Fall 2023 Newsletter

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CDP Brangus is a marketing alliance created in 2020, that has worked consistently to create a world-class cattle trading environment that caters to the needs of cattle producers. The partner ranches include Draggin’ M Ranch, Johnston Brangus, Double W Ranch, TTT Ranches, Elias Brangus, and Sewell Cattle Company. They focus primarily on Brangus cattle because of their adaptability, hardiness, and superior carcass quality.

CDP Brangus offers cattle featuring genetics and breeding philosophy shared by the group to create C onsistent, D ata-Driven, P erformance Brangus Cattle. “CDP” is what every cattle producer should demand for their operations.

BRANGUS CRAIG GREEN 870-834-1976 Craig@cdpbrangus.com GRADY GREEN 870-314-3673 Grady@dragginmranch.com www.cdpbrangus.com
@CDP Brangus
Future Sale Dates: March 22, 2024


In today’s market, we are experiencing much improved feeder calf prices, that will likely continue for the next few years. The mainstream cattle market predictions have exceeded expectations, and we are now seeing feeder calf prices at an all-time high, with a substantial premium for those that are utilizing progressive genetic, management and marketing practices. Experts are also predicting that the spread in bull prices will follow suit. Bulls and commercial females backed by consistent, data-driven, performance will be worth more than ever, while bulls that are “just bulls,” and commercial females that are “just heifers,” will sell for a discount, as their genetic value to producers is less.

We, the CDP Brangus Partner ranches have been consistent in our pursuit of creating data-driven performance, that stands behind our product in all seed stock programs, both commercial and registered. We know that there will be greater spread between consistent, data-driven, performance cattle and “commodity” cattle. The CDP brand will be at the forefront, not only in our bulls, but also in the commercial herds carrying our genetics.

CDP Brangus is comprised of an ongoing partnership that has grown and evolved over the past 17 years by a group of cattlemen that have worked consistently to create a world-class product that we feel is second to none. For years now, we have retained ownership in a large majority of our own feeder calves and carry them all the way through to harvest, as do many of our customers because we know the value that our genetics bring to the table. On the next page you will find a summary of our collected data from 2020—2023, with the results for 2022 broken down by feeding groups. We are proud of this data and know it shows the value of our genetics.

All of us here at CDP Brangus truly appreciate your evaluation of our offering and we look forward to doing business and growing our relationships after the sale. CDP Brangus is the brand standard of excellence. Our goal is to not only sell you our genetics, but also be there to support you throughout your journey as we provide guidance and direction for our customers’ operations. We continue to welcome our customers to participate in our sales each year because “CDP” is what every cattle producer should demand for their operations.

We ranch in West Alabama and Brangus cattle excel in our environment. We have been very pleased with the CDP program from genetics to the finest customer service. We retained ownership this past year in our entire calf crop, at weaning we sent our calves to Hurla Grow yard near Paxico, Kansas for roughly 80 days then to Garden City, Kansas to Finney County feed yard to finish. Our CDP sired calves hit the marks with extremely good conversions and gain. They stayed alive, graded and yielded beyond our expectations. We believe when you find a Registered program to work with that works and strives for excellence as the CDP program does it makes our life much easier.


My son Zachry and I have been working with Craig for the last 7 or 8 years. The last 3 with CDP has been easy. I have had Craig purchase commercial females and bulls for us on their {sight unseen} program several times with great success. We had a bull go down on us this spring I called Craig and within 2 days he had another bull to us, Zachry says it may be the best bull to date we have purchased. The CDP genetics are hearty, they grow well handle the Missouri cold weather as good as the heat of summer and excel in our crossbreeding program. Dispositions are super good along with fertility and longevity, For Brangus and Ultra-Black genetics CDP is our go to program.

