BuiltView Issue 12 Winter 2022

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ISSUE 12 | WINTER 2022








Clinton Skeoch, AGWA Derek Tidey, NSSA ECONOMY


Tom Devitt, HIA SAFETY


HR Advance Professional LEGAL


Eloise Turnbull, Greenhalgh Pickard Solicitors & Accountants



Palmers Glass


Doric turns Fifty


Cairns Glass & Glazing


Allview Windows and Doors


Glass Express




CASE STUDIES Moggs Creek, Victoria


Newcastle University
















Darley Aluminium NSAA 2022 DESIGN AWARDS







Tom Devitt Tom joined HIA as an Economist in 2018 and assists in the research and analysis of housing market trends. He manages the assumptions and statistical modelling behind HIA’s residential building forecasts and has authored many of HIA’s wide range of economics publications. This provides him with the insight and expertise to advocate to all levels of government and media on behalf of the housing industry, for the purpose of informing policy debate. After obtaining his degree in Economics (Honours) and Commerce at the University of Western Australia in 2010, he spent most of the next decade working as an Economist for private sector consultancies. During this time, he worked on projects engaging with and providing advice to all levels of government, as well as private sector clients and the community sector. His project experience spans across a range of economic development areas, including property, tourism, agriculture, environmental sustainability, and social policy. Tom is an avid follower of economic developments in Australia around the globe. On the domestic front, Tom’s areas of interest include tax policy, urban development and the role of monetary and fiscal policy in the stabilising of economic cycles. On the international front, his areas of interest include financial crises, and trends in globalisation, economic inequality and frictions in global trade. Tom is also an active member and media liaison for the Economic Society of Australia.

Dr Pouya Abtahi Glass Technical Manager, Australian Glass & Window Association

Angela Farrell Copywriter, Trade Advertising Agency. Australian Olympian.

Pouya started his professional career in the glazing industry in 2016 as a Façade Engineer. Since then, he has specialised in different aspects of the construction sector, especially glass. He holds a PhD in Structural Engineering and has held the post of AGWA Technical Glass Manager since March 2020. Pouya assists the AGWA team in advancing the industry through technical support to members as well as collaboration with different stakeholders in the development of relevant Australian Standards and industry guidelines.

Angela is an advertising copywriter and business content writer with over 15 years advertising agency experience. She loves the challenge of working across industries and genres; writing radio ads for snack brands, websites for SaaS, articles for AGWA, and everything in between! Having represented Australia in the sport of sailing, Angela is passionate about the teamwork and hard work that goes into success - be it in sport or business.

Adam Davies Accreditation/IGMA Manager, Australian Glass & Window Association

Eloise Turnbull Solicitor

Adam is employed as the AGWA Accreditation/IGMA Manager. He holds a degree in Materials Engineering from the University of NSW and started his glass career as a part-time employee at the Viridian Ingleburn float line in his final year of study. After graduation, he moved into a full-time role as a Process Engineer and later to Technical Manager at Viridian.

Eloise is a solicitor in Greenhalgh Pickard’s litigation team. She holds a Bachelor of Laws (Honours Class I) from the University of the Sunshine Coast. In 2021, Eloise completed her Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice at the College of Law and was admitted to the Supreme Court of Queensland.

Adam has seen most aspects of the industry. Adam is bringing new structure and process development skills to the AGWA Accreditation Programs to support members, drawing on his experience in glass processing, warranty investigation and reporting, and product testing.






ISSUE 12 | WINTER 2022

BuiltView Magazine is a quarterly publication of the Australian Glass & Window Association and the National Security Screen Association.

EDITOR Melissa Baker, Ingrid Pagura

SUB EDITOR Helen Dawes

DESIGN Webqem Pty Ltd

EDITORIAL & ADVERTISING ENQUIRIES Helen Dawes +61 2 9498 2768 marketing@agwa.com.au

PUBLISHED BY AWA-AGGA LIMITED ABN 57 629 335 208 Suite 1, Level 1, Building 1, 20 Bridge Street, Pymble NSW 2073 +61 2 9498 2768 admin@agwa.com.au www.agwa.com.au

COVER IMAGE and CONTENTS PAGE IMAGE Palmers Glass. The Church, Sackville North Photgrapghy Simon Jones

CONTRIBUTORS Pouya Abtahi, Derek Tidey, Clinton Skeoch, Eloise Turnbull, Tom Devitt, Helen Dawes, Kerrie Henderson, Melissa Baker, Ingrid Pagura, Tiffany Perin, Samantha Anderson, Lee Thurbon, Russell Harris, Adam Davies, Claudene Damianakis, Angela Farrell, Tom Arciuli, Julia Williams, Courtney Wilson, Tony Song, Martyna Ambrozaite, Kellie Wardman, Vivienne Munter, Anthony Breach, Bradley Hoppo, Fiona Villafor, Stewart McMillan, Maria Babic, Jack Baker (Fifthshutter Photography), Grant Angus (Grant Angus Photography). Murray McKean Photos (University of Newcastle Case Study).

PRINTED BY SOUTHERN IMPACT southernimpact.com.au Our printer conforms to the ISO14001 environmental management standard and the ISO-9001 quality management standard.

DISTRIBUTED BY D & D MAILING SERVICES www.ddmail.com.au BuiltView Magazine is proudly packaged in Biowrap, 100 per cent degradable plastic wrapping. DISCLAIMER Copyright © 2022. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part without written permission from AWAAGGA Limited is strictly prohibited. It is impossible for the publisher to ensure that the advertisements and other material herein comply with the Australian Consumer Law Competition and Consumer Act 2010. Readers should make their own inquiries in making decisions and where necessary seek professional advice.

Clinton Skeoch CEO and Executive Director, Australian Glass & Window Association

Derek Tidey Chairperson of the Board National Security Screen Association

After a lot of consultation and indeed delay the ABCB has now released a preview of Stage 1 of NCC2022 with the Stage 2 preview anticipated for August. A lot of effort goes into considering and responding to changes to the NCC and I would like to thank all those members who take the time to provide us with their thoughts, consideration and guidance into what becomes our input into the NCC as it progresses through each stage. We are pleased that much of our involvement has been well received by the ABCB.

To be an NSSA Member means that you are invested in the security screen industry, that you care about how changes to the industry will impact on your business or career, and more so, that you want a voice in the direction of our industry. To make the most of your NSSA membership and get your voice heard, I encourage you to get involved in the coming events and help shape our industry’s future.

These past weeks have been extremely interesting as I, and some of the AGWA Team, have been able to meet with members and, in many cases, visit their businesses in South Australia, Tasmania and Western Australia. It has been wonderful to be able to see people in their workplace, get to know them a little and to see the great work they are doing. We are certainly looking forward to meeting as many members as we can as we move around. As we travel around the country we are mindful of the pressures on the market for our members. From higher prices to attracting and retaining good staff, this is not the easy time we had hoped for, however, we are currently looking for ways that might attract young people into the industry so that our members can grow and thrive.

The NSSA Vice Chair, Beau Blakemore, is keeping the NSSA updated on progress of the CS-023 Standards Review Committee. NSSA members will soon be invited to engage in the public consultation process and give feedback and direction on the proposed changes to the Australian Standards AS 5039, AS 5040 and AS 5041. The COVID-19 restrictions put a stop to face-to-face Compliance Audits, but we are back on the road in 2022 with the NSSA Compliance Accreditation program, and with John Leslie (AGWA/NSSA Auditor) joining the NSSA Board, the auditing program and ‘self-audit’ process are high on the Board’s agenda. The NSSA has been working closer with our Development Fund Contributors (DFCs) and our Industry Partners in 2022, with a number of ‘special update’ meetings being held to keep these companies abreast of where the Association is heading and what value is being delivered to its members. NSSA National Forums are back! Brisbane and Sydney will be hosting the return of the popular face-to-face format, where the NSSA welcomes members from all over Australia to come and join us for a number of informative sessions delivered by the Board and special guests, followed by a few hours of networking and drinks. NSSA Awards for 2022 are open for nominations and submissions, and we anticipate these to be our biggest yet. Nominations for the Achievement Award, to recognise outstanding contribution to and achievement in our industry, is open. Also, entries are open for the Design Awards to acknowledge exceptional design, applications and installation of security screens for both Residential and Commercial. As you can see there is a lot happening in our industry, so I encourage you to participate and engage and also have some fun along the way.







HIA has advocated, for decades, that the key obstacle to housing affordability in Australia is on the supply side. Now there is yet another report that agrees. The Federal House of Representatives Standing Committee on Tax and Revenue released the final report from their Inquiry into Housing Affordability and Supply in Australia, titled ‘The Australian Dream’ on 18 March 2022. The Report, including the Chair of the Inquiry, Jason Falinski, came down firmly on one side of the issue — the unaffordability of housing in Australia, and consequent decline in homeownership, are attributable to planning systems and government interventions that restrict housing supply, not the tax system or the Reserve Bank or any lack of usable land.


The House of Representatives Standing Committee on Economics’ 2016 Report on the inquiry into homeownership concluded the same, that governments should focus on boosting supply in under-served markets. This was backed up by the UDIA, which claimed that an historical national undersupply of 200,000 dwellings emerged from the 2005-2012 period and has only been marginally offset by record construction rates in recent years. HIA estimates that we will have to build 1.66 million houses by 2030, just to keep up with the demand from population growth.

Media attention will gravitate towards one specific recommendation, which proposes that first home buyers are given the ability to leverage superannuation assets as collateral for a home loan, rather than just using it as a deposit. This is a valuable means to help Australians bridge the deposit gap and achieve homeownership sooner and is consistent with HIA research that says Australians believe homeownership and superannuation are both important determinants of financial security in retirement. The Inquiry’s caveat that such a move should only be implemented if the supply of housing can be improved at the same time, to avoid upward pressure on prices, also reflects a pragmatic approach.

Many submissions to this Inquiry, including from the Centre for Independent Studies and the Property Council of Australia, focused on the role of planning restrictions in limiting density and housing supply, and thereby inflating prices. The RBA estimated that in Sydney and Melbourne, planning restrictions contribute over 40% to the price of detached houses and apartments. In fact, ‘econometric analysis has shown that in some places in Australia, planning restrictions are responsible for 67% of the cost of housing’. The OECD, the IMF and multiple foreign governments have reached similar or stronger conclusions. There are numerous international examples too, from Florida to Finland to Japan, where planning reforms and boosted housing supply produce widespread benefits. Boosting housing supply won’t be an immediate cure to the problems of housing affordability. Remember that new housing commencements across Australia each year only represents about 2% of total housing stock. The Grattan Institute, however, estimates that, if this were increased to 2.5% and sustained for a whole decade, that ‘national house prices and rents could be between 10% and 20% lower than they would be otherwise’.



The Inquiry consequently set out a series of recommendations which, if implemented, would reap the benefits associated with greater homeownership across Australia: • reduced wealth inequality; • accelerated family formation; • improved mental health and childhood outcomes; • reduced extremism; and • increased stability of democratic institutions.


The Report proposes that the Australian Government provide infrastructure, and even direct payments, to incentivise state and local governments to adopt improved planning and land administration processes. It also proposes a grant scheme for localities that improve the supply of housing and affordability.

It is pleasing to see recommendations aimed at supporting the rental market, including the recommended retention of existing negative gearing provisions, as they help drive lower rents, higher housing supply, diversity of ownership and the efficiency of the tax system, outweighing the nominal impact it has on housing prices. While not being directly referenced in the recommendation, capital gains tax arrangements were also discussed in the Report. Stamp duty was also identified as a key impediment to housing affordability. There are several recommendations relating to stamp duty that reflect HIA’s position on reforms that: • The states replace stamp duty with land tax over time, thereby removing an unnecessary obstacle to homeownership, increasing housing turnover, and stabilising government revenues. • The Australian Government undertake a review into how such a transition could be managed. • The Commonwealth Grants Commission ensure that states undertaking such reform are not disadvantaged in the distribution of GST.



• As an interim measure, states should adjust stamp duty rates to redress the impact of bracket creep and introduce indexation to address the impact of home price variation in the future. The Report also questioned development charges, recommending that the Australian Government work with states and territories to reform their approach. The justification for this recommendation notes an escalation in fees and charges that are applied to residential developments. While HIA continues to call for these taxes to be removed and a new model for funding community-based infrastructure identified, where they remain in place, they must have a nexus to the households that pay and a commitment to deliver the infrastructure in a timely way.


