The 4th Magazine - January - February issue

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Volume 1, Issue 2

January /February 2013

Launching Leadership Conference Time The Fourth Ecclesias;cal Jurisdic;on is now geSng ready for it’s very first Quarterly Conference. For this very first conference, we present the “Launching Leadership” Conference. This event will take place the weekend of February 21—23, 2013 and it will be held at the Headquarters for the Fourth Ecclesias;cal Jurisdic;on in Houston, Texas. Bishop Andrew Watkins, Sr., Ph.D. as he

At this conference, Bishop Watkins will be installing his cabinet members, presen;ng new members of the jurisdic;on, and offering leadership training to all of those who aCend. Please join us at that ;me so that you can become a more effec;ve leader for your church or ministry. Please register for this conference by going to the following For more details, please click here.

speaks for the first ;me as a consecrat-

Installing the Bishop’s Cabinet Some may suggest that entering into the office of bishop is like going into warfare. They may suggest the spiritual warfare that catapults. They may find themselves at war with colleagues and parishioners alike. They may even find themselves warring with themselves in search for peace in the

decisions that they must rest with. I believe this is why the Word In Proverbs 24:6 it reads, “For by wise counsel you will wage your own war, And in a mul;tude of counselors there is safety.” (NKJV) Walking in the wisdom of the previous scripture is a must and choosing wise counsel must be prayerful

and careful. ACached to this January/ February 2013 issue of this magazine, the upcoming cabinet members are listed. We congratulate them in advance for the contribu;on that they will make to the 4th Ecclesias;cal Jurisdic;on and to the leadership of Bishop Andrew Watkins, Sr. We praise God for them!

For by wise counsel you will wage your own war, And in a mul;tude of counselors there is safety.”

Membership Has It’s Privileges TrainAs the launching of the Fourth Ecclesias;cal Jurisdic;on goes forth, we are in the process of building up our Membership. In these last days, ministry can be most difficult and God is s;ll calling men and women of God for His good and His glory.

lowship, Covering, Growth, and Services Connec on means that you are not alone and that you will be in fellowship with other leaders.

Fellowship means opportuni;es to aCend our Men’s Conferences, Women’s ConferFellowship with the AACN is ecumen- ences, and many others. You will be able ical, valued, and suppor;ve. Becom- to worship with other leaders at Holy Convoca;ons and receive Leadership ing a Member of the AACN means that one will have Connec;on, Fel-

ing. There is a Covering for both churches and non-church Ministries. Growth means you will be encouraged to grow spiritually, through educa;on, financially and economically. Finally, membership bring access through Services. That means you get increased purchasing power, a benefits package, and more. To find out more about Becoming a Member of the AACN, please click here. Page 15

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