Christian Guide December 2015 Edition

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Wed. 16th - Tue. 22nd December , 2015. Website:

It’s wrong to preach Jesus Christ - Prophet.


opular preacher and Prophet, Peter Anamoh of the Machaira of the Pneuman Foundation says it is wrong for people to preach about the personality of Jesus Christ. Many Christian believers perceive Jesus Christ as their source of life and even equate him to God. But Prophet Peter Anamoh who now heads the Restore Concept Organisation, says even Christ while he was on earth some 2000 years ago, did not in any way preach about himself but he chose to preach about the Kingdom of God. He told Atinka News in an interview that Christ “preached a message that was about the Kingdom of God, which is the



Spiritual Ignorance Is Expensive And Dangerous- Apostle Dr. Koduah


he former General Secretary of The Church of Pentecost (COP), Apostle Dr. Alfred Koduah, has admonished Christians to avoid falling into what he called 'spiritual ignorance.' “There is no doubt that spiritual ignorance is expensive and dangerous. Quite regrettably, because of inadequate hearing from the Lord, some Christians in every generation, including Pentecostals,

Wed. 16th - Tue. 22nd December , 2015.


By: Ruby Efe Ani-Adjei


certain gullible church members – all in the name of deliverance. Apostle Dr. Koduah whose presentation was interspersed with several biblical examples and contemporary occurrences, gave some biblical antidotes to spiritual ignorance According to him, the only antidote to spiritual ignorance is going back to the Bible, saying, “Until Christians learn to rightly divide the word of God, there is no way they can come out of spiritual ignorance.” He also said Christians can come out of spiritual ignorance by understanding that hearing from the Lord involves willingness to seek His face through waiting, meditation, studying the word, personal experiences, and openness to spiritual reality. He indicated that the process of hearing from the Lord involves listening to God, comprehending or understanding what God is saying, believing and trusting in, and practicing what the Lord is saying as well as being transformed by what God has said. Touching on hearing from the Lord, the former General Secretary said that there

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Homosexuality is not Africa’s main problem - Mo Ibrahim .

good news. He said, 'I was asked to bring to the world, by my Father, God' (Matthew 4: 17, Luke 4:43)”. “So the question now is, how come today's church is preaching what they are preaching? Therefore, the religious church i n t h i s w o r l d h a s g o n e o ff t r a c k completely.” Prophet Peter Anamoh is therefore of the view that preachers of today must rather focus on preaching the Kingdom of God rather than preaching Jesus as well as other messages which he describes as “very dangerous”. “So brethren let us do the right thing now as He, Himself told the disciples He sent out 2000 years ago that, 'if you go preach this message of the Kingdom of God or Heaven is at hand or near, (Matthew 10:7). “Because as humans, He knew if he does not caution them, they will decide to preach their own messages as we are doing today, or they might preach things they saw Him do, such as the miracles, etc. and this will, in no doubt, mess the purpose of His coming and affect the salvation mission of mankind.”

have experienced one form of spiritual ignorance or the other,” he stated. Apostle Dr. Koduah, who is also the current Area Head for Takoradi, said this in a paper he presented on Friday, November 20, 2015 at the Heads' Meeting of the leadership of Church of Pentecost underway at the Pentecost Convention Centre (PCC) at Gomoa Fetteh, near Kasoa in the Central Region. Speaking on the topic, “Prepared To Hear From The Lord” in connection with the 2016 theme for the COP, “Hearing and Obeying the Lord's Voice in my Generation” - 1Samuel 3:9-10, Apostle Dr. Koduah explained that because of spiritual ignorance and inadequate understanding of the voice of God, some early Pentecostal giants and healing evangelists committed several ministerial errors, which greatly marred their ministries. He however stated that although the Bible has severally warned Christians against living in spiritual ignorance, some contemporary preachers erroneously think that they are hearing from the Lord and are preaching all sorts of falsehood, and taking advantage of


Friday, September 20, 2013

are a myriad of external voices that are vying for their attention. These, he said, include the media, social activities, high expectations at workplaces, sin and iniquity, prevailing permissive postmodern environment, as well as false teachings and practices. “As a result, some Christians have been caught up in the dreaded web of spiritual ignorance,” he added. He charged Christians to understand the various means by which the Lord communicates with His people such as through the written word of God, intuition, dreams, and visions. “It has been demonstrated that apart from the written word of God, all the other means of communications have some limitations. Accordingly, it is important for Christians to major in Scripture as the most authentic means of hearing from God,” he pointed out. He further stated the need for Christians to engage in formal theological education to determine the hermeneutical accuracy of their doctrinal beliefs and practices. “This will enable them to reduce spiritual ignorance and also enable them be sure that they are hearing appropriately from the Lord. It can be concluded that Christians in this


