The California Lumber Merchant - August 1957

Page 1

\ZES, IT'S EASY to get into the profitable f kitctren and storage cabinet business... and be a Bilt-Well dealer. AII you do is order 6 feet or more of cabinets from Gordon-MacBeath (at L5% off). Set them up as a kitchen display on your premises, and you're in business. As a dealer, you will get a 5% discount on all future cabinet orders. Or, if you have space limitations, order one

completely assembled and stained cabinet, with display sign and sales literature, for just $18.50. So make your deal now... for a dealership or a single cabinet display. Write or call today for complete information.

GORDON - IUIocBtATH HARDWOOD C0. HARDWOOD DtVtStON Ol [. J. CARR & C0. o SACRAMENTO:2727-651h St., Telephone Glodslone 2'2657 o OAKIAND: 8400 Bqldwin St., Telephone LOckhoven 8'2578


Pictured above is one of n-rany typical examples of horl'Hyster@ Industrial Trucks are helping to effect trerncndous savings in thc cost of handling Lurnber.

Even if you are now using lift trucks or have nevcr used industrial trucks of any kind, your Hystcr clealer can shorv you hon'you can quickly realize more profit from your operation x'ith these multi-purpose utility tools. Your Hyster dealer knos's n-raterials handling he is an expert on the problcms and their solution. He can help you n'ith special techniques and cosr reducing methods. Call him today...*'hy not rake advantage of his rnarerials handling know-horv?

He is listed under "Trucks-Industrial" in 1'our telephonc dirccrory.


at PLANNING-your Hyster Deoler will plon r l', :':iil'" l; ;::' ]'., : !::::;T,,:l: ; to see if il con be improved.

THE RfGHT TRUCKlor your iob from Hysler's complete line of induslriol trucks (1,000-30,000 lbs.) ond over'l0O lob-ottochmenls for economicql lood hondling.

THE RIGHI SERVICE-omple spore ports slock, shop focililies, foclory-lroined mechonics ond on efficient field service lhol keep your Hysler lift lrucks going on your iob, wherever your iob might be locoted. Hyster lrucks ore noled lhe world over for lheir low downlime.

Moleriols Handling Trucks from 1,000 to 30,000 pound cdpdcities


4445 3td Slreet, Sqn Froncisco 24, Colil, Mlssion 8-0680


2425 So. Gorfield Ave., Los Angeles 22, Colit. RAymond 3-6255

t\ I Ir# ,fs "r€
ffifl]glrrk{tr*fs. .$;.rr&alp,f I'r0*r-
OneHyster 150 King cf Lift Trucks does the compleie hondling iob for this lumber deoler.
r.\l ,.i & $*. l, \'".; w 1\ I ] ,a


Jack Dionne, Publisher

Subscription Price, $3,00 per Yeqr

Single Copies, 25 cents each

Incorporcted uader ihe lcws oI Cclilornic I. C. Diome, Prea. and Trecg'; I. E' Mcrtin, Vice Pres.; M. Adcms, Secrelcry Publighed the lsl and lSth oI eqch month crl


Overproduction is still reflected in Crow's Lumber Price Index of August 9, with a dip in Standard & Btr. green l)ouglas fir.diurension and a sharp fall-bff in No. 3 common ponderosa pine boartls. Sawnri'll shutdowns were occulring more frerluently ir-r the fir .antl pine regions. Green fir boards weie slow rnovers- excelx in Uti-litl' gradc. -fhere were some price-drops in kiln-driecl Standard .& 9t.. iiinrension, also in upper -gracles, but lower grades of rlly lumbcr n'ere steady; u'hite fir dimension, off slight1y, rcflcctcd the drop ttr ureerr. ['lvw,,url lrcld fairlv wc]l on official lists but sotttc deals were ieuortc,l ircing rrrade under both list prices lot t/a"-1-l) attd /r," CD Ciow's cr('ss-cuuntr]' phone survey show'ed little advance buying to beat the Aug. 26 freight-rate increases. The new FHA lower-downpaynrent scliedules were expected to help lun.r.ber but not until the of the I'ear Western Oregon log prices softened in some areas and the .lernand for Douglas fir poles continuecl slow. Numerous mill closings (and more pending), strikes affecting,California construction anil the east, the freight-rate hikes and ineffectiveness of the new housing bill in stirnulating construction all contributed to a gloomy picture -ior the forest-products industry in tlte immediate rutufe.

Lumber shipments of 490 mills rel)orting to the National Lumber Manufactureri Assn. in the week encling August 3 were 10.4/o above lrroductiorr but new orclers were 7.4/o below. For the year-to-date, iro*..r"., shipmetrts ancl orders were both above production by 1.0/o and 1.8%. respectively.

Shipments bt t::,rjtS,OSO feet were 18.1/o above production at 165 rnills reporting (114 operating) to the West Coast Lumbermen's Assn. in the rveek entling August 3; orders ol 93,988,282 feet were 9..5/o lreloi',' procluction. For tl're year-to-date, orders were 0.4/o a:nd


In this issue, u'e \\'elc()me these neu' advertisers int<r the iamily of California Lumber "N'Ierchant-isers":

shionrents 0.J7o over productiou. . The weekly avcrage of west cojst lurlber'production during July was 141,585,000 board feet, WCLA Secretary Harris E. Srnith reportecl for the L)ouglas [t :qy- rnill region; ortlers averaged 154,878,000 b.f. and shiprr-r'ents 15'1,358'000 b.f. The industry's unlilled order file stood at 620,09'1,000 b f. at the end of lulv, sross stocks at 1,072,032,040 b.l'

Orders oi x7,51+.tttt0 feet were 3.7/o, and shipments of 90,784,000 feet were 7.0/o above production at 122 mills reportin5 to the-Western Pine Association in the week ending Jul-t' 27 as ot'clct's clinlbed 8.57o above the previous week.

Orclers dropped 27.7% below production of 107,415,000 fcet in the week ending August 3, and 9.1/o below the previous week, repor.ted the Douglas Fir Plywood Assn., but were 3/o higher than the-sinrilar 1956 rveek. Production, which dropped' 5.7% from the July 27 vveek, was 7.4/a above the 1956 week. Jobber itrveutories cluring June -rose for the hrst time in three months, 6.4/o above I{a1-, r,eported a l)un & Bradstreet survey of 188 warehouses; this represented a twonronths suppiy.

Augusr 15. 1957
508-9-10, 108 Weet Sixth Street, Los Angeles, Colil., Telephone VAndike 4565 Entered cs Secoud-clcge nclter September 25' 1922' ct the Posi Offics ct Los Angelee, Cclilornia, undet Act ol Mqrch 3, 1879
OLE MAY Southern Cqlilornic News and Adveriising Advertising Rctes on Applicction l, This lssue Vogobond Editoriols . 4 25 Yeors Ago 48 My Fovorite Story .. ... 24 New Products . .. 50-51 Fun-Fqcts-Filosophy....30 Personols ..54 Obiiuories ...38, 10 WcrntAds . .70-7I Diomond Motch Co. Yords Join LMANC 2 SCRLA Plons Deqler Junket to Exposition 2 Hommond Yords Soid to iohnson Coshwoy 2 The A-LMA-NAC ol Northern Deqlers 8 S.F., L.A. Hoo-Hoo Greet Snqrk o{ Universe 12 Son Diego Pqsses Grode-Stomping Ordinonce 14 P.C.W.H.D.A. Elects Von Breton ot Ojoi Annuql 16 Son Diego Hoo-Hoo Frolic ot Fish-Fry . 20 "The Fqrmer ond His Home"-An Edi,oriol . 22 Surveyol PionnedU. S. Homelmprovements 28 New Mqster Troining Plon for Retoil Yord Employes . 40 New Glue-Lqminoted 2x4s on the Woy . . 47 SCRLA Deolers Aid Fire-department Project . . 58 July Building High Despite SoCol Strikes . . . 59 LoJ AngeleJleods U..S. in 1956 Home-Buiidins q4 Dubs, Ltd., Elect 1957-58 O1{icers . 66 How io Build Metol-Stropping Solvoge Heel . 72 The ADVERTISERS' INDEX will be Iound on Pase 72 SAN FBANCISCO OFFICE MRX M. COOK 420 Mcrket St. So Froacisco ll YUkon 2-479?
Assoc.iatedRedwoodMills . ....Page65 William A. Dollar & Co. . . 613 Dooley & Co. .. 7l HurricanelmportCo... ......47 MinesBandini, Inc... ........27 And n e :rre also happy to rvelcome back the return of these former N[erchant-isers : Central Valley Box & Lumber Co. 68
Herb Meier Andy Jones Morsholl Meyer

Dicrmond Mqrch Co. Enrolls lts 60 Retqil Yqrds in Lunrber Merchqnts Assn. of Northern Cqlifornio

The T.umber Merchants Association of Northern California has enrolled the 60 Northern California retail lumber, yards of the Diamond Match Company into active membership with the progressive dealer issociation. The affiliation, which became effective.July 1, is best reported through official announcements made by both Hamilton H. Knott, the current president of th,e LMANC, and C. E. Hinshaw, general manager, Retail division, The Diamoncl Match Company.

President Knott's announcement is as follorvs:

It is with real pleasure that we welcome The Diamond Match Company as members in the Lumber Merchants Association of Northern California. This Association, representing hundreds of retail lumber and building material dealers, is rapidly expanding its activities, services and benefits and, consequently, its membership for the over-all good of the entire industry.

Any Association is only as strong as the support given il by the members of the industry or profession it represents. and we feel that we have a strong Association and are be-. coming increasingly stronger. Our membership may well feel proud of the progress we have made, as a group, in such. important fields as legislation, employee training, improving,inanagement techniques, information, group insur-. ance, public relations and better merchandising of the products we sell. But the job is far from complete as new problems_ arise, new products appear, increasing compeiitiort for the consumer dollar from other industries, and t6e everimportant legjslative representation. It is only through an Association that we can solve many of our mutual prob, Iems and protect our businesses and the industry 'frorn which we make our living.

- _Our congratulations to the management of the Diamontl Match Corn_pany for_ their forward-lboking, progressive decision to join with the members of the Lumber- Merchants

SCRTA Plons Junket to Boston,

NRLDA's Big Exposition

Because quite a few members of the Southern California Retail Lumber Association have indicated a desire to attend this year's Exposition of the National Retail Lumber Dealers Association, which will be in Philadelphia, Novernber 4-7, SCRLA Executive Vice-President -Orrie W. expecting to organize another planned trip for those of his dealers who are interested. Those who profited by the meeting in the Hawaiian Islands earlier this i'ear. as well as those who had to hear of its advantages ,.second!'and," will be interested in these details coicerning the !9gr_ 4ays of unparalleled dealer opportunities aT the NRLDA's annual "big show" (CLis/.,-r/t/57) |

The SCRLA has reserved 50 double rooms at Philadelphia's New Sheraton hotel for the iunket from Southern California and rvould leave L. A. Oitober 30 at 9 a.m. via United Airlines for Boston, .rvhere the dealers would spend two days on an educational tour of the city's historv- and culture; arrival in "Beantown" would be at'9:25 p.-i Oct. 30, with transfer to the Sheraton-Plaza hotel ther-e.

The dealers'tour of Boston would include Paul Revere,s home, Old North Church, Bunker Hill, the frigate "Constitution" and Museum of Science, site of Bost6n Massacre, Old State lfouse, Back Bay area and other historical sites j lobster dinner at Union Oyster House during its 130th anniversary; second day: 4-hour motour to hoile of Longfel- low, Glass Flower Museum at Harvard, Lexington -and Concord battlegrounds, Boston IJ., Harvard diadium,

advancement o{ our industry.

-Hamilton H. Knott, President Lumber Merchants Association.

, General Manager Hinshaw issued the following statement:

We feel that the Lumber Merchants Association, in ac-. cepting us as new members, is entitled to a brief statemenl: of. our fundamental philosophies which prompted us to af- filiate. Now that we are members, we intend^to devote our.

(Continued on Page 34)

\{.I.T., Old North Bridge and Emerson's home; prime rib dinner at Durgin's Park near Fanieul Hall.

The dealers would leave Boston via American Airlines, ].trov. 2, at 8 a.m., arriving Philadelphi a l0:2I a.m. and check in at the New Sheraton.That afteinoon is to include a tour of historical Philadelphia to Independence Hall, the Liberty Bell, Betsy Ross's home, Christ ehurch and Fairmont pari< in a 3fu-hour tour.

The clinics, building materials displays 4nd social events of the 1952 NRLDA Exposition wbulh be attended Nov. 4-5-6 and, on Nov. 7, the-party would board UA flieht for Los Angeles at 8 a.m., arriving home at 3:3O p.m. For the (Continued on Page 67)

Hommond Retoil Ycrrds Sold By Georgio-Pqcific Corp. to Johnson Coshlyoy of Omcrho

.The eight.retail .lumber yards in the Los Angeles area *-ttigtr Georgia_-Pacific Corporation acquired in the purchase of Hammond Lumber Company have-been sold to^Johnson Cashway.T.umber Company, Omaha, Nebraska, it-was announced jointly August 7 by Robert B. Pamplin, executive vice-presjdent of Georgia-Pacific, and Larry johnson, presi- dent of Johnson Cashrvay Lumber Company. Cost of the transaction was not revealed but has been r-eported in several area newspapers as $2 million.

The retail yards, located at Arcadia, Pasadena, Fontana, North Hollywood, Bellflower, Riverside, Santa Monica Bav, (Continued on Page 27)

Thc Dicmond Motch Co. Coliforniq Retoil Divirion Monogement leqm (1. to r.): Cher Hinshow, generol mcnoger; Ler llotlo, o3st. mgr. yorde ond slorcr; Kcn Brownell, rnonogor retcil yords ond slorcr; W. J. Horrir, merchondiring nonoger ond purchcring director, cnd Rolph E. Gci*lcr, division comptrollor Association for our mutual benefit and the


Quotations: Pbone, unite, or utire-

Lam-Loc Timbers are straight, glued, laminated members made to order in any size and length.They never w?rp, twist orcrack... stay pertnanently beautiful. For heaay loads. long spans. .functional beauty specify Lam-IncTimbers.

.l; ',11 t.t .,1 ''t:.,.-:lr .-:. r., ' , ,,,: Augurr 15, 1957
A unique and pleasing effect is accomplished in this luxury residence where longitudinal support is supplied by a huge Lam-Loc Timber. The strength of these timbers plus an outstanding appearance allow the bui-lder a wide latitude of design. Inherent qualities of Lam-Loc Timbers offer investment value unequalled by other types of construction.
ED FOUNTAIN LUTNBER. CO. WHOIESAIE IUMBER Member A.LT.C. 6218 South Hooper Avenue, Los Angeles l-Telephone LUdlow 3-1381

A song to sing and a crust to share with a friend or two; A smile io'gtve and a grief [o share With a friend or two; A vale to cross, a hill to climb, A mock at age and a j'eer at time, T.he prose of life takes the time to rhymeWith a friend or two.


:f {. {t has been improved only {. !& {3

by enthusiasts.

i, !'The success or failure ,of every business enterprise is :gitraceable to one source and one sourc€ only; namely, some,'bgdy's mind."-H. W. Prentis, Jr.

i., "When expediency suggests on€ course, but duty directs another, who can hesitate which to embrace?,'-Chief l,,.Justice Marshall.

' "He who governed the world before f was born shall take i--ctrre of it likewise when I am dead. My part is to improve , ,the present moment."-Jol"


: r' A tough,break, says some philosopher, is to be born rich and never have the opportunity of bragging about carrying a paper route. ,. * {i

3"i,;.tr:----doctor." * * *


.either to the living or the dead, for it is not found with, the

and the dead no longer exist."




man wrote his thanks for the recipe and returned the auto-


offered, saying: "If we were to publish the bocik it

Robert ,Burns had almost no educatioh. tle read very little, knew a bit of history, a smattering of philosophy, yet he was a "natural," a gushing volcano of eloquence and fire. His entire library consisted of : a life of Hannibal, the history of Wallace, Ray's l'Wisdom of God," Stackhouse,s "History of the Bible," Pope's "Homer,".McKenzie's "Man of Feeling" and a volum"*** of Shenstone and Ossian.

Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, and the man that getteth understandin g.-P*roverbs,

* :F *

There is a short philosophical story in R & R Magazine that is worthwhile. It is an old country legend about the time the devil sold all his tools. He laid them in a row for the customers to see and put a price tag on each one. "Envy," "Jealousyr" t'Hatredr" t'Greedtt and many others were displayed. One much-worn tool was priced much higher than any of the others. This was "Discouragement." The Devil explained that it was priced so high because it was the most useful in his tool kit. But the price was so high that nobody was able to buy it. As a result, the Devil still owns "Discouragemsnt" and it continues to be his most useful tool. Gentle reader, isnt thata nl"aat wise story?

Can and Will arc cousins, who never trust to luck; Will is the son of Energn and Can is the son of Pluck. Can't and Won't are cousins, always out of work; 'Won't is the son of Never-Try, and Can't is the son of Shirk.

It has been printed and reprinted and quoted millions of times but this seems to be another good time to quote the immortal words written by Thomas Paine in his booklet, "The American Crisis," during ttre Revolutionary War, which reads as follows:

. .THESE ARE THE TIMES THAT TRY MEN'S SOULS. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, qhrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it NOW deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have *ris consolation with us-that the harder the conflict the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly; it is dearness only that gives everything its value. Hiaven knows &row to put a proper

lower standard, as it is unthinkable that in tte next ten thousand years we shall find the equal; \,ve are, to our great regret,,compellcd to return this divine work."
And then, of course, there was the man who was asked where he was going on his vacation, and who replied that 'he wanted to take a trip around the world but his wife wants to go some place else.
, "Much can be accomplished if there is not over-attention 'to who gets the credit."-Chinese proverb. : {. !f _*
$'.,., , a busy doctor placed a sign'in his waiting room ttrat read: tst1,r'Ladies, please do not exchange sJmptoms. You confuse li' :'the
* :1li
L Epicurus said: "Deathl the most awful of all evils, is i',;l', nothing to us; seeing that when we are, death is not, and, jb, when death comes, then we are not. It is nothing, then,
George Bernard Shaw once met a Tartar. He had boasted that lrc knew how to make an excellent cup of coffee. A man ,wrote and asked for it. Shaw sent it, along with the hope that the fellow was not just trying to get his autograph. The
graph, w&rich he said was of no value to him.
A Chinese publisher must be a champion along the line 'n, .ef nice rejection slips. He sends back a manuscripi that has
would be impossible in the future to publish any book of a

,,Babe, that there's what I callo SOUND FOUNDATIONT " observed Paul Bunyan as he delicately lifted up the old house with his pinkie. The Blue Ox grunted. "See them mudsills, girders an' posts? Been settin' there 25 years in the damp an' dark, supportin' 50,000 pounds o' house-an' not a trace o' rot or termites anywhere. Sound as the day they was cut...Babe, sure as you're true blue, that's BAXCO Pressure Treated Foundation Lumberqg."


SWhat else, Paul? For the past 2t years

BAXCO pressure treated Foundation Lumber has becn safeguarding thousands of \Testern homes against termites and wood-rot. Pressure treatment locks in the chemical protecticn for keeps. And when you figure, Paul, that just

one repair bill, caused by rot or teimites, can run into hundreds of dollars-well, why take a chance ? Especially since BAXCO Pressure Tr:at:d Foundation Lurnber adds so little to the total building cost-just a few dollars. \',/rite today for free bcoklet.

Augurr 15, 1957
.,' i.; l:
*:* <:
@ J. H. Baxter & Co. 1956
J. H. BAXTER & C O.rro
4, catifornia
san Francisco
SOUTHERN CAIIFORN|A DISTRICT OfFICE: 3450 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles 5' Colif.

price upon its goods, and it would be strange, indeed, if so oelestial an article as freedom should not be highly rated . .

"I have as little superstition in me as any man living, but my secret opinion has ever been, and still is, that God Almighty did not give up a people to military destruction, or leave them unsupportedly to perish, who have so earnestly and so repeatedly sought to avoid the calamities of war, by every decent method which wisdom could invent. Neither have I so much of the infidet in me as to suppose that He has relinquis.hed the government of the world, and given us to the care of devils."

Wood decks continue to be used on because of protection they give from low-deck fires.

| 9th Clqss of Inspection School

-Ii111t-v--one men, conrl)rising the 19th Class of the John \\r. X{cClure Inspection Training School, received their certificatcs July 13. Sam Nickev. jr. actetl lrs toastmaster. introrlrrcir-rg the various guests and speakers. He called upon -Actirrg Secretary XI. B. Irendletori. l'ho conveyed the best rvishes of the men-rbership ancl the hcaclquarteri staff to the ,,utgoing*clas-s. The_ principal graduation address gir.en 1,1- \/ice-Presiderrt Mark Torvirserrd. The luncheon-nreiting closed rvith the presentation bv Director Charles Ii. Sell oJ the certificates and the leather-ltules Book covers.

Navy fighting ships heat of possible be-

Most of the men left imrnediately for their home and to take up rvork u.ith their spons,,rs .,r u-ith other employers. Practically all of the n-ren l.racl jobs u.aiting {or them. iVith the completion of the course of training crt this class, 870 men.have been given a thclrough preparation for n,ork in the hardu'ood industry. The 20th Class u.ill start its instruction on September 9.

IHPA Adds Six New Members

San FranciscoThe Imported Hardn,ood Plyu'ood .{ssn. last morrth acicled six neu. members. Tliey :rre American l)resident Lines, Lcis Angeles_; C.astelazo & Associates, Los Angeles: -Fidcles-NIoore & Co., F-ort \\rayne. Ind.: Jacoberg ()r.erseas, Inc., Nerv yort Citv: H. Zu-art &_Company, l,os Angeles, and G;). B. Ijarhanr Company, Los Angeles.

Son Diego Adds 7,OOO Pop.

I'alrrr City, Calii.-Voters in a 2lfu-sq. mtle u.ninc-rrrporated section of South San -l)iego Bav favored annexation to the city by 80.1 "to 57.0 \n a qrecial election July 16. The aiea poprrlation of almost 7,000 contains 2,000 drvelling units in Palm City, San Ysidro, Nestor, Ota! NIesa and the Tiajuana River valley.

For the equivalent of an industrial "hole-inone," the Weyerhaeuser Sales Company won special recognition recently from its compensa- tion insurance carrier. The St. Paul concern rang up a total of over 612 rnillion consecutive man-hours in the past six years without a single lost-time injury. More remarkable, within this same period the company's field salesmen covered more than 15 million lost-time, accident-free road miles. This record is still continuing and is one of the best ever attained in any industry. R. S. Douglas, vice-president and gen,eral manager (right), received the engraved plaque for the Weyerhaeuser Sales Co. in a brief ceremony. The presentation was made by E. A. Schoenrock (left), safety engineer for. Employers Mutuals

Tnnrn, WEBSTER & JoHNsoil WHOTESAIE DISTRIBUTION GrvE -:l'?,:t lumber a lumber Produds O LOS ANGETES 420O Bqndini Blvd. OVAN NUYS 15050 Erwin Ave. O NEWARK Americon Foresl Products Corp. Cedor & Smith Ave. DIRECT FROM MILT SHIPMEI{TS (lR AMPTE YARll ST(ICKS YARDS RVICE O NATIONAL CITY 1640 Tidelonds Ave. O FRESNO 4582 E, Horvey Ave. o RtAtro 555 Wesl Riolto Ave. O STOCKTON Stockfon Box Compony l8O0 Morsholl Ave. o o W:::id-t
of Wausau, Wisconsin.


Weyerhaeuser 4-Square


Greater structural soundness is an extra building value which kiln-dried Iumber gives to hom-es, farm buildings, and commercial structures.

That is why all lumber carrying- the Weyerhaeuser 4-Square trade-mark is kilndried-to help dealers deliver extra values to briilders and owners: (1) Kibndried Framing and Rafters; (2) Kiln-dried Joists; (3; Kiln-dried Sheathing; (a) Kilndried Sidings and Finish items.

Weyerhaeuser 4-Square Lumber is avail-




FRESNO: P.O. Box 347 r SACRAMENTO: P.O. Box l5O3

IOS GAIOS: P.O.Box 427

able in a broad choice of species, grades, and items. While every item is scientifically "seasoned" for greater stability and nailholding properties, this lumber is also uniformly graded, precision manufactured, and carefully loaded for straight-car or mixedcar shipments.

Tha['s why dealers enjoy stocking and selling lumber carrying the well known Weyeihaeuser 4-square trade-mark.- It -eirs satisfied customers and profitable repeat business.

Augurt 15, 1957
t F t
Sales GomPanY

What's Going On-

The Lumber Merchants Association of Northern California last month welcomed into membership: Larkspur Lumber Company, Larkspur, Burt Wheeler, owner; San Ramon Valley Mill and Lumber Company, Danville, Harry O. Stewart, owner; J. M. Costa and Son, Morro Bay, J. M. Costa, Jr., owner, and The Diamond Match Company,'Western Division headquarters, Chico.

We are also pteased to welcome the Davis Hardwood Company of San Francisco as an Assoiiate member of the dealer association.

To interpolate a fashion editor's remark for a momentretail lumber yards are but "a profusion of ,color . . tone upon tone to appeal to La femme !"

Pacific Coast Lumber Company has remodeled its San -I-uis Obispo store_ and it makis a striking contrast to the former store . . Steiner Lumber Compariy of Sacramento has also fashioned an exceedingly handdome store Woodland Lumber Company ha"s -moulded a store which will be the envy of many merchants in allied lines An idea in utilizing display material is on exhibit at the

J. l{,.Costa firm of Morro Bay, where they have installed a sliding glass door as their main entrance -. C. L. Clark and Orville (Tex) Pease have recentlv purchased the Fleming Lumber Company, which has been renamed the Grover City. I-umber Company; they have some very forward-look- ing id-eas and we wistr them-our best for suctess Speaking of. success, we believe we will shortly be watching one in action when Richard Ferri opens his new "Do-It-Yourself Workshop" in San Francisco. He will have an area for clubs and individuals to "make-it-themselves,, in his store, pla-ns to be open evenings and Saturdays to encourage people to 999 the e_xcellent equipment he is providing at no charge. We bet he sells not only a eood qualitv oT specialty lumber, power tools, etc., but he will alsoioonhnd himself in the custom home market. This is the imple- mentation gf a public relations idea which can work in iny sector . - One way to encourage people to visit your stor-e is through an attractive displaf aieai and ot e of the most handsome we have seen is at ifre Central Valley Builders Supply in St. Helena, which is managed by Bob ?atterson.


The Association has recentlv delivered membership placques to its members, which- will be another means of letting their customers and busin€ss associates know that they are forward-looking merchanti of their community, with a desire to work together for a strengthened retail limber industry and to better serve their community and consumers. Window and truck decals will shortlv (Continued on Page 10)


1. Compared with first 6 months of 1956, volume of business for the first 6 months of 1957 is:

l7/-o reported an average increase of.18/o

6I^/o reported an average decrease of.2I/o

22/o reported same as last year

-2,. Cgmpared with the se,cond quarter of 1956, our volume of business for the second quarter of 1957 is:,

I7/,o repofted an average increase of 7/o

6l/o reported an average decrease ot'I9/o 22/o rcported same as selond quarter, 1956

3. Coqrpared with July 1, 1956, dollar volume of inventory on July 1, 1957 was:

3O/o reported an increase of. l3Vo

35/o reported a decrease of 77Vo

35/o reported same as last year

.4.^Compared_with first 6 months of 1956, net profits for the first 6 months of. 1957 were:

3l/o reported an increase of. ISVo

50/o reported a decrease of.26Vo

l9/o reported same as last year

6. Predictions for balance of l9S7 were: Home Building: l8/o said Up D% said Dbwn Repair ^ dM"d"::{:^,:3i0, ???; said up 64/o said Same

7.. QoryU,Vred with July 1, 1956, Accounts Receivable on July 1, 1957, were:


41,/o reported Higher

35% reiorted Sarie

24/o reported Lower

A_verage age is 51 days

Slow accoun^ts. are piedominantly : Constmer, 4O/o; Contractor, 6[iVo

8. Funds for financing are reported as:

VA Title II

Conventional Title I

9. Construction Loan Funds:

10. Since last year, have you:


5. Compared with first quarter of. 1957, construction ac- tivity for the second quarter of 1957 was:

Home Building: 65/o reported down 32Vo

I2/o reported about same

Farm con s t,,,ri::? dil?:r;"e? T; i:1?:;: TrTi *

69/o reported same as last year


7/o reported decrease of.22%

5'3/o repofted same as last vear

Repair and Modernization: 3Of; reported increase'7/o 70/o reported same as last year

Adequate Scarce 6% e4% 27% 73% s3% 47% s3% 47% s6% 44% Yes No

1. Increased your advertising expenditure 33 6Z

2. Do you. plan to increase your advertising expenditure during the ahird quarter " 11 g9

3. Added additional help to your sales force 1g gz

11. Has 54our cost of doing business gone up this quarter over last quarter?

Yes:47 No: 53 Approximate /o:3

Most dealers attributed the increased cost of doing business to wages.

12. With what percentage of trade is now your largest volume of business ? Home Builders l2o/o; Contractors S6o/s; Homeowners 320/6.

:,;: ilqve:q 'itf: i' cAuFotNtA lutltl rElcflAiff
,k ,r
l:ili 1?l !,.
(Prepared by the Lumber Merchants Assn. of Northern California)

free! redwood information chart #2


j Here is the second in a series of practical and helpful wall charts designed by the Simpson Redwood Company to help you sell more redwood, one of your most profitable sales items.

Redwood Information Chart No. 2, "standard Redwood Patterns and Lumber Estimator," is a handy reference wall-chart, size \rfii' x 22", printed on heavy card stock. Illustrates all of the common redwood patterns, showing dimensions and pattern numbers-plus the conversion factors for estimating board feet. For your free information chart just fillout couPon a.nd mail.

Watch for Simpson full-page, full-color ads in the SaturdaY Evening Post.

Augwr 15, 1957 t-t
REDWOOD FAGT: Redwood has the lowest volu' metric shrinkage of anY commercial American wood. It shrinks and swells less and has less tendency to cup or warP in changng moisture content. For a moisture content change of l/e the volumetric change is onlY .24/s. Simpmn Redwood ComPanY 235 MontgomerY Street, Room 3110, San Francisco, California Redwood Inlormation Charl #2 f r o o ;:1ilf'ti*#H:$gJa[:Il'*i I f llr 19 "Grades and Their Uses" -t I I I I I I I I I I I I I sR73 tr tr crTY..-zoNE SIATE SIMPSOil REDWOOD COMPANY ARCATA, CAttFORt{lA-Srles Office, 235 MoFtgo,msry- St. San Francisco' Regi0n6l-off-ce.s: iiiiiiii, briicaeo, clovoland, Daliai. rtansas ciivi tos Angeies-,.lrlinneapgltsr iltl l:l!:Iif at Arcita, Eu-reka,, KorbGl, Calitolnia. llombet Galitornia Redw00d A330dallotr.

Greoler Volume ond

Inc reosed with CATAVERAS CEMENTS Prof its

be delivered to menrber^s as part of an industry-u-icle publi,-: relati,,ns ca'rpaigrr t. bettei accluaint the consumer *,ith the retail lumlrer merchant.

