2013 Chicago United Year in Review

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Year in Review



A year of demonstrated impact and longevity in leadership At the beginning of 2013, I wrote about our shared challenge

middle-management ranks and beyond by focusing on the

I look back on the ways Chicago United continued to be a

Profile Toolkit.

to do more to create corporate cultures of inclusiveness. As

catalyst for change and a thought leader for its members, I

can confidently say that the organization did help advance

Last year was significant for the Five Forward Initiative™, our

leadership in business.

conjunction with the University of Illinois, presented a report

greater economic opportunity and increased multiracial

Chicago United delivered results on each of its three key

advocacy platforms—diversity in corporate governance, enhanced multiracial leadership in senior management, and effective, sustainable business partnerships. I’m even more

proud that these results were demonstrated during Chicago United’s 45th year of service to our region.

U.S. Securities and Exchange Commissioner Luis Aguilar spoke to our members about the state of diversity and inclusion in corporations across the country, lending

important perspective for Chicago United’s measures to increase diversity on local boards. The Hispanic Association on Corporate Responsibility partnered with Chicago United for a special presentation that featured differing views on

the challenges and opportunities that companies face in recruiting more directors of color.

plan for regional economic development. Chicago United, in on the economic impact of Five Forward. The report revealed that the pilot program to create local jobs and expand the

economy through corporate expenditures with area minority-

owned businesses (MBEs) generated more than 1,400 jobs

from 2009 to 2011. The program also led to a 21 percent rise in total corporate spending with selected MBEs.

We capped off the year with our 10th Annual Changing

Color of Leadership Conference and Bridge Awards Dinner. The Conference showcased fresh, new Culture, Inclusion and Diversity or “CID” Talks, which were designed to inspire

executives to create their own “big ideas” for culture change in their respective companies. McDonald’s Corp.’s Chief Executive Officer Don Thompson spoke about intentional inclusion as he accepted the Bridge Award. It was the first

time that the award was presented to one of Chicago United’s Business Leaders of Color.

Additionally, Chicago United presented another stellar

Last year’s results show that Chicago United’s members and

who are well qualified to serve on the boards of Fortune

the seeds of change planted over the years. Because of the

Business Leaders of Color publication with 45 men and women 1,000 companies. Individuals who have been featured in the

BLC publication over the years have served in 135 corporate directorships.

In the area of executive leadership development, Chicago

United presented the compelling research of Harvard

University’s Dr. Mahzarin Banaji. Her work is invaluable in

helping us to address the hidden biases that prevent each person from making the smartest decisions in human capital development. Similarly, our Diversity Officer Roundtables

provided practical solutions for increasing diversity in


benefits of using the Chicago United Corporate Diversity

supporters can take great pride in seeing progress grow from shared, ‘roll-up-your-sleeves’ commitment to this work, this organization will continue to maintain a

unique role in local business leadership and competitiveness. I’ve been proud to

serve as chairwoman of an organization that sets the tone for advancement in

an area that’s vitally important to us all. Patricia Hemingway Hall President and Chief Executive Officer, Health Care Service Corporation


Advancing multiracial leadership In 2013, I had the privilege of speaking to executives and

The CEOs of our member companies partake in candid

corporate business and urban development. In crystallizing

pursuit of tactics to improve their own practices, Leaders

influencers who have national, even international, reach in my thoughts and remarks, I realized the ways in which Chicago United has evolved in 45 years.

We’ve always pushed an agenda of increased opportunity

for businesses owned by people of color. In 2013, we showed

the real economic impact of that agenda, manifested in the results of the Five Forward Initiative.

In the last decade, Chicago United has sharpened its focus on the requirements for creating a more diverse pipeline

of business leaders. Last year, for the first time, a Business Leaders of Color accepted our Bridge Award for exemplary and holistic commitment to diversity and inclusion.

At our Annual Meeting, we heard from a commissioner

of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission that our organization is a national stand-out for our dedication to

advancement of corporate board diversity. Later in the year, we presented 45 more exceptional men and women who

discussions of race in business among peers. Through

Council discuss challenges in their own organizations, share

best practices, and build relationships among leaders with shared values.Through this remarkable spirit of sharing, our members have an unmeasurable impact on the city.

In 2014, Chicago United will continue to strive to be a

thought partner for members. We will convene discussions

with national experts in leadership and diversity. We will be a catalyst for greater representation of people of color in the pipelines for corporate talent. We will serve a consultant

for companies that want to customize their own effective practices for intentional inclusion.

Our members will see a Five Forward Initiative with a

renewed focus on the main goal of creating minority owned

businesses of scale. Also, we will focus heavily on building our membership with a more robust member onboarding process.

have credentials to serve on corporate boards.

With the continued leadership of the Chicago United

Chicago United can boast these accomplishments because

my staff and I will do all that we can to help senior leaders

our members have a pure commitment to more inclusive

corporate cultures, a commitment that’s expressed far

beyond their generous financial support of the organization.

Board of Directors and strong support of our members, see changes on the horizon and get ahead of them using diversity and inclusion as business imperatives.

Gloria Castillo

President and Chief Executive Officer, Chicago United


2013 Year In Review – Intentional Inclusion Drives Results Board of Directors Drives Strategic Direction The Chicago United Board of Directors has continued to enhance the programs and products that support the organization’s unique three-tiered platform that holistically advances a culture of inclusion in business and contributes to a more prosperous community.

The Chicago United Board of Directors met four times

in corporate SEC reporting in order to better assess a

Hosted by:

a diverse board.

in 2013:

Health Care Service Corporation / Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois

February 28, May 8, August 22, and October 24 The organization’s current primary research and program offerings promote multiracial leadership in corporate

governance and executive level management, develop

a pipeline of future multiracial leaders, and cultivate multiracial business partnerships.

Chicago United serves as a unique thought partner in corporate inclusion strategy by providing:

• Exposure to national thought leaders in diversity and

inclusion research and practice like Dr. Mazarhin Banaji,

corporation’s commitment to developing and maintaining

• E xclusive, high-level discussion among peers with shared values at CEO Council Strategy Sessions, Diversity Officer Roundtables, and Leaders Council Forums that provide

exploration of critical issues facing leaders responsible for developing corporate culture.

• Advocacy in action through primary research and programs that drive systemic change. Signature programs and products include Five Forward, the Business Leaders of Color publications, the Corporate Diversity Profile publications

which include an inclusion Toolkit, The Transformative

Inclusion Member Series, BoardLink, The Bridge Awards, and The Changing Color of Leadership Conference.

a leading scientist in the study of unconscious bias

In aligning our refined vision to our programming, the

commissioner with the U.S. Securities and Exchange

differentiated, and effective resource.

and its effects on decision making, and Luis Aguilar, a

Commission who led the call to increase accountability

Board ensures that the organization remains a relevant,

2013 Board of Directors Officers: Patricia Hemingway Hall, Chairwoman President and CEO Health Care Service Corporation Gordon Werkema, Vice Chairman First Vice President and COO Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago Maria Prado, Treasurer Partner Prado & Renteria CPAs, Prof. Corp.

