Martial Arts Magazine Budo International 309 April 1 fortnight 2016

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In this comprehensive instructional video, Andreas Weitzel, founder and head instructor of the SYSTEMA Academy Weitzel (Augsburg, Germany) and one of the leading SYSTEMA Instructors in Europe explains the most important fighting fundamentals. First he vividly elucidates how to walk naturally focusing on the correct execution of steps. He then shows how to use this work in combat applications. A variety of different topics are explained in this movie including: How to unbalance an attacker; How to strike and kick correctly; How to defend against, grabs, throws, strikes and kicks. The explanations in this video are simple but clear with the aim for easy comprehension and lear ning for everyone. During his explanation Andreas always includes and focuses on the most important principles and fundamentals of SYSTEMA by showing how different topics are tightly linked to each other. Furthermore free and spontaneous work against different attacks including weapons is shown under realistic conditions and full speed. In this video Andreas is assisted and supported by Michael Hazenbeller (Rastatt) and Thomas Gößler (Augsburg), two experienced Systema Instructors.


All DVDs, wichi is produced by Budo International, si provided and alone in the formats DVD-5 or MPEG-2, in VCD, DivX or the like is however neves offered with a special holograma sticker. Besides our DVD is characteristed coverings by the hig quality in pressure and material. If this DVD and/or the DVD covering do not corespond to the requirements specified above, it concerns illegal pirat copy.


"We come nearest to the great when we are great in humility." Rabindranath Tagore


hen this editorial will see the light, we'll be reaching the homestretch toward the Rome Masters Budo, an event that will mark a before and after in the personal history of many of us. After nearly 30 years of magazine, I've had the opportunity of meeting many Masters of the most varied styles and backgrounds. 30 years is a long time in our small biographies, and the life of all of us has changed a lot. It will certainly be the opportunity of a tasty rapprochement in many cases, and why not, of new beginnings in others. These special moments are important splitters, because life is not a linear continuum, but we perceive it this way in our small minds. Highlights that, breaking routines and beyond this or any other subjective consideration (all are very important!), mark the fulfillment of stories that should be experienced for the sake of the individual and collective fate that concerns all of us and mixes and determines everything. History itself interweaves and makes itself from these anecdotes, often seemingly trivial, but that change the lives of those who experience them. When it's a major the event, as is the case that concerns us, the confluence of forces are also spectacular and consequently so will be the forces resulting therefrom. Of course, everyone looks at these encounters with his or her own eyes: there are those who seek prominence, or come with dreams or professional expectations, looking for notoriety, fame or simply chances; but even those who only see the sky from the brim of the hole in which they dwell, are subject to these larger forces that include fate. For all, however, it will be an opportunity to be seized and everyone from his or her approach will rise to the occasion and will live up to the paths in which they are traveling. I am happy to see how to create a chance for many is in accordance with many. That said, being a tool or instrument of fate is also part of the destiny of every man, and mine, for better or worse, it is indisputably linked to the lives of many of these Masters, most of them friends and brothers of vital voyages, people whom I admire and respect as individuals. Reencountering these people, all of them have something to do with my story, and putting them in contact among themselves is definitely a pleasure. Of course, by their articles, many of you have known for years these teachers, great Masters or instructors, but they also know each other, the more often through this channel. Just imagine what a beautiful idea to put them now all together, so that besides a face on a screen or on paper, they can perceive the personal vibration and direct experience that allows the occasion of the meeting. How do I imagine? Well, since most of them are people whom I respect (and respectable), everything will flow in the framework of dignity, respect and, in many cases, even

"When men are gathered for some purpose, find that they can also achieve other ends whose achievement depends on their mutual union." Thomas Carlyle

mutual admiration. This I know, because there aren't few those who have confessed me the admiration and pleasure that produces them the opportunity of knowing each other, especially after years of sharing space on the same pages, something that has made them become somehow blood brothers, even though that blood is black (ink!) What would I hate personally? That the old competitive routines, the result of immaturity or old complexes, crop up occupying the rightful place of the high-mindedness, the respect for the difference and for the organizers. Egos always soar in these things, because even though overcoming them is number one in the Decalogue of the warrior's path, it seems that we have come to this world to give what we don't have. Martial Arts smell of Mars from every pore, and that male god born without part or intervention of the masculine, is tough and macho, and before being refined, repudiates courtesy and respect. However, in the eyes of the most seasoned beings among us, and consequently the most important ones, everyone will be portrayed in these small gestures that reveal the point where everyone is travelling along. The one above is humble, always! He who exalts himself unwittingly places himself below the others. The weak attacks, while the strong, aware of the consequences of his power, does not seek a battle, does not get disturbed or insist on protecting a position or a spurious pedestal; on the contrary, like water, he flows surrounding the problems, placing himself below, unnoticed to the crowds, but never to the other great ones who, like him, look and see beyond the forms. This is how deep friendships and powerful alliances that have withstood time have been woven. From the difference, the further we go down into the roots, the more arises what we all have in common. In the end, everyone that has deepened, knows well that we all drink from the same sources, and that what unites us is much greater than what divides us, and this is really a beautiful ornament to multiplication of the primordial unity, that beautifies and adorns our own origins, traditions and experiences. At the end we all serve the same lords, the problem is that the intermediate commands do not know and insist on the differences for fear of losing control. For students, hobbyists, and initiated in the disciplinary arts who have decided to attend either the seminars or the gala ... What a golden opportunity! An authentic contamination of martial wisdom will cover them on both sides! They will enjoy a huge immersion among the cream of special people, leading experts, traditional Masters, teachers who have crossed the borders and are known worldwide through their courses and our magazine. We have converted dinner into a buffet with a great photo call, so that people, instead of remaining sit next to someone they don't know, can mix leaving aside the usual

formality of these ceremonies, to bring forth the meeting, the pics with their idols, the autograph signing or the memory selfie. The emphasis here will be on people, on the participants, not on the ceremony itself. Excessive forms constrict the contents; the object of the meeting resents and stays parked behind the image. No, that's not our idea. In Italy, in the Eternal City of Rome, the family of warriors attached to this magazine, the "Budo MASTERS", will make history once again. Dear readers, who would want to miss a moment like that? Ci vediamo in Italia!

“Entering... The taylor” Además de una gran estrella del Cine Marcial en las últimas décadas el Gran Maestro Doctor Chiu Chi Ling, es el representante de un linaje Marcial esencial en la historia del Kung Fu. Hombre de arrasadora personalidad y enorme simpatía, visitó nuestros estudios para grabar con nostros un video, junto a su sucesor el GM Martin Sewer y concedernos esta entrevista en la que se tocan muchos temas importantes y divertidas anécdotas de un hombre que es parte insustituible de la historia Marcial moderna. El video está ya disponible en descarga o DVD.

Grand Masters

Interview by Alfredo Tucci Alfredo Tucci: First of all thank you for coming, Grandmaster. GM Chiu Chi Ling: Thank you so much. Alfredo Tucci: We are very happy to have you here. GM Chiu Chi Ling: Yeah me too! I'm happy I can meet you, because you are the big boss.

Alfredo Tucci: (Laughs) Thank you very much! GM Chiu Chi Ling: (Laughs). Alfredo Tucci: No... I'm just a comunicator and YOU are the important person here. You and your student Martin Sewer who is also a good friend of mine. I'm very happy: For the first time we have the chance to have you both together make new covers for the magazines, the video and to have this nice interview.

Grand Masters GM Chiu Chi Ling: Nice, nice. I'm very happy. Fantastic. Alfredo Tucci.: Let me ask you a question that probably many of our readers have on mind: How did a chinese master's got a western student that remains so important on your style and your life?

GM Chiu Chi Ling: I was the youngest one in Hong Kong. But then later I went all around the world to meet our Hung Gar Family. It's very important for me to give my knowledge. Hung, Lau, Choy, Lay and Mok were the five main Kung Fu families in those days. Now I can bring this to the people and learn them. That's my duty.

After my father, I am the next generation. My father didn't teach easy to foreign people. Because foreign people were stronger and taller. Asian people were weaker and smaller. Did you see the movies with Bruce Lee? „It's chinese Kung Fu!“ (Laughs). This is an old thinking. But me, as the new generation, wants to have our style all over the world. I'm 73, but still go to spread our good technique, the real southern style, Siu Lam Fukien temple style. We are not the northern style. My idea is to show the long history of our family. We had Luk Ah Choy, Wong Fei Hung, Ji Sim Sum See, Lam Sai Wing, Chiu Kow. It's a very long history. This is very good, and i will keep continueing my job until I retire (laughs).

Alfredo Tucci: Is your student Martin doing a good job within his part? GM Chiu Chi Ling: Yeah, because Martin is learning for a long time from me. He is also very kind and very respectful, and so he was to my father and my mother. He was in Hong Kong very often, to meet me and learn from me. Even now he is still learning. He is a very good student under my familiy. Today he has many schools in switzerland and a very good system and organisation. He also leads his students to the tours wich i make through china and Hong Kong and brings them to the championships, seminars and the Siu Lam Temple in Fukien. He joined the exchanges with Chin Woo and different masters. He is the best!

Grand Masters

He follows me and so he can care about things because he knows how I think and what I do. I'm very happy to have a such good successor. Alfredo Tucci.: Thats beautiful, thats very beatiful. He is a very kind man. GM Chiu Chi Ling: Yeah, all the people love him. My father, my family. He is very very kind and respectful. And also he likes Simo! Simo did come to his wedding. I did want to come too but I already had Hotel and Flight bookings for this time period to work on movies. I had a contract, so I couldn't leave.

Alfredo Tucci: But he looks at you like at a father. He always says lovely things about you. Thats the reason why I'm very happy to have you finally here with him. And I hope we can do a lot of beautiful articles with you, with him, for the next future. So thank you very much for coming Master. GM Chiu Chi Ling: I'm very very happy, because this is a good chance for me. If you wouldn't invite me, how could I do this interview and talk to my audience? Alfredo Tucci: (laughs)

Grand Masters

GM Chiu Chi Ling: We Make articles and interviews? So thank YOU for giving me the chance! Alfredo Tucci: Thank you very much!

Interview by Sifu Martin Sewer Sifu Martin Sewer: Welcome Grandmaster Dr. Chiu Chi Ling. I know you practice for a long time, the original Hung Gar Kung Fu. Where did you start? Where was the beginning of your training? GM Chiu Chi Ling: Our Hung Gar Family is very famous in the entire world. Also my father and my mother trained the Hung Gar Kung Fu. I grew up with my family, my brothers and sisters, and I followed him, my father, to the training, with the age of three years. At this time I had to train hard, otherwise he would hit me. So it was hard for me and a lot to train at this time. I grew up under my fahter, wich had a school, so I also helped

Grand Masters my father with assistance when new students came. I got more and more experience with him about how to teach and it was very important for our family. Sifu Martin Sewer: At which age exactly did you start learning Hung Gar Kung Fu? GM Chiu Chi Ling: It was quite easy, I grew up and with the age of three I could start. Kung Fu is not for a year or two, it's for a lifetime thing. Now I am 73 years old. I'm still working on my Kung Fu and still giving the knowledge to the other branches, Sifus, Students and Grandstudents. They are learning. I also give special classes for Instructors, to let the people know what is special about our Hung Gar Kung Fu. Sifu Martin Sewer: I know you travel a lot. You go for visiting all the different branches, different schools. So why do you teach so many people? Why do they follow you? GM Chiu Chi Ling: This is very important. I don't do that since now. I do it since 40 or 50 years. people from different countries came and travelled to Hong Kong,

visiting us and the school, and they learned from me. Then they went back to their schools and their countries and opened a branch of our family and our lineague. Thats very important. Because I can have the branches in the different countries and cities. Sifu Martin Sewer: I can see you are the number one in Hugn Gar. You are probably the best worldwide. Nobody else can travel around and have so many branches. I think you are the number one.

GM Chiu Chi Ling: (laughs) Noo...I'm just doing my duty about the real Siu Lam Kung Fu. Our Hung Gar is the one from Wong Fei Hung you know? Hung Hee Gung, Ji Sim Sum See. From generation to generation, creating more history for our style. Sifu Martin Sewer: I know, from the different seminars you teach, you talk about Wing Chun, you talk about Bagua, about Tai Chi, about the five elements. Are you teaching Hung Gar, or the Wing Chung or maybe Tai Chi?

Grand Masters

GM Chiu Chi Ling: That's a very good question. What is the Inch Power? What is the Bong Sao? What is the Tai Chi? Bagua? Leong Yi Sei Cheong? Inside Hung Gar, there is included such things as Tai Chi and Yin Yang. We are are not the other Tai Chi styles. We are special, having our Chiu Chi Ling Tai Chi recevied from a certain Kung Fu family. Our Kung Fu has a long history, we have hard and soft (Gong, Yau, Bik, Jik, Fan, Ding, Chuen, Tai, Lau, Wan, Jai, Deing, San, Ho), the poem, is inside our style. You see a little move, but the principles are very important behind

it. People see it and are like... “This is Hung Gar?�. Yes! this is Hung Gar. People don't understand the deeper meaning of Hung Gar. They just look at a little piece, like the Tiger, with power, but not at the crane wich is very soft. I must let the people know the different levels, that's my idea. I have to let the people know that those things are not Wing Chun only, this is our Fukien Siu Lam Temple Kung Fu. Hung He Gung, the one. Fong Wing Chun was his Women (crance, soft). Hung He Gung strong as a Tiger. So they married to

Grand Masters “You know Bruce Lee's “Enter the Dragon”? All my students where there for the shots. I also teached the stuntmen. So the following days different companies called for Kung Fu people like “we need 10 people here for tomorrow” and I send my students.”

mix these two styles, the soft and the hard, to learn to have the best solution for attacks. This is very important for our style. Let the people know, no matter boy or old man: We give better health, a stronger body, and also the skill to protect. This is very important, every age can learn our style. My idea behind my seminars all over the world is to let the people know more and more about our history. Thats important.

