CRE News - CRE National 2022 Exhibition Handbook & products and services directory

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Many a ‘great idea’ I have woken up with has rarely made it beyond breakfast, still less lunchtime. As that famous quote, attributed to prolific American inventor Thomas Edison, goes: ‘Genius is one per cent inspiration and 99 per cent perspiration’. Diana Home (pictured), who sadly died in June, dreamed up the idea for an exhibition of Christian resources in the early 1980s. Fortunately for us all, the inspiration stayed with her beyond the cornflakes and coffee. Her late husband, Gospatric, picked up the perspiration side of the equation and, together, they made the first CRE happen in London in 1985. From there the vision extended as far as the US, Korea, Sweden, Uganda and Australia. And the hard work didn’t end there. Even when the Homes were enjoying a well-earned retirement, they encouraged Allison and I as we took over the reins of the exhibition in 2016. I shall never forget Gos, in his 80s, sweating his way down to London to scout out suitable venues. That’s why I am so glad that the last email I sent to Di before her demise contained the news that we had secured dates for CRE in Liverpool for the first time (3/4 May 2023). ‘Your vision carries on,’ I wrote, ‘in spite of the ravages of Covid. And for that we are truly grateful.’

We are also thankful to the dozens upon dozens of organisations who continue to share Di’s vision and contribute to this important event – bringing their own ideas in front of thousands of church leaders, officers and members. Most of these organisations will have had their own genesis with a moment of inspiration – that ‘what if?’ moment. To all our visitors, we hope you are similarly inspired, and even end up perspiring a little (!) as you tour this year’s exhibition. Most of all, we hope you leave with a creative idea or two buzzing around in your head. What if our church did this, Stevetoo?

Foreword 1sponsored by .com/just

Making ‘what if?’ a reality

Goddard Owner MD, Christian Resources Exhibition

Contents Foreword Page 1 My Church Needs One of Those! Pages 4-10 Exhibition features: • Children’s Ministry Day Page 12 • Mission on the Map Page 15 • Exploring the Windrush Legacy Page 17 • CRE Arts Café page 19 • Mission Worship Wednesday Page 21 CRE Talks Programme (in person, at event) Pages 22-27 CRE Talks and Presentations (online) Pages 29-31 Products and Services Directory Pages 33-59 A-Z of exhibitors at CRE National 2022 Pages 61-63 A-Z of Resources Guide Advertisers Page 64 Published by: Christian Resources Exhibitions Ltd, 1 and 2 Ellison’s Cottages, Crank Road, St Helens, Merseyside WA11 7RQ Telephone: 0161 240 4500 Web: Whilst every effort has been made to ensure accuracy in the compilation of this publication, the organisers and publishers cannot accept any liability for any errors or omissions. Designed by Web: BJPevents With thanks to our sponsors 2 sponsored by .com/just

Nothing beats discussing it CRE North 2023 Exhibition Centre, Liverpool 3-4 May 2023 CRE National 2022 Sandown Park, Surrey 11-13 October 2022

My Church Needs One Of Those! 4 sponsored by .com/just

Andy Parkinson, manager of Lifehouses in Sheffield, said: ‘The pods provide a warm and safe place to sleep while The Salvation Army and local council tackle some of the reasons why the occupiers have become homeless. We have seen a real difference in the two clients placed in them.’ Stuart Johnson started Homeless grateful for any pod in a storm

YVONNE BELL SPECIALISES in silk painting for vestments, icons on wood and acrylic on canvas. She produces hangings for churches, altar frontals, pulpit and lectern falls and banners. Vestment ranges include chasubles and stoles for priests and copes and mitres for bishops. Her artwork often crosses over from paintings to vestments, as in ‘Given for you’ (pictured) a set featuring a painting, stole and chasuble. The hands of God the Father are shown in rainbow colours as a reminder

Amazing Grace Spaces with his wife Caroline in 2015. He is keen to find churches prepared to donate a car parking space on which to locate a pod. ‘They are not the final answer, but while someone is waiting for accommodation,permanenttheyare safe from bullying or injury,’ he said. ‘They also give members of a church the opportunity to minister to them in a caring manner.’

A lover of art, it led to a change of career and a switch to the C of E from the United Reformed Church. ‘That was fortunate,’ she explained, ‘because the URC do not wear clerical clothing of this kind!’ Yvonne Bell is on stand R6 at CRE National 2022

An Amazing Grace Spaces pod will be on stand B4 at CRE 2022 Bell on song for CRE return of the flood and covenant represented by the rainbow.

Yvonne began producing beautiful clerical items after being unable to get a job electroencephalograms!operating

AMAZING GRACE SPACES, exhibitors at CRE National 2022, are creators of the emergency pod containing a bed, chemical toilet and a USB socket for charging a mobile phone – providing accommodation for the user until a permanent home can be found. The Salvation Army have installed two pods as part of a pilot scheme to provide temporary support and in two months they proved their worth.

structural issues that lock people into poverty – and campaign for change.

Of Those!

Bring waves of change to Africa

THERE ARE ABOUT 1,200 food banks in their network – but the Trussell Trust wants rid of them all. That will be Rev Jessica Foster’s message to visitors at CRE National 2022 (11am, Tue 11 Oct). Jessica, head of church engagement at the trust, will encourage Christians to join the call for an end to the need for food banks and the poverty which has led to their necessity. ‘We support about two thirds of the food banks in the UK to provide a minimum of threedays’

My Church Needs One

‘For every family we work with, three more families benefit,’ said Ripple Effect’s Ann Hatton. ‘Like a drop of water in a still pond, the impact spreads, and in time millions are making the most of the potential in their land, moving beyond surviving to thriving. We invite you to join us in creating a wave of change in rural Africa.’ Ripple Effect (formerly Send a Cow) are on stand F8 at CRE National 2022 sponsored by


‘We know it takes more than food to end hunger so we bring together the experiences of food banks in our network, and their communities, to challenge the structural economic issues that lock people in poverty,’ said Jessica. ‘It is time food banks are resigned to the history books.’


LONG-ESTABLISHED charity Send a Cow changed its name to Ripple Effect earlier this year – and announced an ambitious plan to reach five million more people by 2030. The organisation has long known that change starts when farmers come together to learn practical ways to grow and sell more. Their farms become more productive, they lift themselves out of poverty and share what they learn with families and neighbours.

Time to close all food banks


For example: • Church capital appeals • Vision and mission development • Governance review; trustee training • Trusts research and bidwriting • Recruitment of trustees and senior staff • Fundraising review; fundraising strategy Call us today on 01737 814758; email; visit “The answer’s What’s the question?” ‘Yes’. DavidChairmanSaint, Whatever your needs as a church or Christian charity, Action Planning has a solution for you.

The benefits of a divided church PROMISE BAGS IS an Indian business giving holistic freedom to women trapped in discrimination,caste-based poverty and hopelessness.

‘Our mission is to offer freedom to Dalit (or Untouchable) women trapped in 3000 years of a caste system in which they have been treated with less dignity than an animal,’ partitions.‘Wehave an unrivalled range of high quality, great value products for virtually every space-division problem and budget,’ said PPC’s Sally Tyson. ‘We manufacture most of our products in our workshop in Tewkesbury, so we are pretty sure we will have a height, width, colour and sound-dampening material to suit all needs, including screens for separating areas within places ofAlistairworship.’Mitchell, who is children’s worker at Otford Methodist Church, Oxford, ordered PPC screens for use in the Sunday school but has found many uses for them. ‘Different colours on two sides adds a bonus to the product and gives more versatility,’ he said. ‘They also act as back panels for interview evenings and are great for art displays.’ The Portable Partitions Company will be on stand P3 at CRE National 2022

WHEN THE CHILDREN wanted something a little out of the ordinary, church leaders at St Peter and St Paul, Northleach ordered a 6ft high lamb created from huge cliptogether Everblock units. An instant success, it is one of the more unusual orders fulfilled by The Portable Partitions Company, a first-time exhibitor at CRE National 2022 and a leading manufacturer and supplier of portable partitions, room dividers, barriers and outdoor

Bagging a better future said founder and CEO Elisha Cowtapalli. The company currently provides employment for 12 women who create beautiful and high-quality leather and jute bags, handcrafted with heart and passion. Samples will be on sale at CRE National 2022. ‘We produce 100 per cent genuine leather bags,’ said Elisha, ‘and our dream is to employ 100 women by 2025.’ He brought a selection of bags to CRE National 2017 – and sold out! He will show this year’s visitors a variety of products suitable for individual, family, church or business needs. Forty per cent of profits from sales go towards a not-for-profit education project with Dalit children, www. See Promise Bags on stand H9 at CRE National 2022

7sponsored by .com/just My Church Needs One Of Those!

YOUR HOMELESSHOUSINGCHURCH:THE YOUR CHANGINGEARNINGMONEY:5%LIVES We’ll partner with you, purchase a property, and equip your church to provide a home and support for those most in need. Join 1400+ investors helping to end homelessness, through our ethical investment scheme. Invest from £1000, earn up to 5% annually, and transform lives. RELEASING THE CHURCH TO END HOMELESSNESS GREEN PASTURES Find out more about how you can help end homelessness

TWO BROTHERS-IN-LAW have created a system for showing visitors round any church –without a personal guide. Dan Boys and Joe Middleton established Info-Point from WildFi two years ago when Dan realised the system would benefit historic churches in remote areas with poor or nonexistent wi-fi. It allows visitors to discover more about the building, its historic background and even the people buried in the churchyard. The size of an A4 box file, Info-Point powers a QR code system which links with mobile phones to provide commentary in words, text or using photographs at key points in the church and grounds. ‘The system is simple, entirely self-contained and doesn’t use phone signals or require connection to the internet,’ said Dan. St Swithun’s Church, Long Bennington, Lincolnshire have Info-Point. Anyone visiting the church with a smartphone can take an historical tour of the church, read about its WW1

Info-Point: your visitors’ new guide ON ANCIENT MAPS the boundary of uncharted areas was marked with ‘Here Be Dragons’ to indicate the potential dangers beyond. CRE speaker Louise Morse, of Pilgrims’ Friend Society, sees it as a good metaphor for danger on the border of our lives as we approach the uncharted territory of old age. ‘The dragon that we fear most over this border is dementia: invisible and invidious,’ story and war graves, discover the God’s Acre churchyard wildlife project, download walks and rambles – and be informed of the church’s upcoming events. A church without a lot of historical background can still find the system useful. A notice board outside the church can provide the link to details of service times and other facilities. Info-Point from WildFi is on stand H4 at CRE National 2022 Time to slay the ‘dementia dragon’ explained Louise. ‘The good news is that the dementia dragon is slowly being slain with modifiable factors that prevent or delay the disease proven and applied at different life stages.’ In her talk at CRE (2pm, Tue 11 Oct) she will be looking at the most recent news and the Pilgrims’ Friend Society Brain and Soul Boosting workbook.

by .com/just My Church Needs One Of Those!