The Association recen,L J"t.l..,l the result of its 1956 Srrrvey of Operating Results, l.hich are the onlv inclustrv statistics comlrilecl for the retail lumher inclustrrj in Nortticrn califorrri.. The st'dy has lrecn cli'idecl intir {rur cate- gorjgg-based on sales volrrme of uncler $250,000, $250.000 to $500,000, $.500,000 to 9250,000 :Lncl $250.000, annrral_ l1'. It *'as expancled to inclrr<lc c.nrparative statistics for three vears arcl pror.icles :rn excelleni tool f.r retair 1'ml;ermen t() l'easure their ag:rinst .thers in the inclustry. a * *

\\rhile it true if y.u make a better rnrusetrap the ivorlrl rvill l,clit a parh tr"y,rrr door. it is saier to Dut uD road, srgrrs along lhe \\':ry. lest an uVerzealotrs c,rnr^petitoi sell hrnt lrelrrre he reaches the ne1. morlsetfap_ADVER_ TISF,. * * *

On..July 18 the -\ssociation. sponsorecl ;r ,,profit_Manage_ nrc.nt".nreet_ing in Shell Beach ivhich ir,as attended bv ihe toll.r1 111g. dealers in the San Luis orrispo-Santa l{aria rirerL: I'acific Coast l,umber Comparr,r., San Luis Ofrlrp.",iJ Sa'rt:r_ XIaria; Kirk Lnmber C.,rrl,;in,y, S;i;"XI;;ii; i;; I-uis llili and Lumber Company,'S:rri I_uis Ofrirpo;-f,"r* anrl H,,nre Strppl_v__Company, Ar.ov,, Grande; ft."l", ii. I tlt'\\'ard l_umlrcr Company, paso ]{olrles and Nlorro Bay; J. Nl. Ccista ar-rcl Son, Xlorio Ba1..

Chqrles M. Cooper Stricken With Heorf Ailcrck in Ooklqnd

Pick yourself q WINNER!

Hundreds of lumber and building materials dealers are cashing in on the popu- larity of Calaveras qriality cements. Calaveras give-s you a full line of cements under-one brand name, from a single source of supply:

, The l-os .\ngeles ancl t.est coast lumber inclustry rvere sh,ckecl earlier this nro'th t. rrear ,f the suclclen a6otrr-of Charles Nl .-Cooper at the age of (r1 in ()akliincl, Calif. The p,resident of the W. L. C-t.,oper Lumber C,,,.,.,p:Lny-v"ia ""J the, \\'. I'.. ('(,ul)er \\'holesale l.unrber (',,. iri l.i,s- Angeles had g,rre t, tlre northern city *'ith his s,rn f:rrrres to teitifv in a ci'il la*'suit at the Ala'iecla County ..,i,rthou.., ,.;;;; he suttered a heart attack in the f.ver ancr ai.a e".tute-io the hrs|itlrl a ier'hr,urs lrfter his arrir.rrl in air*,,.i .5- Tlre s,rn, James \\'. (',oper, u.h, rr.irs *itf-r f-r;..iu*&";" tne \\'h()lesale l)usrness, n'as als' *.ith hinr at his untin-rely death.

Top qgality Calaveras prod- FoR THE WEST ucts give you another ailvantage-rapid delivery to all parts of Northern California (and in th_e case of Calaveras uhite, throughout the eleven Western states). Start stocking ealaveras today!

_ Charles.Cooper \vas the son of \\'. Ir. Cooper and n,ent to I-os Angeles ab.ut 35 years ago t. *.'rk in the lumber b'siness founded bv the eliler Cooper in 1u93. He continuecl the successful pc,l iiies of .the yarcls antl guia"a them 1u new nelgnts rn hls a(lmlnlstratron. u.inning a host oI friends .ver the years. He had attended the lune conventi.n of the Itacific Coast \\thrilesale H:rrcl\r.txl' ili.t.itruto.s Ass.cia- tion in Ojai,. enjoyecl himself rvith his family and frienJs ancl. appearecl in the best of he:rlth. Mr. Cooper *,u. "l.o-a Jg,acler.of L.s -\rrgele,s_society, ;r nrember ot' the J;;th"; LluLr. the Itancher,s visladcires, and past president of the trlintridge liiding club. He had lrrughi lgo^acres c,f ttre e*clr-rsr'e i\lrcl*rck Country Clrrb i' 1944 and, later *-ith a g:1lf of associates, srrbclir,ided the secticin near Mor.rterey

_V..Cooper iilso leaves his u.ife. Harriette, oI the home at 660 Berkshirc Drive, Flintriclge; another son, Willian-t Corp_er, *'h,'perates the firm'i'retail vzrrcl i' the

tu1. c,.1rcr traclitirn; t*', sisters ancl i,ur g'ri'rclchilclren. Prir-ate furcral ser'ices *'cre helcl in F,rresi' La*.n llem_ orial ]':rrli on -\ugust ,3.

lJucu:L I'ark, ttt:tlrs for the (,96-;rcre I...teir t i,,illrl lrolilC Constrttt.tiort in ()pmcnt.

corrr-tci'l lrltlrroveci four tract llanch <levelopment for add! the n.rulti,rnil lion-clollar devel-

l. Regulor 2. Plastir 3. White
.fn$y.iBtF@ctllHtlsg, lelephone DOuglcs 2-4224 PHONEYOUR ORDERS TO ENte'prise l-23t5 or DOuglos 2-4224 AT OUR EXPENSE CHICO-Flreside 2-lE26 rrlODESTO-tAmbert 2-903t OAKLAND-G[encourr l-ZrtOO FIESNG-3-322/ SANTA ROSA-|O2IZ 5TOCt(TON--HOword 6-7994 SACRATIiENTO-cl lberr 2-899r TADE 'N THE WEST CA1IFORNIA LUiABER MERCHANT


Illedium-Density OYERIAID Fir Plywood

Sell it for siding, soffits, gable ends . for cabinets, builtins, paneling, wainscoting for signs, boat-building ' ' ' for any use requiring a fine paint surface. Mediurn-density OVERLAID fir plywood has surfaces ideal for paintingsmooth, opaque, resin-fiber surfaces, permanently bonded to panels of Exterior-type (EXT-DFPA@).

High-Densily 0YERLAID Fir Plywood

Sell it for lockers, bins, containers, table tops ' ' for signs, tanks, fixtures for multiple re-use concrete forms' Surfaces are hard, tough, dense, extra smooth and wearresistant. Readily paintable, but usually left unfinished; the surface is translucent, allowing grain pattern to show through. Highly resistant to moisture pentration'

Find extra volume, easily; stock and sell


Sell it to contractors to industrial users sign shops . . . boat builders .' the do-it-yourself trade. How's your inventory?

For details on sales alds featuring OVERLAID fir plywood' write Douglas Fir Plywood Association, Tacoma 2' \n/ash' (USA only)'

Augusr 15, 1957 I F
CA.I.IFORNIA tUMEER fulERCHANI | .:;,ii{i { j ","i 'i,l*'*"'^' " i; n { !*.*ii ,': fl!" ,.:!I''e. :::" j iil :g i. , .:i i:., ii a ,.*, t #i, jt,", Hoo-Hoo Ge'eef Snork Schorling on euick "OO-, t'ar', out to wr'lco,rr n.tiorrol Presiclenr n.r,, r"''ltl' s" F., L. A. visit to Heor club Business tlnd pluE convenfion i'r;r lr',r "r t irr ., I ll ,'l ir tlt, , rt\ rl,ll,,, '"1-lt-ll t, ll CD leftl cncl 5nrrrk cf tlr.r Unrverrr 5<horlinq tlt,, lr l,',\ ,.it '-t I i.,; :t , l I IL Strar'li Sclr,rr lrrg Visits L,r:. [11,1]1..5 Ll "l: \r ,l tl,.t rrr-i ), 1,r Ll ,Lil l: l ' l. \ ,i , l. :;r,i ,,;1- s,1,, I ;,t,r(:i.i,r-l' rl,. .-, l,:l '.,.11, r't:l l-l r'ir ', I ,, I \, irlr.,it l 41 "' ne (left photo) Riqhr phoro lseotedr "Seer, y'Verr<leli Poquettc, Club 9 Prcsident Hugh Pessio couldo dcne if they'cl known he wos <omin'l *.o" 1 i-''k' olrtf i .', 1 "'td f o, i ; *. h :. : ?."1 I i." l' f' .{4. I hcrr noticn in trle (:torrling) Vicegererrt 5rro,L We Josp. Just thinL whot Colifcrnjc r .L ffi€,.]i Tffi}E - *;-. [ $r ,,& h ':q 40 for the lun<h on s lub President Art Grey Snork Jim Romsey, 5on tti :. il # : r$, "'' * llS *u" .*; * ,. 'tk " -r.l on the rllb whcn it rounded up over NaCol DSS Jorl B"rry. Sonto Cloro Cl President Mock Giles, ond Vicegerent % - ,; 'i l t.i : ,r:q' HOO-9
pinned cr gold sror leMoster Snrrrk Schorlrng
Redwood Empire Club

Grode Stcmping Ordinonce possed I for Gity of Son Diego

*re San Diego Lumbermen's Association, in cooperation with.the City of San Diego Building Department, realized a milestone in the lumbei industrylulv-30 when the citv council unanimously voted to ad6p[ drdinance No. 752'g requiring grade-stamped lumber in'the citv of San Dieeo. The Ordinance will become effective Augrist 30, lg|7.'

It is the-general feeling that this is the"first siep toward uniform adoption by the San Diego metropolitan area as well as San Diego county.

. The credit f*or the introduction and passage of Ordilranc€ 7528 goes to each and every mehberlf the San D-ie-go Lumbermg!'s Association, iarticularly the board , gf 4!recto$, and Herbert P. Ringer, directori San Diego Building Department.

The condensation of the Ordinance is as follows:

Ordinance No. 7528 (New Series) Regulating Lumber

Grading Used in the City of Sin Diego

WOOD MEMBERS shall be identified by the stamp of an app.rov.ed Suthoritative. agepcy a,nd grading shall be by an authorized representative of such agency.

... STUDDING, BOARDS, JOISTS, RAFTERS, BEAMS, PLANKS, STRINGERS and SIMILAR LOAD-BEARING MEMBERS shall be not less in Grade than "Standard" as defined in Grading Rules #15, effective March 15, 1956, of the West Coast Lumbermen's Association, or equal grade..d-etermined by.publisling grading rules of an agency established as an authoritative giading-agency for the spdcies involved. Structural members and Jheathing shall -be grade s_tamped with the stamp of a licensed lum6er grader or grading agency, when such stamp has been identified by filing a facsimile with the Building Inspection Depart- ment. A maximum of. I5/o of Utility-gradi studding may be included in construction and standaid grades for use in buildings, housing Group H, I and J occupancies when not exceeding two stories in height nor an unsupported stud length in excess of l0 feet. Sheathing used foi structurai d_iaphragms, strqctural bracing or for occupancies other than II, I and J shall be "Standard" grade oi equal. Roof sheathing and sheathilg used_to prpvi-de a base for flooring in b-uildings housing Group H, I -and J occupancies not ex-ceeding two stories_ in height may be Utility grade mini-muT. or equal. Utility grade sheathing where permitted by this Ordinance shall be grade stamped-as required by the , grading rules applicable to the species involvid. Not less than 50/o of .all re-sawed stock sliall be grade stamped. T. .'and G. sub-flooring for a minimum noirinal thickness of 2 inches may be Utility grade when used on center to center

' spans not exceeding 4 feet 6 inches. Utility grade 2-inch , roof sheathing may be used where the cenler-to-center spans between supports do not exceed 6 f.eet Z inches. Tlvoinch floor and roof sheathing 6 inches or less in width and 12 inches or more in width shall be tongue and groove. Top

wall plates in Group H, I and J occupancies may be Utility graoe.

EXCEPTION: Nothing in this. section.shall waive the right-of the.Director_of Buildinf Inspection to reject wood members which, in his opinion-, appea, to be incorrectly graded-or are not in confbrmance'*itn published gradini rules of an approved agency. Re-use of wood membeis with-- out grade. stamping may be permitted in buildings which are moved, or altered.

The above is a condensation of Ordinance 752g (New Series). Adopted July 30, 1957, efiective August 30,'19!7.

Sqn Diego Dealers Hope They Hove 'Sofution' tor Exposed Lumber

Bob Sutton, president of Airline Lumber Co. and presi- dent of the San Diego Lumbermen's Assn., has advised Orrie W. Hamilton of-the Southern California Retail Lumber Assn. that_they are going to try to overcome the .,everlncreaslng. problem of exposed lumber.,, They have drawn up the following memorandum:


"This. is NOT,a grade, merely a term we use when sell_ rng, wrrtrng, _or_loading rylpt has in the past been called Selected DF S4S, Expoled DF S4S, or errei-, Selected Com_ mon Exposed DF S4S.

Qyality lF S4S .may also be a paint grade. If such a conctrlon arlses, rvrrte trcket .euality DF S4S p.G., 9"*lity DF S4S 9h_alt, euality DF S4S shall not al_

1. Allow sound tight knots f6w: (Size depending on width ot plece)

2. Allow small splits and checks

1. Loose or black knots

2. Large checks or splits

3. Chain or cable marks

4. Excessive black stain


5. Gouges or heavy, torn graln


3. Allow a very limited amount of bark or wane Allow slight skips Be bright and clean stock Straight, but allowing normal crown to each piece

6. Excessive cupping or twisting."

Sutton says, "We are going to try the above to attempt to overcome the ever-increasing problem of exposed lumber.. We though.t yon, too,. might be having a problem and want to trv it out also."

SCRIA Schedules Luncheon Tolk

Deloss Walker, noted lecturer, editor and "educator-atlarge," was scheduled to speak to the regular monthly Biltmore hotel luncheon meeting of the Southern California Retail Lumber Assn., August 13, to which all the SCRLA's active and associate members and their key personnel were invited. The luncheon was $4.50, with a $4 tag for those members who pre-registered.

+l,i j'l:; 'la i';"1 ; i,ii 1:'.1 crilloiltrA lunllt .m:ncHArat

Releasing skilled m.en for other operations!

It's irst simple arithmetic. Given a Gerlinger Fork Lift Truck, one man can do the work of rnany men. Fastet, easier, safer, too, Result ig extra man' pouter atailable for lagging operations in plants, mills and warehouses throughout industry.

Does it pay? Many Gerlinger owners say their ihvistmenf starts piying divi' dehds almost immediately!-aided by Gerlinger features like these:

c Piootal-Mounted Steering Assenbly

One-Leoer Lift:Tih Conttol

-positioned for safer oPetation

o Coanter-Actioe Weigbt Distibation

-better traction, maneuverability

o Heaat Dutl Steel Cbannel Frame

-bonus yeirs of reliable service

o Maximum Pouer Torqae Conoertet

leoders tot 38 yeors in building Fotk Lilt frucks ond Csrfierc

Drioe-smoother operation, less weaf New records of production and profit are the usual report when Gedinger Fork Lift Trucks are on the iob. Get latest Catalog and see how many ways vou beneit with a Gerlinget. !7rite to 'Gerlinger Carrier Co., Dallas, Oregon.

.t ;..,';: ., .:. +.j. i * *'.r, 1 - ut "-.1 * i]"", , ' u,' ..'i rtll i!
Gerlinger CornerCo.,Dollos, Oregon is o rub:idiory ol fowmolot Cotporotion, Clevelond,Ohio
-stabilized load
any road

Pcrcific Cocrst Wholesqle Hordwood Distribufors

At the best-attencled meeting er-er held by the asst.rci;rtion, the l'acific Coast Wholesale Hardu.oo<l Distributors Association met in Ojai, California, for their 34th annual, June 23-26, and elected Hamilton von Breton of Tropical & Western Lumber Co., Los Ar.rgeles, the 1957-513 president to succeed \\rilliam F. Fahs of California Par-rel & Veneer Co., Los Angeles.

Other ofljcers elected at the, u,hich u'as held at the beautiful Ojai Valley Inn, u,ere :

1st Vice-President-Gordon Frost, Frost Hardn-oocl Co., San I)iego, succeecling Nlr. von Breton ; 2nd Vice-Presi-

dent-NIilt'f:renzer, American Harclu.ood Co., Los Angeles, suc,ceetnq N{r. Frost, and Secretary-Trea.surer-Jim Cooper. \\'. E. Cool>er \Vholesale Lrrmber Co., Los -\ngeles, srrcceecling I-eltor.Stantor.r. Jr.. of Ii. J. Stantr,rr & Sr,n, Los Angel&.

The 1957-58 slate of directors is Larrv Clulter. llrrd lladitz, Jack Higgins, Louis Serr-elte, Don -\\'hite. Stan{ord and Jim Sullivan. They srrcceecl these 1956-57 dircctors: B. XI. X{clean, Dallas l)onnan, I,. R. Kahn, K. E. N{acBeath, LeRol' FI. Stanton, Sr., R. J. ancl C. R. Taenzer.

The J'CWHDA, l.hich conrprises .11 lcading n'cst coast

The scenes on this pcge show the enfertoinment side of the PCWHDA scene ol rop of poge shows llilt Tqenzer getting golf ploque from Ed meeting: the hoyride, the squore doncing ond the more formol ,,sociolizing.,, Lower-cenier Bquer. Lower left (iusr obove) shows how kids loved hoyride; lower right, Fred smoles fcmily


YOU, THE CUSTOMER are the most important man in our sales program!


For sales assistance or technical consultation on your job problems, call the Kaiser Gypsum sales office nearest you.








Aogurt 15, 1957
NAlUtE IN INSULATION KAISER ruffis pocific Northwest Soles Dislrict I Norlhern Colifornio Soles District I Soulhern Colifornio Soles Disfrici 5931 Eost Morginol Woy, Seotfle, Woshington I aaS Grond Avenue, Ooklond, Colifornio I l40l Woter Slreel, long Beoch 2. Colifornia 333 r(ttjJ s^ g): t? [ r,, M OOO rNs;LATtNG EtoARD DtvtstoN
ts Ynu

The Registration at the Ojai meeting included:

lir. ond Mrs. Williom Bock,

J. Wn. Bock Co., Los Angcles

Ed M. Bcuer, Atlos lumber Co.. los Angeles

Mr. cnd Mrs. J. H. Corey, Owens-Pcrks lumiber Co., los Angeles

filr. ond Mrr. Chorles M. Cooper,

W. E. Cooper Wholesole lumber Co., lot Angeler

Mr. ond Mrs. Jomes W. Gooper,

W. E. Cooper Wholesole Lumber Co., Los Angeles

Mr. qnd Mrs, Lowrence B. Culter,

J. Fyle Smirh Co., lrd., Voncouver, B.C.

Dollos Donnon,

Ehrlich Hcrrison Co., 9ecttle, Wcsh.

Mr. ond Mrs, Ston W. Eznekier,

E. L Bruce Co., Oqklqnd

W. F. Fohs ond Porty, Colifornio Ponel & Veneer Co., Los Angetes

Nlr. ond Mrs. Albert Frost. Jr.,

Frosl Hqrdwood lumber Co., Scn Diego

Mr. ond Mrs. Gordon f. Frost, Frost Hcrdwood lumber Co., Son Diego

Mr. qnd ilrs. S. M. Nickey, Jr.. Nickey Bros., l/lemphis, Tenn.

i/lr. qnd Mrs. Robert 1. Heustir, Jr.,

U, S, Plywood Corp., Seottle, Wosh.

Mr. ond lllrs. Jack Higgint,

J. E, Higgins Lumber Co., Son Froncisco

Mr. ond llrs. Jim Higgins, J. E. Higgins lumber Co., Scn Froncisco

i,lr. ond i/lrs. Winton H. Hill, Gordon-MqcBeoth Hqrdwood Co,, Sacrom€nto

Mr. ond Mrs. P, R. Kqhn, Forsythe Hordwood Co., Son Francisco

Mr. tlnd lt/lrs. K. E. liocBeorh, IVlqcBeorh Hqrdwood Co., Berkeley. Colif.

Mr. ond Mrs. W. E. MocBecfh, MocBeoth Hordwood Co., Ooklond Jomes MocFodden, E. |. Bruce Co., los Angeles

Mr. qnd i/lrs. Bruce M. Mcleqn, Gene:ql Hordwood Co., Tocomo, Wosh. itr. ond Mrs. M. B. Pendleton, Nctionql Hordwood Lumber Associotion, Chicogo

lumber firms from Vancouver, B. C., to San Diego, held its 1957 business sessions in the mornings and left t[e afternoons _for golf and other recreation. Sam Nickey, Jr., of Memphis w1s a guest speaker and gave a most inierisiing talk on potential hardwood production and the steps bein[ taken in hardwood reforestation. The many questions ptii to him evidenced the keen interest of the mehbers in his subject. The National Hardwood Lumber Association was

room to

Mr. qnd Mrs. Richord H. Quqrg, forsylhe Hordwood Co., Son Froncisco

Mr. q'nd Mrs. Louis Serventeo

Soryenta Hqrdwood Lumber Co., Son Froncirco

Alr. ond filrs. Fred B, Smoles, U. S. Plywood Corp., los Angeles

leRoy H. Stonlon, Jr. ond Pcrty,

E. J. Sonton & Son, los Angeles

Mr. ond tlrs. Robert J. Sullivon, Sullivon Hordwood lumber Co., Son Diego

Jqmes W. Sullivcn, 9ullivon Hordwood lumber Co., Son Diego

Mr. and llArs. Sfcnton Swofiotd,

E. J. Stonton & Son, los Angeles

Mr. ond Mrs. E. M. Toenzer, Americon Hordwood Co., Los Angeles

Mr. ond i/lrs. C. R. Toenzer, Americon Hordwood Co., Los Angeles

Mr. ond Mrs. Clyde H. Thompson, Brush Industriol lumber Co., Lor Angehr

Mr. qnd Mrs. Hqmilton von Breton, Tropicol & Western lumlber Co., los Angeles

Mr. ond Mrs. Don F. Whire, White Bros., Ooklond

represented at the annual by Acting Secretary M. B. Pendleton of the Chicago omces.

Speaker Nickey analyzed the present state of hardwood forests and said they are in the best condition in the history of the country, du6 to progressive management, selectiv'e cutting and stricter deer control. He deliehted the PCWHDA members when he said the 1957 gra-des are as (Continued on Page 53)

ond glod of ir I

Just o few months ogo INLAND TUMBER completed lhe move lo its new 30-ocre locqlion ot the Son Bernordino Freewoy ond Riverside Avenue, And olreody the first stoge of hordtop developments hos been outgrown. As Inlond exponds, seleciion ond service lo its deoler cuslomers improves. lnlond is e-x-p-o-n-d-i-n-g ond glod of it.

CAI.IFORNIA LutrllCt I ERCHANT :t u::!:1:: t:i:t :::t: t:::iu:t: :::: :t: :: ; ;; r' tr".J;+,: , ;
.r.aeis ":l l::tY :-: t:4 ': Yti I l ";..
THE P. c. w. H. D. A. {kneeling, lefr ro righr): Fred B. S_moles, Clyde Thompson, Bob Sullivon, Roy Ston on, Jr., Louis Servente, Bill Fohr, Jim Cooper, Som Nickey, Jr., Hol von Breton, Milt Toenzer, Gordon Frosl, Don Broley ond louie liunert. Slqnding (1. ro ;.): Jock iorey, Jim Sullivan, Bil! irlccBeorh, Al irosr, Odn Wtri6, Lcrry Cuher, Bdb Kqhn, Jim Higgins, Bill Bock, Dick Quorg, Dol Donnen, M. B. Pendleron of the lrtxLa, Ed Bouer, Winton Hill, Jim McFodden. K. E. Il/locBeorh, Sron Eznckier, the lote Chqrles M. Cooper, Bruce llicloin, Jock Higgins, Bob Eusfice ond Ston Swofiord. Tieir hordwood qfiitiotions ore listed in the box betow
I1{IAND Disttibution tard: BLOOMINGTON Ph6e Coltod TRinity 7-2001

The new improved HOilASOIE beveled siding with lO moior-Yolue fecrtures

The original Homasote Siding was successfully introduced 25 years ago-^nd found a quick acceptance. Then came \forld 'W'ar II and the diversion of our production to war housing. This was followed by a huge backlog of demand for Standard Homasote in 8'x L4' sheets.

Now a greatly increased capacity permits us to produce the new, improted Homasote Beveled Siding-with all the old qualities and some important new features.

0n the score of Beauty, Homasote Beveled Siding olfers...

l. Your choice of 14" or lO" exposures. Supplied in 16" and L2" widths-and in 12' lengths. Apply with at least one joint in every 18 L. F.

2. In either width, the same luxurious, deep shadow lines that add so greatly to architectural design.

3. Homasote Beveled Siding holds paint far longer than does woodand thus retains its frne appearance for a longer period of time.

4. Because Homasote is split-proof and crack-pr.oof, this siding is trouble-free.

0n the basis of Serviceability, Homasote Beveled Siding offers...

5. On the lower inside of each piece, a 45" beveling estab-

lishes an efficient drip cap-a revolutionary, new feature that means prolonged life (as well as finer appearance).

6, Because Homasote is a dense, homogeneous fiber board, this method of siding adds greatly to the insulating value of the outside walls.

7. Because Flomasote resists to a high degree the passage of air, heating bills are reduced.

8. Because of Homasote's great resistance to the absorption of moisture, the house is free from dampness and mildew.

9. Both the material and the method of application assure long life for the finished job.

lO. Because Homasote is ueatberproof the siding need not be painted until convenient. Alsoif weather causei an interruption in the application, there will be no weather damage to the pieces already applied.

On Pages )1,32 and, 14-17 of the newly-revised Homasote Handbook, you will find the Inow-how of Homasote Beveled Siding. If you haven't yet secured your copy, write for it today. In this 68-page handbook, architects, builders and dealers are finding a wealth of valuable information on all phases of frame construction. It took 46 years of experience and $100,000 of intensive research to write this book^ It is free for the asking. Kindly address Department H- 9.

Augu$ 15, 1957
HOmASOf E conpANy . TRENToN 3, NEw rERsEy lN CANADA: TORONTO, ONT.-P.O. Box 35, Stollon K 'MONTREAI, P. Q.-P.O. Box 20, StotionN

No wonder they Cotk from miles oround for rhe Club 3 Fish-frys onnuolly; thot l.ft pholo:howr c moin racson why. And if ony other req3ong crc needed, look o those potr ond potr of food from which Roy Boil is lodling grnerour portions lo Dorothy Rober'3 ond Bob Boker ;n lhe top Gonlct scene. The well-dr*sed beochcornbers ot righf cre Chock Hcmpshire (lefi), rhe perenniol lreqsurer of Club 3, qnd Hcrschell lorrick, Jr., of thc Solonq Eeoch lumberyard, whore fomily holds the "lop€€cret" recipe for qlbacore

Sqn Diego Hoo-H oor Guests

Frolic qt Fish-iryrBeqch Porty


San Diego Hoo-Hoo Club 3 and its guests really lived i! up at th; 9th Annuil Beach Party arid Bar-B-Q-at Solana Beach, Calif., July 21. In addition to the club lumbermen, their wives and families, there were about 200 guests at the Sunday outing, which started at 10:00 a.m. and included refreshments, games, swimming and other ways to beat the h,eat as old friends renewed and new friends'were made. The "tap" was only $1.50 adults and 50 cents for the kids, and the food alone was worth four times that. thev report.

Herschell Larrick, Jr., Deputy State Snark Southern California this year, and his able Club 3 helpers planned the palty,^ worked out all the details and were on the job, too, Iyly 21, to polish off their success. They roped off a sec- tion of the beach by !b" lifeguard, set up the necessary f9r t[e ice-cold_p-op and beer, for the gameJ and, finally, for the Bar-B-Q. Nfeantime, another craw was busv bikins the fresh albacore deep in hot hardwood coals -and stiii another crew was tending huge kettles of frijoles and the special sauce for the albacore.

The first guests began to arrive before 10:00 and relaxed in the surf 'n sand for three hours till they had king-size appe-tite-s. .The^ Bar-E-Q- was announced a[ 1:0O and tlre foodhit a 9-year high, reports Ken Conway of Hol*es Eureka Lumber Co., Los Angeles, who kindiy furnished

the photos on this page. There was fresh cole slaw, potato chips, baked beans, hot dogs, the Albacore a la Larrick, real coffee and, finally, a choice of ice cream.

Genuine appreciation was voiced to Herschell Larrick, Jr., Roy Batt, John Collins, Joe Smith and all the other Club 3 Hoo-Hoo who helped make the 9th annual fishfry the best of all.

Prominent Club 3 lumbermen spotted at the beach party with their wives and small fry were Don Armstrong, Bob Bak91, Roy Batt, Dwight Bowles, Don Bufkin (Ctub 2), Al Childs, Lloyd Braithwaite, John Collins, Ken Conway (Club 2), Al Frost, Ed Glasson, Nihle Hamilton, Chuck Hampshire, Gene Hamry, Bob Heckel, Harry frion, Herschell Larrick, Jr., Bob Maxwell, Ernie Mead, Jim Porter, Paul Randall, Cli{ Roberts, Don Scrage, Bill Seeley, Lyle Seibert and Joe Smith.

Buencr Pqrk Morch Permirs t$3 million

Buena Park, Calif.-March building permits here were the largest in a year, with 274 issued at $3,114,013, of which 235 were for dwelling units at $2,997,541. This year's first quarter totaled 303 permits at $5,104,868, compared to 652 at $7,574,761 in the 1956 first-quarter, showing a higher average value this year.

IHE GAY GANG in the left photo ore (fron lefi): Helen Bufkin, Mrs. Ed Glosson. Dorothy ond Clif Roberts and Don Bufkin. Beorded gent dishing up rhe solod in rhe righr photo is Josioh Smirh

p"live r y byfl;'""'-"""" .--" bY t:.":.,5and rRAf[ER

For Behfer Service on fhe Pqcific Coqsf

Phone Your Neqrest H &M Ofifice Regionof Sofes Oftices

Chcrrlie Dqrt Will Heqd Tenth Annuql VolleY Frolic

Charlie I)art of K-\'' l-umbcr L omparl;- n'i1l be gerreral chairman for the tenth anntt:ll \'al1ey Frolic of S:rr.r Joaclrrin Hoo-Hoo Lllub 31 to be held Friday, Septernber 13' at the Hacienda motel, ann()tlnces l'resi<lent Joc Aimar. I)ian-roncl Ntatch Company, Hanford. l)art has appointecl L'd Schlotthauer of tne Uritiard Lumber Company irs chairman of the Iiinance comr.nittee, to be assistecl by Ray Noble, \\raltcr I'eterson. I'-lnier Rar-r and Louis F-rame. Marion Snead oi lleclluncl Lumber Sales nill lte chairman of the g<llf tottrnamer.rt. Bob Ileicl of Reicl ancl Wright Companv rvill be chairman of the Concat degree team' l-ouis Frame of Diiimoncl M:rtch Comp:rny, Fresno. and Dotl \\Ialker o{ l'acific F-<;rest l'rodtrcts of-Fresno s'ill lre co-chairmen of tlre Ticket Sales committee. Hotel reservations u'ill 1-re handled lly Berr.rie Barber, Jr., arrd publicity b1' C. E. NIacclonald of Bernie

l]arber arrcl -\ssociates.