Sifu Martin Sewer: You talk about the different ages. Is everybody able to learn Kung Fu? A Baby, a boy and even an old man or woman? Can they really learn this hard style? GM Chiu Chi Ling: (laughs) That's a very good question. When i opened my school one day some parents looked at me and said: “Wow Sifu, you are very powerful. Can my kid learn from you?�. Beacause they

Grand Masters

knew its also about health and spirit. Of course the boy has a different level, and a different programm and different classes. You said a Baby? Also a the baby has a differnt programm to the boy. The kind of teaching is different. This is very good about our system. Of course also for the old man, who wants to keep a healty body. Maybe he will go more for the softer, Tai Chi and Yin Yang, part, but still. Like I said. Different degrees. We are worldwide with very different schools and classes for the training, and thats our system.

Sifu Martin Sewer: I see, you are a real Grandmaster. Nowdays nobody worldwide can do this, as far as I can see. But why are you so famous? I know you from movies like Kung Fu Hustle, and some with Jackie Chan. How did this start? GM Chiu Chi Ling: Many people want that. Want to join and make movies and be a movie star. So they ask me, „how can I join the movies?“. For me, it was just great opportunity. Im living in Hong Kong. Many directors and movie companies are there. My father was very famous for

Grand Masters

his Kung Fu and his Dit Da and medicine Skills. Those people did know that. And also did know me as his son. When I opened the school they came for visit. They said „You can help us with choreography! We want to show the people the real Kung Fu“. I said „I never did movies before“. They just said its no problem, I could come to the set and we would try. That was the point where I did start with movies. I was around 21 or 22 years old. I was working with different big stars like Samo Hung, Jackie Chan, Gordon Liu, Lau Gar Leung, Brothers wich all where very famous. You know Bruce Lee's “Enter the Dragon”? All my students where there for the shots. I also teached the stuntmen. So the following days different companies called for Kung Fu people like “we need 10 people here for tomorrow” and I send my students. They earned good money, and I was still teaching them and for my students it was a chance to get into the movie business. Some directors and producers asked me „this is your student?“, I said yes, and this fast they where taken to the movie stars like Lau Gar Leung. You know Kung Fu

Hustle? The one with the long staff is also my student. That's a fact about our Hung Gar Style and family. We did not do this for the money, but cause of the promotion for our famous name. Also good to know: Our family is not only in the Hong Kong movie business today, but also in China and Taiwan for example. Do you know the old black and white Kung Fu movies? They where already about Wong Fei Hung, the hero, acted by Jackie Chan or Jet Li. Wong Fei Hung, the hero of our lineague, was the main character in more than 130 movies about his life. This shows, we are the biggest family if you talk about Hung Gar from the south Siu Lam Temple. We are famous all around the world. Sifu Martin Sewer: Grandmaster Dr. Chiu Chi Ling, you mentioned Lau Gar Leung. I know he made movies like „The 36 chambers of shaolin“ and many others. Is he also a Hung Gar practitioneer? A Hung Gar Master? GM Chiu Chi Ling: This is a good question. Since Kung Fu movies were made, there were tru Hung Gar Masters to play the roles. We are talking about real Kung Fu for the camera.

“I was around 21 or 22 years old. I was working with different big stars like Samo Hung, Jackie Chan, Gordon Liu, Lau Gar Leung, Brothers wich all where very famous�

Grand Masters

So Lau Gar Leung was kind of my Brother. Lau Gar Leung's Father is the same generation as Chiu Kow, my father. So i'm in the same generation as Lau Gar Leung, that's why we are brothers. People loved our movies. Beacause the action is real. It's real Kung Fu. Today it's more CGI, but still you need skills. I was choreographer in those movies, and i am still today. Such movies are still very popular. Did you notice about Bruce Lee? He also did Siu Lam South Kung Fu for in movies. Many movies stars do, like for example Sammo Hung, Lau Gar Leung, Alexander Fu Sheng, Gordon Liu. They are all famous Kung Fu Movie Stars with roots in the south. Sifu Martin Sewer: We talked so much about movies. Now, is there something you recently did? Some movie coming up soon? GM Chiu Chi Ling: Yeah sure, look at my movie history, I'm always doing differnt movies. At the moment: The Mermaid, from director Stephen Chow.

Wich was released on the 8. of February. Maybe the next one will be in europe, I dont know. I'm not the Boss about this (laughs). But anyway I want to thank for all the support for making this possible. Sifu Martin Sewer: Thank you very much. Is there something you like to say to your students, grandstudents and grand-grandstudents all over the world? They are learning our style, our Hung Gar style. Is there any message you like to give all of them? GM Chiu Chi Ling: Yes. You see, I was everywhere around the world. In Asia, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Korea, Japan, Singapur, Malaysia. Also in Europe: Germany, Poland, Italy, Belgium, Switzerland, England. In Africa, Morrocco, Tunesia, Dubai... many... many countries. Did I mention Canada? Mexico? Chile? Argentina? Colombia? Our Branch is everywhere. All of them want me to go to their country to give seminars and teach. All the people and students want

“He follows me and so he can care about things because he knows how I think and what I do. I'm very happy to have a such good successor.�

to meet me. They love our Kung Fu. They love my seminars. This Year I will have the chance to go to Argentina and New York (to a hall of fame). Also I will be able to go to Singapure and Brazil fot he championship there. Also for Dan-Tests, people want to know their level. Or for example, after this actual interview, I will go back to switzerland for seminars and Dan-Tests. We also will have the chance to celebrate my birthday there, make a lot of pictures and strength our friendship. This is typically chinese culture: Respect to the Sifu, Sigung and Si-tai-Gung. I'm very happy to have my student, Martin Sewer, in switzerland to manage all that. He has a lot students and eight schools in switzerland. I'm looking forward to go there.

Sifu Martin Sewer: Is there any new project or idea for the future you wanna talk about? GM C hiu C hi Ling: Yes ! We are making a new movie with our Kung Fu, with a n e w s t o r y. A n d a s u s u a l , w e w a n t h a v e fun and the oppurtunity to promote our K ung F u. Sifu Martin Sewer: So, thank you very much Grandmaster! GM Chiu Chi Ling: Obrigado! Gracias! Amigos Hi! (sic) (Laughs) Sifu Martin Sewer: (Laugs) Thank you very much!

Grand Masters “We are making a new movie with our Kung Fu, with a new story. And as usual, we want have fun and the oppurtunity to promote our Kung Fu”

“People don't understand the deeper meaning of Hung Gar. They just look at a little piece, like the Tiger, with power, but not at the crane wich is very soft.”


WT Universe

Practitioners und Leader of the Group in der WTU (Wing Tsun Universe) We consider it necessary to give in this form again a clear overview of the teacher steps in the WTU and the necessary conditions, because there are always misunderstandings and ambiguities. This may be due to communication difficulties or to a lack of intensity, as set with the subject apart. We are always looking for ways to keep everything clear and especially transparent both internally and externally. Always call to discuss issues of WTU members or from interested parties from outside directly to the founder.

WT Universe

In the WTU we make a clear distinction between "students" (practitioners) and teachers (LotG). It's one thing to learn and to teach another something. A teacher must be prepared for each student to question himself and to find a new way to make the students able to understand, that is to make the learning designating to digest using the tools and their functions. Many "teachers" have the following settings: If I would be interested to teach, then I would like to teach. That means in other words, if I have an attention deficit, I would like to teach. And the second even worse condition: frustration. These are those that break down to their one's own life frustration, want to teach now and again and then use the students as better punshing pads.

WT Universe

The prison of our thought patterns .. If we meet someone who is sitting in another cell, if it has a different conditioning, embossing, identification, then the following happens: - We find him unsympathetic - We have a conflict - We see an enemy The whole can be easily transferred to collective groups, organizations, religions, political parties, etc.. What is the form and content, we can never understand in this way. That form and content not must match, certainly not. It is interesting that people still believe the other would have said what arrives through the filter of their thought patterns in their

WT Universe perception. They are ready to swear an oath. They do not notice that they perceive by this claim only the limitations of their own thinking. They usually get really angry in this state but already perceived highly emotional seemingly on the up and are reasonable arguments no longer accessible. About what they now get upset about? About themselves! But for them and as a result in the reminder they have good reasons to get excited about the insolence which they have obviously perceived immediately.

WT Universe

People talk about the structure of the body and do not realize that the structure of their thought patterns, their emotions and their everyday behavior has to do something with it. All that is out of context, networking and even contradicts itself. Hardly that they hear, perceive, it is already distorted by the filters of conditioning, embossing, intuition, identification and changes.

Qualities in the WTU 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7)

Attention Elasticity Balance Sensitivity Agility Timing Intent

What happens when two people practice Chi-Sao, what is the meaning of their practice and what the objectives? In this 3rd DVD, "Chi Sao from the base to an advanced level," Sifu Salvador SĂĄnchez addresses perhaps the most important aspect of Wing Chun: ChiSao, the soul of the system itself, which provides the practitioner with some special characteristics which are completely different from others, and gives him great virtues. This role deals with some aspects quite basic in principle, but as you delve into them, they'll be surprising to you. It is a very clear feature traditional Chinese culture; what it's very obvious at first glance, it nevertheless contains a second or third reading, which will surely change your approach, practice and understanding. We will discuss how to practice Chi Sao through our working drills and how to apply those drills, that ability in a sparring, linking certain concepts, perhaps not so much tied to traditional Kung Fu, such as biomechanics, structures, knowledge of physics, etc., in order to obtain better results in our practice.

REF.: • DVD/TAOWS3 All DVDs, wichi is produced by Budo International, si provided and alone in the formats DVD-5 or MPEG-2, in VCD, DivX or the like is however neves offered with a special holograma sticker. Besides our DVD is characteristed coverings by the hig quality in pressure and material. If this DVD and/or the DVD covering do not corespond to the requirements specified above, it concerns illegal pirat copy.


„Eternal Spring“ Living for Weng Chun Grandmaster Andreas Hoffmann and his thirtieth anniversary of teaching Weng Chun (1986-2016) Ever since childhood, Andreas Hoffmann has been fascinated by the martial arts, and following his calling to find the true martial art, he dared to take the leap into the unknown and travelled to China during the 1980s. During the following years, he was taught personally by various masters. He has long since become a grandmaster himself, and meanwhile he has been teaching Weng Chun Kung Fu all over the world for three decades. As his wife, Gabriela Hoffmann, I will try and shed some light on his multifaceted commitment to Weng Chun and to martial arts in general. Text: Gabriela Hoffmann, Christoph Fuß, Photos: Jens Kamer, Andreas Hoffmann.

Weng Chun

Weng Chun „Eternal Spring“ Living for Weng Chun Grandmaster Andreas Hoffmann and his thirtieth anniversary of teaching Weng Chun (1986-2016) Ever since childhood, Andreas Hoffmann has been fascinated by the martial arts, and following his calling to find the true martial art, he dared to take the leap into the unknown and travelled to China during the 1980s. During the following years, he was taught personally by various masters. He has long since become a grandmaster himself, and meanwhile he has been teaching Weng Chun Kung Fu all over the

world for three decades. As his wife, Gabriela Hoffmann, I will try and shed some light on his multifaceted commitment to Weng Chun and to martial arts in general. Weng Chun translates as „Eternal Spring“. By living together with Andreas Hoffmann and sharing daily life, I soon came to realize the meaning of that notion. For already fourty years he has dedicated himself to the martial arts, and still I experience him as someone who assiduously attends to Weng Chun Kung Fu and his martial arts research every day anew, and with truly everlasting joy and enthusiasm. He devotes himself with the same full dedication to his exercises as well as to his students, and always seeks to gain a still deeper understanding of his Shaolin art. Time and again, whenever time allows, he goes on a research journey, on other occasions he might attend a Buddhist meditation retreat, or learns yet another martial art. He loves to instruct all kinds of people every day; usually starting with the kids, he inspires about a hundred people with his knowledge, his expertise and his cordiality during a regular working day. In between he maintains contacts with his schools and Weng Chun mates all over the world via social media, answers their questions, and plans future projects. During weekends, he often travels to other cities or countries, and during the last three decades, his path often led him to very interesting places to give lessons there, such as Los Angeles Chinatown and the Ving Tsun Museum in Dayton, Ohio, or

Weng Chun

during the 1980s to then still communist Poland; he went to Sweden, Italy, Serbia, the Netherlands, Spain and may others. So far, he has introduced Weng Chun Kung Fu in over 15 countries. But he also motivates others to carry out such pioneering feats, such as his Italian master students, who realized his vision of Weng Chun being taught once again within a temple, which was erected in arduous work at the beach of Naples and is wholly devoted to the study of Weng Chun. Thanks to his inspiration, many of his students have chosen the Shaolin way of life for themselves, and some have chosen it as their main occupation, in Germany for example Master Thomas Reichelt in Erlangen or Master Michael Berger in Diez. In the east of Germany, Weng Chun flourishes through the sedulous effort of Master Peter Fischer and his team of black belts, like Mike and Holger MĂźller and many others. Besides, Andreas Hoffmann is also active as an author, writing monthly articles in the world s most highly acclaimed martial arts magazin, Budo International. Furthermore, he has published three books in several languages, which represent the first-ever books about Weng Chun. From my point of view, his Weng Chun way of life so far can be described as preserving the art of Weng Chun in the originality and uniqueness of its history, philosophy and practice, and by restoring its status which it held back in the days of the famous Shaolin temple and of Grandmaster Fung Siu Ching. Furthermore, with the support of his team of masters, he seeks to further develop this art to a still higher level by means of hard exercise and sedulous practical research. Through his lifestyle and work, Grandmaster Andreas Hoffmann cultivates and evolves Weng Chun Kung Fu in all of its aspects: 1.) First of all, Weng Chun can be characterized as an ingenious art of selfdefense, which can be learned by anyone in relatively short time, and which is not so much based on mere strength and speed, but rather on perception, spontaneity, naturalness, resulting in an unlabored and effortless deployment of promptness and power. The same applies to Weng Chun as a competitive sport, which can easily keep up with today s high standard of fighting abilities. The Weng Chun competition team can be proud of a solid record of achievement in freestyle-, Sanda- and K-1contests. Among the most successful students and champions of Andreas Hoffmann are Master Ismail GĂśksu, Sifu Sebastian Mehler, and from Denmark Sifu Henrik Affe Sprechler. 2.) Given today s diversity of old and often not so old styles of martial arts, another aspect that

