a close watch Floats owerStephen P Power

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The scene in the Children’s Play Area

Merry Christmas A K angos Kangos

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899:;!<$=9>?@$AB$>!<9?$AC9?$ @=A?:><9$AB$@D=AA($E(>D9@ public meeting on education called by Fianna Fail councillor Lisa McDonald heard of the trauma children and their parents in the Wexford area were going through as a result of the shortage of second level school places in Wexford town and district. And some of the attendance suggested that public representatives were doing nothing to solve the problem. There was criticism of a lack of progress following a meeting two years ago when there had been promises that the problem would be resolved. There was particular an-

ger that the new CBS school in Wexford town which is nearing completion will provide only one extra place for a student. . Most of the parents present had children who were well over 100 on the waiting lists for CBS and St Peters College. Some informed the meeting that they had no offer at all from the schools that they had applied to. Deputy Thomas Byrne, Fianna Fail spokesperson on education addressed the meeting . He said that in his view the Schools Admissions Bill before the Oireachtas at present would resolve some of the issues as it would help stop

& HAPPY NEW YEAR Floats ower Floats P Power


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the criss-crossing form distract to district that is currently happening. Deputy James Browne agreed to organise a meeting with the Minister for Education as early as possible to to enable parents to highlight their concerns.. On the wider educational issues in the area Cllr. McDonald expressed her concern and frustration over the low levels of progression to Third level achieved by students from Wexford and she said she was appalled that Wexford was constantly highlighted as a blackspot in national surveys on education and employment.

The author scrutinizes social attitudes to these settlers and reassesses their unique contribution to the social and cultural life of the county. The story of these hard-working people is one of struggle, challenge and success as they carved out new lives for their families despite an unwelcoming environment. Today names like Poole, Hartrick, Hornick, Rhynhart, Rapple, Switzer, Jekyll, Hess, Gunnip, and Wyse are all familiar, respected and well-known names throughout Co. Wexford. The Palatines were noted for their innovation in farming and

industry. In business dealings, integrity and honesty were their hallmark. They worked primarily as farmers and quickly joined the merchant class, and were also involved in shipping. A number had excellent reputation as whitesmiths. The Palatines developed many familiar farming practices throughout the county and helped County Wexford achieve the name the Model County with their industry and innovation. The quality full colour hardback book is available in most bookshops and the Irish National Heritage Park.



Chronicle Oct 26th, 2017 '




Dan’s Diary... !"#$%&'(%!')*$ F?AAG(H!$;@$E?;A?;:H$ D=?;@:8>@$C;9I;!<


"&($ !"&$ *10$ =%33-lyn was premiered in Ichthyornis, despite the amusing fact that the townFs cinema has been closed for far too long, it was rightfully proclaimed as an outstanding success and it was also incorrectly acknowledged that every man, woman and child, had seen the Cathedral town showcase its historic streets and landmarks. Not true! Many acquaintances, including my observant critical mother, have yet to encounter the central character, Ellis Lac&,9$ #()$ #$ *40&(!$ 3+$ >310$ 73binFs imagination, but RTE 1 is coming to the rescue when the #221#.0&)$*10$4&!/$.!/$!&1&<./.3($ premiere over the Christmas season. Colm Toibin insists that Ellis Lacey is not modelled on a particular person, and we natives donFt fully believe him, but viewers of a certain vintage ^ 1950Fs and 60Fs ^ will instantly jump up from their sofas and

claim that they all knew a Ellis Lacey!!! $ =%33-1,($ ./$ #$ *(&$ *10?$ @!$ retains a steady pace and tells a true story that occurred during a time when the pace of life was much slower and travelling to New York was in the same category as bthe wonders of the worldc. $ 7"%3'4"$ 735.(A/$ .(:'&(2&$ a large portion of Brooklyn was shot on location on location in the old streets of Enniscorthy and the town features are prominent throughout the production. Curricle and other locations around County Wexford also feature. Enniscorthy was proud to "#<&$ /2&(&/$ *10&)$ 3($ 132#!.3(?$ There was excitement when the *10$ 6#/$ %&1&#/&)?$ @($ !3'%./0$ terms there was talk of having hit the jackpot and a dream that vast numbers of Donald TrumpFs citizens would spent every penny they owned on airline tickets to Ireland. But it appears that Enniscorthy

expected so much, but didnFt put in the spadework, and apart from a few billboards, there isnFt much evidence of a Glights, camera, actionF scenario that turned the town into Hollywood for a few weeks. I was told that a load of props, signs and material used in !"&$ 0#-.(4$ 3+$ !"&$ *10$ 6#/$ 1&+!$ 5&".()$ 5,$ !"&$ *10B0#-&%/9$ 5'!$ what happened to it? Are there any plans to use it for tourism promotion going forward and why hasnFt some enterprising coffee shop created a Brooklyn cafd in the town? No point in having regrets on the #((.<&%/#%.&/$ 3+$ !"&$ *10.(4$ 3+$ Brooklyn, stimulating action is required urgently. All television stations will have access to Brooklyn in the year to come, and because of the (#!'%&$3+$!"&$*109$.!$6.11$5&$%&peated and will become a favourite with couch viewers and they will be asking on Gogglebox; Where is Enniscorthy?

./00"1%234350% 50%()"%130"


ecently, I found myself at Enniscorthy Railway Station and a modern railcar arrived from Dublin, ten people got off, three others stepped on, and after a three minute stop the train crossed the River Slaney and disappeared underneath the tunnel. Yes, it is a closely guarded secret, but Enniscorthy has had an underground service since 1872! During the recent Strategic Economic Investment Programme presentation at the Riverside Park Hotel, Tony Larkin, Director of Services, Wexford County Council, was faced with a query from the audience expressing concerns about the impact of the closure of the Dublin-Rosslare railway service. bWeFve been very strong on the view that the rail line canFt be allowed to close,c said Mr Larkin, who added that the Council has been lobbying at the highest level. Apparently, Wexford County Council has suggested to Irish Rail that the line from Wexford would terminate at Bray Station, and from there the DART ser-

vice would oblige. It is a sensible and workable means of keeping the line active, but there are other matters that need to be addressed as a matter of urgency. The timetables need to be reviewed, the Rosslare to Waterford line needs a review and 5&$%&B3;&(&)$!3$;#//&(4&%$!%#+*2$

before the infrastructure faces dereliction, and the public must embrace the railway as their favourite mode of transport, oh, and a serious piece of advice to Irish Rail...slash the exorbitant +#%&/$#()$1&<&1$!"&$;1#,.(4$*&1)$ to compete with other forms of )#.1,$!%#+*2?$

IK%L+8-9%.?%920@+9% !"#$%!&'(!)*&

Founder members of Enniscorthy Camera Club 40 years ago posing for the camera at the recent reunion; (left to right), Christy Doyle, Aidan Quirke, Ger Carty, John Wilkinson and Paddy Murphy.


t is 40 years since the foundation of Enniscorthy Camera Club and kindness has prevailed as they looked an ageless and enthusiastic bunch when they gathered in The Bailey last Tuesday week for a reunion that ignited memories in words and pictures. The Camera Club was really a social club and was all about leisure and pursuing a pastime that 63'1)$!.0&1,$)&<&13;$.(!3$#($#%2".<&$#()$#$%&:&2tion gn how life has changed in the shadow of Vinegar Hill. Ger Carty, a respected professional photographer, encouraged the local photographic enthusiasts of the day to develop their hobby, take better images, and learn how to process rolls of Kodak black and white in complete darkness in a make/".+!$)#%-%330$.($!"&$#!!.2$3%$.($#$2';53#%)$#()$*(ish up with a work of art! No health and safety precautions in those pioneering days and the survival of inhaling chemicals in a location of black darkness for a number of hours doesnFt bear thinking about, but it appears that the Enniscorthy members became healthier through overcoming the challenges. Local photography was all black and white in 1977, colour came along in the decades that followed, and when the photo-shoot at the reunion came along there were more smartphones than con<&(!.3(#1$2#0&%#/$:#/".(4$#()$.!$6#/$#$%&:&2!.3($ of who much forward our world has progressed. In the old days some dry wits would tease the ;%&//$;"3!34%#;"&%$3+$"#<.(4$(3$*10$.($!"&$2#0&%#9$ but time caught up with these smart alecs with the arrival of the digital age! So what is the legacy of Enniscorthy Camera

Club? All members and past members will have their own special memories ^ they had 15 in the chair, nine served as secretary, and only two had #22&//$!3$!"&$21'5A/$*(#(2&/9$3<&%$+3'%$)&2#)&/$C$ and the club has been an important social niche in their lives. I asked this question at the reunion and the reaction was so simple that it is the little things that 6&$+3%4&!$!"#!$)&*(&/$!"&$6#,$6&%&$#()$.(/;.%&/$#$ love for the past. The club members captured the mood of the people. Old men in cloth caps, fag in hand or pipe in the mouth, watching the world go by at strategic places across the town; sitting at Gthe heap of clayF at the end of Templeshannon Quay, admiring Vinegar Hill from the Fairgreen, or sitting gn the old stone bridge. These were the retired characters who would gather every day to discuss their former occupations as millers, maltsters, or shopkeepersF clerks, and the privileged who never held down a job, but were critical of the welfare system, but they were our forefathers and they had a special place in their hearts for their native place. They always had a smile for the camera; those smiles and rustic facial features are now part of our history. Congratulations to Enniscorthy Camera Club for preserving the memories, but the job is not *(./"&)$,&!9$#()$!"&%&$#%&$/!.11$/2&(&/$!3$5&$+%#0&)9$ sights to behold, and history to be recorded. It has been 40 years of a valuable form of relaxation and a break from the fast moving word, falling into the same category as a friendly game of golf, a game of bridge, a walk in the park or a D'()#,$#+!&%(33($#!$#$"'%1.(4$0#!2"$.($=&11&*&1)?

ME>F%N!F"%)>$%,C">% OEP%QP!R!$


he short cut to a small fortune is to buy a ticket and end up on Winning Streak on a Saturday night with Marty Whelan and Sinead Kennedy...and the tax man will turn a blind eye because your winnings fall into the rare category labelled Gtax freeF. Bridie FurlongFs number came up, but she asked her husband of 49 years, John, to face the lights and cameras and he completed a good dayFs work with winnings of Y37,000. The couple from Palace East, Clonroche, were ecstatic. bWe will do something nice for our special golden wedding anniversary next year,c said Bridie. In the studio audience were their six children; Michelle, Liz, John, Breda, Marie, Siobhan and Fiona, and with 17 grandchildren also cheering on

the side-line, the winnings will be put to good use. E@+$!"&%&$./$#(,$2"#(4&$1&+!$3<&%$6&A11$*(./"$3++$ some home improvements,c concluded a happy man, John.



T8@L=9%!928/@%%A0/9%% F860./82%CA8-@ O ur LadyFs Island beat off stiff opposition from Tory Island to achieve the top accolade in the Islands and Coastal Communities category at the national Pride of Place Awards 2017.. The awards, which were presented at a gala ceremony in Donegal, acknowledge the achievements and the invaluable work undertaken by volunteers and those involved in local community development. In assessing the entry from LadyFs Island, the judges commented: bThe location is unique and the scenery is truly impressive, but the judges were equally impressed with the amazing energy and enterprise this local voluntary group expends on the promotion of traditional values in this special place. There are tens of thousands of pilgrims each year to the Marian shrine 6.!"$/.4(.*2#(!$5&(&*!$!3$!"&$13cal economy. This together with #($35<.3'/$#()$/.4(.*2#(!$.(!&%est in the preservation of local wildlife habitat types convinced the judges that here was an outstanding entry in the categoryb. Members of the local community of LadyFs Island were on hand to accept the award, accompanied local Councillor Ger Carthy, Councillor Barba-


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centuries-old tradition will take place on New YearFs Day at the 800-year-old Hook Lighthouse as the archers, both expert and amateur, will take part in a traditional barrow ceremonyc. The Dunbrody Archers and the Chairman of New Ross Council, Willie Fitzharris, will participate in the ceremony. The age-old tradition dates back to 1687 when the Mayor and the corporation of New Ross Town Council claimed their authority over the Tower and waters by travelling to the point of the Hook and shooting an arrow into the sea from Hook Head Lighthouse. On New YearFs Day 2018 The Dunbrody Archers will as-

sist the Mayor of New Ross in an Garrow ceremonyF. The Mayor will cast an arrow into the sea symbolising the Ports authority over the estuary. Members of the public are invited to come and watch the free historical event at 3 pm on New YearFs Day. Commenting on the upcoming event, Ann Waters Manager at Hook Lighthouse said, bWe are delighted to host the GTaking of the WatersF ceremony here at Hook Lighthouse, itFs an age-old tradition and a wonderful opportunity for an ancient element of history to continue to be relived here annually in IrelandFs Ancient East.c

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Pictured at the awards ceremony were L to R:: Dr Christopher Moran, Chairman Co-operation Ireland; Tom Dowling, Chairperson, Pride of Place, Joseph Druhan, Lady’s Island, Councillor Ger Carthy, l, Willie Furlong, Lady’s Island, Michael Garvey, CEO IPB Insurance, Councillor Barbara-Anne Murphy, Wexford County Council, Cllr Gerry McMonagle, Cathaoirleach, Donegal County Council

ra Anne Murphy, and staff of the Community Department of Wexford County Council. bThis award is a remarkable achievement by our local community, to whom I wish to pay tribute and to thank for their

hard work and dedication over many years in making LadyFs Island what it is todayc said Councillor Carthy. bThis award is a timely recognition of their efforts and it is fully deservedc. Councillor Carthy also thanked

Wexford County Council and the staff of the Community Department for their on-going support of the local community and for helping to make LadyFs Island one of Wexford best-loved and thriving destinations.


s part of the preparations for Christmas, Barntown Parish is in<.!.(4$2".1)%&($!3$5%.(4$*4'%.(&/$ of the baby Jesus (bambinelli) for blessing at the 11am Mass on Sunday 17th December (Gaudete Sunday, the third Sunday of Advent). The custom occurs every year in Rome when children are invited to come to St. PeterFs Square on the third Sunday of Advent for the blessing of the Pope. GChildren of the parish are #/-&)$ !3$ 5%.(4$ !"&$ *4'%&$ +%30$

the own cribs at home and simple cribs will be provided on the day for placing under Christmas trees in the run up to Christmas DayF said Fr. John Carroll who has been visiting the local school in Barntown to promote the initiative. After Mass the congregation will head to the school hall for a Seasonal Festival. This annual Festival - organised by the parentsF council - has seasonal refreshments and crafts and is an annual event in aid of school funds.

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Wexford Has Talent% BJ!%;!<$BA?$IA?G@$;!$ announce 2018 audition date KLM$I9NBA?%$@D=AA(@


he much-anticipated audition date for the annual Wexford Has Talent competition has been announced; competitors are invited to book a free audition place on Sunday, January 14th at Clayton Whites Hotel in Wexford town from 12 noon to 6 pm. During the auditions, a panel at least three judges will help performers through the audition stages. The competition is open to all ages and all manner of talents and is free to enter with the winner walking away with a Y2,000 prize. Two additional prizes of Y500 will also be awarded to runners-up. Over the last 3 years, 500 Wexford Has Talent auditions have been hosted; 144 live performances have been showcased at the live Wexford Has Talent events with audience members totalling 4,800 people enjoying live performances.

