2010 Chicago United Year in Review

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2010 Chicago United Year in Review


Driving Business Evolution in an Ever-Changing Marketplace “Diversity and inclusion is a celebrated part of the fabric of McDonald’s. Participation in Chicago United provides the opportunity for continued learning and reenergizing around multiracial leadership development and engagement as a business imperative for growing any business.”

– Douglas M. Goare

It is truly exciting to see the world evolve right before

critical areas of governance, the leadership pipeline,

our eyes. Profound leadership changes have taken place

and business partnerships is relevant in a multicultural

recently around the world. Economic shifts are occurring

marketplace whether an organization is doing business

with regularity in Asia and Latin America. And the newest

domestically or globally.

Census information reveals a local metropolis that continues to take on new complexions and characteristics.

This past year Chicago United presented and executed programs that have never been done. The focus that this

In an ever-changing environment, continuous conversation

organization maintains on measurable results brings

around diversity and inclusion is important and is reliant

valuable resources and learning to its membership. This

on a CEO to stimulate thinking and challenge his or her

consistently high level of advocacy is possible because

corporation to evolve as well. What I’ve learned as chair-

of Chicago United’s committed members and its staff

man is that Chicago United provides the advocacy that

who provide platinum-level program execution.

fuels this conversation.

It has been my pleasure to serve as chairman of an

Chicago United’s unique approach to driving sustain-

organization that courageously acts as a change agent

able multiracial leadership development in the three

for business and an improved region.

Douglas M. Goare Chairman, Chicago United Executive Vice President, Worldwide Supply Chain McDonald’s Corporation



Innovation, Knowledge, Teamwork: The Power of Leadership “Chicago United’s ability to innovate is a direct result of our fierce brand of constructive conversation. The ability to combine quantitative research with the applied expertise of highly-placed business leadership enables us to challenge the status quo – which sets the stage for innovation and progress.”

– Gloria Castillo

The Changing Color of Leadership 2010 Conference theme

By means of our primary research, roundtables and forums,

Innovation, Knowledge, Teamwork: The Power of Leadership

we share deep knowledge on ways to drive inclusion for the

appropriately describes the body of work produced by

benefit of entrepreneurial businesses, corporations, and oth-

Chicago United in 2010.

er stakeholders of the Chicago region. With the engagement

Yet, multiracial leadership is more than just a theme of Chicago United’s work; it is a desired outcome of our advocacy. As an organization, we are committed to building economic inclusion through the development of sustainable diversity initiatives in corporate governance, executive management, and business partnerships. What distinguishes our work is the laser-like focus on programs and products that support three pillars of multiracial leadership in business: • Corporate Governance, • Executive Level Management, and • Business Partnerships.

of Chicago’s CEOs and senior corporate executives, the city’s leading minority entrepreneurs, nonprofit executives, and collaborative partners, Chicago United leverages the benefits of teamwork and subject matter expertise to continually challenge the status quo. Chicago United’s successful product or service innovations are seldom the result of an “aha” moment. Rather, they come about as we discover the needs of our constituents and meet them in creative, tactical ways. It flows from an innovation mindset that can be found throughout our membership and our organization. This Year in Review celebrates the members of Chicago United for their leadership and innovation.

Gloria Castillo

President, Chicago United


2010 – Year In Review – The Power of Leadership Chicago United held an impressive 25 events in 2010. Some, such as the CEO Council Breakfasts and

Leaders Council Luncheons, are members-only events that form our advocacy. Others are produced for

specific audiences like chief procurement officers, chief diversity officers or those focused on governance. Additional cooperative events are developed with our affiliate partners. All are included in summary in the following pages.

The 7th Annual Changing Color of Leadership Conference and Bridge Awards Dinner On November 18, Chicago United and Presenting Sponsor Mc-

Donald’s hosted the Changing Color of Leadership Conference

and Bridge Awards Dinner at the Hilton Chicago. The conference theme – “Innovation, Knowledge, Teamwork: The Power

of Leadership” – was supported by a full slate of workshops.

The conference highlighted the successes and challenges facing our city as it builds and sustains a multiracial leadership


The conference opened with the Diversity Leadership

Luncheon hosted by Judy Hsu, Co-Anchor, ABC7 News

This Morning and featured a presentation of the 2010

Corporate Diversity Profile by Warren M. Smith, midwest people leader, Americas People Team, Ernst & Young LLP.

perspective that considers the role of business in solving the pressing global issues of poverty, disease, and conflict.

Dean Woo discussed the effectiveness of organizations that

have a culture of ethics and the requirements of training,

reporting, accountability, and executive cooperation in order to sustain progress in corporate diversity and inclusion.

The Leadership Forum workshops covered a wide range of topics, with a focus on developing leadership skills. FORUM IA

Do You Have What It Takes To Lead? was presented by Robert Johnson, Managing Counsel, McDonald’s Corporation (right), and facilitated by Virginia “Ginny” Clarke, President, Talent Optimization Partners, LLC.

An inspirational keynote delivered by Dr. Carolyn Woo, Martin J. Gillen, dean of the Mendoza College of Business and Milann

Siegfried, professor of Entrepreneurial Studies, University of Notre Dame, highlighted the luncheon. Dean Woo is a noted

entrepreneurial expert and has been a consultant for several

corporations including Eli Lilly, General Electric, and Motorola.

