3.20.21 | WAYNOKA, OK | 11 A.M.
Sale Schedule
Saturday, March 20, 2021
9:00 a.m. – Bulls available for viewing 11 a.m. – Bull Sale Lunch will be served during the sale
Sale Location
BR Bull Sale Headquarters 3 miles north of waynoka on hwy 14 & 1/2 mile west on cotton road
bulls available for viewing anytime. give us a call!
TWO YEAR OLD, 18 MONTH, AND YEARLING BULLS & 20 COMMERCIAL PAIRS Angus, Red Angus, Sim Angus, Maine Angus, Charolais Cross & Hereford Cross
Welcome We want to say thank you to everyone who has impacted our family and our cattle operation. Since the beginning, there have been countless people who have touched our lives and for that we are grateful. Without the blessing of our family, friends, and customers none of this would be a reality. As cattle producers, we have a great responsibility to manage the land and tend to the livestock. As you know it is a task that can be both rewarding and overwhelming at times. The collection of a sale offering is a result of years of hard work and the fruits of our labor. We’ve tried to listen to our valued customers over the years. One of the overriding requests has been for more age advantage bulls. This year all the bulls meet that request except for three bulls. We take great pride in the presentation of these bulls. The bulls are toned up, hard muscled, and ready to go to the pasture. They have been developed on wheat pasture, grass in the summer, and limit fed grain ration since December. We believe this bull development program will offer bulls with greater longevity and structural soundness for our customers. It is our pleasure to welcome you to the 18th Annual Bixler Ranch Bull Sale!
- Stan & Clark
Contacts and Information Sale Day Contacts
Clark Bixler: 580-430-5601 Stan Bixler: 580-829-3574 Andy Ferguson: 405-519-3136
Andy Ferguson
Ring Help
Steve Ward K.C. Ferguson TATUM ROSE
Bull Breeding Guarantee
All bulls in this offering have been fertility tested by our veterinarian, Jeremy Schneider DVM, Seiling Veterinary Clinic. They are guaranteed to be breeders with the exception of: 1) injury or disease after the sale; or 2) gross negligence or willful misconduct on the part of the purchaser. Any bull that settles cattle by natural service is considered a breeder.
Terms & Conditions
Sight Unseen / Phone Bidding
bids over the phone are welcome. Please contact the sale day contacts listed.
All cattle must be settled for on sale day unless prior arrangements have been made.
All people who attend this sale do so at their own risk. Bixler Ranch will assume no liability for property loss, accidents due to personal reasons or RESULT OF ANIMALS.
Semen Interest
Dr. Jeremy Schneider, 580-922-6100 Seiling Veterinary Clinic
We will retain 1/3 semen interest in all bulls.
All announcements made ON sale daY take Precedence over printed material in this sale book.
We would appreciate if all bulls were picked up the weekend of the sale, but we will work with buyers if that is not possible.
Marketing, Photography & Catalog Production
Why Crossbred Cattle?
When crossbreeding as opposed to straightbreeding, there is a 4% increase in number of calves weaned and they wean off at about 5% heavier than straightbred calves under the same management. The increase in numbers of calves born and weaned (4%) when crossbred is due to a greater livability of the crossbred calf as compared to straightbred calves. Greater livability of crossbred calves becomes obvious within the first week to ten days after birth. The crossbred calf, compared to a straightbred, is more hardy and aggressive. They stand, nurse earlier and are more resistant to the calfhood stresses such as chill and scours. Advantages of more aggressiveness also contributes to the increase in weaning weights of crossbred calves. Crossbred calves appear to stimulate the cow more than straightbred calves by more frequent and longer nursing. This leads to an increase in milk flow, which has the net result of heavier weaning weights.
- R.R. Frahm, Professor, Oklahoma State Animal Science
*assume weaning at 500 lbs. & marketing at $1.50/lb
$ Advantage
500 lbs.
+1% (101*)
+4% (104)
525 lbs.
+6% (106**)
+4% (108)
550 lbs.
* 1% increase in embryo survival to birth vs. straightbred **6% increase in embryo survival to birth vs. straightbred
Even if your cows are straightbred, just by selecting a bull to be mated to 25 cows for 4 years producing 100 crossbred calves, that bull is worth spending up to $6,900 more than a straightbred bull or a bull that simply weans calves 5% lighter (25 lbs).