Charlic I)art aclr'iscs that the tenth ltt'ttlttal Yal lel' Frolic rvill be thc biggest ar-rcl llest ever he1d. Festivities u'ill start promptlv at tll5S n'ith the goli tournament at Fort \Vashington Ccluntry Clull. follorved b1'- a ^ at the Hacienda ,rri,t.l "t 5r:29,'cockt:ril partv at (r:59, clinner aI 7:59 ancl a' of Stars at 8:59. Hotel reservatious arld tickets mal' lre obtair-rerl by u'ritirrg 13ernie Barller, Jr', I'.O' P'ox 627' I.-resno. ,r. fr,,m variotts uembers oi tl-re Ticket Sales comnl lt tee.

Smokey Beor Goes lnterncrtionql

Smokey, the forest fire-preventin' bear.- has gone international. T-he U. S. l)epartnrent of Agricultrrre announced a coriperative betu'een the Forest Service ancl the Canaclian Fuestrv Association has been signgd ^rvhic.h makes Smokey the offrcial fire-prevention svtnllol in Canada as rvell as in the Unitecl States.

21 Augusr 15, 1957
BEVERTY HIII.5 319 5. Robertson Blvd. Erodshqw 2-4375 Crestview 6-3154 TEI.ETYPE: Bev. H. 7521 FRESNO 155 First St. Adom 7-5I89 TETETYPE: FR 147 SACRAMENTO ARCATA P.O. Box 4293 P.O' Box 413 Wobosh 5-8514 Von DYke 2-2936 TEIETYPE: SC 178 TETETYPE: ARC 95 fi.ij[.j.i;;ii'li

FAfffier cnd His llbme

,*,.,..4o1o1."J R. G.-Ingersoll once rprote some advice to far- room around a red-hot stove, with every window fastened ',,fiTwith.regardtotheirfgmes-t|r1tbglonqsinggodsprap- down. Do not live in this poisoned atmosphere and then, lilt}$kjlis is wlat he said, and his eloqu6nce hightight-d when someone dies, put " pi"". inlrre p"p""


' 'Whereas it has pleased Providence'. Hive plenty of fres!

" "Farmers should beautify their homes. There should be air and ptenty of warmth,. Comfort is health."

f;"m: and grasp, and fowers, and running vines. Everything ,Pj.l,

in order. 9?.:" should-b. on trreir Lingei SCRTA picks Sonto Borborq for rind; above all, there should be the pleasant air of thrift, iililiif,;J.i iil"". shourd be a bathroom. The bath is a hs 1957 Foll Conference, oct.2 , a refiner, a beautifier. (When this was written. The Southern California Retail Lumber,Association will ms were considered a luxury in city as well a, ,*"i hol.d its Fall Confere.nce^thi.s year in S-anta Ba-rb_ara instead liriirimes.) Above ar trrings, keep clean. rt is not .u".rr""}, i-tll;o"Hl'Jffi'l,iiit,i:.i:::;1X?#Ttjiilln fff:l"' ; Sr*;#:"t:jJ*ifi;:,T


rhe reaso,, ,o,. ,ni .ffi;;'#J#.i"i"u the earrier date ,ffgra1rara day in the fietd, put on clean clothes, takd ",e-"t. this year *"" gi.,"r,'i;if,:g;JillllT #Jili":":t'Tr"A:: l#idpr the trees mid the perfume of the fowers, surrounded sire to avoid conflict with the National Retail -Lumber Deal.fQu{ familn and you will know what it is to cnjoy lift: ers Association's annuat O:poiiiio* F-hGAJ;ht;; N;;. p a g€ntleman - 4-7)., -which caused the SCRLAnnual 'to be mbved up a '- i " ?r- r. r qonth, and the fact that Palm Springs is still uncomf6rt*,ioe3rat1.your rooms. -Ha1e- books, papers, and read ;bly ;#rt'inJ-ii-e_of year. october, however, is said mii.,Beautify your grounds with plants, iowers and vines, to be an ideal month il-d;i""fr;.;;;;;a'bxecutive Vicefilgmber that everything of beauty tends to the elevatio. President Orrie W. Hamilton is now accepting ideas and froerrnaf CverytnlngOt beautytendstothe elevation rrcsrucrrL iJrrre vv. namrrron

;Jgfi'"'ffi;'f:LTi$xi""1ffii3'""i1:?l'lh'35"1,il1',1,f::: i,tp jT1t._u l,lth *'e,amorous kisses oj ttre. "u";"tid" to put iiii|ffi;:r"Xffffiuu prruL:tpats or Jouf,nern ualllornla re_ ies there.

i,..1ltoryom in your heart. Do not judge the value of evJry- ;;l;thihg by the market reports. Every flower about a house 216 forest fires-we-re deliberately set by people in Cali_ 'i".l1estine1 to the refinen:ent of somebody. Every "i"", "ili- fo_rnia during 1956;'th;y;;";t'#;i, ! But an additional i."' lin3 tmo blossoming, tells of love and joy.

1789 w:ere "9oo6;' p"lpf" ;il ;;];;

1789 fires were started by "good" people who were iust fi,,,1ing joy.

iiMake your homes comfortable. Do not huddle in a litile Plainrcareless with fire in ihe woods'- Help Keep califoinia

." r -"" :An
1;o:,;. ' i.rgr'*^-- -L^..tJ L,r--Lte , Lr--. I Fr air ahi nlar+.. rt --.a--rlt F^-r--r i- L ^-rrl !! ;r,,
i.; , .': Ihe Dependobfe Wholesoler IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC HARDWOODS DOUCLI\S FIR PLYWOOD PONDEROSA PINE DOUGLAS FIR SUCAR PINf, WHITE FIR. HEMLOCK REDWOOD SPRUCE CSDAR r:\i. ;; liil,'', .ii'.i:ri; W. E. Cooper Wholesale Lumber Company, Inc. 4848llest Pico Boulevard, los Angeles l-9 . Phone UfEbster 6{238 . TWX- U 44g WE SPEC'ALIZE 'N STRA'GHI CAR-IRUCK 8 INA'IER SHIPAIENIS Ponderosa Pine and CedarrYard Items Available LCL Our-yard Tltis is oztr 64th Uear of Reliable Seraice lo aerlrL LuTBER DEALERs.,. with shipments of quality lumber products for your particular needs lo lunsER rrl.r.s... with proper distribution and honest representation of your products Chdrles M. Cooper . lames Y. Cooper : ., .Norman A..Minnis Arlene,piae . Sidney.Beaoer s Berndrd Linilquist

";r The following mills Produce

'GRA Certified DRY' redwood


P. O. Box 278, Arcala, California


417 Montgomery St., San Francisco 6, California


P. O. Box 178, Ukiah, California


Redwood Sales Company, Eastern Distributor

1430 Russ Building, San Francisco 4, California


100 Bush Street, San Francisco 4, California


P. O. Box 611, Willits' California

siltP9011 nEDwooD conPAilv

3100 Russ Building, San Francisco 4, California


620 Market Street, San Francisco 4, California


Hobbs-Wall Lumber Company, Sales Agent

2030 Union Street, San Francisco 23, California


576 Sacramento Street . San Francisco 11, California

Shopping Cenler Council Elects

Twelve trustees rvere eiected at the first annual meeting of the International Council of Shopping Centers, Inc., held May lZ-I4 at the Palmer llouse in Chicago. The council is composed of individuals and business organizations engaged in the development, orvnership, or management of mode.n shopping centers, of r'vhich there are about 1,500 now in operation in this country and an estimated 2,300 more being constructed.

Trustees include William C. Brown, John S. Grififrth Co', Buena Park, Calif.; R. G. Hibbard, Riverside Plaza Shopping Center, Riverside, Calif.

Speakers at the clinic included James C. Dowr-rs, Jr., of Chicago, economist and chairman of the Real Estate Re-

search Corporation, r'r'ho spoke on "The Economic Outlook for Shopping Centers," predicting the gror'vth of both dorvntown shopping areas and outlying shopping centers with the simultaneotts decline of older, intermediate shopplng areas.

[q Htlbrq Homebuilding Rises

La Habra, Calif.-May 1957 building-permit valuations exceeded the same 1956 month by more than $500,@0. This May's figure of $2,153,671 included $891,895 {or 60 qilSl^efamily divellings, rvhile eight multiple dlvellings rvith 80 units-accounted for another $530,250.

Garden Grove, ment of 77-home of West street.

Calif.-Councilmen authorized developtract south of Lampson avenue and west

Specializing in Truck-qnd'Troiler o,nd Roif Shipments . . .

Old-Growth Bond-sown REDWOOD from Boiock Lumber Co., Monchesler

Old-Growth DOUGTAS FIR from Spocek Bros. Lumber Co., Mqnchester

Precision-trimmed STUDSDouglos Fir o White Fir . Redwood



Fred HOIMES / Corl FORCE P. O. Box 987 Fort Brogg, Colif. TWX: Fort Brogg 49 Phone: Y(lrkfown 4-37OO

August 15, 1957 .ln
Wholesqle Only
TWX: Pcsq Csl7670 Phones: RYqn l-(X)79; SYcqmore 8-6845
Southern Colifornio Oftice: Russ SHARP

,hlV alarollik Stsral

Bf /e Sioeuc

Age not guaranteed---Some I havc told for 20 yeats---Some Less

He Didn'f Understond lr

Frank Hemingway, distinguis&ed radio broadcaster of C,alifornia, returning from a visit in Montana, told the fol_ Iowing story on his program:

fn a mountain town in Montana, i hotel guest remarkecl to the hotel clerk that h€ had heard that a gunman went into the &rotel bar the night before and shot it up pretty,

thoroughly. The clerk admitted that the report was true. Said the guest:

"What do you suppos€ was his reason?"

The clerk looked rather weary.

"Are we getting so over-civilized,,, he asked, ..that a man has to have a reason for doing things?',

t 958 Colendors Offered

Colorful 1958 calendars, on the backs of which are print- ed a dozen weekend projects for the h.andyman, are again offered by M-asonite eorporation to its regular dealers-on- ly on a one-dealer-per-ar-ea basis. The do-it-yourself plans. designed to promote the sales of presdwciod'and other ma- terials, are complete in detail, diagram and illustration. They-.include Christmas projects, a s-torage hogse," h.ouse, "Peg-Boaid'i table for rnounting' u"-Jdel trarn, radlator enclosure, modernizing a panel door, mak_ ing. a modern table from an old dooi, garbage can cover, divider wall and helpful hints on using"Masoirite products in home improvement projects.

Last^ year's subscribers to the calenoar program were given first opportunity to repeat for the 195^8 dTstribution. Then orders, on a non-profit basis, are filled in the order received from the various trading areas, according to Clarence E. Sutton, sales promotion-manager.

Apqrhenr-Building Sets Record

^ Mgre- -ap?I!rygnt-building construction was ptarted in th,e first half of. 7957 than in any other six-months period in the history of the T,os Angelei metropolitan areai (L. A. and Orange counti€, repoited the Research department of the Security_-First National Bank of Los Angeies, which said in its Monthly Summary that "this undeilines a dramatic shift from tracts of singie-family homes to multiple dwellings."

Permits for single-family dwellings in the year's first half were 3l/o trelow the_ same- 1956 peri-od, while multiple units increased by Sa/o. In the period. permits were isiued for 46,231 single-family units, only 2/o'below the 1956 total at the annual rate. Total buildihg to date this year in the state's 14 southern counties was E1,458,000,000, ; 6.2/o gain over the same 1956 span.


Direct car shipmentsTruck & Traileror LCL from yard stocks OUR MOTTOz Quality and

cAltFotNtA lt ttEr ftnCflANT
'&. l:"r1
euantity GUARANTEED BBU$H IilDU$TBIAI TUIIBilR COilIPANY AT YOUR SERVICE 7653 Telegaph Road, Montebello, California One to Tuto MILLION FOOTAGE Cooer RAymond 3-33or
i*t il"l. RAymond 3-330r

G-P Profirs Up l8o/o in lst Holf

Net profits of Georgia-Pacific Corporation for the quarter "t'ta"d iune 30, and f"or the six months period. both est-ablirh;a ,a ;;* record, President Owen R. Cheatham said in the quarterly repori to stockholders. "The mqlgr- u9qT.ti iio"J -ua" 6y Georgia-Pacific during the last half of 1956, i"""f"a with'added"efficiencies, made the improvement in the'earnings trend possible," the report stated. "This, notwithstanding the fait that prices this y^ea1 are- approximateti iiq" low& than they were during tg55 and the first half of 1955." Mr. Cheatham said.

He added that due to the lower number of housing starts, Drices in the industry on major products have been lower ihir year than at any-time since 1949.

For the quarter ended June 30, net profits after taxes rvere $2,321395, ,tp 20/o irom the $1,921,338 reported for the firsr three months' Sales for the second quarter were

$39,019,042, compared with $34,503,1!!in the first -qqallgr F"l tn" tiJrno.tdht ended June 30, 1957, sales wete $7.3,522,gS7 , i" comparison with $45,807 ,907 in.the corr^esponding period of 1956; and net profits after ta,xds wete $4'242,7.33.tug l8%). This'compares with $3,568,540 for the first half of 1956.

Bob Hogon Elected WIC Director

The Woodwork Institute of California has elected Bob IIo an to its board of directors to fill the unexpired term of elarence Morrison, who died suddenly in Sacramento Tune 25. Hogan, who is president of Hogan Wholesale -Building MatErials, Oakland, was named -to the post at a WIC bdard meeting in Carmel on Ju1y 12. '

A-eittetal membJrship meeting oj the Woodwork Institute 5f California will be held Friday, September 27, at the Mark Hopkins hotel in San Francisco.



W.P.A. Grode-morked

Direct Mill Shipments vio Truck & Troiler

TTFr:; i:r. -'!T 'rlli :'',:"' - aT:':i:-. ,l:',i.::r:., '.--'''i:*:;f ,-' '--' Augurt 15, 1957
W holesalers of Weit Coost Forest Products Main Office 564 Market St. Otber 2185 Huntington Drive SAN MARII\O 9, CALIF. San Francisco 4 Ofices Pittock Block PORTLAND 5, ORE.
narne that has meant Sincere Seruice in lumber since 7914 ITUNDTIilfi . NATHAN COilIPANY
Precision trimmed DITIAENSION
GOTDEN WEST LUilIBER, GO., lNC. John H. Vertin Arlo D' Squires P.O. Box 9216 -Victory Genrer lrnnex PHONES: STonley 7-9915 North Hollywood, Collfornio POplor 5'1664

Sqn Frqncisco Hoo-Hoo-Ettes

Elect Doris Belber President

-'\rr cxtrzr-c'c,tfrrl c\-cning. irclucling a C.ucateltati.' ancl :urn()11lrcefilcnt .f thc rrerr, 1().57-._<S .1hcers. clin-raxcd San Frarcisc, Fl ,r-H.,-l'-tte clrlr 3's 1().56-.52 sc:LSo11 lrt a clirrncr ir the llcllevue hotel, Junc 1 1.

Follon'ing the C'orrcatcnation, these ncu- oldccrs rr.ere I)fesclt ted :

I'rcsirlent: I)oris Ilelbcr, T-Iobbs \\-all l,urnbcr (_-o.: 1st. 2ncl :rn11 3rrl vice-prcsiclents: \\'iniired f Icntzer, flnres L. Hall C,.; Iil.rer.rcc Ilarnc.s. Gillor Lnmlrcr C,,.. lircl Sull' Flarlrlo-r, \\-c1.erh:rcuser S:rles C'o.; Secrctirr\,: Crace Roi- *',rth, clrlif.rnia iieclu-o.rl -\ssn.; Trcastrrcr: IrilL IIorst. llolrlrs \\'all I-umlrcr Co. ; Ilembcrship : llarbara Fitzu.:rter.

\\'i:rr,,rn [.rrrrrl,er C, r. ; Irriti;Ltion : Lric, l,ine, 1'he pacific l-rrrrl,cr (',..;11111 I'rrl,1 icit_r : Pat Ilix,rl. C;rrrrerst'rr & Crcerr T,un'rlrcr ('o.

'fhe outgoing prcsiclcnt, Tilo lfrethe\\.c\- of the Santa Fe Ltrn-rber ('... *-:rs preserterl a l.r'clv g.l<1 nrecllLili,' brLcclet :rrr rl sinccrell' cor gratulatcd f or hei eicell cnt lc:rclership durirrg tl-rc club's vcrv srrccessful vear.

o*-e. Stebbirrs-.f thc calitrrr.ria lietl*'cro<l,\ssoci:rtior.r " joir.recl thc ladics" as thc \risiting Ofhcer for the Corrcntena- ti.n ccrcr.rnics. The iritiatir,r, * hich * as u'<ler the crirec- tion of I,-thel Yizzarcl of Hobbs \\rall l_umbcr Co. :rnc1 her committce. \\'as ()re t, be 1o'rg-reme'r'rberecl bv the Kittens ;Lncl found these ner. rnembers properlv inclucied:

Keturah Kirby, Ganrcrston & Green Lumber Co.; Barbara Fitzwater, \\-isnom I-unrlter Co. ; Margaret Sehorn, Hobbs \\'all I-umber ('o.: Jane Mosher, -\tl<insi. Kroll c\ Co.; Emily

atttta alat II !I a
left photo: Owen Stebbins, Groce Bosworth ond (foreground) Lorry Honson. Center scene shows the Concot Degree Teom (1, ro r.)a Tilo Trethewey, Doris Belber, Minnie Wicklund, Roy DoJsen, Ello Curro, Visiring Ofiicer Srebbiis, fucy lipe, Erhel Vizzord ond Jonet Johnston in o photo .ontogu. The condid ot fhe ri.Shl Inqs (1. to r.) t-ucy [ipe, Tilo Treihewey, Winifred Menrzer (stonding). Min_ nie wicklund ond Roy Dolsen (she wos tolling ro new president Doris-ielber)
)fi [::i r':. F:.: b [::: / Il.t.' $,= J_r ' t:: f:i I.:.: -aa 4.t.t.' tatatata' allal llll tatatata' naa llttrtt lltlttlaar HN ,- l)ords .--Lullrbol' l)o' =--- incorporated Responsible Disrrihution of Wesf Coosf Foresf Producls 3901 GRAND AVENUE OAKLAND IO, CALIF. rwx oA 339 StenR{LUIUIBER & PIYWOOD, lNC. f Ponderosq Pine f Sugor Pine $. White Fir Vltolesale lrom Yard, Stocks * * * Douglos Fir Spruce Incense CedorDirect Sbipnents

Osrling --The Gluclliry Door Thqr Gives You More

Time crnd numbers hqve proven the durqbility of the Ostling Hqrdboqrd Flush Door. One-quorfer of cr million of these Hqrdboqrd doors hcrve been honging for yeors in the mountqins' by the oceqn, ond in the heqt of the deserf proving their obiliry to stqnd up under exlreme weqther condilions.

As cr low-cosf' trouble'free, point-grode door, ifs vqlue is unchqllenged.

2430 North Chico

Glfberr 4-2635

Howell, Union l-umber Co., and Helen Beck, Gillon l-tlmber Co.

The first meeting oi the lumlters'ouren's 1957-58 club 1'ear rvill be held Tuesdav evening, September 10, again at the Bellevue hotel, reported Janet Johr.rston, the outgoing publicity chairman, e:rrlier this month.

Johnson Coshwoy Buys Hqmmond Yqrds

(Continued from Page 2)

and West Santa Ana, California, are the last of the original 32 Hammond yards to be clisposed of aucl the ne\\' o\vllers took possession Attgust 3.1957, after the deal u'as finalizecl at midnight, August 2.

Johnson Cashn,ay Lrrmlter Company, rvith h.eadcluarters at-Omaha, is one of the largest privately ou'ned retail lumberyard firms in the midrveit and has successfully operated since l9't0. Ilesides a large u'holesale lr-arehottse maintained

at Omaha, Johnson Cashu'ay operates retaii lumJler yards at Austirr, -South St. l'aul and Nlinneaoplis, Nf innesota; Council l31uffs, Iou'a, and Omaha, Gering, and Lincoln, Nebraska.

Mr. Johnson stated that it has been his ambition to have ritail lumber outlets in the Los Angeles area for many years, and he expects to expand the operations to includ6 several new and mod'ern building materials not now carried, as well as expanded inventories in standard items of plywood and lumber.

He stated thzrt no changes irr the present Hammond retail lumber staff are anticipatecl. Phil J. Stillu'el1 n'ili continne as general nlallager.

Anaheitn, Cab'1.-17 lots on Nforaga Crescent, reclassified from single-farnily ing.

street, north of to multiple drvell-

Augurr 15, 1957
0stling Manufacturing
Guqronleed Union Mqde El Monte, Cqlif. CUmberlcrnd 3-4276
BIG T(IGATI(I]IS IlI IHE GNEATER EASISIIIE IIIIIUSTRIAI IIFTNrcT ofiering o complele service to the lumber industry in soulhern cqlifornio TUIABER HANDTING O SIORAGE O MILLING qNd STORAGE SPACE TO LEASE LUdlow 7-7261 MINES BANDINI, lNC. LUd'.w 4550 Mqywood Avenue los Angeles 58, Colifornio 7-726r

lmprovement Plons by U. 5. Fqmilies Show Mqrket Potentiol for Building Mqteriqls

In fully 46/o of the homes owned in the U-nited States, studies shol, that 9,100,000 householder. hu,r" this particu- family members are serio.usly considering making at leasi l"; iyp.-;f p;j;;i'in ,.iel. A p;i"; j;b for the outside of one home improvement during the year-ending'February the house is'th! second targest'pr";11i,"""-"rically speak- 1958, accor-ding to -the latest nnaings in a series of studie"s ing, with S,+io.OOO r-r"meo\\rners having this improvement on IJ. S. M:rrkets being_conclucted-for Lriok Nfagazine by ,rt-rte. consideratiqn.

Alfred Pctlitz Research, Inc.

Plans to re-dci kitchens and the bathrooms are als. very 14'550'(n0 home owne-rs exp-ect- to be in the rnarket dur- much to the fore, according to the f,,.*-trotit, studies. Re- ing, the,.12-month periocl for ihe building materials_,. paints .utt o]-tir.-.r.*fi"aicate-that a totat of 3,g50,000 families and u'allPapers, floor c.verings, plumbinf iixtures,. lighting plan to imp.o,re iheir t<itctr"n., ond 2,-sio,o00 are consider- fixtures and kitchen applianc-es necessa.! for the improve-- ing i-prorl.-"n,, i., rhe;. bathro,,ms. ments contemplated. Th.e studies pinpoint specific improve- The specific ilnprovements for kitchens inclurle a change, ments under consideratit'i-1?d give the number of home- addition or alteraiio,-r of n-alis or n"oi.-pLnned b1.2.g50,000 owning families having each oi these improvements in homeo'ivner.;,,f rir-,t and fixtures rry r,:rbtj,mo home.*,ners; mlnQ' /cr1lpn+c nre--orr ,,.i of ,,a.PP^liances by 600,000 homeot'ners, and of lighting by Among the improvet.uents planned, painting or papering 150,0fu horneoioirreir. si-iL"iif, ir"irr.".* rmpro\-ements 1n- one or nlore rooms forms the largest single Category. fhe clude plans for a change, addiiion or alteration 'f floor or

n'alls by 2,300,000 homeor,vners.


$A1|TA tfl0lllcA

P.O. Box 385

Mqnufqcturers Stock qnd Detqil Flush Doors CRE$CEIIT


Sold Through Jobbers to Lumber Yards 0nly

In-addition, the studies include data on improvements inv-olving- tle use of lumber, cement, plasier, roofing and insulation materials, and flooring-and floor cov"erings of various types. The ga ;hor e-rlngs- various -ty,pes. The figures show that during the l2-month period, a total of 1,400,000 tromeowneri plan to add a room or rooms; 1,050,000 plan to install a new roof ; 1,000,000 plan to finish the 6asement, and 400,000 plan to finish the attic.

.Floors, too, are inclicated for a good deal of attentior.r, tvith additions or change,s of linoleum being considered lty 1,350,000 homeou'ners. Hardu'ood floors iounted 500,0d) nonleowners.

According to this ltreakdou-lr, or changes of resilient tile-including linoleum, :rsphalt, rubber. cork, r-in1'l ar-rd r.inyl zLsbest()s-are being considerecl br' 1,900,000 h,,useh,,lds. anrl ;rrlrlitions or ch:rngcs r)f cerAnlie iilc lLre l,e- ing considered br- 350,000 households.


I-ook points out that the figures should be regarrlecl by industry as a gauge of the ntaiket potential, rather than as an exact forecast of hon're itnDror.ement In the magazine's continuing sltrve_vs i,f U. S. marketsj,,l irhich the hon-re improvement finclings are a part-all clata are based cin personal intervier,vs conducted imong individuals in private households in the continental Unite<l States. Interviel's u'ere nrade on a multistage area probabilit-v sample basis.

Lowrence Guides wlonfonq Deqlers

Helena, Nfont.-Robert J. Lau.rence, n.ho joined the association as assistant manager and luas t-ran-reil acting mar-rager N{ay_l, has succeedecl to the post of manager-of the Mcintana Retail Lumbermen's Assn., follou,ing the death of Walter .J. Hou.ard, \Iay 29, in Missciuln. Beiore entering association u.ork, I-:ru'rence \\:as a salesman n.itl-r Wooii Conversion Co. The dealer group is moving its oflices tci the capital city here.

BAY II(l(lRS With Microline Core
Only FIR''
Tultrt, lurn lunun Slus (orrrplt'y DISTRIBUTING
RIVER LUIABER COMPANY. HOOPA, Wholesole to Lumber Yords

Construction Heqds for New High

Tune contracts for future construction in the United States toialled $3,243,486,000, an increase of. lO% over the same month last year, F. W' Dodge Corporation, con-struction news and marketing specialists, reported-July 30. Total construction,contracls for the first half of 1957 amounted to $16,958,005,000, up 5o/o lrom the comparable period last vear.


Thornur S. Holden, Dodge vice-chairman said, "The record to date leaves little room for doubt that the dollar volume of construction activity for the yeat 1957, as a rvhole, will exceed last year's all-time high."

Tune contracts for residential buildings amounted to $1,153,049,000, down 4/o from a year ago- The entire decline rrru. aa.o,tttted for by a decrease in contracts for one-andtwo-familv houses. itesidential building contracts for the first half of 1957 were valued at $6,483,314,W, 5% below the first half of 1956.

The number of housing units contracted for in June totalled 86,549, a drop of IZ/' compared to Ju-n-e- 1956. The number of housing units for the first half of 1957 amounted to 499,490, a decline of ll/o from the comparable.1956.Period. the'sharper decline in unit volume than in dollar value in the residential category can be counted for by the trend toward larger and more costly homes.

SoCql Deolers Attend WorkshoP

Five Southern California dealers attended the workshop sponsored by the Western Retail Lumbermen's Associati,on, Seattle, itt Su.t Valley, Idaho, last-mon-th' They were Richard Neison, Buena P-ark (Calif.) Lumber Co'; Dunoan Gibson. Gibson Lumber Co., San Bernardino; Norbert Bundschuh. Mvrtle Avenue Lumber Co., Monrovia, and George Wiley -and Bob Marks, George T. Wiley Lumber Co., Long Beach.

Augurt 15, 1957 ?aprninp INSECT TYIRE SCREEN I NG
Pacific Wire Products Go. COMPTON. CAIIFORNIA
'DURO" BRoNzE " DUROID" El""tro Gatvanized 'DURALUM" Cladded Aluminum
.tJ qii 1l 'l',1 rii ,ti r.{-,

i*,' A filsrksmqn

. ,-"Johnny! Oh; Johnny!"

,i , "'What is it, Ma?"

, "Have you been spitting in the goldfish bowl?', ,', "Nope. Not yet, Ma; but I'm comin, closer all the time."

The ftlon

Search thine own heart. W,trat paineth thee fn others, in thyself may be. All dust is frail. All flesh is weak. Be thou the true man that thou seek.

i$i ,,Fobbie-"That's the tendency of these times. Ttley all ;i.,.It4ry,to, c.ut out the rhiddle-man and let the goods go striight from the producer to the consumer withouicharge-."

How Some of the',Heqthen, (?) prcy

The following is a Buddhist prayer: ;-,, .'"Never wr-ll I receive private individual salvation-never

The lqtest Sryle

"Dad, what is an advertisement?,'

"An advertisement is a picture of a pre.tty girl eating, wearing, holding or driving-something thet someone wants to sell."

A Song in flly Heort

Into my heart God put a song, a A tuneful melody: At will to hear symphonic chords Or muted harmony.

But in search for worldly needs, My song has gone astray, And there is left a vain regret To torture me each day.

Perhaps some day my life will be Attuned to right or wrong; Then I shall find great happiness In my recaptured song.

No Such Animol

Snob-"I never associate r,r'ith my inferiors, do you?" Bob-"Mister, I didn't know you had any.':


afpid of no rnar\ and of whom no man is afraid.,, "Better one moment of silent contempl,ation and inward

I love than seventy thousand years of outward worship."

:1,- ,"Oh, God, show pity toward the wicked, for on the good .,i,::'Thou has already bestowed Thy mercy by having created i. ' them virtuous."

Whoso would carelessly tread one worm that crawls the carth, that heartless one is darkly alienate from God; but he tha! living, embraceth all things inhis love, to live with him !i,,;,',, God bursts all bounds-above, below."

fii ,'5

i Dreoms Gome True

' "Strange," mused the first tramp, "how few of our youthful dreams come true."

t'Oh, I don't knowr" said the second tramp. "f remember how I used to dream about wearin'long pants, and now I guess I wear 'em longer than anyone else in the country."

Women'g Capes

Cape of Good Hop+Sweet Sixteen.

Cape Flattery-Twenty.

C;ape Lookout-Twenty-fi ve.

Cape F'ear-Thirty.

Cape Farewell-Forty.

Lonesome for company Was Tessie McGeeEither Company A, Or Company B.

Buddhq Soidr

Delusions, errors, and lies are like huge, gaudy vesselsthe rafters of \ryhich are rotten and worm-eaten, and those who embark in them are be stripwrecked.


When every pool in Eden was a mirror That unto Eve her dainty charms proclaimed, She went undraped without a single fear, or Thought that she had need to be ashamed.

'Twas only when she'd eaten of the apple, That found tlrat evermore she'd have to grapple With the much-debated problem of the nude.

Thereafter she devoted her attention, Her time and all her money to her clothes, And ttrat was the beginning of convention, And modesty as well, so I suppose.

Reaction's come about in fashions recent, Now the girls conceal so little from the men, It would seem that in the name ,of all that's decent, Someone ought to pass the apples round again.


will get the message to " CALI FOR


Goralite will sell its advantages to nearly a quarter'million Western families in the September issue of SUNSff. The ad is aimed at B0TH BIG MARKEIS: new builders, and those adding on or remodeling. You know the proven influence of SUNSEI, so prepare now for "calls lor Coralite"! lt's a prolit item for you-low initial stocking cost, minimum job servicing, and generous mark-up. plus approval of leading architects and builden.


Phono NOW for your personalized Display Board of Coralite and Goralether color sample chips-each chip backed up with your own


Adhesives r Aluminum & Color Matched Moldings o Hardboards lnsulation & Acoustical Materials o Underlayments. Plastic Laminates

Augurt Tt, l}iT
,fii$'f"fi"ffH:r'1'*"' IfiiilH;';F'""*""n -t,",$J,*i,i*"'."r*li:'


tlews Srlefs, ,.