Weng Chun

needs emphasizing is that of Weng Chun as a traditional Chinese martial art with all its particular forms and exercises, and also with its own unique history of development, which can be traced back directly to the famous Shaolin temple. Andreas Hoffmann has been researching this field for thirty years, and for this purpose he has been travelling to Hong Kong, mainland China, Vietnam and others, seeking to visit all practitioners of Weng Chun who are alive. This also represents a continuation of the work of his most important teacher, Grandmaster Wai Yan, who had founded the research academy of Dai Duk Lan shortly after World War Two, and was inviting all masters of the various Weng Chun- families to meet there for teaching and mutual exchange until its close-down in 1991. Prior to this, any such exchange was rendered almost impossible for around two centuries due to political persecution, and Weng Chun therefore was being developed in many lines which were largely separated from one another. With the founding of the Dai Duk Lan, Wai Yan created a place of encounter, exchange and

joint development of this art, and such is the legacy which was handed down to Andreas Hoffmann. Motivated by that spirit, Andreas Hoffman time and again goes out on a search for missing members of the Weng Chun- family, which often takes him into the remotest areas of China and beyond, to study their particular way of Weng Chun. Doing so, he is also very open-minded about other styles related to Weng Chun. For example, he has been learning Hung Gar Kung Fu from the famous Grandmaster and actor Chiu Chi Ling for thirty years, as well as Chuy Lee Fut from Grandmaster Tsang Hin Kuen. He has also studied the “soft� styles Tai Chi Chan, Hsing I and Bagua from Grandmaster Fu Sheng Lung. 3.) Grandmaster Fung Siu Ching was particularly well known for passing on Weng Chun as an art of Chan, respectively Zen, which is reflected in his slogan Weng Chun Fat Gar (Weng Chun Buddha family). To preserve others from suffering and to help them having a more happy life is the motivation of Andreas Hoffmann, as of any practitioner of Chan. The leitmotif of Chan is the

Weng Chun

pursuit of naturalness, simplicity, spontaneity and cordiality, which also means to become detached from rigid perceptions of things and from desire. Many practitioners of Kung Fu are hardly approachable for the concept of Chan philosophy, and therefore the art is often taught without taking due account of its spiritual dimension, and thus ultimately remains incomplete. With his practical and literary work, Andreas Hoffman seeks to encourage the practitioners of Weng Chun to engage themselves in this integral part of martial arts as well, and most of his master students follow his example. 4.) Last but not least, it is important to emphasize the aspect of Weng Chun as an art of healing and fitness. To complement his proficiency in this regard as well, Andreas Hoffmann has been studying traditional Chinese medicine, and above that was also instucted by other experts, such as Alvaro Romano, the founder of Ginástica Natural. In January 2016, the thirtieth anniversary of Andreas Hoffmann as a teacher of Weng Chun took place in the Weng Chun headquarter in Bamberg, Germany. Friends, teachers and students from all over the world came to pay tribute to his efforts and work, and to celebrate together. As special guest, as well as an important teacher and contemporary witness, Hung GarGrandmaster Chiu Chi Ling from San Francisco visited Bamberg, and came up with some unmatched workshops and demonstrations. He also offered interesting insights into his conception of the affinity between Weng Chun and Hung Gar Kung Fu. Since 1986 he has had a close relation with Andreas Hoffmann, and his support for the Weng Chun- family since thirty years virtually was another reason to celebrate. Among the attendees were the Weng Chun masters Philipp Hackert, Harald Gries, Michael Berger, Thomas Reichelt, Rittirong Konggann, Ismaik Göksu, Thorsten Engels, Peter Fischer, Alexander Hofmann, from Italy the brothers Flavio and Federico Greco as well as Fabio Samataro, from Denmark Henrik Affe Sprechler and Patrick Mathiesen. All of them held training sessions, and demonstrated the beauty of Weng Chun together with their students. Grandmaster Andreas Hoffmann himself offered insights into his vision of Weng Chun Kung Fu, and during a special workshop he illustrated the particular aspect of “flow” in Weng Chun. When he eventually performed the main form of Grandmaster Wai Yan during the evening gala, he received an emotional standing ovation by the enthusiastic spectators, many of which were moved to tears. Andreas Hoffmann thanked all guests cordially for coming, for their presentations, and for the many gifts. Overall, it was a great and very memorable anniversary celebration for the whole Weng Chun- family, during which many new friendships and

Weng Chun new plans for the future and thrieving of Weng Chun Kung Fu have been made. The event was accompanied by a team of professional photographers as well as a television crew, which produces a documentary about Andreas Hoffmann and his work for Weng Chun. I myself am looking very much forward to the next thirty years, and about the special opportunity to experience and enjoy them up close!

Comprehensive or Integral Vovinam is simply going back to the Founder's true Vovinam. The goal of the founder was clearly and openly declared: "Harvesting effective techniques, assimilate their essence and transform them into Vovinam techniques", and indeed this concept still remains in force and is mandatory for all Vovinam Masters in the world. Vovinam is then a research concept to achieve a super effective style. However, today 90% of Vovinam teachers forget it and bend to a program too loaded, too fixed, too aesthetic and sometimes completely ineffective in numerous techniques. Comprehensive Vovinam is simply rediscovering the original essence of Master Nguyen Loc's art. For that, we have the principles, the basic techniques, and we just have to go back to work out the effective way of every technique and apply the founding principle. In this DVD, by the hand of Master Patrick Levet, we will study the basis of Integral Vovinam, threats and knife attacks, integral counterattacks, and defense against Dam Thang (direct fist) Dam Moc (hook punch), Dam Lao (javelin punch) as well as basic leg levers.


All DVDs, wichi is produced by Budo International, si provided and alone in the formats DVD-5 or MPEG-2, in VCD, DivX or the like is however neves offered with a special holograma sticker. Besides our DVD is characteristed coverings by the hig quality in pressure and material. If this DVD and/or the DVD covering do not corespond to the requirements specified above, it concerns illegal pirat copy.


About the true origins of Japanese Jiu-Jitsu there is much speculation, because this method is actually, in my humble opinion, not a specific martial art, but a term that stands for various applications of principles and techniques. I use for my book the term JIU-JITSU, instead of Ju-Jutsu or Ju-Jitsu, because this same writing was used by all Japanese masters coming to Brazil and has been used by our masters after them. During my several different Japan tour, I have also fund out a few things about our method, and I believe that one of the more important was that Jiu-Jitsu was not originally an unarmed martial art, but that it was always taught with and without lethal (sword, knife , etc.) and non-lethal weapons (stick, rope, etc.).

Text: Franco Vacirca & Sandra Nagel Photos:


Maeda Mituyo

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu


laiming that the origins of Jiu-Jitsu can be found in India, and got to Japan by Buddhist monks from China could be at least in part correctly, but I strongly believe that also other (European fighting arts) influences made their part as well. The word JIU-JITSU is often translated or descript as "gentle" or "adaptive" method, whereby one must also say that the name JIU-JITSU alone is not there for a specific martial art, but was used as an umbrella term. In the world of martial arts, is often described the beginning with the introduction of Buddhism over India by Bodhidharma. Bodhidharma is said to have lived 440-528

SS Antony, sunk in March 1917 by German Uboot

AD and toured different parts of Asia to spread the teachings of Buddhism. The history tells us, that he has been an Indian monk who became the patriarch of the Chen (or Zen in Japan) lineage. However many stories has been transmitted from generation to generation and not everything is properly documented. It is told that he left his homeland around 480 AD by ship to reach China. He crossed next the Himalayas on the Northern provinces, to reach southern China and end up at the Imperial court of the Liang Dynasty. Around 523 AD he returned to the Northern provinces of Henan and back there, it is said, that Bodhidharma have been an important co-founder of the world famous Shaolin Temple.


Taro Miyake

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

A second, but maybe not unimportant mouth narrated story, reported that Jiu-Jitsu was introduced by a Chinese monk named Chin Gen Pin who traveled to Japan. In return for housing and food, he should have taught his knowledge to several samurai families. He called his art "Chikara Karube" which could be translates as "contest of strength". Kodokan Jiu-Jitsu, as called by Professor Jigoro Kano himself in the early days, was a collection of various techniques from different schools, but in which he had removed the dangerous and often even fatal techniques. We know today that initially the Kodokan Jiu-Jitsu had great balance between ground and standing fighting techniques. However, in order to offer to a wider audience

an exciting "show" the Kodokan focused on the standing techniques, which were more spectacular in a large competition arena. However, the high efficient and highly respected ground fighting techniques were not left out by all experts. In several Universities so-called KOSEN groups where founded who started to organize national competitions in order to maintain this knowledge among the younger “Judo� students. One of the main responsible for the introduction of JiuJitsu in Brazil was for sure Master Mitsuyo Maeda. He was born on November, 18, 1878 in the city of Hirosaki and died on November, 28, 1941 in Belem do Para. He was a small sized man of 164cm and 60kg. As a young boy he tried first with some Sumo wrestling, but because of his small stature

Shutaro Ono, Soshihiro Satake, Tokugoro Ito and Maeda in 1912


The Maeda family

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

Jiu-Jitsu was more appropriate. At the age of seventeen, he was sent to study at Waseda University, where he also started with Kodokan Jiu-Jitsu. Back then, students were assigned to one of the respective masters based by their body stature and weight, and so Maeda came in the so-called SHINTEN-NO (Group of progress) under Tsunejiro Tomita. In 1907 four young masters were awarded a 4th Dan by the Kodokan Institute: Mitsuyo Maeda, Shutaro Ono, Soshihiro Satake and Ito Tokugoro. Master Ito, because he was the oldest of all four, became the group leader traveling (traveling in the early 1908) to the USA. However, Ito stayed in the USA and Maeda, Ono and Satake moved to Europe, and later to reach South-America. During my research for this book, one of the masters that frequently are named was Master Sadakazu Uyenishi. I am quite sure that he was for many Japanese masters, like the first contact when arriving to Europe. His professional career began as a teacher in the famous Bartitsu Club (1899) which unfortunately was closed again in May 1902, but also encouraged him to start his own JiuJitsu school. He led personally the school until late 1908, shortly before his return to Japan. It is told that it was around this time, that master Uyenishi gave his school to his best English student, and Ono, Satake and Maeda travel to Spain to find their new luck. Arriving at the port of Barcelona they continued to Seville, where another friend and master named Taro Miyake. Master Taro arrived in early 1904 from Japan first to London, where he taught along with his friend Yukio Tani. It is often told wrongly that Hélio Gracie fought against Taro Miyake about 1934; this gentleman was a Ono student who also surname was Miyake. It is also important to mention that Taro Miyake was not a Kodokan teacher; he was one of the top pupils of the Yoshin-Ryu and the first Japanese to teach and live in France and Spain. His first visit in in France brought him to teach at the famous Ernest Regnier Jiu-Jitsu School back in 1905.

While living in Europe with Miyake, Maeda made many new wealthy friends and toured various cities. Their paths separated when Maeda decided to travel together with his close friend Satake and Ono to SouthAmerica. Miyake instead accepted a well payed offer to teach at the Maitrots Academy in Paris, France, before leaving Europe and to move for good to the USA where he opened several schools and lived for quit long time there. The first document that I have seen personally that mentions the arrival of Master Maeda in Brazil is dated November 14, 1914, and announces the presence of the Jiu-Jitsu group to perform in several cities. Maeda is so fascinated of this country that he soon takes the decision to stay forever. At that time JiuJitsu was already established in Brazil and soon Maeda even wants to start his own school. Please note that Maeda was not the first Japanese master to bring Jiu-Jitsu into Brazil, but become for sure one of the leaders in spreading out this fighting method; later in my book I will explain it more in detail. The daily newspaper "O Tempo" announced nearly a year later, on December, 20, 1915 that the Jiu-Jitsu group led by "Conde Koma" visiting Belém do Para would give a demonstration of the ARTE SUAVE in the theater "Politheama". Further, the newspaper announced that everyone would then have the opportunity to fight the champion Maeda. The then responsible editor published immediately after the successful event a second article, whereby the interest of a Turkish wrestler named Nagib Assef was awakened, who visited the newspaper office to demand a fight against the Japanese master. Maeda accepted immediately the challenge and the date fell on December, 24, 1915. However, this fight left also only a few seconds and “Conde Koma” was again the winner of the evening; the nickname "Conde Koma" (English Count Koma) is supposed that had received in Spain because while throwing Maeda his opponents they fainted with the impact on the floor.

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Now one would think, that Maeda would start his own school and life his dream, but this was not so. While his friend Ono establishes his school in Sao Paulo and Satake is very involved with his school in Belem, Maeda decides again to return to England. On January, 8, 1916, he takes the ship from Manaus to Liverpool and finally ending up in London. Here he meets the daughter of a prosperous import and export trader named May-Iris. A short time later they married and return together to Belém. This return is for Maeda one of the biggest gifts in his life, as he told that to the local newspapers in an interview years later, because shortly thereafter, on March, 17, 1917, the SS Antony, the ship in which Maeda traveled to Brazil, was attacked by torpedoes from a German submarine, killing at least 55 people and more than 450 survivors were rescued by a passing ship. While back home, Maeda wanted to get back into the ring, and quickly a challenge match between a local capoeira-fighter named Pé de Bola was organized. For Maeda this was a great opportunity to show him again to the open public. What Maeda could not know, was that his Brazilian opponent had fastened a sharp razor blade between his toes with the intentions to cause Maeda severely injures. But this fight ended after a few minutes, as the Capoeirista was down on the ground with a broken arm and “Count Koma” was crowned again as the King of the evening. In the spring of 1921 with the financial support of his closest disciples Mitsuyo Maeda opened his first own

dojo, in the former clubhouse of the rowers in Belem. However, his friend Satake decides one year later to move away from Brazil. Numerous Satake students moved to train with Maeda, including the first three Satake black belts, led by the young master Donato Pires dos Reis, who later became the Jiu-Jitsu instructor of Carlos and George Gracie. The marriage between Maeda and May-Iris did not last long as she went back to London, and in the meanwhile, Maeda worked as an assistant of the officer of a Japanese colony. This was in a small suburb of Belem and the respected work was well paid. For Japanese import and export business Brazil had become very interesting, but the uncertain political situation and the increasingly frequent riots, did not make it to find new investors easy. As Maeda now loses his job, he starts immediately with a new business idea. Since the first Jiu-Jitsu training suits had to be imported from Japan and the costs turned out higher and higher, he begins to employ local women who sew the training suits for him and other schools. Made out of simple and white cotton fabric everyone was able to get one; the belts where made from the residue of the sew – for beginners the belts were white and for the advanced student they would get dark blue colored ones… most probably this was the beginning of the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Belt-color system. Franco Vacirca

“Made out of simple and white cotton fabric everyone was able to get one; the belts where made from the residue of the sew – for beginners the belts were white and for the advanced student they would get dark blue colored ones… most probably this was the beginning of the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Belt-color system.”

