Caribbean Entertainment Magazine - August 2017 Issue

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In this Issue Issue 10

Health 11 Proven Ways to Lose Weight Without Diet or Exercise (pp. 6-8)

Love & Relationship


How to Demand Respect in Your Relationship (pp. 9-10) DATING DOS AND DON'TS - Text versus (Phone Call in a Relationship) (pp. 11-12)

6 Essential Items for Traveling the Caribbean Islands (pp. 14-15)


Caribbean Signature Cocktails  

( pp. 18-20) Ciroc Lola (pg. 18) Tropical Itch Cocktail (pg. 19)

Recipes  


Remain Fashionable While You Travel (pp. 27-28)

SwimWeek in Anguilla (pp. 29 -33) Natural Ways To Treat Under-Eye Bags And Wrinkles (pg.34)

Featured Personality Shenika Adams, WINNER OF FACE OF GRENADA 2017 TALKS WITH CEM MAGAZINE (pp. 35-38)



Food & Drink

Fashion & Beauty

In the Spotlight 16Question With I-Octane, From His First Romantic Kiss to Which Female Celebrity He Rates As The Perfect 10! (pp. 39-40)

Horoscope 41-42 Entertainment 43-52

Coconut Pie (pp. 21-22) Lobster Spring Rolls (pp. 24-25)

On The Cover

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Proven Ways to Lose Weight Without Diet or Exercise


ticking to a conventional diet and exercise plan can be difficult. However, there are several proven tips that can help you “mindlessly” eat fewer calories.

These are effective ways to reduce your weight, as well as to prevent weight gain in the future. Here are 11 ways to lose weight without diet or exercise. All of them are based on science. 1. Chew Thoroughly and Slow Down Your brain needs time to process that you’ve had enough to eat. Chewing your food better makes you eat more slowly, which is associated with decreased food intake, increased fullness and smaller portions. How quickly you finish your meals may also affect your weight. A recent review of 23 observational studies reported that faster eaters are more likely to gain weight, compared to slower eaters. Fast eaters are also much more likely to be obese. To get into the habit of eating more slowly, it may help to count how many times you chew each bite. Bottom Line: Eating your food slowly can help you feel more full with fewer calories. It is an easy way to lose weight and prevent weight gain. 2 Use Smaller Plates For Unhealthy Foods The typical food plate is larger today than it was a few decades ago. This is unfortunate, since using a smaller plate may help you eat less by making portions look larger. At the same time, a bigger plate can make a serving look smaller, causing you to add more food. You can use this to your advantage by serving healthy food on bigger plates and less healthy food on smaller plates. Bottom Line: Smaller plates can trick your brain into thinking you’re eating more than you actually are. Therefore, it’s smart to consume unhealthy foods from smaller plates, causing you to eat less.

3. Eat Plenty of Protein Protein has powerful effects on appetite. It can increase the feeling of fullness, reduce hunger and help you eat fewer calories. This may be because protein affects several hormones that play a role in hunger and fullness, including ghrelin and GLP. One study found that increasing protein intake from 15% to 30% of calories helped participants eat 441 fewer calories per day and lose 11 pounds in 12 weeks, without intentionally restricting anything. If you currently eat a grain-based breakfast, then you may want to consider switching to a protein-rich option, such as eggs. In one study, overweight or obese women who had eggs for breakfast ate fewer calories at lunch compared to those who ate a grain-based breakfast. What’s more, they ended up eating fewer calories for the rest of the day and during the next 36 hours. If you regularly consume meals watching TV or using your computer or smartphone, these extra calories can add up and have a massive impact on your weight in the long-term. Bottom Line: People who eat while distracted are more likely to overeat. Paying attention to your meals may help you eat less and lose weight.

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4. Store Unhealthy Foods Out of Sight Storing unhealthy foods where you can see them may increase hunger and cravings, causing you to eat more . This is also linked to weight gain.

about half an hour before meals, reduced hunger and helped them eat fewer calories. Participants who drank water before a meal lost 44% more weight over a 12-week period, compared to those who did not.

One recent study found that if high-calorie foods are more visible in the house, the residents are more likely to weigh more, compared to people who keep only a bowl of fruit visible.

If you replace calorie-loaded drinks — such as soda or juice — with water, you may experience an even greater effect.

Store unhealthy foods out of sight, such as in closets or cupboards, so that they are less likely to catch your eye when you’re hungry.

Bottom Line: Drinking water before meals may help you eat fewer calories. Replacing a sugary drink with water is particularly beneficial.

On the other hand, keep healthy foods visible on your counter tops and place them front and center in your fridge. Bottom Line: If you keep unhealthy foods on your counter, you are more likely to have an unplanned snack. This is also linked to increased weight and obesity. It’s better to keep healthy foods, like fruits, visible.

7. Serve Yourself Smaller Portions Portion sizes have increased during the last few decades, especially at restaurants. Larger portions encourage people to eat more, and have been linked to an increase in weight gain and obesity. One study in adults found that doubling the size of a dinner starter increased calorie intake by 30% (21).

5. Eat Fiber-Rich Foods Eating fiber-rich foods may increase satiety, helping you feel fuller for longer. Studies also indicate that a special kind of fiber, called viscous fiber, is particularly helpful for weight loss. It increases fullness and reduces food intake. Viscous fiber forms a gel when it comes in contact with water. This gel increases the time it takes to absorb nutrients and slows down the emptying of the stomach. Viscous fiber is only found in plant foods. Examples include beans, oat cereals, Brussels sprouts, asparagus, oranges and flax seeds.

Serving yourself just a little less might help you eat significantly less food. And you probably won’t even notice the difference. Bottom Line: Larger portion sizes have been linked to the obesity epidemic, and may encourage both children and adults to eat more food.

A weight loss supplement called glucomannan is also very high in viscous fiber.

8. Eat Without Electronic Distractions Paying attention to what you eat may help you eat fewer calories. People who eat while they’re watching TV or playing computer games may lose track of how much they have eaten. This, in turn, can cause overeating.

Bottom Line: Viscous fiber is particularly helpful in reducing appetite and food intake. This fiber forms gel that slows down digestion.

One review article looked at the results of 24 studies, finding that people who were distracted at a meal ate about 10% more in that sitting .

6. Drink Water Regularly Drinking water can help you eat less and lose weight, especially if you drink it before a meal. One study in adults found that drinking half a liter (17 oz) of water,

However, not paying attention during a meal actually has an even greater influence on your intake later in the day. People who were distracted at a meal ate 25% more calories at later meals than people who were not distracted.

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If you regularly consume meals watching TV or using your computer or smartphone, these extra calories can add up and have a massive impact on your weight in the long-term.

Bottom Line: Sugary drinks have been linked to an increased risk of weight gain and many diseases. The brain doesn’t register liquid calories like solid foods, making you eat more.

