Arenus Animal Health

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At Arenus, we believe in solutions not just supplements. The best solutions resolve the issue and prevent future problems.

At Arenus, we believe in solutions not just supplements. The best solutions resolve the issue and prevent future problems.

This is why I founded Arenus Animal Health. To offer long term solutions for the everyday health challenges that horses face.

This is why I founded Arenus Animal Health. To offer long term solutions for the everyday health challenges that horses face.

As a practicing veterinarian, I’ve spent many sleepless nights tending to colicking horses and decided there must be a better way to support these recurrent colic cases long term. After much research and careful attention to formulas, the Assure product family was introduced. Since that time over a decade ago, veterinarians across the United States have come to trust the Assure products to solve their toughest digestive cases.

As a practicing veterinarian, I’ve spent many sleepless nights tending to colicking horses and decided there must be a better way to support these recurrent colic cases long term. After much research and careful attention to formulas, the Assure product family was introduced. Since that time over a decade ago, veterinarians across the United States have come to trust the Assure products to solve their toughest digestive cases.

Most supplement companies are created without research or simply built on the grounds of other s’ ingredient research. Arenus Animal Health offers an exclusive line of unique products, extensively researched and clinically proven in their final form to offer lasting solutions to common health concerns.

Most supplement companies are created without research or simply built on the grounds of other s’ ingredient research. Arenus Animal Health offers an exclusive line of unique products, extensively researched and clinically proven in their final form to offer lasting solutions to common health concerns.

Every product, as with every effort of Arenus Animal Health, serves the singular purpose of supporting better, more complete health and wellness through nutritional science. Our philosophy is grounded in the thought that more is not always better. If you’re feeding a large cocktail of daily supplements to your horse, then something is wrong with the program or the supplements themselves. Many horses, particularly performance horses, will benefit from supplementation. However, you need to be critical about the supplements you’re giving your horse.

Every product, as with every effort of Arenus Animal Health, serves the singular purpose of supporting better, more complete health and wellness through nutritional science. Our philosophy is grounded in the thought that more is not always better. If you’re feeding a large cocktail of daily supplements to your horse, then something is wrong with the program or the supplements themselves. Many horses, particularly performance horses, will benefit from supplementation. However, you need to be critical about the supplements you’re giving your horse.

please let


At Arenus, we don’t bring on new supplements to fill a catalog or sell more products. Our line of supplements is limited to those that provide optimum health and serve a purpose in solving a problem. Our products contain the highest formulation technology, the best ingredients, and proven researched results. For that reason, you will find simple, straightforward ingredients and a product lineup designed to work with your overall care program to promote long-term health and wellness.

At Arenus, we don’t bring on new supplements to fill a catalog or sell more products. Our line of supplements is limited to those that provide optimum health and serve a purpose in solving a problem. Our products contain the highest formulation technology, the best ingredients, and proven researched results. For that reason, you will find simple, straightforward ingredients and a product lineup designed to work with your overall care program to promote long-term health and wellness.

We guarantee that our products will help with the major challenges they are formulated to address. Whether it’s for digestive, reproductive, respiratory, structural, or overall health, our products simply work. Try them for yourself. If your horse isn’t healthier or you are not satisfied for any reason, just give our team a call. We will not only be happy to personally help you figure out a better solution for your horse, but we will also take the product back and give you a full refund.

We guarantee that our products will help with the major challenges they are formulated to address. Whether it’s for digestive, reproductive, respiratory, structural, or overall health, our products simply work. Try them for yourself. If your horse isn’t healthier or you are not satisfied for any reason, just give our team a call. We will not only be happy to personally help you figure out a better solution for your horse, but we will also take the product back and give you a full refund.

At Arenus we’ve dedicated ourselves to developing products that actually prevent and resolve the most challenging health issues that horses face. We look forward to working with you to enhance your animal’s wellness and longevity.

At Arenus we’ve dedicated ourselves to developing products that actually prevent and resolve the most challenging health issues that horses face. We look forward to working with you to enhance your animal’s wellness and longevity.



THE ARENUS ST OR Y 866-791-3344 · ARENUS.CA Available through your veterinarian or Arenus Arenus nutraceuticals are available through participating veterinarians and veterinary clinics or direct through Arenus. Should your veterinary clinic not stock the products,
us know and we will work with them to see if they are eligible to become a stocking location for Arenus solutions. AND SUPPLEMENTS SOLUTIONS NOT JUST SUPPLEMENTS At best This solutions As tending way much product ago, the Most simply Arenus products, final Every serves complete philosophy better. to or performance However, giving
866-791-3344 · ARENUS.CA Available through your veterinarian or Arenus Arenus nutraceuticals are available through participating veterinarians and veterinary clinics or direct through Arenus. Should your veterinary clinic not stock the products, please let us know and we will work with them to see if they are eligible to become a stocking location for Arenus solutions. SNM AND SUPPLEMENTS ARENUS ANIMAL HEALTH SOLUTIONS NOT JUST SUPPLEMENTS




In working to bring the Assure line of products to Canada, it was discovered that the Assure name had been registered to another company. So, Canada gets the whole Assure line of digestive aids but under the new name Secure. The Secure products will bring the same great results with the same great guarantees as Assure.



Colic remains the number one killer for horses. Modern veterinary medicine has reduced and nearly eliminated colic caused by parasite infestations. Advancements in diagnostics, treatment and surgical methods have greatly improved the lives of horses suffering from colic episodes. However, with all these advancements, little has been done to address the management of stress that today’s horses suffer. Stress comes in many forms for our horses. Feed schedules, show schedules, training and exercise, separation from friends and everyday life in stalls and confinement all contribute to stress. For many horses this leads to varying degrees of digestive disturbance, leaky gut or even inflammatory bowel disease or colitis. These conditions are at epidemic levels among horses today. The worst part is that many riders are unaware their horses are even suffering. Digestive disturbance symptoms are too often dismissed because they’ve sadly become the norm. Bad attitudes, cinchy horses, difficult training and frequent bad performance days are all indicators of poor digestive health. Even overt symptoms like poor body condition and diarrhea get overlooked. It’s time that we started looking out for our horses and offered them the relief they deserve.


The Secure System has become a staple for veterinarians across the country in the fight against tough digestive and gastric issues. The stressful challenges that horses face has made it necessary to not only resolve digestive health problems, but to prevent issues and maintain long term health. Today more than ever our horses need digestive maintenance and support throughout their lives. They need the help of a great digestive support program. The Secure System addresses these modern day challenges for optimal health, comfort and enhanced performance.


The Assure/Secure products were developed with a different approach than other digestive supplements. The goal was to provide the best support to all portions of the digestive tract by adjusting the physiologic disturbances that are the root cause. There is no pharmaceutical product that can achieve this goal, nor a single supplement ingredient that comes close. By combining all of the right ingredients in just the right amount and then utilizing our proprietary Gastrointestinal Stabilizing Technology (GST) to produce an enteric coated delivery system we are able to effectively reverse the causes of GI disturbance. Reducing acidity, improving enzyme digestive function, stabilizing the hind-gut microflora, reducing inflammation and accelerating colonocyte repair and regeneration are all part of the functions of each and every Secure product. Not only have the products been extensively researched, but they have been awarded patents for reducing recurrent colic, reducing ulcers, resolving diarrhea and improving GI motility. Secure provides the most complete and effective method to resolve digestive disturbance and provide a digestive maintenance program that will keep your horses healthy and “happy”.

