Blaque/OUT Magazine July 2021 Issue# 010

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Ask Honoring The Work of Zanele Muholi This month’s theme is one of my ultimate favorites. I love that we continue to shine the spotlight on different areas of influence that can meld us and serve a higher purpose of bringing us together in an immaculate way! Art & Qulture, darling! I’ve chosen to highlight some of the progressive work of the one and only South African visual activist and artiste, Zanele Muholi. Despite South Africa being the fifth country in the world to legalize same-sex marriage, you can imagine the need for a 100MM macro lens close-up that truly captures the untold story of South African queer people of color. Muholi dedicates their focus to race, gender and sexuality. One fact of Muholi’s life that particularly resonated with me was their upbringing. Muholi’s father died shortly after their birth and they were separated from their mother leaving them to be raised by extended family. I have so much respect for those of us who were short changed early in life and used those experiences to cultivate a new understanding of the world around us. I definitely think it serves as a reminder for the rest of us that no matter how rough you think you have it, there is someone somewhere else making the best of their situation with seemingly less of an advantage than you. So no excuses! Muholi dedicated an exhibition to the research and documentation of stories of hate crimes against the LGBTQ+ community with the purpose of bringing awareness to the realities of corrective rape, assault and HIV/AIDS. This was one of the most influential moments in their career, in my opinion. If you have time, I’d

definitely recommend reviewing that exhibition which they titled Only Half The Picture. For me, this exhibition equally shed light on the ruthless and violent discrimination black lesbians in South Africa faced while also supplying them with a sense of power by reclaiming their stories and uniting them as survivors. What a completely riveting and innovative way to embrace the community, share the pain and uplift them all at the same time! Now that we’ve discussed some of Zanele Muholi’s most inspiring successes, I’d like to hone the focus on one of my favorite pieces. Brave Beauties is a series of portraits taken of Transwomen in South Africa. The above pictured image from that collection has enlightened the art exhibitionist within me and I’d like to share what I’ve experienced while reviewing it. While I’m no professional, I love that Muholi’s pieces are not so complex that the average onlooker can’t get something out of the experience. In this piece, we see the incomparable Yaya Mavundla II in a natural setting with a telling smirk on their face. The smirk to me represents the hidden joy that you possess when you’ve succeeded at surviving life’s most treacherous moments. It’s not like Yaya is surrounded by material things or outside influences contributing to that secret smile…so the influence must be internal. It also really spoke to me that Yaya is wrapped in a feathery black fabric that completely encompasses their figure. This for me, perpetuates the reality that we are not GENDER…we are HUMAN BEINGS. This is another motivator behind Muholi’s vision to create awareness to the struggles the community faces. The fabric appears to


Dimpho Tsotetsi, Parktown, Johannesburg, 2014; Dimpho Tsotetsi, Pretoria, 2017 © Zanele Muholi. Courtesy of Stevenson, Cape Town/Johannesburg and Yancey Richardson, New York

The fabric appears to be “swaddling” Yaya almost as if comparing their state of solitude and secret joy to that of a womb. These are just a few of the things that spoke to me in this piece but feel free to review and analyze the piece for yourself. As always, it’s my greatest hope that we connect and unite all across the globe to really bring awareness and use our collective gifts to achieve the unachievable. Zanele Muholi is an amazing representative of the South African movement for the culture but we ultimately are all fighting the same fight, even from different soils. Please give them a google search and support their efforts to continue the fight. I promise you will not be disappointed and will instead have a newfound perspective on the pursuit of happiness no matter what that

may look like to you. Continue to take care of yourselves and one another. Eternally & truly yours, Marshay

Citations: Zanele Muholi Biography: Brave Beauties: images?view=slider#21 LGBT Rights in South Africa:

Okay, let’s talk! These past few months I’ve witnessed and been a part of the loss of loved ones. Loved ones that left behind questions and things unsaid. We often see the verbal expressions of emotions as a weakness, when in fact its one of our greatest strengths. It makes us human beings. It brings us closure, peace, and in most cases, joy. Lets not let another moment pass to say what needs to be said to a loved one, family, or friend. We must learn to heal ourselves to be able to enjoy each precious moment that we have.