The Five ways of attack The methods of attack of any style of hand-to-hand combat will eventually fall into one of these categories; these methods are the basis of the technical strategies and tactics of the actual fighting. The above tools can be used in each of these five methods; logically, the sharper the instrument, the more effective the attack; techniques and tactics ar e not a r eplacement for effective tools in a real fight, superficiality can be a weakness which could prove fatal.

Jeet Kune Do

Single Direct Attack (SDA) Single Angular Attack (SAA) eg: straight or angled jab Attack by combination (ABC) eg: jab-direct-hook Attack by drawing (ABD) eg: leaving the head uncovered to a jab; when the opponent throws his blow counter hitting his biceps Hand Immobilization Attack (HIA) Foot Immobilization Attack (FIA) eg: Pak Sao, Jeet Tek Progressive Indirect Attack (PIA) eg: Low kick feint to hook, jab.

Jeet Kune Do Single Direct Attack / single angular attack It's the easiest method of attack, but being simple is also the most difficult to apply effectively. Connecting a single decisive blow without further ado is the apogee of the economy of movement, however, my experience has taught me that scoring an SDA on an prepared opponent is almost impossible. Most Martial Arts know how to fend off an SDA, and therefore, unless we are significantly higher than our opponent, it may be desirable to choose a different tactic. Or we can use it by practicing the interception, which is the heart of JKD.

Attack by combination This is a very effective and relatively easy attacking method, it is self-explanatory. Combining our tools, we can create a situation in which we will overwhelm our adversary; if we attack enough some blow will undoubtedly impact against the big goal. The disadvantage is that this method tends to create a propensity to friction, which is fine if we are bigger than our opponent, but not recommended if we are not.

Attack by drawing / opening This method is very highly sophisticated and requires good timing and attacking tools reasonably sharpened; where we can make a combination attack, this attack cannot be carried out. The art of attacking by drawing is the art of counterattacking with our fists. The person who knows how to make good use of this type of attack, will push the opponent to attack him, while he'll be prepared to receive him and counterattack; this can be quite difficult, because it requires a certain ability to "read" the adversary.

1. Basic techniques for Wooden Dummy 2. Basic techniques for Wooden Dummy 3. Basic techniques for Wooden Dummy

4. Defense bruised knee 5. knee to the face side exit

Jeet Kune Do Attack by immobilization of the hand or foot This method is very effective because most people do not expect it; the tactics consists of immobilizing a joint while striking. That allows you to open a line of attack relatively free of obstacles, this type of attack seems to be characteristic of the oriental arts and it reaches its apogee in the Wing Chun and Kali.

Progressive indirect attack Against a skilled opponent, this is probably the most effective attack strategy, it depends on our ability to pretend in front of the opponent. Making believe our enemy that we will attack on a particular line, another line will become vulnerable and, although it can be extremely effective, it requires rhythm and a convincing faint. Another feature that defines the PIA is that the fake used to close the distance, moving forward is very important and offers us the privilege of beginning our attack from a greater distance. So, what kind of attack to use? Once again, the rule is: the right tool at the right time for a task suited to it; there's no tactic that works forever, usually we cannot choose who to fight with, and this excludes every possibility of recognition of the opponent. These methods don't mean anything if we are not able to implement them in combat; we cannot lose sight of that for which we are preparing ourselves; what separates Martial Arts from other motor activities is the cold, hard and merciless combat. In a time of crisis and danger, you won't be up to your expectations, but you'll fall down to your level of training; making an effective use of these strategies depends on your ability to work them out effectively; once you have reached a basic level of acquisition of the techniques we have seen above I recommend you to take these tools and apply them to every method of attack.

6. right knee 7. left knee

8. Pak sao fist 9. Gum Sao fist

10. After the fist controls the adversary Lan sao

Jeet Kune Do No method can be adequate for any distance or technique; start kicking, then start punching and later try to kick and punch at the same time, there are no other rules for this process than the acquisition of experience, both good and bad; the goal is that of understanding the tactical advantage in real time of each method, so it is very important to experiment. As I said, a commander in the army can be forgiven for having lost a battle, but not for having been taken by surprise; the variables that govern all situations are endless, but the hand-to-hand fighting tools and the angles of attack are surprisingly few, it makes no sense to worry about things that cannot be controlled, but it is our responsibility to become familiar with the reality and the practical limitations of the hand-to-hand combat.

S.I.D.P. - A REALITY OF THE UIKT FAMILY, OR "UNIONE ITALIANA KUNG FU TRADIZIONALE" (TRADITIONAL KUNG FU ITALIAN UNION) The activities of the S.I.D.P. Scuola Italiana Difesa Personale (Self Defense Italian School) are focused on the study and practice of Martial Arts and Self Defense at every level. The integrated combat system proposed by the School has its roots in Wing Chun Kuen, which is its driving principle, its beating heart. Self Defense researches specifically the historical and socio-cultural context of the combat systems developed at the time in the contemporary world: obviously dangers, aggression dynamics and legislation of the rural society in China in 1600 differ from the current conditions of today's urbanized areas. In order to turn the Martial Art of reference into a useful tool in the current reality, not limited to the scope of the gym, to the study of traditional weapons is associated the mastering of one of the weapons commonly used by potential attackers, whether blunt or cutting and puncture weapons (stick and knife); there are also specific courses scheduled for the review of firearms and their application in the most diverse tactical situations, including through Airsoft games. The goal of S.I.D.P. coincides with that of the person who is its founder and dean, SiFu Francesco Procaccini, UIKT Master 5th duan and a professional in the field for over two decades: Give the Martial Arts that useful role in society, which is the basis of their own birth and their continued growth.

Master Francesco Procaccini, was born in 1971 in Ariccia, near Rome, and he soon expressed his readiness for action: being already Italian water polo champion, at twenty-four he also won the world title in boxing, second series of the middleweights. It was immediately after getting this title when, driven by a deep desire to investigate the effectiveness and efficiency in combat, he came into contact with traditional Chinese Martial Arts and particularly with the Wing Chun of Sijo Leung Ting, which he started learning with Sifu Paul Delisio, initiating a process of growth that continued without interruption for the next eighteen years. At the same time he occupied positions in security throughout the country, both in the entertainment industry and in politics. In the same period, he approached the Bojewoje Sambo, the Martial Art practiced by the "Spetsznat", the Russian special forces, which he trained with greater or lesser intensity for about seven years in the military bases of Moscow, Novominsk and Polyarny (Siberia), also deepening in the study of firearms with Mauro Prospero and several foreign experts, including Gabriel Suรกrez. Condensing his deep knowledge of Martial Arts acquired during twenty years of study, ten of which as a professional, in October 2013 he founded the S.I.D.P. (Sistema Integrato di Difesa Personale - Integrated Self Defense System), of which is a Master in each sector. Today he continues his research and promotion of traditional Martial Arts, with particular attention to the usefulness and relevance that they bring also in today's society, thanks to their great formative power and their enduring effectiveness. The universal principles that animate the Martial Way have the capability of meeting the needs of cultural and moral development, personal safety and defense of men and women of all ages and geographic location.

Condensing his deep knowledge of Martial Arts that he has acquired during twenty years of study, ten of which as a professional, in October 2013 he founded the S.I.D.P. (Sistema Integrato di Difesa Personale - Integrated Self Defense System), of which is a Master in each sector. Today he continues his research and promotion of traditional Martial Arts, with particular attention to the usefulness and relevance that they bring also in today's society, thanks to their great formative power and their enduring effectiveness. The universal principles that animate the Martial Way have the capability of meeting the needs of cultural and moral development, personal safety and the defense of men and women of all ages and geographic location. Thanks to this intense work of preservation of the traditional and its assessment in the present, it has been stipulated a prestigious collaboration with the Police State CONSAP Union, which is still active, and within which have been scheduled and conducted specialization Self Defense courses that focus on Chinese Martial Arts and are specifically targeted to meeting the needs of those who, as security operators serving the community, are ready all the time to endanger their physical safety to protect others. Paramount importance has the active agreement between the School and the Order of Engineers of the Province of Rome.

SiFu Francis is also the field coordinator for the "Security - Defense - Protection" sector of the S.I.D.P., which is required to assist in the work of national resonance events, including the Race of the Saints in Rome and several editions of the prestigious Christmas Concert held every year at the Auditorium della Conciliazione in Rome. The meeting with SiFu Alessandro Colonna, President of the TRADITIONAL KUNG FU ITALIAN UNION (UIKT), has led to the development of a fruitful collaboration, animated by an unshakable will of the two Masters of developing the ideals of research, exchange and growth, both personal and martial, which are among the pillars on which every school finds its stronger foundations. The recognition by SiFu Colonnese of SiFu Procaccini's qualification of Master of Wing Chun and Jet Kune Do comes to seal the martial community intent. As is always the case, the hard work pays off by reasoned benevolence the efforts made, the acquired and disseminated knowledge, the conscious commitment: the school, so fervently loved and strongly supported by SiFu Francesco, currently has fifteen offices, distributed between Lazio and Tuscany, with over two hundred students in their assets, and is a strong circle of ten instructors and as many coaches who, under the guidance of the Master, make the SIDP a reality more than ever alive and in vibrant growth. The harmonious alchemy of traditional values and the joyful conviviality make full use of

the image of an extended Kwon, virtually, to embrace all the branches of the school in a real, unique family. The monthly internships in which all students meet to work together with the Master, are anxiously expected and lived not only as a valuable opportunity to practicing and increasing their martial knowledge, but as an opportunity to be together again, with Friends, with the Brothers with whom they "feel" in an infra-conscious way, even before being conscious of it, because they have deep affinities that go beyond the barriers of time and space, and give the "One" the meaning of being everyone tur ned into a same and well-defined direction: the Way of the Warrior. The purpose of the School lives in what has become its poster: "What binds us is the idea of being a community in which we may relate to each other without mutual instrumentalisation, but rather making of us real instruments to achieve the common goal, which is that of working serenely along in the Profession of Arms, bringing about prosperity for all." Few, brief words full of deep meaning for every one of the Teachers and candidates of the S.I.D.P.: the concept of "community" awakens vibrant

echoes of archetypes that resonate with the deeper layers of the consciousness of those who "feel", again, that they want and can be builders and instruments of a constant process of evolution, for themselves and for the rest: what is "good" for the Others, becomes naturally, simply, even ineluctably, good for them also. Selfishness, atavistic offshoot of the indelible survival instinct, it is not deleted, but sublimated by such deep awareness: working with the partner, with the pupil, with the unshakable firmness to make him "strong", will make us "stronger", in the largest and most noble sense that can be bestowed to the term "strength". This is what feeds the S.I.D.P., the Italian School of Self Defense: shared growth, shared power, shared work. And most importantly, the Example that each Teacher and each Student feel they wants to be for the other. Just like Sifu Francesco Procaccini, who is always setting an example of martial dignity: Warrior is not one who triumphs in battle alone against ten thousand foes. Warrior is the one who, with a strong will and courage, is in a position to do what must be done, for himself and, very specially, for the service of the Others.

Studying Hwa Rang Do速 far from your Master: part 1 (MISSION STATEMENT OF THE WORLD HWA RANG DO速 ASSOCIATION) HWA RANG DO速: A legacy of Loyalty, Relentlessly seeking Truth, Empowering Lives, Serving Humanity.

Hwa Rang Do Hwa Rang Do® Instructor Flavio Sciaccaluga – Luxembourg: interview. Part 1 Flavio Sciaccaluga, Italian, you live in Luxembourg, your wife is from Hungary, you study and teach Hwa Rang Do® (Korean Traditional Martial Art). How do you live this incredible mixture? My generation is lucky: I can move almost everywhere in the world, I can meet other different people and cultures and I can choose the reference points of my life. This dimension of living helps us to develop a great capability to appreciate the diversity and to create synergies among different cultures. The Hwa Rang Do® is a terrible comprehensive martial art and when you study it you lear n, first of all, to understand the differences, then to appreciate them and, last, to use the diversity as a personal tool (no matter the target, winning a fight, a tournament, or grow as a better person). The Hwa Rang Do® syllabus includes kicking, punching, weapons, joint locks, takedowns, falling and acrobatic techniques, strategy and philosophy, anatomy, etc. and every student has to be prepared in so many fields. This is useful to: 1) understand our power and weakness; 2) understand the power and weakness of other people; 3) understand that the only way to grow is through teamwork and synergies. Flavio, you live in Luxembourg, on the other hand your master, Su Suk Sa Bum

“When I was next to my master, my targets in the practice of Hwa Rang Do were staying next to him and learn, help. Today, my targets is following my way as teacher like him, aware of all the problems and responsibilities I have.”

Nim Marco Mattiucci, lives in Italy. What about your martial study? Our martial art, the Hwa Rang Do®, is perfectly integrated in the real and modern world: our masters activated many online platforms for the long distance study of the art. This is the main way to keep high technical level and standards around the world. You can think about Hwa Rang Do® study as an advanced university course or master: there are normal weekly based public lessons (face to face with the master) and there are also very intensive courses for black belts. In both the ways you are required to study at home too, to be organized by yourself to constantly review the huge syllabus and better understand the lessons. The online platforms are obviously very useful in this kind of approach. When I was living in Italy I studied in a normal Hwa Rang Do® class with my master for several years. Then I had to go abroad for work. The fact to be far from my master pushed me to think a lot. It pushed me to grow. The only way for a son to grow is to go far from home, from the family. This experience has improved my sense of responsibility and my capabilities as manager. Always useful when you teach in a martial school. When I was next to my master, my targets in the practice of Hwa Rang Do were staying next to him and learn, help. Today, my targets is following my way as teacher like him, aware of all the problems and responsibilities I have. It continues in the next issues…

“Then I had to go abroad for work. The fact to be far from my master pushed me to think a lot. It pushed me to grow. The only way for a son to grow is to go far from home, from the family.”