‘‘ ‘‘ ‘‘ # Year # Harvested Conv. % PRM % CHO % SEL % CAB 2023 197 6.4 1.03 88.02 11.98 20 2023 272 5.59 1.16 80.27 19.09 8.89 2023 28 5.6 0 100 0 64 2023 30 5.9 3.3 90 6.6 50 Total 2022 1060 6% 74% 23% 21% 2022 395 4% 67% 28% 18% 2022 351 10% 76% 14% 26% 2022 299 6% 71% 21% 17% 2022 15 27% 73% 0% 44% 2022 44 7% 86% 16% 42% Total 2021 1050 7% 78% 15% 30% Total 2020 738 7% 81% 11% 27%
CED BW WW YW M TM SC REA IMF TERM INDEX FERT INDEX 6.3 -0.3 39 62 7 27 2.01 0.44 0.08 3.07 3.42 10K10 | DYNAMIC X RESOURCE 10K7 | DYNAMIC X RESOURCE CED BW WW YW M TM SC REA IMF TERM INDEX FERT INDEX 6.3 -0.3 40 64 7 27 0.75 0.42 0.17 3.34 3.16 10K8 | WINDFALL X RESOURCE CED BW WW YW M TM SC REA IMF TERM INDEX FERT INDEX 6 -0.7 33 52 11 28 0.48 0.37 0.4 3.48 3.1 CED BW WW YW M TM SC REA IMF TERM INDEX FERT INDEX 6.2 -0.4 39 59 7 26 1.53 0.53 0.11 3.06 3.33 10K11 | DYNAMIC X RESOURCE CED BW WW YW M TM SC REA IMF TERM INDEX FERT INDEX 6.1 -0.3 39 71 7 27 1.59 0.51 -0.15 2.93 2.7 30K11 | INVESTMENT X SUBSTANTIAL CED BW WW YW M TM SC REA IMF TERM INDEX FERT INDEX 4.2 0.4 38 63 6 25 0.83 0.3 0.05 2.83 1.39 44K | KINGDOM X BRICKHOUSE CED BW WW YW M TM SC REA IMF TERM INDEX FERT INDEX 3.9 2 56 102 3 31 0.75 1.06 0.46 5.81 2.55 60K23 | N SURRENDER X BASIN LUCY 60X CED BW WW YW M TM SC REA IMF TERM INDEX FERT INDEX 6.2 0 49 85 1 26 0.96 0.76 0.48 5.04 1.86 60K25 | DYNAMIC X BASIN LUCY 60X FALL PRODUCTION SALE NOVEMBER 15-16 @ DRAGGIN’ M RANCH, EL DORADO, AR 75 PREMIER BRANGUS AND ULTRABLACK FEMALES 175 BRANGUS AND ULTRABLACK BULLS | 300 COMMERCIAL FEMALES CED BW WW YW M TM SC REA IMF TERM INDEX FERT INDEX 6.2 0 49 84 1 26 1.54 0.92 0.66 5.61 2.32 60K26 | DYNAMIC X BASIN LUCY 60X CRAIG GREEN 870-834-1976 Craig@cdpbrangus.com GRADY GREEN 870-314-3673 Grady@dragginmranch.com www.cdpbrangus.com Future Sale Dates: March 22, 2024 @CDP Brangus
CED BW WW YW M TM SC REA IMF TERM INDEX FERT INDEX 4.2 2 56 101 3 31 0.44 1.06 0.38 5.56 2.46 60K27 | N SURRENDER X BASIN LUCY 60X CED BW WW YW M TM SC REA IMF TERM INDEX FERT INDEX 6.1 -0.3 44 80 7 29 1.71 0.67 0.33 4.55 2.37 108K | MASTERPIECE X BEACON 313K | PROFIT SEEKER X LANDAU CED BW WW YW M TM SC REA IMF TERM INDEX FERT INDEX 5.7 -0.2 39 65 9 29 1.02 0.29 0 2.91 2.17 331K13 | INVESTMENT X RESOURCE CED BW WW YW M TM SC REA IMF TERM INDEX FERT INDEX 4.1 0.6 45 79 4 26 0.92 0.51 0.01 3.53 2.73 CED BW WW YW M TM SC REA IMF TERM INDEX FERT INDEX 5 1.9 39 73 6 26 1.46 0.45 -0.22 2.55 1.9 415K29 | N SURRENDER X THREE D CED BW WW YW M TM SC REA IMF TERM INDEX FERT INDEX 5 1.7 53 95 4 31 0.94 0.77 0.11 4.53 2.45 468K67 | N SURRENDER X FINAL ANSWER CED BW WW YW M TM SC REA IMF TERM INDEX FERT INDEX 5.9 1.4 38 75 9 28 0.3 0.45 0 3.21 2.16 535K4 | N SURRENDER X CORONADO CED BW WW YW M TM SC REA IMF TERM INDEX FERT INDEX 9.6 -1.4 21 40 10 21 0.62 0.35 0.2 2.43 2.67 795K10 | BIG TOWN X CORONADO CED BW WW YW M TM SC REA IMF TERM INDEX FERT INDEX 9.7 -1.4 21 40 10 21 0.62 0.35 0.2 2.43 2.67 795K12 | BIG TOWN X CORONADO C ONSISTENT • DA TA - DRIVEN PERFORMANCE CDP BRANGUS

The Best Quality Brangus Cattle, Worldwide

In today’s increasingly demanding growing conditions, Brangus cattle can thrive in hot and humid regions as well as in more temperate climates. They also have a natural resistance to common cattle diseases and parasites, making them hardy and vigorous. Brangus cattle have a unique ability to handle heat stress which allows them to graze and forage even in hot weather. They are also renowned for their growth efficiency and excellent meat quality. Brangus cattle are known for having good maternal instincts, calving ease and docility which makes management easier for ranchers.



We strive for consistency across the CDP Partnership. From the type and kind of the cattle we produce, to the AI sires that we use, to the breeding strategies that we follow. CDP Partners strive to produce a consistent product that will excel in any program. Using our genetics will eliminate stress and decision fatigue for our customers by offering consistently reliable cattle.



At the foundation of our cowherds are cattle with solid data profiles that will consistently produce offspring with predictable EPDs and growth measurements. We utilize this data to support our phenotypic mating selections and we have followed cattle all the way through the growing and harvesting process to be able to closely evaluate how that data converts into profit for our customers. We have data from the last three years that shows quality grades have been as high as 97% choice or prime, with an average of 85%. Our cattle are pushing the data-standards forward for the breed.



We raise cattle that will perform in any environment — the deep marshes of south Florida to the arid high deserts of the western United States. Our recent data shows that in the feedyard, along with exceptional quality grades, CDP genetics maintain yield grade averages that have been ranging from 2.9 to 3.2, consistently with dressing percentages staying at 63% or higher. Another very strong trait that separates CDP Brangus sired cattle from others is that they stay healthy and have lower death loss percentages during the feeding phase. CDP bulls are developed on silage and pasture and are critiqued heavily for structural soundness and temperament. Females are known for having excellent maternal characteristics, calving ease and docility which makes management more productive for ranchers.

Back Row, Left to Right: Gary Sewell, Jimmy Trice, Tom Crawford, Raul Elias, David Wood
PARTNERS Craig Green 870-834-1976 CDP Director of Marketing Grady Green 870-314-3673 Draggin’ M Ranch, Manager Alan Haney Johnston Brangus, Manager Nolan Trice TTT Ranches Manager Isaiah Dark Sewell Cattle Company, Manager OUR STAFF
Front Row, Left to Right: Wat Johnston, John Milam


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