Sire Reference mann red box 55c
Sire: SLGN WIDELOAD 920W Dam: PELTON MISS AJA 0839U Purebred red angus
Sire: Connealy Courage 25L Dam: LF Settler 1427 Purebred angus
Sire: Silveiras First Reaction 2510 Dam: Silveiras Elba 2518 Purebred angus
rojas rioja 6502
Sire: TMAS PZC Firestorm 1800 Dam: Six Mile Lakota 112Y Purebred red angus
GCC Standard Design 933E Sire:Dameron First Class Dam: OCC Juanada 925R Purebred angus
Schillings R&L Confidential 7177
tlf king of spades 137
Boe Garth 40B
webr tc card shark
5L Independence 560-298Y
w/c bankroll 811d
Sire: W/C LOADED UP 1119Y Dam: MISS WERNING KP 8543U Purebred Simmental
Sire: SILVEIRAS STYLE 9303 Dam: TDJC Katie 55 maine angus
Sire: WEBR DOC HOLLIDAY 2N Dam: PFFR MS NYACK 237 Purebred red angus
Sire:BUF CRK THE RIGHT KIND U199 Dam:5L BLACK ADINA 525-560 Purebred red angus
pal/clac meant to be
Sire: Broker Dam: KLS DIAMOND W516 Purebred Simmental
Sire: EXAR Classen 1422B Dam: Grubbs Miss Newsbreak 111 Purebred angus
Sire: WEBR TC CARD SHARK 1015 Dam: PRIME WESTERN 7162 Purebred red angus
Sire:MINN HARD WHISKEY 591y Dam:BOE MISS JOLENE Purebred maine
gkw limit up
Sire: 1119Y Dam: BFJV Miss Layla B049 Purebred Simmental
w/c Loaded up 1119y
KJHT Power Take Off
Sire: RED SOO LINE POWER EYE 161X Dam: SRA Paintbucket Purebred red angus
Occ X-Cel 652X - SIRE: OCC HOMER DAM: OCC DIXIE ERICA - pUREbRED aNGUS OCC HOMER 650H - SIRE: OCC Focus 813F dam: OCC Dixie Erica 816B- pUREbRED aNGUS KB 38 - sire: monopoly dam: maine angus - maine angus 134 - sire: outsider Dam: outlook (angus) - sim angus polo - SIRE: RED ROCK DAM: PUREBRED HEREFORD shorty - SIRE: mab dam: maine cross triple good - sire: mab Dam: Donor 950 GOLDIE LOCKS - Man Among Boys DAM: Alias/Kroupa M51 132- Sire: hamley dam: countess 6409
turning point
Sire: W/C Relentless 32C Dam: Broker x Pathfinder Purebred Simmental
Sire: 344 (Steel Force) Dam: Northern Improvement x Fullback SimAngus
67 Spring 2019 Red Angus BW:75 Sire: 132 (hamley) Sire EPD: CED BW CEM STAY Dam: Pelton Miss Reba 6027Y 15 -2.4 7 20
Possibly the stoutest, deepest bodied 132 son we have sold and may be the last to ever sell. Reba has left her mark on the industry and produced many top selling bulls for the C-Bar program.
REBA 6027Y
105 Spring 2019 Red Angus BW: 75 Sire: mann redbox Sire EPD: CED BW WW YW Dam: Hamley x Countess 6409 11 -.1 65 104
Redbox is one of the hottest bulls in the Red Angus breed and you can see why here. His 105 dam is a full sib to 132. Their dam, Countess 6409, was the high selling female from the Red Soo Line dispersal and has been an influential part of some of the top Red Angus programs in the country.
10 5 303 Spring 2019 Red Angus BW: 85 Sire: kjht power take off Sire EPD: CED BW WW YW Dam: Donor 12OX (MULBERRY) 16 -.2 45 79
This bull leads the pack on growth, performance, and muscle while maintaining incredible flexibility not commonly found in this breed. 120X is the most phenotypically impressive Red Angus cow we own and continues to produce some of our top matings here.
303 7
18th annual biXLER RANCH bull sale
432 Spring 2019 red angus bw:80 Sire: TLF King of Spades Sire EPD: BW WW YW milk Dam: C Bar evolution 16 -2 62 93 The most expressive muscled King of Spades bull we have raised in a more moderate, stylish package. Backed by an impressive Evolution daughter that produces top bulls or replacement females every year. We like this bull for his ability to work in purebred or commercial programs raising bulls and replacement females.
