Catholic Owned Volume 1, Issue 24

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Where Catholics Forge Practical Connections in the Marketplace Volume 1, Issue 24 March 14, 2024

In This Issue



6. This Week

7. St. Joseph, Spouse of the BVM

8. Oremus

9. Classifieds


4. Business Directory

10. Ultima Verba

From the Founders
About Catholic Owned
From the Desk of Monsignor
3. New Member Spotlights
01 Catholic Owned Magazine


Monsignor Oscar F Castaneda


Slaves of Jesus and Mary

Contact Us Acknowledgements 02 Catholic Owned Magazine
Matteo Onori & Brooke Joiner

From the Founders

Dear Catholic Owned Readers,

Welcome to the twenty-fourth issue of Catholic Owned Magazine! This week we have more events and ways to get plugged into the wonderful parishes we feature. You’ll enjoy a reflection from Monsignor, and don’t forget about the Ultima Verba.

We are seeking sincere Catholic business owners to feature in Catholic Owned Could you refer us to any that you know? We appreciate all you do to help our community grow!

fraternal affection,

03 Catholic Owned Magazine

About Catholic Owned

Catholic Owned exists to propagate Knowledge of, Devotion to, and Love & Admiration for the Immaculate Heart of Mary, in reparation for the many sins & blasphemies against her.

We achieve this by helping Catholics forge practical connections in the marketplace & beyond, helping them make more connections more easily, and make one less compromise at a time.

Over time, our community members can be more free to pursue ever greater devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus through the Immaculate Heart of Mary- what is known to be the sweetest path to sainthood.

04 Catholic Owned Magazine

From the Desk of Monsignor

Dear friends,

During the season of Lent we fervently ask our Lord to free us from sin, to protect us from evil and to have mercy on us for without Him we cannot be saved

We must offer our souls to God and make Him an oblation through our fasting so that our souls may become a pure offering and living victim

To make our fasting acceptable mercy must be added. Fasting bears no fruit unless it is practiced with mercy.

Prayer is the soul of our works of mercy. Without prayer and the love of God, service to the poor is reduced to professional social service.

The life of the saints are an inspiration to remain prayerful., to practice self denial and to love others with compassion.

Some commemorations are celebrated during the weekdays of Lent:

Saint Casimir 1458 AD son of the king of Poland who practiced the Christian virtues with special regards to the love of God, chastity and kindness to Christ's poor.

Saints Felicity and Perpetua, Martyrs 203 AD. Died during the Christian persecution of the Roman emperor Septimus Severus at Carthage Their courage to suffer a cruel martyrdom was impressive

Saint Frances of Rome 1440 AD was married and had three sons After the death of her husband she dedicated herself completely to serve the poor and the sick and founded a religious Congregation the Oblates of St Benedict


05 Catholic Owned Magazine

About Our Business Partners

The businesses in our directory are vetted, recommended members of our community. They have all committed to the

Founding Pillars of Catholic Owned

2 Faithful to the Magisterium

1 Regularly practicing, sincere Catholic in good standing

3 Prays the Rosary or practices other sincere devotion(s)

4 Operates business in accordance with the principles of the Catholic faith

06 Catholic Owned Magazine
07 Catholic Owned Magazine

New Member Spotlight

Rose Abdallah Bednar

Owner & Creative Director, Flourish & Bloom Creative Servicing clients in the Broward County area

Specializing in: Altar Florals Design

Custom Wedding & Event Florals Water color artwork for wedding stationary, pro-life cards, and fine paper goods

I’m a certified floral designer and artist I source fresh flowers for churches that are liturgically appropriate throughout the year. I also provide quality custom floral designs for weddings and events, including large floral installations. I work with my clients to carefully design the florals that they envision for their special day

As an artist, I also create custom artwork that can be incorporated throughout the couple’s wedding stationary suite and beyond, ensuring a cohesive design throughout the event.

My business was born from the face that I have always been an artist. As I explored many creative outlets over the years, I found floristry to be the m ed doing flowers for

Most of my clients come to me through a shared connection in faith and shared moral values. One example where this really shined was with the mother of a very special

bride that I worked with recently She shared with me that they chose to work with me because my business is unapologetically pro-life. That meant so much to me.

my local Catholic Churches, I found it to be a wonderful way I can give back to God for blessing me with my talents. I currently do the flowers for All Saints and St Gregory, and enjoy serving my community.

I am Catholic and my faith is the foundation of my business I am unapologetically pro-life, so Flourish & Bloom is unapologetically pro-life. I like to make art that is inspired by my faith and I will never compromise my faith in any business relationship For me, God comes first

favorite Bible verse is John 3:16

A favorite quote that inspires me and moved me to do what I do is, “Your talent is God’s gift to you. What you do with it is your gift back to God.” My Click Here to get in touch with Rose today!