Pilgrims’ Friend Society are on stand T7 at CRE National 2022 sponsored

Home is where God’s heart is

FINDING A HOME for every UK child and teenager who needs one through fostering, adoption and supported lodgings – that’s the bold vision exhibitors Home for Good will share at CRE National 2022.

10 sponsored by .com/just My Church Needs One Of Those!

‘We believe churches have a crucial role to play to make this vision a reality,’ said CEO Tania Bright. As a former supported lodgings host and foster carer, and now adoptive mum to ‘two brilliant boys’, Tania knows the joy and challenge that can come as we reimagine family and open our homes.‘Ourfaith inspires us to believe that change is possible,’ she said. ‘For some this will mean personally exploring fostering, adoption or supported lodgings. For others it will be about intentionally offering support to families raising children with an experience of care in our churches and communities.’Tania,speaking on all three days at CRE National 2022 (see talks programme on page 23), will point to the fact that in every village, town and city churches are filled with people who want to follow the example of Jesus and walk alongside the marginalised.‘Psalm68tells us that God sets the lonely in families,’ she said. ‘Imagine the impact if church communities wrapped around those families with love, encouragement, prayer and practical support.’

Home for Good are on stand V5 at CRE National 2022 Make the most of Barry and Dave’s cost-cutting crusade

TWO CHRISTIAN bookshops are promising to make 2022 a cost-cutting year for visitors to their stand with many items priced at £2.22 – or people‘Weless.appreciatecannotalways afford to spend as much as they would like much,’ said Barry Mockford, manager of Canaan Christian Ministries in Staines. He and Dave Lock, from Manna Christian Centre in Streatham, aim to display a large range of books, cds, posters and cards –and represent the small, Christianindependentbookshops in the‘WeUK.all everythingknowisgoing up in price,’ said Barry. ‘However, where possible, we intend to bring our prices down at CRE. Many items will be cheaper than you will usually find in the shops, or online, with a lot at our special £2.22 price or less. It will be the ideal time to support a couple of local bricks and mortar shops – and grab some excellent bargains!’

Canaan ChristianMinistriesChristianandMannaBooksare on stand N3 at CRE National 2022

Encouraging Christmas Cards to send to your Christian and non-Christian family and friends. (over £360,000 raised so far)

Easy to Distribute Size – A5, so it will fit through letterboxes without needing to fold Cover – printed on stiff card to make it easier to push through letterboxes

Christmas Cards and Calendars sold on behalf of 25 Christian societies

FREE sample of the calendar, and details of the cards, available TODAY from United Beach Missions (Stand A6) - one of our 25 beneficiary societies

Alternatively, please request a calendar and card details from usGospel Cards etc., 15 Brackla Street Centre, Bridgend, CF31 1DD, or 01656 647551 - Monday to Friday - 10am to 1pm, or go online and visit us at

Attractive and useful enough to keep The back cover has a Christmas card greeting and appearance that will encourage recipients to display it with their other Christmas cards when it arrives.

High quality production –gloss card cover, and attractive monthly photographs Amazing Love - This exciting new Outreach Calendar has been designed to be easy for churches to distribute, and attractive and useful enough for recipients to want to keep and use.

The Churches’ Outreach Calendar Challenge Re-connect with the people living in your neighbourhood by giving them the calendar and an invitation to your Carol Service.

Special reduced rates70+ copies, just 70p each (less 15% discount for 140+ copies.)

Engagement calendar format –useful throughout the year

Alan CharterDave Gidney Olly Goldenberg Sue Price Bob Hartman


How God and children connect, including a biblical overview of what we mean by children’s spirituality and how to nurture a child’s spiritual experience.

The why and how of all ages worshipping, growing in faith and serving together, including a biblical overview of intergenerational ministry and what to do when the family service doesn’t work.

Lifting the Lid on Children’s Ministry Wed 12 Oct, Talks Area 1, Surrey Hall

Lifting the lid on child spirituality

2:00-2:45 Lifting the lid on children participating in church life and mission What the Bible says about children participating and how the whole church benefits when they do. Are there any dangers we should consider? Hosted by Olly Goldenberg (Children Can and Children Matter) with input from Karen Saunders and others.

3:00-3:30 Lifting the lid on families How to connect with God at home, including practical ideas for family worship at home and how to reconnect with local families post-Covid. Hosted by Sue Price (Hand in Hand conference and Children Matter) with input from Andy Frost and others.

12 sponsored by .com/just Children’s Ministry Day

Hosted by Alan Charter (Global Children’s Forum and Children Matter) with input from Dave Roberts and others.

Aday conference to help church leaders develop a well-structured ministry to families and children as well as introducing family and children’s workers to the latest thinking and resources. Hosted by Hand in Hand and Children Matter.


All sessions are free to attend. No booking is required though you are advised to be at each session early to ensure a seat.

Lifting the lid on intergenerational communities

Hosted by Dave Gidney (Children Worldwide and Children Matter) with Bob Hartman (author of the Lion Storyteller Bible) and others.

Nothing beats sitting on it CRE North 2023 Exhibition Centre, Liverpool 3-4 May 2023 CRE National 2022 Sandown Park, Surrey 11-13 October 2022

CRE North 2023 Exhibition Centre, Liverpool 3-4 May 2023 CRE National 2022 Sandown Park, Surrey 11-13 OctoberNothing2022 beats seeing it

The Mission on the Map feature will also include the CRE Jobs Board, hosted by OSCAR.

With new opportunities in world mission opening up beyond the pandemic, Mission on the Map, a focused area in the Sandown Park foyer, helps CRE visitors make the most of them.

‘We see the potential for amazing new opportunities that can make a significant difference to God’s kingdom, in the UK and around the world,’ said Mike Frith of OSCAR. Mission on the Map, with a Mission Aviation Fellowship plane as a centre piece, will be officially opened by George Verwer (12 noon, Tue 11 Oct), founder of Operation Mobilisation and representing the Roy Hessian Book Trust.

Several mission agencies will be exhibiting including MAF, OMF, CMS, France Mission, the Centre for Mission Mobilisation and United Beach Missions, who were active on 700 UK beaches in the summer. Next year UBM hope to recruit 1,000 volunteers, so they can increase the size of their teams and expand the work. Anyone wanting to volunteer for a mission next summer can find details on stand A6.

15sponsored by .com/just Mission on the Map

United Beach Missions in action Mission on the Map Mission on the Map at CRE South West in February George Verwer

Carbon Neutral Church Heating Carbon Neutral Church Heating At last an electric heating system that warms the church and the congregation comfortably, not just hot heads and cold feet! The new ChurchEcoMiser system is designed to operate in the same way as a traditional heating system, but without the hassle. No boiler or ues Virtually no maintenance Silent in operation Warms the people and helps protect the fabric Sleek in Intelligentappearanceoptimising controls CLEANER GREENER Contact ChurchEcoMiser for a free on site survey Email: jbks co uk/cre 01844 a350101 rchitects@jbks co uk Specialist church architects Extensions | Reordering | Church Lighting | Masterplanning and Feasibility | Building Repairs | Quinquennial Inspections ComeandvisitusatStand V1,CRE,Esher!

Windrush legacy: standing tall against racial abuse to drive significant racial, cultural and structural change within UK churches of all denominations (2.30pm, Tue 11 Oct). He is a founding trustee and former national director of award-winning charity Transforming Lives for Good (TLG) and holds an MA in Black Theology from the University. of Birmingham

17sponsored by .com/just Exploring the Windrush Legacy

Bishop Mike RoyalRev Canon Dr Chigor Chike

Symbolic gestures are pointless if structural change does not follow.

That was the thinking behind footballer Wilfried Zaha’s decision to break ranks and not ‘take the knee’ before Premier League games (pictured right). ‘It has become part of the pre-match routine,’ he said. ‘It doesn’t matter whether we kneel or stand, some of us continue to receive abuse… I will continue to stand tall.’ Aware that structural change is needed in the Church of England, the Archbishop of Canterbury established a Commission for Racial Justice in 2021. One of its 11 members, Rev Canon Dr Chigor Chike, will take us behind the work of the commission and discuss its initial report and conclusions (11am, Thu 13 Oct). Dr Chike is a parish priest, theological educator and social justice activist who has written several books including African Christianity in Britain, which examines the particular ways African Christians hold and express their faith. Bishop Mike Royal, general secretary of Churches Together in England (CTE), will highlight how the work of CTE helps


Making their CRE debut (12.30pm, Tue 11 Oct and 11am, Thu 13 Oct) this threesome comprises Brazilian Nick Ingles, an accomplished cellist, Mike Roberts, a British-born electronic musician and MacBook Pro (birthplace uncertain) the natural leader as far as it is concerned – at least for the next few years until it’s replaced… but that’s confidential.