4 32 50 0 Spring 2019 Red Angus BW: 82 Sire: mann redbox Sire EPD: CED BW WW YW Dam: 5l independence 11 -.1 65 104
This Redbox son has more depth of rib than any Red Angus bull we have sold in a square hipped, cocky package. One of the more impressive Red Angus we have offered through these sales. This bull is easy to handle with other animals but does not like to be sorted alone.
50 0
729 Spring 2019 Red Angus BW: 75 Sire: 132 (hamley) Sire EPD: CED BW CEM STAY Dam: 5l independence 15 -2.4 7 20
Two of our most consistent genetics lines combined in 1 mating with 132 and Independence. Attractive dark red bull with great lines in a lighter birth weight package.
7 50 Spring 2019 Red Angus BW: 67 Sire: WEBr TC CARDSHARK Sire EPD: CED BW WW YW Dam: Webr Night Train 13 -1.7 56 95
If you like your calving ease bulls to have a look to them, you came to the right place. This Card Shark son should make them as fancy as any calving ease bull out there.
visit www.bixlerranch.com for videos
FALL 2019 Red angus Sire: 5l independence Dam: red Blair's bingo Sire EPD: CED BW WW YW 17 -4.7 64 104
bw: 62
Calving ease bull sired by a really good Bingo daughter.
Spring 2019 Red angus Sire: rioja 6052 Dam: 5l Red Angus Sire EPD: BW WW YW milk -.7 53 76 20
From his cocky neck, long sided, deep rib cage, to his square hip, and fluid movement, this Rioja son does a good job catching your eye.
53 53 Spring 2019 Red Angus BW: 80 Sire: 132 (hamley) Sire EPD: CED BW CEM STAY Dam: 5l independence 15 -2.4 7 20
53 53
Everyone wants to walk away at the top of their game and 132 might have produced his best sons in his final calf crop. More power, body, and substance than has typically been produced in a 132 mating. One of the last opportunities to get in on a direct son of 132 and the great Countess 6409 lineage.
74 3 3 Spring 2019 Red Angus BW: 70 Sire: 5l independence Sire EPD: CED BW WW YW Dam: 132 (hamley) 17 -4.7 64 104
There has been no better calving ease mating that we have seen for consistently producing live calves out of first calf heifers than what is offered here.
Raising good quality show cattle & seed stock since 1897 9
18th annual biXLER RANCH bull sale
4 Spring 2019 SIM Angus Sire: 134 (outsider x angus) Dam: solid gold x aristocrat
BW: 86
The most powerfully constructed 134 son we have sold. His mother, Donor 424, is out of the famous Aristocrat cow who produced numerous high sellers. One of the top bulls in the sale for adding muscle and pounds.
7 Spring 2019 SIM Angus BW: 80 Sire: 134 (outsider x angus) Dam: red angus
These red SimAngus bulls have been some of the hottest to sell across the country. Mated on red cows, these calves will top the red market or make impressive red replacement females.
15b 10
10 Fall 2019 SIM Angus BW: 80 Sire: GKW Limit Up Sire EPD: CED BW WW YW Dam: RED ANGUS 11 2.1 69 91
This 18 month old bull doesn’t have the maturity of the 2-year-old’s, but the quality is all there. Long body, free moving, athletic red Limit Up son who is sired by the popular Loaded Up.
15b Spring 2020 Sire: turning point Dam: DRIVING 80 X LEGEND
SIM Angus BW: 95 Sire EPD: CED BW WW YW 8.2 4 76.9 104.2
Turning Point (Simmental) is not a bull anyone has heard of before, but will be well known in our program soon. This is the first offspring of Turning Point to sell and he just happens to be backed by the Donor 532 female. This ET mating produced our top heifers in the spring and likely multiple sale features for next year. Turning Point is unmatched by Purebred bulls in producing stout, heavy boned, deep bodied calves with flexible joints and a hair coat like the crossbreds. We don’t sell many yearlings anymore so when one is offered, there is something unique about them.
visit www.bixlerranch.com for videos
75 Spring 2020 sim angus bw:88 Sire: BANKROLL Dam: maine angus Sire EPD: CED BW WW YW 12.7 1.8 72.4 110.5 This is as big backed, stout hipped, cocky necked ½ blood Simmental bull as you will find. His baldy face will add value to any calf crop in addition to his superior phenotypic build. One of the most impressive yearling bulls we have ever offered.
