2012 Chicago United Year in Review

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2012 Chicago United Year in Review

a d va n c i n g pa r i t y i n e c o n o m i c o p p o rt u n i t y


We look back to chart our progress and look ahead to chart our course This year marks a major milestone for Chicago United. We

in Chicago United. The Chicago United vision is to be the

will celebrate our 45th anniversary. As with all milestones,

premiere organization that creates an environment where

this one offers an opportunity both to look back to chart

racially diverse CEOs and executive level management can

our progress and look ahead to chart our course.

promote multiracial leadership in business while they build relationships with those who have shared values.

Examining the development of Chicago United is to examine the history of our city over the last four decades. To

In 2012, Chicago United delivered on that innovative vision

measure the progress of this organization is to measure the

and reinforced its unique position as an organization that

progress this city has made in race relations and creating

is a tangible resource for Chicago’s corporate and civic

diversity in economic opportunity. Chicago United has

leaders. Chicago United’s strength is found in a Board of

made a difference.

Directors that insists on providing the quality research and programs that top corporate leaders seek. I am honored

As chairwoman, I believe one of my roles, perhaps my

to serve on this Board with men and women who seize

main purpose, is to challenge our organization to do

the opportunities promised by increased diversity and

more, to challenge Chicago’s business leaders to do more.


Clearly there is more to do. Creating corporate cultures, or a community, where inclusion, diversity, and promoting

With the continued – and new – support of my colleagues,

economic opportunity for all is not easy. But, it is a goal

Chicago United will continue its mission and leadership as

that is absolutely worthy of the effort.

we strive together to make a great city an even greater city for all of its citizens.

For those leaders who want diversity and inclusion to influence their corporate cultures, they have a great partner

Patricia Hemingway Hall President and Chief Executive Officer, Health Care Service Corporation



Chicago United is established as a thought partner to our members Chicago United’s members are part of a unique nonprofit

We positioned ourselves as “thought partners” to our

organization comprised of corporations and leaders

members. In doing so, Chicago United brought nationally-

committed to the mission of advancing parity of economic

recognized experts to our city. They presented their

opportunity. Chicago United’s work has remained consistent

research and points of view on diversity from refreshingly

over the last four decades, ensuring that opportunities

different vantage points. Providing actionable advocacy,

in employment and contracting are promoted. Today, we

our Corporate Diversity Profile included a first-ever Toolkit to

focus on multiracial leadership in business to advance

make it easier for company leaders to chart their own paths

parity in economic opportunity. The challenge for me and

towards enhanced inclusion, all while ensurng increased

my staff is to meet that mission even as our members

accountability. And, we strengthened the Corporate

adjust course in the face of advancing globalization and

Governance Executive Development Program with Notre

evolving demands for talent. We are confident that greater

Dame’s Mendoza College of Business.

development of the reservoir of diverse talent in Chicago will long pay dividends in the face of the changing business

Indeed, 2012 set the stage for our biggest year yet as we


celebrate the 45th anniversary of the organization and the 10th year of the Changing Color of Leadership Conference.

To execute on our mission, we’ve honed in on core programs

The year 2013 will be an important one to reflect on our

and products. Our members have become familiar with

history and to light the way towards advancing economic

the Changing Color of Leadership Conference, the Business

parity and prosperity in Chicago. It is a privilege to serve

Leaders of Color publications, the Five Forward Initiative™

Chicago United’s Board of Directors and members who

and BoardLink. Building on those successful programs

require and respond to innovation in our approach to

in 2012, we took important steps forward in “product

business advocacy.


Gloria Castillo

President and Chief Executive Officer, Chicago United


2012 Year In Review – Advancing Parity in Economic Opportunity Board of Directors Drives Strategic Vision The Board of Chicago United has maintained a laser-like focus on the organization’s unique three-tiered platform

which holistically advances a culture of inclusion in business and contributes to a more prosperous community. Current

programming continues to focus on increasing multiracial leadership in corporate governance and executive level management; developing a pipeline of future multiracial leaders; and cultivating multiracial business partnerships.

The Chicago United Board of Directors met four times in 2012:

• E xclusive, high-level discussion among peers with shared values at CEO Council Strategy Sessions, Diversity Officer Roundtables, and Leaders Council Forums that provide

March 7, 2012

confidential exploration of critical issues facing leaders

Hosted by: PNC

May 23, August 23, and November 1, 2012

Hosted by: Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois Chicago United serves as a unique thought partner in corporate inclusion strategy by providing:

• Exposure to national thought leaders in diversity and

inclusion research and practice like Dr. Mazarhin Banaji, a leading scientist in the study of unconscious bias and

its effects on decision making, and Professor Scott Page, a highly sought consultant on market and organizational performance.

responsible for developing corporate culture.

• Advocacy in action through primary research and pro-

grams that drive systemic change. Signature programs and products include The Transformative Inclusion Member Series; the Corporate Diversity Profile publications which include an inclusion Toolkit; the Business

Leaders of Color publications; Corporate Governance: An Executive Development Program; Five Forward; Board-

Link; The Bridge Awards; and The Changing Color of Leadership Conference.

In aligning our refined vision to our programming, the

Board ensures that the organization remains a relevant, differentiated, and effective resource.

Board of Directors 2012 Officers: Patricia Hemingway Hall, Chairwoman President and CEO Health Care Service Corporation Gordon Werkema, Vice Chairman First Vice President and COO Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago


Joseph Gregoire, Immediate Past Chair State Chairman of Illinois Banking PNC Bank Board Members: Stan Deans President, Central Region UPS

Maria Prado, Treasurer Partner Prado & Renteria CPAs, Prof. Corp.

Michael F. DeSantiago CEO & President, Energy & Built Environment Primera Engineers, Ltd.

Kevin B. Brookins, Secretary Senior Vice President, Strategy and Administration ComEd, An Exelon Company

Kathy Ford Partner Ernst & Young LLP

Albert R. Grace, Jr. President Loop Capital

James H. Skogsbergh President and CEO Advocate Health Care

Ralph V. Hughes Vice President, External Affairs/ Corporate Communication Macy’s

John D. Sterling Chief Executive Officer Synch-Solutions

Kip Kelley Regional Managing Director & Executive Vice President Aon Risk Services, Central, Inc. Aon Corporation Michael W. Lewis Former EVP, Regional President, Chicago Metro Region BMO Harris Bank N.A.

Monica Walker CEO & CIO – Equity Holland Capital Management LLC Chairman’s Council: Raymond F. McCaskey, Ex-Officio

Chicago United’s CEO Connecting in the Community Chicago United’s President and CEO Gloria Castillo has gained a reputation in the community as a passionate advocate and

diversity authority who is frequently asked to speak at various business and nonprofit events. Below is summary of some of the ways Castillo represented the organization in the community in 2012.

March: Castillo served as a member of the NATO Summit

welcome committee delegation who assisted in providing

Points of Light held the Turning Point 2012 National

Conference on Volunteering and Service for which Castillo

NATO ambassadors, and key officials, with a unique look at

served as a member of the Host Committee.