08 Catholic Owned Magazine
Rose with her family

New Member Spotlight

Floriani Sacred Music

Nonprofit Revitalizing Sacred Music in America

Floriani Sacred Music is dedicated to serving the Church and saving the culture through the beauty of sacred music. We believe in the power of Sacred Beauty to awaken and deepen a desire for Christ and His Church

By singing for liturgies, performing educational concerts, and teaching, both in person and remotely with our online course, Gregorian Chant Academy, and our Chant School Podcast, we introduce people of all musical backgrounds to the Church’s rich heritage of liturgical music. Giorgio Navarini founded Floriani originally as a barbershop group as a student at Thomas Aquinas College, where he met Thomas, Joe and Graham, each of whom sang in his choir at different times. Eventually, they moved on from barbershop to sacred music, and realized it was this which they truly loved to sing Years later, after

they’d all long graduated, they reconnected, quit their jobs, and moved to Arizona to begin Floriani as a non-profit men’s vocal ensemble with a mission to revitalize sacred music throughout the world

Floriani is proud to have taught and developed a devoted children’s choir in Phoenix, AZ for almost three years These young choristers have proved to be a remarkable testimony to the accessibility of sacred

music, as they have grown so proficient as to perform, often while conducting themselves, for Masses, weddings and concerts. The choristers’ own love for sacred music is infectious to those who hear them, almost inevitably moving the heart and soul of the listener

In the Vatican II document, “Sacrosanctum Concilium,” sacred music is said to be “a treasure of inestimable value, greater than that of any other art ” Our mission is to inspire a renaissance of sacred beauty through the music of the Church, whereby hearts might be able to encounter Christ, the Source of Beauty.

St Florian is our patron, from whom we take our name He is Giorgio’s Confirmation saint, and is attributed by Giorgio to have saved him from nearly drowning Giorgio did not know when he chose him as his saint that St Florian is the patron of drowning victims!

Our favorite quote would be the one mentioned above from Sacrosanctum Concilium, as it establishes the preeminence of sacred music, as an art, in the liturgy

09 Catholic Owned Magazine
Click HERE for full contact details.

New Member Spotlight

The Fund for Vocations

Nonprofit Unlocking Vocations Nationwide

Studies show that around 1/3 of those who want to makes vows as priests, friars and sisters are unable to due to student loans, since candidates must be debt-free to enter formation

The Fund for Vocations eliminates the obstacle of student loan debt so that no vocation is lost.

By actively working to alleviate the debt burden for candidates, we have opened the door for over 300 future religious, and are actively supporting members of almost 100 traditional communities, including Dominicans, CFRs, Sisters of Life, Benedictines, ICKSP, and so many more.

When a young Catholic is accepted to formation with a traditional religious order but cannot enter because of their student loans, we make their monthly payments out of a donation-based fund. We keep paying on a monthly basis until they take their final vows, after which we pay off the remainder within five years. If they discern out, they simply pick up where we left off.

The Fund for Vocations started as a mom-andpop apostolate of Corey and Katherine Huber, two very generous and faithful Catholics. They discovered a huge cause of the vocations crisis to be the burden of student loan debts. Most orders will not even allow someone to enter formation with loans. They created a fund out of which to award grants to young Catholics to support a new generation of religious. When they received a flood of applications, they expanded and fundraised to create a 501(c)3.

Many of our grant recipients would attest that they would not have been able to become religious without our help One Mercedarian sister, Sr Yvelyne Marie, HMSS, wrote, “I am beyond grateful for your support, not only financially but spiritually I would not be a Religious today, if not for you

Thank you so much for your immense generosity and sacrifice May the Lord reward you and grant you many blessings You are in my prayers and have a very special place in my heart God bless you!!”

Our Catholic Faith is at the absolute center of everything we do Our donors are inspired to give because they understand the importance of making the Church a light for the world, and the crucial role that Catholic religious play in that effort We are changing the world and renewing a Christ-centered, vibrant Catholic culture by enabling passionate young religious to do God’s will

Our nonprofit is very streamlined and has only two full time employees Mary Radford, our executive director, has a quote in her email signature from St Catherine of Siena: “If you are what you should be, you will set the world on fire!” Our communications director, Elizabeth Latham has one from St Ambrose: “It is not enough just to wish well; we must also do well ” Both are deeply devoted Catholics in love with their faith

Please consider a recurring or one-time taxdeductible donation: SUPPORT THE FUND FOR VOCATIONS

10 Catholic Owned Magazine
Click HERE for full contact details.

New Member Spotlight

Richard Roselli, LCSW, MSSW-MFT

Owner/ Director, RCCS, LLC

Serving clients via telehealth in South Florida & beyond

I am a licensed clinical therapist in Virginia (LSCW) and Florida (LCSW) with over 22 years of experience working as a counselor and life coach. I help my clients become the very best version of themselves. I have worked with clients with a wide range of concerns including depression, anxiety, relationship issues, parenting problems, career challenges, and substance abuse related issues. I also helped many people who have experienced physical trauma or emotional abuse. My goal in life is to assist any person/s in need of recovery or growth.

I focus on inner strength and self exploration by providing counseling services to individuals, couples and families. What inspired you to start your business?

My father was an addiction counselor who started an organization called DARE (Drug Addiction Rehabilitation Enterprise)

What kind of impact do you have on your clients?

I support individuals to better look at themselves and ask the hard questions that previously they were unwilling to ask themselves Then, we devise a plan to get them where they want to go in life

How does your faith play a role in the operation of your business?

I pray before and after sessions privately I believe God has put me on this earth to be a healer and helper for others who are struggling My belief in Jesus Christ is catalyst for this mindset

Who is your favorite saint?