Say what you should say.... Our existence is each uncertain and fleeting, There's an appointed time for the beat of each heart to stop beating. Tell people now, what matters to you the most, you can't hug, kiss, or hold anyone's ghost. Say what you should say... Problems come and go, more often than others. Don't let grudges and disappointments fortify your heart to build a great wall; shielding you from an enemy, that really wasn't an enemy at all. Say what you should say... Inform your friends and loved ones of how much you love them, care for them, appreciate them, and need them now. Most times there's no warning, no reason, no rhyme, why the tick tock of our clock stops and you're out of time. Say what you should say! So until next time, this is your girl Javannah saying, “Be good to you!”

Love your body. Get tested.


Behind the look

Well, summer definitely upon us. We have had some beautiful weather her in Western New York and that means people keep asking me about beach reads. I don’t like the beach, by the way! But, when people talk about these kinds of books, they are usually talking about light fare, maybe a romance or a cozy mystery. Laughter is a plus. So, here are a couple of books that I think might be

Honey Girl by Morgan Rogers (Adult contemporary, romantic elements) Grace Parker has graduated from graduate school with an advanced degree in astronomy. She’s an awesome, accomplished astronomer. However, the companies that she is applying to don’t think she “fits the culture.” Grace knew that being one of few people or color in the field would be hard, but she didn’t know how hard. Plus, her father is pressuring her to figure out her life. While on her celebration trip in Las Vegas, she wakes up married to a woman she who lives on the other side of the country. Yuki is a waitress and a podcast host who gives Grace a glimpse into a different way of looking at the universe and the stars. But can Grace let go of the plan she’s been working toward since high school? Trigger

warnings for self harm: Grace scratches her arms with her nails when she’s under stress. If you’re interested in my spoilery- review of this book, check out my youtube video.

You Had Me at Hola by Alexis Daria (Romantic Comedy) This is a m/f RomCom, y’all. Jasmine Rodriguez is an actress who has rules for the way that she lives her

life, which include only getting good publicity. However, when there is a very public breakup with her high profile boyfriend, she heads back to NYC to the comfort of her family. When she is cast in a new streaming show to play opposite her abuella’s favorite telenovela star, she has to remind herself that one of her rules is to avoid rebound relationships with her co-stars. As their relationship begins to push the limits out the window, the news coverage threatens Jasmine’s rules and to uncover more than just her own secrets. The family relationships are definitely a highlight of this story. And I’ve seen some warnings against the audiobook, so try it through your eyeballs first!

Happy Birthday Leo! This has been a really interesting couple of months for you. You have been going throughout a lot of changes lately. You have been reflecting about who you are and who you would like to become. Have you been reading anything good lately? If not, Spirit is calling you to read more to make sure that you plant positive seeds that can flourish within your mind’s eye. What’s the baggage that you have been carrying with you? Mercury is going to be in retrograde for a while, but it’s important to take care of yourself and keep your side of the street clean. Release that, and those that no longer serve you. This is your Birthday month and this is for you. Once you set yourself free and find something, or someone new to embrace- you will be ready to move on. This is your birthday month, make it a ritual and make sure that you take time to do something that you would like to do. Make blowing out a birthday candle a ritual, really write down your goals, aspirations, and desires, blow out a candle, OR let it burn. After you are done scripting what you want for your new year, set an intention to step into the life that you would like to create for yourself. Leos in love: Wow Leo you and your person are a great match. You really love, admire, and respect one another and your love is going to go the distance. Don’t be surprised if you are showered with continual love and adoration from your partner on your birthday month. Continue to write, mediate, and pray for

the future that you and your partner want to create together. Its time to step forth in abundance as happiness is your birthright! Congratulations on your amazingly loving relationship Leo. Single Leos : Take a leap of faith with that new love interest of yours Leo. Guess what, they are just as excited about getting to know you too. Its okay to take the first move. You have taken a step back from dating. The universe has creatively introduced you to a person that is perfect for you for such a time as this. Now is not the time for second guessing, who is going to text who first, just take that beautiful leap of faith. Mantra of the month: I set myself free