“I am amazed at the difference that I have seen in my horses on Assure Guard Gold, they are feeling better and performing better. I recommend Assure Guard Gold to anyone and everyone, even if their horses do not have diagnosed ulcer issues the GI improvements make a remarkable difference. GI health is so important to the overall health of the horse that the long-term benefits are tremendous!”

Laura Chapot

Professional Grand Prix

Show Jumper, Arenus Ambassador





Our horses lead stressful lives. Their genetics dictate they live free, roam large areas, graze 20 hours a day, and have established position in the “pecking order” of their herd. In captivity, our horses live in a confinement management system, are fed intermittent meals, and are often separated from other horses. Although there have been many advancements in horse care, it has been a constant struggle to address and manage the stress today’s horses suffer. Feed schedules, show schedules, training and exercise, separation from friends and everyday life in stalls and confinement all contribute to stress.

Our horses lead stressful lives. Their genetics dictate they live free, roam large areas, graze 20 hours a day, and have established position in the “pecking order” of their herd. In captivity, our horses live in a confinement management system, are fed intermittent meals, and are often separated from other horses. Although there have been many advancements in horse care, it has been a constant struggle to address and manage the stress today’s horses suffer. Feed schedules, show schedules, training and exercise, separation from friends and everyday life in stalls and confinement all contribute to stress.

Several studies have been conducted on the effect of stress on the horse. However, very few have focused on the influence of stress on digestive health. They often focus on heartrate, cortisol levels, or reproduction, which although important, fail to address one of the main systems most influenced by stress, digestion. Many times, we recognize this stress as acute or chronic diarrhea, weight loss and poor condition, or behavior changes. Horses with these conditions are living in a state of constant digestive disturbance and consequently predisposed to suffer from acute or recurrent colic episodes. Even a small amount of additional stress such as a change in temperature or a low water trough can tip these individuals into a state of digestive distress.

Several studies have been conducted on the effect of stress on the horse. However, very few have focused on the influence of stress on digestive health. They often focus on heartrate, cortisol levels, or reproduction, which although important, fail to address one of the main systems most influenced by stress, digestion. Many times, we recognize this stress as acute or chronic diarrhea, weight loss and poor condition, or behavior changes. Horses with these conditions are living in a state of constant digestive disturbance and consequently predisposed to suffer from acute or recurrent colic episodes. Even a small amount of additional stress such as a change in temperature or a low water trough can tip these individuals into a state of digestive distress.

You may be asking, if these issues are so prevalent, why haven’t more studies been performed to better understand this relationship? One key component is access to the affected area. As many of us have experienced firsthand, it is extremely difficult to image or enter the hindgut due to the horse’s anatomy, whether in cases of emergency or as a diagnostic tool. Consequently, with the development of the 3-meter endoscope, most of the studies involving digestive health have centered around gastric ulcers, a more easily accessible area. Work has been done observing the influence of psychological stress such as training and showing on gastric ulcer formation. Although the stomach is quite important it is still only a small portion of the total digestive system.

You may be asking, if these issues are so prevalent, why haven’t more studies been performed to better understand this relationship? One key component is access to the affected area. As many of us have experienced firsthand, it is extremely difficult to image or enter the hindgut due to the horse’s anatomy, whether in cases of emergency or as a diagnostic tool. Consequently, with the development of the 3-meter endoscope, most of the studies involving digestive health have centered around gastric ulcers, a more easily accessible area. Work has been done observing the influence of psychological stress such as training and showing on gastric ulcer formation. Although the stomach is quite important it is still only a small portion of the total digestive system.

Unlike the horse, the human digestive tract is more easily accessible, allowing for the use of many new technologies, including Positron Emission Tomography (PET) and Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (FMRI), helping physicians to better understand the causes behind many gastrointestinal (GI) diseases. These technologies have led many physicians to a shift in approach, from merely managing the symptoms to treating the root cause of the disease and its predisposing influences. New technologies have made it possible to classify all the GI diseases in humans by location and better understand the underlying causes of disease, leading to a new term Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders (FGID.)

Unlike the horse, the human digestive tract is more easily accessible, allowing for the use of many new technologies, including Positron Emission Tomography (PET) and Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (FMRI), helping physicians to better understand the causes behind many gastrointestinal (GI) diseases. These technologies have led many physicians to a shift in approach, from merely managing the symptoms to treating the root cause of the disease and its predisposing influences. New technologies have made it possible to classify all the GI diseases in humans by location and better understand the underlying causes of disease, leading to a new term Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders (FGID.)

Even though these new technologies are not available to the horse, we can still use the components of FGID in humans to better understand equine digestive disorders. There are many similarities between FGID in humans and horses. Both involve abnormal motility and inflammation. There is also a connection between the nervous and digestive systems, creating a negative feedback loop, often the cause of digestive disturbances such as hindgut inflammation and possibly even colonic ulcers. In the horse these FGIDs may start out small with weight loss or poor performance, but if left untreated can, over time, develop into ulcers, chronic and acute diarrhea, colitis, or even colic.

Even though these new technologies are not available to the horse, we can still use the components of FGID in humans to better understand equine digestive disorders. There are many similarities between FGID in humans and horses. Both involve abnormal motility and inflammation. There is also a connection between the nervous and digestive systems, creating a negative feedback loop, often the cause of digestive disturbances such as hindgut inflammation and possibly even colonic ulcers. In the horse these FGIDs may start out small with weight loss or poor performance, but if left untreated can, over time, develop into ulcers, chronic and acute diarrhea, colitis, or even colic.

But how does this process start? There are many different factors that can lead to hindgut disfunction including intermittent meals, sand irritation, antibiotics, NSAIDs, and large grain meals. These elements can lead to a buildup of lactic acid, altered motility and the death of beneficial hindgut microflora. Together, these negative effects merge leading to bacterial overgrowth, a change in mucosal secretions, and mucosal inflammation resulting in colitis. Underneath these changes are the everyday stressors our horses endure; confinement, trailering, separation, and the stress of performance and training all feed into this cycle, intensifying the underlying GI disorder.

But how does this process start? There are many different factors that can lead to hindgut disfunction including intermittent meals, sand irritation, antibiotics, NSAIDs, and large grain meals. These elements can lead to a buildup of lactic acid, altered motility and the death of beneficial hindgut microflora. Together, these negative effects merge leading to bacterial overgrowth, a change in mucosal secretions, and mucosal inflammation resulting in colitis. Underneath these changes are the everyday stressors our horses endure; confinement, trailering, separation, and the stress of performance and training all feed into this cycle, intensifying the underlying GI disorder.

Biophyschosocial and

This cycle can greatly alter GI function, not only affecting performance and overall condition but leading to various disorders including Leaky Gut Syndrome.

