H Texas Top Doctors 2019

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BUILDING A BETTER TOMORROW STARTS WITH TOP DOCTORS TODAY. THAT’S THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN PRACTICING MEDICINE AND LEADING IT. At Houston Methodist, we know that providing world-class care starts with a team of world-class doctors; many who are recognized as Top Doctors by H Texas. We’re bringing the best doctors in the world to Houston, so our patients can experience the best Houston Methodist has to offer.


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Table of Contents DEPARTMENTS

30 Spaces in Space City

10 Health & Wellness

Lynn Ashby looks at life between the lines.

34 Engage Your Core in Cabo Take a deep dive into your lifestyle choices at The Resort at Pedregal’s new wellness retreat.

Tools and tips to help you get your body summer ready.

14 Society The scoop on the latest charitable events around town.

18 Culture Reviews on upcoming releases from Texas authors; Houston’s hottest happenings.

20 Community Meet this year’s Billboard Bride, Karla Gartner.

34 40 Houston’s 25 Most Beautiful 2019 Selected for their many contributions to the Houston community, this year’s recipients glow with inner beauty.

50 Hoodwinked by Suffering In an excerpt from her book, This Messy Magnificent Life, Geneen Roth explains what happens when you stop listening to critical voices in your head.

22 Beauty Protect your skin, hair and body from those marvelous but damaging sun rays.

24 Fashion Cool blues and pale pinks—the perfect combination for your summer ensemble.

TE X A S PUBLISHER Bambi Abernathy EDITORIAL Editor-in-Chief Laurette M. Veres Senior Editor Tom Flynn Executive Editor Lynn Ashby Contributing Editor Warner Roberts Copy Editor Sue-Ella Mueller Food & Wine Editor Matthew Abernathy Contributing Writers Amanda Altman Tom Flynn Robin Villalobos ART Sr. Creative Director Rick McMillen Creative Director Miyu Hikaru SALES Executive Marketing Matthew Abernathy Advertising Director Heather Chancellor CORPORATE President Bambi Abernathy Finance Manager Marna McMillen Consultant Rick McMillen

26 Spa From mountain top to seaside, make sure your travel plans include a stop at one of these amazing spas.

28 Destination The elite Miraval Spa has a new home and it’s in Texas, y’all!

57 Houston’s Top Doctors 2019 Home of the largest medical center in the world, Houston has some of the greatest medical minds on the planet. Here are our top doc picks.

88 On the Menu Summer’s freshest produce are “What’s on the Menu” this month.

94 Eat Out


Galveston Island’s Rudy and Pacos presents a unique and amazing culinary opportunity.

4 Editor’s Letter Editor-in-Chief Laurette Veres is humbled by her selection as a Houston Sweetheart.

6 Inside Ashby isn’t one for meetings and here’s why.

8 Heart of Houston The biggest names in Houston sports have the biggest hearts.



96 H Marks the Spot Now one cornerstone of the home of the Houston Astros, Union Station used to be a thriving rail hub for Texas travelers.

H Texas magazine is published by 10403 Five Oaks Ct. Missouri City TX 77459 832-886-1120 www.htexas.com

H Texas magazine, Issue #2, Volume 28, is published quarterly for a total of four issues for $18.95 per year by Bayou City Publishing, 10403 Five Oaks Ct, Missouri City TX 77459. Subscriptions $18.95 per year. Single copies $4.95 plus $3.00 postage and handling. All payments must be in US funds. Visa, MasterCard and Discover accepted. The contents of this magazine may not be reprinted in any manner without permission from the publisher. Opinions of contributing authors do not necessarily reflect those of the publisher. Articles and photographs are welcome, but cannot be considered unless exclusive publishing rights are given, affording the publisher full ownership of content. Publisher assumes no responsibility for accuracy of unsolicited manuscripts and any material accepted is subject to possible revision at the discretion of the publisher. Please allow 6-8 weeks for an adderss change to take effect. H Texas is not responsible for missed issues due to an address change. Sales/ Management 832-886-1120 • Fax 281-261-5999 • Toll Free Subscription/Inquires 886-418-5548 • www.htexas.com




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Editor’s Letter

Highly Humbled Grateful to be recognized as one of Houston’s Sweethearts




AST SE ASON, LCA HOUSTON INTERNATIONAL SOCIET Y MAG A ZINE HONORED YOL ANDA ADAMS, AMERICAN GOSPEL SINGER , RECORD PRODUCER , ACTRESS AND MOM . It was the International Mother’s Day Soirée, an event like many others I’ve covered for H Texas where people are recognized for their charitable works and contributions to the Bayou City. This gala was a different experience for me, however, because I was one of several other moms honored along side of Yolanda. I was flanked by my five-year old twin boys as I walked the stage (one leapt like a frog while making his exit). Valentine’s Day 2019, I was once again recognized, this time named as one of Houston’s Sweethearts by Warner Roberts, Deborah



Duncan, Sylvia Forsythe, Anne Carl, Kim Moody and Alicia Smith. In all my years of covering these events, I never wondered how the honorees feel. Now I know how I feel, humbled. Humbled these civic leaders would even think of me as an honoree. Humbled to be standing on stage next to distinguished people I admire and look up to. Humbled to hear my small actions have had some sort of impact on this big, beautiful city. Houston is a warm, giving city where people feel a calling to serve. Here is a hearty, humble thanks to future honorees.

Editor-in-Chief Follow me @HTexas



Shaun & Aaron

Shaun & Aaron were denied a wedding announcement in their local newspaper.

In 30 states in this country, it’s legal to discriminate against LGBT Americans. That means you can be fired from your job, evicted from your home, or even denied medical services because of who you are or who you love. Everyone has the right to marry. Not everyone has basic rights.

Inside The Meet of the Matter

T by Lynn Ashby

Ashby moves to ashby2@comcast.net. 6


HE MEETING – “And so if there is no more business tonight….” The president of our homeowners association is trying to wrap up our annual meeting. “I have a question,” says McWindy. “If garbage pickup was moved to Tuesday, we could put Monday’s garbage out, right?” The Guy in a Ski Mask notes that if pickup was moved to Wednesday, we could put out Tuesday’s garbage as well. I’m comatose. This is my first meeting of our homeowner’s association, having just moved here from my old digs in Running Rats Acres. This is a neighborhood of townhouses for older folks, Golden Years Ghetto, and I am just now meeting some of my neighbors. Good, because no one ventures outside on these blocks. They all must be under the Federal Witness Protection Program or are old Nazi war criminals hiding out from the Mossad. One house, honestly, has no address, no numbers, no name. Can you have an unlisted house? In “The “Manchurian Candidate,” (the movie, not the current administration) Laurence Harvey says, “My dear girl, have you ever noticed that the human race is divided into two distinct and irreconcilable groups: those that walk into rooms and automatically turn television sets on, and those that walk into rooms automatically turn television sets off.” (As a side note, Angela Lansbury played Harvey’s mother although she was actually only three years older than him.) There are also two other distinct groups: those who like meetings and those who don’t. I fall into the latter category. Meetings are generally a waste of time, or at least the results could be summarized on a teabag. You spend an hour at your place of work in a meeting deciding whether the fireworks crates should be marked “flammable” or “inflammable.” You return to your workplace loading Turbo Bombs and a co-worker asks what happened, and you explain, “We decided to mark the crates. ‘This side up.’ Got a light?” Once I was asked to sit on the board of a conservation group, which sounded like an odd request for a journalist whose feedstock is trees, but I went to a meeting where we sat for three hours, of which 45 minutes was spent on the salary of the group’s one employee’s salary, who sat at the table discussing her pay. That was my last meeting. I had to get back to clear-cutting. Every meeting has someone who likes his 15 minutes of fame, or at least the spotlight. At a newspaper I worked for, every Tuesday at 3 p.m. we had an executive meeting. (They needed me if the coffee ran low.) At a daily newspaper, 3 o’clock in the afternoon is panic time, when everyone is trying

to figure out whether to lead with a good car wreck or the outbreak of World War III. But the rest of the executives have lots of time between the threemartini lunch and happy hour. I kept looking at my watch and wondering if the car wreck was really that bloody. When I ran our own meetings with the newspaper’s editorial board deciding how to slant our stories to reward our friends and punish our enemies, I would begin with: “Well, if that’s all we have to discuss…” No one ever objected. If you can’t sleep and get tired of counting warthogs, turn on CSPAN and watch Congress members discussing Bill 304-J, the Subsidy for Farmers Who Can’t Grow Anything. The members drone on and on, although committees are where all the real work is done in Congress. Remember that the U.S. Constitution makes no mention of committees, even though it was drawn up by one. Columnist George Will, an ardent baseball fan, observed: “Football combines two of the worst things in American life. It is violence punctuated by committee meetings.” The result of a committee meeting can be odd. The saying is, “A camel is a horse designed by a committee.” The strangest committee meeting in recent times was the first gathering of the Trump cabinet when each member, sitting at a long, oval table as the press looked on, proclaimed their love and pride in working for Donald Trump. The only minion not to praise the lord was Defense Secretary and former Marine Gen. James Mattis, who spoke of how proud he was to lead our armed forces. Mattis eventually got fired, but then so did most of the others sitting at the table. Who actually likes to sit in meetings? People who have nothing better to do or want to get away from their office. How often have you called someone and the secretary says, “She’s in a meeting.” That excuse has saved many a business person, or member of Congress, from talking to an irate customer or constituent. They like to sit there and pontificate and debate meaningless matters. Or maybe it’s the one time in the workweek they get to be with the CEO and laugh at his jokes. Indeed, that meeting is the high point of their week—or maybe not. “Wormsworth, how are things down at the loading dock? Got those crates shipped to the Usually Safe Fireworks Company? I heard you had a problem.” “Yes, we had a little setback. Can you hear me through these bandages?” My homeowners’ meeting drags on. I make a motion: Instead of moving our garbage pickup to Wednesday, on Tuesday nights we move it across the alley to Acme Hog Rendering Plant. It passes unanimously. H



YO U C AN DON’T WAIT. COMMUNICATE. Talk to your loved ones about how you are going to be ready in an emergency.


Heart of Houston So Many People to Help, So Little Time…

by Warner Roberts



families by leveling the playing field in education, sports and life. Astros second baseman Jose Altuve started the Jose Altuve Foundation to raise money to support the Sunshine Kids, an organization that benefits kids with cancer. Astros pitcher Lance McCullers created The Lance McCullers, Jr. Foundation to support pet shelters in Houston. Astros shortstop Carlos Correa works with the Salvation Army on programs to aid the homeless. He also joined Houston Children’s Charity in its “Better Night’s Sleep” program to provide beds for underprivileged children. The celebrated Houston Astros outfielder, George Springer, has experienced a lifelong stutter and now provides treatment and confidence to children with speech development difficulties. He is a role model and champion for young people who stutter and is a spokesperson for The Stuttering Association for the Young (SAY). He has established the George Springer Kids Fund to send children from families-inneed to Camp SAY. Alex Bregman’s foundation, AB for Autism, has a mission to provide support for children with autism and down syndrome. The Houston Astros third baseman’s organization provides the latest in technology and resources to those effected by autism. Almost everyone is aware of how J. J. Watt, through his Justin. J. Watt Foundation, raised a remarkable $37 million dollars for Hurricane Harvey relief. But the Houston Texans player has now raised $5 million with his annual baseball game for after school athletics opportunities for middle school aged kids. His philanthropy has become

almost as notable as his football accomplishments. There are so many other professional athletes doing great things in our city that it would be impossible to name them all here. However, a big cheer for all who are following their hearts and doing so much for so many. Talk about an exciting event: The Ladies for Literacy Guild will present the Power of Literacy Luncheon on Friday, October 25, starring Julie Andrews and her daughter Emma Walton Hamilton as featured speakers. Julie is launching her new book, Home Work: A Memoir of My Hollywood Years” and Houston is the first stop and only stop in the south on her worldwide book tour. It should be a smash hit! Dave Ward, the oh-so-popular newsman, is enjoying much success with his new book, Good Evening, Friends: A Broadcaster Shares His Life. I’ve had the privilege and fun of knowing David, as I’ve always called him, for many years. I’ve asked him to do so many things … to sing with me and others for multiple shows … to sing or perform with Ron Stone ... to dress as a female on occasion ... to appear on my television show ... and, of course, to emcee a myriad of charitable events. He has always been a “yes” man, and has always been willing to lend his time and talent for a good cause. He is such a good man and, in my eyes, he has always been “Mr. Houston.” H Have you done something good for somebody today?



E MAY KNOW what all the professional athletes do on the court or on the field, but do we really know their hearts? Take a look at what they do out of uniform: Clint Capela, center for the Houston Rockets, has recently started CC 15 Foundation “to help provide low-income, single-parent families with the same opportunities that are available to dual-parent, middle and upper class families.” He says this is his mission, because he grew up in foster care. Shortly after Clint was born, his father left the family including his mother and two older brothers. He moved from group home to group home for seven years, and his goal now is to help kids that grew up like he did. Houston Astros star pitcher, Justin Verlander, first started his foundation in Detroit when he played baseball for the Tigers organization. The event was called 1,000 Christmas Salutes and families were invited to The War Memorial for a meal, to watch a movie and see Santa Claus. Now holding a similar event each year in Houston, nearly 1,000 military and veteran families have been invited to Dave & Buster’s to have breakfast, photos with Santa, craft stations, free games and bowling. You might find James Hardin, superstar Houston Rocket, out with his mother, Monja Willis, shopping at the Super Target for multiple Houston families at Christmas time. Chris Paul of the Houston Rockets has had the Chris Paul Family Foundation for many years. The organization strives to positively impact individuals and

If you love them enough to sit through their favorite movies, then surely you’ll check to make sure they’re in the right car seat. NHTSA.gov/TheRightSeat BEST OF 2017


Health Who’s the Fittest of Them All? LOV E W O R K I N G O U T AT H O M E B U T N E V E R S U R E W H E T H E R YO U ’ R E D O I N G A M OV E R I G H T, O R I F YO U R A L I G N M E N T I S CO R R E C T ? The Mirror

is a regular, full-length (52x22-inch) mirror when it’s tuned off. When it’s on, it shows a streaming workout led by a qualified instructor and at the same time, lets you see your entire body as you work out, giving you real-time visual feedback. The Mirror’s founding trainer and a Pilates instructor, Rachel Nick says, “During every plank, you can check that your shoulders are accurately placed over your wrists and that your core is properly engaged. Another huge benefit of the Mirror is the fact that you get to focus on your form without the pressure of having to keep up with the rest of the class.” The Mirror offers cardio, strength, Pilates, yoga, barre, boxing and HIIT (highintensity interval training) classes. You can stream live sessions (your instructor will provide real-time instruction and even personal shout-outs to keep you motivated) or choose from archived classes. $1,495 plus $39/monthly subscription; mirror.co.


The reduction in breast cancer risk associated with self-professed “morning people,” compared to those who prefer the evening hours, according to a new finding from the National Cancer Research Institute.




I’ve decided to jump on the meal-prep bandwagon. What prepped items give you the biggest nutritional bang for your buck? And side point: Are those meal kits worth the money?


I’m a huge fan of anything with Greek yogurt because it’s a “nutritional powerhouse” that gives you a huge bang for your buck: It’s high in protein, low in calories, and has calcium, vitamin D and muscle-building proteins (whey and casein). Some of my favorite prepped items include:

G R E E K YO G U R T B O W L : Mix 1 cup

plain, nonfat Greek yogurt, ½ cup berries and a handful of nuts in a container. It’s the perfect combination of protein, antioxidants, fiber and good fats. Plus it makes for a superfilling snack. SAL ADS WITH LEAN P R O T E I N ( E .G . ,



Mix ½ cup oats with ¼ cup Greek yogurt, 1 scoop protein powder, 1 tablespoon chia seeds and fruit. The oats contain filling fiber, the yogurt and protein powder provide protein to keep you full and get your metabolism going, and the chia seeds have heart-healthy and antiinflammatory omega 3s. Plus the recipe possibilities are endless!

Raw veggies are low in calories and high in fiber and water, so they fill you up. Chicken or fish go great on top of salads, and you can batchcook them so you have plenty for the week for both lunch and dinner. Be sure to portion out 2 tablespoons of a low-fat oil-based dressing, and bring it with you in a small container on the side.

G R A I N B O W L S : These are super easy to make and filling while providing all of your nutrients. Portion out at least 4 ounces protein, 1/3–1/2 cup whole-grain starch like brown rice or quinoa, and lots of veggies into a bowl. Again, you can batchcook the protein, grain and veggies to last through the week. S M O O T H I E S : If you need something quick and light, a correctly built smoothie is great. Mix 1 fruit serving (1 cup berries or piece of fruit), 1 scoop protein powder or 1 cup


The rapidly growing industry generated $2.2 billion in 2017, according to Forbes, and is projected to hit $11.6 billion by 2022.

plain Greek yogurt, 1 tablespoon nut butter and a handful of spinach (you can’t taste the spinach!). Blend with 1 cup water, skim milk or an unsweetened nondairy milk. Personally, I don’t think meal kits are worth the money. I think it’s much less expensive to buy your own groceries and meal-prep with foods you have at home. However, if you travel a lot, have no time to cook or think a meal delivery service might prevent you from eating out all the time, then I think it’s worth the investment.

» Gabbi Berkow, MA, RD, CDN, CPT, is a registered dietitian, exercise physiologist, certified personal trainer, Pilates instructor and dancer who offers a uniquely comprehensive and holistic blend of nutrition and fitness services. MOST BEAUTIFUL 2019


Health Q.

What are some nutrition trends that you wish would go away already?


Pretty much anything on the internet prescribed by “Dr. Google” that isn’t backed by evidence or scientific research! Here are a few biggies:

YO U H AV E T O G O G L U T E N F R E E T O L O S E W E I G H T. You only need to cut out gluten if you

have Celiac disease, a non-Celiac gluten sensitivity, or a medical or digestive condition that warrants it. Refined carbohydrates (white starches, sweets, etc.) that don’t have fiber are really the problem, not gluten. These carbs cause your blood sugar to go up, and then down, leading to cravings and putting you in fat-storage mode.

whole grains) in the right amounts, and always pairing a carb with a protein and a fat, is important. YO U H AV E T O G O K E T O T O L O S E W E I G H T.

The ketogenic diet was designed for epilepsy, not weight loss. It’s really high in fat, moderate in protein and extremely low in carbs. The high amounts of fat can easily raise your bad (LDL) cholesterol. The super-low carb content doesn’t provide sufficient amounts of important nutrients like fiber, potassium and antioxidants, can cause muscle breakdown, and isn’t sufficient to fuel strong workouts. It’s not sustainable or healthy to do long term, either. E AT I N G A F T E R 8 P. M . M A K E S YO U FAT. Your

YO U H AV E T O C U T O U T A L L C A R B S T O L O S E W E I G H T. The most important components of losing

weight are burning more calories than you eat, keeping your protein intake high (around 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight per day) and lifting weights to preserve your muscle mass. After you figure out your calories and protein, the split of carbs and fats is up to you—and should reflect what works best for you. Carbs are not inherently fattening, and are actually needed for complete fat burning, to fuel workouts and to prevent muscle breakdown. Choosing healthy carbs with fiber (fruits, veggies,



metabolism doesn’t shut down at a certain time. Timing of meals doesn’t make you gain weight— eating more calories than you burn does. YO U H AV E T O C U T O U T D A I RY T O L O S E W E I G H T. Dairy is a great source of protein,

calcium and vitamin D—and it’s relatively low in calories. The proteins in dairy (whey and caesin) are ideal for building muscle. You only need to cut dairy if you’re lactose intolerant, have a dairy allergy or have a medical or digestive condition that warrants it. —G.B.

Put Down the Plastic It’s no secret that our world produces an endless supply of plastic products. To help you wrap your head around how much plastic wrap and more we waste, consider this stat from The World Economic Forum: Our oceans contain 150 million metric tons of plastic, with another 8 million being plunged into the water each year. That’s equivalent to a garbage truck of plastics being dumped into the ocean every minute. While you’re (hopefully) already using a reusable water bottle on the regular, here are a few more simple ways to become more socially conscious on the go.

A. B.

A. SMARTER SIPPER You can take a cue from Starbucks and switch to paper straws, or go a step further by sipping from a reusable variety. We like Buluh Straws, which are made from sustainable, organic bamboo sourced from Bali and come with a convenient straw cleaner ($13 for eight; amazon.com).

B. BETTER BAGGIE If you’re anything like us, you hoard eco-friendly canvas (and more) totes for grocery shopping. But what about those smaller plastic bags you use to transport your lunch and snacks? Russbe Reusable Snack and Sandwich Bags, which are safe to to use in the dishwasher and freezer, to the rescue ($7.99 per set of 4; russbe.com).


C. CUPPA STEEL Need more coffee? Join the club—just don’t forget to bring your own cup! The S’well Commuter, available in Calcutta Gold or Teakwood, features the brand’s signature triple-walled stainless-steel insulation and condensation-free copper exterior, but with a pop-top lid ($40 for 16-ounce size; swellbottle.com).

D. BOO BOO HEALER Patch Natural Adhesive Strips are bandages made from soft bamboo— and without any irritants. Also available in Coconut Oil Kids, Aloe Vera and Activated Charcoal ($6.99 for 25; patchstrips.com). —Amanda Altman


Add This to Vitamin D’s Growing List of Benefits Although it seems everybody is deficient in vitamin D these days, the good news is that supplementation might have an unexpected upside. Recently, Brazilian researchers found a link between taking your daily dose of D and increased insulin sensitivity, which may lead to a reduced risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Sweet! Source: the journal Menopause



Society Theater Under the Stars More than 600 Theater Under the Stars (TUTS) family and friends joined Broadway star Idina Menzel (known as the voice of Elsa from Disney’s Frozen) to toast the 50th anniversary season of TUTS. Many guests said it was the “best gala” they had ever attended. A private meet and greet with Menzel was given to top sponsors along with gifts donated by David Peck. This historic event raised more funds than any other gala in TUTS history—$1.37 million for Houston’s Home for Musical Theatre. TOP TO BOTTOM: LAINEY BALAGIA, MICHELLE


More than 600 guests reveled at The Royal Sonesta Hotel decked in Mardi Gras attire to Turn it Gold for Childhood Cancer’s inaugural gala. Guests mingled and enjoyed pre-gala music courtesy of Hustlers Brass Band. The program was hosted by Greg Bailey, sports director at KTRKABC, Channel 13. Alex Bregman, third baseman for the Houston Astros, made a special guest appearance to present a Brave Life Honor Award to a family whose child was lost to cancer and his biggest love was the Astros. CLOCKWISE FROM TOP: ALEX BREGMAN AND FRIENDS;





Houston Turns It Gold Benefitting Childhood Cancer

Nora’s Home Nora’s Home hosted its 8th annual gala, We Are Family, celebrating the gift of life at The Post Oak Hotel. This year’s gala raised approximately $950,000, which will allow Nora’s Home to continue to provide a safe, affordable and comfortable place for families of patients undergoing long term hospital care in the Houston area. Now they can focus on what really matters—the health and recovery of their loved ones. As guests arrived, they enjoyed a groovy cocktail reception where they were able to test their luck with lively casino games before being seated to enjoy a delicious dinner of filet mignon and salmon. Chairs, Nick and Vicki Massad, along with their daughter, Taylor, gave a heartwarming testimony, sharing their transplant journey as a family when Taylor was a perfect match and donated her kidney to her father, Nick. The burst of a confetti cannon kicked off the party, and attendees participated in a lively auction for items like a Texas-sized hog hunt, a live painting by Taft McWhorter and a pair of puppy brothers. TOP TO BOTTOM: CHAIRS NICK AND VICKI MASSAD;



Top Real Estate Company Joins Women-Owned Businesses to Benefit Houston Women’s Center Nancy Almodovar of Nan and Company Properties/Christie’s International Real Estate opened the doors to a stunning, multi-million dollar River Oaks masterpiece furnished by High Fashion Home for a one-of-a-kind evening with Houston’s leading ladies. The night was full of glitz, glamour and Instagrammable moments brought to guests by local, women-owned businesses. CLOCKWISE FROM TOP: LAYLA ASGARI, DR. ASHLEY




Society The Mission of Yahweh Miracles of The Mission

The Junior League of Houston The Junior League of Houston hosted its 71st Annual Charity Ball, Fire & Ice, and raised $750,000 to fund the Junior League’s Community Program and volunteer initiatives. Over the course of two nights, guests began each evening sipping cocktails while browsing silent auction items in the winter showcase rooms and were mesmerized by fire and ice queen characters and an aerialist pouring champagne. Since 1949, the annual Charity Ball has been an integral source of funding for the Junior League’s Community Program and volunteer initiatives. The Junior League of Houston partners with organizations to deliver services and assistance directly to those in need, delivering positive change through the efforts of its highly trained and empowered female volunteers. TOP TO BOTTOM: AMANDA BOFFONE AND BETH








The 260 guests were anxious to hear Eric Metaxas speak on his New York best-selling book, Miracles, and he had plenty of miracles to share. Greg Reid, president of Salient MLP complex, gave a rousing speech about having been invited to a Mission of Yahweh event some years ago and how the experience changed his life. He urged the audience to take a tour and see for themselves the amazing work being done there and how lives are being changed. But, the highlight of the morning and one that prompted a standing ovation, came from The Mission resident, Vivienne Roberts, who spoke of her trials and many tribulations for years before finding a home at The Mission.

9th Annual Houston Sweetheart event at Saks Fifth Avenue Over 150 beautifully clad guests poured into Saks Fifth Avenue for the 9th Annual Houston Sweetheart event where the special guest stars were famous handbag designer, Nancy Gonzalez, and founder of the popular blog, Bagsnob.com, Tina Craig. The 2019 Houston Sweethearts being honored were Karina Barbieri, Twila Carter, Laurel D’Antoni Joanna Marks, Hallie Vanderhider and, H Texas’s own, Laurette Veres. Hostesses for the teatime event included Anne Carl, Deborah Duncan, Sylvia Forsythe, Kim Moody, Warner Roberts and Alicia Smith. Many took the opportunity to purchase one of Gonzalez’s bags which feature vibrant colors and luxurious skins, leading her to become one of the most celebrated handbag designers in the world today. Proceeds from the event benefited The Mission of Yahweh homeless shelter. TOP TO BOTTOM: SWEETHEART HONOREES HALLIE




American Heart Association Imagine with Heart American Heart Association hosted the 2019 Houston Heart Ball, raising $2.3 million to fund its research and education programs. These programs will change communities and ultimately save lives from heart disease and stroke. Held at the Hilton Americas-Houston, 700 community members, medical professionals and corporate leaders gathered for an unforgettable evening celebrating the arts, culture and philanthropic spirit of Houston. This year’s theme, Imagine with Heart, brought a whimsical essence to the evening and encouraged guests to imagine a world where longer, healthier lives are possible. AT RIGHT: THE CAGER FAMILY, SURVIVOR HONOREES




MAMMOTHS, MURDER AND MAYHEM New books from Texas authors

MOCTU AND THE MAMMOTH PEOPLE By Neil Bockoven (released mid-July 2019) Set in Paleolithic Italy 45,000 years ago, Moctu and the Mammoth People is a captivating thriller about a Cro-Magnon boy. Besides having dangerous encounters with mammoths, wolves and saber-tooth cats, Moctu must fight his rival for leadership of his tribe and the right to mate the beautiful and talented Nuri. Award-winning PhD geologist and journalist with 35 years of experience in minerals exploration, Neil Bokoven’s background lends authenticity to the story backed by scientific and archaeological facts, elevating it above and beyond most tales of the times.

HOUSTON NOIR Edited by Gwendolyn Zepeda (Paperback $10.91, Kindle $10.42; amazon.com) Launched in 2004 with Brooklyn Noir, Akashic Books continues its longrunning, award-winning series of original anthologies set in a distinct neighborhood or location within the respective city. As the fourth largest city, Houston has entered the arena with it’s newest title, Houston Noir, comprised of 14 new crime stories of intrigue, betrayal and murder set in various neighborhoods throughout the city and written by current or former Houston-based authors.

