Leadership Link Spring 2024

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Iam thrilled to extend a warm welcome to our newest members, Tracy Nicodemo and Rose Mogus! It is with great excitement that we welcome these talented individuals to our team, as they bring with them a wealth of knowledge, skills, and fresh perspectives that will undoubtedly contribute to our collective success.

Embracing new team members is always an invigorating experience, and I am particularly excited about the unique skill sets Tracy and Rose bring to the table. As we embark on this journey together, let us embrace the exciting opportunities for growth, collaboration, and learning that their presence affords us. Here’s to a dynamic and successful journey ahead! Please read below as Tracy and Rose introduce themselves.

Tracy: A graduate of Hoover High School, I left to study Interior Architecture at Ohio University and later decided to go back to school for Fashion Design at Parsons The New School for Design. Most recently I was a Designer for Abercrombie Kids, and prior to that did sourcing at Express.

So, one might ask, why leadership? And, specifically why Stark County? Both questions are very good ones. The fact remains that throughout my life, a few people impacted me so positively because of their leadership skills that I simply couldn’t imagine my life without their attitude, perspective, passion, and grace.

When my husband and I decided to move back to Stark County I figured out that although I love design, the topic that keeps pulsating through my heart is how to help people. To be able to provide others with mentorship, and opportunities that might show a glimpse into another’s perspective is immeasurable; and I’m here to help contribute in any little way I can.

Rose: Greetings, I’m Rose Mogus, and I’m absolutely thrilled to be a part of the Leadership Stark County team. A proud local, I grew up in the area and graduated from Perry High School in 2009. My educational journey led me to Kent State University, where I initially started at the Stark Campus before completing my degree in special education at the main campus. For over seven years, I dedicated myself to the field of special education as both a teacher and administrator with Summit Academy (Canton Elementary).

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INSIDE: SUMMER SERIES ......................................PAGE 3 FUND DRIVE THANKS ......................................PAGE 5 SIGNATURE APPS ......................................PAGE 8 LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE ......................................PAGE 8 LUNCH & LEARN ..... PAGE 9 ENGAGING YOUNGER WORKERS .................. PAGE 9 A LOOK AT LEADERSHIP ....................................PAGE 11 YOUTH SUMMER PROGRAM ....................................PAGE 13 WELCOME,
Leadership Stark County is a department of the Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce. LEADERSHIP LINK SPRING 2024


Dare to Lead BRENE BROWN Facilitator Training

June 12, 18, & 26 Testimonials

“Inspiring. Reflective. Empowering. These three words describe the Dare to Lead Daring Leadership facilitator training that a team of educators and I were privileged to participate in during the months of Jan-Feb. 2023. Led by Dr. Margaret DeLillo-Storey, trained by Dr. Brene Brown, together we braved the work by sharing courageous conversations, connected to the hearts of others in the group, and realized that the greatest potential that any of us has lies within ourselves. I highly recommend this training for personal growth and self-development because ‘Who we are is how we lead.’”

sion workshop with Margaret Delillo-Storey, CDTLF, you will be Dare to Lead Trained (and can add the Dare to Lead Trained badge in LinkedIn), which means you can take your team through our Daring Teams Rollout Program (DTRP). The DTRP was developed specifically for Dare to Lead Trained individuals to share the work with their own teams, serving as the group coordinator and co-learner – not as a trainer or facilitator. However, as a Dare to Lead Trained individual, you are not certified to facilitate the curriculum nor to offer the DTRP publicly.

All three sessions must be attended [9 am-4:30 pm] to receive certification. Sessions will be held at retreat- like atmospheres around Stark County and include lunch, snacks, and beverages. Cost is $749 for friends of Leadership. This facilitation normally costs between $1,500 - $2,100.