Hwa Rang Do

Hwa Rang Do About the author: Hwa Rang Do速 Head Instructor, Lieutenant Colonel of the Italian Military Police Force (Carabinieri) and Engineer, Marco Mattiucci is the Chief of the EU Branches of the World Hwa Rang Do速 Association and one of the main followers of Grandmaster Taejoon Lee.

Real Kyusho

Real Kyusho. The Comparison. Stick and Knife What does this have to do with Kyusho‌ well everything as it is also a comparison that parallels Kyusho and Martial Arts. This is an important concept that must be developed as we study Kyusho, but can be difficult for those beginning Kyusho especially with many years of other Martial Arts training.

Real Kyusho


here are mental and physical barriers that must be overridden… this involves a slightly different method, just as one would use using a knife compared to a stick, one such barrier is fear. It is far easier to imagine striking another person with a stick to ward off an assault as opposed to inserting a piece of steel into their inner organs. Training to strike or kick an assailant is not the same as training to attack nerves, blood vessels or internal organs. Many seasoned Martial Artists have these concerns when they begin their Kyusho Journey. They fear for the health, lasting symptoms, internal damage etc., yet they do not fear breaking an elbow or rib with conventional attack methodology… these bear stunning similarity to working with the stick in comparison with a knife.

Comparison 1: When we look at conventional Martial Arts we can compare or liken it to a stick. We say that as the Martial Artist works to develop strong body and body actions to strike or kick with speed (velocity), power and distance. All the same qualities as striking someone with a stick; the speed or velocity of the strike maximizes damage and contact are as it does. The area for targeting is general such as arm, head, body or leg... these however are provide a protection by nature and although devastating with the power, it is not efficient nor the best approach. This is good for those that are young and strong and have many hours to train in becoming more so... but is this not a failing proposition? You need the youth and training to maximize but the ageing process at some point diminishes the output level and a younger and stronger individual now has the advantage. We then compare it to Kyusho which is more like a knife as it penetrates the surface to seek out the vital underlying targets. With the knife, massive speed and power are not as critical as it is with a stick as the finely honed edge and point are enough to get past the natural protections of the human body.

Comparison 2: Transitional response is far slower and more cumbersome with a stick as the power from velocity is needed and proper distance is needed. As example say you make a forehand strike and need to transition to a backhand, this will take greater

“The knife can choose a direction far faster and in greater range of angles and possible targets... and all with effortless transition with the same level of incapacitating potential.” strength and only ever deliver a fraction of the power or potential as the forehand, targeting and incapacitating potential is severely diminished. The knife can choose a direction far faster and in greater range of angles and possible targets... and all with effortless transition with the same level of incapacitating potential. And so it is with Kyusho as there

are far more sensitive targets on the inside of the body than on the outer body… and transition is easier as far less power and transitioning distance is needed. Literally a twist of the wrist is all that is needed to access another internal target due to the smaller amount of force necessary to inflict incapacitating results.

“This is a great equalizer that Kyusho encompasses, as the size of the individual is not the main factor in greater capability.�

Real Kyusho Comparison 3: Adaptability with a stick is constrained as there is one basic grip that can deliver a debilitating blow, whereas the knife is equally potent with either grip. There may be argument from some, but let's face it if you hold a stick in a backhand position, there will be little power, highly constrained mobility, transitional ability and therefore worth. This holds true in Traditional Styles when compared to Kyusho, which does not rely on strong hand positioning as any knuckle or bone will do and with less tension so that the wrists flexibility and transitional agility is less impacted.

Comparison 4: Size does matter. Look at this realistically, it you have a 6 inch stick what real worth is it in comparison with a six inch knife? The shorter stick will demand even greater velocity and power to create a benefit, whereas even a one inch blade can still inflict far more potential in greater directional and held positions. There are more comparisons that can be drawn, but it is not necessary to the logical mind... a weapon that only has value with speed and power (that has a short life span) will be far less worthy of time due to the lesser efficient model that can improve far longer and with the same potential. This is a great equalizer that Kyusho encompasses, as the size of the individual is not the main factor in greater capability. In traditional styles a larger opponent would be harder to incapacitate as well as hold far more strength to injure you, the size matters in most Martial Arts, http://www.rebeccalawrence.comjust as it does with a stick.

Comparison 5: Using a stick you are mainly concerned with hitting a general area like the arms, head, body and or legs. Some have more specific target like eye, groin, temple, etc., like traditional Martial Arts. A knife fighter has all of these and more as they also target more specific inner targets and vital areas. They can use any target the stick fighter can with great affect, yet have far greater potential as they can penetrate deeper into the body. It is the same with a Kyusho practitioner, they have all of the targets of the Martial Artist, but they also have far more when they target the inner anatomical structures. And here is a very important idea that most

traditional stylists may not consider; say you miss the inner target, you still attack the outer structure as you would in your style‌ there is NO risk.

Comparison 6: As with most Martial Styles they are comprised of larger swinging or stabbing actions. This range of motion is severely compromised with closeness. However at all ranges, the knife is as serious, if not more so in close as speed, power and space is not required. It is more dangerous because of deeper penetration and concealed actions at that range. Small concealed moves not only cause greater affects, they are far more difficult to stop or intercept, invaluable in close range fighting. It is also like watching a master level BJJ fighter on the ground

working with smaller undetectable actions that setup, compromise and defeat the opposition. This same dynamic is inherent in Kyusho as well, which has great affects at long distance as well as close range because Kyusho does not rely solely on ballistics; there is applied pressure as well as compression.

Disclaimer: We are not trying to say Martial Arts are weaker, we are just pointing out that if you use a knife (Kyusho) as opposed to a stick (conventional striking), you are greatly increasing the amount of YOUR potential, for effort expended. Š Evan Pantazi 2016

“With the knife, massive speed and power are not as critical as it is with a stick as the finely honed edge and point are enough to get past the natural protections of the human body.�

Como hemos documentado en los últimos 6 años, el Kyusho se traduce como “Punto Vital" y es el estudio de la condición humana y de su fragilidad. Aunque es similar en apariencia a la antigua Acupuntura y a los métodos de masaje sobre puntos de presión, el método Kyusho también puede tratar los problemas inmediatos y hacer desaparecer las dolencias comunes del cuerpo. En segundos podemos empezar a aliviar las molestias asociadas al dolor de cabeza, de espalda, los tirones musculares e internos, el hipo, el asma, las náuseas, la congestión nasal y otras muchas enfermedades comunes, tanto por causas naturales como provocadas. Estos efectos se consiguen rápidamente y de manera eficaz, sin necesidad de recurrir a pastillas o medicamentos que puedan tardar 20 minutos o más en hacer efecto y que pueden provocar graves efectos secundarios en otros órganos o funciones corporales. Las ramificaciones son muy amplias y creemos que merece la pena seguir investigando y logrando beneficios para la sociedad. Este tipo de enfoque holístico ha resultado eficaz durante muchos miles de años en diferentes culturas de todo el mundo y ahora hemos querido hacerlo posible para ti. Una vez que aprendas estos métodos simples de Kyusho Primeros Auxilios, tu también podrás ayudar a tu familia y amigos con muchas de estas dolencias comunes que todos sufrimos. Esto te servirá para tener un breve resumen histórico de cómo se desarrollaron estos métodos y otras posibilidades de salud que se necesitan en el día a día. Sin embargo y como cabría esperar, aquí no está el programa completo, pues los conceptos más profundos y complejos sólo pueden alcanzarse con las manos, aplicándolos y practicando bajo la atenta mirada de un instructor. La práctica regular de estos métodos no sólo aumentará tus habilidades para aplicar las fórmulas aprendidas, sino que te enseñará la aplicación intuitiva de muchas otras técnicas de salud. No deberían considerarse fórmulas aisladas, sino caminos para corregir ciertos problemas en el cuerpo humano, basados en los conceptos presentados. En los siguientes capítulos de Kyusho Primeros Auxilios veremos primero el origen inmediato o la necesidad de curar muchos problemas diarios. ¡Qué disfrutes del viaje!

Come abbiamo documentato negli ultimi 6 anni, il Kyusho si traduce come “Punto Vitale” ed è lo studio della condizione umana e della sua fragilità. Benché sia simile in apparenza all'antica Agopuntura e ai metodi di massaggio sui punti di pressione, il metodo Kyusho può t rat tare anche i problemi immediat i e far spar i re le problematiche comuni del corpo. In pochi secondi possiamo alleviare i disturbi associati al mal di testa, di schiena, gli stiramenti muscolari e interni, il singhiozzo, l'asma, la nausea, la congestione nasale e molte altre malattie comuni, sia per cause naturali che provocate. Questi effetti si ottengono rapidamente e in maniera efficace, senza la necessità di ricorrere a pastiglie o medicine che possono richiedere 20 minuti o più prima di fare effetto e che possono provocare gravi effetti indesiderati in altri organi o funzioni corporali. Le ramificazioni sono molto ampie e crediamo che valga la pena continuare a investigare ottenendo benefici diretti per la società. Questo tipo di impostazione olistica è risultata efficace per molte migliaia di anni in differenti culture di tutto il mondo ed ora abbiamo voluto fare il possibile per te. Quando impari questi metodi semplici di Kyusho Primo Soccorso, anche tu potrai aiutare la tua famiglia e i tuoi amici con molte di queste patologie comuni cui tutti sono affetti. Questo ti servirà per avere un breve riassunto storico di come si svilupparono questi metodi e altre possibilità di cura che sono necessarie nel quotidiano. Tuttavia, ovviamente, qui non c'è il programma completo, perché i concetti più profondi e complessi si riescono a capire solo con le mani, applicandoli e praticando sotto l'attento sguardo di un istruttore. La pratica regolare di questi metodi non aumenterà solo le tue abilità nell'applicare le formule imparate, ma ti insegnerà l'applicazione intuitiva di molte altre tecniche di salute. Non si dovrebbero considerare formule isolate, bensì vie per correggere determinati problemi del corpo umano, basate sui concetti presentati. Nei seguenti articoli sul Kyusho Primo Soccorso vedremo in primo luogo l 'or igine immediata o la necessi tà di curare mol t i problemi quot idiani . Godetevi questo viaggio!

Comme nous l'avons vu ces six dernières années, le Kyusho se traduit par « point vital » et est l'étude de la condition humaine et de sa fragilité. Bien que similaire en apparence à l'ancienne acupuncture et aux méthodes de massage sur les points de pression, la méthode Kyusho peut également traiter les problèmes immédiats et faire disparaître les douleurs physiques communes. En quelques secondes, nous pouvons commencer à soulager les troubles associés aux maux de tête, de dos, les crampes musculaires et internes, le hoquet, l'asthme, les nausées, la congestion nasale et de nombreux autres troubles communs, surgissant aussi bien pour des raisons naturelles que provoquées. Ces effets sont obtenus rapidement et efficacement, sans avoir besoin de faire appel à des médicaments qui peuvent prendre vingt minutes ou plus à faire de l'effet et peuvent provoquer de graves effets secondaires sur d'autres organes ou fonctions corporelles. Les ramifications sont très vastes et nous croyons que ça vaut la peine de continuer la recherche afin d'obtenir des bénéfices pour la société. Ce type de point de vue holistique a été efficace pendant de nombreux milliers d'années dans différentes cultures du monde entier et nous avons maintenant voulu le rendre possible pour vous. Une fois que vous aurez appris ces méthodes simples de Kyusho de Premiers Secours, vous pourrez également aider votre famille et vos amis et soulager beaucoup de ces maux communs dont nous souffrons tous.Cela vous permettra d'avoir un bref résumé historique de la manière dont ces méthodes se développèrent et d'autres possibilités de santé dont nous avons besoin au jour le jour.Cependant, comme on pouvait s'y attendre, le programme ici n'est pas complet car les concepts les plus profonds et complexes ne peuvent être atteint qu'avec les mains, en les appliquant et en pratiquant sous le regard attentif d'un instructeur. La pratique régulière de ces méthodes augmentera votre habileté à appliquer les formules apprises, mais encore vous enseignera à appliquer intuitivement beaucoup d'autres techniques de santé. Elles ne devraient pas être considérées comme des formules isolées, mais comme des voies pour corriger, certains problèmes affectant le corps humain, en se basant sur les concepts présentés. Dans les prochains chapitres de Kyusho Premiers Secours, nous verrons d'abord l'origine immédiate de la nécessité de guérir de nombreux problèmes quotidiens. Prenez plaisir à ce voyage !

As we have documented over the past 6 years, Kyusho translates as "Vital Point" and is a study of the human condition and it's frailties. Although similar in appearance to the ancient acupuncture and pressure point massage methods, the Kyusho method can also deal with immediacy for certain trauma as well as easily rid the body of common ailments. Within seconds we canm begin to relax and ease the pain associated with headaches, backaches, muscle and internal cramps, hiccups, asthma, nausea, sinus congestion and so many more common maladies both of natural causes as well as trauma inflicted. This is all performed quickly and efficiently without expensive pills or drugs that can take 20 minutes or more to work or have serious side effects on other organs or body functions. The ramifications are enormous and we believe to be of such worth for continued research and societal benefit. This type of holistic approach has been effective for many thousands of years in cultures throughout the world and we have added even more possibility and purpose to it for you. Once you learn these simple methods of Kyusho First Aide, you too can help your family and friends with many of these common ailments we each suffer through. Let this serve as an historical record of how these methods developed and the other health possibilities they hold for day-to-day living. However it is not the full curriculum, as one would expect, the depth and intricacies can only be conveyed with hands on application and practice under the watchful eye of an instructor. The consistent practice of these methods will not only increase your abilities to relieve the practiced formulas, but also instruct you in the intuitive application of many other health issues. They should not be considered standalone formulas, but rather ways to correct certain problems within the human body based on the foundation presented.