Author Suzanne Rindell recently earned her PhD in English Literature from Rice University in the spring of 2018 and one of her prior novels The Other Typist (2013) has been translated into 15 languages and optioned for film by Fox Searchlight Pictures. Her latest historical mystery, Eagle & Crane, is a mesmerizing epic love story about once divided boyhood friends, Louis Thorn and Harry Yamada. The two are convinced to reunite as ariel stunt men to perform death-defying tricks until a mutual attraction to the smart and beautiful Ava Brooks complicates things. 18



EAGLE & CRANE By Suzanne Rindell (Paperback $11, Kindle $13.99; amazon.com)

Houston’s Hottest Happenings You won’t want to miss these events. MUSEUM OF THE MOON June 6 – August 1 hmns.org Museum of the Moon is a touring artwork by UK artist Luke Jerram at the Houston Museum of Natural Science. Measuring an astounding 23 feet in diameter the gigantic, spherical sculpture hangs just out of reach above visitors’ heads as they enter the exhibit hall featuring detailed imagery of the lunar surface taken by NASA’S Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter. Bonus: Visitors can actually touch stones of real meteorites, wear special goggles that immerse the viewer in a journey to the moon, including scenes of Apollo, a fly over of the International Space Station and more. THE FOMO FACTORY June 7 – December 31 thefomofactory.com After months of sell-out crowds in Austin, this immersive art pop-up is coming to the Galleria for a limited-time. Leave “adulting” behind and journey through 17 nostaglic rooms designed to transport you to another time. Join the experience that’s more than just a series of colorful and captivating backdrops for taking selfies—you don’t want to miss out on this engaging fun time. THE TASTE OF HOUSTON BBQ AND BEER FESTIVAL June 15 eventbrite.com The Taste of Houston Barbecue and Beer Fest will feature more than 20 restaurants, chefs and breweries, along with live music, a culinary market, Kids Zone and chef demonstrations. General admission tickets include free food from top restaurants and chefs, tasting sessions from breweries and winemakers plus a commemorative Taste of Houston Barbecue and Beer Fest wine glass, beer mug and a gift bag.

SONIC PLAYGROUND June 6, 2019 - October 1, 2019 discoverygreen.com The kids are getting restless. What to do? Try taking them downtown to an exhibit recently launched at Discovery Green. The display was created to surprise and delight visitors to Discovery Green’s temporary playground located on the Sarofim Picnic Lawn. Sonic Playground consists of several objects that twist, modify and transmit sound in unusual and playful ways. Let the kids release their creativity and have an audible experience with other visitors to create a sense of community and play. About the creator: Yuri Suzuki, the creator of Sonic Playground, is a sound artist, designer and electronic musician whose work blurs the lines between design, technology and sound. AIA SANDCASTLE COMPETITION August 24 aiahouston.org This is more than your average day at the beach of reapplying sunscreen and people watching. Stroll along the beachfront as the American Institute of Architects Houston hosts its annual fundraising Sandcastle Competition at East Beach in Galveston. This year more than 60 teams stretch along the beach and meticulously sculpt their piles of sand in works of art vying for the prestigious Gold Bucket Award. Judging is ranked on originality, artistic execution, technical difficulty, carving technique and utilization of the site, but ultimately, it should be a day filled with great memories, fun, sand and sun. MOST BEAUTIFUL 2019



l a d i r B Bliss Beach Proposal leads to Fall Wedding By Laurette M. Veres • Photo by Ivan Garcia





ARL A G ARTNER IS HOUSTON’S NEW BILLBOARD BRIDE! You’ll see her beautiful smile on billboards all over the Houston area very soon. After three and a half years of dating, Jared Miller gave Karla her birthday present, something every girl wants…a new set of brake pads. However, despite what she thought, the box did not contain clunky auto parts; instead, inside were two tickets to a Royal Caribbean cruise (one, of course, in Jared’s name). The couple set sail and traveled through the beautiful Caribbean to Honduras. It happened during a private excursion on a Honduran beach with a backdrop of sparkling blue water. “I was staring at a diamond ring and he was down on one knee,” says Karla. “With tearful eyes of joy, I mumbled out yes and our forever story started.” Karla was eager to share this magical moment with family and friends, but unfortunately, deserted Honduran beaches don’t have reliable cell service. When she finally reached an area where her phone picked up a tower, Jared convinced her to wait for one more surprise. “What other surprise could follow such a perfect proposal,” she wondered. Jared pulled out his laptop and clicked on a “work” file. This file was actually a work of love: a video that began with photos of the pair. Then, her parents appeared congratulating them on their engagement. Soon, her friends were sharing their excitement. “My fiancé loves me so much that he asked all our closest family and friends to meet one night at my house and they each recorded a special message congratulating us,” she recalls. “I now treasure this 18-minute-long video Jared created just for me.” Jared wanted her to feel the excitement from their friends and families while they were away at sea.

Back in Houston, this Dobie High School and San Jacinto College graduate is now working around a busy nursing schedule to plan her dream wedding. Her sister married last November and Karla was with her every step of the way as maid of honor which has made planning her own wedding easier. “It was supposed to be more complicated, but after helping my sister last year, I just stepped into it,” says Karla. Karla had a budget, location and look in mind for her venue. The Citadel near Reliant Stadium fit the bill perfectly. She loves the romantic feel, the shiny, beautiful, white marble floors and clean, transformable interior. Her desired colors are perfect for a fall wedding. Her big day in October, 2019, will feature burgundy and blush color palettes, candle-lit steps on the dramatic stairwells, and tall centerpieces to complement the high ceilings. Her 250-person wedding reception will be preceded by a full Catholic mass at St. Christopher’s Catholic Church where five bridesmaids will be by her side. A nod to her Hispanic heritage, the ceremony will include the presentation of the lasso, las arras, a Bible and rosary. All her girls were involved in picking the dress. “I really want the dress to be a surprise, so shopping was the one and only time the gown was seen.” Only her sister has a picture of her true wedding gown. The dress that she’ll wear on billboards is a Maggie Sottero gown from Ventura’s Bridal and is a perfect fit. “The Ventura’s experience was very exciting,” says Karla. She took her mom and her sister with her to the fitting. When the perfect gown fit her body type, it was an emotional experience. “You see yourself dressed up and you see yourself in jeans. But to see yourself as a bride for the first time is amazing.” H

GET THIS LOOK: Ventura’s Bridal Fashions Ivan Garcia Studio Blooms Design Studio Simple Beauty Artistry

The next Bridal Extravaganza is July 13-14, 2019, at the George R. Brown Convention Center. BridalExtravaganza.com



It happened during a private excursion on a Honduran beach with a backdrop of sparkling blue water. “I was staring at a diamond ring and he was down on one knee,” says Karla. “With tearful eyes of joy I mumbled out yes and our forever story started.” MOST BEAUTIFUL 2019



g Brn itn he o

Su n

We are in love with La Prairie White Caviar Illuminating Pearl Infusion. This incredible serum fades dark spots, protects against pollutants and clears facial redness within four weeks. You’ll want to follow up with La Prairie White Caviar Crème Extraordinaire. Used as a daily moisturizer, it helps skin reach new levels of luminosity and evenness that are measurably visible within one month ($570 and $725 respectively; laprairie.com).

Summer fun can sometimes stretch your body in ways it’s just not meant to bend. Heal your pain with this remarkable lotion from Cannaisseur Brands CBD Essentials Pain Relief Cream. Apply to sore muscles, aching joints or chronic skin conditions ($40 for 1.5 ounces; cannaisseurbrands.com).



Ahhh! Summer’s finally here! And while we love the sunshine, we can do without the damage those rays cause to our bodies! Fortunately, we have a few tips to help you beat the heat this summer.

Work in some vitamin E and coconut oil on your lips, cheeks and eyelids with the new NARS Multi-Use Gloss. We’re gaga over Redemption, which offers the perfect pop of color for any occasion ($24; narscosmetics.com).

After you clean and tone your skin, try this fun Bliss Mint Chip Mania - Cooling and Soothing Ice Cream Texturizing Mask. Cool it in the fridge and help your skin feel extra rejuvenated and nourished ($15; blissworld.com).

Combat the curl-dropping humidity with Aloxxi Bombshell Volumizing Grip Styler. This magical solution has quartz dust for texture and shine, apple stem cell technology for volumizing and strengthening plus 10 antioxidants to protect your hair color from UV damage. It’s also Paraben and sulfate free ($10; aloxxi.com).

MAC Powder Kiss Lipstick in Shocking Revelation is our go-to way to keep your lips hydrated and kissable this summer ($19; maccosmetics.com).

Staying hydrated helps both your skin and hair maintain that dewy glow. Our drink of choice: Hint Water. It comes in a variety of flavors, but blackberry essence is our fav ($19 for a case of 12 bottles; drinkhint.com).

Protect your skin from harmful rays and lavish yourself with this lightweight sunscreen by Kiehl’s Super Fluid UV Mineral Defense Broad Spectrum SPF 50. Bonus, it’s great for those with sensitive and acne prone skin ($38; kiehls.com).

Restore and moisturize your feet with coconut oil and AHA found in Arm & Hammer Heels & Feet Moisturizer plus Gentle Exfoliators. Your dry, cracked heels will thank you ($9; armandhammerfootcare.com)!

—Carla Menendez



Splash of Summer Style Fashion




Make waves with cute, poolside looks this season in cool shades of blue and pops of sandy pink.


SUNGLASSES ASOS Design Metal Round with Chunky

JACKET Calvin Klein Jeans Blue Denim Jacket; $110,

Arm Detail and Colored Lens; $23, asos.com.

alexandalexa.com. T-SHIRT Anthropologie Rylee + Cru

SHIRT Bonobos Washed Button Down Shirt;

Eat.Sleep.Beach Basic Tee; $39, anthropologie.com.

$68, bonobos.com. SHORTS Chubbies The Oceanicas 5.5" (Stretch); $64.50, chubbiesshorts.com.

SHORTS H&M Swim Shorts; $10, hm.com. SHOES Jefferson Water Friendly Slip-On Vegan Sneaker;

SHOES PAEZ Espadrilles; $44, yoox.com.

$40, nordstrom.com.



HAIR TIE Hemant and Nandita Floral Scrunchie Scarf;

HAT Zara Plain Straw Hat; $20, zara.com. ROMPER Zimmermann Kids Little Girl’s & Girl’s Verity

$25, shopbop.com. EARRINGS Alex and Ani Amazonite Drop Gemstone Earrings; $38, alexandani.com.

Floral Romper; $145, saksfifthavenue.com.

DRESS Hemant and Nandita Sakura Crinkle Chiffon Satin Dress; $405, revolve.com. SWIMSUIT Magnolia Bikini; $275, loveshackfancy.com. SANDALS Urban Outfitters

SWIMSUIT Roxy Girl’s 7-14 Magical Roxy Flutter Bikini Set; $45, roxy.com. FLOAT Oyster Shell Float; $97, frontgate.com. TOWEL Pottery Barn The Emily &

Hannah Huarache Sandal; $39, urbanoutfitters.com.

Meritt Mermaid Tail Beach Towel; $20, potterybarn.com.

BAG Sophie Anderson Macramé Shoulder Bag;

SANDALS Tea Collection Old Soles

$102, net-a-porter.com.

Tip-Top Sandal; $69, teacollection.com.

—Robin Villalobos MOST BEAUTIFUL 2019


Spa Mountain Top to Seaside


MOUNTAIN MAGIC Stillwell Spa at Snowpine Lodge Alta, Utah snowpine.com Don’t let the lack of snow keep you from the mountain. The best-kept secret in Utah is the Snowpine Lodge, an original lodge built right in the mountain. It has been the talk of the town since undergoing a $50 million renovation. Here, it’s acceptable to walk around in your robe; and you should since you’ll want to spend your days in the Jacuzzis or enjoying invigorating massages. The spa here is perfect. Very little of the original lodge is visible, until you enter the Stillwell Spa. The original bricks from the Jacuzzi/grotto have been preserved. The grotto is a constant 104 degrees and has room for 10; spa treatments start and end here. A minute in this historic grotto and you’re transported to the Austrian Alps. Every conceivable amenity is available. The provided robe is actually nicer than the one you arrived in. Steam and sauna are both available in the men’s and women’s locker rooms, so bathing suits are optional. The waiting area serves yogurt-covered pretzels, salted almonds, herbal tea and water.

CARRIBBEAN DREAM Eforea Spa at Hilton Aruba Caribbean Resort & Casino Aruba hilton.com Bonbini! This is how the Aruba locals greet you in their native language of Papiamento. Consistently ranked with the lowest rainfall in the Caribbean and having a perfect temperature of 82 degrees, Aruba’s warm weather and phenomenal sunsets provide an unforgettable getaway. Eforea Spa at Hilton Aruba Caribbean Resort & Casino is the perfect place to unwind and relax after a day of exploring the island. Couples love to unwind in the Japanese-inspired bamboo relaxation lounge, try out the sauna, or cool off in the plunge pool. H TEXAS RECOMMENDS Aloe Spa Treatments to

H TEXAS RECOMMENDS Arriving early and

spending time in the grotto. —Laurette M. Veres 26


take advantage of a great local product. —Brogen Woodward


Summer travel plans that are spa-centric whether you’re peak or beach bound.

SUSTAINABLE LUXURY Spa Hunab Ku at Mukan Resort Sian Ka’an Biosphere, Quintana Roo, Mexico mukan.com Mukan Resort is a hidden gem located on the coastline of the Sian Ka’an’s Reserve, a biosphere and one of Mexico’s largest protected areas. It is the only luxury resort in the Sian Ka’an and their primary goal is to be a “self-sustaining” property that has the least effect on the environment around it. What could be better than a beach-side massage? H TEXAS RECOMMENDS Mayan Clay Massage.

Using therapeutic Mayan Clay, this massage draws out impurities from the skin. When it’s over, rinse off in your private splash pool overlooking the Caribbean Sea. —Marisa Byers SUMMER 2018



Miraval Mode: A Hill Country Miracle

Texas is the new home of one of the elite Miraval Spas. Story and photos by Laurette M. Veres


IR AVAL INVITES YOU TO RECHARGE YOUR LIFE . Nestled in the flowing hill country of Austin, Miraval is a magnificent place to rejuvenate, relax, and refresh. The Miraval Spa tradition started in Tucson, AZ, in 1995. The simple message hasn’t changed: Everyone can achieve life balance. Now you can balance your life right here in Texas! The calming open-air lobby overlooks 220 acres of protected land and Lake Austin. The view creates a wave of relaxation the moment you walk through the door. MIRAVAL MODE Just as your cell phone can be set to airplane mode, guests are invited to get into the “Miraval mode.” To encourage guests to be present and interacting with other people and their surroundings, there is a no phone zone in public places and at the dinner table. To encourage setting to “Miraval mode,” cell phone sleeping bags are presented at check-in. The Texas Hill Country ambiance is breathtaking. Along the leisurely walk to the rooms is the Body Mindfulness Center, Yoga Barn, Life in Balance culinary kitchen, and Miraval Spa—all amenities important to your stay. The Body Mindfulness Center is always open, and rocking much of the time with organized classes and activities. Texas line dancing, salsa,



morning stretch, body and barre happen often. You can dig a little deeper with classes in the power of intuition, chakras and the elements or astrology. The gym, with its shiny new exercise equipment, is part of the Body Mindfulness Center. The yoga barn is a spectacularly Zen building boasting high ceilings. Natural light illuminates through the floor to ceiling windows and a view of the Austin Hill Country lies beyond. Bodies suspend from the ceiling in various positions during aerial yoga. During the floating meditation classes, guests appear to be wrapped in purple satin cocoons hanging from the ceiling as they are gently rocked to the soothing vibrations of crystal bowls. DINE The Crossings Hilltop Kitchen serves breakfast, lunch, dinner, and grab and go snacks, all included with your stay. Enjoy a buffet of fresh items and an abundance of salads. The salads are noteworthy: butternut squash and quinoa, red lentil, Brussels sprout apple, roasted winter vegetable, Sonoran wheat berry, Mediterranean couscous, chickpea and sweet potato, and more. There are also portion friendly, made-to-order options like grilled vegetable sandwiches or vegetarian tacos. DINNER: ELEVATED In the evening, the “Just Cook for Me Chef” introduces guests to the Conscious Cooking

movement. Instead of rushing through a meal, slow down and enjoy the process. William Sonoma helped create a stunning chef’s demonstration kitchen. This hands-on culinary programming encourages guests to walk through the kitchen and talk to the chef. On this exquisite evening, we tasted quail breast and scallop sliders, pasture raised chicken wings, butternut squash gnocchi, forage mushroom tartine, Texas Wagyu flank steak and chocolate date pie. SLUMBER, SWEET SLUMBER There are 117 guestrooms, suites and villas decorated in gray and white and tucked into the woods. The rooms are designed to enhance guests’ sleep experience with Miraval bedding, black out shades and sleep-enhancing amenities, including Miraval’s signature cell phone sleeping bag. Each room has a spacious, walk-in shower along with sought-after ZENTS’ all-natural bath amenities in large, reusable bottles, reinforcing the commitment to sustainability. SPA PERFECTION The Life in Balance Spa draws inspiration from the surrounding Balcones Canyonlands Preserve to promote relaxation, balance and a sense of wellbeing. The 20,000 square foot spa has 30 treatment rooms, a spa pool, relaxation rooms, salon, sauna, steam room and retail boutique.

Many of the treatments are similar to those offered in the Arizona Miraval, but some are exclusive to this property. The Spiritual Warrior Facial utilizes energies of plants and gemstones. This facial is the real deal, complete with extractions, exfoliation and a gentle Gua Sha tool (the Japanese answer to Botox) to reduce puffiness and stimulate circulation. The Crystal Energy Healing treatment is different for each person. Your therapist listens to your body and is guided by the crystals to balance and clear your body, spirit and mind. This energy works to provide the same benefits as a relaxing massage. A FINAL FAREWELL Before departure, guests reflect upon their stay. Was there an “aha” moment? Were new goals set or new life directions planned? Guests write these important moments down in a letter to themselves. Miraval will mail these out three months after the visit as a gentle reminder of how to continue to achieve that same life balance you achieved at the spa. H OPPOSITE PAGE: THE PICTURESQUE MIRAVAL SPA







Life between the lines. by Lynn Ashby


HE PARKING LOT— GENTLY, I EDGE UP AND DOWN THE LINES OF CARS, AVOIDING THOSE FELLOW WANDERERS WHO ARE PAYING NO AT TENTION TO ANY THING BUT THEIR T WEET. Here comes an SUV towards me, going against the clearly marked one-way white arrows on the pavement. I see an open spot, but it is filled with grocery carts, just next to the place where you are supposed to leave your grocery carts. Here’s a slot, and I pull in. But the place is so narrow, when I try to get out, I can’t open the door but a few inches. Maybe I could climb out the sun roof. Everyone in Houston has the same problem: parking. It's one of those little speed bumps in life that causes tension and frustration. There are 5,356,005 vehicles registered in this region, all seeking a parking place at the Galleria. There's a culture to Houston’s parking lots—a culture like fungus in a Petri dish. Employees who work at the stores, massage parlors or pawnshops in a strip shopping center, and arrive first in the morning, get to park up front. That way, customers can dash past those vehicles, through the rain, dodging puddles and other cars, to get to their destination. We face the same hurdles when leaving the store while carrying three bags of groceries. Motorcycles get to take up a full slot when they could be parked on the sidewalk. I pass some slots reserved for the handicapped, all full. By law, businesses must have a certain number of reserved parking slots for the handicapped. By tradition, any Houstonian can park in those spaces. This is one of my hot buttons, because my late father-in-law couldn’t walk without his crutches or later, get around without his motorized wheelchair. Many times my wife would drive him to a store or whatever, and see that all the handicapped slots were taken, and she would have to park some distance away. So he would slowly and painfully get out of the car and, with help, make it across the parking lot. Not long ago I was circling a parking lot looking for an open slot, and noticed that a car had pulled into a handicapped space. It had one of those blue tags hanging from the rearview mirror. A woman got out, in her jogging suit, and started trotting towards a store. I yelled out, “That space is reserved for the handicapped.” She shouted back: “My son is handicapped.” The fact the son was nowhere to be seen didn’t appear to alter the abuse.

the pavement about a foot apart that give me enough space for my sedan. People who drive a Suburban the size of a school bus to Randalls or any mall deserve their fate. But SUVs seem to park on each side of me, so I can’t see what’s coming, and backing out between them is a slow and dangerous pursuit. Have you ever forgotten where you parked? Then you wander around the forest of vehicles, carrying an anvil and pushing a baby carriage, and it’s pouring and you feel like a fool. It’s helpful when parking lots have tall poles sporting signs reading “A-12” or “Green 1-30.” That way you can forget where you parked but know where you are. This lost-my-car problem is particular onerous with multi-story lots. You drive around and around, always going up, looking for a space until you are on the roof. While you are looking for an empty space, a pickup truck comes at you blinking its lights and honking furiously. You can find some soul walking along, maybe leaving. No, they are only going back to their car to retrieve a forgotten receipt to return their Christmas gift. Some lots have letters to help: “C Level.” “This is the Red Level.” Got to remember that. The Red Level. I need a mnemonic. Red as in well read. Stop on Red. I am going to see Dr. Green. The Green Level. SLOT MACHINES AND CONEHEADS Under the heading of “No good deed goes unpunished,” when the Texas Rangers opened their new stadium in Arlington, they named the various parking lots for Texas heroes as a helpful direction: Houston, Crockett, Bowie, etc. Then all hell broke loose because none of the lots were named for women or minorities. The Rangers are now building a new baseball stadium—the paint had dried on the old one— while schools, hospitals and police stations are getting historical plaques. We must suspect their new lots are politically correct. Then there are the buildings with basement parking. Just drive under the big sign that says: “Enter basement level.” Be careful if this garage has watermarks at 10 feet, because Houston basement garages flood in a heavy dew. If you are going to a spiffy address, like your taxidermist, you have the opportunity to use valet parking. That's a good idea; it allows me to under-tip. The spots up front of fancy restaurants grow orange cones. The valets have fenced off the neighborhood, thus requiring their services. If you are driving a Lamborghini or an M-1 Abrams tank, like I do, the valets park you right up front to show off the income of their clientele. Some shopping areas like City Centre have parking meters, which are fine, but try to understand them. The meters today don’t have coin slots

There's a culture to Houston’s parking lots—a culture like fungus in a Petri dish.

DOING YOUR LEVEL WORST Landlords of shopping centers cram as many slots into a field of asphalt as possible. I like those lots that have two parallel white stripes on



where you can insert slugs. No, they look like a jukebox, with little TV screens and instructions only a NASA scientist can understand. It's interesting to note all the Houstonians who have trouble parking between the white lines. We must grateful they aren’t airline pilots. Although some such parkings may be deliberate. There was a fellow I knew who owned a fancy car and always parked straddling the lines so that the cars next to his wouldn’t scratch his XL-Macaroni when they opened their doors. You no doubt parallel park your car with ease. I haven’t paralleled parked a car since my driver’s license test, because I can’t. Back and forth, back and forth, all the while that little buzzer on my dashboard keeps beeping and the orange light blinks, telling me that I am about to scrape the vehicles in front and back. Meanwhile, cars behind me are honking. SICK TRANSIT HOUSTONUS Houstonians like their cars and like to drive: In the Houston region in 2017, motorists traveled a total of 95,724,036 vehicle miles per day—that’s almost a hundred million miles per day. The average daily trip was 17.9 miles, so if you didn’t drive almost 18 miles a day, you aren’t doing your part. The average time to commute to work is 30 minutes, assuming you return home afterwards, that’s an hour a day behind the wheel just commuting. One way to avoid parking problems is to take Houston’s vast and efficient mass transit 32


system. (It used to be better but the mule died.) Unfortunately, most of us like to drive, and drive alone. In the Houston region in 2016, the last figures available:







1.4% WALKED 1.3%


0.2% BIKED 10.2%


Have you ever wondered who gets to park in handicapped spaces legally and why?

Another way to solve the parking problem is just not to park, but call Uber or Lyft. My wife and I have done that a few times, but be careful. Once we were picked up by a driver in a pickup truck. That was no way to pull up to the Mega-Gala Ball. And there was the time—true story—when we waited on a blistering August afternoon, the driver was late, said he got lost cruising around the neighborhood. My wife’s makeup was dripping. We got as far as Memorial Drive when a cop pulled us over. It seems a neighbor had called 911 to report a driver slowly going up and down the neighborhood, and he looked suspicious. We waited in the back seat, no A/C, while our driver presented documents, and the cop checked out the situation. Our driver finally returned—by then my makeup was dripping. His crime? Driving while Nigerian. And once we left a $150 beef tenderloin in the car. While still on the sidewalk, we remembered we’d left it and yelled at the driver as he sped off. After many phone calls to Lyft’s lost-and-not-found lady, she finally said she had tried to contact the driver several times, but, “He won’t answer.” Maybe I should have left—or Lyft—a better tip. H Ashby double-parks at ashby2@comcast.net

It’s a federal law: The American with Disabilities Act or ADA (and there are state laws, as well). It requires businesses and public agencies to provide a specified number of accessible handicapped parking spaces, which must be of a minimum size and have proper signs—those blueand-white logos of a wheelchair. Such slots can only be used by individuals— not the whole family—who have a handicap license plate issued by the state or a windshield placard. The law also requires a minimum of one accessible parking space in every parking lot for vans, too. The overall number of reserved spots depends on the size of the lot, obviously. Those with one to 25 spaces must have at least one designated handicapped slot. The number increases with the size of the lot. For lots with 1,000 or more spaces, there must be 20 accessible spots. Spots for vans for the handicapped range the same. Currently there are 340,733 disabled plates statewide, and 31,648 of those are registered in Harris County. Harris County, not the city, issues the accessible license plates and placards, but a percentage of these are renewals or temporary. (We must wonder how many of these “temporary” tags were issued in 1990.) To get one, you must obtain a "prescription" or signed form from your doctor confirming a disability. Some people who qualify for a plate or tag don’t appear to be disabled. People with MS, arthritis, heart disease or other health conditions that affect their ability to walk long distances, may qualify for accessible parking credentials under the law. Law or no law, I suspect not many cops issue many tickets to abusers, unless the parking lot in front of the doughnut shop is full. Police do not recommend taking any action, such as confronting the offender, or leaving a tacky note on the windshield. I recommend placing roofing nails behind each tire. But I like this sign in front of a store’s reserved spot: “Stupidity is not considered a handicap. Park someplace else.” MOST BEAUTIFUL 2019





Take a deep dive into your lifestyle choices at The Resort at Pedregal’s new wellness retreat. Story and photos by Laurette M. Veres









ITUATED ABOVE THE POINT WHERE THE PACIFIC OCE AN MEETS THE SE A OF CORTEZ IN BAJA , MEXICO, A SPECIAL RESORT MAJESTICALLY AND DR AMATICALLY JETS OUT OF THE CLIFFS. The Resort at Pedregal is a one-of-a-kind, AAA FiveDiamond, Forbes Five-Star Resort destination, offering impeccable service, surprise amenities, exceptional dining and a luxurious spa. The relaxing ambiance in the rooms is nearly indescribable. Is it the slow trickle of water cascading from the private infinity pools that's so calming or the methodical ebb and flow of the ocean waves? The wellness retreat is a multi-day fitness experience led by Elite Fitness. The staff at Elite Ffitness understands most of Pedregal’s guests have access to the best gyms, trainers, and chefs as part of their daily lives, so they created an out of the ordinary fitness experience to impress the most discerning participants. It starts when naturopath Dr. Wendy comes to your room to conduct a private biofeedback

body scan. She connects your wrists, ankles and head to a computer; it feels kind of like having your blood pressure taken. During the process, she asks about lifestyle, health goals and diet. She compares your body scan results with your goals, identifies deficiencies and offers solid steps for improvement. Her message may be to reduce toxins interfering with the brain and daily functions of vital organs, start intermittent fasting or make new/better dietary choices. Once a baseline and goals are set, it’s time to select activities.

The relaxing ambiance in the rooms is nearly indescribable. Is it the slow trickle of water cascading from the private infinity pools that's so calming or the methodical ebb and flow of the ocean waves?

BEACH BOOT CAMP Wake up early and Elite Fitness will push you beyond your normal workout by combining cardio, weight training, cross training and more. Although it’s beautiful, the coarse Cabo sand makes easy squats become wobbly, cumbersome and challenging. Throughout the weights, squats and high and low impact exercises, fellow participants motivate and cheer on each other. It’s a team project and nobody quits. If the pain starts to win, focus on the ocean and your new friends.





FARM TO TABLE Visit a nearby farm where locals and ex-pats grow fruit, vegetables and herbs. Enjoy a tour of the gardens, yoga on the farm and a farm to table meal. STRETCH AND BREATHE The group stretch and breathe workshop focuses on foundational breathing. (Breathwork is beneficial for men too!) The goal is to open up the chest and back to combat the effects of constant laptop and smart phone usage. A beautiful hike follows with gorgeous views of the Baja. Discover the gravesites of the original family as well as the remains of their first home. Along the way small changes will be discussed: quinoa instead of pasta, chipotle instead of sauce, and steeping your own tea. The recommended dessert is particularly noteworthy—healthy ice cream. YOGA Sunrise and sunset deserve their own salutations, jogi style. Join the Elite Fitness crew on a luxury yacht at the nearby Marina Cabo San Lucas. Your yoga practice commences just as the boat sails past the famous Cabo Arch at Pelicano beach. The onboard workout is a combination of yoga, mat Pilates and sculpting. This combination workout offers the best of both worlds and is great for people on the go who don't think they have time for yoga and toning. Just as the sand did, the boat offers unique challenges to seemingly simple poses. The bonus in this “is this really happening moment” is watching the sunrise over beautiful Cabo. The evening calls for restorative yoga on the beach. The waves waft off the day’s workout allowing time to consider small lifestyle changes. SPA A well-rounded wellness program most certainly calls for spa time. Pedregal’s offering deserves ohhs and ahhs. Luna y Mar Spa is built in the

A well-rounded wellness program most certainly calls for spa time. Pedregal’s offering deserves ohhs and ahhs. shape of a clam opening towards the ocean. The pool is the clam and the circular treatment rooms are the pearls. Each appointment begins with a foot cleansing ritual in a circular room displaying the phases of the moon (new, full, waxing or waning). Various teas are offered based on the current moon phase. Prior to the signature Moon Phase Massage, take advantage of the steam rooms, saunas, ice room and pools. This treatment changes with the moon as well. For instance, if there is a new moon, treatments will be geared towards awakening and invigorating the body through ingredients which include sea salt and chili oil. In contrast, during a full moon when energy levels are at their highest, a nurturing massage using jasmine and coconut soothes; and during the waning moon, the spa creates detoxification treatments using aloe vera and herbs to cleanse the body.




