2016 Chicago United Year in Review

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2016 Year in Review

Vision from our Chairwoman

Anne Pramaggiore President & Chief Executive Officer ComEd

As I reflect on this past year, I am inspired by all that has been

and senior leadership positions in the top 50 Chicago-

a true honor to serve as your Chairwoman and to collaborate

gains in diverse board representation and since the issuance

accomplished by Chicago United and its members. It has been

with our highly-engaged and exceedingly committed Board of Directors. Each of us works every day to actualize Chicago United’s mission to achieve parity in economic opportunity for people of color by advancing multiracial leadership in

corporate governance, executive level management, and business partner diversity. Chicago United remains commit-

ted to serve as a thought partner for its members as they progress on their diversity and inclusion journeys.

At the Bridge Awards Dinner in November we honored

James S. Metcalf, former chairman, president and chief executive officer of USG Corporation, for his success in cul-

tivating multiracial diversity within corporate governance,

the pipeline to management, and business partnerships. E&Y was recognized with the Bridge Advocate Award for their extraordinary contributions to the advancement of

of the report, representation in the C-suite has remained stagnant. An analysis provided by the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago found significant disparities in work-lifetime earnings by race/ethnicity and gender within and across

various educational achievement levels. These findings reinforce the need for consistent, committed action to implement leading inclusive business practices.

Chicago United’s 2016 member programs presented thought leaders and local experts who addressed a variety of themes

that included micro aggression theory, comparing models of

change, and the importance of cultural agility as a business imperative. Sessions like these provide the environment for

sharing best practices among members, thus enhancing the strategic capacity of participating organizations.

diversity and inclusion in the workplace. These awards

In 2016, we welcomed several new members including

others to emulate their best practices.

Consulting Worldwide, LSL Healthcare Inc., Morgan Stanley,

bring visibility to those who have driven change and inspire

The Five Forward Initiative™ – a Chicago “best practice” initiative garnering a national reputation – has continued to enlist the commitment of organizations operating in the

Chicago Metropolitan area to establish or expand business relationships with five local minority owned businesses over

Allstate Corporation, Deloitte, Elemento L2, Kairos Nash Brothers Construction Co., Inc., Peoples Gas & North

Shore Gas, PMI Energy Solutions, LLC, Roosevelt University, and SDI Presence LLC. We’re delighted that you’re elected to join with us in advancing the Chicago United mission. I would like to extend a warm welcome to all of our new members.

a period of five years. Developing small, local, and diverse

Sincere thanks to all for your continued engagement and

reinvigorating our neighborhoods. The Five Forward program

renewed determination, we are excited to work alongside

businesses is one of the most important actions we can take in

speaks precisely to that challenge and is a proven formula for supporting growth, jobs and investment in our communities.

Also this year, Chicago United unveiled the findings of its biennial report, Inside Inclusion: Featuring the Corporate Diversity Profile, based on an analysis provided by E&Y. It

examined the racial composition of boards of directors


headquartered companies. The report revealed minimal

support of Chicago United. As we look ahead to 2017 with

Chicago United members to transform the Chicago region into the most inclusive business ecosystem in the nation.

Message from the President and CEO

Gloria Castillo

President & Chief Executive Officer Chicago United

It has been a year filled with many achievements, defined by

leaders, recommendations for moving inclusion practices

an inclusive corporate culture and an engaged and effective

courageous conversations, and presents a toolkit that

our members’ commitment to intentional action to achieve team. It has also been a year filled with divisive rhetoric that

directly challenges the values of diversity and inclusion. These circumstances have inspired Chicago United to reflect

on the commitment of our members. Business leaders and, in particular, members of Chicago United understand that, in order to transform the Chicago region into the most inclusive business ecosystem, we need to engage the best talent that

brings a diversity of culture, race and ethnicity, thought, life experiences, and expertise.

Chicago United kicked off 2016 with the Annual Meeting and Leadership Summit. The event, hosted by Chicago United

forward like cross-cultural competency training and hosting enables organizations to measure their status and progress in six talent management areas. Diversity and Inclusion professionals who also served as members of the Inside Inclusion Task Force participated on a panel discussion and

shared their perspectives around the importance of trust and relationship-building as a tool for inclusion.

The conference concluded with a series of CID (Culture, Inclusion and Diversity) Talks that present thought-provoking

innovative ideas. We are confident that attendees of the conference gained valuable insights and key learnings.

member and presenting sponsor KPMG, featured several

Through Five Forward Chicago United continued to engage

management, and business diversity. We also welcomed

economy and generating job creation through individual

panels that addressed topics in business imperatives, talent

our new Chicago United Chairwoman Anne Pramaggiore, president and CEO of ComEd. I would like to thank Anne and

our highly engaged Board of Directors, for their continued

support, commitment, and leadership toward advancing parity in economic opportunity for people of color.

Chicago United held a thought-provoking Transformative Inclusion Member Forum that featured Dr. Derald Wing Sue, profes-

sor of psychology and education at Teachers College, Columbia University, and which was hosted by PwC. Dr. Sue shared impor-

tant insights from his research on race and productive dialogue and microaggressions, the veiled, almost imperceptible biases

that take place against minorities on a daily basis in the form of comments or perspectives that unconsciously devalue the voices of those in marginalized positions.

The Chicago United Leadership Conference featured the unveiling of the 2016 Inside Inclusion Featuring the Corporate Diversity Profile. The report examines the racial composition of board of directors and senior leadership positions in the top 50 Chicago-headquartered companies. It moves

beyond the data to provide anecdotal stories from Chicago

the Chicago corporate community in strengthening the local commitments to build the scale of five companies within the Chicagoland MBE community.

Chicago United recognized James S. Metcalf, former chairman, president, and chief executive officer of USG Corporation, during the annual Bridge Awards Dinner for his intentional efforts to create a more diverse workforce and board of direc-

tors at USG. EY was honored with the Bridge Advocate Award

for advancing diversity and inclusion in the workplace and for their invaluable contributions in the development of Chicago United’s 2012, 2014, and 2016 Inside Inclusion Featuring the Corporate Diversity Profile publications.

I have been inspired by our members’ steadfast commitment to diversity and inclusive business practices. As we move into

this new era, Chicago United’s mission to increase parity

in economic opportunity for people of color by advancing multiracial leadership is more important than ever. Chicago United will continue to serve as your thought partner, your

convener, and your safe haven for courageous conversations. Thank you, members, for your support, participation, and dedication.


2016 Year In Review The Chicago United Board of Directors Drives Strategic Direction The Board of Directors serves to oversee Chicago United’s strategic initiatives and ensure that the programs we produced

are effective, well managed, and thoughtfully designed to achieve our mission of corporate inclusion and economic parity for people of color.

The Chicago United Board of Directors met four times in 2016:

The Membership Committee initiated two new meetings

Hosted by: Chairwoman Anne Pramaggiore, President and


February 25, May 13, August 2, and November 1 CEO, ComEd, an Exelon Company

to build engagement among new members and new Board New Member Reception

Board of Directors Retreat

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Hosted by: Board Director Tameka Morton, Partner, EY

Board of Directors Welcome Reception

Hosted by: ComEd, An Exelon Company

January 22

On January 22, the Board of Directors participated in an all-day

retreat. We are grateful to Shannel Talton, EY, for facilitating this fruitful discussion. As outcomes of the retreat, Chicago

United has rekeyed the language of its mission and vision, revamped its resource allocation and staffing models, begun development on new programming, and put new energy into our member engagement and external branding.

Board Committees:

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Hosted by: Greeley and Hansen The Finance Committee met four times in 2016: February 10, April 29, July 14, and October 12

Hosted by: Treasurer Robert Aguilar, Chief Operating Officer, Cabrera Capital Markets, LLC

The Finance Committee oversees the responsible

The Membership Committee met four times in 2016:

development and execution of Chicago United’s budget.

Hosted by: Vice Chairman Kip Kelley, President, Aon Affinity

provide counsel on issues of financial import. The Finance

February 9, April 20, July 8, and September 30

The Membership Committee keeps track of Chicago United membership, strategizes methods for expanding organizational impact in the city, and brainstorms ways to activate

They track the income and expenses of the organization and

Committee also encompasses an Investment Subcommittee, which evaluates the performance of our invested assets and provides recommendations for changes to our portfolio.

and foster engagement among our current members.