She serves on the boards of two Fortune 500 corporations,

Aon Corporation and NiSource Inc. One of Woo’s primary interests is refocusing business education away from a

narrow agenda of wealth-creation for owners to a broader


National and Global Diversity & Inclusion Initiatives: Differences and Synergies was presented by Toni Riccardi, SVP of Human Resources and Chief Diversity Officer, The Conference Board (left), and facilitated by Lisa Rowe, Senior Vice President, Aon Corporation.


The Billion Dollar Roundtable: Milestones and Best Practices in Minority Business Development was presented by Sharon Castillo, Principal, CPA, CVA, SB Services, Inc. (left), and facilitated by Carolynn Brooks, Vice President and Chief Diversity Officer, OfficeMax.

The conference also showcased Chicago United’s first

CEO Forums. These discussions spotlighted trailblazers from major corporations and minority-owned businesses

who shared their unique insights and perspectives on

leadership. The sessions offered unprecedented access to Carolyn Woo, Martin J. Gillen, Dean of the Mendoza College of Business and Milann Siegfried, Professor of Entrepreneurial Studies, University of Notre Dame


thought-leaders whose decisions in areas such as diversity, business and talent development, and global competitiveness have had far-reaching impact for years.


Building Blocks of Success: Leadership Development, Retention and Succession Planning was presented by Raymond F. McCaskey, Retired Chief Executive Officer, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois (left), and facilitated by: Juan Avila, Senior Vice President, Investment Advisory, Mesirow Financial.


Accelerating Your Leadership Position in a Global Environment was presented by Timothy Schwertfeger, Retired Chief Executive Officer, Nuveen Investments (left), and facilitated by Connie Lindsey, Executive Vice President and Head of Corporate Social Responsibility, Northern Trust.


Transcending Myths to Master the Game was presented by Tom Burrell, Retired Chairman, Burrell Communications, Author of Brainwashed: Challenging the Myth of Black Inferiority (left), and facilitated by Rahsaan Thompson, Of Counsel, Health Law Group, Quarles and Brady.

in corporate governance and executive level management. The honor represents the Chicago United spirit of advocacy of multiracial leadership development at all levels in business. This award brings visibility to those who have driven change and inspires others to follow. This year’s National Bridge Award was presented to John T. Chambers, chairman and chief executive officer, Cisco Systems, Inc. for exemplary practices of a Fortune 500 corporation. The Chicago Bridge Award, honoring a leader who supports the development of a vibrant and richly diverse business community in the Chicago region, was presented to Frederick H. Waddell, chairman and chief executive officer, Northern Trust Corporation. Dinner attendees were moved when the Bridge Advocate Award was presented to Maestro Paul Freeman, music

The Bridge Awards Dinner, attended by almost 1,000 people, followed a pre-dinner reception presented by BP America, Inc. Ravi Baichwal, Emmy award winning co-anchor of the ABC7 Weekend News, served as the evening’s emcee. Every year, the Bridge Awards Dinner honors two chief executive officers with The Bridge Award. Established in 2004, the Bridge Award is the first national award that honors a CEO who is an advocate for multiracial diversity

director, Chicago Sinfonietta. Maestro Freeman was saluted for his achievements in breaking through racial barriers in the arts. The 2011 Changing Color of Leadership Conference and Bridge Awards Dinner will take place on November 16, 2011. Mark your calendar to take advantage of valuable professional development opportunities and one of the foremost networking dinners of the year.

2010 Chicago Bridge Award Recipient Frederick H. Waddell, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Northern Trust Corporation (left) and Dean Harrison, President & CEO, Northwestern Memorial Hospital.

(left to right) Michael W. Lewis, Executive Vice President, Harris Bank and Director, Chicago United Board of Directors; Joseph Gregoire, Regional President – Illinois, PNC Bank, Vice Chairman, Chicago United Board of Directors; Douglas M. Goare, Senior Vice President Worldwide Supply Chain, McDonald’s Corporation, Chairman, Chicago United Board of Directors; Gloria Castillo, President, Chicago United; 2010 Chicago Bridge Award Recipient Frederick H. Waddell, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Northern Trust Corporation; and James H. Skogsbergh, President and Chief Executive Officer, Advocate Health Care and Immediate Past Chair, Chicago United Board of Directors.

2010 Bridge Advocate Award Recipient, Maestro Paul Freeman, Music Director, Chicago Sinfonietta (center) with Michael W. Lewis, Executive Vice President, Harris Bank and Director, Chicago United Board of Directors and Gloria Castillo, President, Chicago United.


2010 – Year In Review – The Power of Leadership Corporate Diversity Profile – 10-Year Anniversary Chicago to





The 2010 Corporate Diversity Profile delivered some good


saw significant reductions in workforce, the Profile showed

transformational by

key issues. Primary research

with quantitative data is an

important tool in delivering

information that Chicago’s

corporate community can use

to recognize its critical needs

impact of its efforts.

and measure the progress and

This is why the Corporate Diversity Profile is one of our most important products.

Chicago United’s nationally-recognized Corporate Diversity

Profile is a bi-annual survey that measures racial diversity

specifically in the leadership ranks of large corporations, on

news despite the painful economic downturn. Though we

that reporting companies held fast to their ratios in terms

of diversity.

Many of the reporting companies can be considered best

in class in the area of diversity. This is relevant since their

results indicate that it is possible to maintain a strong commitment to inclusion and representation, even in a time when workforce reductions are the norm.

The 2010 Corporate Diversity Profile is unique in that it includes the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago’s (FRBC)

comparative analysis of the impact of recessions on employees of color on a national level. The partnership

with the FRBC enabled us to compare this recession to prior

economic downturns in terms of their affect on people

“The Corporate Diversity Profile showed that reporting companies never questioned that having diverse leadership is a business advantage. While the ratios could – and should – be more reflective of the working population, it was gratifying to see that tough times did not cause these companies to waver in their commitment to diversity.”