A popular contributor to many exhibitions, Eric Reverence (2.30pm, Tue 11 Oct) is a UK-based recording artist, worship leader and multiple award-winning singer songwriter. He has just released his latest single Miracles and is currently working on an album to be completed this year which will be followed by a tour of Africa, Europe and North America tour.


As well opening the exhibition (10am, Tue 11 Oct) top comedian and punmeister Tim Vine will be interviewed by Steve Legg, editor of Sorted magazine (11am, Arts Café). Best known for his BAFTA award-winning BBC TV Series, he has written several best-selling joke books and appeared with brother Jeremy on the celebrity version of ITV1’s Who Wants to be a Millionaire? His musical talent includes the guitar, piano and drums which he sometimes plays at his church. He made a personal decision about the Christian faith when he was ‘about 12, at a Pathfinder camp.’

Less than 18 months after wife Sue donated him a kidney, opera and gospel singer Jonathan Veira will perform again at CRE National (3pm, Thu 13 Oct) – singing songs which earned him a massive following during the pandemic.


Using the creative arts, the Dudley-based company has been reaching people with the gospel for more than 40 years and performs at churches, schools, theatres and festivals with custom-designed sketches, national productions, issue-based theatre and workshops. Sample their approach in the Arts Café (12.30pm, Thu 13 Oct).

sponsored by .com/just




CRE National 11-13 October 2022 Sandown Park, Surrey Nothing beats your day at CRE!


Lou and Nathan have a long-established ministry and are known for their unwavering passion to see lives changed through music and word. Their own online Worship Wednesday draws together people from around the world.

NOEL ROBINSON Noel is one of the best-known worship leaders in the UK gospel circuit, leading and serving predominantly white, black and ethnic-majority churches with ease.

A close friend and mentor to some of the best-known worship leaders and songwriters, Les is known worldwide through his many years as a sought-after music producer, engineer and A&R lead for Integrity Music.


21sponsored by .com/just Mission Worship Wednesday

Helen is a multi-talented artist who plays the cello, leads worship and is a unique visual artist. Alongside her evangelistic and worship ministry, Helen is also an ordained minister.

Philippa has five albums and more than 1500 live concerts to her name. As well as leading worship and songwriting, Philippa has toured and supported Lionel Richie, Leona Lewis, Wet Wet Wet, Little Mix and many more mainstream artists.

Join Noel Robinson, Philippa Hanna, Helen Yousaf and Nathan and Lou Fellingham (pictured above) for Mission Worship Wednesday (11am-3pm, 12 Oct, Arts Cafe). We are gathering for worship, prayer and discussion as we see the Holy Spirit encouraging leaders to break out of set patterns, rigid cultures and the walls of our churches



Tue 11th Oct Talks Programme 22 sponsored by .com/just Talks Area 1 - Champagne Bar sponsored by Talks Area 2 in Surrey sponsoredHallby


make a difference -

11:00 your church can Rev Jessica Foster, Trussell Trust for capital projects for churches - David Saint, Action Planning

2:30 care as mission Revd Dr Darrell D. Hannah, Operation Noah Building an intergenerational ministry - Dr Sam Richards, URC

Time to put mission on the map George Verwer, Roy Hession Book Trust run a holiday club - Lorraine Webb and Sharon Lloyd, URC 1:30 Chaplaincy in a contemporary world Keith Foster, Waverley Abbey Trust importance of biblical prophecy - Robin Lane, CFI



2:00 to slay the dementia dragon - Louise Morse, Pilgrims’ Friend Society

Responding to the cost of living crisis - how







3:00 your AV questions to the experts - Andy Pidsley, APi Sound and Visual Discovering Jesus through writing fiction - Andy Roland, Bible in Brief

Bishop Mike Royal Eric Reverence Tim VineRev Jessica Foster George Verwer Dr Sam Richards Two Lads and a LaptopMike Genung


Tue 11th Oct Talks Programme 23sponsored by .com/just Talks Area 3 - Chasers Bar sponsored by CRE Arts Cafe - Brasserie sponsored by How to make your church a community of welcome - Tania Bright, Home for Good Tim Vine interview by Steve Legg See, I am doing a new thing! - Rick Hillard, Good News for Everyone Two Lads and a Laptop How to engage with those hurting from porn - Mike Genung, Blazing Grace Stewarding our AV system resources to support our ministry - Tim Horton, B+H Sound team

Beyond Windrush: driving change in UK churches - Bishop Mike Royal, Churches Together in England

Walk Through the Bible demonstrations - each day on stand G5, Surrey Hall

Eric Reverence in concert

WTTB aim to help people by bringing the Bible to life through their unique, fun and interactive live events. Experiencing the big picture of the Bible will help you make sense of the storyline and encourage you to keep digging deeper into God’s word. Suitable for children in school lessons and adults in church events.

11:00 What happened after Joshua and who were the Judges? - Tom Greene 12:00 Genesis for Schools - Ruth Cross 1:00 Old Testament: 41 Kings and 1 Queen - Tom Greene 2:00 1 and 2 Kings for Schools - Ruth Cross 3:00 Malachi to Matthew: A lot happened on those blank pages - Tom Greene

Talks Area 1 - Champagne Bar sponsored by Talks Area 2 in Surrey sponsoredHallby 11:00 Lifting the lid on intergenerational Communities - Dave Gidney, Children Worldwide and Children Matter and Bob Hartman, Author of the Lion Storyteller Bible Fundraising for capital projects for churches - David Saint, Action Planning


Wed 12th Oct Talks Programme 24 sponsored by .com/just

Church and climate change: a message of hope - Andrew Sibley, Creation Ministries

1:00 Lifting the lid on child spirituality - Alan Charter, Global Children's Forum and Children Matter and Dave Roberts and others 1:30 Conversation changes lives - Sharon Lanfear, Ugly Duckling Company 2:00 Lifting the lid on children participating in church life mission - Olly Goldenbert, Children Can and Children Matter and Karen Saunders and others Fundraising for your future: an introduction to trust and foundation sources - Rebecca Denny, The Charity Spark 2:30 How to write your church drug policy - Sarah Brighton, Hope UK 3:00 Lifting the lid on families - Sue Price, Hand in Hand Conference and Children Matter and Andy Frost Stewarding our AV system resources to support our ministry - Tim Horton, B+H Sound team Philippa Hanna Noel Robinson Nathan & Lou Fellingham Rev Cassius Francis Tania BrightBob Hartman David Saint Helen Yousaf

11:00 What happened after Joshua and who were the Judges? - Tom Greene

Philippa Hanna, Helen Yousaf, Noel Robinson, Nathan and Lou Fellingham Join us for worship, prayer and discussion on how we see the Holy Spirit inspiring worship and encouraging leaders to break out of set patterns, rigid cultures and the walls of our churches. Les Moir will lead a discussion panel on how we are being drawn together as one voice, across denominationsgenerations,cultures,and backgrounds.

The full details of the day are available on our website and in the exhibition supplement, supplied at Sandown Park.

How to make your church a community of welcome - Tania Bright, Home for Good How to engage with those hurting from porn - Mike Genung, Blazing Grace Supporting the bereaved and those with mental ill-health - Revd Cassius Francis, Loss and Hope Are we all one in Christ Jesus... or? - Michael Garstang, The Berean Publishing Trust Digital ministry - Revd Andy Braunston, URC Walk Through the Bible demonstrations - each day on stand G5, Surrey Hall

Talks Area 3 - Chasers Bar sponsored by CRE Arts Cafe - Brasserie sponsored by Online evangelism: reach your local community in the digital space - Josh Smith, Christian Vision Global Mission Worship Wednesday

25sponsored by .com/just Wed 12th Oct Talks Programme


12:00 Genesis for Schools - Ruth Cross 1:00 Old Testament: 41 Kings and 1 Queen - Tom Greene 2:00 1 and 2 Kings for Schools - Ruth Cross 3:00 Malachi to Matthew: A lot happened on those blank pages - Tom Greene

WTTB aim to help people by bringing the Bible to life through their unique, fun and interactive live events. Experiencing the big picture of the Bible will help you make sense of the storyline and encourage you to keep digging deeper into God’s word. Suitable for children in school lessons and adults in church events.


- Rev Dr Chigor Chike, Archbishop of Canterbury's Racial Justice Commission Fundraising for capital projects for churches - David Saint, Action Planning

2:00 Online evangelism: reach your local community in the digital space - Josh Smith, Christian Vision UK Drugs: an introduction to County Lines - Sarah Brighton, Hope UK

Talks Area 1 - Champagne Bar sponsored by Talks Area 2 in Surrey sponsoredHallby

Racial justice: learning the lessons, facing the future


Green Christian: our calling to care for creation - Judith Rusenberger, Green Christian Covenant steps: God's bigger picture - Jacob Vince, CFI

Living and telling: putting helpful words to helpful actions - Tim Moyler and Dave Pegg, Agape

Introducing 10:10: a wellbeing resource for young people - Nathan Jones, Ugly Duckling Co

How to give life and hope to suffering Christians - David Dean, Barnabas Fund Learning from Jude and his letter - Michael Penny, The Open Bible Trust



26 sponsored by .com/just Thu 13th Oct Talks Programme


Tim MoylerMike PennyJonathan Veira Saltmine Theatre Co Rev Canon Dr Chigor Chike Louise Morse Sarah Brighton Josh Smith

Talks Area 3 - Chasers Bar sponsored by CRE Arts Cafe - Brasserie sponsored by How to make your church a community of welcome - Tania Bright, Home for Good Two Lads and a Laptop

11:00 What happened after Joshua and who were the Judges? - Tom Greene

The power of storytelling - speakers Ben Kessell and Emily Thompson, Saltmine Theatre

Walk Through the Bible demonstrations - each day on stand G5, Surrey Hall

27sponsored by .com/just Thu 13th Oct Talks Programme

12:00 Genesis for Schools - Ruth Cross 1:00 Old Testament: 41 Kings and 1 Queen - Tom Greene 2:00 1 and 2 Kings for Schools - Ruth Cross 3:00 Malachi to Matthew: A lot happened on those blank pages - Tom Greene

Saltmine Theatre - performance Scenes from their new play

WTTB aim to help people by bringing the Bible to life through their unique, fun and interactive live events. Experiencing the big picture of the Bible will help you make sense of the storyline and encourage you to keep digging deeper into God’s word. Suitable for children in school lessons and adults in church events.