Mother Teresa, because of her dedication to her work, great love for God and discipline She continues to be a great course of inspiration for me both personally and professionally

I am a returning Catholic attending mass worship at Mary Mother of God Catholic Church in Tequesta, FL I have come to greatly appreciate the contributions of Catholicism in the realm of mental health In a properly balanced order, it can be a great compliment to the struggles we face in daily life

“We normally work for 8 to 12 sessions with cognitive behavioral therapy depending on the particular issue(s) which are presenting. We may include other empirical and experiential therapies, which we could discuss. Most patients see gradual lifting of symptoms within three months and consistent improvement with practice of techniques and ongoing implementation.”

My counseling style is warm, interactive and connecting I believe in treating everyone with respect, sensitivity, and compassion, and I don't deal in stigmatizing labels My approach combines cognitive-behavioral, humanistic, and experiential counseling. I will tailor our dialog and treatment plan to meet your unique and specific individual needs

“Richard is excellent providing what his clients need to grow and flourish. He is caring and empathetic and creates a safe space for his clients. He has experience helping with issues such as anxiety, depression, substance abuse, and relationships ” -Greta Wendorf, LMHC, CTP

11 Catholic Owned Magazine
Click HERE to view full contact details

New Member Spotlight

Adrián Alvarado

Owner, Alva Leon Media

Serving clients in South Florida & beyond

The inspiration for starting Alva Leon comes from a lifelong love of art, storytelling, and the transcendental power of beauty. With the medium of visual storytelling, we open a world of possibilities to transmit the deep beauty of life which makes life worth living. Through beauty and stories we are able to know ourselves more and to know God more

Alva Leon is engineered to provide creative media solutions to any client’s needs. The founder, Adrián Alvarado is a dedicated Filmmaker, Video Producer, Editor, and Media Professional, committed to taking your media projects to the next level. Working on projects like “Mass of the Ages”, "Owls Among US: Ray", and working for a variety of companies and clients with a unique blend of artistic creativity and technical proficiency, Adrián excels at delivering your project on time and resonating emotionally with diverse audiences. An adept adaptability to emerging video production technologies has allowed Adrián to contribute to a wide array of projects, spanning various tones, styles, and languages. Throughout Adrián's career, he has used his technical skills along with his personable personality to make any project become a reality The team behind Alva Leon is eager to collaborate with you and help bring your media visions to life Leverage our extensive skills and experiences to achieve your creative aspirations and effectively engage your target audience. Reach out to Alva Leon and embark on an inspiring journey of visual storytelling together.

While working on “Mass of the Ages Part 3”, I, Adrián, had the honor and pleasure of planning and coordinating a film shoot in the state of Jalisco in Mexico While there, we were able to interview a wonderful family This family was humble and incredibly faithful I was astounded by their incredible generosity and charity despite having so little In this case, despite the interview being a professional

“Through beauty and stories we are able to know ourselves more and to know God more.”

endeavor, the family became great friends of mine and they continue to serve as wonderful examples to me

The Catholic faith informs everything we do at Alva Leon. It is a real blessing to be able to have worked with a wide variety of Catholic Clients like Mass of the Ages, OnePeterFive, FOCUS, Tridentine Brewing, the Knights of Columbus and more. In addition to corporate and cinematic clients, it is also incredible to do work for private individuals like capturing moments like weddings and confirmations The way business is conducted is always with the aim to be in line with Church teaching and morals

Two favorite saints of mine are St. Maria Goretti and St. George are my favorite Saints, precisely because they are both so different, but both provide such incredible examples of bravery and purity. In particular, St. George was there for me when I first started to become interested in the Faith as I explored the Old Gothic Cathedral in Barcelona I would create a Youtube video that was a reading of the original story of St George, and this video would become one of my most watched and beloved. Later on, I would learn about St. Maria Goretti and she would become a great friend and confidant for me, and was even able to go to see all the places she lived in in Italy. Truly both of these great saints are sources of comfort for me and have helped me through their intercessions in incredible ways throughout the years

12 Catholic Owned Magazine
Click HERE to view full contact details &
book with Alva Leon.

Business Directory

Business Services

FocalPoint Coaching, Roberto Munoz

Providing Business Coaching, Executive Coaching, Sales Skills Training, Assessments (DISC, Sales Skills, EQ), Leadership Development Workshops. Serving Florida & beyond.

Ph: (954) 684-9083

Email: rmunoz@focalpointcoaching com

Website: robertomunoz focalpointcoaching com

LinkedIn: https://www linkedin com/in/robertomunoz2/


Doctors & Medical Services

Melissa Grace Therapy, Coaching & Fertility Care, Melissa Tablada

I offer psychotherapy via telehealth for individuals and couples across the state of Florida. I offer coaching services for clients located around the country & worldwide. I offer Creighton fertility care services to clients located in the continental USA. Contact us for details

Ph: 786-753-9391

Instagram: https://www instagram com/melissagracetablada/




Our Lady of Good Help Fertility Care, Katherine Hernandez

Providing the Creighton Model Fertility Care System as an effective and life-affirming way for single women and married couples to discover the truth of their reproductive health and embrace the gift of their fertility. Women and couples can also be referred to a Natural Procreative (NaPro) Technology Medical Consultant to treat reproductive health conditions and evaluate the underlying causes of infertility and miscarriage. Services provided via telehealth.