HE Founder and Chair of the Mo Ibrahim Foundation (MIF), Dr. Mo Ibrahim, has called on Africans to focus on the core issues affecting the development, stability and progress of the continent other than homosexuality issues. “Homexuality is not Africa's main problem. We have bigger problems of unemployment, education and how to prepare our children for the future”. He stated, adding that there was a need for Africans to offer its younger generation a future in the continent not abroad. Speaking at the Prize ceremony of the 2014 Ibrahim Prize for Achievement in African Leadership, which was held at Accra International Conference Centre (AICC), he emphasized that Africa had more pressing issues to solve in ensuring

Achievement in African Leadership due to his ability to cement Namibia's reputation as well-governed, under stable and inclusive democracy with strong media freedom , respect for human rights and his strong promotion and sustenance of agriculture in the country. According to the Prize Committee, he was deeply committed to the rule of law, respected opposition, ensured the availability free primary education and enhanced gender equality to the extent that 48% of Namibia's parliamentarians are female. He was also given the Ibrahim Prize which is a US$ 5 million award paid over ten years and US$ 200,000 annually for life thereafter. President Pohamba follows Presidents Joaquim Chissana, Mozambique (2007), Festus Mogae, Botswana (2008) and Perdo Pires, Carbo Verde (2011) as Ibrahim Laureates with Nelson Mandela as the Inaugural Honorary Laureate in 2007. However, in 2009, 2010, 2012 and 2013, the Prize Committee, after indepth review, did not select a winner. In his acceptance speech, President Pohamba urged African leaders to strive THE PRIZE to provide better living conditions for President Pohamba was named as the winner of the 2014 Ibrahim Prize for his its success as a continent. The Ibrahim Governance Weekend brought together several hundreds of Africans and Europeans in Ghana to celebrate again and award, the achievements of one of Africa's Democratic heroes, President Hifikepunye Pohamba for his eminent contribution to his country, Namibia and Africa as a whole. Activities included The Africa Report Debate on the topic “Is Democracy getting in the way of Development?, the Ibrahim Prize Ceremony, MIF Forum on African Urban Dynamics, a concert at the Independence Square and a football match at the Accra Sports Stadium. Musicians Angelique Kidjo, Maya Andrade from Carbo Verde and Rex Omar from Ghana lightened the atmosphere with great performances at the Prize ceremony. Also in attendance at the prize Ceremony were Presidents John Dramani Mahama and John Agyekum Kufour, some Ministers of State from Ghana, the past Ibrahim Laureates and Diplomats of other African countries.

Preach road safety, churches told.


hurches in the country have been urged to cooperate with the Ghana Police Service to facilitate road safety during this year's festive season. The churches have been asked to collaborate and complement the efforts of the Police by using their various platforms to educate their members on road safety measures, and avoid actions that could lead to accidents. This call was made by Rev. Dr. Kwabena Opuni-Frimpong, General Secretary of the Christian Council of Ghana (CCG), in a sermon at the Ghana Police Church last Sunday in Accra to mark the eve of Advent. According to him, churches should support

efforts to avoid situations where some individuals and families would be counting their losses after the festive season. “The Ghana Police Service should intensify its public visibility efforts. It must engage churches, and use their various platforms to intensify its road safety campaigns across the nation. Road users must also ensure safety first in all that they do,” h e e n c o u r a g e d . Touching on Advent, which are the preparatory days leading to Christmas, he admonished Christians to prepare socially and economically for the festive season. However, he cautioned that the social and economic preparations should not overshadow the primary purpose of Christmas, which is to allow the birth of Jesus Christ to take place in the hearts of Christians for repentance and revival. “We must use the festive season to renew our devotion to God and make efforts to be at peace with everyone, irrespective of their political, religious and social


citizens in order to prevent the illegal migration which often cost people their lives. He also called on authorities in European countries to ensure that no matter how migrants left their country, they were treated as human beings instead of being thrown into the high sea. President Pohamba thanked the Mo Ibrahim Foundation, the Prize committee and all African leaders for their support. DEVELOPMENTAL ISSUES IN AFRICA · Almost half of Africa's urban population live in slums and informal settlements. · Agbobloshie, near Accra, has become the world's largest ewaste dumping site. · In Dakar, 1 million working hours are lost every day due to traffic congestion. · Between 1988 and 2012, Bangui has been flooded seven (7) times and Lagos four (4) times. · In Nigeria, more than 80% of households use kerosene, charcoal or wood for cooking.

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