This cycle can greatly alter GI function, not only affecting performance and overall condition but leading to various disorders including Leaky Gut Syndrome.

Within traditional management practices the changes needed to reverse this stressful cycle are difficult and at times impossible to implement. Lack of real estate and the move of horse owners to more suburban areas limit the ability for the horse to live in its natural state, on pasture. Some changes can be made to their diet such as feeding less concentrate, higher quality and free choice forage, as well feeding more meals per day. Changing training and trailering routines may also help to reduce everyday stressors. However, these changes alone may not be enough to improve the horse’s stress level and mitigate its effect on their digestive health.

Within traditional management practices the changes needed to reverse this stressful cycle are difficult and at times impossible to implement. Lack of real estate and the move of horse owners to more suburban areas limit the ability for the horse to live in its natural state, on pasture. Some changes can be made to their diet such as feeding less concentrate, higher quality and free choice forage, as well feeding more meals per day. Changing training and trailering routines may also help to reduce everyday stressors. However, these changes alone may not be enough to improve the horse’s stress level and mitigate its effect on their digestive health.

Incorporating a high-quality digestive aid, such as Secure Guard Gold, into your feeding program is the best or only solution to stabilizing the negative effects caused by the plethora of stressors your horses encounter on a regular basis. Secure Guard Gold provides the most complete and effective method to resolve digestive disturbance and provide support to the entire digestive tract from the stomach to the hindgut, helping your horse face daily digestive disturbances and look and feel his or her best.

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Incorporating a high-quality digestive aid, such as Secure Guard Gold, into your feeding program is the best or only solution to stabilizing the negative effects caused by the plethora of stressors your horses encounter on a regular basis. Secure Guard Gold provides the most complete and effective method to resolve digestive disturbance and provide support to the entire digestive tract from the stomach to the hindgut, helping your horse face daily digestive disturbances and look and feel his or her best.

Biophyschosocial and Functional Gastro-Intestinal Disease in Horses Early Life FGID Physiology Genetics Symptoms Motility Environmental Factors Behavior Sensation Inflammation Psychological Factors Outcome Quality of Life General Health & Condition Trainability Colitis Ulcers Diarrhea Life Stress Psychological State Coping Environmenal Factors
Functional Gastro-Intestinal Disease in Horses Early Life FGID Physiology Genetics Symptoms Motility Environmental Factors Behavior Sensation Inflammation Psychological Factors Outcome Quality of Life General Health & Condition Trainability Colitis Ulcers Diarrhea Life Stress Psychological State Coping Environmenal Factors








Starter/Dispensing Pack Available for Veterinarians

FAST DIGES TIVE AILMENT RELIEF: Secure Guard Gold packs a powerful punch and delivers fast digestive conditioning. Many owners see results in less than one week!

FAST DIGES TIVE AILMENT RELIEF: Secure Guard Gold packs a powerful punch and delivers fast digestive conditioning. Many owners see results in less than one week!

FAST DIGES TIVE AILMENT RELIEF: Secure Guard Gold packs a powerful punch and delivers fast digestive conditioning. Many owners see results in less than one week!

ENHANCED PERFORMANCE AND WELLNESS: You don’t know how much of your horse you’ve lost to digestive health issues until you’ve addressed the problem. Having a calm and happy digestive system keeps your horse at the top of their game.

ENHANCED PERFORMANCE AND WELLNESS: You don’t know how much of your horse you’ve lost to digestive health issues until you’ve addressed the problem. Having a calm and happy digestive system keeps your horse at the top of their game.

ENHANCED PERFORMANCE AND WELLNESS: You don’t know how much of your horse you’ve lost to digestive health issues until you’ve addressed the problem. Having a calm and happy digestive system keeps your horse at the top of their game.

TOTAL DIGESTIVE SUPPOR T: Secure Guard Gold works to support the entire digestive tract from the stomach through the hindgut. You can trust that your horse’s total digestive health is being supported for optimal function.

TOTAL DIGESTIVE SUPPOR T: Secure Guard Gold works to support the entire digestive tract from the stomach through the hindgut. You can trust that your horse’s total digestive health is being supported for optimal function.

TOTAL DIGESTIVE SUPPOR T: Secure Guard Gold works to support the entire digestive tract from the stomach through the hindgut. You can trust that your horse’s total digestive health is being supported for optimal function.

ALL-IN-ONE DIGES TIVE AID : A single ingredient won’t fix a horse’s digestive system. It takes the right combination to ensure proper digestive health. Secure Guard Gold combines our proven pairing of Secure Guard and Secure Plus into an all-in-one digestive aid. It’s the only product on the market that blends the quality ingredients necessary for a complete, daily solution.

ALL-IN-ONE DIGES TIVE AID : A single ingredient won’t fix a horse’s digestive system. It takes the right combination to ensure proper digestive health. Secure Guard Gold combines our proven pairing of Secure Guard and Secure Plus into an all-in-one digestive aid. It’s the only product on the market that blends the quality ingredients necessary for a complete, daily solution.

ALL-IN-ONE DIGES TIVE AID : A single ingredient won’t fix a horse’s digestive system. It takes the right combination to ensure proper digestive health. Secure Guard Gold combines our proven pairing of Secure Guard and Secure Plus into an all-in-one digestive aid. It’s the only product on the market that blends the quality ingredients necessary for a complete, daily solution.

This patented and veterinary approved supplement provides a powerful digestive support solution for enhanced performance and conditioning. Our proprietary psyllium process and special enteric coated pellets ensures delivery of beneficial microbes and ingredients. It addresses common ailments like colic, ulcers and more.

This patented and veterinary approved supplement provides a powerful digestive support solution for enhanced performance and conditioning. Our proprietary psyllium process and special enteric coated pellets ensures delivery of beneficial microbes and ingredients. It addresses common ailments like colic, ulcers and more.

This patented and veterinary approved supplement provides a powerful digestive support solution for enhanced performance and conditioning. Our proprietary psyllium process and special enteric coated pellets ensures delivery of beneficial microbes and ingredients. It addresses common ailments like colic, ulcers and more.

