Castleton Magazine Spring 2014

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Spring 2014


Castleton’s Worldview

A Fond Farewell and Warm Welcome from President Wolk With this magazine we recognize and salute former Communications Director Ennis Duling, who retired in 2012 after serving the college with dedication and distinction for 25 years. Ennis did many things very well, with an uncompromising love and devotion to Castleton. He was the editor of over 40 Castleton Magazines. We miss you Ennis, and bid you fond farewell. We also extend a warm welcome to Director of Marketing and Communications, Jeff Weld, who has had a stellar career at Castleton as a student, athlete, and leader.

Former Sports Information Director, basketball coach and, more recently, college spokesperson and Communications Director, Jeff now leads a reorganized staff and oversees our marketing and communications efforts. Jeff is smart, diligent, and wise. He also bleeds green, #343 green to be precise, and we are extremely fortunate to have him at the helm. He is yet another Castleton alum who has made us proud.

Castleton on the Move An excerpt from President Wolk’s state of the college address:


he headline of the Castleton Plan is that we are indeed a college on the move. The Plan builds on the reinvigoration of the college over the past dozen or so years, with well-planned incremental increases in undergraduate and graduate enrollment, staffing, programs and facilities. We’ll place a greater investment in and commitment to the Rutland area, including downtown Rutland as a destination for selected new programs for graduate students and upper level undergraduates that will further enhance the quality of a Castleton education. Since we have renovated virtually every existing building on campus, and built many new ones, it is clear that we are very close to the capacity of our current campus footprint. Our promising future is predicated on continued expansion of academic programs and steady, well planned enrollment increases. However, much of that growth may well be away from Castleton’s main campus, in yet to be determined venues in the Rutland region, and will include a combination of approaches to online and distance education along with more traditional face to face education. What will not change is the relationship-based approach to education that our faculty and students cherish. Our students come to us every year as bright and promising young adults, with the future world within their reach. This is also true for our beloved Castleton, full of bright promise for the future, clearly a college on the move. It is also clear to me that we need to preserve all that we love about our campus family, but it is also imperative that, if we are to survive and thrive, we need to grow. Our vision moving forward is a testament to the remarkable progress of the past dozen years. We are proud of what we have accomplished together in these years and for doing it in a way that embraces our rich history and enhances our cherished traditions.

Castleton Magazine 1

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Castleton on the Move ............................................................................. 4 Castleton’s Worldview................................................................................ 6 Homecoming and Family Weekend 2013............................................ 14


Why We Give............................................................................................ 16 Report of Giving 2012-2013............................................. Center Insert Performing Arts....................................................................................... 18 Making an Impact: Women’s Lacrosse................................................. 22 Spartans in the Pros................................................................................. 23 Athletics Year in Review.......................................................................... 24 Extreme Learning................................................................................... 26 2013 Athletic Hall of Fame..................................................................... 27


Our Green Campus................................................................................. 28 College Newspaper Archive Now Online............................................. 32 Faculty Perspective................................................................................... 33 On the Cover: Published by College Advancement Office Castleton State College Castleton, VT 05735 Design by Carlson & Company, Middlebury, VT


2 Spring 2014

Send updates of your address and email to Contact Information: Jeff Weld Director of Marketing & Communications 62 Alumni Drive Castleton State College Castleton, VT 05735 (802) 468-6052

“Ever since I participated in Castleton’s Semester in Santa Fe, I have been infected with the travel bug. As a Spanish Education Major, I have been able to temporarily cure myself by participating in a year-long study abroad program in Granada, Spain, immersing myself in the language, culture and lifestyle of southern Spain. This is a photo of me with the incredible city of Toledo in the background.” —Kelsey Burnell ’14, Spanish Education

On two occasions, Samantha Barrale ’13, second from left, led a team of Castleton students to the Jersey shore to aid in the Hurricane Sandy relief efforts.

The Civic Engagement Certificate at Castleton


ow in its third year, the Civic Engagement Certificate at Castleton is open to degree-seeking students regardless of major. Still in its relative infancy, the program has positioned itself to expand to new horizons by applying for the Community Engagement Classification from the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. The classification, which will be awarded for the 2015-16 academic year, was first developed and offered in 2006 as part of an extensive restructuring of the Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education. The elective Community Engagement Classification provides a way for institutions to describe their identity and commitments to community with a public and nationally recognized classification. More than volunteerism, the Civic Engagement Certificate at Castleton allows students to develop knowledge and skills necessary for promoting positive change in their communities by combining disciplinary and inter-disciplinary coursework with direct community service, engagement, and leadership. Through a combination of learning and acting, an act of civic

engagement provides one with a greater understanding of the issue at hand and exactly what needs to be done to prevent similar ones from occurring in the future. Sam Barrale and Erica Bilodeau graduated with the Civic Engagement Certificate in 2013. These students completed a formidable list of criteria to earn the certificate including the completion of courses with the Civic Engagement designation. These courses range from the traditional, service-oriented classes such as social work and sociology, to less traditional classes in business and science. Erica Bilodeau ’13

Barrale served as President of the Social Issues Club and organized two trips to New Jersey to aid in relief efforts after Hurricane Sandy. “Being a civic engagement student has been very exciting because I am one of the first four to earn the certificate since it was developed,” Barrale said. “I believe that being a civic engagement student has opened doors for me and helped my academic success.” Her sentiments are evidenced by her acceptance into the Masters in Social Work advanced standing program at Columbia University, the University of Michigan Ann Arbor, and Denver University, where she is presently enrolled. Bilodeau has taken an active role in helping the Civic Engagement committee at Castleton to market itself to future students as part of the project portion of achieving her certificate. One thing that sets the civic engagement program apart from others are the connections that students like Bilodeau are able to make. “Through the civic engagement courses that I took, I made connections with community members and organizations and was able to get academic credits while completing projects that benefit the area.” Castleton Magazine 3

Castleton on the Move

A Blueprint for the Next Decade


ore than 500 members of the Castleton College community joined President Dave Wolk for his annual state of the college address in the Casella Theater at Fall Convocation. Wolk’s address highlighted Castleton’s many accomplishments throughout the year, and provided a glimpse into the future of the college. “This is a tremendously exciting time for the college and our future,” said Wolk. “It will take the collective creativity of a small college with a big heart to launch us into new frontiers that will capture the essence of what makes us special and unique, ensure our financial stability for the future, and contribute to the cultural and economic well-being of Vermont.” Wolk provided an outline of “Castleton on the Move” the college’s new

ten-year strategic plan, highlighted by international growth, new and enhanced graduate programs, and a focus on well-planned incremental increases in undergraduate and graduate enrollment, staffing, and programs and facilities. He also discussed the launch of new and expanded entrepreneurial opportunities, including the Spartan Dome which will be sited alongside Spartan Arena in

Rutland Town. Further expansion of the college into the Rutland area through graduate and upper-level undergraduate courses is also planned. View President Wolk’s complete State of the College Address

Exponential Growth in Nursing Program


n the not-so-distant past, fewer than one hundred nursing students attended Castleton. Three years ago, as we launched the process for earning accreditation of a new Bachelor of Science degree in nursing, fewer than 150 students were seeking a Castleton degree in nursing. At the beginning of this fall semester, with the Commission of Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) preparing to conduct its accrediting site visit, nearly 250 nursing majors are

studying at Castleton and more nursing students are waiting for the opportunity to start working on their degrees. Brand new initiatives lie just around the corner as well—initiatives that will contribute even more profoundly to the healthcare needs of Vermont and the surrounding region. Director of Nursing, Ellen Ceppetelli, has been instrumental in this growth and is currently serving as a board member and Secretary of the CCNE.