Bottom Line: People who eat while distracted are more likely to overeat. Paying attention to your meals may help you eat less and lose weight.

11. Serve Unhealthy Food on Red Plates

9. Sleep Well and Avoid Stress When it comes to health, sleep and stress are often neglected. But in fact, both can have powerful effects on your appetite and weight. A lack of sleep may disrupt the appetite-regulating hormones leptin and ghrelin. Another hormone, called cortisol, becomes elevated when you’re stressed. Having these hormones disrupted can increase your hunger and cravings for unhealthy food, leading to higher calorie intake.

One weird trick is to use red plates to help you eat less. At least, this seems to work with unhealthy snack foods.

What’s more, chronic sleep deprivation and stress may increase your risk of several diseases, including type 2 diabetes and obesity.

One study reported that volunteers ate fewer pretzels from red plates, compared to white or blue plates. The explanation may be that we associate the color red with stop signals and other man-made warnings.

Bottom Line: Poor sleep and excess stress may disrupt the levels of several important appetiteregulating hormones, causing you to eat more.

Bottom Line: Red plates may help you eat less unhealthy snack foods. This may be because the color red triggers a stop reaction.

10. Eliminate Sugary Drinks Added sugar may very well be the single worst ingredient in the diet today.

12. Anything Else? There are many simple lifestyle habits that can help you lose weight, some of which have nothing to do with conventional diet or exercise plans.

Sugary beverages, like soda, have been associated with an increased risk of many Western diseases. It’s very easy to take in massive amounts of excess calories from sugary drinks, because liquid calories don’t affect fullness like solid food does. Staying away from these beverages entirely can provide enormous long-term health benefits. However, note that you should not replace soda with fruit juice, as it can be just as high in sugar. Healthy beverages to drink instead include water, coffee and green tea.

You can use smaller plates, eat more slowly, drink water and avoid eating in front of the TV or computer. Prioritizing foods rich in protein and viscous fiber may also help. However, I wouldn’t try all these things at once. Start to experiment with one tip for a while, and if that works well and is sustainable for you then try another one A few simple changes can have a massive impact over the long term.

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Love & Relationship


ow to Demand Respect in Your

Relationship “The truest form of love is how you behave toward someone, not how you feel about them.”—Steve Hall


remember it like it was yesterday. My friend smacked the hell out of her boyfriend in front of an entire party during an argument. This was after he caught her exchanging numbers with another guy. Now I’m not sure what he said to get her riled up, but her actions were inexcusable. Year after year, I watched this guy fail at demanding respect from his lady. She cheated on him, dismissed anything he had to say, and publicly humiliated him in front of friends and family. Honestly, it appeared as if he had not one bone in his back and it was painful to watch. I’m the type of person who believes in treating everyone with respect until they are disrespectful. Respect should be a given in a relationship, especially when one claims to love, cherish and adore their mate. But after a series of ridiculous observations, along with my very own instances of being disrespected by my significant other, I’ve learned that respect is definitely something that is

earned, no matter how special someone claims you are to them. It shocks me each and every time I witness someone talking down to their significant other or behaving inappropriately in or aside from their presence. Here are three tips on how to demand respect in a relationship. 1. Take time to defend yourself Defense is something you should never have to worry about in a positive, healthy relationship, but sometimes things happen. Luckily, life always gives us the opportunity to get stronger in each and every area of weakness. If you happen to be dealing with a partner who disrespects you, it’s imperative you learn to stand up for yourself verbally and physically. Each time s/he says or does something to offend you, let them know. Communicate to them how their actions made you feel, and provide as much detail about the offense as possible. Let your mate know that you will

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not tolerate such disrespect and that they only have one time to do so. 2. Be willing to take away certain privileges No, you’re not training a dog or raising a child (at least you shouldn’t be), but the worst thing you can do is reward bad behavior. Allowing someone to disrespect you with no visible repercussions sends a signal of acceptance. Ideally, your life partner should be greatly contributing to your overall mental, physical and emotional development, so hold them accountable. You should work to be respected in all aspects of your life, not just relationships. Do not carry on as if life is peachy. Do not act in a passive-aggressive fashion. If they notice you’re not being as affectionate, tell them why. If they notice you didn’t fix their lunch that day, let them know it’s due to them taking you for granted, because that’s what disrespect is. When you respect someone, each and every thing you do to them and regarding them reinforces that notion. There is no concern about how someone feels about you, because they consistently display that they hold you in high regard like a good mate should.

much you love a person, some things cannot be repaired. Be strong enough to determine what you can and cannot tolerate, and be prepared to exit the relationship if need be. You will save yourself a lot of pain, grief and blows to your self-esteem. You should work to be respected in all aspects of your life, not just relationships. Being kind is a noteworthy trait, and you should never allow anyone to take your heart away from you. But you know what else is noteworthy? Being firm. Having a “don’t try it” attitude doesn’t make you a bitch or an A-hole, it gets you respect. That’s something that cannot be bought or sold, and once you have it, only you can lose it.

By: Shantell E. Jamison Shantell E. Jamison is an editor for and Not confined to chasing headlines, this Chicago-based writer, radio personality and cultural critic is also the author of Drive Yourself in the Right Direction: Simple Quotes on How to Achieve Your Best Self.

3. Be strong enough to walk away I’m a no nonsense type of person. If you disrespect me, I will give you one time to correct your behavior, depending on how invested I am in the relationship. But sometimes, the level of offense is so bad that no second chance should be offered. No matter how

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DATING DOS AND DON'TS - Text versus Phone Call in a Relationship


alling all human beings who date: Texting as the go-to means of communication needs to stop! There is definitely a time and place for texting, but I’m sorry – that time is not every moment of every day. It’s a legitimate question to ask: When should I call and when should I text? As a rule, call when you want to hear your date’s voice, when you’re upset, and when you plan on talking for a few minutes or longer. On the other hand, text to say hello, good morning, or good night, or to make specific plans that don’t require an actual phone conversation. When you first start dating someone, share what your expectations are for calls and texts. If you’re someone who loves the phone as much as I love my plush living room couch at the end of a long day, connecting on the phone is something you probably need – and there is nothing wrong with that. At the start of a relationship, don’t be afraid to spell out how – and how often – you like to communicate. Do you need to talk on the phone every day, or maybe just a few times per week? Do you like a “Good morning!” text? If so, say it and then wait to see if they can meet your needs. Texting No-No #1: When one or both of you are upset Never discuss emotional issues while texting. For your part, never initiate texts to discuss emotional issues or the fact that you’re upset about something. I recently had a female client tell me that she was feeling insecure and upset with the new guy she was dating, and she got out her phone and started texting. What ensued? Twenty minutes of back-and-forth texting that got both of them more upset, with no follow-up phone call or resolution. There was awkward, bad energy between the two of them before they started texting, and the texting made the divide between the two of them even worse. For your date’s part, he or she shouldn’t be texting about emotional issues either! If he or she sends a text that broaches any type of emotional issue (e.g., Are you mad at me? Why were you acting weird

tonight?), do not respond by text. Instead, pick up the phone and call. Say clearly, “I always think it’s better to talk as opposed to sending texts or emails which can confuse things more.” If your date doesn’t pick up or responds with a text that says he or she can’t talk and can only text (e.g., he’s in a meeting), pick up the phone again and leave a message that says to call you later during a particular time frame. For example, say, “Call me anytime between 6 and 10 tonight when you have a chance.” Pressing pause on the texting also helps to remind you that there is no manic rush to solve the problem immediately.