References: [1] Mélo S, Santiago T, Duarte T, Abreu J, Manso H, Filho H. A Proton-Pump Inhibitor Modifies the Concentration of Digestion Biomarkers in Healthy Horses. J Eq Vet Sci 2014; 34, 11-12: 1318-1323. [2] Moreaux S, Nichols J, Bowman J, Hatfield P. Psyllium Lowers Blood Glucose and Insulin Concentrations in Horses. J Eq Vet Sci 2011; 31, 4: 160-165. [3] Fecal Sand Clearance Is Enhanced with a Product Combining Probiotics, prebiotics, and Psyllium in Clinically Normal Horses. ELIGIBLE PRODUCT DIGESTIVE
References: [1] Mélo S, Santiago T, Duarte T, Abreu J, Manso H, Filho H. A Proton-Pump Inhibitor Modifies the Concentration of Digestion Biomarkers in Healthy Horses. J Eq Vet Sci 2014; 34, 11-12: 1318-1323. [2] Moreaux S, Nichols J, Bowman J, Hatfield P. Psyllium Lowers Blood Glucose and Insulin Concentrations in Horses. J Eq Vet Sci 2011; 31, 4: 160-165. [3] Fecal Sand Clearance Is Enhanced with a Product Combining Probiotics, prebiotics, and Psyllium in Clinically Normal Horses. ELIGIBLE PRODUCT
Modifies the Concentration of Digestion Biomarkers in Healthy Horses. J Eq Vet Sci 2014; 34, 11-12: 1318-1323.
J Eq Vet Sci 2011; 31, 4: 160-165. [3] Fecal Sand Clearance Is Enhanced with a Product Combining Probiotics, prebiotics, and Psyllium in Clinically Normal Horses. ELIGIBLE PRODUCT
Mélo S, Santiago T, Duarte T, Abreu J, Manso H, Filho H.
A Proton-Pump Inhibitor
[2] Moreaux S, Nichols J, Bowman J, Hatfield P. Psyllium Lowers Blood Glucose and Insulin Concentrations in Horses.



SOOTHING ULCER RELIEF: Ulcer treatments can wreak havoc on any horse by throwing off the normal balance of the digestive system. Secure Guard soothes the system and is patented to ameliorate ulcers to keep your horse feeling healthy and comfortable.

IMPROVED HEALTH AND OVERALL WELLNESS: Any digestive issue can disrupt your horse’s performance and comfort. Cinchy and irritable horses often have underlying digestive health problems. Ulcers are painful and make travel, training and riding a nightmare for your horse. Having a calm and happy digestive system keeps your horse relaxed and focused.

WHOLE DIGESTIVE SUPPOR T: Secure Guard works to support the entire digestive tract from the stomach through the hindgut where additional gastric conditioning is required.

FLEXIBLE, TA R GETED COVERAGE: Use Secure Guard daily for cost-effective maintenance of difficult gastric problems.



64 equine veterinarians and owners throughout the United States volunteered 144 horses with challenging gastrointestinal disorders to be enrolled in a research trial using the commercially available and patented Secure System. The cases were chronic or recurrent and trial periods were variable and limited for each particular digestive disorder. The trial established expectations for resolution within these limited feeding periods.



100% of horses with recurrent colic had shown a decrease in frequency of episodes.

Horses saw an average of 90% fewer colics within the initial treatment period.

80% of horses with chronic diarrhea were fully resolved or improved in 30 days.

81% of horses suspected with gastric ulcers were resolved or improved in 60 days.

100% of horses with sand accumulation were resolved or improved in 45 days.

94% of horses with poor body condition or weight loss were resolved or improved based on desired weight in 60 days.


Treatment during a relatively short term research trial has shown The Secure System of digestive aids to be excellent support products for both challenging digestive cases as well as regular daily support with proper dosing and duration.

Improvement and resolution has been seen in all forms of digestive health issues including horses with chronic gastrointestinal disorders, particularly recurrent colic, chronic diarrhea, weight loss, and motility disturbances.

Reference: [1] Brendemuehl JP, Altman J, Kopp K, Blikslager A. A multi-center clinical trial utilizing a combined probiotic, prebiotic and psyllium product for the management of chronic gastrointestinal disorders (diarrhea and colic) in clinically affected horses. 2010; Novus Nutritional Brands, LLC.


Up to $15,000 in coverage

Coverage for horses with PRIOR HISTORY OF COLIC*

Coverage for horses with one abdominal surgery

Coverage for multiple colic incidents

MEDICAL and SURGICAL colic coverage

Coverage while horses are TRAVELING INTERNATIONALLY*

PURCHASING directly through Arenus, veterinarians or veterinary clinics for program eligible products

NO AGE RESTRICTIONS once horses are weaned

NO LIMIT on the number of horses an owner can enroll

Coverage for LEASED HORSES

*Some restrictions and requirements may apply.


1 Head to and complete the CAP
general digestive
loading dose
specifically designed to help eliminate any risk of colic. Inquire or enroll soon to access your custom feeding program. 2 Choose your product: Secure Secure Guard 3 Wait for your final approval email & make your initial purchase. 4 Begin feeding based on your horse’s tailored Wellness Program.
If you plan on enrolling in our Colic
Program extensive
and you have already made an initial
the label feeding instructions are for
health. Feeding and
requirements of the Colic Assurance Program may be different from label instructions and are



David Ziegler

“Aleira’s use as a therapy in both acute and chronic cases has impressed me to the degree that it has become a go to product in my practice and one that I highly recommend. In EIPH, IAD and severe dermatitis cases, Aleira has been a great success as an adjunctive therapy. A grand prix jumper I worked with who suffered from severe, chronic EIPH on a daily basis, showed marked clinical improvement after 45 days on Aleira. Other therapies and treatments had been unsuccessful in this horse. This is one of the many cases where I have witnessed significant improvement while using Aleira.”


When it comes to Omega-3 products, not all are created equal. This is because not all Omega-3s contain DHA, one of the most beneficial, natural Long Chain Omega-3 Fatty Acids. DHA provides advanced cellular support for reproductive, respiratory and immune health.

Omega-3 supplements commonly source their Omega-3 Fatty Acids from low-DHA fish oil or non-DHA flaxseed. These sources do little to support your horse’s respiratory and immune health. Fish oil also exposes horses to the risk of heavy metal toxicity. Flaxseeds, although vegetarian, don’t provide the right type of Omega-3 Fatty Acids to optimally support respiratory and immune functions, yet can be of benefit to other body systems.

Our Omega-3 products are made from the same, safe algae-derived DHA used in human infant formula. As herbivores, horses are able to naturally absorb this bioavailable, algal-DHA for maximum health benefits. This is why we use it as the base of our respiratory and reproductive health supplements. Aleira is a unique blend of algal-DHA, antioxidant-rich mushrooms, vitamin C and MSM. This effective combo addresses inflammation and immune responses for horses with a range of respiratory issues.


Stall confinement. Tighter living quarters. Travel and trailering. Indoor exercise and dusty arenas.

All of these factors have led to a significant increase in allergic reactions and low level respiratory disease. More horses than ever before show symptoms of low level cough, drippy noses and low level breathing difficulties due to the early effects of airway inflammation. These horses need daily support instead of a medical treatment alone.

Even when it comes to severe respiratory disease issues such as Heaves or Inflammatory Airway Disease (IAD), anti-inflammatories and steroids are not always the best answer. Like a band-aid they offer a quick fix and at times are very necessary, but often don’t get to the root of the problem. Cellular support addresses the underlying issue and offers consistent, daily maintenance.

Years of research by our veterinarians and nutritionists have resulted in an algal-DHA based formula that makes a dramatic difference in horses with breathing and allergy challenges. Our formula can also be safely used in conjunction with traditional treatments. In many cases, horses are able to be supported on Aleira alone. If your horse is a bleeder or struggles with other respiratory or immune problems, then Aleira is the answer you’ve been waiting for.