Other recommendations relate to a wide range of measures including: • • • • • • • •

improving access to crisis housing; funding for community housing providers; homelessness services; a review of the tax and regulatory environment for the build-to-rent market; preserving APRA’s role in managing residential mortgage lending; preserving the Reserve Bank’s Charter, specifically excluding an explicit house price consideration; improving data availability; the operations of the National Housing Finance and Investment Corporation.

While these efforts to boost housing supply won’t solve all our problems overnight, the evidence is clear. You can’t have affordable housing without housing.





THE GREAT DISCONNECT: CRUCIAL CONVERSATIONS Adapted for AGWA from HR Advance Professional - a product of Business Australia

Companies are adept in dealing with the pandemic, yet crucial conversations between managers and employees on pandemic-related challenges is the disconnect, according to Allianz research and its Manager and Employee Guides.

claims have increased by 12% since the beginning of the pandemic, indicating the need for crucial conversations more than ever. Yet, ‘the majority of employees have not had training on how to conduct these conversations’, continued Ms Mitchell.

Consider this scenario: a manager lets an employee know that, given what's happening in the world, the Employee Assistance Program is available if they have any concerns. The employee starts to respond, ‘thanks, I ...’, when the manager cuts them off and says, ‘I don’t need to know anything’.


While the right intention from the company was there, the manager delivery was not genuine. The employee couldn’t voice how they felt or what they needed — a lost crucial conversation to build trust, respect, mutual understanding, and engagement.


The Manager Guide describes a crucial conversation as ‘a discussion with high stakes, differing opinions and strong emotions. When handled poorly or avoided, these conversations can lead to broader mental health issues in the workplace, including strained relationships, decreased productivity, employee dissatisfaction, poor results, or even more serious psychological issues’. The research showed 79% of workers want to have conversations with their managers about workloads, career progression and work-life balance as COVID-19 disruptions continue to put pressure on workplaces and employees. Yet, 65% of employees won’t talk with their managers first, and 24% are not satisfied how often their manager touches base with them about their mental health.


There are four key barriers: employees and managers are disconnected, a proactive approach is required, the uneasiness of difficult conversations and a lack of training. Employees and managers are disconnected as 90% of managers feel satisfied their organisation has facilitated a more mentally healthy work environment in the past 12 months, versus one in five employees who said they were very satisfied with their employer’s ability to create mentally healthy workplaces. In addition, 24% of managers proactively check in with their direct reports, and close to a third expect employees to bring forward their mental health issues. Requesting a pay rise, a promotion, and reporting bullying and harassment incidents were the most uncomfortable topics for employees to raise with their manager. This year the research forecasts employee concerns will include flexible working arrangements, increased workload, stress and taking extended leave. ‘These topics are going to surface, and they need to be prioritised’, said Julie Mitchell, Chief General Manager Personal Injury at Allianz Australia. Psychological injury




Personalise the conversation • Every crucial conversation is unique. Be clear on the key issues and establish the desired outcomes early to help guide the conversation. • Make sure the conversation is in a safe environment for open dialogue such as outside the office, in a meeting room, a walking meeting or a video conference. Keep it open and trusting • Approach the conversation with respect and care. If appropriate, offer employees a support person for the meeting to add to a sense of comfort. • Ensure the next steps are clear at the end of the meeting. • If the issue isn’t resolved in one meeting, demonstrate you value your team member’s opinion and support their concerns. Set the tone • Approach the discussion with compassion and empathy through open and relaxed body language (direct eye contact, relaxed unfolded arms etc) and a friendly tone of voice which conveys a safe environment. • Ask open questions to ensure you and your employee know that they’ve been seen, heard and the importance of the issue acknowledged. Drive progress • A crucial conversation is an opportunity to build trust with an employee and make progress on the issue. • The issue may have wider workplace impacts that need to be addressed balancing employee confidentiality. Play an active role in a positive healthy culture • Schedule regular check-ins with team members, establish a workplace mental health taskforce, and encourage employees to switch off after hours to boost work-life balance. • Ensure employees are familiar with the workplace mental health policy and understand how to escalate common issues. If one doesn’t exist, advocate for one. • Addressing workplace culture so people feel comfortable to raise issues in a safe environment is essential. Ms Mitchell said that by championing transparent and empathetic conversations on mental health ‘employees and employers can find sustainable balance throughout the pandemic and beyond’.




EnergyTech Lite TM

Our latest addition EnergyTech™ Lite is the first step in improving energy efficiency for windows. Move to the next level with EnergyTech™ Lite by replacing ordinary single glazing, lift the performance of an otherwise ordinary IGU or boost the performance of a high performance IGU by adding it to surface#4. Ideal for typical Australian residential window systems. Take the first step in Low E and start enjoying brilliant aesthetics, abundant natural daylight and improved comfort.

Locally made Available Now 4mm, 5mm & 6mm thickness Glass size: 3660mm x 2440mm & 5100mm x 3210mm

For more information please visit www.oceaniaglass.com.au/energytechlite *Oceania Glass reserves the right to update the information at any time. ™ is a trademark of Oceania Glass Pty Ltd. Images used are for visual indication only. Oceania Glass_EnergyTech Lite_220411



As we enter the recovery phase of the pandemic, the ATO is recognising the resumption of debt collection and reinforcing this among Australian businesses significantly in 2022.

WHAT IS A DIRECTORS PENALTY NOTICE (DPN)? A DPN refers to an ATO issued notice for unpaid tax liabilities, for which directors can become personally liable. The ATO may issue a DPN where there are overdue or unpaid tax debts and no reasonable steps have been taken to minimise or pay the debt. Unpaid tax debts include outstanding: • Income tax • Any applicable penalties • Goods and Services Tax (GST) • Pay As You Go (PAYG) liabilities • Interest The ATO will send the DPN to the address registered with ASIC. Therefore, as a business owner you must ensure the company’s registered address is up to date with ASIC.


Non-lockdown DPNs are issued when Business Activity Statements (BAS), Superannuation Guarantee Charge (SGC), and/or Instalment Activity Statements are lodged within 3 months of their due date, yet PAYG Withholding and/or SGC debt remain outstanding. Lockdown DPNs are issued when the above statements have not been lodged within 3 months of their due dates.


• If you have received a DPN, obtain legal advice immediately. There is a 21-day time limit from the date listed on the DPN to pay the penalty stated or it becomes personal. The ATO has powers to recover unpaid liabilities not only via the company, but also through its directors. • If you receive a Non-lockdown DPN, you can: • Pay the debt; or • avoid personal liability by going into liquidation • or voluntary administration within 21 days.

• If you do not act within the 21-day time limit, the ATO has broad powers of enforcement to recover the penalty, including garnishee notices, offsetting any tax credits, and/or initiating legal recovery proceedings against a director personally.


Within 30 days after a new director is appointed, they should satisfy any remaining outstanding responsibilities or else they might be held accountable for director penalties. Individuals nominated as directors after the tax due date, are considered new directors within the DPN regime and should ensure the adequacy of internal processes for timely tax payments.


A director resigning after the initial date may still be held liable for penalties equal to the net GST, unpaid PAYG and SGC liabilities that were due before and after resignation in certain circumstances. Following their resignation, a director may be liable when the first withholding event in the reporting period took place after the resignation (for net GST and PAYG) or the charge became payable (for SGC liabilities).


Protect your business from the unexpected by: • Engaging an Accountant to keep up to date the statements and income tax returns. • Dealing with any unpaid tax liabilities rather than continuing to accrue further debt. • Ensuring the company’s registered address is up to date with ASIC. Make sure someone is checking that address for any important notices. • Striving to improve your knowledge of GST and tax reporting practices and ensuring the implementation of compliance mechanisms. Finally, if your company is struggling to pay tax liabilities, seek advice immediately.

• If you have received a Lockdown DPN, you cannot avoid liability by placing the company into liquidation and must either: • pay the debt; • negotiate a payment arrangement with the ATO; • or ile for personal bankruptcy.





AGG welcomes our newest product offering into our Softcoat LowE Double Glazed range. Insulglass LowE Advance® is a High Performing,

Spectrally Selective with all Clear options

Energy Efficient, Softcoat LowE Double Glazed

boasting Light to Solar Gain ratios above 2.03

Unit (DGU) added to our Insulglass® range to

(VLT divided by SHGC), making it especially

satisfy stringent new requirements brought on by

desirable for Commercial buildings by allowing

the National Construction Code (NCC).

twice the amount of natural light inside versus

With excellent performance in both Insulation (lower

solar heat.

U-Value) and Solar Control (lower SHGC), the aesthetic

Available in 6mm and 8mm thicknesses for use

remains clear with high Visible Light Transmittance

inside double glazed units with stock sheets at

(VLT), making it a versatile product offering.

5100mm x 3210mm.

Insulglass LowE Advance® Clear









6mm LowE Advance / 12mm argon / 4mm Clear









6mm LowE Advance / 12mm argon / 5mm Clear









6mm LowE Advance / 12mm argon / 6mm Clear









8mm LowE Advance / 12mm argon / 8mm Clear









Insulglass LowE Advance® Grey









4mm Grey / 12mm argon / 6mm LowE Advance









5mm Grey / 12mm argon / 6mm LowE Advance









6mm Grey / 12mm argon / 6mm LowE Advance









8mm Grey / 12mm argon / 8mm LowE Advance









Glass Only performance data in NFRC Standards.

Excellent performance to advance both Solar Control and Insulation without compromising Visible Light. Ideal for high end Residential, Apartments and Commercial buildings. Available also with: • Warm Edge spacer for further Thermal Performance

See our website for more detail


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Standard AGGLam® Laminated glass


White Translucent laminate for Privacy


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Proudly manufactured, stocked and supported in Australia by Australian Glass Group To find out more, go to agg.com.au or call 1300 768 024 @agg.com.au @Australian Glass Group

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2022 AGWA NEW SOUTH WALES GOLF DAY On Friday, 18 March 2022, AGWA's New South Wales Chapter gathered for a great day of golf at Bankstown Golf Course. A fantastic time can't wait wait Thanks to everyone that attended. We cant for the next one!











the Australian Glass & Window Association. This is a prestigious award and demonstrates the commitment he has had to our team and the industry.

Aussie Aluminium fabricates, supplies and installs quality architectural window and door solutions for the residential and commercial market throughout South Australia. The company was founded in 1989 by Jim and Anna Papazoglov. In 2018, Davis and Tiffany Perin joined the business as partners, and then became sole owners in 2021. Based on the strong foundations set in place by Jim and Anna, Davis and Tiffany are proud to be guiding the business to a bright future. Davis' extensive knowledge of large commercial construction and project management from 13 years’ experience working in FIFO in WA, has meant that Aussie Aluminium can now undertake a lot more complex commercial work. Partnering with some of the best building and construction companies in the state, manufacturing and installing quality windows, doors, automated doors, and screens, has seen us complete work as far as Adelaide, Whyalla, Cleve, Port Lincoln, Coffin Bay, Streaky Bay, Ceduna, and even to Yalata in the far west of SA. Aussie Aluminium stands behind its brand of being the 'Leader in Glass and Aluminium'.




