Bismarck-Mandan Home Builders Association
BUILDING uzz B April 2017
SPRING PARADE OF HOMES April 27-30 page 8
NAHB Takes On National Issues page 5
Is Solar Energy Out? page 6
Lumber Prices Creating Issues page 10
BUILDING Buzz Building Buzz is a publication of the Bismarck-Mandan Home Builders Association 2600 Gateway Ave., Suite 1 Bismarck, ND 58503 Phone: 701.222.2400 Fax: 701.250.9730 Like Us! Follow Us!
Publisher/Editor: Dot Frank Layout Editor: Michael L. Quinn Contributor: Tracy DeForest
New Members & Anniversaries February 2017 New Members Ackerman Homes | Jayme Ackerman Single Family Spec/Tract Building | Single Family General Contracting | Single Family Custom Building Bath Fitter | Kirsten Peterson
Bismarck Mandan Apartment Association Mona Livdahl
Graybar Electric Company Christopher Allrich | Electrical Work
Superior Insulation LLC | Steve Urlacher Insulation Work
Carefree Living Homes, LLC | Tarren Hagerott Single Family Spec/Tract Building | Single Family General Contracting | RemodelingResidential Members with April Anniversaries. Renew by April 30, 2017. B & B Roofing | Lonnie Barth Roofing/Siding/Sheet Metal Work
Kaelberer Construction, Inc. Mitchell Kaelberer | Excavation Work
Builders Supply Co. | Ryan Luetzen Building Materials Lumber (Retail Dealership) Roofing/Siding/Sheet Metal Work
Montana Dakota Utilities Co. | Jayden Veil | Utilities
Dakota Awards, Inc. | Dick Townsend | Marketing/advertising or Public Relations First Dakota Title | Erika Drolc Insurance or Title Company
Go Gettem Construction | Joe Gettem Remodeling-Residential
Horizon Shelving & Closets, Inc. Andrew Frohlich | Remodeling-Residential Planner or Designer | Floor Coverings Integrity Landscapes LLC Brandon Bailey Landscaping
Kramer Agency - Justin Thomas Insurance or Title Company
Building Buzz | April 2017
Professionals building our community through promotion of home ownership, education and legislation since 1958.
2017 Board of Directors PRESIDENT
Shannon Reichenberg Diversity Homes Phone: (701) 751-3999
Lynn Klein Gate City Bank Phone: (701) 355-7633
Greg Zenker Northern Plains Plumbing, Heating & Air Phone: (701) 222-2155
SECRETARY/TREASURER Susie Franklin Choice Financial Phone: (701) 751-7282
Chad Moldenhauer K&L Homes Inc. Phone: (701) 258-4584
Rory Anderson Verity Homes of Bismarck Phone:(701) 354-2846
Jeff Sattler Sattler Homes Phone: (701)255-7628
Bill Schmid Townsquare Media Phone: (701) 250-6602
Time to Renew!
BSC Carpentry | Earl Torgerson Carpentry Work
Your membership is three-in-one: BMHBA, NDAB and NAHB
Brian Eiseman Stoneshire Builders Phone: (701) 471-6935
Wade Vogel Premier Homes, Inc. Phone (701)226-1809
Marc Menge BNC National Bank Phone:(701) 250-3000
Keller Carpentry LLC | Jason Keller Remodeling-Residential
One Source Lighting | Wayne Solberg | Planner or Designer | Building Materials Lumber (Retail Dealership) | Security Systems | Utilities Platinum Plumbing, Inc. | Tyler Eiseman Plumbing/Heating/Air Conditioning Rock Solid Engraving | Rex Wheeler Landscaping
Source Insulation Solutions LLC | CJ Muscha Sparling Construction, Inc. | Todd Frietag | Single Family General Contracting | Remodeling-Residential Remodeling-Commercial Zimmerman’s Furniture Gene Zimmerman Planner or Designer
BIANCO REALTY SALES AWARDS Bianco Realty has named SHIRLEY THOMAS and JUDY MASLOWSKI “REALTORS® of the Month”! Shirley & Judy had the most closed sales at Bianco Realty for the month of February 2017. Shirley has been a licensed REALTOR® since 2001 and Judy has been a licensed REALTOR® since 2007.
Shirley Thomas
Judy Maslowski
Bismarck-Mandan Permit Reports
through February 28, 2017
541 532
6 0
Bismarck Multi-Family Units
Mandan Single Family
Mandan Multi-Family Units
Linear (Bismarck Single Family)
Linear (Bismarck Multi-Family Units)
Linear (Mandan Single Family)
Linear (Mandan Multi-Family Units)
70 60
Bismarck Single Family
137 123
100 6 0
200 100
250 323
297 295
519 484
Lincoln Single Family
14 12
Burleigh County
Lincoln Multi-Family Units
Morton County
Linear (Burleigh County)
14 13
10 9
Bismarck -53%
Mandan 300%
5 4
Lincoln -200% 2
Lincoln Single Family J16
0 Mandan Single Family J17 F16 F17 2016
2 1
1 0
Bismarck Single Family
Morton Co. -200%
Burleigh Co. -100%
Burleigh County Single Family
1 0
1 0
Morton County Single Family
April 2017 | Building Buzz
President’s Letter
reetings BMHBA Members,
By the time you are reading this I will have completed my first 100 days in office. It hasn’t come with some of the fanfare that another president’s first 100 days have. We haven’t started building any walls or gotten rid of a healthcare plan, but we have been plenty busy.
The HBA has been very involved on the Infrastructure Task Force, which presented a report to the Bismarck City Commission in late March. The message to the City of Bismarck was to take full advantage of the first 1-cent sales tax before asking for an additional tax. This has been a very cumbersome process as we have tried to come up with a plan to fund infrastructure and ensure there isn’t any slowing of future development. This last month we also attended state NDAB board meetings and hosted lunch at the Capitol for our state legislators, completed our strategic plan with the board and Donna Oliver from NAHB, hosted a record crowd Fun Night at Jerome Distributing (where I had to swallow my pride as I was dethroned as the chili champ by Bill Schmid), completed our membership survey, and were hosted by Reid and his team at Coldspring for our second Builders Only Social where we enjoyed venison brats and beer.