April: The Hispanic Association on Corporate Responsibility

Supplier Diversity Summit for the Financial Industry titled

Hispanic Inclusion™ in Chicago. Castillo participated in the

and Create Jobs” where Castillo participated as a panelist.

“Corporate Directors for Young Hispanic Corporate Achievers”

August: Castillo was a featured speaker as part of the

the city.

July: Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago presented the

(HACR) held its 20th Annual Symposium: The Power of “Maximizing Supplier Diversity to Stimulate the Economy

“Insider Game: Corporate Boards & Hispanic Inclusion” and panels at this national event.

Cultural Tracks sessions at the National Association

of African Americans in Human Resources’ (NAAAHR)

May: Castillo was appointed to the Mexican American “National Leadership Conference: HR - Moving Beyond the Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF) Board of

Directors. MALDEF is the nation’s leading Latino legal civil

rights organization.

Speed of Business.”

“The New Look of Leadership: A Fashion Event” featured

Castillo among Chicago’s top leaders modeling professional

As a member of the Advisory Board of CASL (the Chinese

styles to benefit YWCA Metropolitan Chicago.

Annual Dinner Gala. CASL connects families and individuals

September: Castillo participated as a Host Committee

American Service League), Castillo hosted a table at their 23rd with vital support.

Castillo presented ComEd’s President and CEO Anne

member for the HIP (Hispanics in Philanthropy)

“GameChangers in Chicago” panel discussion on the recent

Foundation Center report, Foundation Funding for Hispanics/

Pramaggiore with the “Niagara Commitment Award” at

Latinos in the United States and Latin America.

recognition of her commitments to diversity and fostering

October: YWCA Metropolitan

in education, government, and business.

Leader Luncheon where Castillo

the Niagara Foundation’s Peace & Dialogue Awards in

communication between communities, and her contributions

Chicago hosted its 40th Annual

presented the 2012 Racial Justice

June: At a conference presented by the Institute for

Award to Bernarda Lo Wong, co-

with the Urban Institute and six branches of the Federal

Chinese American Service League.

Comprehensive Community Development in partnership Reserve Bank, Castillo spoke about Chicago United’s Five

Forward program and developing minority-owned busi-

founder and president, of the

Castillo served as the keynote

the McDonald’s

Gloria Castillo with Bernarda Lo Wong, co-founder and president of the Chinese American Service League.

nesses of scale.

speaker at

Castillo spoke about increasing multiracial corporate

Hispanic Employee Resource Group.

leadership at the 2012 Inclusion Forum presented by Target

Hispanic Heritage Celebration presented by the company’s

Corp. and Diversity Best Practices on a panel entitled

Chicago’s Vision for Inclusion in Business Education and Community.


2012 Year In Review – Advancing Parity in Economic Opportunity Chicago United Member Meetings Transformative Inclusion Member Series Chicago United recognizes the challenges corporate leaders face in creating a diverse and inclusive culture, articulating the

business case for it, and driving the benefits of it at multiple levels within their organizations. In order to address that need, the organization created the Transformative Inclusion Members Series. These sessions feature presentations by national

experts who approach diversity and inclusion from different disciplines.

These experts expand our cognitive understanding, leadership capabilities, and growth potential. The opportunities to

experience their insights are a continuous benefit to members of Chicago United. Chicago United presents the Transformative Inclusion Series in modules with varying themes each year to further deliver on its mission to help its members utilize

deeper conversations about the ability of diversity and inclusion to optimize organizational performance.

To continue the discussion and delve deeper into each topic, the themes presented during each Transformative Inclusion Member Forum are studied further at meetings of the Chicago United CEO, Diversity Officer, and Leaders Councils. These

member meetings examine each theme as it relates to each stakeholder group, and serves as a complete module that will drive the business application throughout various levels of our member organizations.

The Transformative Inclusive Member Series themes help members grow diverse talent in the leadership pipeline and, ultimately, increase diversity in boardrooms and executive level management.

Scott Page

mathematically that diversity can trump ability. The

The More Complex the Problem, The More Diversity Matters

Chicago United presented mathematician, consultant, and renowned

author Scott E. Page, to its CEO Council and to a larger group of business

outperformed groups of the best individuals at solving problems. The reason for this is that the diverse groups got

stuck less often than the smart individuals, who tended to think similarly.

Here’s a sample of what he offered in his discussion:

leaders. In speaking to both groups, Page, director of the

• The harder a problem gets, when things change fast, the

of Michigan and author of The Difference: How the Power

• A group’s errors depend in equal parts on the ability of its

Center for the Study of Complex Systems at the University

of Diversity Creates Better Groups, Firms, Schools and Societies, spoke compel-

lingly about complex organizations and the requirement that they be diverse in order to be successful.

Page offered a rare opportunity to

examine how and when diversity works. His presentation removed the

discussion of diversity from the realm of what’s politically

or socially correct and placed this business imperative in the realm of scientific theory.

Along with Lu Hong, an economist at Chicago’s Loyola University, Page constructed a formal model that showed


model showed that diverse groups of problem solvers

more diversity matters;

members to predict and their diversity: collective accuracy = average accuracy + diversity;

• Groups categorizing things in different ways – rather than individual super geniuses – are delivering breakthrough solutions to complicated problems; and

• The power of diversity comes from cognitive diversity and

identity (e.g. cultural) and diversity is a primary factor of cognitive diversity.

Richard Price, chairman and chief executive officer of Mesirow Financial and host of this special session, was among those on hand to examine the possibilities that diversity holds for a forward-thinking organization.

“Mesirow was pleased to host Chicago United Members for

Dr. Banaji is an experimental psychologist who has con-

leaders on leveraging the power of diversity,” he said. “This

BP, Ernst & Young, Exelon, Proctor and Gamble, and many

an exclusive event with one of the nation’s foremost thought

session was an outstanding opportunity to engage with a highly sought expert on improving collective performance

and decision-making through diversity. I enjoyed engaging with other members of Chicago United who are on the journey to realize the benefits of diversity and inclusion.”

Below are the member meetings that made up the

Transformative Inclusion module focused on Scott Page’s work:

CEO Council Strategy Session, followed by the Chicago United Member Forum

ducted educational seminars for corporations including others. Her participatory presentation provoked creative thoughts and strategies to help enterprises become more culturally competent. Based on principles that have substantial research evidence, her presentation demonstrated that

implicit biases are part of the human condition and we are

often unaware of them and their impact on our conscious decisions. While implicit biases can predict behavior, they also can be changed.

The member meetings that make up the Transformative Inclusion module focused on Dr. Banaji’s research:

February 22, 2012

Chicago United Member Forum, followed by the CEO Council

Featured Speaker: Scott Page

June 12, 2012

Hosted by: Mesirow Financial

The following two sessions focused on Scott Page’s presentation on the Power of Diverse Groups and were facilitated by Ginny Clarke, president and CEO, Talent Optimization Partners, LLC.