2016 Board of Directors Executive Committee Chairperson Anne R. Pramaggiore President and Chief Executive Officer ComEd, An Exelon Company Vice Chairman Kip Kelley† President Aon Affinity Treasurer Robert L. Aguilar * Chief Operating Officer Cabrera Capital Markets, LLC Secretary John W. Daniels, Jr.† Chairman Emeritus Quarles & Brady LLP


Immediate Past Chairman Mark F. Furlong Retired President and Chief Executive Officer BMO Harris Bank N.A. Board Members Kevin Brookins Senior Vice President, Strategy and Administration ComEd, An Exelon Company George Burciaga* Managing Director of Global Municipal Development & Innovation CIVIQ Smartscapes Stan Deans President, Retail Channel & U.S. Package Operations UPS †

Albert R. Grace, Jr.* Retired President Loop Capital Maurice Grant Principal Grant Law, LLC James P. Kolar Greater Chicago Market Managing Partner PwC Tameka Morton† Partner EY LLP John C. Robak† President Greeley and Hansen

William Santulli† Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer Advocate Health Care Maurice Smith President Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois Chairwoman of the Investment Subcommittee Monica Walker* CEO and Chief Investment Officer Holland Capital Management LLC Membership Committee

*Finance Committee

Chicago United’s CEO Connecting in the Community and in Media Connected Women. Powerful Impact. January 19, 2016

Women in Public Service Program at the University of Chicago Institute of Politics – February 5, 2016

Castillo attended this roundtable discussion, featuring

At the University of Chicago’s Institute of Politics, Castillo

from a number of influential leaders in Chicago. Participants

she shared her career path that led her to Chicago United as

perspectives on the development of women leadership

included Sidney Dillard, Mary Dillon, Connie Lindsey, Anne

Pramaggiore, and Diana Mendley Rauner. Proceeds from the benefit went to supporting the Ounce Prevention Fund and early childhood education.

KPMG 6th Annual Signature Diversity Event February 3, 2016 Castillo attended a signature diversity event hosted by KPMG Chicago’s African American and Hispanic Latino

participated in a student-moderated panel discussion where well as her experience forging partnerships between public and private institutions. As part of this discussion, she also

answered questions about the strategies she uses to position

Chicago United in alignment with our partner organizations

to drive our mission’s success. The panel was targeted

to women in public service and featured Sara El-Amine, executive director at Organizing for Action, and Patti SolisDoyle, former campaign manager for Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign.

Americans and Latinos in Corporate America. In a panel

ComEd Celebrates Women’s History Month March 9, 2016

to the underutilization of minority talent, touching on issues

As part of ComEd’s celebration of Women’s History Month,

of minority owned businesses in Chicago. Other panelists

During the event, Castillo spoke with several groups of young

Networks that focused on the current issues facing African moderated by Tyronne Stoudemire of Hyatt, Castillo spoke ranging from youth unemployment to the low growth rate

included Billy Dexter of Heidrick & Struggles, Marvin Dozier of KPMG, and David Gaeger of R & G Law Group.

United Airlines’ Supplier Diversity Businesses of Color Forum – February 4, 2016

Castillo signed up to be a mentor at a speed mentoring event. women and ComEd employees to share her path to success as well as her advice for helping them advance their own careers

and realize their aspirations. The speed mentoring portion of the event was followed by a keynote address from Brit Fitzpatrick of MentorMe.

Airlines’ Supplier Diversity event this year. The event provided

ComEd 2016 Diverse Supplier Awards April 4, 2016

diversity and covered topics such as the governance of diverse

ComEd hosted their first annual Diverse Supplier Awards

and strategies for the growth of supplier diversity. To close

businesses and their partners contributing to the electrical

Castillo gave the opening welcome at the launch of United a comprehensive look into the inner workings of supplier

partners, succession planning, minority control certification, the event, Castillo moderated a question and answer session with the event’s presenting speakers and gave some final remarks.

Presentation to acknowledge excellence among diverse

industry. Castillo attended the event at the Bridgeport, joining ComEd executive presenters Anne Pramaggiore, Terence

Donnelly, Fidel Marquez, and Michelle Blaise. There was also a keynote speech from Ralph Moore of Ralph G. Moore & Associates.


2016 Year In Review Chicago United’s CEO Connecting in the Community and in Media The Chicago Network Launch Pad Plenary Session April 15, 2016 Castillo led a panel for the Chicago Network’s Launch Pad

adequate, efficient, reliable, safe, and least-cost public utility services to Illinois residents.

featured Tracy Benford of Goldman Sachs, Caroline Grace of

Celebrating 50 Years with Marshall Field June 13, 2016

panel touched on various facets of leadership—how each

Castillo celebrated Marshall Field’s 50th anniversary as

experiences of management, and advice for continuously

luncheon focused on the importance of scientific research

Plenary Session titled “Developing the Leader Within”, which Aon Hewitt, and Susan Hassan of Valor Equity Partners. The

woman came to be a leader, the challenging and rewarding developing one’s own leadership skills.

Illinois Business and Economic Development Corporation Names Castillo to Board April 20, 2016

Chairman of the Field Museum at a luncheon on June 13. The

and public learning institutions and shared a number of rare objects from the museum’s collection.

The Executives’ Club of Chicago Senior Women’s Leadership Dinner – June 16, 2016

The Illinois Business and Economic Development Corporation,

Castillo attended a Senior Women’s Leadership Dinner hosted

address the rapidly changing 21st century needs of businesses,

Ana Dutra, Jill Kouri, and Carrie Hightman. The topic of the

a new approach to economic development in Illinois that will announced that Gloria Castillo was among the Illinois business

leaders chosen to serve on the inaugural Board of Directors. Illinois will benefit from the recently created Corporation, which will assist the Department of Commerce in marketing

the state’s many assets in order to encourage job creation and

investment in Illinois. This work will enhance Governor Bruce Rauner’s proposed structural reforms.

Leadership Greater Chicago Celebrate Leaders Dinner May 3, 2016 Castillo attended the Leadership Greater Chicago Celebrate

Leaders Dinner where Chicago Untied Board Member Maurice Smith accepted the Corporate Leadership Award for Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois. The dinner celebrated the

work that LGC does to foster great civic leadership in our city.

ICC Supplier Diversity Policy Session June 6, 2016 The Illinois Commerce Commission ran a policy session about reporting money spent on utilities by minorityowned businesses. As a part of this session, Castillo shared

Chicago United’s work with the Five Forward Initiative™ to advance the development of minority owned businesses in


Chicago. The Illinois Commerce Commission serves to ensure

by the Executives’ Club of Chicago featuring Deb DeHaas, dinner was “America’s Demographic Overhaul” to address

the changing landscape of the workforce and how women leadership should respond to and facilitate such changes.

Chicago Woman Magazine Interview June 30, 2016 Castillo was featured in an article in Women’s Magazine where she discussed the development of her career, her work

at Chicago United, and her enduring passion for social justice. Chicago Woman magazine is a publication that shares stories to empower and inspire women living and working in Chicago.

Sheltered Market Announcement with Governor Rauner – August 24, 2016 Castillo spoke at a conference in support of Governor Rauner’s

Sheltered Market bill. The bill is designed to make contracting with the state government easier for small, minority-owned

businesses. There were a number of political officials and community leaders at the conference, which was also broadcast to local television stations.

Hispanic National Bar Association VIP Reception September 7, 2016

Women’s Energy Summit Rising Star Forum September 19, 2016

Castillo spoke before the Hispanic National Bar Association

Castillo shared a panel with Jodi Caro of Ulta Beauty, Nancy

their annual convention, which addressed issues of Hispanic

they discussed the role of risk in developing a successful

(HNBA) at an event they held for their VIP members during

leadership. Castillo spoke from her experience to give her perspective on leadership to this audience of corporate leaders within the legal community.

Roosevelt University’s American Dream Conference September 12, 2016 Castillo





Wright of the Girl Scouts, and Ellen Best of Eire Direct where career. The forum audience was comprised of about 30

women who were identified as rising stars in the energy industry.

Flourish Women’s Conference September 21, 2016 at

The Flourish women’s conference was a daylong conference


Chicago businesswomen. Castillo spoke on a panel before


influential leaders in

Chicago all devoted to specific projects in the

realm of social justice. The

devoted to the professional and personal development of 100 women to share her trajectory and the choices she made in her career that brought her to her current position as CEO of Chicago United.

Dr. Samuel Betances and

Crain’s Who’s Who Breakfast September 28, 2016



The inaugural Who’s Who Breakfast featured conversations

Project, Tom Burrell, founder of Burrell Communications,

Raizin. Castillo attended this breakfast that set the stage

panel was moderated by

included Father Michael St.

Church, Dr. Dana Suskind, founder of the Thirty Million Words and Omar Yamini, author and activist. As a part of this

distinguished panel, Castillo shared her views on racial

disparities in lifetime earnings and the work that Chicago United is doing to ameliorate this issue. The audience was comprised of about seventy people from various echelons of the academic community ranging from undergraduate students to university administrators.

World 50 Executive Women’s Chicago Dinner September 14, 2016 Castillo was a featured guest at the World 50 Executive

with Michael Keiser, Anne Pramaggiore, Frank Ptak, and Lou for the upcoming launch of Crain’s Who’s Who list, which profiles Castillo among 560 other ‘movers and shakers’ in the Chicago region.