Shannon Reichenberg Board President
This month a lot of you are gearing up for the Parade of Homes where we have 40 houses on the tour this spring. The office and board continue work on behalf of Builders on ordinance and policy changes and I am very happy with the renaissance we have experienced in Builder member participation. So if you haven’t had a chance to be get involved, this your chance to step off the sideline and get engaged...this is an exciting time to be involved. Please reach out to me for ideas on how you can get involved. Mark your calendars for the following dates: • • • • • • • •
Building Officials Roundtable - 4/11/2017 11:30 AM - 12:00 PM Appraisal Forum - 4/14/2017 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM Spring Parade of Homes - 4/27/2017 - 4/30/2017 Builders Only Social - Fabricators Unlimited - 5/11/2017 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM Spring Awards Mixer - 5/18/2017 Annual Scholarship Fundraiser Picnic - 6/15/2017 Box Lunch with a Builder - 6/21/2017 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM PAC Golf Event - 7/11/2017
“All Hands on Deck!”
Your President, Shannon Reichenberg
Building Buzz | April 2017
During President Donald Trump’s visit with the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB), the president expressed that he knows how much we, as a home building industry, have been suffering. The President’s own father was a member of NAHB so the he knows the value of what an engaged NAHB can do for builders, and by extension associates. The beginning stages of reworking Waters of the US and end of Dodd-Frank are very encouraging for our members across the federation. NAHB understands that they have a window of great opportunity with a White House that has business common sense and realizes that we are an industry that fuels our economy.
Labor Shortage and Immigration Reform NAHB supports comprehensive immigration reform that will safeguard our borders, establish a fair employment verification system and create a marketbased visa system that will allow more immigrants to legally enter the construction workforce as the housing industry gains momentum and the demand for workers increases.
NAHB is a strong proponent of comprehensive housing finance reform that would increase the role of private capital in the U.S. housing finance system but maintain a limited federal backstop to the nation’s housing finance system. Federal support is particularly important for the availability of the affordable 30-year fixedrate mortgage, which has been a staple of the U.S. housing finance system. NAHB also backs efforts to update and modernize the Federal Housing Administration and establish a strong framework for preserving rural housing.
Association Health Plans
Tax Reform
Housing Finance Reform
NAHB firmly believes that Congress must reassert its oversight authority over rule making agencies and that efforts to further regulate the housing industry must be subject to greater public scrutiny, based on sound data, and undertaken only after a careful consideration of potential effects on small businesses. On average, regulations imposed by government at all levels account for nearly 25% of the final price of a home. NAHB supports voluntary, marketdriven and cost-effectiveness measures that promote energy efficiency in the home and the use of sustainable green building materials and construction techniques. Policies, such as enhanced financing and green appraisals, can help make energy efficiency more affordable to the average home buyer. NAHB does not support mandates that neglect cost impacts, as they diminish housing affordability.
NAHB, volunteer leaders and staff, has other issues that they are working on with the 115th Congress and I’d like to share them with you.
NAHB supports housing incentives in the tax code, including the deductions for mortgage interest and state and local property taxes. These incentives largely benefit the middle-class, in particular younger households and larger families, by making home ownership more affordable. NAHB also supports the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC), the primary tool for financing construction of new, affordable rental housing. The LIHTC is currently producing approximately 95,000 new apartment homes annually and serves households earning 60% or less of the area median income.
Federal Regulatory Reform
Environment NAHB supports a common sense, scientific approach to safeguarding the environment that reasonably balances protection of endangered species, clean air and clean water, with the need to allow local communities to grow and thrive. NAHB is concerned with the Waters of the United States rule from EPA and Army Corps that would expand federal jurisdiction under the Clean Water Act. This rule increases the federal government’s role in local land use and increases the costs of residential construction. Property Rights
NAHB believes in allowing property owners direct access to federal district court review of property takings cases. Unfortunately, under the current legal system, the government can bounce the property owner between federal and state court, exhausting the property owner’s resources on legal fees, and avoiding court review entirely.
NAHB supports a market-based approach to health care reform. Action is needed to lower costs and provide better plan options for small businesses, such as association health plans (AHPs). Small firms pay more for a given benefit package than do larger organizations because of higher administrative expenses and less purchasing power. AHPs will ensure a level playing field for smaller employers who want to help their workers and their families with rising health care costs. National Flood Insurance Program
NAHB supports a strong governmentbacked National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) that is available, predictable, affordable and financially solvent. To continue the stability and growth of the housing market, homeowners in the 100-year floodplain must have access to affordable and reliable flood insurance and home builders must have access to accurate floodplain maps. NAHB urges Congress to swiftly pass long-term flood insurance legislation before the program’s expiration on Sept. 30, 2017.
April 2017 | Building Buzz
SOLAR: Not for Everyone T
he solar panel industry and efficiency advocates have not backed off their efforts to require all new homes to be “solar-ready.” These efforts are showing up throughout the country at both the state and local levels. The solar panel industry submitted an amendment to the 2015 International Energy Conservation Code. The amendment to mandate solar-ready homes was defeated ─ but it was included in the appendix of the 2015 IECC, allowing a state or local jurisdiction the ability to require homes to be solar-ready if it wants to. It’s true that having the infrastructure in place for the installation of photovoltaic panels can be can be desirable to consumers in some markets – which is why NAHB is a strong supporter of voluntary programs and tax credits that encourage their use. It’s easy to see that a mandate isn’t the way to go.
It’s not just the cost – estimated to be between $300$500 per home – but also design issues: Plumbing and mechanical vents might need to be relocated to find the 300 square feet of space the panels require, and architectural
Building Buzz | April 2017
features such as gables and dormers might not be possible on a home’s south side: a problem if that’s the side that faces the street. Some fire departments have expressed concerns about their ability to vent the roof in the event of a fire.
Not every house is a good candidate for solar panels either because of size or space constrictions or because of location – it makes no sense for a house that is often shadowed by tall trees or surrounding buildings, for example.
CITY & COUNTY MPO Holding Public Meeting for the Mandan Downtown Subarea Study
The Bismarck-Mandan Metropolitan Planning Organization and the City of Mandan invite you to attend a public meeting on the Mandan Downtown Subarea Study from 5:30-7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, April 5, 2017 in the Veterans Room of Mandan City Hall, 205 2nd Avenue NW, Mandan. A brief presentation and workshop begin at 5:30 p.m. This meeting is being held to offer the public an opportunity to participate in the development of the Mandan Downtown Subarea Study. The study will focus on developing a comprehensive transportation and land use plan for Downtown Mandan.
If you are unable to attend the meeting, written comments can be mailed by April 20, 2017 to Mike Bittner, KLJ Project manager, 728 East Beaton Drive, West Fargo, ND 58078. Further information is available at
April 2017 | Building Buzz
The Bismarck-Mandan Home Builders Association is excited to present our annual Spring Parade of Homes. The demanding winter tested our builders, and 30 of our members met the challenge by delivering 40 beautifully constructed homes in BismarckMandan.