Diversity Officer Roundtable

Strategy Luncheon Host: Baxter

Featured speaker: Dr. Mahzarin Banaji The following two sessions focused on Dr. Mahzarin Banaji’s presentation on Implicit Bias and were faciliated by Ginny

Clarke, president and CEO, Talent Optimization Partners, LLC

April 18, 2012

Leaders Council Forum

Facilitated by: Ginny Clarke

Host: MillerCoors

Hosted by: Bank of America

Leaders Council Forum

June 26, 2012

Facilitated by: Ginny Clarke

April 25, 2012

Diversity Officer Roundtable

Facilitated by: Ginny Clarke

Host: Bank of America

Host: Quarles & Brady

Mahzarin Banaji Implicit Bias and Predictive Behavior Subtle cues influence how we perceive

others and act towards them, because we naturally associate traits with

social groupings based on gender,

July 11, 2012

Facilitated by: Ginny Clarke

Employee Resource Groups Haven Cockerham, president and CEO of Cockerham & Associates, LLC, facilitated a dialogue among diversity practitioners from Chicago’s leading corporations on how to best leverage employee resource groups (ERGs).

race/ethnicity, sexuality, nationality, class, and age.

Below are just a few examples of the many insights that

Unconscious bias was explored by Dr. Mahzarin Banaji, when

diversity leaders.

she led members of Chicago United through an invitation-

were shared among this peer group of highly-skilled

only presentation on June 12. The Richard Clarke Cabot

• It is important to consider who is leading the ERG, how they

minds to the newest evidence about blind spots that can

should be appointed or elected. It was suggested that a

retain talent.

that excellence in the role is demonstrated; subsequently,

professor of Social Ethics at Harvard University opened

impact the effectiveness of the ERG, and whether they

unknowingly influence how executives select, promote, and

newly forming ERG might appoint its first leader to be sure


2012 Year In Review – Advancing Parity in Economic Opportunity elections could follow. Leading an ERG could also be part of a career plan or a leadership development tool.

• Interest based groups, i.e. environmental advocacy, community service and volunteerism, and workplace wellness, are considered a possible evolution of or inte-

gration point for traditional ERGs as younger employees might not be as interested in the historic mission of a traditional ERG.

• Fostering friendly competition between executive sponsors is a good way to ensure engagement.

Diversity Officer Roundtable August 29, 2012,

Host: Bank of America

Presentation by: Haven Cockerham, President and CEO, Cockerham & Associates, LLC

Annual Members Meeting

At the Annual Members Meeting, we acknowledge their

March 21, 2012

presentations. Through the support of our members, we

Hosted by: Blue Cross Blue Shield of IL

extraordinary contributions with the Leaders Awards access talent that helps us deliver on our mission to advance parity in economic opportunity.

Patricia Hemingway Hall, president and chief executive officer, Health Care Service Corporation, was elected as the chairwoman of the Chicago United Board of Directors at

the organization’s Annual Member Meeting on March 21. Outgoing Board Chairman Joseph A. Gregoire, state chairman of Illinois Banking, PNC Bank, became immediate past

chairman. And, Stan Deans, president, central region of UPS, joined as a new Board member.

Nim Chinniah, vice president for Administration & chief

financial officer at The University of Chicago, presented

the “Inclusion and Opportunity in Business Relationships” platform which described the goal of the University

to become a national model for its work through a non-traditional focus on professional services and by

implementing key programs that have led to exceptional business partnerships and outstanding institution-wide results.

Members of the Leaders Council serve as ambassadors for Chicago United. They bring the organization together with corporations who then become supporters, with

other nonprofits to leverage our work, and with members of the business community committed to change. Their support may also be expressed by lending their professional

expertise as well as securing resources for the organization.


Pictured left to right are 2011 Organizational Visionary Patrick R. Scotto di Luzio, VP and managing director, US Strategy, BMO Financial Group; Chicago United Immediate Past Chairman Joseph Gregoire, state chairman of Illinois Banking, PNC Bank; 2011 Chicago United Ambassador Janine Landow-Esser, partner and chairwoman, National Diversity Committee, Quarles & Brady LLP; Featured Speaker Nim Chinniah, vice president for Administration & chief financial officer at The University of Chicago; Chicago United Chairwoman Patricia Hemingway Hall, president and chief executive officer, Health Care Service Corporation; Chicago United President and CEO Gloria Castillo; 2011 Most Valuable Partner Juan Avila, formerly senior vice president, Mesirow Financial; and 2011 Chicago United Program Champion Tina Bova, sr. manager, Supplier Diversity & Sustainability, Baxter International Inc. Not pictured is 2011 Chicago United Benefactor Maria Lin, director, Human Resources, Northwestern Memorial HealthCare.

Chicago United’s 9th Annual Changing Color of Leadership Conference and Bridge Awards Dinner convened the Chicago Business Community in Celebration of Diversity Chicago United is committed to creating an environment where senior leaders can share common experiences to promote

multiracial leadership in governance, the leadership pipeline, and business partnerships while delivering best practices for diversity practitioners and building relationships among leaders that share common values.

The Changing Color of Leadership Conference has become the “go-to” forum for business leaders, diversity professionals, and minority business owners throughout the Chicago region to discuss strategies that energize corporate leaders and

create organizational change. Chicago United is the premier advocacy organization where Chicago’s leaders convene to discuss methods that allow individuals of color to break through barriers and reach their full potential.

More than 900 business and civic leaders gathered to

this arena demonstrates how

United’s Changing Color of Leadership Conference and

the top is in creating an inclusive

celebrate corporate diversity and inclusion at Chicago Bridge Awards Dinner at the Hilton Chicago that took place November 15. The dinner culminated a day of enrichment and best-practice lessons for senior executives.

important a commitment from

corporate environment,” said Castillo of Bridge Award winners Weldon and Wasson.

The Bridge Award represents the first national award that

The day began with the Diversity

in corporate governance. This year, Chairman of the Board

2012 Chicago United Corporate

honors CEOs who are advocates for multiracial diversity

William C. Weldon, Johnson and Johnson, was honored with the National Bridge Award and President and CEO Gregory

D. Wasson, Walgreens, was honored with the Chicago Bridge Award. The Bridge Awards dinner was emceed by Anchor & Reporter Ravi Baichwal, ABC 7 Chicago.

Leadership Luncheon where the

Diversity Profile (CDP) was

unveiled. Luncheon attendees

enjoyed presentations on this

Castillo with Governor Patrick Quinn, State of Illinois. Governor Quinn provided welcoming remarks at the Bridge Awards Dinner.

dynamic tool by Marjorie Paddock, recently retired U.S. direc-

tor – Diversity & Inclusion, Talent Management, BMO Harris Bank N.A. and Warren Smith, Midwest director of people (HR), Americas People Team, Ernst & Young.