OrganiserFs say this year is going to be the biggest yet as the competition is already attracting huge attention and requests to #').!.3(?$ 763$ /&0.B*(#1/$ 6.11$ take place following the auditions; these will be on Saturday, January 20th and Saturday, January 27th, 2018 and the Grand Final will take place on Saturday, February 24th 2018. All shows will take place in Clayton Whites Hotel. Commenting at the launch, Chair of the organising committee Killian Duignan said, !"#$% &'()* +,-* .,/#01* +'/)-* ,* -1#,)% &,-1* (#231,14'0* &'(* -##5406* '317* 8#/#9(,1406* ,0)* (#:,()406* 1'2* 8/,--*,81-*,0)*1,/#01*40*"#$&'()* ;#,(* ,&1#(* ;#,(<* =1* 4-* ,* &,01,-148* '22'(13041;* &'(* 1+'-#* -##5406* ,* 0#:*2/,1&'(>*&'(*1+#4(*1,/#01*,0)* 1'*(#,8+*0#:*,3)4#08#-*%*:#*/''5* &'(:,()*1'*:#/8'>406*/'1-*'&*#0% 1(,01-7* '/)* ,0)* 0#:7* ,1* 1+#* &(##* ,3)414'0*),;*'0*?,03,(;*@A1+<B

Audition appointments can be booked in advance via www. or competitors can also turn up on the day to queue for an audition time. From this audition process a shortlist of between 24 and 30 acts will go forward to take part .($ !"&$ 1.<&$ #').&(2&$ /&0.B*(#1/$ at Clayton Whites of Wexford on January 20th and January FG!"$#()$!"&$/&0.B*(#1$6.((&%/$ will perform in front of a live audience at the Wexford Has Talent Grand Final on Saturday, February 24th 2018. Tickets to the fourth annual Wexford Has Talent Semi-Finals and Grand Final are now on sale at Clayton Whites Hotel priced at Y10 for each Semi-Final of Wexford Has Talent and Y15 for the Grand Final. All live shows commence at 8 pm sharp.


inisters Michael DFArcy and Paul Kehoe , have announced that funding has been granted to 105 Wexford primary schools under the Minor Works Scheme. They said that the Minister for Education and Skills, Richard =%'!3(9$ "#/$ 23(*%0&)$ $ !"#!$ !"&$ Minor Works Grant will be paid to all primary schools throughout the country this week.. bSchoolchildren in Wexford #%&$/&!$!3$5&(&*!$+%30$!"./$H3<ernment funding; all 105 primary schools are to receive the grant. $ E7"&,$ 6.11$ %&2&.<&$ #$ :#!$ %#!&$ Minor Works Grant of Y5,500 plus Y18.50 per mainstream pupil and Y74 per special needs pupil attending a special school or special class. The grant is worth Y6,425 for a 50 pupil school and over Y11,000 for a 300 pupil school. bI know that our local schools really depend on this grant. The



inister Michael DFArcy, has announced that Y21,000 has been granted to Wexford for agricultural shows next year. This is part of a national allocation of Y812,000 by the Minister for Rural and Community Development, Michael I.(4$ 7J9$ 6".2"$ 6.11$ 5&(&*!$

almost 120 agricultural shows throughout the country in 2018. bAgricultural shows are hugely important to the rural economy. We know the econom.2$5&(&*!$!"&,$5%.(4$!3$3'%$132#1$ economy here in Wexford, with surrounding towns and villages 5&(&*!!.(4$ "'4&1,$ +%30$ &#2"$ show.

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bThe Government considers this funding an important investment in rural communities and I am delighted that my colleague Minister Ring has granted this funding for Wexford. bThe shows in Wexford set to receive a grant of Y7,000 each are: Adamstown, Bannow & Rathangan & Gorey.

bThis funding allocation takes into account the fact that smaller shows have particularly struggled in recent years. This funding will be a great boost to these events and I commend the dedicated volunteers who work so hard on making the shows happen every year.c

funds can be used for improvements to school buildings and grounds, improvement or replacement of mechanical and electrical services, the purchase of standard furniture and physical education equipment, the ;'%2"#/&$ 3+$ :33%$ 23<&%.(4/$ #()$ window blinds, and the purchase of IT related equipment.c, the Ministers said. Deputy DFArcy continued: bFine Gael is working in Government to strengthen communities and ensure that everyone has the opportunity to succeed. Ensuring that our children are learning in a quality environment is a major part of this. This grant will go a long way towards improving the physical condition of our school

5'.1).(4/$ !3$ !"&$ 5&(&*!$ 3+$ 53!"$ pupils and the teachers who work there. bFurthermore I know from talking to teachers and principals across Wexford that primary schools need more certainty with regard to the availability of the Minor Works Grant on an annual basis. I am pleased to hear Min./!&%$=%,!3($23(*%0$!"#!$!"./$6.11$ be reviewed in the context of the DepartmentFs long term infrastructural planning and the level of resources available under the GovernmentFs 10 Year Public Capital Investment Plan, which is currently under development. This will allow schools to plan better for the future.c

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n the run-up to Christmas Eve the Loch Garman Youth Band hope to lend moral support to Canon Arthur Minion and Rev. Aodhan MarkenFs Annual Christmas Fast by performing carols and Christmas tunes outside St. Iberius Church. The Loch Garman Senior Band recently celebrated its 80th anniversary with a concert in aid of MRI Now!. The band will take part in two Christmas concerts this month. Both concerts will take place in Rowe St.

Church. $ 7"&$*%/!$./$$3($7"'%/)#,$&<&ning 14th December when the Band will perform with Rowe St. Choir under its conductor and Wexford Festival Chairman Ger Lawlor. The second isy on Thursday 21st December as part of the St. Peters College Past Pupils Union annual Christmas concert which fundraises for a local charity. The Band will present contrasting programmes of seasonal music and festive favourites for both performances.


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wo years after suffering serious ill health the Sinn Fein Councillor, Anthony Kelly, has stepped down from Wexford Co. Council. llr. Kelly suffered a stroke in early 2016 and despite being critically ill for a time fought back to retake his seat on the local authority. However, the lasting effects of his illness put a severe strain on the Wexford town man as he tackled the huge workload associated with being a councillor in the modern era. Cllr. Kelly informed colleagues of his intention to step down at the annual Budget meeting of the Council. While sad to

leave he said that given his illness he believed it was the right decision and he thanked his colleagues for their support. Cllr. Kelly will be replaced on the Council by Thomas Ford. There were widespread and warm tributes to Cllr. Kelly who was *%/!$&1&2!&)$!3$K&L+3%)$=3%3'4"$ Council in 1999. Cllr. George Lawlor praised his passion for the development of Wexford and said Cllr Kelly never had any self-interest but was always focused on the best interests of Wexford and the wider community. Given the health issues which he had faced Cllr. Lawlor said he fully understood

Weighbridge Forcing Hauliers Away From Rosslare


he location of the Co. Council vehicle weighbridge at the N25/N11 roundabout is proving a big problem for business through Rosslare Europort. Cllr Larry OFBrien told a meeting of the Co. Council that some hauliers had given up using Rosslare and moved instead to Dublin because of the number of times their vehicles had been taken into the weighbridge at Newtown for checking. The Fine Gael councillor said hauliers were a Gsitting duckF because of the convenient location of the weighbridge on the direct route to port and he questioned why so many vehicles were be-

ing inspected. Cllr. OFBrien said the delays associated with the checking often meant that trucks missed their ferries resulting in huge losses. As a result come companies were no longer prepared to use Rosslare, he claimed. Cllr. OFBrien was told the Council was legally obliged to provide a weighbridge but had no function in its operation. While stressing that he supported safety checks he said the operation of the weighbridge and the frequency of checks coupled with the disruption which they were causing needed to be examined by the Road Safety Authority.

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exford Co. Council will spend more than Y438,000 on the maintenance of public conveniences

in the county next year and the income generated from people using the toilets is expected to amount to just Y14,000. The high cost of maintaining the Automatic Public Conveniences have been a cause for concern for some time. However, cast iron contracts have caused ).+*2'1!.&/$+3%$!"&$132#1$#'!"3%.!,$ 5'!$3+*2.#1/$#%&$(36$.($!"&$;%3cess of seeking to exit the contract in some instances. While some public conveniences will be maintained the possibility of reaching an arrangement with the owners of businesses which would see them making their toilets available for public use is being consider

why Cllr. Kelly had taken the decision to stand down. Fine GaelFs Paddy Kavanagh described Cllr. Kelly as a gentleman and said it had been a pleasure to have served with him. He said debates could be robust but there was never a grudge held and he urged Cllr Kelly to Glook after yourselfF Cllr. Johnny Mythen said it was a very sad day particularly for AnthonyFs colleagues in Sinn Fein. The CouncilFs Chief Executive, Tom Enright, said Anthony would be a big loss to the Council and he pointed out that the staff at the Cllr. Anthony Kelly congratulates Thomas Forde, the man who will succeed him on Wexford Co. Council. Council had huge respect for him. Pic.: Patrick Hogan

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ine Gael has come up with an interesting, and long overdue, proposal in respect of rural transport. Local Ministers Michael DFArcy and Paul Kehoe were out announcing the news last week that the party has got the support of transport Minister Shane Ross to go to the National Transport Authority to seek approval for the extension of some rural transport routes to provide a night time service at weekends. Both men are at pains to point out that the idea has nothing to do with legislation on drunk driving but the idea no doubt got a bit of a kick start following the rumpus which arose around thehave recent Wexford Gardaí foundofa rather unique way of tightening the law on alcodealing with the problem of hol related driving. language difficulties they Those proposals sparked faced by the growing number lot of debate in rural areas with of foreign national

suggestions that the mandatory bans for all detected driving above the alcohol limit would increase rural isolation and the like. Many suggested at the time that the way forward was not to allow people drink and drive but instead to put some rural transport infrastructure in place to enable people get to and from places of social activity and entertainment... This latest proposal, which hopefully will be introduced on a trial basis, seems to do just that. Three existing routes in Co. Wexford have been selected as part of what is nationwide trial which is now awaiting National Transport Authority approval.interacted Polish community with the routes Gardaí and The aresheWellingspecificallytowanted to know tonbridge Wexford town, if any members of the forcetown Rosslare to Wexford had been trained with this in and Tullow to New Ross. The mind.

Letters to Santa T

his was the scene in Gorey as two local councillors posted their letters to Santa in the special Christmas Post Box on the Main Street recently, WeFve been fortunate enough to sight of the contents routes cover a large number of and we can reveal that Malcolm rural areas and when it gets the Byrne penned a very thoughtful go ahead it will be interesting letter to Mr Claus. Firstly he to see what sort of a demand thought of others and thanked Santa for providing the money there is for it. to get some new houses started The plan is that the Rossin Gorey recently and also for lare route will operate on all the money delivered to local Thursday. Friday and Satursports clubs. But he warned Sanday nights with the other two ta that there was a Mr DFArcy routes operating on Friday and who was trying to take credit for ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS,,,,,,,,Councillors Fionntan all the good things happening loSaturday nights. O’Suilleabhain and Malcolm Byrne post their letters to Santa cally. The beauty of the initiative is For himself Malcolm rethat it does not involve any quested another chance to run capital outlay because the for the Dail and he wasnFt too deroutes are already in existence manding saying he didnFt expect, during the daytime. or indeed want, this opportunity to be delivered at Christmas. Whether or not the serAnytime in 2018 would do. vices become permanent and Fionntan OFSuilleabhain indeed expanded, will depend penned a very short note to Sanon the number of customers it ta. He just he wanted decides to meet to stay on board for the Polish speaking box for passengers have to endure TVsaid adverts generates so if and when it gets Sometimes somebody famous. Somebody he longer and leaves the force. painfully slow train speeds seem to be just plain a while up and running rural dwellers And that’s not all. A could look up to! at several locations where his family standing on the ridiculous and rather than member thewell forceto in make use ofhelping promote wouldofdo As you see from the as he continues on platform the track is not up to thecan product Wexford scratch. a longer or service as they are photograph Christmas has come journey. it. has a Romanian partner and he too is Imagine anyone travelling Could it be true that supposed to for theyFionntan. just early competent in that language portrayrAnd in a way anyone withwhich those thoughts IFll would opt to remain from Dublin to Wexford and and able to deal with being so comfortable that looks foolish. on the sign off for 2017 and wish youtrain rather than members of the Romanian rather than getting off they One such advert is the going home with their all a very happy and peaceful community who live here. think so, well opt to stay on the trainLeo until current one running for Irish family. I don’tSANTA DELIVERS..........Fionntan meets Varadkar in Kilanerin Christmas. I’m waiting for the day certainly not on the it reaches Rosslare Rail where the guy is so when advertisements for Wexford/Dublin line where EuroPort. I don’t think so. comfortable on the train he

Staying on the trainGardaí go extra mile in the interest of minori!es -----I don’t think so communities who have settled in the county. There is a large number of Polish people in Bunclody and New Ross, for example, and other nationalities are also growing in numbers in various parts of the county. The Bunclody councillor Barbara Ann Murphy was wondering recently how the

Well Garda boss John Roche has the answer. His force has a fluent Polish speaker among its ranks in Enniscorthy. However, this was not the result of night class attendance or indeed any strategic plan by the Garda authorities. The Garda concerned met and married a Polish lady and he now ticks

+,-.&$/0/&$12$(22&1$ 201+/1+%-+Z+/5+ G$CP!FG%#4%OEP% Garda Recruits carry the message; having a Syrian girlfriend or boyfriend will provide the applicant with a distinct advantage!

OTime to force people to ur LadyFs Island Councillor Ger Carthy has not been in the best of moods recently over what he sees as a failure of the Co. CouncilFs Executive to deliver fully on promises made as part of the decision by councillors We the are very at to increase Localgood Property Tax byexpecting 10%. much, criticising everything and very often Ger believed,very rightly contributing little or

wrongly, that the increase leged repeatedly that he had would deliver certain funds bene sold a pup by the Executowards local roads but the tive on the matter. amount being delivered is Later Chairman John Hesomewhat short of what he ex- garty commented that given pected. the number of pups which He has been venting his Cllr. Carthy appeared to have frustration at various meetings purchased in recent times they which the crisis was with a bit been called to rescue them recently culminating 23'1)$ &L;&2!$ #$ /.4(.*2#(!$ .(by the at authorities ofhandled an outburst the Council at risk. crease in Dog Licence revenue which is something of a I agree with those who Budget where next year. that new suggested miraclemeeting and a really greathe al- have

obey weather alerts

tribute to all those who were laws be introduced to make positive in this country. For it an offence not to heed example radio programmes involved in the preparation serious weather warnings. across the country are filled of the emergency plans and It is sad to think that such with people making those who organised the legislation would be criticisms of virtually clean-up afterwards. necessary but the reality is everything. On occasion the The one criticism which that some people are simply did arise was directed at criticism is well founded, so irresponsible, silly and those who went swimming, but very often it is not and bloody-minded that they sailing and walking around based on inaccurate or need protecting from the coast. It was not just the incomplete information. themselves, not to mention fact that these people put In the immediate cleaning next Groups he dirt ofofthe fact that all thosethe in streets the theirTowns own lives at riskand but other theY1.5m aftermath the streets recent in Tidy emergency services they also put the welfare of Hurricane were is verya organisations. year. ThatFs a lotneed of money but our majorthere towns anticsmany of those in the emergency few voicessource raised inof andespite from theirtheir efforts Sometimes people are crit- protection constant as well. services who would have criticism of the manner in

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noyance for many people. Rightly people think that litter strewn streets create a bad impression of a locality and many point to the much higher levels of cleanliness apparent in some foreign towns and cities. Co. Wexford continues to have a pretty serious litter problem, notwithstanding the great work carried out by local

ical of the local authority over the effectiveness of their street cleaning efforts. And to be fair there are occasions during busy period when bins are full !3$ 3<&%:36.(4$ 5'!$ .($ 4&(&%#1$ the problem is really down to the public rather than the local authority. In fact Wexford Co. Council will spend a staggering

our streets will look as if they havenFt been cleaned at all on occasions. That really gives some indication of the scale of the litter problem we have. Until we successfully educate people in relation to litter IFm afraid that no amount of cleaning will be fully effective. But they must keep trying.