Website: Fertility Care - Our Lady of Good Help Fertility Care

Email: katherine@ourladyofgoodhelpfertilitycare com

LinkedIn: Our Lady of Good Help Fertility Care: Company Page | LinkedIn

RCCS, LLC, Richard Roselli

I help my clients become the very best version of themselves. I have worked with clients with a wide range of concerns including depression, anxiety, relationship issues, parenting problems, career challenges, and substance abuse related issues

Ph: 703-634-3080



Thrive OB/GYN, Dr. Ana Garcia Iguaran

We are a concierge obstetrics practice, we come to your house for prenatal care

We deliver our patients in Palm beach, Broward and Dade counties (hospital birth only)

Contact us for details.

Ph: 954-743-6076

Email: manager@thriveobgyn hush com

Website: www dranagarciaiguaran com

13 Catholic Owned Magazine

Business Directory

Event & Floral Services

Flourish & Bloom Creative, Rose Abdallah Bednar

Floral design for weddings & special events. Specializing in Catholic Church altar flowers. Also offering custom water color wedding invitation design and stationary, prolife greeting cards, and fine paper goods. Servicing the Broward County area

Ph: 954-336-7473



Home Services

Strimbu Holdings, Andrei Strimbu

Providing high end general contracting services, complete remodeling, plus all styles of flooring and gardens. Serving Broward County & beyond.

Ph: 954-632-1956


Email: strimbuflooring@gmail com


Alva Leon Media, Adrián Alvarado

Multimedia Company focused on Cinematography, Photography and more! Serving South Florida & beyond, available for remote work.

Ph: (941) 284-2999

Email: contact@alvaleon com

Instagram: https://www instagram com/alvaleonmedia/

Website: https://www alvaleon com/

Real Estate

Avery St. James Real Estate Group, Manny Martinez

We take the stress out of buying, selling, and investing in real estate for families in Palm Beach County and beyond.

Ph: 561-292-5185

Book your free strategy call:

Email: manny@averystjames com

Website: palmbeachlistings io


Velocity Warehouse, Robert Tanon

Service provider for race car drivers. By racers and for racers, we strive to be a one-stop shop for everything racing. We offer race car storage, transportation, track support, race prep, rentals, coaching, builds, modifications, & sales of racing gear, equipment, & tires Specializing in Mazda MX5 Miatas, RX8s, & RX7s Serving Fort Lauderdale, all of Florida & beyond.

Ph: 888-300-1270

Address: 740 NW 57th St. Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309



Facebook: www/facebook com/velocitywarehouse

Instagram: www instagram com/velocitywarehouse

14 Catholic Owned Magazine

Business Directory

Religious Goods

Latin Mass Helper

It's our goal to make hard-to-find traditional Catholic products and resources easily available, at the cheapest price possible, with free and fast shipping options Featuring Missals & more!


Website: and


Floriani Sacred Music

Men’s vocal ensemble that performs Catholic sacred music for Masses and concerts, trains choirs in the method and content of traditional sacred music, and leads sacred music retreats for parish choirs.




Facebook: https://www facebook com/florianisacredmusic

Youtube: https://www youtube com/@FlorianiSacredMusic

The Fund For Vocations

We support vocations to traditional religious orders faithful to the Magisterium by unlocking the vocations of their future members



Phone: 877.556.6338

Instagram: https://www instagram com/fundforvocations/ Facebook: https://www facebook com/fundforvocations

Youtube: https://www youtube com/@fundforvocations7057

Mother of Divine Grace School, Laura Berquist

Offering a Catholic, classical approach to distance learning. Providing K-12 curriculum, ongoing training for parent educators & Learning Support classes. Serving over 6,300 students worldwide & WASC Accredited.

Ph: (805) 646-5818, Mon-Thu 8am to 4pm PT


Website: Mother of Divine Grace School (modg org)

Facebook: Facebook

Instagram: @modgschool

Twitter: @MODGSchool



Open Hearts for Orphans, Lisa Murphy

Providing resources for orphaned, abandoned, and at-risk children around the world with medical intervention, meeting basic needs, providing “Say Yes” grants to families in the adoption process, and through the advocacy of our ARISE program.

openheartsfororphansorg@gmail com

Ph: 561-827-2222

Email: openheartsfororphansorg@gmail com

Website: https://openheartsfororphans org/ Donations can be made on the website, via Meta, Paypal, Venmo, text-to-give or by mailing a check.

Text “GIVE” to 561-375-2700.

For stock donations, please email: donate@openheartsfororphans org

Check donations may be mailed to: Open Hearts for Orphans P O Box 8074 Delray Beach, FL 33482

15 Catholic Owned Magazine

Business Directory

Nonprofits (cont’d)

Students for Life at FIU

Providing free diapers, wipes, baby formula, and other items to new families on campus. We are a very active pro-life campus ministry, tabling weekly, collecting donations for pregnancy resource centers, hosting guest speakers, attending political rallies, and more Email: studentsforlifeatfiu@gmail com

Instagram: Donations can be made via Venmo:

The Men’s March, Jim Havens & Fr. Stephen Imbarrato

In participation with God’s grace, we will abolish the ongoing, daily mass murder of innocent children in our nation by (1) providing an opportunity for real men to gather together and maximize their influence in a brotherhood of authentic love for vulnerable women and children all throughout the Nation; (2) educating and inspiring all to LEAD ON LIFE without exception and without compromise according to their state in life; (3) demanding the U.S. Supreme Court take up a case to affirm PERSONHOOD NOW for every preborn child.


Website: www themensmarch com

Instagram: https://www instagram com/themensmarch/

Facebook: https://www facebook com/themensmarch

Tune into The Simple Truth:

16 Catholic Owned Magazine

Members Map

Each pin represents one of our member businesses.