The Executives’ Club Reverse Perspective Breakfast September 29, 2016 Castillo and the Chicago United staff attended a breakfast

hosted by the Executives’ Club of Chicago focused on the

notion of reversed perspective and featuring a keynote presentation from Mark Hoplamazian of Hyatt.

Women’s Chicago Dinner and spoke on the nuances of diversity and inclusion with 15 other well-respected woman executives in Chicago.


2016 Year In Review Chicago United’s CEO Connecting in the Community and in Media The Commercial Club One Thousand and Fortieth Meeting: The 2016 Elections – October 11, 2016

4th Annual Images and Perceptions Diversity Conference – December 2, 2016

Castillo attended a discussion held by the Commercial

The Images and Perceptions Diversity conference

the 2016 presidential election. The discussion included the

presentations on the importance of embracing diversity

Club of Chicago to explore the unique circumstances of perspectives of Republican political strategist Karl Rove and Democratic political strategist Jim Messina.

Advancing Multicultural Leadership Discussion at Kellogg School of Management – November 3, 2016 Castillo spoke with around 20 current Kellogg students in

a sit-down, close, and casual environment. The Q&A style

discussion was moderated by Ashton Clark, an MBA candidate at Kellogg, and touched on Castillo’s experience as CEO of Chicago United, Chicago United’s efforts to achieve economic

parity for people of color, and the research published in this year’s Inside Inclusion publication.

Valerie Van Meter Retirement Reception December 1, 2016 Castillo shared remarks at Valerie Van Meter’s retirement

reception in honor of her long time partnership with Chicago United and notable career at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago.

encompassed a full day of courageous conversations and and collaboration among people from all walks of life. The

conference featured a number of prominent speakers includ-

ing Lt. Governor Evelyn Sanguinetti and Congresswoman

Robin Kelly. In her presentation, Castillo presented findings from Inside Inclusion on racial disparities in lifetime earning potential and the specific challenges and opportunities that

the Latino community faces in the contemporary business landscape. Her presentation also included research from the Association of Latino Professionals for America (ALPFA).

Governor Rauner Appoints Castillo to Bicentennial Commission – December 2, 2016 Gloria Castillo was appointed to the Illinois Bicentennial Commission by Governor Bruce Rauner, marking the 200th anniversary

of Illinois’ admission to the union. The commission will seek to support, create, and implement events and activities that

celebrate Illinois, while looking to create statewide initiatives

that foster innovation, promote education, and provide greater opportunity for all across the state. Through this position, Gloria will leverage her expertise in expanding multiracial business and

economic opportunity in the Chicago-land area and promote inclusion in the Bicentennial celebration.

Crain’s Chicago Business Inserts Through partnership with member company Weber Shandwick, Chicago United produced one four-page insert per quarter that

was inserted by member company Crain’s Chicago Business (one each) in four publications throughout 2017.


Chicago United’s Annual Meeting Breakfast and Leadership Summit president of Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois, were also new additions to the Board.

Outgoing Chicago United Chairman, Mark Furlong, retired

president and CEO of BMO Harris Bank, provided attendees with an overview of the organization’s accomplishments last

year which included reaching a record number of members,

achieving the largest amount of fundraising support, (left to right) Chicago United Board Director Kevin B. Brookins, senior vice president, Strategy and Administration, ComEd; Chicago United Incoming Chairwoman Anne Pramaggiore, president and CEO, ComEd; Presenting Sponsor and Host Linda Imonti, national and Chicago Advisory Office leader, KPMG, LLP; Gloria Castillo, president and CEO, Chicago United; and Immediate Past Chairman, Chicago United Board of Directors, Mark Furlong, retired president and CEO, BMO Harris Bank, N.A

Chicago United kicked off 2016 with the Annual Meeting and

launching the Five Forward 20/20 Initiative, and establishing the Chicago United Fellowship program.

The annual Chairman Awards, which recognize the significant

contributions of Chicago United members, were announced by Chicago United President and CEO Gloria Castillo.

Leadership Summit. The event, hosted by Chicago United

member and presenting sponsor, KPMG, was attended by over

200 multiracial executives from Chicago’s leading businesses. Attendees welcomed incoming Chicago United Chairwoman Anne Pramaggiore, president and CEO of ComEd, who spoke about her new leadership role and her view of Chicago

United’s mission – to build diversity and to build business in Chicago. “Chicago United is one of the most respected

business organizations in the city and I am honored to be elected as its chairwoman,” said Pramaggiore. “I look forward

to helping guide Chicago United’s mission to advance parity

in economic opportunity over the next year and creating a more inclusive environment for Chicago’s businesses and their employees and supplier partners.”

Pramaggiore succeeded Mark Furlong, retired president and chief executive officer of BMO Harris Bank, N.A., who will

become Chicago United’s immediate past chairman. Kip

Chairman’s award honorees (pictured left to right) with Chicago United’s Immediate Past Chairman Mark Furlong, retired president and CEO, BMO Harris Bank, N.A.; representing KPMG to receive the 2015 Champion Team Reginald C. Reed, partner, KPMG LLP; accepting on behalf of 2015 Benefactor Craig Esko, senior vice president, Client and Community Relations, PNC Bank, was Juan J. Mir, senior vice president, PNC Bank; 2015 Ambassador Paula J. Brown, manager, Diversity & Inclusion, community employment liaison, Rush University Medical Center; accepting on behalf of 2015 CEO Council Champion Richard S. Price, chairman and CEO, Mesirow Financial, was Toni E. Cornelius, managing director, Inclusion and Workforce Strategy, Mesirow Financial; 2015 Visionary Richard Gamble, senior vice president of Operations, Chicago Zoological Society; 2015 Program Champion Billy Dexter, partner, Heidrick & Struggles; and Vice Chair, Chicago United Board of Directors, Kip Kelley, president, Aon Affinity.

Kelley, president of Aon Affinity, assumed the role of vice

The Annual Meeting concluded with a special presentation

strategy and administration at ComEd, who moved to serve

University of Maryland and Maital Guttman, diversity

chairman from Kevin B. Brookins, senior vice president of as a member of the Board. John W. Daniels, Jr., chairman

emeritus of Quarles & Brady, LLP, became the organization’s secretary.

Maurice Grant, principal at Grant Law, LLC, Jim Kolar, Greater

Chicago Market managing partner, PwC, and Maurice Smith,

from guest speakers, Cedric Herring, professor from the manager from McKinsey & Company who discussed the

question “Is There an ROI on Diversity?” from the academic

and business practitioner perspective. Kathy Hannan, national managing partner at KPMG moderated the discussion that

shed additional insight and unveiled research findings on how diversity directly impacts a business’ bottom line.


2016 Year In Review Chicago United’s Annual Meeting Breakfast and Leadership Summit Chicago Housing Authority. The group discussed tactical

strategies minorities can use to ascend to higher positions, specifically within the law field.

Panelists (left to right) Kathy Hannan, National Managing Partner, KPMG, (moderator); Cedric Herring, Professor, University of Maryland - Baltimore County; and Maital Guttman, Diversity Manager, McKinsey & Company

Following the Annual Meeting, members had the opportunity

which featured interactive presentations from key Chicago

Panelists (left to right) Michael Hernandez, equity partner and firm diversity officer, Franczek Radelet; LaVon Johns, partner, Goldstein & McClintock LLLP (moderator); and James Bebley, general counsel, Chicago Housing Authority.

management, and procurement.

Talent Management Track

Business Imperatives Track

Jim McCoy, vice president of ManpowerGroup Solutions, and

Frank K. Ross, director, Howard University, kicked off the first

led an impactful discussion moderated by Shyrl Hoover,

to participate in Chicago United’s annual Leadership Summit, business leaders in the areas of business imperatives, talent

session along with Brent Baccus, principal, Washington, Pittman & McKeever and Maria de. J Prado, partner and co-

founder, Prado & Renteria CPAs. The group discussed tactical ways to increase and retain minority talent, specifically in

the accounting industry and shared insights on the key skills

Shari Runner, president and CEO of Chicago Urban League, senior manager, Talent Acquisition at Abbott on recruiting

and managing diverse talent based on insights from Chicago Urban League’s IMPACT Leadership Development Program and

ManpowerGroups upcoming study on new recruitment tools.

needed to navigate internal culture and expectations.

Panelists (left to right) Brent Baccus, principal, Washington, Pittman & McKeever, LLC; Maria de J. Prado, partner and co-founder, Prado & Renteria CPAs; and Frank K. Ross, director, Howard University, School of Business, Center for Accounting (moderator).

Following, LaVon Johns, partner, Goldstein & McClintock led

a compelling discussion on the idea of disruptive inclusion with Michael Hernandez, equity partner and firm diversity

officer, Franczek Radelet and James Bebley, general counsel,


Panelists (left to right) Shari Runner, president & CEO, Chicago Urban League; Jim McCoy, vice president, Solutions, ManpowerGroup Solutions; and Shyrl Hoover, senior manager, Talent Acquisition, Flexible Recruiting Solutions, Abbott (moderator).