The 2012 Corporate Diversity Profile marks a turning point in

the way Chicago United advocates for multiracial leadership in business, said Castillo. “We’ve analyzed more robust

information than we have in prior Profiles, and the Toolkit

points the way forward as we call for more progress in developing and placing senior executives of color.” (Left to right) Gloria Castillo, president & CEO, Chicago United; Gregory D. Wasson, president & CEO, Walgreen Co. and the 2012 Chicago Bridge Award Recipient; Patricia Hemingway Hall, president & CEO, Health Care Service Corporation and Chicago United Board chairwoman; William C. Weldon, chairman of the Board, Johnson & Johnson and the 2012 National Bridge Award Recipient; Ellen Costello, CEO and U.S. country head, BMO Financial Corp.; and Frederick H. Waddell, chairman and CEO, Northern Trust Corporation

Paddock and Smith presented key data from the CDP

“We were thrilled to honor individuals who believe in

attendees’ current diversity and inclusion practices.

diversity and inclusion so passionately that it is embedded

during the luncheon and demonstrated how to use the CDP Toolkit. The audience was invited to evaluate their own

organizations’ progress on key measures by anonymously scoring via text to produce instant polling results of

in their corporate culture. Their companies’ success in


2012 Year In Review – Advancing Parity in Economic Opportunity and chief diversity officer of Walgreens Co., discussed race, his widely acclaimed book, A Chance in the World, and the evolution of diversity.

The Luncheon was followed by two plenary sessions

in which attendees gained thoughtful insights from

successful business leaders responsible for enhancing inclusive corporate cultures at their companies. The first

session, “Adopting the Empowerment Principle,” focused on the value of empowering emerging leaders. (Left to right) Marjorie Paddock, recently retired U.S. director – Diversity & Inclusion, Talent Management, BMO Harris Bank N.A.; Gloria Castillo, and Warren Smith, Midwest director of people (HR), Americas People Team, Ernst & Young.

(Left to right) Adopting the Empowerment Principle Plenary Session panelists Marco Tasso, CEO, Northstar Lottery Group, Valerie Van Meter, SVP,CFO, EEO officer and director, Office of Minority and Women Inclusion, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago and John Daniels, Jr., chairman, Quarles and Brady LLP

(Left to right) Mike Lewis, recently retired EVP, regional president, Chicago Metro Region, BMO Harris Bank N.A.; Marjorie Paddock, recently retired U.S. director – Diversity & Inclusion, Talent Management, BMO Harris Bank N.A.; Warren Smith, Midwest director of people (HR), Americas People Team, Ernst & Young; Gloria Castillo; Steve Pemberton, divisional vice president and chief diversity officer, Walgreens Co.; Stacey Baca, luncheon emcee, weekend anchor and reporter, ABC 7 News; and Elder Richard C. Smith, senior pastor, Kingdom First Ministries.

The Honorable Sheila Simon, Lieutenant Governor, State of Illinois

Directed Leadership,” brought together senior leaders

from local corporations to continue the discussion on empowerment and how they have taken the power to

develop their own leadership abilities and effectiveness to transform themselves and others.

Luncheon Keynote Speaker Steve Pemberton, divisional vice president and chief diversity officer, Walgreens Co.

Luncheon attendees were welcomed by Sheila Simon, Lieutenant Governor, State of Illinois. In a heartfelt

presentation, Steve Pemberton, divisional vice president


The second plenary session, “Empowerment and Self-

(Left to right) Empowerment and Self-Directed Leadership Plenary Session participants Shundrawn Thomas, managing director & global business head, Exchange-Traded Funds Group at Northern Trust Global Investment; Kathy Ford, partner, Ernst & Young LLP; Mary Richardson-Lowry, partner/attorney, Mayer Brown; and J.C. Gonzalez-Mendez, SVP, Global Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability, McDonald’s Corporation

A special CEO roundtable was presented by Chicago

(Left to right) Patricia Hemingway Hall, president & CEO, Health Care Service Corporation and Chicago United Board chairwoman; William C. Weldon, chairman of the Board, Johnson & Johnson and the Chicago United National Bridge Award Recipient; and Gloria Castillo

United CEO Council Member and past Bridge Award honoree, Frederick H. Waddell, chairman and CEO, Northern Trust Corporation, and the 2012 National Bridge Award

honoree, William C. Weldon, chairman, Johnson & Johnson. Roundtable participants, all CEOs reporting to a board of directors, engaged in peer dialogue focused on developing

diverse and inclusive leadership while working towards building and sustaining a diverse board of directors.

Left to right) Patricia Hemingway Hall, president & CEO, Health Care Service Corporation and Chicago United Board chairwoman; Gregory D. Wasson, president & CEO, Walgreen Co. and the Chicago United Chicago Bridge Award Recipient; and Gloria Castillo

Chicago United would like to thank 2012 Presenting Sponsor

BMO Harris for their support of the 9th Annual Changing

Color of Leadership Conference and Bridge Awards Dinner. Save the date for Chicago United’s 45th Anniversary

celebration and the 10th Annual Changing Color of Leadership Conference and Bridge Award Dinner, presented by ComEd, An Exelon Company, on November 19, 2013, at the

Gloria Castillo and Ellen Costello, CEO and U.S. Country Head, BMO Financial Corp., and Presenting Sponsor of Chicago United’s 2012 Changing Color of Leadership Conference and Bridge Awards Dinner

Hilton Chicago!

Proceeds from the 2012 Changing Color of Leadership

Conference and Bridge Awards Dinner fund Chicago

United programs including the Five Forward Initiative™, the Corporate Diversity Profile publications, Business Leaders

of Color publications, Business Leaders of Color Strategy (Left to right) Rick Waddell, chairman and CEO, Northern Trust Corporation; Gloria Castillo; and William C. Weldon, chairman of the board, Johnson & Johnson

Presented by:

Media Partner:

Sessions, Corporate Governance: An Executive Development

Program, BoardLink, and the Pipeline Mentoring Sessions. We proudly thank our supporters: Corporate Citizens for Change:

Chairman’s Circle: PRADO & RENTERIA Cer tified Pu blic Account ants

Leaders for Change:

Advocates for Change:

• Ariel Investments, LLC • Cabrera Capital Markets • CDW • Chapman and Cutler LLC • Charter One • The Chicago Community Trust • Chicago Sinfonietta • Chicago Tribune • Columbia College Chicago • Cushman & Wakefield, Inc. • DeVry Inc. • Heidrick & Struggles • Holland Capital Management LLC • The Institute for Transfusion MedicineSM • Jewel-Osco • Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP • KPMG LLP • Loop Capital • ManpowerGroup • Mesirow Financial • MillerCoors • MZI Group • Nicor Gas • Northstar Lottery Group, LLC • Primera Engineers, Ltd. • Quarles & Brady LLP • Robert R. McCormick Foundation • Rush University Medical Center • SDI (System Development. Integration, LLC) • Sodexo • Michael and Jacky Ferro, the Sun-Times Foundation • Smith Whiley & Company • The University of Chicago • The University of Chicago Medicine • UHC (University HealthSystem Consortium) • University of Illinois at Chicago • UPS • Wintrust Financial Corporation


2012 Year In Review – Advancing Parity in Economic Opportunity Corporate Diversity Profile Helps Corporations Chart a Course toward Increasing Multiracial Leadership Chicago United’s nationally recognized Corporate Diversity Profile (CDP) is a biennial study that measures racial diversity

specifically in the leadership ranks of large corporations, on corporate boards, and in executive level management. It is a benchmark for corporations to measure their progress in this area.