CF%$T$,)!EF T he political system suffered a bit of a shock when it appeared that the country was travelling like a runaway car towards a general election recently. In the event calm was restored and some commentators are now suggesting that the improved relationship between Micheal Martin and Leo Varadkar could provide the foundation to ensure that the present government lasts into 2019. They may be right but not many who think they have a chance of winning seats in the next Dail will be taking any chances. Already there has been a fair bit of activity on the political front locally. Johnny Mythen has been selected by Sinn Fein to run again following his near miss in 2016, Fine Gael rushed their convention at the height of the crises to get the outgoing Ministers DFArcy and Kehoe back on the ticket and Lisa McDonald has an-

nounced her intention to seek a Fianna Fail nomination. And at ground level there has been activity too with Michael DFArcy having a very comprehensive tax, welfare and grants document delivered to every home in Wexford town. Not only did the document highlight all the good things that the government were doing in terms of reducing tax and increasing welfare but it also placed an emphasis on his work in the Wexford area and his connection with local Fine Gael councillors Jim Moore and Frank Staples. And Lisa McDonald has 5&&($ 5'/,$ %#./.(4$ "&%$ ;%3*1&$ with a well-publicised meeting on education and school places problems in Wexford which was attended the by the Fianna Fail spokesman on Education Thomas Byrne. Expect a lot more activity like this over the next few months as the clock ticks towards the next election.

Wexford will be a very hotly contested constituency whenever the contest takes place. Leo Varadkar will be aware that if he loses one of his Wexford Ministers then his time in the 7#3./&#2"A/$ M+*2&$ ./$ 03/!$ #1most certainly at an end; given the closeness of the result last time Wexford will be a top target for Sinn Fein; Fianna Fail will be acutely aware that anything less than two seats here would leave their party with a big hill to climb if they are to get back into government; Brendan Howlin will be expecting to consolidate his strong electoral position on what could possibly 5&$ "./$ *(#1$ 3'!.(4$ .($ #$ 4&(&%al election while few will be betting against Mick Wallace returning to the Dail. $ ='!$/&<&($.(!3$*<&$)3&/(A!$ go so there will be disappointments and all sides will be making a big effort to ensure that they are not the ones who are ultimately disappointed.




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!$6#/$#$).+*2'1!$)#,$+3%$23'(cillors from New Ross when the Co. Council met to consider the budget for 2018. The ).+*2'1!,$%&#11,$43&/$5#2-$!3$!"&$ days of the old Town Councils when each town set its own commercial rates. On Barrowside they tended to shy away from putting up the rates with the result that when all local authority areas were amalgamated the amount being paid by occupiers of commercial premises in New Ross was way below the level in other areas. On a national basis that payment of different levels of rates in an amalgamated local authority area was not something which 23'1)$ 23(!.('&$ .()&*(.!&1,$ 5'!$ to sooth over the problem there was a provision that equalisation could be phased in over a ten year period. Essentially in Co. Wexford this affected New Ross and Enniscorthy, with New Ross having the biggest hill to climb to get on equal terms. When this new Council set 3'!$ 3($ .!/$ !&%0$ 3+$ M+*2&$ !"#!$ ten year period was the one the members, particularly those who depend on New Ross votes for their survival, believed it would

take before everyone paid the same level of rates. The only problem was that during the equalisation term rates in other areas could not be increased with the result the >3'(2.1$ +#2&)$ #$ *(#(2.#1$ 2"#1lenge, particularly at a time when there are great things planned on the economic front for the county. And that is why in this yearFs budget, almost seven years ahead of schedule, councillors were faced with adopting full equalisation for the county so that the general rate could be increased. Not surprisingly this led to some sleepless nights for New Ross members and as the vote approached they were still on edge. They left the chamber enmasse to chat among themselves about how to chart the way forward. $ >3'(2.1$ 3+*2.#1/$ "#)$ +3%&/&&($!"&$).+*2'1!.&/$#()$"#)$!#-en to the road to GsellF the rate strategy to traders. Chief Executive Tom Enright was able to tell the budget meeting that the response to those presentations was positive with many emails being received which were supportive of the

CouncilFs ambitious and comprehensive economic plans. New Ross councillor Anthony Connick was not meeting the same traders. While individual amounts might seem small, on top of other costs they could be the straw that broke the camelFs back for some businesses, he warned. and as a result he would not be supporting the budget. Robbie Ireton, the Gorey councillor who has been a longtime critic of the low level of rates in New Ross, was not impressed. The increase would represent the cost of two pints of beer per week in New Ross and just a single pint per week in Enniscorthy. How could any business not afford that, he wondered throwing his eyes to the heavens. Davy Hynes, the Wexford councillor, was a bit more sympathetic to the plight of businesses on Barrowside. At the core of the problem was the abolition of Town Councils he asserted and that decision was a disgrace. Davy often harks back to the time when the Town Councils reigned supreme in urban areas. It was a time when the local councillor knew who to talk to when they wanted a pot-hole

*L&)9$ #$ 1.4"!$ %&;#.%&)9$ %'55./"$ collected. You see, according to Davy, the old Town Councils "#)$ !"&.%$ *(4&%$ 3($ !"&$ ;'1/&?$ They knew what was going on and how to put matters right. Now itFs all being controlled by the big bad County Hall. The people in Co. Hall may have their machinery plugged in to the economic heartbeat of the county, but do they have their *(4&%/$3($!"&$;'1/&N Not according to Davy. Perhaps a course in First Aid might provide a solution. But then again maybe it would not because another man who had a fondness for the old urban authorities, Anthony Kelly, has diagnosed a different problem. It was all the fault of an elephant, according to Anthony. That Gelephant in the roomF was the lack of adequate funding from central government. If only the government provided enough cash for everything the councillors wouldnFt have to be putting up commercial rates, or for that matter property tax. Chief Executive Tom Enright is a man who likes to do his homework before putting proposals like these before councillors and his recent roadshow was

part of that homework. Unemployment levels are simply too high in Wexford and far too many people have to travel outside the county to *()$ 63%-9$ "&$ 5&1.&<&/9$ #()$ "./$ message is simple. If it is to be solved we have to come up with the solutions ourselves, there is no point in waiting for someone to ride in on a White Horse with a magic formula. That is why the Council is taking the initiative. Financial Services Centres, Digital Hubs and the like will be built in the towns to provide the infrastructure capable of attracting the type of industry that can provide high end employment in the county into the future. TomFs carefully crafted message and precise delivery has helped convince large sections of the business community that he is on the right path. So convinced are they that the vast majority of them have no real problem digging a little deeper to pay increased commercial rates next year. Convinced too were the vast bulk of councillors. In the event the rate increase was approved by 27 votes to 4, Anthony Connick was against

because he is from New Ross, Davy Hynes was against because the increase will not bring back the Town Councils, Tony Walsh was against because Peo;1&$=&+3%&$8%3*!$#16#,/$!&()$!3$ be against increases and Lisa McDonald was against because she is singing off a completely different hymn-sheet to the Council Executive at the moment. Will the plan work and will the extra cash help transform the countyFs economic fate into the future? No one knows for certain. However, Tom Enright did make an interesting point in relation to keeping commercial rates low. The two towns in Co. Wexford where that policy was pursued over the decades were New Ross and Enniscorthy. They are also the towns facing the greatest economic and commercial challenges at the moment. Meanwhile, in New Ross the pubs are likely to see a little dip in trade as local rate payers have to forego a few pints per week to help foot the bill for better economic days ahead all over the county.

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>CTTEN$$F%)>$% Council plans major investment 3G$)%P!R%EO%XE#P% in public lighting P#QQ!">=%O$")![CT A major plan to improve public lighting across the county is to be implemented by Wexford co. Council from next year. The ambitious programme of upgrades, replacements and new lights will be funded as part of the CouncilFs budget and through borrowings. A key objective of the new plan will be to light up areas on the outskirts of towns and villages near where housing schemes were built over the years. Director of Services Eamonn Hore explained to councillors at the annual budget 0&&!.(4$ !"#!$ ).+*2'1!.&/$ "#)$ been created by the building of housing estates away from towns and villages with no lights on the roads linking them. Dealing with this would be a key objective of the overall plan, he told councillors. Mr Hore said the Council wanted to review exactly where public lights were located to ensure


Eamonn Hore Director of Services

they were in the best locations and they wanted to move away from the provision of once off lights in an unplanned way. The lights upgrade is a multi-million euro proposal and Cllr. Robbie Ireton said it was great to see that eco-friendly bulbs were to be used on the network. However, there was a note of concern from Cllr. John Fleming. He said he had raised the issue before of the poor

Cllr. Johnny Mythen

response to reported faults. When a fault was reported there was generally no indication of when the problem would be dealt with and he believed this was not good enough. Cllr. Johnny Mythen asked how long the current contract had to run and suggested that all aspects of its operation be reviewed before any renewal. He was told that the lighting maintenance contract was for one year.

way of dealing with the problem. $ D;&2.*2#11,$ 3($ !"&$ ;%35lems around Halloween Cllr. Kavanagh warned that a major disaster could occur because all types of waste, including unwanted gas cylinders were being dumped on to the bon*%&/? On the wider question of waste disposal he suggested that a programme be implemented to collect certain types For some people Halloween of large waste items, including alloween has turned into the Gget rid of the had turned into the occasion to 5&)/$#()$0#!!%&//&/$#!$/;&2.*2$ waste and items you burn all the rubbish that they times of the year. donFt want festivalF, a member had allowed to build up over Cllr. Davy Hynes said that of Wexford Co. Council has the course of the year, he told when the old Town Counhis colleagues. claimed. With the Council facing cils were in operation such a Cllr. Paddy Kavanagh told the annual budget meeting of huge costs in trying to deal scheme existed with skips provided in housing estates at certhe Council that Halloween Thewith the problem of litter and October 13, 2016 had turned into an opportunity dumping throughout the coun- tain times of the year to enable for people to dump unwanted ty councillors are concerned people to get rid of large items. items and burn rubbish in pub- that the problem is getting Cllr. Robbie Ireton said the litter and dumping problem had worse. lic. And the Director of Ser- gone past a joke. As a comHe claimed there was a very serious problem in some areas vices with responsibility for munity we were littler louts where the cover of the Hallow- the issue, John Carley, accept- of worst type and there was a &&($53(*%&$6#/$5&.(4$'/&)$+3%$ ed that the Council would huge cost involved in dealing "#<&$ !3$ *()$ #$ 03%&$ &++&2!.<&$ with the problem. indiscriminate dumping.



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Chronicle December 15, 2016



E?AF(98$AB$@:?>H$ F(8""(4%4)5/1H% A draw and a win for United fans What do you want from =A?@9@$!A:$F9;!<$ I"%974)"H your local library? :>DG(9% T T

lack Council of adequate Wexfordhe County has washing of tell streets invited the public to the in local authority towns what acrossdirection the counyou the Public Libraryof ty believe is creating a bad image Service should in theitnext Wexford for take visitors, has five years. Let us know what been claimed. you think about your local liCodd Nolan braryCllr. and Kathleen how the service can saidyour the needs streetsand needed to be meet that of your community. The Council is currently writing a new Library Development Plan for the five year period 2017 to 2021. The Plan will be informed and developed through consultation with students, adults, groups, agencies, business and the wider community. As users of the library services, the members of the public are best placed tell us and here wastopraise how youconcern believe the book colin equal mealections, sure the new and in for eBook an increase eServices collections and the funding fordatabases librariescan andbethe information arts by Wexford Co. Council improved. We would also like when the issue was addressed you to consider our library buildings, opening by members at thehours, annualthe buduse Internet, WiFi, social getofmeeting. media andMalcolm the library website Cllr. Byrne warmand let us know what we can ly welcomed the budget indo to make these better. crease theinlibraries All publicsaying libraries County in particular were doing a really Wexford hold special services forgood children and teenagers, for job across the county.

washed with hot and water to get business, culture heritage; themweclean and grime can strengthen these infree. your Do you avisit the This opinion? would present much library events better for image of and ouractivitowns ties; are there newand topics you to both locals visitors, would like to see addressed? sheyoutold annual budget If havethe views on any of meeting of the Co. Council. the above, or on other matters, HertheEnniscorthy colleague, let Council know. You can do so online, by email, by visiting your branch library, or by post. To make your submission online visit, look for the Your Library and click on the Your Say link where you can complete your survey. If you prefer, you can call in to your nearest local library and collect the Your Library, Your Say consultation survey form.quesFill But Cllr. Ger Carthy ittioned and put into theincrease box for theitfunding marked Development the arts Library at a time when roads Plan. and housing should be a priorThere is also a special survey ity. for community groups. form YouHowever, can collectCouncil this formChief from your local Tom library and bring it Executive Enright strongto group.the Youincrease can alsoand ly your defended telephone Lipointed toWexford the fact Public all library brary Service at 053-9196562 books in every library across to have the form emailed or the country now available posted out toare you. to members of librariesform in Co. Email your completed to hazel.percival@wexfordcoco.i Wexford.

Keith Doyle, the e, Don’t forgetsupported to put Library call and he said plan money Development intoshould the lineinofthe the budget email. for besubject included Please include your name and investment in the machinery representing a group, the toifdo the street washing. Cllr. name of the group. You can Doyle said it would be money also post your completed surwell veyspent. forms to Library Development Plan, Wexford County Council, Carricklawn, Wexford. The closing date for submissions is Friday 23rd December, 2016 at 3pm.

!"#$%&'"(#)&*+&#,-).& library cash


Christmas and New Year events at Bunclody library

Bunclody Library is hosting an exhibition of wildlife and landFunds needed to be provided to scapes by local photographer, Stephen from of Decbooks 01 2016 ensure thatNolan the stock to Jan 14 2017.

It was a case of a draw and a win on the one day for the members of Wexford Manchester united Supporters Club when they gathered in Brownes of Bishopswater last Sunday. he problem of stray dogs and horses across the county needs to be tackled with greater resources put in place to deal with the problem, members of the Co. Council argued at the AuthorityFs budget meeting. Currently the county has just a single dog warden to deal with all problems from Hook Head to the foothills of the Wicklow Mountains and several councillors have

The supporters first enjoyed the United V Spurs game which resulted in a home win for United and then they held their annual fundraising Christmas Draw. The old victoryan claimed thatTrafford it represents impossible task. Previously the Irish Farmers Association has suggested that it could provide support towards the provision of a second Dog Warden and Cllr. Malcolm Byrne said this should now be pursued. Cllr. Larry OFBrien said the Council was ignoring the problem of people living in some housing estates keeping horses and he also pointed out that

had the fans in great spirits as they prepared for the draw. Pictured were:.John Dexereux,Mick McClean,John Dunne, Chair of the Supporters Club, .Chris Walsh,and Patsites Sunderland. those on halting were not supposed to have horses but there were instances where *&1)/$ (&#%$ "#1!.(4$ $ /.!&/$ 6&%&$ full of horses. Cllr. Paddy Kavanagh said horses were often being kept on Council land which was supposed to be used for amenity purposes for the wider community. Horses were supposed to be chipped but that was not being done, he told colleagues.