DINE Dinner at Pedregal is epic. Start at the Champagne Terrace before taking your ocean-front seat. In true sea-to-table style, sea bass, tuna, snapper and amberjack round out the fresh options. The fun filled atmosphere is filled with birthdays and special occasion celebrations at El Farallon, one of the best restaurants in all of Cabo San Lucas. Whether your wellness routine needs a jump start, or you just want to get away, a few days can make a big difference in your life. Spend them at The Resort at Pedregal and keep your wellness goals on track. H

TREAT YOURSELF For rates and more information, visit theresortatpedregal.com.



Houston’s Most Beautiful 2019

How wonderful to be writing this article for the 12th year, but also, if I’m being honest, a little daunting! It never gets easier, because there are so many beautiful people in our community doing beautiful things for others. It's a beautiful thing to watch. Again, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." If I asked 100 people to define beauty, I would get 100 different answers. Bottom line, this article is very challenging. Why don't we present 100 people. Well, we could, but—please—let's keep this real. As John Keats said, "A thing of beauty is a joy forever. Its loveliness increases; it will never pass into nothingness." My colleagues and I at this magazine feel that one interpretation of this famous prose could mean beauty is achieved through service to mankind. We shall never pass into oblivion. I love the lyrics to the song, Everything is Beautiful: “Everything is beautiful in its own way! We shouldn't care about the length of his hair…of the color of his skin. Don't worry about what shows from without, but the love that lives within.” by Warner Roberts




GIORGIO BORLENGHI was born into a real estate development family in Italy and upon his arrival in Houston proceeded to establish the Interfin Corporation which has been responsible for some of our city's most successful and significant projects: Four-Leaf Towers, Four Oaks Place, Uptown Park, Villa d'Este Condominium, Montebello, Vintage Park, Hotel Granduca and Belfiore. Along with his wife, Cathy, Giorgio has supported and chaired events for numerous artistic, medical and catholic institutions receiving awards from the Italian-American Federation, the University of St. Thomas and Housatonic Youth Service Bureau (HYSB) as Cultural Leader of the Year. He has received the Torchlight of Liberty Award from the American Immigration Law Foundation and the Houston Business Journal Landmark Lifetime Achievement Award. He is a member of the Texas Society of Architects. He has served on the boards of the Houston Ballet, Houston Endowment, Museum of Fine Arts, UST, Regis School, Duchesne,Academy and Strake Jesuit Foundation, MD Anderson Board of Visitors, Methodist Hospital Research Institute and the University of Texas School of Nursing. Because of his contributions in promoting the cultural and business traditions of Italy in the United States, the President of Italy honored Giorgio with the title of Knight Grand Officer of the Italian Republic. Family is always his highest priority, and he loves spending time with his wife, Cathy, their children and grandchildren. Cathy was featured in this article some years ago.

SHARON ABERCIA, graduate of the University of Texas in Austin with a Bachelor of Science in Marketing and Advertising, has helped many companies find their place in the local and national market. Presently, she is the president of Tri Coastal Energy Partners. She began her career owning and operating Ben Shaw Modeling and Sharon Wilner Talent Agency, making it one of the top agencies in the south. Additionally, she owned her own public relations firm. Sharon has always felt a strong need to assist others. She was president of the Briarwood School Board for several years, chairing and revolutionizing its book fair. She serves on the Auxiliary Board of the Center for Speech and Hearing, on the Board of the National Kahlil Gibran in Washington, DC and on the Board of the Renee Mowaad Foundation in Washington, DC. For 15 years, she has served as president and currently as the vice chairman of the board of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs, which covers 18 states in the U.S. The Federation is a non-political, nonreligious organization that helps others through charitable donations and college scholarships. She is president of the Ladies of Houston Charity, an organization that raises funds to donate to local Houston charities, such as Star of Hope, Boys and Girls Country, Target Hunger, Lords of the Streets, the Rose and others. Sharon, along with her husband John Evans, has written a book, Only a Penny which will be published soon. They have developed an app, Saveit, which helps organize your text, phone calls and other data into folders. Their website "Palate Global" critiques restaurants worldwide. Her two children are the source of her pride; she is a mother, wife, family member and daughter to Ralph and Adelene Abercia, community activist and philanthropist.


01 FARIDA ABJANI is the CEO and co-founder of Shining Nightinggale, Inc., a home health agency, which provides care and guidance to geriatric clients in the comfort of their own home. Originally from Pakistan, she moved to Chicago when she was 19 and arrived in Houston in 2012. It was her father who taught Farida to always share 25 percent of her

earnings with those less fortunate. That wisdom has guided her throughout her lifetime and reminds her to think of others and help whenever possible. Currently, Farida serves on the advisory board of the Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services, the governing board of the Houston Symphony and UNICEF, Southwest Region. Her

dedication extends to The Alliance, Fort Bend Seniors, KnowAutism, the Crohn's & Colitis Foundation and Houston Symphony League. She is or has been a board member of the Alliance for Multicultural Community Services, Development in Literacy, Texas Executive Women, Fort Bend Women's Center and Houston

Symphony League. Farida has chaired and co-chaired galas or luncheons including KnowAutism, Daya, Pratham, The Alliance, Women's Voice, Ek Disha, Development in Literacy and World Chamber of Commerce. This year, she is co-chairing the American Cancer Society's "Couture for the Cause" and Aga Khan Foundation.




After 41 years, CHERYL BYINGTON has retired from BP where she rose through the ranks in managerial and VP positions. During her tenure, she mentored both females and males in the organization to reach their maximum potential. As the company's representative for multiple years, Cheryl delivered key note business speeches to the incoming freshmen (more than 1,000) at the UT McCombs School of Business; she also participated in the University of Texas Women Council Forum panels. Throughout the years, a constant in her life has been her devotion to community service. She has chaired or cochaired six galas for the Houston Fire Museum and Education Center, as well as serving on its Executive Board and as a Board Trustee. Currently, she is serving on the all-important Capital Campaign committee. She serves on the boards of the Houston Symphony League and Virtuosi of Houston and has served in leadership positions (chair, co-chair) for Society of Performing Arts, UNICEF, Shriner's, Greater Houston Women's Chamber of Commerce, KnowAutism, International Women's Forum, The Women's Fund, Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo, Baylor Partnership, American Heart Association, Covenant House, and the Salvation Army Women's Auxiliary and Children's Defense Fund. She is an active member in numerous non-profit organizations. Cheryl and her husband, Sam, recently adopted a rescue dog named Simba, who she says "rescued us!"

05 04 LAUREL D'ANTONI, wife of Houston Rockets Coach, Mike D'Antoni has lived all over the world, but Houston is lucky to have her as a resident now. She was born in San Diego, grew up in Puerto Rico, and attended the University of Washington where she was recruited as a fashion model. Modeling took her to Tokyo, London, Madrid and back to New York. It was in Europe that she met and married Mike, who was a basketball player at the time. She soon formed her own consulting company in sports management. 42


When Mike was recruited to coach in the NBA, she closed her company and traveled with Mike to Denver, Portland, Phoenix, New York, Los Angeles, West Virginia, Philadelphia and now to Houston. In all the cities where she lived, Laurel has been dedicated to making a difference, chairing many events for non-profits. She helped gather more than 10,000 books for the Barbara Bush Literacy Foundation. She is now involved with Cancer Gear, the East Harris County Empowerment Council and the MS Society. Recently, she

CAT CREECH is an award-winning event planner with a successful career in the industry that spans two decades. Throughout the years, her passion has been to do great things, to think creatively, and to execute events that leave a legacy and ensure that lasting memories are made. With a true servant's heart, Cat was one of the first to jump into the recovery efforts for those who had devastating losses from Hurricane Harvey. Within a week of the flood, she established the Recovery Houston Foundation and recruited 2,500 volunteers that restored 250 homes in three months. Cat was recognized at the Deep from the Heart: The One America Appeal benefit concert at Reed Arena on the Texas A&M University campus. She received a Daily Point of Light Award, a humanitarian program and award that was created by President Bush (41) to recognize citizens who display extraordinary humanitarian efforts. Chairman Neil Bush presented the awards, and Cat was recognized on stage with the five living former presidents at the time including Barack Obama, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George H. W. Bush and Jimmy Carter. A proud moment for Cat came when President Obama named her one of his three top humanitarian stories of the year. Since 2018, she has helped 35 homeowners rebuild their homes; and for her efforts, she received the George Zeli Spirit of NACE award. Cat's love for her community has been consistent throughout her lifetime as evidenced by her willingness to donate her time, talent and resources to many local and state non-profit organizations. Her heart is drawn to causes that assist children, medical institutions and education.

06 chaired an event for the SBP Disaster Relief Agency that raised almost a million dollars. She as been honored by the Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America as Woman of the Year, the Association of Fundraising Professionals honored her with its Spirit of Philanthropy Award and the Texas Schools Public

Relations Association presented her with its Partner in Education Award. Recently, Lauren was honored with The Mission of Yahweh Houston Sweetheart award.

SUZAN DEISON is a native Houstonian and the founder, president and CEO of Greater Houston Women's Chamber of Commerce. She has dedicated her life to working and volunteering in the nonprofit arena, raising millions of dollars for nonprofit organizations such as Easter Seals, the Muscular Dystrophy Association, the American Cancer Society and the American Heart

Association. Currently, she serves as the chair and founding advisory board member for the Young Women's College Preparatory Academy and serves on the board of MAKERS, (Women Who Make America) and the March of Dimes. Under her leadership, the Greater Houston Women's Chamber of Commerce has become the fastest growing women's chamber in the United States and has over 1,100 business

07 REGINA GARCIA is the owner of Houston's iconic Events Gifts in River Oaks. Her retail career spans over four decades and her philosophy has always been to build her business on the principles of philanthropy, community connections and superior customer service. She honed her retail expertise by working for Marshall Fields and at multiple Macy's locations. Regina is dedicated to providing her customers with impeccable service, offering specialty hand-picked gifts such as glass art, sculptures, artwork, custom high-end stationery, an extensive bridal registry, collections of fine china and crystal and the new addition of crystal chandeliers. She has always been passionate about education, the arts and the environment, and much of her time is spent benefiting all three. She serves on the boards of The Downtown Redevelopment Authority (TIRZ3), the Houston Symphony League, and the United Way Women's Alexis de Coquille Platinum Group, Houston. She is a past board member of The Women's Fund and Houston Arts Alliance. She co-chaired Memorial Hermann Hospital's "Razzle Dazzle" Breast Cancer Luncheon, making it one of the most successful events in the organization's history. Regina has donated her store as an event destination for a multitude of charitable functions whereby the organization benefit from each item sold, such as the Houston Symphony Guild, the American Heart Association Christmas Party, Heart Card Easter Egg Hunt and the Houston Ballet Nutcracker Fashion Show. Regina has donated $25,000 worth of stationery to TEACH, provided chocolates for 1,600 Memorial Hermann Foundation Gala guests and provided the event, plus a percentage of sales for United Way Alexis de Coquille. Regina donates auction items to numerous organizations.


memberships. She also founded the Greater Houston Women's Hall of Fame, the Greater Houston Conference for Women, and the Woodlands North Houston Conference for Women. Susan created STEAM TOWN USA, an initiative to increase the interest of third grade girls in science, technology, engineering, arts and math concepts and to encourage girls to pursue STEAM careers.

Since its inception, the program has graduated over 1,000 girls. Susan's vision for empowering women has led GHWCC to expand internationally, influencing business leaders in London, Mexico City and Barcelona to start a women's chamber. She boasts that her greatest accomplishment is her family, husband Joe, and three children, seven grandchildren and one great grandchild.

09 SUSAN ARNOLDY HANSEN, a native Houstonian, graduated from the University of Texas in Interior Design. She started Susan Hansen Interior Design over 40 years ago and has numerous design awards. She learned from her parents that everyone has a responsibility to make the world a better place. With a family history of heart disease, Susan has focused on the American Heart Association. She first chaired the Heart Ball, then became president of the Heart Guild, served on the state’s Affiliate Board and became Chairman of the Houston Board. She co-chaired the city’s first Go Red for Women luncheon and co-chaired the Circle of Red Society. She has twice been awarded the Volunteer of the Year and was given the Award of Excellence by the AHA. For ten years, Susan has served on the board of the Houston Symphony and serves on the board of the Symphony League, as well. She also loves her work with the Salvation Army. Susan is actively involved on the Board of Baylor Partnership, co-chairing their first large gala in 2004. She has been involved with VICTORY (American Cancer Society), and has chaired the AWARE (Alzheimer’s Association) luncheon, the Bayou Preservation Association gala, the Opening Night gala for the Houston Symphony, the Krist Samaritan Center gala, the Women of Substance luncheon benefiting The Mission of Yahweh and cochaired the CCFA Winter Ball. Susan considers her greatest accomplishments to be her two beautiful daughters and her four precious grandsons that she shares with husband, Dick.



10 GREGG HARRISON is a local personal injury attorney and has settled/or received verdicts from $1,000 to over $6 million. He stays very busy with his active law practice, photo booth company and writing society/ event articles for the online publication Houston CultureMap. His number one priority in life is his 14 year old son, Maxwell, to whom he is totally devoted. Next on his

list of priorities is his dedication to giving back to the city. Gregg has donated his photo booth, Phlash Phactory LLC, to various charities throughout the city. The photo booth utilizes creative props and backdrops and brings much joy and laughter to children as well as adults. There are approximately 75,000 photos in the Phlash Phactory collection! Gregg

BRIGITTE KALAI, after earning a bachelor of science degree in nursing, began working as a nurse at Texas Children's Hospital. Her passion was pediatrics and working with children who had significant and chronic health challenges. She began her volunteer work with Big Brothers Big Sisters of America as a big sister mentoring girls who could benefit from a positive role model. She also worked with many organizations that helped the aging and the infirm, making home visits to the sick and elderly. After marriage and the birth of her two sons, Brigitte and her husband, Bashar, have expanded their efforts to help enhance the lives of Houstonians and other people around the world. They have become major sponsors of St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. Brigitte has chaired the Indo-American Chamber of Commerce Gala, Nora's Home Gala and Pratham. She also cochaired the UNICEF Gala and Una Notte in Italia, benefiting the Women's Center. She is deeply involved in Interfaith Ministries, which provides over a million Meals On Wheels a year as well as the resettlement of refugees from all over the world. Recently, the Kalais were the major donors to Interfaith Ministries that provided the Brigitte and Bashar Kalai Plaza of Respect as a symbol of the heart of Houston in the heart of Houston that will host and bring diverse groups together to foster respect, dialogue and service. 44



has co-chaired The Women’s Home Re-do and Re-New charity fashion show and supports numerous charities focusing on ovarian cancer, homelessness, mental illness awareness, and addiction recovery. He has served on the boards and/or advisory boards of Urban Angels Houston, an education charity helping villages in Peru, Simply Clean Water, Texas Medical Center Orchestra

(TMCO) and The Great Age Movement, an organization benefiting seniors. Gregg is also the founder of Houston Power Lawyers which is an attorney social/networking organization that helps raise money for local and national charities. Greg enjoys photography, painting, writing, design, architecture and primarily the time he spends with his son.

SHELBY KIBODEAUX has been a fixture in the Houston animal community since adopting Houston as his home in 1992. Currently, he owns a dog-walking business, Sit Stay Walk Play and lives with his husband, Bruce Padilla, and their six rescue dogs. An avid animal lover, Shelby has helped rescue hundreds of animals from across the country. He was a board member of a national animal rescue for many years and was also a board member of Houston PetSet for several years. He is actively involved with Citizens for Animal Protection, where he, along with his dog, Joe, campaigned for Celebrity Pet of the Year. He and Bruce co-chaired the recent We are the Champions CAP gala. Shelby was inducted into the CAP Hall of Fame in 2014 after co-chairing the CAP 2012 gala, which broke all fund-raising efforts. He has worked on numerous charities over the years and has a special place in his heart for animal, medical and children's charities. He is participating in the Real Men Wear Pink campaign this fall, where he will be raising funds and awareness for breast cancer for the American Cancer Society. Shelby is proud to be a part of the Houston community and is happy to call "this wonderful city" home.


CAL MCNAIR is a native Houstonian who played football at CyFair High School. He attended the University of Texas where he was a four-year member of the Longhorn football team. He earned a Master of Business Administration degree from the Rice University Jesse H. Jones Graduate School of Management. Since losing his father to skin cancer, Cal has been promoted from the Texans’ vice chairman to chairman of the organization. Even more active now, Cal is a familiar figure at practices, games, around the office and at NFL meetings. Cal has six children, and he and his wife Hannah, are heavily involved in the Houston community; they are philanthropists and volunteers for a myriad of charitable

causes, primarily focusing on education and medicine. Cal is a member of the board of trustees of the Robert and Janice McNair Foundation, as well as the Robert and Janice McNair Educational Foundation. He is a director and vice president of the Houston Texans Foundation, a member of the United Way's prestigious Alexis de Tocqueville Society and a current member of the Amergy Bank Advisory Board, the University of Texas Chancellor's Council and Houston Zoo Board. Cal and Hannah have co-chaired numerous charitable events together, most recently a highly successful event for The March of Dimes. Hannah was featured in this article several years ago.


EDNA MEYER-NELSON is the founder, president and CEO of The Richland Companies, a womanowned, privately held, commercial real estate firm. She directs all day-to-day business activities for Richland's many divisions which is headquartered in Houston with offices in San Antonio and Dallas. Richland's current portfolio consists of 34 properties in four states representing more than 2.5 million square feet of commercially owned and managed property throughout the southwestern United States. Edna is an active member of the National Association of Professional Women, CREW and American Women's Business Association. She is a frequent guest lecturer for multiple programs at Rice University and the University of Houston. She has served as the chair of the advisory council for the Texas Heart Institute Center for Women's Heart and Vascular Health. A longtime board member of Houston Children's Charity, Edna earned the distinction of presiding as its first female president. She also serves on the executive advisory board-Graduate Real Estate Program, C. T. Bauer College of Business and Houston Police Foundation. She is a member of the Cooley Circle, a charter member of BRASS and longtime supporter of Houston Crime Stoppers. She was the first woman recipient of the 2016 Landmark Lifetime Achievement Award for Real Estate. She has been inducted into the Greater Houston Women's Chamber of Commerce Hall of Fame, named Houston Business Journal's inaugural Best for Profit CEO, one of Real Estate Forum's Women of Influence, one of CREW's Top 15 Women in Commercial Real Estate and has received top spots on the Houston Business Journal's Top 50 Women Owned Businesses, Top 50 Fastest Growing Businesses and Top 100 Diversified Businesses in the United States.





LEISA HOLLAND-NELSON, a fifth generation Houstonian, is partner, vice-president and CMO of ASTOUNDZ, an organic SEO and responsive website development company. Leisa has used her many entrepreneurial skills to help other women in business. She is the host of Women Mean Business, a weekly segment of The Business Makers Show, and co-founder of The Friendship Factor, a networking and personal advisory group for women in business. Highly committed to serving the community, Leisa is vice-chair of marketing and communications for the March of Dimes, vice chair of the American Leadership Forum and on the boards of the Greater Houston Women's Chamber of Commerce and AVDA (Aid to Victims of Domestic Abuse). Leisa has held positions on numerous boards and chaired or co-chaired many fundraising events. Last year, she co-chaired the American Cancer Society's Real Men Wear Pink campaign and the March of Dimes new initiative to fight health disparities and inequities for all mothers. Leisa is a proud mother, mother-in-law and a doting grandmother.

AMY PIERCE attended the University of Texas and graduated with honors with a Bachelor of Science in Journalism and Public Relations. After living in Washington and New York with husband, Rob, they moved to Houston. Amy's love of the arts led her to join the board of Theatre Under the Stars (TUTS) and to chair the education, fund development and nominating committees. She co-chaired the gala celebrating TUTS' 45th 46


16 MD Anderson Advance Team, Music Doing Good Chairman's Council, The National Parks Photography Project Advisory Board, and the board of UNICEF. She has chaired or co-chaired galas for TUTS, UNICEF, the Women's Fund, Know Autism and the Mission of Yahweh. Amy has served on the board of trustees for her children's school, Awty International School, and on its grounds and capital campaign committees. She co-chaired Awty's annual gala and annual fund campaigns. She was also one of the founding members of the Awty Fine Arts Booster Club. Amy and Rob have worked to instill a love for the arts, hearts for service, compassion for others, inclusiveness and the importance of education in their four children, who are "truly the humor, light and rock of our lives."

17 Anniversary and the River Celebration. She is a co-founder of the Leading Ladies, TUTS' Women's Auxiliary, which supports TUTS' school, the Humphreys School for Musical Theatre and its many dynamic outreach and educational programs. She served as chair of the board for several years and is the chair of TUTS capital campaign. Amy is on the board of SEARCH Homeless Services, on the Women's Fund Advisory Board, on the

ROZ PACTOR is a fashion/marketing consultant and lifestyle blogger with more than three decades of experience in fashion retailing that has spanned Foley's, Bloomingdales NYC and Neiman Marcus. Well known for her signature personal fashion statement of wearing only red glasses, she now provides her unique perspective on fashion as well as beauty, health, dining home areas and travel in her “My Red Glasses” blog. Roz feels strongly that it is important to give back. She has served as a former president and founder of the young professional's organization of the American Heart Association and has served on all committees, such as the Heart Ball, Heart Walk, Go Red for Women, and recently executed the first ever Shop with Heart card. Roz is a charter member and current chair of the advisory board of the University of Houston for retail merchandising careers. She has held leadership positions in the Fashion Group International, Bo's Place, Recipe for Success, the annual Multiple Sclerosis luncheon, Passion for Fashion luncheon, Texas Children's Hospital ambassador, Boys and Girls Harbor, Diaper Foundation, Hermann Park Conservancy Advisory Committee and board member. Roz says that her "pride and joy" are her family members—husband, Alan, two daughters and sons-in-law, grandchildren and her famous brother, Steve Tyrell.

BARBARA VAN POSTMAN's love and devotion to animals is well known to friends and throughout the Houston community. She may be caring for a multitude of animals in her home on any given day while she is finding homes for them. She has chaired the Celebration Paws Gala benefiting Citizens for Animal Protection. Her dedication and passion for animals for more than 25 years lead to the mayor's appointment of Barbara as a BARC Foundation Director. However, her dedication to serving the community is not limited to animals alone. She served on the executive board of the Houston Fire Museum for over 10 years and chaired the Rescue Me Gala for four consecutive years. She co-chaired the Medical Bridges, and the One People, One World Gala for four consecutive years. She has served as chair and vice chair of the University of St. Thomas Performing Arts Council and chaired its fundraising

tea numerous times. Barbara served as board president of the alumnae board of Incarnate Word Academy, on the executive board of Moore's School of Music, as an advisory board member for Baylor Partnership, board member for Pan American Roundtable and board member of Los Angeles Opera. She is a member of the Houston Grand Opera, Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo International Committee, Houston Zoo Asante Society, Houston Symphony League, Houston Museum of Fine Arts, Houston Museum of Natural History, Metropolitan Guild, MOMA New York and the American Hospital Paris. Recently, she chaired the Next Step Academy luncheon which provides life-changing results that benefit children with autism and their families. Next year, she will chair the Tickled Pink luncheon benefiting the American Cancer Society.


SUSAN SAROFIM is the owner of Brooke Staffing Companies, Inc., a company she founded because of her great interest in providing stable, wellpaying temporary and direct hire opportunities for women. She is also the owner of New Orleans Auction Galleries, which has become the south's preeminent auction house, offering fine antiques, art, furniture, estate jewelry and more. In 2005, Susan co-founded the organization, To Educate All Children (TEACH), to provide educators in the Houston Independent School District with the skills to teach at-risk students. TEACH has received national recognition and currently is partnered with 10 schools within HISD. For many years, Susan served as a board member of the Houston Community College Foundation, as a member of the Labor, Education and Health Advisory Council for the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta and as board president of Memorial Hermann Foundation. She has chaired or cochaired the Greater Houston Women's Chamber of Commerce Gala, Memorial Hermann Circle of Life gala, the Hermann Park Conservancy, the Houston Humane Society No-Gala gala, the Houston Ballet Nutcracker Market Saks Fifth Avenue Fashion Show and Luncheon and the Houston Ballet Nutcracker Market Preview Party. Susan dotes on her three daughters, her grandchildren and her husband, Fayez Sarofim, who she calls "the most wonderful man in the world." Susan has long since stopped competing in race cars on tracks across the country, but she stays committed, along with her husband, to philanthropy and volunteerism in the Houston community.


KRISTINA SOMERVILLE is a seventh generation Houstonian, a former asset manager and the chief investment officer at Somerville Investments. She is deeply committed to community service and has served as vice president of the Baylor St. Luke's Friends of Nursing Board and as a Membership Co-Chair. She co-chaired the Memorial Hermann Razzle Dazzle luncheon which benefits the early detection and outreach programs at the Bobetta Lindig Breast Care Center as well as the Columbia Business School reunion and the Brookwood Dinner Gala. Kristina serves on the board of the Texas A&M Library Foundation, is a member of the Junior League of Houston, the American Cancer Society VICTORY group and Community Bible Study. She is a lifetime member of the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo, where she is a member of the corporate development, mutton bustin' and international committees. She is a captain and chair of the International Committee Annual Ladies Luncheon. In addition, Kristina is a trustee for the Houston Grand Opera and also a member of both the Finance and Social Committees. She and her husband, Paul, recently chaired the highly successful Big Brothers, Big Sisters Lone Star Gala.



BOBBY TUDOR attended Rice University on a basketball athletic scholarship where he was a team captain, an honorable mention for Academic All-American and winner of the coveted Bob Quin award, given to the university's most outstanding all-around senior male scholar/athlete. After graduating, he played basketball professionally in Europe, where he also earned a Fulbright Teaching Fellowship grant. On his return, Bobby earned a law degree from Tulane Law School and started his career in investment banking at Goldman Sachs. Currently, Bobby is a partner at Perella Weinberg Partners, a global investment banking firm, where he co-heads the firm's investment banking business and serves on the board of directors. Bobby serves as chair of the board of trustees of Rice University and serves on the board of advisors for Rice University's Baker Institute for Public Policy. He is vice chair and chair-elect of the Greater Houston Partnership, a trustee of the committee for economic development and on the board of advisors for Collaborative for Children. He also serves on the board of directors of the National Petroleum Council, the Houston Symphony, the MD Anderson Board of Visitors and the New York Philharmonic. Previously, he served on the boards of the Society of the Performing Arts, the Houston Public Library Foundation and the United Way of Greater Houston. He and his wife, Phoebe, who was included in this article several years ago, have co-chaired numerous events together. They are high school sweethearts from Louisiana and are blessed with three adult children.

22 CLEVERLEY STONE is a broadcaster and volunteer. She covers the Greater Houston food scene on radio, television and online. Originally from New York, Cleverley began her career at B. Altman & Company and segued to becoming the bridal registry director for Foley's in Houston. Soon, she was writing a Sunday column for The Houston Post entitled "Down the Aisle." When the Post closed, she began to write about Houston's food and restaurant scene for several newspapers and magazines and soon thereafter for her subscription based newsletter. The radio show she originally hosted with now retired, radio personality, Mark Stevens, is now The Cleverley Show and is the longest running program on CBS 650. She is also a food segment contributor at Houston's KRIV/FOX 26 TV. It was in 2003 that Cleverley founded Houston Restaurant Week, a fundraising partnership between the Houston Food Bank and nearly 275 area restaurant in which diners can enjoy specially priced, multi course menus with proceeds benefiting The Houston Food Bank. It has become the largest annual fundraiser for America's largest Food Bank, and since its inception this event has raised in excess of $10 million dollars and has expanded to a month long event. The Houston Food Bank President and CEO, Brian Greene, said this about her, "Because Cleverley is selfless in donating five months of her time each year to Houston Restaurant Week, along with other volunteers, 100 percent of donations come directly to the food bank to feed hungry people. We are grateful for Cleverley's compassion and longstanding commitment to hunger relief."