Polling Institute Moves to Rutland


ust three years after being established, the Castleton Polling Institute is poised for growth. In March Dr. Rich Clark will officially open the doors on the brand new location located in downtown Rutland in the former Opera House. The new location provides much needed classroom and office space, while also providing an expanded calling center. Still

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in its relative infancy, the polling institute has provided important survey research for both public and private entities, which has also led to the expansion of staff. In January, Ryan Flood, ’13 was hired as the manager of the institute. Flood worked extensively with Clark while he was a student and will play an integral role in the institute’s future.

New Polling Institute Manager: Ryan Flood, ’13

Castleton on the Move

Castleton Launches New Graduate Programs


s part of our mission to become Vermont’s public master’s institution, Castleton added three new master’s programs. The Master of Arts in Education, with a Specialization in Mathematics, Master of Arts in Theater, and Master of Music Education are all currently accepting applications for the upcoming summer and fall terms. These three exciting programs expand the already robust offerings through Education and Ac-

counting, and will be joined by several others in the very near future. Learn more about Castleton’s Graduate Programs Assistant Director of Admissions Raphael Okutoro is the point of contact for graduate and transfer students

Castleton Retention Rate at All-Time High


ollowing the first year students of 2012, the current retention rate of 74.3% describes the total percentage of students who have continued their education at Castleton since enrolling. Historically, the college’s rate has not surpassed 71.2% in the last ten years, making this year’s percentage worth celebrating. “It means our students are staying with us,” said Dean of Enrollment Maurice Ouimet, “This improvement is clearly a result of the amazing teamwork surrounding our retention efforts as a college in the past year.” With initiatives such as First Year Seminar programs, residence life initiatives, faculty support and the Col-

lege Support Team, in addition to the increased amount of on campus events and activities, Castleton currently stands above the national average for a college of its size and classification. Over the next few years Ouimet hopes to see continued improvement in results as the college works to further distance itself from others. “I think it is safe to say that this is one of our best years,” said Ouimet, “We really want our students to be successful. That begins with recruitment, carries through retention, graduation, and ultimately employment.”

International Recruiting Efforts


n recent years Castleton has made a commitment to increase its recruitment efforts internationally. That commitment took a large step forward when Debbie Singiser was invited to lend her expertise as a consultant. Singiser holds a Master of Arts Degree in International Affairs from Columbia University and has several years of valuable experience working as an International Development Consultant. She will be with the college through June and recently presented her find-

ings after working closely with admissions, student life, the international student population, and others on and off campus. She will lead a task force to begin implementation of new initiatives over the next several months and her report will act as a blueprint for Castleton’s successful recruitment and retention of international students for years to come. Deborah Singiser, International Development Consultant

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Castleton’s Worldview Kevin Alberque Global Studies major and Ridgefield Park, New Jersey native Kevin Alberque ’15 spent a semester in Morocco as part of his focus on Africa, the Middle East, and Arabic studies. “The experience was very humbling. I was able to help with a local orphanage, teaching simple things like how to brush their teeth, as well as donating clothes and toys.” Read Kevin’s blog from the trip

6 Spring 2014

Shun-Yao Chang Taiwan 2012-13 Mandarin Chinese

Cristian Yopla Cruzado Peru 2013-14 Spanish

Giovanni Salazar Costa Rica 2012-13 Spanish

Pei-Yin Lee Taiwan 2013-14 Mandarin Chinese

For the past 25 years, the Spanish Program has been working with the Institute of International Education and the Fulbright Foundation to bring in teaching assistants. Typically from Central or South America, the program has been fortunate to have very ambitious and hardworking young TAs who have given our students exposure to various cultures of Latin America. Several of our former teaching assistants are presently pursuing master’s and/or doctoral degrees in the United States as well as abroad. Many have returned to their native countries and are now successfully fulfilling high academic positions. Others have secured teaching positions at the K-12 and college level. Professor of Spanish and program coordinator, Ana Maria Alfaro-Alexander

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Vermont’s International Academy


ducation Professor Harry Chaucer spent a semester sabbatical expanding international education opportunities, as he assisted in the opening of the Vermont International Academy in China. Utilizing conventional schooling methods to teach a balanced view of global history, the college-preparatory high school works with Chinese students interested in pursuing a Vermont or U.S. college education upon graduation. With locations in Shanghai and Tianjin, the school has officially launched four successful campuses, hosting over 250 students. “I believe professors should always keep a hand in their work,” Chaucer said of his time spent on sabbatical. “I always try to find ways to stay vital in my profession.” As Head of Curriculum Development, Chaucer serves as an educational consultant for the academy, working to enrich class curriculum and manage faculty work. A top priority is incorporating the school core values of knowledge, innovation, and global understanding into all course programs. Since the opening of the school in the fall of 2012, Chaucer already sees a strong interest from students in pursuing an education through a U.S. university program. Over the next few years he hopes his efforts will successfully draw in foreign students wishing to consider Castleton as a top college choice. “There’s a rich base in Vermont for these types of exchange programs,”

8 Spring 2014

Photos, clockwise from the top: The principal and staff of Tianjin #14 High School. Buddhist prayer flags frame Mount Kawa Karpa, one of the most sacred mountains in Tibetan Buddhism. Kawa Karpa has never been successfully ascended. Students at SW Weiyu in Shanghai get ready to meet their Vermont International Academy faculty for the first time. Dr. Harry Chaucer speaks about Vermont’s John Dewey and progressive education to principals in Shanghai. In an East Tibet monastery, Buddhist nuns test each other’s knowledge by asking questions emphasized with a sharp clap.

Chaucer said. “My goal is to have enough students participate where they feel comfortable and happy here.” Chaucer’s involvement in the program has allowed him the opportunity to immerse himself in the Chinese culture. Collecting artifacts along his

journey, he has brought back countless pieces of his abroad experience to enhance his teachings in the classroom. Now working from a distance, he plans to continue building the foundation of the VIA, while creating a truly international education experience.