We are the preferred supplier for the top-tier builders in Port Lincoln and this list grows each year. Our products and the knowledge within our team has set us apart from our competitors. Our efforts to provide the best work environment for our team is a priority and the 12 team members we currently have, are all well respected within the industry. Our fabrication team is led by the best. John Peters has been in the industry for over 40 years and is our Workshop Supervisor. He recently won the 2021 National and South Australian State Industry Service Award from

Our projects over the past few years include, but do not stop with, the new Aldi Supermarket (Whyalla), Copperhouse Court Aged Care Facility (Whyalla), St Teresa's Campus of Samaritan College (Whyalla), High School STEM upgrades (Port Lincoln, Cummins and Ceduna), Bennett Oval (Whyalla), Crossways Lutheran School (Ceduna), EP Seafood (Port Lincoln), Ceduna Foreshore Hotel, St Josephs’ School Senior Centre and Home Economics (Port Lincoln), Line & Label Restaurant (Port Lincoln), Port Lincoln High School Specialist Building, Year 7 Building and Tech Studies (Pt Lincoln) and Tullawon Health Centre (Yalata). There are also many architectural residential projects throughout the Eyre Peninsula. We recently commenced work on fabricating windows for the new St Joseph’s Primary school building in Port Lincoln, one of the most technical tenders we have had to date since becoming new owners. Tiffany successfully entered Aussie Aluminium into the 2018 Entrepreneurs Program. This led to an opportunity to be mentored by business leaders and from this be able to thoroughly dissect and evaluate



the existing business. Through extensive management and marketing knowledge, she has been able to openly look at the existing business and implement more efficient practices to create a more modern and streamlined approach. The research and development done throughout the three years on the program, has seen her completely reinvent the Aussie Aluminium brand. Automating most parts of the business ensures management, estimating and administration can be done off site, enabling the business to be prepared for any COVID-19 shutdowns or other interruptions. Aussie Aluminium was recently awarded the Port Lincoln Chamber of Commerce and Tourism 2021 Business Excellence Award in the Building and Trades category. Being a recipient of this Award has given both Davis and Tiffany the assurance that the hard work being done by their award-winning team delivering consistent, quality, and stylish products all over the Eyre Peninsula is recognised by their peers. Karen Dorward started with Aussie Aluminium just over a year ago. Her customer service skills and her ability to multitask under pressure have enabled her to stamp her mark on the day-to-day administration of the business. As our front of house Guru, she understands the importance of keeping our customers happy and informed and will go above and beyond to ensure any query is dealt with promptly. Karen has also been nominated for a Customer Service Award this year, an absolute honour for her. This year we launched our new showroom. It is the largest showroom in our region and the current feedback from our builders has been incredibly positive, as it enables them to freely demonstrate each product as it would be in an actual home/premises. Aside from having a record year in fabrication and delivery, we have also fully redesigned our workshop, decreasing the amount of manual handling required when fabricating large doors and windows. In 2020, we acquired an automated glass cutting machine which enabled us to increase production and reduce glass wastage. This has led us to have two staff undertaking the Cert III Glass and Glazing apprenticeship. We continue to review each process within the fabrication area of


our business, and we believe in continuous improvement constantly reviewing how we do things and how we can do them better.

all our staff with a safe and compliant workplace which we recognise as very important.

Partnering with the University of South Australia, we have hosted three groups of Physiotherapy students doing their work placements at our business. The projects undertaken by the students included performing a full ergonomic assessment on our administration and management workstations and performing an assessment of the workflow of the full fabrication process. Resulting from their assessment, they designed exercises and gave feedback to our fabrication team to help them to maintain good physical health from such physically demanding roles. The students also designed pre-employment medical and physio checks to include in our preemployment process. Our goal is to provide

Finally, we have launched a new website which aligns with our social media marketing and represents a true reflection of our core business values. Without a doubt it is the knowledge held within the business and our united commitment as a team to deliver a quality premium product for our customers, that is our greatest asset. We know what we do well, and we don’t stray from that. All our windows and doors are custom made in house, which means when a customer needs something complex or may be a big challenge, we are up for it. We are super proud of the partnerships we have for our marketing and human resources, the importance placed on providing a safe and compliant workplace and our commitment to creating a brand that is in line with our quality of workmanship. We work hard. We cover a lot of mileage to do what we do, but it is the relationships we build with our customers that keeps them wanting to come back. It is always a team effort with Aussie Aluminium. 79 Mortlock Terrace, Port Lincoln SA 5606 Ph: 0886826554 Email: enquiries@aussiealuminium.com.au Website: www.aussiealuminium.com.au





SAYING ‘YES’ THE KEY TO PALMERS GLASS SUCCESS Rob Palmer Palmers Glass Gladesville rob@palmersglass.com.au Ph 0418445156






‘In the 1970s my dad, Barry Palmer, opened a one-man glass business from our family garage’ explains Rob Palmer, owner of Palmers Glass in Sydney. ‘When I was in high school, I would help him out wherever possible, and I shared his passion for the building industry.’ Rob learned all the basics of the glass trade and began a carpentry trade while still under the guidance and encouragement of his Dad.

Buffalo Rd. Within 12 months they doubled in size again and expanded to another factory across the road. ‘Now we have our office, showroom, stock storeroom, paint booth and lamination line in one facility, and production in the old factory. It works well because our customers can see everything we do in its shiny and clean form, while most of the mess happens across the road!’ laughs Rob. Rob recalls his most significant business challenge as being constantly let down by suppliers. That frustration led to a major pivot for Palmers Glass in 2004; the purchase of their own manufacturing machines so they could be self-sufficient. The business now owns two auto tables, two CNC machines, a water jet, a polish machine, a paint booth, a sandblast machine, and a toughening and lamination line, operated by 10 staff. ‘This investment in technology has allowed us to evolve from a basic glass-replacement company, to an end-to-end service that can say yes to almost any architectural frameless project Sydney can throw at us. In fact, we are one of only a few businesses who can

Palmers Glass has received several AGWA awards, but the one they are most proud of is the 2021 Award for supplying and fitting glass balustrades and frameless impressions of The Rising Sun at the Anzac Memorial in Sydney. Rob explains ‘The brief from the Memorial Committee was fairly simple: everything had to be manufactured in Australia, which is what the Palmers Glass team pride ourselves on. Our team worked meticulously to deliver a striking glass window over the memorial at Hyde Park.’ The 40-strong Palmers Glass team continues to meet the exceptionally high standards set by the Sydney residential and commercial building market, while still maintaining that original family feel. ‘Tina and I are very proud of our hardworking management and office staff, who’ve done a great job steering the business through the last couple of challenging years. We keep saying yes, and our team continues to deliver. That seems to be working so far’ ends Rob.

actually manufacture AND install.’ Today, Palmers Glass installs frameless shower screens, balustrades, roofs, floors and structural glazing. They also have a business arm that services local schools, councils, hospitals and strata places, which they have operated successfully for over 25 years. When Rob was 24, his father’s health declined, which meant he could no longer run his glass business. Barry asked Rob if he wanted to take over the business, and Rob (who was keen to combine it with his carpentry) said yes. So, in 1988 Palmers Glass and Carpentry was founded. Together with his wife Tina, Rob continued to run Palmers Glass from the garage for another 11 years, employing two staff. In 1999, a factory on the main road in Gladesville became available, so they moved in … and that’s when Rob recalls ‘it all went crazy!’ Rob admits ‘my team and customers know that I have always said yes to every job without hesitation! That has sometimes landed me in trouble with my production and installer team, but we hire such great capable people that we always deliver. That’s been a huge factor in our success.’ Saying ‘yes’ to every job was clearly working well for the business, because 12 months after moving, it grew to 18 staff, so in 2001 they relocated to the current premises on






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DORIC TURNS FIFTY Foundation AWA/AGWA Member Doric Products is celebrating their 50th Anniversary in 2022

Doric, Australia’s largest privately-owned window and door hardware manufacturer supplying to the fenestration industry, is celebrating its 50th birthday in 2022, with major festivities to be rolled out during the year to mark the milestone. From humble beginnings above an old horse stable in 1972, the company has grown to be a market leader in residential, commercial and high rise building applications, with a nationwide support network backed by a significant presence across the region. 'Any 50th birthday celebration is a major milestone, especially so for an Australian family-owned business,' said Nigel Long, CEO – Alchin Long Group. 'At the heart of the Doric story is incredible innovation, which has fueled our growth over the past five decades to be a market leader. 'Doric has had to overcome the odds on more than one occasion, but our past achievements and future prospects speak to the passion and dedication of a highly talented group. 'We look forward to a big year ahead in 2022, right across the region.' At the core of Doric’s success has been a constant desire to innovate, with the team developing many new product types, which have survived the test of time. Lines such as the DN201 Flush Bolt from 1980 and the DH3 and DH4 Door Hinges from 1982 remain popular to this day.

Industry recognition has followed in the footsteps of these innovations. For instance, Doric has won the Australian Glass & Window Association (AGWA) Design and Industry Awards Most Innovative Component Award a total of six times, with the DH40 Hinge (2007), Mk4 Chainwinder (2009), DN8000 High Performance Multi Point Locking System (2016), DN85 Self Latching Unit (2018), the Doric Ventus Plug and Play System (2019) and the EPEC Cylinder (2021). Also, in 2017, the DN8000 Multi Point System won the Good Design Awards product design category. To back up the success of the products, they have found favour in many iconic builds and renovations around the nation, such as the restorations at Sydney Opera House and the Commonwealth Bank in Martin Place, Sydney, with key new projects including the 11 SKIES at Chep Lap Kok in Hong Kong, Melbourne Square and Collins Arch in Melbourne, plus the Jewel Tower and Elysian Broadbeach on the Gold Coast. Leading the way with quality design principles, Doric’s in-house product research, development and testing arm was rebranded in 2000, as Azuma Design, with the brand now servicing the entire industry.


EPEC Electronic PIN Euro Cylinder

Plug & Play System WINNER - 2019

DN85 Self Latching Unit WINNER - 2018

DN8000 Multi Point System WINNER - 2016

DH40 Hinge WINNER - 2007

For further details of Doric’s 50th anniversary celebrations will be posted to doric.com.au throughout the year.

In 1984, Doric released the first-ever spring balance system for aluminium windows, followed in 1989 by the pioneering springloaded and adjustable roller for the security market, then the first auto-adjusting foot system for spring balances in 1990. A game-changer for the industry came in 1992, when Doric launched the DS401, the original sliding lockable window lock, while 1993 saw the launch of the DS60, the first sliding door lock chassis with interchangeable handle styles. The release of the polesium based chainwinder in 2002 featured a 100% corrosion-resistant base, another first in the marketplace.










DN201 flush bolt

The first ever spring balance system for aluminium windows

Auto adjusting foot system for spring balances




DS401 The original sliding window lock

DS910/920/930 on universal chassis – first sliding door locks on interchangeable chassis (DS60 chassis)

Polesium corrosion resistant base for the chainwinder




Restricted Chainwinder - First of it's type to suit 'Kid's Don't Fly' requirements

DN400 Twin Chainwinder - The ultimate control for large awning windows

DN8000 Multi-Point Locking System world’s 1st to automatically close & latch







– IGU FAILURES Adam Davies and Dr Pouya Abtahi AGWA






With the ever-increasing push for higher performing and energy-efficient homes, the role and uptake of Insulated Glass Units (IGUs) is on an upward trajectory. This is obviously positive for our industry, but with the greater production and installation of IGUs comes more risk of non-conformance leading to failures.

• Poor application of the primary seal where 100% coverage is not achieved It is important that the primary seal is applied evenly to the entire perimeter of the unit. The primary seal is the main part of the IGU that prevents moisture ingress, while the secondary seal mainly provides the structural strength of the unit. • Cold joints This is when the primary or secondary seal has skinned over (hardened) where the bead starts before the full application of the seal to the unit is complete. This causes the seal to be interrupted and not continuous. • Spontaneous Glass Breakage (for toughened IGUs) During the service life of the IGU, one or more of the glass panels may spontaneously explode. There are many factors that can make this happen with most of the blame often unfairly focusing on Nickel Sulphide. Nickel Sulphide can be present and indeed cause failure, but this is actually quite rare with other factors such as other inclusions leading to failure and possibly external factors, such as unwitnessed impact. Generally spontaneous failure is outside the control of the manufacturer and can be considered an inherent aspect of toughened glass and not a fault thus generally not covered by warranty.

Unlike conventional monolithic glazing, an IGU is a complex system relying on multiple parts, all performing in concert, to achieve the required performance and life expectancy. AGWA is seeing an increasing number of disputes and technical enquiries relating to the failure of IGUs. Many of these disputes relate to non-conformance in either their manufacture or installation. This is of concern as the market for IGUs will increase as people choose higher performing windows and glass units. More concerning is that these failures generally do not happen soon after manufacture/installation but can take several years to eventuate. These failures could not only leave you with an issue that you are obligated to address but will come with higher cost. With the delay of the failure occurring the industry needs to be aware of these issues and address them proactively. Based on what we have seen and as a result of the feedback we have received, the failures are split roughly 60% due to installation and 40% due to incorrect manufacture.

COMMON MANUFACTURING FAILURE MODES These are the most common manufacturing issues we are seeing.