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DR. MARY ANN REYNOLDS WILKINS is senior vice president and senior business development officer at Stewart Title Guaranty Company. Prior to joining Stewart, her career was rooted to academia. She earned a Bachelor of Music Education degree from West Texas State A&M University, a Master of Music degree and Doctorate in Public School Education degree from East Texas State A&M University as well as a Master of Education degree from the University of North Texas. In

her educational career, Mary Ann served as a teacher, principal, associate superintendent and university adjunct professor. In her career with Stewart Title, she specializes in the sale of commercial title insurance. She has always been actively involved in giving back to the Houston community and currently serves on the boards of the Jones Partners of the Graduate School of Business of Rice University, the Houston Chapter of NAIOP (National Association

CONNIE KWAN WONG is an entrepreneur, magazine publisher and philanthropist who combines her many endeavors with her passion for charitable work. A former pediatric cardiac sonographer specializing in congenital heart disease. In 2011, she established the Connie Kwan-Wong Foundation to support her charitable work and raise awareness regarding the issues facing many children. Connie also founded, and is president and CEO of, CKW (Caring, Kindness, and Wisdom) Inc., which includes CKW Skincare and Accessories Collection, CKW Giving, CKW LUXE magazine, CKW Publishing, CKW LUXE Living television show, and CKW Art Collection, the first two pieces of which she has donated to the Museum of Fine Art Houston. Keenly aware of the part so many play in serving the Houston community, Connie is also the creator of the CKW Luxe Star Awards, Top 20 Impact Makers Awards, and Top 20 CEOs and Entrepreneurs Awards. Connie serves on the boards of The Women’s Home, Kids’ Meals, Houston Symphony League, and the University of St. Thomas Performing and Fine Arts Society Advisory Council. She is also on the board of trustees of Houston Grand Opera and the Performing Arts & Culture Committee of Asia Society Texas Center. From her professional career to her philanthropic efforts, Connie’s compassion has not gone unnoticed as she has received many honors. Connie enjoys spending quality time with her husband and two daughters from whom she receives encouragement and inspiration. She loves giving back to the community as a family. Connie's motto is "share your blessings with others whenever possible. Love the people around you and help the people who need you!"



of Industrial and Office Properties) and the Houston chapter of CoreNet. She has served on the boards of the Alley Theater, Houston Symphony League, Preservation Houston, American Red Cross, Houston Ballet, Leadership Houston, American Heart Association and Houston Methodist Hospital in Sugar Land. She serves on the real estate advisory committee for the Greater Houston Partnership Association. She is the past chairwoman of the board for the Greater

Houston Women's Chamber of Commerce and received the organization's first lifetime achievement award which recognizes female business leaders who have made significant strides in empowering and advancing women in their personal and professional lives. Mary Ann is a concert pianist and has recorded three CDs. She, along with her husband, produced the musical Galveston which was performed to sold out audiences at the Hobby Center.

CHARITY YARBOROUGH is a collaborator and connector of people. Whether she introduces you to a person you should know or connects with you about a friend you share, she finds a commonality with every person she meets. Her ability to find common ground with just about everyone is driven by her authentic interest in learning about others. She feels her greatest accomplishments are her two children with her late husband, Don. Son Patrick has become a successful trial lawyer (his mom was also a trial lawyer for 18 years). Daughter Mollie followed in her mother's footsteps as a realtor in the firm that Charity began 20 years ago, O'Connell Yarborough Properties. While both practicing law and acting as a licensed divorce mediator, Charity has managed to give back to her community both through her work with charities, her children's school, professional organizations and in the political arena. She has been active in local politics for many years, serving as a precinct chairman in River Oaks and by hosting numerous political fundraisers for a variety of candidates for mayoral races to state and national races. In addition, Charity has chaired the Houston Symphony Ball, the Houston Symphony Subscription Drive, co-chaired the Houston Symphony Opening Night event and chaired the Houston Area Parkinson's Society fundraiser. She chaired the University of Houston Law Gala and Auction, and chaired many events for River Oaks Baptist School and Episcopal High School. As an attorney, Charity has been very active with the Houston Trial Lawyers Association, providing much pro bono work. She is a member of the University of Texas Chancellor's Council and also serves on HAPS host committee as well as the Center for Pursuit host committee.



Hoodwinked by Suffering In this excerpt from her latest book, This Messy Magnificent Life, Geneen Roth explains what happens when you stop listening to the critical voices in your head. by Geneen Roth



bed, he told me that because he’d been doing tai chi and chi gong for thirty years, he had created a new kind of “laying-down tai chi,” and was healing much faster than the doctor expected. “You do look radiant for someone who’s just had surgery,” I replied—and he did. As my husband, Matt, and I were driving home, It started: I can’t believe I didn’t follow through with that chi gong practice. What is WRONG with me? What if I have to have my ovaries removed and I don’t know how to wave my hands over their absence and heal myself? I KNEW I should have taken up tai chi thirty years ago when everyone was flying to Hawaii and studying with Al What’s-HisName. Now it’s too late. I blew it. Again. Along with—and even more pronounced than—the Greek chorus of judgments was the set of physical reactions that accompanied It: a pounding heart; a stomach that felt as if it had fallen through my feet and taken my legs with it; a sense of having withered and shrunk. Then came the wave of emotional reactions to the physical reactions: a feeling of irrevocable failure; desperation to climb out of myself; neediness for “a big person” to rescue flailing me.



Then, the final insult (which seems to be a favorite, although it often has nothing to do with the situation at hand): You are going to die fat, miserable, and alone, with moles on your face that have bristles sticking out. In the car, Matt was burbling about how well Michael seemed and hadn’t yet realized that she who had woken up with him, left the house with him, walked in Michael’s door with him, had disappeared in a whorl of comparative judgment and shame. When I didn’t respond to his attempts at conversation, he turned and said, “Are you okay, sweetheart?” Silence. What I really wanted to say was “No, and would you mind telling me ten or a hundred reasons why you love me because I can’t remember a single reason why you should.” But I didn’t want to tell Matt the truth. I didn’t want him to discover that I’d been pulling the wool over his eyes for thirty years and that he’d married an impostor. So I lied to him instead. “Sorry,” I answered. “Yes, Michael looked great and isn’t the pink sky gorgeous and are we having poached salmon for dinner or did we decide on that zucchini frittata with chard from the garden?” By morning, I was still feeling small and panicky. Over breakfast of grilled cheese on sourdough toast with

avocados and tomatoes, I murmured, “I should have taken up tai chi years ago when everyone was doing it; I missed my chance.” And Matt, having spent years listening to my laments about the life I could have had if only I hadn’t been myself, responded, “Uh, isn’t that the bully?” and added: “The voice of what Catherine Ingram calls ‘the crazy aunt in the attic’?” “Hmm,” I said, “maybe.” And then I dismissed the crazy-aunt possibility and thought, “He loves me too much to see how damaged I am. Or else, he’s too lazy to get a divorce.” When Matt named the bully-aunt dynamic, I was able to see the connection between the doom and its cause; I saw that whenever the bully is around, the needy panicky one is also around, that they are a duo. Each engagement with the aunt has recognizable ingredients: a big know-it-all wagging its finger at a small whimpering ghost child. The triggers are personal and conditioned by your history and vulnerabilities (i.e., Matt

did not respond to visiting Michael the way I did); they do not have to do with the situation itself. A trigger is created when you believe your thoughts and the feelings they evoke. The physical reaction to the trigger: the pounding heart, the sinking chest, the feeling of shrinking to pint size. The emotional reaction to the trigger (which is often simultaneous with the physical reaction): feeling small, young, abandoned, incapable, lost or unloved, doomed or dumb, isolated or valueless. Or all of the above. Everyone’s got those parts—it’s impossible to be born into this human, vulnerable body and escape unscathed—and until we meet them with compassion and openness, we are lived by them; they are who we take ourselves to be. The bully-aunt seemingly comes to the rescue by telling you what you should or could have done to avoid feeling this way now. Its main message is: “If only you had done that, then you wouldn’t be feeling this.”

Over the years, I’ve tried and taught a variety of disengagements: defending myself by saying go away; listing the crazy aunt’s attacks by writing them down in the third person; thanking it for trying to protect me by shutting me down. But the only one that has ever truly worked is awareness itself.








Unfortunately, we don’t hear the judgments as if they are coming from the bully; we hear them in the first person as proclamations of truth, as if they are coming from a wiser, better, all-knowing part of ourselves. If I had taken up tai chi, I wouldn’t be feeling so afraid or doomed. And I could heal myself if I got cancer. If I hadn’t decided to start my own business, I wouldn’t be terrified of not having enough money now. If only I had lost ten pounds, I would be in a relationship now and not be so lonely. Over the years, I’ve tried and taught a variety of disengagements: defending myself by saying go away; listing the crazy aunt’s attacks by writing them down in the third person; thanking it for trying to protect me by shutting me down. But the only one that has ever truly worked is awareness itself: noticing that I feel as if the ground has suddenly fallen away and I am living the wrong life; at that point, even if it is days later, I can backtrack, name the trigger, notice its accompanying sensations, and question the doom to which I’ve been wedded. But—and here’s the snag—since most of us believe (and are afraid not to believe) the criticisms leveled at us from an inner bully, we also believe that being loved and/or having the life we envision means

obeying the One That Knows how to do it, have it, be it. Disengaging from this voice requires a willingness to consider that we’ve spent our lives hoodwinked by suffering, and that it’s possible to be free. This, in turn, requires a willingness to see that what most of us call “me-myself-I” ricochets from one insane voice in our head to another. Choosing not to believe the crazy aunts is like choosing not to diet; it’s radical, frightening and exhilarating because, let’s face it, it’s comforting to have a voice in your head that is absolutely certain about what’s wrong and what’s right. And since most of us prefer to have company than to be alone, we don’t question our loyalty to these decades-old instructions. It takes courage to question our comparative judgments because we’re not sure who we would be on the other side. In the same way that we believe that without a strict diet we would hunker on our couches, uncontrollably eating pizza and ice cream, we also believe (without knowing we believe) that we need shame and judgment to keep us in line. Freeing ourselves means seeing that we are more than the sum total of our accomplishments, our relationships, our socalled failures, our body mass index and weight.

A wild joy follows when you realize you’ve been caught and are now free, when you fling open the prison door, walk outside, and gulp air and light for the first time in hours or days or weeks. Being free takes first realizing we’re in prison, and then questioning what imprisons us. It’s a process, not a onetime event; you’ve got to want freedom so badly that you’ll do whatever it takes. Which is to question each time you start comparing or blaming yourself or anyone else. Is it true that I am lazy? What’s the proof? Is it true that learning tai chi will save me from a horrible death by cancer I have not been, and may never be, diagnosed with? What’s the proof? (Michael knew tai chi, but it didn’t save him from prostate cancer.) Is it true that my life is a mess because I gained ten pounds? Was my life better before I gained the weight or were my thighs just thinner? Am I really the most screwed-up person on the earth? Really? A wild joy follows when you realize you’ve been caught and are now free, when you fling open the prison door, walk outside and gulp air and light for the first time in hours or days or weeks. Then you realize that instead of being either the bully or the child,

you are the one who notices both. You sense who you were and what you knew before you defined things as good or bad, fat or thin, right or wrong. Before you became what you needed to be to be loved, you knew the holiness of trees and water and rocks. You had no doubt, not one, about who you were; you had wings, and now, you have them again. H

Excerpted from: This Messy Magnificent Life by Geneen Roth. Copyright 2018 by Geneen Roth & Associates, Inc. Reprinted by permission of Scribner, a division of Simon & Schuster, Inc.








concentration of research and health-care institutions. With countless medical professionals, only a small percentage can be named Top Doctors. H Texas has scoured the city to identify physicians known for excellence in a town famous for breakthroughs in medicine. From an initial diagnosis to a lifetime of care, these docs work tirelessly and deserve recognition. Nominated by their peers and H Texas readers, here are our picks for Houston's Top Doctors. Every effort has been made to verify information for the professionals listed. Any omissions or inaccuracies are unintentional and H Texas magazine cannot be held liable. If your healthcare professional does not appear on the list, that does not mean that he or she is not the best professional for you.






improvement in their depressive symptoms after treatment. She is also excited to be one of the first providers to offer the newly FDA approved version of ketamine, esketamine (Spravato). Additionally, she became the first physician to offer deep UP TO A THIRD OF PATIENTS WITH DEPRESSION DO NOT RESPOND transcranial magnetic stimulation therapy for depression and TO SEVERAL ATTEMPTS AT TREATMENT OR STRUGGLE WITH SIDE OCD in the Houston area. It is a revolutionary approach to treating EFFECTS. Dissatisfied with the relatively ineffective available psychiatric conditions without medication. This treatment is considered the most advanced TMS system currently available and treatments for these patients, Dr. Prashad sought out the most is covered by insurance. evidence-based, innovative options. Dr. Prashad is a board-certified She specializes in comprehensive and Ketamine therapy offers a psychiatrist, who completed both medical state-of-the-art psychiatric evaluations chance to find hope again. school and residency at Baylor College of and innovative psychiatric treatment. Medicine. She understands that any one Our primary focus is the cutting-edge This treatment been hailed treatment, no matter how cutting-edge, treatments that we offer. We understand as the most important can’t be the right solution for everyone, that many patients have extensively tried and treatments must be customized conventional medications and therapies advancement in the for each patient. She is focused on and are looking for more advanced treatment of depression providing patients the right treatment treatments. These patients deserve for the highest level of success. These to have these advanced treatments in the past 50 years. Dr. innovative options are giving us the ability administered by a specialist fully Prashad is one of the most to fight treatment resistant illnesses in an committed to using these modalities and entirely new way. Her patients describe your treatment success. experienced ketamine her as compassionate, insightful and Ketamine therapy offers a chance to psychiatrists in the country. approachable, and 100 percent dedicated find hope again. to help them achieve their goals. This treatment been hailed as the most "We've always prided ourselves in offering the most advanced important advancement in the treatment of depression in the past treatments to our patients," Dr. Prashad said. "Insurance coverage of 50 years. Dr. Prashad is one of the most experienced ketamine psychiatrists in the country, and has presented on the national esketamine and deep TMS allows these life-saving treatments to be level. She first became interested in IV ketamine because of the accessible to patients that need it. With one-third of those suffering robust, rapid effects and lack of side effects between treatments. from depression unable to respond to antidepressant medications, Depression and suicidal thoughts are often lifted within hours or being able to provide relief to patients that are otherwise treatment days rather than weeks. Eighty percent of patients show dramatic resistant is a great opportunity."

HOUSTON KETAMINE THERAPEUTICS & DEEP TMS 6565 West Loop South, Ste. 530 Bellaire, TX 77401 832-436-4055 • houstonketaminetherapy.com



“Ketamine therapy is helping the best of me shine while quieting the thoughts and anxiety that can so often be self-defeating. It has, quite simply, been life-changing.”—Jack, patient




DR. DAVID K. DENNISON 3100 Richmond, Ste. 509 Houston, TX 77098 713-523-9040 • gums-houston.com





PROVIDE THE BEST IN DENTAL CARE. With the support of his hand– picked, knowledgeable team, Dr. Dennison creates excellence in both patient care and clinical results. Building a relationship of trust with each patient, he realizes that every individual has unique needs and concerns. If you are not happy with your smile, are missing teeth, or are concerned about health matters, Dr. Dennison will educate you so that you have a complete understanding of your condition and are informed about options for treatment. Life Changing! Fifty percent of the adult population is missing at least one tooth. Dr. Dennison was one of the first to offer solutions for replacing missing teeth in hours. He says, “New implants therapies such as the All-On-4 technique can change your life.” This technique uses strategically placed implants to support a prosthesis which replaces your teeth. Dr. Dennison provides periodontal therapy to give you healthy teeth and gums and state-of-the-art implant therapies to restore your smile utilizing in-office sedation to control anxiety during treatment. Dr. Dennison’s treatment can help you change your life, rejuvenate your smile or just be healthy. Dr. Dennison remains dedicated to advancing his own expertise as well as educating others about the latest technologies and techniques in order to provide optimal patient care. He works closely with dentists throughout the Houston area to provide the most comprehensive care possible. He is the founder of the University Dental Study Club of Houston, a branch of the nationally recognized Seattle Study Club. Dr. Dennison says, “The ultimate goal of University Dental Study Club is to provide an innovative venue for continued learning that will enhance the excellent care we currently provide our patients.” Dr. Dennison is a Board Certified Periodontist and a Diplomate of the American Board of Periodontology. He is a graduate and former faculty member of the University of Texas Dental Branch at Houston, and he received his Ph.D. at the University of Kansas Medical Center.

WAYDE FAWCETT, DDS Cosmetic Dentistry & Dental Implants WIDE RANGE OF SERVICES IN GENERAL DENTISTRY IN HIS HOMETOWN FOR OVER 34 YEARS , with a special focus on cosmetic dentistry, dental implants and full smile makeovers. One of the most popular procedures he offers is Teeth-In-One-Day, a groundbreaking alternative that allows patients to receive dental implants and a full set of new teeth all in the same day. “We provide dentistry that changes people’s lives, and in doing so, we change our own, “ says Dr. Fawcett. “Our commitment to quality governs every aspect of our work and ensures that we always exceed our clients’ expectations.” In 2007, Dr. Fawcett was among 157 dentists to be honored with

the title “Master of the Academy of General Dentistry (MAGD),” considered to be one of the most respected designations in the profession. Most recently, in 2015, Dr. Fawcett received the prestigious Lifelong Learning and Service Recognition from The Academy of General Dentistry (AGD), a distinction held only by 274 of the ADG’s 39,000 members, recognizing his commitment to continuing education, community service and mentorship. Clients of Dr. Fawcett appreciate the personal attention, warmth and genuine concern he shows each individual. His fun-loving personality and compassionate chairside manner have nurtured long-lasting relationships and loyal patients from all over the world.

FAWCETT CENTER FOR DENTISTRY 13956 Cutten Road Houston, TX 77069 281-440-6648 • DrFawcett.com

SERVICES: Teeth-In-One-Day • Implants • Cosmetic Dentistry • Full Mouth Rejuvenation • Smile Makeovers • Porcelain Veneers & Crowns • Porcelain Bridges & Partials • Sleep Dentistry • Gum Disease & Hygiene Programs • TMJ /Neuromuscular Dentistry • Sleep Apnea EDUCATION: University of Texas Dental School, Houston, TX ACCREDITATIONS: Master of the

Academy of General Dentistry (MAGD) • Fellow of the International Congress of Oral Implantologists (FICOI) • Graduate of the Las Vegas Institute for Advanced Dental Studies (LVI)









Bo Allaire, MD Contemporary Medicine Associates contemporary-medicine.com

George Allibone, MD Houston Wellness Clinic houstonwellnessclinic.com

Jason Powers, MD Right Step & Promises - Austin rightstep.com


Michael Weaver, MD UThealth ADDICTION MEDICINE, PSYCHIATRY Bobby Nix, MD UT Mc Govern Med School med.uth.edu/psychiatry/patientcare/clinic/ Lokesh Shahani, MD Psychiatry 281-986-7600 ALLERGY/IMMUNOLOGY Vasudeva Bommanna, MD Adult&children Allergy/asthma Center myallergyclinic.com Rana Bonds, MD Allergy & Asthma Speciality Center allergyspecialtycenter.com

William Daily, MD UT Dept of Anesthesiology 713-500-6222 Tam T Huynh, MD 713-798-7356 Alexis Mc Quitty, MD UTmb Galveston Nisha B Patel, MD 713-798-7356 Justin Shults, MD University of Texas Med School 713-500-6200 Zhouwen Tang, MD 713-798-7356 BARIATRIC SURGERY Brian Mirza, MD, FACS Bariatric Care Centers drbrianmirza.com BARIATRICS

Lewis Brown, MD Southwest Asthma & Allergy Associates swaaa.com

Terry Scarborough, MD Texas Laparoscopic Consultants tlcsurgery.com

Lyndall Harrison, MD Kelsey-Seybold Clinic 713-442-0000

Matthew St. Laurent, MD, PA North West Endosurgical drstlaurent.com

John Kelley, MD Southwest Asthma & Allergy Associates swaaa.com


Alnoor Malick, MD The Allergy Clinic allergyclinic.com Doanh Nguyen, MD Texas Allergy texasallergygroup.com Shivarajpur Ravi, MD Allergy & Asthma Clinic 281-425-9313

Elizabeth Bonefas, MD breasthealthhouston.com Liz Lee Lee ME Southwest Surgical 713-772-1200 Arlene Ricardo, MD The Breast Center of Southwest Surgical Associates southwestsurgical.com Sandra Templeton, MD, FACS Templeton Breast Care templetonbreastcare.com

Ashwini Reddy, MD Houston Allergy & Asthma Associates CARDIAC SURGERY 281-364-8001 Lawrence Reed Shirley, MD Southwest Asthma & Allergy Associates swaaa.com Ryan Ridley, MD 713-599-1114 Pardeep Rihal, MD West Houston Allergy & Asthma westhoustonallergy.com Eric Sandberg, MD Kelsey-Seybold Clinic 713-442-0000 Anthony Weido, MD Allergy & Asthma Associates texallergy.com ALLERGY/IMMUNOLOGY, FAMILY PRACTICE Donald Ellsworth, MD Hotze Health & Wellness Center 281-579-3600 ALLERGY/IMMUNOLOGY, OTORHINOLAIRYNGOLOGY Yuri Gelfand, MD Medical Center Ear Nose & Throat medicalcenterent.com Michael Kaplan, MD Houston Sinus Center houstonsinuscenter.net


Jie Cheng, MD Texas Heart Rhythm Center, P.A. 713-541-9955

Cameron Jackson DC Injury Center of Houston injurycenterhouston.com

Andrew Tran, DDS Galleria Smiles galleriasmiles.com

A.tomas Garcia, MD Houston Heart Centre

Craig Nemow DC Chiro Dynamics chirodynamics.net

Scott Young, DDS Woodlands Dentistry 877-492-4579

Kirra Randolph, MD Embrace Wellness & Chiropractic 281-692-1700


Alfredo Tomas Garcia, MD Houston Heart Centre Irfan Iftikhar, MD Cardiac Intervention Specialists, P.A. cardiacinterventionspecialists.com Alberto Lopez, MD, FACC Leachman Cardiology Associates leachman cardiology.com Francisco R. Maislos, MD Cardiology Edward Massin, MD Cardiologoy Consultants of Houston ccohonline.com Viet H Nguyen, MD 713-802-1300 Manuel Reyes, MD Houston Cardiovascular Associates 713-790-0841 John Sunew, MD, FACC, FSCAI Memorial City/katy Cardiology Associates mc-cardiology.com Valentina Ugolini, MD Willowbrook Cardiovascular Associates 281-890-4848 Antoine Younis, MD Younis Cardiology Associates youniscardiology.com CARDIOLOGY & VARICOSE VEINS

Paolo Angelini, MD Leachman Cardiology 713-790-9401 Adnan Aslam, MD, FACC, FSCAI Northwest Houston Heart Center houstonheartcenter.com Yochai Birnbaum, MD, FAHA, FACC Baylor College of Medicine Cardiology 713-200-0660 George Carayannopoulos, MD UTmb Galveston 631-921-3880


CLINICAL RESEARCH Shamaila A Aslam, MD Northwest Houston Heart Center 281-351-4911 COLON/RECTAL SURGERY Khawaja Azimuddin, MD Houston Colon & Rectal Surgery 281-583-1300 Rachel Ellsworth, MD Methodist Surgical Associates houstonmethodist.org/doctor/ rachel-ellswo Eric Haas, MD Houston Methodist Hospital 713-790-0600

Jean Knapps, MD Houston Colon & Rectal Surgery colonsurgeonhouston.com


Tal Raphaeli, MD Houston Colon & Rectal Surgery colonsurgeonhouston.com

Carmen W. Landrau, MD 281-452-5200



Winston Faltine, DDS, FICOI, FAGD

Surendra K Jain, MD Cardiology Associates, P.A. 713-797-1111

Asif Akhtar, MD Interventional Cardiology katycardiology.com

Mary Ann Spires, MD Bellaire Chiropractic & Rehab bellairechirorehab.com

Andres Mesa, MD Cardiovascular & Vein Institute andresmesa, MDpa.com



Rob Rosenbaum, MD Crosby Chiropractic Center crosby chiropractic center.com


Domingo G Gonzalez, MD Houston Metropolitan Crdlgy 713-802-1300

Gregory Pepper, MD Houston Heart Associates houheartassociates.com

Michiel Rorick DC Houston Health & Wellness houstonhealthandwellness.com

Raymond Little, MD, FACC, FSCAI Houston Heart & Vascular Associates 713-385-5481

Adel Irani, MD UT Health 713-486-5100

Mahboob Alam, MD Baylor College of Medicine 713-798-2545

Darrin Richardson DC Backstrong Spine & Rehab 713-340-0304

Chung-shin Sung, MD Cardiology Associates, P.A. 713-797-1111 Donald Trillos, MD Cardiology Associates, P.A. 713-797-1111 James Wilson, MD Houston, MDs, P.A. hgcardio.com CARDIOVASCULAR SURGERY Vincent R Conti, MD UTmb Cardiothoracic Surgery (409)772-1203 CHIROPRACTIC Brian Cesak, MD Cesak Chiropractic Family Wellness Center cesakchiropractic.com Billy Cheong, DC Elite Spine & Health Center elitespinehouston.com Tyler W. Flores DC Chiro 4 All Health Center richmondchiropractorcare.com

James Long, DDS cosmetic-dentist-katy.com COSMETIC DENTISTRY Spiker Davis D.D.S., FAGD, MAGD, AAACD Cosmetic Dental Associates spikerdental.com Wayde Fawcett, MD Fawcett Center for Dentistry, PA drfawcett.com John Karotkin, MD Advance Orthodontics advanceorthodonticshouston.com Adrienne Yoon Keep, DDS Town & Country Dental tcdentalhouston.com Ron Konig, DDS, FAGD, LVIF, FIACA Konig Center for Cosmetic & Comprehensive Dentistry konigdds.com Guy Lewis, DDS, FAFDFE Texas Center for Cosmetic & Implant Dentistry lovethatsmile.com Sandeep Mammen, MD Mint Family Dental 281-394-3440 Lauren Shepard, DDS Katy Smile Design katysmiledesign.com

Ernie Anderson, DDS Cosmetic Dental Associates www,ernieandersondds.com Rick L. Clemmensen, DDS 281-537-2531 Ron K. Crabtree, DDS, FAGD, MAGD Crabtree Dental katydentist.com Lynette N Crouse, MD Precise Dental of Houston precisedental.net David Fisher, MD Texas Center for Cosmetic & Implant Dentistry lovethatsmile.com Kevin Freeman, DDS Freeman Cosmetic Dental freemancosmeticdental.com Rick Friedrichs, DDS Rick Friedrichs,, DDS & Associates tropicaldentist.com Rebecca M Harvey, DDS, PA dentisthouston.com Frances M. Jones, DDS, MAGD drfrancesjones.com 713-655-1633 Cory Logan, DDS corylogandds.com Jorge Marquis, MD Marquis Dentistry marquisdds.com Anh Ngo, MD Aim Dental 713-334-7333 Khanh-trang Nguyen, MD Apollo Dental 713-923-2252 Satvika Pinnamaneni, MD cypresslakesdental.com Colt Riley, DDS Cosmetic Dental Associates spikerdental.com Ronald G. Ritsco D, MD, MS, PA, FACE Ritsco Prosthodontics Advanced Dentistry ritscosmiles.com Cody Sanford, DDS woodlandsdental.com James Thomas Sierra, MD sierrasmiles4u.com Bill So, DDS Westway Park Dental westwayparkdental.com Isabel Vahedi, MD Apollonia Dental apollonia-dental.com William Wambaugh, DDS dentistinthewoodlands.com Jerry L Wender, DDS drwender.com Catherine R. Wilder, MD Katy Smile Design katysmiledesign.com

RAZA PASHA, MD Pasha Snoring & Sinus Center


(Ear, Nose, and Throat-Head and Neck Surgery) as well as having specialty certification in Sleep Medicine. He holds academic appointments including Clinical Assistant Professor at UTMB School of Medicine. Dr. Pasha has focused his practice specifically on the comprehensive management of sleep apnea, snoring, allergy and sinus related disorders. Coined as Houston’s “Snoring Doctor,” Dr. Pasha has performed over 3,600 surgical procedures. Dr. Pasha is a nationally recognized leader and innovator in his field. He has helped pioneer several procedures, including performing the first in-office balloon sinuplasty procedure in Houston as well as developing more advanced surgical techniques such as the application of the Da Vinci robot for sleep apnea. Dr. Pasha has had the privilege to lecture throughout the country to his peers and students in various academic settings. He often has colleagues and students rotate through his clinic to learn his approach. Dr. Pasha is also a prolific author having published several original journal articles but is best known for his pocket review book, now in its fifth edition, which has become a staple for residents in training. Dr. Pasha is a strong advocate for patient outreach and is frequently featured in the press including KHOU Channel 11, KPRC Channel 2, The Learning Channel (TLC), and several radio stations. He also has a featured segment on Great Day Houston. Aside from taking care of patients, Dr. Pasha may also be spotted on the bike trails of Memorial Park or a Mixed Martial Arts hot spot supporting his favorite fighter.