IMPROVED PERFORMANCE: Addressing airway challenges keeps your horse comfortable and at the top of their game. Aleira offers effective support for bleeders and horses with respiratory or immune responses. Aleira combats performance limiting conditions like Recurrent Airway Obstruction (RAO), Inflammatory Airway Disease (IAD), allergies, hives and dermatitis.

IMPROVED PERFORMANCE: Addressing airway challenges keeps your horse comfortable and at the top of their game. Aleira offers effective support for bleeders and horses with respiratory or immune responses. Aleira combats performance limiting conditions like Recurrent Airway Obstruction (RAO), Inflammatory Airway Disease (IAD), allergies, hives and dermatitis.

NON-MEDICINAL ALTERNATIVE: Powerful respiratory support without the negative side effects of traditional treatments like steroids. Safe for horses that are sensitive to traditional medications. In many cases, horses using Aleira are able to be supported on Aleira alone!

NON-MEDICINAL ALTERNATIVE: Powerful respiratory support without the negative side effects of traditional treatments like steroids. Safe for horses that are sensitive to traditional medications. In many cases, horses using Aleira are able to be supported on Aleira alone!

SAFE TO USE: Can be safely combined with conventional treatments for additional respiratory health support. Safe for long-term maintenance.

SAFE TO USE: Can be safely combined with conventional treatments for additional respiratory health support. Safe for long-term maintenance.

Our research-proven formula combines algal-DHA, an immune-modulating and anti-inflammatory proprietary Mushroom Blend, Vitamin C and MSM into a powerful supplement. It addresses inflammation and immune responses for horses with a range of respiratory issues.

Our research-proven formula combines algal-DHA, an immune-modulating and anti-inflammatory proprietary Mushroom Blend, Vitamin C and MSM into a powerful supplement. It addresses inflammation and immune responses for horses with a range of respiratory issues.

“Managing equine asthma (RAO and IAD) cases has been easier thanks to Aleira. After research in my lab as well as recommending it for use in the field, I have found Aleira to be a valuable tool in managing difficult respiratory cases. My goal is to reduce equine asthma burden and find a cure that would reduce the reliance on prescription drugs, especially steroids, in managing these cases. It is helpful to horse owners and veterinarians to have at their disposal a non-drug therapy that has proven efficacy and is easy to administer. I have many cases that are now well controlled by proper management of environmental conditions and replacing or reducing drugs with Aleira.”

“Managing equine asthma (RAO and IAD) cases has been easier thanks to Aleira. After research in my lab as well as recommending it for use in the field, I have found Aleira to be a valuable tool in managing difficult respiratory cases. My goal is to reduce equine asthma burden and find a cure that would reduce the reliance on prescription drugs, especially steroids, in managing these cases. It is helpful to horse owners and veterinarians to have at their disposal a non-drug therapy that has proven efficacy and is easy to administer. I have many cases that are now well controlled by proper management of environmental conditions and replacing or reducing drugs with Aleira.”

Reference: [Nogradi N, Couetil LL, Messick J, Stochelski MA, Burgess JA. Evaluation of an Omega-3 Fatty Acid Containing Feed Supplement in the Management of Horses with Chronic Lower Airway Inflammatory Diseases. J Vet Intern Med 2015; 29: 299-306. Laurent Couetil DVM, DACVIM, PhD
Reference: [Nogradi N, Couetil LL, Messick J, Stochelski MA, Burgess JA. Evaluation of an Omega-3 Fatty Acid Containing Feed Supplement in the Management of Horses with Chronic Lower Airway Inflammatory Diseases. J Vet Intern Med 2015; 29: 299-306. Laurent Couetil DVM, DACVIM, PhD




This study was designed to examine the effects of ALEIRA® on coughing, respiratory effort and performance. Aleira is a patented formulation of ingredients including a specific and purified omega-3 fatty acid, DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). Through the research conducted at the Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine, Aleira was fed in conjunction with a low dust diet to 35 client-owned horses with chronic inflammatory diseases both recurrent airway obstruction (RAO) and inflammatory airway disease (IAD). Evaluation of laboratory and clinical parameters were made as well as assessment of daily on farm performance and results.


Overall, both clinician assigned VAS scores and owner assigned VAS scores improved 8 weeks in to the trial however, the clinician assigned VAS receiving Aleira supplementation reached statistical significance. Placebo clinician assigned VAS score increase was not significant.

VAS cough scores improved significantly in all 3 treatment groups but horses with 1 times per day dose of DHA exhibited a significantly higher VAS score 2 months later than placebo.

The effect of Aleira supplementation and pelleted feed on VAS scores was noticeable first at 2 weeks.

The effects of Aleira supplementation and pelleted feed reached maximum benefit for coughing between weeks 2 and 5.

The effects of Aleira supplementation and pelleted feed reached maximum effect for respiratory effort between weeks 5 and 6.

The effects of Aleira supplementation and pelleted feed reached maximum effect for poor performance between weeks 3 and 5.

Aleira Supplementation for 2 months resulted in a significant reduction in neutrophils in BALF which was not observed in placebo fed horses.

Aleira Supplementation for 2 months saw a significant improvement in lung function in horses supplemented with DHA.

Aleira Supplementation for 2 months resulted in a 10-fold increase in plasma DHA levels. No other fatty acid was affected.


Supplementation of ALEIRA to horses with RAO or IAD, in combination with a complete pelleted feed, showed significant improvement in clinical signs, including cough, respiratory effort and performance as well as lung function and BALF compared to the placebo group.

This formulation conducted horses laboratory

Reference: Nogradi disease.

an additional benefit to a low-dust diet in the management of horses with chronic lower airway inflammatory
Reference: Nogradi N, Couetil LL, Messick J, Stochelski MA, Burgess JR. Omega-3 fatty acid supplementation
disease. J Vet Intern Med. 2015; 29(1): 299-306.





Low conception rates. Mares taking multiple cycles to become pregnant or not conceiving for the year at all. Stallions with low sperm counts, poor quality and motility. Late-born, smaller foals at a disadvantage in yearling sales and competition.

These are some of the most pressing challenges in today’s breeding industry. These common reproductive issues are reduced with the help of a good DHA and cellular support supplement.

We developed Releira because there were no supplements available to help mares with fertility issues. There were only a few designed for stallions, but the reproductive health of mares was being ignored. Our research-proven formula offers a unique solution for a wide range of reproductive health issues, including problems with difficult mares. Supplementing with Releira helps mares that have difficulty conceiving become pregnant in fewer cycles. It reduces post-breeding uterine inflammation and fluids for higher pregnancy rates and it safely supports the mare and foal throughout gestation.

The same supplement can be fed to stallions to improve fertility. Pure algal-DHA works to not only increase sperm production, but to improve the quality of the cellular structure and progressive motility of the sperm for successful AI and live cover breedings. Even stallions with normal sperm counts often have numbers dip mid-season. Releira keeps numbers high throughout the entire season and improves numbers in stallions with low counts.

DHA improves molecular development of foals, creating a better cell membrane and more foals carried to term. Studies have proven that foals of mares supplemented with Releira have increased cognitive function and trainability. This is because quality DHA transfers to the foal during gestation and nursing.