COMMON INSTALLATION FAILURE MODES These are the most common installation issues we are seeing. • Insufficient or lack of water drainage in the framing system used This allows water/moisture to stay in contact with the unit for prolonged periods leading to failure. The perimeter of an IGU must not remain wet as this will degrade the secondary seal and place increased structural loads on the primary seal, for which it is not designed. This will then allow moisture vapour to migrate into the unit, consume the desiccant and lead to internal fogging.

resilient, load bearing, non-absorbent, rot-proof materials that are constructed of a material that is compatible with the secondary seal of the unit. Some poorquality setting blocks contain chemicals that can migrate into the IGU seals and cause failure. • Exposed Secondary Seal If the IGU installation allows the secondary seal to be exposed to sunlight (UV) then it should not be manufactured with a Polysulfide secondary seal as this has poor UV stability and can eventually break down and lead to failure of the unit. For cases where IGUs are installed with the edges exposed, an alternate secondary seal, such as Silicone, should be selected. It is important to talk to your IGU supplier to determine the correct IGU make up for the desired application. It is also important that if units are being stored prior to installation, regardless of secondary seal type, they should be always protected from sunlight and moisture exposure. As stated previously an IGU is a complex system that requires both manufacturers and installers to be vigilant to ensure that an IGU meets the desired performance and has a long life. Failures of IGUs can cause significant financial and reputational consequences. The best way to avoid any issues is to ensure you are purchasing your IGUs from a reputable and compliant AS 4666: 2012 supplier, such as an IGMA member, and that the installer follows the correct installation methods as described in that standard. Both manufacture and installation are equally important to ensure the longevity of IGUs. If you have any questions or would like any further information, please reach out to our technical team and we would be happy to assist.

• Lack of, or inappropriate, setting blocks The correct application and material for setting blocks is critically important for the long-term performance of an IGU. Setting blocks that only support the IGU on the seal result in excessive loads and will eventually lead to failure of the IGU. The setting blocks must be a minimum of 3 mm wider than the unit thickness and of the correct size and location as stated in in AS 4666: 2012. Also important, is that the setting blocks are






Patrick Dangerfield is a household name within Australia’s sporting and fishing communities. Currently playing for the Geelong Cats, Patrick has had an award winning career, including the Brownlow Medal. With an impressive AFL career under his belt, he was looking for a place to call home and spend quality time with his family. Patrick and wife Mardi purchased a 1980’s house in beautiful Moggs Creek, regional Victoria in 2016. They decided to live in the house first to understand the nuances of the block and how it interacted and functioned within the environment. Working with architects, they started from scratch, to design and build their dream home.

The block posed several design challenges, including howling Southerlies direct from Bass Straight and harsh climate conditions. Thermally-broken window and door systems were essential to the build to ensure structural integrity, comfort and the ability to meet energy rating requirements. ThermalHEARTTM was the perfect choice. ‘We chose ThermalHEARTTM because it meant we could have more glass and less wall facing the ocean’, says Patrick. ‘It’s brilliant because we’ll experience summer here where it’s 40-plus degrees, and winter where it’s 5 degrees.’ ThermalHEARTTM incorporate a polyamide strip between the aluminium exterior and interior elements. Polyamide is an excellent thermal insulator. The thermal break minimises the transfer of heat through the aluminium frame, providing excellent insulation properties. Polyamide has similar expansion rates to aluminium, ensuring ThermalHEART™ extrusions maintain unparalleled structural integrity. ‘The dining area opens out onto the southfacing deck. It has constant wind blowing sand against the door, which can build up in the track, making the door difficult to open, so it was important to find a product that could be top hung to solve this problem’, says Patrick.






The Series 852 Thermally Broken Sliding Door System was chosen specifically for these doors, incorporating top hung technology. Large expanses of glass were crucial to framing the spectacular views overlooking the ocean from the homes two wings. ‘We thought it would have to be three panes of glass … but with the right advice and product we were able to have one single pane on each of the wings. It’s literally the largest single pane that we could get’, says Patrick. The Series 660 FrontGLAZETM double glazed frame was chosen for the home’s two wings due to its ability to go up to 44 mm in thickness. The windows allow for unobstructed views of the surf coast. ‘Why build a house here unless you can see all of the outside and what it has to offer?’ added Patrick. Other products used throughout the home include the Series 824 Thermally Broken FrontGLAZETM system and Series 731 Thermally Broken Sliding Door. Together, these products allowed Patrick to create a light-filled, comfortable, stylish family home with optimal views without sacrificing the home’s energy rating. We used to have condensation with the old aluminium single glazed windows, but that’s not an issue anymore. We don’t wake up having to wipe down the windows. It’s a real game changer.’


ThermalHEART™ thermally broken aluminium windows and doors are Australian designed and tested to exceed Australian Standards, supplied by over 200 dedicated and highly trained licensed independent fabricators nationwide.

Series 660 FrontGLAZETM Double Glazed Commercial Frame Series 731 Thermally Broken Sliding Door Series 824 Thermally Broken FrontGLAZETM Series 852 Thermally Broken Sliding Door System

Fabricator: Salthouse Windows Builder: Creative Lifestyle Homes Products:





KEEPING GLASS AND GLAZING IN THE FAMILY For Courtney Wilson, growing up in a home with a Master Glazier Father and business owner parents inspired her to buy and grow the Cairns Glass & Glazing family business in 2018. ‘Dad began his glazing career replacing windows in the Whitsundays, and in 1992 he and Mum decided to lay the foundations of a business called Cairns Glass & Glazing’ says Courtney Wilson. Both Courtney’s parents worked hard to grow Cairns Glass & Glazing to the busy and successful business it is today. The business employs 13 people, boasts over 100 years of collective experience and services more than a 250 km area around Cairns with glass, glazing, domestic and commercial aluminum fabrication and emergency repairs. ‘Growing up, I had seen all the incredible things that we could do with glass, such as glazing to multi-million-dollar watercraft,




innovative high-rise buildings, commercial shop fronts, high-end stores and safety shield glass for banks. I always aspired to have the same business drive as my father, so it seemed only natural to start up my own glazing company on Thursday Island in the Torres Strait in 2013’. Barry Wilson was named one of the first Master Glaziers in Australia in 2016. ‘This was such an amazing achievement for him and topped off a successful career in the industry’ says Courtney. ‘In 2018, Dad was reaching retirement age and wanted to sell. I decided to sell my share of Torres Strait Glass & Glazing and put my roots back in my hometown.’ Since then, Courtney has been expanding and developing Cairns Glass to what it is today. As a 35-year-old Mum of four, this business has given Courtney the opportunity to provide her kids with a great life. Cairns Glass & Glazing is an excellent example of a business that has learnt how to overcome the challenges of operating in a regional area with an extremely hot and humid climate. In both commercial and residential projects, Cairns Glass works closely with engineers and their own design



team to help clients choose the right energy-rated glass and window systems, depending if insulation, energy saving or acoustic noise reduction is the most important factor. Courtney recounts her biggest challenge so far as navigating the company operations and staff shortages through the pandemic, as well as international supply shortages that have crippled the building industry. Cairns Glass & Glazing is an all-rounder business, capable of all aspects of glass and glazing. They are most renowned for emergency glazing work, which involves fast turnaround, insurance claim work, and a 24-hour emergency repair service. Courtney recalls, ‘One of our more memorable emergency repair jobs was when a large 4 m high glass shopfront panel in a Cairns shopping centre spontaneously exploded in the middle of the night, spreading broken glass throughout the centre. We were tasked with the clean-up and board-up of the large opening before the centre resumed trade at 7 am the next morning. We had our glaziers working through the night to secure the shopfront. ‘We have also attended one of the largest schools in the region following vandal damage, where we had to instantly replace over 40 windows to help our clients get the school open and operational again.’ Cairns Glass & Glazing has recently completed a project with local tourism operators ‘Sunlover Cruises’. Courtney says, ‘We worked alongside their designers to identify the exact glass products to the engineer’s specifications for their new multimillion dollar submarine semi-submersible viewing platform. We successfully sourced, installed and sealed all the glass on the dry dock wharf in Cairns. This platform is now moored on the outer Great Barrier Reef and is being used on a regular basis by visitors to the region.’ Cairns Glass & Glazing is committed to leaving a legacy in the glass and glazing industry. The business is helping to fill the skills shortage in their industry by training four apprentices, as well as helping to close the gap by employing 50% of its workforce from indigenous backgrounds. ‘We have such a diverse and skilled team and I can attribute the company's success to each and every staff member we have on board. I wouldn't be where I am without my amazing crew!’

Meshtec is proudly celebrating the 19th anniversary of providing premium quality stainless steel mesh, perforated aluminium and excellent service. From 3 acres in 2003, today Meshtec has expanded their manufacturing facilities to 21 acres and is continually growing. Last year Meshtec installed a new state of the art 400 ton perforation press to serve an increased demand of Genuine Meshtec™ perforated aluminium for security screens. In 2022, Meshtec are upgrading powder coating lines and integrating further technology and innovations to maximize capacity and minimize energy consumption. Meshtec have reached out globally from humble beginnings with a big vision, Genuine Meshtec™ products are now in 1,000 Home Depot in-store displays and their market share is rapidly growing in the U.S.A. Congratulations to the Meshtec team and wish many more successes in the future.

For more information, visit www.meshtec.com BUILTVIEW





FENESTRATION DIPLOMA PROGRAM GRADUATES JANUARY-MARCH 2022 Congratulations to the following who received their Fenestration Diplomas recently: • Ryan Cumming, Windoor Joinery • Anthoney Rushton, Western Plains Windows and Glass

1 2

Ryan Cumming, Windoor Joinery Anthoney Rushton, Western Plains Windows and Glass



TRAINING COURSE GRADUATES: JAN-APRIL 2022 Window Essentials 23 February 2022 Maria Babic, Darley Aluminium Linda Jackson, Elite Security Screens and Doors Joshuah Leigh, Darley Aluminium Anton Brooks, Beautiful Sliding Doors Greg Borel, Beautiful Sliding Doors Ayman Hamdy, Magic Glass David Cowell, Magic Glass Montana Cook, AWS Arham Maher, AWS Joel Brady, AGWA Window Essentials 30 March 2022 Michael Smart, Smart Window Solutions Samantha Sciberras, Elite Security Screens and Doors Dominic Iaquinto, Elite Security Screens and Doors Justin Haines, Elite Security Screens and Doors Grady Cadogan, Smart Window Solutions Helen Dawes, AGWA AS 1288 Introduction 16 March 2022 Alice Berry, Glass Now Joel Brady, AGWA Albert Goh, Architectural Windows & Doors Cyrus Guce, Architectural Windows & Doors Jason Kelly, Viridian Adem Kulovac, Glass Australia Clint Rogers, Viridian Jonathan Wong, KP Windows Pty Ltd Shane Suttie, Rylock Kira Guran, Rylock Matthew Lording, Empire Facades AS 1288 Advanced 23 March 2022 Danny Watson, Hartley Glass Mark Atley, FGS Glass Alice Berry, Glass Now Joel Brady, AGWA Jason Kelly, Viridian James Kisnorbo, KP Windows Pty Ltd Stewart Patrick, True Blue Glass Clint Rogers, Viridian Jonathan Wong, KP Windows and Doors Pty Ltd




Bruce Yu, Origin Warehouse Matthew Lording, Empire Facades Jeff Picton, Fin Windows and Doors Daniel Liu, FGS Glass Jared Hodierne, Advanced Frameless Glass Intermediate Fenestration, 1, 3, 8, 10 and 15 March 2022 Lyndsey Magpayo, Bradnams David Maguire, Bradnams Nathan Nashaar, Bradnams Ariana Millios, Alspec Amanda Markwell, Alspec Daniel Martin, Capral Aluminium Clem Wixted, Capral Aluminium Shyansheng (Swang) Mu, Alchin Long Joel Brady, AGWA Jonathan Wong, KP Windows Tracy Wakefield, Plustec P/L AS 1288 Introduction Cairns, 7 April 2022 Shipra Shipra, Bradnams Kerri-Anne Hourston, Bradnams Tracey Cameron, G James Shannen Wallwork, G James Jaicee Sabatino, G James Damon Franklin, NQ Discount Glass House Raphael Jolivot, Cairns Hardware Grant Thompson, Northern Glazing Window and Glass Foundation, various dates February and March 2022 Ingrid Pagura, AGWA Viv Munter, AGWA Ryan Knight, View Co Nicole Akhmedova, Euro UPVC Michael Smart, Smart Window Solutions Peter Kilby, Magic Glass Thayalan Jeyaram, Alutech Mitchell Voyzey, Cotton’s Glass and Aluminium Nathan Dowling, Performance Windows and Doors Bradley Hoppo, Seaton Glass Nick Jones, Select Windows and Doors Mark Waters, G James Advait Patil, AluGlaze Enterprises Jeff Picton, Fin Windows