PASHA SNORING & SINUS CENTER 59@Kirby Houston, TX 77098



713-523-8800 • PashaMD.com



ASIF CHAUDHRY, MD Houston Pain and Spine


Chaudhry for my back condition. After my consultation and procedure, I am back to my old self again. His reputation is second to none and now I understand why."—C. Dagenais, a patient of Houston Pain and Spine. Neck and back pain can be debilitating and cause deterioration in one's life. Asif Chaudhry, MD and his professional interventional spine team work to alleviate and eliminate pain through minimally-invasive surgical and nonsurgical techniques in order to get you back to your normal activities quickly. Dr. Chaudhry is board certified in interventional pain management and graduated with honors from the University

of South Carolina School of Medicine. He went on to complete his fellowship at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Department of Anesthesia, one of the top three training facilities for pain management in the country. In addition to his excellent education and understanding of pain management, Dr. Chaudhry is also well-loved by his patients for his compassionate care. “We treat patients like family, taking the time to listen and understand the origin of their discomfort,” says Dr. Chaudhry. “We understand that dealing with pain is not easy, so we pride ourselves on trying to get patients seen as quickly as possible.” Houston Pain and Spine treats patients dealing with neck pain, lower and upper back pain, sciatica, and nerve pain, as well as other less common, painful disorders.



5420 W. Loop South, Ste. 2100

3117 College Park Dr., Ste. 210


Bellaire, TX 77401

The Woodlands, TX 77384




HOUSTON PAIN AND SPINE P: 832-436-4040 • F: 832-436-4050



PLLC was established to deliver comprehensive and stateof-the-art care for all aspects of spinal disorders in order to maximize each and every individual patient’s outcome. Dr. Lee is a board-certified spine surgeon, uniquely trained in both orthopedic spine and neurological spine surgery. This dual-fellowship training is rare and considered to be the highest level of spine surgery training. Dr. Lee’s treatment philosophy is focused on compassionate, conservative, and evidence-based care. Educating patients is of the utmost importance. Dr. Lee and his team strive to spend all the time necessary with their patients to ensure that they have a clear understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of conservative care and possible surgical intervention. During his time with each patient, Dr. Lee works to develop a genuine relationship based upon trust and mutual respect. In that regard, Dr. Lee has been awarded the Patient’s Choice Award for several consecutive years. He has been featured in the Newsweek “The Science of Healthy Living” issue, in the “Best Doctors in Texas” section. He has also been spotlighted in H Texas magazine’s “Ask the Expert” column and selected as one of the “Super Docs” in Living magazine. In addition, he has been featured on CBS and Fox as a pioneering surgeon using the most modern and minimally invasive spine surgery techniques. Dr. Lee is actively involved in research projects, as these endeavors help him identify and adopt new technologies and procedures to assist patients in returning to a normal and productive lifestyle. The majority of his patients improve from a multi-disciplinary conservative approach. If surgery is required, the practice specializes in minimally invasive spine surgery, with many procedures performed on an outpatient basis. Dr. Lee and his team welcome the opportunity to provide you with personalized care using the most successful treatment and surgical options available to relieve your neck and back pain.

MODERN SPINE, PLLC 16929 Southwest Freeway, Ste. 100 Sugar Land, TX 77479



713-SPINE-DR • ModernSpineTX.com




Patrick Hsu, MD alwaysyouthful.com

Sean G. Boutros, MD, FACS Houston Plastic Craniofacial & Sinus Surgery myhoustonsurgeons.com

Eric Humble, MD Sugar Land Face & Body Plastic Surgery beautybecomesyou.com

Samir Fakhri, MD, FACS Houston Plastic Craniofacial & Sinus Surgery myhoustonsurgeons.com

Kristi Hustak, MD The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery kristihustakmd.com

Sanaz Harirchian, MD Houston Plastic Craniofacial & Sinus Surgery myhoustonsurgeons.com Arjuna Kuperan, MD Houston Plastic Craniofacial & Sinus Surgery myhoustonsurgeons.com Scott Reis, MD Houston Plastic Craniofacial & Sinus Surgery myhoustonsurgeons.com Regina E. Rodman, MD Houston Plastic Craniofacial & Sinus Surgery myhoustonsurgeons.com

Calvin Jung, MD Premiere Surgical Arts premieresurgicalarts.com Sugene Kim, MD Sgk Plastic Surgery 281-363-4546 Robert Kratschmer, MD mysurgeonforbeauty.com Ernest G Layton, MD Layton Aesthetic drernestlayton.com Richard Leconey, MD Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine & Skin Spa antiaginginstitute.com

Erika Sato, MD, FACS Houston Plastic Craniofacial & Sinus Surgery myhoustonsurgeons.com

Edward Lee, MD Elee Plastic Surgery eleeplasticsurgery.com


Christopher Livingston, MD Livingston Plastic Surgery drchrislivingston.com

Victor Atun, MD Texas Oculoplastic & Plastic Surgeons, P.A. topsdoc.com

Rafael Lugo, MD, Methodist Surgical Associates drlugo.com

Jason R Bailey, MD 281-741-5910

Thomas Mc Hugh, MD Mc Hugh Plastic Surgery mchughplasticsurgery.com

Mark Barlow, MD drmarkbarlow.com C. Bob Basu, MD, MPH, FACS Basu Plastic Surgery basuplasticsurgery.com Edward Berzin, MD drberzin.com James Boynton, MD, FACS Boynton Plastic Surgery boyntonplasticsurgery.com Rodger Brown, MD Institute for Reconstructive Surgery houstonmethodist.org/doctor/ rodger-brown Camille G Cash, MD, PA camillecashmd.com Wilberto Cortes, MD Rejuvenus Aesthetics rejucvenusaesthetics.com Olivier Deigni, MD The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery mybeautifulbody.com Courtney El-Zokm, MD The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery mybeautifulbody.com Warren Ellsworth IV, MD Ellsworth Plastic Surgery ellsworthplasticsurgery.com Warren Ellsworth IV, MD Ellsworth Plastic Surgery 713-441-8082 Paul Fortes, MD, FICS The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery mybeautifulbody.com Paul Gill, MD Gill Plastic Surgery 281-853-5308 Jason Hall, MD, FACS Houston Plastic & Craniofacial Surgery drjasonhall.com


Clayton L. Moliver, MD Houston Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery drmoliver.com Wesley T. Myers, MD Myers Plastic Surgery myersplasticsurgery.com German Newall, MD, FACS, FICS The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery mybeautifulbody.com John Nguyen, MD Sugar Land Plastic Surgery mybodysurgeon.com Christopher Patronella, MD The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery patronellamd.com Norman Rappaport, MD, FACS Houston Center for Plastic Surgery normanrappaportmd.com Rukmini Vinaya Rednam, MD Houston Plastic Craniofacial & Sinus Surgery myhoustonsurgeons.com Craig S. Rock, MD, FACS drcraigrock.com Kendall Roehl, MD Memorial Plastic Surgery memorialplasticsurgery.com Ravi Somayazula DO Body By Ravi Plastic Surgery & Aesthetics 281-242-1061 Aldona Speigel, MD Institute for Reconstructive Surgery breastrestoration.org Robert Steely, MD Steely Plastic Surgery drsteely.com Philip Straka, MD 281-540-8044


Sam M Sukkar, MD Sukkar Aesthetic Plastic Surgery 281-990-8487

Dina Bramipour D, MD, MS Moberi Dental Specialists moberidentalapecialists.com

Kristi Sumpter DO, FACOS, FAACS Winds of Change Cosmetic Surgery Specialists drsumpter.com

Savita Brenner, DDS 713-682-7233

Jacob Varon, MD, PA 713-790-9090 Paul Vitenas Jr, MD, FACS Vitenas Cosmetic Surgery drvitenas.com Amanda Wickstrand, MD Sugarland Plastic Srgery 281-980-8000 Philip Yosowitz, MD 713-797-1488 COSMETIC/RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY, ACUPUNCTURE Sharon Y Weng MS Oriental Art of Healimg Acupuncture Clinic orientalartofhealing.com COSMETIC/RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY, DERMATOLOGY Payal Patel, MD Dermatological Association of Texas dermtexas.com COSMETIC/RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY, DERMATOLOGY, ENDOCRINOLOGY, GASTROENTEROLOGY Shelena Lalji, MD Dr. Shel Wellness & Medical Spa drshel.com COSMETIC/RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY, FACIAL PLASTIC SURGERY Mennen T. Gallas, MD Gallas Plastic Surgery & Vein Center gallasplasticsurgery.com Krista Olson, MD, FACS Baylor College of Medicine olsonmd.com Franklin Rose, MD UTopia Medspa plasticsurgeryrose.com COSMETIC/RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY, HAND & UPPER EXTREMITY SURGERY

Charles Campbell, DDS 281-479-0852 Anne M. Carpenter, DDS annecarpenterdds.com Anne Chee, DDS westchasedentist.com Cynthia Corral, MD Bayou City Smiles 713-518-1411 Caro Ann Edwards, MD Carol Ann Edwards, DDS, P.A. drcarolannedwards.com Ron Handley, DDS Handley Dental handleydental.com Jason Hullett D, MD Southwest Oral & Implant Surgery sworalandimplant.com Ngoc Khuu, MD Acorn Dental 713-465-0099 Steve Koo, DDS Piney Point Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery 713-783-5560 Kevin Krantz, MD Horwitz Epstein & Krantz 713-666-2333

Michael Crist, DDS michaelcristdds.com Scott Huang, DDS, MS Scott & Jane Orthodontics scottandjane.com Jane Lu D, MD, MS Scott & Jane Orthodontics scottandjane.com DERMATOLOGY Katherine Bell, MD Rabin Greenberg Dermatology rgd.com, rabingreenbergdermatology.com Melissa Bogle, MD The Laser & Cosmetic Surgery Center of Houston lasercosmetic.com Suzanne Bruce, MD Suzanne Bruce & Assoc. sba-skincare.com Lauren Campbell, MD Cypress Dermatology cypressdermatology.com Suneel Chilukuri, MD Refresh Dermatology refreshdermatology.com Audra Clos, MD Houston Skin Associates houstonskin.com Alpesh Desai DO Heights Dermatology & Aesthetic Center heightsskin.com Tejas Desai, MD Heights Dermatology & Aesthetic Center heightsskin.com

Michael Moore, DDS Aesthetic & Comprehensive Dentistry Kelly Duncan, MD of Clear Lake Advanced Dermatology mooreclearlakedentist.com James Morrison D, MD Moberi Dental Specialists moberidentalapecialists.com Brett Murphey, MD Woodlands Family Dental woodlandsdental.com Minhly Nguyen, MD Five Star Dentists - Rosenberg 5stardentists.com B John Nikmard, MD Aesthetic Dentistry Associates adatexas.com

Adaeze Egesi, MD Advanced Dermatology Tarek Fakhouri, MD, FAAD, ACMS Houston Skin Surgery 281-980-0166 Paul Friedman, MD Dermatology & Laser Surgery Center 713-900-3900 Anita Gill, MD Gill Dermatology gilldermatology.com Barry L Harrell, MD Heights Dermatology-aesthetic heightskin.com

David Netscher, MD 713-799-8090

Krupa Patel, MD Southern Charm Dental southernchar, MDental.com


Ronald K. Rich, DDS, MAGD ronrichdds.com

Sharon Hymes, MD MD Anderson Cancer Center MDanderson.org

Matthew Mrazek, MD UTmb Galveston ut, MD.edu

Wesam Salha, MD Galleria Periodontics & Implants 713-784-6065

Sherry Ingraham, MD Advanced Dermatology 281-392-3803


Claudia Tapia, MD westchasedentist.com

Sherry Ingraham, MD Advanced Dermatology 281-980-0166

Raghu Athre, MD Athre Surgical Associates athrefacialplastics.com

Hieu Truong DO Five Star Dentists - Rosenberg 5stardentists.com

David Umansky, MD Aesthetic Dentistry Associates Benjamin Cilento, MD Houston Allergy & Asthma Associates 281-446-4700 texallergy.com Etai Funk, MD Funk Facial Plastic Surgery funkfacialplastics.com

Sharon Minott Warren, MD Bellaire Periodontics 713-636-9734

Michel Siegel, MD houstonfaces.com

Gabriel Yammine, MD Aesthetic Dentistry Associates 281-446-4700



Hamid Atabakhsh, MD Dr. Hamid Atabakhsh Periodontics 281-288-7140

Louis Anderson, MD Anderson Orthodontics drlouisanderson.com

Vijay Bhagia, MD Space Center Orthodontics spacecenterortho.com

Mauricio Arguello, DDS Houston Orthodontics bracesinhouston.com

Reena Jogi, MD Village Dermatology villagedermatologyhouston.com Stephen Laborde, MD Laborde Dermatology labordedermatology.com Stephen Mahoney, MD West Houston Dermatologist 281-558-3376 Rana Mays, MD Houston Skin Associates houstonskin.com Rana Mays, MD Dermatological Association of Texas dermtexas.com Scott Mc Menemy, MD sugarlandderm.com

SCOTT YOUNG, DDS Cosmetic & Implant Dentistry AT THE OFFICES OF SCOTT YOUNG, DDS YOU ARE NOT JUST ANOTHER PATIENT; you are treated as a prominent guest from



the moment you walk in. Dr. Young’s practice is based on a foundation of providing personal attention to every guest. Personalized treatment plans ensure your comfort at every level of service including sedation dentistry, a serenity suite for relaxation, pillows, blankets and noise cancellation headphones. “It is my goal that our patients—our guests—have no anxiety while they are under our care. We utilize advanced technology such as the 3D CT scan for planning and placement of implants,” says Dr. Young. “For those who are a little more apprehensive about visiting a dentist, we have sedation dentistry available.”

A graduate of the University of Texas Dental Branch, Dr. Young focuses on cosmetic and implant dentistry while offering the full spectrum of dental services including teeth whitening, implant supported prosthesis and full smile makeovers. Dr. Young has completed all core courses at LVI for Advanced Dental Studies. In addition, Dr. Young holds fellowship status with the American Dental Implant Association and was named a Super Dentist® in Texas Monthly. “With the most advanced dental technology, a warm and knowledgeable team, and all the amenities necessary to help you feel relaxed and comfortable, our office is the place to receive five-star cosmetic dentistry treatment along with the smile you’ve always wanted,” says Dr. Young.

SCOTT YOUNG, DDS 6769 Lake Woodlands Drive, Ste. G The Woodlands, TX 77382 832-610-3119 • woodlandsdentistry.com



CAMILLE J. GEORGE, MD Texas Orthopedic & Sports Medicine Center FOOTBALL AND TRACK, DR. CAMILLE J. GEORGE knows first-hand

how important maintaining an active lifestyle is for his patients. Specializing in sports medicine and general orthopedics, Dr. George utilizes state-of-the-art arthroscopic, microscopic, robotic and minimally invasive open procedures to prevent scarring and to maximize recovery time, allowing his patients to return to their usual activities within the shortest and safest length of time possible. Dr. George provides operative and non-operative treatments for both general orthopedic and sports medicine conditions to all age groups as well as in office physical therapy. He is a board-certified orthopedic surgeon and a member of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Having treated athletes of all ages from little league to professional sports for nearly 20 years, Dr. George has garnered

TEXAS ORTHOPEDIC & SPORTS MEDICINE CENTER 4126 Southwest Freeway, Ste. 800 Houston, Texas 77027 713-572-0030 • sports-med.com



a wealth of experience in the field of sports medicine. He has worked with the medical team of physicians for the Houston Energy, Houston Cyclones, Houston Rockets and the former Houston Oilers. Conveniently located near The Galleria, Dr. George and his highly competent and considerate staff are within reach from every part of the city. In addition to providing patients with individualized attention and personalized care, Dr. George’s office staff is bilingual in Spanish and is always ready to assist patients with all of their orthopedic needs. EDUCATION: Tulane University, BS; Tulane University School of Medicine, MD; Baylor College of Medicine, surgical internship, orthopedic residency, and sports medicine fellowship






in Hourglass Body Procedures which create voluptuous curves with nontraditional lines. His exclusive procedures include the Hourglass Tummy Tuck, Hourglass Butt Augmentation with fat transfer, Hourglass Butt Implant, Hourglass Hip Procedures, Wonder Breast Lifts and Wonder Breast Reductions. With over 3,000 astonishing before and after images on his website, Dr.

Cortés has unrivaled results. He has also been widely innovative, creating a TV series known as HOURGLASS TV, to help explain his procedures using animations and a superhero concept to introduce his surgical procedures through characters such as Booty Man, Wonder Breasts and more. With more than 15 years of experience, Dr. Cortés, also affectionately known as “Dr. Hourglass,“ has made his mark in the industry.

REJUVENUS AESTHETICS, PA 50 Briar Hollow Lane, Ste. 100 Houston, TX 77027 713-234-6244 • drhourglass.com

Trademarking the phrase “Dr. Hourglass,” Dr. Cortés specializes not only in corrective cosmetic procedures but also innovative cosmetic surgery procedures—and people from across the globe seek his care. For an inside view into Dr. Cortés’ practice, you can visit his Youtube channel (drcortespatients), Facebook (Dr. Wilberto Cortes) and Instagram (Dr_Cortes) pages to see him live in the operating room. To learn more, visit drhourglass.com.






John Morrison, MD Heights Dermatology-aesthetic heightskin.com Elizabeth Mullans, MD Uptown Dermatology drmullans@ uptowndermatologyhouston.com Bruce Nelson, MD Dermatologic Surgery Center of Houston, P.A. dermsurgeryhouston.com Tri H. Nguyen, MD Northwest Diagnostic Clinic nwdiagnostic.com Neda Nosrati, MD Village Dermatology villagedermatologyhouston.com Anthony Perri, MD Perridermatology.com 936-522-4966 Jennifer Peterson, MD 713-900-3900 Jennifer Peterson Suzanne Bruce & Assoc. 713-622-0012

EMERGENCY MEDICINE Sara Andrabi, MD Baylor College of Medicine bcm.edu Adam Corley, MD brazosportregional.org Joshua Feinstein, MD Memorial Hermann 713-242-3000 Richard Jacobson, MD Tmwh 281-737-1002 Kenneth Margolis, MD Neighbors Emergency Center nec24.com Kenneth Margolis, MD Neighbors Emergency Room nec24.com

Jimmy Schmidt, MD Jimmy Schmidt Dermatology 281-444-1288 Kimberly Smith, MD Uptown Dermatology 713-623-2336 Karan Sra, MD Dermatological Association of Texas 713-818-8818 Paul Subrt, MD Westside Dermatology katywestsidedermatology.com Craig F Teller, MD Bellaire Dermatology Associates bda-derm.com Valencia Thomas, MD MD Anderson Cancer Center MDAnderson.org Stephen Tyring, MD Houston Skin Associates dermtexas.com Janee Wimberly, MD Uptown Dermatology 713-623-2336 DERMOPATHOLOGY Jaime Tschen, MD St Joseph Dermatopathology sjmctx.com DISEASES AND SURGERY OF THE RETINA AND VITREOUS Rosa Y Kim, MD Retinal Consultants of Houston houstonretina.com

EMERGENCY MEDICINE, FAMILY PRACTICE, GERIATRICS, HOSPITAL MEDICINE Donald R. Hearn, MD Northshore Medical Assoc. 281-457-2236 EMERGENCY MEDICINE, INTERVENTIONAL PAIN MEDICINE Mark Filley, MD Disc Spine Center discspinecenter.com ENDOCRINOLOGY Nicola Abate, MD UTmb (800)917-8906 Ridha Arem, MD, PA Texas Thyroid Institute thyroidwellness.com Manisha Chandalia, MD Bay Area Metabolic Health 281-724-1231 Desai, MD Houston Thyroid houstonendocrine.com Fareed Elhaj, MD Houston Thyroid houstonendocrine.com Rocio A. Harbison, MD Advance Endocrinology & Diabetes Clinic endocrinologyhouston.com Medhavi Jogi, MD Houston Thyroid houstonendocrine.com Reshma Markan, MD Advanced Endocrinology & Diabetes Clinic endocrinologyhouston.com Yomna T. Monla, MD Fondren Orthopedic Group 713-799-2300 Phillip Orlander, MD University of Texas 832-325-7161 Steven Petak, MD Texas Institute for Reproductive Medicine & Endocrinology hormoneproblems.com


ENDOCRINOLOGY, PEDIATRICS David Paul, MD Texas Children∆s Hospital 832-822-3670 ENDODONTICS


Iris Polinger, MD, PHD dririspolinger.com

Samantha Robare, MD Houston Skin Associates houstonskin.com

Michelle A Zaniewski-Singh, MD,FACP, FACE, CCD, CMES Endocrine Consultants of Texas drzaniewski-singh.yourmd.com

Setul Patel, MD, MBA, FAAEM Neighbors 713-669-9900

Prasad Yitta, MD Nova Medical 713-681-9100

Sheri L Ratoosh, MD, PHD Southeast Dermatology, P.A. 281-481-0033

Neel Shah, MD 713-486-1200

David Wan, DDS, MS Contemporary Endodontics 832-659-0977

Rajeev Pethe, MD 713-249-6590

Ronald P Rapini, MD Univ of Texas 713-500-8260

Avni Shah, MD UT Physicians 713-486-1200

Myles C. Mc Clelland, MD Memorial Hermann 713-704-4000

Sarah Pinney, MD UT Physicians med.uth.edu/dermatology/

Jennifer Presna, MD Uptown Dermatology 713-623-2336

Sheldon Rubenfeld, MD, FACP, FACE coulditbemythyroid.com


Wesley Mayer, MD Baylor College of Medicine FACIAL PLASTIC SURGERY Anthony E. Brissett, MD, FACS Houston Methodist Facial Plastic Surgey Associates bcm.edu/facialplasticcenter Kent G. Davis, MD Texas Facial Plastic Surgery texasfps.com W. Marshall Guy, MD Dr. Guy Facial Plastic Surgery drguyfacialplastics.com Russell W.H. Kridel, MD, FACS Facial Plastic Surgery Associates todaysface.com Henry Mentz, MD, FACS, FICS The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery mybeautifulbody.com Angela Sturm, MD, FACS Facial Plastic Surgery Associates drsturmobrien.com & todaysface. com FAMILY COSMETIC, ORTHADONTICS Elizabeth Carrillo, MD A & E Dental 281-955-8017 FAMILY PRACTICE

Ashley Berniard, MD Millennium Physicians Association, PLLC millenniumphysiciansassociation.com Cindy N Berthelot, MD Houston Institute-dermatology 281-480-7272 Hollis E Bivens, MD 713-956-6407 Lindsay Botsford, MD Physicians at Sugar Creek psc.memorialhermann.org George E Brannon, MD Brannon George, MD, PLLC 713-694-2273 Beau Briese, MD (310)890-7604 Nicholas J Bryant, MD 281-904-1854 Veronica Bugenhagen, MD Northwest Diagnostic Clinic 281-465-1765 Joseph H Buie, MD New Age Medical Clinic 713-722-0333 Carrie Burns, MD Carrie Burns,, MD Family Practice 281-422-4141 Tiffany Burns, MD Methodist Primary Care Associates, P.A. 281-737-0899 Amy Cadis, MD 713-790-3333 Mary Campbell-Fox, MD Campbell Family Practice 281-484-5516 Steven E Canfield, MD 713-566-5080 Nora L Cantu, MD Family Practice Associates 281-565-2800 Stacey Ann Carter, MD 713-745-0166 Nicolau J Chamma, MD International Sos Assistance 713-521-7611 Christine Cheng, MD 713-526-1220 Jonathan C Cheng, MD 281-837-7600 Javier Chinen, MD 281-825-2561

Aymer Al-Mutairi, MD Baylor College of Medicine bcm.edu

Albert J Chua, MD 713-982-7071

Adam S Alli, MD 713-242-4046

Claudia Cotes, MD 713-428-1098

Kenneth M Alo, MD 713-796-3209

Tim A Crist, DDS Crist Family Dental cristfamilydental.com

Monika S Ayyar DO 713-426-2400 Ronald W Baggett, MD St Michael's 24 Hour Emergency 281-980-4357 Maria J Balerdi, MD 713-589-9159 Paola C Batista, MD 713-338-4523 Steven Becker, MD 281-670-5578 Maria Berdayes DO Millennium Physicians Association, PLLC millenniumphysiciansassociation.com

George M Davis, MD Parkway Er 832-761-7894 Anne Marie Ponce De Leon, MD Sugar Lakes Family Practice sugarlakesfamilypractice.com Christopher Derenzo, MD 832-824-6856 Darrell R Dixon, MD 713-586-9289 Son Bao Duong, MD Spring Branch Cmnty Health Ctr 713-462-6555 Wentworth G Eaton, MD Emergency Physical Training 832-813-8451

Elizabeth M Edwards, MD 936-273-9399 Richard Erickson DO 979-798-2747 Brittany Faron, MD 713-486-5870 Clive Fields, MD Maria Ruiz 281-302-9754 Brent W Galloway Jr, MD (918)891-8231 Shelleyanne Giddings, MD Kelsey-Seybold Clinic 713-442-4100 Roy H. Gillick, MD Grand Park Medical Clinic 281-392-2222 Michael E Glasscock, MD (612)940-6132 Debra Gomach, MD Cornerstone Rehab & Spine 832-730-4657 Grady L Hallman, MD 713-533-0535 Steven L Harris, MD 832-393-5005 Debra K Harvey, MD Houston Methodist Family Medicine 713-790-3140 Lisa Hauser, MD Kelsey-Seybold Clinic Executive Health Karina Heath, MD Medspring Urgent Care 832-548-4420 Jonathan W Hemmert, MD 281-453-7150 George W Hetherington, MD 713-461-9957 Christina T Ho, MD Lone Star Family Health 832-246-8700 Edgar A Hulipas, MD 281-595-3465 Stephen H Hunt, MD Kindred Hospital-bay Area 281-991-5463 Jaime Hurtado, MD 713-740-5300 Kathy Hwu, MD Texas Children's Health Ctr 281-282-1900 Huma Iftikhar, MD Texas Family Practice 281-854-9911 Isabelle F Jeffress, MD Pear Tree Medical Associates 281-412-6700 Nan Jiang, MD Dairy Ashford Family Practice 281-754-0200 Justine R Johnson, MD 281-705-5227 Dana D Jowers, MD Tcpa Friendswood 281-482-3486 Monica Kalra, MD Physicians at Sugar Creek psc.memorialhermann.org Monica Kalra, MD Memorial Hermann memorialfammed.org Amber R Kazi, MD 832-658-3010

DRS. ANITA & PAUL GILL Dermatology & Plastic Surgery

ONE OF THE FEW PRACTICES IN THE COUNTRY TO OFFER A BOARD CERTIFIED DERMATOLOGIST AND PLASTIC SURGEON PRIMARILY FOCUSED AND EXPERIENCED IN AESTHETICS. The first tenant of their practice is patient education. Drs. Gills' practice philosophy is centered on proactive patient care. They want to ensure that you understand your options and the science behind your treatment or procedure recommended. As your neighbors, they also hold your privacy in the highest regard. “We are both Texas Medical Center-trained, and we cherish and love this community,” says Dr. Anita Gill. Drs. Gill believe that you deserve a boutique, personal atmosphere where you are able to have all of your concerns addressed in a single room, whether it be your skin care




regimen to botox to surgery consultation. Dr. Anita Gill is one of a select few dermatologists specializing in cosmetic dermatology, and she personally administers all injections, while Dr. Paul Gill focuses on facial aging and post-pregnancy/ post-weight loss body contouring surgery, a craft that he has honed over decades. The Gill Center for Plastic Surgery and Dermatology is a go-to resource for patients seeking the best training and top-of-the-line treatments. They believe their combined experience allows them to provide results beyond what they could achieve individually. They encourage and recommend patients to review their website, before and after photos, and reviews. They welcome the opportunity to educate you and treat you like family.