Step inside and explore home styles ranging from innovative to elegant. Prices range from $214,900 to $1.3 million. Whether you are ready to buy, build or remodel the Parade is an excellent source for inspiration and access to builders.
The 2017 Spring Parade of Homes is Thursday, April 27 through Sunday, April 30. Specific dates and times are as follows: • • • •
Thursday, April 27 from 6-9 p.m. Friday, April 28 from 6-9 p.m. Saturday, April 29 from 11-5 p.m. Sunday April 30 from 12-5 p.m.
Tickets are available at any home on the Parade route for just $10 each, and are good for admission to every home all four days. Children 18 and under are free. Plan daily visits to all Parade homes by downloading the easy-to-use Parade of Homes app. ParadeSmart provides access to builder profiles, home details and turn-by-turn directions. Free of charge, ParadeSmart is available to Apple and Android users, and is a useful tool before, during and after the event. After you have visited your final Parade home, be sure to complete the contact information on your ticket before dropping it into a ballot box for your chance to win a prize valued at $1000, courtesy of Magi-Touch Carpet One, or a $1500 voucher toward a seamless gutter installation by Carefree Living Homes, LLC.
On behalf of the Parade of Homes Committee and the Bismarck-Mandan Home Builders Association, I invite you to explore each home in the 2017 Spring Parade of Homes.
BMHBA to Host Appraisal Forum Join the association on Friday, April 14 for the Appraisal Forum. The event is from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. and will feature the president of the new North Dakota Appraisers Association Bill Gion along with local appraisers Joe Ibach and Al Kunick. Registration is open online at Each member gets one free admission and additional attendees are $10. The forum will take place at the Bismarck-Mandan Chamber of Commerce building.
Building Buzz | April 2017
Spring Parade of Homes Awards Mixer & GMM Join the BMHBA to celebrate the success of the 2017 Spring Parade of Homes at the Spring Awards Mixer & GMM on May 18 at the Baymont Inn, Mandan! The event will include the presentation of the Parade awards, as well as remarks on the 2017 industry outlook. Begin the night with a social hour at 5:30, followed by dinner and presentation at 6:15. Reward your employees by registering them at, or call 701222-2400.
Annual Scholarship Fundraiser Picnic BMHBA will host the Annual BSC Scholarship Fundraiser Picnic on June 15 at the Post in Mandan. Support the future of the building industry by attending this event, which helps local students attending BSC trade programs. Enjoy cold beverages and hot food from the Harvest Brazilian Grill, while browsing the variety of silent auction items. Snag a raffle ticket for our popular prizes- proceeds benefit the BMHBA BSC scholarship fund.
Annual PAC Fundraiser Golf Challenge BMHBA is teaming up with BMBOR to support BUILD-PAC and RPAC for the Annual PAC Fundraiser Golf Challenge, sponsored by Bismarck Title Company. Join us at Prairie West Golf Course in Mandan on July 11 for food, fun, and hot competition. Team and individual prizes will be awarded. Register your team now -- this one is filling up fast!
Reward your employees by registering them for all of our events at events, or call 701-222-2400!
BUILDERS AND OFFICIALS TO MEET The Spring Building Officials Roundtable is scheduled for April 11. The lunch event is intended to give builders insight on new building requirements and code enforcement. It also is an opportunity for members to share their comments, concerns and questions with building officials.
“All builders should take advantage of this event coordinated by the association,” says President Shannon Reichenberg.
Thank You to Coldspring for hosting our March Builders Only Social !
“This is one of two group meetings with all officials where we as members can come together to share our common frustrations and suggestions.”
Registration is available online at The event is from 11:30 to 1 p.m. on Tuesday, April 11 and includes lunch. Attendance is free for the first registrant from your business and $10 for additional registrations.
Upcoming Social by Fabricators
BOX LUNCH WITH BUILDERS Dave Skalicky with Inspector Ski Home Inspections sponsored the first Box Lunch with Builders at the BMHBA office. Diversity Homes, Flickertail construction and 8 Associate members participated in a discussion on the current state of the housing industry. Builders and Associates shares their perspectives on buyer expectations, trends, financing and more. The event was an effective way to bring members together to allow for better business collaboration. Participants discussed strategies for meeting the challenges of working together within the industry, as well as meeting
the demands of today’s buyers.
The Box Lunch with Builders is a great way to encourage members to do business with other members. Thank you, Inspector Ski for bringing members together for a valuable discussion.
Our next lunch will be held on June 21 from 12-1 p.m. If you are interested in hosting the Box Lunch with Builders, please contact Tracy at 2222400.
The next Builders Only Social will be hosted by Fabricators Unlimited on May 11th at 5:30 P.M. at their new showroom located at 171 Eastdale Drive in Bismarck. This is a FREE social for BMHBA builder members and spouses. Enjoy hor d’oeuvres and beverages with your fellow builders in a relaxed atmosphere. Register at events, or call 701-222-2400.
Fun Night at Jerome’s Fun Night continues to be one of our most popular events, with over 100 members attending to sample chili and cold brews.
INCREASE YOUR PROFITABILITY WITH NAHB ONLINE COURSES Offered in webinar format from 12-2 p.m. over three consecutive Tuesdays, take advantage of this easy way to start a designation, complete a designation or earn continuing education credits. • Estimating and Scheduling for Profitable Business Operations (April 4, 11, 18)
• Business Accounting & Job Costing: A Road Map to Profitability (May 9, 16, 23)
• Project Management (June 6, 13, 20)
• Marketing & Sales for Building Professionals (Oct. 3, 10, 17)
• Construction Contracts & Law (Nov. 7, 14, 21) Register today! Visit www.BHMBA.
com/events for details and instructions on how to register, or call 701-222-2400.
10 board members dazzled partygoers with their culinary skills, and John Hoffman with GoMini’s wowed guests with his house chili. Congrats to Bill Schmid with Townsquare Media, who’s Howlin’ Texas Chili with beer cheese sauce made by Debbie Schmid took home the coveted winning ladle.
Thank you, Jerome’s Distributing for so graciously hosting the event! Visit BMHBA. com/events and mark your calendar for all of this year’s exciting member activities! April 2017 | Building Buzz
Skyrocketing Lumber Prices Put Builders in a Bind
Relations between the U.S. and Canada haven’t exactly been neighborly thus far in 2017. The disputes over potential l changes to the North American Free Trade Agreement are causing some serious international rifts. Home builders are particularly concerned with the nowexpired Softwood Lumber Agreement. The uncertainty surrounding a new trade agreement is impacting businesses on both sides of the border, as it was the primary culprit behind the surging lumber prices between mid-January and mid-February. Tim Jackson, president and owner of Tim Jackson Custom Homes in Allen, Texas, says his market is already challenged with increased labor costs due to the labor shortage, and any increase in the price of materials only compounds the problem.