Later, attendees learned about the importance of mentorship

and sponsorship in a conversation led by Virginia Clarke, president & CEO of Talent Optimization Partners, in which

Billy Dexter, partner at Heidrick & Struggles, Sandra Finley,

president & CEO of League of Black Women, and Cid Wilson, president & CEO of the Hispanic Association on Corporate

Responsibility all discussed how their organizations are making sponsorship more accessible for high potential diverse employees.

Panelists (left to right) O. Kate Tregesser, partner, Taft Stettinius & Hollister LLP; Lance Foster, vice president, RGMA & Associates (moderator); and Ruby McCleary, director, Supplier Diversity, United Airlines

Panelists (left to right) Cid Wilson, president and CEO, Hispanic Association on Corporate Responsibility; Sandra Finley, president & CEO, League of Black Women; Ginny Clarke, president & CEO, Talent Optimization Partners (moderator); and Billy Dexter, partner, Heidrick & Struggles.

have earned national accolades for their efforts to promote

multiracial leadership by leveraging best-in-class diversity time programs and processes. Regardless of where they are on the curve, every member contributes to the environment

Attendees learned more

and learns ways to optimize their businesses through their

about the federal govonly

and candid discussions of race and ethnicity in business. Some

and inclusion practices. Others may be implementing first-

Procurement Track


Members come to Chicago United for unparalleled, honest,



dedicated to procurement

- General Services Admin (GSA) from Great Lakes

Regional Administrator Dr. Ann Kalayil who discussed how companies can use the GSA technology to build a

more diverse supply chain.

Presenter Dr. Ann P. Kalayil, regional administrator, Great Lakes Region, General Service Administration.

During the session, MBE’s

also gained additional insight into how to be considered and

included in the GSA to further their ability to achieve federal government contracts.

In “Diverse Supplier Development,” the second procurement session moderated by Lance Foster, vice president of RGMA

& Associates, bundling and acting intentionally were two key

points highlighted by United Airlines’ Director of Supplier

Diversity Ruby McCleary. Companies learned more about the

best practices that United uses to help MBEs expand and build their business. Kate Tregesser from Taft Stettinius &

Hollister LLP shared considerations for companies interested in growing their supplier diversity programs and partners.


2016 Year In Review

in the workplace and in societies. Dr. Sue emphasized a few points to help guide these discussions:

• It is important to acknowledge we are all cultural and

National Thought Leader in Inclusion Dr. Derald Wing Sue Spoke on Difficult Race Conversations

racial beings: Dr. Sue insists we must accept we are the conditioned by society and culture, and therefore, we are subject to our own views and biases. By coming to this

realization, we can begin to engage in conversations that acknowledge ourselves and others.

• Do not assume a defensive position: Race conversations may push buttons, so it is always important to acknowledge

strong emotions and remain open to share our own biases. In situations where micro aggressions are detected or

racist dialogue begins one can take responsible action., Dr. Sue recommends using phrases like “let’s not go there” or “I know you mean well, but that hurt” as bridges to ensure dialogue stays constructive.

• Understand the difference between process and content: (Left to right)Vilma Y. Chan, Diversity Leader: Greater Chicago Market, PwC, Dr. Derald Wing Sue, Professor of Psychology and Education, Columbia University, Gloria Castillo, President and CEO, Chicago United, and Jim Kolar, Greater Chicago Market Managing Partner, PwC.

During race talks, it is crucial to be able to filter hostile, problematic responses or blanket statements about

minorities (content) from what an individual is thinking,

Chicago United held a thought-provoking Transformative

feeling, or being made uncomfortable by (process). By

and education at Teachers College, Columbia University,

a constructive conversation.

Inclusion Member Forum featuring, professor of psychology

acknowledging this difference, we may be able to achieve

Dr. Derald Wing Sue on the subject of race and productive

Dr. Sue’s thought-provoking presentation was followed by an

dialogue, which was hosted by PwC at the Metropolitan Club in Chicago on May 18, 2016.

exclusive Chicago United CEO Council Luncheon, in which he further stressed the importance of acknowledging oneself

Dr. Sue opened his presentation with one of his main areas of

as a cultural and social being, and elaborated on the impact

Sue, microaggressions are the veiled, almost imperceptible

organizations and communities.

research and discussion: microaggressions. According to Dr.

and operational applications this can have on business

biases that take place against minorities on a daily basis in

Members come to Chicago United for unparalleled, honest,

the form of comments or perspectives that unconsciously

devalue the voices of those in marginalized positions. Likewise, Dr. Sue deconstructed how expressions like “racism is a thing of the past” or “I’m colorblind” invalidate the cultural experiences of minorities and further dissimulate

the realities of white privilege and prevent us from engaging in meaningful discussions professionally and personally.

To this point, Dr. Sue presented his concept of Race Talk,

and candid discussions of race and ethnicity in business. Some have earned national accolades for their efforts to promote

multiracial leadership by leveraging best-in-class diversity and inclusion practices. Others may be implementing firsttime programs and processes. Regardless of where they are on the curve, every member contributes to the environment

and learns ways to optimize their businesses through their participation.

which he further defined:

• White Talk: The narrative shared by white, western European descendants that knowingly or unconsciously perpetuates inequities and justifies inaction, and

• Black Talk: A counter-narrative with the potential to decode racist assumptions and expose clashing racial realities.

It is at the crux of these two perspectives where Dr. Sue

believes the most meaningful dialogues can take place both


Dr. Sue introduces the concept of microaggressions as illustrated by Maya Angelou’s poem, “Still I Rise.”

Inside Inclusion Featuring the Corporate Diversity Profile Expanding diversity and inclusion requires commitment and intentional action emanating from the most senior officers.

There is good reason for this focused commitment. Groundbreaking research in the 2015 Diversity Matters report conducted by McKinsey & Company presented an analysis of 366 companies in the UK, Canada, Latin American and the U.S, which

revealed a statistically significant correlation between diversity in leadership and bottom line results. The report indicated, “In the U.S. there continues to be a linear relationship between ethnic/racial diversity and better financial performance.”

This research has substantiated long time assertions that adding racial and ethnic diversity on boards and in executive ranks supports better results when addressing complex issues and many senior business leaders have embraced the upward potential for their firms.

Chicago United’s 2016 Inside Inclusion Featuring

the Corporate Diversity Profile evaluates the toplevel findings on gains

and losses in diverse representation in leadership

in the top 50 publicly held

John W. Rogers, Jr.

Charles P. Garcia

Andrew J. McKenna

corporations in Chicago.

Warren M. Smith, Americas career management leader at

Ernst & Young show that

the study of diversity in leadership of Chicago’s top 50

The results uncovered by

there have been incre-

mental gains in minority representation on boards. The data

also indicates stagnant diversity in the C-suite and a decline in diverse representation in the executive ranks.

Intentional action is needed now, more than ever, to implement leading inclusive business practices. To assist

Ernst & Young LLP, lead the EY research team that provided corporations. As chairman of the Inside Inclusion Task Force, Warren led our prestigious team of diversity and human

resources professionals to discover the most relevant

inclusion challenges which, in turn, reaped an extraordinary resource we are confident our members will reference regularly.

companies as they take deliberate actions towards change,

Inside Inclusion Task Force

and leadership insights germane to advancing diversity and

objectives of the 2016 Inside Inclusion, providing exceptional

this resource publication provides relevant research, tools, inclusion (D&I) within Chicago corporations.

We are grateful for the support of all who collaborated

to bring this paramount advocacy work to light. John W. Rogers, Jr., chairman, CEO & chief investment officer of Ariel

Investments; Charles P. Garcia, CEO of ALPFA (Association of

Latino Professionals for America); and Andrew J. McKenna,

Several individuals helped to shape the concepts and guidance and feedback:

• Paula J. Brown, Manager, Diversity and Inclusion, Rush University Medical Center

• Melissa Donaldson, Chief Diversity Officer, Human Resources, Wintrust Financial Corporation

chairman emeritus of McDonald’s Corporation and

• Deidra Jenkins, Chief Diversity & Inclusion Officer for the

how, as board members, they have been able to stimulate

• Gregory Jones, Managing Director, Diversity & Inclusion,

Schwartz Supply Source, shared compelling stories about new thinking about D&I within the companies on whose boards they serve.