THE GILL CENTER 9200 Pinecroft Dr., Ste. 460 and Ste. 465 The Woodlands, TX 77380 281-853-5308 • drpaulgill.com






Isaac R Kirk, MD 713-358-0562 Bruce C Kone, MD Da Vita Inc 713-675-4794 Liza Jo Leal, MD meridianmedicaldental.com Scott H Lin, MD 281-727-0076 Rene I Lopez Jr, MD Clinica Las Americas 713-645-4362 Richard Lyn-Cook, MD 713-497-0980 Benjamin S Magnus-Lawson, MD 713-928-8188 Nicole Mc Ginty, MD 281-648-4800 Donald V Mc Graw DO First Choice Emergency Room 281-884-8700 Juliet M Mc Kee, MD Family Medicine Clinic - Island (409)744-4030 Ricky M Mc Shane DO Occucare Industrial Medicine 713-802-0801 Juanetta Mercier, MD 713-794-9104 Dorothy Merritt, MD St. Elizabeth's Urgent Care & Family Practice 713-482-4535 B Christoph Meyer, MD Methodist 713-863-1137 Tiffany L Morgan DO 281-359-5711 Debra Moses, MD Millennium Geoup 281-359-2080 Marcela Navarro-Holgui, MD 832-673-7479 Anne W Ngobia DO Agata Kubis-ameriprise Fin Svc 713-954-4940 Michael Noel, MD Village Family Practice villagefamilypractice.com/ourproviders/mich Alan E Nolasco, MD 713-662-3199 Austin A Orette, MD 281-964-2911 Connie L Pham, MD Center for Interated Medicine 713-272-8858 Theodore S Piliszek, MD Advanced Health & Wellness 281-469-4156 Anthony Popek, MD Town & Country Family Physicians townandcountryfamilyphysicians.com Jessen A Rajan, MD 281-276-0653 Olga E Reavill, MD Doctors Clinic Woodridge 337-255-4081 Mark D Reimer, MD 631-240-7802 Melissa Rodriguez, MD 713-522-5355

Mary Sandoval, MD 713-988-1398 Shannon Schrader, MD The Schrader Clinic 713-526-7736 Paul Shepard, MD Hse Medical Associates hsemedicalassociates.com Anupam Sidhu, MD Methodist Primary Care Associates methodistwillowbrook.com Eboni Smith, MD 832-822-3400 Sharon A Smith, MD Ob-gyn Care 713-697-8555 Stephen Spann, MD Baylor Clinic baylorclinic.com David W Spinks DO Medical Screening Clinic 713-944-9830 Paula L Springer, MD Cy-fair Med Partners 281-443-8226 Lauren Sum, MD Sum Lauren 713-340-3030 Jeremy Szeto DO drszeto.com Sherine W Tadros, MD Urgent Care, MDs 281-428-0000 Rosa Ana Tang, MD 832-831-7438 Ralph Tharp, MD Texas Gulf Coast Medical 281-604-1300 Meghan Thomeer DO 713-462-6545 Katherine S Timmins, MD East Central Dialysis Ctr 713-926-3394 Ashley D Toutounchi, MD 713-337-2880 Rodney B Trimble DO 281-543-9458 John Vanderzyl, MD Sugar Lakes Family Practice sugarlakesfamilypractice.com Namita Verma, MD Spring Valley Primary Care springvalleyprimarycare.com Yun Wang, MD UT Physicians utphysicians.com/provider/yunwang/ John Frank White III, MD (409)766-6977 Samuel E Willis, MD Martin Luther King Jr Health 713-547-1000 Robert G Woodrome, MD 281-689-6901 Ghazal Iftikhar Zafar, MD Memorial Hermann 713-566-3900 FAMILY PRACTICE, INTERNAL MEDICINE Heidi L. Matus, MD, FACP Houston Methodist Specialty Physician Group houstonmethodist.org

Michael C Rzasnicki, MD Barnard Family Health Centers barnardfhc.com



FAMILY PRACTICE, PEDIATRICS Jesus Mayor Jr, MD Gulf Bank Medical Clinic 281-447-7614 FAMILY PRACTICE, PRIMARY CARE SPORTS MEDICINE Steven Dennis, MD Www.docdennismd.com docdennismd.com FAMILY PRACTICE, SPORTS MEDICINE

Menreet Kaur, MD Baylor College of Medicine Dang Nguyen, MD Greater Houston Gastroenterology ghgastro.com Ola Otulana DO Digestive & Liver Disease Consultants, P.A. txgidocs.com Kalpesh Patel, MD Baylor Gastroenterology baylorclinic.com

Waquar Qureshi, MD Vijay Jotwani, MD Baylor Methodist Center for Sports Medicine 281-296-8788 methodistsportsmed.com FAMILY PRACTICE, WEIGHT LOSS (BARIATRIC), AEROSPACE MEDICINE Arthur T. Hadley III, MD Smart Medical fitslim.com GASTROENTEROLOGY Chami Amaratunge, MD Greater Houston Gastroenterology ghgastro.com Harshinie Amaratunge, MD Greater Houston Gastroenterology ghgastro.com Ramu Chalasani, MD Digestive & Liver Disease Consultants, P.A. gimed.net Nizar Charafeddine, MD Greater Houston Gastroenterology greaterhoustongastroenterology. com Reena Chokshi, MD Memorial Hermann - TMC Gastroenterology 713-704-3450 Daniel Darmadi, MD Gastroenterology Consultants, P.A. gastroconsultants.com Robert Davis, MD, FACG, FACP, AGAF Greater Houston Gastroenterology Ofor Ewelukwa, MD Digestive & Liver Disease Consultants, P.A. txgidocs.com Steven Fein, MD, FACG Digestive Health Center digestivehealth.cc Keith Fiman, MD, FACG Greater Houston Gastroenterology ghgastro.com Leka Gajula, MD HoustonColonoscopy.com 281-565-1009 Alan P Glombicki, MD Houston Digestive Disease Consultants 713-777-2555

Ayyam Raghuthaman, MD Physicians Endoscopy Services pec-tx.com Suresh Rajendran, MD Gastroenterology Consultants, P.A. gastroconsultants.com Guru N. Reddy, MD Digestive & Liver Disease Consultants, P.A. gimed.net Stanley H Stein, MD Fort Bend Gastroenterology drstanleystein.com Ali Tarkan Dural, MD, FACG Digestive Consultants dsnhc.com

Nadim Jafri, MD Memorial Hermann Medical Group memorialhermann.org/doctors/ gastroenterol Scott A. Larson, MD Digestive & Liver Disease Consultants gimed.net Spencer Li, MD Houston Gastroenterology 281-647-6667

Tan Pham, DDS Five Star Dentists 5stardentists.com GENERAL PRACTICE Adolfo J Ordonez, MD Clinicas Mi Doctor clinicasmidoctor.com GENERAL SURGERY Ata Ahmad, MD Ata Ahmad ataahmadmd.com Aaron S Ashton, MD Titan Men's Health 832-738-1913 Luis Baez, MD 832-472-5892 Jose J Barreto, MD Preferred Foot Specialist 713-533-0840 Robert John Bernard, MD (717)903-8900 Dan P Browder, MD 713-223-0838 Brigitte B Brown, MD Healthworks Med Group-tx 713-388-5300

Douglas Thurman, MD Digestive & Liver Disease Consultants Sam J Buser PHD gimed.net 281-217-6811

J. Guillermo Trabanino, MD, FACG Russell D Calvo, MD Greater Houston Gastroenterology 713-462-3194 Steven Ugbarugba, MD Hope Digestive & Liver Disease Clinic of Houston 832-237-0000 Joseph Usta, MD Digestive & Liver Disease Consultants, P.A. gimed.net Barry Winston, MD Greater Houston Gastroenterology greaterhoustongastroenterology.com Muhammad B Zafar, MD Medical Clinic of Houston Llp mchllp.co GENERAL DENTISTRY Elsa Mammen, DDS Graceful Smiles Dentistry gracefulsmilesdentistry.com Basil Moukarim, DDS Dental Illusions 281-444-1755 George Saliba, DDS Dental Illusions 713-528-3326 GENERAL DENTISTRY, FAMILY DENTISTRY

Dhaval Thakkar D, MD Howard Hamat, MD Digestive & Liver Disease Consultants Alvin Smiles alvinfamilydentistry.com gimed.net Sanjiv Harpavat, MD Texas Childrens Hospital - Pediatric Gasteroenterology texaschildrens.org/departments/ gastroente


Kyle Todd, DDS Cypress Springs Family Dentistry cypressspringsdentistry.com GENERAL DENTISTRY, FAMILY DENTISTRY, AESTHETIC DENTISTRY, DENTAL IMPLANTS John Varghese, DDS Advanced Dentistry sugarlandcosmeticdentist.com

Gene Chapman, MD Chapman Chiropractic 281-292-9992 Paul C Chin, MD Sterling Ridge Orthopaedics 281-364-1122 John Thomas Cottingham, MD Texas Gulf Coast Medical Group 281-488-0082 John W Davis, MD 936-441-1010 Stephen Fadem, MD Fadem Stephen 713-973-2181 Philip Lynn Farley, MD 281-913-3550 Shawna Fugler, MD Memorial Hermann Surgical Hosp 281-312-4000 Letosha E Gale, MD South Texas Medical Clinics 281-344-0207 Billy R Gilbert II, MD 832-381-2441 Philip H Greger Jr, MD 281-882-8000 Amy Lindsay Howe, MD 832-237-1000 Paul James, MD Metropolitan Houston Surgery Associates mhsurgeryassociates.com Cheryl K Johnson, MD Body Balance Chiro & Wellness 281-890-5599 Allen H Kline, MD 713-782-2770 Ted A Kovacev, MD Advanced Surgical Care 979-299-0011



















plastic surgery—the techniques they’ve developed, the safety standards they’ve instituted, and the research they’ve published— have made ACPS the gold-standard in plastic surgery in the eyes of many. ACPS was named the Best Aesthetic Practice in Texas at the 2016 My Face My Body Awards, based upon the votes of an elite international judging panel. Performing more than 8,000 face, breast and body cosmetic plastic surgery procedures a year—ACPS surgeons draw patients from around the globe because of their

finesse in blending artistry with surgical precision, advanced technology and research in a caring environment. Surgeries are conducted at ACPS’s expansive state-of-the-art private surgery center, which includes 4 operating rooms and a team of highly-skilled medical professionals who’ve been handselected by ACPS surgeons. ACPS offers women and men a wide variety of nonsurgical treatments for the face and body at its elegant Spa & Rejuvenation Centers, which are located at the group’s two office locations. Guests can relax and renew while ACPS’ talented aesthetic nurses and skin care specialists deliver procedures and products individually-tailored to get the best results possible with little to no downtime required.








12727 Kimberley Ln., Ste. 300

4400 Post Oak Pkwy., Ste. 300


Houston, TX 77024

Houston, TX 77027






MICHAEL L. EISEMANN, MD Eisemann Plastic Surgery Center

DR. MICHAEL EISEMANN IS HOUSTON’S PREMIER TRIPLE BOARD CERTIFIED PLASTIC SURGEON, former president of the Houston Society of Plastic Surgeons and listed in the “GUIDE TO TOP DOCTORS” as a top-rated plastic surgeon in Texas. He has been practicing in the heart of the Medical Center for over 20 years. Dr. Eisemann performs advanced techniques in body contouring, liposuction, tummy tuck and breast enhancement procedures. In addition to Plastic Surgery, he is also Board Certified in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, and Head and Neck Surgery, making him uniquely qualified for facial rejuvenation procedures. He has come to be known for keeping Houston’s elite looking their best by raising eyebrows and eyelids, tightening the face and neck, contouring the lips and cheeks, and reshaping the nose while improving breathing. Dr. Eisemann uses the latest technology in video imaging, morphometric analysis and uses Anatomic Form Stable breast implants for breast augmentation with custom trial sizes. Patients may visualize their new look before surgery. Most procedures are done in his state-of-the-art, national certified Eisemann Plastic Surgery Center inside Smith Tower, conveniently connected to the Marriott Medical Center Hotel for out of town patients. Dr. Eisemann is an assistant clinical professor at Baylor College of Medicine and Weil Cornell Medical School and is on the teaching faculty of the Methodist Hospital and Baylor Plastic Surgery Residency Programs. He was trained at Johns Hopkins in Head and Neck Surgery, Yale in General Surgery and Baylor in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. He is Fellowship trained in craniofacial surgery at the Hospital for Sick Children Toronto, Canada. These are among the top national residency training programs.

EISEMANN PLASTIC SURGERY CENTER 6550 Fannin, Ste. 2119 Houston, TX 77030





713-790-1771 • cosmeticsurgeryhouston.com


Having graduated number one from his high school, college, and Baylor College of Medicine medical school, and having completed his facial plastic surgery fellowship under the world renowned E. Gaylon McCollough, Dr. Guy brings his skills and knowhow to The Woodlands, Texas. He specializes in all areas of rejuvenation and reconstruction of the face and neck, including non-surgical and minimally invasive options. This includes lasers, chemical peels, injectable treatments like Botox and fillers, as well as his newest addition to the practice, EmbraceRF, which is a minimally invasive facial lifting procedure. Dr. Guy knows that everyone ages differently and that there is no one size fits all when it comes to restoring a youthful appearance. And restoring beauty is as much about improving the aesthetic appearance as it is improving one’s overall health. This is why each patient is carefully evaluated at the time of consultation to determine what the best treatment at this stage of life is. If the condition is the result of aging, trauma, or the effects of skin cancer, Dr. Guy can help restore a more aesthetic appearance.

DR. GUY FACIAL PLASTIC SURGERY 128 Vision Park Blvd., Ste. 150 Shenandoah, TX 77384



832-956-1040 • DrGuyFacialPlastics.com



Richard Lee, MD Methodist Center - Orthopaedic 832-982-1820 Philip Leggett, MD drleggett.com Henry L Liaw, MD First Choice Er 281-778-4250 Paul G Loubser, MD 281-242-3060 Tommy Maoz, MD Katy Emergency Ctr (917)697-1135 Lynette Mazure, MD 713-873-6860 Matthew Minson, MD 281-784-4700

Van-hien Tran, MD 281-578-8787 Gregory Wing, MD (409)772-1911 Chaethana Yalamanchili, MD 713-542-8145 Julie Beth Yelin, MD Choose Health Wellness Ctr 832-380-9800 GENERAL SURGERY, BARIATRIC SURGERY Guillermo Ponce De Leon, MD Southwest Surgical Associates southwestsurgical.com GENERAL SURGERY, PEDIATRIC AND FETAL SURGERY

Darrell Cass, MD Baylor Pediatric Surgery Lee M. Morris, MD, FACS Methodist Minimally Invasive Surgical texaschildrens.org/locate/doctors/ cass,-darre Associates 713-790-3140 Michael Morris, MD Surgical Associates 281-312-8540 Joseph Naoum, MD Tmh Physicians Organization 713-441-7963 Howard Ng, MD (512)323-5359 Jose Ortega, MD, FACS ortegasurgery.com Gabriela Pasztor, MD Inner Wisdom Inc 713-592-9292 Carlos M Plasencia, MD Mann Eye Institute 281-392-3937 Miguel A Ramirez-Colon, MD Concentra Urgent Care 713-675-4777

GENERAL SURGERY, PEDIATRIC SURGERY Kanika Bowen-Jallow, MD UTmb utmbhealth.com/services/gene Ravi Radhakrishnan, MD UTmb utmbhealth.com/services/gene Sifrance Tran, MD UTmb utmbhealth.com/services/gene GENERAL, COLON/RECTAL SURGERY Monira Hamid Kundi, MD 281-427-7305 GERIATRICS Renee Flores, MD UT Physicians med.uth.edu/internalmedicine/fac

Patrick Reardon, MD GERIATRICS, PSYCHIATRY, Methodist Minimally Invasive Surgical GEROPSYCHIATRY Associates methodisthealth.com Vineeth John, MD UThealth Harris County Psychiatric Javier A Rios, MD Center All American Orthopedic 713-741-5050 281-286-9591 Wade Rosenberg, MD Texas Surgical Associates texassurgical.com Frank J Ruda, MD 713-453-3521 Susan Schafer, MD Baycliff Family Healthcare Inc 281-559-1122 Gustavo Schvartsman, MD 832-374-0634 David P Schwartz DO Medcure 713-643-3405 Candace P Siegel, MD Kelsey-Seybold Clinic 713-442-4300 Alexandra Simotas, MD Tx Or Assists Llc 832-883-9972 Terrell Ann Singleton, MD 281-232-1800 Felix Spiegel, MD 281-419-4161 Phillip Sutton, MD Tops Surgical Specialty Hospital tops-hospital.com Jennie Tran, MD Bayou City Dental 281-464-9901


GYNECOLOGIC ONCOLOGY Joshua Kilgore, MD Houston Methodist Gynecologic Oncology Associates houstonmethodist.org/doctor/ joshua-kilgore

HEMATOLOGY Anneliese Gonzalez, MD Memorial Hermann 713-799-9244 HEMATOLOGY, ONCOLOGY Annie Su, MD Medical Clinic of Houston, L.l.p. 713-526-5511

IMPLANT Lindsay Tilger, DDS Tilger Sedation Dentistry 281-480-6600 INFECTIOUS DISEASE Lucas Blanton, MD UTmb Galveston utmb.edu Luis Castillo, MD North Houston Infectious Disease 281-444-9590 Timothy Chen DO Houston Center for Infectious Diseases 281-444-1303 Vipul Desai, MD Houston Center for Infectious Diseases houstoncenterfor infectiousdiseases.com Ashley L. Drews, MD Methodist 713-441-6360 Victor Fainstein, MD Houston Methodist Infectious Diseases 713-799-9997 Philip H. Keiser, MD UTmb Galveston utmb.edu Alfred Scott Lea, MD UTmb - Galveston utmb.edu Peter Melby, MD UTmb Galveston utmb.edu


Netanya UTay, MD UTmb Galveston utmb.edu

David Hildreth, MD UT Ortho 281-344-1715 Thomas Mehlhoff, MD Fondren Orthopedic Group, L.l.p. fondren.com


Candice Perfetto, MD, FACOG Center of Reproductive Medicine infertilitytexas.com

Jerry Sims, MD Center of Reproductive Medicine infertilitytexas.com

Juan C Sarria, MD UTmb Galveston utmb.edu

Nicholas Fiore II, MD, FACS Cy-fair Hand & Wrist Surgical Associates cyfairhandandwrist.com

Mamta Jain, MD Advanced Internal Medicine of The Woodlands, P.A. texasinternalmedicine.com

Howard P. Monsour Jr, MD Methodist Academic Medicine Associates 713-441-0006

Gregory Eads, MD Women's Centre for Well Being drgeads.com


James Nodler, MD Houston IVF houstonivf.net

Vicki Schnell, MD Center of Reproductive Medicine infertilitytexas.com


Rashid Rashid, MD, PHD, FAAD 713-234-6789

Thang Hoang, MD Vitalcare Medical 281-482-9994


Leonardo Palau, MD Houston Center for Infectious Diseases houstoncenterfor infectiousdiseases.com

Bernard Arocha, MD Arocha Hair Restoration Houston My Dream Team 713-526-4247

Manubai Nagamani, MD Houston Bay Area Fertility Center houstonbayareafertilitycenter.com

Arthur Clinton White Jr, MD UTmb - Galveston utmb.edu

Wei-hua Wang PHD Houston Fertility Institute hfi-ivf.com Jason Yeh, MD Houston Fertility Institute hfi-ivf.com INFERTILITY, OBSTETRICS/ GYNECOLOGY Shannon Crowe, MD Sweetwater Ob/gyn sweetwaterobgyn.com/dr-crowe/ INTERNAL & AEROSPACE MEDICINE Serena Aunon-Chancellor, MD UTmb INTERNAL MEDICINE Rakshanda Aslam, MD Houston Methodist Primary Care Group 713-363-8055 Ketti Awad, MD Houston Methodist Primary Care Group 713-363-8055 Janel Beatie, MD Tomball Internal Medicine Associates 281-516-0212 Norman Berkman, MD Internl Medicine 713-797-9933 Megan Berman, MD UTmb Galveston (409)772-2222 James Carroll, MD The Carroll Clinic carrollclinic.com Susan M Cochran, MD 713-795-4847 William Couch, MD Northwest Diagnostic Clinic 281-440-5300 Sheridan Diaz, MD Pearland Healthcare 713-436-4333 Natalie Dryden, MD Methodist Primary Care 713-394-6724

Anuradha Kantamani, MD Vincent Kau, MD 281-558-5558 James Krause, MD Northwest Diagnostic Clinic 281-440-5300 Dave Mc Neill III, MD Northwest Diagnostic Clinic nwdiagnostic.com James Muntz, MD Primary Care at Smith Tower sleh.com Kishore Patcha, MD UTmb utmbhealth.com Vipul M Patel, MD Southmore Medical Clinic 713-475-1933 Sridevi Pavuluri, MD 281-534-9050 Zenith Pierre, MD Memorial Hermann West Medical Group 713-383-4950 Martin Poliak, MD Medical Clinic of Houston 713-526-5511 Russell Radoff, MD Medical Clinic of Houston mchllp.com/mch/homepage.shtm Cheng Ruan, MD Texas Center for Lifestyle Medicine 713-690-1991 Shari Rubin, MD Houston Methodist Primary Care Group 713-441-9040 Agha S Saleem, MD 713-861-8889 Cynthia Savage, MD Tomball Regional Internal Med 281-516-0212 Joshua Septimus, MD Houston Methodist Primary Care Group houstonmethodist.org/pcg Jennifer Everett Smith, MD Emcare at East Houston Regional Medical Center hca.org John Smith, MD Smith & Klein 281-597-8555 Zachary J Smith, MD 281-597-8555 Amie Sun-Wright, MD, PHD, CCD Northwest Diagnostic Clinic 281-440-5300


Ike Eni, MD Enihealthcare doctoreni.com

John Crochet Jr, MD, FACOG Center of Reproductive Medicine infertilitytexas.com

Stephen Fillman, MD Northwest Diagnostic Clinic nwdiagnostic.com

Dr. Anu Kathiresan, MD Center of Reproductive Medicine 281-332-0073

William Fridley, MD Northwest Diagnostic Clinic 281-440-5300


Laurie Mc Kenzie, MD Houston IVF houstonivf.net

Denis Galindo, MD Northwest Diagnostic Clinic nwdc.com

Jocelyn Szeto, MD UT Orthopedics ut-ortho.com

Katherine Mc Knight, MD Houston IVF houstonivf.net

Matthew Harbison, MD Memorial Hermann Hospital 713-704-9389

INTERNAL MEDICINE, PULMONOLOGY Richard Pohil, MD Memorial Clinical Associates

LEKA GAJULA, MD Gastroenterology

(DIPLOMATE) specializing in the treatment of digestive diseases

like indigestion, heartburn, gas/bloating, irritable bowel disease, constipation, diarrhea, anemia, rectal bleeding, stomach, intestine and colon problems, swallowing disorders, hepatitis, pancreatic problems and more. She performs gastrointestinal endoscopy, colonoscopy and other procedures at several Houston area hospitals. Dr. Gajula completed her residency in Internal Medicine at the University of Illinois, Chicago and her Fellowship in Gastroenterology from the University of Texas in Galveston. Dr. Gajula has published several articles in prestigious, peer-reviewed journals.

At Colon Liver Gastro Consultants, Dr. Leka Gajula’s practice offers comprehensive treatment options relating to all aspects of gastroenterology such as reflux disease, Barrett’s esophagus, ulcer disease, diarrhea, abdominal pain, celiac disease, irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, hemorrhoids, constipation and cancer screening. She has two offices, one located at Methodist Hospital Sugar Land and another in West Houston/Katy, Texas. The staff is highly competent, considerate, bilingual and ready to assist patients with all of their gastroenterology needs. Dr. Gajula can perform in-house hemorrhoid banding procedures to treat hemorrhoids; she also has an infusion suite in each office.

COLON LIVER GASTRO CONSULTANTS 16651 Southwest Fwy., Ste. 370 Sugar Land, TX 77479

2222 Greenhouse Rd., Ste. 900 Houston, TX 77084




281-565-1009 • HoustonColonoscopy.com



LAPAROSCOPIC SURGERY Sherman Yu, MD Texas Laparoscopic Consultants 713-893-5141 MATERAL/FETAL MEDICINE, OBSTETRICS/GYNECOLOGY Catherine Eppes, MD Baylor College of Medicine 713-873-8774 Diana Racusin, MD UT Physicians 713-486-9300 Tracey Samuels, MD The Women's Hospital of Texas women'shospitaloftx.com NEONATOLOGY Harvinder Bedi, MD Neonatal Consultants 281-338-3381 Angel Munoz, MD 281-358-3635 NEPHROLOGY Stephen Fadem, MD Kidney Associates, PLLC kidneyassociates.com William Mitch, MD Baylor College of Medicine 713-798-8350 Freemu Varghese, MD Diagnostic Clinic 713-797-9191 Ruth L. Wintz, MD Kidney Associates, PLLC kidneyassociates.com NEUROLOGICAL SURGERY

Stuart Weil, MD Foundation Surgical Hospital 713-314-4111

Shaun Varghese, MD Think Neurology for Kids thinkneurokids.com

Jay Jing Zhu, MD Mischer Neuroscience Institute 713-704-7100

Tara Wegryn, MD Texas Liver Ctr 713-704-6800


Jay-jiguang Zhu, MD Memorial Hermann 713-704-7100

Michele Johnson, MD Mischer Neurosurgery 713-704-7100 Shah Siddiqi, MD, FRCSC, FACS Texas Spine Center texasspinecenter.com NEUROLOGY Philip Blum, MD Patient Centered Neurology patientcenteredneurology.com Leanne Burnett, MD Clearlake Neurology 281-218-7660 Igor Cherches, MD The Neurology Center theneurologycenter.com

Jeremiah Johnson, MD Baylor Neurosurgery bcm.edu/people/view/jeremiah Peter Kan, MD Baylor Neurosurgery 713-798-4696 Dong Kim, MD Mischer Neuroscience Institute 713-704-7100 Gary Kraus, MD Kraus Back & Neck Institute lowbackpain.com Robert Levinthal, MD Houston Neuro & Spine Surgery Center 713-533-0100 Peyman Pakzaban, MD pakzaban.com Andrew Roeser, MD Neurosurgical Group of Texas 713-790-1211 David Sandberg, MD UT Health Pediatric Neurosurgery 832-325-7234 Patrick Shih, MD Neuro Brain Spine Neurosurgery Center 832-529-7289 Mary E. Vanderlick, MD Neurology Consultants of Houston 713-795-4785


Jackquelin Delgado, MD Women's Health Specialists of Pasadena 713-378-6494 Marcelo Totorica, MD St Joseph Medical Ctr 713-757-1075 OBSTETRICS/GYNECOLOGY Daisy Ayim, MD Park West Women's Associates 713-640-5922 Ronald Baden, MD Ronald Baden, MD & Associates ronaldbadenmd.com

Stephen Fletcher DO UT Health System 832-325-7234

Isam Balat, MD Plaza Ob-gyn Associates plazaobg.com

Julia L Jones, MD Neurology Center theneurologycenter.com

Carrie J. Ball, MD Obgyn Medical Center Associates obgynmedicalcenter.com

Thomas Andrew Kent, MD Baylor College of Medicine

Lisa Beard, MD Complete Women's Care Center completewomenscarecenter.com

James Ling, MD Stroke & Inpatient Neurology of Texas Camille Boon, MD Greater Houston Ob/gyn houstonmethodist.org greaterhoustonobgyn.com

Ali Azimpoor, MD Pitchaiah Mandava, MD Ali F. Azimpoor Neurological Surgeon Michael Debakey Va Medical Center aliazimpoormd.com 713-794-7393

Peng R Chen, MD University of Texas 713-500-6170

Anthony Chavez, MD 713-795-5975

Steven Croft, MD 713-772-7300

Ali Azimpoor, MD Steven Lovitt, MD Ali F. Azimpoor Neurological Surgeon Neurology Center, The aliazimpoormd.com theneurologycenter.com

P Roc Chen, MD Memorial Hermann


Louise Mc Cullough, MD UT Physicians 832-325-7080 Greg S Mc Lauchlin, MD Neurology Center 713-795-0074 Raja Mehanna, MD UT Physicians utphysicians.com Lisa Nassif, MD Baylor College of Medicine texaschildrens.org Michael Newmark, MD, FAAN Kelsey-Seybold Clinic 713-442-0000 James Orengo, MD, PHD Baylor College of Medicene 713-798-6523 Milvia Pleitez, MD Methodist Neurological Institute 713-363-7310 Victor Rivera, MD Baylor College of Medicine bcm.edu Angelo Sermas, MD Alpert & Sermas Neurological 713-795-4785 Jerald H. Simmons, MD Comprehensive Sleep Medicine Associates houstonsleep.net Erica Simpson, MD Methodist Neurological Institute Pinky S Tiwari, MD texasneuro.com


Kristin Brigger, MD Complete Women's Care Center completewomenscarecenter.com Cindy Bui, MD Plaza Ob-gyn Associates plazaobg.com Paul Cook, MD The Ob Gyn Center theobgyncenter.com Jaqcue Coombs, MD Houston Women's Care Associates hwca.net Traci Desplinter, MD Methodist Obstetrical & Gynecological Associates methodisthealth.com Betty J Edwards, MD Champions Womens Center www,championswomenscenter.com Anita Fulton, MD New Experience Ob/gyn Medspa newexperienceobgyn.com Stephanie Fulton, MD fultonobgyn.com Lauren Gibson, MD Complete Women's Care Center completewomenscarecenter.com Mark Gottesman, MD Women's Health Group 713-797-0060 Hailey L. Hall, MD Women's Specialists of Houston drhallobgyn.com Laura Hanson, MD Houston Women's Care Associates hwca.net Shannon Hardy, MD Complete Women's Care Center completewomenscarecenter.com