Kevin B. Brookins Secretary Senior Vice President, Strategy and Administration ComEd, An Exelon Company Joseph A. Gregoire Immediate Past Chairman State Chairman of Illinois Banking PNC Bank (Retired) Board Members: Robert Aguilar COO Cabrera Capital Markets LLC Stan Deans President, Central Region UPS


Michael F. DeSantiago CEO & President, Energy & Built Environment Primera Engineers, LTD.

Michael W. Lewis EVP, Regional President, Chicago Metro Region BMO Harris Bank N.A. (Retired)

Kathy Ford Partner EY

James H. Skogsbergh President & CEO Advocate Health Care

Albert R. Grace, Jr. President Loop Capital

Monica Walker CEO and Chief Investment Officer - Equity Holland Capital Management

Ralph V. Hughes Vice President, External Affairs Macy’s Kip Kelley Regional Managing Director & Executive Vice President, Aon Risk Services Central, Inc. Aon Corporation

Chicago United’s CEO Connecting in the Community January: Castillo served as a panelist on issues related

Castillo, A Mexican American Legal Defense and Education

industries at the “Black History Month Kick-Off Event

Awards Gala Host Committee and hosted a table at their

to diversity and the impact of inclusion across various

Opening Ceremony” sponsored by BMO Financial Group.

Chicago United served as a co-host for the Chicago

Sinfonietta annual Concert Tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

February: Castillo was a panelist for

Fund (MALDEF) Board member, served on their 2013 Chicago

annual event. MALDEF promotes social change through

advocacy, communications, community education, and litigation.

June: The University of Illinois at Chicago held its Urban

Serving Universities 15th Annual Meeting to look at the

changing and intensifying relationships between urban

the Chicago Urban League’s unveiling

universities and urban communities. Castillo was the

American participation on public cor-

diversity, inclusion, and the role education plays in the

of the report of their survey of African

keynote speaker and talked about multiracial leadership,

porate boards, Leadership and Diversity

growth of urban communities.

presence of African Americans on the

July: Castillo participated as a member at the Rainbow

March: Womenetics recognized Castillo among 12

current state of the economy and new business frontiers

of Corporate Boards, regarding the

boards of Chicago and surrounding areas public companies.

outstanding women in the Chicago area who ‘Transform

Vision into the Language of Action’ and have advanced

their organizations. These women were celebrated for their

excellence in leadership as a fresh standard for business and the community.

Castillo was featured in a video prepared by the Federal

Reserve Bank of San Francisco to mark its 100th anniversary

in 2014. The video highlights community partnerships and

PUSH Coalition and Citizenship Education Fund 42nd Annual

Conference Business Luncheon. Participants discussed the

going forward.

August: Urban Alliance held its annual year-end event,

“The Public Speaking Challenge.” Castillo participated as a judge for recent graduates from Chicago Public Schools

giving their first public presentation for most of the young presenters.

Castillo was a guest author in Today’s Chicago Woman’s

leaders throughout the United States.

August edition. The article called to action the development

April: Castillo was honored as a distinguished local leader

shared responsibility of ensuring the diversity of those

and celebrating the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Boys and Girls

Corporate Diversity Profile as a tool to provide best practices

May: The Chinese American Service League (CASL) held its

September: Castillo serves as a member of the Chicago

participated as an event sponsor. The organization provides

The joint committee marked its two-year anniversary

housing, and financial education services.


Castillo served as a panelist at the YWCA’s “Empowerment

October: Chicago Insight with Ty Wansley interviewed

at the 25th Annual King Legacy Awards Gala, benefitting Club located on the west side of Chicago.

24th Annual Gala where Castillo, an Advisory Board member, child, elder, employment training, family counseling,

Evening: Diversity in Leadership: How does Chicago Stack Up?” where Castillo encouraged audience members to be

the change they wanted to see in the world and begin to

mentor others.

of the next pipeline of leaders in the workplace and the

leaders in wait. She discussed Chicago United’s 2012

in bringing diverse talent into the pipeline.

and Cook County City County Collaboration Commission.

of the collaboration providing a two-year report of

Castillo and discussed the 10th Annual Changing Color

of Leadership Conference and the 45th Chicago United

Anniversary Gala. The conversation highlighted the work of Chicago United.


2013 Year In Review – Intentional Inclusion Drives Results Chicago United’s CEO Connecting in the Community Castillo discussed CEO insights in “Innovation and Cultural

fit: Companies Aim to Make Them Co-exist,” an article

featured in the Chicago Tribune’s Blue Sky Innovation, a

new digital media for entrepreneurs in Chicago. The article

discussed hiring executives who work to find the qualified

candidates who fit their organizations definition of culture. Castillo points out that corporate culture may be defined by

inclusion and “fit” applies to the ability to embrace many

personal styles and identity factors. Castillo represented Chicago United at the Black Women’s Lawyers’ Association

on a panel for board diversity.

Castillo participated in the Cook County Budget Hearings

Uptown Professional Magazine Award Recipients

Castillo was a beneficiary of the Chicago Catalyst Award

from Uptown Professional Magazine, which honors

individuals who have demonstrated an unwavering

to bring voice and visibility to her appointed role on the

commitment to diversity.

the Chicago United Five Forward program has had on the

Castillo also received the Philanthropy Leadership Award

City County Collaboration Commission and the impact County to increase inclusion and potential for growth of

at the National Medical Fellowships Champions of Health

local minority business enterprises.

Awards that recognizes the extraordinary accomplishments,

November: Castillo was a recipient of the Latino Leaders

promote diversity in medicine and better healthcare for all

dedication, and commitment of individuals for efforts to

Magazine 2013 Chicago Maestro Awards – receiving


represent the lifetime achievement in the professional life

Castillo was a noted speaker at The Conference Board

the auspicious Leadership award. The Maestro Awards

of a Latino leader.

Diversity and Inclusion Council and discussed the

business case for diversity and inclusion and how it drives


December: The Donors Forum held a panel discussion

in partnership with Exelon on the topic of “Diversity in

Nonprofits: Improving Diversity in Board, Staff, and Vendors.”

Castillo participated on a panel discussion and talked about the benefits of a diverse nonprofit board and staff and the

commitment to diversity beyond the internal organization to the vendors used.

The Chicago Tribune published a letter to the editor Maestro Award Winners: (left to right) Rey B. González, Maestro Award for Community Service, Juventino Cano, Maestro Award for Entrepreneurship, Gloria Castillo, Maestro Award for Excellence in Leadership, and José Luis Prado, Professional Achievement Award

from Castillo in which she discussed the growth of

minority owned businesses as critical to dealing with the unemployment that plagues communities of color. The

Chicago United Five Forward Initiative™ program which

strives to increase corporate utilization of minority owned

firms that are capable of serving them was featured.


Chicago United’s 10th Annual Changing Color of Leadership Conference and 45th Anniversary Gala Chicago United honored McDonald’s CEO and President Don Thompson at its annual Bridge Awards Dinner at the Hilton Chicago on November 19, 2013. The Bridge Award represents the first national award that honors chief executive officers

who advocate for multiracial leadership in corporate governance and executive level management and who foster diverse

business partnerships. This award brings visibility to those who have managed change and inspires others to follow. We applaud Don Thompson for supporting the development of a vibrant, diverse, and inclusive business community.