The Liberator - a passionate retelling of the life and teachings of Jesus Transforming culture, one relationship at a time - Catherine Healey, acet UK Preparing for a great old age - Louise Morse, Pilgrims’ Friend Society

Stewarding our AV system resources to support our ministry - Tim Horton, B+H Sound team Jonathan Veira in concert

Check out Saturdays at Bower House on our website. AMANATRUST.ORG.UK01708380301AmanaTrustBookshops 110 Pentonville Road N1LondonIslington9JB Bower House Orange Tree RM4RomfordHill1PB The sole distributor and bookseller in the UK of the complete writings o  Watchman Nee and Witness Lee and sponsor of the daily broadcasts of Life–study of the Bible on Premier Christian Radio. Please come and browse a large selection of titles by Watchman Nee and Witness Lee, as well as audio books, CDs, Bibles, Hymn books and children’s materials. There is a 10% discount for attendees of the CRE on all books and Bibles. AMANA TRUST FREE RECOVERY VERSION OF THE NEW TESTAMENT Receive your free unique study Bible with a range of useful learning aids at booth T6. BOOKS AND RESOURCES

Talks and presentations are always a key ingredient at any Christian Resources Exhibition. More than 60 live talks, presentations, plus music and arts features can be experienced at CRE National at Sandown Park in October 2022 (see pages 22-27), but now there are also more than 50 talks currently available to view free of charge on our YouTube channel Many more are being added on a regular basis so make sure you subscribe to our channel and keep up to date. BIBLE/THEOLOGY • Science and faith - friends or foes?Professor Paul Ewart, CiS • Exiles in mission - Professor Paul S Williams, Bible Society • Learning from Jesus’ preposterous parables - Michael Penny, Open Bible Trust BOOKS • 50 lessons in ministry - Revd Dr Paul Beasley Murray, DLT • Understanding God’s love letter to usVirginia Moffatt, DLT CHILD CARE • Supporting emotional wellbeing in children - Debbie Duncan, Lion CHRISTIAN LIFE • Learning contentment - Michael Penny, Open Bible Trust • Ninefold path - Lifewords CHURCH BUILDING • Climate change: how can church buildings be best adapted to meet the challenge? - Mark Eddison, MEB Design & Joel Callow, QODA Consulting • Church lighting: the process from old to new - Ryan Slessenger, CES 29sponsored by .com/just Talks and Presentations - Online .UK

In his groundbreaking book, Tyler uses historic Christian practices as both inspiring vision and practical instruction for how to encounter the wondrous, mysterious, living God through prayer. A Captivating and Breathtaking INVITATION TO PRAYER AVAILABLE WHEREVER GOOD BOOKS ARE SOLD ON 4 OCTOBER Also available in eBook and audiobook

ONLINE/ SOCIAL MEDIA • How to keep yourself and your church safe and secure - Dave Carlos, CRE • Top 5 tips - for connecting onlinePhillippa Hanna, We are worship EVANGELISM • Learning from missionaries before Paul - Michael Penny, OBT • Evangelism made easy for every Christian - honestly! - Rev Andy Godfrey, Outreach UK FUNDRAISING • Fundraising for capital projects for Churches - David Saint, Action Planning HEALTH AND SAFETY/ HR/ SAFEGUARDING • Health and safety in Churches - Richard Newby, My HSE Manager • Why on earth do you need HR? - Rob Birley, Cornerstone Resources INTERNATIONAL • Seeking a clearer picture of IsraelRobin Lane, Christian Friends of Israel LEADING WORSHIP • Top tips for leading a stripped-back worship session - Lucy Grimble • Why the church needs new songs &10 characteristics of worship songs - Krissy Nordhoff • Seven top tips for worship leadersAaron Keyes MARKETING • Using Office 365 to help with data protection and GDPR - Andrew Horler, AMDH Services RETIREMENT • Retired, but not redundant - Dave Carlos, CRE SOCIAL CONCERNS • Exploring diversity and difference in the church - a debate hosted by Elaine Bowes, PCU • A great place to grow old - Tina English, Embracing Age • Drugs and the church - Sarah Brighton, Hope UK • Best practical and spiritual support for dementia caregivers - Louise Morse, Pilgrims’ Friend Society DIGITAL CHURCH • Streaming in Churches - Part 1: What you need and what you need to knowPart 2:Lessons learned during lockdown - Andy Pidsley, APi Communications • Oops, our church grew four-fold overnight - Novum AV • Streams of living water: Zoom, Youtube, or Facebook? - Novum AV • Can you zoom in a bit: how many cameras, and where should I place them? - Novum AV • Lights, camera… I’m sorry did you say lighting? - Novum AV • The future of bricks with the new-found clicks - Novum AV WORSHIP SESSIONS • Dave Bilbrough • Lou Fellingham • Phillipa Hannah YOUTH AND CHILDREN’S MINISTRY • Youthwork beyond the Covid eraJenny Osborn CINDY’S SOFA INTERVIEWS • Cliff Richard • Dana • Jonathan Viera • Don Maclean • Paul Kerensa • Paul Jones and Fiona Hendley • Bryn Haworth 31sponsored by .com/just Talks and Presentations - Online

CRE North 2023 Exhibition Centre, Liverpool 3-4 May 2023 CRE National 2022 Sandown Park, Surrey 11-13 October 2022 Nothing beats wearing it

The organisations featured in our resources guide specialise in offering their expertise to churches and Christians of all denominations. Many will be exhibiting at CRE National 2022, but for the complete list of exhibitors at each exhibition please go to Contact them by phone or email –and then meet them in person at an upcoming CRE. BIBLES/BOOKS/PUBLISHING PAGE 35 CAREERS PAGE 36 CHILDREN/YOUTH/SCHOOLS/FAMILY PAGE 36 CHURCH BUILDING PAGE 37 CHURCH SUPPLIES PAGE 41 CONFERENCES/HOLIDAYS/TRAVEL/EVENTS PAGE 41 EVANGELISM/COMMUNITY/SOCIAL CONCERN PAGE 43 FINANCE/LEGAL/ADMINISTRATION PAGE 45 FURNITURE PAGE 46 GIFTS PAGE 47 INTERNATIONAL MINISTRY PAGE 47 MARKETING/PROMOTION PAGE 49 MISSION/MISSIONAL RESOURCES PAGE 51 PASTORAL/CARE/PRAYER PAGE 53 TECHNOLOGY/IT PAGE 53 THEOLOGY AND EDUCATION PAGE 57 TRANSPORT PAGE 57 WORSHIP/MUSIC/ARTS/BROADCASTING PAGE 57 A-Z Products & Services Directory Book your tickets for CRE National CHRISTIAN RESOURCES EXHIBTIONCRE NATIONAL 2022 - 11-13 OCTSANDOWN PARK, SURREY 33sponsored by .com/just

ERV HOLY BIBLE EASY-TO-READ VERSION – CONTEMPORARY TRANSLATION SIMPLE TO UNDERSTAND – RELEVANT AND ACCURATE HB: 9781788932554 £19.99 Bulk discounts are available for your church or organization. Contact your local Christian bookshop or contact us directly on 01908 268500 or HB: 9781788932578 £19.99 HB: 9781788932561 £19.99 PB: 9781788932608 £1.50 BURSTING with features to help you understand and live out God’s Word today NEW ChristiansforPerfectnew CHAPTER TWO …BOOKS YOU CAN TRUST Bibles in many languages … Bible study books and booklets books on Christian living … gospel tracts in many languages biographies … missionary stories … children’s books … second hand books … calendars … posters … DVDs … CDs greeting cards … pictures … gifts … Bible bags … Christian publisher and bookseller since 1976 Fountain House, 3 Conduit Mews, London SE18 7AP Phone 020 8316 5389 weekdays 9am 1pm and 2.30 6pm Free postage for UK orders of £25 or more Visit our bookshop at 199 Plumstead Common Road SE18 2UJ Open weekdays 9am 1pm and 2.30 5.30pm, Saturdays 10.30am 1pm Chapter Two is a registered charity No. 1053047

A-Z Products & Services Directory BIBLES/ AMANAPUBLISHINGBOOKS/TRUST Bower House, Orange Tree Hill, Romford RM4 1PB t: 01708 PO Box 6326, Bletchley, Milton Keynes, MK1 9GG t: 01908 Chapel of the Opened Book, 52a Wilson St, London EC2A 2ER t: 020 7247 booksatbpt@btinternet.com1467 BIBLEwww.bereanexpositor.orgSOCIETY Stonehill Green, Westlea, Swindon SN5 7DG t: 01793 3 Okehampton St, Exeter EX4 1DW t: 01392 121 High Street, Staines TW18 4PD t: 01784 CHAPTER TWO BOOKS Fountain House, 3 Conduit Mews, London SE18 7AP t: 0208 316 www. PO BOX Eastbourne2687,BN22 7LZ t: 01323 410810 DAVID C COOK Bostel House, 37 West Street, Brighton BN1 2RE t: 01273 713521 Ryelands,8NZ01568613740 Suite 2, 61 Lower Hillgate, Stockport SK1 3AW t: 0161 710 ukheritage@me.com3880 t: 01903 EQUIPPING THE (KINGSWAYCHURCH CLC TRUST) Unit 5 Glendale Ave, FlintshireSandycroft,CH5 2QP t: 0330 8181 support@clcbookshops.com000 FORGOODwww.equippingthechurch.comNEWSEVERYONE Western House, 24 George LutterworthSt,LE17 4EE t: 01455 rick@goodnewsuk.com554241 HARPERwww.goodnewsuk.comCOLLINS The News Building, 1 London Bridge St. t:SE1London9GF0141306 & 108-114 Golden Lane, t:EC1YLondon0TG0207776 35sponsored by .com/just

