ವೀಜ್ ಕೊಂಕಣಿ 375/Veez Konkani 375

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The faithful gathered in large numbers for the momentous triple celebration at St. Lawrence Church on November 18th, where Bishop Peter Paul Saldana declared the church as a shrine.

At 3 PM, Bishop Gerald Isaac Lobo blessed the newly declared St. Lawrence Shrine. Bishop Aloysius Paul D'Souza inaugurated the Renovated Church. Bishop Peter PaulSaldanacelebrated theSolemn Mass and blessed the Altar with chrism oil, the tabernacle, and

officially handed over the keys to ParishPriestFr. AndrewD'Souza. The concelebrants included Vicar General Msgr Maxim Noronha, Vicar Forane Rev.Fr JamesD'Souza, City Vicariate, Rev.Fr J.B. Saldanha, the P.R.O. of Mangalore Diocese, the Chancellor of the Mangalore V Rev.DrVictorD’Souza and Udupi

Diocese V Rev. Dr Roshan D’Souza andallthepriests.

Bishop Gerald IsaacLobo, presiding over the Eucharistic celebration, delivered a profound homily highlighting three key aspects of God’shouse

Bishop Peter Paullitacandle and passedit tothe parish priestisa

symbolic actof passingonthelight ofChrist.Bishop presented thekeys of the tabernacle to the parish priest, symbolizing the mission entrusted to him in the parish.

BishopPeterPaulSaldanhaofficially declared St. Lawrence Church as a shrine. He read the decree formalizing thiselevationand

ceremoniously handeditovertothe parish priest, marking a significant momentinthehistory oftheparish. This declaration highlights the church's importance as a spiritual and pilgrimage center, honoring its deep devotion to St. Lawrence. The papal blessing from Pope Francis wasreadbyMsgrMaximNoronha

VG, adding global significance to thecelebration. TheVote ofThanks by Parishpriest Rev.Fr Andrew Leo D’Souza expressed gratitude tothe Bishops, Priests, and laity, recognizing the unwavering faith and support of the community in making thishistoricdaypossible.

In a heartwarming gesture during theSolemn Mass,BishopPeterPaul Saldana extended his heartfelt congratulations to the Parish Priest Rev.FrAndrewandtheentireParish community on the remarkable milestone of a hundred years of unwavering faith. The entire liturgical inauguration ceremony

was led by Rev. Dr. Praveen Leo Lasrado. Who conducted it with greatexcellenceanddevotion. The formal function of the centenarycelebration beganat5:30 p.m. on the church premises, exuding a spirit of gratitude, joy, andcommunity.

Theeventcommenced withagrand welcome for the Bishops, Dignitaries, and guests, who were honored on the dais with shawls and mementos. This gesture highlighted the parish's appreciation for their support and contributions.

Symbolism ofHope, Love,andFaith the theme of the evening, "Hope, Love,Faith,"wasbrought tolifeina heartwarming ceremony where three pigeons were released by the Bishops. The evening's program featured a prelude by Dr. Preethi D’Souza,settingareflectivetonefor the gathering. Dr. Suraj, accompanied by his team, led a beautiful song of praise, filling the air with a sense of divine presence andcelebration. Rev.FrAndrewLeo D’Souza in his welcome address, warmly greeted all the Bishops, Religiousleaders, Dignitariesonthe dais,andthefaithfulgathered.

Bishop Dr. Peter Paul Saldanha emphasized the strong bond betweenthepeopleandthechurch, stating, the people were built first, thentheirhearts,andtogether they built the church. The renovated St. Lawrence Church and shrine will now stand as a beacon of faith, blessing all who pass by and pray formiraclesintheirlives.

Speaker UT Khader expressed his admirationfortheshrine’shistorical and spiritual significance, St. LawrenceShrine,Bondel.Thisshrine is a feather in its cap and can promote tourism, drawing many devotees. With 100 years completed, itisnowuptotheyouth to take it forward for the next 100 years by spreading hope, faith, and love. He also released the souvenir andceremoniously handedoverthe keys to the Centenary Memorial House,addinganothermilestoneto thecelebrations

Sri Manoj Kumar, Mayor of Mangalore City Corporation, Lauded the efforts of the Parish Priest and the architect, Mr. and Mrs.ColinPinto,duringhisheartfelt address.