The organization also introduced its 45 Business Leaders of Color, men and women identified as strong candidates for board directorships at Fortune 1,000 companies, which is discussed in greater detail later in this publication.

45th Anniversary and Bridge Awards Gala presenters (left to right) Chicago United Vice Chairman of the Board Gordon Werkema, first vice president & COO, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago; Chicago United Chairwoman of the Board Patricia Hemingway Hall, president and CEO Health Care Service Corporation; 2013 Bridge Award Recipient Don Thompson, president and CEO, McDonald’s Corporation; Presenting Sponsor Anne R. Pramaggiore, president and CEO, ComEd, An Exelon Company; Host Ravi Baichwal, weekend anchor and reporter, ABC 7 News; and Gloria Castillo, president and CEO, Chicago United

Member Recruitment Steering Committee Chairman Richard S. Price, chairman and CEO, Mesirow Financial

Nearly 1,200 attendees packed the Hilton’s ballroom to recognize these outstanding business leaders and acknowledge Chicago United’s 45th Anniversary. ABC7’s

Ravi Baichwal emceed the evening, and Illinois Governor Pat

Quinn and Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle offered congratulatory remarks.

Anne R. Pramaggiore, president and CEO of ComEd, an

Exelon Company, was also presented with an award for

ComEd’s decades-long commitment to Chicago United. ComEd was the presenting sponsor of this year’s Changing Color of Leadership Conference.

The Honorable Toni Preckwinkle, president, Cook County Board

The Honorable Pat Quinn, governor, State of Illinois


2013 Year In Review – Intentional Inclusion Drives Results The dinner gala followed the 10th Annual Chicago United

Brett J. Hart, Executive Vice President and General Counsel,

with the Diversity Leadership Luncheon, featuring members

Andrew J. McKenna, Chairman, McDonald’s Corporation;

Changing Color of Leadership Conference which kicked-off of the 2013 Business Leaders of Color engaging in a lively discussion on intentional inclusion.

United Airlines

Chairman, Schwarz Supply Source

Richard S. Price, Chairman and CEO, Mesirow Financial

During the afternoon, conference attendees were immersed

John W. Rogers, Jr., Chairman, CEO and Chief Investment

showcased a diverse group of 12 transformational leaders

Jim H. Skogsbergh, President and CEO,

in Culture, Inclusion, and Diversity or “CID” Talks. CID Talks from the boardroom to the C-suite who presented refreshing

and innovative ideas to inspire attendees to create their

own “big ideas” for culture change, inclusion, and diversity in their companies. The series provided a broad depth and

breadth of subject maters, and challenged the audience to

Officer, Ariel Investments Advocate Health Care

Frederick H. Waddell, Chairman and CEO, Northern Trust Corporation

Gregory D. Wasson, President and CEO, Walgreen Co.

think about dynamics in their respective environments that impact diversity and inclusion strategies and practices.

Diversity Leadership Luncheon

“This year’s Changing Color of Leadership Conference and Bridge Awards Dinner were thought-provoking and truly dynamic,” said Chicago United President and CEO Gloria

Castillo. “It was an honor to gather with Chicago United

members and supporters who collectively share a vision for

greater inclusion and diversity in the business community.” Chicago United would like to thank the 2013 Changing

Color of Leadership Conference and 45th Anniversary Gala

Steering Committee and the events presenters and speakers

whose extraordinary contributions made this event an overwhelming success.

Chairwoman, Chicago United Board of Directors:

Diversity Leadership Luncheon presenters (left to right) Kevin B. Brookins, senior vice president, Strategy & Administration, ComEd, An Exelon Company; Gloria Castillo, president and CEO, Chicago United; Ana Dutra, chief executive officer, Mandala Global Advisors; Sunil Garg, senior vice president, chief information & innovation officer, Exelon; Stacey Baca, weekend anchor and reporter, ABC7 News; The Honorable Sheila Simon, lieutenant governor, State of Illinois; and John P. Trainor, publisher / general manager, HOY

Patricia Hemingway Hall, President and CEO, Health Care Service Corporation

45th Anniversary Presenting Sponsor: Anne R. Pramaggiore, President and CEO, ComEd, An Exelon Company Steering Committee: Gregory C. Case, President and CEO, Aon Mark Furlong, President and CEO, BMO Harris Bank Joseph Gregoire, State Chairman of Illinois Banking, PNC Bank (Retired)


Diversity Leadership Luncheon panelists and moderator (left to right) Cathy Peng, chief business development officer, Ethertronics, Inc.; Ana Dutra, chief executive officer, Mandala Global Advisors; Sunil Garg, senior vice president, chief information & innovation officer, Exelon; John P. Trainor, publisher / general manager, HOY; and moderator Roger O. Crockett, president, R. O. Crockett Leadership Advisory

CID Talks I

CID Talks II

CID Talks moderators and speakers (left to right) Arthur Zayas Miller , president & CEO, MZI Group Inc.; Jeanna D. Bridges U.S. head, Diversity & Inclusion, BMO Financial Group; Paul Martin, corporate vice president & chief information officer, Baxter International, Inc.; Dr. Mi Ja Kim, prof. & dean emerita; E.D. of Global Health, Leadership Office; dir. Of Academy of International, Leadership Development, College of Nursing, University of Illinois, Chicago; Sally Nuamah Chicago scholar, advocate & filmmaker, Ph.D. candidate, Northwestern University; Lorraine Stomski, partner & Leadership Service line leader, Aon Hewitt; Amy Hilliard, founder & CEO, The ComfortCake Company, LLC; and JC Gonzalez-Mendez, senior vice president, Global CSR, Sustainability and Philanthropy, McDonald’s Corporation

CID Talks moderators and speakers (left to right) Shundrawn Thomas, SVP, managing director & global head Northern Trust Exchange Traded Funds Group, Northern Trust; Pedro DeJesus, executive vice president, general council & corporate secretary, Tampico Beverages, Inc.; Claudia M. Saran, principal, KPMG; Connie Lindsey, executive vice president, global head of Corporate Social Responsibility, Northern Trust; David Wade, vice president, Air BP Americas, BP; Elizabeth W. Reese, president, Nicor Gas & senior vice president, AGL Resources; Nazneen Razi, senior vice president, chief Human Resources officer, Health Care Service Corporation; and John Rowe, chairman emeritus, Exelon Corporation

Chicago United members and supporters who collectively share a vision for greater inclusion and diversity in the business community experienced a thought-provoking, dynamic, and inspirational event.

Save the date for Chicago United’s 11th Annual Changing Color of Leadership Conference and Bridge Awards Dinner on November 18, 2014, at the Hilton Chicago.


2013 Year In Review – Intentional Inclusion Drives Results The Chicago United Five Forward Initiative™ Created 1,400 Jobs in Two Years Amid Recession Now in its fifth year, Chicago United’s Five Forward Initiative

“This pilot provides a unique model for local and regional

businesses (MBEs) since 2009. The program generated more

regional economic plans, targeting job creation where it is

reported impressive gains for local minority owned

than 1,400 jobs and led to a 21 percent rise in total corporate spending with selected MBEs from 2009 to 2011.