“Our company does fixed-price contracts so we are on the hook for any price increases from the time of the contract to the actual time of material purchases,” Jackson said. “We do have a small contingency built in, but the recent price increases have far exceeded this contingency. The bottom line is that our margins will be eroded.” It’s a similar situation for Kurt Dinnes, senior partner of Sun Custom Homes in Oklahoma City, who estimates lumber
prices in his market are up about 15% from a year ago.
“It’s impacting us the most with our custom homes that we bid on several months ago when prices were much lower,” Dinnes said. “Even then, we were trying to adjust for the inevitable price increases, but we didn’t adjust high enough.
“Our dilemma is that we have to stay competitive; that’s the key,” Dinnes said. “So when we bid on a project, we still err on the conservative side because the last thing we want is to price ourselves out.” In a recent Eye On Housing post, NAHB’s tax policy analyst David Logan explains in greater detail why lumber prices began to skyrocket. Logan notes “the framing lumber composite price rose $25 between February 3 and February 10, the largest one-week increase since August 2003.”
In the weeks since then, buyers and traders have determined that prices “overshot lumber’s true market value, and consequently they’ve flattened out,” Logan said. The outlook of a new agreement is “highly uncertain” at this point, according to Logan. But he predicts additional hikes looming in the near future, as more tariffs will be announced in April and again in May.
TAX BENEFITS FOR HIRING Members are encouraged to download a free guide prepared by the tax law firm of Caplin & Drysdale. 2016 Federal Tax Benefits for Hiring and Employing Veterans, National Guard Members and Reservists provides a clear and concise understanding of the benefits of hiring and employing military members. The guide includes what you need to know to decide if your company is eligible and how to file. It even includes links to the required IRS and DoL forms employers need to submit. • • • •
Returning Heroes Tax Credit Wounded Warrior Tax Credit Activated Military Reservist Credit for Small Businesses Federal Empowerment Zone Employment Credit
Visit to access the guide.
Building Buzz | April 2017
NEW HOME SALES UP 6.1% IN FEBRUARY Sales of newly built, single-family homes continued to minimal effect on new home sales thus far,” said NAHB expand, rising 6.1% in February to a seasonally adjusted Chief Economist Robert Dietz. “Ongoing job creation, rising household formations and affordable home prices should annual rate of 592,000 units, according to newly released data from HUD and the Census keep the market on an upward trajectory in 2017.” Bureau. February’s increase in new
“February’s increase in new The inventory of new home sales home sales is consistent with home sales is consistent with for sale was 266,000 in February, builders’ growing confidence which is a 5.4-month supply at the builders’ growing confidence in the housing market. in the housing market,” said current sales pace. The median sales price of new houses sold was NAHB Chair Granger MacDonald. “Builders are encouraged by $296,200. heightened consumer activity and by the expectation that Regionally, new home sales increased 30.9% in the regulatory costs will decline in the year ahead.” Midwest, 7.5% in the West and 3.6% in the South. Sales fell “The uptick in mortgage interest rates is having a
21.4% in the Northeast.
In a victory for NAHB and the small business community, the Senate passed legislation approved by the House in March that will force the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to reverse a recent recordkeeping rule that would needlessly harm small employers.
“NAHB led the charge along with other industry groups to work with Congress to roll back this regulatory overreach,” said NAHB Chairman Granger MacDonald. “OSHA’s rule would subject millions of small businesses to citations for paperwork violations, while doing nothing to improve worker health or safety.” When President Trump signs the legislation into law, OSHA will still be able to issue a citation for recordkeeping paperwork violations up to six months after they occurred
and employers will still have the exact same obligation to record injuries as they always had.
The difference: OSHA will no longer be able to play “gotcha” by issuing a citation five years after the occurrence, which would do nothing to minimize workplace hazards but would subject small businesses to needless fines and excessive paperwork requirements.
Optimism among single-family builders this month is the strongest it has been since 2005. Much of this positive sentiment stems from the widely anticipated reductions of government regulations. A prime example was the recent executive order to roll back the Waters of the United States rule that affects builders’ and developers’ wetlands permits. However, we can expect some moderation in builder confidence in the months ahead, as interest rates rise and headwinds persist for access to lots and labor. As expected, the Federal Reserve increased the shortterm federal funds rate for just
the third time in the post-recession era. Much of the Fed’s stance is fueled by a strengthening labor market, which added 235,000 jobs last month. As the rate of inflation approaches the 2% target rate, NAHB forecasts two additional rate hikes this year.
Additional price pressures can be seen on the supply side of the industry. Gypsum prices have increased more than 6% in the first two months of 2017, and softwood lumber prices rose almost 5% due to the ongoing lumber trade dispute between the U.S. and Canada. As housing starts continue to rise in the months and years ahead, additional sources of lumber will be required.
April 2017 | Building Buzz
The 115th and You Can Make Housing Great, Again The National Association of Home Builders (NAHB), and it’s over 700 chartered home builders associations (HBAs) across the country, helps shape all of our future in the home building industry. Builders across the country, from single-family to multi-family as well as remodelers to mixed-use, benefit from NAHB and its efforts to help our legislators in Washington and the various state capitols understand housing’s impact.
Each state will have its own statistics to make their discussions with state legislators relevant and successful. In regards to Washington, D.C. we must focus on the 115th Congress and the wave of pro-business that has made our economy start to show signs of substantial growth, which will have a positive and prolonged effect on housing. For those of you who want to engage in the reality of protecting your careers let’s talk about what NAHB truly is; About NAHB
• Federation of more than 700 state and local builder associations.
• NAHB’s 140,000 members employ more than 7 million workers nationwide. • The residential construction industry directly employs more than 2.6 million workers, with millions more engaged in businesses directly relating to home building. • NAHB’s builder members will construct about 80% of the 1.2 million new housing units projected for 2017.
construction of 1,000 single-family homes generates 2,970 jobs across all U.S. industries (including construction, manufacturing, trade and professional services). Also, approximately $162 million in wages and more than $110 million in federal, state and local tax revenues and fees. The construction of 1,000 rental apartments generates 1,130 jobs across all U.S. industries and approximately $61 million in wages and more than $42 million in federal, state and local tax revenues and fees.
• About 64 out of 100 households own their own home. • Home equity accounts for a total of more than $13 trillion in wealth for American households. • Americans spend about $158 billion annually on home remodeling projects.