50 1 273
501 Spring 2019 SIM Angus BW: 84 Sire: l56 (Connealy Courage 25L) Sire EPD: CED BW WW YW Dam: CARD UPROAR 9 1.2 60 98
Great lines on this free moving blaze faced L56 son. His Uproar mother was the result of an embryo purchase, and we think this mating with L56 will produce a highly maternal, problem free bull with great longevity for the buyer.
Spring 2019 Sire: 344 (Steel Force) Dam: irish whiskey/angus
BW: 86
344 sons topped one of our past sales and this baldy will be the last 344 to ever sell. Fault free and is built to cover big country and lots of cows right away.
Check out our website for videos! www.bixlerranch.com 11
SIM Angus
18th annual biXLER RANCH bull sale
5 09 5 09
Spring 2019 SIM Angus BW: 90 Sire: Pal/clac Meant to be Sire EPD: CED BW WW YW Dam: Donor 0714 (missing link) 12.8 1.5 69.8 87
We have been so impressed with this bull that we used him on our own cows in the summer of 2020. His Missing Link dam, Donor 0714, has sired numerous features in past sales as well as this sale, and produced many females we have kept as top replacements. This bull does not like to be sorted by himself, but is no problem as long as another animal is in the pen.
53 2 532
fall 2019 SIM Angus BW:92 Sire: W/C Loaded Up 1119Y Sire EPD: CED BW WW YW Dam: DRIVING 80 X LEGEND 12.5 1.8 72.4 110.5
615 60 6
6 15 Spring 2019 SIM Angus BW: 84 Sire: 134 (Outsider x angus) Dam: broker x donor 0714 (Missing Link)
Dam is a stout Broker daughter out of the Missing Link Donor 0714. A square built bull to excel as a terminal sire that also carries the maternal genetics to produce top end replacement females.
We talk quite a bit about these bull’s mothers because every bull should be backed by a female you would like to have for a whole herd. Donor 532 is the single most impressive cow we own, regardless of breed, and she proves that regardless of how she is mated. This bull is too relaxed to picture as good as he really is but look at him in person and don’t back up when the bidding starts. This bull’s birth weight should not be a problem for mature cows.
6 06
Spring 2019 SIM Angus BW: 82 Sire: 134 (Outsider x Angus) Dam: Angus Cross
The picture depicts this bull perfectly. As square, correct, muscular, and clean as you could want a bull and carries the genetic consistency that we like in 134.
visit www.bixlerranch.com for videos
627 Spring 2019 SIM Angus Sire: 710 (344 x northern improvement) Dam: sim angus
627 BW: 86
Sired by 710 who was one of our favorite bulls from the 2018 sale. With 344 and Northern Improvement packed in a pedigree back on a good SimAngus female, we feel that this bull can provide significant value for breeders looking to retain females or sell their calf crop for a premium.
731 731 Spring 2019 Sire: l56 (Connealy Courage 25L) Dam: Outsider
L56 has done great things for our program and this bull is the perfect example being the result of a first calf heifer mating. His mother is the stoutest Outsider daughter we own and is currently raising a future sale feature.
1513 5228
1513 Spring 2019 SIM Angus BW: 92 Sire: Pal/clac Meant to be Sire EPD: CED BW WW YW Dam: Donor 0714 (missing link) 12.8 1.5 69.8 87
Another son of the Missing Link Donor 0714 in a larger framed, higher performance package than her other offspring.
SIM Angus BW: 75 Sire EPD: CED BW WW YW 9 1.2 60 98
Fall 2019 Sire: Pal/clac Meant to be Dam: coleman knight
SIM Angus BW: 86 Sire EPD: CED BW WW YW 12.8 1.5 69.8 87
Long, deep bodied, extended fronted Meant To Be son. His moderate Coleman Knight mother did exactly what we hoped for producing this blaze faced SimAngus bull.