– Warren Smith, Midwest People Leader, Americas People Team, Ernst & Young

corporate boards and in executive level management. It is

of color. Although we are pleased that many of Chicago’s

this area.

efforts during this recession, the data shows that this did not

a benchmark for corporations to measure their progress in

For more than ten years, the Corporate Diversity Profile has

stood as an example of the value of consistently asking

tough questions, in order to challenge the status quo.

This ongoing research has delivered a decade’s worth of longitudinal data about diversity and inclusion within the

senior leadership ranks of Chicago-based corporations.

The Corporate Diversity Profile provides insight into the composition of Chicago’s C-suites and senior leadership

positions. Equally important, it assesses the pipeline of up-

and-coming talent. Armed with this information, corporate leaders can enhance strategies for talent development.


leading corporations remained steadfast in their inclusion

hold true on a national basis. The analysis, beginning with the recession of 1974/75, indicates that people of color have

been disproportionately impacted by economic downturns.

Today, this historic trend continues on a national basis and

is compelling evidence that diversity and inclusion efforts

must continue and be strengthened.

While it’s clear that we still have a great deal of hard work ahead of us to bring equity and parity to the workforce and

its leadership, we now have ten years of data to analyze our

challenges and measure success.

“At Northern Trust, diversity is fundamental to our success. Diversity sparks innovation, enhances engagement with clients and staff, and strengthens relationships with the community.” – Frederick H. Waddell, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Northern Trust

Chicago United would like to thank Ernst & Young for their

generous support of the 2010 Corporate Diversity Profile. Under the guidance of Warren M. Smith, midwest people leader, Americas People Team, Ernst & Young LLP, the

survey was collected, tabulated and analyzed. In addition, Chicago United acknowledges the contribution of the

Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago and Maude Toussaint-

Comeau, senior business economist, for contributing insights and research on past recessions, executive

leadership in the region, workforce demographics and

thanks to Kevin Connelly, chairman, Spencer Stuart for

his ongoing support of Chicago United and the Corporate

Diversity Profile. His industry insights and review of the census data contributed significantly to this project.

Chicago United salutes the companies who participate in the survey. They make an important contribution to the

body of research available to Chicago’s corporate leaders

and they are clearly committed to ensuring their firms are on a path to continual improvement.

forecasts. We would also like to extend a special note of

2010 Diversity Officer Roundtables The Diversity Officer Roundtables came about as a direct

April 16, 2010

result of a desire to leverage the findings of the Corporate

The Inclusion Paradox: The Obama Era and the

share best practices and key insights in order to create real

Facilitator: Andrés Tapia, Chief Diversity Officer / Emerging

Diversity Profile research for tactical benefit. The goal is to benefits for the attendees and their organizations.

The series of Diversity Officer Roundtables are exclusive to

Transformation of Global Diversity

Workforce Solutions Leader, Hewitt Associates Host: Harris Bank

diversity officers and provide a safe environment to share

June 18, 2010

inclusion strategies.

Facilitator: Karen Brown, Global Director of Inclusion and

lessons learned in the process of implementing global

In 2010, we developed and presented four Diversity Officer Roundtables, which drew a high-level audience from 30-40

corporations around the region, all with the indispensable

Building Successful External Partnerships Diversity, Baxter Corporation Host: Allstate Corporation September 17, 2010

assistance of the facilitators and host organizations

Global Diversity Strategies – Value Proposition for

February 12, 2010

Facilitator: Perika J. Sampson, Consultant, Chicago United

Facilitator: Cheri Chappelle, Director, Diversity and

We will produce a report early in 2011 that will include key

Host: CDW

available exclusively to Chicago United members and those

included below.

Accountability and Engagement of the Middle Manager Inclusion, Illinois Tool Works Inc. April 16, 2010

2010 Corporate Diversity Profile Highlights

Employee Network Groups

Host: Hyatt Hotels Corporation

takeaways and insights from these roundtables. It will be

who participated the sessions.

Facilitator: Warren Smith, Midwest People Leader, Americas People Team, Ernst & Young


2010 – Year In Review – The Power of Leadership The Chicago United Five Forward Initiative™ “If the Five Forward program sounds unique, it’s because it is. No other city in the country is producing a model as comprehensive in commitment, metrics and accountability as Five Forward.” - Kevin B. Brookins, Vice President of Operational Strategy & Business Intelligence, ComEd

Launched in 2008, The Five Forward Initiative™ has

quickly become a signature initiative for Chicago United members and the city as a whole.

What is The Five Forward Initiative™? The Five Forward Initiative™ enlists the commitment of CEOs of mid- to large-sized corporations in the Chicago

area to establish or expand business relationships with

five current and/or new local minority-owned firms. The

As the minority firms grow, they become more regionally and nationally competitive, further enhancing our local

economy. The program measures economic impact on

the Chicago region, including job creation. It also provides

data to support the value of majority-minority partnering efforts. Currently, there are 21 committed companies and 80 MBEs.

initiative is designed to build a stronger regional economy

The Five Forward Initiative™ reviews not only the spending

Why did we create The Five Forward Initiative™?

equation – providing both quantitative and qualitative

and the scale of minority business.

by the majority companies with their selected MBEs, but

it also surveys the satisfaction levels on both sides of the

At the launch of the initiative we were faced with data

data, measured in real-time.

are 19.74% of all firms, but receive only 2.6% of all sales

increases in revenue. However when we measured the

that indicated minority business enterprises (MBEs)

and receipts. This alarming statistic prompted the need

to develop a focused strategy to reduce disparities and

support growth and inclusion. Job creation is an important outcome of The Five Forward Initiative™ as empirical

evidence indicates that MBEs disproportionately tend to

locate within and hire from areas with higher percentages

of minority residents.