Course in Belize


very two years, astronomer Catherine Garland, biologist Cynthia Moulton, and historian Jonathan Spiro teach a course on the Maya titled “The Collapse of a Civilization.” The semester is spent researching the history and environment of the Maya. In April faculty and students end the class with a ten day trip to the beautiful countries of Belize and Guatemala to climb Maya pyramids, track jaguars through the rainforest, canoe down jungle rivers, explore massive caves, and consort with toucans and blue butterflies. Students always say that this course is the greatest experience of their life.

Semester in the American Southwest As a service-learning component of the fall 2013 Semester in the American Southwest, fourteen Castleton students worked side-by-side with members of the Galisteo community of New Mexico to restore a 19th century adobe building. Students learned the skills of adobe construction — building with earth, straw, and water — and also how adobe is environmentally sustainable and important in revitalizing the cultural heritage of indigenous and Hispanic traditions of the American Southwest. In January Professor Paul Derby and senior Communication and Sociology major Benjamin Carstens presented a paper and Ben’s video documentary on service-learning with the Galisteo community in Split, Croatia, at the Annual Conference of Environmental, Cultural, Economic, and Social Sustainability.

“ “

I got to experience a culture so different from my own. I also met new people from campus and formed wonderful relationships with them through the trip.

—Alyson Wheeler ’14, History Having the opportunity to see and walk on ancient Mayan ruins was an amazing experience that I will hold dear my whole life.

—Jacob Swane ’15, Biology

From left: Katelyn Daly, Morgan VanCor, Charlotte Malaroche, Suraya Malee

Castleton Magazine 9

Beyond Baseball


once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. That’s how Ted Shipley, Castleton’s head baseball coach, described his team’s trip to the Dominican Republic last spring. For the past five seasons, the Spartans have traveled to Texas to open their season. But Shipley thought the timing was right to try something new. “We felt we had a good group of seniors who have done a lot for the Castleton program, so if we were going to do it, this would be the year,” he said. During the six-day trip the team played five games against some quality competition. The Spartans played against teams comprised of Major League Baseball prospects training to play professionally. “The talent we faced in the Dominican is superior to any we have encountered stateside,” noted Shipley. Most of the players agree that practicing and playing baseball was great, but the memories of the time they spent with local children will be lasting. During their trip, Spartan players and coaches visited children at an orphanage. They also hosted a baseball clinic for local children. That’s what senior Matt McNamee will take from the experience. “It was great that we were able to give back to the community while we were there,”

Matt McNamee ’14 and the youth players take a break from the action.

“It was great that we were able to give back to the community while we were there. The kids at the orphanage were so enthusiastic and spending time with them just makes you so grateful for what you have.”— Matt McNamee ’14 he said. “The kids at the orphanage were so enthusiastic and spending time with them just makes you so grateful for what you have. As an older brother, it

was really moving to be able to share photos and talk to my siblings about what I was able to do and the importance of giving back.” Shipley agrees. “Going to the orphanage and hosting the clinic had a great effect on the guys while we were there. It made them more appreciative, helped them look beyond themselves, and gave them a deeper understanding of what it means to give back. As a team, we got a lot out of the trip. We became a lot closer through the experience as well.” Castleton baseball players and coaches put the Dominican youth players through a college workout session.

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Healing Honduras


hirteen senior nursing students are preparing to embark on a medical brigade to Honduras as volunteer nurses. The March trip will provide valuable field experience while aiding a country in need, combining the experiential learning, civic-mindedness, and study-abroad opportunities that have come to define a Castleton education. “Having a nursing license is such a privilege and we have an opportunity every day to make a difference in people’s lives,” said nursing student Kylah Livingston. “I really wanted to take the opportunity and do something more with it.” The students, along with Nursing Professor Margaret Young, will join a group of 46 healthcare professionals with the NYVT Nurses Unite Medical Brigade to provide quality health initiatives to struggling communities. Young says Honduras is in desperate need of more help and the students learn valuable lessons themselves. “They learn about global health

Amy Russell, president of NYVT Nurses has been on the trip three times before. She is leading the group of Castleton nursing students.

and the need for global awareness,” said Young. Upon arriving in Honduras, the group will spend their first day at a local orphanage working with young children. The rest of their trip will be spent at stationed clinics administering essential medicines and triage. Each volunteer nurse will be assigned a variety of medical tasks, from

dressing fractures and taking vital signs, to educating children on basic health and hygiene practices. Over the span of a week the group hopes to provide various healthcare services to more than 1,000 people. “This trip will give us real life experience,” said Livingston, “And the opportunity to make a significant difference in someone else’s life.”

Castleton Director of Budget and Finance, Heidi Whitney ’99, took vacationing to new heights on her recent ascent of Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, Africa. Accompanied by ten other climbers, she spent seven days hiking, scaling and camping along the dormant volcano’s edge. “I have been adventure traveling for the past five years; there is such a big world out there, with a lot of places to see and things to do,” said Whitney. Mount Kilimanjaro stands at over 19,000 feet above sea level, and is Africa’s highest mountain, and was a personal-high climb for Whitney. Castleton Magazine 11

(Cuba photos, clockwise from left) In Havana, Cuba for the Havana Fiesta del Tambor (Rhythm and Dance Festival, 2013)). Catedral de la Habana, Habana Vieja (Havana Cathedral, Old Havana). Here I am “test-driving” an old Chevy Impala convertible. My first car was a ’67 Chevy Impala, coincidentally. With Grammy Award winning drummer for Chucho Valdez, Juan Carlos Rojas, better known as “El Peje” (“The Fish”). I took private lessons at the home of “El Peje”.

“Practice What I Preach”


n his twentieth year as a professor at Castleton, Phil Lamy was about as far from the Vermont campus as one can get. Lamy spent both semesters on sabbatical, traveling to Cuba and Peru in support of his professional development in ethnomusicology. “In a sense, my sabbatical gave me an opportunity to ‘practice what I preach,’” Lamy said. “I was able to study cultures through their expressive forms, especially music and musical instruments, dance and art.” While his first semester was spent splitting time between Peru and Cuba, Lamy spent the second semester entrenched in “Seventh Sabbatical” which is awarded to a faculty member whose sabbatical research is geared to teaching and innovative teaching methods. During the Seventh Sabbatical he applied what he had learned to curriculum development and methodology. Lamy’s travels took him to Lima, Peru where he traveled through ancient civilizations, 12 Spring 2014

visited the Incan Ruins, and Machu Pichu while collecting information and artifacts. While in Peru, he had the opportunity to take weekly classes with the famed Afro Peruvian percussionist, Lalo Izquierdo and Perú Negro, an ensemble that has traveled the world promoting Afro Peruvian culture. While learning with the well-known ensemble, Lamy was introduced to several reproductions of instruments from earlier cultures including the Cajone, or very-simply “box,” which was the first percussion instrument made without animal skin. Other instruments

he was able to learn from and bring home to teach with include the Cajita (little box), which was fashioned from a church collection box in its original form, and Quijada De Burro, or “jaw of a donkey.” All of these instruments were utilized during times of slavery, as cultures needed to find ways to continue to play and enjoy music without the usual means to achieve instruments. While in Cuba, Lamy explored opportunities to introduce Castleton students to study-abroad opportunities in the previously closed-to-Americans country. Through KoSA, a percussion group which hosts camps and academies throughout the world, including at Castleton each year, the most likely study-abroad opportunities will be through music to start with, but Lamy can foresee Cuba providing opportunities across many different subjects.