Most are here in South Florida, and some serve our community nationwide.

Stay tuned to see us fill this map with pins!

Our members in other areas:

17 Catholic Owned Magazine

This Week’s Feasts

Thurs., March 14: Feria of Lent

Fri., March 15: Feria of Lent

Sat., March 16: Feria of Lent

Sun., March 17: Passion Sunday

Mon,. March 18: St. Cyril, Bishop of Jerusalem, Confessor & Doctor of the Church

Tues., March 19: St. Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Confessor

Community News

The 2024 Eastertide Shopping Guide has readers preparing for Holy Week & Easter like never before! Shop 18 Catholic Owned businesses for everyone on your list. Grab your copy here!

Once the app is live, some changes will be coming to Catholic Owned. The magazine will look a little different, and the app will take the place of some sections. Stay tuned for these exciting developments!

Seeking Catholic Business Owners who would like to let our readers know about their business to join Catholic Owned. Consumer-focused companies (B2C) and B2B are welcome Please call 786-748-5100 or email brooke@catholicowned com to inquire today! Referrals always welcome!

Please share Catholic Owned with your friends & ministry groups! Referrals benefit everyone by growing our network. Your help makes a big difference!

19 Catholic Owned Magazine

St. Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Vir

The Universal Church celebrates St Joseph for the enti month of March, and honors him during several feas throughout the year, including every Wednesday Today, St Joseph is honored for his special role as spous of the Blessed Virgin Mary In addition to being described the Gospel of Matthew as “the just man,” Pope Leo X proclaimed “that Joseph was the spouse of Mary and tha he was reputed the Father of Jesus Christ From thes sources have sprung his dignity, his holiness, {and} h glory,” in his 1889 encyclical, Quamquam Pluries

Of particular importance to today’s solemnity, Pope Leo X continued, “Thus in giving Joseph the Blessed Virgin a spouse, God appointed him to be not only her life companion, the witness of her maidenhood, the protect of her honor, but also, by virtue of the conjugal tie, participator in her sublime dignity ”

St Joseph has no recorded words in the Gospels, and th Evangelists give us just enough information to understan his vital role in the Holy Family and in God’s plan f salvation

As the husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary, he loved h more than anyone else, aside from God Himself Like us, h was born with original sin and was otherwise a person striving for holiness, which speaks to the exceptional example that he provides for each one of us

his father and guardian.” (excerpted from the Directory on Popular Piety and the Liturgy.)

We can only imagine how St Joseph must have felt as over time, God revealed everything to him How he must have felt in the day to day of married and family life with Mary, sharing meals and the tasks of the home St Joseph had the privilege of eating meals prepared by Our Blessed Mother, of being served by her in the making of the home, and of having her holy company at the end of a long day

Another significant privilege bestowed upon St Joseph is that he got to see many miracles In addition to multiple visits from angels and messages from God, he spent decades with the Mother of God and the Son of God With that kind of company, one is bound to experience extraordinary graces and events that only the Holy Family shared Of course we will never know, but meditating upon the interactions, conversations and loving day-to-day life of the Holy Family can bear great spiritual fruit But St Joseph didn’t just make a holy husband to Mary and wonderful foster father to Our Lord, he also played a crucial role in God’s plan, fulfilling the prophesies about his Son

“In activating His plan of salvation, God, in His sapient providence, assigned to Joseph of Nazareth, "the just man" (Matt 1:19), and spouse of the Virgin Mary (Luke 1:27), a particularly important mission: legally to insert Jesus Christ into the line of David from whom, according to the

At the time of the Annunciation, Joseph and Mary were espoused, which is the first in a two-step process of marriage in the Jewish tradition. St. Luke included this detail to let the reader know that the spouses had already exchanged vows, but had not yet had the large celebration of their marriage and began living together, as was the tradition. But the laws of marriage applied from that first step. Even in the face of what seemed to be a betrayal, St. Joseph remained committed to upholding the dignity and honor of Mary. Later, he trusted in God who brought him the explanation in a dream, and stuck by Mary’s side to fulfill the Will of the Father. St Joseph loved Mary as his wife and cared for Jesus as his own Son, protecting them from real danger and following God’s instructions at every step In exchange, he was able to witness the Madonna and Child every day and participate in the Divine Plan of Salvation

His reward for a life lived serving the King of Heaven and Queen of Heaven was to die in the loving arms of Jesus and Mary In life and in death, he is the example of what each of us should strive for

St Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary, pray for us!

20 Catholic Owned Magazine


Please pray for these prayer intentions. Prayer intentions are published for six weeks unless removed or renewed. Please send to

-Pope Francis, all clergy and the Church

-Families, especially those striving to raise their children in the Faith.

-Vocations and the discernment of young people

-Holy Marriages to live out the pro life message

-Couples struggling with infertility

-World leaders, especially those of the United States

-Those suffering with illness, in need of healing

-Employment seekers struggling in the current economy

-For the spread of True Devotion to the Immaculata

-Catholic business owners who are walking the walk

-For the souls in purgatory, and poor sinners who have no one to pray for them

-For the Traditional Latin Mass, especially in our area but also worldwide.

21 Catholic Owned Magazine

Sunday Mass Times & Locations

Masses are submitted by subscribers, who have confirmed that one can receive the Eucharist kneeling, on the tongue. Please submit your favorite Mass to to have it featured!