Jeremy Buckland, Canobolas Glass Beau Kuiper, Modern Glass Brent Deacon, C-View Windows Boyd Smith, Noyes Glass Aimee Brooks, Noyes Glass Tim O’Sullivan, Construction Glazing Gordon Haslberger, G & A Glass and Aluminium Nathan Ryan, Capital Glass and Aluminium Ron Farren, Twin Cities Glass and Aluminium Justin McKee, Plustec P/L Mark Langford, Langford Windows Simon Meli, Tweed Coast Glass David Cowell, Magic Glass Matthew Douglas, Mount Glass Daniel Gofton, Kingborough Glazing Pty Ltd John Gofton, Kingborough Glazing Pty Ltd Dale Quinn, Kingborough Glazing Pty ltd Michaela Savill, Dowell Windows Stephen Holmes, Dowell Windows Mark Salerno, Element Windows Jason Gransden, Twin Cities Glass and Aluminium Serkan Duzler, LBA Joinery Dale Bradford, Alpro Australia Kate Villatema, Kaizen Andrew Licari, Abbey Aluminium David Greco, Abbey Aluminium Molly Samios, Suburban Glass & Leadlights Pty Ltd John Muscat, Aneta Windows Jason Whittingham, Oceania Glass Robert Sprague, Glass Express Shane Suttie, Rylock Pty Ltd Kira Guran, Rylock Pty Ltd Alison Barton, Safety Glass Solutions Kellie Cohrs, York Glass Junyi Cheong, Vision Glass Susie Lu, Vision Glass Ryan Thomas, Audsley Windows Jenny McCarron, Country Style Windows Ken Thomas, Homemakers Glass and Aluminium





Advanced AS 1288 Wednesday 4 May

Introduction AS 1288 Web delivery 1 pm – 4.30 pm

Intermediate Fenestration

Wednesday 1 June

Web delivery 1 pm – 4 pm

Advanced Commercial Fenestration

Tuesday 10 May

5 sessions

Tuesday 7 June

5 sessions

10/5, 12/5, 17/5, 19/5, 24/5

Web delivery 1 pm – 3:30 pm

7/6, 9/6, 16/6, 21/6, 23/6

Web delivery 1 pm – 2.30 pm

Window and Glass Foundation Thursday 26 May

Advanced AS 1288 Web delivery 10 am – 12 pm

Wednesday 22 June

Web delivery 1 pm – 4.30 pm

Window Essentials Azuma Wednesday 29 June

JULY Intermediate Fenestration Tuesday 12 July

5 sessions

12/7, 14/7, 19/7, 21/7, 26/7

Web delivery 1 pm – 3.30 pm

FTF 8.30 am – 4 pm

For more information on course content please email training@awga.com.au.

Introduction AS 1288 Wednesday 27 July


Web delivery 1 pm – 4 pm





Game changer in the Australian Market Yale continues to provide innovative solutions to seamlessly access the home, without the hassle of searching for keys in bags. The Yale Unity Entrance Series is the answer to seamless entry with the Unity Entrance Lock and the NEW Unity Security Screen Door Lock. The Yale Unity Security Screen Door Lock has been designed specifically for the Australian Market, achieving digital deadlocking in a slim and contemporary profile. Meeting Australian lock standards AS4145.2:2008, SL6 and D7, you can be sure that it’s reliable and secure. The Entrance Series works with the Yale Access App, providing control of the lock via a smart device, grant access to others, keep track of visitor access, monitor and secure the home from anywhere* along with much more. Download the free Yale Access app on iOS and Android.

Disclaimer: Other products’ brand names may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners and are mentioned for reference purposes only. Products are sold separately. *Remote access requires a Yale Connect Wi-Fi Bridge. Products are sold separately.


Yale Access App Features Grant entry from wherever with the Yale Access App Remote access means that your customers can let in family, friends and trusted visitors like the cleaner or dog walker– from anywhere – when a Yale Smart Lock is paired with the Yale Connect Bridge. If someone forgets to lock when they leave, it can be taken care of with the tap of a finger.

Auto-lock and unlock when coming and going The auto-lock feature can automatically lock the door upon leaving, either immediately after closing or after a set amount of time via the Yale Access App. When returning, the door will auto-unlock using geo-fencing technology, so there is no need to fumble around with keys.

Know the ins and outs of the home The 24/7 activity feed will help check who is coming and when – even when nobody is there. Know when guests have arrived, what time children got home, and whether a tradesmen or cleaner was in to get the job done.

Expecting guests? Send a virtual key Send virtual keys to friends or family via the Yale Access App. Guests can come and go as they wish – without the worry of lost keys.

Use your voice to control your lock Yale Access works with Amazon Alexa, Apple HomeKit and Google Home. The lock is voice controllable using Alexa or Google Assistant.

Scan to register your interest Or to view the range visit yalehome.com/au/en


NEW BEGINNINGS This story is about our journey (of change and discovery) and the people who made it possible. Our story began in the tropical Northern Territory capital city of Darwin, in the industrial area of Winnellie (NT) in DABSCO, a local company proudly serving the NT region since 1966. DABSCO manufactures, supplies and installs large range of home improvement products including glass windows and doors and security screen products. DABSCO is the largest northern Licensee for products such as Bradnams Windows and Doors, Luxaflex Blinds and Crimsafe Security Screens and celebrates over 50 years of family business. Scott Duncan, Allview Windows and Doors Director, had been part of DABSCO since 2002. A carpenter/joiner by trade, Scott quickly built a reputation for loyalty and integrity, not only as a salesperson but as a boss and part of the broader business community. In 2019, after many years of gaining product knowledge and installing experience, including building knowledge through his trade and for the last few years, the person in charge of the day to day running of the business, Scott was approached with an opportunity to run his own Aluminium Window and Door business, in Coffs Harbour, situated on the midnorth coast of NSW. This was an opportunity to become a licensee for Bradnams Windows and Doors and this is where Scott left DABSCO to take up the ownership from the prior owner of Allview Windows and Doors. This is where the next part of the journey began, and all of Scott’s years of experience fell into place.

Our story began in the tropical Northern Territory capital city of Darwin, in the industrial area of Winnellie (NT) in DABSCO, a local company proudly serving the NT region since 1966.

Here is when the reality of what we were about to do began. Lucky me stayed in Darwin for another six months to organise the move, pack up the house, finalise my job and say goodbye to the family! You see, I had lived in Darwin (NT) all my life (well most of it) and Darwin had been home forever. Leaving friends and family behind was really the hardest part. The change was enormous, but the change really did not hit me until I arrived in Coffs Harbour, NSW. In October 2019, Scott became a Bradnams Windows and Doors Licensed Fabricator and we bought Allview Windows and Doors in Coffs Harbour. We put our savings into the new business and committed ourselves to being the masters of our own destiny, then the COVID-19 pandemic hit us, and we really started to worry, had we made the best decision?





Scott already had years of experience with Bradnams and knew that a high-quality product and business association, as a licensee, would unleash the full resources of an industry leader in manufacturing. He knew that Bradnams would be committed to making Allview Windows and Doors a success by giving us access to reliable supply chains, innovative products, advanced production systems, quality tools, customised business software and business experts. So, with that motivation to back us up and Scott’s years of knowledge and business connections, we took up the challenge, the risk and a leap of faith together. Allview Windows and Doors is situated in Orlando Street, Coffs Harbour, which is in a thriving industrial area, leading to the beautiful Coffs Coast and Jetty. The location is awesome, with the added benefit of Allview Windows and Doors being an established small local fabricating business for the past 35 years. At first, it was hard to find any experienced aluminium window and door fabricators, but we managed to find ourselves some local guys with a bit of knowledge that we could train. We worked around the clock — as you do when you want to be successful. We set up our supply chain and marketed our products to the local business community and builders, but what really got us going was finding the right people to invest in and embed our work culture in. Our team, is now made up of three local fabricators: Nathan Hay our Head Fabricator, Bede Walsh and Joel Boyns both Trainee Fabricators and Installers. After working out our policies and procedures and embedding these and our work culture into our day-to-day operations, we began to reap the rewards of our strategies to find work within not only the Coffs Harbour region but broader and started to feel not so anxious. We also took time out of the business to laugh and enjoy the midnorth coast.

Everyone is dedicated to following processes, being flexible, multiskilled and respectfully understanding that every day is a challenge. Our work culture is based on these foundations, with trust and loyalty holding us tightly together. It is now 2022 and Allview Windows and Doors continues to grow into a widely known business, synonymous with quality products and guaranteed great customer service. We have aligned our business with quality supplier groups to ensure that our customers receive the highest quality products, which also represents value for money. We are solutions-based and treat our customers with respect and good old fashioned friendly customer service. We believe in ‘Customers for life’ and aim to please. Allview Windows and Doors is an AGWA accredited company enabling our team to be trained by industry experts and keeping them up to date on current Standards. This greatly contributes to raising the profile of our quality service in fenestration and glazing Standards. Today’s building and construction of homes recognises innovative products, which distinctly take into account growing issues that are present in today’s market — energy efficiency, acoustics, security, aesthetics, ergonomics and environmental factors. National Glass and Bradnams’ products are NATA tested to consider these growing issues in our market and can be seen at our Showroom or check out the different range of products on the online comparison tool. We love it here in Coffs Harbour and look forward to sustaining our reputation and customers for life. We have skilled builders and contractors who believe in our vision too! Being local means supporting local, buying local and supporting the local community with quality service and products. Allview’s belief is to keep it simple and solutions based. We specialise in residential builds and renovations and welcome the invitation to quote on projects that we can deliver on. Our team of fabricators is very particular, dedicated and enjoy being a part of our family business. This makes every day another positive step in our journey towards growth, sustainability and long-lasting partnerships. A BIG THANK YOU to everyone who has and continues to support Allview Windows and Doors Please accept our invitation to visit our Showroom, or follow us on Facebook or Instagram https://www.Allviewwindowsanddoors.com.au/









The KSD-A from LiSEC is currently the fastest vertical seaming and grinding machine with peripheral wheels. The machine combines massive processing flexibility with stable and reliably high quality. How is the KSD-A configured? Depending on the machine length, the KSD-A consists of several elements in a modular construction. At the heart of the system is the processing tower with a high-speed X-axis for glass transport and optionally one or two processing heads mounted on separate vertical axes. The perfect waterproofing of the axes ensures long-term stability and easy accessibility. How does the KSD-A work? The KSD-A was developed for the fastest possible cycle times and the greatest possible flexibility. The sheet is received by a high-speed axis with suction cups, which measures the position of the sheet at all times. After automatic measurement of the height of the glass sheet ‘on the fly’, the edge is seamed or ground in an arbitrary number of cycles. The flexible tool configuration allows processing of different glass thicknesses without changing tools. What advantages does the machine offer? The two greatest advantages of the system are the perfect seaming quality — independent of the quality of the cut glass — and the outstanding processing flexibility. The newly developed and patent-pending floating tool of the LiSEC slider series ensures perfect edge seaming and grinding results even with poorly cut or faulty glass. LiSEC slider seaming and grinding tools use water pressure to feed the tool. This enables highly ergonomic and efficient feeding of the processing tool to the glass. For more information on this product please contact LiSEC.


Smartech Door Systems, a renowned Melbourne-based manufacturer of architecturally designed windows, doors and walls, prides itself on its unique product design and customer support. The team go so far to make sure their customers are supported, that almost all of their products are customised by the time they leave their Truganina factory. 'We understand the desire to create something that is different and innovative. When choosing Smartech, you are not only choosing high quality, aesthetically pleasing and functional products, but you’re also choosing us as your partner throughout the whole process,' says Anthony Cassar, Owner and Managing Director of Smartech. They also understand that architects and builders may not always have design draftsperson or consultant structural engineers at their disposal, and this is why they now offer a specialist Design Consultation Service in case anyone needs a helping hand with the design. Even better, this Service will support you throughout the whole project from enquiry to handover. Available to any client who would like a helping hand in the documentation and development of their project, Smartech’s expert engineers will create a customised solution. For a set fee, Smartech’s Design Consultation Service includes a thorough preliminary consultation where they assess your design brief and preliminary drawings. Their team then undertakes any engineering, design work, and drafting to produce one or more preliminary design draft drawings that specify the product. When finished, they deliver the drawings electronically for the client’s review. Smartech even provides a complimentary revision to achieve the perfect design. 'Customer satisfaction is of utmost importance to us, which is why we make sure we listen to what your vision is right from the start, thus ensuring that you end up with the right solution that best suits your project requirements,' says Anthony Cassar. For further information about any Smartech products or services, please visit www.smartechdoorsystems. com.au, or contact their Sales Department on (03) 9747 9233. Or alternatively you can send an email to sales@ smartechdoorsystems.com.au.