Sometimes sitting with your feelings is much better than acting on them. Texting No-No #2: When you want the intimacy of a real conversation Sometimes, a text is going to provide enough emotional connection for you; other times, you are going to want more: a real, live voice on the other end that actually has a beating heart inside. It’s important when reaching out to anyone you’re dating that you ask yourself what you would like most to do: talk or text. If you decide you want to talk, don’t worry about what he or she wants – just put your need out there and see if he or she is able to meet your need. Texting No-No #3: When you want to break plans – or break up Let’s get this one out of the way: Sending a text as a breakup message is either cowardly or cold-hearted, and I am sure that you are capable of more sensitive Page | 11

and compassionate behavior. We don’t need to drive this one into the ground – just don’t do it. Breaking plans by texting happens all the time. If you need to break plans but are still interested in the person, call and say, “I wanted to call you because I’m not able to make our plans, but I didn’t want to send a text for fear that you might think I wasn’t interested.” This is the gold standard of dating communication. On the other hand, if you need to break plans because you realize you’re not interested any longer, try this: “I think you deserve the respect of a phone call, but I wanted to say that I need to cancel. I’m really sorry but I don’t feel like we’re a good fit. I wanted to call though to say that I’m glad I met you and really wish you well.”

The next time you go to text a date, make sure that you avoid the texting no-nos and summon the energy or courage to call more often than you text. The best relationships are going to have a foundation of good, clear communication – and telephone calls lead to a much better relationship than texting! Do you like texting — or is it bothersome to you in your friendships and relationships? ...................................................................................... About the Author: Dr. Seth Meyers has had extensive training in conducting couples therapy and is the author of Dr. Seth’s Love Prescription: Overcome Relationship Repetition Syndrome and Find the Love You Deserve.

Making this type of call is respectful of the other person, even though the content of what you’re saying – not seeing him or her again – is upsetting.

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Essential Items for Traveling the Caribbean Islands

With more than 7000 islands dotted with white sand beaches, aquamarine waters, palm trees, and friendly locals, the Caribbean is a prime destination for anyone looking to have some fun under the sun. Anyone who has been there wants to go back, and anyone who hasn’t been will find it well worth the travel investment. If you are looking to head to the Caribbean islands, you already know that you will be in for a tropical treat. But to make sure that your experience will prove to be paradisiacal, packing in the right set of essentials is necessary. In this article, we will take you through six of the most important items that you will need for your excursion.

such, areas may require differing travel documentation specifications. As a rule of thumb, it is imperative to bring a valid passport, proofs of identity, and your plane tickets. Stash them in a safe clutch or purse that you can easily get to, at the immigration desk, and throughout your stay in your chosen destination. Essential Carry-on Items Aside from your travel documents, make sure that you pack your carry-on luggage with the things that you will need, after you land in the islands. This is because collecting your baggage may take more than a couple of days, and having important what you need within your reach will help enable you to do what you came to the Caribbean to do while waiting for your luggage. These include travel-sized toiletries, change of clothing, footwear, and prescription medication (if you need them). Safety Locks It is also imperative that you ensure the protection of your belongings, while traveling. For this reason, TSA-approved locks are a must. This is not only important to ensuring the safety of your belongings, but also meeting requirements that may otherwise present challenges.

Travel Documents One of the most common misconceptions that people tend to have about the Caribbean islands is it is one group of interconnected islets and cays. Geographically, that can be valid; politically, however, it is not. These islands represent a polyglot of independent states and territories, which may have links to larger countries such as the United States. As

If you do not have the budget for TSA-approved locks, you can opt to use zip ties or cable locks. Appropriate and Comfortable Clothing When it comes to packing in your clothes, there are two things that you must remember: first, your clothes have to be appropriate; second, they should be comfortable. Page | 14

So, appropriate clothing. It is important to note that, depending on how you are going to travel through the Caribbean, you may be subject to following dress codes. If you are joining a cruise, for instance, there may be restrictions as to what you can wear. Additionally, camouflage clothing is not legal in certain countries such as Jamaica, Barbados, St. Lucia, and St. Vincent and The Grenadines. When it comes to comfort, make sure to pack in a light of light-colored and flowy clothing. Ditch the high hees (unless you’ll be on a cruise for most of the time), and opt for sandals and flip flops. Also, you can opt to pack in as many changes of clothing as you want, but when it comes down to it, you will mostly be needing around two pairs of swimwear, a couple of shirts and dresses, and accessories like hats and sunglasses. Sun Protection Products With a lot of sunshine comes a great responsibility to be prepared and protected. Choose good sunblock products with the right SPF degrees, and invest in sun protection accessories such as wide-brimmed hats. It is also wise to bring a bottle of aloe vera, in case you get sunburnt, as well as lip balms with sun protection. Moisturizers are also essential for keeping your skin hydrated especially in very warm climates. Necessary Extras And don’t forget to bring all the extras that you will need. First off, make sure you have a properlyplanned first aid bag. These should contain necessary over-the-counter medications such as pain relievers, anti-diarrheal tablets, and hydrocortisone and antibacterial creams. Waterproof cases and bags will also be essential, especially if you’re planning to carry some things

while enjoying the sun. Extra bags will also be ideal, if you’re planning to buy souvenirs for the folks back home. Going snorkeling? Bringing your personal gear will not only save you rentals expenses, it will also assure you of having safe and clean equipment. More Tips Finally, don’t forget to bring your sense of fun! Here are some of the most prized tips that have helped many travelers make the most out of their holidays: Get your body well-prepared for the trip. A few days before you jet it off to this little pocket of paradise on Earth, make sure that your body is well-equipped for the trip. Some travelers take the necessary vitamins that can help prevent untimely and inconvenient issues, such as catching a cold. Load up on vitamin C to boost your immune system, get enough sleep, and exercise while you can lead up to the trip.  Be socially responsible. When you’re abroad, it is important to be mindful of certain universal necessities, such as being nice and kind. A holiday always feels better when you have nothing but smiles and good will for everyone you happen to meet. Additionally, heed local rules and regulations. A holiday always feels better when you know you will not have to face fines.  Relax. You will be on holiday, and it will not feel like one if you keep sweating the small stuff. If you’re worried about mosquitoes, for instance, buy bug repellents that you can apply on your skin. Remember to accept the experience as it happens, and do not wear yourself thin trying to plan the perfect holiday. The Caribbean offers up treats for all the senses, and they will be better appreciated and witnessed if you have the right perspective.  Connect to the place. Finally, make connections when and where you can. Take lots of photographs, interact with the locals, and make friends.