Hi Virgo! How are you? Feeling a little bit overwhelmed, bogged down at work, not having enough time with your partner. Now is the perfect time to impose some of that structure that you like to encourage others to have. Employ this by creating balance. Allow yourself to set daily intentions and set up a feasible morning routine. Maybe for you it is waking up, eating your breakfast, listening to music and cuddling with your partner. All of that is good. But, you need to spend time with yourself and the creator to create balance. Wake up earlier and spend time with yourself, in mediation, possibly journaling, or in prayer. Whatever centering practice you have or know about its time to start doing it for your morning routine. Also the same goes for your evening. It's time to stop just flopping into bed and crashing after countless hours of working from home. Create a great evening routine for yourself. Allow yourself to eat a good meal, and some light stretching will allow you to have times where you can wind down and fall asleep more easily. It's all about creating healthy boundaries with and for yourself to create balance. Virgos in love: Wow virgo your relationship with you and your person is divinely guided. Your ancestors, angels, and guides approve of this person. They may not be at the same spiritual level, or adopt all of your spiritual practices. Thats okay! Embrace that and allow for the beauty of diversity in relationships. This person

will learn a lot from you as well as you from them. Enjoy the ride! Single Virgos: Wow things are really heating up with this new person Virgo. This may be your twin flame. Every time you and this person connect its magic. Put a boundary up in regard to the sexual chemistry. Allow yourself to get to know the person a little better as you know your feelings will get wrapped all up in it really quick. Go with the flow and brace yourself for this amazing roller coaster romantic passionate ride! PS. Your person cannot get enough of you and loves to look deeply into your eyes. Month mantra: I create peace for myself and others

Hi Capricorn, I almost didn’t recognize you. You are out there winning, enjoying yourself and living your best life. You are having your glow up right here in front of God and everyone. Good for you! You are grounded and rooted in peace and love. You are continually expanding from the lower vibrations from the past into the person you always knew that you would become. Remember to keep or put up health boundaries with those that would seek to take advantage of your good success. Remember that you are in control of all that you seek to be. All of your ancestors, spirit guides, and angels have been watching you and giving you clues about the next steps that you can take. Now is a time to deepen your meditation practice and listen to the voice within. Be mindful of making any rash moves within your career. Now is a time to continue to reap all of your positive seeds of joy that you have planned. It’s okay to trade out old clothes, habits and friends at this time. Time to embrace newness and continual growth. Capricorn in love: It’s time to make sure that you are able to spend time with your significant other. You and your person have been feeling like you have been growing a part. Or that there has been some distance between you two.

It’s time that you stepped up some relational intimacy which will in turn improve your physical intimacy. Go for walks together, cuddle and watch movies. Oh and go grab a nice bite to eat at that spot you both like. Remember you love each other after all. Single Capricorn: Hey you! Now is a really good time to step away from that toxic person. The booty call, or situationship that thinks that they can control you. It’s time to call it quits, because quite frankly this person is toxic AF. It’s time to take some time away and heal and just enjoy the process of knowing yourself so that you can attract someone better. Mantra of the month: I create what I want for my life.

Aquarius you have been having a difficult time creating and keeping balance within your life. Someone may have made an abrupt exit from your life and right now you are struggling to see the blessing in that. Take some time to really create some equanimity. Although things are looking bleak right now a blessing of abundance and joy is right around the corner. All the little seeds that you planted to create the life that you wanted are waiting to be watered. So go ahead and water those positive seeds of joy. Pour yourself into your goals, and aspirations, go ahead and allow yourself to daydream at work. That is how you are going to be able to create balance, and envision the life that you are seeking to create. There will be plenty to celebrate in your near future. Aquarius in a relationship : Aquarius keep on smiling because you tried on the glass slipper, the rocking chair, and the bowl of porridge and everything is fitting you, “Just right.” This romance that you are in is like a Disney fairytale. Allow yourself to continue to bless this relationship with great emotional intimacy. Your partner will thank you years down the line. Wow! Congratulations you may have arrived at relationship goal status. Single Aquarius : You have invited, or manifested this new person into your life. Beware, Aquarius because your spidey senses are tingling for a reason. Its time to remember that not everything that glitters is gold. With this new person its okay to embrace a trusting spirit. But you are being encouraged to, “Trust by verify”. Remember you are not anyone’s fool or second choice or option. Spirit is saying that you are, “the option.” If this person cannot see this then its time to move on. Sometimes people are just in our lives for a reason and a season to teach us a useful life lesson. Overall message proceed with caution! Mantra of the month: I create my own unique truth