Concerns over ‘unfair’ casual trading in Gorey Coming up in January


istrict Councils across Thurs 05 7pm are to extheJan county Talk with Celestine Murphy on amine Ned Culleton’s the book operation ‘History of in Wexford libraries was on a ofBunclody’ casual trading areas in their par Thurs with other counties, 22 Dec 7.00pmhe told ‘An areas to see if charges need to of Christmas Carols’ with Sat 07 Jan 11.00am theevening meeting. be Poetry increased and additional Bunclody & Kilmyshall Choirs Group Meeting Mr Enright said it was a prirestrictions imposed to ensinging Christmas Carols and ority to expand services other seasonallibrary favourites in the li- sure Sat that 07 Jan 2.30pm these traders do not relax, lisFamily movie – contact the liandbrary. makeCome themalong moreto accessicompete unfairly with local join in the opening singing and get brary for details bleten, with longer hours rate-payers. into the Christmas spirit! to facilitate the public. Thurs 12 Jan 7pm to be parThe issue seems

In conjunction with the current

Thurs 19 Jan 7.00pm

‘Education councillors is not the filling of a wildlifeproblematic and landscapes ticularly in exhibition Gorey However, from pail but the lighting of a fire’ Talk here at the library, the photograwhere Cllr. Malcolm Byrne other districts said the issues for parents with Greg McInerney pher Stephen Nolan will give a hastalkpointed to the lost reveGorey wereschool not replicated secondary education in here about how to improve in on your wildlife and spaces landscape shots in Ireland nue from car park taken other currently. areas. Cllr. George your cameraand or phone, by Lawlor said the matter of caupusing by the traders the fact Sat 21 Jan 2.30pm giving hints and tips on how to that of athem com- sualMovie trading was not an issue for adults – contact the lispotmany and take good are photo. peting directly with traders in in brary Wexford town and he sugfor details 14 Jan theSat town. He2.30pm suggested to the gested that it be discussed at Thurs 26 Jan 7pm ‘Information on Healthy Living’ CouncilFs Budget meeting that Municipal level where ‘Energy District Efficiency of the Built with Daniella from the Millrace charges traders be in- decisions on charges and reguEnvironment’ with Irene Morris Health to andthe Fitness Centre Cadogan creased. lations could be made locally.

Notice of New Ross Credit Union AGM Annual General Meeting of New Ross Credit Union will be held on Monday 18th December 2017 at 7.30pm in Brandon House Hotel, New Ross, Co. Wexford Prize draw on the night for all members who attend – please bring your Credit Union book

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Chronicle Oct 26th, 2017


News VI


Wexford Business Expo 2017 !"#$%&'(%)#*)+,-.#/,%)*#0)1&'2&)3')4#0,5


n Gorey the traditional switching on of the Christmas lights has turned into to a fantastic family night out and once again this year thousands of people thronged the Main Street to be part of the kick off of the festive season in North Wexford. There was a real party atmosphere as families gathered to witness the arrival of Santa on his sleigh and then count down to the switch-on. Children strained to get a *%/!$41.0;/&$3+$!"&$0#($.($%&)$ as he arrived into the town with mums and dads putting a protective hand around their children as they tried to surge forward. The look of amazement on the faces of the young folk as Santa came in to sight was K&K A5 Flyer.qxp_Layout 1 27/11/2017 10:09 Page 1

something to behold and as the sleigh passed many youngsters turned to their parents and all had the same question: How many more sleepsF It will be a question repeated many times over the next couple of weeks as the countdown to Christmas continues. In Gorey they have put a big &++3%!$ .(!3$ 0#-.(4$ !"&$ 3+*2.#1$ lights switch on a bit special and they have succeeded with the massive annual turnout making it a real festive occasion. And through December there are plenty of events and on-street entertainment to add to the festive atmosphere in the town with the aim of creating a marvellous atmosphere to help encourage more people to shop locally and spend their money at home this Christmas. GRANTS & TAX BACK SCHEMES

Katie O Connor,Wexford Chamber,David AVAILABLE Minogue, Communications Officer CALL TODAYand Roiseen O’Neill, Wexford. Wexford.County Council,Roseanna Davidson, FOR MORE INFO Chamber of Commerce.


Above: John Ironside with Brendan Tormey and Eddie Doyle of Wexford Working Mens Club. Rihgt: Adrien Tennant ,IOAC, Tagoat,,Mary Flynn,Sports Active Wexford and Carmel Tennant,of IOAC Tagoat., took part in the Expo.



Arts Officer has ambitious plans for the county

After a year in her job the Co. Co. Council and the Mayor of Wexford Arts Officer Liz the Wexford Borough DisBurns has presented a comtrict, Jim Moore, described it prehensive new plan for the as a ‘very ambitious plan’ development of the arts in while Cllr. Malcolm Byrne TO ENTER SIMPLY with VISIT OUR SHOWROOMS county Wexford. that Ms Burns enBETWEEN DECEMBER & JANUARY PLUS WINbeing A €AVAILABLE 500amVOUCHERsaid WITH DRAWS TAKINGthusiasm PLACE IN DECEMBER & INbehind JANUARY Despite the plan 2 VOUCHERS it the plan NO MAN, not be left to gather bitious and the WE factSELL, thatMANUFACTURE im-MIDDLEwould AND INSTALL pressive plans presented dust. Visit ourfor must see showrooms other areasFreephone: in the past1800 have250 260Cllr. George Lawlor said that | failed to live up to expectavarious groups staging perNOthat FURTHER THAN K&K tions councillorsLOOK believe formances on a regular basis for a professional, free, things will be different withquotation around thetoday county should be no obligation talk to us this plan mainly because of given greater priority. He K&K Windows Ltd, the drive and ambition of Ms cited the example of the WexCraanford, Gorey, Co. Wexford, Ireland Burns herself. ford Light Opera Society The blueprint was presentedWWW.KKWINDOWS.IE which staged a production to the October meeting of the costing €100,000 annually



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Ferry promotion pays dividends

without any support from the aims to build on arts in edulocal authority. cation, youth arts, arts in Stena Line has been the Cllr. Davy Hynes said the health and disability. big winner from a marketing lack of an Arts Officer in the But it also envisages more campaign supported by county during the recession engagement with older peolocal authorities in the South Members of Wexford had an adverse impact on the ple as well as the developEast, including Wexford Co. Co. Council will meet in development of the sector ment of arts and animation in Council and Tourism special session early next Ireland. and he welcomed the new public spaces and a more month to conduct a The ferry company plan. even spread of arts provision detailed analysis of the reported a 25% increase in There was support for the across the county including in housing crisis in the bookings on the back of the plan too from Chief Execuboth urban and rural areas. county and the proposals campaign while a similar tive, Tom Enright, who deAs part of the plan the aim is to deal with it. effort with Irish Ferries scribed it as an ‘excellent to improve educational fulfilresulted in an increase of document’ and Chairman Oct 26th, 2017 ment through the develop- The The meeting, which will be held behind closed just 5% for that company. John Hegarty, who said the ment of high quality The marketing campaigns doors, takes place on ‘energy and enthusiasm’ of accessible, inclusive arts in were conducted as a result Friday November 10th. the Arts Officer would make education programmes as of funding received through and follows demands from the difference in ensuring that well as developing arts pro!"#$%&'()*"'+*)%,'*-'./%'-0$/.'./*1&#-2&'.1)-%2'*1.'.*'3%45*"%'6#-.#'.*'./%'.*3-' the Regional Co=operative this plan was delivered. grammes to engage harder to several councillors for #&'./%'7/)0&."#&'40$/.&'3%)%'&30.5/%2'*-8 programme with Tourism A key part of the plan is to reach young people while detailed proposals on the Ireland to push traffic out of bring the arts to a much also supporting recent arts way forward to tackle the Dublin Airport and Dublin greater number of people graduates to access employhousing problem Port to the regions across the county. The plan ment and training.



ST MICHAELS RD, COoutlet WEXFORD. Bridgetown’s first mini free li- GOREY. restock the on a daily brary was opened on Friday “Children are still really CONTACT TOMMY basis. AT 087 2861330 evening outside the village bookinterested in reading,” owner shop. The library was built by Wally O Neill said, “Books are the local Bridgetown Men’s far from obsolete in their eyes Shed, decorated by talented local and recent book sale figures artist Benji Wilson and officially show that paperbacks are once opened by local Cllr Mick Roche again outselling ebooks, fuelled in front of a crowd of excited primarily by under household furniture inceighteens who local children and parents. find books far more of a novelty Speaking at the event, Cllr Roche suites, than the kindles they’ve grown Leather/fabric dining said this was another positive deup with. We have children who velopment for tables his village. & chairs,beds, will even read a book a day and “We’ve had a string of new small hopefully this library will make it mattresses,wardrobes,chests, businesses and craft groups eseven easier for them to do that.” tablished in this village mirrors, in recent “We couldn’t have hoped to do lockers, chandeliers, times which has greatly increased this project without the dressers the vibrancy ofkitchen the local commuBridgetown etc Mens Shed. The nity. This little library has only lads are fantastic and are conbeen in place for half a day and, stantly producing great work for like the bookshop beside it, has the area.” already become a meeting point The Bridgetown Mini Free Lifor locals and a focus of interest brary is open twenty four hours a for kids in the village.” day, seven days a week in Local bookshop Red Books will Bridgetown village. stock the little library, vowing to

Councillors to meet in private to discuss housing crises


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Chronicle Oct 26th, 2017




Frank steals a march 8$"%9"%&'*+'(':2/';0-'.$-"#/16#<

No Property Tax cash for communities

A very important point and one which is often overlooked is that you need to have a suitably taxsecured increase premises this year, to saidkeep the your Councillors who voted for a 10% dog. If your dog isdouloose 10% should have pet delivered increase in Local property Tax road, sooner or later bleon thatthe to each district. last month will have been like they are to get knocked However, thegoing draft budgetary turkeys voting for Christmas if plans presented councillors some of the money raised from down. Dogs to loose on the road thisare week contained no increaseand the increase does not find its way a danger to themselves in the Cllr. Carthy into making improvements for to allocation. drivers trying to brake or saidswerve this was unacceptable and dog. it local communities, it has been to avoid hitting Therese from Frontier Vets was his understanding whenthe he claimed. Time and time again veterinary supported the tax increase that Last year a 5% increase in the are presented with e aredelivered approaching that theysurgeons money available to local property tax had dogs which havebe been badly inwonderful time of the communities would increased. €50,000 for local improvement jured asboth a result of being and it is easy to However, the Head of Fi-hit by works to eachyear of the county’s a car. The question get caught upand in the excitement nance, Annette O’ Neillyou andhave Dis- to electoral districts Cllr. Ger yourself is “ Larkin Could this hapDirector Tony Carthy, wasthink one aofpet thewould be trictask of itwho all and councillors backing thethe property lovely to have in home on pen to my dog and what can I Christmas morning. Indeed it is do about it?” There are many beautiful great fun to have a new kitten Quayfront or puppy joinrepairs the family but breeds of dogs but don’t make a there are a number of import- decision purely on looks. Make Work repairing some before sure to do your research to enant on things to consider Traffic problems around ofmaking the wooden surface on surejunctions the breed suitable for this long commitment. the onisWex-


your family. Consider the adult size and temperament. Certain breeds of dogs have boundless energy and need lots ofthat exercise disagreed. They insisted the depending on raised what was purpose additional money earthey were originally bred marked for major economic de-for. Other breeds will and be very velopment initiatives that unhad been ifoutlined at the budget happy left at home alone for meeting. long periods of the day. However, Cllrpuppy Carthyneeds insisted A new tohis be understanding from the vaccinated from six Chief weeks of Executive that more age andwas shouldn’t be money out mixwould be provided for commuing with other dogs until after nity projects. theLisa primary coursesaid of the vaccinaCllr. McDonald tionsExecutive have been completed. Chief had hinted in It is very important that puppy that direction when he your replied to gets their atfirst booster Cllr. Carthy a full Councilafter a year and then an annual health check and booster vaccination. I have been presented with dogs infected with leptospirosis where the owners had thought that dogs only needed the problem would get to be vaccinated puppies. worse whenasthe Loreto

Ring-road traffic worsens

Kittens should be vaccinated also and ask your vet about vaccinating for feline leukaemia virus as but it may partexof the meeting hadnot notbe been core vaccinations. Feline leuplicit. kaemia virus can be spread But Cllr. George Lawlor said it to other by close contact was hiscats understanding when e.g. he a voted forfeed the tax increase the shared bowl. if yourthat cat will money would go towards majorto be going outside, it is safest economic initiatives. have them vaccinated against The matter is now expected to be FeLV. raised when councillors meet at Your new puppy or kitten the end of November to pass the should be wormed every two full Council budget for next year. weeks for roundworms until 12 weeks of age and then monthly Road to new until 6 months old. school As an adult they can be wormed every 3 months. Worming Road to new schoolevery six weeks necessary A newmight road atbe Killeens con-in astructed huntingascat. Not part of all thewormers new LoretoorSecondary is treat prevent School lungworm. to be taken is over by the Co. to Lungworm transmitted Council the slugs way for dogs by paving ingesting and the school open within snails in thetogarden. Make sure months/ Councillors voted to take over the road at their October meeting.

the north end of the Wexford’s ring-road are worsSecondary School re-loford Quayfront is to begin ening with tail backs now cated to Kileens. shortly and ir may be stretching from one District Engineer, Sean completed before Christroundabout to the next Kavanagh, said the Whitmas. The Co. Council’s during peak traffic periford Roundabout was the District Director, Tony ods. smallest on the ring-road Larkin, told councillors The most acute problem is and presented significant that the plan was to carry at the Whitford Roundproblems. He accepted new Wexford Old Dublin Road,The Enniscorthy out repairs to the North about on the Duncannon there was a capacity issue Courthouse will be occupied Quay. The move follows a (seebut website for directions) Line and Cllr. Ger Carthy at the roundabout beby the Courts Service by the succession of complaints Farm Animal, Equine and Companion suggested that the possicause of its size additional end January at the latest and from councillors and bility of putting additional lanes could not be introAnimal Services in the South East Co. Council are to members of the public Phone 053the 9261933 lanes on the approaches to duced. advance plans for the over the condition of the that roundabout be examResurfacing works are to COMPASSIONATE VETERINARY CARE provision of a car park on timber surface which is ined. be carried out at the locathe old Christmas Tree site lifting and uneven in sevCllr. Lisa McDonald said tion next year. eral locations.

Cllr. Frank Staples was quick off the mark at a meeting of the Wexford Borough District Council this week to steal the glory from some of his colleagues by leading the congratulations to St. Martin’s on winning the Senior Hurling title. He predicted that the strength of

the team indicated they were ‘here to stay’. Other South Wexford councillors joined in the congratulations to St. Martin’s including Lisa McDonald whose family have been associated with the club for several generations.