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Food & Drink

Caribbean Signature Cocktails Ciroc Lola Makes 1 drink 1 ounce(s) CĂŽroc Vodka 1 1/2 ounce(s) pomegranate juice 1 teaspoon(s) elderflower liqueur 1 splash champagne 1 orchid blossom Stir all the ingredients over ice to chilled and strain into a pre-chilled cocktail glass. Top with splash of champagne and garnish with a Sonya orchid or, if unavailable, another food-grade edible flow

(Photo and Recipe :Delish)

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Tropical Itch Cocktail

Makes 1 drink 1 oz Vodka 1 oz Light Rum ½ oz Orange Curacao or Grand Marnier (Triple Sec will substitute) 3-4 oz Passion Fruit Juice (or get creative!) Mix ingredients, shake well and pour over ice. Garnish with fruit

Photo: Absolut Vodka/Recipe

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Coconut Pie

11 inches Sweet Dough Pie Shells (2 Pie Shells) INGREDIENTS  450g all-purpose flour  250g cold cubed butter  60g powdered white sugar  6 egg yolks • 2 tbsp ice cold water  2 11 inch bottom removable flan pans DIRECTIONS 1. In food processor, combine sugar, flour, and butter; mix until it appears like fine breadcrumbs. With machine on, add eggs and water until it basically comes together. 2. Transfer the dough to a lightly floured surface and make into 2 even disks. Wrap and refrigerate for 30 minutes. 3. After cooling, place dough in between 2 pieces of parchment paper and roll out to 3 mm thick, remove the top parchment paper, and place (pastry side down) the dough gently in the lightly buttered flan pans. Refrigerate for 5 minutes, then remove top parchment paper, poke pastry with a fork, place paper back, and top with weights (beans). 4. Par-cook for 15 minutes with beans. Remove beans and cook until golden brown. 5. Remove from oven and let rest until room temperature achieved. Leave dough in flan pans when filling with mixtures.

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Caramel Sauce INGREDIENTS  3 cups sugar  90 ml unsalted butter  1½ cups heavy cream DIRECTIONS 1. In a stainless steel pot over low/medium heat, melt the sugar until it caramelizes and is free of lumps. 2. Whisk in the butter and then take off the fire and stir in the heavy cream.

Chocolate Sauce INGREDIENTS  ¾ lb sweet milk chocolate chips—high-grade chocolate equates to a nicer sauce  250 ml heavy cream  ½ lb unsalted butter  ½ lb white sugar DIRECTIONS 1. Over medium heat, melt and simmer the cream, sugar, and butter. 2. Remove the liquid mixture from flame and pour in chocolate; mix with a wooden spoon until smooth.

Strawberry Sauce INGREDIENTS  1 lb individually quick frozen (IQF) strawberries in syrup •  1 tbsp white icing sugar DIRECTIONS 1. Blend ingredients in a high speed blender until smooth.

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Lobster Spring Rolls

Court Bouillon for Poaching Lobster (2 liters) INGREDIENTS

 1 medium carrot—peeled and thinly sliced  1 small white onion—peeled and thinly sliced  1 stalk of celery—washed and chopped  1 cup white wine  1 oz whole white peppercorns  1 slice of fresh lemon  bouquet garni—tied together with a string: 1 bunch fresh thyme, 1 bay leaf, ½ oz

parsley  1 oz vegetable oil  2½ liters of cold water  1 pinch of kosher salt

DIRECTIONS 1. In a large pot, over a medium flame, add the oil and vegetables. 2. Cook very lightly until the vegetables start to become soft but without making them brown in color. 3. Add the white wine, bouquet garni, peppercorns, lemon, and water. 4. Bring to a boil and then reduce heat to simmer for 10 minutes. 5. Remove from heat, strain through a sieve, and reserve.

Poaching of the Lobster: 1. Poach the lobster in boiling poaching liquid, approximately 6 minutes. 2. Remove lobster and submerse in ice water to stop the cooking process. 3. When cool, dry the lobster, remove the shell and the vein and slice into about ¼ oz pieces long-ways.

Thai Dressing (2 cups) Page | 24

INGREDIENTS  1 cup fresh lime juice  3 fresh garlic cloves—finely chopped  ¾ cup fish sauce  3 tbsp brown sugar  2 tbsp sweet chili sauce  ½ tbsp Sriracha Red Rooster Thai chili sauce  3 tbsp soya sauce


Mix together until sugar is dissolved.

Thai Sweet Chili Sauce (½ cup) INGREDIENTS ½ cup rice wine vinegar ½ cup white granulated sugar ¼ cup water 3 tbsp fish sauce 2 tbsp sherry 3 garlic cloves—minced 1 tbsp dried crushed chili 1½ tbsp cornstarch dissolved in ¾ tbsp cool water

DIRECTIONS 1. Place all ingredients, except for the cornstarch mixture, in a pot and bring to a rolling boil. 2. 2. Reduce the heat to medium and simmer for 10 minutes or until reduced by ½. 3. 3. Reduce the heat to low and stir in your cornstarch mixture; it will start to thicken the sauce. Cook for another 2 minutes. 4. 4. Taste the sauce. You should taste sweet first followed by sour then spicy and salty notes. If the sauce is not sweet enough, add some more sugar, if not spicy enough, add more chili.

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Fashion & Beauty Remain Fashionable While You Travel


he vacation period is here and just like every other woman, I am sure you also struggle with prioritizing the items that you should take on your holidays. The easiest way is to identify and pack items that you might not easily accessible while on vacation. In my case of being a plus size, quality plus-size denim, swimsuits, and dresses are best found online, so make sure to bring those items with you. Side note: It's important to pack a bathing suit no matter where you're headed. A hotel pool, hot spring, hot tub, or creek could pop up anywhere you go. I LIVE by that swimsuit norm.