Pisces this is a great month of expansion for you. The past couple of months you went within and practiced a lot of spring cleaning. Good for you! Out with the old and in with the new. You are truly embracing, “No New friends” motto. Your love life has been heating up and this new person is acting like a knight and shining armor. Which may be something very new for you as you are quite independent. Its okay to allow someone to help and care for you. Remember that you are worth it. Peaceful days are ahead of you right now. This is a great time to continue journaling or a self-introspection practice. What and who do you want to be? What is your life’s legacy going to be? This is a big and

important task but you are capable of tackling it. Pisces in love: This relationship that you are in is helping you to really learn and discover some parts of yourself that you haven’t touched in a while. Still waters run deep within you Pisces. With this person it’s totally okay to express your emotions and your overall depth. This person understands it, and craves your 100 % authenticity. So be beautiful you! Single Pisces: It’s time to really focus on your heart's desires and who it is that you really want to be in this world. When you learn to expect better, you are able to receive better. Remember that you are worth the love that you desire. Mantra of the Month: Everything I seek has been seeking me.

This month you have been basking in your personal, and public success. You may have gotten that promotion at work, applied for that job that you thought was out of your reach. Asked your love interest out on a date and got a yes. Finished your degree. Whatever success that you completed Homie, you are glowing and basking in all the fruits of your labor. Guess what? Everyone can see how radiant and beautiful this glow up has been for you! Your main job this month is to continue to plant seeds for the future that you want to create. Remember the sky is the limit, celebrate the success but don’t allow yourself to be distracted and lose momentum . You are sitting back and are in awe of all that you have achieved and you have come to an understanding that you are totally capable of achieving whatever you set your mind to. Those around you can learn a lot about you and that hard work truly pays off. You are going to want to celebrate as you are feeling yourself. But, be mindful not to blow all the money you have saved on festive purchases. Continue to allow the process to be the process. Aries in love: Aries things with you and your person are really heating up. I see a commitment between you and your partner in the near future. If you aren’t in one already. You and your person have really put in the work. You have taken your time to understand each other, foster true connection and intimacy. Yep! This person is totally on your level. Sometimes your fiery temper can get the best of you. But they know just the ways to cool you off and push your buttons so that you don’t develop a big head. Continue to foster this loving relationship and create positive growth for your future together.

Single Aries: You just recently cut someone off that was toxic AF. Good for you. Your spirit guides and angels were really rooting for you. Guess what, you passed the test and you won’t be learning any mores lessons the hard way with this toxic person. Remember you have the right to ask people to exit your life at any time. People do not have the right to be abusive to you and then demand access to you and your life. Keep your healthy boundaries up!!!

Mantra of the month: I listen and am divinely guided

You have been really going inward to ask yourself what you want to change in your life. It may be people, places, and things but you know that you have to go through this process. Something similar to a snake shedding it’s skins so that you can come out on the other side clean and free of the past. You have been dealing with some strong emotions. Perhaps issues within your work dynamic or relating within your family dynamic. Remember it’s okay to not like some people whether it’s your family member, co-worker or whomever, it’s okay to keep your distance. Or to create distance from those who like to promote chaos and discord amongst others. Use your intuition to decipher the people who need to be invited to exit your life. With some minor changes in people, places, and things you will begin to experience more freedom and power within your own life.

Taurus in love: Taurus your and your person may be going through some relational growing pains. You and your person seem to be coming out of the honeymoon phase. That’s okay and totally natural. Just allow that to be. Remember you were a whole separate person before you became involved with your partner. It’s time to find, or get back into those hobbies that you liked to do. Continue to spend time and engage in activities together, allow your own time and space to be an individual so that you

two are not smothered, and maintain your own identity.

Single Taurus: It seems like you recently gotten out of an entanglement with someone who was very hurtful and toxic. It has been a painful process of back and forth. At times you may not have seen a way out or thought if you were not with this person that no one else would want you. Obviously this isn’t true. But right now is a time to focus on yourself take time away from the dating scene and embrace singlehood and heal. Mantra of the month : I am important and how I feel matters