MANNA CENTRECHRISTIAN 147-149 Streatham High Road, Streatham, London SW16 6EG t: 0208 769 mannabookshop@btconnect.com8588 Fordland Mount, Upper,RG88LU01491671357 Northmoor, Whitstone, Holsworthy, Devon EX22 6TD t: 01288 parishmagazineprinting.comprintroom@341617 PARISHparishmagazineprinting.comPUMP PO Box 236 Macclesfield SK10 4GJ t: 07732’SBOOKS 100 Philbeach Gardens’ London SW5 9ET t: 07508 aoroland@gmail.com961055 BOOKROYwww.bibleinbrief.orgHESSIONTRUST(THE) 54 Bramley Close, Wellington TA21 9AF t: 07927 eddieolliffe@gmail.com378158 SORTED MAGAZINE PO Box steve@sortedmag.comt:BN17Littlehampton3070,6WX01903732190 BOOKSHOPwww.sortedmag.comSTANDREWS 61-65 High Street, Great Missenden HP16 0AA t: 01494 862 Waverley Abbey House, Waverley Lane, Farnham GU9 8EP t: 01252 mail@waverleyabbey.org784700 BIBLEWORDwaverleyabbeyresources.orgFORWORDCOMICS wordforwordbiblecomic.comcontactus@ City GloucesterAlfredWorks,Street,GL1 4DF t: 0300 121 ACETSCHOOLS/FAMILYCHILDREN/YOUTH/ Abbey House, Abbey info@acet-uk.comt:ChesterGreen,CH12JH01244566111 SERVICEBIBLEwww.acet-uk.comEDUCATION 19 Cog Road, PenarthSully, CF64 5TD t: 07966 info@besweb.com766508 CHILDRENSchildrenmatter.netCHILDRENwww.besweb.comMATTERSOCIETY Whitecross Studios, 50 Banner Street, London EC1Y 8ST t: 0300 303 Kingsway Trust, Unit 3 info@handinhandconference.comt:BN23EastbourneBusinessHargreavesPark,6QW01323506402 comwww.handinhandconference. A-Z Products & Services Directory 36 sponsored by .com/just

HOME FOR GOOD 8 Angel,Avenue,EC2R7HP03000010995 50 Gold Street, Kettering NN16 8JB t: 020 7928 enquiries@hopeuk.org0848 Unit 4+5 WorcesterBusinessCygnetCentre,Rd,Hanley Swan WR8 0EA t: 01684 310748 ONEwww.isingpop.orgWAYUK Ice House Christian Centre, Victor Street, Grimsby DN32 7QN t: 01472 ian@onewayuk.com241068 RUACHwww.onewayuk.comRESOURCES Gardeners Cottage, Norton, Sheffield S8 8BA t: 07454 ask@godforkidsapp.com944148 STORYKEEPERS 3 New Road, Zeals BA12 6PQ t: 07802 ross@comewithmarcus.com278101 (SWYM)YOUTHSOUTHwww.comewithmarcus.comWESTMINISTRIES 10E Mill Woodbury,WhiteIndustrialParkEstate,CrossRoad,Salterton EX5 1EL t: 01395 (GLOS) 34 Upper Mills Trading Estate,. Bristol,2BJ01453825130 1 Wilderhope House, Pountney Gardens, Belle,7LG01743361261 CHAWTON SURVEYORSCHARTEREDHILL Wesley House, Bull Hill, Leatherhead KT22 7AH t: 01372 info@chawtonhill.com360663 ECCLESIASTICALCHRISTOPHERwww.chawtonhill.comDUNPHYLTD 9 Salmon Fields Business Village, Rayton, Oldham OL2 6HT t: 01706 ( 3 Doctor’s Close, Impington, Cambridge CB24 9ND t: 01223 nw@archangelic.com474817 Suite 10 Arnside Drive, Bamford, Rochdale OL11 5NS t: 01706 North Cottage, Frans Green, East Tuddenham, Dereham, Norfolk NR20 3JQ t: 01582 hello@churchlightingsystems.com755285 A-Z Products & Services Directory Innovation. Inspiration. For the whole congregation 37sponsored by .com/just

CPL Chartered Architects Stand No: N1 Church Projects Limited

CPL ARCHITECTS Unit 18b, Pacific House, Sovereign Harbour Innovation Park, 1 Easter Island Place, London Office 129 Kew t:TW9RichmondRoad,2PN02089481863 Bath Office 21 Van Diemens Lane, Bath BA1 5TW t: 01225 studio@emjarchitects.com311611 FARCROFTwww.emjarchitects.comUK Farcroft MiddlemoreHouse,Lane West, WalsallAldridge,WS9 8BG t: 01922 enquiries@farcroftuk.com458555 HEWESwww.farcroftuk.comSECURITY 25 Cutlers Road, South Woodham Ferrers, t:CM3Chelmsford5WA0345371 JBKS ARCHITECTS Suite 1 Parkwood Stud, London Road, Ashton,5SP01844350101 Crown House, 25 Main,8DT07795262342 30a Sandon Road, StokeMeir, on Trent ST3 7DL t: 0800 644 6240 sales The Studio, 59 Rumbridge Street, SO40Totton 9DR t: 02382 MEB DESIGN London Office 30 St John’s Lane, Clerkenwell, London EC1M 4NB t: 020 7490 Oxford Office Unit 2, Florence House, 29 Grove Street, Oxford OX2 7JT t: 01865 Kent Office 70 Churchill Square, Kings Hill, West Malling ME19 4YU t: 01732 897 The Counting House, 9 High Street, Tring HP23 5TE t: 01442 A-Z Products & Services Directory CRE National 2022 11-13 SandownOctoberPark 39sponsored by .com/just

THE BEST COFFEE Carbon-neutral coffee at the best prices. Guaranteed! THE BEST MACHINES Coffee equipment for church and coffee shops FREE SAMPLES Visit for free DON’T settle for DULL COFFEE The ICON 40 Bronze Finish A New Age Has Begun St. Mary Magdalene, Tanworth in Arden, UK Tel: 020 8906 6878 Email: Web: SeeusonstandG6 FIRA tested BS EN 16139

A-Z Products & Services Directory CHURCH SUPPLIES APPLE EQUIPMENTOFFICE 15 Test Valley Business Centre, Test Lane, Southampton SO16 9JW t: 02380 330611 CHRISTIAN DIRECTORYCREATIVE CLOchristiancreativedirectory.comCOFFEE 41 Main St, Garforth, Leeds LS25 1DS t: 0113 479 nick@clocoffee.com0704 Unit 8C Weycroft Ave, Millwey Rise Industrial Estate, Axminster EX13 5HU t: 01297 Hanson Road, Liverpool,Aintree, L9 7BP t: 0845 450 5593 INCEPTION 10 Oak Tree Business Centre, Spitfire Way, Swindon SN3 4TX t: 01793 Halfway House, Burford OX18 4PA t: 0333 222 4020 24 The,Street,DE12BU01332366740 1 Bridgewater Close, Dale House, Bredon Road, Tewkesbury GL20 5BX t: 01684 co.uksales@portablepartitionscompany.219774 SICO The Link Park Lympne Industrial Estate, Lympne CT21 4LR t: 01303 sales@sico-europe.com234000 CONFERENCECHRISTIANTRAVEL/EVENTSHOLIDAYS/CONFERENCES/ The ConferenceHayes Centre, Swanwick, Alfreton DE55 1AU (also at High Leigh & Belsey Bridge, conference centres) t: 0300 111 OF TOURISM Northumberland House, 155-157 Great Portland Street, London W1W 6QP t: 0207 299 roni@goisrael.com1111 Timbold Drive, Kents Hill Park, Milton Keynes MK7 6BZ t: 01908 358 41sponsored by .com/just

CRE North 2023 Exhibition Centre, Liverpool 3-4 May 2023 CRE National 2022 Sandown Park, Surrey 11-13 October 2022 Nothing beats comparing it

LEE ABBEY Lee NorthLynton,Abbey,Devon EX35 6JJ t: 01598 752 11 Hillgate Place, London SW12 9ER t: 0208 675 26 The t:LA11Grange-over-SandsEsplanade,7HH01539532733 AIRLINESUNITEDwww.thornleigh.orgEUROPEANTOURS 21 Church Road, PooleParkstone,BH14 8UF t: 07900 ueairlines@gmail.com248956 CONFERENCETRAININGYARNFIELDunited-european-airlines.comPARKANDCENTRE Yarnfield, Stone ST15 0NL t: 01785 AGAPÉSOCIALCOMMUNITY/EVANGELISM/CONCERNUK 167 Newhall Street, Llanwern Park Farm, info@t:Newport,Llanwern, HOMELESSCHURCHwww.amazinggracespaces.orgTRUST Canopi Mezzanine, 7–14 Great Dover St, London SE1 4YR t: 020 7269 Blackberry Lane, Lingfield RH7 6NJ t: 01342 comenquiries@collegeofstbarnabas.870260 BIBLECOMMUNITYSTUDY 6 Warren Lane, Witham St Hughs, Lincoln LN6 9US t: 01522 COUNTwww.cbsuk.orgEVERYONE IN 34 Enborne Road, 30 Haynes Road, t:BA13Westbury3HD01373823 013 CVwww.ctnsouthwest.networkGLOBAL The InternationalRock, Drive, joshsmith@cvglobal.cot:B90Solihull4WA01675435500 FORGLOBALwww.cvglobal.coFUNDJESUS t: 07825 keith@gffj.com527735 A-Z Products & Services Directory 43sponsored by .com/just