- Barb Ewing Cockroft M.Ed., DTL trained; Executive Committee, Leadership Stark County, 6th Class; Consultant, State Support Team Region 9; Stark County Educational Service Center

“Four years ago, I became enamored with Brené Brown when I first read Dare to Lead. I have read all of her books, listened to every podcast, and watched every video that she has made. Honestly, I really thought that I knew all that I could possibly know about being a daring leader. That was until I did the facilitated Dare to Lead training with Dr. Margaret DeLillo-Storey. I was blessed to participate in this guided training with several local educational leaders. It was a game- changer for me. Margaret is skilled at her role. She created a psychosocially safe space for all of us to learn, share, and grow. I am so grateful for Margaret and her guidance. She enhanced my understanding and has made me a better leader because of this experience. This is a MUST for all leaders, no matter what field you're in! It will make you a better leader, a better parent, a better partner, a better friend, and all in all a better human being.”

putting stark county students first since 1922

Since the inception of the Canton Student Loan Foundation, over 6,400 Stark County students have received close to $44 million in student loans and the loan repayment rate has remained at 99.8%. A er 100 years of service to our community, one thing remains: the hopes and dreams of Stark County students continue to collide with the vision and purpose of our great organization providing each loan recipient the opportunity for success.

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As my career evolved, so did my educational pursuits. I transitioned into the business realm, earning an MBA from Walsh University. Currently residing in the Magnolia area with my husband, three kids, and two dogs, our roots are firmly planted in the community we cherish. Actively involved in our local church, Faith Family Church in North Canton, my husband and I also run a business, Center for Renewed Minds, serving the Stark County area.

My passion for this community runs deep, fueled by the incredible people, outstanding businesses, and the overall diversity that defines Stark County. Influenced by phenomenal leaders in my life, I understand the profound impact mentorship can have. Now a member of the 37th Signature Class at Leadership Stark County, where ”BBQ Sauce” has become our class slogan, I am eager to continue learning and hope to contribute, even in a small way, to the betterment of our community and the lives of those around me.

(L-R: Tracy & Rose)

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Our Mission is to make mental and behavioral health services more accessible through education and access to service for those in need. Contact us for more information 203-539-6978 or email Renewedlivesfoundation@gmail.com Give today! www.renewedlives.org

Signature 38th Applications:

Due April 26

The deadline for signature applications is fast approaching on April 26th.

Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to delve deeper into our community, discover your unique strengths, and reap both personal and professional benefits. Leadership Development is a transformative experience that goes beyond honing traditional skills; it’s about unlocking your full potential and becoming a dynamic force within your team and organization.

By participating in this program, you will gain invaluable insights, enhance your leadership abilities, and foster meaningful connections with fellow team members.

Seize the chance to invest in your growth – submit your application by April 26th and embark on a journey of self-discovery and leadership excellence.



Wednesday, May 8

8:30 a.m. – 3:45 p.m.

Stark Educational Service Center

In celebration of Leadership Stark County’s 37th Year we are hosting a professional development conference. This conference will discuss topics including navigating challenges, fostering inclusivity, and driving innovation that matters. You do not need to be a past Leadership Stark County Participant to attend – all are welcome, but tickets are limited.

Cost: $89; includes breakfast, lunch and special surprises throughout the day!

Register at www.LeadershipStarkCounty.org

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The New Challenge of Engaging Younger Workers

By now, it’s well known that the COVID-19 pandemic caused lasting disruptions to work worldwide, affecting the engagement and wellbeing of millions of employees. Gallup’s latest data show that U.S. employee engagement stagnated at the end of 2023, following a slight uptick in the first half of the year, but it remains below its high in early 2020.

Perhaps less well known is that post-pandemic engagement trends vary widely across age generations, with younger employees feeling the most detached from their work and employers but baby boomers remaining engaged.

Baby Boomers Stay Engaged, Generation X and Millennials Lose Ground

Since March 2020, the percentage of engaged baby boomers (born between 1946 and 1964) has increased by two percentage points, from 34% to 36%, while the percentage of actively disengaged baby boomers has decreased by the same amount, from 17% to 15%. This means that baby boomers have maintained a positive engagement ratio of 2.4 -- for every actively disengaged employee, there are more than two engaged ones.



Thursday, April 18

11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.

Massillon Museum

Cost: $30

On the other hand, the percentage of engaged Gen X employees (born between 1965 and 1979) has declined by four points, from 35% to 31%, while the percentage of actively disengaged Gen X employees has increased by one point, from 17% to 18%. This means that Gen X employees have seen their engagement ratio drop from 2.1 to 1.7 -- for every actively disengaged employee, there are now less than two engaged ones.

But the most dramatic decline in engagement has occurred among younger generations, especially the older group of millennials (born between 1980 and 1988). The percentage of engaged older millennials has declined by seven points, from 39% to 32%, while the percentage of actively disengaged older millennials has increased by five points, from 12% to 17%. This means that older millennials have seen their engagement ratio plummet from 3.3 to 1.9 -- for every actively disengaged employee, there are only slightly more than two engaged ones.