Chicago United partnered

with University of Illinois’ Regional Economics Application Laboratory (REAL)

to analyze the program’s

leaders to add to their ‘tool belt’ in developing broader needed most and ensuring that all parts of our communities

have the opportunity to thrive,” said Graves, who was the

executive director of the President’s Council on Jobs and Competitiveness at the White House. “We look forward

to further engagement and leadership from committed corporations and their MBE partners in helping to drive economic growth.”

impact, relying on expenditure data provided by 18

participating corporations. In April, the organizations

released Building a Stronger Regional Economy Through

the Utilization of Minority Business Enterprises that reported

that the pilot program generated a direct impact of $227.7 million. About $67 million of these direct expenditures were paid in wages and salaries, which led to 1,424 jobs.

According to Chicago United’s independent analysis, the

(Left to right) Don Graves with Chicago United members Ellen Costello, former CEO and US country head, BMO Harris Bank N.A., Nim Chinniah, executive vice president for administration & chief financial officer, The University of Chicago, and Pat Harris, global chief diversity officer, McDonald’s Corporation.

million rose to six companies in 2011 from only one in 2009.

The progress report provides guidance for corporations as

numbers grow to 596 in 2011 from 280 in 2009.

that optimize their competitiveness. These results were

number of MBEs with revenue ranging from $15 million to $30 Those same companies saw their collective employment

These results were announced

they implement best-in-class supplier diversity programs achieved despite the recession. These firms saw growth

while record numbers of small businesses reported huge

in April at a forum held at

losses. That level of success is incredibly encouraging.

the Federal Reserve Bank of

Chicago. The forum featured a

The program is unique because it is designed to not only

development by Don Graves,

minority-owned businesses, but also to provide the tools

keynote address on economic

encourage partnership between large corporations and

deputy assistant secretary for Small



Development, and Housing Policy at the U.S. Department of the Treasury.

and tips that help mature those relationships so that Don Graves, deputy assistant secretary for Small Business, Community Development, and Housing Policy at the U.S. Department of the Treasury

participants can see quantifiable change.

Corporations commit to a program like this because they

want to make a real impact. This process is effective and the impact is measurable. This is just the start of what we hope

will be real change and opportunity for Chicago’s minority business community.


Chicago United’s 2013 James C. Tyree Visionary Awardees: • Advocate Health Care • Ariel Investments LLC • BMO Harris Bank N.A. • City Colleges of Chicago • ComEd, an Exelon Company • EY (Left to right) Gloria Castillo and Valerie J. Van Meter, senior vice president and chief diversity officer, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

• Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois / Health Care Service Corporation

• Loop Capital The Five Forward pilot launched with the faith of

13 corporations that committed to increasing their

expenditures with current or new minority suppliers. Today, 28 corporations participate along with 109 MBEs.

The original 13 companies received Chicago United’s first-ever James. C. Tyree

• Macy’s • McDonald’s Corporation • Mesirow Financial • Rush University Medical Center • The University of Chicago / University of Chicago Medicine

Visionary Award for their

pioneering participation in the program. Tyree, the late chairman and chief execu-

tive officer of Mesirow Financial, drove develop-

ment of the Initiative with his vision and passion.


2013 Year In Review – Intentional Inclusion Drives Results Business Leaders of Color Publication Chicago United produced the sixth iteration of Business

Co-Chairs Robert Aguilar, COO, Cabrera Capital Markets;

chairmen, nominating committees, chief executives, and

Manpower; Chris McFerrin, former commercial human

Leaders of Color in 2013. Through this publication, board executive search firms can find exceptional individuals who currently serve, or are ready to contribute, as board directors for Fortune 1000 companies.

Business Leaders of Color

has become a highly-visible

publication that demon-

resources manager, MillerCoors; and Ted Yi, co-managing partner, Chicago Office, Quarles & Brady LLP.

We’d also like to thank Crain’s Chicago Business for their

extraordinary contribution of the distribution of this publication.

strates the level of diverse

The individual Business Leaders of Color featured represent

The publication serves as a

recruit and groom other accomplished executives as an

talent available in Chicago. resource for those seeking to increase inclusion of diverse candidates in their

the kind of talent that companies seek, and they actively integral part of their mission. They all speak about valuing and developing people and relationships as top priorities.

boardrooms and business

The Chicago United Business Leaders of Color demonstrate

tification of these exceptionally qualified leaders, Chicago

including integrity, unwavering commitment to delighting

networks. Through the iden-

United aims to accelerate the rate of change of diverse

representation in corporate governance. We see the business Leaders of Color publication used often as a reference. It

also serves as inspiration, as was envisioned by the Chicago United thought leaders.

It takes a tremendous contribution by many to create this

impactful publication. Chicago United membership, as well as dedicated members of the community, rallied through

five levels of committee participation. Once the committee

similar traits that have contributed to their success customers, a drive to improve their organizations, genuine

concern for their communities, and a global perspective and experience. Additionally, we believe that a chief executive or

chair of a board nominating committee will be inspired by

the successful outcomes delivered by these men and women who embrace well-considered risks as opportunities. In an ever-changing global economy, companies must be open to new approaches to solving problems and expanding markets.

work was completed, the highly committed production

The Business Leaders of Color exhibit the innovation required

A listing of individuals who participated in the production

2013 Chicago United Business Leaders of Color measure their

team began producing a publication of exceptional quality. of this product is included in the “Acknowledgements” section of the publication.

to do that, and they lead their teams to do so as well. The success by victories claimed by their protégés. This is more

than altruistic. It is a good strategy to win the race for talent.

We have tremendous appreciation for the members of

It is with great pride that we presented in this publication

who provided nominations of exceptional individuals

business acumen and the breadth and depth of experience

Chicago United and the Chicago business community

for recognition in this publication. We’d like to recognize here the incredible contribution of Committee Chair

Sheila O’Grady, consultant, Spencer Stuart, and Committee


Anne Edmonds, regional vice president Metro Central,

a sterling collection of men and women who have the to contribute to the global competitiveness of corporations.

Business Leaders of Color Reception

Leaders of Color panel event that took place on December 5,

The Business Leaders of Color reception provided an oppor-

managing director and partner at Heidrick & Struggles

tunity for the current Business Leaders of Color honorees, past Business Leaders of Color honorees, and Chicago United members to meet one another in a private setting.

2013. Three Business Leaders of Color honorees, Billy Dexter, International, Brenda Russell, director and client relations executive at PwC, and Hugo Chaviano, senior partner at

Sanchez, Daniels & Hoffman LLP, shared their personal insights, advice, and career strategies with attendees.