Brian Heaps, MD UT Physicians Women's Center Sugar Land 713-486-1250

Carlos Ramos, MD Obstetrical & Gynecological Associates (oga) 713-512-7500

Linda Huynh, MD Aurora Gonzalez & Associates 713-757-9905

Vanessa Rosario, MD Ob Gyn Center of Nw Houston cyfairhospital.com/physicians/pr

Mary Jackson, MD Her Healthcare herhealthcare.net

Kristin Schmidt, MD kschmidtobgyn.com

Sara Jurney, MD Complete Women's Care Center completewomenscarecenter.com Liliana Kanu, MD Women's Health Specialists of Pasadena obgynpasadena.com Allan Katz, MD UT Physicians utphysicians.com Paul Locus, MD Physicians at Sugar Creek 281-325-4100 Peter Lotze, MD Women∆s Pelvic Restorative Center 713-512-7600 Rene Luna, MD Plaza Obgyn Associates plazaobg.com Maurizio Maccato, MD Woman's Ob-gyn Specialists womensobgynspecialists.com James Mc Bride Jr, MD womanshealthgroup.com/ physicians/profile/dr-j Sharon Mc Closkey, MD Greater Houston Obgyn greaterhoustonobgyn.com Alicia Mc Intosh, MD Complete Women's Care Center 713-791-9100 Robert Mc Williams, MD The Women's Center for Advanced Medical Aesthetics pleasingapperance.com Jonna Miller, MD Houston Women's Care Associates hwca.net Meredith V. Morgan, MD drmeredithmorgan.com Wanda L. T. Mott, MD The Women's Specialists of Houston at Tx Children's Hospi womensspecialists.com Daniel Mundy, MD Ob/gyn of Houston obgynofhouston.com

Geoffrey Schnider, MD The Women's Hospital of Texas womanshospital.com Barry Siller, MD Gynecological Oncologist Terry Simon, MD 713-797-9209 Patricia Thayer, MD Greater Houston Ob/gyn greaterhoustonobgyn.com Ameer Touadrous, MD Plaza Obgyn Associates 713-522-3333 Rod J Turner, MD, FACOG Health Solutions of Clear Lake for Women rodjturner.yourmd.com Tracy Turner, MD First Choice Ob/gyn 281-882-8050 Ginny Weathers, MD Women∆s Specialty Healthcare 281-220-2069 OBSTETRICS/GYNECOLOGY, COSMETIC GYNECOLOGY Susan Hardwick-Smith, MD Complete Women's Care Center completewomenscarecenter.com OBSTETRICS/GYNECOLOGY, ONCOLOGY Elizabeth Nugent, MD University of Texas 713-500-5758 Apurva Pancholy, MD UT Physicians 713-486-6160 ONCOLOGY Anna Belcheva, MD Methodist Oncology Partners 281-737-0435 Joan Marie Bull, MD Memorial Hermann Cancer Ctr 713-704-3961 Putao Cen, MD UT Physicians 832-325-7311

Fernando Ocon, MD, FACOG Women's Health Specialists of Pasadena obgynpasedena.com

Nicole Fleming, MD MD Anderson 281-576-1900

Jessica Ohlemacher, MD Complete Women's Care Center completewomenscarecenter.com

Frankie Holmes, MD Texas Oncology, P.A. texasoncology.com

Cristo Papasakelariou, MD doctorpap.com

Branden Hsu, MD Texas Oncology texasoncology.com

Deepali Patni, MD Kelsey Seybold Womens Center kelsey-seybold.com Waverly Peakes, MD, FACOG Houston Methodist Specialty Group houstonmethodist.org/spg/ obstetrics-gynec Phillip Pinell, MD Women's Ob-gyn Specialists womansobgynspecialists.com Amy Plummer, MD Her Healthcare 281-312-5400

Khaled Jabboury, MD kwjabboury, MDpa@hotmail.com Mohammed A Quraishi, MD 713-941-3400 Vicente Valero, MD M.d. Anderson Cancer Center MDAnderson.org Jennifer Wang, MD MD Anderson Cancer Center 713-792-2121 Behrouz Zand, MD MD Anderson Bay Area Gynecology Oncology 713-563-0670

ANTHONY E. BRISSETT, MD, FACS Facial Plastic Surgery

THE ELEVENTH CONSECUTIVE YEAR AS ONE OF H TEXAS MAGAZINE’S TOP DOCS. Recognized as an international expert in facial plastic and cosmetic surgery of the face, certified by the American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons and a Diplomat of the American Academy of Otolaryngology, Dr. Brissett is the Division Chief of Houston Methodist Hospital Facial Plastic Surgery Associates. With specialized training at the world-renowned Mayo Clinic, and credentialed in facial plastic and reconstructive surgery, Dr. Brissett is committed to providing personalized, meticulous care to his patients, offering the most advanced surgical and non-surgical treatments, with skillful attention to detail and aesthetic care. “I balance art with science, while maintaining a

collaborative working relationship with each of my patients, in order to achieve an enhanced natural appearance.” Dr. Brissett is frequently invited to lecture both nationally and internationally. He remains committed to conducting clinical research to advance the science of his practice and to the ongoing training of surgeons. He has published numerous articles and scientific papers and makes frequent national and local media appearances.Along with his thriving clinical practice, Dr. Brissett is active in his church and volunteers his personal time, expertise and surgical skills to aiding many local and global charitable causes and medical missions. He often travels to Europe, Africa, South America and the Caribbean to meet the needs of those less fortunate, teach other doctors and provide compassionate care.

HOUSTON METHODIST FACIAL PLASTIC SURGERY ASSOCIATES 6550 Fannin St., Ste.1703, Smith Tower Houston, TX 77030 713-441- FACE (3223) • drbrissett.com






ONCOLOGY, NUCLEAR MEDICINE Ebrahim S. Delpassand, MD Excel Diagnostics & Nuclear Oncology Center exceldiagnostics.com OPHTHALMOLOGY Amanda L. Bachman OD Eye Center of Texas eyecenteroftexas.com Richard Baker OD Slade & Baker Vision Center visiontexas.com Nicholas P. Bell, MD Cizik Eye Clinic 713-559-5200 Matthew Benz, MD Retina Consultants of Houston houstonretina.com Lauren Blieden, MD Cizik Eye Clinic cizikeye.org Michael Bloome, MD Houston Eye Associates houstoneyeassociates.com Retina Consultants of Houston houstonretina.com Glenn Bulan, MD Texas Eye Institute 713-777-7145 Robert W. Butner, MD Cizik Eye Clinic cizikeye.org Dora Cantu, MD Northwest Eye Associates northwesteye.net Emmanuel Chang, MD, PHD Retina & Vitreous of Texas retinatexas.com Emmanuel Chang, MD, PHD retinatexas.com Eric Chen, MD Retina Consultants of Houston houstonretina.com Garvin Davis, MD, MPH Cizik Eye Clinic cizikeye.org William Decker, MD Texas Eye Institute txeye.com Shama Essa, MD Slade & Baker Vision Center visiontexas.com Robert Feldman, MD Cizik Eye Clinic cizikeye.org Richard Fish, MD, FACS Retina Consultants of Houston houstonretina.com Megan Geloneck, MD Cizik Eye Clinic cizikeye.org Burt Ginsburg, MD Retina Vitrreous Associates rvahouston.com Frank Grady, MD Brazosport Eye brazosporteye.com Jonathan Grady, MD Brazosport Eye brazosporteye.com W. Michael Hipps, MD Texas Eye Institute txeye.com James Holt, MD Eye Center of Texas eyecenteroftexas.com


Bhavani Iyers, MD Cizik Eye Clinic cizikeye.org

Stephen Slade, MD Slade & Baker Vision Center lasercataractsurgery.com

Judian Kellaway, MD Cizik Eye Clinic cizikeye.org

Justus Thomas, MD Houston Eye 281-348-3375

Amjad Khokhar, MD Sugar Land Eye & Laser Center sugarlandeye.com

Edward Wade M.D. Eye Center of Texas eyecenteroftexas.com

Gene Kim, MD Cizik Eye Clinic cizikeye.org

Edward Wade, MD Eye Center of Texas 713-797-1010

Stella Kim, MD Cizik Eye Clinic cizikeye.org

Bennett Walton, MD Slade & Baker Vision Center visiontexas.com/houston/bennettwalton-m

Michael R. Koop, MD Texas Eye Institute txeye.com Alla Kukuyev, MD Cizik Eye Clinic cizikeye.org Kartik Kumar, MD Cizik Eye Clinic cizikeye.org David A. Lee, MD Cizik Eye Clinic cizikeye.org Janet Lim, MD Cizik Eye Clinic cizikeye.org Grace Lindhorst, MD Cizik Eye Clinic cizikeye.org James Major, MD Retina Consultants of Houston houstonretina.com Mark Mayo, MD Eye Center of Texas eyecenteroftexas.com Mark Mayo, MD Eye Center of Texas eyecenteroftexas.com Bernard A Milstein, MD Eye Clinic of Texas (409)765-6324 Amir Mohsenin, MD Cizik Eye Clinic cizikeye.org Marlene Morales, MD Tom Sun,, MD, P.A. (291)351-7483 Margaret E. Phillips, MD Cizik Eye Clinic cizikeye.org R. Edwin Pitts, MD Texas Eye Institute txeye.com Dean Porter, MD Texas Eye Institute txeye.com William Quayle, MD Houston Eye Associates houstoneye.com Karina Richani, MD Cizik Eye Clinic cizikeye.org Marc Sanders, MD, FACS Diagnostic Eye Center diagnosticeyecenter.com Amy Schefler, MD Retina Consultants of Houston houstonretina.com Paul Scott, MD, FACS, PA drpaulscott.com Sumeet K Sharma, MD Bellaire Eye & Laser Ctr 713-661-6500 K Ray Shrum, MD Berkeley Eye Center berkeleyeye.com


Nan Wang, MD, PHD Cizik Eye Clinic cizikeye.org Nancy Webb, MD Kelsey-Seybold Clinic kelsey-seybold.com Robert Wilkins, MD Surgical Eye Associates, P.A. 281-537-0100 Arthur Willis Jr, MD Retina & Vitreous of Texas retinatexas.com Tien Wong, MD Retina Consultants of Houston houstonretina.com Charles Wykoff, MD Retina Consultants of Houston houstonretina.com Michael Yen, MD Baylor Eye Physicians & Surgeons bayloreye.org George Zaibaq, OD Eye Trends drzaibaq.com OPTOMETRY Christopher Allee, MD Eye Center of Texas eyecenteroftexas.com Nina Jannetti, MD Texas Eye Institute txeye.com Bruce January, MD Lasik Vision Institute lasikvisioninstitute.com Paul Lovero, MD Montrose Eye Care montroseeyecarehtx.com Mary Morales OD Houston Eye Associates houstoneye.com Sejal Patel, MD Custom Eyes yourcustomeyes.com ORAL & MAXIOFACIALSURGERY Phillip T. Iero, MD,, DDS, FACS Bellaire Facial Surgery 713-665-9200 Chad Seabold, MD,, DDS Uptown Oral Surgery & Dental Implants uptowndentalimplants.com Thomas M. Weil, DDS Piney Point Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery ORAL AND FACIAL SURGERY J Enrique Tabarini, MD Shadow Creek Oral & Facial Surgery Center 713-436-0148

ORAL SURGERY Michael Eklund, MD Southwest Oral & Implant Surgery 713-439-7575 Paul Metz, DDS,, MD Oral & Maxillofficial Surgeions 713-464-2833 Shelley Seidel, DDS,, MD Oral & Maxillofficial Surgeions 713-464-2833 Roger Throndson, DDS UTmb 832-632-5222 ORTHODONTICS Kim K. Forrest, DDS, MS Forrest Orthodontics forrestortho.com Carl Gullick, DDS Gullick Orthodontics 281-859-6555 Holly Mc Iver, DDS, MSD Kingwood Orthodontics kingwoodorthodontics.com Gustavo Salas, MD Ashford Orthodontics ashfordorthodntics.com Vladimir Tabakman, DDS West Houston Orthodontics 281-752-4222 David Wadler, MD Bellaire Family Orthodontics 713-667-6000 ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY Wayne Alani, MD Fonden Orthopedics 713-777-4785 Frank L Barnes, MD 713-888-0677 Eric Berkman, MD UT Ortho 713-638-6494 Plinio "tony" Caldera, MD Methodist Orthopedics & Sports Medicine 281-737-0999 Stewart Dean, MD KSF Orthopaedic Center, P.A. ksfortho.com Richard R. M. Francis, MD Spine Associates of Houston spineassociatesofhouston.com Camille George, MD Texas Orthopedic & Sports Medicine sports-med.com Hosun Hwang, MD Methodist Center for Orthopaedic Surgery methodisthealth.com Andrew P. Kant, MD KSF Orthopaedic Center, P.A. ksfortho.com Steven Nolan, MD Fondren Orthopedic Group, L.l.p. fondren.com Alan Rosen, MD KSF Orthopaedic Center, P.A. ksfortho.com Sherwin J Siff, MD Bone & Joint Clinic of Houston bjc-houston.com Laura Torres-Barre, DDS UT Ortho 713-486-7580 Ray Valdez, MD Methodist Orthopaedic Specialists of Texas methodistost.com

ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY, SPORTS MED Robert L. Burke, MD Fondren Orthopedic Group Llp 281-991-8000 ORTHOPEDIC TRAUMA Timothy Achor, MD UT Physicians Ortho Trauma orthotrauma.org Milton Chip Routt, MD UTortho ut-ortho.com ORTHOPEDICS Mark Adickes, MD UT-health jocktodoc.com Jason Ahuero, MD Baylor College of Medicine bcm.edu/ortho Eric Berkman, MD Sugar Land Doctor Group 281-637-7650 Eric Berkman, MD Memorial 713-638-6494 David M. Bloome, MD Fondren Orthopedic Group fondren.com Henry Blum, MD Houston Orthopedic Physicians henryblummd.com W. Grant Braly, MD Fondren Orthopedic Group 713-799-2300 Taylor D. Brown, MD Bone & Joint Clinic of Houston bjc-houston.com William Bryan, MD Methodist Center for Orthopaedic Surgery methodistorthopedics.com Winfield Campbell, MD Methodist Center for Orthopaedic Surgery methodistorthopedics.com Thomas J. Cartwright, MD KSF Orthopaedic Center, P.A. ksfortho.com Andrew Choo, MD UT Houston med.uth.edu/ortho/faculty/andrewchoo/ Evan Collins, MD Methodist Center for Orthopaedic Surgery 713-441-3535 Pedro Cosculluela, MD Methodist Center for Orthopaedic Surgery methoodistorthopedics.com Albert D. Cuellar, MD KSF Orthopaedic Center, P.A. ksfortho.com Michael Dean, MD KSF Orthopaedic Center, P.A. ksfortho.com David Dice Jr, MD Methodist - Bone & Joint Clinic Memorial bjc-houston.com D. Dean Dominy III, MD Methodist Orthopaedic Specialists of Texas methodistorthopedics.com T. Bradley Edwards, MD Fondren Orthopedic Group 713-799-2300 Mark Franklin, MD Methodist Center for Orthopaedic Surgery methodistorthopedics.com

MEREDITH V. MORGAN, MD Women's Care at Museums' Gate

ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR, DR. MORGAN’S goal is to provide quality

medical advice and sophisticated, personal medical care. In considering healthcare from a woman’s perspective and being empathetic to each individual’s needs, the desire is to maintain respect and compassion for each individual patient. Each woman receives the information and education she deserves in a friendly, comfortable, and relaxed environment. Dr. Morgan has certificates from The North American Menopause Society as a credentialed menopause provider and from The International Society for Clinical Densitometry as a Certified Clinical Densitometrist. He offers women's care services emphasizing menopausal counseling, hormone therapy, osteroporosis counseling,

WOMEN'S CARE AT MUSEUMS' GATE 2 Chelsea Blvd. Houston, TX 77006 713-795-4145 • drmeredithmorgan.com

bone densitometry testing and analysis; as well as, gynecology, well woman exams, wellness and preventative health, and InBody composition testing and analysis. Patients always see Dr. Morgan—not provider extenders. Extra effort is made to provide an unhurried atmosphere where patients can talk openly without rushing through their visit. Knowing that each patient’s time is important, the staff schedules appointments accordingly. The practice is conveniently located in the Museum District near the Texas Medical Center with free adjacent parking. Dr. Morgan has admitting privileges at Houston Methodist Hospital, The Woman’s Hospital of Texas and St. Luke’s Hospital. Contact our office at 713-795-4145 for more information or visit our website at drmeredithmorgan.com.






Gerard Gabel, MD Southwest Orthopedic Group Llp Joshua Gary, MD UTortho uth.edu Michael S. George, MD KSF Orthopaedic Center, P.A. ksfortho.com Thomas Greider, MD Methodist - Bone & Joint Clinic of Houston bjc-houston.com Gregory Harvey, MD Orthopaedic Associates, Llp oadoc.com William Harvin, MD UT Physicians Carl Hicks, MD Houston Methodist Orthopedics & Sports Medicine houstonmethodist.org/orthopedics Lauren Hinojosa, MD All American Orthopedic allamericanorthopedic.com Eddie Huang, MD UT Physicians 713-486-1120 Stephen Incavo, MD Methodist Center for Orthopaedic Surgery methodistorthopedics.com Richard Kearns, MD Fondren Orthopedic Group fondren.com Marc R. Labbe, MD Bone & Joint Clinic of Houston bjc-houston.com Daniel Le, MD Houston Methodist Orthopedics & Sport Medicine methodistorthopedics.com Shari Liberman, MD Methodist Center for Orthopaedic Surgery methodistorthopedics.com Shari Liberman, MD Methodist Center for Orthopaedic Surgery methodistorthopedics.com David Lintner, MD Methodist Center for Orthopaedic Surgery drlintner.com David M. Lintner, MD Methodist Center for Orthopaedic Surgery drlintner.com Mark Maffet, MD Houston Methodist Orthopedics & Sports Medicine houstonmethodist.org/orthopedics Michael Mann, MD, MBA Mann Orthopaedics mannortho.com Alfred A. Mansour III, MD Pediatric Sports Medicine & Hip Preservation med.uth.edu/ortho/

Timothy Miller, MD KSF Orthopaedic Center, P.A. ksfortho.com John Munz, MD UTortho ut-ortho.com Robert Neff, MD Methodist - Bone & Joint Clinic of Houston bjc-houston.com/robert-s-neff-, MD/ Robert Neff, MD Bone & Joint Clinic of Houston bjc-houston.com Robert S. Neff, MD Bone & Joint Clinic of Houston bjc-houston.com Tim Noonan, MD UT Physicians, Ortho oneortho.com Kenneth Palmer, MD Bone & Joint Clinic of Houston bjc-houston.com Kenneth Palmer, MD Bone & Joint Clinic of Houston bjc-houston.com Brian Parsley, MD UT Physicians brian-parsley.com Vincent Phan, MD Houston Methodist Orthopedics & Sports Medicine houstonmethodist.org/orthopedics

ORTHOPEDICS & SPORTS MEDICINE Bruce Moseley, MD Houston Methodist houstonmethodist.org/ orthopedics-sports-m ORTHOPEDICS FOOT & ANKLE Richard Beaver, MD UT Physicians Memorial City 281-344-1715 ORTHOPEDICS SURGERY Niki Carayannopoulos, MD UTmb Galveston (409)502-7177

Gloria Gogola, MD Shriners Hospital for Children 713-793-3776

ORTHOPEDICS, SPINAL SURGERY Raul Sepulveda, MD KSF Orthopaedic Center, P.A. ksfortho.com ORTHOPEDICS, SPORTS MEDICINE F. Alex Schroeder, MD UT Physicans 713-486-1700 ORTHOPEDICS- FOOT & ANKLE Michael Greaser, MD UT Ortho 713-486-6540

John Seaberg, MD Houston Methodist Willowbrook Hospital methodistost.reachlocal.net


Ray Mc Clendon, MD Clear Choice Orthodontics - My Dream Team 281-587-4900

Kevin E. Varner, MD Methodist Center for Orthopaedic Surgery methoidistorthopedics.com

Patrick Mc Culloch, MD Methodsit Center for Orthopaedic Surgery methodistorthopedics.com

William Watters, MD Bone & Joint Clinic of Houston bjc-houston.com Leland Winston, MD Methodist Center for Orthopaedic Surgery methodistorthopedics.com


Philip Matorin, MD West Houston Doctors' Center drmatorin.com Raza Pasha, MD Pasha Snoring & Sinus Center pashaMD.com Sam Weber, MD The Center for Ent centerforent.com

Clegg, MD Houston Ent & Allergy Clinic 281-358-2314

Allison Scott, MD Shriners Hospital 713-793-3776

Roy Smith, MD Methodist - Bone & Joint Clinic of Houston



Lindsay Stephenson, MD Shriners Hospital for Children 713-793-3776

Todd Siff, MD Bone & Joint Clinic of Houston 713-790-1818

Korsh Keep, MD Houston Methodist Orthopedics & Sports Medicine 832-522-8280

Martin J. Citardi, MD UThealth Otorhinolaryngology 713-486-5000

James Pyle, MD Methodist Center for Orthopaedic Surgery methodistorthopedics.com

Walter Sassard, MD Methodist - Bone & Joint Clinic of Houston bjc-houston.com

Courtney Amor, MD UT Ortho ut-ortho.com

Neil Dunleavy, MD KSF Orthopaedic Center, P.A. ksfortho.com

Douglas Barnes, MD Shriners Hospital for Children 713-793-3776

Walter Sassard, MD Methodist - Bone & Joint Clinic of Houston bjc-houston.com/walter-randallsassard-, MD



Mark Provenzano, MD Orthopedic Sports Clinic Houston 713-464-0077

Mark Rogers, MD West Houston Orthopedics & Sports Medicine Center houstonsportsmed.com

Ken Mathis, MD UT Ortho med.uth.edu/ortho/



Roy B Smith, MD Bone & Joint Clinic of Houston bjc-houston.com


Shiraz Younas, MD UT Health 713-486-7500

Eric W. Price, MD Bone & Joint Clinic of Houston bjc-houston.com

Eddie Matsu, MD Houston Methodist Orthopedics & Sports Medicine houstonmethodist.org/orthopedics

Anthony Melillo, MD Bay Oaks Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine bayoaksortho.com

Leland Winston, MD Methodist Center for Orthopaedic Surgery methodistorthopedics.com

Matt Koeplinger DO UT Ortho ut-ortho.com Kyle Woerner, MD UT Ortho ut-ortho.com ORTHOPEDICSRECONSTRUCTIVE SHOULDER Robert Fullick, MD UTortho ut-ortho.com ORTHOPEDICS-TOTAL JOINT REPLACEMENT Kelly Blevins, MD UT Phycisians - The Woodlands ut-ortho.com Adam Freedhand, MD UT Physicians adamfreedhand.com

Brett Cordes, MD Center for Ent centerforent.com Samer Fakhri, MD University of Texas 713-486-5000 Melton J Horwitz, MD Medical Center Ear, Nose, Throat Asso medicalcenterent.com Tracy Jakob, MD Houston Ent houstonent.com Amber Luong, MD, PHD UThealth Otorhinolaryngology Nadia G Mohyuddin, MD Methodist Center - Orthopaedic 713-441-9000 Eric Powitsky, MD Center Ent Christopher Prichard, MD Rosewood Ent 713-781-9660 Soham Roy, MD UThealth Otorhinolaryngology 713-486-5000 Stanford Shoss, MD Houston Ear, Nose & Throat Clinic, L.l.p. 281-649-7200 Kevin Smith, MD Smith Cosmetic Surgery Ctr 713-795-0600 Richard Stasney, MD, FACS Texas Voice Center texasvoicecenter.com Apurva Thekdi, MD Texas Voice Center 713-796-2181 John Yoo, MD Houston Ent & Allergy Cinic houstonent.com OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY, ALLERGY/IMMUNE Jay Chavda, MD 713-774-2090

PAIN MANAGEMENT Ajay K Aggarwal, MD Texas Anesthesia Back Pain Ctr 713-589-9115 Asif M. Chaudhry, MD Houston Pain & Spine houstonpainandspine.com Robert Moore Jr, MD Pain Management Center of Houston 713-664-2662 Okezie N Okezie, MD 281-420-9355 PAIN MEDICINE Long P. Nguyen, MD Pain & Headache Medical Clinic PATHOLOGY Michael Deavers, MD Houston Methodist Hospital houstonmethodist.org Linda K Green, MD Baylor & Me Debakey vaww.houstonca.gov Bhubaneswari Krishnan, MD Michael Debakey Va Medical Center va.gov Syeling Lai, MD Michael Debakey Va Medical Center houston.va.gov Mary Schwartz, MD Houston Methodist Hospital houstomethodist.org Lai Syeling, MD Vamc Houston bcm.edu Huamin Wang, MD University of TexasMD Anderson Cancer Center MDAnderson.org PEDCHILD & ADOLESCENT PSYCHIATRY Christopher Frederick DO UThealth, Mc Govern Medical School med.uth.edu/psychiatry PEDIATRIC ALLERGY/ IMMUNOLOGY Kristin Dillard, MD Texas Children's Hospital West Campus texaschildrens.org PEDIATRIC DENTISTRY Alice Luan, DDS Spring Children's Dentistry springchildrensdentistry.com Zarina Rasheed, MD Wheeler Pediatric Dentistry wheelerpd.com PEDIATRIC GYNECOLOGY Hillary Boswell, MD Complete Womens Care Center completewomenscarecenter.com PEDIATRIC ORTHOPEDICS Lindsay Crawford, MD UT Ortho ut-ortho.com PEDIATRICS Shereen Alikhan, MD Physicians at Sweetwater 281-265-2272 Steven Alley, MD Fannin Pediatrics, P.A. 713-790-9220

FRANCES M. JONES, DDS, MAGD General & Cosmetic Dentistry


Let Dr. Frances Jones give you an awesome smile. Dr. Jones is one of the foremost dentists in the country as a “MASTER IN THE ACADEMY OF GENERAL DENTISTRY,” having completed more than 2,500 hours of advanced continuing education as well as earning the “LIFELONG AND LEARNING SERVICE RECOGNITION”. Less than 1% of U.S. dentists hold that distinction. Dr. Jones holds degrees from the University of Virginia and the West Virginia School of Dentistry. Dr. Jones has been featured as “TOP DENTIST” and as “TOP DOC” in H Texas magazine, and as “SUPER DENTIST” in Texas Monthly. She was voted the “Reader’s Choice Winner as Best Dentist” in the Rivers Oaks, West University and Bellaire Examiners. Dr. Jones has been recognized in the Guide to America’s Top Dentists. She has appeared on CBS-TV‘s American Health Front and on CBS radio. In her downtown Houston office, Dr. Jones has provided more than 20 years of quality cosmetic and reconstructive dentistry. Dr. Jones has completed thousands of cosmetic makeovers consisting of Porcelain Veneers, Bonding, Whitening, INVISALIGN, Implant and Full Mouth Restorations. She offers SEDATION DENTISTRY for those who experience dental anxiety. Dr. Jones’ goal is to provide high quality dentistry in a comfortable and caring environment while restoring the teeth to their ideal form and function, thus giving the patient a confident smile. Dr. Jones is committed to changing lives by changing smiles! Call 713-655-1633 and make your appointment today!