NEW DIGITAL SOLUTIONS IN GLASS HEAT TREATMENT ENABLE BETTER BUSINESS Bringing you built-in intelligence with our machinery has been our core focus for quite some time. The latest versions of Glaston flat glass tempering furnaces Glaston FC Series, RC Series and Jumbo Series incorporate high levels of automation and intelligent process control. Some of the latest innovations in the automation of the flat tempering process are the online fragmentation prediction for every glass and the white haze detection using Artificial Intelligence (AI). The tempering process autopilot reduces the operator’s influence and offers process control without parameters. By taking advantage of intelligence, our customers can gain higher bed utilisation, leading to higher energy efficiency and capacity, better repeatability in quality, and also greater operational safety which is thanks to online stress calculations, traditionally manual work for occasional glass inspections. Based on data, every machine will be also able to take care of its own predictive maintenance and suggest spare parts, when needed. Glaston ProL flat glass lamination line provides unprecedented flexibility for mixed production. The ProL convection heating chamber makes switching between glass types and different ‘sandwiches’ easier than ever. The whole line, from glass handling to the latest PVB cutting technology, has been designed for flexible operations. The trend in flat lamination is a growing use of structural interlayers and for that Glaston has introduced the new convection control technology, offering a significantly wider operating window even with complex laminates. A higher degree of automation is also on the agenda for the laminating process and with the lamination process autopilot, the furnace will learn to achieve the most optimal way of running instead of operators having to do adjustments manually. More: https://glaston.net/products/#Machines Glaston in Australia: Tel. +61 8 7823 753 konstantin.petrov@glaston.net

Evolution Window Systems + Soft Tech V6

window systems

A 2021 AGWA Design Award Winner

In 2021, Evolution Windows won ‘Best use of Windows & Doors, Glass & Glazing’ in Residential projects over $80,000. We recently met up with Mitchell Winter, Lead Estimator, to discuss how using Soft Tech V6 software through their supplier AWS (Architectural Window Systems), helped contribute to the success of the award-winning project. Highly Customizable with a Technical Depth Evolution Windows used Soft Tech V6 from start to finish on this project, making use of the full gamut of functionality to ensure all the product detail was correct. “The brilliant thing about V6 is it is highly customizable, with the technical depth to control the complete BOM (bill of materials). You can build everything from scratch, including curves, rakes and interesting shapes, then display in detail how all the materials will fit together,” says Mitchell. “This allowed us to provide a fully comprehensive estimate, including a visual of what the item will look like once it’s manufactured.” Increased Efficiencies Using V6 helped to keep wastages under control for this project. As this job required a special finish, it was important to order the exact quantities to keep the costs down. Evolution staff were able to work off an optimized BOM to remove any excess material and use stock they had on hand. Michell says, “V6 helped us nail the order down to the minimum amount of material we had to order to get the maximum output for the job.”

A Powerful Tool Mitchell was able to export the entire job at the click of a button, creating detailed blocks of the extrusions, which he was then able to import into CAD. “I was able to export the V6 files to CAD drawings, with the architect’s surround details, and these drawings all came in at the correct scale and in the configuration of how the item was going to be built. This allowed us to clearly show the architect the exact detail he was wanting to achieve with the finished product. This feature is a big time saver for us, and definitely one of the biggest selling points for me,” says Mitchell. Reduces Workload With all the data already in V6, once the order is progressed to the approval stage, it was easy for Mitchell to push the orders to the cutting floor with in-depth cutting sheets and fabrication reports, reducing his workload in the handover. He says “V6 reduces the work I need to do to get the order into production. I send the job straight out from V6 to the team on the cutting floor, and 9 times out of 10 the team can make a job comfortably without any external input.”

On a final note, Mitchell says, “the more you delve into V6, the more you can build and make. I’m building stuff in V6 now that I never would have thought of when I first sat down with it. The power that V6 offers, allows us to do that.” Evolution Window Systems | www.evolutionwindows.com.au Evolution Windows custom make exceptional aluminium or timber windows and doors for residential and commercial projects in Sydney, Blue Mountains and surrounds. They always look for ways to ensure your project goes smoothly. Their experienced team are ready to assist you with product selection, standards and code compliance and they take pride in ensuring your windows and doors are supplied on time, on budget and to the highest standard. That’s the Evolution difference!

Photography Credit - Nicholas Watts

If you’d like to understand how Soft Tech V6 can help you manage your window and door manufacturing business, visit us at www.softtech.com to request a free demo.








CELEBRATING 20 YEARS OF SERVICE AT AWS It is truly remarkable the number of long-term staff we continue to celebrate at Architectural Window Systems (AWS). Bill Elder, Operations Manager recently celebrated 20 years. 'Bill has been instrumental in streamlining operations and logistics for AWS,' said Daniel Black, General Manager. Bill said 'It’s been really interesting seeing the ever-evolving changes across our fabricator network and internally at AWS. When I started working out of Wetherill Park we had 60 customers. Managing the logistics of that, compared to the number of customers we have today, was very different. As a company we’ve had to adapt and grow to accommodate our increasing customer base. It’s certainly tested my problem solving skills at times but been a rewarding challenge.'

constantly looking for ways to make things better, not just in supply and logistics but also in software, tooling, products, and marketing.' Bill added 'We’ve got a lot of employees who have been around for a long time, who have a lot of experience and knowledge, which is extremely valuable. When you combine that with the new people coming in, who have different ideas and approaches, it’s allowed us to remain flexible and innovative. It’s a good position to be in.' For more information email marketing@awsaustralia.com.au or visit www.awsaustralia.com.au

'When I think back to those early days, I’m really proud of how we’ve grown. We do a lot more for our customers these days and we’re


SEALANT REMOVAL SOLUTIONS PolyGone® Di-Aqua® PolyWipes™ Now you can easily and safely remove cured and semi-cured silicones and polysulfides or silicone oil suction cup marks. Stop using flammable, carcinogenic and odorous chemicals that really don’t work. Stop exposing your workers to dangerous products. Improve customer satisfaction. Elegant Solutions can supply you with the non-hazardous low odor removal chemistry to solve your cleaning problems. Visit www.elegantsolutions.net.au for our complete range of cleaning products or contact one of our team members on 9473 6500 for all your glass processing needs.






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ACCREDITATION MEMBERS A Glazier & Shutter Services

Seven Hills GlassPty Ltd

ADS Glass & Aluminium Pty Ltd (formerly Aluminium Door Services Pty Ltd)

True Blue Glass


Adelaide Architectural Windows

DL Best Building Materials Pty Ltd

Interform Group Pty Ltd

Menzel Glass Pty Ltd Plumb Glazing Pty Ltd

Windows 1- NSW

Ecovista Building Solutions Logikal Facade Solutions

Plustec P/L






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HELPING FABRICATORS FUTURE-PROOF THEIR SUCCESS Huge changes are happening in the world of window-anddoor fabrication. Among these are the introduction of net-zero carbon-emissions targets by 2050, the massive economic impact of COVID-19, and rapidly evolving building Standards and Regulations. Coupled with the day-to-day challenges of book-keeping, managing staff, customer service and the actual job of fabricating, many small-to-medium fabricators recognise they need help to look at the bigger picture. This means working on the business not in the business.

On top of everything else, Regional Business Development Manager for AWS, Leah Thornton, says, ‘The industry is under a lot of pressure, with the increase in demand due to the Home Builder Grant combined with shortages in staff, it’s hard to maintain exceptional service and lead times. The squeeze on businesses and staff to perform is extraordinary. Now is the time to support our industry in any way possible, to ensure business owners are ready for the world as it is today – and, of course, the world of the future.’


‘In what can be described as fortuitous timing, AWS began formalising a program, two and a half years ago, just before COVID-19 sent the world into lockdown. The program is called FuturePROOFTM. ‘As the name implies, it’s about working with AWS fabricators to future-proof their businesses so they can overcome challenges, grow and achieve their goals’, she says. Leah adds, ‘Our fabricators are incredible people, they’re passionate about their trade and have built their business from the ground up. They know the ins and outs of manufacturing and have learnt how to run a business and manage staff along the way. The benefit of the FuturePROOFTM program is that it’s designed to help them step back and think about what’s going on in their business right now, where they want to take their business, and come up with a plan to get there. It’s clear cut, tailored to individual needs and offers a reliable path forward.’

their long-term aims for the business by breaking down goals into bite-sized chunks and checking in to monitor their progress and keep them accountable.’ While the program is ideal for businesses at any stage of their growth, Leah is particularly proud of the success they’ve achieved for new businesses that have just started in the industry. A 2019 Report from the Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman, states that small businesses employing 0-19 people, only have a 59.7% rate of success. ‘We want to give our fabricators every opportunity to succeed. FuturePROOFTM is about giving people a proper business plan and a solid foundation so they can defy those odds.’ ‘All of us in the industry should be better supporting people who have invested their lifesavings — not to mention blood, sweat and tears — into their business. The FuturePROOFTM program also makes good financial sense for AWS. Frankly, if we don’t support our fabricators, we have no channel to market. What we want is for our fabricators to reach out to us for help. We have a plan and we’re right behind them every step of the way.’

Leah describes FuturePROOFTM as, ‘… a combination of business coaching and a self-help guide. While we help fill knowledge gaps, provide practical best practice examples and facilitate changes, the fabricators do the work themselves. They’re independent and we respect that. FuturePROOFTM is AWS’ attempt to help fabricators reach







Based in Portland and Warrnambool, Victoria, Portland Aluminiun & Glass works with builders, architects and homeowners to deliver excellence at every level. The small, family-owned company joined the FuturePROOFTM program 18 months ago.


Alex and Tory Robinson purchased Portland Aluminium & Glass just under three years ago. They were completely new to the industry, having worked previously in the agricultural sector. About 18 months ago, AWS approached the husband-and-wife team to see if they would be interested in participating in the FuturePROOFTM program. The Robinsons said yes, becoming one of the first FuturePROOFTM inductees. Alex explains that the data benchmarking and goal setting around sales, profitability, market presence and staff welfare were particularly helpful. The guidance, he says, was exceptional. ‘You can’t run around like a headless chook for years. For us, FuturePROOFTM gave us a way to get a better idea of what we were doing right and what we could improve. It helped, and continues to help, us stand back and look at the forest, instead of one tree. It’s good to really look at your business to get a sense of what’s actually happening. For example, we had a surprise realisation that our thermally broken metal represented 45% of our business, so that was a hard fact we could work with to grow our bottom line. They also helped us get some real clarity around personnel pressure points.’

Brendan’s commitment to engaging with the Ballarat community has strengthened local relationships and built a loyal customer base and awareness of his brand. As a result, an influx of custom builders is now choosing Stylerite as their preferred fabricator. The ownership structure of the business also changed in February 2021, when Brendan bought out his business partners and increased his ownership to 100%. Since then, the business has enjoyed substantial increases in revenue when comparing 2018 to 2021, despite the pandemic. Brendan has also increased staff from three factory workers and two sales staff to 18 factory workers and six sales staff. On the strength of his booming business growth, Brendan has moved his five-year business plan up to 12-18 months. He is in the process of acquiring new land and is proposing to construct a purpose-built factory, to be up-and-running by June 2023.


‘At its core FuturePROOFTM will continue to maintain relevance, be adaptable and most importantly provide a sounding board to our fabricators.’ Leah added ‘The key to its ongoing success will rely on these factors, along with keeping up to date with what’s happening in the industry and across the globe. FuturePROOFTM will continue to evolve.’

Alex is also a fan of the accountability provided by AWS. ‘We have digestible steps we have to take, and AWS follows up with us to see if we’re staying on track. Our business is better for it, and I applaud AWS for offering the FuturePROOFTM program to their fabricators.'