Palm Beach County

Holy Spirit Catholic Church

1000 Lantana Rd.

Lantana, FL 33462

Palm Beach County

Mary, Mother of the Light Maronite

Catholic Church & Academy

46 Willow Road

Tequesta, Florida 33469

Palm Beach County

St. Jude Catholic Church

204 N US Highway One

Tequesta, FL 33469

Palm Beach County

Broward County

Broward County

St Vincent Ferrer Catholic Church

840 George Bush Blvd Delray Beach, FL 33483

All Saints Catholic Church

10900 W. Oakland Park Blvd Sunrise, FL 33351

St. Gregory the Great

200 North University Drive Plantation, FL 33324

Broward County


16800 Miramar Parkway

Miramar, Florida 33027

Broward County

St. Mark the Evangelist

5601 South Flamingo Rd.

Southwest Ranches, FL 33330

7:30AM, 9:00AM, 10:30AM, 12:00PM (English) Extraordinary Form (TLM) 2:00PM

9:00 AM Rosary, 9:30 PM Divine Liturgy (English & Syriac)

11:00 AM Divine Liturgy (English, Syriac, & Arabic)

7:30AM, 9:00AM, 10:30AM, 5:30PM

Miami Dade County

Belen Preparatory School

500 SW 127th Avenue

Miami, FL 33184

Miami Dade County

Our Lady of Lebanon Maronite

Catholic Church

2055 Coral Way Miami, FL 33145

Miami Dade County

St Agnes Catholic Church

100 Harbor Dr Key Biscayne, FL 33149

7:00AM, 9:00AM (live-streamed), 11:00AM, 5:30PM PERPETUAL ADORATION CHAPEL

8:00AM, 9:30AM (CHILDREN MASS) 11:00AM, 2:00PM, 5:00PM (ESPAÑOL)

7:30AM, 9:00AM, 10:30AM, 12:00PM, 6:00PM (English)

1:30PM, 3:00PM (Spanish)

Adoration Thursdays 4:30-9:00PM

8:00AM, 10:00 AM (English)

12:00 Noon (Spanish)

6:00 PM (English)

4:00 PM (French & Creole) 2nd Sunday of the Month

8:00AM, 10:30AM, 5:00PM (English)

12:30PM (Spanish)

Extraordinary Form (TLM)

9:30AM Rosary

10:00AM Missa Cantata

11:00AM (English)

1:30PM (Español)

8:30AM, 10:00AM, 11:30AM (English)

1:00PM, 7:00PM (Spanish)


Miami Dade County

St Augustine Catholic Church

1400 Miller Rd

Coral Gables, FL 33146

8:00AM, 10:00AM,12:00PM 5:00PM, 6:30PM

8:00PM (College Mass, all welcome)

22 Catholic Owned Magazine

Lenten Events Schedule

Emmanuel Catholic Church

Every Friday During Lent, 4:30PM, join us for a fish fry! Then Stations of the Cross at 5:30PM inside the church, and Mass at 6:00PM Tickets $12

Cathedral of St. Ignatius Loyola

Every Friday during Lent, join us for a Fish Fry in the Main Hall of the Family Life Center $15 per person, take out also available Cathedral of St Ignatius Loyola 9999 N Military Trail

Palm Beach Gardens, 33410

Young Adult Lent Retreat with St. Augustine

March 22-24, 2024

Young Adults (post undergrad 20s & 30s) are invited to a weekend away to renew their friendship with Christ & journey deeper into the way of the cross Guest Speakers: Sisters of Life from NY and Fr Louis Merosne This retreat begins at Lake Placid Conference Center at 6:30pm, carpools meet to leave at 3:30pm from St Augustine Church in Coral Gables. We return to Miami on Sunday at 2pm.

Cost: $125, after 3/17 price increases to $140. Register HERE

Live Stations of the Cross

Palm Sunday, March 24th at 4:00PM in the Courtyard

Join us and walk the Via Dolorosa while watching the Re-Enactment of Our Lord’s Passion and Crucifixion. Reserving your spot is highly recommended, please contact Frank Faranda at 561748-8805 or

St. Jude Catholic Church 204 N US Highway One Tequesta, FL 33469

Live Stations of the Cross

Good Friday, March 29 at 6:00PM

Holy Spirit Catholic Church 1000 Lantana Rd Lantana, FL 33462

Knights of Columbus Parish Fish Fry Dinner

March 15 & March 24, 5:00-8:00PM

Dinner and one non-alcoholic beverage costs $20

St Gregory the Great 200 North University Drive Plantation, FL 33324

23 Catholic Owned Magazine

Lenten Stations of the Cross

Holy Spirit Catholic Church

Every Friday during the Lenten Season, 7:00PM

All Saints Catholic Church

Every Friday during the Lenten Season, 6:00PM English, 7:00PM Spanish

St. John XIII Catholic Church

Every Friday during the Lenten Season, 3:00PM, bilingual

St. Gregory the Great Catholic Church

Each Friday during Lent, the Stations of the Cross will be available for the convenience of our community.

Fridays: in English at 12:00PM

Fridays: Rosary in English at 6:30PM, followed immediately by Stations of the Cross, 7:00PM

Fridays: in Spanish Via Crucis a las 8:00PM

St. Jude Catholic Church

Join us as we follow Jesus along The Way of the Cross. Fridays 4:30PM in the Church during Lent.