Business Leaders of Color Strategy Sessions Including the 2013 publication, The Business Leaders of Color

publications have identified approximately 265 eminently

qualified candidates for Fortune 1000 Companies’ boards of directors. In the face of a complex global economy, these The 2013 Class of Business Leaders of Color

Attendees were treated to remarks by the Mayor of Atlanta, the Honorable Kasim Reed. We thank Northern Trust for

hosting this inspiring introduction of the 2013 Business Leaders of Color on October 24, 2013.

demonstrated leaders have led large scale operations

domestically and internationally and driven innovation and transformational change in their organizations. Chicago United’s Business Leaders of Color Strategy Sessions have goal of mobilizing Business Leaders of Color toward

advancing multiracial participation on corporate boards of directors. These sessions also provide Business Leaders of

Color an opportunity to foster relationships among this elite group. We would like to thank Marc Horner, vice president

– Investments, UBS Wealth Management, for hosting the 2013 Business Leaders of Color Strategy Sessions. Business Leaders of Color Strategy Session I May 1, 2013

Host: Marc Horner, UBS

Topic: Coalescing the Power of the BLC Network to Advance Greater Board Diversity Mayor of Atlanta, the Honorable Kasim Reed, Connie Lindsey, executive vice president and head of Corporate Social Responsibility at Northern Trust, Gloria Castillo, and Rick Waddell, chairman & CEO, Northern Trust Corp.

Business Leaders of Color Panel Discussion The African American Association for Personal and

Professional Growth (APPG), a Federal Reserve Bank of

Chicago diversity network group, presented a Business

During this inaugural session of the Business Leaders of

Color Strategy Sessions, the Business Leaders of Color in

attendance shared their thoughts on the value of meeting

as an independent entity to discuss topics relevant to board placement. It was confirmed by the group that a series of

events as a program focus for Chicago United would be beneficial and well attended.


2013 Year In Review – Intentional Inclusion Drives Results Business Leaders of Color Strategy Session II

mentorship, bringing his authentic self to work each day,

Host: Marc Horner, UBS

and Starwood Hotels and Resorts. Chicago United would

August 14, 2014

Topic: A conversation with Alywin B. Lewis, president and

CEO, Potbelly Sandwich Works and David Snyder, publisher, Crain’s Chicago Business

and his roles on the boards of The Walt Disney Company

like to thank Lewis and Snyder for their contributions during this enlightening and entertaining discussion.

Chicago United presented 2011

Business Leader of Color Aylwin B. Lewis, president and CEO of Potbelly Sandwich Works, in an intimate conversation with Crain’s Chicago Busi-

ness publisher David Snyder. Lewis Aylwin B. Lewis

discussed milestones in his career,

Director Roundtables Chicago United co-produced a one-of-a-kind series of

organizations – not the solution anyone would wish on

“Directors Roundtables: Practical Leadership for Corporate

unfortunately) have other outside levers that can tip the

discussions, from 2011 through the beginning of 2013, titled Directors” in partnership with Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP, Shields Meneley Partners, Sard Verbinnen & Co., and

Heidrick & Struggles. Chicago United is proud to have

collaborated with firms that are resources for corporate

boards and their nominating committees. These sessions

balance of change. This panel discussion explored inventive

and impactful ways boards have helped to shoulder some

of the responsibility to help stagnant organizations evolve, even with heightened governance pressures.

offered the Chicago United Business Leaders of Color an

Distinguished Panelists:

board director. Chicago United closed out the series of the

Managing Director, Chetrum Capital LLC, Outside Director,

opportunity to learn about the critical responsibilities of a

Director Roundtables with a final session titled, “The Board Role in Driving Renewal.” February 12, 2013

Host: Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP The Board Role in Driving Renewal

Every organization at some point has been faced with a

great challenge or obstacle that hinders future progress.

These tensions can arise from organizational fatigue,

M. Shan Atkins

True Value Company, Director, Spartan Stores, The pep Boys and Tim Hortons James B. Shein

Clinical Professor of Management and Strategy Kellogg

School of Management, Northwestern University, Author, “Reversing the Slide: A Strategic Guide to Turnarounds and Corporate Renewal”, Director, FJ Management, Wrightwood Capital and Electrical Controls international

lack of structural measurement, and/or significant


activists increasingly are responsible for reviving failing

Partner-in-Charge, Chicago, Heidrick & Struggles

financial distress. For public companies, shareholder


another. Private companies and nonprofits (fortunately or

Bryan Proctor

Annual Members’ Meeting March 19, 2013

Hosted by: Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois Chicago United was pleased to host Luis Aguilar, a

commissioner with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, at our Annual Meeting. Aguilar led the call to increase accountability in corporate SEC reporting in

order to better assess a corporation’s commitment to developing and maintaining a diverse board. Interviewed

Leaders Council Awards Presentation (Pictured left to right): David Snyder, publisher, Crain’s Chicago Business; KC Mosley, former sr. manager, enterprise supplier diversity, vice president, U.S. Procurements & Strategic Sourcing, BMO Harris Bank, the Chicago United 2012 Organizational Visionary; Gloria Castillo; Valerie J. Van Meter, sr. vice president & chief diversity officer, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, the 2012 Chicago United Most Valuable Partner; and Gordon Werkema, first vice president & COO, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago and vice chairman, Chicago United Board of Directors. (Not pictured: Valerie Corr Hanserd, Director of Government and Public Affairs, BP America Inc., the 2012 Chicago United Benefactor and Steve Pemberton, divisional vice president of Diversity & Inclusion, chief diversity officer, Walgreen’s, the 2012 Chicago United Program Champion)

(Left to right) David Snyder, publisher, Crain’s Chicago Business, and Luis Aguilar, commissioner, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

by Crain’s Chicago Business Publisher David Snyder,

do better, he said. He acknowledged Chicago United

as an organization that presents solutions worthy of consideration beyond the Chicago area.

Commissioner Aguilar discussed the progress he’s seen

We are grateful that he is an unequivocal champion

requirement that publicly-traded companies disclose, in

mission, and we thank him for the time spent with us.

among corporations since the passage of the SEC’s 2009 their proxy statements, whether and how their boards consider diversity when nominating new directors.

Motivated by the facts concerning lack of diversity of

corporate boards in the United States, Commissioner

of a cause that is so important to Chicago United’s

Chicago United would also like to thank Martin Cabrera, founder and CEO of Cabrera Capital Markets, who, when approached, didn’t hesitate to introduce Commissioner Aguilar to Chicago United.

Aguilar’s passion around the need to increase the diversity of corporate boards has also been shaped by the breadth of his experience.

Commissioner Aguilar addressed the opportunity for a

heightened competitive advantage that companies miss when their leadership lacks diversity. He noted that a

study from Calvert Investments has shown that 54 of S&P

100 companies disclose some level of EEO-1 diversity data, such as the percentage of women employees or numbers of new minority hires. However, many companies can

(Left) Luis Aguilar, commissioner, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and Martin Cabrera, Jr., founder & CEO, Cabrera Capital Markets LLC


2013 Year In Review – Intentional Inclusion Drives Results Chicago United Member Meetings Transformative Inclusion Member Series

Chicago United created the Transformative Inclusion Member Series to address challenges corporate leaders

face in creating a diverse and inclusive culture, articulating

the business case, and driving its benefits at multiple levels within their organizations. These sessions feature presentations by national experts who approach diversity and inclusion from different disciplines. These

experts expand our cognitive understanding, leadership

capabilities, and growth potential. Chicago United CEO and Leaders Council members are encouraged to invite others

within the organization for whom the subject matter is

evidence that how we perceive and associate social groups

units can experience these presentations and return to

decisions and, ultimately, inclusion.

applicable in their roles. Leaders from different business their organization with shared knowledge to continue the discussion of how to apply the concepts within their own organizations.