(Peru photos) Caral, just north of Lima in Peru, has been known for a while, but not until 1994 was it determined to be among the oldest cities (aka civilizations) in the world. Older than ancient Egypt, India and China, only Mesopotamia (e.g. Babylon) is older by only 200 or 300 hundred years. Thus Peru (and the Americas) produced one of the oldest civilizations in the world at 5,000 BP (before present). At the center of this site in Caral is this amphitheater, where music, theater, dance, and other forms of entertainment were held. According to archaeologists the culture of Caral was especially musical. Among the artifacts discovered, musical instruments (flutes, horns, percussion) far outnumber all discoveries. And there is little evidence of weaponry, torture, or sacrifice. Thus archaeologists theorize the Caral culture was mostly a peaceful one. Famed Afroperuvian percussionist and choreographer (and my teacher) Lalo Izquierdo. Lalo on quijada de burro (donkey jaw) and me on cajita (mini-cajon).

The sabbatical supports my professional development in ethnomusicology, especially the sociology and anthropology of Latin music, culture, and language, and in music education and percussion performance. Music analysis is an effective way to teach history, sociology, and cultural anthropology and I have included the study of music in many of my classes, including Introduction to Cultural Anthropology, the Sociology of Popular Music, Social Movements of the 1960s, and the experimental course, the Anthropology of Music. I find that by studying the music of a society one can learn much about its culture and in examining the history and culture of a society, one can learn much about its music. Over the years I have found that students are very receptive to the methods by which I use music to teach anthropology and sociology. In a sense, my sabbatical is based on practicing what I preach—studying cultures through their expressive forms of culture, especially music and musical instruments, dance, and art. In learning the “language” of music and percussion, I am also studying the Spanish language. A large part of my study of the Spanish language is through the study of music and percussion, including studying with local musicians and music teachers, attending musical events, and performing with local musicians. —Phil Lamy

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Homecoming and

Class of 1964 50 Year Class Reunion! For information:


he 2013 Homecoming and Family Weekend was one of the best-attended in recent history. The weekend truly offers something for everyone as we welcomed several musical talents, a hypnotist, and other entertainment options in addition to the assortment of sporting and social events we have all grown to love. You don’t want to miss the excitement next year!

Celebrating 50 years of Castleton Men’s Lacrosse! Homecoming 2014 More information to come. 14 Spring 2014

SAVE THE DATE: Homecoming 2014 — September 19 – 21

Family Weekend 2013

Castleton Magazine 15

Why We Give

I give as a way to say “Thank You” wholeheartedly for being kind, caring, and truly genuine. Bravo to all the administration, faculty, and staff at Castleton, you are making a difference in the lives of others and you are thought of frequently. When I recently saw a photo of a student out in front of the renovated gym holding a large white sign, the joy I felt brought tears to my eyes, as I also saw the faces of the people I met and who have become a part of my life. When I think of Castleton, I think of family. My peers, professors, and teammates became my home away from home. Their confidence in me helped me grow into the person I am today. Castleton will forever be a part of me and in my heart. To give back to Castleton for a student to start their future, and to experience what Castleton has to offer is the least I could do.

—Nakita Baldic ’10

Castleton has made huge strides in developing its academics, athletics, and facilities over the last 20 years. Much of this success is because of the support of alumni. I had four great years at Castleton and am happy to be part of the giving community. I think it’s important to give back to Castleton.

—Dave Javaheri ’94

Make Your Place in Castleton History

You are a special part of Castleton’s family and you have left your mark in many ways on our beloved college. Show your continued support and leave an everlasting sign of that support with a personalized engraved brick in the Castleton Pavilion Alumni Court or in the Casella Theater on a seat-arm plaque. These also make a great graduation gift for parents of upcoming graduates. 16 Spring 2014

4x8 Personalized Brick • $100 Inscribed Seat-Arm Plaque • $150 Buy your brick or seat-arm plaque online Order by May 13 to receive a special card you can give your graduate describing your gift. For questions, call (802) 468-1240 or email us at

Pictured are President Wolk and Liz Garside, Director of Annual Giving, with some of the sixteen student callers who are making over 8,000 calls to alumni, parents, and friends seeking college support and donations.


he spring session of the Castleton Phonathon is currently underway and runs through April 3. Helping to raise necessary funds for the college, sixteen student callers will make over 8,000 calls to alumni, parents and friends seeking college support and donations. Gifts to Phonathon are used for scholarships, student programs and activities, and other annual expenditures that sustain and strengthen the student experience. In the last 10 years the program has raised over $800,000 for the college. Castleton relies on the generosity of alumni, parents and

Meet Gary Ladabouche

Gary Ladabouche joined the Castleton family on July 1 as Director of Corporate Giving and Major Gifts. A Rutland native and Castleton alum, Ladabouche is a skilled executive with diverse experience in the private sector. For the past 17 years he owned and operated Ladabouche Furniture in Rutland. Prior to joining the retail industry he served as a bank executive for nearly 10 years. His experience, combined with his commitment to the community and ability to communicate the needs of the institution to a broader audience, will help Castleton secure corporate and individual investments in the College.

friends to bridge the gap between tuition revenue and the total cost of a student’s education. Phonathon provides current students with the opportunity to participate in annual fundraising efforts, while building relationships with alumni by updating them on Castleton news and sharing their personal experience. “Phonathon is a great way for students to develop communication skills, gain fundraising experience, and confidence,” said Director of Annual Giving Liz Garside, “They can be proud of their role and we hope you answer the call!”

Secure Our Future. Leave Your Legacy.


he tradition of philanthropy at Castleton includes support from alumni, parents, and friends, and helps ensure that students can live and learn in an environment that will foster their growth as leaders and in service to others. Planned gifts provide assistance to Castleton into the future and often involve tax benefits for donors. These gifts include those that are made annually, for special projects, for endowment, or for future use. Additionally, your legacy will live on at Castleton with a gift from your estate. Whether giving in gratitude for your Castleton days or to create an enduring legacy, you will ensure that the Castleton experience continues.