This has been a pretty trying year for your Gemini. You are a very social creature and being away from our tribe has been challenging. Now that things are opening up you are more excited than ever to see folks in person and unmasked. Some folks you may have lost contact with, or grew out of a relationship with. Which is fine, your spirit guides and angels are calling you to reach out and make friends with others. Your friend group may be dwindling down and you may feel lonely. Allow yourself space to attract people that are going to be beneficial in creating the types of friendships that you are seeking. A great weight has been lifted off your shoulders. Once the burden has been lifted off of your shoulders don’t pick it back up or allow it to be placed back upon you. Your walk away game is strong and that is good. People will now know that you aren’t to be messed with. Gemini in love: There may be some murky waters between you and your significant other but remember that this can happen in relationships. Try to be mindful to not assign blame to your significant other. Remember to take some responsibility on your part for the communication break down. Some things are best to be said in person face to face. Not over text, email, or phone call. Try to give up the need to be right. Single Gemini: You have been going through a great process of spiritual rejuvenation. R&R is good. It’s great to take time practicing self-care such as going to the gym, meditation, or yoga classes is a great place to meet a like minded individual. The right person is going to come in at the right time. Just be mindful to be in the right place. If you feel guided to go to a certain place there is a significant reason to go. Mantra of the month: I embrace all sides of me.

Hi Cancer, I almost didn’t recognize you. This month you have been shedding a lot of past hurts and pain. You are truly exploring the person that you were and the person that would like to become. There have been some extreme amounts of people, places, and things that you have had to release yourself from. A friend group, job, or work environment was toxic AF and this was the right move to truly cleanse yourself from it and seek to develop a better understanding of who you would like to invite into your life and what you would like to create. With this you are embracing a new time of freedom and you are truly ready to invest in yourself, and your future. Your angels, spirit guides, and loved ones are all cheering for you. Keep going inward and allowing yourself to focus on the life that you would like to create. Starting off with a daily intention setting practices, journaling, meditating can be particularly helpful for you at this time. Cancers in love: Now might be a good time for you and your partner to take a pause. There are a lot of things that have been left unsaid. Nothing new can come in or no one new will come in until you get a truly clear view on who it is that you want. What is going on with you and your person's communication? What conversation is not being had? It’s time to

truly clear the air. No need for hasty action as it will be harmful in the long run. Remember time takes time. It will take time for you and your person to get on the same page but it can be done.

Single Cancers : There is a new love opportunity coming in for you. Who do you have your eye on? Better yet, who has their eye one you? It is time to look around your surroundings and know that the person who may be quietly watching from afar may be your crush. The one that you have been waiting for. This person is not going to sweep you off of your feet. But is going to be someone who is going to have the same common goals and interests that you will be able to become close with. Be excited, allow yourself to feel all the feels of embracing someone new. But, remember to allow the process to be the process, and enjoy the ride. Mantra of the month: I connect with those who want to collaborate with me

It seems that you might be feeling pretty isolated, and lonely. I know this has been a trying couple of years for all of us. However, now is not the time to keep going into a cave. It’s a great thing to live in the modern world. With social media, contacts and ability to connect with folks from all over the world there are so many ways to connect. With things opening up and events, bars, summer parties, and cookouts happening- make it a point to go to events that you are invited to. That is where you are going to meet someone who is going to be a very important part of a new friend group, hobby, new business venture, or personal goal that you have been wanting to partake in. If the past is something that you are concerned with, it’s important to finally cut ties with things and make amends with yourself. There is something that you haven’t forgiven yourself for. Remember that each day is new! You aren’t the same person that you were 24 mins, 24 hours, or perhaps 24 years ago. Relax and go with the flow. Libra in love : You and your person have really been doing the work and allowing for space to heal and grow together and collectively. It’s okay to take time alone from your person. It is totally important to have an identity outside of your relationship. In the beginning you may have felt that you were getting lost within your relationship. Allow for space to focus on your wants and desires. So that you can have a focus and understanding of what works well for you individually and then collectively. Single Libra: All the balance that you have been creating in your life is really attractive! Guess what? Your love interest, that person that you have been crushing on is just as interested in you as you are in them. Be bold and take the first move. It’s okay to be bold and step out of

your comfort zone or role that you are typically used to playing. By doing this you are able to advance in all aspects of your life. Monthly Mantra: I cut off those and that which no longer serve me so I can embrace all this newness.