How does The Five Forward Initiative™ work? Large- and mid-sized corporations select five local

minority suppliers and commit to a five-year program that measures spend with MBEs. This provides the large

enterprises with an opportunity to accelerate their commitment to business diversity and provides the

minority-owned firms an opportunity to plan for growth

and expand capacity. This commitment is meaningful and impactful.


What are the benefits of The Five Forward Initiative™?

For most companies, 2010 was not a banner year of

spend of nine of our Five Forward committed corporations

with their selected minority-owned business partners, we found reason for celebration. We are proud to convey that the minority-owned companies participating in Five

Forward reported a 13% increase in business from their

majority partners over the full year. Think of this as a

“same store sales” number. Reason for optimism continues

because when we isolate the most recent period of Q4

2009 compared to Q4 2010, the increase is accelerated with a report of a 30% increase in revenues.

This is significant for many reasons. It shows that the

commitment of majority companies to their minority

partners did not waver during the economic downturn. In fact, the opposite was true. They continued to build their relationships with these local MBEs, and helped to

maintain economic activity and jobs in the Chicago region,

growing the local economy in a sustainable manner.

As part of the program, two Five Forward satisfaction

surveys were produced in 2010. The corporate partners and MBEs reported strong alignment in satisfaction levels. The greater the partnering efforts, the higher the

satisfaction levels on both sides.

In 2011, Chicago United will commit further resources to

developing an additional group of companies that are

committed to growing the regional economy by building

minority-owned businesses of scale.

Before we leave Five Forward, two additional programs

should be mentioned:

1. Five Forward’s success spawned our Chief Procurement Officer Forum (see below).

2. Our MBe-Source has also seen increased usage. MBeSource is an online database of minority-owned

firms and their offerings designed for procurement

professionals looking to connect to local suppliers, especially for their corporate supplier diversity

programs. Completed in 2009 to support the Five

Forward program, MBe-Source is open to the public

and can be used by national corporations looking to do

business with leading Chicago-based, minority-owned


Chief Procurement Officer Forum “One of the benefits of good vendor relationships is that often they will share innovation with you.”– Reuben Slone, Executive Vice President, Supply Chain, OfficeMax

Chicago United convened the city’s first Chief Procurement Officer Forum entitled Integrating Supplier Diversity into Advanced Procurement Strategies. The event engaged senior procurement leaders representing industries and leading institutions from the Chicago business community in a forthright and high-energy discussion on supplier diversity effectiveness and inclusion solutions.

Shared best practices included: • striving to be the MBE’s best client in order to foster new ideas; • integrating supplier diversity into growth plans; and • leveraging the value of supplier diversity as a critical part of an organization’s strategic sourcing initiatives.

Held at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, the half-day workshop featured breakout sessions in which senior procurement leaders from Chicago’s business community facilitated discussions on supplier diversity effectiveness and inclusion solutions. The forum was facilitated by Ralph G. Moore, president of Ralph G. Moore & Associates, a consultant to Fortune 500 companies and an expert on supplier diversity processes. During the event, Moore moderated an interactive session which explored the requirements, timelines, and progressive thinking required by corporations to optimize their MBE partners.

Ralph G. Moore, President, RGMA, facilitates the Chief Procurement Officers Forum, Integrating Supplier Diversity into Advanced Procurement Strategies, that took place on May 10, 2010.


2010 – Year In Review – The Power of Leadership Governance Breakfasts Chicago United has partnered with Katten Muchin

The Role of the Non-Executive Board Chair

series of Board Governance Breakfasts. These invitation-

Featuring: James E. Nevels, non-executive chairman of the

Rosenman LLP and Shields Meneley Partners to present a only events bring together Chicago United CEO Council members and Business Leaders of Color and clients of the

co-hosts to engage in an examination of critical issues facing corporate directors.

Date: December 10, 2010

board of the Hershey Company, director of Tasty Baking

Company, director of Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, and founder of The Swathmore Group

Focusing on a key issue in business, these breakfast sessions

feature CEOs and corporate directors who present on

governance issues and then spur peer-level dialogue to help

create better understanding of the role of the board director. There were two Governance Breakfast sessions in 2010: Building Strong Relationships Between Boards and CEOs Date: September 30, 2010

Featuring: Donald S. Perkins, former chairman of Jewel Companies, Inc.

Donald S. Perkins, Former Chairman of Jewel Companies, Inc., discusses “Building Strong Relationships Between Boards and CEOs” to an audience of Chicago United United CEO Council members and Business Leaders of Color and the clients of cohosts during the Directors Roundtable that took place on September 30, 2010.

BoardLink BoardLink is becoming an increasingly recognized referral source for developing talent to help populate a wide range of nonprofit boards in Chicago with emerging business leaders of color. BoardLink has two synergistic goals: 1) to provide opportunities for emerging leaders of color to advance their careers by building their professional expertise and networks; and 2) to help leading non-profit organizations identify leaders of color who can positively impact their organization’s mission. Diversity at the board level provides for better representation of the populations that the nonprofits may serve. In Chicago, the nonprofit community is one of the most important business networks in the city, making BoardLink’s success in 2010 even more noteworthy. While there have been a number of targeted referrals and resulting board placements, in many ways the success of BoardLink can be better measured by the number of connections that have been made.