• There are more than 134.7 million housing units in the U.S.
• For every $1,000 increase in the price of a home, about 152,903 households are priced out of the market for a medianpriced new home.
by Michael Kurpiel, CGA, CGP
If we want to go further let’s discuss;
Housing’s Impact on the Nation
Housing construction and the value of housing–related services account for about 16% of the GDP, making housing a major component of the economy. The
Let’s Build Together.
When it comes to building a home, there are a lot of decisions to be made. But when it comes to your closing, we’ve got you covered.
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Building Buzz | April 2017
AND THE SURVEY SAYS… More than 164 members participated in the 2017 Membership Survey. Results from the survey will be used to shape the direction of the association for the next three years. Last administered in 2014, some results this year mirrored the past; however, some show a shift.
We Make Home Buying Easy. Breeze through our prequalification application in 10 minutes or less to learn how much you prequalify for within one business day.* Get started now at
NMLS# 423050 Federally insured by NCUA. *Prequalification letter available within one business day; amount based on credit qualifications. Other restrictions may apply.
It’s Not Just Business. It’s Personal.
April 2017 | Building Buzz
NDAB NEWS Monthly News from the North Dakota Association of Builders
April 2017
Making an Impact
Presidents Message
NDAB President Eric Brenden
There has been much talk in recent years about the labor shortage in the construction industry and the difficulty in getting kids and young adults to want to work in the construction field.
I recently came across an article by NAHB that discussed the results of a special study by related to that very issue. The primary purpose of the study was to shed light on the attitudes of young adults toward the trades, the compensation level that could entice some of them to join the industry, and the reasons many won’t even consider construction as a possible career path. There were a few results of the study that might help us understand how to attract more of them into the industry. First of all, the small percentage of young adults that want to have a career in the construction trades came to that choice mainly because it is what they are most interested in or it is where their skills lie. To them, the two most important benefits of a career in the construction trades are good pay and the acquisition of useful skills. Most young adults who have yet to make up their minds on a career see very little chance they would join the trades even if the pay was high. This decision is based mostly on their view that construction work is physically demanding and difficult. The positive news for the construction industry is that many young adults who generally would not like to work in the trades would reconsider it if the salary made it attractive enough. There is a perception among many young adults that salaries are not very high for those in the trades.
NDAB is sure making an impact and showing strength in numbers during the 65th Legislative session! We appreciate our members that have taken the time to meet with their local Representatives and Senators either at meetings back in their home districts, or at the Capitol. Those members who have called or emailed their legislators asking for their support on NDAB’s stance on bills and those who have proudly worn the NDAB shirts during the LegKim Schneider islative Impact Day and Builders Day at the Capitol. We have heard from your legislators that our presence has been strong and making a impression with them. Great work! On March 16, members from across the state gathered in Bismarck for our Builders Day at the Capitol where we served lunch to the legislators, legislative staff members and statewide elected officials. It was a delicious lunch, well attended and a relaxed opportunity to meet with those who represent us. We are continuously grateful to those of you who take time out of your busy schedule to attend these events and help ensure your voice is heard! Our advocacy work doesn’t stop at the local or state level. In June, NDAB members are invited to travel to Washington, DC to participate in National Association of Home Builder’s Mid-Year Meeting where we will also be visiting the National Capitol and meeting with Senator Heitkamp, Senator Hoeven and Congressman Cramer. We invite all of you to join us! Registration opens April 3 and the meetings will be held June 13-17 at Marriott at Wardman Park. If you have never had the opportunity to attend NAHB meetings, we have plenty of members that have regularly attended and would invite you to join them. If you have any questions, please contact our office at 701-222-2401. We would like to take this time to recognize and congratulate our 2017 NDAB Professional Builders:
A take away that I have after reading this article is that continued effort needs to be made by all of us to start educating our children at an early age of the benefits and positives of working in the construction/housing industry. If kids are not exposed or given the opportunities early on, they will not develop the skills or have interest in pursuing the industry as a career once they become young adults. Technology is also going to change the industry dramatically in the near future. I would guess that many of these advances will make working in the trades less physically demanding and more attractive to young adults. Therefore, I would like to continue the effort put forth by our Past President Arnold Karsky, along with many others, and encourage everyone to look for creative ways of educating our youth about our industry.
Tom Spaeth, Accent Kitchen & Bath, Fargo Gary Orth, Cornerstone Specialties, Fargo Donald Dabbert, Jr, Dabbert Custom Homes, Fargo John Gunkleman, Dakota Construction, Fargo Robert Leslie, Designer Homes, Fargo Jason Eid, Eid-Co Homes, Fargo Charles Bon, C’est Construction, Inc. Eric Berg, Eric Berg Construction, Fargo Tyrone Leslie, Heritage Homes, Fargo Robert Kochmann, Kochmann Brother Homes, Fargo Greg Krueger, Krueger Construction, Fargo Mark Spriggs, M&J Construction, Moorhead Todd Halle, T&S Custom Homes, Fargo Jayson Kuznia, Titan Homes, Fargo Michael Bullinger, Western Products, Fargo Charles Zach, Zach Construction, Wahpeton
Take care, Kim Schneider
Back your PAC … your PAC backs you! NDAB-PAC is the North Dakota Association of Builders’ Political Action Committee. It is a non-partisan political action committee that provides support for candidates who are friends of the building industry. Contact NDAB at (800) 326-4746, (701) 222-2401 or to contribute or learn more! North Dakota Association of Builders 1701 Burnt Boat Drive, Suite 201, Bismarck, ND 58503-0801 701/222-2401 or 800/326-4746
Building Buzz | April 2017
AROUND THE STATE Dickinson Area Builders Assoc.