There’s so much bad news in our world – it’s time they knew the… GOOD NEWS is a monthly evangelistic newspaper used by churches and missions across the nation ✓ Only 15p per copy (plus p&p)! ✓ Clear Gospel message ✓ Cringe-free, jargon-free ✓ Contemporary design ✓ Powerful testimonies ✓ Space for local details FREE SAMPLE – call now on 0115 9233424 or see us at stand D34 More info: Email: Member of the Evangelical Alliance Reg Charity no. 1167287 YOU can reach hundreds for Christ every month with GOOD NEWS A Christ-Centered global networking organisation dedicated to the holistic development of people in all sectors of globalbusinessroundtable.comsociety. GFFJ was established to achieve a sustainable impact on the most disadvantaged and vulnerable populations around thegffj.comglobe. CHARITY NO:1186812 CHARITY NO: 1184748

GOOD NEWSPAPEREVANGELISTICNEWS PO Box 9831, Nottingham NG2 9JN t: 0115 923 goodnewseditor@ntlworld.com3424 Green Christian, 48 Morrab Road, Penzance TR18 4EX t: 0345 459 28 Union St, Southport PR9 0QE t: 0300 365 vicki@greenpastures.net4500 RURALGROWINGwww.greenpastures.netTHECHURCH Diocese of Exeter, The Old Deanery, The Cloisters, Exeter EX1 1HS 1a The Chandlery, 50 Westminster Bridge Road, London SE1 7QY t: 020 7730 uk@lifewords.global2155 LOSS AND HOPE PO Box admin@lossandhope.orgt:PO19Chichester824,9WW07903674852 OPERATIONwww.lossandhope.orgNOAH The Neighbourhood Office, 40 Bermondsey Street, London SE1 3UD t: 07804 admin@operationnoah.org059426 CHURCHSINGLEwww.operationnoah.orgFRIENDLY The Nest, Church House, 86 Tavistock Pl, info@singlefriendlychurch.comWC1HLondon9RT TRUSSELLwww.singlefriendlychurch.comTRUST Unit 9 Ashfield Trading Estate, Ashfield Road, Salisbury SP2 7HL t: 01722 580 supportercare@trusselltrust.org178 Yeldall Manor, Bear Lane, Hare ReadingHatch,RG10 9XR t: 0118 940 ACCESSADMINISTRATIONFINANCE/LEGAL/INSURANCE Sheldon House, 212-220 Addington Rd, South Croydon CR2 8LD t: 020 8651 99 Ashurst Road, Arden 5 New Yatt Road, North Leigh OX29 6TL t: 01993 andrew@andrewsilley.com670441 BRIDGESwww.andrewsilley.comINSURANCE 1 Ozengell Place, RamsgateNewington,CT12 6PB t: 01843 enquiries@bridges.insure293614 A-Z Products & Services Directory 45sponsored by .com/just Book ahead for as little as £3 each (£8 on the door)

ACCOUNTANTSCALADINE Chantry House, 22 Upperton Road, Eastbourne BN21 1BF t: 01323 Unit 16-17, Pacific House, Sovereign Harbour Innovation Park, 1 Easter Island Place, Eastbourne BN23 6FA t: 01323 uk@ccli.com436100 contact Matthew Seary t: 01256 Benefact House, 2000 Pioneer Avenue, Gloucester Business Park, Brockworth, Gloucester GL3 4AW t: 0345 777 information@ecclesiastical.com3322 HAZELTONwww.ecclesiastical.comMOUNTFORD 4 Bank WorcesterSt, WR1 2EW t: 01905 HEALTH AND CONSULTANCYSAFETY 26 Gelliwastad Rd, Pontypridd CF37 2BW t: 07485 orginfo@healthandsafetyconsultancy.553237 CORPORATION)GENERAL(SALVATIONSAGIChealthandsafetyconsultancy.orgARMYINSURANCE Saxon House, 27 Duke ChelmsfordStreet,CM1 1HT t: 0300 030 24 Sawyer,5JX07963114081 PO Box info@thirtyoneeight.orgt:BR8Swanley133,7UQ03030031111 INSURANCETRINITASwww.thirtyoneeight.orgCHURCH Blenheim House, 1-2 Bridge St, Guildford GU1 4RY t: 01483 NETWORK)ADMINISTRATORS(UKUCANCHURCH 27 Old Gloucester St., London WC1N 3AX t: 0300 302 info@churchadministrators.net1887 G10, Stirling House, Cambridge Innovation Park, Waterbeach, CB25 9PB t: 01223 les@vatadvice.org628733 ALPHAFURNITUREwww.vatadvice.orgFURNITURE 1 Holtspur Lane, Wooburn Green HP10 0AA t: 01494 2 Sycamore Street, sales@casala.comt:EC1YLondonClerkenwell,0SF02039580058 FURNITUREFULLERSwww.casala.comFINER The Old Coach House, 53B Rear Oxford t:BS23Weston-Super-MareSt,1TR01934618111 A-Z Products & Services Directory 46 sponsored by .com/just

GOPAK Range Road, CT21Hythe 6HG t: 0800 195 14-18 Old Street, csuk@howe.comt:EC1VLondon9BH02036081939 ICSwww.howe.comFURNITURE info@icsfurniture.comt:IrelandCo.Carrick-on-Shannon,Dromod,Clooncolry,Leitrim,0044-020-8906-6878 Oak Green House, Stanley Sales@Rosehill.Co.Ukt:SK8CheadleBusinessGreen,Park,6QL01614851717 Ryan,Road,1RZ01427677556 CHRISTIANFORGETMENOTGIFTSCARDS 34 Bloomfield Drive, Bath BA2 2BG t: 07495 comforgetmenotchristiancards@gmail.508473 GOSPELco.ukwww.forgetmenotchristiancards.CARDS 15 Brackla Street Centre, Bridgend CF31 1DD t: 01656 mike@gospelcardsetc.com647551 HOLYwww.gospelcardsetc.comSOCKS 68 Queen Street, Newton,6JL01671404043 68a Ravensbourn Park, Catford SE6 4XY 07957 vgmbooks@yahoo.com157311 JUSTwww.ibelievebabyapparel.comCARDSDIRECT Unit 5 Hallcroft Trade HallcroftCentre, Road, Retford DN22 7SS t: 01777 anne@justcardsdirect.com807664 GIFTSHOLLINGWORTHLESLEY Carsington Water Visitors Centre Big Lane, Ashbourne DE6 1ST t: 07989 lesleyhollingworth@gmail.com086797 4a West,GU27ST PROMISElehem/ Gannavaram,Gollanapalli, Krishna Dist., Andhra Pradesh 521101 t:India.+91 94903 info@promisebags.com32838 BARNABASMINISTRYINTERNATIONALwww.promisebags.comFUND 9 Priory e:t:CV1CoventryRow, MINISTRIESCHURCHCCSM-www.barnabasfund.orgCHINESESUPPORT PO Box 5857, Sheffield S10 9GG t: 0114 229 uk@ccsmglobal.org5796 A-Z Products & Services Directory 47sponsored by .com/just

CRE North 2023 Exhibition Centre, Liverpool 3-4 May 2023 CRE National 2022 Sandown Park, Surrey 11-13 October 2022 Nothing beats tasting it

CMCT 6 St James Close, Caerphilly CF83 3ET t: 07708 570606 e: PO Box Bournemouth9103, BH1 9DA t: 01202 hello@ebenezer-ef.org294455 38 Quantock Drive, Ashford TN24 FRANCEwww.emiworld.orgMISSION PO Box 743’ Exeter EX1 9RN t: 07980 services@francemission.org450462 INTERSERVEwww.francemission.orgGBI PO Box Birmingham17750,B9 9NU t: 03333 601 Goldhay Way, Orton, Goldhay, Peterborough PE2 5GZ t: 01733 MISSION AFRICA 14 Glencregagh Court, Belfast BT6 0PA t: 02890 Mission CastleFellowshipAviationHouse,Castle Hill Avenue, Folkestone CT20 2TQ t: 01303 Supporter.Relations@maf-uk.org852819 259 High Street, London E15 2LS t: 07538 gbenga@ourstreetchild.org378286 22 Little Church St, Rugby CV21 3AW t: 01788 220699 15a Newbold Street, Leamington Spa CV32 4HN t: 01926 Alderden Cottage, Sponden SandhurstLane,TN18 5NR t: 01580 850 251 WORLD VISION Opal Drive, Fox Milne, Milton Keynes MK15 0ZR t: 01908 &PUBLISHINGCHRISTIANMARKETING/ 1 Easting Close, 1 Emperor Way, Exeter Business Park, Exeter EX1 3QS t: 01392 Imprint Colour Unit 3, Pegasus Court, North t:GU12AldershotLn,4QP01252314765 55 East Street, A-Z Products & Services Directory 49sponsored by .com/just

Join the millions of Christians who use the inspiring and encouraging readings in Our Daily Bread to deepen their walk with God. Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty;the whole earth is full of his glory. ISAIAH 6:3 Sign up for free at Pickupyour FREECOPY from Stand F3 at CRE National! Christopher Dunphy Ecclesiastical Ltd Part of the Druggitt & Harding Ltd group of companies THE NATION’S LEADER IN CHURCH HEATING 9 Salmon Fields Business Village, Tel:OL2Oldham,Royton,6HT.01706 522702 Email: Web: It is with sadness that this year we have taken the decision that we won’t be exhibiting at CRE National 2022 which is a decision we haven’t taken lightly However we are still available to come and carry out a free site survey to discuss your Church heating, plumbing or building works that maybe required This would be a great opportunity for us to come and have a discussion to provide the right solution for your Church. We are hoping to be back exhibiting soon If you require any of our services, please do not hesitate to contact us on any of the above details so we can arrange a suitable date to visit your Church Warren ManagingTaylorDirector We are specialists in all aspects of Heating, Plumbing, Electrical and Building works in Churches and Historic Buildings throughout the UK. • Carbon Neutral Heating options • Toilet refurbishments works. • Intelligent controls. • Lighting, Design and Installations. • Building conservation works • Free on site survey