George praises Davy There wasdog’s a rare moment to wash your bowl every of praise from George day and not leave lying Lawlorthe forbowl. his former Labour around Do not use party colleague, Hynes, slug pellets as theyDavy are poisonthis week. Since Davy left ous to your pet and to the birds Labour prior to the last local which are the natural predators elections the two have not of slugs and snails. There is a seen eye-to-eye but this week monthly on treatment for Georgespot praised Davy’s work your dog or cat which treats as part of the Tidy Towns a lot of parasites including lungworm. Flea infestations are no longer a seasonal issue. They are now an all year round problem, because our pets spend much of their time in centrally heated to facilitate people attending houses. Therefore prevention is sittings. easier than treatment. As fleas part the site of is to are Only part of theoflifecycle the be usedtapeworm, for parking with flea canine routine social houses be built on treatment is an to important part theworm remainder. the of control.However, Many people carnot park is tothat be just developed do realise 5% of the total is onattheir first.flea Butpopulation it could take

committee. Heis was more pet, while 95% on the carpet, involved in the Tidy Towns curtains and sofas, so in addieffort than any other tion to treating pet,told the councillor, Cllr. your Lawlor house should also be treated. the meeting. ItMayor is nowJim a legal requirement Moore led the tocongratulations have your dog microchipped to all those and registered. a rapid involved in theThis TidyisTown on procedure only needs to achievingwhich another very good result Wexford. be donefor once but you need to update your own details on the owner database if you change address. It is important to remember to socialise and train your new pup. Start your pup on a good quality puppy food leastfactor fourthis months to ongoing and in as an complete the car park cost. So there are a few points to project. think about before your new Councillors are concerned family addition can run away about potential parking with the toilet paper on Christproblems in the general area mas morning! lots of fun when the newHave Courthouse with your new pet. opens

Courthouse to open in January




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)*+%,*-./012+%%%%%%!"#%&'()-%*+&, Chronicle Oct 26th, 2017


News =%%"#>0-/$4'?6"/#',%/")'"/@#'-26))4'.$-"#/16#'

=%%"#>0-/$4'?6"/#',%/")'"/@#'-26))4'.$-"#/16#' Wexford Business Expo 2017 A2+0-2'#?"/>$"%&'0%'/$2')"&$/#


verywhere Christmas appears to arrive earlier each year. The 8th of December traditionally marked the start of the Christmas rush but those

days are now well and truly in the past with Christmas lights being switched on as early as mid-November now in some locations. However, Enniscorthy

prefers to keep a bit of tradition when it comes to Christmas and opted to be the last of the four main towns to switch on the Christmas lights. In effect

Katie O Connor,Wexford Chamber,David Minogue, Communications Officer Wexford.County Council,Roseanna Davidson, and Roiseen O’Neill, Wexford. Chamber of Commerce.

waiting until Christmas really started in December before they got in to the swing of things. The big highlight in Enniscorthy is of course San-

Ana Murphy-Browne, Lilly Ann and Allanah Murphy were well wrapped up as they awaited Santa’s arrival

Arts Officer has ambitious plans for the county Co. Council and the Mayor of the Wexford Borough District, Jim Moore, described it as a ‘very ambitious plan’ while Cllr. Malcolm Byrne said that with Ms Burns enthusiasm behind it the plan would not be left to gather dust. Cllr. George Lawlor said that various groups staging performances on a regular basis around the county should be given greater priority. He cited the example of the Wexford Light Opera Society which staged a production costing €100,000 annually

without any support from the local authority. Cllr. Davy Hynes said the lack of an Arts Officer in the county during the recession had an adverse impact on the development of the sector and he welcomed the new plan. There was support for the plan too from Chief Executive, Tom Enright, who described it as an ‘excellent document’ and Chairman John Hegarty, who said the ‘energy and enthusiasm’ of the Arts Officer would make the difference in ensuring that this plan was delivered. A key part of the plan is to bring the arts to a much greater number of people 6)2-)$(0$0;,,%;23#3$<.$=#**$=(0"#,0$(2$8),9#-$6:;),# across the county. The plan




GOOD SELECTION OF ALL Open: FOOTGOLF household furniture Dawn inc til Dusk At Blackwater Golf Course Leather/fabric suites, dining Kilnew, Blackwater, 365 days a year! Co. Wexford tables & Tel: 087 3497201

chairs,beds, Picnic mattresses,wardrobes,chests, Tables “Great Family Fun available Get outside, get mirrors, active...” chandeliers, lockers, fo P nics a r nd kitchen dressersic etc Pa rties



for the arrival of Santa in the town and plenty of fun and games as they counted )36($!3$!"&$3+*2.#1$/6.!2"B on.

Above: John Ironside with Brendan Tormey and Eddie Doyle of Wexford Working Mens Club. Rihgt: Adrien Tennant ,IOAC, Tagoat,,Mary Flynn,Sports Active Wexford and Carmel Tennant,of IOAC Tagoat., took part in the Expo.


After a year in her job the Co. Wexford Arts Officer Liz Burns has presented a comprehensive new plan for the development of the arts in county Wexford. Despite the plan being ambitious and the fact that impressive plans presented for other areas in the past have failed to live up to expectations councillors believe that things will be different with this plan mainly because of the drive and ambition of Ms Burns herself. The blueprint was presented to the October meeting of the

ta in the Castle which has proven to be very popular in recent years and retains its magic for children and adults alike. There was a big turnout

Councillors to meet in private to discuss housing crises

Ferry promotion pays dividends

aims to build on arts in education, youth arts, arts in Stena Line has been the health and disability. big winner from a marketing But it also envisages more campaign supported by engagement with older peolocal authorities in the South Members of Wexford ple as well as the developEast, including Wexford Co. Co. Council will meet in ment of arts and animation in Council and Tourism special session early next Ireland. public spaces and a more month to conduct a The ferry company even spread of arts provision detailed analysis of the reported a 25% increase in across the county including in housing crisis in the bookings on the back of the both urban and rural areas. county and the proposals campaign while a similar As part of the plan the aim is to deal with it. effort with Irish Ferries to improve educational fulfilThe meeting, which resulted in an increase of ment through the developwill be held behind closed just 5% for that company. ment of high quality The marketing campaigns doors, takes place on accessible, inclusive arts in were conducted as a result Friday November 10th. education programmes as of funding received through and follows demands from well as developing arts prothe Regional Co=operative grammes to engage harder to several councillors for programme with Tourism reach young people while detailed proposals on the Ireland to push traffic out of also supporting recent arts way forward to tackle the Dublin Airport and Dublin graduates to access employSanta. Mrs Claus the Eves, Enniscorthy Municipal District Chairman, Doyle, with housing problem PortKeith to the regions ment and training. Darren Shiggins & Dylan Carpenter, who were selected to help Santa switch on the lights


Open: FOOTGOLF Ballinamona, The Ballagh, Co.til Wexford Dawn Dusk At Blackwater Golf Course (Located on the “Castlebridge to Gorey” Kilnew, Blackwater, 365 days aRoad) year! Co. Wexford Tel: 087 3497201


“Great Family Fun Get outside, get active...”

Visit our showroom to see our range. Or order from our extensive catalogue

Barran, Ellianna and Boby Cleary were at the Enniscorthy & Monart Union of Parishes Christmas Tree Festival at St.Mary’s Church

RICHARD MURPHY UN-YOKE CARPETS Ballinamona, The Ballagh, Co. Wexford (Located on the “Castlebridge to Gorey” Road)

STOCKISTS AND SUPPLIERS OF TRADITIONAL & CONTEMPORARY CARPETS, VINYL & TIMBER FLOORING Visit our showroom to see our range. Or order from our extensive catalogue



Parade kicks off Wexford’s festivities

t all started with a parade in Wexford as Santa marked his arrival in the town by making his way at the head of a colourful procession along the townFs narrow Main Street on his 6#,$ !3$ !"&$ O'#,+%3(!$ 6"&%&$ "&$ 3+*cially turned on the Christmas lights. Mayor Jim Moore was on hand to welcome Santa and Mrs Clause to

Wexford and he did a bit of meeting and greeting himself as the parade moved along the packed streets. After the parade Santa took up his position in his new quayfront residence where he hosts the North Pole Experience as part of the townFs Winter Wonderland festival until Christmas.

The crowd awaits the arrival of the parade in the Bull Ring

Mayor Jim Moore was busy meeting and greeting the crowd as he joined Santa for the parade

The Magic of it all..........Santa stretches to greet some of his young admirers as they watch the parade

The Murphy family watch the parade go by

Lowney’s of Wexford Ltd. Supplying Quality Furniture for over 70 years

Wishing all our customers a very happy and peaceful Christmas and a prosperous new year. Thank you for all your custom. Largest selection of Sofa’s in the South East - Corner Groups, Sofas, Chairs, Made to Measure, 100’s of Suites, 1,000’s of Fabrics





Christmas Greetings

Wishing you and your loved ones a Merry Christmas 15, 2016 and Prosperous New Year


ristmas Greetings

Minister Michael D’Arcy, T.D. Minister of State at the Department of Finance Gorey Constituency Office: Jim 71 MainMoore Street, Gorey, Co Wexford. Merry Christmas & Best Wishes for the New Year to all my Tel 053 9483966 Wishes Constituents a happy Christmas and prosperous The New Year

Constituents and Supporters

Chronicle December 15, 2016 Wexford Town Constituency Office: Cllr. Pip Breen 2 Charlotte Street, Wexford. to all Voters, Tel 087 2784013Thanks Family and Friends Email:

Phone: 087 2858278 Mobile: 087 9901055. Email:

Christmas Gre

Happy Christmas & Best Wishes for the New Year to all my Constituents and Supporters


7 Weafer Street, Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford Tel: 053 9243558 Email:

1 Priory Quay, New Ross, Co. Wexford Tel: 051 425900

Cllr. Anthony Donohoe - Tel: 087 773 6083 Email: Email:

Joe Sullivan

David Hynes 0872290248


To all my constituents and supporters

Don't forget to Shop Local this Christmas



Christmas Greetings The

Chronicle December 15, 2016


Christmas Greetings Cllr Robert Ireton MCC

Jim Moore

wishes you all a

Wishes Constituents a happy Christmas and prosperous New Year

Merry Christmas

&A The

Happy New Year Chronicle December 15, 2016 Please


Cllr. Pip Breen


Thanks to all Voters, Family and Friends

Chronicle December 15, 2016

ChristmasChristmas Greetings Greetin

CALL FOR APPOINTMENT 087 2531916 Email:

Merry Christmas & Best Wishes for the New Year to all my Constituents and Supporters

Happy Christmas & Best Wishes for the New YearHappy to all my Constituents and Supporters Christmas & Best Wishes for the New Year



Phone: 087 2858278

Merry Christmas

Cllr Robert Ireton MCC

wishes you all a

To all my constituents and supporters

Merry Christmas

Nollaig shona dhaoibh go léar



to all my Constituents & Supporters

& A Happy New Year

Mary Farrell


Independent Councillor

Jim & a Happy Moore New Year

David Hynes


CALL FOR APPOINTMENT 0872290248 To all my constituents 087 2531916 email:

087 9184034 email: Email:

Ger Carthy

Don't forget to Shop Local this Christmas

Happy Christmas Joe Sullivan & Best Wishes

Thanks to all Voters, Family and Friends


and supporters

Cllr. Anthony Donohoe - Tel: 087 773 6083 Email: Email:

Wishes Constituents a happy Christmas and prosperous New Year


Phone: 087 2858278


Christmas Greetings

Thanks to all Voters, Family and Friends

Th F



(K )*+%,*-./012+%%%%%%!"#%&'()-%*+&, Phone: 087 2858278 Email:




Christmas Head toGreetings Wellingtonbridge this



Drinks & Food


Preparations for Christmas lots of festive goods. are not confined to the big Santa visits Wallace's on towns with rural villages also Saturday Dec 10th with a gearing up for the big day. photo and a sweet treat for One of the main centres for €5 and You could win a Christmas in South Wexford family ticket to TheMerry is Wellingtonbridge where Snowman in BordChristmas Gais & a Happy there are no parking charges Energy Theatre, Dublin. Wide ofand at any time of Variety the year With Christmas New Trees,Year FUNERAL Fireplaces, where and value DIRECTORS wreaths and hollies, baubles Merry convenience Christmas for money atWELLINGTONBRIDGE the top of the and ornaments, Christmas Gas is Fires & Stoves agenda. candles and accessories you At the heart of& Stove can deck the halls this festive Fireplace Wellingtonbridge andTEL:!051 season with Wallace’s 561104 Packages Available providing the anchor for the stunning selection of

! Christmas decorations. And !"#$%&'(%()(%*+&, ! you can keep up to date on

village is Wallace's and they Specialists in the Contract COLLECTION are pulling out all stops this festive season with

Gigs & 9159500 Big Screen 053 Live Music Sport

Merry Christmas Wellingtonbridge, Co Wexford Michael Wallace Proprietor and Happy T: 051 561 232 Happy Holidays M: 087 250 3548 New Year visit us online: or email:



JoeNext Sullivan races


all the latest offers at Sales for Housing plenty ofDevelopments special offers and a but for supply of everything you festive gear and great might require forArdcavan, Christmas. customer Castlebridge, Co.service Wexfordcheer, you For example 50% must pay a visit in person . P: 053there's 9123555 E: off across all of So get away from the indoor and outdoor congestion, parking problems Christmas Lights in the and charges and head to Homevalue Hardware & DIY Wellingtonbridge this store, The Christmas Christmas where you are Shop is open from 8sure of a warm welcome, 5.30pm daily and Sundays great value for money and a 1-5pm and it is packed with great festive atmosphere.

Season’s Greetings

Happy Christmas Bar & Restaurant & Best Wishes

Tir Na Nog

for the New Year Contact:

P: all 087 my 751 0761 E: to Constituents & Supporters

Merry Christmas & a Mary Farrell & Parties & Food Live Music Sport Functions


Gigs &

Big Screen

Happy New Year

Independent Councillor

Wellingtonbridge, Co Wexford Michael Wallace Proprietor T: 051 561 232 M: 087 250 3548 visit us online: or email:


Phone: 085 8598899

Ger Carthy

See us on The Duncannon New Line 2km from Whitford Roundabout beside Mountain Bar T/A PADDY KELLY & SONS Sitting room, Kitchen & Bedroom Furniture and much more

Our experience is your satisfaction guaranteed Proprietor Fergie Doyle

Newline Road,Wexford

Wishes FRIDAY Constituents 16TH DECEMBER a Tel: 053-9141970 Independent member of THURSDAY 22ND DECEMBER Happy Christmas and After Hours Towing/Services: Wishing all my Customers TARMACADAM & BUILDING CONTRACTORS LTD. For more information check out our Facebook page 087-9456340 or 087-6330505 Wexford Co. Council The December 15, 2016 prosperous New Year a Very Happy and email: or call 053 9233172


or email:

Thanks to all Voters, BREAKFAST LUNCH DINNER Family and Friends for&their support TEA, COFFEE & LATTE over the last year


Mobile: 087 2592822 - 087 9853074 Safe Christimas TEL: 051 561501 FAX: 051 560960 Wishing everybody



Christmas in Co.Merry Wexford a & a Happy New Year BREAKFAST LUNCH & DINNER ENJOY YOUR NIGHT OUT & from everyone at Wexford Autobody Repairs very Happy Christmas and a TEA, COFFEE & LATTE Not sure what gift toWAY buy?.... TAKE THE SAFE HOME Kiltra, Wellingtonbridge, Prosperous15, and 2016 Peaceful New Year & CAPPUCHINO ESPRESSO Gift Vouchers The 4 & 8 Seaters December available Wheelchair Accessiblein store!

Chronicle Co. Wexford

Christmas Greetings Christmas Greetin


OPEN 6 DAYS - TEL: 051 561 991

Wishingall of our customers a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Happy Christmas & Best Wishes for the New Year to all my One of Ireland’s most versatile manufacturers of tailor-made nets and netting solutions. Constituents and Supporters

We manufacture nets for sports, bird control, litter, cargo and industry. All BTG products are made using both High Tenacity Nylon and High Density Polyethylene and Polypropylene materials. The netting also contains a UV Stabiliser that gives protection from sunlight. Bates Trawl Gear has over 30 years experience in making and repairing nets. Traditionally, the company provided heavy–duty gear for the fishing industry. It has long since expanded its operation to service many other industry areas and applications.

BTG will deliver nationwide.