Complete list of donors:

Castleton Magazine 17


Performing Arts

ich Cowden, the former Coordinator of Fine and Performing Arts Advising at Metropolitan State University of Denver and Artistic Director of Denver’s Edge Theatre Company, brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to his new position. Cowden’s infectious personality and multitasking nature is a perfect fit for a job that seemingly asks him to wear multiple hats. For starters he must direct all aspects of the FAC while working alongside department chairpersons and faculty. Secondly he is a part-time faculty member, which means teaching two classes. Lastly, Cowden is working with others to create a masters-level program for art and theater majors. Cowden said he has many aspirations for the future of the FAC. “Everyone here has been so great, it has gone right along with what I’m trying to do which is bring the arts in Castleton under one brand, one identity and increase the amount of people coming here from different areas,” Cowden said. Cowden said he completely fell in love with Castleton and he has quite a bit to compare it to, originally being from Brooklyn, N.Y., before attending college in Ohio, and living in Colorado. With enthusiasm he said his job is to “help Castleton students find doors to go through and if there are no doors existing in walls, make new doors.” He looks forward to his future at Castleton. “I’d like to continue to get to know people. That is one of the things that really drew me here. Coming from a campus with 50,000 students; that’s not really my style. What I see here is people really going out of their way to help each other,” Cowden said. “That’s what I really like about this place.”

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Rich Cowden


fter 20 years in Castleton’s Fine Art Center Mariko Hancock retired last spring, leaving a legacy of kindness, dedication, and commitment to introducing the community to the arts. The crown jewel of her time at Castleton is the ArtsReach program, which has grown to provide an introduction to the arts for over 60 school-aged groups spanning the state. The program brings together young students with professional artists who are performing at Castleton. “Our goal was to never offer an ‘assembly,’ but to introduce the children to the complete theatrical experience,” Hancock said. “In ten years, we’ve had around 35,000 stu-

dents and teachers introduced to a new level of aesthetic appreciation that is not always offered in their schools.” In addition to ArtsReach, Hancock’s effervescent personality, and charm touched the lives of thousands of students and staff members alike. She brought some of the most memorable performances in Castleton history to the Casella Theater stage and provided countless Soundings students with their first taste of performing arts. “Sometimes performances fall short of expectations, but a lot of times magic happens! Live performances give you a feeling unlike any other. It stays in you, but you can’t create the same experience twice and that’s what I love about what I did at Castleton. I hope students look back and remember those feelings.”

“This really has been home to me.” ­Mariko Hancock

Theater, Music, Chorus


he Theater Arts department fall production was Moliere’s Tartuffe, a satire, not on religion, but on religious hypocrisy, written at the height of the 17th century French Renaissance. The story follows Tartuffe, a criminal who poses as a holy man in order to supplant himself into the home of Orgon, a man eager to secure Heaven’s blessing. Moliere combines the classic traditions of the Italian Commedia dell’arte with his masterful verse and sharp wit to create what is considered one of the greatest comedies of the Renaissance. Castleton’s production of Tartuffe was directed by Castleton Theater Arts Professor Steven Gross, who says, “Tartuffe remains socially significant even today. How often do we still see politicians or media personalities spouting moral or religious doctrine to gain public approval only to be caught in sex scandals and criminal activities which result in their downfall?” For a complete schedule of performing arts dates go to:

Photos by Christopher Williams ’15 Christopher is a communication major from Craftsbury, and works as a student photographer in the college relations office. During weekend and evening hours Christopher views many Castleton events through his camera lens. His photos can be seen in print and various digital platforms. Castleton Magazine 19

Castleton Galleries | Spring 2014 Christine Price Gallery, Castleton

Castleton Downtown Gallery, Rutland

Catherine Hall February 3 – March 22

Shelley Warren and Leslie Berns March 26 – April 26

Len Davis March 3 – April 14

Ken Leslie April 30 – May31

Bob Burchess June 4 – July 12

Jeremy Witt April 3 – May 17

Carolyn Shattuck July 16 – August 16

20 Spring 2014

For more information call 802.468.1266 or visit

Casella Theater Spring 2014 Schedule April





Castleton Theater Department Presents:

Urinetown 7 p.m. Casella Theater



Latin American music band

Los Ciegos del Barrios

Introducing a New Interdisciplinary Discipline Through Film Music Using a Critical Social Constructivist Lens presented by

Paul Kafer,

7 p.m. Casella Theater

Music Department

12:30 p.m., Jeffords Auditorium



Cultivating a College Community


Castleton Collegiate Chorale 3 p.m., Casella Theater

Christopher O’Riley, pianist 12:30 and 7 p.m. Casella Theater







American Place Theater presents:

The Things They Carried

Jazz Combos 7 p.m. Casella Theater

by Tim O’Brien


12:30 and 7 p.m. Casella Theater A collection of short pieces about the character,Tim O’Brien, and his experiences surrounding the Vietnam War. Recommended ages 14 and up


Jazz Ensembles

Wind Ensemble

7 p.m. Casella Theater

7 p.m. Casella Theater

One-stop shop! Castleton Magazine 21

Making an Impact

Lexi Cross pictured with the 2013 women’s lacrosse team prior to an early-season game.


he most valuable player on the Castleton women’s lacrosse team had never played a minute. In fact, the 11-year-old has never seen a game. Lexi Cross, known for her toughness and infectious attitude, became a member of the squad through Team IMPACT, a non-profit organization whose mission is to improve the quality of life for children facing life-threatening illnesses by pairing them with a college athletic team. Lexi was diagnosed with Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia at age four and has Relapsing Polychondritis, conditions that keep her from participating in organized sports. In 2013, the women’s lacrosse team drafted Lexi to be a part of their squad. Junior Chelsea Fisher learned of the organization through a friend and was confident it would be a great experience. Fisher became the ambassador between Team IMPACT and the Spartans, allowing the team to draft Lexi in time for the season-opener.

22 Spring 2014

“The women’s lacrosse team has taken Lexi under their wing and made her a part of their team. These women have given my daughter a sense of belonging she has never felt before.” — Kelly Cross Lexi attends practices, games, helps on the sidelines, bakes cookies and makes bracelets for her teammates. The impact was immediate. Lexi’s mother, Kelley Cross, sent the following message to athletic department administrators: “The women’s lacrosse team has taken Lexi under their wing and made her a part of their team. These women have given my daughter a sense of belonging she has never felt before. After her first practice with them she said to me ‘mom I finally belong somewhere.’ They have given Lexi so much more than a place on the team. I just thought everyone should know how amazing these women are and

not only for their amazing moves on the field.” But the impact doesn’t stop there. Players insist that Lexi has been as much of a source of inspiration for them -- as they are to her. “It’s kind of cool to admire someone who is younger than me,” shared senior Sarah Clark. “Sports helped make us who we are…so giving her this opportunity is a way we can give back,” added junior Maddy DaCosta. Sophomore Meghan Els from Long Island, agrees that getting to know Lexi and her family has been rewarding. “It just feels really nice to be part of a family while being so far from home.”