Fresno, Calif.-The Fresno and Madera Counties Building Trades Council has voted to enter the cooperative homebuilding field and announced its intention tb form a nonprofit corporation to sponsor a group of lor,v-cost homes on a_tract just west of Fresno on Kearney boulevard. Lloyd Myers, Council secretary, last month said the size of the project rvas undecided but, if it appears practical, the project may be aimed at providing low-cost housing for elderly, low-income people. Kavanagh Building Co. r,r'as selected to erect the h<-ruses.

Hubert C. Nead of the Nead Lumber Co., Redding, designed the recently opened new $80,000 First Baptist church there and served as general superintendent of construction. Volunteer labor did itost of the construction work.

A spectacular fire at the Lopez Lumber Co., Albuquerque, N. N{., recently destroyed about one-third of the 1ard, reported Severo Lopez, manager, and "Slim" Lopez of the yard.

The brush fire which swept over 40 acres of timberland south of Half Moon Bay last month did heavy damage to timber in the area, reported the San Mateo county fire department.

Dunsmuir, Calif.-A rrlnaway truck-and-trailer heavily loaded with plywood went out of control and rolled through this Siskiyou county lumber torvn last month killing one person, injuring four others, smashing seven cars and rip- ping through five storefronts. The truck u'as orvned by a Tucson, Ariz., suppiy company.

The Holiday hotel, a lavish, nerv eight-story lanai building recently opened in downtown Reno, rvas based on a ner.v idea for visitors to the area. Costing in excess of $4 rnillion, the hotel caters to sportsmen and rvomen who visit Reno for its breathtaking hunting, fishing, skiing, golfing ancl other sports activities. The management of the net' hotel pror.ides only 50 slot machines and does not offer the usual casino games rvhich are traditional in Reno. A private hunting preserve and a privately orvned lake for fishing is available to. sports-minded guests of the hotel. John V. Nfueller is president of Holiday, Inc., ou'ner of the Holiday hotel. Other prgminent men on the board include Nor-

rnan Biltz; Dollar Associates, San Francisco shipping, timber and financial firm; Robert Cavenaugh and Marsh Johnson. General manager of the hotel is Arthur Allen. The hotel has 200 rooms, each with an outdoor balconv. The hotel occupies a square block in dor,vnton'n Reno on the Truckee river, and offers guests and visitors the largest parking facilities in Reno. A drive-in garage rvith faiili-


Cilqy lErywr & Comnpary Jffi'

whoresor ersot ri:;"r?ii ,umber products


HOmesteqd 2-7544

Ukioh, Colifornio


RAndolph 5-4431 Fortuno,

ties for 125 cars is available and guests are able to drive into the hotel and take an elevator directly to their floor. Facilities of the hotel include the Rainbow room, with a capacity of 225 diners. Plastic "bubbles" in the roof throw varied tolored lights in the room and illuminate the room from the outside, too. Two private banquet rooms, called the Sierra room and the Tahoe room, also are available, each with a capacity of 75 diners. The hotel also offers the Chef's Alcove, a round-the-clock coffee shop, and the Holiday bar, decorated with a mural by Robert Caples, famed Nevada artist and Indian painter. The private hunting preserve, one hour's drive from the hotel on the Carson river, includes 1,000 acres of natural hunting grounds, with some of the best pheasant hunting in the west. No license is required for guests of the hotel and there is no limit to the bag, only the size of the hunter's wallet at $5.50 per bird. The season on this private preserve is from September through January, compared to the public season of two

days, and some 100 hunters can use the preserve daily. Harry J. Kane, treasurer-controller, Georgia-Pacific Corp., Portland, and William H. Newcom, G-P controller, Olympia, have been elected to membership in Controllers Institute of America.

Frederick F. Wangaard, professor of Lumbering at Yale University, has been appointed Forestry Advisor for the Philippine Forest Products Laboratory, starting June 15. On a year's leave from the Yale School of Forestry, he will spend six months in Manila, P.I., and six conducting research in 'r,voodworking technology at the lJniversity of Oslo and Norwegian Institute of Technology.

W. R. "Nlo" Washburn, former Illinois salesman, has been elected to the board of Hyster Company, Portland, Ore., announced President Ernest G. Swigert.


For lhe Flush Door Monufirctur€t - Cobinet Shops - Industrinl Users Speciolizing in Furniture Dimension tlnd Drnwer Sides


a:. '. Augurt 15, 1957
EXECUTIVE OFFICES llll U. S, Nqiionql Bcnk Bldg. PORTIAND, OREGON Sofes Represenlofives: FORIUNA SAWtWtLli, lNC.
Coliforniq TRUGK & TRAITER
Fosl, Efficient Serwice Goll Rcy Wiig Ursin Perkins Imperial Lumber Oompany ""i1,,"-H;:Jiffi',.Til,1f' tOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 3540 NO. FIGUEROA STREET TEIEPHONE CApitol 2-0261 ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA P. O. BOX 24It TETEPHONE 57I



Show the public with Warren Blue*

Pressure-freqted Lumber thot you qs o lumber deoler o,re vitally interesfed in safeguarding your future and your cusfome r' s i nv est menl.

rln combination wirh chromated zinc orsenqte-opproved by city, counly, slale (,nd Federal specificofions.

Diomond Motch Co. Yqrds Join TMANC

(Continued from Page 2)

energies in unselfish cooperative participation in all of the membership activities n'hich rvill improve the position ol our industry. As retailers, rvith our many direct connec.. tions and services, we are a most important connecting linlc: betu'een the manufacturer or u.holesaler and the ultimate consumer and, as such, have delinite responsibilities.

It is our opinion entirely too much emphasis has been placed on the matter of competition in the retail lumber business. True, we are all striving for sales, but so are the automobile, appliance, and all other legitimate retail dealers. NIuch effort is needed to promote ciur industrv. en-

The Above Brond, Plus the Wqrren Blue Color, is Your Assurqnce of Mqximum Protection


We aim to build friends as well as customers. Once you've sampled friendly, efficient Ostrom service, you'll be an Ostrom customer from then on! Let the BIG "O" fill your next big order!

Service ' o,nd Insured Qvality
1957-58 LMA OFFICERS ore (from lefi) l. E. Horton, re-elected rreosurer; Hamilton Knott. the president, ond Frqnk Heord, vice-president Overnight delivery is commonplace in California by courteous, competent, company-employed drivers. Green Douglos Fir o K. D. Sugor pine . K. D. ponderosa Pine K. D. White Fir o Incense Gedar

for Your Lumber Reguirements , r r GaII ETLAS



VERIICAL GRAIN-Finish-4/4 to 16/4






Ff.AT GRAIN-Finish-4/4 ro 16/4




Construction & Blr. 2x4 lo 2xl2






lighten the public and bring about corrective legislation to eliminate inequities.

During the war and the boom aftermath years, many o1i our store and vard clerks became order-takers rather tharr salesmen. The subsequent years have found inflation bringing many increased costs to the manufacturer whiclt are in turn passed on to us and, when combined with our increased operational expenses, dissipate most of the profits. This difficult profit picture has also complicated the problem of attracting new money from investors for expansiorr and interesting young career men in coming with us ancl finding careers in retail lumber business.

The above, plus your past fine record for accomplish" ments for the improvement of the retail lumber merchantsi in Northern California, made our decision favoring affiliation. We believe your efforts deserve support of all, and particularly those who receive immediate benefit. We shoulil










stand together on basic major issues, fully realizing thal with eveiy opportunity there is an equal obligation.

We sincerely hope the addition of our name to your membership rostei lvill prove an asset, and unite all of us on common ground for constructive work.


Anoheim Leqds Oronge Co. in Trocts

Anaheim led all other cities of Orange county in the number of new subdivisions in the first 11 months of 1956 with 3215 lots. Garden Grove r'vas second with 1655, followed by Costa Mesa, 1058; Buena Park, 1035; Westminster, 868; Santa Ana,740; La Habra,699; Tustin-El N{odena, 695, and Orange,545. The county's total was 12,566.

August 15, 1957 35
Du,6A 3a7 ^4om/reo &, ?otc, Wholnron t REIIW0tlIl ' D(IUGIAS FIR te t PolrDERosA PINE o wHITE FtR MAIN OFFICE: (Mock Giles) 7'11 D Street-P.O. Box711 o Sqn Rofoel, Colif. o Phone Glenwood 4-1854 o TWX Sqn Rofoel 25 DISTRIBUTION YARD: (Art Bondl Highwoy 101 Cloverdole, Colifornio . Phone TWinbrook 4-2312
CAI-IFORN IA TUMBER MERCHANI "3-D" R0oFING \ ' ;;F ,*f V fi# "b, -7/ t-'"{,f ;'," t '' t* f W \r 7n r#i" ffi" l.\ {. .-\ rs lff s s l:*{l:$";".'r)r -\d -J' i\ *:, ,r.{ i {/{{{{r/,, rr{ffff{{sfyt / riiil€ff{$ '...i: ". i::f


slllDot-Bllr 29O-LB.

FRY's sensational new look in roofs can be easily identified from fully a btock away. So distinctive in appearancer so strikingly beautiful, that it calls out to passers-by: "Here's the roof you wantlor your home-a different-looking roof that friends and neighbors will admire and envy!"

It's nationalty advertised in influentiat magazines-which, of course, paves the way to easier sales for you.


Beauty spearheads many a sale for many a product-but the sfaff of your sales-weapon, where the real "heft" lies, is in performance. The time proved performance of FRY ROOFING has made the Lloyd A. Fry Roofing Company the world's largest manufacturer of asphalt roofing and allied products. That's an important point to pound home to your prospects.

But the clincher is Fry's exclusive FULL-Value, 2O'Year Bondthe onty bond in the industry that covers labor costs as well as materials, in the event of specified roof failure.

There's so MUCH to the Fry story-so much that can spell more P-R-O-F-|-T for you-that we suggest you get full details i from the Fry plant nearest you, or write direct to our GeneralOffices, TODAY!


GENERAL OFFICES: 5818 Archer Road, Summit (Argo P.O.)' lllinoiE Wortd's ?argest manufacturer of asphalt roofing and allldd ptoduclslg rooflng plants strateglcally located coast to coast

ROOFING PLANTS: Summlt, lll. . Portland, Ore. Houston. Teras Morehead Clty, N. C. Compton. Cal. o Kearny, N. .J. Detrolt' Mlch. lrvlng, Texas . Mlnneapolls, Minn. York, Penn' North Kansas City' Mo. Brookvllle. tnd. o .lacksonville, Fla. . San Leandro' Cal. Stroud' Okla. Memphls. Tenn. Robertson. Mo. o Waltham, Mass. o Fort Lauderdale' Fla.

Augurr 15, 1957
T '-.'. ,-,rr,.''"

Wood for Boqring

Boat owners have increased in number by millions. These proud, happy millions are learning, in a new and thrilling way, the wonders of wood. The inherent qualities of the various species used in boat building are important to them as they glory in the sleek lines, rugged strength and cosy beauty of their beloved craft. These enthusiasts constantly make more conyerts to the joy of boat-owning. The tremendous new demands for marinas, ramps, boat-houses, floats, etc. are all adding to the call for WOOD.

Are you alert to this striking new development? Are you getting your share of the rapidly growing wood-for-boating business?

But the right species of lumber fulfill not only boating needs , they also meet the needs for homes, patios, gardens, play yards, furniture, fences, etc. Economically, too!

Wherever such sales possibilites exist there's a National-American member ready to help you get the woods you want. REMEMBER:





Worcl has lteer-r receir-ed from the National Retail I_um_ lrer Dealers Association of the cleath of Ray 13ei1 iir Spok_a_ne, \\rash., August 7. Mr. lr,eii long active in the \\restern ltetail LumberI ren's Associatioii arrrl the NITLD-{, serving as president arrd it clirector of the \\IRLA :rr-rd a director of the National. He clevoted a great tleai oi his time and energv to the improvement of the retail lun.rber industry. He leai'es his n'ife of the home at 504 Tu,entv- Fifth St.. Spokane.

George A. SWIFT

George A. Sr,vift, 69, prominent retaii lumberman n,ho startecl his business in Long lleach in 1923, died July 3. Mr. Sn'ift t'as one of the pioncer lumber de:rlers iri Sbuthern California ancl established the bnsiness nor.v operated bv N{atteson l-urnber Company in the beach city.'He leave.s his rvifc Nfabel, a daughter, zr son and four grandchildren.

Richord T. WAtt

I{icharrl T. Wal1, 87, rvhose father founded Hobbs \\rall I_-rrnrlrer Company in Crescent City, dicd July 17 after four cl:ivs in a hospital in lleclding, wherc he had made his l.rome u'ith a niece the past cight years. Mr. Wall also leaves a son, John,_ of Oaklar-rd, a claughter in Bcverly Hills and trvo grandchildren.

Edwqrd A. ATLEN

. Ildu'ard A. Allen, 6!, ryho had spent nearll. 50 years in the lumber busincss, died July 8 iri ]leclu,ood Cit17, Calif., aftcr five vears of ill healtlt. He l>egan his lifetinre'lumbei career rr'ith Irope & Talbot in Sar-r Francisco during 1902 ancl.rvas subsequently rvith-the Chas. R. N cCormick "orgorr_ tzatton Ior many years. In the eariy 1930s he established the Allen-Dettm:rn J-umber Co. in Sin Francisco ancl \\ras ac- tive in it nearly 20 years. He lcaves his .rvife Elsic of Red- t'ood City zrnrl :r brother, Dave Allen, o\\.ner of the Aller-r Lumber Co. in San Francisco.


L. \V. Calr.ert, onetimc srrperintendent of Generra Lnrnber Co. arrrl later supcrir.rtendent of the nrill uncler sulrse- qrrent ou'r.rerships of llamn-rond Lnmber Co. and thc Georgia-I'acific Corp., dietl suddenly at Stockton, Calif., Jull' -1. 4" !r.1 been instrumental in the original constrrrctiorr of the Geneva mill during 1946. LIe lcerves his t.ife, a son ancl a daughter.

In Memoriqm

Ifiss Pluma Cathe-rine Mcf eod, assistant office manager of Martin_Plywgo{ Co., Los Angeles, died July 2,1. Shc was borr-r in North Dakota and had-been actir.L danv vears in the lumber industry in Los Angeles, rvhere she was a char- tcr member ancl one of the guiding lights of Hoo-Hoo-Ette Club No. 1. She leaves two brotheis-Tom N{cl-cocl of Los Angeles and l)cnver IIcI-eocl, mavor of Kettle Falls, \Vash., and an aunt l.ith rvhom she ma,lohcr horne in l-os Angeles. Jnterment rvas in Ingleuoorl I':Lrk Cemeterr,, _frrly 29'...

Ernie Emmett McKrull,70, ciiccl Julv 11 in a iiholnix hos_ pital. Hc r.orkcd for the l{cNary i,umber Co. rrntil 1945 and u'as l'ith the Kelton Constrrri.tion Co. ir-r 1,hocnix a{ter going there nine years ago . . . Robert A. Kendall, 37, secre.tary alcl general .malr:rgcr of Vancouvcr (\\rlrshington)

Plyn'ood Clo., died the re Jrrlv 29. He rvas borir in Hou.ston, Texas, gracluated from Yalc \n 1912 and rvorl<ecl {or \\''everiraeuser 'Iimber Co. in T,ongr.ieu'. \\:ash., lLitcr his aimr. service rrrrtil he joined Vancouver Pl1-r-or,d irr 1953 . F. Ray Peterson, 55, assistant to the presiclcnt of R. G. LcToumeau, Inc., Longvierv, Texas, died there Jrrl1, 29 of a

t lttlo M&rlner-9l, Day Crulser Courtesy ol Oeneral Motorbost ComDsny Dlvlslon: Kentucky Forest Products, lno.

heart attack. He had been a close associate of Mr. LeTourneau for 31 years and helped design many of the ma. chines the firm now manufactures. Mr. Peterson was born in San Francisco and spent several years in Stockton, C-alii., before joining LeTourneau at Peoria, Il-1. Mrs. Mable C. Weidner, wife of Louis Weidner, 7QI7 Loch Alene Ave., Rivera, Calif., died July 27 after a long illness. She was born in Montana uhA til'6a in Spokane and-seattle before moving to Southern California 72.years ago, where she became well known to the industry thiough her husband, who built the mill at Reedsport, Ote., ttofu operated by E. IC Wo-od Lumber Co. and was superintendent of it many years before going to Los Angeles, where he was general superintendJnt riore than l5-years for E. J. Stanton & Son until his retirement two years ago, when he assumed management of an art business staried by his wife in Temple City. Mrs. Weidner also leaves a son, Louis, Jr., a daughter, a granddaughter and four sisters.

J-M Reports | 957 Eornings

Consolidated earnings of Tohns-Manville Corporation 4nd ': subsidiary companies "for the -s-ecg!q -quarter of tgSZ w'ei'e 5uU5rurdrJLUruP4llIt)IvllrrvJvLYlruYu@r!vr

$i,660,000, comiared with $7,894,000 f6r the corresponding' period last yeai, reported L. M. Cassidy, .gtlaiqgrll of the,, board. Saled for the second quarter were $82,417,000, compared with $82,685,000 for the sgco-nd quarter of 1-956. For' ihe year to date, sales were $1'8,072,000 and earning wete tne year fo qaf,e, +rtorw/4rutv. cd.rilrlrB wsrG. rlj $8,6i4,000, compared with sales of $147,359,00O and earnings ;'i of -$12,@5,000 for the first six months last year. 't,o.i of $IZ,LU5,UW ior nrst montns rasf, , 'r':r,., "Althoush sales in the first six months of. 1957 wef-e,,irli slightly hilher than in the same period last y.ear," Mr. Cas- ,,. sidy stated, "earnings failed to keep pace. Among factors ' resfoonsible for holding down e-arnings wS:ce. a decline in I sal6s of some of our mdre profitable items, higher costs, an6,i construction against whiih no off-setting sales were're-;': ceived."

... frnm thr ilugr uf rutling xlyipx ... ZYwv
108 Years on California Street PIONEER IMPORTERS ol Pbilippine Mabogany and. lapanese Hard.utood PLY$TOOD and LUMBER 230 CALIFORNIA ST., SAN ' Phone YUkon 2-0210 . . , to modern liners FRANCISCO Teletype: SE 457 11, cALIF. ' '.1 !:!:! }J
sL CO., INC.
CEDAR SOUTHERT CATIFORilIA LUMBER SA1ES Wholesole Disrribution Yqrd gl5 so. lvY AvE., Il,loNRovlA - RYon l-41o5 - ELLIOTT 8-lt5l. So. Colif. Represenlcrtlve IVORY PINE COMPANY Mills ct Dlnubq, Colifornlq .'-*#1'-1;*-'jul.r.i.'.:.,t.j.,.:'.,:*.l-,.'.;:..,'..."*i^."'-],"'i;'.:'.,.l-.''**',+*

NRTDA Developing Mosfer Soles-Troining Progrom for Reroil Lumberyord Employes

Details of a new type of sales-training program for em- ployes of retail lumber yards are being rapihly?eveloped by a group of dealers and manufact.urers. The program,^rvhic'h follorvs the general outline destribed to the ijo".d of di_ rectors of the National Retail Lumber Dealers Association at its meeting_in_ M^y, is being der.eloped by NRLDA's Committee on fndustry Relationl and interested producer.s of building materials.

While. s.aryllg study units and otl-rer materials are being prepared, it is planned to conduct a survey to determine thE extent of dealer interest in a .program of the type contem_ plated, which is to be so conducted that its be;efits can be shared by thousands.of .dealer employes who engage in sell_ ing, either part or full-time. Although the progrim"will con_ centrate on sales-training at the beginnin$, it-*itt be set up

in a .rvay that will permit a broadening of its scope at any time such a step is desired.

Paul R. Ely,-the association's president, is chairman cif the dealer committee. Other members are H. \\r. Blackstock, Paul S. Collier, Phil Creden, Watson Malone III, H. R. Northup,. Russell W. Norvels, James C. O'Malley and R. A. Schaub.

f t is expected that the survey u'i1l be completed by early fall and that the sample study units and other cletails rviil be ready in plenty of time for presentation at NRLDA's F"t!9ilg Products Exposition being held November 4 to Z in Philadelphia.

__ After_meeting again u'ith the manufacturers, Chairman l.-ly s.qi-{, "It is most gratifying to find that the producers of building materials are as eager as rve dealers are to find a rvorkable program to improve the selling ability of the men and women on whom they must depend to sell their products in the retail lumber vird."

In 1956, more than 8,000 pedestrians were killed by autos in the U.S.

Riverside Hoo-Hoo Meefs

Riverside County IIoo-Hoo Club 117 scheduled a dinner meefi.rg at Sobolta Hot Springs, Hemet, Calif., August 9, at rvhich steaki rverc the main course in the ner,r,. air-conditioned dining room there. An excellent color film, "The Man \\rith 1,000 Hands," produced bv Alcoa, rvas shou'n courtesy of iJrou'n-Ilevi.s Co. with Braman-Dickerson Co. of Riversicle. A report lvas given on the recent Palm Sprinqs Ladies Nite. Norninations u.ere made for the September election of nerv officers and nrembers u'ere urged to st:rrt rounding rrlt the Kittens for a Novernber concatenation.

Golley Succeeds Hobeck



Now, with Blue Diamond ,"/8', Fire Halt special core wallboard, applicator craftsmen have a fine handling and ffnishing gypsum wallboard with a one hour fire resistioe rating.

Fire Halt may be used in institutional, commercial, industrial, apartment and home construction-wherever high quality interiors combining great strenglh with increased fire resistance are desired or required by building codes.

Blue Diamond's Fire Halt data sheet will be sent you on request. It gives full information on how to use Fire Halt in one hour walls, partitions and ceilings, in accordance with Underwriters' Laboratories' ffre resistive rating requirements.

Herbert A. Habeck has retired as r-ice-presi- dent and sales rlirector of llcClorrcl Lumber Cri., San Francisco, after 38 years' service and has been succeeded by Carroil W. Gallev. r,ho also elected vic-e-president. Ga11ey, rvhc has 34 1'ears l'ith McCloud, nill continue the sales direction at 889 Nlonadnock Bldg.

Willits Redwood Buys fimber

Willits, Calif.-Wil1its Iledn'ood Products Co. last month acquired over 200 million feet of timber from Hammond-California Redrvood Co. announced President Russell H. Ells. The tract u'as entirel1. redrvood.

Hollister Yqrd Adds Shed

Hollister, Calif.-Les Crank, of th<r Homer T. Hayward Lumber Co. ylrd herc, recently added a new pole-type builcline f,,r storage and has converted the yard to lift-trrrcl.: ooeration.

Boiock lumber Incorporqfed

Ukiah, Calif.-Bojock Lumber Co., N,Iendocino county, .lvas incorporated last month at $175,000. Directors rvere listed as I-. F. Kuechler. Leigh N{. N{iller and David P. Brorvn, all of 225 Bush St., San Francisco.

3,814 forest ancl range fires in California in 1956 were held under 10 acres in damage. This 1'ear, lrelp bring the fire losses dou'n.-

0r{E ]t 0uR ilRE
MAIN OFFICE: ros AilGErEs 54 cAr.* F#"rfi DdT'illi:t'i1,,

Terrible Twenty Tournqmenls Lists Its Cqlendor of Future Meetings

The 374th Terrible Twenty tournament was held at Wilshire Country Club, July 16. Dewgy Reeder was our gracious host. A beautiful dav-Wilshire at its best-it was oerfect. Local knowledge won, as so often happens-Dewey Reeder with 76-10-66. Virgil Oliver with 87-1671 came in second. Maybe those brilliant pink slacks of Reeder's help -probablv blind his opponents. ifelmer- Hoel submitted his resignation because of ill health. Helmer joined the club in 1940 and has been an enthusiastic member all these 17 years.We all have enjoyed our association with him, and he will be greatly missed. Jack Morris of Annandale and Los Angeles Country Club was elected to membership at our dinner meeting and, subject to two-weeks' delay according to the by-laws, he will be eligible to compete for our prize hardware this month'

Our August tournament is -at Virginia, Rex- W-all our hoit, with-the date set for Friday, August 23. The S.ente11 ber tournament at Bel-Air is arranged tor septemDer zo' Our Del Monte trek is on for October, with our wives in"trra"a. The date has been tentatively set for Thursday, October 17.

The board of directors and Steering committee has just met and decided to cut all monthly prize winners two strokes, for six months, applying to club handicap and only against monthly prizes.-H. M. Alling.

R,edwood Sqles Co. in Eostern Office

Charles Fender, Redwo<id Sales Co', San Francisco, ha-s appointed Jim Lewis as eastern field representative with h-eadquarters at Danville, Ill.

(TeIl them \)ou sazu it in The California Lumber Merchant)

before you leove, how obout increosing efficiency with o new

Augurl 15, l9t7
Direct Mill Shipments BEDWOOD and DOUGT]IS FIR Vicr RAIL or Truck-crnd-Trailer CONVENIENCE Centrqlly Locofed Unlimited GopocirY ADJACENT TO SANTA ANA FREEWAY FOR YOUR Complete Ycrrd Stocks of Redwood Commons and Uppers Recdy lor IMMEDIAlE DELTVENY LERRETT LUMBER COMPANY 7227 Telegroph Rood, Los Angeles 22, Caiiforniq RAymond 94727 wHotESAtE ONLY RAymond 34727 Milled-to-Pcrttern Stock Recrdy lor IMMEDIAlE PICK.T'P No Order Too Smcll
One Mqn Con either Cross-Cut or Rip o 4Xl 2 Pqnel Alone . . . Fosf, qccurqle ttlt portqble No Lifting or Tuming of PqnelsJust Turn the Sow in One Second! Horizonlsl ond vertlcol Scoles Aftached for sefecflve cuts. Afl Cuts ore Sguore. No Exposed Blade lo Cquse lniuries' PRfCES START AT ONLY $287.00 F.O.B. for Big, lth-H.P. Unii. I Deliver ond Set-Up Units FREE Anywhere in Cqlifornio. Write for Brochure ond List of Owners neor you. Route I' Box 334 WAYNE C. ERVINE/Deqler-Service Atascadero, Collf. .':, , i-;l :r. .rl

Jf0W. .1 in Cattfot nia!

DFPA Stoffs New Regionol Office in Scrn Frqncisco for Promofion

The Douqlas Fir P1r-n'oorl .\ssociation zrnnounces the staffing of a'ner,v regi,rnil ofhcc in Caliiomia ancl eight ner,v appointrlcnts to its national hclrl stafl. -.\cc,,rdirrg t,, Joseph \\reston. fic1d promotion rlircctor, E:rrl Penningtori (left, above) has l>een named rcgional manaller at thc recently cstab-lished field prornotion office in San'Francisco, serving Northen.r California and Ncr-acla, t'ith Bvron Oberg (right.-, :rbove) as field promotion rcpresent:rtir-e for the same aiea.

Per.rnington joinccl DFPA lrs a fielrl representative in 1954. IIis prcvious expcrierrce l'lrs in constrrrr.tion anrl lumber retailing, both on the east :rncl t'est coasts, incirr<ling thrce vears as_ adve rtising ancl nrerchandising rnanager for the ]lcrncr Lrimbcr Company in Palo ,,\lto. Oberg'joined the ass()ciation in the fall of 1956 after several \rears as a Droductiorr executir.e in the plvu'ood industrr,.

Mcrnlrers of IlF])-\'s 1;ield Prorrrotion del:Lrtllrent. rvhich has been in cxistence for nearlv 20 I'ears,- assist plvu,ood

for yeors the excfusive choice of leoding builders, qrchi?ects qnd home owners fhroughout the country, hos come to Cqlifornio!!

COi/tPtETEtY WEATHERSTRTpFED with a lifetime guarantee,

Att AIUMINUM FRAME AND SASH wirh narrow trim lines.

DUAL StlDlNG SASH with full screen.

LIGHIWEIGHI SASH easill' renrovecl from inside for cleaning.

RUGGED CAM-ACI|ON LOCK gives positive seal of vents,

FTUSHSCREEN l/tOUNTtNG gives beautiful exterior appeatance.

COMPIEIE ALUM|NUM StU. with no other added trim necessary.

EASY tNSTAttATtON by nailing through Fin Trim and Sill Anchors.


2O5 West Polm Burbcnk, Colifornitr Vlctoriq 9-3.294

Offerfug a complete line ol Mayfair horizontal sliding u'indou,s, single hang u,ind.ou:s, auning uind.outs anil jaloasies ,l.,flufactttred by Crolt Louisiana, Inc.

Deofersftr'ps open in some €olifornio oreos.

ldeol Do-lt-Yourself item. 4'x8' ponels combine beouliful iexture with scufi-resislqnt surfqce. Con be instolled right over old wolls.

lIrI r alll I Irrtl I rlItr llr XTAYTAIR 5Al,E5 OF CALIFORN|A, tNC. Depr, B-87 2()6 WESI PATM, BURBANK, CATIFORNIA Send. today a comfilete catalog ol tbe trlaylah line ol resieleilial aluminum uindous, Nome-,-Compony Address.City......,. Wro,r,on o, @bf'64*nF kfi6
We stock Simpson M & M as adverlised in SATURDAY EVENING POST EETTER HOMES &GARDENS



Reduces construction costs by lcster working schedules crnd quicker re-use oI lorms.

AJlows mcrked scrvings to the concrete products manrulctcturer by reducing curing time, curing spcce, cnd inventories. Particulcrly cdvcrntageous in pouring trdlic intersections, repcrirs in opercrting lcrctories cnd stores, mcchinery loundqtions, tunnel linings, AND


1034 Wilshtue Blvd.

Los Angeles l/, Qclifsnf6l Phone Mlldison 6-6711

producers, sellers, specifiers, and users throughout the couniry with information and advice on the product, its applications, and sales promotion.

Training Course in Tacoma

Eight new representatives recently completed a threeweek training course in Tacoma under the direction of Stanley A. Taylor, assistant field promotion director. The intensive indoctrination period included visits to a logging camp, two plywood mills, construction jobs involving fir plywood, and DFPA research installations. These last comprised the engineering-research and quality control laboratories in Tacoma and a DFPA exposure fen'ce, where thousands of samples of plywood are left exposed for years to test their resistance to extreme weather conditions.

Stanton, Calif.-Plans approved for A. M. Reynolds to develop Z}-acre tract south of Ball Road between Fern and Dale streets.

Cqlifornio Now Soid to Ronk Second in Lumber Output

San Francisco (Special)-California today ranks second in the nation in lumber production. Almost 400 billion board feet of sawtimber-enough to supply all the wood needs of the United States for the next 10 years if neither state or nation were to grow a single board foot of ns\ / \Meedare standing in the commercial forests of the Golden State. 'Ihese facts were cited in June by D. S. Denman of San Francisco, a trustee of American Forest Products Industries, Washington, D.C., the national Tree Farm sponsor.

Denman said the forests of the United States today are growing more wood than is being removed from them by harvest and through losses to fire, insects and disease.