It looks like your heart and your loins have been lusting for a true and passionate love. The love and romance of a lifetime. Which is really awesome. But are you truly in a space where you can welcome that into your life? There has been some past manipulation or something that you were holding back from a past person. It’s important to realize that everyone doesn’t have the specific physical needs that you may have. That’s why this time allow for balance and understanding. Physical intimacy and a banging sex life is amazing. But it is important to always look at the beginning to how a relationship started. That is where you will be able to find out how it ends. It’s important to contemplate your options of who or what you would like to invite into your life. Choose wisely and understand that each option will have its own consequences whether good or bad. Scorpios in love : Right now you and your person have been struggling in regard to connecting. Especially in terms of understanding and misunderstanding between you and your partner. Do you and your partner agree or disagree about how you envision your life? Does one of you want children or marriage or a more long term commitment? It’s important to really consider what you both want and be willing to compromise and collaborate when needed. Single Scorpios: If you are currently single right now. Things may be getting ready to change for you. You have been single for a while, having off and on again situations. What has changed is that you know how your sensual ways have totally captivated someone. Now you are seeking a relationship and developing a willingness to create and understand how you can develop a greater understanding of how to connect with others on a more romantic level. Mantra of the month: I create change within myself. These past couple of months have been pretty difficult for you. You have been struggling with getting to know yourself and you have had to withdraw your energy. As a way to recollect yourself and create balance. You possibly have been experiencing some financial struggle and are ready to embrace abundance . So the best way to do that is by monitoring your spending habits more closely. For example, did you really need to treat all of your friends to that pricey dinner? Try having a cookout or a cheaper gathering. Remember to always think of money as a tool that can be used for your benefit. To have more money you have to get away from the mindset of lack so that you can step more boldly

into abundance. Sagittarius in love: You have really done a great job watering positive seeds of joy into this relationship. You and your partner are mostly likely going to reward yourself by going out to a lovely dinner or getting away and having a nice trip. Bask in all the hard work that you two have put into this relationship. In the past, your exes have tried to get in the way of your relationship. It’s time to keep your healthy boundaries with people who could become problematic to your relationships. Continue to foster health and lasting change between the both of you. Single Sagittarius : Remember to keep the focus on yourself. For the next couple of months you are really going to need to focus on you and what you want to create. It seems that people may have been trying to take advantage of your good nature. That can be a turn off especially when you are trying to date someone and they are trying to have you work on their life like their own personal life coach or social worker. It’s okay to keep a healthy boundary with this new person.

Shannen is a therapist, certified licensed life coach LLC, Spiritualist, Tarot reader, Reiki master teacher, Spiritual consultant and interfaith minister. Please reach out for consolation, reading, or spiritual advice at Clear light of the Heart Services. , 315-877-4107 and follow at Clear light of the heart- Facebook page.


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We encounter numbers everywhere. You are given one when you are born that will identify you for the rest of your life. The numbers we are focusing on here are the numbers that comprise your date of birth. 00/00/0000. Numerology is the study of numbers and their meaning. Everything can be broken down into a single digit number between 1-9. Within that spread of 9 numbers is held a world of information. The single digit total of your birthdate defines your LifePath. Each month I will do a tarot reading based on your Lifepath number. To find your Life path number follow this method: Say your birthday is 02/14/2014 . Take each of the individual numbers and add them together. Then add the digits in the total together until you get a single digit. That is your Life Path Number. 0+2+1+4+2+0+1+4= 14. 1+4=5 Your Life Path Number is 5. You will use that number to find your Tarot Reading specifically for you each month. Life Path #1 This is a time to celebrate with like minded people. Enjoy activities that you share. This is also a time of increased abundance or rewards coming your way. These are well deserved. Receive them graciously. You are about to establish a new level of achievement on which to build. Don’t be afraid to reach out for new knowledge whether on your own or from experts. If you do reach out to others make sure they are a reputable source. Be ready and willing to use that information to start building a new direction. Life Path #2 This is not the time to procrastinate. Being willing to take that leap of faith may be necessary to get where you want to be. Coming to a true understanding of who you are and staying true to yourself is essential this month. That in itself will bring you a great deal of satisfaction. About half way through the month you are going to be faced with a choice to make. This choice has something to do with where you see your maturity level. Part of you wants to play and forget you have responsibilities and the other part of you wants to do the “grown-up” thing. Neither is necessarily wrong, just what is good with you. By the end of July you will be ready to make some type of declaration. All you have to decide is who you feel it is important enough to tell. Life Path #3 This is a month of hard work. There are things that need to be completed before you move on to the next thing. So get busy. It is going to be important for you to pay attention to details. There is something delicate that needs your attention. You do it best so don’t push it off on somebody else. Emotionally you may have to deal with some disappointment. A relationship you cherish will help you through it. Don’t be afraid to share your feelings as it will alleviate some of the burden. By the end of the month not only will that relationship be stronger but you will be able to feel emotionally balanced and able to move into August in a much better place. Life Path #4 Time for some growing pains. You are being asked to check in with your own thoughts and mindsets to see if they still ring true for you. If you find they no longer apply , ask yourself what do you want to replace them with. Then try to adapt to the new way of thinking. This is a beginning of a new phase of evolution for you. Learning to trust your intuition will help you proceed. If your gut

