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上帝創造了世界 上帝創造了所有的植 物、樹木、花草和水 果在地上;魚類在海 裡游;鳥類在天上飛; 各種動物和人類在地 球上生活,然後就歇 工休息。

創世記 1:1-2:3

God creates the universe

God created all plants, trees, flowers, and fruits on the earth, fish in the sea, birds in the sky, all kinds of animals on the earth, and us human beings, and then rested.

Genesis 1.1-2.3

當和夏娃違背 上帝的命令

當和夏娃被蛇誘騙, 吃了上帝吩咐他們不可 以吃的樹上的果子。

創世記 3:1-24


and Eve disobey


Adam and Eve were tricked by the snake, and ate the fruit of the tree which God told them not to eat.

Genesis 3.1-24

大洪水 !

上帝計畫以一場大洪 水淹沒這個世界。但

是上帝告訴挪 造一

艘大方舟,裡面可以 容納挪 一家人及地 上的動物。

創世記 7:1-24

The flood !

God planned to use a great flood to destroy the world. But God told Noah to enter the ark with his family. Noah and his family went into the ark together with some animals.

Genesis 7.1-24

上帝與挪 立約

上帝應許挪 所有的 生物絕不會再被洪水 消滅,而天上的彩虹 就是立約的記號。

創世記 9:1-17

God makes a promise to Noah

God promised Noah that He would never destroy any living creature with a flood. The rainbow in the sky is the sign of that promise.

Genesis 9.1-17

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