Chicago United presents the Transformative Inclusion Member Series varying themes each year to further

deliver on its mission to help its members utilize deeper conversations about diversity and inclusion to optimize organizational performance.

The Transformative Inclusion Member Series themes help

members grow diverse talent in the leadership pipeline and, ultimately, increase diversity in boardrooms and executive level management. Mahzarin Banaji May 22, 2013

Host: BMO Financial Group Implicit Bias and Predictive Behavior Chicago United and host BMO Harris Bank presented

Dr. Mahzarin Banaji, the Richard Clarke Cabot Professor

of Social Ethics, Department of Psychology, Harvard

University and author of a new book: Blindspot: Hidden

Biases of Good People, to Chicago United members in May. Banaji is a scientist who concentrates in understanding how the mind works. She has identified substantial


Mahzarin Banaji

like age, gender, race, ethnicity, social class etc., impact our

In her session, Banaji spoke about the unconscious biases that everyone has, the impact they have on business decisions, and how individuals and organizations can be

mindful of these biases and help ensure inclusive thought

processes. She gave an enthralling, interactive presentation

that demonstrated that individuals carry biases as well as associations between groups and the behaviors they expect

of them that can create “blind spots.� These blind spots can prevent enterprises from making the best possible decisions, regardless of the facts.

Insider Game 2

their shared commitment to lasting solutions that address

Host: Bank of America


September 18, 2013

the lack of multiracial leadership in C-suites and corporate

Chicago United and Hispanic Association on Corporate Responsibility Premiere Insider Game 2

Chicago United and the Hispanic Association on Corporate Responsibility (HACR) premiered the documentary, Insider Game 2, with a screening hosted by Bank of America.

Filmed largely in Chicago, Insider Game 2 further addresses

the underrepresentation of Hispanics in corporate boards. Chicago United Business Leader of Color Lou Nieto, board

member, AutoZone and Ryder System, and Chicago

United CEO Council member John Rogers, board member, McDonald’s and Exelon, are interviewed in the new film.

Responsibility to shareholders and responsibility to

community; recruitment practices of boards and search firms; and the value of relationships versus demonstrated

skill sets in the recruitment process were among the critical topics discussed.

The film and discussion are indicative of the programming

that Chicago United presents. Chicago United fosters open, honest discussion of race in business and this documentary supports that mission. We would like to thank HACR, Bank of America, and Sodexo for providing a forum to talk about

diversity and inclusion at the highest level of corporate America.”

The screening was followed by a lively panel discussion

There are more women and minorities on corporate boards

2013 Chicago United Business Leader of Color, and George

country’s rapidly shifting demographics or consumer base,

with Nieto, Ana Dutra, CEO, Mandala Global Advisors and a Herrera, board member, Wyndham Worldwide. Leslie

Sanchez, producer of Insider Game and Insider Game 2, moderated the panel.

Chicago United initiated the collaboration that brought

today, but diversity and inclusion has not kept up with the said HACR President and CEO Carlos F. Orta. According to

the HACR Research Institute and a recent report published by the Alliance for Board Diversity, Hispanics account for only 144 of 5,516 board seats on Fortune 500 companies.

together sponsors Sodexo and Bank of America along

“Insider Game 2 reinforces why Hispanic inclusion on

League as collaborating partners. The group demonstrated

value,” Orta said.

with Hispanic Executive magazine and the Chicago Urban

Keith Wagenknecht, senior vice president of Global Human Resources, Bank of America

corporate boards and in the C-suite is good for shareholder

(Left to right) Lou Nieto, Board director, AutoZone & Ryder, Leslie Sanchez, Producer, Insider Game 2, Ana Dutra, CEO, Mandala Global Advisors, Gloria Castillo, Carlos Orta, president & CEO, Hispanic Association on Corporate Responsibility, and George Herrera, Board director, Wyndham Worldwide

James Williams, director, Diversity, Inclusion and Equity, The University of Chicago Medicine


2013 Year In Review – Intentional Inclusion Drives Results CEO Sessions CEO Sessions provide an opportunity for senior leaders to attend a peer level discussion of topics related to maintaining a positive corporate culture and driving business growth through diversity and inclusion. Chicago United serves as a thought

partner bringing to light issues senior leaders should consider in order to cultivate multiracial leadership in their business.

CEO Roundtables

and Inclusion Advisory Board that advises on action steps

events that bring together local CEOs who are governed by

that Sodexo not only links manager bonuses to a diversity

The Chicago United CEO Roundtables are invitation only a board of directors. Roundtable participants come together

to experience presentations by national corporate leaders who exhibit leading diversity and inclusion (D&I) practices.

The CEO Roundtable Series provides rare and valuable opportunities to engage in confidential peer dialogue

focused on building diverse and inclusive leadership and a

to expand the company’s D&I commitment. Chavel added

scorecard, they also include a diversity competency in the performance management process which drives behavior change and commitment to diversity. November 19, 2013

Changing Color of Leadership Conference

diverse board of directors, thereby providing strong evidence

of the importance that Chicago’s business leaders place on maximizing the benefits of culture in business. April 18, 2014

Host: Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

(Left to right) Anne R. Pramaggoire, president and CEO, ComEd, An Exelon Company, Don Thompson, president and CEO, McDonald’s Corporation, and Gloria Castillo

A special CEO roundtable was moderated by Presenting

Sponsor Anne R. Pramaggiore, president and CEO, ComEd, with the 2013 Bridge Award Recipient Don Thompson, president and CEO, McDonald’s Corporation. Thompson Attendees included (left to right) Jeff Paulson, Michael E. Eesley, Dr. Rohini Anand, Dean Harrison, Gloria Castillo, George Chavel, Valerie Van Meter, Gordon Werkema, Michael Norris, and Keith Wagenknecht.

The Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago hosted a conversation with George Chavel, president

and CEO of Sodexo North America. Chavel shared his George Chavel

company’s ongoing efforts to enhance its value proposition

through diversity. A provider of integrated food and facilities

management services, Sodexo has an external Diversity


discussed incorporating diversity and inclusion as a part

of the McDonald’s business model. Thompson’s comments

focused on unfreezing the pipeline to senior management, he stated, “people at a base level must see themselves

rising, or you won’t get their best productivity.” Thompson believes in leveraging differences to achieve greater customer satisfaction.

CEO Council Strategy Sessions

The Strategy Sessions are exclusive to Chicago United CEO

May 22, 2013

interactive discussions of shared values among peers.

Chicago United CEO members participated in a private and

Council members and are intended to be private, highly

Host: BMO Financial Group

intimate reception with Dr. Mahzarin Banaji. CEO members got the opportunity to talk with Dr. Banaji one-on-one and

ask questions related to her research and most recent book, Blindspot: Hidden Biases of Good People.

Chicago United CEO Council members mix with Mahzarin Banaji

February 21, 2013

Host: BMO Financial Group

Haven Cockerham, president and CEO of Cockerham & Associates, LLC, guided Chicago United CEO Council members

in examining the state of diversity as reported in the Chicago United Corporate Diversity Profile with a focus on how leadership impacts the culture of inclusion. The discussion

included how diversity officers can leverage the toolkit to advance the member company’s current strategies.