SmtSangeethaRNayakCorporator, Pachanady Ward highlighted the

significanceoftheshrine,callingita symbol of peace and unity. “St. Lawrence Shrine stands as the 6th shrineintheMangalore Diocese. Bishop Dr. Peter Paul Saldanha, Bishop Emeritus Dr. Aloysius Paul D’Souza, Speaker UT Khader, and Mayor Manoj Kumar were honored for their contributions. Former Parish priests, main Sponsors, Parishioners, Donors, Architects, and Contractors were recognized for their role in the shrine's renovation and centenary celebrations

Theeventwitnessedthepresenceof prominent figures, including Mayor Manoj Kumar, Corporator Sangeetha R Nayak, and former Mayor Jayanand Anchan. Religious leaders, including Rev. Fr Andrew LeoD'SouzaParishPriest,Dr.Maxim L. Noronha (Vicar General), Rev. Fr James D’Souza Vicar Forane-City Vicariate, Rev. Fr Peter Gonsalves Principal SLEMS, Rev. Fr William D’Souza and representatives from various religious Congregations. Sponsors such as Mrs Sophia D’Souza (sanctuary Sponsor) Mr MichaelD'Souza (Adoration Chapel sponsor), Mr. Bonaventure D'Souza (Shrine Sponsor) and Mr. Franky

D'Souza (Altar wall sponsor). Mr Gregory D’SilvaAltarSponsor.

In a heartwarming display of community and hospitality, supper was generously served for 15000 people, The ceremony concluded

with a heartfelt vote of thanks by Rev.FrWilliamD'Souza.

Photography: StanleyBantwal Report: MeenaBarboza -

The writings of Former Grand Diplomat P A Nazareth

Konkani Catholics have long treasured the person of Ms. Margaret Alvanee'Nazareth, many may not immediately recognize Former IndianDiplomat PascalAlan Nazareth(PANazareth). Thefamily has strong roots in Kanara and has anillustriousrenown, AlanNazareth as he is often referred to is well known Margaret's brother. He retired fromIndian Foreign Service (IFS) after serving for 35 years in 1994. He served asan Ambassador in Egypt, Mexico, Liberia, Ghana; held other key diplomatic postings at Tokyo, Rangoon, NewYork, Lima,Chicago, and London, too. In 2007. A great author P A Nazareth became a recipient of the prestigious ’U THANT PEACE AWARD’for his "life timeofdedicationandworldservice inpromoting Gandhianideals"-the previousrecipientsofthisawardare

Mother Teresa, Pope John Paul-II, The Dalai Lama, Nelson Mandela andmanyothergreats. Suchgreats ofourKonkaniCatholicCommunity,

need to be remembered and recognized as an inspiration to the upcoming generations.

Thisdistinguished figurespends his retirement following in the footsteps oftheMahatma-literally. The prime component of the book is Gandhi’s leadership elevated vision of humanity. To quote from the book: "Non-violence is the law ofour speciesasviolence isthelaw of brute. The spirit lies dormant in brute,andheknowsnolawbutthat of physical might. The dignity of man requires obedience to higher law-thatofthespirit......Itisthelaw of love that rules mankind. Had violence i.e.: hate ruled us, we should have become extinct long

ago. Mankind must get out of violenceonlythroughnon-violence. Hatred can only be overcome by love. Recently, he communicated (asheoftendoes) toaselectgroup of Worldwide Mangalorean intellectuals. Indeed, it will be a great honour for VEEZ Weekly IllustratedOn-linemagazinetoread and have on record this exclusive missive.Itisagreatmemorialatthis time when the world is in turmoil and at invisible cross-roads on severalvitalaspects.

PascalAlan, theelder son of Pascal Ambrose Nazareth, born in

November 16, 2024

My first book, 'Gandhi's Outstanding Leadership" was published by Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan'sGandhi Centre for Science & Human Values Bangalore inFeb. 2006.ItwasreleasedinNewDelhiin March 2006 by former Prime Minister I. K. Gujral &by UNUnder Secretary for Information Shashi Taroor, atUNLibrary inNewYorkin December 2006. Since then, this book has been published in 12 Indian and 23 foreign language editions, by various publishers, in India&abroad.