Around the State Minot Association of Builders Around the State Elysha Head, Executive Officer
Tiffaney Dolechek, Executive Officer already brainstorming for for thedonating 2018 Show Bismarck/Mandan HBA a Decorating Services, 701-852-0496 Top Recruiter; Ken 701-483-0044 | | computer for our new Krajsa, Bell State Bank & Trust,Officer Top and have a few ideas in Executive! the works! Frank, Officer Executive Officer Bryce Johnson, Chief Executive Dot Frank,Dot Executive Fraza, Blue Cross Blue • 701-222-2400 The Dickinson Area Builders hosted the Home ShowSpike; April George • The 2017 Home and Show was a hit!are Over 3,000 people Home show booths sold now! 701-222-2400 701-232-5846 Garden The Minot Association ofbeing Builders invite Shield of ND, Top New Spike; Ken Krajsa 1st and 2nd! There were over 90 different vendors exhibited attended the Show which is an increase over previous January 8th is the deadline foryears. our members to join us on April 25th for MAB Cornerstone Award. HBC granted $12,500 preferred vendors. Home showHole is April 15 140 has booth spaces. Saturday April1st we hosted is school veryhad pleased with theHard turnout the is Show Hat considering Happy Hour andchange Corn with Theover BMHBA been busy On following The 2017 Hometo&local Garden in scholarships highShow – 17, 2016 - the tournament Minot Country Club ordinance updates in Bismarck and our annual Home Show Social at the Eagles for the vendors, daysyear, times. New additions likeat the Pub in the Park, Ready The 2017 Home Show was hosted in increased attendance last students and college from students inand or over contact for Mandan, and Morton from 5-8 Youngster PM! We have 16 committee members, and volunteers to network and relax after Builders Lego Competition, The Yardspots and for Workshops 70 kids participated FebruaryBurleigh attracting more thanCounties. planning on enrollingininthe theLego construction questions. All arevendors reviewing and100,000 updating dated in theattendance Corn Hole and Tournament! Homebuilding Competitionwith and The 500 Market kids on 4thteams 219 filling ft.Platinum of programs. the stressful day. Thank you tosq. our sponsors Builder increased helped spread codes. Eyes are currently on permit cost Registration OurHome December General Membership is $50 per team. Sign participated theheld Treasure Hunt. exhibit space. First Source Montana Dakota Utilities and Bosch the word with about the all-new and Garden Show. MABupis Lumber, The HBA of in F-M a PAC Social changes and development standards. will be held on the 17th atmeeting Entry fee in Gold The Spring Parade Homes willBank be & Heartland The HBA of F-M havealready over 90about sponsors DakotaofCommunity Homes, brainstorming for the 2018 Show and have a few ideas special guest Jerrywill Howard to talk includes entry to tournament, drink ticket, Silver A housing analysis conducted by Bismarck issues NAHB is working onthe in and hosted in earlyBenchmark May to accommodate the Spring Parade ofD.C. Homes. sponsors Engineering & Midwesthomes Doors,on and works! appetizers and a donation to NDAB-PAC. and Mandan outlines a need for an how they tie infeature locally.three The eventbrainstorming was a Builder memberJay needs due toFoam, extreme This year will already for the 2018 Show much to our Annual bronze sponsors R’s Spray Seacrest Homes, Kahm Thank you additional 7,786 owner-occupied homes • The Minot Association of Builders inviteanother members join us on May 23rd so brings newtoMAB event success with 75 members in have attendance. winter weather. weekends, April 22-23, 28-30 and May 5and a few ideas in the works! Dot Frank, Construction, Executive Johnson, Chief Executive Officer Jerome’s Distributing, & Banquet Sponsors! Your support by 2030.Officer TheAllan’s HBA isDecorating workingBryce onCenter, a task April 25th for Hard Hat Happy Hour and Corn Hole tournament dubbed the Tool Belt Barbecue. Join us at at 7. Visit for details. Just under 20 members Lunch 701-222-2400 Quality attended The Minota Association of Builders inviteput on a great event! We Box to Lunch with a Builder debuted force explore implementation of the 701-232-5846 Quick Print! helped us the MAB office parking lot forfor a free the Minot Country from 5-8to PM! We have spots 16 teams Session with Cook-Off local building officials tojoin talk members to23 April 25th for The "Chilly" was March at us on Club in March. The event pairs a roomful of study’s recommendations. hadlunch a great crowd a fun sponsored in and part by First • March 29th was our PAC & general membership meeting in the Corn Hole Tournament! Registration is $50 per evening team. Sign about theCountry latest issues residential Hard Hat Happy Hour and Corn Hole two Builder The 2017 Home & Garden Show had Associate members withevent Town & CreditinUnion. Stone atMembers elected a new Builder board celebrating the year end and International Bank & Trust! It’sentry business construction. tournament at the Minot Country Club the Elks lodge. We have invited all the local legislators and city up at Entry fee includes to The 2017 Home Show was hosted in increased attendance from last year, over members to share industry insight. Countertop Outlet sponsored drinks and member at the Fall GMM on Nov. 24 to fill recognizing our amazing Award in for the front all andand party in the back! More from 5-8 PM! We haveticket, spots 16 70 kids participated in the Lego February attracting more than officials to speak to our members at this event. Our goal is to get tournament, drink appetizers a donation to NDAB-PAC. The New Year Celebration & City Night is members competed to win best chili and Vance Distributing Vetter’s seat.was Thein Past Fun President Night at Jerome are already looking details toWe coming soon. teams in the Corn Hole winners. Tournament! Homebuilding and 28 500at 219 vendors filling 100,000 sq.offt.directors ofsigned will on Jan. the Radisson in Fargo. 5 2016 more members up at the 365 level. We aredessert. hoping for akids board bebattle sworn at Competition March. Board members will toinwin forward to doing it dubbed all again next year • Registration May 23rd brings another new MAB event the Tool Belt is $50 per team. Sign up participated in the Treasure Hunt. exhibit space. great The MAB Golf Tournament and Builder Mayors from Fargo, Moorhead, West turnout again this the Banquet on year Jan. 14. a fun night! The Membership Committee set a goalJoin of us atin theAnnual 2017 Chili Champ ladle.and Entry fee Barbecue. theBismarck! MAB office parking lot for free31st lunch Ball Drop will take place onaJuly this Fargo, Dilworth & Oxbowatwill be in The Spring Parade of Homes will be The HBA of F-M will have over 90 new members in 2017,includes breaking down TheDickinson BMHBA welcomes all members to entry topart tournament, drink • May The Area Chamber ofhomes Commerce made Parade us90 their in by First International Bank Trust! It’s business attendance and participatesponsored on a mayoral year. Weticket, have some big&changes coming hosted in early to accommodate on the Spring of Homes. to 25 builders and 65 associates. Nineteen appetizers and a donation to NDAB-PAC. attend a Lead Renovator and Lead panel. will