Over the years as they’ve assimilated the findings, our

paths toward increased multiracial leadership. Members

become a tool that helps them chart their own customized

relate to the kind of talent development necessary to move

members have told us that the Profile should now evolve to paths toward increased multiracial leadership.

can access a series of scorecards in six categories that executives of color into C-suites and leadership ranks.

The crafters of the 2012 Profile, who include a task force

A CEO, business unit leader, or team leader of a Chicago

and professionals, have made this a useful tool for chief

ment to help determine how his or her organization,

of Chicago’s most effective corporate diversity officers executive and chief diversity officers.

The 2012 Profile was formed by an analysis of more robust

publicly available information, rather than the member survey methodology that was used in past years.

The revitalized 2012 Profile has evolved to become a tool

United member company can now conduct a self-assess-

business unit, or team, can improve in critical areas including recruitment, performance management, succession plan-

ning, and more. Diversity officers and managers are able to provide clear and measurable direction to mid-level

managers for how they will be expected to drive diversity and inclusion as a business imperative.

that helps Chicago corporations chart their own customized

CEO Leadership

The 2012 Corporate Diversity Profile provides a forum for our executive readers to learn from their peers. Chicago United

would like to thank the six chief executives who shared insights on how their organizations have successfully tapped into the power of diversity. We engaged these leaders in a discussion on several unique topics. William C. Weldon

Frederick H. Waddell

Sustainable Diversity

Northern Trust Corporation

Chairman, Johnson and Johnson

Rotational Assignments

Anne R. Pramaggiore

Jan Fields

Filling the Pipeline with

Developing and Promoting Global Leaders

President and CEO, ComEd Non-traditional Talent

Former President, McDonald’s USA, LLC from Within

Patricia Hemingway Hall

Gregory D. Wasson

Health Care Service Corporation

Transforming Corporate Culture

President and CEO,

Cultural Competency in Health Care


Chairman and CEO,

President and CEO, Walgreen Co.

CDP Task Force

Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

objectives of the 2012 Corporate Diversity Profile and

contributed significant research and insights on the supply

Several individuals helped to shape the concept and

Maude Toussaint-Comeau, senior business economist,

provided exceptional guidance and feedback:

of talent and on demographic differences in educational

Committee Chair:

Diversity Profile Task Force.

• Warren Smith, Midwest Director of People (HR), Americas People Team, Ernst & Young


trends. Toussaint-Comeau also served on the Corporate

Spencer Stuart

Kevin Connelly, chairman, has provided ongoing support and

staff resources to share insights and research on industry

• Deborah Baldwin, Assistant Vice President, Federal Reserve


• K aren Brown, Global Inclusion & Diversity Strategist, BEK

Corporate Diversity Profile Development Team:

• Cheri Chappelle, Director, Diversity and Inclusion, Illinois

• Charmon Parker Williams, Ph.D., Diversity Consultant,

Bank of Chicago

Talent Management Consulting Tool Works, Inc.

• D eirdre Drake, SVP, Human Resources, BMO Harris Bank

• Mike Escobar, Diversity and Organization Effectiveness, Allstate

• G loria Castillo, President & CEO, Chicago United

Chicago United, Principal Consultant/President, Parker Williams Consulting

Editorial Team:

• Anuradha Hebbar, Director, Strategic Diversity & Inclusion,

• David Rudd, Vice President, The Axis Agency, provided

• LaShana Jackson, Senior Human Resources Director, Global

• Teresa Sarna, Director of Member Engagement, Chicago

McDonald’s Corporation

Diversity & Inclusion, Aon Corporation

• Salvador Mendoza, Vice President, Diversity & Inclusion, NBCUniversal

copywriting and editing support.

United, provided ongoing guidance for the report and was the primary editor.

• Nazneen Razi, SVP and Chief Human Resources Officer,

Media Coverage of the Release of 2012 Corporate Diversity Profile

• Maude Toussaint-Comeau, Economist, Federal Reserve

article that discussed the Corporate Diversity Profile and

• J im Norman, Vice President, Diversity, Kraft Foods Health Care Service Corporation

Crain’s Chicago Business presented an on-line video and

Bank of Chicago

their interview with Gloria Castillo. Their story noted,

A special thanks to the members who contributed resources

“Among the city’s 50 largest companies, nine lack any racial

diversity at all in their boardrooms, and only three are above

to the development of The 2012 Corporate Diversity Profile:

25 percent minority. That’s the goal they should be striving

Ernst & Young

Gloria Castillo, president and CEO of Chicago United. ‘It’s

toward, given Chicago’s large pool of minority talent, said

Under the guidance of Warren M. Smith, Midwest director

not going to happen overnight, but it’s reasonable we’d

statistical data were captured on the presence of racial

years because there is a talent pool that would support that,’

50 Chicago companies.

representation is even lower among chief executive officers,

of people (HR), Americas People Team, demographic, and

see nothing less than 25 percent of directors of color in two

diversity on the boards and in the executive ranks of the top

she said in an interview. The study also found that minority

chief financial officers and other C-level positions, as well as other top executives.”


2012 Year In Review – Advancing Parity in Economic Opportunity Other media reporting the release of the 2012 Corporate

• MarketWatch.com

• ChicagoDefender.com

• PRnewswire.com

Diversity Profile report included: • Chicago.CityandPress.com

• Crain’s Chicago Business / YouTube.com

• Directorship.com, National Association of Corporate Directors

• HispanicBusiness.com • MadameNoire.com

• Opus3sc.blogspot.com • RoadRunner.com • SYS-CON.com

• UnityFirst.com • WBEZ.org

• WDRB.com

• Workforce.com

The Corporate Diversity Profile On-Line Toolkit Chicago United created an interactive website featuring The

This website enables users to score their organization

Chicago United member company employees to view full

downloaded individually, or the Summary allows users to

Corporate Diversity Profile Toolkit. The on-line Toolkit allows sections of the Toolkit which were only previewed in the printed publication.


in six talent management areas. Each scorecard can be download all the scorecards and their scoring data in one

Excel spreadsheet file that includes multiple worksheets for each talent management area.

Five Forward Ensures the Longevity of Businesses and a Stronger Regional Economy When Chicago United unveiled its Five Forward Initiative™ to build a stronger regional economy and the scale of minority-

owned businesses in spring 2008, the term “stimulus package” wasn’t in vogue. Yet the goals of the program were clear; Five Forward would provide an opportunity for growth and come to represent a stimulus package for a number of the minority-owned business enterprises (MBEs) that participate in it.

The Five Forward approach to growing the regional economy

• M onica Walker, CEO and Chief Investment Officer, Holland

large-sized corporations to launch or expand business

• Joyce Welton, Contract Manager, Advocate Health Care

for corporations to build relationships with MBEs that have

• J eremiah

enlists the commitment of Chicago-area CEOs of mid- to relationships with five local minority-owned firms. In order an established track record of delivering results for large enterprises, the Initiative encourages them to examine

their current group of high-performing MBEs and consider opportunities to make greater use of them.

The Honorable Toni Preckwinkle, President, Cook County Board of Commissioners

President Preckwinkle joined Chicago United’s CEO Council in a private session and provided insights into Cook County’s

Capital Management, LLC.