(Left to right) Former U.S. Country Head for BMO Financial Group Ellen Costello, Richard Clarke Cabot Professor of Social Ethics, Department of Psychology, Harvard University, Dr. Mahzarin Banaji, and Gloria Castillo

Diversity Officer Roundtables The Diversity Officer Roundtables bring diversity

Impacting Organizational Change: Lessons From the Field

together to engage in peer to peer dialogue about current

Host: Bank of America

practitioners from Chicago United member corporations challenges and leading practices in diversity and inclusion

strategy and implementation. Members gain knowledge across organizations and develop tactics to be applied in their own environments.

Corporate Diversity Profile Toolkit

September 25, 2013

Warren Smith, Midwest Region talent leader, America’s People Team, EY, and Valerie Van Meter, SVP and chief diversity officer, Federal Reserve of Chicago, led a roundtable discussion on their practical experience using the Corporate Diversity Profile toolkit.

February 20, 2013

The Toolkit includes important questions and scorecards

Charmon Parker Williams, president and CEO of the Parker

do to improve in areas critical to diversity and inclusion

Host: Bank of America

Williams Group, introduced Chicago United’s online toolkit

and the Corporate Diversity Profile to member diversity officers. During the roundtable discussion Parker Williams

demonstrated how to use the toolkit and how it can be implemented as a benchmarking system, assessing six

that help leaders determine what their organizations can

advancement, such as recruitment, succession planning, performance management, and more. The Profile was

developed with the guidance and contributions of EY and the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago.

talent management areas.


2013 Year In Review – Intentional Inclusion Drives Results Leaders Council Meetings The Leaders Council Meetings showcase short transformative

Group Identities Impacting Organizational Culture

The programs offer members an opportunity to deepen

Host: Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP

talks with experts in order to advance diversity and inclusion. relationships and expand their toolkit of leading inclusion strategies.

Corporate Diversity Profile Toolkit February 14, 2013 Host: PwC

June 19, 2013

Leaders’ Council members discussed strategies to address

unconscious bias based on presentations by Dr. Mahzarin Banaji, Richard Clark Cabot professor of social Ethics at

Harvard University. Dr. Banaji explored how biases influence selection, promotion, and, ultimately, retention of talent.

Charmon Parker Williams, president and CEO of the Parker

Leaders Council members examined the complex concept of

toolkit and the Corporate Diversity Profile to Leaders

Blind Spot: Hidden Biased of good People. Leaders’ Council

Williams Group, introduced Chicago United’s online Council members. During the discussion Parker Williams

demonstrated how to use the toolkit and how it can be implemented as a benchmarking system, assessing six talent management areas.

group identity acknowledged by Dr. Banaji in her new book, members were led in a facilitated dialogue to examine the

implications group identity had on their own organizations. Through the discussion, Chicago United members continued to sharpen their advocacy around inclusion and how privileged identify can affect organizational decisions.

Boardlink BoardLink provides the business community a unique leader-

ship development tool that allows emerging leaders of color access to opportunities to develop skills that will expand

they will further impact diverse communities as they recommend and nominate colleagues for new board positions.

their managerial experience and build business networks. BoardLink also enables leading nonprofit organizations to

more easily engage Chicago’s leaders of color in places where

tion. There is currently no similar referral source available to the

I hope you are doing well. Just wanted to follow up and let you know that your advice on using Chicago United’s BoardLink has paid off! In 2013, Reading in Motion recruited two new board members through BoardLink: Corey Lewis and Omar Diaz. Each of them have been great additions to our board, contributing diverse expertise, extending our exposure into new industries and expanding RIM’s reach and visibility through their networks in the Chicagoland business community.

the tool. In fact, one nonprofit recently drafted a note of thanks

BoardLink is a phenomenal resource! Thanks again!

they can impact the organization’s mission.

BoardLink is an electronic referral source where leaders of color looking for board opportunities can post their availability, and

nonprofit organizations in search of racially/ethnically diverse board members can post their openings. Both groups have access to search listings, share information, and make a connec-

city’s nonprofit sector. Many organizations are regular users of to Chicago United for providing this invaluable source.

Kind Regards,

BoardLink has been responsible for the placement of 46 multi-

Sylvia Alston

That’s 46 individuals who are increasing their leadership skills,

Vice Chair-Board Nominating Reading in Motion

racial professionals to nonprofit boards of directors in Chicago. broadening their networks, and moving into positions where


Hi Gloria,

Leaders Council Pipeline Mentoring Sessions Chicago United and The Chicago Scholars Foundation produced a series of mentoring sessions to introduce

Chicago Scholars to members of Chicago United’s Leaders Council. The Leaders Council members serve as role models

to provide valuable counsel to Scholars - junior- and senioryear college students and the next generation of Chicago’s workforce, by identifying essential knowledge and skills they will need for various industry segments and professions.

The goal of the career mentoring sessions is to produce valuable interactions between aspiring students and seasoned professionals to create a smoother transition from college to career for students.

Northwestern Memorial Hospital and Greeley and Hansen

hosted two summer speed mentoring sessions in 2013. The sessions were arranged through a partnership between

Chicago United would like to thank our hosts and mentors who make this unique learning experience possible. June 27, 2013

Host: Northwestern Memorial Hospital Mentors:

Paula Brown, Manager, Diversity, Inclusion and Community Employment Liaison, Rush University Medical Center

Julie Hansen, Senior Manager, Diversity & Inclusion, AbbVie Tim Garrity, Executive Vice President, MZI Group Inc.

Maribel Mata Benedict, Partner, Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP Darryl Tom, Partner, Quintairos, Prieto, Wood & Boyer July 25, 2013

Host: Greeley and Hansen

Chicago Scholars and Chicago United to give students


successful business leaders serving on the Chicago United

Archana Kuchimanchi, Civil Engineer, Greeley & Hansen

the unique opportunity to receive practical advice from Leaders Council, as well as to hear about personal career strategies and roads to success.

Nathan Hughes, Mechanical Engineer, Greeley & Hansen Janine Landow-Esser, Partner, Quarles & Brady, LLP

Patrick Scotto di Luzio, VP and Managing Director, US Strategy, BMO Financial Group

The Chicago United Team

Chicago Scholars experience Speed Mentoring with Chicago United Leaders Council members at Greeley and Hansen

Volunteer mentors provided valuable guidance to the next generation of Chicago’s workforce. Assisting college students to identify and prepare for career opportunities

promotes multiracial leadership development and ensures that Chicago remains competitive in the global economy for years to come.