also have special Al party intothe Builder memberBusiness needs dueoftothe extreme This year will feature Week the first week of March! Fromthree left toWe right in the guest front and More details to coming theback! tournament this year that willsoon. be joined January and February Renovator Initial andBuilders Refresherweekends, course April 22-23,members State. May 23rd brings another new MAB event Dickinson Area Assoc. Jaeger, Secretary If you would winter weather.Vice 28-30 and May 5-in of released soon! President Mike Jangula, Director Gene Kruger, combined. EO Tiffaney on Nov. 30 and Dec. 1, respectively. • dubbed Theevents MAB Golf Belt Tournament the Tool Barbecue.and JoinBuilder us at Ball Drop will take place Tiffaney Dolechek, Executive7.Officer likedetails. to attend, please visit the Visit for Box Lunch withDolechek, aVisit Builder debuted and701-483-0044 Past President Lance Kilwein. (See photo) to register. the officethis parking a free onMAB July 31st year.lot Weforhave some big changes coming to the at23 The "Chilly" Cook-Offcalendar was March at in March. The event pairs a roomful of lunch sponsoredthis in part bythat Firstwill be released soon! tournament year AssociateHome members two Builder Town & Country Credit Union. Stone Dickinson Area Builders Assoc. Williston Area Builders Association Builders Assoc. of Fargo-Moorhead International Bank & Trust! It’s business Forx Builders Association Forx Builders Association members toIrene share Schafer, industry insight. Countertop Outlet sponsored drinks and Sponsors—Kuntz Builders, AnnMore Kvande, Executive Officer Executive Officer Officer in the front and party inPlatinum the back! Bryce Johnson, Chief Executive Betty McDonald, Executive Officer Betty McDonald, Executive Officer members competed to win best chili and Williston Area Builders Association Jerome The Dickinson Area Fun Night at701-483-0044 Distributing was in Builders hosted the and Winn Construction, Inc. 701-572-5744 details to coming soon. Inc. 701-232-5846 | 701-746-4536 dessert. 701-746-4536 March. Board members battle to win AnnThe Kvande, Executive Officer Homewill Show April 1st and 2nd! There MAB Golf Tournament and Builder at the The Membership setfrom goal of the 2017 Chili ladle. were over 90 different vendors exhibited 701-572-5744 | Our regular GMM was held Eagles • Champ The 2017 Home & Garden Show had increasedCommittee attendance Sponsor—ProBuild Ball Drop will take place on2017 July 31st this Silver Home and Garden Show Scheduled There was good 90 Saturday new members 2017, breaking down attendance at Slate with over 140 spaces. On Club on November 11participated with a moment of Lego in year. We have some big changes coming last year, over 70booth kids in the Homebuilding for April 7-8, 2017 for April 7-8, 2017 Interior Design’s November Builders after to 25 builders and 65 associates. Nineteen • 2017 Home and Garden Show Scheduled Our 2017 Home Design &toGarden Show April 1st we hosted our annual Home in the Treasure silence honoring our kids veterans. that will be Reception NDAB-PAC Sponsor—Bosch Competition and 500 participated Hunt. Hours. Thank you Alissa. the tournament thisyear members joined in January and February The Williston Area Builders Association Dickinson Area Builders Assoc. Show Social at the Eagles for the is in the books and was a success. released soon! • after TheHours Williston Builders Association (WABA) that is the excited Our Home Show committee is combined. busy Lumber Spring The Parade December Builders will be Area Tiffaney Dolechek, Executive Officer (WABA) excited to announce vendors, committee members, and Attendance was very good giving the • The HBA of F-M will have over 90 homes on the of planning our Home Show in April, to announceand that thedate dateforfor 7th Annual Home and Garden 701-483-0044 hosted by the Membership Committee 7th Annual Home and Garden volunteers toadding network andfeatures. relax after the of good leads. There were Homes. This year will new feature three weekends, Aprilvendors 22-23, lots 28-30 updating and Show has been setBanner forAssociation AprilSponsor—Roers 7-8, 2017 at April the Raymond Family West, LLC the Board Directors at Keith’s Security Show has been set for 7-8, 2017 at stressful day. Thank you to ourForx Platinum lots for theofkids to doWilliston with the Area Builders May 5-7. Visit for details. Builders Association and Our main focus right now is on World. Jim Bisson owner ofCommunity Keith’s LockCenter & in the Williston. The HomeCommunity and Garden Show is Raymond Family Center Ann Kvande, Executive Officer sponsors Builder First Source Betty Montana playground, bouncy games and Little McDonald, Executive Officer Key Credit will be retiring the end of December the StateUtilities Meeting here in March Dickinson. We The Dickinson Area Builders hostedand the the largest event WABA hosts each year with over a 100 in Williston. • The “Chilly” Cook-Off was 23 at Town & Country 701-572-5744 Dakota Bosch Lumber, Gold Builder’s Workshops. Good food was public 701-746-4536 and we will be helping him celebrate thisthousands are looking forward to making this a Home Show April 1st and 2nd! There Also, youGarden to theShow NDAB 2015 The Home and is the vendors and ofThank participants, entertainment, and prizes Union. StoneDakota Countertop OutletBank sponsored drinks and members sponsors Community & prepared and shared by chefs from the milestone. special night exhibited for Arnold Karsky as he is were over 90 different vendors largest public event WABAHandy hosts your each We truly appreciate for Home the family. We’llPartners! have Miss North Dakota, Andy, and 2017 and Garden Show Scheduled Heartland Homes, Silver sponsors Wild Hog and Skip’s Gourmet Grub. As competed to win best chili and dessert. installed State President. with over 140 booth spaces.asOnour Saturday always, Our Home Design andseminars Garden Show will year with over a have 100 vendors support and we enjoyed serving for April 7-8, 2017 Benchmark Engineering & Midwest the gardening by Tim special activities throughout the show. Participants will be able to Our 2017 Home Design & Garden Show April 1st we hosted our annual Home • The Membership Committee aR’s goalour of 90 new members in 1, & Following that, we also busy set planning be heldNursery April 2 &Landscaping 3at the Alerus ofthe participants. youand.thousands throughout entire year! Doors, and bronze sponsors Jay Shea’s andCenter. The Williston Builders Association register for Area outstanding door prizes and raffle tickets will be sold Show Social at the Eagles for the is in the books and was a success. annual Christmas Party. Newly elected 2017, breaking down to Homes, 25 builders and 65 associates. Nineteen Spray Foam, Seacrest Kahm Bergeson were very (WABA) excited to announce that the vendors, committee members, and Attendance was very good giving Nursery the wepopular. haveissome great items.”, Ken Callahan, Home and Garden Show Minot Association of Builders Vice President, ValJanuary Voelkering is busy with members joined in andvendors February combined. for 7thafter Annual Construction, Allan's Decorating Center, volunteers to network and relax after the lots of