As a size 16-18 woman, clothing options become sparse as I wander further away from my safety net of in-store and online retailers that carry my size. Before you take that leap and decide to chance the fate of finding an above size 14 bathing suit while on your vacation (and a cute one, at that), here are some helpful packing cues. I have compiled a few tips that are very helpful and effective when traveling: Start with the right choice of suitcase Plus-size clothing are by default, most tis larger. This means that your purchase of a quality suitcase, is an investment. My grandmother often said, “you recognize the type of traveler by the suitcase that he / she carries”! Even with a perfectly packing and folding technique, your suitcase must be able to accommodate your demands and loads. Away suitcases are a perfect example of what the modern traveler of today can be spoiled with. And for the plus-size traveler a true definition of MAGIC!. The carry-on model is sufficient for a four to seven day adventure as it's decked out with a hard shell case weighing in at seven pounds, two compartments, a compression pad that doubles as a nylon laundry bag, and built-in battery for all your USB devices. It's the full package wrapped in a travelfriendly, scratch-resistant capsule.

Travel Comfortably Traveling has become quite a fast pace routine. Due to enhanced security policies since 9/11 it makes no sense for you to wear nothing too complicated. If you can make a pair of sweatpants trendy and fashion forward, then that is exactly what I will be wearing with some Old Navy flip flops (it is not likely that I would be traveling to cold destinations).

Try To Transition Your Outfits From Day 2 Night Decide on pieces that can easily be dressed up with the right accessories. Do yourself a favor and pack Universal Standard's Wheaton Sweater Dress — it's going to make your life a whole lot easier. "The Wheaton is a perfect travel companion because it is three garments in one: it's a dress, a tunic, and a sweater depending on how you choose to wear it," says Universal Standard's co-founder and creative director Alex Waldman. This triple-threat can compliment a pair of skinny jeans, get tucked into a skirt or paired with tights, be layered under a leather jacket, or be worn as is with a nice pair of loafers. Also, the Geneva Standard Dress is available online at Coverstory and is as comfortable as it is sharp. It's a sound choice if you're not entirely sure where the vacation may take you, as it can be dressed up, down, layered, or even slept in.

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Do Not Over Pack Your Accessories Now I am a lover of dramatic looks, this particularly is very challenging for me! What I started to do as of late is walk with basic pieces and purchase dramatic looks at my destination. Do not — I repeat: do not — bring brand new shoes on your trip with you. I know they look amazing and you really want to show them off on this trip, do yourself a major favor and bring shoes you know and love and that give you a level of comfort.

Find Your Technique. Way too often we are stressed out about being overweight at the airport. We second guess ourselves about all the unnecessary stuff that we may have packed but are not willing to risk leaving it behind. Should I fold or roll my clothes?? Does it really matter?? You are supposed to start your vacation with positive note, and that has nothing to do with being plus size. Find what works for you and work with is never that serious!!

By: Kenty A.Lichtenberg    FB: Keraikreativestyle IG: KeraiKreativestyle2016

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SwimWeek in Anguilla By: Jazmyne Courtnii Byrd


ummer 2017 created a big splash in Anguilla as they welcomed back for the tenth year, “Anguilla Swim Week”, which featured designers from St. Maarten, Dominica, The United States and of course native designers from Anguilla. After nearly a two year break due to pregnancy and giving birth to her first child, the creator and founder Janay Raymond says that the Caribbean’s most anticipated fashion show; “is about to change the face of fashion in the Caribbean.”

Raymond began her journey in 2007 and created this production; “Because there was nothing else like it in the Caribbean. The closet fashion show dedicated to swim wear was located in Miami, FL. I had showcased in fashion shows in Los Angeles and NYFW and while I was there it became frustrating that when I would say I was from Anguilla no one had ever heard of it or knew where it was. The shows I had done focused on the production of the show and not the designs or the designers. I wanted to create something that would give my island recognition and create a platform for designers who are like me; very tiny fish in a very large pond. Here small designers have a voice, and somewhere to showcase their designs on a wider scale and be able to sale their products.”

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Feelo’ Je by Janay Raymond(Opening Scene)

Feelo’ Je by Janay Raymond With a grand opening to start the show, the first set of pieces designed by Raymond for Feelo’ Je featured a vivacious Mermaid intertwined with Caribbean Carnival theme. Designs with feathers, sea shells and swimsuits excited the audience and got them energetic for the rest of the show. The fashion experience featured super model JoiaJohn from the United States who graced the runway for each designer and was featured on the island billboards for promotion of the show, On how Joia became a part of this show she said “I met Janay 3 years ago at a fashion show in California and ever since then we have kept in contact. When she reached out to me and asked me to be a part of this show, I jumped at the chance. It’s been amazing experiencing Anguilla. This is my first show outside the USA and every designer’s pieces are so unique and beautiful”. The designer pieces for the show range from Resort wear to Swimwear and each designer brought out show stopping pieces for petite women, curvy women and a few pieces for the guys. One of the main highlights during the show was the kid’s line designed by the founder’s niece and nephew featuring Afrocentric prints with designs from little girl’s dresses to short sets for boys and girls. Page | 30

Kids line

NeptieSwim St. Maarten Designer Neptie of NeptieSwim showcased her line for the very first time, she said; “my line represents feeling beautiful and feeling like a queen. It’s important to feel confident with your body and my line is all about confidence and being comfortable”. Her line includes daring swim wear pieces for all shapes and sizes. True to island style each designer’s pieces contained exotic colors and prints with intricate cuts and shapes. Fashion Sixty4 designer Samatha Samuels native to Trinidad and Tobago; is no stranger to the limelight. She has been in the industry for over 15 years and her fashions have been seen in magazines on cover girls such as Latoya Wright for Ellements Magazine and in fashion spreads in Sheen Magazine. Samuels says; “I have wanted to Anguilla Swim week for years, this year I was not going to miss a chance to come and show my work. My line represents the woman who is not afraid to take risks and be sexy.” With 2017 closing with a smash 2018 can only bring and even more stunning show for Feelo’Je Productions and more awareness about what the island of Anguilla has to offer the fashion world.

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Fashion Sixty4 by Samatha Samuels

By: Jazmyne Courtnii Byrd Award Winning International Journalist Owner/Creator of The Divah Filez Corresponding Writer- Sheen Magazine Corresponding Writer- Upscale Magazine Online Writer- Ebony Magazine

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Natural Ways To Treat Under-Eye Bags And Wrinkles


en and women, all over the world, restore to ridiculously expensive treatment methods in order to treat wrinkles under the eyes and under-eye bags. For those who are looking for effective ways to treating these problems without hurting their pockets, we have some good news. Wrinkles and under-eye bags can be effectively and promptly treated at home using natural ways. Take a look at the below mentioned natural ways that are well known for treating wrinkles and under-eye bags.

#1 Power of Tomatoes That’s right. Tomatoes are a powerful and effective natural remedy for treating wrinkles. By eating at least one tomato on a daily basis, you will notice your skin tightening up. In addition or instead of eating a tomato, you can also apply a tomato pulp on the face. Doing so, your skin will almost instantaneously look younger and fresher.