Wie wir in den letzten 6 Jahren dokumentiert haben, übersetzt sich Kyusho als „Vitalpunkt“, es ist das Studium der menschlichen Beschaffenheit und ihre Zerbrechlichkeit. Auch wenn es dem Anschein nach der alten Akupunktur und den Massagemethoden auf Druckpunkte ähnelt, so kann die Kyusho-Methode doch auch sofort Probleme behandeln und die normalen Leiden des Körpers verschwinden lassen. Innerhalb von Sekunden können wir anfangen, die Beschwerden im Zusammenhang mit Kopfweh, Schmerzen der Schulter, Muskel- und innere Zerrungen, Schluckauf, Asthma, Übelkeiten, Verstopfung der Nase und vielen anderen normalen Krankheiten lindern, egal ob sie natürlicher Ursache haben oder hervorgerufen sind. Diese Effekte werden schnell und effizient erreicht, ohne auf Pillen oder Medikamente zurückgreifen zu müssen, die 20 Minuten oder länger brauchen, um Wirkung zu zeigen, und die starke Nebenwirkungen in anderen Organen oder Körperfunktionen haben können. Die Verzweigungen sind sehr breit gefächert und wir glauben, dass es der Mühe wert ist, weiter zu forschen und so Nutzen für die Gemeinschaft zu erzielen. Dieser Typ der holistischen Zielsetzung war über viele tausend Jahre hinweg und in verschiedenen Kulturen auf der ganzen Welt wirkungsvoll, aber jetzt wollen wir es zugänglich machen. Wenn Du einmal diese einfachen Kyusho-Methoden der ersten Hilfe gelernt hast, kannst auch Du Deiner Familie und Deinen Freunden bei vielen der gewöhnlichen Leiden helfen, unter denen wir alle leiden. Es wird Dir dabei helfen, eine kurze historische Übersicht darüber zu erlangen, wie diese Methoden und andere Möglichkeiten der Gesundheit, die man Tag für Tag braucht, entstanden sind. Aber wie erwartet liegt darin nicht das komplette Programm, denn die tiefsten und komplexesten Konzepte können nur über die Hände erzielt werden, indem man sie unter dem aufmerksamen Bl ick eines Ausbi lders anwendet und übt . Das regelmäßige Ausüben dieser Methoden wird nicht nur Deine Fähigkeiten wachsenlassen, die gelernten Formeln anzuwenden, es wird Dir darüber hinaus auch die intuitive Anwendung vieler anderer Techniken der Gesundheit lehren. Sie sollten nicht als allein stehende Formeln betrachtet werden, sondern als Wege, um gewisse Probleme im menschlichen Körper zu korrigieren, auf der Basis der vorgestellten Konzepte. In den folgenden Kapiteln von „Kyusho - Erste Hilfe“ werden wir zuerst den unmittelbaren Ursprung der Notwendigkeit sehen, viele tägliche Probleme zu heilen. Genießt die Reise!

Master Shaolin Shi Yanti is a monk of the 34th generation of the Songshan Shaolin Temple and a direct disciple of Venerable Abbot Shi Yong Xin. In this his first work for Budo International, he presents the Luohan Shibashou, one of the older and most representative basic forms of empty hand of the Shaolin Temple. According to the book "Shaolin Quan Pu", in the Sui Dynasty, the Shaolin's warrior monks developed a series of simple movements, chosen according to the "18 Luohan statues", hence the name Luohan Shou Shi Ba (18 hands of Luohan). The style of this Taolu is particular and in its continuous movements can be clearly seen combinations of real and unreal movements, defense and counterattack, and a variety of hidden movements. The main hand techniques in this Taolu are those of the palms, and learning requires great agility and coordination, as well as mastering the positions Xubu, Dingbu, Gongbu and Mabu and their features.


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The Miyazato School is the backbone of the current technical, historical and philosophical line of the great founders of Shorin Ryu: Matsumura, Itosu, Chibana, Miyahira... Miyazato. Today our collaborator Salvador Herrรกiz presents to us the school leader, Masatoshi Sensei, to introduce us into the details of his Karate.

Text; Salvador Herrรกiz, 7th Dan Photos: Alvaro Arribas & Alberto Espinosa, archivo y autor.

Top from left: Shoei Miyazato and his inseparable friend Iha, performing breaking techniques during an exhibition in the city of Cordoba in Argentina 1959. Dressed in a suit together again with Iha and Katsuya Miyahira in Argentina, in 1980. Below: Shoei and his young son Masatoshi in Okinawa. Shoei's Kamae in 1958. Family photo in Okinawa that same year. Katsuya Miyahira in a typical technique of the school.

Karate MASATOSHI MIYAZATO, 10th DAN Shorin Shidokan KARATE “OLD STYLE� Seizing the opportunity that my friend, the Argentinian Master based in Spain, Sergio Rodolfo Estevez Ferrera, 7th Dan, belongs to Miyazato School, today we bring to the pages of Budo International the current leader, Masatoshi Sensei. Estevez teaches Miyazato Karate style in the Madrid suburb of Tres Cantos, more specifically in the Tai San Centro. The Miyazato School, founded in 1959 as such, has indeed very great masters in its line of ancestors. Its genealogy begins with Bushi Sokon Matsumura (1809-1899), who was trained by Satsunuke Sagugawa (1786-1867), considered the first Okinawan Master of the arts that would later become Karate. It was Matsumura who started using in his time the expression Shorin Ryu, that later would become the banner of several schools. Anko Itosu (1831-1915) would be the second Master of the line and the one who made Okinawan Karate reach the public schools, a major step in the development of this art. Choshin Chibana (1885-1969) would be the third Master, with whom the style began to take a technique form more specific, more peculiar, more dedicated, more similar in sum to the form still in place today, further defining the kata in what it would be known as Kobayashi Shorin Ryu. With him it also began to get organized, and in fact, Chibana Sensei received in his life important awards for his work in favor of Karate. One of his chief disciples, Katsuya Miyahira (19182010) would create the dojo, later converted into the Shidokan line of the Kobayashi Shorin Ryu, continuing a more concrete definition of Shorin Ryu. A lot of literature has been produced so far about all these teachers, and I must admit that yours truly has also written on them in several occasions and from different points of view, so this is not the time to repeat such knowledge but to focus on the Miyazato School and its leaders, true protagonists of these pages. A key disciple of Katsuya Miyahira in Okinawa, Master Shoei Miyazato (1928-2013) spent the hardest years of World War II far from his beloved Okinawa serving in Osaka, stronghold of Shito Ryu, where he started in this style of Karate. After the war, young Miyahira, 18 years old, began working in the City Hall of his hometown, Nishihara, where fate led him to meet great master Katsuya Miyahira, with whom he began practicing Shorin Ryu Shidokan that would become his passion and life. They were the times in which Miyahira Sensei's dojo was nothing more than a roofless yard. Shortly after, Miyazato invited Seikichi Iha to practice in the dojo, who eventually would become a great karateka and a close friend of Miyazato. In 1948 Shoei Miyazato married Yoshiko Nakasone, and ten years later, with some of their children already born, the family moved to Argentina, where he began timidly to teach his Karate, which eventually turned into something with a huge development and a major focus of Okinawan culture outside the island. Karate became Miyazato's primary goal in life, putting aside another of his passions: breeding Shamo fighting cocks (even though he has also always maintained his taste for this other activity). Over time Miyazato Sensei continued to open, relocate and improve his dojo and in 1980 he fulfilled another of his dreams: that of taking his master Miyahira to Argentina. His titles and grades kept increasing and in 1991, Shoei Miyazato, as a 9th Dan, returned to Okinawa, and to Miyahira Sensei's dojo, until 1997, when he

Left: the sensei Choshin Chibana. Above: Shoei Miyazato during his visit to Spain in 1989, and chatting with Salvador HerrĂĄiz in Marbella, on that occasion.

established himself once again in the South American country that had offered him shelter years earlier. However, life has led Miyazato Sensei to travel regularly between the two countries, and his school, which obviously has its greatest development in Argentina, has branches in a dozen countries. Meanwhile Miyahira sensei, 10th Dan since 1978 (at 60 years of age), was appointed Intangible Good in 2000 (age 82) by the Government of Okinawa. It's been over 25 years now since I met Shoei Miyazato Sensei, sharing time devoted to Karate and the peculiarities of his school. In fact it was later that I spoke in Budo International about the figure of this master. We talked for hours after watching his technique on the tatami; it was a natural and practical Karate, without paraphernalia... that is, traditional Karate Shorin Ryu. But Shoei sensei died in 2013, and today his son Masatoshi, prepared from childhood to succeed his father, is deservedly leading this important school that, although its Hombu Dojo is located in Argentina, it has ramifications throughout the world. Masatoshi Miyazato Sensei was born in Nishihara, Okinawa, the home town of his parents, and although he was transferred to Argentina being just a 4 year old child, he has lived saddled between the two countries. After obtaining his 1st Dan at the age of 17, young Masatoshi started to get increasingly deeper into the Shorin Ryu Karate, and promoting in grade, he prepared gradually to become the successor of his father. In 1978, being already a 4th Dan, Masatoshi married Adriana, with whom he had four children. When at the beginning of the 90's his father returned to Okinawa for a few years, he accompanied him absorbing the tradition of the Karate Island at the dojo of Miyahira Sensei, but usually traveling to Argentina, his adopted country. In Naha, Miyazato also practiced in the dojo of Shiroma Sensei, a devoted supporter of his father, Shoei sensei. As Masatoshi Sensei told us: "Miyahira Katsuya Sensei was the Master of my Master. It means continuity. From the point of view of tradition, that means everything and nothing. I feel gratitude. It was the link between XIX and XX centuries. I learned how the disciple lives with the master and how the hand must be strong to help, because, in addition, despair in difficult times can make us bite the hand that is helping us." When between 1996 and 1997 the family returned to Argentina, the effort of both, father and son, focused on their main dojo and their affiliates. In 2008 Masatoshi got his 9th Dan and has become the faithful and well-trained successor of his father, with the approval of the other high grades of the school. With the death of his father in 2013, Masatoshi started exerting his top leadership within the traditional philosophical lines that mark the Path of his school. Masatoshi Miyazato is a very affable person, eager to convey his philosophy of life that is ultimately his

philosophy of Karatedo, and is based on the family and a very strong Code of Ethics. The objectives of the Miyazato School are clear: be honest, respectful, courageous, defender of truth and opt for reason over force. All this will lead its practitioners to be exemplary citizens within the law, people that help one another and that let that thought be transmitted. Karatekas who live cleanly, calmly and luminously. Actually all karatekas should have that philosophy but unfortunately, today, very few have it. Also patience at difficult moments and situations is the true quality. It is said that this is the quality by which the other qualities bear fruit. Keizoku wa Chikara nari ("perseverance becomes a force"). Japanese tycoon Ryoichi Sasakawa said that karate should be a big family and all its members should be brothers. So he transmitted to me personally years ago. In the case of Miyazato Sensei, this is not just a nice phrase, but something they actually have always accomplished in their daily attitude. This attitude, according to Masatoshi Sensei, gives them a special strength, an extraordinary support: "There are a lot of stubborn people in Okinawa and Japan, but my religion is not in temples, it's at home! We don't have saints to worship. We have our ancestors that God has placed for us. Today many people in Okinawa don't like Karate. It's true. Karate exhibitions don't attract much people; instead, Odori (dance) shows are always full of spectators." Over 25 years ago, his father, Shoei Sensei, told me once that they didn't have practiced sports competition before but they were starting to participate in it moderately. How is it today? "In the real competition of life, your only enemy is yourself. We encourage discussion with maturity, a competition that is not seen and in which either we all win or we all lose. Always as a team. We do a complete overhaul of our technical curriculum over time and when it came to do Jyu Kumite it was done... and we'll do it again whenever it comes the moment. We are now promoting the Bunkai, the analysis." If individual competition at the Miyazato School is scarcely important, the issue of Olympism is considered as something of extreme delicacy. Masatoshi sensei tells us: "Every country has some interest. The authorities should be first practitioners to know how to take certain decisions objectively. You shouldn't seek power, politics, greed, because all this stains the beauty of Martial Arts. Karate Championships are participants jumping and bouncing from here to there. You can't understand it. It's rather strange. There are favoritism, prohibitions and the competitors win, but Karate never wins. Kumite contenders don't do Kata, or Bunkai, or Ohyu Kumite or Yakusoku Kumite..." True, the various technical aspects of Karate make up the whole system and the technical imbalance varies the course. Kata and Kumite are the two wings of the same bird and

Masatoshi Miyazato, with Salvador HerrĂĄiz and the wife of latter, during the visit to Tres Cantos, Spain, organized by Sergio EstĂŠvez Sensei in May 2015.

specialization is a mistake in practice of karate. The Master comments... "Everybody should be able to do Karate and win with it, not only the strongest." Shoei Miyazato Sensei explained to me at that meeting, 25 years ago, that he had barely practiced Kobudo, since he didn't think that engaging in various arts at the same time could lead to the mastery of any of them. Has that thought changed at present? Is there any type of Kobudo being practiced today at the Miyazato School? "In the Miyazato School we don't practice Kobudo. Only Karate. Kobudo represents traditional festivals for its conservation, just as chants convey life lessons, sometimes forbidden things." Masatoshi Sensei is very rigid in his opinion and wants that those who are practicing Karate do only Karate, undistracted with other systems. "Shoei sensei taught that you have to choose if you want to deepen. Don't bite off more than you can chew! Doing Kendo, Naginata, Kyudo is all fine... but do one thing only. If you are doing Kendo don't do Karate. I don't want my students to be only partly with me. Sometimes someone has told me about doing also Kendo, for example, and I've told him that if he wanted I could recommend him a good teacher of Kendo, but then he couldn't come to do Karate with me any longer. The Master deserves a unique respect on the part of the student. I remember a meeting with Miyahira, Shoei, Maeshiro... when the latter tried to explain that he knew the use of the Sai, and then the Master said: 'You are smarter than me. I've spent a lifetime learning Karate and I still have a lot to learn, and you already know even the use of the Sai!!' - Then he remained silent - 'Now it's very fashionable to do a bit of everything." I totally agree with Miyazato Sensei's opinion about practicing several arts, not only for reasons of respect, but for time, dedication, philosophy,