If you’re ready for a more productive breeding season, try Releira. Our algal-DHA, research-proven formula is the solution for today’s most common fertility challenges in mares and stallions.

“I conducted a controlled trial utilizing a very robust frozen semen challenge that demonstrated a significant influence of supplementation with Releira on reducing the post breeding inflammatory response in all classes of mares.

A subsequent clinical trial involving thoroughbred mares and stallions in a commercial breeding environment further demonstrated the benefits of Releira in reducing breeding induced inflammation and improving per cycle pregnancy rates.”



The goal of this study was to determine if a significant difference existed in the uterine inflammatory response to frozen semen in response to supplementation with a blended algal and flaxseed source (RELEIRA) of the omega-3 fatty acid DHA. 15 mixed breed horses were used in the study. 10 mares were classified as resistant based upon uterine biopsy scores of I-A or I-B and ability to clear all mating induced endometritis at 24 hours post insemination. 5 mares were classified as susceptible with uterine biopsy scores of II-B or III and the presence of uterine hyperechoic fluid at 24 hours post insemination.


Essential reproductive support, Releira helps mares and stallions reach their full breeding potential in a daily, DHA supplement. This research-backed Omega-3 formula provides reproductive health benefits for mares, stallions, and foals. It addresses common fertility issues with a readily-absorbed, vegetarian algae source.


Success in fewer cycles: Releira significantly improves conception rates in broodmares with a history of complications. Our DHA helps difficult mares that are typically bred in three to seven cycles to become pregnant in one cycle.

Reduced costs: Mares that don’t become pregnant still need care and resources. Quicker, successful pregnancies reduce the expenses for unbred mares and eliminates the missed opportunity of not having a foal to sell or compete with for another year.

Improved conception rates: Releira reduces post-breeding uterine inflammation and fluids for higher pregnancy rates.

Support throughout pregnancy: Safely provides constant reproductive support throughout the entire gestation period.


Boosts fertility: Improves pregnancy rates from stallions with a history of common fertility issues.

Increased sperm count: Stallions with normal sperm counts often have numbers dip mid-season. Releira keeps numbers high throughout the entire season and improves numbers in stallions with low counts.

Improved sperm quality and motility: Pure DHA works to not only increase sperm production, but to improve the quality and motility of the sperm for successful AI and live cover breedings.


More live foals: DHA improves molecular development. This creates a better cell membrane and more foals carried to term.

Less late season foals: Mares bred in fewer cycles result in foals born on time. Late-born, smaller foals are at a disadvantage against older foals in yearling sales and competition.

Improved cognitive health: Studies have proven that foals of mares supplemented with Releira have increased cognitive function and trainability. Quality DHA transfers to the foal during gestation and nursing.

A very significant reduction in uterine fluid accumulation and neutrophil infiltration was noted in the five mares classified as susceptible. Plasma DHA levels were significantly higher at day 28 and day 60 as compared to day 0. The inflammatory response, as indicated by uterine fluid presence and neutrophil infiltration, was significantly reduced at 12 and 24 hours in both resistant and susceptible mares fed RELEIRA for 63+ days.


Oral supplementation of RELEIRA given to susceptible and resistant mares significantly

REPRODUCTIVE RELEIRA ESSENTIAL response and acid study. upon to hours as susceptible III and RESULTS TAKE Oral semen. References: [1] Brendemuehl 34(1):123-124. [2] J Equine 33(5):363. Warren A Plasma The resistant
reduced the
JP, Altman J, Kopp K. Influence of dietary algal N-3 fatty acids on breeding induced inflammation and endometrial cytokine expression in mares bred with frozen semen. J Equine Vet Sci. 2014;
Vet Sci. 2014; 34(1):123-124. Adkin AM, Warren LK, McCall CA. Effect of maternal docosahexaenoic acid supplementation on behavior and cognitive development in nursing foals. J Equine Vet Sci. 2013;
TL, Adkin AM, Warren LK. Effect of early exposure to maternal docosahexaenoic acid on memory and cognition in weaned foals. J Equine Vet Sci. 2013; 33: 364. Adkin AM, Muniz AV, Mortensen CJ, Warren LK. Maternal fatty acid supplementation influences memory and learning ability in yearling and 2-year-old horses. J Equine Vet Sci. 2015; 35: 419. ®
post breeding inflammatory response
frozen semen. References: [1] Brendemuehl
34(1):123-124. [2] J Equine
33(5):363. Hansen








The daily physical demands on performance horses and changes in modern footing have resulted in new challenges for our equine athletes. Soft surfaces and deeper footing puts horses at increased risk of soft tissue injuries. Orthopedic diseases like osteoarthritis only add to the problem.

The daily physical demands on performance horses and changes in modern footing have resulted in new challenges for our equine athletes. Soft surfaces and deeper footing puts horses at increased risk of soft tissue injuries. Orthopedic diseases like osteoarthritis only add to the problem.

But it takes more than traditional joint support to protect our horses. Today’s athletes need broader protection from tendon, ligament, joint capsule, muscular and soft tissue damages.

But it takes more than traditional joint support to protect our horses. Today’s athletes need broader protection from tendon, ligament, joint capsule, muscular and soft tissue damages.

Equestrians today must find and use the best tools available to avoid major soft tissue injuries and control small, undetected strains and sprains before they become a major problem. This is the reason it’s crucial for riders to use great nutritional support and topicals to protect their horses.

Equestrians today must find and use the best tools available to avoid major soft tissue injuries and control small, undetected strains and sprains before they become a major problem. This is the reason it’s crucial for riders to use great nutritional support and topicals to protect their horses.

Our Steadfast line goes beyond the abilities of traditional joint supplements. Most supplements ignore bone and soft tissue health, leaving your horse exposed to a variety of painful or career-ending injuries. Our clinically proven Steadfast formulas offer total structural support for the most comprehensive protection available today.

Our Steadfast line goes beyond the abilities of traditional joint supplements. Most supplements ignore bone and soft tissue health, leaving your horse exposed to a variety of painful or career-ending injuries. Our clinically proven Steadfast formulas offer total structural support for the most comprehensive protection available today.

“RC Fancy Step has been great his entire career and he seems to be getting better with age. We attribute some of his success to using a great product like Steadfast Equine. I also use Steadfast Equine on some of my derby horses and all of my futurity horses.”

“RC Fancy Step has been great his entire career and he seems to be getting better with age. We attribute some of his success to using a great product like Steadfast Equine. I also use Steadfast Equine on some of my derby horses and all of my futurity horses.”

Shawn Flarida NRHA Champion and Arenus Ambassador

Shawn Flarida NRHA Champion and Arenus Ambassador



Steadfast Equine Performance protects and preserves your horse’s joint health to extend their career and keep them comfortable in training and competition.

No other equine joint supplement offers the unique formulation and scientific backing of Steadfast Equine Performance.

2X NATURAL PROTEIN NEM: Each packet of Steadfast Equine Performance contains a double dose of NEM compared to our original formula. Natural Eggshell Membrane provides a naturally occurring matrix of joint and structural support components that are synthetically manufactured in other supplements. NEM is a natural protein source that’s easily absorbed by horses for maximum structural support benefits. NEM results are proven more effective and faster acting than using traditional chondroitin and glucosamine. In a human study, NEM provided significant improvement to knee and hip osteoarthritis pain and stiffness within 10 days [1].