Augurt 15, 1957
Where c concrete ol high quality is desired in OIIE OR TWO TIAYS USE
ifllllif-G.r'rrfr Is usDn
alt 0THDR G0*srRuffirtd*t$t#tJll^Htffii
RED CEDAR SHINGLES _ PONDEROSA d SUGAR PINE A Medford Gorporation Representative AI.AMEDA, CAI.IFORNI,A Telephone Lckehurst 2-2154 P. O. Box 24{l 2125 Scnrtc Clccrcr Avenue

GET ON fo Hobbs Wqll Redwood

fqx lien Amendment Supported

At a recent meeting in New York City, the House of Delegates of the American Bar Associaliot app.oved a resolution recommending legislation to require the filing of a notice of a Federal tax lien before such lien would become valid as against a mechanic's lien. Under the present law and Court decisions, the tax lien becomes iffective as against a mechanic's lien when the assessment list is received by the Director of Internal Revenue. There is no way for a materialman to determine from the public records rvhether there is a tax lien against the real eitate which is being improved.

The National Retail Lumber Dealers Assn. has for several years urged legislation to correct this situation and has worked with members of committees of the Bar Association to obtain the support of the Bar. The chances are that no action on this legislation can be expected at the present 9g9s]on but, when the Congress convenes in January, NRLDA expects to renew its efforts.

There are several bills introduced which attempt to accomplish the desired change. The Bar Association has drafted a proposed bill making some changes in the pending bills. Most of these changes are in the definition of a "mechanic's lienor." It r,vould make the State law on mechanic's liens I'overn the effective date of the mechanic's lien. The proposed bill would except from the provisions of the amendment, Federal employment taxes which arise out of the same construction project from rvhich the mechanic's lien arose, and certain exceptions as to real estate taxes.

Visitors to Willits, California, headed for the famed Redwood Region, will be reminded of their forest-fire manners by a life-sized replica of "Woody," symbol of the American Forest Products Industries, fnc. which was built this summer by the Willits Circle of the Redwood Region Conservation Council. Henry Houghton, Willits Red*ood Products Company; Dave Hope, Firco, Inc., and Richard Anderson, local trigh school forestry instructor, all pooled their ingenuity to make "Woody" a reality. He stands over 5f f.eet tall and presides over a specially constructed booth where he points out the essentials of forest-fire prevention. Material was contributed locally by the Willits Redwood Products Company, Firco, Inc., and Masonite Corporation of Ukiah. Since he took up his stand on the Redwood Highway, "Woody" has been stopping camera-armed tourists, not only to take souvenir photos, but to get a short course in good forest manners at the same time, when they help themselves to the booklets and pamphlets "Woody" keeps on hand. It has been estimated that 90o/o of forest fires are man-caused, and "Woody" should be a factor in their prevention in the Redwood Region.

Place your next Redwood order-for upper grades or common grades-with Hobbs \Zall. Excellent quality and prompt service are Hobbs ITall policy today-as they have been for 92 years! For any information-call, write or wire Hobbs Vall. 2030 Union Sl., Son Froncisco Flllmore 6-6000 Telerype SF-761 los Angeles ATlonlic 2-5779 Exclusive Distributor for WILTITS REDWOOD PRODUCTS ffi A CRA rnill
il[rrrsfiKtt'Rt0r000 tt6l0t (0llstf,vAlflfl a0lil('t ,.J

You Ger

End Your Wcrste Disposol Problem wirh cln


Designed for Strictest

Air-Poll ution R equiremenls

Zxctusive AIRTROL Feqlures Provide Mony Advonloges in lncinerqlors for Fqst, Efiicient DISPOSAL of Lumber Wqste. Does your incinerqlor meel lhe requirements of oir-pollution outhorities? AIRTROI is designed to meei the slriclest requiremenls!

AlRfROt hqs built its reputotion on QUAIIIY qnd PERFORMANCE. AIRTROI Incinerqlors qre SUPERIOR ro oll other types. AIRTROL is o longestqblished cuslom builder of incinerolorFso why not entrusl your Problems lo our engineers? We qre ol your Service.


760 Soufh Porkview o Los Angeles 5, Cslif. DUnkirk 4-2197


Weyerhqeuser Opens Speciolry Products Office in Sqn Frqncisco

Dean Chriss, western sales supervisor for Weyerhaeuser Timber Company's special products division, -rec-ently established offices for the division at 375 South Mayfair Ave., Daly City, on the outskirts of San Francisco. Working with Chriss in the special products western division are Bill Brinkley, San Fiancisco; James F. Bell, North H-o-llyrvood; R. E. Deering, Tacoma, -Washington, and A' \M. Pigott, Dallas. Texas.

House Models for Deoler Rentol

Quite a few dealers have expressed an interest in the use oi ?tre models of the three Wori-ren's Congress Houses which were on display at the Exposition in Chicago last year, for display purposbs in their own yards, at booths in their local

home shows, county fair exhibits, etc. The NRLDA has three sets of these models which are available on a rental basis of $50 per week, plus transportation charges between the dealer's location and Chicago. The models are prdsently stored at National Plan Service in Chicago, where they have been completely refurbished after their use by.the federated associations in connection with their conventions.

Arizono Housing Boom

Phoenix-Secretary Gus Michaels of the ARL&BSA reports that bids are to be called for housing for 300 workers at Page, Arizona, on the Glen Canyon dam. The Arizona dealers' secretary-manager declares that a truckload of cement will leave Flagstafi every 18 minutes, around;theclock, for three years, to transport the cement necessary to build the damsite.

Augurt 15, 1957
AtRtRoL ----
For. .. No l{lore! The Lumber Indvstry must Joce this issue IUOW!
CALL LUdIow 3-2375 o o . w he n Yo u N eed TFj;:3 i ;?T['J' :"n:',: i.?: i fft.l i:Dw-o o D PA N E t' N G by Personnel wirh Retoil Lumber Experience -AlsoCuslom Kiln-Drying & Milling in Tronsit TnoprcAl, t'WnsrERN LuMsnn CoupANy 4334 EXCHANGE AVENUE WHOIESAIE ONIY tOS ANGELES 58, CAIIFORNIA Representing "Greot Eqstern [umber Compony" in Southern Colifornio E. BirchMopleBeech Phoenix (Arizono) Ofiice: 221 TAIL ADDRE3II P,O, BOXtla22 VEFXONrrATtOX CAELEADDRESa:"TROPICO" CoP38: actE,BENTLEY'! E, Comelbock Rood; Al*harsr 1i.9767

Bob Wells Heods Trw& J Sourhern Colifornio Operqtions

New Volley, Cocsf Focilities Offered by Vqn Nuys Yqrd

Harold J. Ford, director of sales of Tarter, Webster & Johnson, Inc., lumber sales subsidiary of An.rerican Forest Products Corporation, announces several personnel changes and promotions in the organization:

_Robert \\'-e11s, formerlv manag'er of the Los Angeles rvholesale distribution yard, has been named general manager of all Southern California operations, l'hich include ]-{_ati91al Citl-, Rialto and Van Nuys. as u-ell ;rs f ,os Angeles. Mr. Wells' former position has been filled by Seth Potter, who_goes to Los Angeles from Stockton, \r'here he managed the Stockton llox Company distribution yard for ten yeirs. Nacy Gay has been rnoved frcm the Tarter, Websler & Johnson sales oflrce in San Francisco to fiIl the position formerly held by \{r. Potter.

Mr. F'ord also announces another aclclition to the ort{an- ization-Wendell C. Jensen, u.ho u'ill handle the salei of lumber procluced by the Big Ilear Tin-rber Companv at San

Bernardino. N{r. Jensen rvas formerly with the BoisePayette Lumber Company at Emmett. ldaho.

In order to better serve the San Ferr-rando Valley and cities north to Santa Barbara, including the adjacenf area, Tarter, Webster & Johnson has opened nerv yard facilities in Van Nuys recently. The S-acre plant is located at 15150 Errvin Street in the center of the industrial district. A stock of 10 to 12 million feet of tvest coast species of lumber rvill be maintained at all times, according to Bill llright, manager of the operation.

In orcler to offer fast, elficient service, Bright has selected a "hand-picked" stall to handle sales and inquiries. Ed Difar.ri, u,l'ro has been identified in lumber sales in Los Angeles for the past 10 years, has been n:rmed sales manager and rvill cover the territory throughout the valley. Buck Coleman, u.e1l knorvn in lumber circles and popular Hoo-Hoo, 'n'ill assist Difani in sales and service. Dick Johnson has been the order-desk job an<l he n'ill be assisted by l)onna Bright, office secretarlr, in the detail r.ork. Harolh \\rolfe, rreteran operations manager, has been appointed yarcl superir.rtendent.

"By the establishment of this nerr. yard, l-e rvili be able

r.): Bill Brighr, Buck Colemon, Dick Johnson, Left photo: BillBright (left), Ed Difoni; cenrer (1. Harold Wolfe; righr: Bright reolly is, we hear Gus Hoover
- RYqn l-9321 ATfontic 9-4176Representing in Southern California:The PACIFIC LUMBER COMPANY $TENDLING-NATHAN COMPANY Poso Col 7320 A.L.lloovER. (g(D.
2185 Huntinglon Drive, Son l/lorino 9, Coliforniq Bob Hoover Stuqrl Jones Dick Hoover

to ofier thqretail dealer in this area the type of service that will build new business for both of us," said Bill Bright. "This Valley, dnd points north, is growing fast and we feel we can cut delivery time by several hours from this nelv location." he declared.

Glue-lqminqted 2x4 Ups Utilizcltion

The dependable 2x4, the bones of practically every house in America, has gone modern. The Western Pine Association announces that one of its member mills, Potlatch Forests, Inc., of Lewiston, Idaho, is now manufacturing glued laminated 2x4 lumber.

The new-style structural lumber has th.e same measurements as its long familiar older brother, according to Carl A. Rasmussen, director of the association's research laboratories here. Its laminated structure provides equal strength, he said, and assures straightness, dimensional stability and sound nailability. It is manufactured in sta4dard lumber lengths.

Rasmussen said the Potlatch plant had developed the new product to increase utilization of raw materials.

The Western Pine Association certifies its manufacture. Grading rules for four grades will be available from the assoc,iation about October 1.

The product has been on the market for some time, and recently specifications were distributed by the FHA to its field officei for use on FHA-insured projects. The specifications call for periodic rugged testing of sample items from manufacturing mills, including boiling samples in water for 12 hours and then subjecting them to stringent sh.ear tests.

Santa Barbara, Calif.-Maps approved for two new subdivisions, Rancho Alta Vista in Calpinteria Valley, and Holiday Park near Goleta, north of Highway 101 and rvest of Stowe Road.


TIIANKS TO YOU cmd the hundreds ol other dealers lor visiting us ct out new holrre-22S Second Street-Ockland.

YOU hcrve seen our improved lcrcilities to give YOU improved service.

We will cmtinue to mcrirrtcrin the lcrrgest, Iinest tmd most complete stocks West ol the Rockies.

Remember us lor your needs ol domestic cmd im' ported hcndwoods, softwoods, plywood cmd NconeBrcard buitding mcrtericrls.


Since 1906

New Address -,255 SECOND STREET

(3 Blocks Eqst of Jock London Squorel

. Ooklond 7, Colifornio

Phone: TEmplebor 2-5584


wifh odiustoble louvres

There is nothing like Hurricqne wooden shultbrs to enhqnce the beouty of q home.

* Only lhe finest quolity speciolly kiln-dried wood is ured in a Hurricone shuttar.

f lll loints hove firmly glued dowel consfruclion,

f Wetf rqnded for eory poinfing or stoining.

f Use rhem lo dromotize windows, cobinets, book-cases or for other decorotive uges.

f All Genuine Hordwood ured throughoul eoch un it.

f Excellenl free odvertising mot qvqiloble on reque3i.

ii. ,?*,'.r Augnrt 15, 1957
widrh A*icle Length No. Thict F. O. B. F. O. B. Dclivcred ' San Station Packcd Francisco Your City 790 796 799 732 890 896 899 839 990 926 929 939 7 x20 x3/+ 1 x 96 x3/+ 7 x29 x3/t 7 x 39 x3/,t 8 x 20 x3/a I x 96 x3/a, 8 x 99 x3/a, I x39x?/a 9 x 90 x3/t 9 xg6 x3/t 9 x 29 x3/+ 9 x39. x3/+ 30.90 90 90 30 90 90 90 30 90 90 90 ,81 .87 .98 1.06 1.16 1.21 1.38 1.15 .92 .98 1.09 1.17 1.27 1,35 1.49 1.58 1.O4 1.10 1.t0 1,99 1.39 1,18 1,6',t 1,70 $5 n6sl0il sIREtr sffl FRillclsc0 5, cttlf0ntllA eAnflE[0 l-0055 IMPORT COMPANY r,'li i# :


As reported in The California Lumber Merchant August 15, 1932

Earle E. Johnson of the Indelrenclent Lumber Co., I-ivermore, \vas electecl presiclent of l,-ast Bay Hoo-Hoo Club 39. 'Iaylor Sublett u'as elected vice-presiclent and Carl R. Moore, secretary. (lorclon Pierce, NIiland It. Grant zind G. F. Bonnington tr.ere named directors at the Ar-rgust lJ meeting, or-er u'hich Presiclent Larue \Voodson presideci and H. Seu.all Nlorton actetl as Nominating chairman.

Langforcl \\r. Smith, former salesmanager of the Red River l-unrber Co., Westrvoocl, openecl his ou-n l'holesale

business in Berkelcy C. F. lteeder of the Peooles LumWhen

ber Co. yar<l at Fillmore, Calif., took in the Olyrnpic Ganes at l-os -\ngeles. ,\nother visitrtr to the Games .n'as Dan lt. Wagner cif the \\'agner l-umber & N{ill Co., Santa Barbara, and H. G. I-arrick brought his u'hole family up from Solana Ileach for an zifternorin art the Olympic spectacle.

J. D. Rea l'as nanrecl manager of the Ilayu'ard Lun.rber & Investment Companv's yard at Vista, Calif., after several vears managing the San Gabriel Valley Lumber Company's Ilaldrvin I':rrk yard... Ed Ctrlnan of'the Chas. R. N cCorn.rick Lrrrnber Co. offices in I os Angeles u'as a judge in the ecluestriar.r events at the Olympic Games.

I-ioyd NI. Hebbron, u'ho had been managing the Santa Cruz yarcl of the llomer T. Hal'n-ard Lumber Co. for seven 1.ears, prrrchased the yarcl ,,,,red it the Hebbror-r Lumber Co. Frank Tuttle, president and general manager oi the Sterling Lrin-rber Co., Oakland, lvas rracationing' at his sumrner home on the Ilrrssian I{iver.

Sher.lin, Carlienter & Clarke Co. announcecl ser-eral personnel changes in itself, the Sher.lin Comparry and the I,[cC]loucl Rir-er l-umber Co., follou'ing the of E. l.. Carper.rter tci be relier-ecl of part of his duties. I,aul V. Eames succeeded him as presirlent -\rthur S. NfcKinney, recentll' s.ith N{or.rterey 13:iy Redn'o<.rcl Co.. has opened thc \\'i11ou' Gler.r Lumber Co. in San Jose I-. NI. Hamrnan of Ilan.rman-lIcFarlancl I-umber Co., lr'hoenix, took in tl-re Ol1'nrpic G:rnres in Los .A,ngeles.

The 16th ger-reral meetir-rg of thc Coast Counties Lrrmltern.rctr's Clulr irr San I-uis Oltisp,r, 1\ugust (r, attracted 63 nrembcrs and guests. inclrr<ling H. A. I-ake and I). C. Essley of the California Retail Lrrmbermcn's Assn. 'fhe dealer guests irrclucled (ieorge C. Ilrrrnett, Chas. G. Bird. tr. Dean lrrescott. \\rarren Tillsorr, A1 Hubbard, I,-lmore King. Steve Iioss. I{a1' Clotfelter and I-arvrerrce N,[arsh, and Secretaries Forrest 1'cil, Tom Gardner and Flcl l-arson. Talks u,ere gir.en by (ieorge Lev, 1)ee llssle1., H. A. 1,ake, L. F. LeHane, J. H. Kirk, Sterling Truitt. \\'. A. Bales, \\'ilev Masengill, \\rarren Tillson arrrl Itlmore King.

I-unrlrcrmen u'ho attencle<l the Shrine conventior.r in San Francisco last uronth ir-rclu<1ecl John Morley, Homesteacl Lumbcr Co.. Sacramento; Herman Hern'ig, Wzrtsonville I-urnber Co.; It. I'. Fuller. Ilome Lumber Co., Nlanteca, ancl Fred llenton. l)iamond N{:rtch Co.. Slrcramento.

George Bentlev plarrne<l to continue u,ith the business :rfter selling the Bentler- I-umber Co., Glendzrle, to James F. O'K:rne of l'asadena The Bohnhoff f-rrmber Co.. re-

0rdering PtYW00D, remember . . Y(lU DtlN'T I|AVE TO BUY A CARLOAD!
Serye You
ond Ash, too. .1nI PacinTl.#*t a !19 Assresates, Inc. WITH BUITDING PRINCIPAL CENTRAT AND AAATERIAT YARDS I,N NORTHERN CATIFORNIA CITIES MARQUART.W0LfE LUMBER C0MPAI|Y DIRECT SHIPMENTSHfGDLMAIftf SPRUGE o D0UGLAS tIR r RDDWO0D and PII|E Roil or Truck-ond-Troiler Horqce Wolfe Sterling Wolfe l68O North Vine Slreel, Los Angeles 28, Colifornio HOlfywood 4-7558 TWX LA II62
We Are Hoppy fo
See us for
Lauon, Birch


Guaranleed lo be the lasi word in aromalic red cedar closef lining, manu{aclured in the finesl cedar closet planl in America, we are maintaininq our repulation o{ years pasl 'for furnishing lhe besi only. LocatJd in lhe'heart o{ +he iedar counlry, only lhe highesf quality lo9: are selecfed from which lo make our lining. Available in fwo sizes, 2t/2" and 3t/r" wide and 3/e" thicl, packaged 50 board feef, wrapped in heavy lrafl paper.

Wc are also manufaclurers of so{l-lertured, precision-milled, quality-made Ghiclamauga Appalachian oak flooring. Every board fhal goes inlo our flooring must meel eracfing re' quiremenls and every board is seasoned for a minimum of lhree monfhs. Lorgc stocks, prontpf shipmcnfs.


cently organized by C. W. and C. Simmons, opened a hardwood yard

C. Bohnhoff and S. N. at l43A S. Alameda in named manager of the Los Angeles Ralph Fell was Hayward Lumber & Investment Banos. Company's yard at Los

Russell Gheen of the C. D. Tohnson Lumber Co. was elected Commander of the Legion Lumberrnen's Post 403 at the August 2 election in the Mayfair hotel. Other new officers include J. O. Williams, W. E. Cooper Lumber Co.; Robert W. Arnett, E. K. Wood Lumber Co.; E. H. Briggs, Union Lumber Co.; Leon W. Sowntag, Patten-Blinn Lumber Co.; Dave Stutzman, E. J. Stanton & Son, and W. M. McNeil, Lounsberry & Harris.

E. G. Reel opened a hardwood yard at 1306 W. 58th St. Los Anoeles - Howard N. Mosher of the Lewers & in Los Angeles Howard N. Cooke lumber firm in Honolulu. T.H.. was on the mainland for the Shrine'convention in San Francisco and to visit U.S. lumber concerns.

Overnight Service by Corcrlite

Vic O'Donnell, sales manager of The Coralite Company, announces that builders witli. "hurry-up" jobs on the fire can get overnight service on Coralite and its companion itemJ to all customers in their free-delivery zone. "Phone your order today; it will go out to you today, or tomorrow at the latest," says Vic.

This new overnight service policy applies to Coralite's ,rn manufactured oroducts. Coralite. Coralether and De- own products, Coralite, cora, and also the allied products for for which Coralite Com-

pany is Southern California distributor, including Laminart laminated plastic, Colotrym metal moldings, Fir-TeT iI]sulation board and a complete line of hardboards and adhesives. The Coralite Company is located at 812 East 59th St. in Los Angeles, telephone ADams 2-8101.

(Tell them

you saw it in The California Lumber Merchant)



Bob lflqcfie, Jim Rossmon

1618 El Comino Resl

DAvenport +2525

ENT. l-0036 fro-m Bay Areo & Ssn Jose

:!,i: rl rl.: ,'*' ;Augu:l 15, 1957
ond Dlstributors of West Coosl Forest Products
525 Boord of frode Bldg. PORTTAND 4, ONEGON Phone CApirol 8-4142
451 Soulh G Streel Arcslor Cqlifornia
Co. -Colifornio Representqtives - - 714W. Olympic Blvd. Rlchmond 9-6524
Rlchmond 9-6525

,i:. and excellent "inching" qualities for

precise control. It is re-portid to be extremely economical in operation.

1.:, Simplified driving controls make the l',;: ''Tugster",unusually easy to operate. i1" The throttle ring is mounied witfiin the 'l 1 steering wheel and the hand-operated,

brake-introl bar'is forward of the op-

erator and below the steering wheel. . Steering ratios of either 1 to 1 or 3 to 1

, ?te offered. A centrifugal clutch plus ',: 'fullv automatic transmission with an ir.,l, infiirite series of ratios provides smooth

power flow under all conditions. Travel

_ maneuverability is accomplished by F; 3600 steering, riraking it possible to op- I erate in a 48" X)o intersecting aisle.

Electric starting system, engine- hour meter and comfortable, padded operator support are included as standard equipment along with many other ,'new design features. Additiona-l informdtion and specifications are available

from Hyster industrial truck dealers or by writing Hyster Company, N2 N. E. Clackamas Street, Portland 8. Ore.

Free Stqrrlng Guide

Tilden Rotarv Konkrete Kore Drills with the TilderMasonry Drill Starting Guide provides a means of precision locating and starting of hole with ease. The Drill Guide has guide-holes for drills r/a" diameter through lr/a' diameter, and is simple to use. The Tilden Starting Guide is supplied free to users of Tilden Rotary Konkrete Kore Drills by the Tildeir distributor in your area, or write direct to Tilden Tool Manufacturing' Company, ry Los Molinos, San Clemente, California, advising size and make of drill being used, and from whom purchased.

Aid for Truckers

The field man who needs a particular colored pencil or scale.on the job now has an answer with the new Stratex Aluminum Sheet Holder, fiibricated of i non-magnetic, satin-finish alloy with snap-spring covers to eliminate pressure tapes, clips and thumb tacks; Each holder has a heavy. mildew-resistant cowhide pencil and scale pouch flusirriveted to the lid, molded and compartmented to accept two standard pocket scales and four pencils of vary- ing hardness or color. Excellent when 4ote-taking or map reading in confined spaces such as truck cabs and the like. Small triangles, protractors, and like tools are securely gripped by the spring cover if desired. Stratex instrument Company, Ing., 3515 Sunset Boulevard, Los Angeles 26, Calif.

Aluminum.Bonded Floshing From Ludlow Pcpers

Spoce-Sover Counter Disploy

A new all-m€tal counter "Glue-Bar" is offered to boost dealer's impulse sales. The black metal display is l5r/2r' wide, hangs from a pegboard, too. ft concentrates an assortment of Wilhold Glues in a small space for dramatic counter effect. The aisortment 7/8 oz. Tubes, 2-, 2-, and, 7-oz. GluBirds, Contax Cement, and, I0O% Waterproof Glue, with convenient storage space for additional items. Write Acorn Adhesives Co.. Inc.. 678 Clover St., Los Angeles 31.

New Formicq Pnllerns

Six new Picwoods, rich wood grains reproduced in laminated plastic, have been added to the extensive line of Formca colors and patterns. Designed by Raymond Loewy, Associates, the new.Picwoods are Cherry, Teak, Fruitwood, Birch, Burnt Sugar Maple and Golden Maple. They are produced by an exclusive new Formica process which results in startling grain depth and realism.

Aluminum-Champ is a new aluminum-bounded flashing and general wSterproofing material developed by Ludlow Papers, Inc. Low iri cost, but long on performance it's recommenderl for use as door and window drip cap flashing, sill flashing, corner flashing, sidewall flashing, and concealed valley flashing. The flexible, laminated material is made of top-quality aluminuin bonded to heavy-duty creped paper and reinforced with glass fiber yarns. Spe- cially resist corrosion and pitting indefinitely, the product is said

to provide sure, lasting protection against watbr penetration. AluminumChamp is sold through building sup- ply distributors and dealers for cconomy flashing installation in resiclential and commercial construction. Available in Z- and 4-mil weights, 120 rolls in widths f.rom 4' to 48". For more information, contact Ludlow Papers, ,fnc., Needham Heights,' Mass.

. :.
.':-.i,., - 1,"* ..,r,,i ..rli,lll -.,ii?,.:{ - ,.'. :.,: r :r '::' ::: ': ".; i t .:\ ji-* I ': 'qi. i:'1 i&l' *' Dfew'rTugsfertt Announced .' 8y Hyster Compony

New Novoply Grodes Up ro Two Inches Thick

To satisfy the dernands of many industries, Novoply, the sandwich-type laminate of resin-treated wood particles, is now being produced in thicker grades. The three-ply board, with core of gra{ed medium sized chips and facings of wood flakes fused under heat and pressure, is a patented product of United States Plywood Corporatiorr. This panel may now also be had in thicknesses of from 3/8 to two inches. Thi'cker Novoply is especially recommended to manufacturers of furniture and wood partitions. Novoply panels can be obtained in cut-to-size panels from 6 feet x 12 feet and 4 feet x 16 feet presses. In addition to uses in the furniture and partitions industry, Novoply may be used for constructing sliding and cabinet doors, window jalousies and as core stock for both wood veneer and plastic laminates. As core material, Novoply requires no cross banding and needs less glue in laminating.

Soni-Top Offers



Rapidly stepped-up use of Monoform package unit sink and cabinet tcips since they were introduced about a year ago has resulted in Sani-Top of Los Angeles now offering all essential components optionally with its recently improved product. The new Monoform provides for a f" scribe at the top rear of the coved backsplash. Several basically practical standard lengths have been added to the line so that units currently are available from a choice of. 47fn', 59%',71y2n,96" and 120' length.

Among the accessories which can be obtained from this source are sinks, sink frames, faucets, moldings, and trims. Precision preparations also are obtainable as needed. A special sealer and a contact adhesive were developed to assure superior installation. Other items that may be required are readily available. The new program is due to the increased production and consequent economies brought about by the enthusiastic demand from dealers throughout the West for practical kitchen and bathroom units.

New "lnslqnl" Fyr-Fyter

A new 2rfi-gallon- preisurized. ,,Instant" extinguisher is being produced by Fyr-Fyter Company, Dayton, Ohio. Advantages claimed for the new unit are simple press-lever control which conserves extinguishing agent, quick visual inspection of pressure gauge, stainless steel finish for reduced inaintenance, and easy installation in all standard extinguisher cabinets. The e4tinguisher is effective against both. Class A and.Class B fires with a U.L. Rating of 2-A,L-B. "Karbaloy,l' a Fyr-

Fyter product, fireproofs as it extinguishes, preventing flashback in wood and rubber fires. Extinguishers have proven popular on truck-tractors of the major motor carriers, in warehouses, lumber yards, etc.

New Celotex gound-Quleling Tile

Sound-quieting tile has been introduced by The Celotex Corporation. Featuring a rich brown fleck, the Fiesta tile is designed to go with a wide variety of room color schemes, part of the newly expanded Celotex lirre called Quiet-Zone ceiling tile to describe its role in home construction and remodeling. The Quiet-Zone line is marketed nationally through lumber dealers.

A wide variety of merchandising ,aids, including consumer booklets, &d mats, displays, streamers and samples: are available to lumber dealers. In addition, the products will be nationally advertised. An attractive new carton, containing 50 square feet of tile, is especially designed for store display. ...' This lighter, smaller package is easier ':n to handle and more convenient for cus-


Color for Peg-Boord

Plastic caps that will give a touch, of color to exposed ends of "PegBoard" fixtures now are available from B. B. Butler Mfg. Co., division of Masonite Corporation. Packages of 10O may be obtained in black, red, turquoise and white, for either t/s" ort/4" fixtures. Bulk quotations on request. The division also announces the addition of six new fixtures: shoe holder, single tool holder, multiple (six-place) tool holder, r/g" and r/a" shelf brackets with lip to hold shelf securely, and three sizes of spring clip tool holders.

. .. New Literalure r o o,..

Successful Farming magazine's new ,. FARM KITCHEN IDEAS booklet, 32-page,4-color sales tool for dealers in the farm trade, has been recently pub- ,: lished.


is a- new 6-page illustrated folder de: .,, scribing the mineral wool insulation, i available from Johns-Manville Corp., 22E.401',h St., New York City 16.

The new tile takes advantage of two trends important to increased lumber dealer sales, the company pointed out. F'irst, it provides comiortable noise deadening-a QuietZgne ceiling absorbs up to 20 times more sound than ordinary ceilings, and, second, decorator color is added.

The Fiesta pattern is expected to find wide use in new building and remodeling of such areas as recreation rooms, kitchens and family and living rooms.

The white, linen-textured Linear Random tile also has been modified to increase sound-absorbing capacity and consists of increasing the number of perforations and narrowing the unperforated margins on each tile. Thus, in an installation, visual emphasis on tile joints is reduced in favor of an ey,:pleasing, uniform, over-all ceiling effect. The greater number of perforations also increases the noise-reducing capacity of the tile. Celotex also announced that the Standard Perforated tile has been re-ddsigned with a greater number of perforations and narrowed unperforated margins on each tile for greater sound absorption and improved over-al.l appearance of an installation.

New 4-page brochure telling how to increase the living area and dollar value . ',; of a small home by use of hardwood plywoods is available at 15 cents the copy from Hardwood Plywood Insti. tute,600 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago 5, Iil.

New specification sheets 2vailaH6',;.;:;; from Hyster Company, 2mZ N. 8., Clackamas St., Portland 8, Ore., de-:. scribe Underwriters' Laboratories approved LP-Gas fuel systems offered for

booklet, "For Modern Exteriors Choose -l Modern Materials," available free from , :J the Masonite Corp. Home Service Bureau, 111 W. Washington St., Chicago 2, Tll.

"Embezzlement Controls for Busi: ness Enterprises," 32-page free booklet, is available to employers from Fidelity and Deposit Co., 2139 Fidelity Bldg., Baltimore 3, Maryland, with request on company letterhead.

!;8Al{ !; :iif. '':.'4i"il Iirrrd:lA lD5f,
ii;; /,' j,j {.s

Quality Redwood


New Job for lqndenberger

Fred l-andenberger, rvho has been in the liureka oftice of the California lledrvood Association for the last fir'e years, has been appointed to succeed Selu-yn J. Sharp lLs secretlrry of the Tree Farm cc.rmmittee of CR,\, accor<ling to Cl. Ilussell Johrrson, chairnran. Lanclenberger rr-ill c,,n-

1e Neede4

tirruc as assistaut secret:rrv to the Redu'ood llegion I-ogging Conference.