Happy Christmas and a Prosperous 2017 to all our customers

BTG Nets, Kilmore Quay, Co Wexford +353 53 9129962 / +353 87 296 3129

Catering for all events

Rochestown, Wellingtonbridge, Carthy - a trusted name in Wexford politics OPEN 6 DAYS - TEL: 051 561 991 Wishing our customers a Co. Wexford Wishing all of our customers a Tel: 087 7500540


Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

James Browne TD


Dáil Éireann, Leinster House, Kildare Street, Dublin 2. <U 01 618 3094 Lower Church Street, Enniscorthy Co. Wexford. <U 053 92 35046

Cllr Robert Ireton MCC

'U 086 857 5387. (U AU /james.browne.enniscorthy @jamesbrowneTD

wishes you all a

Merry Christmas

& A Happy New Year Please

Merry Christmas David Hynes all my constituents and Happy ToNew Year and supporters to all


0872290248 CALL FOR APPOINTMENT email: 087 2531916 Email:

Cllr. Anthony Donohoe - Tel: 087 773 6083 Email: Email:


Don't forget to Shop Local this Christmas

Jim Moore

The Old School House, Taghmon, Co Wexford. Tel (053) 91 34097

HappyWishes Christmas Constituents Wishing all our a wonderful a Clients happy Christmas Christmas and continued prosperity in and prosperous 2017! We look forward to seeing you in the NewNew Year Year

N"##$%& S)"*$ $&+, Thanks to all Voters, A.)/)#0$0* F$"% Family and Friends S)2$* Email:

Phone: 087 2858278 R+B"#$"0$7'Q0"#A$<"#"-3&$S.)%#.T%



Chronicle Oct 26th, 2017


Comhairle Contae



053 919 6000




and Regulations, 2001 (ashereunder amended) NoticePlanning is hereby given that Development Wexford County Council intends to close the road listed to vehicular traffic from January 16, 2018 to April 27, 2018, to facilitate works in connection with the Enniscorthy Bypass, namely the construction of the Bessmount underbridge.

NOTICE OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT BY A LOCAL L2030-6, from Bessmount to Ballybranis. AUTHORITY Alternative Route: From Bessmount to Cherryorchard to Milehouse to Monart East to Newtown to Bally(LAC1709) branis via L2030, R702 and L6127. Road Closure:

Coolcotts,routes (E.D.will Wexford Rural), Local Co. Wexford Alternative be signposted. access will be facilitated. Pursuant Part XItoof the Planning and Development 2000 (as amended) andininwriting, accor- to the Any personto wishing object to the closing of these roadsAct should lodge the objection, dance with before Part 8,12.00 Article 81on of Monday, the Planning and Development Regulations 2001 (as undersigned noon December 18, 2017.


13th December 4.00pm NoticeClosing is hereby Wednesday given that Wexford County Council has 2017 decidedat to close the road listed hereunder to vehicular traffic from October 31 2017 to May 11 2018, to faciliThe Arts Department of Wexford County Council is currently seeking Expressions of Interest from Artists, tate bridge construction works in connection with the Enniscorthy Bypass. resident in County Wexford, regarding an Artist Panel for the Creative Communities Programme.

Road Closure: L6055-1 at Drumgold, Enniscorthy. The Creative Communities Programme (formerly known as Artist in the Community Scheme) enables meaningful collaboration between artists and County Wexford based community groups, for arts projects ofAlternative 1 intensive week to 5 months in From duration. Route: Drumgold to Cooladine to Tomnafunshoge to Clonhasten to Templeshannon to Drumgold via L6055,

Please note artists that are currently on ourL2500, artist panel are eligible to reapply. R744, L2040 and L6055.

amended), notice is hereby given that Wexford County Council proposes to carry out the de-

For application requirements and details please see

The proposed construction of 7 no. dwelling houses along with auxiliary and associated site works at Coolcotts, (E.D. Wexford Rural) Co. Wexford

Completed applications need to be emailed to and 5 hard copies submitted to the A Department, temporary access be provided forWexford local people in Wednesday, the vicinity.13th This route Arts Wexfordroute Countywill Council, Carricklawn, by 4.00pm December will only be suitable for cars and small vehicles. 2017.

Plans and particulars of the proposed development will be available for inspection, or purHOUSEHOLD RECYCLING chase, at a reasonable fee not exceeding the reasonable cost ofCENTRES making a copy, during office hours at the following locations:

CCP is supported and funded by Wexford County Council, the Arts Council and County Secretary. Community Groups.

County Secretary. velopment, particulars of which are set out hereunder.


The alternative route will be signposted.



Tuesday to Friday 8.15am-4.00pm • Wexford County Council Planning Department, Carricklawn, Wexford. Saturday 8.15am – 3.00pm

Closed lunch inspection 12.00noon –from 1.00pm These documents will be available forforpublic Tuesday, 24th October, 2017, to Tuesday, 5th December, 2017Sunday, Mondays & Bank Holidays Closed

OPENING Submissions or observations CHRISTMAS with respect to the proposedHOURS development may be made in writing to: Date Day Opening Times 18th Dec. 2017 Monday Reference LAC1709, 19th Dec. 2017 Tuesday Planning Department, 20th Dec. 2017 Wednesday Wexford County Council, County Hall, Thursday 21st Dec. 2017 Carricklawn, Wexford 22nd Dec. 2017 Friday 23rd Dec. 2017 Saturday on or before Tuesday, 19th December, 2017. 24th Dec. 2017 Sunday 25th Dec. 2017 Monday Pat Collins, County Secretary. 26th Dec. 2017 Tuesday 27th Dec. 2017 Wednesday 28th Dec. 2017 Thursday 29th Dec. 2017 Friday 30th Dec. 2017 Saturday 31st Dec. 2017 Sunday 1st Jan. 2018 Monday 2nd Jan.2018 Tuesday


8.15am-4.00pm 8.15am-4.00pm 8.15am-4.00pm 8.15am-4.00pm 8.15am-4.00pm 8.15am-1.00pm Closed Closed Closed Closed 8.15am-4.00pm 8.15am-4.00pm 8.15am-3.00pm Closed Closed 8.15am-4.00pm


NOTE: Large volumes of traffic are expected during the above period and queuing/delays can be expected. Wexford County Council gives notice of its intention to close the roads in Enniscorthy Town Please staff instruction, do not exit16:00 your vehicle unless you are November parked is the26correct location listedfollow hereunder to vehicularand traffic from to 19:00 on Sunday, 2017 to faon site. cilitate the Switching On of the Christmas Lights. We would advise customers where possible to dispose of their recyclable materials before or after this period. Road Closures: Wafer Street, Market Square, Slaney Street, Rafter Street, Main Street and

Castle Street (R702) (between junction of Duffry Street and Main We apologize in advance for any inconvenience that maythe arise.

Street with Irish Street and the junction of Castle Street with Church Street Normal opening hours and resume on Tuesday January . HCV Traffic are excluded from Castle Castle Hill) and2nd additionally The Management and Staff of Wexford Council Household Recycling Centres would like to Hill, Duffry StreetCounty and Main Street. wish you and your families a very Happy Christmas and a Prosperous New Year.

Alternative Route: HCV Traffic (Eastbound) Duffry Hill to Parnell Road to Arnold’s Cross to Mill Park Road to Abbey Square Roundabout via R890 and N30.


Notice is hereby given that Wexford County Council proposes to close the roads listed hereunder, to public traffic from 08.00 to 18.00 Mondays to Fridays, on a phased basis, as outlined in BUILT HERITAGE SCHEME 2018to Raththe following schedule, to facilitate theINVESTMENT laying of new water main from Poulpeasty paudin.

Wexford County Council wishes to invite applications under the Built Heritage Investment Scheme as Phase 1byClosure operated the Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht.

Road Nos:seeks to assist with theLrepair 8013-1 Townlands: Poulpeasty. This scheme and conservation of Protected Structures and Proposed Protected Structures and in certain cases, for the conservation of structures within Architectural Conservation Areas, Alternative Take L4004-3 towards Donard, andconservation turn right onto the and to supportRoute. the employment of skilled and experienced professionals, craftworkers and L80121-1. At end of road turn right and take L8012-4 to tradespeople. end of diversion. Closed from approx November 20th to December 1th 2017 08.00 to 18.00

The scheme will be administered by Wexford County Council, with grants of between €2,500 and €15,000. Applicants will be required to provide a minimum of 50% matching funding. Phase 2 Closure. Application are available to download from or can be obtained from Road Nos:forms L 8012-3/4 Townlands: Poulpeasty, Rathpaudin and Wheelgarrow the Planning Section of Wexford County Council, County Hall, Carricklawn, Wexford or e-mail planning@ Alternative Route. Take L8013-1 to junction with L4004-3.Turn right and

travel 2.8 Km to cross roads. Turn right onto L8008-1 and

Km end of by diversion. from 31st approx Completed applicationtravel forms 2.5 must beto received 4 pm onClosed Wednesday January 2018. Successful December 4th 2017byto28th Febuary 2nd 2018 applicants must have the works completed September 2018. 08.00 to 18.00 The Structures at Risk Fund 2018 is also open to applications, with a closing date of 31st January 2018. Only structures in immediate danger of significant deterioration will qualify for the Structures at Risk Timeframe for each phase of closure may vary depending on progress and weather Fund. Further information on both schemes is available from the Planning Section Customer Service Unit, telephone 053-9196101.

Alternative routes will be signposted. Local access to restricted areas will be facilitated. Roads will re open at week-ends.

Any person wishing to object to the closing of this road should lodge the objection in writing, PERSONNEL to the undersigned before 12.00 noon on Monday, 23rd October, 2017.




Alternative Route: HCV Traffic (Westbound) CHRISTMAS 2017 – HOLIDAY Roundabout on Abbey Square to MillARRANGEMENTS Park Road to Arnold’s Cross to Parnell Road to Duffry viawill N30 andtoR890. Public Offices All Wexford County Council Hill offices close the public on Friday 22nd December

Administrative Officer (Grade Wexford County 1. Council invites applicants forVII) the following post:-

2017 at 3.00 p.m. with the exception of the Planning Department, which will close at Alternative Route:4.00 Local p.m.non-HCV Offices willtraffic reopen(Eastbound on Tuesday only) 2nd January 2018.

Public Libraries

Junction of Duffry Street and Main Street to Irish Street to Island Road

Wexford Council Branch LibrariesQuay will close at 5.30 p.m. on Friday 22nd (N11) County to Old Bridge, The Shannon to Seamus Rafter Bridge to December 2017 and will reopento onCastle Tuesday 2nd January 2018. Abbey Square Roundabout Hill.

Mobile Library

certain areas of the county the mobile library service may be curtailed on the first Alternative Route:InLocal non-HCV traffic (Westbound only) From Junction of Castle week of January 2018 due to the transfer of services to a new vehicle. Please check Street/Castle Hill to Church Street to Hospital Hill to Parnell Road to for further details or phone Mobile Library North on Duffry Hill. 087 417 5810 or Mobile Library South on 087 417 6014.

Alternative routes We willremind be signposted. No Vehicular will be facilitated. Emergency the public that our Out of Access Hours Emergency Contact Number 1890 666 777 will continue to operate throughout the holiday period.

Any person wishing to object to the closing of this road should lodge the objection in writing, to the County Secretary, Council before a 12.00 noon on peaceful Monday, November 6 Wexford County CouncilWexford wishesCounty all of our customers happy and Christmas. 2017.

Street Lights Broken? Report on

2. Senior Staff Officer (Grade VI)Contract) Assistant Planner (One Year 3. Staff Officer (Grade V)

Selectionforwill be bywill means ofmeans interview and candidates may bemay shortlisted basedbased on applicaSelection all posts be by of interview and candidates be shortlisted on applicationssubmitted. submitted. A panel be formed from which future vacancies may be filled. tions Panels maymay be formed from which future vacancies may be filled. Qualifications, posts are available from, (Block Reception Qualifications,application applicationforms formsand andfurther furtherparticulars particularsfor areallavailable from, Reception (Block F), Wexford County Council, Carricklawn, Wexford. Phone (053) 9196273 or visit our website F), Wexford County Council, Carricklawn, Wexford. Phone (053) 9196273 or visit our webat

site at

Closing date for receipt of completed application forms for all posts is Closing for receipt ofJanuary completed application forms for the post is 5.00 p.m. date on Thursday 11th 2017

5.00 p.m. on Thursday, 9th November 2017.



Outside office hours call: 1890 666 777 Register on for free text and email alerts about service disruptions in your locality

Planning app. lists available at





for Bridgetown


models and makes ALL forIt, PROPERTY YOUR ON QUOTE FREE Wexford Drinagh, It, Insulate or It, Heat Build Find someone here to Fix It, Clad It, Buy It, Sell

Find someone here to Fix It, Clad It, Buy It, Se We use 2 methods of Leak Detection , Ground Acoustics & Tracer WEXFORD SHOWROOM Test. that Pass Job, aEach Someone, Find Hire It, leak ortoMake It, Print Paint ofIt vehicles along with has CCTV site TheMake is secure. is located dig until the need the It Gas, eliminating Paint It,Unit Print or It, Hire Someone, Find

10 Skeffington Street, Wexford

Over 13 years experience in property lettings and management

first business mini free lirestock a daily experience yearson 30 outlet than the with more A family run opened Bridgetown’s Showroom Intruder and Fire Alarms Fitted. Tel: 053 Newly 9122666 Services Chronicle The inyour All It’s brary was opened on Friday are still really Section pump with“Children heating on money SaveHere It’s Here in The needs. your to allflush. cater can basis. O'Connor Richard secure access Sectio all time with our Services unit atChronicle your storage access can All You evening outside the village bookinterested in reading,” owner 109 Nth. Main St. Wexford (Beside Whites Hotel) East South the costs Covering heating reduce and energy conserve Maintain efficiency, Mob: 087 6957689 sunrooms, Conservatories, Providing cards & pin The library was built by Wally O Neill said, “Books are (( )*+%,*-./012+%%%%%%!"#%&'()-%*+&,shop. Oct 26th, 2017 builds in their eyes The and extensions the local Bridgetown Men’s far new from obsolete C



East South & Detection (Water) Leak "$P[!,$"

Shed, decorated by talented local and recent book sale figures Open Monday to Friday 8.30 - 5.30 The Ballagh, Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford artist Benji WilsonTel: and officially show that paperbacks are once 087-9120467/087-2679562 No.5 Castle Hill Enniscorthy (Opposite The Castle) (including. lunch) opened by local Cllr Mick Roche again outselling ebooks, fuelled email:


Advertising your property on,, and Vetting suitable tenants Property Management and Rent collection Property inspections Organising Repairs

Chronicle to Insurance Companies Direct billing DIAMOND BLUE Very competitive rates for non-insurance facility we offer a personal and helpful service Self Storage At our Fully licensed and insured agent,

TH Ro s Ire N

Aisling Prashar

WINDSCREENS Licence No: 003069.

Property Lettings Aisling on Saturday to Friday & 9am -of1pm 8am - 5pm Aisling today! Call Monday Wexford Crosstown, Find someone here to Fix It, Clad It, Buy It, Sell It, Build It, Heat or Insulate It, 9160164 053 contact hours trading Outside in front of a crowd of excited primarily by under eighteens who House calls and Saturdays by appointment T: 053-9155977 M: 087-6559550 local children and parents. find books far more of a novelty E: W: email or 086-2509412 quote free a for today Call Phone: 0864054860 Email: Paint It, Print It or Make It, Hire Someone, Find a Job, Pass that Test.