St. Augustine Catholic Church

Every Friday at 7:00PM in the Church.

St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic Church

Every Friday 5:00PM English and 7:00PM Spanish

Join us on a walk through the 14 Stations of the Cross in the Church.

St. Agnes Catholic Church

The Way of the Cross (Guided, English)

7:30AM every Friday during Lent

The Way of the Cross is prayed standing, and at times kneeling. It should be done walking, stopping at each station, to remember Jesus' path to Calvary.

24 Catholic Owned Magazine


Requiem Mass for the Forgotten

March 15, 7:30PM

Archbishop Salvatore J Cordileone at Epiphany Catholic Church for the world-premiere celebration of Frank La Rocca's "Requiem for the Forgotten " Richard Carrillo, St John Neumann parish choir director, will conduct a 20-voice professional choir and an orchestra After the Mass, join us for a dessert reception in the courtyard REGISTER HERE

Church of the Epiphany

8235 Southwest 57th Avenue Miami, FL 33143

Columbiettes St. Patrick’s Day Bake Sale

Saturday, March 16 after the 4:00PM Mass and Sunday, March 17 after the 7:00AM, 9:00AM, and 11:00AM Masses

We will be featuring Irish Soda Bread, Scones, Muffins, & other tasty treats!

St. Vincent Ferrer Catholic Church

I840 George Bush Blvd Delray Beach, FL 33483

Adoration Hour of Mercy, Every Sunday

The Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy invite you on Sundays for an Adoration Hour of Mercy

2:50PM: Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament

3:00-4:00PM: Guided holy hour including a short meditation on Jesus’ passion and Chaplet of the Divine Mercy. Benediction at 4:00PM St. Augustine Catholic Church

Catholic Women in Media, Lights in the Darkness

Saturday, March 16 8:00AM-3:00PM

Day of worship includes Mass with The Most Reverend Gerald M. Barbarito, Confessions, Adoration & the Rosary, Keynote Speaker Alexis Walkenstein, Artisan Crafts & Trinkets. $35 registration fee includes breakfast and lunch. Visit to register!

Our Lady Queen of the Apostles Parish 100 Crestwood Blvd S.



Knights of Columbus Bingo Night

Saturday, April 6

For info contact Michael D’Addio at

Sponsored by St. Vincent Ferrer Council 13996 and Trinity Council 4839

St Mark’s Gym

643 St Mark Place

Boynton Beach, FL33435

Missionary Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe

Wednesday, March 20 from 7:30AM-4:00PM

One of four images in the world commissioned by the Basilica Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City to journey as Missionary Images. All are invited to come and venerate the Image of Our Blessed Mother and pray for her intercession for us.

St. Jude Catholic Church

204 N US Highway One Tequesta, FL 33469

Columbiettes St. Patrick’s Day Bake Sale

Saturday, March 16 after the 4:00PM Mass and Sunday, March 17 after the 7:00AM, 9:00AM, and 11:00AM Masses

We will be featuring Irish Soda Bread, Scones, Muffins, & other tasty treats!

St. Vincent Ferrer Catholic Church

I840 George Bush Blvd

Delray Beach, FL 33483

Women’s Emmaus Bake Sale

Sunday, March 17 after all English Masses

All Saints Catholic Church

10900 W. Oakland Park Blvd Sunrise, FL 33351

Marriage Retreats in Miami in 2024

Have you lost that loving feeling? Want to feel like saying, “I do” all over again, or just rekindle your marriage? Come and join us in Miami for a weekend that will heal old wounds, help you learn to communicate more effectively and bring your marriage back to life We can help put your marriage on the right path

Upcoming Weekend Events: July 19-21, 2024 Spanish, September 6-8, 2024 English

Learn more: , 305-915-4607 ,


Ministry Groups


Would you like to strengthen body, mind and soul? Join us every week as we combine the prayers of the Rosary with core-strengthening, stretching and functional movement. All are welcome at any fitness level! Please bring a mat and towel. Contact: Ramona Joachim:, 561-866-4820 Daniella:

-St. Joan of Arc Athletic Center: Mon & Wed @ 6:30pm

-1020 SW 21 Lane, Boca Raton: Tues. 8:15am

-Emmanuel Church (Delray Beach): Weds. 4pm

-Boca Raton South Beach Park Pavilion: Sat. 6:30am

Domus Lux St. Kieran Young Adult Ministry

Join us every Thursday at 8:00PM for a time of fellowship and community among other Catholic young adults.

St. Kieran Catholic Church

3605 S. Miami Avenue Miami, FL 33133

Rosary of the Dawn, Every First Saturday

Every First Saturday

Join us at dawn to pray and give thanks along with Mary our heavenly Mother for all the blessings and graces received through her Immaculate Heart!