1935....now at the age of 88 plus, married for62years.

So, let us cross over to the missive from the great manhimself, who givesalimited accounttoinspireall andgetthemtorisetonewheights



P.A.Nazareth Ambassador of India (Retetd)

2 Ware Road, Bangalore 560 005, India

Some of its foreign language editions have been released at prestigious venues ; Its Arabic edition at National Institute of Culture in Cairo, French edition at UNLibraryinGeneva,Italianedition atGregorian University attheVican in Rome, Mandarin Edition at University of Peking, Russian Edition atInstitute of Philosophy of Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow, Portuguese edition at National Library of Brazil and Swedish edition at Uppsala UniversityinStockhom. ItsJapanese edition, was released by HH

Princess Takamodo atVivekananda

Cultural Institute in Tokyo in April 2018. Ihavebeenpresent atevery oneof thesereleasesexcepttheDec.2006 one at UN library in New York

The Foreword for 12 of the European language editions of this book has been written by former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev.

My second book, titled 'Gandhi : Soul Force Warrior: Revolutionized Revolution and spiritualized it was published by Wisdom Tree in September 2018. Its Foreword has been written by HH the Dalai Lama. It was released by Gandhi's granddaughter Mrs Tara Gandhi Bhattacharjee at India International Centre New Delhi on December 4, 2018. The following afternoon President of India H.E.R. N. Kovind received itfrom meatRashtrapathi Bhavan. A photo taken on this occasion is attached. This book has been published/released already in Kannada, Telugu, Urdu, Mandarin,

Serbian & Spanish. Its French edition is to be released in Paris, hopefully at the UNESCO Building, inApril2025,onoraboutApril7,my 89th birthday.

Most editions of above mentioned two books are available on Amazon.com & Amazon.in

My 'Ringside Seat to History' autobiography was published in early September 2020 and released by former Jammu & Kashmir Governor N.N.Vohra(my1959IAS batchmate) at an international webinar on September 30. Its Foreword has been written by former Foreign Secretary M. K. Rasgotrawhohasconcluded itthus :"Thereissomuchinthisbook that will delight, inform, intrigue and enlighten readers about the way in which Indian diplomacy engages with the world.

Notable in the extensive praise for thisbookisthat thefollowingthree VIPs Shashi Taroor Lok Sabha MP AlanNazareth's ARingside Seatto History offers a fascinating and highly readable account of the life of one of our finest diplomats. His memoir will help the reader to understandthedynamicandpivotal contributions thatsuccessfulenvoys can make in furthering India's interests and standing in the world.

Kamalesh Sharma, Former Commonwealth Secretary General Thislively personal narrative ofone of India's most distinguished diplomats captivates one’s interest till its last page with political and culturalencountersofalifetime.Itis a memoir with a difference. Prof. Jaideep Prabhu, University of Cambridge: Coups, near death experiences, encounters with political and spiritual VIPs, as also withfraudstersontherun,thisbook hasitall!Ambassador Nazarethhas experienced much and set it down in riveting style. Combining historical events with glimpses into hispersonal life, ARingside Seatto History is as exhilarating, as unputdownable.

Twoofthetwentycentrefoldphotos in this book, of my meetings with HH John Paul II & HH The Dalai

Lama is attached

This book is available on Amazon.com & Amazon.in as hard copy & kindle editions.

My next book titled Historical Perspectives: EnlighteningMindson Blue Waters’ is expected to be published in mid-December 2024 and released in early January 2025 at India International Centre, New Delhi. Its President, former Foreign Secretary Shyam Saran has written the Foreword for it. This book is a compendium of 20 of the most appreciated lectures I delivered onboard elite cruise ships, on 35 lecturecruisesinvariouspartsofthe world in the 1995 - 2018 period. Theselecturecruiseshavetakenme, north to south from Edinberg in Scotland to Wellington in New ZealandandEasttowestfromKobe in Japanto Rio de Janeiro in Brazil.

The audiences at these lectures were mainly well educated, widely travelled couples from US, Canada, UK, South Africa & Australia and Colombia, Stanford & Yale alumni groups.