Karate "Our Miyazato School is highly respected by the public, not only by karatekas. Shosei sensei was awarded by the cultural aspect, not sports or Martial Arts. We develop the human side." Being the son of the Master is certainly a curious situation due to the special relationship that is created. How was Shoei Sensei as a teacher... and as a parent? "As a teacher he made an extensive teaching programme. He structured teaching in groups that we could equate to Elementary School (for beginners), High School (up to 3rd Dan), College (up to 7th Dan) and PhD (to 10th Dan). Shoei Sensei was very humble, a constant demonstration of strength and heart, despite the age ... In his later years we saw him trying hard to do Mawashi Geri, for example during a trip to Brazil, and although he could fall down, still he did it. For me he was never a father but always a sensei. I was his disciple, not his son, both inside or outside the dojo ... and I appreciate that. He was a person, a master, very careful not to hurt, very responsible." Technically, I got really enthusiastic about the Miyazato School and its Master. Of course, in its technical aesthetics it's logically Shorin Ryu Karate, with high stances, typical guard positions... but its main value, from my view, is the strength, concentration, look, respect and courtesy, that show rude and simple, old-fashioned movements, within the most conservative tradition, all this said as high values and my deepest appreciation. The execution rate in kata is slow in its cadence, as is traditional in old Okinawan schools (with few exceptions) but very fast in its explosive defenses in pairs. The differences in the everyday between the sporting attitude and the martial attitude in Karate, are huge, and Miyazato Sensei is an example of this: "Living or dying is

just something accidental. You have to think of living, in total dedication. If a samurai dies is not a dishonor, dishonor would be that he didn't die with his hand on his sword." Masatoshi Sensei, is it true that Shoei received his 10th Dan but he wouldn't accepted it while his Master lived? "Yes. That's right." Masatoshi doesn't seem keen to add anything else about it, so we better don't insist. Shoei Sensei also introduced some changes in his classes motivated in some martial protocols, right? "In Japan, white belts usually stood in the front row while black belts were in the bottom. In Argentina it was the opposite. New students don't know, they are nervous; they need the figure of the

Senpai to protect them, to influence them. Senpai should be an example." In this regard I want to mention a remark that Masatoshi Sensei made when, after our talk, and already on the car, we were trying to get out of a parking place in reverse gear with great care of cars coming. "In Japan, it's the car that comes down the street that has to yield right of way to the car that is leaving the parking lot in reverse. The driver of the coming car is the one who sees, and the one who sees is the one who knows, and the one who knows is the one who must yield. It also happens in discussions, although sometimes it can be difficult to yield all the time." Symbolic is also the way that traditional greeting, Ojigi, for


example, has been changing in recent years. In the Showa Era of the late Emperor Hirohito, gaze was kept fixed on the opponent when bowing, as a means to ensure a certain security against a possible attack. It was a time that although its name literally meant "illustrated peace", the fact is that it brought World War II, disastrous for Japan in several ways. Today, many still salute without losing sight of the companion but currently, in the Heisei Era, inaugurated by Emperor Aki Hito in 1989, the look should be directed to the ground when bowing, as a symbol of an era of peace (that is the meaning of Heisei) and as a symbol of trust in your partner, who is neither your enemy nor your opponent, but the one who will help you develop your technique and therefore someone in which you are depositing your trust. This is a profound philosophy, much more than the mere fact of thinking that you cannot trust the one you have in front for practicing. Ambum Tokuda and Choki Motobu also taught Miyahira Katsuya Sensei. What influences of these masters remained in the style? "The pursuit of power, the strength, the reaction, and the adjustment on the impact. All movements must be synchronized to achieve greater power. The practitioner's intelligence is also important as a means to polish the details." What is the current relationship of the Miyazato School with Okinawa, with the Shidokan of Miyahira Sensei, after he died? "We are part of the Miyahira dojo and every time we go to Okinawa we go pay our sincere respects there. There are things that have changed but that's the way it is.

Between 1994 and 2004 we suffered in fact a break in the relationship but we thought ... what shall we do? He's my teacher, no matter what happens ... he is my teacher. It's a relationship like father and son. When Miyahira Sensei died we participated at the ceremony of tributes and we have charmed everyone with our attitude." I must say that the general attitude of all the members of the Miyazato School, and especially the high ranks and the Master, is really enviable, that is, the attitude one would expect from traditional karatekas, something that, unfortunately, doesn't happen in the world. "Karate should serve to improve the self, to enhance the person, with the ultimate goal of helping the community." It reminds me much of the philosophy of Master Hironori Otsuka (founder of Wado Ryu) when he taught that improving society was indeed the aim, loving it and being loved by it. It's a pity that certain philosophies are lost in the dusty old trunk of our memories and are not practiced in the day-by-day of the dojo... and life in general. The Miyazato School, however, has captivated me for being able to do so in the XXI century. Sensei Masatoshi maintains that " an Inca poet said, human life is the stage of spring, short, which must not be missed. Do not think about tomorrow; think about today ... and tomorrow.� The symbol of our school is the Sakura flower (cherry) and the karateka is like a flower, beautiful, vital... "Again come to my mind the teachings of Ohtsuka, this time in his successor and son, when he taught me in Tokyo in the mid-80's that the Sakura

Above: The author's lively chat with Miyazato Sensei. Left: demonstration in the street of the Master and his group. Right: in the photo Sergio EstĂŠvez Sensei, 7th Dan and his representative in Spain.

flower takes very long to bloom and it lasts just a short time in all its splendor before it dies. It's like if a preparation of a life-time was emptied in a moment. Masatoshi continues to speak: "The Sakura flower also is the flower of Japan, not Okinawa. We are Okinawans, but we're also Japanese." It must be said that Okinawa, as a Japanese region, has historically maintained some tension with the central government for its cultural specific features, way of being, etc. ..."Okinawan people didn't forgive the former Emperor for not apologizing for the war." World War II was disastrous for Japan but especially for Okinawa. But let us not stray from the subject. Masatoshi sensei speaks: "The K of our shield means for its part, Karate, and it goes red symbolizing the speed of reaction. A karateka must be swift to be kind, to offer a sit to a lady, etc." The flower has five white petals on the coat, white for purity of objectives, and five for the number of these (honesty, respect, effort, truth and reasoning).

Your wife, Adriana, is Argentinian. How was her involvement in Karate when she met you? "My wife saw in Karate a family meeting point. Matsumura practiced with his wife, Chibana, etc. Shoei gave much importance to the family. It is something metaphorical and related to Peace." Adriana has become a very important person in the family, it couldn't be otherwise. "She has great discipline highly praised. She was an athlete. She is very supportive and has great vocation in her life, without schedules... When Shoei Sensei was sick doctors recognized that his daughter in law was the best daughter in law he could have ever had. She tirelessly looked after Shoei Sensei. Today my mother is still living with us. Adriana perfectly understood and shared the Japanese customs." It's is obvious that Masatoshi Sensei speaks with admiration of his wife. That says a lot of good about both of them. Although political or organizational differences are often what lead to the development of different groups or lines

Karate within a style, eventually it can also lead to the appearance of technical differences. For years, large groups of Shorin Ryu have been existing in Okinawa, like Kobayashi Shorin Ryu of Choshin Chibana; Shubokan of Chozo Nakama; the one which concerns us today, Kobayashi Shorin Ryu Shidokan of Katsuya Miyahira; Shubukan of Joki Uema; Kobayashi Shorin Ryu Shorinkan of Shuguro Nakazato; Kyudokan of Yuchoku Higa (whence then comes out the important Isamu Arakaki); Matsubayashi Shorin Ryu of Nagamine (from where in turn comes out Kensei Taba), etc. In turn, other lines have sprouted from these, such as the Miyazato School of Shoei Sensei emerged from Miyahira

Sensei's Shidokan. "Yes. There are some differences. In our school we maintain the habit of practicing Kihon as it has always been done. We are the only descendants of the Shidokan to do so. Miyahira Sensei practiced power in the basic movements. Others don't. We maintain the seven Kihon Dachi, for example, while in Okinawa they only do three. There is a different methodology, but without shocks. " It has been a real pleasure for me to check once again that the ancient Karate, old-style, is still alive both technically, and philosophically. Thank you, Miyazato Sensei. Thank you, my friend Sergio.

Different moments of the show offered at the end of his visit to Spain.

"What beautifies the desert is that it hides a well of water somewhere." Antoine de Saint-Exupery "What we know is a water drop; what we ignore is the ocean.� Isaac Newton Flow doesn't mean being sloppy; definitely, water is not so, for it doesn't leave any corner uncovered... it reaches everywhere! As asturian people say, "water has a very fine snout". Unhurried, coupling to the circumstances, water is a metaphor for the persistence and extreme adaptability. It's the paradigm of changing in the form without transforming the essence. Water catalyzes life; without water, the land dries and gets barren; and the fire, without a controller, spreads everywhere and the air, turned into a sandstorm, cannot carry the fertility of the clouds, or the force of the changes. Even iron is wrought by the use of fire in the forges! Water is the cradle of all life, the primary livelihood of both inanimate and animate beings, all of them "bags" of hotter and hotter waters, according to their degree of evolution, and adapted to a change that we accompany, of which we are part, and not guilty, as some would have us believe. The "terminal sin" is the JudeoChristian guilt of environmentalism. Water comforts us, cleanses us, and blesses us. Wet in the rivers of the moment, we swim, fight, wreck... Flowing, adapting to the barriers, going down, not opposing anything, water is the perfect analogy of humility, adaptation and not conflict. The water wins aimlessly; following its nature, it surrounds any obstacle and teaches us how to overcome, but with wisdom, free from wear and tear, without losing sight of the goal. What is a rock on the road, a mountain‌? Even trapped in between cliffs and narrow passages, water filters, or evaporates if such a thing is not possible; nothing stops its destination. It's been the river of life that has left in my shores these texts, which today I share in book format. And I say "it left" because all authorship is at least confusing, since we are all debtors of those before us, those who inspired and keep inspiring us, of the floating clouds of the collective unconscious, and even, who knows!, of the spirits and the consciousness around us. I can't teach anything because I don't know anything, but for those who wish to hear my poems, here I leave my sincere and truly felt thoughts, every time more felt and less thought, because mind is a deceptive device that sees what it wants to see and I’ve learned to be suspicious about it.

How to Stay Safe in the Age of Terrorism Avi Nardia is a a former hand-to-hand combat instructor for the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) Reserve, the Israeli counter-terrorism unit YAMAM and the Israeli Operational Police Academy. He teaches the martial art of Kapap, as well as Judo, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and Krav Maga. Kapap is also being taught around the globe through a network of affiliated schools. Avi has produced a series of DVD's through multiple vendor sources such as BUDO.

How to Stay Safe...

in the Age of Terrorism

Text & photos: Avi Nardia w/Tim Boehlert

Self Defense Budo International: Should the average person be worried about lone-wolf terrorist attacks? Avi Nardia: Terror cells, like the Boston Marathon bombers, that are not connected by anything other than ideology will become increasingly common. In some ways, lone cells are more dangerous than organized terrorism because lone cells are difficult to monitor, control or discover. The more we go after the larger terror organizations, the more they will split into smaller cells. This is exactly what has happened with the drug cartels. Budo International: Do you think the Internet is becoming the prime tool for terrorist organizations to recruit lone wolves in any part of the world? Avi Nardia: Yes, the Internet is a major tool today for recruiting, teaching and spreading terrorist ideologies around the globe. The Internet can be used to traffic information and gather intelligence, and as a meeting place for finding others with the same ideas. It's very easy to create fake accounts, use them while they are viable, then disappear - maybe completely. Terrorists are becoming increasingly techsavvy. Budo Inter national: Are there any parallels between how terrorists recruit

lone wolves and how gangs recruit members? Avi Nardia: Terror groups share the same mentality as gangs — exploiting hate, spreading anger and practicing brutality. Terrorists also practice the same indoctrination techniques as gangs. Using ideology to 'persuade' others that are malleable has been highly effective. Budo International: As high-profile targets get extra security, is there an increased likelihood that soft targets — and civilians — will be attacked by lone wolves? Avi Nardia: Nowadays, we are seeing sick people understand that the more brutal their methods, the more media exposure they gain. As governments and sensitive targets continue to invest in more security, we will begin to see more and more independent terror attacks on soft targets such as bus stations, schools and any place that will instill fear into the public. Terror's main goal is to create an atmosphere of fear, for control purposes. Budo International: In light of all this, what measures can people take to stay safe? Avi Nardia: Citizens need to push for government to be less tolerant of terrorist ideologies. We also need to educate the

“Nowadays, we are seeing sick people understand that the more brutal their methods, the more media exposure they gain”

Avi Nardia public and law enforcement on terrorists and terror culture. It seems to me that people have too much tolerance for terror — sometimes even the police are more strict on normal civilian criminals than on terrorists who walk free among us. One must study and understand what terrorism is before we decide how to fight it. People must understand how terror feeds from the media. Budo International: Is increased awareness the most important precaution a person can take? Avi Nardia: Awareness of who lives around us is important, but it is also important that we protect our freedom from pervasive surveillance and a society wherein anyone could frivolously call the police and have a person arrested. Security and surveillance must be approached in a measured manner. We are seeing instances of abuse as a result of increased surveillance daily it seems. We should demand more security in schools for our children. In and around our homes, people need

“You are the first responder, not anyone else, and if you always rely on someone else to arrive, they might be too late. We need to take responsibility for our own safety�

to take it upon themselves to study and train in counterterrorism. You are the first responder, not anyone else, and if you always rely on someone else to arrive, they might be too late. We need to take responsibility for our own safety - at hime, at work, on vacation even. Simple things can make a difference. Budo International: Do you recommend that people consider lawfully carrying a firearm — assuming they have an interest and have had the proper training? Avi Nardia: It's easier to carry a gun in a bag than to carry a police officer. If most normal civilians carry firearms, it will reduce crime as well as terrorism. Switzerland is an example of a country where most civilians own guns, and it's one of the safest places in the world. People need to take more than just the standard 8-hour course as prescribed in many states. They should know how to use it, how to clean it, how to clear jams. They should know how to shoot in low-light, how to re-load, with either hand. In Israel, firearm owners must complete 50 hours of training every year to hold a permit. We have seen many situations wherein the first responders were normal civilians who defended and stopped terrorists before any police cars showed up. We also have civilian police volunteers who get training by the police and carry police identification cards. These volunteers patrol sensitive areas and help prevent crime and terrorism. In my system of Kapap, we teach firearms, CPR, surveillance and counter-

surveillance as part of our Martial Arts. This training develops awareness and the ability to effectively respond in emergency situations. Budo International: How useful could a knife be in the hands of a trained martial artist who's facing a lone wolf terrorist? Avi Nardia: Knives are effective weapons and very important to study. The only problem is that it's hard for a person to use a knife in a real situation. The knife is not a simple weapon unless you are well trained, and

overcoming the psychological barrier of fighting with a knife is difficult for most people. People need a lot of training to overcome training that they've had since childhood - "Be Nice!", "Don't hurt them!", " Don't be rude!" etc. These are simple examples of how we are taught to be courteous and kind, even when facing violence. To overcome this pre-conditioning takes a lot of specialized training. We need to learn to give ourselves to BE RUDE, to strike first - preemptively. I would also recommend learning about the gun before learning about the knife. Nonetheless, knives are great

Avi Nardia weapons and are readily available — e.g. in the kitchen. Improvised edged weapons, such as a broken bottle, are also great for self-defense. Budo International: How is fighting a person who's willing to give his life for a cause different from fighting a mugger, a gang-banger or a rapist? Avi Nardia: Most criminals are not ready to die. That simple fact makes self-defense easier because even rapists and other criminals are just looking for easy

victims. Terrorists look for any victim, and therefore anyone is a potential target. Terrorists may fight to the death, which makes the fight very difficult to finish. This is why guns are better to carry than knives. A knife will also require one to be close to the threat, whereas a gun allows one to fight from behind cover. There's a huge mindset difference. One's goal is to get resources from you - cash, jewelry, sex. The goal of the terrorist is completely different. Both may treat you as less than human, for different 'needs' to be fulfilled.