Americas, Northern Trust United Airlines


2016 Year In Review Inside Inclusion Featuring the Corporate Diversity Profile • Andrew Lee, PsyD, MHA, Vice President, Diversity and

• Talent Acquisition

• Will Lewis, Diversity & Inclusion Executive, Bank of

• Performance Management

Inclusion and Chief Diversity Officer, Advocate Health Care America

• Jessica Norten, Former Senior Director, Diversity and Integrated Talent Management, MillerCoors

• Charmon Parker Williams, Principal Consultant/President, Parker Williams Consulting

• Perika J. Sampson, Vice President, Regional Diversity Officer, Morgan Stanley

• Warren M. Smith, Americas Career Management Leader, Ernst & Young LLP

• Tyronne Stoudemire, Vice President, Global Diversity & Inclusion, Hyatt Hotels Corporation

• Manika Turnbull, Vice President & Chief Diversity Officer, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois

• Valerie J. Van Meter, Retired SVP; Central Bank Services,

and System Leadership Initiative, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

• James S. Williams, Jr., Director, Diversity, Inclusion and Equity, The University of Chicago Medicine

• Terri Woods, Director of Human Resources, Greeley and Hansen

We are thankful to the Inside Inclusion Task Force for

identifying first-hand accounts of business challenges and successes

• Succession Management

• Recognition and Rewards • Leadership Development

• Transforming to a Culture of Inclusion A companion scorecard for leaders that maps with our Toolkit

as well as aligns with the leadership competency model was

introduced in this issue. This leader scorecard is designed as a self- assessment tool to provoke thought and reflection on how leaders are personally demonstrating accountability in the seven areas of the toolkit, and enables them to chart

their progress. Chicago United member corporations have a link to the online version of the Toolkit as well.

We are extremely fortunate and grateful to have the

valuable contributions of Charmon Parker Williams, principal consultant/president of Parker Williams Consulting, who

served as the primary author; conducted qualitative research

and executive interviews; and provided the framework for the leadership cross-cultural competency model and talent management scorecards.

Chicago United advocates for sustainable change through

outstanding talent management and diversity practices which enhances the long-term viability of Chicago-based corporations and secures growth opportunities for publicly and privately held corporations of our region.

Through the generous contributions of The Federal Reserve

It is our intention that this report will serve as a resource to

economist, we presented the Chicago business community

as we transform Chicago into one of the most inclusive

Bank and Maude Toussaint-Comeau, senior business with factual data and projections that uncovered significant disparity in the lifetime earnings of people of color.

Benchmarking and tracking progress in D&I is critical. The Toolkit included in Inside Inclusion offers a framework to do so and is a continued feature of this publication as a ready

reference guide. The Toolkit enables an organization to measure its status and progress in seven talent management domains including:


• Retention

assist corporations on their diversity and inclusion journeys business ecosystems in the nation.

The Five Forward Initiative™ The Chicago United Five Forward Initiative™ engages the corporate community in our common goal of strengthening the local economy and enhancing job creation by supporting a stronger Chicagoland minority business enterprise (MBE) community. The program seeks to enlist the direct support of CEOs of mid-

Through Supplier Development” to Committed Corporations

area to expand or establish business relationships with

the triple bottom line as profit, people, and the public and

to large-sized corporations operating Chicago metropolitan

local minority suppliers over a five-year period. Committed corporations can expand their influence by bringing their

prime contractors to the table. When prime contractors

also commit to grow local MBEs, they become Committed Corporate Champions.

Five Forward raises the bar of corporate supplier diversity

programs by focusing on developing true partnerships, rather than limited transactional relationships.

The Chicago United team is currently growing the pool of Committed Corporations and Committed Corporate

Champions. We currently have Committed Companies at varying stages of the five-step process which includes

empowering internal stakeholders, identifying areas of opportunity, vetting capable MBEs, selecting MBEs, and reporting spend and performance quarterly.

A partnership with The Great Cities Institute (GCI) at

University of Illinois at Chicago has added a robust analysis of the collection and survey processes. To maximize all

and MBE stakeholders in the program. The program defined described how peers around the country are developing

minority businesses from one of the leading corporate procurement strategists in supplier diversity.

Five Forward 2020 - Success Strategies & Networking December 8, 2016

Event Host: MillerCoors The Chicago United team provided a brief summary of the current progress of Five Forward and premiered the “What

is Five Forward” video that succinctly describes the Initiative. A keynote address was provided by David Gupta, chief

executive officer of SDI Presence LLC, a firm that is both a

Committed Corporation and a MBE partner in Five Forward. SDI achieved DIAMOND status (highest) in the initial Five Forward cohort. The following recommendations were presented by this dual stakeholder: MBEs:

data collecting opportunities, GCI has been involved in

• Partnerships grow in the unlikeliest places; a little overlap

from reviewing the newly developed semi-annual survey

• Reciprocal relationships deliver the most value: Bring ideas

the development of the data collection processes ranging questions to sitting in on the onboarding orientations for the corporations and MBEs.

The Chicago United technology infrastructure has been greatly enhanced to include a more robust database management system and website. The website hosts the collection points for both the quantitative revenue generation and the qualitative relationship survey data gathering.

isn’t a deal breaker.

and industry expertise, and be a part of the sales process.

• YOU. MUST. DELIVER. This program expects excellent

delivery! Be smart in what you take on and work with your partner to get it done.

Committed Corporations: • Facilitate connections to end users to create the

opportunity for relationship building - shop talk needs to occur.

Delivering the Triple Bottom Line Through Supplier Development

• Look for an opportunity to “tryout” your MBE – an RFP,

Host: Mesirow Financial

• Facilitate connections with existing Tier 1 vendors.

Ralph G. Moore, president and CEO of RGMA & Associates,

Attendees received a Minority Business Directory to assist in

May 12, 2016

presented a session titled “Delivering the Triple Bottom Line

smaller project.

the identification of available MBEs.


2016 Year In Review The Chicago United Leadership Conference Chicago United’s Leadership Conference Featured Release

towards diversity. “The most important competency that is

Profile, Culture, Inclusion & Diversity “CID” Talks, and More

inclusive team competency is the will to change.”

of 2016 Inside Inclusion Featuring the Corporate Diversity

lacking,” stressed Andrés, “is courage. The most important

Chicago United held a thoughtprovoking leadership conference September 16 that examined the current state of multiracial

leadership in Chicago, as the organization unveiled its 2016 Inside Inclusion Featuring the Corporate Diversity Profile report

at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago.

Chicago United President and CEO Gloria Castillo opened the conference by commending the shared values of attendees who intentionally work to achieve parity in economic opportunity for people of color by advancing best-in-class

Valerie J. Van Meter, former SVP, Central Bank Services, System

Her remarks were followed by Tyronne Stoudemire, vice

Warren Smith, Americas career management leader, Ernst

diversity and inclusion practices inside Chicago corporations. president of global diversity and inclusion, Hyatt Hotels

Corporation, who touched on the importance of working

across differences and living life “inclusively,” now more

than ever. Tyronne’s comments were followed by Terry Miller, manager for diverse business empowerment, ComEd, An

Exelon Company, who spoke about the company’s dedication to minorities as exemplified by its commitment to creating “more vibrant communities, giving people jobs and dignity.”

Following these inspiring remarks, the conference then

turned to Andrés Tapia, senior client partner/solution lead, Korn Ferry Hay Group. During his presentation, Andrés

stressed the need for true “inclusive leaders,” defined as

Leadership Initiative, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, and

& Young LLP, presented the primary data each of their organizations contributed to the 2016 Inside Inclusion

Featuring the Corporate Diversity Profile publication. Valerie

presented the staggering earnings trajectories over a 40-year career of different races/ethnicities, genders, and

education levels using data from the U.S. Census Bureau. The

results found that, compared to white males, most minorities experience significantly reduced lifetime earnings regardless

of their level of educational achievement. Warren described the stagnant state of diversity in the executive ranks of Chicago’s top 50 public companies, ranked by revenue in Crain’s Chicago Business’ Book of Lists.

having the ability to lead by embracing global perspective,

Moving beyond the research to provide paths forward,

umbrella of diversity.

by Warren, including panelists Melissa B. Donaldson, vice

innovation, change, and growth – all of which fall under the

Andrés explained that this competency can yield long-term

financial benefits, but these gains rely heavily on an inclusive leader’s ability to reflect on their experience and mindset


Andrés Tapia, senior client partner/solution lead, Korn Ferry Hay Group; Gloria Castillo, president and CEO, Chicago United; Valerie J. Van Meter, SVP, Central Bank Services, System Leadership Initiative, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago; and Terry Miller, manager for diverse business empowerment, ComEd, An Exelon Company

the conference continued with a discussion moderated

president and chief diversity officer, Wintrust Financial

Corporation, Andrew Lee, PsyD, MHA, vice president, Diversity & Inclusion and chief diversity officer, Advocate Health Care, Gregory Jones, managing director, Diversity

The Chicago United Leadership Conference & Inclusion, United Airlines, and Tyronne Stoudemire, vice president of Global Diversity and Inclusion, Hyatt Hotels

Corporation. These leaders, who strive to increase inclusive practices within their own organizations, were among the members of the Inside Inclusion Task Force which shaped the concepts and objectives of the research document. Panelists shared insightful anecdotes and perspectives around the importance of trust and relationship-building as a tool for inclusion.