The titles of the twenty lectures in thisbook areasunder: On Asia : Understanding India, The Spiritual Heritage of India

The Mughal Contribution to India

Gandhi: The Non-Violent Revolutionary Southeast AsiaintheCrossroads of History

Trade and Maritime Rivalry in the Indian Ocean

Fundamentals of Islam and Islamic


The Cultural Heritage of China

Japan: The Sacred Isles

India, Britain and America

On Europe : . TheGreatness andTragedy of


The Olympic Games

The Great Naval Battles of the Mediterranean

The Legacy of Rome The Rise and Fall of Venice

Portugal’s Five-Century TriContinental Empire Spain, Europe and the World Napoleon’s Impact on History Ireland: The Emerald Isle Islam and Europe

A scan of the cover page of this book is attached.

Warm regards & best wishes, AlanNazareth.....

- By:VEEZNewsNet.

(Sincere Thanks & Appreciation is onRecord fromPublisher) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Japanese company developing drug to grow new teeth, plans for clinical trials on humans in 2024

Thecompanyhasalreadytestedthe drug on ferrets. (Photo: Kyodo News)

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A drug to grow new teeth is being developed at a Japanese pharmaceutical company, with hopes to begin clinical trials in less thanayear.

Key points:

• Toregem's druginactivatesthe "USAG-1 protein" to enable toothgrowth

• In the future, the team wants the drug to help those who havelostteeth

Toregem Biopharma, funded by Kyoto University, has developed an antibody drug which inhibits the protein in the mouth that suppressesgrowthandstops"tooth buds"fromdeveloping.

The team has already successfully administered the drug to ferrets, which have both baby and permanent teeth like humans, in 2018. Theywanttoseetrialsonhumansin July2024 andwantthedrug onthe market by 2030. Thecompany also plans for a second clinical trial on childrenbornwithoutsomeorallof theirteeth.

Toregem's president Honoka Kiso wroteonthecompany'swebsiteshe

• Thecompanysaysitspriority is treating people whose teeth do not grow for genetic reasons

hadlostteethduetoabonedisease whenshewasateenager.

"I wanted to study the causeof my illness and how to regenerate lost teeth,"shesaid.

"Toregem Biopharma first hope to treat patients with congenital tooth loss who do not grow permanent tooth buds due to genetic causes.

"[Our] finalgoalistoofferadvanced and scientifically driven clinical solutions for the growth of teeth derived from their own tissues."

Toregem's founders Katsu Takahashi,HonokaKiso,andMuneo Takatani. (Photo:Toregem)

Toregem has said "inactivating the USAG-1 protein" allows teeth to grow.

Company co-founder and head of dentistryandoralsurgeryatOsaka's Kitano Hospital, Masaru Takahashi, said missing teeth in children affectedthe development of the jawbone.

'We would like to address these concerns with dental medicine," he

International Inspirational Speaker Harold

D’Souza in Kathmandu, Nepal: Championing

Awareness, Education, and Empowerment

Against Human Trafficking:

Kathmandu, Nepal – November 20,2024 –Celebratedinternational speaker andanti-human trafficking advocateHarold D’Souza arrived in Kathmandu, Nepal,foranimpactful series of events organized by Eyes Open International’s Nepal team. Harold D’Souza’s visit aimed to deepen awareness, education, and empowerment surrounding the prevention, protection, and eradication of human trafficking andmodern-day slavery.

A Game-Changer for Human Rights

Recognized worldwide forhis

advocacy, Harold D’Souza is a powerful voice in the fight against human trafficking and a gamechanger in the human rights movement. D’Souza hascommitted his life to ending modern-day slavery, focusing on inspiring and empowering those affected by it and mobilizing communities to safeguard vulnerable populations. Harold D’Souza’s dedication was globally acknowledged in 2023 when he was honored with the United NationsHumanRightsHero Award at the U.N. Headquarters in NewYork.

Collaborative Initiatives and Discussions with Leading Organizations

During his visit, Harold D’Souza engagedinaseriesofinitiativesand discussionsaimedatfortifyinglocal and international efforts against human trafficking. Nirmal Kumar Upreti, Regional Director of Nepal forEyesOpenInternational, played a crucial role in organizing several impactful events, culminating in a mega press conference that highlighted the collective commitmenttoendingtraffickingin Nepalandbeyond.