Self Defense Budo International: Realistically, what chance does an unarmed martial artist stand against an armed terrorist? Avi Nardia: The first rule is to never give up — regardless of whether you are unarmed and the attacker has a weapon. You should always maintain your awareness and carry your hand-to-hand skills, as well as your gun-disarm skills. Assuming that an attacker does not have a gun can be a deadly mistake.

“Assuming that an attacker does not have a gun can be a deadly mistake.�

In this DVD, Master Marco Morabito, with exclusive rights for Budo International, presents a preview of the Israeli Krav Maga Survival System. In this colossal work, the basic method and techniques of this discipline are illustrated in a clear and transparent manner. That is, no secrets, but in an extraordinary job that will take you to the very core of self-defense. The techniques are illustrated so that they are easily understood by all. A truly unique opportunity to approach selfdefense or improve your knowledge on the subject. The author is one of today’s top self-defense exponents worldwide and has to his credit an extensive experience both in the military field and in security companies; awarded several times in various countries and acclaimed by his courses and seminars around the world, he has become an international spokesperson for different combat and self-defense systems, little known but highly effective. He has learned and studied all over the world, from Japan to the US, via Poland, Spain, Cape Verde, Germany, Israel, France and Russia, a continued research in remote areas of the world, such as Siberia or the desert of Texas, without stopping at any point in his tireless search for new knowledge without ever stop asking questions. The Israeli Krav Maga Survival System is not a discipline or a set of rigid rules, but a method, a process of continuous and constant evolution. This makes it adaptable to any situation and circumstance and permeable to any changes, and then be able to take stock of its mistakes and use the experience as an opportunity to improve.


All DVDs, wichi is produced by Budo International, si provided and alone in the formats DVD-5 or MPEG-2, in VCD, DivX or the like is however neves offered with a special holograma sticker. Besides our DVD is characteristed coverings by the hig quality in pressure and material. If this DVD and/or the DVD covering do not corespond to the requirements specified above, it concerns illegal pirat copy.


In this DVD, G.M. Larry Tatum (10th Dan) develops techniques of the Kenpo program at the highest level. Particularly, some of his “favorites” like Flashing Mace, Parting Wings, Entwined Lance… Masterfully executed and based on the experience of the movement, G.M. Tatum incorporates his innovative teachings in these techniques that will help you add and complement your training in the Kenpo system. Besides, they provide the individual with the best choice for selfdefense, based on the logical and practical thinking, and place him in the path of understanding the art of Kenpo. These are the self-defense and fighting systems of the modern times we live in. They are designed so that the practitioner gets all the benefits that training these techniques can provide. This DVD has the support of Master Adolfo Luelmo (9th Dan), who goes on with a series of techniques performed in a smooth and strong way, for situations of extreme aggression, in which can be appreciated different states of the movement, in a logical and effective way. As a conclusion, Master Camacho Assisi (8th Dan), displays a technique that combines the strength of the arms and his expertise with legs.


All DVDs, wichi is produced by Budo International, si provided and alone in the formats DVD-5 or MPEG-2, in VCD, DivX or the like is however neves offered with a special holograma sticker. Besides our DVD is characteristed coverings by the hig quality in pressure and material. If this DVD and/or the DVD covering do not corespond to the requirements specified above, it concerns illegal pirat copy.


Kyusho Jitsu

Evan Pantazi

Real Kyusho Revival and Restoration Kyusho International has always researched the deeper mechanisms behind Kyusho, we were not satisfied with the (now proven unrelated) theory of pressure points and the aspects of Acupuncture as the practical model. This is not to dismiss Acupuncture as a viable health related program, it simply is not related to Kyusho. The fact that many "Pressure Points" do overlap the deeper real anatomical targets of Kyusho, is just coincidence as they are not always overlying, nor are they encompassing of the entire workable structure underlying. Our research has never stopped in the scientific and medical correlations, however we do not readily release for public consumption, our findings. This is a brief description of the mechanics behind the Kyusho Restorations (revivals are a more popular term used by many, but not fully explanatory or correct).

What Really Happens In the theory of the fighting art of Kyusho Jitsu (vital target fighting) and the use of Revival (restoration) of vital structures that have been attacked on the human body. It is important to understand what happens to the body during the event of the attack to a vital structure. To understand this process it is important to look at Anatomy, Kinesiology and Bio-Mechanics to see the process of events occurring in the body being struck at each structure. First the brain is divided in a conscious system/Cranial and Peripheral nerve function; this allows the brain to control by thought 20% of the body function. The sub-conscious system; Cranial and Autonomic nerve controls 80% of the brain and body’s involuntary function. The brain sends a bio-electric signal that is recorded as .05 electric signal that is recorded as a .05 electrical volt from the brain to the body and the body back to the brain. It’s this .05 volt that the Oriental’s consider (Chi) energy that runs through the human body. A vital structure/s is a hot spot of multiple reactions that cause a multitude of reactions in the body at the time of attack. Let’s look at the reactions and effect of striking a vital structure/s to the human body.

The Skin (this is the first layer) *Structure and receptors. A. Hair (nerve endings –stimulated by movement of hair) B. Sudoriparous Gland (sense of touch to the surface of the skin)

“In the theory of the fighting art of Kyusho Jitsu (vital target fighting) and the use of Revival (restoration) of vital structures that have been attacked on the human body.”

Kyusho Jitsu These two receptors are the first of the body’s sensory system of initial contact. These are the immediate sense of the feeling of touch. Epidermis (This is the second layer) A. Corneal layer, this is where the sudoriparous gland runs from the dermis, through epidermis and comes to the surface of the skin. This is the second sensory monitor right after the hair has been in contact with. Dermis (This is the third layer) A. Free nerve endings (meridians, vital structure/s/peripheral nerve, and extraordinary structure/s) Autonomic nerves (vital structure/ss) pain and touch sensitive. B. Krause Corpuscle – nerve ending is sensitive to cold. C. Pacinis Corpuscle – nerve ending is vital sensitive. It reacts with free nerve endings.

D. Ruffinis Corpuscle – nerve endings that are heat sensitive. Merkle disks – they are located inside the dermis and they make up the sheath that encloses a biconvex disk connecting to a nerve ending, which are sensitive to continuous tactile stimulation. Meissner’s Corpuscle – they are located on the outer surface of the dermis, they are made up of a cluster of nerve endings enclosed by a sheath, and these are touch sensitive. All these sensory nerve fibers and receptors start from the surface of the skin; they pass through the spinal cord and arrive at the cerebral trunk in bundles. They cross through the Thalamus and end in the brain cortex. These signals produce a cross extensor reflex movement a fifth of a second from the spinal cord before

the brain perceives the sensation of pain. When you strike to an area of a vital structure/s (depicted in many ancient charts, scrolls and writings) all of the above mentioned structures are involved. As example, if you strike the upper inside forearm, there is a branch of the radial artery and vein. The radial nerve is a slow twitch muscle fiber area (peripheral nerve), it affects the control a person would have consciously, then a fifth of a second later it affect the fast twitch muscle fiber. These affect the autonomic nerves of the involuntary brain causing the recipient to lose control of the joints and muscles then buckling under the unsupported weight to drop them to the ground. The cross extensor reflex action occurs which causes the person turning 45 degrees away from you, the opposite arm

Evan Pantazi

extends behind them and the head turns to the direction of that same arm. The turning of the head quickly, affects the brain by disruption of the nerve signal and the brain coming in contact with the inside of the skull. The turn of the head over stimulates Ascending Cervical Artery, the Great Auricular Nerve, the Cutaneous Nerve, Lesser Occipital Nerve and the Accessory Nerves, this is the location in the side of the neck between 3rd and 4th cervical vertebrae and this is where the right or left side of the brain crosses over a communication to the opposite side of the body. Striking this nerve will cause a vital structure/s knockout. This unconscious state is caused by a lack of communication electrically from the brain to the body and

the body back to the brain, which now needs to be revived and restored. The fast twitch muscle fiber and the slow twitch fiber will be affected in muscle contraction/s, which will cause the nerve from having a normal bio-electrical flow. Using the different revival vital structure/s are necessary to reestablish a person to consciousness. Head, Heart and Lung revival structure/s need to be applied by activation. For head revival the Spinal Accessory Nerve is used, this nerve runs down the hollow of the neck on either side of the spine. It is involved with fast twitch muscle fiber in the involuntary nerves and the voluntary nerves of the brain. By gently slapping and massaging these nerves, it wakes

Kyusho Jitsu up the head involuntarily and consciously (also restores normalcy in bio-electric function). This is the same nerve corner men massage and apply ice to for boxers between rounds. For Chest Constriction, the Third Thoracic Spinal Nerve/Lung Associated Nerve (some like to refer to as BL-13) and the fourth Thoracic Spinal Nerve/Pericardium Associated Nerve (referred to by some as BL-14). And the Fifth Thoracic Spinal Nerve/Heart Associated Nerve (referred to as BL-15). These structure/s are affected by the constriction of muscle associated with the nerves of the Dermatome of the Diaphragm. The Diaphragm and Thoracic nerves constriction have to be released for restoration. When slapping these three nerves it releases the short circuit of electrical signal with the fast twitch muscle and the slow twitch muscle that has been contracted, this will allow the Diaphragm to release its constriction.

For Chest Constriction, the Third Thoracic Spinal Nerve/Lung Associated Nerve (some like to refer to as BL-13) and the fourth Thoracic Spinal Nerve/Pericardiu m Associated Nerve (referred to by some as BL-14)

It also reconnects the communication of the voluntary and involuntary brain and the associated nerves reset the positive breakers (communication transfers). The negative poled nerves (autonomic or unconscious system) reset the negative breakers. These unconscious and conscious nerves of the reconnect the electrical signal of the organs back to the brain. Then the brain back to the body and then the brain and the body reconnect back to electrical communication and restores organ function. Another common vital area is located around the area acupuncturists label SP-17 (under each nipple one inch and over 1 inch to the side body), is in actuality Fifth Intercostal Nerve. It is used for Intermediate Lung revival/restoration. This vital area is found within the fast twitch muscle fiber and will cause a constriction that causes the persons diaphragm to keep them from breathing normally. When taking open hands and slapping these

Evan Pantazi

structure/s on both sides of the torso (simultaneously), it will release the torso muscle constriction. It will reconnect signal to the voluntary and involuntary brain and reestablish electrical signal from the brain to the body and the body back to the brain. This will in turn restore normal breathing and reset the receptors that control the heat and cold monitoring of the body. This is a very brief explanation of how vital area striking will affect the body and the brain. Also how vital area revival/restoration will reestablish the body’s electrical disruption and bring the body back to normal function. This study was conducted by a team of medical professionals as follows. Dr. Joe Sheppard, Gary Rooks Prof. (A.P.P.S.), CFT, Ninth Level Kyusho Jitsu, Kyusho International, Jessica Kestler M.S., Ph. D., Jeff Wyatt R.T., T. ,. Written and presented in conjunction with Evan Pantazi founder of Kyusho International and

Another common vital area is located around the area acupuncturists label SP-17 (under each nipple one inch and over 1 inch to the side body), is in actuality Fifth Intercostal Nerve. It is used for Intermediate Lung revival/restoration.


Pukulan Pencak Silat Serak is a very brutal and devastating Art. The Arts concept its to dominate and take over battleground and space, fast dominating space and engulfing opponents to prevent them from being able to use their weapons or body. Once space is acquired, the base and angle are taken to control opponents rotation or projection, rooting or uprooting is produced from the smallest expression of touch or angle and base position, this we call “Lengket” or sticky. Keeping very close to opponents when striking or using a weapon and putting opponents on “Slywa” or weightless stage of spinal and muscle misalignment. Once rooting takes place, the strike makes massive contact in the body that has no muscle or skeletal protection. “Sambuts” are finishes meaning something very hard to walk away from especially when compression of neck or spine, so finishing means its a done deal. The opposite of that is a “Buang” that stands for throws less devastating in the beginner levels but taught to learn mechanics that in later phases of development of the student or practioner can be modified to “Sambuts” for devastating throws. Compressing skeletal structure, weapons and body structures or striking, grapping defense and offence are all played and studied in our platforms. In this video there's a beginner “Pantjar” platform, also the “Jurus”, which are the playbooks of the system of Pukulan Pencak Silat Serak, are played here. This platform teaches where to be in position to attacker, the platform is 3 dimensional and teaches where opponents body's alignments are the weakest to point of contact the platform. It also teaches how to deal with multiple opponents and space needed, base angle and levers are all play here. Hope you enjoy my small offering into a vast large Art. “Hormat Terima Kasi”.

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