FRANCES M. JONES, DDS, MAGD 919 Milam, Ste. 110 Houston, TX 77002



713-655-1633 • drfrancesjones.com


Dr. Billy Cheong and his team go beyond adjustments and soft tissue treatments, implementing a functional approach that’s supplemented by the industry’s most cutting-edge treatments: Spinal Decompression, Graston, myofascial release (MFR), KinesioTape/ RockTape, electrotherapy, traction, custom orthotics, ultrasound/ nerve conduction testing, and pain management. “Each person who walks into our office, whether they have a neurological, muscular or skeletal condition, is going to receive specialized care that is tailored to them. We strive to make each and every patient feel the difference after treatment, whether that means less pain, being able to enjoy time with kids or living an overall healthier lifestyle, “says Dr. Cheong. Dr. Cheong started his Chiropractic career working alongside the team Chiropractor of the Houston Texans and Astros, and now leads one of the top Chiropractic offices in Houston and Spring, TX. ELITE SPINE & HEALTH CENTER 2901 Wilcrest Dr., Ste. 140

18425 Champion Forest Dr., Ste. 200

Houston, TX 77042

Spring, TX 77379





















Patricia S Beach, MD Island Pediatrics West - UTmb (409)772-3695

Christa Filak, MD Fannin Pediatrics,, MD 713-790-9220

Aida Z. Khanum, MD Pediatric Pod 713-669-1900

Robert Quillin, MD The Children's Clinic of Clear Lake clinic4kids.com

Eddie Valenzeula, MD Ashford Pediatrics texaschildrenspediatrics.org

Rachel R Bray, MD Texas Children's Pediatrics - Ashford 281-496-9700

Amber Finch, MD Tcp Fannin 713-790-1626

Avolonne Kimble, MD UTmb The Children's Clinic of Clear Lake clinic4kids.com

Marina L Ramirez, MD Kelsey-Seybold Clinic 713-442-0000

Edward Valenzuna, MD Tcp Ashford 281-496-9700

Macharia Carter-Smith, MD Tcp Pasadena 713-941-1177

Jacobo Goldberg, MD Pediatrics of Southwest Houston pediatricshouston.com

Victoria Regan, MD Fannin Pediatrics, P.A. 713-790-9220

Marion Woerner, MD Mhmg 713-704-0669

Elvis Cavazos, MD Texas Children's Pediatrics - Ashford 281-496-9700

Jason Goldberg, MD UTmb The Children∆s Clinic of Clear Lake clinic4kids.com

Naomi Levy, MD Pediatrics of Southwest Houston pediatricshouston.com

Romina Sabella River, MD Tcp Ashford tcp.org

Jeoffrey Wolens, MD Vip Pediatrics vippediatrics.com

Lucy Graubard, MD Pediatrics of Southwest Houston pediatricshouston.com

Jennifer Macia, MD Pediatrics of Southwest Houston pediatricshouston.com

Stephen Robinson, MD Lake Area Pediatrics lakeareapediatrics.com


Sonia Chauhan, MD Ned Peds Care 832-939-9070 Angela Chia, MD Fannin Pediatrics, P.A. 713-790-9220 Quentin Collard, MD Bootin & Savrick Ped. Associates 713-795-9500 Julia Conlon, MD Texas Children's Pediatrics - Piney Point texaschildrenspediatrics.org Sarah Conlon, MD Texas Children's Pediatrics - Piney Point texaschildrenspediatrics.org Danny Danziger, MD Texas Children's Pediatrics - Piney Point texaschildrenspediatrics.org Lee Dockray, MD, FAAP dockraypediatrics.com

Jme Guehring, MD Tcpa Pearland 281-412-5852

Nava Miller, MD Texas Children's Pediatrics 713-790-1626

Halpin, MD Texas Children's Pediatrics - Piney Point texaschildrenspediatrics.org

Natali M Muehe, MD Community Health Service Pediatrics 832-548-5000

Sarah A. Harvey, MD Texas Children's Pediatrics - Piney Point texaschildrenspediatrics.org

Lubna Y Najam, MD Infants & Childrens Clinic 281-933-8017

Matt Hay, MD UTmb Galveston (409)772-2222 Hubert Ho, MD TCPA - Sugar Land 281-491-3636 Annette Ingraham, MD Nassau Bay Pediatrics 281-212-2400

Angelina Farella, MD A Brighter Tomorrow Pediatrics abt4kids.com


Roberta Lee, MD Clear Lake Pediatric Clinic clearlakepediatrics.com


Silen Pahlavan, MD Abc Pediatric Clinic abcpediatricclinic.com Shea Palamountain, MD Texas Children's Pediatrics Pasadena 713-941-1177 Mario Portocarrero, MD 713-774-1401 Christina Propst, MD Texas Children's Pediatrics 713-790-1626

Ben P Rosenthal, MD Texas Children's Pediatrics - Ashford 281-496-9700 Harry M Rosenthal, MD Tcp Ashford texaschildrens.org Romina Sabella-River, MD Texas Children's Pediatrics - Ashford 281-496-9700 Brooke Swearingen, MD Memorial Hermann Medical Group Pediatrics Katy mhmgkatypediatrics.org



Mohammad Najam, MD Infants & Children Clinic 281-933-8017 PEDIATRICS, NEONATOLOGY Charleta Guillory, MD Baylor College of Medicine & Texas Children's Hospital PEDIATRICS, PEDIATRIC CARDIOLOGY Gurur Dentkas, MD UT Pediatric Cardiology 832-325-6316 PERIODONTICS

Barbara Taylor-Cox, MD, FAAP Personal Pediatrics of Houston doctortc.com

David Dennison, MD gums-houston.com

Michelle Tedja, MD Pediatrics of Southwest Houston pediatricshouston.com

Lauren Brownfield, MD Texas Dental Specialists drbrownfield.com

Beena M. Thomas, MD The Children's Clinic of Clear Lake clinic4kids.com

Thomas Wright III, MD drtomwright.com






238 Meyerland Plaza

16200 City Walk

Houston, TX 77096

Sugar Land, TX 77479





striving to gain knowledge on the latest Ophthalmic advancements, Dr. George Zaibaq & Associates have earned a reputation as one of Houston’s leading Therapeutic Optometrists. Dr. Zaibaq is a Diplomat of the American Optometry Board who specializes in comprehensive eye care, treatment and management of eye disease, glaucoma and laser vision correction co-management, as well as specialty contact lenses for warped corneas and keratoconus. He is a graduate of the University of Houston College of Optometry and completed his clinical training at the University of Houston Eye Institute and the Hebrew University Hospital Ophthalmology Department in Jerusalem. He completed his Optometric Glaucoma Certification training at the University of Texas Health Science center Houston. Dr. Zaibaq & Associates are dedicated to providing individualized care and go the extra mile to address their patients concerns. “I cherish my patients’ loyalty and work hard to keep them well taken care of,” says Dr. Zaibaq. Along with his associates, Dr. Veronica Wong and Dr. Aisha Johnson, Dr. Zaibaq & Associates serve patients in the Galleria, Bellaire, Meyerland and Sugar Land areas.


fellowship-trained in critical care medicine. He also practices interventional nephrology with a main area of interest in diagnostic nephrology and hypertension. Dr. Varghese is a part of Skilled wound care based in LosAngeles and does wound care practice also. He serves in the committee of Harris County Medical Society and as a delegate for Texas medical association and serves on the payment committee for the RPA. He is the president of Diagnostic and Interventional Nephrology of Houston, and he's the Chair of Nephrology for Diagnostic Clinic of Houston.

DIAGNOSTIC CLINIC OF HOUSTON 1200 Binz Street, Ste. 1100 Houston, TX 77004



713-797-9191 • diagnosticclinic.com



PHEUMATOLOGY, RHEUMATOLOGY Tonya Cockrill, MD Woodlands Arthritis Clinic woodlandsarthritisclinic.com Carlos Ramirez, MD Dynamic Arthritis Care Clinic dynamicarthritiscareclinic.com PHYISCAL MEDICINE AND REHABILITATION Monica Verduzco-Gutierrez, MD Tirr Memorial Hermann 713-797-5929

Michael Mineo, MD Podiatry of Houston podiatryofhouston.com

Teresa A Pigott, MD Harris County Psychiatric Center 713-741-5050

Robert Neville DPM, FACFAS Robert E. Neville & Associates foothealthcarecenters.com

Omar Pinjari, MD UThealth uth.edu

Judith Rubin, MD footwellnesscenter.com

Sandhya Prashad, MD houstonketaminetherapy.com 832-436-4055

Lauren Sum DPM Beltway Foot Clinic, PLLC 713-988-4848 Marco A. Vargas, MD Foot & Ankle Associates thefootpros.com



Prathap J. Joseph, MD Tirr Outpatient Clinic 713-797-5929

Melissa Allen DO Harris County Psychiatric Center hcpc.uth.tmc.edu

Mayur Kanjia, MD KSF Orthopaedic Center, P.A. ksfortho.com

Andreea Andrei, MD andreimd.com

Edward A Nash, MD KSF Orthopaedic Center, P.A. ksfortho.com PHYSICAL MEDICINE/ REHABILITATION Rick Savard DC Spinal Cernters of Texas spinalcenterstexas.com Aloysia Schwabe, MD Baylor College of Medicine 832-826-6105 PLASTIC SURGERY Fred Aguilar, MD Eugenio Aguilar, MD 713-521-2414 Art Armenta, MD, PA Art Armenta, P.A. 713-383-9651 Michael Ciaravino, MD thebodydoc.com Michael Eisemann, MD Eisemann Plastic Surgery Center cosmeticsurgeryhouston.com Keep Leong, MD Center for Aesthetic Surgery 713-798-6141 Roland Morales Jr, MD, FACS The Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery drmoralesplasticsurgery.com Michael Streitmann, MD, FACS 713-667-4600 PODIATRY Shetal Desai, MD 281-240-3338 Travis Hanson, MD Houston Methodist Orthopedic & Sports Medicine methodisthealth.com Matthew Ivey DPM University of Texas Orthopedics ut-ortho.com Matthew Ivey, MD University of Texas Orthopedics ut-ortho.com James Jacobs DPM Your Total Foot Care Specialist, P.A. katyfootcare.com Gary Lepow, MD Lepowfoot & Ankle Specialist lepowfoot.com Jerry Miles, MD Foot & Ankle Centers of North Houston footanklecenter.net


Neil Puri, MD The Menninger Clinic menningerclinic.com Claudia Rao, MD, PHD 832-778-6322 George Santos, MD Greater Houston Psychiatric Associates ghpa.net Dawnelle Schatte, MD UT-health Houston 713-486-2651

Matthew Bram, MD Psych Management Solutions 713-943-2267

John Sneed, MD UThealth Harris County Psychiatric Center 713-741-5050

Joao Luciano De Quevedo, MD, PHD UT Physicians utphysicians.com/provider/jo

Jair Soares M.D., PH.D UThealth - Psychiatry uth.tmc.edu

Breno Diniz, MD UT Physicians Physciatry Out Patient Clinic utphysicians.com Rania Elkhatib, MD UThealth Harris County Psychiatric Center 713-741-5050 Jonathan Chase Findley, MD UThealth Harris County Psychiatric Center med.uth.edu/psychiatry/education Aaron H Fink, MD aaronfink, MD.yourmd.com Prashant Gajwani, MD The Solace Center thesolacecenter.com Daniel Garza, MD 281-610-8190 Rafael Guerrero, MD Psychiatric Consultants of Houston drrafaelguerrero.com Andrew Harper, MD UT-health Houston 713-741-7805 Amanda Helminiak, MD UThealth Harris County Psychiatric Center med.uth.edu/psychiatry/faculty/a Tyler Kimm, MD UThealth Harris County Psychiatric Center 713-741-5050 Svetlana Malkina, MD UThealth Harris County Psychiatric Center 713-741-5050 Lauren Marangell, MD Brain Health Consultants 713-489-5000 Caesa Nagpal, MD UThealth Harris County Psychiatric Center 713-741-5050 Olaoluwa Okusaga, MD University of Texas Harris County Psychiatric Center 713-741-3830 Claudia A Orengo, MD, PHD 832-778-6322 Richard Pesikoff, MD Richard B. Pesikoff, MD & Associates 713-795-5424


Martha St. John, MD, FAPA doctorstjohn.com Stuart Yudofsky, MD Baylor College of Medicine bcm.edu Giovana Zunta-Soares, MD Psychiatry utphysicians.com/clinic/ut-p PSYCHIATRY, NEUROPSYCHIATRY Garima Arora, MD UT Physicians 713-486-2990 PULMONARY DISEASE Julie Ngugen, MD Respiratory Consultants 713-790-6250 Maya Patel, MD Houston Pulmonary Medicine 281-484-9369 PULMONOLOGY Amit Annamaneri, MD Respiratory Center of North Houston 281-440-8430 Dana Martin, MD Methodist Orthopedics & Sports Medicine 281-737-1000 Puneet Patni, MD Kelsey-Seybold Clinic kelsey-seybold.com Hammad Qureshi, MD Memorial Hermann 281-296-8788 Alexander Stadnyk, MD (833)291-2833 PULMONOLOGY, PEDIATRIC INTENSIVIST AND PULMONOLOGIST Manuel Silva, MD Texas Childrens Hospital texaschildrens.org PULMONOLOGY, SLEEP MEDICINE Julie Nguyen, MD Diagnostic Pulmonology & Sleep 713-979-1190



Andrew Farach M.D. Houston Methodist 713-441-4800

Gerald Meskill, MD Comprehensive Sleep Medicine Associates houstonsleep.net

RADIOLOGY Mark D'andrea, MD Gulf Coast Cancer & Diagnostic universitycancercenters.com James Jing, MD Singleton Associates, P.A. saparadiology.com Martha M Munden, MD Texas Children's Hospital Radiology Department Srinivas Rao, MD Texas Vein & Wellness 281-888-1464 David Wan, DDS, MS UT Physician 713-704-1786 REHABILITATION Helen Schilling, MD White Pine Physical Rehab whitepinept.com REHABILITATION, CHIROPRACTIC Gabor Farkas DC Creekside Integrative Medical Center creeksideintegrativemedicine.com REHABILITATION, NEUROLOGIST Nneka Ifejika, MD UT Physicians 832-325-7080 REPRODUCTIVE ENDOCRINOLOGY Subodh R Chauhan, MD 713-512-7900 Daniel B. Williams, MD Houston Fertility Institute 281-242-3434 REPRODUCTIVE ENDOCRINOLOGY/INFER Timothy Hickman, MD, FACOG Houston IVF houstonivf.net RHEUMATOLOGY Mujahed Alikhan, MD Medical Clinic of Houston 713-526-5511 Gwendoline Menga, MD Prime Rheumatology Clinic of Houston primerheumatology.com Carmen Perez-Masuelli, MD Northwest Diagnostic Clinic nwdiagnostic.com Sapandeep K Singh, MD Alergy & Rheumatology Specialists of Houston 713-790-0900

SNORING & SLEEP APNEA Craig Schwimmer, MD The Snoring Center snoringcenter.com SPINAL SURGERY Howard Cotler, MD, FACS, FAAOS Gulf Coast Spine Care 713-523-8884 Mohammed Etminan, MD Memorial Hermann Spine 281-344-1715 Nilesh Kotecha, MD Texas Institute for Spine Care drkotecha.com Kenneth Lee, MD ModernSpineTX.com 713-774-6337 Rex Marco, MD UT Physicians Spine & Scoliosis Center rexmarcomd.com Anthony Muffoletto, MD All American Sports Institute 281-335-1111 Bonaventure Ngu, MD Premier Spine Institute 281-719-9505 Mark Prasarn, MD UT Ortho ut-ortho.com Jeffrey Wood, MD Houston Methodist Orthopedics & Sports Medicine houstonmethodist.org/orthopedics Jeffrey Wood, MD Houston Methodist Orthopedics & Sports Medicine houstonmethodist.org/orthopedics SPORTS MED Christian Schupp, MD Houston Methodist Orthopedics & Sports Med methodistsportsmed.com SPORTS MEDICINE David Braunreiter, MD Houston Methodist Orthopedics & Sports Medicine houstonmethodist.org/orthopedics Steven Florea, MD UT Physicians - Orthopedics drstevenflores.com Andrew Li-yung Hing, MD UT Ortho ut-ortho.com Andrew Li-yung Hing, MD, CAQSM UT Ortho ut-ortho.com

Philip Waller, MD 281-301-1304

A. Brant Lipscomb Jr, MD UT Physicians utphysicians.com

Leslie Wilson, MD Northwest Diagnostic Clinic millenniumphysicians.com

Walter Lowe, MD UT Ortho 713-486-6540


Wade P. Mc Alister, MD UT Physicians

Andrew Wilking, MD Texas Children's Hospital texaschildrens.org SEDATION DENTISTRY Larry W. Tilger, DDS Tilger Sedation Dentistry 281-480-6600

Greg Seelhoefer, MD Methodist Center for Sports Medicine methodistwillowbrookortho.com Raj Shani, MD UT Physicians rajshanimd.com

Stephen Simonich, MD UT Physicans - Katy Orthopaedics utphysicians.org THORACIC SURGERY Scott Sheinin, MD Methodist Hospital 713-756-5314 THORACIC SURGERY, LUNG AND ESOPHAGEAL CANCER SURGERY Stephen Swisher, MD MD Anderson Cancer Center 713-792-8659

UROGYNECOLOGY Christopher Jayne, MD Greater Houston Urogyn 832-924-8788 Christopher Jayne, MD 713-526-4263 UROLOGY Don Berardinucci, MD Spring Medical Associates springmedicalassociates.com John Boon, MD boonurology.com

Edward Schatte, MD Adult & Pediatric Urology of Houston 713-477-8600 Run Wang, MD UT Physician med.uth.edu/surgery/faculty/run-wang/ Russel Williams, MD Male Reproductive Clinic, P.A. maleinfertilityhouston.com UROLOGY, FEMALE PELVIC HEALTH Christina Pramudji, MD Houston Female Urology houstonfemaleurology.com VASCULAR Michael Bardwil, MD Texas Vein & Cosmetic Specialists txvein.com William Fox, MD Texas Endovascular texaseva.com Eric Hardee, MD Texas Endovascular texaseva.com Carlos Hamilton, MD Hamilton Vein Center 281-565-0033 Arash Keyhani, MD The Vein Specialist of Houston 713-880-8600 Kourosh Keyhani, MD The Vein Specialist of Houston veinsofhouston.com Tonie Reincke, MD Metro Vein Clinics metroveincenters.com WELLNESS AND WEIGHT Ron Bryant, MD Balance Wellness Center balancewc.com














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highly acclaimed group of gastroenterologists, board certified in internal medicine, gastroenterology, and liver diseases have enjoyed a superb reputation in the community. The practice has been serving patients at three convenient locations in North Houston, Humble/Kingwood and The Woodlands/Conroe areas. From consultative services and diagnostic procedures and most importantly endoscopic procedures, the physicians at DLDC have achieved a seamless integration of services, by providing them under one roof. DLDC boasts a state-of-the-art, modern gastrointestinal diagnostic center and a fully accredited endoscopy and surgery center.

(2012–2014) and Super Doctor (2015–2018) in Texas Monthly magazine. “Having a father that is a melanoma survivor has certainly influenced my commitment to the early detection of skin cancer” says Dr. Perri, a board-certified dermatologist also distinguished as "Best of the Woodlands Winner" (2014–2019) in the Woodlands Online. At Perri Dermatology, with two convenient locations in Conroe and The Woodlands, he and Dermatology Physician's Assistant Melissa Shearer, PA-C, treat many different skin conditions and are committed to ensuring that patients do not have to wait months for an appointment.

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David Goldfarb, MD Metro Urology



Lovin’ Summer

Fresh garden ingredients are greeted by the summer sun. by Tom Flynn Styling by Aniell Parrales Photography by Ivan Garcia Studio

POTATO LEEK SOUP Potato leek soup is a classic, and so easy to make! The addition of fresh herbs, bacon (of course!) and finished with fresh chives is what makes this soup taste as good as it looks. 3 TABLESPOONS BUTTER 6 CUPS CHOPPED LEEKS, DIVIDED 3 GARLIC CLOVES, CHOPPED 2 POUNDS POTATOES, DICED 7 CUPS CHICKEN STOCK 2 BAY LEAVES 4 SPRIGS THYME 1 TEASPOON SALT ¼ TEASPOON PEPPER 3 SLICES BACON 1 CUP HEAVY CREAM CHOPPED CHIVES GARNISH


F TER A LONG WINTER , I LOOK FORWARD TO THE WARM SUNNY DAYS OF SUMMER AND THE FRESH PRODUCE THAT COMES WITH THEM . This seasonal produce is one of the many reasons I love summer. In my little garden, basil is already thriving, onions and leeks have been growing all winter and are ready to come out of the ground. Strawberries, too, are prime for picking and should remain in season (along with a number of other types of berries) through August. To celebrate the season, I’m incorporating my new harvest into a tasty summer meal perfectly prepared and ready to eat poolside. Or if it’s a bit too warm outside, at least windowside in the cool, indoor, air-conditioned environment. Enjoy the tastes of summer! H 88


1. Melt the butter in a stockpot over medium. Add 5 cups leeks, saving the rest for later, plus the garlic to the pot. Sauté until soft, about 10 minutes. Add the potatoes, stock, bay leaves, thyme, salt and pepper. Bring to a boil, reduce the heat, cover and simmer for 15 minutes. 2. Meanwhile, cook the bacon until crispy. Set aside on a paper towel-lined plate to drain and cool, then chop into bits. Set aside. 3. Cook the remaining leeks in the bacon grease until soft then drain on a paper towel-lined plate. Set aside. 4. Remove the thyme and bay leaves from the soup and discard. Working in batches, puree the mixture in a blender until smooth. 5. Pour the soup back into the pot, stir in the heavy cream and bring to a boil. Remove from the heat, stir in the remaining leeks and season with salt and pepper to taste. 6. Serve garnished with the bacon bits and chives.





GARLIC GREEN BEANS Simplicity at its best. The bonus: green beans are high in fiber and a great source of calcium, iron, potassium and so much more. 1½ POUNDS FRESH GREEN BEANS, TRIMMED AND CUT 5 TABLESPOONS BUTTER 6 GARLIC CLOVES, CHOPPED SALT AND PEPPER TO TASTE



1. Place the beans in a skillet, cover with water and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat and simmer 5 minutes. 2. Drain the water and return to heat. Add the butter and sauté until melted. Stir in the garlic and cook for another 3 minutes. Season with salt and pepper and serve hot.


Forget store-bought pesto. Quickly and easily make your own. It’s simple to make and your guests will taste the difference. 12 OUNCES LINGUINE 1 CUP BASIL LEAVES PLUS MORE FOR GARNISH 2 TABLESPOONS PINE NUTS, TOASTED 2 GARLIC CLOVES, CHOPPED 2 TABLESPOONS GRATED PARMESAN ¼ CUP OLIVE OIL SALT AND PEPPER TO TASTE

1. Cook the pasta per package instructions. 2. Place the basil, pine nuts, garlic and Parmesan in a food processor and pulse to grind. 3. Add the olive oil and pulse to emulsify. Season to taste with salt and pepper. 4. Toss the pesto with the hot pasta and serve garnished with basil.



HONEY PEACH GLAZED PORK LOIN Succulent pork and peaches is one of those ultimate pairings. Don’t have fresh peaches on hand? Combining a few trusty pantry staples can deliver that sweetness and caramelization. 3 POUNDS PORK LOIN SALT AND PEPPER TO TASTE 1 CUP PEACH PRESERVES 1 TABLESPOON HONEY 1 TABLESPOON BROWN SUGAR 2 TABLESPOONS LEMON JUICE GRILLED PEACH SLICES FOR GARNISH 1. Preheat the oven to 350°F. 2. Liberally season the pork with salt and pepper. Place on a lined sheet pan and bake for 1 hour. 2. Meanwhile, cook the preserves, honey, brown sugar and lemon juice in saucepan over mediumhigh. Bring to a boil, reduce the heat and simmer for 2 minutes. Set aside. 3. Remove the pork from the oven and brush on the peach sauce. Return to the oven to bake until the internal temperature reaches 145°F, about 30–40 minutes, brushing with the sauce every 10 minutes. 4. Remove from the oven, cover with foil and let rest for 15 minutes. Slice the meat and spoon the pan drippings over the top. Serve with the pasta, green beans and grilled peaches. 92



Fun fact: Among the most beloved and enduring of American foods, the first strawberry shortcake recipe appeared in an English cookbook as early as 1588. For the berries: 6 CUPS STRAWBERRIES, QUARTERED ¼ CUP SUGAR For the shortcake: ¼ CUP SUGAR 2 CUPS FLOUR 2 TEASPOONS BAKING POWDER ½ CUP BUTTER, ROOM TEMPERATURE 1 EGG, BEATEN 2/3 CUP MILK For the whipped cream: 1½ CUPS HEAVY WHIPPING CREAM 1½ TEASPOONS VANILLA EXTRACT 3 TABLESPOONS SUGAR

1. Make the berries: Gently combine the strawberries and sugar in bowl and refrigerate for 1 hour. 2. Preheat the oven to 450°F. 3. Make the shortcake: Cream together the sugar, flour, baking powder and butter in a mixing bowl. Add the egg and milk and stir until moist. Pour into a greased 8x8-baking pan and bake until golden brown, about 15 minutes. 4. Make the whipped cream: Combine all the ingredients in a bowl and whisk until soft peaks form. 5. To serve, cut the shortcake into squares. Arrange on a plate, spoon some strawberries and juices over the cake and top with the whipped cream.




A Unique Culinary Adventure

Galveston’s Rudy & Paco offers a delectable dining experience Story and photos by Matthew Abernathy






N A RECENT VISIT TO G ALVESTON ISL AND, MY WIFE AND I CAME UPON ONE OF THE MOST UNIQUE DINING EXPERIENCES WE HAVE HAD ON THE ISL AND—RUDY & PACO. Rudy & Paco is located next door to The Grand 1894 Opera House, in the Historic Strand District and is a great choice for pre-show dinner specials. The restaurant features grilled seafood and steak with a South and Central American sabor. The owner, Francisco “Paco’ Vargas, greets you at the door and you’re immediately treated like family. The restaurant is very unassuming from the exterior, but perfection inside. You have the feeling of being transported to a bygone era. Pictures of celebrities adorn the walls and private cabinets for their wine make for a unique dining experience. Everything from the ambience and wait staff to the delicious dinner, dessert and cocktails, are all perfect. The business casual dress code (no shorts) is strictly enforced at dinner and you would be wise to make reservations (call several days ahead if possible). We began with an appetizer for the table, a seafood tower with lobster, crab and shrimp. However, it was the Ceviche Corinto that we loved the most—a marinated gulf red snapper in lime juice and spices prepared to perfection. For the main meal, my wife enjoyed her selection of the filete de pargo elegante, a delicious baked gulf red snapper topped with sautéed lump crab meat, Paco pico and avocado. I selected the 22-ounce bone in ribeye steak that was huge and eventually had to be packed up for my culinary delight the following day (even the bone was picked through and enjoyed). The display case of cutlery was a wonderful touch, but my butter knife worked just fine to slice through this amazingly tender cut of beef.



I was surprised by the excellent selection of wine at a reasonable price and the it flowed throughout the evening. Then came the bread pudding. With no room left in our stomachs, somehow that mouthwatering dessert found its way into our welcoming mouths. And the quattro leches dessert is the stuff of dreams. Whether it’s a very elegant special occasion dinner or lunch with friends, this is the place that will never disappoint! Lunch here is quite a bargain. They serve a special that includes their plantain chips, chimichurri and pico de gallo, a big salad and “the special” for $14.99. For starters, we suggest the crab bisque, served with warm sourdough and butter—it is delicious. The blackened shrimp tacos over roasted corn and cheese is good but a little difficult to eat.

The wait staff is attentive and the service was excellent. If you pay attention, you will see how closely they work together to provide a superior dining experience. More importantly, they do their jobs without interrupting your meal, providing prompt, timely service when you need it. Clearly, a well-trained professional wait staff. If you are looking for first-class service and delicious well-prepared food, look no further than this gem at 2028 Postoffice Street. The food offerings for both lunch and dinner were beyond compare, while the atmosphere is friendly and relaxed making for a delicious, comfortable and quiet experience. An expensive but well worth it treat while visiting Galveston Island! H

If you are looking for firstclass service and delicious wellprepared food, look no further than this gem at 2028 Postoffice Street.

RUDY & PACO 2028 Postofffice St. Galveston, TX 77550 409-762-3696 rudyandpaco.com



H Marks the Spot Union Station

Dedicated March 2, 1911







OUSTON’S UNION STATION, COVERING THE ENTIRE BLOCK OF CR AWFORD STREET BET WEEN TEX AS AND PR AIRIE AVENUES, WAS DEDICATED ON MARCH 2 , 1911 . The station, formerly a hub of rail transportation serves as a cornerstone for the current home of the Houston Astros’ Minute Maid Park, and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The Houston Belt and Terminal Railway Company originally commissioned the station in 1909, hiring a company based out of New York City, Warren and Wetmore (the same design firm that designed Grand Central Station in New York City). Although, at the time, not everyone was ‘on board’ with the idea, as this called for the demolition of many structures of prominence and prestige, including the residence of Horace Baldwin Rice and the Adath Yeshurun Congregation Synagogue. The original estimated construction cost was $1 million, however, the American Construction Company constructed the building for what would eventually be more than five times the original estimate. The finished exterior consisted of several materials including granite, limestone and terracotta, while the interior consisted of mainly marble. The construction was completed and eventually opened on March 1, 1911. At the time, Houston was considered the main railroad hub for the southern region of the United States and consisted of seventeen separate railways. The station served as the main passenger terminal for intercity travel for more than seven decades from that point forward. With the decline of passenger train travel after World War II, Amtrak took over most intercity rail service in 1971. Union Station was one of two stations used by the new company, the other being the Southern Pacific Station. However, Amtrak decided shortly thereafter that they could not afford to maintain two stations in the area. The last train to make a scheduled stop at Union Station, was the Lone Star and it was rerouted to the Southern Pacific station on July 31, 1974. On November 10, 1977, the building was named to the National Register of Historical Places. Union Station Lobby now serves as the main entrance to Minute Maid Park, home of our Houston Astros. The opening ceremonies for the ballpark were on April 7, 2000. Outside of Minute Maid Park’s left-field wall sits a full-size vintage locomotive that runs along approximately 800 feet of track and is a reminder of the prestige that once served our city and passengers from all over the country. —Matthew Abernathy







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