#2 Cool Cucumbers Another home remedy that can be found in your kitchen is cucumbers. Cucumbers, undeniably, is one of the best remedies for eye bags. Since cucumbers are power packed with antioxidants and flavonoids, they help in reducing swelling and redness. Place a cool cucumber slice on each of the eyes and allow it to rest for 30 minutes or so to feel the results.

#3 Green Tea Some of us are already aware of the benefits of drinking green tea; however, did you know that green tea is also beneficial when used topically. To make it work, use two tea bags, place the tea bags in a mug of hot water. Then, remove the tea bag and allow it to come down to the room temperature. Next is to place the tea bags on the eyes for at least 15 minutes. Repeat this process twice a week.

#4 Water

Nothing comes close to having a sip of clean water first thing in the morning. It is advisable to drink at least 8 glasses of water every day. Water plays a pivotal role in keeping our body hydrated. Besides, water also helps in flushing out wasteful toxins from our system, thereby giving our skin a fresh and clean look. In addition to drinking clean water, one must even wash the face with cool water first thing in the morning. Cold water acts as a vasocontrictor to restrict blood flow to the area, and thereby reducing swelling.

#5 Aloe Vera & Cucumber Eye Mask Homemade eye masks too are a fabulous option for combating wrinkles and under-eye bags. These masks reduce dark circles and wrinkles to a significant extent, leaving the area under the eyes radiant and healthy looking. There are plenty of eye mask options available, out of which, Aloe Vera & Cucumber eye mask is truly the easiest and most effective. For this particular mask, you need a Âźth cup of peeled and grated cucumber and 1 tbsp of Aloe Vera gel. Mix it well and spread the mixture on a cotton ball and place it on top of your eyes. Now allow the mixture to stay on for 15 minutes before you wipe it away using cold water. For those who are suffering from dark circles and under-eye bags, this particular eye mask will be a boon. Try it out.

Lastly.. Instead of opting for expensive treatments, it is advisable to try out natural and homebased remedies that are equally effective in treating wrinkles and under-eye bags. About the Author Harvey Lee is a health and beauty blogger and works with various industry leading health and beauty product brands e.g. EyeSoothe: UK's leading Eye Mask brand for various eye issues including Blepharitis, MGD, Dry eye syndrome and more. Harvey strongly recommends seeking physician Page | 33

opinion before replacing medication with natural or other non-clinical remedies.

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Featured Personality Shenika Adams, WINNER OF FACE OF GRENADA 2017 TALKS WITH CEM MAGAZINE.


n June was Face of emerging beauties. Along also walked additional wins – Woman's Wear, Wear, Best Unconventional Evening Wear

Shenika Adams

She was also nation’s choice, Digicel’s Public

selected as the winning the Choice Award.

Shenika has passion for chose to FOG as it allows that passion and her platform, Barriers for Architecture”.

always had a modelling and participate in her to explore to advocate to “Breaking the Women in

CEM got the

chance to speak Grenada (FOG) also our August

The Face of winner who is Cover Girl

crowned the Grenada 2017 from a field of 6 with the title away with Best Iconic Best Upcycled Swimwear, Best Wear and Best

How does it the Face of Has the in yet?

feel to win Grenada? feeling sunk

It feels is something dreamed of since season 1 of I’ve also finally that it is in fact, possible to accomplish anything you’ve set out to do. It is sinking in as time passes by. Sometimes I actually forget that I am the Face of Grenada 2017.

awesome! This I’ve always accomplishing the competition. proven to myself

What was the first thought that came to your mind when they announced your name as the winner? Page | 36

My first thought was “OH MY GOD…. Shenika, you did it!”

Did you expect that win? I did not expect that win. However, I know that I have been working really hard and that I was prepared enough and had no option but to give off my best on the night of show. It was important for me to prove to myself that I can do this.

What motivated you to participate in FOG? I always had an interest in modelling. After seeing a past student of my high school becoming the first ever Face of Grenada, I was motivated to take part in the competition. It was a huge step for me, however I reminded myself that if I thought about it too much then I would end up second guessing my participation and as a result I just jumped for the opportunity.

How did you prepare for FOG? I prepared myself by being present and on time for all rehearsals and photoshoots. I made it necessary to put myself out early enough so I can get the sponsorship that I needed to aid my participation in the show. In addition, I ensured that all my designs would be unique. I always sought critique in almost everything I did and made it my duty to learn from my mistakes as I saw this experience as one that would help my development. Most importantly, I always prayed about this because I think that God alone truly understood exactly what I was going through at that time.

How has your life changed since you were crowned Face of Grenada 2017? I think so far, the experience has helped mould me as an individual and also offered me the opportunity to look at life at many different perspectives. I can say that I feel a more confident that I used to and I’m more keen to taking more chances in life.

What was the most challenging thing for you being in FOG? The most challenging part was attaining various facial expressions for my photoshoots. Since it was in my best interest to attain perfect scores for the photo competition, it was a great deal for me to work on my weak areas. I however, understood that it was all a learning process for me. After each shoot I would make sure that I make an effort to come back stronger than I did before.

What was the best part of being in the competition? The best part for me was the photo shoots. I found it a bit challenging at times but you should know that Shenika always loves a challenge!

How did your friends and family members react to your victory? They were all proud and excited for me.

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What are the obstacles that a woman faces in order to participate in beauty contests?

Three words to describe you? I am strong, ambitious and optimistic.

I think in most cases girls don’t get the support and motivation needed by probably their family or friends. There may be cases where some of these girls even underestimate themselves by thinking that they’re good enough to be a part of these contests.

How would you describe your style?

How do beauty pageants empower you as a woman?

What’s your daily makeup regime?

They empower me by developing my self-confidence which as a result makes it easier for me to take more chances with doing things that I love.

As the Winner of FOG, what are some of the things you are hoping to achieve or do? I’m hoping to encourage more girls to work towards their dreams and to get them involved in activities which will them develop themselves. I will also ensure that I represent my country well.

I don’t think I have clearly defined my style as yet. I wear whatever I feel like depending on my mood. However I think my taste is one that is chic and modern without being overdone.

I am absolutely in love with being natural. To me it is one of the best feeling one can have. I do make up only when it’s necessary.

What is your guilty pleasure? I still enjoy looking at cartoons with SpongeBob being my favourite.

Two things you can live without? Skirts and chocolate.

Favourite Quote? In life we may encounter many defeats but we must never be defeated. –Maya Angelou-

What’s next for you?

Favourite Perfume?

I’m about to start my platform project where girls in secondary schools will be given the opportunity to learn more about the roles of females in male dominated professions, their importance to these fields and how it empowers us as women.