good leads. There were Executive PS Garage Doors will hostdate Builders Committee Chair.Home and Garden Officer her committee putting final touches to a Show has and been set for April 7-8, 2017 at Jerome’s Distributing, Quick stressful day. Thank you to our Platinum & Quality lots for the kids to do with the on April 25th. All members Hours very specialAssociation evening at the Elks Club. 701-852-0496 Raymond Family Community Forx Builders • the More information will be Center released as it becomes available. sponsors Builder First Source Montana playground, bouncy games and Little Print! potential members are invited to attend. inSponsorship Williston. and WeBosch wouldLumber, likeExecutive to take thisOfficer opportunity toWorkshops. Good food was Dakota Utilities GoldPAC Builder’s opportunities and vendor booths are still available! Betty McDonald, March 29th was our event & We are having a “Holiday Open House” for byOur Annual Sporting ClayThe Shoot is in Home andthe Garden Show is the extend an invitation Heatherand shared sponsors Dakota Community Bank & to Kim andprepared chefs from the For information, visit WABA’s website at www.willistonbuilders. 701-746-4536 | general membership meeting at the Elks our members here at the office December largest public event WABA hosts each planning stages and will be held in May. other associations to attend ourHog and Skip’s Gourmet Grub. As Heartland Homes,and Silver sponsors Wild com. Vendors receive a discount for registering before lodge.&We have invited all thealways, local the gardening seminars 15th from with year food and with over a 100will vendors Christmas party. Gold Partner - Montana Dakota Utilities Benchmark• Engineering Midwest Tim Our 2017 Home Design & Garden Show books and bynoon-7pm legislators and city officials to speak tois in the February 16th. For more information, please contact the Williston beverage. and.thousands of participants. Doors, and bronze sponsors Jay R’s Shea’s Nursery & Landscaping and Minot Association of Builders was Merry Christmas and event. Happy New Year a success. Attendance was very good giving the vendors our members at this Our goal is to to Area Builders Association 701-572-5744. Spray Foam, Seacrest Homes, Kahm Bergeson Nursery were very popular. Elysha Head, ExecutiveAssociation Officer Silver at Partners - Bismarck-Mandan everyone! Area Builders lots ofDecorating There wereup lots for the kids Williston to do with the get 5good moreleads. members signed at the 365 Construction, Allan's Center, PS Garage Doors will host Builders701-852-0496 after Home Builders Association, Dickinson Janna Lutz, Executive Officer playground, bouncy Little Builder’s Workshops. Good level. are hoping for aand great turnout Jerome’s Distributing, & We Quality Quickgames Hours on April 25th. All members and Area Builders Association, Home Builders again year and aVice fun night! Print! 701-572-5744 food wasthis prepared and shared by chefs members from the Wild Hogtoand potential are invited attend. Bryce Johnson, Executive President Association of Fargo-Moorhead, & March 29th 701-232-584 was our PAC Gourmet always, theAnnual gardening seminars by Tim Skip’s The Dickinson AreaAs Chamber of Our Sporting Shoot is in theand Garden Show was a 6 event &Grub. Northern Plumbing Supply Clay The 2017 Home WABA welcomes new incoming board general membership meeting at the Elks Commerce us their Business of the Dickinson Area Builders “Business Shea’s Nurserymade & Landscaping and Bergeson Nursery planning stages and will bewere held very in May.people attended the Show hit! Over 3,000 members: Lance Bevier of Tractor and lodge. We have invited all the local Weekyou the to first week ofwho March! From our left of the Week” From left to right Vice popular. Thank everyone attended which is an Co., increase previousof years. Bronze Partners - Bell State Bank & Equipment Joanover Mainwaring legislators and citytoofficials to speak to rightGala Vice&President Mike Minot Jangula, AssociationMAB of Builders President Mike Jangula, Director Awards Annual Meeting. The HBA is very pleased with the turnout American State Bank and Trust Co., and our members at this event. Our goal is to Trust, Forx Builders Association, Minot • PSofDirector Garage Doors will host Builders after Hours on April 25th. All Gene Kruger, EO Tiffaney Elysha Head, Executive Officer F-M celebrated winners and Gene Kruger, Tiffaney Dickinson AreaofBuilders “Business of the Dolechek, Bob Radermacher of Bakken Contracting. considering the change is Show days and get 5 more members signed up at the award 365 members Association Builders, NDEOGuaranty & members and potential are invited to attend. Dolechek, and Past President scholarship recipients with overLance 200 of its701-852-0496 Week” From left toand right Vice President Mike Past President Lance Kilwein. level. We are hoping for a great turnout times. New additions like the Pub in the Mark Schneider, LJA, was sworn in as our Title Co., ND Housing Finance Agency, members. The awards went to Clay Kilwein. (See photo) Jangula, Director Gene Kruger, EO Tiffaney again this year aAnnual fun night! Park, Ready Builders Lego Competition, • and Our Sporting Clay Shoot is in the andWABA will incoming President at our Annual ProBuild,and RDO Co.,Kilwein. & Williston Dietrich, Dietrich Homes, Inc., Builder of planning stages Dolechek, PastEquipment President Lance The Youngster Yard and Workshops with The Dickinson be Area Chamber of Krabbenhoft, Coldwell Meeting in November. held in May. Area Builders Association the Year; Paul The 2017 Home and Garden Show was a Commerce made Banker us their Business of the Market on 4thalso increased attendance First Realty, Associate hit! of the Year; The Top Spikes were recognized: Bill Over 3,000 people attended the Show Week the first week of March! FromBEAM; left and helped spread the word aboutbecame the allHeritage Homes, Dan Beecher, which is an increase over previous years. Murphy and Dave Nordenstrom to right Vice President Jangula, new Home and Garden Show. MAB is FoamMike Doctor’s LLC, Extra Mile;MAB Johnis very pleased with turnout Lifethe Spikes in 2015!
Around the State
Director Gene Kruger, EO Tiffaney Area Builders “Business of the Koerselman, Red River Drywallconsidering & the change is Show thanks days andto DotDickinson Special FrankFrom and the Dolechek, and Past President Lance Week” left to right Vice President Mike times. New additions like the Pub in the Kilwein. (See photo) Director Gene Kruger, EO Tiffaney North Dakota Jangula, Association of Builders April 2017 Park, Ready Builders Lego Competition, Dolechek,of and Past President Lance Kilwein. December 2015 Yard and Workshops with Association The YoungsterNorth Dakota Builders The Market on 4th increased attendance April 2017 | Building Buzz and helped spread the word about the allnew Home and Garden Show. MAB is
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UPCOMING BMHBA EVENTS Building Officials Roundtable - April 11 at 11:30am Appraisal Forum - April 14 at 11:30am Spring Parade of Homes - April 27-30 Business Accounting and Job Costing - May 9th at Noon Builders Only Social - May 11 at 5:30pm Spring Awards Mixer - May 18