Colman Doyle Interiors


WEXFORD 66 SOUTH MAIN STREET, Chronicle Oct 26th, 2017

South % OFF East 0 4 (Water) Leak od Detection &

PHONE: 053 91 42084

Wo Services RadiatorlFlushing B inds

Specialists in blinds, shutters, poles and curtains Suppliers of a huge range of wool and fabrics, patchwork, quilting and dressmaking fabrics. including COMPUTER/LAPTOP/REPAIRS/

Radiator Flushing Services

MONSTER CAR DIAMOND BLUE SALE BOOT at Ferrycarrig Park WINDSCREENS Wexford Home of 42000 053 92 FC Ph:

HEEL PAIN WEXFORD SHOWROOM The Links, Tullow, Co. Carlow SHIN PAIN design Newly opened Showroom I.T. Support & website Radiator Offering 086 8050420 Tel: Whites 109 Nth. Main St. Wexford (Beside Hotel) We call to you KNEE PAIN Leak Flushing and Supporting home, business & schools. Service for Detection ENNISCORTHY SHOWROOM FUSS NO -with MESS NO Fitted & Supplied dome 4 DVR Chanel 4Wipers OVER 5 YEARS 2343156 on 087 Paudie Contact



Tel: (053) 9138992 Mobile: (087) 2994988 - ȗ ȗ Ƥ (Opposite Ƥ The No.5 Castle Hill Enniscorthy Castle) E-Mail - Wexford €10 Crosstown, from Prices Call Cal l us: 087 399 5281 s n o & Tracer Leak Detection , Ground 2 methods- of We useWebsite ati lter g AAcoustics for a free quote 086-2509412 Call today hinEmail: Phone: 0864054860 Clot located the leak is to dig until the need Gas, eliminating

for ALL makes €190and models of vehicles

with pump your heating money on THREADS,Save the largest clothes and curtain repairflush. and alteration costs heatingStreet, and energy Maintaininefficiency, service the South conserve East, is now open inreduce 14 Esmonde Gorey. Our range of services Include:

Conor FUSS NO - Items NO New zippersMESS (metal, plastic or McCormack shortened or lengthened - nylon) refitted Waists taken in or let out Wexford Crosstown,Chiropodist Specialists in bridal, formal, Trousers and skirts tapered

vintage wear and leather Suits 086-2509412 tailored for a free quote today Call COMPUTER/LAPTOP/REPAIRS/ Graduation outfits altered Dresses remodelled 10 relined Skeffington Wexford Curtains or made new Street, jackets shortened or SALES PRINTERS &Coats, PERIPHERALS Next day or same day service taken in AND BROADBAND/NETWORKING ISSUES One hour express service Tel: 053 9122666

I.T. Support & website Discounts available design Mob: We087 call 6957689 to you

14 Esmonde St, Gorey Supporting business8.30 & schools. Open Monday to Friday - 5.30 085 1439372home,

(including. lunch) Tel: 9138992 Mobile: (087) See(053) us on Facebook @ Threads Gorey and 2994988 Threads Wexford E-Mail - House calls and Saturdays by appointment Website -

The Links, Tullow, Co. Carlow Interiors Colman 086 8050420 Tel: Doyle Conor WEXFORD 66 SOUTH MAIN STREET, PHONE: 053 91 42084 with 4 dome 4 Chanel DVRMcCormack poles and curtains Specialists in blinds, shutters, Chiropodist €190 range of wool and fabrics, Suppliers of a huge including patchwork, quilting and dressmaking fabrics.

10 Skeffington Street, Wexford

Tel: 053 9122666 Mob: 087 6957689

Domestic Commercial Doyle Interiors ColmanIndustrial Open Monday to Friday 8.30 - 5.30 (including. lunch)

House calls and Saturdays by appointment

Contact: STREET, WEXFORD 66 SOUTH MAIN PHONE: 053 91 42084 697 1152 087 Specialists in blinds, shutters, poles and curtains of a huge range of wool and fabrics, Suppliers

including patchwork, quilting and dressmaking fabrics.

AUTO- EST RENTALS 1897 Est 1987



EDEN EDE ENfor FIRE FRONT non-insurance competitive Very Dear Heart ofrates Jesus, in the past

Domestic I have asked for many favours. This time I ask you this very Commercial Carlow Co. favour). Tullow, Links, The special one (mention Ballymoney Industrial 8050420 086 dear Heart of Jesus, and 23 Take it,Tel: Made M in W Wexford exford

A family run business with more than 30 years experience

Turns your back boiler intocan a stove cater to all your needs. O'Connor Richard DoublesProviding the heat / Burns half the fuel* sunrooms, Conservatories, Eliminates room draughts & sparks and new builds extensions &ŝƚƐ ƐƚĂŶĚĂƌĚ ŽƉĞŶ ĮƌĞƐ ;ϭϲ͟ Θ ϭϴ͟Ϳ

Golf Club

place it Contact: within your broken Co. Enniscorthy, The Ballagh,DVR dome 4Wexford with Chanel 4 1152 697 087 087-9120467/087-2679562 Tel: Heart where your Father sees it. ȗ ȗ Ƥ email: Ƥ FOR FEES GREEN VALUE GREAT €190 Call Cal l us: 087 5281 Then in399his merciful eyesALIKE it will AND GROUPS INDIVIDUALS become your favour not mine. WE ALSO OFFER SUMMER Amen.MEMBERSHIP Say this prayer for three DEALS days. Promise publication and from €189 Starting Membership favour will be granted. Never Conservatories &Park Detection Leak (Water) QUERIES FURTHER Ferrycarrig atFOR knownServices to fail. BD OR 087-2616908 05394-21976 CONTACT:Flushing Radiator Home of Wexford FC


MONSTER CAR Ballyhuskard SALE BOOT East South Domestic WWW.BALLYMONEYGOLFCLUB.IE Commercial plumbing & heating 40 YEARS Over 5pm from experience Thursday Every Industrial A family run business with more than 30 years experience

Offering Radiator Richard O'Connor can cater to all your needs. and Leak Flushing Providing Conservatories, sunrooms, for Service Detection Lunch) During - 6pm (Open 10am Open 6 Daysextensions builds new and Ulster Bank) (Opposite North Main Street, Wexford YEARS 5 OVER The Ballagh, Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford

Contact: 087on697 2343156 0871152 Contact Paudie GENTS Tel: 087-9120467/087-2679562 €12.00 DRY CUT email: Acoustics & Tracer Ground , Detection Leak of 2 methods We useWASH €10 from Prices €13.00 CUT BLOWDRY the leak is located the need to dig until €8.00 eliminating Gas, & BLOWDRY WASH

€10.00 ALLOVER BLADE pump flush. Save money on your heating with €10.00 PENSIONERS €10.00 STUDENTS reduce heating costs efficiency, conserve energy and Maintain


€14.00 FATHER & SON €5.00 KIDS UNDER 13 €7.00 STUDENT REDUCED - WED) RATE (MON to Crosstown, Wexford

Park Ferrycarrig at ON FACEBOOK HAIRSTYLES CATALOGUE OUR OUT CHECK 086-2509412 quote for a free OF today Call Wexford FC Home of/Trims-barber-shop

Every Thursday from 5pm

Home Instead Senior Care Wexford Require male and female Carers to care for the elderly and people with disabilities in their homes. If you have care assistant experience with Healthcare qualifications we would like to hear from you. and need some extra hours as a Caregiver you are working IfContact on Paudie please contact us.

087 2343156

Prices from €10

throughout County available Positions Carlow Co. Wexford. Tullow, Links, The Morning, evening and weekend work. 086 8050420 Tel: for suitable candidates. conditions Good pay and

4 Chanel DVR with 4 dome Or call the Home Instead Senior Care office on 0539184042


ny Sp vi G C N O

East Satellites & Aerials Sth. !"#$%"&'


Cllr. Ballymoney SHOP ()*+,-./+,0 Robbie ClubLOCAL Golf Ireton Wipers Supplied & Fitted


for ALL makes and models of vehicles


Chronicle Oct 26th, 2017 Direct billing to Insurance Companies Firewood for Sale non-insurance for rates competitive Very a week 5 days open Office 087-2310296 on Cullen Frank Contact




Broadband/Internet Connection Required QUERIES FURTHER FOR - 1pm on Saturday to Friday & 9am Monday 5pm 8am - 1.223'+.)3.)*31.,4234) OR 05394-21976 CONTACT: 9160164 053087-2616908 hours contact trading Outside 5673839:;;5<= 8X5 Trailer of Seasoned Hardwood WWW.BALLYMONEYGOLFCLUB.IE emailLoad orEmail:

in Courtown SERVICES €130 per load Call for an appointment

& Aerials Sth. East 087-2531916 on Satellites Also AUDIO & VISUAL AERIAL, Bag of Hardwood INSTALLATIONS SERVICES: Open 6 Days 10am - 6pm (Open During Lunch) Bag ofofKindling €2.50 per bag Systems & Aerial Satellite allWexford Servicing Bank) Ulster (Opposite Main Street, North

Golf Club €5 per bag

LANDLORDS Commercial Bag &ofDomestic Turf CCTV Installations FEES FOR GREEN €12.00 GREAT VALUE €13.00 SaorView experience 13 years Over €8.00 ALIKE BLOWDRY & Installations WASH AND GROUPS INDIVIDUALS and management lettings in property €10.00 BLADE ALLOVER Installations FreeView PENSIONERS your property on,, €10.00 Advertising ALSO OFFER SUMMER WE Problem-solving and €10.00 STUDENTS



Ballymoney Ballyhuskard Email: €3 per bag Direct billing to Insurance Companies Conservatories See our ful full l range of East products products at: South the Covering THE MIRACULOUS PRAYER

Please email your CV to

• All New Fleet • Small, Medium & Large Vans

Ph: 053 92 42000

Speaking at the event, Cllr Roche than the kindles they’ve grown saidIt’s this was another positive de- Chronicle up with. We have children who Section All Here in The Services Our storage units are ideal for: velopment for his village. will even read a book a day and Meyler Victor Proprietor: reps Sales Records Business Furniture House See our ful full l range of products pr oducts at: “We’ve had aYEARS string of new small hopefully this library will make it experience heating & plumbing 40 Over accredited ATA businesses and craft groups eseven Commercial Stock Storage Moving or Renovating YYY GFGPJQOGCPFƂTG EQO Y YY GF GPJeasier QOGCfor PFthem ƂTG to EQdo O that.” tablished in this village in recent “We couldn’t have hoped to do AERIAL, AUDIO & VISUAL times which has greatlyOffering increased Radiator this project without the all sizes available for rental Units SERVICES: INSTALLATIONS Road, Enniscorthy Dublin Old the vibrancy of the local commuBridgetown Mens Shed. The or short-term Long-term EDEN EDE EN FIRE FRONT Leak and Flushing nity. This little library has only lads are fantastic and are conServicing of all Satellite & Aerial Systems Made Mstantlyinproducing W Wexford exford !"#$%&'()%%%%%%% been in place for halfDetection a day and, Service great work for for Park, Sinnottstown Business & Domestic Commercial like the bookshop beside it, has the area.” 7,*3J+)+,.-B4) YEARS 5 OVER Lane, Sinnottstown CCTV Installations already become a meeting point The Bridgetown Mini Free LiVALUE GREAT for locals and a focus of interest brary is open twenty four hours a Wexford GREEN FEES FOR Drinagh,Installations SaorView Meyler Victor Proprietor: from Thursday Every AND GROUPS ALIKE INDIVIDUALS forWe kids in2the village.” day, seven days a5pm week in & Tracer Acoustics , Ground Leak Detection of methods use 14>?2+-+3@A)+,.23@A,)B0C+,0 FreeView Local bookshop Red Books will to dig Bridgetown village. is secure. The site has CCTV along with Each UnitInstallations ATA is located the leak untilaccredited the need Gas, eliminating stock the little library, vowing to 1,+>.-B4)03#,,.).D+* Problem-solving OFFER ALSOand WE Fitted. Fire AlarmsSUMMER Intruder Turns your back boiler into a stove Save money on your heating with pump flush. with our secure access your storage unit at all time access can You DEALS MEMBERSHIP Doubles the heat / Burns half the fuel* 14)-.E-3;<3C4A,03.3*.FG3 Road, Dublin Old East South the Covering and reduce heating costs energyEnniscorthy efficiency, conserve Maintain pin & cards ARRIVED RECEIVER SATELLITE NEW Eliminates room draughts & sparks H3*.F03.3I++/ extra Channels. Gives many from €189 Starting Membership &ŝƚƐ ƐƚĂŶĚĂƌĚ ŽƉĞŶ ĮƌĞƐ ;ϭϲ͟ Θ ϭϴ͟Ϳ At our Self Storage facility we offer a personal and helpful service


ANSELL RYAN OFF % 0 YOUNG 4 Starting from €189 Membership Wood


Vetting suitable tenants Property Management and Rent collection


Com Ta A C


€5.00 13 extra Channels. Gives many insured agent, licensed and Fully €7.00 REDUCED STUDENT and Consultants Business Leading Prashar Aisling Required Connection Broadband/Internet Licence No: 003069. of Aisling Property Lettings WED) to (MON RATE QUERIES FURTHER FOR today! Aisling Call

Organising UNDER KIDSRepairs


Busi A B Ta P

dshereacross Find someone to FixLeinster It, Clad It, Buy It, Se Advisors Taxation lin B 087-2310296 Cullen Frank Contact FACEBOOK HAIRSTYLES OFon CATALOGUE OUR OUT CHECK 087-2616908 OR 05394-21976 CONTACT: 087-6559550 M: 053-9155977 T: Paint It, Email: Print It or Make It, HireONSomeone, Find WWW.BALLYMONEYGOLFCLUB.IE /Trims-barber-shop E: W: Details Contact Compliance Services

WEXFORD SHO Newly opened S 109 Nth. Main St.Wexford WexfordA (B Instead Senior Care Home C !"#$%"&' &A DIAMOND Ro BLUEENNISCORTHY S ()*+,-./+,0 WINDSCREENS No.5 Castle Hill Enniscorthy Ire

It’s All Here in The Chronicle Services Section St. Elmos, Taxation

Esmonde Street, Gorey, Co. Wexford Ph: 053 - 9421693 Email: Business male and female Carers to care for the elderly RequireServices Accounts and people with disabilities in their homes.

Auditing Company Secretarial

6 Days 10am - 6pm (Open During Lunch) Open Bookkeeping Healthcare with Bank) experience care assistant have you IfTax Ulster Wexford (Opposite Street, Main North Planning

!"#$%&'()%%%%%%% would like to hear from you. we qualifications Bureau Service Payroll LANDLORDS GENTS extra hours need sometdblinds@gma Caregiver and€12.00 as a working are If you Phone: 0864054860 Email: CONTACT PLEASE 7,*3J+)+,.-B4) CUT DRY FOR Aus. AISLING PROPERTY LETTINGS please contact €13.00 WASH CUT BLOWDRY Meyler Victor Proprietor: FREE QUOTE ON YOUR PROPERTY €8.00 WASH & BLOWDRY accredited ATA €10.00 14>?2+-+3@A)+,.23@A,)B0C+,0 experience 13 years Over Wexford. County throughout available Positions BLADE ALLOVER management lettings and in property Morning, work. weekend and evening €10.00 PENSIONERS 1,+>.-B4)03#,,.).D+* your property on,,€10.00 Advertising STUDENTS

Ph: 053 92 42000


Road, Dublin Oldpay suitable candidates. forEnniscorthy and conditions Good SPECIALS


14)-.E-3;<3C4A,03.3*.FG3 Covering the South East and Vetting suitable tenants and Rent collection €14.00 Management Property & SON FATHER Property inspections €5.00 13 UNDER KIDS General Maintenance Trees Topped, Shaped Organising Repairs

email your CV to Please & Removed H3*.F03.3I++/ Fitted & Supplied Wipers REDUCED STUDENT Power Washing Service All roots€7.00 poisoned or grinded Care office Senior Insteadand the Home call 1.223'+.)3.)*31.,4234) Orfor models makes ALL COMPUTER/LAPTOP/REPAIRS/ ON FACEBOOK OF HAIRSTYLES CATALOGUE OUR OUT CHECK Hedge Trimming & Pruning Supply and lay all colours of pea 0539184042 on Migraine 5673839:;;5<= 087-6559550 M:gravel T: Full 053-9155977 garbage PRINTERS removal service SALES & PERIPHERALS and stone cut chippings /Trims-barber-shop of vehicles

Fully licensed and insured agent, (MON to WED) RATE Prashar Aisling Weeding Lawn Turf Supplied & Fitted Licence No: 003069. of Aisling Property Lettings Strimming Fencing Call Aisling today!

Sinusitis We call to Free you !"#$%"&' Estimates Headaches Companies Insurance billing tohome, Direct Supporting business & schools.