2010 BoardLink successes: • 26 new candidate postings • 24 new board postings • 172 nonprofit requests for a connection to BoardLink candidates • 45 candidate requests for a connection to a nonprofit The Chicago Community Trust acknowledged the impact that BoardLink is having and awarded Chicago United with a $50,000 grant to continue strengthening the non-profit sector. Additionally, the Sara Lee Foundation granted $15,000 to Chicago United for BoardLink to enhance its support of female executives seeking nonprofit board directorships. Moving into 2011, we are proud to report a new partnership with the Kellogg School Center for Nonprofit Management. The Center for Nonprofit Management will produce for Chicago United a series of executive education sessions under the theme Board Governance: Professional Development through Community Service. These half-day training sessions will help executives to understand the key legal, fiduciary, and fundraising responsibilities of nonprofit board members. Anyone interested in participating in the program should email Teresa Sarna at tsarna@chicago-united.org.

Leaders Council – Chicago Scholars Pipeline Initiative “I know our scholars will benefit from exposure to Chicago United’s outstanding career professionals, and I have a hunch that the mentors will learn a lot also.”

– Karen G. Foley, president at Chicago Scholars

During 2010, we developed a pilot initiative for what we expect will be an increasingly valuable program moving forward. The Chicago United Leaders Council (CULC) teamed up with Chicago Scholars to provide mentorship to their talented, academically ambitious, and broadly diverse group of college scholars to help them reach their potential, graduate from college, and return to careers in Chicago.

The CULC will be sponsoring speed mentoring sessions as part of our commitment to building diversity in the leadership pipeline.

One of Chicago United’s key values is developing a continuum of talented leaders of color. Another one is engaging current leaders, of all colors, in this mission. No event better encapsulates the combination of these goals than the Leaders Council and Chicago Scholars Pipeline Mentoring Sessions.

• M ore than 90% of scholars report that meeting CULC members was a positive and productive experience.

Chicago United would like to thank the Pipeline Project Committee Co-chairs Marjorie Paddock, director of diversity and workplace equity for Harris Bank, and Kevin Slaughter, partner, Quarles & Brady LLP, who took this project from an idea and created an efficient and effective mentoring session that can repeat multiple times annually to reach many scholars. Chicago United also appreciates the support of Quarles & Brady in hosting the pilot mentoring session on December 21, 2010.

• M ore than 30% of scholars report that they followed up individually with a CULC member at least once following the sessions.

(counter-clockwise) Juan Avila, Senior Vice President, Mesirow Financial, Shaina Hill (DePaul University, 2011), Rico Howard (Grinnell College, 2009), and Carolina Alvarado (University of Dayton, 2012).

The Leaders Council has set an aggressive goal of reaching 100 students and achieving strong results. At the end of 2011 we will measure success in reaching the first year’s goals. Year 1 Pilot Achievements:

• M ore than 75% of scholars report that they learned information that is relevant to their professional career goals or helped them clarify their career interests.

•M ore than 90% of CULC members report that the sessions were effective and well managed with mentors feeling they were able to impart useful information to the scholars. • M ore than 90% of mentors would participate in the program again and recommend it to a colleague.

(counter-clockwise) Janine Landow-Esser, Partner, Quarles & Brady LLP, Jeff Winter (University of Iowa, 2011), Roshea Williams (Eastern Illinois University, 2011), Yasin Patel (University of Illinois-Chicago, 2011), Paula Daniliuc (Harvard College, 2012), and Saajidha Rizvydeen (Lake Forest College, 2012).


2010 – Year In Review – The Power of Leadership Chicago United Annual Member Meeting Mayor Richard M. Daley opened Chicago United’s Annual

• presentations of awards to the Leaders Council members

Member meeting on March 11, 2010, with candid remarks

whose efforts were extraordinary in carrying out Chicago

about the importance of inclusion and the role our cor-

United’s strategy and executing programs and initiatives;

porations must play.


The members-only event, which was hosted by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois, also featured:

• presentation of the 2009 Chicago United Bridge Advocate Award to and a keynote address by James C. Tyree, chair-

• swearing in of the new 2010 Chicago United Board of

man and chief executive officer of Mesirow Financial.


(left to right) Douglas M. Goare, Executive Vice President, Worldwide Supply Chain and Development McDonald’s Corporation, Chairman, Chicago United Board of Directors presents the 2009 Leaders awards to Kevin B. Brookins, Vice President of Operational Strategy & Business Intelligence, ComEd, An Exelon Company; Jaclene Robinson-Ivy, Vice President, Public Affairs and Government Relations, Northern Trust; Jeremiah Boyle, Community Affairs Program Director Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago; Albert Grace, President, Loop Capital; and Brad L. Ballast, Managing Director, Community Affairs, Harris Bank; along with James H. Skogsberg, President & CEO, Advocate Health Care, Immediate Past Chairman, Chicago United Board of Directors .

Douglas M. Goare, Executive Vice President, Worldwide Supply Chain and Development, McDonald’s Corporation, Chairman, Chicago United Board of Directors (left) presents James C. Tyree, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Mesirow Financial with the 2009 Chicago United Bridge Advocate Award.