Favourite Romance Movie?

Rebelle by Rihanna

Black Coffee

Favourite Thriller/Scary Movie? Chucky

Which message would you give to those young girls that would like to follow your steps?

What is the worst job you've done?

My advice to them is to aim for the stars and never give up! Just go for it. You have nothing to lose. At the end of the day life is all about learning from your experiences and ensuring that you paved a successful path to your future.

If you could go back in time, where would you go?

I don’t think I can consider any job that was done as one of the worst jobs I’ve done.

I would go back to my High School Ball.

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Question With I-Octane, From His First

Romantic Kiss to Which Female Celebrity He Rates As The Perfect 10!

e is known to the world as IOctane, but those closest to him he is Byiome Muir from Sandy Bay Clarendon with big dreams. His desire was to become an architect but he couldn’t seem to escape the call of the music. At age 16 he began his recording career. In 2000 Muir released his first singles, "Oh Jah" and "Stepp a Seed", with Penthouse Records under the monikerRichie Rich which he later changed to IOctane, a play on high-octane fuel. Since then IOctane has continued to capture the attention and hearts of fans worldwide with no indication of slowing down.

CEM got the chance to do a Q&A with this talented singer with an uniquely powerful voice.

What weird food combinations do you really enjoy? I put ketch up on everything.

What is something you will NEVER do again? Theme Park-Roller Coasters especially. That I will never try again, tried the huge one at Universal Theme Park- wickedest thing I ever did to myself all because I needed to look brave to my girl. It failed, I almost had a heart attack. Lol

What is the funniest Typo you have typed? I can’t think of anything specific but I make them all the time.

What is your guiltiest pleasure? Binge watching Netflix series. Watched a series for 24 hours straight once while on tour. I find it relaxing, but that much TV can’t be good for anybody.

Favourite actor/s? High school girlfriend! Don’t remember her name just remember I was an 11 years old in the 7th grader she was an 8th grader it happened on sports day. Felt like a big man after that lol

Leonardo Dicaprio and Johnny Depp- Rate them as an actors, I don’t think the industry give them enough credit. But they can really act to me- they make you forget you watching a movie more time. If you going to make a movie or be in a movie might as well be something great.

What weird food combinations do you

The Best Villains of All Time?

Your first romantic kiss! With whom?

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Hands down, Scarface! He was a heartless bredda but he was also a good yute. And that’s real; most of us are like that. We are good people but life requires you to be tough and after awhile being tough damages you

What animal best represents your personality? A Leopard! Because when it gets hurt during hunting it does not run away. It actually gets more aggressive and they are very strong creatures. They can drag their dead preys up trees.

What’s the most impressive skill you have? I can cook very well. So good I could open a restaurant one of these days

What female celebrity would you rate as a perfect 10? Still J.Lo, she has personality, she is sexy, she is talented. I like women like that.

What’s the most useless talent you have? Everything has its purpose but, I can whistle I don’t use that much though

Where is the most interesting place you’ve been? The Olympics, it was good to see how excited people got over us because we are Jamaicans. Have to big up Usain Bolt and the Jamaica track team fi that. Plus just the experience of being Brazil for the Olympics was cool. It was there the disabled woman out whine every woman to every touch my stage. That was amazing to watch it's on my YouTube page.

What’s one responsibility you really wish you didn’t have? I really don’t have any or at least none I can think of off the top of my head

What’s one thing someone would be surprised to know about you? Maybe the fact that I am a big Celine Dion fan, I really love her music I will probably have a fan moment when I do meet her in-person, not a crazy fan though but I'll be happy and it will show.

What song would you pay money to never hear again? A few…won’t say any names though loll

What event small or large has changed the course of your life the most? The day became a father that changed me, made me go 1000 times harder as a man. That’s the moment I realised life was not about me anymore.

Follow I-Octane Facebook: @ioctanelive Instagram: @realioctane Twitter: @Realioctane

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Manish's Zodiac Predictions for August 2017


Leo ( 23 July – 22 August ) - August is a strong month for you on a financial level. Opportunities to increase your income could come from travel or overseas, and good news arrives in the second week. If you have been on the fence about pursuing a love interest, the last week of August is a good time to do so. You may be inspired to create better health habits, or to begin a new diet or fitness regimen. You’re learning about sharing your resources (which can include money, possessions, your time, and your energy) with others this month. Favorable Dates : Aug 2, 5, 11, 14, 20, 23 Favorable Colors : Green & Red

Virgo (23 August – 22 September ) - The cosmos will force you to get serious about your finances from 11th, so it would be wise to start working on getting things in order before then. The good news is that you have the energy to do it. Your love life is speeding up, and a powerful attraction could be part of the picture mid-month. Your home and family become a major focus for you and a source of pleasure. You may have a strong desire to expand it at this time. These are power days for attracting love or cementing a current relationship. Favorable Dates : Aug 2, 7, 11, 16, 20, 25 Favorable Colors : Purple & Red Libra (23 September – 22 October) – This month infuses you with strength of mind, quiet confidence, and strategic ability. You may be ready for a dose of passion, but don't step outside the boundaries to satisfy your needs. Reflect on your own drives and motivations. If you're involved in sport or intense physical activity, begin a regime of self-improvement in order to lift your game. Your dreams and visions will be put to the test and you are called upon to back them up with hard facts. A business romance or partnership is a strong possibility towards the end of the month. Favorable Dates : Aug 2, 9, 11, 18, 20, 27 Favorable Colors : Blue & Grey Scorpio (23 October – 21 November) - Your attitude shifts to a more responsible, practical one. Your finances get some attention this month. Issues surrounding what you own and how the finances of other important people in your life affect you come to light. Career concerns, your own needs and the needs or demands of others may all have to be met. Work will be required to find the balance of everyone's requirements. Don't let extremes or exaggerations sway your judgement. Review what you have or share with others and look at new strategies for conducting such affairs. Favorable Dates : Aug 3, 8, 12, 17, 21, 26 Favorable Colors : Blue & Yellow Sagittarius (22 November - 21 December) - You are more resourceful than ever in this month, and your will power is stronger. If you so desire, you can rather effortlessly slip into a role of leadership during this period. Selfimprovement is the name of the game, and you stand to really get yourself together. It could be an excellent month for investments and speculation, as long as it’s within reason and you use strategic thinking. There could be a collision between your dreams and reality when it comes to personal finances, if you’have planned well. Favorable Dates : Aug 4, 6, 13, 15, 22, 24 Favorable Colors : Green & Purple Capricorn (22 December – 19 January) - You may be feeling low and dejected, and may be on a self-fault-finding mission. You are especially sensitive to the appreciation and recognition you receive from others, both personally and professionally. Spend time in activities that will rejuvenate you. Also, spend quality time with your loved ones. You may not feel very much in control in terms of relationships during this period, but you have the opportunity to