Deqlers ot Exposition to See Mqferiqls Hqndling Experts

The N{zrterials Handling Clinic committee met recently in Philadelphia to discuss plans for the nraterials-h:rrrciling clinics and demonstrations to be lrresentecl at the I',uilding I'rodttcts Exlositic,n there irr Noienrlrer lrv thc Nlrli,,nal l{e- tail Lumber-Dealers Association. It is itrrticioatccl that a portior-r of the materi:rls-hanrlling demonstrations u'ill be held out-of-doors on a parti:rllr- surfaccd area adjacent to the Philadelphia Tracle and Convention Center rvhich l ill house the lixp<tsition itseli. Facilities of the rnodel ir'arehouse l'ill lte rrsed for denror.rstrations in case ltad s'eather prohibits the outdoor 1)r()grarn. Ilulkheadecl flatcars ancl double door boxcars rvill be brought onto a siding at the relr oi the;rrc:r. n'hcrc thev nill lie rrtilized irr ruechanical unloading clemonstrati,,ns lirr.l u'ill he open for inspectior.r during the errtire ftmr-day period, Novemlter '1-7.

Sell REDWOOD TANKS for Economicol Storcae

Automotic Woter Systems do foil, cnd then woter is ot o premium. Redwood Storoge Tonkt qre the most economicql. Initial cost is lower, ond they hove o longer life. Redwood hos high insulction volue; keeps water cool. Redwood is :esi:iant to fungi ond inrcct ottock. Furthermorc, we con give immediotc delivery.

Complele Your line with REDWOOD TANKS

l'resent plans inclucle opltortunities for clealers to l'itness the ttrrloading of a shipload of lumber n'hich is scheduled for arrival cluring the periocl of the Exposition. Dealers rvill also get a chance to see one of the largest of lumlrer in the east and observe the ooeratiorr oi mechanical-harrclling under actual vard corrditions. Inclrrded in the field trip program rvi1l be visits to the ncarby Weyerhaeuser Lumber Yard and tci one of the largest millrvork n'arehouses east of the Mississippi, u'hich has been largely converted to mechanical-hanclling olteration. Other lumber vards and s-arehouses in the area rvill be included in the field trip program.

Drews, Former Oregon lumber Deoler, Heqds Georgio Deqler Associqtion

Herbert G. Dreu,s has been elected executive secretarv of the Building N{aterial N{erchants of Georgia. He has had about ten years' experience as part-o\\'ner of a retail building material business ir.r Oregon and experience as salesman for dilTerent rvholesalc ancl r.nanufacturing firms of lumber and millu'orl< items. He came to Atlanta as a salesman for u'est ctxist lun'rber rrrclducts. said the National Itetail Lrrmlrer l)clLlers Ass,,ciliti,rn.

715l Telegraph Rood, Los Angeles 22, Coliforniq
RAymond 3-t681
nn UUr PArkview 8-4447
RAymond 3-3454
o(o9e5t eorge indefer omPC,ny T IMITED ..OUR 72ND YEAR'' 22lI Jerrold Ave. SAN FRANCISCO 24, -^ht EE:-lt "^,"";:;; CATIFORNIA ALIFORI{IA SUGAR & WESTERN PINE AcENCY,fne. SUGAR PINE _ PONDEROSA PINEWHITE FIRDOUGLAS FIR _ CEDAR Door JombsKiln-dried Pine & Fir Mouldings, Lineol or Cut-to-length, cleor or iointed P.O. BOX t53 1448 Chopin Avenue BURTINGAME, CATIFORNIA PHONE Dlcmond 24178 TWX SAN MATEO, CAIIF. 74

Elevqtes Gercy Hoppe Appointment of Gerald F.

Hoppe as manager of the nervlY established advertising and Promotion department of the Minnesota and Ontario Paper ComPanY is announced by Paul A. Mahony, vice-president in charge of sales. Hoppe announced the promotion of Ralph H. Rodlun as assistant manager. William G. Reker has resigned his position as Mando's advertising manager to join a Minneapolis advertising agency. Before his promotion, Mr: HoPPe rvas sales promotion manager for Mando's Insulite sales division and Mr. Rodlun was assistant advertising manager.

Mr. Mahony said merger of the promotion and advertising departments tepreseited a streamlining of their organizitioial structure. Because of their close relationship, both programs are expected to become more effective. '

Mt. Hoppe -o,tet to his new position with over 28 years' experienci^in advertising and iales promotion--H^e- joined Mindo in 1939 as its advertising manager. In 1949 he was transferred to the Insulite division as sales promotion manager. He is rvell knou'n nationally in building circles, havin"g appeared as feature speaker on-many conve.ntion.programl during the past 15 years. He is a member of the Trvin Citv Hoo-Hoo.

Weyerhqeuser Elects Arcrm

Tacoma, Wash.-John L. Aram, Tacoma, has been elected a vice-president of Weyerhaeuser Timber Compaay, qnnounced F. t<. ltreyerhaeuser, president. Aram will assist the timber company's presidenf, will carry out special assignments given trim by the executive vice-pres.ideni, an{ u'ill supervise the development and_commerclallzatlon oI tre'r" ptbdu.ts, Weyerhaeuser said. He will also- represent the iompanv in ifs relations with lumber and plywood manufacturers' associations. Until his promotion. Aram served as assistant to the president. He joined Weyerhaeus"t Ju""ity 1, coming from^Boise, Idaho,-where he was president of Boise Payette Lumber Company.

PCWHDA Heors Brighr Hqrdwood Outlook

(Continued from Page 18) good (and better to come) as they ever. were in the-.past' k" a"i,tut"a that hardwood mill o*ners have accomplished k" a"itut"a hardwooi oti'ners this status without federal aids and said hardwood forests "croD" than softwoods. can be more easily handled as a "crop" sottwoocts' Secretary Roy Stanton, Jr', in- his report, described pres- Roy "hffi;:ft1'' "A;t;;;;;;'i3ij ;l ;';Ai ;";"r'"".i"g

""a dock handling of Japanese woods as the result of a-year's efforts o'net ihete-ly ttre PCWHDA and others. He said that the Japanese ar6 finally building sheds to protect American lumber shipments in'Japanese docks.

The entertainment side of the meeting included a hayride, square dancing, the golf, dancing, the dinners, etc. The "Itegatta" was-held in the swimming pool this year, due to aSsettce of nearby deep-water facilities, and Judge Tim Sullivan "disqualified" three teams, for which he earned i "dunking." Th-e Hayride was the meeting's big soc-ial event, espetially with the children of the members, and also included the square dance and a barbecue.

As for the golf, the Bobby Byrne Memorial Trophy was presented this year by Ed Bauer to Milt-Taenzer. In keepine with the hiitory of the tournament, the scores were not reVealed, reported Jim Cooper, who kindly furnished the foregoing information in cooperation with Secretary Stanton. - Th; 1958 meeting of the hardwood distributors will again be held in California, with Del Monte to be the site at an early summer date.

Augurt 15, 1957
that Sells representatives for


Paul Fritchey, president and manager of the palm Avenue I umber Co., Alhambra, Calif., postcalrds The MERCHANT from Chateau Lake Louise, Alberta, where the popular dealer was vacationing last month.with his wife Vira and lis .brother..The p_arty fished on Maligne Lake in Jasper Park and enjoyed the beauty of the Canadian Rockies, le-avi1g s9n Russell Fritchey to mind the retail yard at home and d-o his_ own baby-sitting evenings. Mrs. Frilchey adds a P.S. that she misses the "walking friends" of the recent SCRLAHawaiian trip.

Mr. and Mrs. Leslie M. Cassidy of New York, where h.e is board chairrnan of Johns-Manville Corp., checked into the Beverly Hills hotel earlier this month on a vacation trip. _ Bud Gray, erroneogsly reported as entering the retail lumber business near Sonoma, remains with Hogan Wholesale Building Materials Co. of Oakland as that Erm's Redwood Empire representative. Bud will continue to service his territory from Santa Rosa, where he resides.

Frode B. Kilstofte, president of the Rossman Mill & Lumber Co., Wilmington, has been elected president of the L. A. Recreation and Park Commission, which has.a rotation olan of each member holding the presidency a year at a time.

Dee and Jerry Essley of Los Angeles completed a 1500mile trip by car through the northern California redwood country last month. It is understood they were chasing a few Garberville Indians while on their timber survey tripl

Gordon Hughes and his wife are shown boarding the Clipper at N. Y. Intl. Airport for the free, 2-week vacation trip

"Admiral" and Mrs. Fforace E. Wolfe have returned from an extended trip through the Hawaiian Islands, where the Los Angeles wholesale lumberman became an Honorarv Submariner while visiting Pearl Harbor when invited to take an all-day cruise abolrd the U.S.S. Cusk, the S.S. 348, with a group of military and civilian personnel on the modernized. San Diego-based vessel. The Wolfes, who are :lo*l ab-o1,_e departing from L .A. Infl. Airport, toured the islan_ds of Hawaii, Maui and Kauai in addiiion to the stay in Honolulu on Oahu. The head of the Marquart-Wolfe Lumber Co. said he enjoyed Kona fnn and the kona coast on Hawaii but the highfight of the business-pleasure trip was the submarine and the two dives it made, his "thrilG of a lifetime."

_ M?* A. Koffmarq senior vice-president and treasurer of Southwestern Portland CemenC Co., Los Angeles, was among business leaders elected to the board of thle Los Angeles Y.M.C.A. last month.

Hugh _Rosaaen of California Sugar & Western Pine Agency, Burlingame, returned July b from a Gweek business trip through the east and midwest.

Lumber Sales Company's Wendell Paquette took to the woods_ (and we don't mean brassies) for 10 days during July to call on southern Oregon and northern California mill connections

Wayne Wilson, executive of D. C. Essley & Son, Los Angeles, his wife and children have returned from a trip through the western national parks on vacation.

Salutes to Arcata Redwood sales representative paul Ward and wife Anne on the birth of Ronald Clayton, July 17, in Berkeley, making it two of a kind.

Ed Heiberger, Redwood Sales Co., San Francisco, spent the August 5, week visiting accounts in Denver and Salt Lake City.

(for.two)_that the salesman in U.S. Plywood Corporation's Oakland branch won in competition with 295 other USp salesmen. Mr. Hughes, who lives at 4Ol7 Oakmore Road in the northern Callfornia city, sold the top volume of "Samara," the decorative parieling wood from^French Equa- torial _Africa, among the -USP representatives. Now home from his prize vacation, Hughes reported to Irl Matheny, sales promotion manager, USP Western division, that they were tremendously thrilled with the people of France.

Howard Gates, well known Los Angeles redwood wholesale lumberman, and his wife and famil-v left for a six-month tour of E_urope Aggust 9. They will fick up a car in Germany and cover the continent by auto.

Lyle S. Vincent, part owner of the Interbay Lumber Co.. has been serving as a member of the Alameda-Countv srand jury and was mainly instrumental in freeing the priioiler in the recent trial of the San Jose proofreader "who cracked the lumber company's safe when -the youth confessed so he could marry his dream girl with a clean conscience.

Imperial Lumber Co., in Los Angeles, and party flew Pan-American both ways.

Weyerhaeuser's Al Moore, western division salesmanager from Tacoma, spent a July week at the new sales company offices in Daly City.

Don Adolfo Camarillo, lately retired as head of the Peoples Lumber Co., Ventura, was pictured and written up

_ R"I Wiig .(left, above), Eil Price, Farleig&r Alberts and Don Motta (1. to r.) took 12 sailfish weig:hing f.rom I25 to 180 pounds, and three dolphin averaging-40 pounds on a recent 2-week stay south of the bordei. where thev were housed at the new Balboa Club in Mazatlan. Rav. who is with

Hollywood Jr. Twins Are All-Purpose Doors

Say goodbye forever to old lashioned screen, sash and storm doors.. for here are two all purpose doors...COMB|NATION SCREEN AND METAL SASH DOORS that tit all types ol wall construction and harmontze with any interior styling.

Nole these 4-ln-l ADI|ANTAGES


a TheHollywood Jn Twlnr pGrmlt morE light in kitchrn .nd 3arylc. porchE.

o G|YG adqqu.te c.3y vantll.tlon.

a In3ect tight, rult proof 3crun3.

a Sa3h Gla$ m.y bccl.anad with a3e.


a l{o mm detdrln! arcund r 3uparfiu' ou3 cxtra door wlth an rrmtul of bundls.

o No mm sggln& frlmay tsen doots

Y|trlch InYltcintrudGF.

o Act3 $ rn ldditlon.l Prctcctlon for houwlt . She mly @nvGm wlth ot' dd.r thrcu8h 3!rh op.nlnS without unlclln! thc dmn

lll Economy


o Save buying ! sr3h, Scra€n tnd Stom Dd. Holllnrcod JF. !rc lll 3 comblned into I do..

o savcs on ha.dware, hlnglnt rnd D!inting.

a StG m expensiva rrplacemanb.

a S!v.r 3Dace. ,. Thc HollYwood Ji Twlns mry b€ hung to swlng In or out LrlG lvai|lbl€ fl@r ssca rhlch ls u3u.lly lGt In ltitch.n or cnt4r w.y.

[,,]f Pcnel or Flush

-. a Hollywood Jr. TwiG giE yil Your cholc! ol a panGl or fluth dffi t! hamdlz! witft any sSG .rchltactura tr Int rld dadtn.

a Flu.h dm in Phlllpplnr Lurun, Odcnt l A3h (!tcn) tr llrch.

a BurStrr-prot. A 5impl. touch of fin. gGn loct! H3h.

Writc lor ha illuslrated lilqrolvro

a P.n.l dor av.ilrbl. in pinc only. wailnERneflnil



It27 Essr 63rd Strccl, lor Angclcs, Colifornic ' ADamr l-llO8

* All W.rt Cert Prodircls orcdishibvlodbyrcpufoblcdcolcrrootionwidc *

on the front page of the society section of the July 28 Los Angeles Times on the occasion of Santa Barbara's annual Fiesta. There were photos of the good don's children, Crqqdchildren, other relatives and also one of his famous white horses. Don Adolfo will be 93 this October, and this last of the Spanish dons sent down his seven white horses for the show.

C. S. "Sid" Hamilton, who formerly operated a hardwood flooring yard in Seattle, has joined the sales stafi of E. L. Bruce Co. at Santa Clara as a hardwood and flooring specialist.

Chuck Lember, secretary-treasurer of Los Angeles HooHoo Club 2, his wife and children spent their August vacation at Brook Trails guest ranch in northern California. Fishing was swell, he reported.

Chet King, the Robert Dollar Co. "King-pin," vacationed Portland for a late July week.

Augurt 15, 1957 Hollf@d Ja thdlna m.tal a.lh.
wtilrER vEilntAfl0il fi( saililER t.ct.ct. .t.ln.t DU3T..r iAlll .... COLD Xdr. out fltE3,.. ||OSQU|TOES... lNlECt rESTs
RIGGI & IIRUSE TUTBER GO. WHOTESALE - JOBBING Speciolizing in fftll llnlEll tuilBER Ponderosq ond Sugor Pine Cleqr Fir ond Redwood HAWES ST. & AR'$STRONG AVE. SAN FRANCISCO 24 Mlssion 7'2576 -tu - {b vt Itir{'L st%
I. S. Brown CHapman

Fern Trucking Forms'Mines Bondini' to Hondle Lumber Storoge

F. J. Negri, president of Mines Bandini, fnc., and Fern Trucking Co., Los Angeles, announces the opening of the former, a new lumber-handling facility at l2O0 Mines Ave., Montebello, California. This well-located plant is situated directly in the heart of the greater Eastside industrial dist11ct.

Th-e new plant is an addition to the present operations of the firms and adds another location Tor lumber handling and storage to better serve the industry. The Fern lumberhandlers company is the pioneer firm of its kind in California. Other well-located yards are maintained at 455O Mavwood Avenue and 4200 Bandini Boulevard in Los AngeleJ.

Fern Trucking Company, a common-carrier concern for Los -Angeles and Orange counties, is fully equipped to handle any size material and offers a completi lumber-hauling. s-ervice to the woodworking industry, including yards and furniture manufacturers.

Mines Bandini, Inc. offers complete car-unloading, storage, handling and milling facilities to the trade. T[e new yard addition _will increase the present warehouse storage to more than 3 million feet under cover, as the warehouie just completed (10Ox2,10/) will house better than 1,.500,000 feet of dry stock.

Redwood Dougfos Fir, White Fir. END fiTATCHING ro SPEC|F|CAT|ONS

l" Sheothing, 2,, T. & G. Flooring, Roof Decking, to lengths.


Northwestern Pocific & S. p. Tronsit


Sonomq, Cqliforniq

Webster 8-3937 P. O. Box - 387

"We are showing a steady growth with Southern California and intend to continue to offer paramount service at all times," said Mr. Negri. "Don Ford-, our general manager, will be in charge of all operations, administration arid policy for both concerns," he continued.

Don Ford has been identified in the lumber industrv for over 20 years and has been associated with F. J. Negri Entgrprises for the _past 17 years. He is in charge of al-l Fern Tru.cking and Mines Bandini ventures, incfuding mobile equipment, warehouses and more than 40 employEs of the nrms.

"The F. _J. Negri lumber-handling concerns do not in any.way offer lumber for sale to anybody. We are strictly gervice org-anizations. set gp to seivice- small and large lumber and woodworking_firms with storage, milling afrd handling problems," Mr. Negri pointed out to the.-CLM representative. "Although we hold a common-carrier certificate-for..Los Angeles and Orange counties, r,r,e do con- tract hauling throughout the west,t Don Ford aclded.

Federol Aid Proiects . . r

CFA Commissioner Hazeltine approved advances totaling $161,341 to the University of Arizona, Tucson and Flag- staff campuses, to finance planning for new educational facilities costing $4,688,900 and to stait construction this year.

S.acramento, Calif.-URA Commissioner Steiner aDoroved a 933,198 fe-deral grant to the California State D.pi.'"i f.i_ nance to aid general planning work for growth and develoo_ ment of Atwater, Benicia, Fairfax, I\It.-Shasta, pleasanton, Sausalito and.Tracy, Calif. Refer: T. H. Mugiord, n.p"tf I)irector of Finance, Sacramento, Calif.

, -9{qd", Calif.-CFA Commissioner Hazeltine approved a $38,120 advance to the Orinda Union School tji.tri.t oi Contra Costa County to prepare plans for a new elementary school here to cost an estimated $785,820 and start construc-_ lol !y Ya_y-1958. Refer: Joseph L. Sheaff, District Supt., Orinda, Calif.

Helena, Mont.-The state received a $7,350 federal grant

DOuglas 2-6027

DON FORD, genercl monoger of Fern Trucking Co. ond rhc new Mines Bondini operotions, hondlec odministrction cnd policy for both concerns F, J. NEGRI (righr) is prerident of Mines Bondini, Inc, cnd Fern Trucking Go., Los Angel* concernl formed to aid Southorn Coliforniq lumbermen with their lumber storoge ond hondling problems cUSTOtt^ tYllttlNG . FINISH IOAD|NG IN.TRANSIT


from the Urban Renewal Administration, Washington, D.C., to aid in general planning of growth and.development of.the city of B-ozeman. ReferI P. F. Roys, director, State Planning Board, Helena, Montana.

Santa Cruz, Calif.-Approximately 80 acres of the "San Lorenzo Park" project here will be redeveloped f-or^cornmercial, residential ind recreational re-use with a $2,685,307 federal loan and $1,123,107 capital grant approved by URA Commissioner Steiner. Refer: E. Earl Newkirk, executive director, Redevelopment Agency, Santa Ctuz, Calif.

Carson City, Nev.-This capital city became the first in the state to r-eceive federal aid to carry out urban planning when URA Commissioner Steiner approved a $2,000 grant to the Nevada State Planning Board. Refer: M. George Bissell, manager, NSPB, Carson City.

College, Alaska-The University of Alaska received Com-

munity Facilities Administration approval of an $82,000 advance to prepare plans for a multi-purpose building estimated at $2,696,Om to start construction by the spring of 1958. Refer: Dr. Ernest N. Patty, president.

Billings, Montana-$18,000 advance approved to Yellowstone county bv CFA for water supply and distribution system to cost-$l535,500 and start construction by June 1959.

Boulder, Colo.-CFA approveC a $3,200,000 loan to University of Colorado to finance new dormitory and dining facilities to house 902 men students; refer: D. W. Bray, business manager.

Most man-caused fires were started by smokers. and pipe ashes when you rvood Region Green.

in California's forests last year Be careful with cigarettes, cig4rs are in the woods. Keep the Red-

Augu$ 15, 1957
Wholesole"lyco" Brqnd Coliforniq Pine Mouldings SoshWood Windows - Doors Hollywood Combinotion Doors R.O.\ f. Horizoniol Sliding Units Shutters-Louver Doors Tension'tile Screens R.O.\A|. Wood Window Units Aluminum Frqme Screens
Aluminum Units
Porio Sliding Doors Horizonlql Sliding Q"pnt
fwo Warehouses fo SerYe YoutOS ANGELES I I 5800 S. Centrol Ave. ADoms l-l I l7 MARYSVIL[E, CALIF. Highwoy 99-E Phone: 34253 SAN DIEGO I 4th & K Street BEfmont 3-6673


lnpot't llonoger

,Yat om, S.ros Agert5

ffATHlS HARDWOOD SALIS, Son Froncisco; phone GArf,et.l 142O4

Sout rorn Calllqnla I Aflzom Scr.s Agarts

l/lcNEtL GO., phonc ANgelur l-06O6


,SCRLA Thonks Deqlers for Help

In his August 1 bulletin, Executive Vice-President Orrie W. Hamilton thanked several of the Southern California Retail Lumber Assn. members who assisted him and 195758 President Hal A. Brown in preserlting the industry,s views July 31 at the hearing in Cily Hall on Los Angelei,s new fire-prevention code. Those wtio helped the SCRIA of-


Manufacturer of QUALITY

Louver Doors, Shutters and Inserts in Various Species of Imported and-Domestic HARD$(/OODS and SOFT\UTOODS

Available in Standard and Special SizerStyles for Every Purpose . .

Distributed througfi regular channels only to Retail Dealers Prompt, EFFICIENT SERVICE

ficials at the all-day hearing were:

- l4-r. BI9*", 'Woodhead Lumber Co., Los Angeles; Jim Collins,_Terry L_umb-er Co., Northridge; Franli Doepler, Vullin T,umber Co., North Hollywoodl Connie C. Gairahl, C. Ganahl Lumber Co., Los Angeles; Ray E Haddock, l_algs I umber Co., Los Angelesl A. G. ..iony', Hansen, \lutlil I umber Co., Los Angeles, Marvin Hibma, Tarzana (Calif.) Lumber Co.; George-R. Hinkle, Consolidated Lumber Co., Wilmington; Howard H. Hughes, Hammond Lumber Co., Los Angeles; Thomas D. Supple, Sun Lumber Co., San Pedro, and H. W. 'West, Lumbei'Carrier Service, Wilmington.

Mr. Hamilton said the fire-department officials were making sincere efforts to develop a new code for fire prevention that would not work a hardship on the lumber indlustry, and that they were,both cooperative and understanding of our industry's problems.

"Every lumberman in Southern California should be grateful to the above people who did such an excellent job regardless of where their yards are located, because the rules and code-s adopted by the larger cities are usually accepted and Jollowed by the smaller cities. That is why it was vitally important that we have a strong and able committee at the hearing. This committee did just that, and we are both proud and glad that they did such an outstanding service to the industry," Hamilton declared.

Gooper Nqmed SoGql Distributor of McDonqld Wesrern Red Cedqr Products

McDonald Cedar Products, of Fort Langley, British Columbia, has appointed the W. E. Cooper Wholesale Lumber Company, Los Angeles, as exclusive distributors for the Southern California area, it is announced by Jim Cooper, general manager for the Cooper concern. "'We are veiy pleased to represent this fine, old Canadian firm," Coopei said, "and we feel that in this company we have one of the finest manufacturers of western red cedar products." He pointed out that the McDonald mills are producers of r,vestern red cedar exclusively, and as such can be expected to ship year-around without interruption.

Cooper stated that mixed cars of exterior and interior

F==rNER Q$;rER _= Hodley Sr., Wh:ilier, Cclifornio OXford 5-7218 Sirect Shipmentt 9i, Fir" ,ll"ll.ingr anl. Special betail AYRAM TUMBER COTPATIY TED AVRAM RYqn l-7164 DON GOW SYlvqn 0-5545 P.C). Box 1282, Lq Conndo, Gqliforniq t{, LF rl [j],.; ii:: id{k{


Sfe Ship From CRA Mills Exclusively ' "For Better RID$7OO,D'- Better Call Sierra"


Sirrro R.edwood Compqny

patterns will be available on a direct-shipment basis, and that they will also carry an LCL inventory to serve all retail yards.

Among the western red cedar products offered by the W. E. Cooper Wholesale Lumber Co. are lxlo 'Sierra" Siding-dry rustic rough-face, thick butt, bevel r'vith rabbet; 1x6, 1x8, 1x10 and 1x12 dry sound tight-knotted boards SISIE with resawn face, for board and batten; 1x6 and 1x8 dry T&G V-joint interior paneling stock; 1x6 and 1x8 McDonald "reversible" panel-dry T&G V-joint both sides with one surfaced face and one resawn face; 1x8, 1x10 and 1x12 dry rustic, rough-face channel sidings; 1x8, 1x10 and 1x12 D&Btr or C&Btr dry clear finish stock; 1x6, 1x8, lxl0 and 1x12 rough green sound tight-knotted stock 5151E, and 2x8, 2x10 and 2xI2 rough green sound tight-knotted stock.

L. A. tuly Building High Despite Srrike

Although the building-trades strikes during July slowed constru,ction in Los Angeles county, work continued at a high level in both the city and county. The city of Los Angeles issued 5617 permits last month for total valuation of $42,148,4W, compared to 5840 at ffi7,317,341 in the same 1956'month, and also compared to 5446 at $49,346,194 just this June, and bringing I957's first seven-months total to 38,685 permits at $321,008,569 valuation.

The unincorporated area of the county reported 2955 July permits at $20,678,076 valuation, compared to 3302 at $24,775,672 in June, and to 3754 at$29,985,673 in July last year.

La Habra, Calif.-City Planning Commission tentatively approved three tract mais with a t"otal of. 375 drvellings-9"S lots on the west side of Palm avenue north of Central avente,264 lots south of Las Lomas and west of Hiatt, and 13 lots between Francis and Lemon streets.

Aogort t5, 1957
OF FINE IU'II8ER Domestic end Ex?ort
PArkvicv 8-7379 Also
HALLINAN LT]DIBDB COD|PANY Mqnulacturers & Wholesolers DOUGTAS FIR. AND R.ED CEDAR lnventory ot L. A. Horbor of Boqrds ond Dimension . RAIL AND CAR,GO SHIPMENTS Long Dimension -TimbersIndustriql Cut Stock /.K@x/rgh-te -?4. fgf,t{B\E tffi'al t- €,l\ I FL \s"4inX6$/ frlill ond Heqd Oftice: Porllond, Oregon o Coll o ..TOBE'' TYR.EE Los Angeles Sqles Oftce: P.O. Box 225, San Gqbriel Phone: CUmberlond 3-5981

Lerrett Storts Third Decode of Service to SoGol Deolers

Joe Terrell is now offering an additional retail lumber dealers who are customers of Lerrett Lumber Company. The wholesale lumber firm now maintains a complete inventory of redwood commons, both surfaced and rough, in lift lots for the trade. Because of reduced costs in handling, his firm is able to offer this mill-packaged stock at attractive prices, it was said.

"In addition to our regular yard business, we are now offering direct-mill shipments of mixed, straight cars or truck-and-trailer loads of Douglas fir and redwood," Terrell



Ook Stoir Trecds-Thresholds

Door Sills-Hordwood frlouldings ond Ponel-Woll

ond Domesfic-Philippine-Jopqnese Hordwoods

Warehousc Dclivcry or Corfocd Shipmcntr


f.os Angeles 47, Calil,

said. "And another unusual feature of our service is that we can combine both fir and redwood species on one shipment," he continued.

This progressive redwood concern will continue to offer milled-to-pattern stock from its concentration yard and maintains one of the most complete stocks of redwood uppers available in the Southern California market, Terrdll delared. The direct-mill shipments are iust an additional service being offered, along with yard stock in LCL loads of common and uppers.

Don Muller, sales manag'er, says: "ft is no longer necessary for dealers to carry a large inventory becausi our yard is^just as close as their telephone, and we really ofier iast, efficient service to the short-order trade."

The Lerrett yard is located in the eastside industrial district.adjacent to the Santa Ana Freeway and all of Southern California. "We are just minutes from the San Fernando valley, as well_ as Santa Ana and other southland cities,,, Terrell pointed out.

Tom Gqmble Moves to Denver

Denver, Colo.-Tom Gamble, former executive vice_oresi_ dent of Potlatch Yards, Inc., Spokane, where he directed the 9pe_1at!on: of 45 retail lumberyards, and who recently ioined Hallack & Howard Lumber Co. here, has just bee,i "ameJ general m_e_rchandising manager of the hrr.r, urrrrourr.", President IJ. R. Armstrong. Tom Gamble was well knorvn in Northwest dealer activities and in the NRLDA

cAurofiNtA rurlB€B ilEncHANT cusT0M MIIUNG . clRcu[ATltlc STEAM KlLl{ DRYtttG . cAR utt[0ADtNG . Lut{BER STORAGE . IN.TRAI{SIT MILIING 7r25 TELEGRApH RD., rOS ANGETEs 22, CArtF. 't RAVmOnO3-3221 O
THE DRY SIOCK ol ler]ett lunber Co. is stored in this wellbuih, mulri-purpose shed ot thc lefi. Sql* l/lonoger Don llullcr i3 3een oi rhc righr beforc thc lloulding Shcd (ond thst/t o lot of invcnlory in ony lumbermcn'r book!)
AXminster 2-9181
Doug. Fir Redwood Sugor Pine Ponderoso Pine wooDstDE Fir Plywood Cedqr Shokes Joponese Plywood Philippine ltlohogony LUMBER PHONE EXbrook 2-2430 0 TWX SF-1t32 #I DRUTIM STREET . sAN FRANCISCO co. I

New Down Pcyments' Inlerest Roles' Ceilings on FHA Morfgoges Announced

The Federal Housing Administration and Housing and Home Finance Agency ptrt the new lower, minimum. downpayment requirerienti fbr FHA-insured mortgages if!g-:{ieit August 6. At the same time, the Commissioner of FHA announded the new regulations limiting discounts on FHAinsured mortgages to a maximum of 2rl points, and increasing the maxitrrim permissible interest rale from 5 to 5'/4/o, eff-ective August 5. ttte maximum discount rvill vary in the different sections of the country.

An announcement of these maximums is expected soon. Our information is that the new maximum discounts rvill be ll points in the Middle Atlantic States, Zf points, in the Mountain States and Michigan, and 2/o in the other areas, said the National Retail Lumber Dealers Assn.

Tlre new lower minimum down payments are 3/o on the first $10,000,l5/o on amounts from $10,00O to $16,000, and 3O/o above $16,000.

Simultaneous with the FHA announcement, was a VA announcement that efiective August 5th the ceiling on discounts of VA-guaranteed mortgages 'ivill range from 2f points to 5l points, depending on the area and the amount of dorvn payments. llowever, the maximum interest rate on VA loans remains at 4l/o. Consequently, there will be little interest in such loans by lending institutions.

Since the passage of the Housing Act, there has been some question as to whether the Administration would put the new terms in effect. Recently, NRLDA's president, Paul Ely, wired the President urging him to put the nerv terms into effect immediately, not because they would provide more funds for mortgages generally, but because it would channel more of the available funds into lower-cost homes.