Development, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago


The CEO Council session with The Honorable Toni Preckwinkle, president, Cook County Board of Commissioners, and the Chicago United Five Forward Participants Member Forum September 12, 2012

Host: Federal Reserve

capacity building and economic development initiatives.

Five Forward Economic Impact Report

Stan Deans, president of the Central Region of UPS and

updated economic impact analysis based on data collected

Chicago United Board Director, noted, “There is a good marriage between what President Preckwinkle talked about

and Chicago United’s mission in terms of regional economic development. The development that needs to happen will

happen with local mid-market businesses. Growth has to be more organic at that level. Chicago United helps with that

During 2012, Chicago United has been in production of an from the companies participating in Five Forward. The report

is scheduled for release in 2013. Empirical and anecdotal

evidence indicates that corporate spending with local MBEs

is creating and or sustaining jobs and, thereby, expanding the local tax base.

by creating relationships.”

Five Forward Stakeholders Reception

The CEO Council session was followed by an exclusive

Stakeholders Reception where Five Forward committed

Chicago United member company session that featured

a panel discussion among Five Forward participating companies.

Five Forward Participants Member Forum Panelists:

• E dward Enciso, President, Owner, Montenegro Paper

• Kim Barker Lee, VP Legal & Regulatory Compliance, Northstar Lottery Group, LLC

• R amon Travieso, President, RT Beverage

BP America Inc. and Chicago United hosted the Five Forward companies’ CEOs and other executives had the opportunity to network with Five Forward MBEs’ CEOs to initiate and

expand relationships. The purpose of the reception was to hear a preview of the Five Forward economic impact report scheduled for release in 2013. August 30, 2012 Hosted by: BP

Topic: Presentation of the Five Forward Report


2012 Year In Review – Advancing Parity in Economic Opportunity Chicago United will release its report on the impact of the

coordinator for Advocate Health Care. “He had the foresight

grant from the State of Illinois in the amount of $50,000.

he’d be the right fit.”

Five Forward Initiative™ with research funded through a

Testimonials from participating large companies and the MBEs they’ve chosen as their partners provide further

RT now provides more profitable product lines to Advocate’s

growth opportunities in communities that most need an


evidence that this unparalleled program is providing economic boost.

That’s what Advocate Health Care did with RT Beverage. RT beverage, a non-alcoholic beverage distributor that has served Chicago-area hospitals and corporate cafeterias for

nearly two decades, began its relationship with Advocate by providing cafeteria beverages for Advocate Christ Medical

Center in Southwest suburban Oak Lawn. In fact, according

medical centers, including coffee dispensers and water

RT has also added 10 employees since joining Five Forward, and

he forecasts double-digit revenue growth—all thanks to the direct

involvement of Welton and Advo-

cate’s President and Chief Executive Officer Jim Skogsbergh.

Jim Skogsbergh

to RT’s president, Ramon Travieso, his family-owned business

“We feel that we’ve earned the

became a certified MBE. Over time, thanks to Travieso’s

business,” Travieso said. “They’ve given us advice on bankers,

had served that facility for about eight years before it even insistence that his far West Side company provide the kind of service that would make his company indispensable, he believes he earned Advocate’s trust.

“If they went directly with a beverage company, they’d just get

deliveries,” Travieso said. “I have an

employee at (Advocate) Lutheran General Hospital six-to-seven days

a week, all day, taking care of all of Ramon Travieso

their vending needs. People at all

of these facilities are working more

business, but Advocate has done more than just let us earn they’ve helped us get credit terms, and there are a lot of things we do better now.”

Such mentoring isn’t required of the large corporations who’ve committed to Five Forward. However, corporations

get a stronger business partner as a part of that process. “This is a capacity building program,” Gloria Castillo said of Five Forward. “If a corporation sees where it can help a Five Forward partner build its capacity through bank relationships, opening doors, or process improvements that adds value.”

than eight hours. So when you’re there, you want to have

For any company to be a good supplier to a large enterprise,

with the options they have.”

to have staying power. That’s what Northstar Lottery Group,

selection. We’re there to make sure associates are content

Travieso’s willingness to go above and beyond the normal

service call—at a competitive price—made it clear to

Advocate that he could step up to the Five Forward challenge.

it must have the resources and management skills necessary LLC wanted as it selected its Five Forward partners, said

David Gupta, a member of Northstar’s board of advisors and CEO of SDI, a national technology systems integrator based in Chicago. SDI also participates in Five Forward.

“When a need arose at one of our hospitals, he took

Northstar, the private manager of the Illinois Lottery, has

Joyce Welton, contract manager and supplier diversity

40 firms owned by minorities, women, and people with

initiative to start providing services to that location,” said


to see and go after an opportunity. That led me to believe

awarded more than $15 million in contracts to more than

disabilities around the state, Gupta

strength, hiring of employees and expansion of our business

in part, to their participation in Five

sustainable growth that we can count on.” Enciso said his

said. Northstar credits their success, Forward. Their local Five Forward partners include commonground, an

African American-owned marketing David Gupta

and advertising firm recently named

as a 2012 Advertising Age Agency of

the Year, and Montenegro Paper LTD, a supplier of the paper on which lottery tickets are printed statewide.

“Chicago United provides an infrastructure to ensure that

bumps in the road don’t turn into huge chasms that can’t be

crossed,” Gupta said. “Northstar has set aggressive revenue and profit goals, and the board works with the team to

ensure that Northstar’s suppliers grow in the same direction

that we grow. Five Forward helps to ensure the longevity of our business with them.”

In describing Northstar’s relationship with Montenegro, he

said Northstar would like to see the near West Side firm become one of the leading paper suppliers in the lottery

offerings. Five Forward has impacted our business with firm proved its capabilities as a core paper supplier, and then Northstar gave it another opportunity to supply boxes and

bags for shipments of lottery material. Now, it also supplies printed product for Northstar’s point of purchase displays. Like Travieso of RT Beverage, Enciso says the involvement of the chief

executive officer of his Five Forward partner is a game changer. “The main difference between most

supplier diversity programs and the Five Forward program is the

total commitment from the CEO

Ed Enciso

and throughout the company,” Enciso said. “The quarterly reporting of progress and actual business is shared between

all the parties involved. There is accountability from all enti-

ties. Both the corporation and the vendor they picked have to perform.”

industry nationwide. That’s in line with the vision of Ed Enciso, Montenegro’s president.

“We look forward to a minimum of five years of growing business with Northstar,” Enciso said. “Montenegro can

have achievable long term goals that include more financial


2012 Year In Review – Advancing Parity in Economic Opportunity Corporate Governance: An Executive Development Program Nine outstanding multiracial business leaders completed

(McDonalds Corp., Aon Corp. Schwarz Supply Source, Skyline

Development Program at University of Notre Dame’s

(AFC Enterprises). Executive recruiters from Heidrick &

Chicago United’s Corporate Governance Executive Mendoza College of Business, a unique opportunity for

executives who seek to position themselves as attractive candidates for corporate boards.

Struggles, Spencer Stuart & DHR International specializing in corporate board searches also joined the group for a panel discussion.