St. Mark the Evangelist, at the Piazza’s Fountain

5601 South Flamingo Rd.

Southwest Ranches, FL 33330

Men’s Holy Hour

April 4 at 6:00PM at Holy Spirit Catholic Church in Lantana, FL

Men are invited to a Holy Hour of Eucharistic Adoration and Confessions. Afterwards, men can enjoy refreshments & fellowship

For more information about the Holy League visit https://holyleague com/ Contact Brian Burnett, Men’s Ministry, at

Children’s Adoration Group

Last Sunday of every month, 9:15-10:00AM

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament with music, prayer, & guided meditation for Children & Families

St. John XXIII Catholic Church

Adoration Night

Every Second Saturday of the Month

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament all night. St Patrick’s Catholic Church, Andre Bessette Chapel 3455 Alton Rd Miami Beach, FL 33140

27 Catholic Owned Magazine

Volunteer Opportunities

40 Days for Life

February 14, 2024-March 23, 2024 from 7:00AM-7:00PM

40 Days for Life is an internationally coordinated 40-day campaign that aims to end abortion locally through prayer and fasting, community outreach, and a peaceful all-day vigil in front of abortion businesses Join one of the local vigils this Lent!

Fort Lauderdale


https://www 40daysforlife com/en/miami

West Palm Beach

West Palm Beach

https://www 40daysforlife com/en/westpalmbeachplannedparenthood

28 Catholic Owned Magazine


School Secretary

St. Vincent Ferrer Catholic School in Delray Beach is hiring for the position of School Secretary. To apply, please Email your Cover Letter, Resume and three References to:

Please, no phone calls.

High School Theology Teacher

St. Brendan High School in Miami is looking to hire a qualified and experienced full time High School Theology Teacher for the 2024-25 school year. This teacher will be expected to plan, organize, and implement an appropriate instructional program for High School Theology. FULL DETAILS HERE.

Job Seeking

Luz Cotto is a legal assistant who also has experience as a leasing consultant. Seeking clerical, legal assisting, secraterial, or similar work in the Boca Raton area. Neat, organized and professional who is open to new opportunities, especially with a quality, Catholic Owned company. Please email to get in touch about opportunities.


Fully Furnished Room for Rent, Hammocks Area in Miami

In a gated community near Miami Dade College, Miami executive Airport, and West Kendall Baptist Hospital. Rental price is $850 per month and includes internet, water, electricity, gym, swimming pool, laundry, private parking spot, full sized closet, and balcony with a view Please no pets, and requires a Background Check, security deposit needed to move in Please contact Juan Burgos, MBA at 305-748-7731

Seeking Female Roomate/ Room for Rent

Mature, Catholic female university student seeking a fitting living situation. Open to a Catholic roommate, a room for rent in a Catholic home, or other solutions. Within 20-30 minutes radius of STU in Miami Gardens, preferably towards Fort Lauderdale area Please contact 786-748-5100.

29 Catholic Owned Magazine

Theology Teacher St. Brendan High School

St. Brendan High School in Miami, Florida is seeking to hire a qualified and experienced full-time Theology Teacher. This teacher will be expected to plan, organize, and implement an appropriate instructional program for High School Theology. The Theology teacher performs all duties and responsibilities in alignment with the mission, vision, and values of the Catholic Archdiocese of Miami.


Required: Master’s Degree in Theology or Religious Studies or in the process of completing a master’s degree; Catechist certified preferred.

Minimum of three (3) years’ experience teaching at a high school level, preferred.

Must have knowledge of the tenets of the Catholic Church

Practicing Catholic in good standing who fully adheres to and models the Roman Catholic Church teachings in faith and moral.

Must have clear and professional communication with students and parents

Excellent classroom management skills.

Good oral and written English-language communication skills, including clear speaking voice.

Must be able to demonstrate the technology skills needed to use digital textbooks and interactive classroom technology.

Must be supportive and respectful of the mission and tenets of the Roman Catholic Church.

To apply: Please send cover letter, resume, copies of certifications, list of professional references to:

Subject line should read Theology Teacher.

NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE 30 Send this magazine to your friends & invite them to subscribe! 31 Catholic Owned Magazine

Ultima Verba

This week, we retire this cover image Due to the shape restraints, we had to hide one portion of the image, which is now visible here in its entirety. And we reveal it here because the time is right for us as disciples to turn our attention towards Passiontide. It’s time to realize that we are those sleepy Apostles in the Garden that night

The ones to whom so much had been revealed in the previous days, weeks, months and years. The eyes that had seen great miracles, incredible healings, the dead raised back to life, the blind and mute healed, and thousands of people fed from five loaves and two fish

They had all shown their devotion to Jesus, expressed their belief in Him and had been there for the Last Supper. He had told them that His hour was drawing near. Yet somehow, they were too tired to stay awake when He asked them to pray that they themselves would not face temptation

We can’t say it was because they didn’t understand, or because they didn’t take Him seriously, or any other easy explanation. The truth

is that the Apostles falling asleep was part of His Passion, a necessary suffering for God’s plan of Salvation. The betrayal of the ones that call themselves His friends is a necessary part of His Suffering.

What is not necessary is the continued betrayal of His Sacred Heart by us, the ones who call themselves His friends, today.

Instead, we receive exceptional graces from the one who never betrayed Him, the one whose Immaculate Heart suffered alongside Him that day Our Lady can help us to be sure that we aren’t falling asleep on the calling that God has given us; that we aren’t taking for granted the blessings He has poured out; and, that we can do whatever He tells us, in order to please His Sacred Heart and for the salvation of souls.

As we turn our attention to Passiontide this weekend, perhaps an inward examination of ourselves could provide an opportunity to root out any “sleepiness” in our spiritual lives, so that we may encounter Our Lord on Calvary more fully.

32 Catholic Owned Magazine

Thank you for being here and for reading! Next publication date is March 21. CLICK HERE to invite your Catholic friends!

Deo Gratias

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