Shari Runner, president and CEO, Chicago Urban League; Julian G. Posada, EVP of marketing and strategy, Chicago Sun-Times; Shannon Schuyler, principal – chief purpose officer, corporate responsibility leader and PwC Charitable Foundation president, PwC; and Jo-Elle Mogerman, senior vice president of conservation, education, and community affairs for the Chicago Zoological Society.

Attendees of the conference gained valuable insights and

key learnings—most notably, the importance of establishing a commitment to intentional action from personal and

organization-wide levels. As was demonstrated by the various presenters at the event, a dedication to diversity and Warren Smith, Americas career management leader, Ernst & Young LLP; Melissa B. Donaldson, vice president and chief diversity officer, Wintrust Financial Corporation; Andrew Lee, PsyD, MHA, vice president, Diversity & Inclusion and chief diversity officer, Advocate Health Care; Gregory Jones, managing director, Diversity & Inclusion, United Airlines; and Tyronne Stoudemire, vice president of Global Diversity and Inclusion, Hyatt Hotels Corporation.

The conference concluded with a series of culture, inclusion and diversity “CID” Talks, introduced by Terry Miller. Jo-Elle

inclusion can take a multitude of forms and approaches. In light of the staggering statistics unearthed by the Inside

Inclusion Featuring the Corporate Diversity Profile, it is more

important than ever for our local business leaders to consider

what purposeful changes they can make to strengthen diversity within their organizations and positively impact the communities of Chicago.

Mogerman, senior vice president of conservation, education,

and community affairs for the Chicago Zoological Society, spoke on the natural connections and lessons learned

between nature, diversity, and inclusion. Shannon Schuyler, principal – chief purpose officer, corporate responsibility

leader and PwC Charitable Foundation president, PwC, spoke on the importance of developing a sense of purpose

professionally and personally, as well as the impact this has on business practices. Julian G. Posada, EVP of marketing

and strategy, Chicago Sun-Times, explored the current state

of news distribution and asked attendees to challenge their own bias through the way we consume media. Finally, Shari

Runner, president and CEO, Chicago Urban League, shone light through some of the systemic and racially motivated

policies in place today, and the need to address them to ensure we continue weaving a more equitable Chicago.


2016 Year In Review The Bridge Awards Dinner Celebrating Diversity Milestones and Inspiring Inclusive Leadership

The evening was hosted by ABC 7

news anchor Judy Hsu, who shared her experience as a Taiwanese immigrant and the challenges she

faced that forced her to “dig a little

deeper, hold on a little tighter, and stand a little taller.”

Judy’s introduction was followed Judy Hsu

by a special video message from

Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner. In

his message, Governor Rauner recognized how, since the beginning of his term, he has acknowledged the importance of building a more collaborative business community in (Left to right) Gloria Castillo, president and chief executive officer, Chicago United, James S. Metcalf, former chairman, president & chief executive officer at USG Corporation, Kevin B. Brookins , senior vice president, Strategy and Administration, ComEd, An Exelon Company, and Jennifer Scanlon, president & chief executive officer, USG Corporation.

Chicago United hosted its annual Bridge Awards Dinner, presented by Hyatt Hotels Corporation, on Thursday,

Illinois in order to achieve a more financially healthy state. Governor Rauner also recognized Chicago United President

and CEO Gloria Castillo, who he recently appointed to the Board of Directors for Intersect Illinois, a state organization

focused on increasing Illinois’ competitiveness for job creation.

November 17, 2016. James Metcalf, former chairman,

Following Governor Rauner’s video message, Cook County

was recognized with the Bridge Award for his intentional

48-year-old commitment to diversity and the challenges

president and chief executive officer at USG Corporation, efforts to create a more diverse workforce and board of directors at USG. Kelly Grier, vice chair, Central Region managing partner at EY, accepted

the Bridge Advocate Award for

Board President Toni Preckwinkle spoke on Chicago United’s

faced by those in Cook County who are adversely impacted by a lack of economic opportunity. Attendees were then

treated to a special video highlighting Chicago United’s call to be part of the change and the inclusion that will create

advancing diversity and inclusion

opportunities and forge a new path for others.

in the workplace and for their invaluable contributions in the


2012, 2014, and 2016 Inside Inclusion

executive officer, Hyatt Hotels

development of Chicago United’s


Hoplamazian, president and chief

Featuring the Corporate Diversity Profile publications.


Corporation, delivered an insightful

speech on envisioning perspective

Kelly Grier

“from the other side” and how

this allows Hyatt to redefine their Mark Hoplamazian

purpose from “service” to “care.” In addition, Hoplamazian spoke on

how this shift in perspective allowed the company to extend their role as partners in the community and provide muchneeded opportunities.


After a delightful music break courtesy of the exemplary

is creating an environment that’s welcoming, and it is this

vice chairman, Chicago United Board of Directors, outlined

example to achieve success.

Chicago Sinfonietta, Kip Kelley, president, Aon Affinity, and

Chicago United’s achievements in 2016 and introduced an acceptance video from Bridge Advocate Award recipient Kelly Grier, vice chair, Central Region managing partner, EY.

Chicago United presented another video highlighting the

ripple effect results stemming from the day-to-day and

sense of leadership that allowed him to lead the way by

Among his goals, Metcalf announced his desire for the next

CEO of USG to “not look like him,” before proudly presenting

Jennifer F. Scanlon as his successor – USG’s first female CEO in 115 years.

year-in-year-out work to unleash new thinking on talent

The event concluded with Gloria Castillo thanking all of the

opportunities for people of color to reach their full potential

The distinguished honorees celebrated are, and will continue

development in our organizations and to provide more in a business context.

One of the highlights of the evening came from the remarks presented

to be, prime examples of the leadership needed to support

a strong local economy and advance multiracial diversity across the Chicago business landscape.

by Gloria Castillo, Chicago United’s

Chicago United would like to thank the Bridge Awards

officer, who delivered a passionate

our vision to transform the Chicago region into the most

president and chief executive

speech on the current state of affairs. “(The work we do at Chicago United) makes me hopeful, but

let me be real: I am worried,” said Gloria Castillo

attendees and sponsors for a wonderful, inspiring evening.

Dinner Host Committee and our sponsors. Proceeds support

inclusive business ecosystem in the nation by engaging the top publicly and privately held corporations in leading talent management and inclusive diversity practices.

Castillo during her remarks. “We

must acknowledge there is fear

and anger on both sides and that is uncomfortable. Over the

next year and beyond, our businesses must invest in hosting

real dialogue (which) sheds light and reinforces corporate inclusion values. Dialogue that heals. Dialogue that brings

us together. Dialogue that lifts us.” Attendees of the

event celebrated Gloria’s address with a standing ovation, demonstrating how the leaders present will model what it takes to heal the divide.

Gloria’s inspiring remarks were

followed by an equally moving

delivery from James Metcalf, former chairman, president &

chief executive officer at USG Corporation, who highlighted the

company’s remarkable trajectory and commitment for diversity at

a local and global level. According to Metcalf, one of USG’s core values

James Metcalf


2016 Year In Review The Bridge Awards Dinner Bridge Awards Dinner Host Committee List Chicago United Board of Directors Chairwoman Anne R. Pramaggiore President and Chief Executive Officer ComEd, An Exelon Company Bridge Awards Dinner Presenting Sponsor Mark S. Hoplamazian President and Chief Executive Officer Hyatt Hotels Corporation Gregory C. Case President and Chief Executive Officer Aon David Casper President and Chief Executive Officer BMO Harris Bank

Steve Easterbrook President and Chief Executive Officer McDonald’s Corporation

Brett Hart Executive Vice President and General Counsel United Airlines, Inc.

Alex Gourlay Co-Chief Operating Officer Walgreens Boots Alliance President Walgreens Corporation

John H. Idler President and General Manager ABC 7 Chicago

Kelly Grier Vice Chair and Central Region Managing Partner EY Cheryl Harris Senior Vice President and Chief Procurement Officer, Sourcing & Procurement Solutions Allstate Insurance Company

John C. Robak President Greeley and Hansen

Scott C. Swanson President PNC Bank Illinois

E. Scott Santi Chairman and Chief Executive Officer ITW

Frederick H. Waddell Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Northern Trust Corporation

Vildan Kehr Divisional Vice President, Global Talent Acquisition Abbott

William Santulli Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer Advocate Health Care

Andrew J. McKenna Chairman Schwarz Supply Source

David Snyder Publisher Crain’s Chicago Business

James S. Metcalf Former Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer USG Corporation

Paula Steiner President and Chief Executive Officer Health Care Service Corporation

Media Sponsor:

Presented by:

Chairman’s Circle:

Advocates for Change:

Corporate Citizens for Change:

Leaders for Change:

Ariel Investments BP America Inc.

Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

Chicago Sinfionietta

Heidrick & Struggles

Bryan Cave LLP

HBK Engineering, LLC

Chicago Zoological Society

Holland Capital Management LLC

Chicago Tribune Media Group

CIVIQ Smartscapes


Deloitte LLP

DeVry Education Group

Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University

Lambent Risk Management Services, Inc.