This program is a direct result of the extensive and

Participants were offered the following:

Notre Dame Executive Education. Participants developed

• A ctive learning and practice with the concepts and tools

structures, and challenges in today’s evolving marketplace.

(a) Corporate governance

thoughtful collaboration between Chicago United and

working knowledge of corporate board governance, They also created and began to implement an individual strategic plan to attract corporate board invitations.

The program was open to past Business Leaders of Color, individuals sponsored by Chicago United members, and Chicago’s leading diverse executives.

Some of the unique aspects that the program addressed

such as:

(b) P ersonal branding, social media, and leveraging networks

(c) Values-based leadership and ethical decision-making (d) Individual strategic planning

• Enhanced self-awareness through the Leadership Circle 360° Profile results

are the culturally sensitive issues multiracial board directors

• O ne-on-one, 90-minute, executive coaching session

and direct exposure to key directors currently serving on

• Launch of individual strategic planning through which

may face, positioning oneself for corporate directorship, corporate boards.

The program was delivered in two parts with work required of the participants in the inter-term.

The first session took place over a three-day span, September

26 – 28, 2012. The final session was held on November 28 and

participants are challenged to develop and position

themselves more effectively as attractive board candidates • Interaction with guest executives (past and present senior executives, including members of boards of directors of large publicly traded companies)

29 of 2012.

The second session took place eight weeks after the first

Current corporate board directors served as guest executives

progress, obstacles, and insights as they have refined and

who spent time with this exclusive cohort. They included Cheryl Mayberry McKissack (PrivateBanCorp, Deluxe Corporation) Gloria Santona (Aon Corp.), Andy McKenna


Corp.), Lou Nieto (Auto Zone Inc., Ryder Inc.), and Victor Arias

session and consisted of the participants presenting their implemented their individual strategic plans. They presented

these updates to, and received feedback from, their program peers and a panel of senior executives.

Business Leaders of Color Strategy Sessions Chicago United kicked-off this new series of meetings with

Business Leaders of Color Strategy Session

advancing multiracial participation on corporate boards

Host: UBS

a goal of mobilizing the Business Leaders of Color toward of directors. This exclusive strategy session also provided

the Business Leaders of Color an opportunity to foster relationships among this elite group. Additional meetings

are planned for 2013 which will flush out overall goals and

October 9, 2012

Topic: Should the Business Leaders of Color pursue a position

of advocacy around increasing multiracial participation on corporate boards of directors?

metrics for these efforts.

Directors Roundtables: Practical Leadership for Corporate Directors Chicago United is proud to collaborate with firms that are resources for corporate boards and their nominating committees. In 2012, Chicago United co-produced a one-of-a-kind series of discussions titled Directors Roundtable: Practical Leadership for Corporate Directors, in partnership with series host Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP and Shields Meneley Partners, Sard Verbinnen & Co., and Heidrick & Struggles. These sessions offer the Chicago United Business Leaders of Color an opportunity to learn about the critical responsibilities of a board director from those who know best. Winning Over Investors

The Impact of the 2012 Presidential Election on Corporate

placed under greater scrutiny than ever before with regard

Although corporate leaders have dealt with ambiguity

In today’s volatile marketplace, boards of directors are being to their governance practices, including board structure, executive compensation, sustainability, social responsibility, and political contributions. This session explored whether boards, which have historically avoided direct engagement

with investors, have any role in helping to build a sustainable relationship with investors, and what has been the

outcome in situations in which activist shareholders gained board seats in terms of operations.

Baruch Lev, a renowned accounting and finance professor at

New York University’s Stern School of Business, offered a unique perspective about how companies and their boards can regain


since 2008, in the recent election year they might well have needed a crystal ball. Privately, board members and

CEOs will tell you that they have a Plan A and a Plan B, since election results can affect decisions regarding geographic

expansion, investment policies and risk mitigation. It also

impacts hiring when election results can influence the experience and competencies that will be needed to lead

successful companies in the future environment. There were no political agendas; only lively, informed discussion

about issues of pressing concern to a business leader and a board member.

the trust of investors and build long-term shareholder value.

Sept. 13, 2013

May 17, 2012


Host: Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP Featured Speaker:

Baruch Lev, Director of the Vincent C. Ross Institute for Account-

ing Research and the Philip Bardes Professor of Accounting and Finance at the New York University Stern School of Business Moderator:

Host: Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP Gary McCullough, former President and CEO, Career

Education Corporation; John Nelson, Former Head of Global

Markets & CEO, ABN AMRO Bank North America; and Jane Thompson, Founder and former President, Walmart Financial Services

Brad Wilks, Managing Director, Sard Verbinnen & Co.


2012 Year In Review – Advancing Parity in Economic Opportunity BoardLink BoardLink experienced a wider audience in 2012, thanks in

This increase in participation fueled 634 total requests for

Community Trust. BoardLink is an online referral tool that

for connection, 405 were made by nonprofit organizations

large part to a collaborative effort funded by The Chicago addresses a twofold challenge in the community: access to

multiracial leaders for nonprofit board service and the lack of diversity on nonprofit boards.

The Chicago Community Trust asked Chicago United to

connection through BoardLink in 2012. Of those requests and 229 were made by candidates. This increased activity contributed to 19 successful board placements in 2012. At

the end of 2012, there were 171 active board opening postings and 209 active candidate profile postings in BoardLink.

facilitate a partnership with other leadership development

Since inception, BoardLink has been responsible for the

Urban League, El Valor, and Leadership Greater Chicago to

boards of directors in Chicago. That’s 40 individuals who are

organizations including Asian American Institute, Chicago recruit new candidates while the Trust began their own internal effort to recruit board members. Chicago United

agreed to act as the project leader among all partners to share communications on objectives, goals, and outcomes

on a continuous basis. Chicago United led IT enhancements

placement of 40 multiracial professionals to nonprofit

increasing their leadership skills, broadening their networks, and moving into positions where they will further impact

diverse communities as they recommend and nominate colleagues for new board positions.

to the BoardLink tool that coincided with the effort, created

A November 5, 2012, article by Crain’s Chicago Business

outcomes including weekly reviews of progress to goals.

and how BoardLink is moving the needle. The article included

partner-branded marketing collateral, and reported

The collaborative effort increased overall awareness of and engagement in the BoardLink tool.

highlighted the slow diversification of nonprofit boardrooms

the following graphic that illustrated BoardLink results since inception.

In 2012, 125 new organizations created board opening

postings and 115 new candidates created profile postings.

Source: “Why white men still dominate nonprofit boards,” Crain’s Chicago Business, November 5, 2012, byy: Lisa Bertagnoli


Pipeline Mentoring Sessions Chicago United and The Chicago Scholars Foundation produce a series of mentoring sessions to introduce Chicago

Scholars to members of Chicago United’s Leaders Council. The Leaders Council members serve as role models to provide valuable counsel to Scholars - junior- and senior-year college

students and the next generation of Chicago’s workforce, by identifying essential knowledge and skills they will need for various industry segments and professions. The goal

of the career mentoring sessions is to produce valuable interactions between aspiring students and seasoned

professionals to create a smoother transition from college to career for students.