get in touch with what it is you actually need and want in your partnerships through your experiences with confusing or unexpected circumstances. Favorable Dates : Aug 1, 3, 10, 12, 19, 21 Favorable Colors : Red & White Aquarius (20 January – 18 February) - You need to keep your eye on shared resource. While you may have a good handle on your own finances, you might find that others are either asking for financial support or their mishandling of money is affecting your life considerably. You may feel like you are not getting enough, and you feel limited or restricted by situations. Circumstances may be such that you are called on to support other people in your life. You experience a distinct shift in your attitude towards pleasure-seeking activities in your life. Superficial romances simply don’t satisfy you any longer, as you seek more intimacy. Favorable Dates : Aug 6, 8, 15, 17, 24, 26 Favorable Colors : Purple & Yellow Pisces (19 February – 20 March) – This is a good time for you to attract positive people and circumstances into your life, Your living conditions are apt to improve this month, and you could find yourself feeling very proud of your family and home. This period can mean a real boost from family members, a new addition to your family, the urge to expand, re-decorate, and build your home and domestic life, or the beginning of a new, long-term project or business venture. You have more energy to pour into work, organizing your personal environment, and health routines. Favorable Dates : Aug 3, 5, 12, 14, 21, 23 Favorable Colors : Red & Yellow Aries ( 21 March – 19 April ) - Professional and financial concerns will feature, but the focus or impetus about which course to take may come through partners or close associates. Your need for recognition and appreciation from others is at an all-time high during this period and you can be over-sensitive when the people around you don’t seem to appreciate you. Your love life heats up after 13th August. A partner is in a playful mood, and you respond in kind. The mood is light-hearted and communicative when it comes to your love life. Favorable Dates : Aug 5, 8, 14, 17, 23, 26 Favorable Colors : Blue & Red Taurus ( 20 April – 20 May ) - Career concerns or responsibilities may be costly in time, energy or money. You may ask yourself what you want or what you want to do, as you stand at the edge of a risk or crucial change. It’s an excellent time to take stock of your life and to get your life in order–from your paperwork to your long-term goals and priorities. Striking a balance between energy spent on work and time spent on personal matters is essential now. It’s time to prioritize. Otherwise, you run the risk of over-extending yourself and alienating your loved ones. Favorable Dates : Aug 1, 4, 10, 13, 19, 22 Favorable Colors : White & Green Gemini ( 21 May – 20 June ) - You may begin a new, long-term initiative–perhaps a project or business venture– that will benefit you in the month to come. Success is very possible under this long-term influence. You may meet an important contact whose influence subtly but significantly changes the course of your life for the better. You may have a strong desire to expand your family or your home. A pleasant surprise in the romance department is in store the last week of August–a period when most things seem to be flowing smoothly and in your favour. Favorable Dates : Aug 4, 5, 13, 14, 22, 23 Favorable Colors : White & Red Cancer ( 21 June – 22 July ) - This is a power month for you on a business and professional level. You enjoy a major boost of energy and activity in the first half of August. Your efforts will start yielding results. Your “sweet tooth” for material things is strong right now. Investments are favoured, but don’t take major risks. If you remain occupied, you may miss on a good opportunity. A romantic partner is looking for more intimacy. Luckily, you are prepared to give it. Honest communication on emotionally-charged topics, like power dynamics and shared finances, is the way to go now. Favorable Dates: Aug 4, 8, 13, 17, 22, 26 Favorable Colors : Blue & Red





· Crop Over Festival of Barbados

· Creole Week in the Dominican Republic

· Caribbean Culture Festival in Cancun

· Harvest Moon Race of St. Croix in U.S.V.I.

· Turk and Caicos Conch Festival

· Caribbean Chess Carnival on Trinidad and Tobago · Yole Boat Race on Martinique

· Battle of the Drums in Belize · National Warri Festival of Antigua

· Middle Caicos Day in Turks and Caicos

· Annual Pro-Am Regatta in B.V.I.

· World Rugby Classic on Bermuda

· Deer Dance Day in Belize

· Isla Mujeres International Music Festival in Cancun

· Barbados Food & Wine & Rum Festival

· San Fernando Jazz Festival on Trinidad and Tobago

· Festival of Puerto Rican Music

· PGA Grand Slam of Golf on Bermuda


· Emancipation Celebration on Trinidad and Tobago · Tobago Heritage Festival on Trinidad and Tobago · Carib Great Race on Trinidad and Tobago · · Mango and Pineapple Festival · Non Mariners Race on Bermuda · Rose Festival in August

September · St. Thomas Open in U.S.V.I.

· King Edward VII Golf Cup on Bermuda · Bermuda Music Festival

· Reggae Marathon in Jamaica · Bermuda Culinary Arts Festival · Cayman Islands Marathon · Feast of La Marguerite on St. Lucia · Jazz à la Martinique

·· Jolly Harbour Regatta in Antigua · Emancipation Festival in B.V.I.

· International Creole Day on St. Lucia

· Curacao North Sea Jazz Festival

· Billfish Tournament on St. Lucia

· Jamaica Rock and Blues Jam

· Conch Festival in the Bahamas

· St. George's Cay Day in Belize

· International Culture Festival in the Bahamas

· Bermuda Jazz Festival

· Hatillo Festival of the Innocents in Puerto Rico

· Bahamas National Trust Wine and Art Festival · Puerto Plata Festival in the Dominican Republic · · Dominican Republic Jazz Festival

· Carrefour Mondial de Guitare on Martinique · Lord Nelson's New Year's Eve Pursuit Race in Antigua · National Day on St. Lucia · Bahamas International Film Festival · International Film Festival

Acknowledgments: Cover Photo and Inside Features of Shenika Adams Designer (Red Gown, Cover Page) - Franc J. Roberts (Owner of Craft de Spice, Grenada; Local Fashion Designer Specialising in Unconventional Outfits and Styling, Ready-ToWear Pieces and Luxurious Garments. Contact 473.534.2976 or Photographer- Reginald Joseph (Face of Grenada Chief Photographer; Freelance Events & Fashion Photographer and Videographer & Graphic Artist) Makeup Artist- Tanie Layne James (Owner of Dollz Up by Tanie Layne James, Grenada) Hairstylist - Sheri St. Louis (Owner of Salon Allure, Grenada) Accessories (inside features)- Tamara Prosper (Owner of Tambran by Tamara, Grenada) Swimwear- Donnisha Joseph aka. Shawna Jo, (Local Crochet Designer Specializing in Crop/Halter Tops & Beach Wear) Venue for Photoshoot- Jenny’s Place, Grenada; Contact 473.439.5186 OR 473.405.6073 OR Visit today.

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