The younger group of millennial and Gen Z employees (born 1989 or later) have experienced a five-point decline in engagement, from 40% to 35%, while the percentage of actively disengaged employees has increased by one point, from 13% to 14%. This means that the younger millennials and Gen Z employees have seen their engagement ratio fall from 3.1 to 2.5.

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This presentation will discuss how to avoid typical pitfalls during difficult conversations with co-workers and customers. You will learn how reflective listening can prevent conversations from shutting down before they begin. Cortney will also discuss the importance of controlling expectations, setting appropriate boundaries; and how to investigate the source of the conflict before conversations veer off track. She will also explain some techniques you can use to move stalled conversations forward and how to look for the win-win solution.

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Understanding Generational Differences in Engagement

Gallup’s research has identified 12 elements of employee engagement that measure the extent to which employees have their basic needs at work met, feel supported and valued, receive clear expectations and feedback, and have opportunities to learn and grow. Across all generations, the percentage of workers who know what is expected of them at work has declined by four or more points since March 2020, indicating a widespread lack of clarity and alignment in the post-pandemic workplace.

However, some engagement elements have shown larger generational differences than others. Millennials and Gen Z employees have seen the greatest decline in feeling cared about by someone at work, having opportunities to learn and grow, feeling connected to the mission of the organization, having progress discussions with managers, being given opportunities to develop, and feeling that their opinions count. These items have all dropped by five to nine points for younger workers since March 2020.

These findings suggest that younger workers progressively feel more detached from their organizations and managers and are less likely to see a future for themselves in their current roles. And this generation of workers, especially, is looking for an employer with a purpose they can identify with. Gallup also finds that younger workers are somewhat more likely to be working in remote jobs and are increasingly more likely to be actively looking for new jobs or watching for openings.

Across all generations, the percentage of workers who know what is expected of them at work has declined by four or more points since March 2020.

How to Inspire and Keep Younger Workers

The generational trends in engagement have important implications for leaders and managers who want to attract, engage and retain younger workers in a post-pandemic world. To do so, they need to create a culture that builds trust, connection and growth. Here are key actions that leaders and managers can take:

• Communicate a clear, compelling vision of the organization’s purpose, values, goals and the type of culture that supports these aspirations.

•Focus on managers by revisiting their job responsibilities. Seventy percent say they have not been trained to manage a hybrid workforce and are increasingly less engaged, burned out and looking for other jobs. Help them simplify their role to coaching their employees through clear goals, accountability and having one meaningful conversation weekly with each person they manage. These regular conversations should be about employees’ performance, development, and career aspirations and show how each team member’s work contributes to the bigger picture.

• Establish clear expectations for in-person office time, particularly for young employees who need development and mentoring and want to feel connected to the larger organization. These expectations also matter for all employees to help create an environment of quick decision-making and innovation and build collaboration and trust. Set a specific number of days per week to work on-site, at least two to three, depending on the amount of independent and collaborative work. For younger workers, development and purpose are keys to moving them from having a gig-worker mindset that has emerged since the pandemic -- and is detached emotionally from the organization -- to a mindset that is more connected to the organization. In-person time helps to build the strongest learning and loyalty.

•Leaders and managers must set an example by being on-site regularly. Employees need to receive clear and meaningful communication about the benefits of in-person time for the employee, organization and customers. Managers need to initiate team member discussions about coordinating inperson time.

• Have managers provide flexible and personalized learning and development opportunities that align with each employee’s strengths, interests and goals.

• Offer flexibility options for employees who need to be on-site full time.

•Encourage collaboration and innovation by asking for and acting on younger workers’ ideas and opinions.

By implementing these measures, leaders and managers can increase engagement and loyalty among younger employees, improving performance, customer service and retention. In a post-pandemic world, engaging and retaining younger workers presents both a challenge and an opportunity to gain a competitive edge and ensure long-term success.

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Page 11 Stephanie Werren, Director • Rose Mogus, Program Assistant • Tracy Nicodemo, Program Manager Leadership Link is a publication of Leadership Stark County, a department of the Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce. LEADERSHIP STARK COUNTY | 222 Market Avenue North | Canton, OH 44702 | (330) 456-7253 | www.leadershipstarkcounty.org A LOOK AT LEADERSHIP
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