AND BROADBAND/NETWORKING ISSUES Garden Shed Clearance (All Rubbish Removed)

I.T. Support & website design East South the Covering Fast Effective Service Wexford Care Senior Instead Home

Friendly Service ()*+,-./+,0

Require male and female Carers to care for the elderly and people with disabilities in their homes.

for non-insurance rates competitive Very Healthcare assistant experience care 9138992 have If you Tel: (053) Mobile: with (087) 2994988

Contact Sean 087 265 5125

we would like to hear from you. qualifications E-Mail - !"#$%&'()%%%%%%% and need some extra hours Caregiver working as- a If you are Website please contact us. 7,*3J+)+,.-B4)

Mu O Mu


An •T D &Em •EC




Ballymoney A McCormack Specialising GolfinClub Chiropodist Energy Systems that

14>?2+-+3@A)+,.23@A,)B0C+,0 Andrew Firman Conor 1,+>.-B4)03#,,.).D+* candidates. conditions and pay Good & Co. Ltd. for suitable Positions available throughout County Wexford. Morning, evening and weekend work.


14)-.E-3;<3C4A,03.3*.FG3 Please email your CV to H3*.F03.3I++/ Or call the Home Instead Senior Care office GREEN FEES FOR VALUE GREAT on 0539184042 1.223'+.)3.)*31.,4234)

make €ents for you

ALIKE GROUPS AND Street, INDIVIDUALS 10 Skeffington Wexford 5673839:;;5<=

OFFER SUMMER WE ALSO Heating & Plumbing Engineer Tel: 053 9122666 MEMBERSHIP Specialising DEALS in Mob: 087 Airthermal 6957689 Geothermal

Membership Starting from €189

Under Floor Solar Panels OpenFOR Monday to Friday 8.30 - 5.30 QUERIES FURTHER Murrintown Lr, Tel/Fax: 053-9139564 (including. lunch) OR 087-2616908 CONTACT: 05394-21976Mobile: Murrintown 087-2765510 House calls and Saturdays by appointment Wexford Email: WWW.BALLYMONEYGOLFCLUB.IE

Colman Doyle Interiors 66 SOUTH MAIN STREET, WEXFORD

Murri Murri Wexf

Com Ta Au A Co

Busin Ac Bo Ta Pa







Chronicle Oct 26th, 2017

Helen Wildes,Doireann Ryan,Antoinette Davis,Mary Fox and Catherine Quigley

GENTS Insulate It, Heat or €12.00 Build It, It, CUT Find someone here to Fix It, Clad It, Buy It, SellDRY €13.00 WASH CUT BLOWDRY Test. that Pass a Job, Paint It, Print It or Make It, Hire Someone, Find WASH €8.00 & BLOWDRY €10.00 BLADE It’s All Here in The Chronicle Services SectionALLOVER €10.00 PENSIONERS

Commercial Industrial

Rose Tyrrell,Bridget Lacey,Sally Murphy and Nora Tyrrell



SPECIALS )*+%,*-./012+%%%%%%!"#%&'()-%*+&,



€14.00 FATHER & SON Contact: €5.00 KIDS UNDER 13 €7.00 REDUCED It, It, Heat or Insulate It, Build Fix It, Clad It, Buy It, SellSTUDENT to1152 here Find someone 697 087 Find someone here to Fix It, Clad It, Buy It, Sell It, Build It, Heat or Insulate It, RATE (MON to WED) Test. Pass that Job, or Make Print It, "$P[!,$" Paint ON FACEBOOK OF HAIRSTYLES OUR CATALOGUE OUT CHECKa Test. It, Hire Someone, Find PassItthat Job, a Hire Someone, The Paint It, Print It or Make Oct It, 26th, 2017 Find It’s All Here in The Chronicle Services Section /Trims-barber-shop

SERVICES Chronicle

It’s All Here in The Chronicle Services Section


va W Ha lued ish Be ppy cust ing st W C om our h e ish ristm rs a v es for as a ery n 20 d 18

MONSTER CAR SALE % OFF 40BOOT d o Wo Park Ferrycarrig at s d n i l B of Wexford FC Home

Our storage units are ideal for: House Furniture Business Records Sales reps Renovating or Wexford Stock Storage Commercial Care SeniorMoving Instead Home

te Centr Hire Centre orey Hire Gorey G


Estate, Industrial Estate, IDA, IDA, Industrial Road urtown Road ou C Courtown od Wexffor Co. Wexford e , Co. orey G Gorey, e: 086 2297647 hone P Phone:

for rental available all sizes Units Carers to care for the elderly and female male Require or short-term Long-term with disabilities in their homes. and people

n e e dss” D I Y needs” C o n st r u ct i o n & DIY yo u r Construction a l l your Fo r all ““For


Renovating Storage Stock Commercial with along CCTVor has The siteMoving is secure. Each Unit Wexford. County throughout available Positions work. weekend and Alarms evening Morning, Fitted. and Fire Intruder for rental sizes available Units unit at all time with our secure access your storage canallaccess You suitable candidates. pay andorconditions GoodLong-term short-term & pin cardsfor Park, Business Sinnottstown a personal offer we facility Self Storage At our CV toand helpful service your email Please Sinnottstown Lane, to Friday & 9am - 1pm on Saturday - 5pm Monday 8am Drinagh, Wexford Instead Senior Care office Home Or call the Outside trading hours contact 053 9160164 0539184042 The site has CCTV along with secure. ison EachorUnit email Intruder and Fire Alarms Fitted. You can access your storage unit at all time with our secure access cards & pin

Newly opened Showroom

•w • p eb • g ub de • l rap lica sig og h ti n o ic on de de d sig sig es n n ign

109 Nth. Main St. Wexford (Beside Whites Hotel)Digge tions a angos K Kangos ers Diggers ac a Vac y/Wet V Dr Dry/Wet ehumidifiers Dehumidifiers D Clothing Alter

Bridgetown’s first mini free li- The restock the outlet on a daily BliCastle No.5 Hill2343156 Enniscorthy (Opposite Castle) 087 brary was opened on Friday basis. “Children are still really

THREADS, the largest clothes and curtain repair and alteration service in the Paudie South East,on is now open in 14 Esmonde Street, Contact Gorey. Our range of services Include:

evening outside the village bookinterested in reading,” owner SHOWROOM € fromEmail: PricesWEXFORD Phone: 0864054860 shop. The library was built by Wally O Neill said, “Books are umpers D Dumpers

Pickers ry Pickers Cher Cherry

Newly openedtheShowroom local Bridgetown Men’s

New zippers (metal, plastic or Items shortened or lengthened nylon) refitted Waists taken in or let out Specialists in bridal, formal, Trousers and skirts tapered vintage wear and leather Suits tailored Graduation outfits altered Dresses remodelled & VISUAL AERIAL, Curtains relined or madeAUDIO new Coats, jackets shortened or NextINSTALLATIONS day or same day service takenSERVICES: in Enservice One Servicing hour express of n all Satellite & Aerial Systems

ixers M Mixers

Floats ower Floats P Power

far from obsolete in their eyes Shed, decorated by talented local and recent book sale figures 109 Nth. Main St. Wexford (Beside Whites Hotel) artist Benji Wilson and officially that paperbacks are at: once See ourshow ful fulll range of products products opened by local Cllr Mick Roche outselling YYY GFGPJQOGCPFƂTG EQO Y YY Gagain FGPJ QOGCPFebooks, ƂTG EQfuelled O in front of a crowd of excited primarily by under eighteens who and helpful service we offer a personal Self Storage facility At our & VISUAL AUDIO AERIAL, local children and parents. find books far more of a novelty SERVICES: INSTALLATIONS 8am - 5pm Monday to Friday & 9am - 1pm on Saturday Speaking at the event, Cllr Roche than the kindles they’ve grown No.5 Castle Hill Enniscorthy (Opposite The Castle) EDEN EDE EN FIRE FRONT said this was another positive deup with. We have children who Systems & Aerial all Satellite of trading Servicing 053 9160164 hours contact Outside Made M in read W Wexford exfor d a day and M Discounts isc velopment for his village. will even a book available i Domestic & Commercial email or Domestic & Commercial l o Phone: 0864054860 Email: e Co h “We’ve had a string of new small hopefully this library will make it rth CCTV Installations CCTV Installations COMPUTER/LAPTOP/REPAIRS/ . W14ouEsmonde businesses and craft groups eseven easier for them to do that.” yE St, Gorey 0 UPVC & ALUMINIUM WINDOWS OF INSTALLERS & MANUFACTURERS s e e 8 Installations SaorView tablished in this village in recent “We couldn’t have hoped to do n Installations SaorView SALES 7 xfPRINTERS te & PERIPHERALS €1,500 only From DOORS FRONT SECURITY HIGHhas 085 hFreeView or See ourthis ful full l range of products pr oducts times which greatly increased project without the at: 26 Installations FreeView Installations el 1439372 d ad rpr AND BROADBAND/NETWORKING ISSUES Locking 8 Point Fitted the vibrancy of the local commuShed. YYY GFGPJQOGCPFƂTG EQO Y YY Bridgetown GFGPSystem JQOGMens CPFƂ TG EQThe O , E iseGorey and Threads lous on 8Facebook w Problem-solving See @ Threads Wexford Problem-solving 5 nity.Turns This;.**3'5$*"#12,#',%/'<,443'7.8'9.,*' little back library has only lads are fantastic and are conAERIAL, AUDIO & VISUAL wI.T.@Support your boiler into a stove &nnwebsite design w. de 63 isc Cen beenDoubles in place for half a day and, stantly producing great work for the heat / Burns half the fuel* SERVICES: INSTALLATIONS 1(',--'()*'0)#1(2.*# system locking security high with windows pvc t 4 o d to sig We call re ARRIVED like the bookshop beside it, has EDE the area.” rth you FIREGLASS/LOCKS FRONT ARRIVED RECEIVER SATELLITE NEW es SATELLITE RECEIVER NEW Eliminates room &EDEN sparks , ETC.. CHANGING BYEN WINDOWS OLDdraughts YOUR UPGRADE Aerial Systems & Satellite all of Servicing already become a meeting point The Bridgetown Mini Free Linb many y, ig Gives Gives many extra Channels. Made M in W Wexford exfor dfour hours a Channels. extra covered areas Leinster & All Dublin Supporting home, business & schools. &ŝƚƐ ƐƚĂŶĚĂƌĚ ŽƉĞŶ ĮƌĞƐ ;ϭϲ͟ Θ ϭϴ͟Ϳ for locals and a focus of interest brary is open twenty nb yt & Domestic Commercial Connection Required Broadband/Internet Connection Required Broadband/Internet for kids in the village.” SHANE KAVANAGH day, seven days a week in es Mobile: Tel:COMPUTER/LAPTOP/REPAIRS/ (053)yt9138992 (087) 2994988 CCTV Installations Find someone here to Fix It, Clad It, Buy It, Sell It, Build It,Cullen Heat on or Insulate It, ȗ ȗ Ƥ Ƥ Gorey, Co. Wexford Little, Hollyfort, Local bookshopGrove Red Books will Bridgetown village. . e Frank Contact Find someone here to087 Fix It, Clad It, Buy It, Sell It, Build It, Heat or087-2310296 Insulate It, ie &on 087-2310296 Frank Contact E-Mail - s.i Cullen 1258160 Mobile: 9428601 053 Tel.: Installations SaorView stockCal the little library, vowing to Call l us: 087 399 5281 SALES PRINTERS PERIPHERALS Paint It, Print It or Make It, Hireskwindows Someone, Find a Job, Pass that Test. Website - Email: Email: Email: Paint It, Print Make It, Hire Someone, Find a Job, Pass that Test. FreeView Installations

Sth. East Satellites & Aerials

Sth. East Satellites & Aerials


Sth. East Satellites & Aerials

Chronicle ChronicleOct Oct26th, 26th,2017 2017

23 23



I.T. Support & website design We call to you

Aileen Kay & East South East South

Conor Supporting home, business & schools. McCormack <&$"CV(*<>%($ Tel: (053) 9138992 Mobile:& (087) 2994988 Detection Leak (Water) Chiropodist E-MailLeak - & Detection (Water)

Sutherland Radiator Services FlushingServices RadiatorFlushing

=(*($ Dancing Irish of Street, Academy 10 Skeffington Wexford experience & heating Over 40 YEARS plumbing Over 40 YEARS plumbing & heating experience +&?<"+<$ Conor Tel: Offering 053 9122666 Radiator Offering Radiator Mob:Flushing 087 and 6957689 Leak McCormack Flushing and Leak d"P$&?$ Detection Service for Service for DetectionChiropodist YEARS OVER Open Monday to 5Friday 5 YEARS8.30 - 5.30 OVER ELT$EEFIFTH (including. lunch) Website -

New Irish dance classes commence on Thursday 2nd March 2017 in The Fife and Drum Hall, Lower Bride St., Wexford town Time: 5.30pm — 6.30pm

Acoustics & Tracer Detection , Ground of Leak use 2 methods We House and Saturdays by appointment 102calls Skeffington Street, Wexford Acoustics & Tracer , Ground Detection of Leak methods use WeFor contact further is located need to dig until the leak theinformation Gas, eliminating Gas, eliminating the need to dig until the leak is located 087-9035296 Kay with pump flush. heating on your moneyon Save Tel: 9122666 with pump flush. on your heating money053 Save Maintain efficiency, conserve energy and reduce heating costs and reduce heating costs efficiency, conserve MaintainMob: 087 energy 6957689

Colman Doyle Interiors

fun, forFUSS dance classes Irish NO MESS NO AUTO RENTALS FUSS NO MESS NOfitness or competition! - EST 1897 Est 1987 66 SOUTH MAIN STREET, WEXFORD PHONE: 053 91 42084 Open Monday to -Friday 8.30 - 5.30 - Wexford Crosstown, (including. lunch) poles shutters, blinds, Specialists in Crosstown, Wexford and curtains

VAN HIRE Colman Doyle Interiors 086-2509412 quote free aSaturdays for todayofand Call House calls byand appointment fabrics, of wool range a huge Suppliers Call today for a free quote 086-2509412 including patchwork, quilting and dressmaking fabrics.


Specialists in blinds, shutters, poles and curtains Suppliers of a huge range of wool and fabrics, including patchwork, quilting and dressmaking fabrics.

The Carlow Co.Carlow Tullow,Co. Links,Tullow, TheLinks, 8050420 086 Tel: • All NewTel: Fleet 086 8050420 • Small, Medium & Large Vans 44Chanel dome with44dome DVRwith ChanelDVR

• Competitive Rates

€190 €190 Ferrybank, Wexford • Tel: 053-9123917


experience with Healthcare assistant you have care If Sinnottstown Park, Business would like to hear from you. qualifications Lane, Sinnottstownwe for: extra hours idealsome areneed unitsand Ourasstorage a Caregiver If you are working Drinagh, Wexford us. contactRecords please Sales reps Business House Furniture

New Free Library F F 40%oOd for Bridgetown Wo ENNISCORTHY SHOWROOM s nd

WEXFORD from 5pm Every Thursday

An The


Mu Mu We

T s

N n S v G C N O

The The

It’s All Here in The Chronicle Services Section Problem-solving It’syour Allback Here Turns boilerin intoThe a stoveChronicle Services Section

Cllr. SATELLITE RECEIVER ARRIVED NEW Cllr. SHOP DIAMOND BLUE Firewood for Sale Ballyhuskard SHOP DIAMOND BLUE Robbie SERVICES Robbie Conservatories Doubles the heat / Burns half the fuel* Eliminates room draughts & sparks &ŝƚƐ ƐƚĂŶĚĂƌĚ ŽƉĞŶ ĮƌĞƐ ;ϭϲ͟ Θ ϭϴ͟Ϳ


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colour consultation Fri 29th with designer Aodhain from Inside Design

Receive a €15 paint voucher from Fleetwood. No appointment needed Drop by from 10am to 2pm.

There’s tea too!

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