HIGH LEVEL PERFORMANCE PROTECTION: The lifestyle of equine athletes is stressful on joints, soft tissue and bone. Heavy training schedules, regular competition, frequent travel and uneven footing can lead to career-altering soft tissue injuries and chronic pain. Steadfast Equine Performance protects and preserves your horse’s joint health to extend their career and keep them comfortable in training and competition.

IMPROVED MOTION AND FLEXIBILIT Y: Performance horses with stiff, painful movement need total structural support for relief and comfort. Steadfast Equine Performance works fast with a powerful dose of Natural Eggshell Membrane to make your horse feel better for a longer stride length and more fluid motion.

RAPID REPAIR AND PREVENTION: Horses on Steadfast Equine Performance have the structural support to avoid time consuming and costly soft tissue injuries. Increased bone density, tendon strength, ligament strength and healthier soft tissues help prevent injury. Horses in training and competition need maximum support to keep them feeling and performing at their best.

TOTAL S TRUCTURAL AID: Complete structural support for healthy joints, soft tissue and bones. Made with the highest level of naturally occurring glucosamine, chondroitin, collagen and hyaluronic acid available. No other equine joint supplement offers the unique formulation and scientific backing of Steadfast Equine Performance.

PRE-MEA SURED SINGLE DAILY PA CKETS: Convenient, daily dose pouches come pre-measured for easy feeding and storage. No need to use two packets for a loading dose or during times of added stress. Your horse receives the maximum level of joint support in a single packet. Easy to travel with or store.

References: [1] Danesch U, Seybold M, Rittinghausen R, Treibel W, Bitterlich N. NEM® Brand Eggshell Membrane Effective in the Treatment of Pain Associated with Knee and Hip Osteoarthritis: Results from a Six Center, Open Label German Clinical Study. J Arthritis. 2014; 3: 136. [2] Dibner JJ, Quiroz MLM, Richards JD. Benefit of MINTREX P blend or organic trace minerals on the tibial dyschondroplasia, synovitis and pododermatitis in heavy weight tom turkeys. Abstract presented at: Poultry Science; July 16-19; 2006; Edmonton, Alberta. [3] Zhao J, Harrell R, Greiner L, Allee G, Knight C.. Chelated trace minerals support sow reproduction. Feedstuffs. 2012; 84: 86-28. [4] Wedekind KJ, Coverdale JA, Hampton, TR, Atwell CA, Sorbet RH, Lunnemann J, Harrell RJ, Greiner L, Keith NK, Evans JL, Zhao J, Knight CD. Efficacy of an equine joint supplement, and the synergistic effect of its active ingredients (chelated trace minerals and natural eggshell membrane), as demonstrated in equine, swine and an osteoarthritis rat model. Animal Physiology. 2015; 7: 13NEM is a registered mark of ESM Technologies, LLC
2X original are structural In a HIGH Heavy chronic comfortable IMPRO relief feel RAPID consuming prevent TOT of naturally unique PRE-MEA storage. support References: [1] Danesch [2] Dibner [3] Zhao [4] Wedekind eggshell NEM is S TRUCTURAL S COMPLE






More than a joint supplement, Steadfast Equine offers complete structural support for all horses. The patented formula contains Natural Eggshell Membrane (NEM ) and TêlaFIRM.


More than a joint supplement, Steadfast Equine offers complete structural support for all horses. The patented formula contains Natural Eggshell Membrane (NEM ) and TêlaFIRM.


These proprietary ingredients combine to provide your horse with a bioavailable source of glucosamine, chondroitin, collagen, hyaluronic acid and chelated minerals for maximum joint and soft tissue support and performance recovery.

These proprietary ingredients combine to provide your horse with a bioavailable source of glucosamine, chondroitin, collagen, hyaluronic acid and chelated minerals for maximum joint and soft tissue support and performance recovery.

IMPROVED MOTION AND FLEXIBILIT Y: Horses with stiff, painful movement need total structural support for relief and comfort. Steadfast Equine works fast to make your horse feel better for a longer stride length and more fluid motion.

IMPROVED MOTION AND FLEXIBILIT Y: Horses with stiff, painful movement need total structural support for relief and comfort. Steadfast Equine works fast to make your horse feel better for a longer stride length and more fluid motion.

REPAIR AND PREVENTION: Horses on Steadfast Equine have the structural support to avoid time consuming and costly soft tissue injuries. Increased bone density, tendon strength, ligament strength and healthier soft tissues help prevent injury.

REPAIR AND PREVENTION: Horses on Steadfast Equine have the structural support to avoid time consuming and costly soft tissue injuries. Increased bone density, tendon strength, ligament strength and healthier soft tissues help prevent injury.

A CTIVE HORSE SUPPOR T: The lifestyle of a performance horse is stressful on joints, soft tissue and bone. Preserve your horse’s joint health to extend their career and keep them comfortable in training and competition.

A CTIVE HORSE SUPPOR T: The lifestyle of a performance horse is stressful on joints, soft tissue and bone. Preserve your horse’s joint health to extend their career and keep them comfortable in training and competition.

SENIOR SUPPOR T: Horses of all ages benefit from structural support maintenance. Arthritic and aging horses have additional stress on their joints that require support for optimal health. Steadfast Equine helps senior horses feel younger and more agile.

SENIOR SUPPOR T: Horses of all ages benefit from structural support maintenance. Arthritic and aging horses have additional stress on their joints that require support for optimal health. Steadfast Equine helps senior horses feel younger and more agile.

PRE-MEA SURED POUCHES: Convenient, daily dose pouches come pre-measured for easy feeding and storage.

PRE-MEA SURED POUCHES: Convenient, daily dose pouches come pre-measured for easy feeding and storage.

TOTAL S TRUCTURAL AID: Complete structural support. No other equine joint supplement available offers the unique formulation and scientific backing of Steadfast Equine.

TOTAL S TRUCTURAL AID: Complete structural support. No other equine joint supplement available offers the unique formulation and scientific backing of Steadfast Equine.



16 mature horses with OA were fed STEADFAST® Equine or a placebo for 42 days. Blood was collected every two weeks and levels of the biomarkers CTXII, PIIANP, and osteocalcin were measured. CTXII collagen is a byproduct of cartilage breakdown, PIIANP is a protein found in cartilage and blood increases indicate cartilage regeneration while the protein osteocalcin is important in bone mineralization and increases suggest chondromodulation.

16 mature horses with OA were fed STEADFAST® Equine or a placebo for 42 days. Blood was collected every two weeks and levels of the biomarkers CTXII, PIIANP, and osteocalcin were measured. CTXII collagen is a byproduct of cartilage breakdown, PIIANP is a protein found in cartilage and blood increases indicate cartilage regeneration while the protein osteocalcin is important in bone mineralization and increases suggest chondromodulation.