Loop Capital Macy’s

Rush University Medical Center

Morgan Stanley


Mesirow Financial

SDI Presence LLC

MZI Group, Inc.

University of Chicago Medicine

The PrivateBank

Quarles & Brady LLP

Robert R. McCormick Foundation Roosevelt University

University of Illinois at Chicago Weber Shandwick

Wintrust Financial Corporation

CEO Council Sessions CEO Sessions provide an opportunity for senior leaders to attend a peer level discussion of topics related to maintaining a positive corporate culture and driving business growth through diversity and inclusion. Chicago United serves as a thought partner bringing to light issues senior leaders should consider in order to cultivate multiracial leadership in their business.

CEO Roundtables

Redefining Business Success in a Changing World

events that bring together local CEOs who are governed by a

Hosted by: PwC

The Chicago United CEO Roundtables are invitation only

board of directors. Roundtable participants come together to

April 7, 2016

experience presentations by national corporate leaders who

Chicago United member Jim Kolar,

exhibit leading diversity and inclusion practices.

managing partner - Greater Chicago Market for PwC, presented survey

The CEO Roundtable Series provides rare and valuable

findings from 1,409 CEOs worldwide and

opportunities to engage in confidential peer dialogue

what they had to say about the global

focused on building diverse and inclusive leadership and a

diverse board of directors, thereby providing strong evidence of the importance that Chicago’s business leaders place on

economic outlook and the challenges Jim Kolar

they face in building a business ready for the more complex global marketplace of

maximizing the benefits of culture in business.

the future. Technological advances and demographic shifts

CEO Roundtable

and how CEOs are driving innovation globally by aligning

November 17, 2016

play a major part in affecting stakeholder expectations business strategies, all parts of their operating model, and

Presenting sponsor of the Chicago United Bridge Awards Dinner, Mark Hoplamazian, president and CEO, Hyatt

customer and talent strategies with the changing needs of their diverse stakeholders.

Hotels Corporation, hosted a CEO Roundtable that

National Thought Leader in Inclusion: Dr. Derald Wing Sue

Reception and Dinner.

Hosted by: PwC

immediately preceded the Chicago United Bridge Awards




May 18, 2016


Chicago United held a thought-provoking Transformative

2016 Chicago United Bridge

professor of psychology and education at Teachers College,

facilitated dialogue with the

Inclusion Member Forum featuring Dr. Derald Wing Sue,

Awards honoree James Metcalf,

Columbia University, on the subject of race and productive

retired chairman, president and

dialogue, which was hosted by PwC at the Metropolitan Club

CEO, USG Corporation.

This event represented a rare and

in Chicago on May 18, 2016. James Metcalf

valuable opportunity to engage in confidential peer dialogue focused on building diverse and inclusive leadership.

CEO Council Strategy Sessions

The strategy sessions are exclusive to Chicago United CEO

Council members and are intended to be private, highly

Chicago United CEO Council members were invited to a private luncheon that immediately followed the all-member presentation. Each registered CEO Council member in

attendance received a copy of Sue’s book, Race Talk and the Conspiracy of Silence: Understanding and Facilitating Difficult Dialogues on Race, compliments of PwC.

interactive discussions of shared values among peers.


2016 Year In Review Diversity Officers Roundtable Series Three-Session Series

Comparing Models of Change

Aligning Employee Resource Groups to Operational Metrics

Perika Sampson, vice president and

Host and sponsor: Bank of America

October 13, 2016

April 14, 2016

Haven Cockerham, President and CEO

“Aligning Employee Resource Groups to

Models of Change.”

Diversity & Inclusion Learning and

Inclusion Strategy, Bank of America, presented “Comparing

egies and the challenges of connecting

Perika provided an overview of the state of diversity in the


focus on growing their internal strength, building their

Employee Resource Groups to business

Mr. Cockerham discussed how to more effectively track and

measure your organization’s employee resource groups’ goals,

initiatives, and action plans through a web-based program. Mr. Cockerham shared insights about how companies have

deployed ERG goal setting and benchmarking to successfully advance diversity and inclusion initiatives within their organizations.

financial services industry. She described her organization’s team through nontraditional recruiting, and engaging and retaining staff through mentoring. One new concept that

resonated with individuals in attendance was the idea of

developing diverse team members through the transition of business as a strategy of retiring partners. Namrata Yadav described the holistic

approach that Bank of America is taking

to institutionalize diversity and inclusion

Using Gamification to Create Diversity & Inclusion

in all leadership competency training.


They are creating high-performing teams

June 16, 2016

by focusing on individual employees and Scott

Hoesman, CEO



facilitated a roundtable discussion

about how an interactive experience can lead to improved individual, team, and organizational performance.

Hoesman described how incorporating popular “gaming” techniques into

larger diversity and inclusion strategies, like incentives and

competition, can create breakthroughs and connections in your employee populations. Hoesman demonstrated an

example of a game that leading companies are using to advance adult learning principles and to bring D&I content to life to create organizational change.


Yadav, senior vice president, head of

of Cockerham and Associates, facilitated

Operational Metrics” about leading strat-

Scott Hoesman

region, Morgan Stanley, and Namrata Perika Sampson

a thought-provoking roundtable titled

Haven Cockerham

regional diversity officer – Midwest

what matters most to them, including

the work they do, the people they work

Namrata Yadav

with, the benefits they receive, the brand that they are a part

of, and the development opportunities they receive. Every

engagement strategy must be backed by a two year plan and they are measuring direct impact. Their quarterly “Let’s get Real” conversations are proving to be a leading practice at fostering engagement and an inclusive culture.

Leaders Council Forums Leading & Collaborating with a Global Mindset June 23, 2016

Hosted by: Sodexo Senior leaders recognize the importance of cultural agility as a business imperative. Through this session, participants gained insights to build a globally competent more cohesive

workforce that will enhance the performance of their teams.

Sodexo Director, Diversity & Inclusion Initiatives, Jodi

build trust amongst culturally diverse and geographically

session, which highlighted the need to understand the

Pragmatic tools were provided to effectively collaborate and dispersed teams.

Davidson presented the organization’s exclusive training impact of culture on our interactions, ways to enhance

understanding of how leaders collaborate effectively across cultures, and how to identify and learn tips to overcome barriers to success for cross-cultural teams.

Davidson lead the group through five main areas related to developing a global mindset including: 1. Global Mega Trends

2. The Business Case for Culture Competence 3. Cultural Competence Awareness (Left to right) Steve DiPrima, president, Leisure Services, Sodexo; David Mosena, president and CEO, Museum of Science and Industry, Gloria Castillo, president and CEO, Chicago United, Jodi Davidson, director, diversity & inclusion initiatives, Sodexo; Yolanda Stephens, vice president, Human Resources, Museum of Science and Industry; and Mary Krinock, chief of staff, Museum of Science and Industry.

4. Cultural Preferences

Chicago United members were treated to the unique

August 16, 2016

opportunities of experiencing a Sodexo-led diversity and

inclusion leadership training session titled “Leading &

5. Tips for Application and Engaging Across Cultures

Chicago United: A Historical Perspective Hosted by: PwC

Collaborating with a Global Mindset” and touring the

Longtime proponents of Chicago United shared their

the exclusive session.

past several years. This event connected Chicago United’s

Museum of Science and Industry, which served as host to

To kick off the forum, Museum of Science and Industry

president and CEO David Mosena introduced attendees to the event venue, followed by remarks from his colleagues Mary

journeys and the organization’s advocacy work over the

past and present with today’s business environment and

emphasized the continuing need for the advancement of best-in-class diversity and inclusion practices.

Krinock, chief of staff, and Yolanda Stephens, vice president, Human Resources, who discussed the four pillars that guide the Museum of Science and Industry’s current diversity and inclusion efforts: workforce, workplace, community, and supplier, combined with cultural competence training and cultural collaboration efforts.


2016 Chairman’s Awards Each year Chicago United presents awards on behalf of the Chairman of the Board in six categories: Organizational Visionary, Program Champion, Chicago United Ambassador, Chicago United Benefactor, CEO Council Champion, and The Championship Team.

The awards are presented at the Annual Meeting and those receiving Honorable Recognition will receive a letter from the Chairman thanking them for their service.

Leaders Council Recognition Organizational Visionary

Those who help to develop the future of the organization through policy and program initiatives.

Program Champion

Those who help to develop and support CU programs and products including member programs, research, and advocacy.

Chicago United Ambassador

Those who connect Chicago United to other organizations and communities.

Chicago United Benefactor

Those who help Chicago United develop the financial and in kind resources to support our programs.

Member Recognition CEO Council Champion

The award honors a CEO Council member who has made a significant contribution to the advocacy, programs, or resources of Chicago United.