2009 Business Leaders of Color Released to Top 1000 National Corporations Since 2003, Chicago United has produced the biennial Business Leaders of Color publication, which serves to highlight individuals from diverse backgrounds who are appropriate candidates for directorship on the boards of Fortune 1000 firms. As part of Chicago United’s advocacy in favor of greater board diversity, as well as to highlight the talent profile of Chicago’s business environment, the publication is mailed to Fortune 1000 CEOs. A letter signed by Mayor Richard M. Daley and Doug Goare, chairman of Chicago United’s Board of Directors, and executive vice president, Worldwide Supply Chain and Development, McDonald’s Corporation, invited the CEOs to consider our Business Leaders of Color for their next board nomination process. We expect another outstanding group of honorees in 2011 for the 5th Business Leaders of Color publication.

James W. Compton Research Competition Launched in 2007 and funded in part by the Chicago

Ms. Waller’s research explored the underlying factors

Community Trust, the James W. Compton Research

related to race and culture in the work environment,

Competition served to support our ongoing research

with the goal of answering the following question: Does

and advocacy work. Honoring the work of James W.

diversity within a team change the leadership skills

Compton, retired chief executive officer of the Chicago

needed to create a winning team?

Urban League and founding member of Chicago United, the competition encouraged students and academic organizations to research the effects of inclusion and diversity on business, while expanding the pool of diversity research. 2010 Winning Paper: A game plan for Maximizing Results through Diverse

Specifically, this study served to examine the leadership behaviors that are effectively linked to maximizing results in diverse teams. Ms. Waller received a $5,000 award at our Changing Color of Leadership Conference on November 18, 2010. To view the paper, please visit www.chicago-united.org.

Teams Submitted by: Kim Waller of Northwestern University


2010 – Year In Review – The Power of Leadership Chicago United Co-Sponsored Events: Chicago Sinfonietta Martin Luther King Event The 2010 Sinfonietta Arts & Diversity Reception, “A

Following Kunda’s enlightening presentation, Maestro

Dream Unfolds: A Tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King,

Paul Freeman and special guest conductor Kazem Abdullah

Jr.,” celebrated diversity in the arts through music and

led the orchestra in a moving tribute that incorporated

dance on January 18.

the power of spirituals, the graceful movement of dance,

Chicago United co-presented this annual event with the Sinfonietta, which included a reception followed by a

and the majesty of Beethoven in a feast for the eyes, ears, and soul.

musical celebration of the life and legacy of Dr. Martin

The event provides a large number of Chicago’s leading

Luther King, Jr.

diversity professionals and music lovers with an oppor-

2010’s keynote speaker was Chicago United Business Leader of Color recipient (2009) Dolores Kunda, the

tunity to share their mutual interests and ideas while networking.

founder, president, and CEO of Lapiz, the Hispanic divison

This annual gathering has become a popular, enlightening,

of Leo Burnett and one of the largest Hispanic advertis-

and entertaining event for diversity professionals.

ing agencies in the country.

Gloria Castillo at National Association of Asian American Professionals Event As part of the National Association of Asian American

Ideas, and Company Goals.” Other presenters and panelists

Professionals’ “Meet the Employer Program” on August 16,

included Kirill Vorobeychik, VP, Merrill Lynch, Dot Proux,

Chicago United President Gloria Castillo gave a brief pre-

partner, Ernest & Young, and Chip Pardee COO, Exelon

sentation and took part in a panel that discussed “How


Diversity Contributes to an Effective Team, Innovative Chicago United President Gloria Castillo spoke to the National Association of Asian American Professionals as part of panel that discussed “How Diversity Contributes to an Effective Team, Innovative Ideas, and Company Goals.” Pictured (left to right) are Zafar Choudhry president, Exelon Asian American Affinity Group, Kirill Vorobeychik, VP, Merrill Lynch, Dot Proux, partner, Ernest & Young, Chip Pardee COO, Exelon Generation, Gloria Castillo, president, Chicago United, Stefanie Bae, director of personnel, KM Communications, Sarfraz Taj, secretary, Exelon Asian American Affinity Group, and Patricia Holbrook treasurer, Exelon Asian American Affinity Group.


Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago African American Association for Personal and Professional Growth (APPG) Hosts 3rd Annual Business Leaders of Color Panel Discussion The AAPG hosted its 3rd annual panel discussion featuring

McWhorter (2009), partner, Crowe Horwath LLP, and

Chicago United Business Leaders of Color to share insights

Neli Vazquez-Rowland (2009), chief executive officer, Be!

on challenges, leadership “epiphanies,� and personal

Products, A Safe Haven LLC/ Foundation. Each shared their

insights on October 28, 2011. Chicago United arranged

strategies for career success.

for the participation of Business Leaders of Color Mike Lewis (2005), executive vice president, Harris Bank, Dorri

Chicago United Co-Sponsored LEAP Conference The





LEAP is a national organization, founded in 1982, with a

Conference took place on May 7, 2010. Produced by LEAP

mission to achieve full participation and equality for Asian

(Leadership Education for Asian Pacifics, Inc.) and co-

Pacific Americans through leadership, empowerment,

sponsored by Chicago United, this half-day conference was

and policy. With original programs in leadership training,

designed to encourage early- to mid-career professionals

public policy research, and community education, LEAP

of color to take on leadership positions and to explore how

raises the impact and visibility of Asian Pacific Americans

their involvement in their communities is a key component

in all sectors.

for developing their own leadership skills.

This event was designed to foster coalition building and

Chicago United secured two 2007 Business Leaders of

networking opportunities across professions, industries

Color, Darryl Hackett, segment executive, Small Business

and communities of color.

Banking, Harris Bank, and Ernest Wong, president and design principal, Site Design Group, Ltd., to participate on the panel. It was moderated by Mae Hong, who leads the Chicago office of Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors.