Jared Lavender

Josh Harris

Jonathan LaFrance

Spartans in the Pros


s the Castleton hockey program has grown in prominence, Cody Ayers many players have made that transition to the professional ranks including nine different members of the historic 2010-11 team which went 22-4-1. The group is highlighted by Josh Harris ’13, who signed with the Las Vegas Wranglers of the ECHL for the end of the 2012-13 season, appearing in eight games before returning to Castleton to graduate in the spring. The ECHL is one of two minor leagues recognized as a feeder program for the NHL. This year Harris signed to play for the Huntsville Havoc of the SPHL, where he is one of four formers Spartans on the roster. Harris has appeared in all but one game and is tied for second on the team in scoring with 33 points (14G, 19A). Stuart Stefan ’11 is in his third season with the Havoc and has 33 points (14G, 19A) this year while leading the team with a plus/minus of +22. Last year he finished third in the SPHL with 42 points in helping the Havoc reach the league championship. Nick Lazorko, who spent two-and-a-half seasons with the Spartans before leaving to pursue his professional career, currently leads the Havoc with 19 goals and has 28 points total. Ben Schoeneberger ’13 was recently added to a Havoc roster that is third in the SPHL standings. Justin Alonzo ’13, the program’s all-time leader in assists, took a similar route as that of Harris to the SPHL’s Pensacola Ice Flyers, appearing in nine games during the 2012-13 season before returning to graduate. He is back with the Ice Flyers for the 2013-14 season and has five goals and nine assists this year in helping the team to the top of the SPHL standings. Jonathan LaFrance ’11 played with Stefan in Huntsville during the 2011-12 season before moving to Bisons de Neuilly sur Marne of the French First Division. During the 2012-13 season he was named a co-captain for the last half of the year and was one of the top five scoring defensemen

in the league. Following a playoff run he is back with the team for another season this year. Cody Ayers ’12 has spent the past two seasons with the Danbury Whalers of the FHL. Last year Ayers scored 57 points in 50 games for the Whalers in helping them to the FHL Championship and this season notched his 100th point as a member of the Whalers. Brad Barber ’13 started his professional career this year with the Danbury Whalers before moving on to the Mississippi Surge of the SPHL. Former teammate Dan Bell ’13 went to Europe following graduation and has recorded 25 points (10G, 15A) in just 13 games as a member of Champigny in France. Jared Lavender ’09 has worked his way up the professional ranks since graduating. Lavender played two seasons for the Missouri Mavericks of the CHL, from 2009-11, before moving to the Quad City Mallards. Last season he spent time in the ECHL with the Evansville Iceman and this year is playing for the Louisiana IceGators, currently tied for first place in the SPHL. Travis Martell ’08, a member of the All-Decade Team at Castleton, is the longest tenured pro. He spent two years with the Knoxville Ice Bears before moving to Europe. Martell played with the Zoetermeer Panthers during the 2010-11 campaign and after two seasons as a member of the Crimmitschau Ice Pirates in Germany moved on to VER Selb, where he has 36 points in just 35 games. Omar Pacha ’10 played three seasons at Castleton, appearing in 67 games. After graduating he played a little more than one season with the Havoc before moving on to play with the Bloomington Blaze of the CHL for 50 games. Last year he played for Chamonix HC Les Chamois in France and led the league in scoring among defensemen. This season he moved on to the EIHL of the United Kingdom, where he plays for the Hull Stingrays. Castleton Magazine 23

Year in Top 13 of 2013


astleton student-athletes put forth impressive performances in 2013, too many to name in this section alone. School records came crashing down and eight different teams played in a conference championship game during 2013. Three different teams won conference championships and seven different squads went on to postseason play. Throughout the hundreds of contests, 13 different performances managed to stand out. Careful consideration was paid to the magnitude of each game, the historical significance of each performance, and the individual’s overall contribution. To read more about each performance:

Top 13 Countdown 2013 #13 Zach Temple at NAC Men’s Golf Championships #12 Brianna Kullberg at USCSA Women’s Alpine Skiing Championships

#11 Jessica Babcock vs. Thomas College softball #10 Carnelius Green at MCLA Men’s Basketball #9 Ben Hannah at USCSA Men’s Alpine Skiing Championships

#8 Conner Johnson vs. UMaine-Farmington Baseball #7 Kelly Conway at ECAC Women’s Basketball Championship #6 Taylor Lively in NAC Softball Tournament #5 Zach Davidson vs. New England College Men’s Lacrosse #4 Paula Stephens vs. Williams College Women’s Ice Hockey #3 Rachel Preusser vs. Plymouth State University Field Hockey #2 Amanda Flodstrom in NAC Women’s Lacrosse Championship

#1 Jessica Binkowski in ECAC Women’s Soccer Tournament 24 Spring 2014

New Hires

Castleton welcomed John O’Connor and Steve Moffat to the head coaching ranks in 2013. Coach O’Connor took the reins of the men’s soccer team, guided them to a 13-4-2 mark and an appearance in the NAC Semifinals. Coach Moffat was named the third head coach in Castleton men’s hockey history and currently has the Spartans positioned for the ECAC East Tournament.

Steve Moffat

John O’Connor

R eview

C h a m p i o n s

Field Hockey 2013 NAC Champions

Women’s Basketball 2013 ECAC New England Champions

Men’s Lacrosse 2013 NAC Champions

Women’s Lacrosse 2013 NAC Champions

Castleton Magazine 25

Extreme Learning


n 2010, roughly 500 competitors ran, crawled, jumped, and swam their way through a variety of obstacles in Burlington, Vermont, at the first Spartan Race. In 2012 more than 500,000 people competed in 36 obstacle races worldwide. In 2013 the company announced a partnership with NBC Sports, signed Reebok as its official sponsor, and is estimated to be worth more than $50 million. Andy Weinberg, one of eight Spartan Race founders, moved to Vermont in 2006. He joined Castleton in 2011 as an Assistant Professor of Physical Education. Passionate about competing in endurance events, Weinberg and his friends started organizing their own events with varying distances, challenges, and extremes. From 100-mile snowshoe races, to a three-mile race featuring 15-obstacle events, to the signature Spartan Death Race, which spans more than 48 hours. In addition to hiring seven Castleton alumni as full-time employees, the race also provides many Castleton students with valuable work experience.

