Open the Door for Reading: Literacy Projects - Turku

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YTIMESSÄ – THE CORE – Making Books and Literacy the Core of All Learning THE AIM: Creating communities of readers by investing in 1. the quality and amount of reading materials in schools 2. home literacy and parental involvement 3. the active participation of local sports clubs and other actors in children’s freetime 4. participatory and collaborative pedagogical approaches 5. making the value of reading visible

YTIMESSÄ – THE CORE – Making Books and Literacy the Core of All Learning - Funded by the Finnish Board of Education 2018 – 2019 - The project is lead by the Teacher Training School of Rauma (Eeva-Maija Niinistö) in co-operation with the Teacher Training Schools of Joensuu and Turku

- innovative activities and approaches for future and current educators in language THE AIM education 2018 - 2021 IKI

is to identify and promote innovative models for the use and development of language in education from early childhood and throughout comprehensive school by 1. mapping the wide range of innovations that exist in Finland such as language showering, bilingual education and colocated schools. 2. looking more closely at what kind of innovative practices and principles are needed to support and promote language awareness 3. sharing and strengthening languagerelated innovations across educational communities.

IKI - innovative activities and approaches for future and current educators in language education The IKI-project is funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture, and it is one of the Ministry’s key spearhead projects. The IKI-project is lead by the University of Jyväskylä in co-operation with Rauma Campus and Åbo Akademi nkkeet-projects/iki anke/tri/publication4-png


Mentors of Arts- and Narrative-based Approaches as a Support for SocialEmotional Growth in Early Childhood Education AIMS AT 1. Inventing and further developing arts and narrative based approaches to support the social-emotional growth of children. • Arts- and narrative-based methods could offer effective tools for supporting the social-emotional abilities of children in early childhood education. 2. Investigates an innovative model to further education. • Mentors will work in local child care groups side by side with the staff and children. The aim is to help the child care staff to embrace these arts- and narrative-based methods in practice. • Rinnalla-project creates a model for further education that is implemented in an authentic environment and promotes both learning and performance of the staff and increases networking of early childhood researchers and teachers.

RINNALLA – SIDE BY SIDE 2018 – 2020 Mentors of Arts- and Narrative-based Approaches as a Support for Social-Emotional Growth in Early Childhood Education Rinnalla-project is funded by the National Board of Education in Finland from December 2018 until the end of June 2020. Key actors in the project are the Universities of Turku and Oulu. The lead of the project is Marita Neitola from Rauma Campus. • a/en/

Aerila, J.-A. & Merisuo-Storm, T. (2017). Emergent Readers and the Joy of Reading: A Finnish Perspective. Creative Education 8(15) 2485-2500. Aerila, J.-A. & Rönkkö, M.-L. (2015). Enjoy and interpret picture books in a child-centered way. Reading Teacher 68(5), 349–356. Aerila, J.-A., Keskitalo, A. & Urmson, K. (2016). A-B-C - Shaping alphabets with methods of outdoor and multisensory learning. Journal of Early Childhood Education Research, 19 – 43. Aerila, J.-A., Soininen, M. & Merisuo-Storm, T. (2016). Literature as a tool in multicultural education. Perceptions of Finnish student teachers on reading multicultural literature in Finland. Research & reviews. Journal of Educational Sciences 1(2). Aerila, J.-A. & Kokkola, L. (2013). Multicultural Literature and the use of literature in multicultural education in Finland. Bookbird Journal 51/2, 39–50. Kauppinen, M. & Aerila, J.-A. (2019) Luokanopettajien lukijuus ja sen merkitys oppilaiden lukuinnon kasvattamisessa ja kirjallisuudenopetuksen kehittämisessä. Teoksessa M. Rautiainen & M. Tarnanen (toim) Tutkimuksesta luokkahuoneisiin. Suomen Ainedidaktinen Seura, 144 -153. Merisuo-Storm, T. & Aerila, J.-A. (2016). Suomalaisten alakouluikäisten poikien lukutaito ja lukuasenteet. Teoksessa H.-M. Pakula, E. Kouki, H. Silfverberg & E. Yli-Panula (toim.) Uudistuva ja uusiutuva ainedidaktiikka. Helsinki: Suomen ainedidaktisen tutkimusseuran julkaisuja, 259 – 276. Merisuo-Storm, T. & Aerila, J.-A. (2016). Providing skills and support to primary school pupils in content-area reading. International Journal for Cross-Disciplinary Subjects in Education, 7(3). Merisuo-Storm, T. & Aerila, J.-A. (2018). Boys’ reading skills and attitudes during the first six school years. In Baldwin, P. & García, P. O. (Eds.) Reading motivation and achievement differences between boys and girls. New York: Springer. (JUFO 2) Wikholm, M. & Aerila, J.-A. (2016).Teaching mathematics with children’s literature in Finland. International Journal of Learning and Teaching.8/4, 253 – 261.

Aerila, J.-A., Kauppinen, M., Niinistö, E.-M. & Sario, S. (arvioinnissa). Iltasatukirjahylly – Tukea ja tasa-arvoa perheiden lukemiseen. Ainedidaktisen symposiumin julkaisu 2019. Aerila, J.-A. & Kerry Moran, Kelli Jo (2019; in print). Preface. Teoksessa K.J. Kerro Moran & Aerila, J.-A. (toim.) Story in the Lives of Children: Contributions of the Narrative Mode. New York: Springer. Aerila, J.-A., Rönkkö, M.-L- & Grönman, S. (2019; in print). Arts-Based Activities and Stories Convey Children’s Learning Experiences. Teoksessa K.J. Kerro Moran & Aerila, J.-A. (toim.) Story in the Lives of Children: Contributions of the Narrative Mode. New York: Springer. Kerry Moran, K. J. & Aerila, J.-A. (2019; in print). Introduction: The Strength of Stories. Teoksessa K.J. Kerro Moran & Aerila, J.-A. (toim.) Story in the Lives of Children: Contributions of the Narrative Mode. New York: Springer. Natthapoj, V., Aerila, J.-A. & Yrjänäinen, S. (2019; in print). Bringing Mathematics Alive through Stories. Teoksessa K.J. Kerro Moran & Aerila, J.-A. (toim.) Story in the Lives of Children: Contributions of the Narrative Mode. New York: Springer. Netola, M. & Aerila, J.-A: (2019; in print). Oppimisentarinat – Kannustavia ja yksilöllisiä tarinoita oppimisesta. Ainedidaktisen symposiumin julkaisu 2019. Suvilehto, P., Kerry Moran, K. J. & Aerila, J.-A. (2019; in print) Supporting Children’s Social and Emotional Growth through Developmental Bibliotherapy. Teoksessa K.J. Kerro Moran & Aerila, J.A. (toim.) Story in the Lives of Children: Contributions of the Narrative Mode. New York: Springer.

Aerila, J.-A. & Kauppinen, M. (2019). Lukukipin채. Pedagogisia keinoja lukuinnon her채ttelyyn. Jyv채skyl채: PS-kustannus. Moran, K. J. K. & Aerila, J.-A. (2019; in print) Story in the Lives of Children: Contributions of the Narrative Mode. New York: Springer.

THANK YOU! For co-operation contact Juli-Anna Aerila

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