YEOMANS Suite 1, EastIndustrialBranbridgesEstate,PeckhamTN12 5HF t: 01892 AWMRESOURCESMISSION/ PO Box charlotteb@awm-pioneers.orgt:LE11Loughborough51,3WQ01509239525 MOBILIZATIONMISSIONCENTERwww.awm-pioneers.orgFOR 2 Glendale House, Cardigan Road, Richmond TW10 6BW t: 07599 info@mobilization.org900178 CHRISTIANwww.mobilization.orgTEFL Sanate t:ExeterGardens,SouthernhayCourt,EX11NT01392346555 CHURCH MISSION SOCIETY CMS WatlingtonHouse,Road, Oxford OX4 6BZ t: 01865 info@churchmissionsociety.org787400 TOGETHERCHURCHES IN BRITAIN IRELANDAND Interchurch House, 35 Lower Marsh, London SE1 7RL t: 20 3794 27 Tavistock Square, t:WC1HLondon9HH0207529 8131 17-19 York Place, Leeds LS1 2EX t: 07470 brendan@jesusshapedpeople.net136193 MISSIONLONDONwww.jesusshapedpeople.netCITY Nasmith House, 175 Tower Bridge Rd,London SE1 2AH t: 020 7407 6 Station Approach, Borough uk.omf@omfmail.comt:TN15SevenoaksGreen,8BG01732887299 OUR DAILY MINISTRIESBREAD PO Box europe@odb.orgt:LA5Carnforth,1,9ES1539564149 RIPPLEwww.odb.orgEFFECT The Old Estate Yard, Newton St Loe, BA2Bath 9BR t: 01225 874 info@rippleeffect.org222 SALVATIONwww.rippleeffect.orgARMY 101,NewingtonSE16BN02073674500 PO Box bheaton@sat7uk.orgt:SN15Chippenham3941,9HQ01249765865 NETWORKAGENCIESSOUTHwww.sat7uk.orgWEST 41 Thomas Stock Gardens, GloucesterAbbeymead,GL4 mike@swantogether.com5GH A-Z Products & Services Directory 51sponsored by .com/just

Beating dementiathedragon Despite no pharmaceutical cure, the dementia dragon is retreating. Louise Morse gives an encouraging update with take-away tactics • Why dementia rates are falling significantly each decade • Proven preventative measures that we can all adopt • The power of spiritual support PLUS: Q&A and further resources Pilgrims’ Friend Society is a registered charity and a company registered in England and Wales. Charity No: 1045920. Company No: 03027071 Look out for details in the programmeCRE CHURCHSOUND & PROJECTION SPECIALISTS PROJECTION USER-FRIENDLY SOUND WEBSTREAMINGACOUSTICSADVICE CAMERAS&RECORDING Tel: 08455578350 Visitusat StandJ6

UGLY COMPANYDUCKLING(THE) Oak AylburtonHouse,Business Centre, Stockwell Lane, Aylburton, Gloucester GL15 6ST t: 01594 841801 MISSIONSUNITEDtheuglyducklingcompany.comBEACH c/o EMW, Waterton Cross Business Park, South Road, Bridgend CF31 3UL t: 0113 230 REFORMED( Church House, 86 Tavistock Place, London WC1H 9RT t: 02079 22 Killiams Crescent, Taunton, Somerset TA1 3TB t: 01823 james.mckee@wec-uk.org334235 BLAZINGPASTORAL/CARE/PRAYERwww.wec-uk.orgGRACE 912 W. Chandler Blvd, Ste B-6 Chandler, AZ 85225 USA t: PILGRIMS’ FRIEND SOCIETY 175 Tower Bridge Road, London SE1 2AL t: 0300 912 W. Chandler Blvd, Ste B-6 Chandler, AZ 85225 USA t: PARTNERSHIPSELFwww.theroguechristian.comWORTH 408 Topsham Road, Exeter EX2 7AL t: 07940 3 Whitacre Mews, Stannary Street, London SE11 4AB t: 020 7091 AEDTECHNOLOGY/ITUK(LUXIBEL) Knaves Beech Way, HighLoudwater,Wycombe HP10 9QZ t: 01628 527 APIwww.aedgroup.comSOUND&VISUAL Unit 9 Sandpiper Ct, Harrington Lane, Exeter EX4 8NS t: 01392 t: 01934 Unit 2a t:BenthamBusinessBenthamParkLA27NB01524261628 Unit 3 Southgate,FallodanBusinessHaddonbrookCentre,Road,Orton,Peterborough PE2 6YX t: 01189 A-Z Products & Services Directory 53sponsored by .com/just • Creative design • Marketing services • Event management from the organiser of Welcome to Rosehill Furnishings We have supplied our products into thousands of churches and community buildings since our inception in 1982. We will be attending the Christian Resources Exhibition, Liverpool in 2023 where you will be able to meet the team and try our products. For more information, please contact us: | 0161 485 1717 | Specialist AV Installers You Can Trust 01933 Get in touch

CAMBRON SOFTWARE 16 McLaren Grove, East,4SR01355246832 Central,Boulevard,WestMidlands8AJ01216511120,&VISION Sabre enquiries@clarityslv.comt:DunmowFelsted,DunmowHouse,Road,CM63LF01245231266 VISUALCREATIVEwww.clarityslv.comAUDIOSOLUTIONS Brookmans Park Teleport, Great North Rd, Brookmans Park AL9 6NE t: 01707 CUNNINGS ASSOCIATESRECORDING Brodrick Hall, Brodrick Road, London SW17 7DY t: 020 8767 Unit 80 Enterprise Centre, Michael Way, Warth NorthamptonshirePark, NN9 6GR t: 01933 Unit 4, Riverside Estate, Coldharbour Lane, Harpenden AL5 4UN t: 01582 support@dmmusic.com76112 t: 01959 462062 GEMSTONE IT t: 07989 Central Boulevard, Solihull B90 8AJ t: 0121 651 infoodle t: 0161 738 sales@infoodle.com1437 LIFEwww.infoodle.comEVENTSDIARY Central Boulevard, Solihull B90 hello@lifeeventsdiary.org8AJ SOUNDMAKERFIELDwww.lifeeventsdiary.orgSYSTEMS 30 Satinwood Close, Wigan WN4 9NL T: 01942 726 890 NOVUM AV Unit 7f,Claymore,Tamworth5DQ01827768189 SYSTEMSRICHARDwww.novumav.comKING 13 - 17 Oswald Road, co.ukenquiries@richardkingsystems.t:SY11Oswestry1RB01691661161 Old Wheatley Farm, Exeter E X4 2HA t: 01392 contact@stageengage.com248884 A-Z Products & Services Directory 55sponsored by .com/just

JOIN US ON THE LONG AND WINDING ROAD TO LIVERPOOL Tickets available from January 2023 To book a stand call CRE sales on 0161 240 4500 - CRE North, 3-4 May 2023, Exhibition Centre, Liverpool

STUDIOSALLENBROADCASTINGWORSHIP/MUSIC/ARTS/ORGAN Unit 4, HighHughendenStockingBusinessTRADACampus,Lane,Valley,WycombeHP14 4ND t: 01494 2 Europa SwanseaFforest-fach,Way,SA5 4AJ t: 01792 79-91 New Kings Rd, London SW6 4SQ t: 020 8088 t: 07487 booking@idmcgospel.com551680 JANEwww.idmcgospel.comCAMPBELL Glass Studio, 7 St Bartholomews Close, MOORLANDS Christchurch Campus,,7AT01425674500 c/o Christian Community Church, 101a Pears HounslowRoad, TW3 1SS t: 02085 mark@purposedrivenuk.com703351 St Matthias Church, North PlymouthHill, PL4 8HF t: 020 7052 Oak Business Park, The Good ManningtonShed,Terrace, Measham DE12 7HU t: 01530 marian@motorcyclefunerals.com515250 WILDFI LTD 40 Strettea Lane, Higham DE55 6EJ t: 01773 432303 37 Beverley Road, Leamington Spa CV31 9NL t: 01883 819 mandcbrockes@talktalk.net586 53B Jarrom Street, Leicester LE2 7DH t: 0116 254 rct_gdf@hotmail.com0770 15 Station uk@creation.infot:WhetstoneStreet,LE86JS01162848999 SCHOOLEMMAUSwww.creation.comBIBLE 28 – 30 Larkhill Lane, Liverpool L13 9BR t: 0151 352 9269 LINKwww.emmausuk.comTOHOPE Link House, Ferring St, Ferring BN12 5JP t: 01903 A-Z Products & Services Directory 57sponsored by .com/just

Visit us at stand S11 for your chance to win a place on the new The Changemaker Academy Trust Fundraising for Churches digital course and kickstart your fundraising today. SPARK CHAN FOR YOUR COMMUNITY W W W . T H E C H A R I T Y S P A R K . C O . U K / T R A I N I N G "Helping you meet the need in your community and share the gospel more widely " Beckie Denny, Director GY FUNDRAISING EVALUATION THECHURCH AUDIO / INSTALLATIONCOMPANYVISUAL 01582761122 GOLIVE!