The Championship Team

The award honors a member organization team who together, has made a significant contribution to the advocacy, programs, or resources of Chicago Untied. The team includes the CEO Council member, Leaders Council members, and other participants form the enterprise who lend support to the Chicago United Members.


2016 Ambassador

Julie M. FĂŠlix, Manger Diversity & Inclusion Human Resources, Mesirow Financial

2016 Benefactor

Karina Diehl, Director, National Community Affairs, MillerCoors

2016 Program Champion

Emmett Vaughn, Director, Diverse Business Empowerment, Exelon Corporation

2016 Visionary

Maude Toussaint-Comeau, Senior Business Economist, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

2016 MVP

Vilma Chan, Diversity Leader, Greater Chicago Market, PwC

2016 CEO Council Champion

John C. Robak, President, Greeley and Hansen

2016 Champion Team EY

2016 Program Champion Honorable Mentions Dana Adamczyk, Manager, Talent Acquisition, Abbott

Robert Aguilar, Chief Operating Officer, Cabrera Capital Markets, LLC

John Andrews, Business Diversity Coordinator, Rush University Medical Center

Darlene Austin, Director, Diversity Employee Relations and Corporate Social Responsibility, Quarles & Brady LLP Ken Bates, Vice President Sales, Montenegro, Inc.

Santino Bibbo, Managing Director, Cabrera Capital Markets, LLC Cecelia Bolden, Chief Deliver Officer, SDI Presence LLC

Paula J. Brown, MBA, Manager, Diversity & Inclusion, Community Employment Liaison, Rush University Medical Center Willie Carrington, Partner, Carrington & Carrington, Ltd.

Carla Carstens, Chairman of Diversity Initiatives, Financial Executives International – EMAIL BOUNCES

Deila Davis, Director, Government Affairs, Access Community Health Network

Lourdes Diaz, Vice President Diversity, Sodexo

Tyrone A. Forman, Ph.D., Professor and Vice Provost for Diversity/Senior Advisor to the Chancellor, University of Illinois at Chicago

Lancert A. Foster, Vice President, RGMA

Jack Hartman, President / COO, SDI Presence LLC

Torrence Hinton, Director Operations & Maintenance, Peoples Gas & North Shore Gas Steven Hunter, Attorney, Quarles & Brady LLP

Deidra Jenkins, Chief Diversity & Inclusion Officer for the Americas, Northern Trust Corporation Gregory Jones, Managing Director, Diversity & Inclusion, United Airlines Jim Konrad, Director of Purchasing, Northwestern University

Catherine Lavery, Chief Administrative Officer, Holland Capital Management LLC Maria C. Lin, Director, Human Resources, Northwestern Medicine


2016 Chairman’s Awards 2016 Program Champion Honorable Mentions (Continued) Tom Lubotsky, Vice President, Supply Chain Management, Advocate Health Care Gina Max, Senior Director, Talent Management & Diversity, USG Corporation

Janeen McGreal, Immediate Past President, Financial Executives International

Jo-Elle Mogerman, Ph.D., Vice President of Institutional Planning & Inclusion, The Chicago Zoological Society Jennifer Morrison, Commodity Portfolio Manager, Peoples Gas & North Shore Gas Dawn Pfeiffer, Chief Marketing Officer, SDI Presence LLC

Nadia Quarles, Esq., Assistant Vice President, The University of Chicago Hilda Renteria, Partner, Prado & Renteria CPA’s, Prof. Corp

Perika J. Sampson, Vice President, Morgan Stanley Wealth Management Lyndon Taylor, Regional Leader, Americas, Heidrick & Struggles

Cedric Thurman, U.S. Head Diversity & Inclusion, BMO Harris Bank

Manika Turnbull, Vice President & Chief Diversity Officer, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois Jessica Turner, Manager, Supplier Diversity, BMO Harris Bank

Marisabel Villanueva-Hucker, Senior Manager Economic & Valuation Services, KPMG LLP Stephanie Wang, Director, Transaction Procurement for AGL Resources, Nicor Gas

James S. Williams, Jr., Director, Diversity, Inclusion and Equity, The University of Chicago Medicine Nokihomis Willis, Senior Vice President, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago Terri Woods, Director of Human Resources, Greeley and Hansen

Namrata Yadav, Vice President, Learning & Leadership Development, Bank of America

2016 Ambassador Award Honorable Mentions Steve Ball, Associate Vice President, Development, Chicago Botanic Garden Irma V. Bates, Vice President, Montenegro, Inc.

Jeremiah Boyle, Managing Director of Community and Economic Development, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago Rod Christmon, Senior Director HR, Diversity & Inclusion Officer Astellas US, LLC Billy Dexter, Partner, Heidrick & Struggles

Richard Gamble, Senior Vice President of Operations, The Chicago Zoological Society

Corliss V. Garner, CFP, Vice President & Senior Manager, Diverse Markets, BMO Harris Bank Julie M. Hansen, Senior Manager, Diversity & Inclusion, AbbVie

Michael Hernandez, Equity Partner and Firm Diversity Officer, Franczek Radelet P.C.

Shyrl E. Hoover, Senior Manager Talent Acquisition Flexible Recruiting Solutions, Abbott

Irina Konstantinovsky, Vice President, Global Talent Management, Baxter International Inc. Avis LaVelle, Vice President of Corporate Affairs, Northstar Lottery Group Marilyn Lissner, Executive Director, Cushman & Wakefield, Inc.

Sandra Marks, Senior Vice President/Office of Government & Community Affairs, Clayco Ruby McCleary, Director - Supplier Diversity, United Airlines Alberto Ortega, Director of Community Relations, Sodexo

Jacki Robinson-Ivy, Vice President - Public Affairs and Government Relations, Northern Trust Rick Shapren, Director, Human Resources - Central Region, Cushman & Wakefield, Inc.


2016 Benefactor Award Honorable Mentions Craig Esko, Senior Vice President Client and Community Relations Director, PNC Bank Kathy A. Lietz, Senior Manager, Compensation and Diversity USG Corporation

Jeanne K. Mason, Ph.D., Corporate Vice President of Human Resources, Baxter International Inc. Leslie D. Minier, Partner and Chief Diversity Officer, Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP Tameka Morton, Partner, EY

Warren Smith, Central Region Talent Leader, Americas Talent Team, EY

Tyronne Stoudemire, Vice President of Global Diversity & Inclusion, Hyatt Hotels Corporation Kathleen Swan, Partner, Quarles & Brady LLP

2016 Visionary Award Honorable Mentions Andrew Lee, Vice President, Diversity & Inclusion, Advocate Health Care Wil Lewis, Diversity & Inclusion Executive, Bank of America




Financial Executives International

Northwestern Medicine


Franczek Radelet P.C.

Northwestern University

Access Community Health Network


Odell Hicks & Company, LLC

Advocate Health Care

Grant Law, LLC

People’s Gas & North Shore Gas

Allstate Corporation

Greeley and Hansen

PMI Energy Solutions, LLC


Heidrick & Struggles

PNC Bank

Ariel Investments

Hispanic Housing Development Corporation

Prado & Renteria CPAs Prof. Corp.

Astellas US, LLC

Holland Capital Management LLC

Primera Engineers, Ltd.

Bank of America

The Hollins Group Inc.

Pugh, Jones & Johnson, P.C.

Baxter International Inc.

Hyatt Hotels Corporation


Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois/ Health Care Service Corporation

Johnson, Blumberg & Associates, LLC

Quarles & Brady LLP

BMO Harris Bank N.A.

Kairos Consulting Worldwide


Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP

RME (Rubinos & Mesia Engineers, Inc.)

KDM Engineering

Roosevelt University


Rush University Medical Center

Laner, Muchin, Ltd.

Sanchez Daniels & Hoffman LLP

Loop Capital

Scharf Banks Marmor

LSL Healthcare Inc.

SDI Presence LLC


Sidley Austin LLP



McDonald’s Corporation

Tampico Beverages, Inc.

Mesirow Financial

United Airlines


The University of Chicago / University of Chicago Medicine

BP America Inc. Bryan Cave LLP Cabrera Capital Markets, LLC Carrington & Carrington, Ltd. Chicago Botanic Garden The Chicago Community Trust Chicago Sun-Times The Chicago Urban League The Chicago Zoological Society CIVIQ Smartscapes Clayco ComEd, An Exelon Company Crain’s Chicago Business CSMI Cushman & Wakefield Deloitte Tax LLP

Mitchell & Titus, LLP Montenegro Morgan Stanley MZI Group Inc. Nash Brothers Construction Co., Inc. Nicor Gas

elemento L2

NJW Consulting

EY Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

Northern Trust Northstar Lottery Group

University of Illinois at Chicago UPS USG Corporation Walgreens Washington, Pittman & McKeever, LLC Weber Shandwick Wedgeworth Business Communications Wynndalco Enterprises, LLC

Funding is provided by:

300 East Randolph Street, Suite CL920, Chicago, IL 60601-5075 Phone: 312-977-3060 www.chicago-united.org

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