18th annual biXLER RANCH bull sale
51 1 Full Sister
Spring 2019 Angus BW: 84 Sire: Schillings confidential Sire EPD: CED BW WW YW Dam: osu currency 8173 5 2.4 59 98
Deep sided, stout hipped, attractive fronted Angus bull. Sired by the popular Schilling’s Confidential. Consistent genetics displayed through his impressive full sister.
511 Spring 2019 Angus BW:72 Sire: l56 (Connealy Courage 25L) Sire EPD: CED BW WW YW Dam: Northern Improvement 9 1.2 60 98
Stoutest L56 son we have sold to date. Great rib shape and balance. Calving ease.
y1 02 DAM 578
5 75
Spring 2019 Angus BW: 78 Sire: L3 (Silverias First ReactioN) Sire EPD: Act. BW WW YW Dam: 578 (Journey) 85 50 88 One of the fancier-made bulls in the sale. His Journey dam is one of the most impressive cows you will find.
Spring 2019 Angus BW: 79 Sire: L3 (Silverias First ReactioN) Sire EPD: Act. BW WW YW Dam: Y102 85 50 88 The Y102 cow consistently produces some of the top growth bulls in the sale. This may be her most phenotypically impressive son to date.
visit www.bixlerranch.com for videos
59 1
40 0 Fall 2019 3/4 Angus 1/4 Maine BW: 84 Sire: KB 38 (monopoly Son) Dam: Maine Angus
Extremely free moving, stout featured 18 month old bull. KB 38 consistently sired easy fleshing, heavy muscled cattle and this bull is a prime example.
Spring 2019 Angus Plus BW: 82 Sire: L3 (Silverias First ReactioN) Sire EPD: Act. BW WW YW Dam: Journey x angus Cross 85 50 88
Long fronted, high growth bull back by a Journey daughter.
601 Spring 2019 Angus Plus BW: 78 Sire: GCC Standard Design 933E Sire EPD: CED BW WW YW Dam: Angus Cross 11 1.1 46 83
Lighter birth weight in an Angus based bull with just enough cross for added pounds and hybrid vigor.
721 Spring 2019 Sire: OCC Homer 650H Dam: Maine angus
Angus Plus BW: 70 Sire EPD: CED BW $en DMI 19 -3.8 20 -.35
We have raised hundreds of Homer sired offspring and this is hands down the most impressive to ever set foot on the place. Pound for pound one of the most impressive animals in the sale all in a calving ease package.
721 721 15
18th annual biXLER RANCH bull sale
7 26 72 6 Spring 2019 Angus Plus BW: 75 Sire: Occ X-Cel 652X Sire EPD: CED BW $en $yg Dam: Maine angus 13 -1.4 30 12
The light birth weight water is deep this year and this bull is right at the top. Don’t come much squarer hipped, big topped, or cleaner fronted.
7 31 6 7316 Spring 2019 Sire: Occ X-Cel 652X Dam: Maternal Made
Angus Plus BW: 80 Sire EPD: CED BW $en $yg 13 -1.4 30 12
316 descendants have made the bull sale for the last three years and this is the best of that lineage. He was the first calf out of a very impressive Maternal Made daughter. You can’t get much more belly and power than this bull.
30 7 Spring 2019 Maine Angus Sire: minn hybrid 101D Dam: unstoppable
BW: 85
Incredibly stout boned, big hipped, and long fronted bull that has stood out since birth. His full sister had many accolades as she was Reserve Supreme 2 years in a row at Enid District, won a division at OYE, Denver, Fort Worth, & Junior Nationals. This bull has the ability to be turned out and produce calves that top your AI or ET matings.
31 6 Spring 2019 Maine Angus Sire: boe garth 40B Dam: northern Improvement
3 07
BW: 85
Another 316 descendant sired by the Garth bull who has produced numerous winners and high sellers. He will add lots of pounds, growth, and performance to your calf crop meaning more $$$ in your pocket. FULL SISTER
visit www.bixlerranch.com for videos
1 50 150 fall 2019 charolais cross BW: 82 Sire: Double made (hereford Cross) Dam: M&M Slasher (PB Charolais)
Full sib to one of the top bulls from the 2020 sale. We retained an impressive full sister and his mother was one of the prettiest Charolais cows we’ve seen.
fall 2019 charolais cross BW: 78 Sire: 5l Independence Dam: Charolais Cross
Lighter birth weight for this well-built Independence son raised by a stout Charolais cross first calf heifer.