Stylerite Windows & Doors is a licensed fabricator of the Vantage and Elevate ranges of high-performance aluminium window and door systems. Since joining the AWS fabricator network, the company experienced a significant increase in purchases.


According to Stylerite’s owner, Brendan, ‘Being part of the AWS network and the FuturePROOFTM program is invaluable. It gives us incredible insights into how, what and where the business is tracking and travelling now and into the future.’


Leah Thornton is the Regional Business Development Manager at AWS, with over 19 years’ experience in just in time manufacturing and operations. Applying lean manufacturing and six sigma skills to analyse, solve problems, improve business performance, and create a great customer experience. She transforms business strategy into strategic operational plans with targets and key objectives, which cascade to team goals; successfully turning around productivity, customer service and WHSE performance. For more information, please contact marketing@awsaustralia. com.au




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THE INNOVATIVE Q BUILDING ADVANCES UNIVERSITY OF NEWCASTLE’S CARBON NEUTRALITY AGENDA Just as pedestrians can peek inside the building, the occupants can enjoy the expansive views outwards, a benefit enhanced by the option to grade the tint from the ceiling down to the floor. 'Being able to reflect among the business of creation is important,' Anthony says. 'The ability for students to look out, reflect on what they’re developing and connect with the world on the other side of the glass enables them to come back into their creative mindset with more context.'

Nestled between Hunter Street and the marina, Q Building is the first stage of the University of Newcastle’s Honeysuckle City Campus Development. The cutting-edge establishment houses the School of Creative Industries and the University’s Innovation Hub. 'The University wanted the building to represent their commitment to innovation to the wider community, and their ambition to achieve carbon neutrality by 2025,' explains Anthony Furniss, the Director of EJE Architecture, the multi-disciplinary design practice behind the development. 'Because of the orientation of the building, with a large northern facade, the original design saw the facade wrapped in a sun shade,' Anthony says. However, the solution didn’t offer the desired transparency. 'We were after a technology that would stop the sun coming in when we needed it to, and offer plenty of vision of the internal structure when we didn’t,' Anthony describes. 'SageGlass from George Fethers was the magic bullet.'

Similarly, the visitors, often from out of town, can enjoy sweeping views of the Newcastle cityscape, particularly the working harbour the building is adjacent to. “Having such a transparent building enables the University to communicate with their town and explain how the school fits in within the wider urban context,” Anthony adds. What is a highly considered, groundbreaking and functional solution from the occupants’ perspective presents as a compelling display of innovation and creativity from outside. The building comes to life as the passers by can see the kinetic facade of the Q Building animate throughout the day, harmoniously responding to the change in the position of the sun. The building has just been recognised for it’s sutainaility credentials with a 6-Star GreenStar rating from the Green Building Council of Australia, becoming the first building in regional NSW to achieve the highest rating. IMAGES MURRAY MCKEAN PHOTOGRAPHY

The innovative glazing solution tints dynamically in response to the intensity of the sun, which allows complete protection from harsh light and heat while providing full transparency when the sun moves or goes down. 'SageGlass enables the building to cool by reducing the amount of heat entering the building,' Anthony explains. 'That decreases the need for air conditioning and saves energy.' He adds that with the overarching design objective to showcase innovation and creativity within a highly energyefficient building, SageGlass was the icing on the cake. As well as reducing greenhouse gas emissions, the tinted glass enhances occupant comofrot by reducing glare and helps maintain optimum temperature. Driven by the environmental ambition and pioneering resolve from the inside out, the interiors of the building are defined by the mass use of sustainably sourced timber. The inner narrative generated by this decisive use of wood can be observed from the outside, with SageGlass allowing passers-by to peek inside the building.





The University wanted the building to represent their commitment to innovation to the wider community, and their ambition to achieve carbon neutrality by 2025



In 2018, we discussed the introduction of disruptive technologies set to transform our window and door manufacturing industry. At the time, we wrote about how Industry 4.0, (commonly referred to as the ‘fourth industrial revolution’) would fundamentally alter the way we live, work, and relate to one another. That implementation would mean radically changing the information framework and processes of your entire business. Fast forward to today and I think I'm safe in saying we've all experienced at least a small part of the accelerated digital transformation in the past two years, due to the global COVID-19 pandemic. One of the biggest requests we had from our customers in the early months of the pandemic, was how we could help them to get their team up and running remotely while working from home.

CLOUD COMPUTING MAKES WAY FOR SaaS Thanks to cloud computing, Software as a Service (SaaS) has become a highly transformative technology in both manufacturing and the supply chain in recent years. As a SaaS application is accessed via the internet, users don't need to install and maintain a local version of the software to their computer or laptop. The application is hosted remotely and runs on your solution provider's cloud servers. SaaS applications are typically licensed on a subscription basis. You'll pay a monthly fee based on the level of service, storage type, and the number of users or licenses you'll need for your business. So, what are the benefits of SaaS when deployed within an Industry 4.0 environment? Here we’ll take a closer look at what we feel are the top five benefits that are specifically related to the window and door industry: A mobile workforce Most definitely the biggest benefit we've seen from the use of SaaS software in 2020/2021 is that our customers had a business continuity plan for when countries around the world went into various forms of lockdown. Remote access to business-critical software meant their teams could be agile and continue to access real-time data remotely which was critical for continued operations. This reinforces the concept of data mobility — accessing your data where and when you need it, one clear advantage of digital transformation. Increased security and reliability SaaS providers have access to highly specific partners, resources, and tools that no window and door manufacturer would realistically specialise in (and rightly so). The data stored and processed in the cloud is managed by a strict set of security requirements, resulting in a secure platform where your data is protected.






Since SaaS is hosted in the cloud, your team will be able to securely access the data 24/7 and from anywhere, increasing flexibility and reliability. Your data is also protected from any disaster that could impact your manufacturing facility should you retain the operational data onsite. Reduced cost and risk As all your data is stored in the cloud and the application is run on virtual machines, there is no longer a need to purchase and maintain expensive hardware equipment such as PCs, laptops, and local servers. If there is less hardware and equipment to maintain, your IT resource costs will be reduced. The risk of managing your data locally would also decrease. The running and maintenance of the cloud is the responsibility of the cloud platform and service provider you work with. The benefits here are that window and door manufacturers will have much lower IT and operating costs, and reduced risk, as the responsibility of maintaining the security of their data is transferred to the highly specialised solution provider. Moreover, window and door manufacturers can focus on their specialty fields (making windows) and not focus on IT. Interoperability Because SaaS solutions are hosted in the cloud, your software can communicate and freely exchange real-time information across different tools and platforms such as Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Management Information Systems (MIS), and Customer Resource Management (CRM). This allows your team to communicate across various departments in the business, all working off one true source of data, to support endto-end operations in your manufacturing facility. Scalability Some of our customers came to us with ‘homegrown’ systems set up to manage their business. Many of these systems have been added on to over the years as the business has grown. The time, skills, and resources, not to mention the risk of tribal knowledge, that go into ensuring these systems continue to run as they should, is relentless and expensive. These systems often operate independently in a silo


and do not connect with other business-critical software. With SaaS, customers can quickly and easily adjust their software to suit their changing business needs. Additional storage or services can be upscaled without having to invest in hardware or software. The benefit here is that SaaS apps are highly scalable, allowing businesses to easily access more features and services as they grow.

WHERE TO START? Advancements in technology have the potential to positively change the way you work. It may feel like a huge task to fully understand new technologies — researching service providers, understanding cost v benefits, and identifying the direct impacts these could have on your resources and your business in the future. Working with a trusted business partner who has specialist insight into new technologies, and more specifically in your industry, will help to relieve a lot of the stress and research you’ll have to undertake. A knowledgeable and experienced business partner will work with you to understand your concerns or weaknesses, then help you identify and implement the best possible solutions for your business. This leaves you free to focus on your main priority which is getting more windows out the door. Soft Tech (a Compusoft Company) provides premium software for the window and door industry, exclusively built to design, estimate and manufacture windows and doors. Founded in 1988, Soft Tech now has offices in North America, Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom, France, Turkey and India. With more than 30 years’ experience in the window and door software industry, Soft Tech has developed a reputation for excellence on delivering some of the largest, complex software solutions for some of the world’s best industry leaders. For more information you can reach Soft Tech at Softtech.com/ contact/




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EXPERT GLAZING AND PEACE OF MIND, EVEN AT 2AM! Last year a young Melbourne family was abruptly woken around 2 am, to the sound of glass shattering and someone attempting to break in. The distraught resident immediately called the Police, and straight after that, phoned Glass Express to secure their home. We sat down with Rob Sprague, the director of Glass Express, to ask him about the fast-paced nature of emergency glazing, and the value of investing in a skilled, professional and experienced team. Based in Melbourne since 2006, Glass Express offers a full scope of glazing services, including 24/7 emergency makesafe and glass replacement, emergency shuttering, glass repair, double glazing, and curved glass for food cabinets and displays. We sat down with Rob to ask him what it’s like working in the glass industry. Rob is quick to point out that ‘Glass is an ever-evolving industry that adheres to strict glazing guidelines and standards. It is essential these days for glass companies in Australia to offer 24 hour, 7 days a week service.’ ‘When someone calls Glass Express about a glass emergency, it’s either me, or an experienced glazier who answers the call, assesses the situation and immediately responds to the emergency situation’, says Rob. ‘This means we can normally respond to a commercial or residential glass emergency in Melbourne within the hour; securing the property, preventing injury and further damage, and in some cases cutting the glass onsite and replacing the damaged glass immediately.’ Rob is passionate about providing peace of mind to his customers, explaining that ‘when the father of that young family contacted us about






the break-in and shattered glass, we were there 45 minutes later, cleaning up the shattered glass and boarding up the window to secure the premises. Then the family could then return to bed with the peace of mind knowing that their home was secure again. It’s in times like these when people are desperate for someone to answer the phone, take charge of the situation and assist them through this difficult situation, while being able to help them calm down and put them at ease. The family were terrified and scared that the thief could return, and needed the window secured immediately. When we returned the next day to replace the glass, the customer mentioned that it was good speaking to someone on the phone in the early hours of the morning who was confident, professional and with a voice who reassured him that his family’s house would once again be safe.’ What Rob values most in his business is his employees and his customers. The confidence Rob has in his glazier team is


evident. ‘It’s important to invest time in staff and provide them with opportunities to grow. This helps retain valuable staff members who have a can-do attitude and share our values of exceptional customer service and quality workmanship.’ Glass Express has been fortunate to retain a fantastic team of glaziers, some with 40 years of experience. Glass Express is gaining a reputation for its exceptional planning and execution of complex projects. One of Glass Express’ most impressive jobs was an oversized 330 kg grey tinted toughened glass panel, which was to be installed right next to an outdoor fishpond. Rob explains that ‘to add to the complexity, a 1400 mm eave was overhanging the fishpond, which meant the glass panel had to be crane-lifted into place, on an angle!’ While three other companies had visited the home

and failed to come up with a solution; Rob and the Glass Express team were confident they could organise an aquarium to relocate the fish to a temporary tank, drain the water, remove slip hazards, crane the glass panel in using a suction cups and a 350 kg counter weight (without damaging the house), install and silicone the new glass window into place, refill the pond, and return the fish! ‘The customer was overjoyed with the end result’ beams Rob. ‘Because I run the company and have a Certificate III Glass and Glazing, customers get to speak with a knowledgeable and qualified glazier who understands glass and is invested in helping them. No job is too hard for us, and we always find a solution.’






For many of us it has been a long time since we were in the same room together. On Friday 29 April AGWA held an information forum for our Tasmanian members at the Bellerive Yacht Club Hobart. It was a great turn out, thanks to everyone who came along.






Bradley Hoppo joined the AGWA Master Glazier program in 2017 and is employed with Seaton Glass at Royal Park, SA. The project Brad has chosen to highlight is the conversion of a church to a residence in North Adelaide. He explains the project as follows: The team and I at Seaton Glass, worked on a conversion of a church to a residence in North Adelaide. The project involved the builder, the owner and of course Seaton Glass. It was completed in mid-2021. Templates were required to be made for all the windows as they varied slightly. The challenges were finding a right off-theshelf bevel that would suit the windows. This meant adjusting the border to suit the opening. Next, we needed to cut down bevels and do the cut edges with a new bevel. We did this instead of customising all the diamonds, as we needed to keep the price down. We needed a scaffold each time we made the templates and then to check and install them. Our small-shaped bevelling machine was set up to do the new cuts which were then polished. The diamonds had to line up from the bottom window to the panel above, so drawing and set up did take a while. There were 11 windows in total. We worked with the customer to create a design that would work, and they gave us an idea of what they wanted. They were very pleased with the outcome, as we were. It was a lot of work, but the end result was worth all the challenges. If you would like to find out more about aspects of this project, please contact Brad Hoppo at Seaton Glass.