One feature of the new law and regulations of interest to builders, dealers and lenders is the increase of the maximum mortgage amount on Sec. 203(i) low-cost housing in rural or non-urban areas from $6,650 to $8,000 and the authorization for lenders to receive an additional service charge on such mortgages of. I of. 1o/o. This provides lenders wit&r the equivalent of ss/ao/o return on such loans and should stimulate interest in these smaller loans.

The new discount ceilings effective in the different states will soon be announced by the Federal Housing Administration.

S.F., L.A. Hoo-Hoo Greel the Snqrk

(Continued from Page 12) Cleveland room. Several hours were spent discussing future activity of the Southern California fraternal order in general and Los Angeles club problems in particular.

Jim Forgie, outgoing president, gave a rundown on Club 2 activity for the past two years, while Harry Boand, president-elect, presented a resume of the 1957-58 agenda which will get underway next month. Boand also suggested that the International Order sponsor a national promotion campaign to advertise the use of wood, using the slogan, "If It Is

The finest in Steoks... The finest

in R,EDWOOD...


Lumbermen know their steaks ! And lumbermen know their Redwood. That's why thousands of Retail Dealers, when the call is for the fnest, specify NOYO Redwood, product of Union Lumber Company.

o Certified Dry

o Complele Stocks

o Precision Milled

Modern milling facilities' sustained timber supply, finest workmanship and nearly three-quarters of a century's expcrience all combine to make NOYORea.uood dt irt bctt.


Including Pickets, Mouldings, Gutter, Sill, Pattern, Bevel and Bungalow siding and finish.

Made of

Wood-It Is Good." This campaign rvould cover all levels from manufacturer through consumer. The complete idea will be presented at the convention in Atlanta next month and it is hoped that it will be adopted for immediate action by all lumbermen.

On his swing around the country, Snark Schorling visited clubs throughout the west, middle west and Canada. He was accompanied by his wife. Los Angeles club members who turned out on short notice to honor the Snark included Past President Forgie, President Boand, Dee Essley, John Osgood, Harold Cole, Freeman Campbell, I-arry Weiland, Ole May, Don Philips, Jr., Don Bufkin and, from San Francisco, Dave Davis, the 1955-56 Snark of the Universe and now Hoo-Hoo International President.



Son Frqncisco

Los Angeles


Augurr 15, 1957
llf. New York Metnbcr C,alifornia Redutood Association

Keep the Holy Land Green..

A hundred wholesale and retail lumber concerns on the eastern seaboard are among the original sponsors of a benevolent organization named "The Lumbeimen's Forest in fsrael." Samuel Cohen, head of the American Lumber Corporation of Philadelphia, is a sponsor. He says: "Israel, famous for its wealth of forest in Biblical times, has been virtually denuded of trees . This has resulted in serious soil erosion. To help correct this terrible conditi-on, the J:^*:l! National Fund has reforested an aggregate 9!_sgg" 100,000 dunams (about 20,000 acres), planling2O,400,000 trees. Most of this land rehabilitation was done in the hills of Galilee and Judea, and is now being extended to the Negev. . . It is the plan of the JewisE National Fund

not less than 200,000,000 treei in all parts of Israel

A hundred years ago pilgrims to Palestine came home lamenting the increase of its desert areas. Mark Twain wrote of Palestine as a hopeless wasteland.

Quality Redwood

Jor all purposes

f.C.L. or Direct Rail or Truck.&-Trailer. direct shipmentsfrom SETECTED ftflllS of oll specles of Pocific Coost Lumber . .



Technical foresters will be interested in the fact that the Jewish National Fund's nursery experts have found, through long experiment, that the best species for keeping the Holy T.and green are the olive and the pine, the eucalyptus and the tamarisk, the cypress, the carob and the pistachio. Also that tree seedlings. to survive in Israel must be naturalized -grown in nurseries within the country.

Tree planting in Israel was begun long, long ago, on the authority proclaimed in Isaiah 4l: I9- /.t-:

"I will plant in the wilderness the cedar, the acacia, the myrtle, and the olive; I will set in the desert the cypress, the plane and the pine together; that men ma), see and knorv, may consider and understand together, that the hand of the .t::9 n". done this, the Holy One of Israel has created it

So the first Forester of Israel speaks to us still. First Blood.

In late f,all, 1916, I came down from a season as a logging teamster for the McCloud River Lumber Company, packing a sheaf of poetic scribblings in my bedroll. Four of the items seemed fit to send to magazines.

The Saturday Evening Post was first on the list. And there all four met a welcome-two sonnets, a l2-line lyric, and an ode of 48 lines. They brought a personal note from the great editor, George Horace Lorimer, and a check for $55. Two were published in the November 11, 1916 issue of The Post, the others later. Here's one:

"A world for each ! A world for all ! It seems to be the mystic plan

That each man's soul shall be a world. The common world around the man.

"Alack ! The world's a piteous thing, And gets new ills as years unroll; And millions bring astounding cures, But no one brings a perfect soul.


'?Now heie's a motto for the good, Who want all flags of evil furled:

' First, mend the world within vourself. Then doctor up the co-ntoi-t world ."

_ It had begun on a July day of 1907 when I took pen in hand and wrote "a piecet' to send to the editor of Hbard's Dairyman at Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin. No word came from the effort until the September 13, 1907, issue arrived in Weiser.Idaho.

It has been a long haul, from age 14 to age 64.

As my 90-year-old mother still- says, "What a business for a grown man !"


For 20 years it has been my pride and joy to be a bearer 9l S_ooa _tidings on the forest industry progress of Grays Harbor County. It took a a lot of looking to find bright bits of riews around the Harbor in the perioil 1937-t94f..

The "depression" had struck the county early, with the closing of the Hayes and Hayes Bank on February 7,1927. I-ocal building and much other enterprise of small business was all but stopped. Even so, an old logger could see vast pole timber stands on the hills along the highways, and these growing into sawtimber sizes. And on new cutovers one could paw down through the bracken and find tree seedlings being nursed by the weeds. The like make good

l. 1l'i. r".i+..) :, jr )r c^u;otl{tA unlcR t*acHANT
LUMBER CO. 4230 Btindini Boulevcrd, Los ANgelus 2-4148. Angeles 23, Gallf. TWX tA tgrl6 TRIANGIJE ITUMBER CO. WIIOTj!-qAIE II'MBER Pacilic Bldg., 610-l6th Street, Oaklcnrd 12, Ccrlilornic Phone lEurplebcr 2-5855 Teletype OA 262 PINE

stories to tell. And thev were true. as the new IJ.S. Forest Surveys demonstrate.

Defense and war demands for lumber, plywood and shingles set the Harbor saws and lathes tui"ing again in 1940. And in 1941 Weyerhauser's Clemons Tree Farm was dedicated. McCleary was saved and made a Simpson Logging Company unit of manufacture and tree farming.

Now a new pulp mill is in operation, as a vital unit of the Weyerhaeuser Timber Company enterprises in Grays Harbor and Pacific counties. All of the company's forest ownerships in thetwo counties were brought under the Clemons management a year ago, adding the Willapa and Wynooche tree farms to the elder of the family.

The pulp mill employs 250 persons. The plant structures and their production units and equipment represent a value of $100,000 for each job in the operation.

The total extent of the three tree farms is about 341,000 acres. More than 400 men are in the logging crews, to sup- ply the company's Aberdeen and Raymond sawmills as well as the new pulp mill. The Willapa Harbor sawmillthe Raymond mill-is one of the world's most modern lumber manufacturing plants. The old mill has been built anew. It is a powerful witness to the economic faith that lumber will remain the No. 1 forest product of the United States for many years to come.

Anyone who specifies, buys or sells hardwoods and hardwood products will want a copy of the "Fine Hardwoods Selectorama," a handy reference guide just published by the Fine Hardwoods Association, Chicago. Over 400 commercially available species of hardwoods are described, giving geographical sources, color, pattern, characteristics, common uses, availability, and general price range.

Augurr lt 1957
HAlIIIB(l(lK P.O. Box 2/lo6{J Los Angefes 22, Colil. RAymond 3-346.7
Plywood * Distributors
?lacellourt ftnherfuder ttllth llo Colf YUkon 2-@45 orlcl5F 530 R.W. ll[LT0ll & G0. Wholesole Lumber 475 Hunlington Drive Son Mcrino 9, Colif. R,Yon l-2127 Sales Representatives in Arizona and New Mexico

Los Angeles Led Entire Notion in Number of Homes Built in 1956

A survey released this month by the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce shon's that the L.A. metropolitan area led the entire United States in construction of new homes in 1956. The survey is based on a study made by the U. S. Department of Labor, rvhich included Orange County, Calif. in totaling nerv dwellings and valuation for Los Angeles. In the Labor Department's study of other metropolitan areas, such as Ne'iv York City, Chicago and Detroit, figures also included the nearby residential areas there.

On a national basis, Los Angeles built 9.5/o of the nerv homes constructed in the U. S. in 1956, with 8.4/o of the national valuation figure. The valuation of building permits for the area \\ras $1,579,600,000, which was $38,000,00O more than the second-place area of Nerv York-northeastern Ne.rv Jersey. The actual number of L. A. drvelling units ..,.as 89,262, almost lz,mo units above the runner-up. Chicago and Detroit lverc in third and fourth places, respectively.

The survey noted that San Francisco placed a fine fifth, with a valuation of $464,900,000 for


Phone: CApitol 2-1934




We Solicit Your hquiries lor Wolnranized and Creosoted lunber, Tirnbers, Poles anrl Pililg

21,956 dwelling units. In the state of California, the Los Angeles-Orange County area accounted for 49.9o/o of the valuation and 50.4o/o of the new dwellings.

The billion-dollar figure representing valuation in this area marks the first time the area has topped the nation, although fewer homes were built in the L.A.Orange County area in 1956 than in 1955 and 1954. In previous years, Los Angeles had led other areas in nurnbers of nerv homes built but lagged behind the N.Y.-N.J. area in the valuation figures.

The L.A.-Orange building boom last year outdis. tanced both of the larger Nerv York and Chicago population areas and, in fact, the area built more neu' homes in 1956 than the states of Texas and Pennsylvania cornbined. A further breakdown of the survey figures shou's Los Angeles leading the entire states of Nerv York, Illinois, Ohio and Michigan (each of rvhich had a billion dollar-plus figure) in the valuations of netv constructior-r.

Wintonts Swqnson in Reliremenl

After 46 years in the lumber business, most of it with Winton Lumber Company, George O. Srvanson, one of the organizers of Winton Lumber Sales Co. (Calif.) at Sacramento, is nor,v in retirement from the lumber business (cLM,6/r/57).

Swanson began his long and successful career in lumber u'ay back in Septemlter 1911, as a stenographer in the Minneapolis offices of Charles J. and David-N.'\\rinton, founders of Winton l-umber Company. The office force of the nour hug'e Winton organization then consisted of one other male stenographer and the salesmanager who directed Win- ton's N{innesota and f owa traveling salesmen. During Spring of 1916. Srvanson asked for and received a transfe"r to the first Winton sarvmill at Rose Lake, Idaho. In December 1917, he interrupted his lumber training to enlist in the U. S. Army and returned to Winton in Tune 1919. Srvanson u'as then assigned a territory in southern Minnesota ancl northeastern lotva as a traveling salesman.

In the Spring of 1920, the Wintons acqirired a sprrrce mill at The Pas, Nfanitoba, and Su'anson was assigned to that operation as its first salesmanager. After two years with the Pas mill, he decided to try another phase of the business, so he joined a Detroit u:holesaler and remained with that concern until June 1930. S.wanson then returned to Winton, first in its Nerv York office, and later as sales and mill coordinator. In 1949, he u'as transferred to Winton's mill at Martell, California, rvhere he remained until helping\ze Winton Lumber Sales Co. in Sacramento durinf 1951.

Mr. Srvanson resides in Sacramento rvith his rvife Doris. They have three daughters and seven grandchildren and observed their 36th wedding anniversary last month. In addition to some rvell-earned rest and relaxation, his immediate plans call for some carefree travel and probably an occasional visit to his old haunts and neighboring milli.

REDWOOD AND DOUGTAS FIR IUI,TBER Phll Gcrlin Phonc-Yolf ow stonc 4-877 I Wholesole P. O. Box 32f, Wslnut Crcck, Golif. l.lciypo Wolnut Crock 416


ForFinestQuolily. . . . . Coll GTOBE

ForPromptservice . . . . Coll GLOBE

ForBestPrice i r . . . . Cqll GLOBE

Always Be Sure fo Cofl G L O B E When Your Needs Call forORIENTAL ASH - OR,IENTAL BIR,CH or Glo-Wood V-Grooved MAHOGANY (lquqnl Pqnels

Inquire About GLOBE Superior V'Groove Service

Your Stock or Globe SrockStondqrd R.qndom Widrhs or Cuslom Pqt|ern Pick-Up ond Delivery - Doily Service

oll*oyt Specify Ql"-W""l.

CALIFORNIA, INC. 24 Hovr Telephone Service

IftTPOR,T ERS - D I5TR, I BUTO RS Complete Stocks on Hond ot All Tirnes

SCRTA Honors Everett Porker

The Southern California Retail Lumber Association took note of Everett C. Parker's birthday, August 1, by reproducing in four colors in its August 1 bulletin a copy of the testimonial scroll it oresented the former head of the Patten-Blinn Lumber Cb. lineyards in Southern Californid at its recent 40th annual convention. Executive Vice-President Orrie Hamilton's bulletin also recapitulated Mr. Parker's accomplishments for the SCRLA and the industry and noted, incidentally, that the equipment in the SCRLA offices that made it possible to reproduce the scroll in colors in the bulletin was installed during Mr. Parker's time as president of the dealer association.

San Clemente, Calif.-Plans approved to rezone parcel between E. San Juan and E. San Antonio from agricultural to single-family residential use.

a 4Gacre avenues

TExqs o,-6456

VErmont 9-l | 85


494O District Boulevord '

P.O. Box 126, Vernon Bronch Los Angeles 58' Gollfornio


Bill Brouning


Phone: VAndike 2-2417

Direct: VAndike 2-2202

ffi-ro: s,. Augurt 15, l9t7
322r SO. rA CTENEGA BwD.
Los Angeles
PTYu|OOD LUdlow 8-2141
1887 ASS(IGIATEII RElltU00ll tfilLLS P. O. Box 598 Arcolq, Cclliforniq DIRECT RAIL or TRUCK & TR.AILER SHIP'UTENTS
REDWOOD, FIR ond PINE Creighlon Anftnson 2O2 North Rose Ave. Gompton, Colifomio NEvqdo 6-7760 NEwmqrk 8-3391
From Relioble Mills

I J* Tlnrv-WnousArE tur,rurn-l I

Whotesqte qnd commission

Representing some of the best mills in lhe counlry, olso wholesole connections.

From my vqrious sources, I ctrn furnish onyfhing thot comes from o tree-IMPORTED or DOMESTIC

I Oftice: 670O Sourh Alomedo Sfreer I I Los Angeles l, Colifornio I

Phone colleci: lUdlow l-o778

Dubs Elect Hollis Jones '57-58

Presidenf ot Son Jose Meet


'l'he l0.ith nronthlr' I )ulrs. J,t11. t()urn:ur('nt rtt Slrn f risc t,,rlt' ,\' ( r,ttttlrr t lril,. .lrrlJ l'1. lt:trkt.,l tlrt' r',,11;Plgti,,ir ,,i ltrrotlre r highlr-succt'ssirrl il.,'al lclrr :tn,l the l,cginnirrg ,,i rt lrr;tn<l l)c\\' \'e:rr oi e r t nts thii r c:Lr s ith Il,,llis ionr:s ,r[ \\'t'.tt'rrt l),,,,r & 5;Lslr ( 'r.:rl lht,lit.lrr..l,,r)t.-, l,,rrg i,.tirt,irr I)rrlrs rLlTrrirs :rnrl tlris vr.lrr's chlLirnrirn ()i 11re clLrlr's r('cclrt 5iu)ttr ('ruz u'e cke rrrl. r-r., e,l thc 1,rc:irle nt'. g-lrr.e l lrr,rn lLrtothcr I)Lrirs sltrlu':u'1. ()lltg()ing .l 'rcsitlurt (irin ( iciscrt. Irc:rrl of I'ecrle ss Lunrlre r ('ri. in ( ):rlil:rrr<1, I:lcctions torili 1rl:rcc!' lLr erccllcnt stc:rl< rlinnt,r ltrr<l :L short rrcittrtiorr lri' the Sur l,,st' ( ioli & (-otrrrtrr. ('lrrlr l)t'(,. l.,l,lit l)lt:1n,,.;r i:,r,,rit,.:rrrr,,l1;rll I)Lrl,> rrrr.lrrl,t'rs. Lto ('hcinr. Sr. rc:rrl 1hc rrerv sl:r1r,,,I ol]lcers tLrrrl ,ljrectors :rrrrl tl're Sr()111) ,ri .l.i lrrmlrcrrncn-golfcrs rrr.r:urinr, )Llsl_\' :i1)lilovc<1 thr ticl<et.

l'-lectetl 1() srr-\'e :r1r,ng uilh IIollis .l ones uerr llill .l ,rhnson. I'ict'lrresirlt'rrt: I'lLrrl (ilrlrortr,r.. lst scrp.t:rrrt :rt-;rrltl,.; (,corger Jlolrrit'r. 2n,l :r.rq,.;rrrt-;rt ;rrrl:. lLnrl liill I.i,rnnell, sccrctar,\' t f ('irsrlrer.

'I'ht'elrrlr's nc'n <lirector:;rrt \r-t l',ortrl. St'tir IlLrtltr. Il:rr-

TOP tEFT Photo: "Gron" Geisert govels Hollis Jones (right); center: Bill Johnson, Geisert, Son Jose Pro Eddie Duono; right: Geisert, Duono, Jones leveling fine:. LEFT CENIER Photo: Horry Hood, "Doc" White, Lea Cheim, Sr.; cenrer: Hollis Jones ond Fred Pemberton (reofed), Ev Lewis ond Bill Johnson (stonding); righr: o friend, Bob Cheim, Del Trovis. TOWER RIGHT Photo: Jim Romsey, Wolt Hjorr, Poul Goboury ond Art Bond; center: Lew Godord, John Driscoll. Torben Klenz; right: Bert Hosrelberg, Tcm Groy, Lorry Ulrich. Yes sir! yeor ofter yeor, it does seem like the Dubs, Ltd., hove more fun thon onybody

hlrrrilter, Eanil 7,wlclil 'eoc,/pl Uiil4nrf 5"1t4


Brodley Unil Wood Block Flooring

Higgins Lominqted Block Flooring

Oqk Threshold ond Sill

Cedor Closel lining

Iruck BodY Lumber ond 9tqkes

6430 Avolon Blvd. los Angeles 3, Colif.


rr. Hood, A1 Boldt, Clhet Dennis, Bill Ingram, Er- f,eu'is, Ni. C. "Doc" \\rhite ancl Fred Pemberton.

The 105th tournament u'inners also received their prizes follorving dinner and the scores ran something like this:

First Flight honors ended in a tie betlveen Fred Ziese and Leo Ch-eim, Jr., both scoring a net 7O. Second lorv net rvas also tied. rviih Del Travis and Chuck Noble sharing a net72.ln the Second trlight, it u-as -\rt Bond on top (66), followed by Jim Rossman (68) and Hank Needham (69). Third Fligirt top-dog t'as the clrtlr's neu' l'resident Jones. rvho shot-a net 58. Sec,,rtd-place p(,sition \\'ent to G. \\'. Dennis, third to Larrv Ulrich. ancl ftittrth place to trt'* Lgri'ls and Rov Siolund, rvho tied at net 68. In the Guest Flight it Mel lioutt (71). l'ith Bud Fox and Gray NfcConnell tied ar 72.

Dubs, Ltd. members \\'ere to meet again at the Nfeadorv Club in Fairfax on Augttst 16. A complete schedule of events for the coming year rvill be available in the near tuture.

SCRLA Deqlers Plcrn Esstern Junket

(Continued frorn Page 2)

dealers rvho u'anted to n'rake it their vacation trip and spend more time in the east, a 30-day extension is allon'ed by the airline on the family-plan flight at small extra cost for visits to Nerv York City, Washington, D. C. or elseu'here in the east.

The cost of this SCRLA Exposition Special is $685 for botl'r husbar.rcl and t'ife, and $255 for rninors over t1\'o vears (uncler trvo years free). Adults trar-eling alone rnake the junket for $435. These prices include the rottnd trip by plane (first-class fare), tax, airport limottsirres, Boston and Philadelphia tours, dinner at Union Oyster llouse and Durgin's Park. The orice does not include other meals nor hotel accommodations.




"We ofter personolized service qs well qs cr complete line of on-grcde producls"

August 15, 1957
?L 2-3796 TH 0l 83 E
,*i,: :///,, i.:$:r ::?l:::raa: ::i/;::l |H, ::,ata,-ai.: t, W;ll;ono Botle Co*panw JAPANESE ADams 1-4SAlImporters and BrokersPLY\TOOD & LUMBER o ' !t A d --/\-:/' o 204 East 32nd Street Los Angeles 77, California

When ls q Door o Ceiling?

In California, homebuilder Henry C. Fox has moderirized the old riddle: "When is a door not a door? When it's ajar." He has developed a thrifty system of locking pairs of attractive modern flush doors together and 'then using them as panels to form both walls and ceilings in a new line of prefabricated housei.

^o Cox built his first "slab-door" house recently as a contenporary model house in the Los Angeles County Fair in Pomona, according to the recent "new ideas" issue of House & Home, leadirrg magazine of the homebuilding industry. Ife was prompted to use doors for its novel walls and ceilings when he realized that these standard manufactured pieces were one of the few building materials that had not risen in cost too much in recent years.

Hollow Tree, Pqdulo Componies

Steol Porode With Logging Flocrt

But after he was through, says the magazine, Cox figured this method of building was lo/o cheaper and 60,4o faster than conventional methods, and the public response to the rich wood pairels of the show house was so enthusiastic he decided to market a prefabricated house of this type this year. Except for an enclosed fi-inch of fibreboard insulation, these are standard doors made on standard presses. Their insulating U-factor is 0.33. Each pair of doors form a panel 6 feet wide and 6 feet 8 inches high, with each panel set between posts and beams spaced 6 feet apart. "For interior use, no other system of panels on wood framing could approach flush doors in cost," says the magazine.

(Tcll thent. you si?s it in The California l.untber Alerchant)

One of the highlights of the recent 3-hour Lions Club Parade in San Francisco proved to be an en-

try by Hollow Tree Lumber Co. and E. A. Padula Lumber Co. The "float," consisting of a Mack log- ging rig supplied by Pidula and a huge redwood log (over 8 feet in diam€ter, brought gasps of astonishment from a large part of the 40,000 Lions visitors, many of whom were not aware that California does things on a big scale, too. In iddition, the spectacle upset San Francisco's Union Square pigeon population no small bit-and even the town "regulars" did double and triple-takes as they came upon the big rig resting magnificently in front of the St. Francis hotel. A good show and a nice piece of public relations was furthered by the announcement that the lumber contained in the huge redwood log would be donated by Hollow Tree to the Lions spon- sored Enchanted Hills Camp for Blind Children.

,,..:,, cAuFonNtA lumlEt mGncHAt'|t
Box t|69 Oroville,
feletype OROVIIIE CAI 3&U Gatewrry to thc teotftct River Covntry lineol, cut-to-lcngth cnd Finger
crrT srocK Sqth & Flush Door Phone: lEnox 3-6461 lerlie G. "Le3" Pqrimore Fred l. Pd$more
Ponderosa & Sugor Pine Redwood & Incense Cedor
Whohnh 9orett Froductt Vio CARGORAltTRUCK-ond-TRAILER WILLIAM A. DOLLAR & CO. 111 West Seventh Streeflos Angeles 14, Colifornio
lfi ji j*#
sq ;43 !; iiii

Huge Housing Conference of Induslry Top Men in Son Fronciscor Sepl. l2

Leading home builders and manufacturers of. building materials-and equipment will meet in San Francisco, September 12,in a "blue ribbon" conference to explore cooperative methods of developing an expanded housing program that will meet the nation's present and future housing requirements, announced Richard G. Hughes, chairman of the board of trustees of the National Housing Center, which will sponsor the meeting in cooperation with House and Home, of Time, Inc.

The conference will highlight the fall meeting of the directors of the National Aisociation of Home Builders being held in San Francisco, September l2-l7. "This conference holds more significance forthe future of homebuilding.than any such gathlring that has taken place prior to this timc'," Hughes siid. "ThIs significance, we feel, is justified !I th. cali-ber of personalities and corporations who are participating in both active and advisory capacities."

The following business executives are included on the Industrv Advisorv board for the conference:

S. W. Antoville, president, U.S. Plywood; Clifiord J. Backstrand, presideni, Armstrong Cork; Melvin H. Baker, chairman, National Gypsum; Ed{ar Kaiser, president, Henry J. Kasier Co.; Wifliam L. Keady, president. Fibreboard Paper Products; Mrilliam G. Reed, chairman, Simpson Timbef ; Charles K. Rieger, vice-president, General Electric; C. H. Shaver, chairrian, U.S.- Gypsum; Fred f<.--W:y-qlhaeuser, president, Weyerhaeusei Timber, alq I' \M. Wil.o.r, p.esident, Aluminum Co. of America. Their counterputi.'otr'the Industry Advisory board from the home-build-

ing field will be 15 past presidents of the National Association of Home Builders.

"The National Housing Center feels that it is high time that every segment of tfie vast hottsing-industry complex be brougit tJgether to improve communications and to increase undersTanding of each other's problems," said Hughes.

"We feel, and industry concurs' that it is time to look at the clock. Everyone concerned with better housing for the American people must realize it is only- three years before the accelerated rate of new family-formaiions in the sixties may double present demand for new housing."

One of-the purposes of the meeting, Hughes- pointed out, rvill be to exchange ideas and information on developments in home building"pertaining to industry trends, production, outlook, constriciion techniques, research and merchan-

tlv'ir Augurl 15, 1957 ExcHANGE $eWUrr,r.s
$o. Since 1879 Manufacturcrj SOUTHERN AND l40O R. A. Long Bldg. TWX KC 484 and Distributors WESTER,N WOODS Kcrnsos CitY' Missourl Phone Victor 2'6560
PINE-SPRUCE-CEDAR FIR - RED$TOOD ALAN A. SHIVEIY WHOLESATE t625 Gtevclond Rood l. A. Phone: GI,ENDAIE 2, GAtlF. Cllopmcn 5'2O83 ri) I .n dising. IMPORTERS O EXPORTERS TSBRANDTSEN I Company of California, Inc. 150 California St. SAN FRANCISCO o FOR FINE IMPORTBD PRO:DUCTS Hardwoods Mahoganies Teak Rosewood Sapele Oriental Ash, etc. LumbersPlywoodVeneersLogs ALSO Window GlassFigured GlassMirrors White/Grey Cement o "CALL, WIRE, TWX or WRITE US FOR YOUR Limbo Birch ?hone: EXbrook 2-6+t+ Seraya Padouk Oak IN teletyfe: sF-696 REQUIREMENTS''

Raie-Position wqnted $2.00 per column inch

All others, $3.00 per column inch

Closing dates lor copy, Sth ond 20th




Position -open for topnotch man thoroughly qualified to superintend with operating millwrights,-electficians, mechanics and machinrsts .m.aintaining- sawmill, planing and moulding mills, dry kllns. 5U mrlhon annual producton. Salary open. Long_term opera_ tion. np not apply u_nless thoroughly qualified. OutlinJqualifications and rererences hrst letter.

Address Box C-2660, Califo,rnia Lumber Merchant

108 West 6th St., Room 508, Los Angeles 14, Calif.



Young exp-erienced lumberman, well trained in selling and omrce routine, seeks position with better future. Excellent referinces,

Address Box C-2658, California Lumber Merchant

108 West 6th., Room 508, Los Angeles 14, Calif.


Experienced millwork Detailer and Biller desires to locate in Greater Bay area-with established millwork concern. Thirty yeJrs .;p;;;;;; with leading Southeastern millwork manufacturers. Best of refer_ ences.

Address Box C-2659, Califo'rnia Lumber Merchant

108 West 6th St., Room 508, Los Angeles 14, Calif.


Ereferably with a mill or wholesale office selling or manufacturinE Western Pine lumber. Have wide acquaintance .iiitt Citiio*i"-i-i"E mills and Southern California wholesalers "na a.ii..i. Cil-i*;i.h best of references from.above lgmbermen regarding ."pi.ii"."-a"<i reputation. Would be glad to submit further inform-atioi on,

Address Box C-2647, California Lumber Merchant 108 West 6th St., Room 508, Los Angeles 14, Calif.



A. T,ong-established in good, active high-class area. Will reouire about $80,000 for grlund, buildings, inventory and eouipmeii.-- If you want t-o serr'youn -va.d; ci;; uS; Ri;d,----""


714W. Olympic Blvd., Los Angeles l5; Rlchmond 9-8746 Lumberyard and Sawmill Brokers

Nomes of Advertisers in this Deportment using o blind oddress connot be divulged. All inquiries ond replies should be oddressed to key shown in the odvertisement

10"x4" MOULDER-Hermance No. 1906 with l5_H.p. GE motor. Sound operating condition. A real bargain at $995, or will tracle 1or lumber.

q-OYT. SURPLUS etectric-polel s:.'.r"., unit. 27-KVA ,24-KW, ?A_?,A:ne. l-phase, 120 votts,, tzOO-RpM olerated by 6-cit.- w;te;j cooled gasoljne_-e_ngine. Original cost 94700; close_out, gS-9S. Other srzes from 2.5-KVA to IS-KVA, available'at compaiable savings. ALLIS-CHALMERS POWER- UNIT-Modet W_25: 4,, bore; 4,, stroke; 201 cu. in. Cost over g7S0 ,r.*, ,r.rr., usedl Re;;;;;bie at $375.

3.-TON CHAIN HOISTS-IiEijH"r.,rt., & Wrieht Mfe. 9-ft. lift,. spur-gear, ball-bearing. Original "o.t-to C."i. -;i,;; $'ot'; iAi each.

2 -cENERAL Low-pRrsst{p*aorlERs, s.w.p. ls# 114 tubes. Used, excellent condition; $750-eactt---

1-IDEAL-AMERICAN_.SECTIONAL BO ILER_I 5 f low pres_ sure. Used, excellent condition $595. -_-W]r9!ESALE LUMBER & MATERTAL SUppLy CO. 280o Third Street S; F;a""is.; l, C"fit. Phone: VAlencia 4_4525

Please direct inquiry to J. B. Winter


Salem 2-saw stud mill complete with edger, precision trimmer. planer, all necessary motors, wiring -nd-i'with-;,';;;;.i;;;;;d chains.

l-{d5_e_ss Box C-2661, California Lumber Merchanr 108 West 6th St., Room 508, Los Angeles la, Calif.




Phones: LYcoming 3-3021 or CApitol 5-0909


1945 Ro-ss Carrier in good running condition with good rubber. Very reasonable price. Machine can be'seen at MacKAy MILL SERVICE

822-69th Avenu_e___ Oakland Zt, Calif. SWeetwood 8-9428



all-electric. 120 miles north of San Francisco. Eighteen acriJ of ground.

Complete lumber r"-".,ut".1u?l-trtl?