Chicago United Team Holiday Lunch: (Front left to right) Carrie Osslund, executive assistant and accounting administrator, Gloria Castillo president & CEO, Teresa Sarna, director of member engagement, Salvador Bayron, manager of program data and analytics, (Back left to right) Ana R. Souchet, office operations administrator, David Rudd, vice president, Weber Shandwick, and Kimberly Casey, manager of member programs


Leaders Awards 2013 Ambassador James S. Williams Jr., Director, Diversity, Inclusion and Equity, The University of Chicago Medicine 2013 Benefactor Kevin B. Brookins, SVP, Strategy & Administration, ComEd, An Exelon Company 2013 Program Champion Sheila M. O’Grady, Consultant, Spencer Stuart 2013 Visionary Pat Harris, Global Chief Diversity Officer, Vice President-Community Engagement, McDonald’s Corporation 2013 Ambassador Honorable Recognition Pedro J. Cevallos-Candau, CEO & President Transportation & Infrastructure, Primera Engineers, Ltd. Hugo Chaviano, Senior Partner, Sanchez Daniels & Hoffman LLP Lester Coney, Executive Vice President, Office of the Chairman, Mesirow Financial Pedro DeJesus, Jr., Executive Vice President, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary, Tampico Beverages, Inc. Melissa B. Donaldson, Director, Diversity Networks & Communication, Walgreen Co. Lancert A. Foster, Vice President, RGMA Julie M. Hansen, Senior Manager, Diversity & Inclusion, Corporate Human Resources , AbbVie Valerie King, Director of Marketing, Holland Capital Management LLC Kim Lee, Vice President of Legal and Compliance, Northstar Lottery Group Jeanne Mason, Corporate Vice President of Human Resources, Baxter International Inc. Maribel Mata Benedict, Partner, Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP Rick Shapren, Director, Human Resources - Central Region, Cushman & Wakefield, Inc. Terri Woods, Director of Human Resources, Greeley & Hansen LLC Jackie S. Woodward, Vice President, Marketing Connections , MillerCoors Ted Yi, Co-Managing Partner, Chicago Office, Quarles & Brady LLP 2013 Benefactor Honorable Recognition Valerie Corr Hanserd, Director, Government and Public Affairs, BP America Inc. Maria C. Lin, Director, Human Resources, Northwestern Memorial HealthCare La Rue Martin, Community Services Manager, UPS Leslie D. Minier, Partner and Chief Diversity Officer, Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP William Sharp, Vice President Corporate Community Affairs, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois


2013 Program Champion Recognition Robert Aguilar, Chief Operating Officer, Cabrera Capital Markets, LLC Lenny D. Asaro, Managing Member, Neal & Leroy, LLC Katéy Assem, Executive Director, Chicago State University Foundation Deborah Baldwin, Assistant Vice President, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago Jeremiah Boyle, Managing Director - Economic Development, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago Jeanna D. Bridges, U.S. Head, Diversity & Inclusion, BMO Financial Group Carolynn Brooks, Vice President, Chief Diversity Officer, OfficeMax, Inc. Paula J. Brown, Manager, Diversity & Inclusion/Community Employment Liaison, Rush University Medical Center Derrick E. Buckingham, Vice President, The Hollins Group Inc. Michael J. Cabrera, President, UBM Facility Services Inc. Willie E. Carrington, Principal, Carrington & Carrington, Ltd. Carla S. Carstens, Director and Diversity Chairman, Financial Executives International Julie Chavez, Senior Vice President, Corporate Social Responsibility Market Manager, Bank of America Lawrena Colombo, Partner, PwC LLP Anne Edmunds, Metro Market Regional Director, Manpower Timothy Garrity, Executive Vice President, MZI Group, Inc. Shelly Green, Senior Director, Talent Management & Diversity, USG Corporation Heather J. Haberaecker, Executive Assistant Vice President for Business & Finance, University of Illinois at Chicago Ted Hawkins, Partner Advisory, PwC LLP Debra Jennings-Johnson, Director, Supplier Diversity, BP America Inc. Janine Landow-Esser, Partner and Co-Chair of the National Diversity Committee, Quarles & Brady LLP Avis LaVelle, Vice President of Corporate Affairs, Northstar Lottery Group Fawn Lopez, Vice President/Publisher, Crain’s Communication/Modern Healthcare/Modern Physician Dennis Montgomery, President, COR Consulting Group Dawn Nash Pfeiffer, Chief Marketing Officer, SDI (System Development.Integration, LLC) Steve Pemberton, Chief Diversity Officer, Divisional Vice President, Diversity and Inclusion, Walgreen Co. Hilda S. Renteria, Partner, Prado & Renteria CPA’s, Prof. Corp Lisa A. Rowe, Senior Vice President, Aon Corporation Andrea Schwartz, VP, Media Relations & Cause Marketing for Macy’s North and Midwest Regions, Macy’s Charles W. Thurman, Vice President, Employee Trust and Assistant Treasurer, Baxter International Inc. Darryl Tom, Partner, Quintairos, Prieto, Wood & Boyer, P.A. 2013 Visionary Honorable Recognition Kathy Ford, Partner, EY Jacki Robinson-Ivy, Vice President Public Affairs and Government Relations, Northern Trust David C. Rudd, Vice President, Weber Shandwick Patrick R. Scotto di Luzio, Head, Personal Segment Management, BMO Harris Bank Fred H. Siegman, President, Siegman Consulting Services Warren Smith, Midwest Region Talent Leader, EY Valerie J. Van Meter, Sr. Vice President and Chief Diversity Officer, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago




Financial Executives International

Prado & Renteria CPAs Prof. Corp.



Primera Engineers, LTD.

Access Community Health Network

Gonzalez Saggio & Harlan LLP

Pugh, Jones & Johnson, P.C.

Advocate Health Care

Greeley and Hansen


Aon Corporation

Hispanic Housing Development Corporation

Quarles & Brady LLP

Ariel Investments

Holland Capital Management LLC

Quintairos, Prieto, Wood & Boyer, P.A.

Bank of America

The Hollins Group Inc.


Baxter International Inc.

Johnson, Blumberg & Associates, LLC

Rush University Medical Center

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois/ Health Care Service Corporation

Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP

Sanchez Daniels & Hoffman LLP


SDI (System Development.Integration, LLC)

Laner Muchin, Ltd

Sidley Austin LLP

Loop Capital



Spencer Stuart



McDonald’s Corporation

Tampico Beverages, Inc.

Mesirow Financial

UBM Facility Services Inc.


The University of Chicago /University of Chicago Medicine

BMO Harris Bank N.A. BP America Inc. Cabrera Capital Markets, LLC Carrington & Carrington, Ltd. Central City Productions, Inc. Chicago Botanic Garden The Chicago Community Trust Chicago State University Chicago Urban League Columbia College Chicago ComEd, An Exelon Company Crain’s Chicago Business CSMI Cushman & Wakefield, Inc. elevate DIGITAL Endow, Inc. EY Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

Mitchell & Titus Montenegro MZI Group Inc. Neal & Leroy, LLC Nicor Gas NJW Consulting Northern Trust Northstar Lottery Group Northwestern Memorial HealthCare Odell Hicks & Company, LLC

University HealthSystem Consortium (UHC) University of Illinois at Chicago UPS USG Corporation Walgreens Washington, Pittman & McKeever, LLC Weber Shandwick Wedgeworth Business Communications Wynndalco Enterprises, LLC

PNC Bank

300 East Randolph Street, Suite CL920, Chicago, IL 60601-5075 Phone: 312-977-3060 Fax: 312-977-3089 www.chicago-united.org

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