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KEY DATES 2022 Queensland Golf Day Friday, 3 June Nudgee Golf Club, Queensland 2022 Western Australia State Awards Gala Dinner Friday, 12 August Rendezvous Hotel, 148 The Esplanade, Scarborough 2022 Victoria State Awards Gala Dinner Friday, 9 September Crown Melbourne, 8 Whiteman St, Southbank 2022 Tasmania State Awards Gala Dinner Friday, 16 September Paranaple Convention Centre, Market Square, 137 Rooke St, Devonport 2022 South Australia State Awards Gala Dinner Friday, 30 September National Wine Centre of Australia, Cnr Botanic and Hackney Rd, Adelaide 2022 Queensland State Awards Gala Dinner Friday, 14 October Howard Smith Wharves, 5 Boundary St, Brisbane City 2022 New South Wales State and National Awards Gala Dinner Friday, 28 October The Roof Terrace, Cockle Bay Wharf Darling Harbour, Sydney

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Darley Aluminium NSSA 2022 DESIGN AWARDS











INTRODUCING THE QUOTING PORTAL Your own free to use ONLINE retail security screen estimating system

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WHAT IS THE CATCH? We expect you to order the screens & doors you sell online using the Quoting Portal. We’ll manufacture & ship the screens to you, ready for you to install them at your customer’s place.

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After celebrating their impressive 25 year anniversary in 2021, Darley Aluminium is now focusing on making the next 25 years even better. Who is Darley Aluminium? Their story began in a small, suburban Western Sydney home in 1996, where Darley imported and distributed security screens for their customers. It wasn't long before they moved into a small office that saw the four team members scrambling to share three desks. The growth continued with containers of extrusions, security screens and security grilles coming in. Just one year later, Darley moved to an office in Punchbowl but that move was short-lived as the business continued to expand. They were soon operating out of a much larger 1,000 sqm space in Wetherill Park. By 2000, Darley had 25 full-time employees including drivers, office staff, and warehouse employees. 2007 was a significant year as it saw Darley move into a new purpose-built warehouse and office space in Erskine Park. The team still calls this place home and it's officially known as the NSW Head office. Following their continued success, Darley expanded its product range from distributing security and commercial aluminium extrusions to developing a full range of dedicated systems for the residential, commercial, security and home industries. In 2007, the team also decided to take their products and services national and opened up branches in Queensland and Western Australia. The Victorian branch was opened a few years later in 2010.




The Darley product range has also grown significantly over the years with the introduction of the popular KlassicView, CityView, ScreenGuard and commercial framing systems. Darley is proud to be one of the top four distributors of aluminium extrusions in Australia. Here we grow. Watching their team grow from four employees to over 230 Australia-wide, has been an extraordinary achievement and Darley continues to have that family business mentality offering personal, friendly service. Just ask the customers who have been with them since the very start, all those years ago. Darley Aluminium National Sales Manager: Ray Kwan said, 'Darley has some very loyal customers who have continued to support us since we first opened in 1996'. 'We pride ourselves on continuing to maintain our small family business mentality. Darley started as a family business and has grown into a full-scale aluminium distributor that offers the complete solution, from window and door systems to hardware, tech support and software' said Ray. Designed and engineered in Australia. Being Australian-owned and operated gives Darley a sense of pride and an obligation to ensure their products meet the specific needs of their clients across the nation. For example, Darley ensures their products can withstand Australian conditions and are tested for attributes including wind pressure, water penetration and strength. This is why their window and door systems are designed and engineered in Australia.



Part of the Darley culture is based on integrity, mateship and standing by your word and your work. Darley is proud to have built this Aussie culture into their company ethics. 'I see our team members engage with our customers on a personal level. You might have technical support calling a customer to assist with fabrication, or an Account Manager having coffee with a customer in our showroom while they go through a new system. We treat our customers in the same way we interact as staff – friendly and part of a larger family.' The company's success is also attributed to its loyal customer base, who continue to provide repeat business and referrals. Darley have enjoyed building long-standing relationships with leaders in the residential and commercial industries. Since the very beginning, the aluminium extrusions have been supplied by the same supplier.

Continuous improvements Darley is known for its continuous improvement and innovation around its window and door systems. Its constant updates and continuous testing against Australian Standards means it has been able to grow and sustain its product range and reputation.

Brands we stand by Darley's biggest brands include: • KlassicView (residential window and door systems) • CityView (commercial window and door systems) • ScreenGuard (stainless steel security mesh system) • ClimateGuard (thermally-broken window and door system) • HarbourView (multi-fold door systems).

'We are also able to provide our fabrication customers with the complete solution. And when I say the complete solution, it means we provide more than just the distribution of aluminium extrusions. We offer the entire package including a comprehensive range of aluminium extrusions, tech manuals and tech support to fabricate and install the windows and doors, an extensive distribution network, exceptional customer service for orders and deliveries, software to design the windows and doors along with


tooling machines to fabricate the systems. We also cater to a wide range of fabricators from small-time operators to multi-national constructions companies', said Ray. Another great feature provided by Darley is the online customer portal. It's a great resource for fabricators, that allows them to access CAD drawings, technical manuals, product bulletins and fabrication videos, for the KlassicView, CityView, ScreenGuard, and commercial framing systems. To find out more about Darley Aluminium go to www.darleyaluminium.com.au




NSSA Best Installation 2022 Commercial | Residential Celebrating Collaboration Between Security Screens, Design, Functionality & Innovation.

2021 Best installation Residential Winner: Easy Glass Services, Northern Territory

2021 Best Installation Commercial Winner: EHI, New South Wales

2019 Best installation Residential Winner: CSI: Chalmers Security Installations, Queensland

2019 Best Installation Commercial Winner: Stan Bond SA, South Australia

2018 Best installation Residential Winner: Guardian Screens & Shutters, Queensland

2018 Best Installation Commercial Winner: Amplimesh Security Screens, Western Australia

CELEBRATE YOUR ACHIEVEMENTS BY ENTERING THE NATIONAL DESIGN AWARDS 2022! The NSSA National Design Awards recognise outstanding projects in the security screen industry by showcasing security screens and security screen products that complement and enhance the design of a construction.The Design Awards provide a national platform to raise the profile of our members and security screen products, and celebrate excellence in workmanship, creativity, skill, and professionalism in the security screen industry. Categories: Best Installation – Commercial & Best Installation – Residential. The Design Awards are open to all members of the NSSA. Enter now at: agwa.awardsplatform.com | Category: NSSA Design Awards For more information & Entry Conditions: visit: nssa.org.au/NSSA/Events/Awards/Design

National Design Award 2022 winners will be announced at the AGWA National Design Awards

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NSSA ACHIEVEMENT AWARD 2022 LET’S RECOGNISE AND CELEBRATE GREAT MEMBERS, DOING GREAT THINGS! The NSSA runs two award programs to acknowledge and celebrate the contributions of NSSA Members to the security screen industry, and project design achievements of NSSA Members.

2021 Winners: Jamie and George Koutsoukos ClearShield Australia, Western Australia

The Awards are: •

The NSSA National Design Awards

The NSSA Achievement Award

The NSSA Achievement Award is designed to acknowledge and award exceptional performance and/or significant contributions by an individual or partnership, past and present. Open to all NSSA Members and employees of a NSSA Member company or business, who have demonstrated excellence in their business, career, field or passion.

NOMINATIONS ARE OPEN FOR 2022 We invite members to self-nominate or nominate an NSSA Member who has made a significant contribution or positive impact to the security screen industry - the quiet achiever, vocal advocate, business owner, partnership, or employee among us who you think should be recognised and celebrated for their contribution, influence, or exceptional performance. Nominate Now: agwa.awardsplatform.com | Category: NSSA Achievement Award For more information visit: nssa.org.au/NSSA/Events/Awards/Achievement Nominations may include a video submission as well to compliment your written submission.

Our 2022 Achievement Award winner will be announced and celebrated at the National Design Awards for presentation of the NSSA Achievement Award Trophy.

2019 Achievement Award Announcement AusFenEx19

2019 Lifetime Achievement Award Winner: Steve Brabeck – Crimsafe, Queensland

2019 Winner: Jasna Kupres Aluminium Security Industries ASI, South Australia



LEARN, ENGAGE AND NETWORK NSSA NATIONAL FORUMS ARE BACK IN 2022 It has been a long two years, and we are excited to announce that the NSSA National Forum is back in 2022! Our forums create a platform for members to come together to participate, network, identify and discuss key issues, industry updates, and the future of the security screen industry. NSSA forums are a fundamental part of our Association, providing members with essential industry-related news and information. This is your opportunity to come together with other NSSA Members, NSSA Partners and industry suppliers, to network, ask questions and provide feedback. NSSA Forums include presentations and panel discussions on: • • • • • •

NSSA 2022 - 2023 Australian Standards Review and Development NSSA Compliance Accreditation. Certificate III Update Marketing - Making the most of your Membership Compliance, and the betterment of the security screen industry.

Meet, collaborate, and enjoy networking drinks with NSSA members, business owners, NSSA Board of Directors and Committee Members.

This is your opportunity to get involved and be part of the growing NSSA Community. SAVE THE DATE Brisbane – Friday 5th August Sydney – Friday 26th August REGISTRATIONS This is a free Member event. Registrations are essential and open to all NSSA members. Places are limited! Register now at: nssa.org.au/NSSA/ Events/Upcoming-Events

‘When the opportunity was presented to ASSA ABLOY to sponsor the 2022 NSSA Industry Forums, it was a very easy decision for us to make. The NSSA is the peak national industry association when it comes to all things related to the security screen industry. Many of the core purposes of the NSSA are very similar to what we at ASSA ABLOY also value in terms of driving best practice through compliance, product conformity and training. ‘What better way to give back to the industry than supporting these key information sharing sessions. The chance to meet with, and talk to NSSA Members about what the NSSA has done, and is doing, towards the betterment of the security screen industry is something that shouldn’t be passed up.’ Paul Beauclerc, National Sales Manager - OEM NSSA FORUMS ARE A FREE MEMBER EVENT THANKYOU TO OUR NATIONAL FORUM SPONSOR

For more information visit nssa.org.au/NSSA/Events/Forums or contact the NSSA at 02 9160 4737 or info@nssa.org.au





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UNRIVALLED & UNMATCHED FOR LARGE AWNING WINDOWS. Evolving from the revolutionary DN400 Twin Chainwinder, the DN450 MkII Twin Chainwinder is Doric’s second twin chainwinder now joining the awning window hardware range. The DN450 MkII hosts new features and benefits to stands out on it's own. Adjustable Restriction:

Extruded Aluminium Body:

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Chain Pitching:

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Find out More

110mm to 265mm, the window restriction allows compliance with the NCC and to meet the ‘Kids Don’t Fly’ requirements.

Being the largest in the market, the DN450 includes a 600mm chain pitching, reducing deflection and increasing window performance.


Offered in standard 690mm length, project lots are available to specified length to match window width for greater architectural styling.

Attaching the pitching chain is fast and easy with the Easy Link Sash Plate. Mount the plate brackets and clip-lock in the sash chain.

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Designed and manufactured from extruded aluminium alloy ensures for maximum corrosion resistance to withstand any environment.

Watch the video at:

doric.com.au/ dn450-mk2-twin-chainwinder





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Articles inside


pages 65-66


page 64

Darley Aluminium

pages 60-61


pages 55-56

Newcastle University

pages 46-51


pages 36-39


pages 58-59


pages 40-45

Allview Windows and Doors

pages 34-35

Glass Express

pages 52-54


pages 30-33

Moggs Creek, Victoria

pages 26-27

Aussie Aluminium

pages 16-17

Doric turns Fifty

pages 22-23

Palmers Glass

pages 18-21

Cairns Glass & Glazing

pages 28-29


pages 6-7


page 4


pages 24-25
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