2010 – Year In Review – The Power of Leadership Crain’s Advocacy Inserts, Chicago United Quarterly Newsletters, and E-Awareness Campaign Chicago United produced supplements included in Crain’s





and began a member and Business Leaders of Color e-awareness campaign to promote the positive impact

of our member’s commitment to multiracial leadership development.

Chicago United produced two full-color, four-page inserts that were included in Crain’s Chicago Business in

2010. These inserts helped us reach a wide and general business audience with our products and programs and highlight the commitment of our member organizations to Chicago’s future. We’d like to thank Crain’s Chicago Business for their support, which illustrates their

commitment to diversity and inclusion as an essential investment.

Chicago United produced and distributed four Chicago

United Quarterly – Business Leaders Driving Inclusion e-newsletters

demonstrating organizations.



the commitment

content, further

of our member

Chicago United’s growing subscription and contact

list, which reaches members, a wide array of the city’s business and political leadership, and media has also

become an important advocacy tool for our members and the city.

During the second half of 2010, Chicago United leveraged this resource by developing a campaign recognizing the accomplishments of our members and Business Leaders

of Color. This effort increases the exposure of Chicago United members and Business Leaders of Color who

received special awards, news coverage, appointments

and reached other milestones in their careers – all while

promoting the greater value that inclusion and diversity has on our business community. This campaign has been

met with tremendous response and enthusiasm. Chicago United intends to continue this effort moving forward.


Chicago United Honored as Institute of the Year Chicago United was honored by the Chicago Association of Minority Recruiters as the 2010 Institute of the Year.

New Members in 2010 The following organizations became Chicago United members in 2010 and are among Chicago’s most prominent companies:

• Central City Productions Inc. • Federal Signal Corp. • Gladys R. Wilson & Associates • Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP • MZI Group, Inc. • OfficeMax Inc. • MillerCoors Membership effective 2011

Chicago United Members Rank in Top 50 Companies for Diversity Congratulations to Chicago United’s member companies

The DiversityInc Top 50 list measures corporations’

Diversity by DiversityInc magazine!

capital, corporate and organizational communications,

who are listed among the 2010 Top 50 Companies for

performance in four areas: CEO commitment, human

• Ernst & Young LLP (5)

and supplier diversity.

• PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (6)

Please join us in congratulating our exemplary members.

• Bank of America (9) • Abbott (10) • H ealth Care Service Corporation / Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois (20)


Leaders Awards 2010 Most Valuable Partner Kathy Ford, Partner, Ernst & Young 2010 Business Leaders Program Champion Marjorie Paddock, Director of Diversity & Inclusion, Harris Bank 2010 Business Leaders Program Champion Kevin Slaughter, Partner, Quarles & Brady LLP 2010 Organizational Visionary Warren M. Smith, Midwest People Leader, Americas People Team, Ernst & Young 2010 Chicago United Ambassador Tyronne Stoudemire, Global Director of Community, Diversity & Inclusion, Aon Hewitt, Aon Corporation 2010 Chicago United Benefactor Valerie Corr, Director, Government and Public Affairs, BP America Inc 2010 Chicago United Ambassador Honorable Recognition Anita Beard, Travel Consultant, University Travel Carolynn Brooks, Vice President, Chief Diversity Officer, OfficeMax Inc. Julie Chavez, Senior Vice President, Community Relations Manager, Bank of America Lawrena Colombo, Partner, Advisory, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Glenn B. Eden, Vice President, Weber Shandwick Worldwide Leana Flowers, Executive Vice President & Chief Human Resource Officer, Urban Partnership Bank Lancert Foster, Vice President, RGMA Inc. Albert R. Grace Jr., President, Loop Capital Heather J. Haberaecker, Executive Assistant Vice President for Business and Finance, University of Illinois at Chicago Jeanne K. Mason, Corporate Vice President, Human Resources, Baxter International Inc. Dennis Montgomery, Vice President, COR Consulting Group Sharon Morrow, Managing Director, Smith Whiley & Company Adrienne Banks Pitts, Partner, Sidley Austin LLP Fred Siegman, President, Siegman Consulting Services Stanley Stallworth, Partner, Sidley Austin LLP Karla M. Stepter, Attorney at Law, Senior Associate, Johnson, Blumberg & Associates, LLC Zuly R. Vargas, Operations Director, Johnson, Blumberg & Associates, LLC Eric Winston, Vice President Institutional Advancement, Columbia College Chicago 2010 Chicago United Benefactor Honorable Recognition William Sharp, Vice President Corporate Community Affairs, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois Bradford L. Ballast, Managing Director - Community Affairs, Harris Bank Patricia Harris, Global Chief Diversity Officer, McDonald’s Corporation