There were two summer sessions done in 2012. Chicago United would like to thank our hosts and mentors who make these unique learning opportunities possible. June 21, 2012

Host: Northwestern Memorial Healthcare Mentors:

• Anne Callen, Director, Talent Management, Advocate Health Care

• Juan Mir, Sr. VP Treasurer, PNC Financial Services Group

• Maria Lin, Director, Human Resources, Northwestern

Chicago United mentors with the Chicago Scholars who participated in the July 26, 2012 session hosted by Greeley & Hansen.

July 26, 2012

Host: Greeley & Hansen Mentors:

• D avid Snyder, Publisher, Crain’s Chicago Business

• L awrena Columbo, Partner, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

• Kevin Brookins, Senior VP, Strategy and Administration, ComEd

• R ay David, Civil Engineer, Greeley & Hansen

• N athan Hughes, Mechanical Engineer, Greeley & Hansen

• K C Mosley, Sr. Manager, Enterprise Supplier Diversity, BMO Harris Bank

Memorial Hospital

• D r. Erica Marsh, Northwestern Memorial Hospital

• D arryl Tom, Partner, Quintairos, Prieto, Wood & Boyer

• Willie Carrington, Principal, Carrington and Carrington

• P edro J. Cevallos, CEO & President Transportation, Primera Engineer


Leaders Awards 2012 Most Valuable Partner Valerie J. Van Meter, Senior Vice President, CFO and Director, Office of Minority and Women Inclusion, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago 2012 Ambassdor Julian E. Brown, Manager Corporate Contributions, Nicor Gas 2012 Benefactor Valerie Corr Hanserd, Director of Government and Public Affairs, BP America Inc. 2012 Program Champion Steve Pemberton, Divisional VP of Diversity & Inclusion, Chief Diversity Officer, Walgreens 2012 Visionary KC Mosley, Sr. Manager, Enterprise Supplier Diversity, Vice President U.S. Procurements & Strategic Sourcing, BMO Harris Bank N.A. 2012 Ambassador Honorable Recognition Robert Aguilar, Chief Operating Officer, Cabrera Capital Markets, Inc KatÊy Assem, Executive Director, Chicago State University Foundation Carla S. Carstens, Diversity Chair, Chicago Chapter Financial Executives International Lawrena Colombo, Partner, PwC Janine Landow-Esser, Partner and Chair, National Diversity Committee, Quarles & Brady LLP Hilda S. Renteria, Partner, Prado & Renteria CPA’s, Prof. Corp Jacki Robinson-Ivy, VP- Public Affairs and Government Relations, Northern Trust Fred H. Siegman, President, Siegman Consulting Services Darryl Tom, Partner, Quintairos, Prieto, Wood & Boyer, P.A. James S. Williams, Jr., Manager Business Diversity, University of Chicago Medicine Eric V.A. Winston, Ph.D., V.P. Institutional Advancement, Columbia College Chicago 2012 Benefactor Honorable Recognition Carolynn Brooks, Vice President, Chief Diversity Officer, OfficeMax, Inc. Melissa B. Donaldson, Director, Diversity Networks & Communications, Walgreens La Rue Martin, Community Services Manager, UPS Jeanne K. Mason, Corporate Vice President of Human Resources, Baxter International Inc. Maribel Mata Benedict, Partner, Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP Leslie D. Minier, Partner and Chief Diversity Officer, Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP William Sharp, Vice President Corporate Community Affairs, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois Terri Woods, Director of Human Resources, Greeley & Hansen LLC Jackie S. Woodward, Vice President, Marketing Services, MillerCoors


2012 Program Champion Honorable Recognition Deborah Baldwin, Assistant Vice President, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago Kim Barker- Lee, Vice President, Legal and Regulatory Compliance, Northstar Lottery Group, LLC Tina M. Bova, Sr. Manager, Supplier Diversity & Sustainability, Baxter International Inc. Jeremiah Boyle, Managing Director - Economic Development, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago Pedro J. Cevallos-Candau, CEO & President Transportation & Infrastructure, Primera Engineers, Ltd. Kathy Ford, Partner, Ernst & Young LLP Debra Jennings-Johnson, Director, Supplier Diversity, BP America Inc. Valerie King, Director of Marketing, Holland Capital Management Maria C. Lin, Director, Human Resources, Northwestern Memorial HealthCare Michelle R. McGovern, Sr. Vice President Human Resources, Mesirow Financial Juan J. Mir, Senior Vice President, PNC Bank Dawn Nash Pfeiffer, Vice President of Marketing, SDI (System Development. Integration, LLC) David Rudd, Vice President, The Axis Company/Weber Shandwick 2012 Visionary Honorable Recognition Kevin B. Brookins, Sr. Vice President Strategy & Administration, Commonwealth Edison, An Exelon Company Albert R. Grace, Jr., President, Loop Capital Patricia Harris, Global Chief Diversity Officer, McDonald’s Corporation




Financial Executives International

Prado & Renteria CPAs Prof. Corp.


Gonzalez Saggio & Harlan LLP


Access Community Health Network

Greeley and Hansen LLC

Primera Engineers, LTD.

Advocate Health Care

Hispanic Housing Development Corporation

Pugh, Jones & Johnson, P.C.

Aon Corporation

Holland Capital Management LLC

Quarles & Brady LLP

Ariel Investments LLC

The Hollins Group Inc.

Quintairos, Prieto, Wood & Boyer, P.A.

Bank of America

Johnson, Blumberg & Associates, LLC


Battle Law Office, P.C. Baxter International Inc. Beaman Incorporated Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois/ Health Care Service Corporation

Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP KPMG LLP Laner, Muchin Loop Capital

Rush University Medical Center Sanchez Daniels & Hoffman LLP SDI (System Development.Integration, LLC) Sidley Austin LLP Smith Whiley & Co.

BMO Harris Bank N.A.


BP America Inc.


Cabrera Capital Markets, LLC

McDonald’s Corporation

Carrington & Carrington, Ltd.

Mesirow Financial

Central City Productions, Inc.


The Chicago Community Trust

Mitchell & Titus, LLP

The University of Chicago / University of Chicago Medicine

The Chicago Urban League

MZI Group Inc.

UHC (University HealthSystem Consortium)

Chicago State University

Neal & Leroy, LLC

University of Illinois at Chicago

Columbia College Chicago

Nicor Gas


ComEd, An Exelon Company


Urban Partnership Bank

Crain’s Chicago Business

NJW Companies and NJW Consulting

USG Corporation

Creative Printing Service, Inc.

Northern Trust



Northstar Lottery Group, LLC

Washington, Pittman & McKeever, LLC

Cushman & Wakefield

Northwestern Memorial HealthCare

The Axis Agency/Weber Shandwick

Endow, Inc.

Odell Hicks & Company, LLC

Wedgeworth Business Communications

Ernst & Young LLP

OfficeMax, Inc.

Wynndalco Enterprises, LLC

Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

PNC Bank

Spencer Stuart Synch-Solutions Tampico Beverages, Inc. UBM Facility Services Inc.

300 East Randolph Street, Suite CL920, Chicago, IL 60601-5075 Phone: 312-977-3060 Fax: 312-977-3089 www.chicago-united.org

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