is telling you something feels “right” it probably is but the reverse is true too. If something feels “off” trust that too. You may be put in a situation that will be tempting to react the way you used to rather than from where you currently are. Before you react , take a breath or 10 and make a conscious decision as to what you want to do . Best to be proactive than reactive. Keep your eye on the prize ahead of you rather than looking back. There are new things to learn and experience . Stay positive and keep dreaming. Life Path #5 You may have a tendency this month to try to be “helpful”. While your intentions are good you may find that what you thought was helping was really not such a good idea after all as much may be expected of you. This may be more than you are really interested in doing so make sure you pace yourself. When helping no longer is fun for you then you have giving too much. Don’t over do. Expect to come to some type of crossroads mid month that really makes you ask yourself . What is best for me? Use your intuition to make that judgement call. Decisions this month should be made with an end in sight. Don’t commit to anything that obligates you for a long period of time. You get to decide what time frame works for you. Short term projects work best to keep your interest and to not become overwhelmed. Life Path #6 July catches you in an in between state. You are stuck between two sides of your personality. Part of you wants to stay with the current restrictive yet familiar place but the other half of your personality wants to see what else is out there for you. It is time to pick one because the battle between the two is keeping you stagnant. This is a time to not let that restrict you and win. Give yourself the chance to step out of your cage and fly. It all starts with one step, or jump or race to the finish. Once you have taken that step it is going to be increasingly more difficult to go back to the cage. That is okay. You don’t need to completely avoid it, just make sure you leave the door open and throw away the key. It is time to move past things that hold you back. Seek something that lifts your spirit. That will sustain you moving forward.

Life Path #7 Be ready to start this month off with a bang. The Universe is about to give you a push. Just like in grade school when the bully gave you a push kind of push though. It won’t be fun but it has been deemed necessary because you aren’t taking the gentle hints that have been coming your way. This one will definitely get your attention. The good news is you have everything you need to fend it off and come out even stronger on the other side. Although you may need to regroup so give yourself time to do so when things have settled down a little. For most of you this experience will provide a teacher to help you maneuver the aftermath. For others of you there will be a going within that allows you the same level of satisfaction and resolution. Decide for yourself which way suits you best. Overall this will be a time of introspection and spiritual growth. New belief systems and practices may become interesting to you. It is time to create new traditions for yourself. Life Path #8 You may find yourself asking “Is this all there is?” While things may be going well for you there seems to be an urge to see and do more. There is a word of caution though not to be too extravagant. You want to stretch your imagination but not necessarily your wallet. Look for ways to expand and explore that involve simple things like being in nature or reading that book you have been putting off. You don’t want the benefits of it to strap you later and make you regret it. The area that you are most encouraged to expand is your knowledge. Is there something you have always wanted to learn more about? Is there a different direction you would like to take the knowledge that you have? Now is the time to do it. Life Path #9 You may find this month you are called upon to share your compassion. There are people that will be drawn to your kind , understanding ways. Do what you can to encourage them but make sure you don’t get too wrapped up in their lives and their drama that it starts taking a toll on you. Helpful doesn’t always mean doing things for people but showing them how to do it so they can do it themselves. You can be a great resource but encourage them to leave some of those resources for others as well. You may even need to use some tough love to get people pointed in the right direction. Don’t be afraid to admit that you aren’t able to help them any further. This is hard when you are such a compassionate , giving person but you can’t give it all away. This is particularly true for those of you that are in business for yourself. Make sure you recognize your value and don’t sell yourself short.

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