26 Spring 2014

Weinberg estimates that more than 100 Castleton students have participated in service-learning and internship hours with Spartan Race. The days are long, but students have an opportunity to be involved with every facet of the company, from event management, social media marketing, and building crews, to risk management, merchandising, and much more. Weinberg is also influencing the next generation of physical educators by introducing students to Spartan Race. Extreme obstacle course racing appeals to a broader group of people and measures the competitors against themselves rather than each other. With childhood obesity rates continuing

Professor Andy Weinberg

to climb, this gives physical educators another tool to help children become more active. According to Weinberg, more and more of his graduates are implementing Spartan Race into their curricula. Spartan Race took notice. It now offers a children’s series, which encourages entire families to compete.

Jeremy Benoit, ’13 Spartan Race Merchandising Department Intern, January – August 2012. Responsibilities: Managed on-site merchandise tents Perks: Traveled to nine races in nine states Ran in five races in five states

The 2013 Castleton Athletic Hall of Fame


n October 19 John Witalec ’64 and Janna (Walker) Webb ’01 became the newest members of the Castleton Athletic Hall of Fame at an induction ceremony attended by dozens of their friends, family, and fellow half of fame members. John Witalec ’64 Witalec was a two-sport athlete before graduating and embarking on a very successful career as an educator, coach, and official in Vermont. He spent 30 years as a teacher of physical education at Black River, was named Teacher of the Year in 1994, and spent 21 seasons as the varsity baseball coach. He has committed 50 years of his life to officiating baseball, soccer, and softball in the state and has seen action in more than 200 high school and collegiate contests during that time. He lives in Ludlow with his wife of 49 years, Sylvia Laakso Witalec (’65). They have three grown children – Gina, Gregory, and Geri.

John Witalec and presenter Geri Witalec, his daughter.

Janna (Walker) Webb and presenter Jessica Walker ’98, her sister.

Janna (Walker) Webb ’01 Webb was a four-year standout on the women’s basketball team, helping the Spartans to four-straight trips to the Mayflower Conference semifinals and back-to-back conference titles in 1998 and 1999. In 99 career games Webb scored 1,143 points and collected 765 rebounds, making her one of just four players in program history to amass at least 1,000 points and 700 rebounds. A

three-time all-conference honoree, she also collected 303 steals and 208 assists, a testament to her all-around abilities on the court. Since graduating Webb has embarked on a successful career in physical education, currently serving as athletic director and physical education teacher at Mettawee Community School in West Pawlet. She lives in Fair Haven with her husband Ken (’96) and young sons Derek and Jacob.

Castleton Magazine 27

Our Green Campus Hoff Hall Attains LEED Gold Status Castleton’s newest residence hall, was awarded a gold rating for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design. Developed by the U.S. Green Building Council, LEED is a suite of rating systems for the design, construction, operation, and maintenance of green buildings, homes and neighborhoods. The objective of the LEED standards is to help building owners and operators find and implement ways to be resource-efficient and environmentally responsible. There are four different levels of LEED certification; Certified, Silver, Gold, and Platinum that are determined by how environmentally responsible and resource efficient a building is and

28 Spring 2014

awarded through an application process. “Hoff Hall is our second LEED gold building, with the campus center being the first,” said Dean of Administration Scott Dikeman. “Achieving LEED gold is a significant accomplishment for us.” In addition to a 28.8 kW solar array (120 panels) that was installed when the building was constructed, Hoff Hall also boasts four micro-wind turbines, which are also generating power. The turbines, with a blade diameter of three feet, produce just less than one kilowatt when operating at full power. The devices, engineered by JLM Energy in Rocklin, California, are the first commercial deployment of the technology in Vermont.

Hoff Hall Attains LEED Gold Status Need high resolution photos here

Micro-turbines on Hoff Hall roof help power the building, and are the first of their kind to be installed on a college campus.

Castleton Magazine 29

Spartan Arena

Goes Green

Castleton’s Spartan Arena is dedicated to becoming a leader in ice rink sustainability, as we continue to make energy efficient enhancements, including the recent installation of the arena’s ice system, which was showcased by Efficiency Vermont in front of more than 40 rink managers from across the country and into Canada.

The system allows for an overall decrease in water consumption, creating a reduction in total energy usage. The arena’s recent energy reduction results show a reduction in the rink’s kilowatt-hours usage, from about 75,000 for January 2007 to under 50,000 for January 2014. The tremendous decrease is a direct result of the recent improvements and shows that the arena is able to maintain steadily decreasing kilowatt usage, while producing some of the best ice in New England.

New Partnership Targets More Opportunities for Castleton Students Green Mountain Power CEO Mary Powell, Castleton President Dave Wolk and the rest of the Rutland County college presidents signed an agreement recently to work together to bolster economic, educational and community development, with GMP’s new Rutland Energy Innovation Center serving as the focal point of the effort. Under the agreement, GMP and the colleges will: n Create an EIC College Lecture Series open to the public and within the EIC, featuring professors and lecturers from the colleges on a rotating monthly basis, focused on energy, the environment, efficiency and related topics.

30 Spring 2014

n Collaborate to identify and present lecture topics and demonstrations by EIC staff within regular courses, on the college campuses. n Develop internship opportunities for students of the colleges who are interested in renewable generation and the energy industry, business and related topics, within the EIC and GMP more generally. n Create a job-shadowing program, so students can learn about different kinds of job opportunities and day-to-day job responsibilities in day-long or multi-day visits. n Use EIC exhibits and the EIC itself, the GMP Renewable Education Center in Rutland Town and other GMP

renewable energy sites as adjunct classrooms for tours led by EIC staff for students from the colleges. n Investigate renewable development opportunities at the colleges and collaborate to develop sustainable generation and associated educational opportunities for students and the general public. n Continue to explore collaborative ideas to expand these partnerships. “This is an extraordinary opportunity for our students,” Wolk said. “It will provide academic and community-building benefits, connecting us to GMP’s work and creating closer ties between the college and the city of Rutland.”


astleton alumni Mark Fleming ’91 and Daniel Murphy ’92 go the extra mile to raise funds for cancer research, as they participate in the yearly Pan-Mass Challenge, a 190mile bike ride raising money for the Dana Farber Cancer Institute through the Jimmy Fund. The largest sports-related fundraising event in the country, the annual bike-a-thon takes participants across the commonwealth of Massachusetts with 100% of rider-raised dollars going to life-saving cancer research and treatment, a cause that hits close to home for both Mark and Dan. “Both of us being cancer survivors, it is something we are really passionate about,” said Fleming. It was in 1997 that Mark first received the devastating news of thyroid cancer, and again in 2006 with word of skin cancer. Dan received his diagnosis of testicular cancer in 2004, taking him and his family by surprise.