412 Spring 2019 charolais cross BW: 88 Sire: goldie Locks Dam: bullicious/about time
This bull has been elite since he was a calf. Just look at the picture for proof. Backed by an embryo Bullicious daughter and a phenomenal About Time granddam. This bull can raise slick shear cattle, northern show cattle on hairy females, or produce the most impressive set of commercial calves around. .
spring 2019 charolais cross BW: 74 Sire: 5l independence Dam: code red x troubadour donor
His Code Red mother is one of our top new donors and his Troubadour granddam has been a top donor for nearly a decade while she’s still producing at 11 years old. This lighter birth weight Independence son is the perfect blend of functionality from the sire and generations of elite females from the dam side.
7275 spring 2019 charolais cross BW: 72 If you like light birth weights and high growth Sire: 132 (Hamley) cattle, there is no better bull than 7275. Dam: LT rushmore (PB Charolais) Calving ease. 17
23 2
18th annual biXLER RANCH bull sale
13 8
winter 2019 hereford cross BW: 85 Sire: triple good (mab x Donor 950) Dam: easy money x donor 355
Spring 2019 hereford cross BW: 85 Sire: kb 38 (monopoly son) Dam: made right x donor 950
Impressively built Hereford marked bull sired by our 2018 high seller. This bull has prolific donor females stacked on the top and bottom side of his pedigree.
Possibly KB 38’s best son before we lost him and out of a Made Right daughter. If you like baldies then look no further because this bull has all the style, muscle, and functional build you could want
54 2
950 9 50
54 2 spring 2019 hereford cross BW: 84 Sire: polo (red rock x pb Hereford) Dam: donor 950
Polo is a bull we used after seeing some impressive calves he sired. I don’t think he disappointed here. This Hereford marked bull has the structure and thickness in an easy fleshing package that we all like. This bull could be used on a variety of females and provide a premium to that calf crop.
fall 2019 hereford cross BW: 84 Sire: polo (red rock x pb Hereford) Dam: donor 950 There is 1 common trait between every Hereford cross bull selling this year and they all go back to the great Donor 950. No donor has grossed more dollars of offspring and produced more winners or sale highlights here than Donor 950.
visit www.bixlerranch.com for videos
5 14
SPRING 2019 red cross BW: 84 Sire: shorty (mab) Dam: yellow repo x donor 525 (heat wave) 514 is backed by a Yellow Repo cow who has produced some of our top calves for multiple years. His granddam, Donor 525, was one of the best-looking cows we owned. Moderate, heavy muscled, and hairy make this a versatile bull to add a value to many cow herds.
017 6 fall 2019 red cross Sire: triple good (mab x Donor 950) Dam: Red Angus cross
Big belly, big legged, easy moving Triple Good son. His dam has produced a previous sale feature, multiple replacement females, and is still one of the best looking commercial Red Angus females at 11 years old.
2 0 C o m me rc ial Ang u s Pairs 2-year-old females with A calf at side Commercial black Angus Calves born from February 1st - march 1st sired by pUREbRED angus bulls
BW: 80
18th annual biXLER RANCH bull sale
Longevity & Athleticism
Our customers consistently tell us our bulls hold up better after the sale and through the summer breeding months, and last longer than previous bulls they have bought. While we believe this is partially a result of decades of extensive AI & ET programs breeding and culling for animals that work for cattlemen, that is only part of the equation. Our bulls are developed in large grass pastures and never in a smaller area than 60 acres until right before the sale. Rather than being in a feedlot setting, these bulls consistently travel for feed and water while building muscle tone and athleticism; just like they would when they are turned out to go to work for you. We feel strongly that if these bulls are not over-conditioned, this provides value for you as the buyer to have a bull that is ready to work right away and has the structural integrity to last you many years to come.
4806 Moose Circle Guthrie, OK 73044 Phone: (405) 260-1841
219 Oklahoma Blvd, Alva, OK 73717 (580) 327-0870
visit www.bixlerranch.com for videos
18th annual biXLER RANCH bull sale
catalog design & photography by:
Photography, graphic design & Business branding 918-721-9365
visit www.bixlerranch.com for videos
Bixler Ranch 31683 Custer Rd. Waynoka, OK 73860
march 21st | WAYNOKA, OK | 11 A.M.