THE WORSHIP ZONE 5 WorcestershireHenleyWestmere,Swan, WR8 0DG ANDTWOwww.theworshipzone.comLADSALAPTOP Inspire Community Music CIC, Little Barn Studio, 10 Dennis GamlingayGreen,SG19 3LQ t: 07776 VISCOUNTwww.twoladsandalaptop.comORGANS Prestige House, 23 Telford Road, t:OX26Bicester4LD01869247 enquiries@viscountorgans.net333 The Wonder Barn, Yanley Court, Long Ashton Business Park, Yanley Lane, Long Ashton, Bristol BS41 9LB t: 07801 549 Duncan.Reid@wonderbornstudios.com658 YVONNEwww.wonderbornstudios.comBELL 207 Glebe,6ND01908623474 KONNECT RADIO The Hatworks, 51 Stockport Road, t:M34Denton6NB0161511 studio@konnectradio.com9555 MISSIONwww.konnectradio.comWORSHIP 25 The info@missionworship.comt:BN23EastbourneWaterfront,5UZ01323506402 THEATREODDMENTSwww.missionworship.comCO. Birchfield Church, Birchfield Road , BA21Yeovil 5RL t: 01935 t: 0203 172 61 The Broadway, t:DY1Dudley3EB01384454 mail@saltmine.org800 A-Z Products & Services Directory Like atexhibittoaCRE? Carol Malpass 0161 250 59sponsored by .com/just

Information 60

Pre-registered ticket £4.00 (online only) Pre-registered groups of three or more £3.00 (online only) Standard Ticket £8.00 on the door Concessions £6.00 on the door

The main exhibition is all on one floor in the Surrey Hall. The Talks Programme is taking place in the Surrey Hall. Walk though the Bible talks take place on stand G5



Toilet facilities are available on all levels.

The Press Office is located next to the Organisers’ Office.

Under 16s admission free Your ticket is valid on all days of the exhibition.

FIRE Fire extinguishers are located throughout the exhibition in accordance with fire authority regulations. In the event of an emergency being announced over the loudspeaker system, all visitors should make their way in an orderly manner to the nearest exit. CANVASSING Canvassing for orders by any unauthorised person is prohibited. The distribution of printed material or other placards, handbills or circulars, except by exhibitors within the confines of their own stand, is prohibited. INDEMNITY

Exhibition sponsored by .com/just




The exhibition organisers cannot accept responsibility for statements made in this handbook nor for any errors or omissions that may have occurred.

OPENING TIMES Tuesday 10am - 5pm Wednesday 10am - 5pm Thursday 10am - 4.30pm

Crackle and Hum coffee bar Open 10am – 5pm Tuesday and Wednesday, 10am – 4.30pm Thursday Arts Café (The Brasserie) - sponsored by Serving drinks and cold snacks. This is also the venue for our live Arts Café programme of music and theatre Open 10.30am – 4.30pm Tuesday and Wednesday, 10am – 4.00pm Thursday Champagne Bar - Serving drinks and cold snacks. Open 10.30am – 4.30pm Tuesday and Wednesday, 10am – 4.00pm.

The First Aid room is located in the centre of the Surrey Hall and is permanently staffed.

TheRESTAURANTSFoodMarket - sponsored by - will be open from 11am-4pm each day. There is overflow seating in the Sports Bar (just off the Foyer).

DISABLED FACILITIES Disabled Toilets are available throughout the building. There are lifts to all floors.



A courtesy minibus operates between Esher Station and Sandown Park regularly throughout the day. The bus stop for pick up at the venue is just outside the main foyer. CAR PARKING Car and coach parking is free of charge.

The Organisers’ office is located in the Surrey Hall next to the Coffee Park catering point and the telephone number is 0161 240 4500.

CRE National 2022 Exhibitor A-Z 61sponsored by .com/just Access Insurance D7 45 Acet UK S3 36 Action Planning V8 45 Agapé UK T13 43 Allen Organ Studios Q6 57 Alpha Furniture H1 46 Amana Trust T6 35 Amazing Grace Spaces B4 43 Andrew Silley Q1 45 API Sound and Visual J6 53 Apple Office Equipment G1 41 B + H Sound L3 53 Barnabas Fund U10 47 Bible Education Services DP3 36 Blazing Grace K5 53 Bridges Insurance O1 45 Caladine Accountants T10 46 Canaan Christian Ministries N3 35 Casala Ltd L2 46 CCLI H7 46 Centre for Mission Mobilization A7 51 Chapter Two Books E17 35 Chawton Hill Chartered Surveyors B3 37 Children Matter J5 36 Childrens Society E13 36 Chinese Church Support Ministries (CCSM) C5 47 Christian Conference Trust C1 41 Christian Friends of Israel Q5 35 Christian Watch U3 57 ChurchBuild (Archangel) Ltd I7 37 ChurchEcoMiser J1 37 Church Edit Websites M4 55 Church Homeless Trust K1 43 Church Lighting Systems U4 37 Church Mission Society A8 51 Clarity in Sound, Light and Vision R5 55 Churches Together in Britain and Ireland B8 51 Churches Together in England B8 51 Coach House Pianos P1 57 College of St Barnabas F4 43 Community Bible Study E7 43 Count Everyone in S8 43 CPL Chartered Architects N1 39 CPO (Christian Publishing & Outreach) B1 49 Creation Ministries International J7 57 Creative Audio-visual Solutions E12 55 Creative Solutions M2 41 Cunnings Recording Associates H10 55 CV Global L4 43 David C Cook D1 35 Day One Publishing F10 35 Derwent Hillside O5 46 Distributed Sound and Video Ltd G4 55 DM Music D8 55 Doodlebox H5 49 Ecclesiastical and Heritage World DP2 35 Ecclesiastical Insurance F2 46 EMJ Architects D11 39 Emmaus Bible School Q7 57 Equipping the Church (KCLCT) W3 35 Farcroft UK Q8 39 Forgetmenot Christian Cards U1 47 France Mission A1 49 Fullers Finer Furniture H8 46 Gemstone IT E9 55 NumberStand Profile NumberPage NumberStand Profile NumberPage

CRE National 2022 Exhibitor A-Z 62 sponsored by .com/just Global Fund for Jesus (GFFJ ) D2 43 Good News NewspaperEvangelistic D5 45 Good News for Everyone T3 35 Gopak Furniture T1 47 Green Christian S6 45 Green Pastures Y1 45 Hand in Hand J5 36 Hayes and Finch B6 41 Health and Safety Consultancy E6 46 Heart Publications U2 35 Hewes Security C10 39 Holy Socks H6 47 Home For Good V5 37 Hope UK S7 37 Howe L1 47 Hymns Ancient & Modern N2 35 I Believe Baby Apparel S9 47 ICS Furniture G6 47 iKnow Church M4 55 Inception K3 41 Indigo Valley B10 41 infoodle K7 55 Jane Campbell Glass DP1 57 JBKS Architects V1 39 Jesus Shaped People O6 51 Juliet Hemingray P4 41 Just Cards Direct I1 47 Kents Hill Conference & Training Centre E1 41 Kingdom Coffee F1 41 Konnect Radio Y4 59 Lee Abbey C8 43 Leprosy Mission O3 49 Lesley Hollingworth Q4 47 Life Events Diary M3 55 Lifewords B7 45 Limelight Studio E3 39 London City Mission B2 51 Loss and Hope E8 45 Made in Bethlehem Q3 47 MAF(Mission Aviation Fellowship) A5 49 Manna Christian Centre N3 36 McCabe Travel T9 43 MEB Design Ltd - Architects C4 39 Mission Worship W3 59 Motorcycle Funerals M5 57 Novum AV T12 55 OSCAR - CRE Jobs Board Foyer 36 OMF International A10 51 One Way UK U12 37 Operation Noah S6 45 Our Daily Bread Minstries F3 51 Our Street Child S2 49 Parish Pump Ltd E2 36 Pilgrims’ Friend Society T7 53 Portable Partitions Company P3 41 Promise Bags H9 47 Purpose Driven S1 57 Rev Andy Books O2 36 Ripple Effect F8 51 Roy Hessian Book Trust Q2 36 Ruach Resources R8 37 “SAGIC (Salvation Army General Corporation)”Insurance S12 46 Saltmine Theatre R1 59 Single Friendly Church E14 45 Sorted Magazine Y3 36 NumberStand Profile NumberPage NumberStand Profile NumberPage

CRE National 2022 Exhibitor A-Z “SPUC (The Society for the Protection of Unborn Children)” N7 53 St Andrews Bookshop D1 36 Star Advertising D3 49 Starfish Malawi E15 49 The Berean Publishing Trust M7 35 The Charity Spark S11 46 The Open Bible Trust F5 36 The Rogue Christian K6 53 The Storykeepers S4 37 The Ugly Duckling Company S10 53 The United Reformed Church I4 53 Thompson Bradford Architects K4 39 Trinitas Church Insurance R7 46 Trinity Church Furniture O4 47 Two Lads and a Laptop Y5 59 UCAN (UK AdministratorsChurchNetwork) S5 46 United Beach Missions A6 53 VAT Advice H2 46 Viscount Organs M1 59 Walk Through the Bible G5 57 Waverley Abbey Trust T4 36 Wildfi Ltd H4 57 Yarnfield Park Conference &Training Centre E1 43 Yeldall - Recovery for Life K2 45 Yvonne Bell Vestments and Art R6 59 NumberStand Profile NumberPage NumberStand Profile NumberPage Cost effective VAT support and advice for your Church • Obtaining VAT reliefs • Church construction, renovation and conversion • Relief for construction of annexes • VAT recovery – Listed Places of Worship Scheme • VAT efficient structure & business activity 01223 628733

64 sponsored by .com/just page Action Planning 6 Amana Trust 28 APi Sound and Visual 52 Authentic Media 34 BJP Events 54 Chapter Two Books 34 ChurchBuild Back cover Church Ecomiser 16 CPL Architects 38 CV Global 18 DM Music 58 Distributed Sound and Vision 54 Dunphy Church Heating 50 Ecclesiastical Insurance Inside front cover EMJ Architects 38 Global Fund for Jesus 44 Good News Newspaper 44 Gospel Cards 11 Green Pastures 8 Harper Collins/Zondervan 30 ICS Furniture 40 Indigo Valley 40 JBKS Architects 16 Motorcycle Funerals 54 Our Daily Bread 50 Pilgrims’ Friend Society 52 Rosehill Furniture 54 The Charity Spark 58 63 Resources Guide Advertisers To advertise in future editions contact James Batterbee or Carol Malpass at Three days of discovery for you and your church Book your tickets today -

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