Address Box C-2566, California Lumber Merchant 108 West 6th St., Room 50g, Los Angeles 14, Calif.


For sale at cost of inventory-& equipment, approx. $35,000, a retail lumber yard and general building-sripplies. Located i" o"e-oi if,i tastest-going areas in Nevada. Doing approx. $200.000. Owner will carry land and buildings on ten-yeai coitract or lease.

P. O Box 661, Fallon. Nevada



American 12-inch sticker complete with hoods, motor and stafter. Price $1,200. ORBAN LUMBER COMPANY

77 South Pasadena Avenue pasadena, California Phone: Sycamore 6-4303

Write Box 83 or call TErminal 2-4504, San pedro


Used Good, Reconditioned or Rebuih & ctd. 2,OOO-I5,OOO lb. cop. Gibron 6,000.1b. Copqcity, hyd. :trg, pncu. tire5 Clqrk, l95t , . 6,000-tb. Copocify, pnou. tire, Ross t9 HT , 6,000-lb. Copocity; .econditioned Clqrk 6,000.tb. Copocify; rebuilt ond guoronteedClork 3,000 qnd 4,000-lb. Copocity; rcionditionqd

Towmotor LT56 6,OOO-lb. Copocity; ,cbrilt ond guqroniccd

B:g Diecounts on New Surptus pqrts

for Alt Makes cnd Models of Forklifis NEW CONTINENTAT ENGTNES FOR FORKITFIS AT BIG DTSCOUNTS Fit GlqrkTowmotorRoss. Siock Iimited. 17 GFM Port. Compressors, Rebuih -.----..-..--...-----.-.-.$375 ESTABTISHED I906 . TERttlS AVAItABtE & s0Ns.rNc. I2324 CENTER STREET NEVADA 6.97I I HOTLYDAI.E. CAI.IF. METCATF 0-3t05 JOSDPH Sqme GIUAHTY Same SERVIGE Sqme PERSONNEI MILTS & GENERAL OFFICES: JOLLY GIANT IUTIBER COMPANY (Formerly DOttY VARDEN Lumber Compony) Douglcs Fir clnd Redwood BAND'IAILLS EXCI.USIVETY ARCATA, CALIF.; TWX. 65 Just a NEW None JOTLY GIANI lurnber Co. Phone: Von Dyke 2-2471



Wholesole Pscifrc Coosf Lumber Producfs 9538 Brighton Woy - Beverly Hills, Cqlif.

- - Ted Olsen - - BRodshqw 2-7943


Fork Lifts and Straddle Trucks. Complete shop and field service. Portablc Welding, Special Fabrication, Steam Cleaning and Painting. Service Available 7 Days a Week. All work guaranteed.


lll5 North Alameda Street, Compton, Calif.

Phones: NEwmark l-8269, NEvada 6-4805


Experienced crews for fast, efhcient lumber handling. Low rates and gooid service for unloading and handiing lumber. Call for yard stick' ing and sorting rates-hourly or contract.

RAY'S CAR UNLOADING (Formerly Ray-How Co.)

Ll3l6/2 So. Main Street Lcs Angelcs 61 Plymouth 6-7356 or 5-9410


Experienced lumber crews available for car unloading, sorting & sticking for air-dry. Labor dispatched to your yard on a board-foot basis. Can unload & haul from any R.R. spur-one car to 30 cars per day. Printed rates upon request, Established 1943.

CRANE & CO. Agency

5143 Alhambra Ave. Los Angeles 32, Calif.

Phone CApitol 2-8143, Collect


- - Don Jewelt - -


Associqted Redwood Mills Nqmes

Anfinson SoCql Monoger

W. I-. "13ii1" 13ranning (left),

W.. "Pill" l3rauning (left),

r-:-- : , -: president of Associatecl l{eclu'ood \lil1s, Arcata, Californier, has appointed fireighton Anfinson to head the firm's sales stalT in the Southern California areer. He has been identilied in lumber production and sales since gracluating from school and received his basic training in the forests of Oregon. \Vashington arrd California. For mlrny years he u'as u'ith the Sinrpson Ileclu'ood Company and the old A. K. \\'ilson lurnber firm in Compton.

Oflrces 1'or .\ssociated Redrvood Nlills h:rve been opened at 202 N. Rose Avenue in Compton and the neu' telephone numbers are NEvacla 6-7760 ancl NEu'nrark 8-3391.

Bill Brauning is u.ell knou'n throughout the rvest n'ood and lumber sales distribution. He established in Arcata early this year as sales reltresentatir,e of

POPUTAR BOOTH of rhe recent los Angeles Do-lt-Yourself show wos thot of the Security point Mfg. Co., which works with its dedler customers to mqke sqles on the out3tonding producis. Mony were rhe home hondymen qnd women who 0ocked oround the point demon3lrolions for new opplicotion ideos qnd courleous onswets io alt their questions


troctive disploy ai the recenl los Angeles Home Show stirred up o lot of interest in the FoldAwoy door for the lumber deql. erl who hondle the product of lhe enferprising Southern Coliforniq door manufoclurer, ln rhe rop photo, Mrs. Monuel Toroyo, wife of the president of Artesiq Door Co., puts o finishing touch on rhe disploy; botiom photo shows one of the mony young couples who got some ideos for their own homes from the disploy

(Continued on Next Page)

in redoffices better

Augusi 15, 1957
r , '-,.. ,;---.-.,,1i
g ,"?,:j,":',.Y,,ft"F,,?," cAR LoT o [f DW00D o L'c't RAymond 3-4874
"Yours for the Asking"
FIR tcr

mills in that area. For the past seven years he has been sales manager for Eureka Redwood Lumber Company and Sirnpson Logging, with headquarters in the Pacific North-


Anaheim, Calif.-Permits at $365,750 were issued to Teitz Construction Co. for 101 single-family units in tract at Katella avenue and West street.


."We are offering that better grade of redwood, along with complete dry kiln and planing mill facilities," Braun-ing said, "and lve will furnish quality material from the better mills in the Arcata area," he declared.

This metal-strapping salvage reel i,vas developed bv the Orban Lumber : Company, 77 S. Pasadena Ave., Pasa-dena, Calif., and mentioned to the members of the Southern California Retail Lumber Association at the last Conference in Palm Springs in a talk by Carvel D. Brown, vice-president and manager of the Pasadena yard. ' Since then he has had many requests from dealers for drawings of the device qo salvage metal strapping and Mr. Brown gave SCRLA Executive VicePresident Orrie W. Hamilton permission to reproduce the diagram and said it was quite allright with them for other yards to use drawing in building their own salvage reels- to utilize metal strapping that might otherwise be discarded or a safety hazard if left lying around, if no other use is made of it.

. Fullerton, Calif.-Tentative tract maps approved for 103 homes north of Dorothy Lane between LinColn Place and Luanne avenue.

Behr E Sonr, Inc., Joeph .-....-..-.........-..--7O

londcr lmber Sclcr, Eorle D. .........-..-.-. :lt ' l.molt 2-Woy Ponel 5fl -....-..........-.......a1

lcton Cmpoy, lhr ...-..-.-......................---5E

Kolt.r Gyprm Co., Inc. ....-...........-....-.....-lz

Kellcy, Alberf A. ..----.--.---.-........................-43

Koehl I tcn, Jchn W. .......................-..-.-- rt

l. A. Dry Ktln t Slmg., Inc. -...-.....-.--..-. 't

l,ils lmbn Co. --....-........-.-......-....-....--.*

lo.r.fl lmb.r Cc. .-.-..-.-.----..--.--...-.----....--.-{l

long-Bdl Div.-lnrl. Popcr Co. -..............*

Looi Lmbcr & lltill Co. -.........-...........-..... *

lor-Cal Lmbor Co. ..----.-------...---..-.......-.---- !t

Lot Angclcr lmba, Inc. ------.-----..----.------*

Ludlm Popcrr, Inc. .-..---.---................-.----.. *

Lumb* 3qlor Co. -..--.......-.-----.....-..--........-*

5. t 5. Lmbcr Cmpony

5o lcfoel Lmber Co.

Soford-[uricr, Inc.

9olo Fc lmbcr, Inr.

Socurify Poinl.ltfg. Co.

Shlvely, Alo A. ..-......-..-,-.........-.-...-.......69

5lsra Lunber t Plyyrood, lac. ---......-.--.--26 tlerro Rcdwood Go. -----------.-.---......--.....------59 Simmonr Hordmod lmber Co. ..--.--.-.--.... * 5impson Redwood Go. .-.-.--.--.-------..-,---..---.. 9 Smilh, Hermm A. --..---.-..---...-..--..-.....-...---*

Collfornio lumber Soler ..----.-..--39

Blhr E Gotor lmber Co. ..-...------....--...-..52 '

Blue Dlmord Corpcotion -...--................--.lO

Itlaclcoth Hordtrood Cmpqny ...-..--__._---_-. *

Moplc Bro. --..--..-...-.-.----..--.--.:..................--*

Soulhwcrtern Portlqnd C.mcnl. Co. .--.----....4,i1 trdrl Lunber Go. -l--------....-................--.....-* Stodnd Iumbcr Co,, Inc. --...-......-----.,._-.. * Sloton & Son, E. J. .......-.-...-..-....-.....--31

l. C. Forarl Produ(h, lfd. :---.------..-,-------.. 't

Bchnhof, lumbr Co. .......-...-..--.....----.....--.. :i ili-,. lchnhof, lumb* ..........-........---.-.......... :i....1,- I Sonnsll-Wqd I (nopp .-.-....--.-...--.--..--.-.-.- 'r .:, i ; loanlnglon tmbq Go. .-.-------.--._--.-_.---_.---. ri ;,? ;

lrm & Co., Clcy .-..------.---.--.---.--............--33

lru.c Co., E. l. .......-----. * lrvrh Industrlol lmbcr Co. .-..--.----.--.---.--.24

Col-Palic Redrod Solcr. Inc. ri

Cqlworor Ccm.nt Co. ..,...---..-.---.-..-.--.-..----lO

Ccdlfomlo Door Co. of l. A. ----..--..--..........65

Collfomlo lmber Solet ...-.--.--.-.--...--.-......66

Collfonlc Pml ond Veneer Co, --......--.:.. tt

Ccllfmlo Redrrmd Arn. ..-...-.....----..--.-..-.23

Callf. Sugc & Wsf. Plm Agcncy .......---52

Corlow Co, -.-.......-....-.-.. 'l

Cccodc Pciic Lmber Cc. ..--.....-.-.-........--64 $cel PrcArdt Corp. --------..--.............*

Colot r Corpo?ction, lhe -----.-.--.-........-...-*

Cmtrol Volley Box & Lumber Co.............66

Chickmcrgo Cedqr Co., Inc. ..............-...49

Chlldenton Lunber €o. .-------..-.-.....--....-...--'l

Cloy tmbcr Go. it

Cc:t Kiln & lunba Co. ..-...-....-......-.....---- 't

Gobb Cmpoy,

I$o.qcat-Wolfc lmber Go. --....-._------.-,_.--48

llilon Suppllcl. Inc. ----.---.----.-------------. {t

ll€onits Corpo..dls ------------'--------.---------.*

lloyfalr Sofer of Gollfornio ------,---------------12

llcCloud Lmbcr Co. .---.---------------..-..-.-.---.59

McGu:ker, Poul ..-.--.-----.----.- ----------..----.-----.fft

lleler Lumber Co., Hab -.--------.--------...--.--- I

,rliddlctm lunber Co., Bob -.---...--.---.--. *

llinet Bqndlni, lnc. ---...--..--.-..----. -----..--------27

ilonrchke Slud lilillr, Inc. -.-.----..--......---.---*

Aloore Dry l(lln Co. .--....--.----..----..--.-.---..---. *

ilount Whitney lumber Go. ---.......-..--...--.. *

,{utwl lloulding qnd Lmber Co. ..-......-.. *

Not.-An.rl(qn Whlrc, tmbr. Arn. ..-.......38

N€imon-Rred lmber Co, .-......-...-...--....--..20

Newqui.t, Jmet W. ....-----.---.....-........-..-.-. *

Nw. Hcold A. ...----.-.......---...--...............-.. !t

t. F. Nlfttcl lmbcr Co. .....-..-.--.-............ ri

Olrcn Conpoy, I. E. ...-......--....-..-...-.......-Zl

Orgood, lobcrt S. --.--.-.....-...............--........ r*

O3rling r$fi ufcf urlng Co. ..-....... -.r7

Ortrm lmbor Co. -....-..--...-...-..................34

Orford lumbcr Cc., lex -.-.-.........-.......-... *

Pclic Cmcnt & Agg..gatet, Inc. .....-...-46

Pqciic Flr Solet .-..--.-.-....-....-....-.-.--.........-.. *

Potlic lmbrr Co., The -.-..-.-...-.-...-....----...-. *

Pclic lmbcr Deolcrr iupply, Inc. -.-..--rt

Pocifc Wlrq Productt Co. -...........--...-.--...-.29

Poul lonyo tunbq Co. ---.-.---.-..--...--...-..14

Pcedcr lmbcr Co. .--.---.--....---..-....--..-----.-- {r

Pclr.c Cc., Al ---.-..--.----.--..-..--.-.-_-.--..---..-.---. *

Prnbcrlhy tmbsr Co. ....-.....-.----.----........--- {r

?hlppr Co.r lh. .............._........................... :t.

lcd Ccdor Shinglo Bureou ....----.----.........-- 't

legol Door Cmpmy .-..-............---.....-.-.....-

5tclncr ond lloteer, Inc. ..-.--........-.-...-.......5!

Sfwcrt Plywod Go., O. W. --.-......---...-. ti

Strqbf o Lmber Cmpony ...............-..-------.47

Stralt D@r l{fu. Co. ....--.--..--................-.--*

Smmlt lumber & Plywmd Corp. .--......... *

lcmq Imber 5oler, lnc, .-..----............-.--2t

Tolbot Lumb!. Cmpmy ..-.........-...-........---63

lcrdy. Joc .-.....-..--....-.....66

lqtcr, Webrt r & Johucn, Inc, .-.-.......... 6

Iomotor-Gerllngr. .--.-----.--.--.----..---...--.--.--l 5

lrfonglc lumbcr Co. .--------.....-........-----------62

frinlly Rlrcr lmba Sqtcr Co. -..-,.----..---28

Iroplcol I Worlem lmber Co. -....-,.-..---.-rlll

?win-Clry lmber Co. -.-.-.--..-.---------.-.--.--.--53

Twln Ho6on lunbe Co. ---.---.....-...--.--.-,..49

U. L Plywood Gorp. ---------.----..---.----..-.-----:i

Unlm Lmber Co. --------..------.-.-.--.---.---,-..--.6I

Wqrcn Soullvert, Inc. -...-_._.....-................34

Wcndf ing-Nqthm Co. -...-.....-.....--...........-..-.25

Wert Co6l lmbcmen'r Asrn. --..----..-.-.-- tr

West Co6t trreqn Co, ---..----.-.._-..--.------..--S5

Werl Coql TiDb!. P.oductr Agacy ..--..-.63

Wertcrn Door & Sorh Co. ---------------...... ...-.a2

Werlern Dry l(iln ..--..---------..-.-..-.-.---...-------*

Warlern Fdett Producta Co. ..-..,--..--.--.------ t

Wertern Imber Co. -...---.-.--.--.-..--..-.--.--.-.... rt

Weltern ,$ill t lmbcr

i'l!(l''d,f /d,11.."Fq; Xr,1;1 1 1,;t: . ", .i'
METAT STRAPPING SATVAGE REET WELOEO 7.'gtEEL slnAP -T I I r'e'oi/ lll L,/a'tg' l-__.r. SIDE SCALE: I ln..l Fl. Et{0 ' Alrtrol, Inc. .--....---------.-.-...........--..-....--......45 Araricon Hqrdwod Co. ---.---.-,-,..--..--..-..-.. rt /lmeri6n Sir'olkrofl Co., Thc ....-............... '$ j Hcdwocd Co. -...--.-...-.................. tl A.ccto ledwood co. ..-..---------.-...---....----..---- tl ,: Anwlpod lmbcr Co. ---------..-------............ * Arlslo Dor Go.. Inc. .-.........-...-----.-........ I ArrocidGd lricldlng Go. ---------.-.--..--....-.....60 |' A$ocloied lcdwood llllb ---.----...---..--....--..65 Atkir, lGoll & Go. ........-.........................-.'i Arlor lunrb.r Co. ..-..-.-.------.----...--...--....--.-35 ' AvmlmberCc..--.--------.--..-..-...-.-...-.......5t loci Gc., J. Wllllm ......-...-.......................67 losghi Cql W. ................-...........--............ * , lorLr I Co., J. H. .---..--.-..-.-.-......-....--....-- 5 Crofool lmbcr Co ....--.....--...-...............--.* Doltd & Co., l. W. .-......................-,-.......63 Dqnt t Rwtall, Inc, --..-..-..----..--.-..-.....--....-*
.---.-.-:.-----.--.-.----..-.- ri
* llcrl I Xrurc lrmber Co. ............-_--...-...._-55 lobcrtr lmber Co., Frltr -.-.---...--.---.-------.. !3 Roddlrcrcff. Inc. ----.--.---.---.--....---.-.-.-.--.. * .loundr Lmbrr Co. .,-..-------.--.---...-.------O.f .C. lcy Fontt Pnductr Co. --..----.---......---.----.... 'l
INDEX *Advslliing h olt.rnot€ l33u.r
T. il. ------------..-..:...-.--.....--57 , Corolidoted lmber Co. .-..---........-..--...... * Cqtlnmtd lmber tolq .-.,-...-........-.-..---* : Cook, Inc., D, O. ---------.--.-..-...-.-.....-.--....-- 't ,rr Gopq Wholcrole Lunber Go., W. E. ......2, ,. Gd Heod lmbcr & Plyyrood Go. -.----....-- ,l it, Cmlltc Gmpony, The --------.-----........--....--3t r,'.. Cordr lmberCo. --....--.--..---..-.-...-.......--..----26
* 5mith-Robbiff
.-..--.... * South
.............-..--.-..---....* 9outhem
Smlth Lumber Co., lolph t. .-..................-.
lurnber Gorp. .-..---..-..-.--......
So-Col Building lloterlolt Co., Inc.
Boy lumber Go.
Co. --....-.--.-.-.-..-...62 Wettcm Pinr Arsociqllon .--.----...---..-----.-... * Werlern Pinc 3upply Co. .-........--........-....... * Weyerhoeurer Sqfer Co. --.-----..-----------.--.--. 7 Whlte Brc. ......-...--.....-.. * Wllhold Producfr Co. ..----.-...-....--.-..--.--.-.--.- at Windeler Co., ltd,, Georgc -...-............-.-..52 Winfrec & fynm -.-.--.-..-...-..-....-..........-....-. * Winfil lunbcr Solcr Co. .-.-,.-.-...--..-.--...... :t Winfon LmbGr Whl3o. Dlrflr., Inc. ......-. t Wood Convenbn Co. ................1--..-.......... tt Wood Lumbcr Co., l. K, ..--............-..-..-..... rl Woodddc tumbcr Co. ......................--r-..----6O Zlel t Go,, lac. ....;....................................39 Dovlr Hqrdwood Co. ..-. ...-...----.-. Del Vqllc. Kohmo E Co. ..-...... ..* .-, * Dolfar Co., The loberf .--------.---------..---------21 Dollor t Co., Wllllm A. ..-...........,...........6! Doolcy I Co. ....................................,.....-...71 Douglc. Flr Plyrood Arn. .......-----....--.-.---ll Drcke'r loy lmbcr Go., Inq ---...--.---------35 Durabla Plywood Solcr Co, ..-.....--.-...-.....-.- rl




Dcltoa G Co., R. W. .......RYaa.l-2127

Dcnt d Rwsell, Inc. . ...ANcelus9-0174

Willicm A. Dollcr 6 Co. ...........V4ndike0886

Dooley d Co. ......BAymoud 3-4874

Essley. D. C. d Son ...RAynond3-1147

Fisk & Mcson (So. Pcscdenq) ......BYcnl-I197

Fountqin, Ed., Lunber Co. ........LUdlow 3-1381

Freemcn d Co., Stephen C. ........HArbor2024

Gclleher Hcrdwood Co. .........Plecscnt 2-3796

Golden West Lumber Co..........STanIev7-9915

Grcce d Co., W. n. .....Mlchieau 78ll

Hclliam Lbr. Co, (Tobe TyrEe) ....CIIbrld 3-598t

Hqllinan Mcckia Lunber Co. .ANgelus 3-{16l

Hcllncrk Lumber 6 Plywood Co. .STcta 6-4112

Hcmmond-Cqlil. Redwood Co. .Blchmond 9-7171

Hcrris, L. E. Lumber Co. ......8Radghqw2-1023

Hecrin Lumber Co., F. L, ..RYqa l-8I81

Hill 6 Mortou, Iac. ............BRadshqw 2-'!375

Hobbg Wcll Lunber Co. ..ATlcntic 2-5779

Holmes Eurekc Lunber Co. ........MUtucl9l8l

Holmeg Lumber Co., Fred C. .......BYcn l-0079

A. L. Hoover Co. .......RYca l-9321

Hull Lumber Compcuy .........Plynourh6-8191 Inpericl

L. A. Dry Eila d Storcge, Inc. ...ANgelus 3-6273

Los Angeles Lumber, Inc. .......MAdison6-9134

Los-Cal Lumber Co. .LUdlow

Mcrqucrl-Wolle trumber Co. ....HOllvwood r!-7558

McCloud Lumber Co. ...VEnont

!i!eie!, Herb Lumber Co., (Arcqdic) ..RYcn

Middletou l.umber Co., 8ob ......STcntev

Mount Whitney Lumber Co. ...ANselu;8-0l7l

Neimo-Beed Lumber Co, .STmlev

Hcrold tr. New-Whlse. Lbr. .......Byd

lcnes Newquist Lumber Sales ......RYcn

Compcny, T. E. ..........BRcdshaw

Osgood, Robert S. .......DUakirk2-8278

Oxlord, Rex Lunber Co. ..AXminster

Pccilic Fir Scles .........RYo

Pccilic Lumber Co,, The ...RYan

Al Peirce Compcny .....NEvcdc6-24{8

Penberthy Lunber Co. ...LUdlow 3-4511

Roberts Lunber Co., Fritz ........ANqelus 2-ll2l

Roddiscrqlt, lnc., Lunber Scles .BYcn l-7123

Rov Forosl Producls Co. ........... .STcie 5-ll4l

S 6 S Lunber Co. ...LUdlow 3-6603

Scnlord-Lueeier, .Inc. .f,Xniaster2-9181

Alcn l. Sbively ...CHcpncn 5-2083

Sierra Lunber & Plywood, Iac. .....STcte5-1196

Sierrc Redwood Conpcny ......PArkview8-7379

Sinmons Hqrdwood G Lbr. Co. .LOrcin 9-7125

Snith, Hemcn A. .Cllqpnca 5-81{5

Smith-Robbins Lumber Corp. ....Pllecscnt 2-6llg

South Bcy Lumber Co. ..........OReqon 8-2258

Southen Ccliloniq Lunber Sqles....BYca l-{105

Stahl Lumber Co. .... ..INgelus 3-68{4

Slcudcrd Lumber Co., Inc. ........OReson 8-2141

StaDloD, E. I. d Son ......ADans 4-9211

Sumnit Lumber 6 Plywood Corp. .. .RYan l-9858

Tccomc Lunber Scleg, Inc. ..:..,.. .BYo l-636f

Tcrdy, Joe ......LUdlow l-0778

Tdrter, Wsbsler d lohnson, Inc. ..INgels 9-7231

Tropiccl d Westem Lumber Co, ..LUdlow 3-2375

Twia City Lumber Co. ........8Rq&hqw2-7723

Twin Harbors Lumber Go. (C. P. Henry d Co.) .........Rlchnond9-6521

Union Lumber Coapcny ..TRinity 2282

Weadlinq-Nctho Co. .RYo l-9321

Wealer! Forest Products Co. ....ANgelus 3-6138

Westem Mill 6 Lumber Co. ....ANgelus 2-41{8

Weverhqeuser Scles Co. .......Rlchmmd 8-6181

Wil3on, Forrest W. .............SYcsmore 9-5788 (MccMillaa d Bloedel; B. C. Forest Products)

Winton Lumber Wbsle. Dislrs., Iac. .TOpcz 2-2186

E. K. Wood Lunber Co. ....RAynond 3-4801


Bcxter, l. H.6 Co. ...DUnhirk8-959l

Wqrea'Southwesi, Iac. ..NEvcdtr6-298


Behr d Sons, loseph . ....NEvcdq6-9711 Buiaqbv cnd Williane '.STcte 5-6561 Tomotor-Gcrlinger STcre5-6!61 Hvster Comocny .RAvnond 3-6255 Mines Bcndini, Inc. ... .LUdlow 7-7261 Phipps Conpmy, The .RAvmond3-5326


Aidrol, irc. (Incinerctors) .DUnkirk 4-2197 tohn Eellg (Plvwood Handbook) .RAvnond 3'3467 Gilbredth Chemiccl Co. ........Glcdstoae 4-1049



Arrowhecd Lumber CompcnY .......lUner !-!-5!-l Inlmd Lumber Compcny .:........TRinity7-200I


T.UMBER Ccl-Pccilic Redwood Sqleg ..... .!!En!ock7-7431 d.iiotia"i"a Lumber Co. .IlEnlock6-7217 n.- L n.iU Co, ...HEmlock 6-9647

SAN DIEGO BUILDING MATENIAIS Cobb Conpaay, T. M. . BElmout S-6673 Uiit"a -St"ii!



2-0261 Industricl Lumber
5-5501 Lerrett
Lumber CompcBy .CApitol
Lumber Conpcny .......RAymond
Long-Bell Div.-Intl. Pcper Co. ...DUnkirk 7-1347
t-0648 Olsen
Bcxter, I. H. & Co. 'YUkon 2-0200 Hcll Co., Iqnes L. '. .SUtter l-?520 Wendlingr-Ncthcn Co' . ...SUtter l-5363 MATERIAI.S HtrNDLING Hyster Compony 'Mlssion 8-0680 SPECIAL SERVICES Gcrehime Corporalion .....SUtter l-8352 Gibrecth Chemicql Co. ..............SUtter l-7537
Fiywood Corp' .BElmont 2-5178
I.UMBER Bruce Co', E. L. ......!-Ellog !-6677 ;;;;t-fi;t;ascles' Ecrle D. ...ANdover l-7260 ei;-ba"*t d Compcov '..TWinocks 3-9866 c;li'f";;ia tu-ber s-alei KEuos 4-1004 CoiE" T"^f"t Compcny ,Ol'ympic 8-5121 oic[l's Bcv Lumber -Co.-. .Glenwood 4-1854 C"-"tito"'C Green Lumber Co. ...KEtlogl 4-6464 CJid." Cqte Lunber Co. '.YEllowstone 4-4416 cJia"n-ltqcsecth '... '...LOckhcven 8-?!78 Co*ti"-Haiai"g Lumber Co. .YEllowstoaa !-Q?,!l ffili-C Mo*on.- Inc. .. .ANdover l-1077 fettev, AtUert 4. .'..LAkehurcl 2-2754 LJop'iumber d Mill Co. ....... LAkeburst3-5550 tnf"dn*rl Hcrdwood Co. .Tllornwcll 3-4390 Pccilic Fir Sqles '.. .!-En1p-lebcr Q'1313 i;;;t# Lumber Co. .LOclihcven 2-4466 3oJ-Rclcel Lumber Co. '....Glenwood 3-3396 StrcuiJ L"-fet Compov ...TEmplebcr 2-5584 i;ii;ir*t; c;;;a;i ......Gleiwooa 9-!??? i;E"stJ Lumber C6. W"eieln Drv Kiln Co' .........LOckhcven 8-3284 Weiiet" Pin.e Supply Co. ..Olvmpic3-7711 wiir. B';$;'; ::.:.... ..ANioi'er !-!QQQ Winton Lunber Scles Co' .....Glencouri l-7057 PANELS-DOORS_SASH_SCREENS PLYWO-OD-Mtr.LWOK_BUtr.DING MATENIALS cAiverc Cement Co. '....GlEncourt l-7400 nnlcJ Ptvwooa .......rr. Klltoe Q-!lQ! ft"o"" Wfiste, Blds' Mtlg' .....TEmplebcr 4-8767 iiiitll Si'tJi-piiwlod co'p' ...rwinosks !-!s!! w";L-- D;;t d'Scsh Co. -.....TEmplebcr 2-8400 MATRIA'.S HANDLING Buncbv md Willidms ........IEmplebcr 2-8498 Tomoior-Gerlinger ..TEmplebcr 2-8498 SACRAMENTO


Atuactive as a good volume and profit builder; aftractive, too, for its supreme qualities as a buildi.g product. Nothing surpasses the enduring beauty of Rockport's Certified Dty Redwood Bevel Siding and Finish. Rockport Redwood is always well up to grade.

Trul v attr acti v e J
R0ulilr$ LUMBER CotftPAltY Soles Agents Generql Office, Crocker Bldg- Sqn Frqncisco 4, Colif. YUkon 6-o912 Teletype SF-898 9233 Denton Dr., Dtrllos, Texqs - 43O N. Wcco Ave., Wichito l, Kon.
Rounds Lumber Company is exclusive distributor for Rockport Redwood and sales agent for other leading Redwood mills. Rounds also represents producers of top quality Douglas Fir, White Fir and Ponderosa Pine.

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Articles inside


pages 73-74

hlrrrilter, Eanil 7,wlclil 'eoc,/pl Uiil4nrf 5"1t4

pages 69-73


pages 67-68


page 66

Sirrro R.edwood Compqny

pages 61-66


page 60


page 60


page 59

Fern Trucking Forms'Mines Bondini' to Hondle Lumber Storoge

page 58

Quality Redwood

pages 54-57


pages 51-53


page 51


page 51


page 50

End Your Wcrste Disposol Problem wirh cln Just Whqt You AI RTROT INCINERATOR

pages 47-49

GET ON fo Hobbs Wqll Redwood

pages 46-47

Jf0W. .1 in Cattfot nia!

pages 44-45


pages 42-43

NRTDA Developing Mosfer Soles-Troining Progrom for Reroil Lumberyord Employes

page 42


pages 39-41

for Your Lumber Reguirements , r r GaII ETLAS

pages 37-39


page 36

Cilqy lErywr & Comnpary Jffi'

page 35


page 34

Osrling --The Gluclliry Door Thqr Gives You More

pages 29-33


pages 27-28

,hlV alarollik Stsral

pages 26-27

FAfffier cnd His llbme

pages 24-25

p"live r y byfl;'""'-"""" .--" bY t:.":.,5and rRAf[ER

page 23

The new improved HOilASOIE beveled siding with lO moior-Yolue fecrtures

pages 21-22

room to

page 20


page 20

Pcrcific Cocrst Wholesqle Hordwood Distribufors

page 18

Greoler Volume ond Inc reosed with CATAVERAS CEMENTS Prof its

pages 12-17

free! redwood information chart #2

page 11

Weyerhaeuser 4-Square Kiht,'MLut{bw

pages 9-10


pages 5-9

Dicrmond Mqrch Co. Enrolls lts 60 Retqil Yqrds in Lunrber Merchqnts Assn. of Northern Cqlifornio

page 4


page 3


pages 2-3
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