Epic Fit Magazine Issue 2

Page 33

Here are Susan’s two “Go-To Travel Workouts” to alternate days as necessary: Daily Warm Up: 10 minutes of cardio (row, run or cycle - alternate days), 10 reps of seated 90/90 stretches on the mat, 15 banded side-walks (there and back), a light shoulder series (8 reps each move using DBs: front raises, side raises, bent over raises, erect T presses, overhead presses, triceps kickbacks, then push outs/pull in at waist height) Day 1: Legs & Back Workout: 3 to 4 rounds of this circuit: Use a good starting weight for your capability. When traveling - start out lighter than normal as your body is in “coping mode” due to travel stress and environmental changes. Tip: It’s good to start out slower so you don’t hurt yourself. 15 Cable squat & row | 10 Upward Trunk Twist (each side) | 15 RDL’s | 15 Lat Pull Downs | 10 lateral lunges (each side) | 10 leg curls | 10 Warrior DB Rows Day 2: Shoulders, Chest & Abs Workout: 3 to 4 rounds of these two circuits depending on time available. Note: Finish both circuits before starting your second set. Circuit 1: 10 Plank to Downward Dog | 10 Shoulder Series (see description in warm up) | 10 Turkish Sit-Ups | 10 Arnold Press sitting on floor in Russian Twist Position (each side) Circuit 2: 15 Cable trunk twist | 15 Cable Chest Fly | Ab Ball “ Stir the Pot” or “Spell your full Name” | 15 Crunches on Ab Ball (hold 2 seconds at top)


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