2010 Chicago United Visionary Honorable Recognition Juan C. Avila, Senior Vice President, Mesirow Financial Olga Camargo, Senior Vice President, Mesirow Financial Jacki Robinson-Ivy, Vice President,Public Affairs and Government Relations, Northern Trust 2010 Business Leaders Program Champion Honorable Recognition Doris Salomón, Director of Community Engagement, ACCESS Community Health Network Lisa A. Rowe, Senior Vice President, Strategic Procurement, Aon Corporation Phillip W. Styles Jr., Director - Supplier Diversity, Aon Corporation Debra Jennings-Johnson, Director Supplier Diversity, BP America Inc. Katéy Assem, Executive Director, Chicago State University Kevin B. Brookins, Vice President of Operational Strategy & Business Intelligence, ComEd Jeremiah Boyle, Managing Director-Economic Development, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago Valerie Van Meter, Senior Vice President, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago Darryl Tom, Partner, Gonzalez, Saggio and Harlan, LLC KC Mosley, Senior Manager, Enterprise Supplier Diversity, Vice President U.S. Procurement & Strategic Sourcing, Harris Bank Valerie King, Director of Marketing, Holland Capital Management Leslie D. Minier, Partner & Chief Diversity Officer, Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP Andrea Schwartz, Vice President of Media Relations & Cause Marketing, Macy’s Inc. Michelle R. McGovern, Senior Vice President of Human Resources, Mesirow Financial Julian Brown, Corporate Contributions Manager, Nicor Maria C. Lin, Program Director, Human Resources, Northwestern Memorial Hospital Juan J. Mir, Senior Vice President, Treasury Management, PNC Bank Hilda S. Renteria, Partner, Prado & Renteria CPAs, Prof. Corp. Pedro J. Cevallos-Candau, Executive Vice President, Primera Engineers, Ltd. Janine Landow-Esser, Partner, Quarles & Brady LLP Rahsaan W. Thompson, Attorney Of Counsel, Quarles & Brady LLP Beverly Huckman, Associate Vice President for Equal Opportunity, Rush University Medical Center Hugo Chaviano, Partner, Sanchez Daniels & Hoffman LLP Keli McMiller, Director of Diversity & Inclusion, Sara Lee Corporation Debra Shankle, Vice President Operations, Supply Chain, Sara Lee Corporation Derrick E. Buckingham, Vice President, The Hollins Group Inc. Michael J. Cabrera, Vice President of Sales, United Building Maintenance, Inc. James S. Williams Jr., C.P.M., Business Diversity Manager, University of Chicago Medical Center Daryl Newell, Senior Vice President, Consumer Banking, Urban Partnership Bank Nadia M. Quarles, Esq., Director Business Diversity, University of Chicago



Board Members

Douglas M. Goare, Chairman Executive Vice President, Worldwide Supply Chain and Development McDonald’s Corporation

Olga Camargo Senior Vice President Mesirow Financial

Michael W. Lewis Executive Vice President Harris Bank

Michael F. DeSantiago President Primera Engineers, Ltd.

John D. Sterling Chief Executive Officer Synch-Solutions

Kathy Ford Partner Ernst & Young

Gordon Werkema First Vice President and COO Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

Joseph Gregoire, Vice Chairman Regional President – Illinois PNC Bank Maria de J. Prado, Treasurer Partner Prado & Renteria CPAs, Prof. Corp.

Albert Grace President Loop Capital

Kevin B. Brookins, Secretary Vice President, Operational Strategy & Business Intelligence ComEd, An Exelon Company

Chairman’s Council Raymond F. McCaskey, Ex-Officio Retired Chief Executive Officer Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois

Ralph V. Hughes Regional Vice President Macy’s, Inc.

James H. Skogsbergh, Immediate Past Chair President and Chief Executive Officer Advocate Health Care

Kip Kelley Resident Managing Director Aon Risk Services Central, Inc. Illinois Division, Aon Corporation


Columbia College Chicago

Access Community Health Network

ComEd, An Exelon Company

LifeSource / ITxM (The Institute for Transfusion Medicine)

Ralph G. Moore & Associates (RGMA)

Loop Capital

Rush University Medical Center

Advocate Health Care

Creative Printing Services

Macy’s Inc.

Sanchez Daniels & Hoffman LLP

Endow, Inc.

McDonald’s Corporation

Sara Lee Corporation

Ariel Investments, LLC

Environmental Design International, Inc.

Mesirow Financial Mitchell & Titus LLP

SDI (System Development. Integration, LLC)

Azteca Foods, Inc.

Ernst & Young LLP


Bank of America

Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

MZI Group, Inc.

Baxter International Inc.

Federal Signal Corp.

Neal & Leroy, LLC

Beaman Incorporated

Gladys R. Wilson & Associates


Blackwell Consulting Services

Gonzalez, Saggio and Harlan, L.L.C.

NJW Companies

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois

Harris Bank

Northern Trust

Bonaparte Corporation

Hispanic Housing Development Corporation

Northwestern Memorial Hospital

BP America Inc.

Holland Capital Management

Carrington & Carrington

The Hollins Group

OfficeMax Inc.

Cabrera Capital Markets, LLC

Infrastructure Engineering

Central City Productions Inc.

Johnson, Blumberg & Associates, LLC

Aon Corporation A. Pomerantz & Co.

The Chicago Community Trust Chicago State University Chicago Urban League City Colleges of Chicago

Crain’s Chicago Business

Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP Keene Advisory Group Laner, Muchin, Dombrow, Becker, Levin and Tominberg, Ltd.

Odell Hicks & Company PNC Bank Prado & Renteria CPAs Prof. Corp. PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Primera Engineers, Ltd. Pugh, Jones, Johnson & Quandt, P.C. Quarles & Brady LLP

Sidley Austin LLP Smith Whiley & Company Spencer Stuart Synch-Solutions Inc. United Building Maintenance, Inc. University of Chicago / University of Chicago Medical Center University of Illinois at Chicago Urban Partnership Bank USG Corporation Washington, Pittman & McKeever, LLC Weber Shandwick WorldWide Wedgeworth Business Communications Wynndalco Enterprises, LLC

Address: 300 East Randolph Street Mail: 11 East Pedway Drive, Chicago, IL 60601-5083

Phone: 312-977-3060 Fax: 312-977-3089 www.chicago-united.org Printing of this Annual Review was donated by the U.S. Department of Energy.

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