United They Ride

Through their cancer fighting experience, successful recoveries, and love of cycling, the two college friends were unexpectedly reunited during a Pan-Mass Challenge. Now, sharing a common goal to help others diagnosed with the life-threatening disease, they have been proudly pedaling together in the race ever since. “I feel great and cherish every day that I get to spend with my wife Michele and my two daughters Madison

and Meaghan,” said Murphy, who credits his health and recovery to the care he received at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute. Now that their personal cancer fighting battles have been won, the two are looking to give back to those still fighting. “I can’t think of a better way to give back and try to help others survive, as I have,” said Fleming, who has participated for five years. “I’m living proof.” Together the two have raised a combined total of over $78,000 for the Jimmy Fund through their annual rides and support from friends and family. The pair plans to continue riding together in memory of others affected by the disease, while enjoying each other’s company along the way. “Its great to be a part of something bigger than anything you have ever been a part of,” said Murphy, who recently completed his seventh Pan-Mass Challenge. “I look forward to riding with Mark for many more years.”

Stay Connected. Stay Involved. by Ceil Hunt ’11 Alumni Association


he Castleton Alumni Association helps keep more than 15,000 friends and alumni stay connected. We are committed to enriching lifelong relationships among the alumni body and our college. Over the past year we have worked with the Student Government Association to better understand how alumni can support the needs of current students as they look to secure employment after graduating from college. We look forward to continuing this conversation as we search for ways to connect alumni and students through meaningful volunteer opportunities.

Give the Alumni Relations Office a call (802-468-1305) or send an email ( if you are interested in volunteering to help with any of the following opportunities: n Informational interviews: Allow a student to gain an inside view into your industry and hear first hand experiences. n Career panels: Share your experience with students by participating on a career panel. n Mock interviews: Volunteer as the interviewer for student mock

interviews. Ask questions and provide feedback. n Presentations: Visit a class or student group to share information about your career area. n Call admitted students: Help welcome newly admitted students into the college. A personal call from an alumni can go a long way in helping a student decide to attend Castleton. nA lumni Events: Promote and attend alumni networking events. It truly is an exciting time to be a Castleton Spartan! Castleton Magazine 31

College paper archives online Read all about it! Castleton’s newspaper archive is now online. Starting with The Birdseye Newspaper on February 28, 1934 Vol. 1 No. 1 through The Spartan 2012-2013, Castleton’s student newspapers are now available online. Part of the Castleton Archives Digitization Project, an initiative to transform the college’s current archives into digital form, students, faculty, alumni, and the general public will now have access to the newspapers online in a completely searchable PDF format. Funded by Educational Resources, this valuable resource will eliminate the need to hunt for archived information by hand, making documents on Castleton history more easily accessible. “These are little, but important parts of Castleton’s history,” said Coordinator of Media Services and project committee member, Karen Sanborn. Digitally archived papers can be accessed on the Library’s homepage under the Library News tab or by going directly to: castletonstudentnewspapers.htm

Conferences and Events

32 Spring 2014

Special Night for a Special Guy Reprinted with permission from The Post-Star. David Blow is a professor of Communication at Castleton. His book,”Blow By Blow: A Quarter-Century of Voices from my Notebook,” has just been published.

by David Blow ’89


love the way he was looking up at me as I spoke. I couldn’t fixate on him because I was also supposed to be speaking to the 199 or so other people in the audience. But it was his eyes and what seemed to be a permanent smile that I was drawn to. With his constant battle with Alzheimer’s disease, I wanted to know what my former Castleton State College professor Terry Dalton was thinking. Was he absorbing the fact that this whole night, in my mind, was about him – not about the book I just finished? I mean, 25 years ago, he was me as I am now, a guy who traded the newsroom for the classroom to perhaps leave a bigger mark on the world. That’s what he told me at dinner an hour before in one of several topics we covered. He talked about former classmate and Post-Star reporter Don Lehman, and how he kicked it into gear late in college to become a really talented journalist ready for the world despite a rocky start that many of us are guilty of. Don clearly left a mark. But in the next breath, he was asking me about my wrestling or boxing, two things I’ve never done. We talked baseball, a passion of both of ours, and sometimes the conversation made perfect sense like about my beloved Red Sox winning the series. He knew that I loved them and remembered the Red Sox game we saw together at Camden Yards with another of his former students who now works at The Washington Post. Seconds later, though, he was laughing at my misery when I mentioned the Cardinals, thinking that was my team. At times I was left kind of nodding and smiling – and ashamed that I couldn’t know what he was trying to convey to me. I felt stupid, even though his words sometimes didn’t make sense. And I’m pretty sure he knows they don’t make sense seomtimes and he tries to move on to compensate. When he was struggling for words, I wanted to will them out of him. I wanted to tell him that I did box or wrestle or tell him whatever he wanted to hear to make him feel secure in his thoughts. I didn’t know how to react when things didn’t make sense. Should I just go with it? It made me a little sad. A guy who could captivate a room seemed to be at a place in his mind where he knows what’s happening to him yet is fighting so hard to be the same guy he was. The fact he succeeded at times despite what’s playing out in his mind is a testament to who he has always been, a master orator capable of captivating a room with powerful questions, an engaging personality and an anchorman’s voice. He was driven and worked hard as a professor to make sure we understood the underpinnings of the profession and he whipped us with his red pen when our efforts fell short, but always in a coaching, non-demeaning way.

David Blow (left) with Terry Dalton.

And there I am, 24 years after graduating from his teachings, standing in front of him giving a lecture to a packed house about a book of my life through stories and classrooms that’s dedicated to him. He looked proud. He looked happy. And when I made the room stand in his honor, I think he felt special. I hope that in that instant, his brain fully engaged and soaked up that moment that was meant only for him. I hope he realized how much he meant to a guy who copied his career and now hopes to be as good. And when he came up to me after I finished and with a huge smile was telling me how great my talk was and how well I had done, I hope his thoughts were clear and he meant it. A former student still wants and needs that reassurance, I think. I told everyone I wanted to make him king of the Castle(ton) that night, and I think I did. And I hope that’s one memory that outlasts a lot of the others. Ten percent of the book’s profits are being donated to the Glens Falls Area Youth Center, which is run by two brothers in Blow’s hometown of Glens Falls, New York. Despite facing life-threatening health issues of their own, these men are dedicated to cooking dinner, helping with homework, and simply acting in a parental role for the children at the center. Donations are also matched by Architect Bob Joy who designed many of Castleton’s recent projects with JMZ architecture. Dave was recently pleased to deliver a $600 check to the youth center, and hopes to do much more in the future. Castleton Magazine 33


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