The decrease in serum CTXII and increase in serum PIIANP and osteocalcin suggest slowing of cartilage loss and rebuilding of cartilage and bone tissue in horses fed STEADFAST® Equine.

The decrease in serum CTXII and increase in serum PIIANP and osteocalcin suggest slowing of cartilage loss and rebuilding of cartilage and bone tissue in horses fed STEADFAST® Equine.

References: [1] Wedekind KJ, Coverdale JA, Hampton, TR,


[2] JL, Zhao J, Knight CD. Efficacy of an equine joint supplement, and the synergistic effect of its active ingredients (chelated trace minerals and natural eggshell membrane), as demonstrated in equine, swine and an osteoarthritis rat model. Animal Physiology. 2015; 7: 13-27.

References: [1] Wedekind KJ, Coverdale JA, Hampton, TR, Atwell CA, Sorbet RH, Lunnemann J, Harrell RJ, Greiner L, Keith NK, Evans [2] JL, Zhao J, Knight CD. Efficacy of an equine joint supplement, and the synergistic effect of its active ingredients (chelated trace minerals and natural eggshell membrane), as demonstrated in equine, swine and an osteoarthritis rat model. Animal Physiology. 2015; 7: 13-27. Atwell CA, Sorbet RH, Lunnemann J, Harrell RJ, Greiner Keith NK, Evans



This study was designed to evaluate the effectiveness of a commercially available, herbal, nonheating liniment, Sore No-More Performance Ultra, in reducing pain and inflammation in horses with mild back pain. Conducted at Truman State University, 18 university-owned horses were randomly assigned to either a Sore No-More Performance Ultra treatment group or control group. Back pain scores in both groups were evaluated regularly over 44 days with a pressure force gauge.

Average Pain Score for Area Treated

As published in the Journal of Animal Science Average Pain Score for Area Treated with Sore No-More® Performance Ultra on Right Side


Overall, horses in the treatment group had a statistically significant decrease in pain score from the beginning to the end of the trial (44 days total).

Horses in the treatment group had a 2.87 decrease in pain score compared to a 0.72 decrease in pain score in the control group.

Thermal imaging also demonstrated a significant impact on temperature readings both at the time of the trial as well as after exercise and application of Performance Ultra.

Near the end of 30 days, horses in the treatment group had a lower average back temperature.


Horses treated with Sore-No-More Performance Ultra showed decreased back pain scores within the first two days of treatment.

Day of Treatment Average Pain Score (0 to 13 Scale) 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 Sore No-More® Performance Ultra Control
3037 44
No-More® Performance Ultra on Left Side Day of Treatment Average Pain Score (0 to 13 Scale) 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 Sore No-More® Performance Ultra Control 291623 3037 44 # *
Reference: Walter, K.W., Altman, J. & Haussler, K.(2023) Reducing chronic back pain and inflammation in horses using a commercial herbal liniment. Equine Veterinary Education, 35, e499-e506. PROVEN SNM RESEARCH-B STUD This available, reducing Truman to either Back pressure T RESULTS Reference: Walter,





For over 25 years, SNM has been the trusted source of pain relief for professional equine athletes, trainers, therapists, and vete rinarians.

For over 25 years, SNM has been the trusted source of pain relief for professional equine athletes, trainers, therapists, and vete rinarians.

SNM provides potent pain relief, targeting inflammation at the source with its proprietary blend of all natural herbs.

SNM provides potent pain relief, targeting inflammation at the source with its proprietary blend of all natural herbs.

Our herbs are carefully chosen, extracted and monitored for purity and strength. No harsh chemicals such as menthol or capsaicin are used in our formula.

Our herbs are carefully chosen, extracted and monitored for purity and strength. No harsh chemicals such as menthol or capsaicin are used in our formula.

SNM can help put a stop to the never-ending cycle of soreness, tiredness, and inflammation that can wreak havoc on muscles, ligaments, and other soft tissue.

SNM can help put a stop to the never-ending cycle of soreness, tiredness, and inflammation that can wreak havoc on muscles, ligaments, and other soft tissue.

“My 8 year-old gelding slipped real bad at a barrel race about a month ago and his lumbar area in his back got real sore to touch and the points of his shoulders got big knots in them. I had my chiropractor adjust him and I started using the SNM Performance Ultra Gelotion daily after workouts and within 3 days those muscles began to soften. I’ve since just made it a part of my daily regimen.”

“My 8 year-old gelding slipped real bad at a barrel race about a month ago and his lumbar area in his back got real sore to touch and the points of his shoulders got big knots in them. I had my chiropractor adjust him and I started using the SNM Performance Ultra Gelotion daily after workouts and within 3 days those muscles began to soften. I’ve since just made it a part of my daily regimen.”

Lynnzie Lindstrom, Arenus Ambassador, World Champion Barrel Racer

Lynnzie Lindstrom, Arenus Ambassador, World Champion Barrel Racer

“I like to use the SNM Gelotion on all of my horses after a long day in the arena. SNM is my go-to favorite because it helps to relax and relieve sore muscles and fatigue. The Gelotion with its thicker consistency helps to keep the back muscles nice and soft. Using SNM keeps my horses feeling good!”

“I like to use the SNM Gelotion on all of my horses after a long day in the arena. SNM is my go-to favorite because it helps to relax and relieve sore muscles and fatigue. The Gelotion with its thicker consistency helps to keep the back muscles nice and soft. Using SNM keeps my horses feeling good!”

Shawn Flarida, Arenus Ambassador, NRHA Reiner

Shawn Flarida, Arenus Ambassador, NRHA Reiner

“Every horse I own, or train uses SNM products daily, simply because there’s no question they work and are the best liniment product on the market. We all want our horses nice and supple in their muscles and SNM helps me get that. A horse that feels good will give you his all and SNM makes sure they feel their best.”

“Every horse I own, or train uses SNM products daily, simply because there’s no question they work and are the best liniment product on the market. We all want our horses nice and supple in their muscles and SNM helps me get that. A horse that feels good will give you his all and SNM makes sure they feel their best.”

David Ziegler, Arenus Ambassador Professional Dressage Rider

David Ziegler, Arenus Ambassador Professional Dressage Rider



D aily use fo rmulation

D aily use fo rmulation

Soothing antiinflammatory

Soothing antiinflammatory

Use bef or e and af t er rides f or injury pr evention

Use bef or e and af t er rides f or injury pr evention

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FEI compliant



Clinical strength version of SNM

Clinical strength version of SNM

Most p ow erful & fastestacting SNM pr oduct

Most p ow erful & fastestacting SNM pr oduct

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Soothing long lasting antiinflammatory

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· Great for sensitive skin

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· Can be sprayed on or rubbed in

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· Safe to use on entire body

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· Can be diluted for a body brace



· Slightly thick er consistency to make it easy to apply to hard-to-reach areas

· Slightly thick er consistency to make it easy to apply to hard-to-reach areas

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· Safe to use on entire body



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· Ideal for use on lower limbs

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· Pair with or without wraps, paper or plastic

· Effecti ve at pulling out heat and swelling

· Effecti ve at pulling out heat and swelling



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at: 866-791-3344.

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