One of the visit’s highlights was a meaningful conversation with Saurav Koirala, Advisor at GiZ, the German development agency. This healthy discussion explored strategic ways to strengthen policies, interventions, and

preventive measures against trafficking within Nepal. D’Souza and Koirala shared insights on effectiveapproaches andresources needed to empower communities and ensure sustained protection against exploitation. This collaboration underscored the importance of multi-sector partnershipsandstrategicinitiatives incombatingtrafficking.

As an inspirational speaker, Harold D’Souza delivered a powerful message during his presentation, reminding audiences that, “Together, we can forge a path towardfreedom,dignity,andjustice. Our shared commitment will transform hope into action and bring light to those who need it most.” His words emphasized the collective responsibility needed to

end human trafficking, resonating strongly with advocates, survivors, and community leaders attending theevents.

Press Conference and Public Engagement

A mega press conference was organized in D’Souza’s honor, drawing media attention to his cause and mission. Journalists, activists,andmembersofthepublic were introduced to D’Souza’s inspiring journey from survivor to advocate,amplifyinghismessageof hope and resilience. The event servedasaplatformforD’Souza to answer questions and share his vision for a future free of exploitation,urgingcollectiveaction and widespread community involvement. EmpoweringaGlobalMission

Harold D’Souza’s journey in Nepal has reinforced Eyes Open International’s commitment to eradicating human trafficking through education, advocacy, and community engagement. By facilitating open dialogues, empowering individuals, and working withinternationalallieslike GiZ, NGO Federation of Nepal (NFN), Forum for Nation Building Nepal, D’Souza is leading a movement that ignites global changefromlocalaction.

InD’Souza’s words, “Empowerment isattheheartoffreedom. Wemust equip every individual with the knowledge, strength, and hope to stand against human trafficking. This is not only a mission it is a responsibility weallshare.”


Harold D’Souza is the President of Eyes Open International and a respected voice for human rights, with decades of experience as an advocate, educator, and survivor leader. Awarded the prestigious United NationsHumanRightsHero Award in 2023, D’Souza continues toinspireglobal audienceswithhis resilience, vision, and dedication to empowering vulnerable populations. Harold D’Souza is an Ambassador of the United Nations empowering communitiesglobally ofthe30ArticlesofHumanRights.

Eyes Open International is a nonprofitorganization dedicatedto combating human trafficking throughawareness,prevention, and the protection of vulnerable populations. Withaglobal network of advocates, Eyes Open Internationalworkstofosteraworld where every individual lives free fromexploitationandabuse.

The Runaway

She's been running, all her life from troubles and pain

Never realising it was her shadow she was trying to escape

She ran across land and seas, but to no avail

There's nowhere to hide but to face your fears firsthand

Never in need of company, yet she was ever lonely

Her heart cried out, but for what, she knew not

She had this desperate desire to fly free of all constraints

Yet every time her wings were clipped and into a ravine fell she

She's been running from family, she's been running from friends

Until all roads converged on her, trapping her in Fate had caught up with her, forcing her to set roots

With no escape, she had to face her demons on her own

She ran away from the safety of her cocoon, into another realm

Leaving behind a trail of confusion, tears and pain

Meticulously saving loved ones from being an accomplice

Facing a new life on strange shores, all on her own

Here she was petrified, in this foreign land, her back against the wall

It's a choice she had made, or so she believed

A fairy dream to leave the known for the unknown

A young woman, clueless, to the lesson’s life was about to unfold

So, she ran, ran from her thoughts and from her fears

Locking them away and throwing the keys, never to be found

To live this new life in a place she must learn to call home

Making new family and friends, learning things she never dreamt of

And as she reflects in the comfort of her twilight years

She believes that there were no accidents in this simulation

Feeling empowered beyond words and fearless of the unknown

Understanding that this was the purpose, and this was the plan....

St Agnes CBSE School, Bendore, Mangaluru, Revels in an Exhilarating Annual Sports Day Celebration!

St Agnes CBSE School, Bendore, Mangaluru, hosted its Annual Sports Meet, marked by tremendous energy and enthusiasm. This two-day event showcased spirited competition, teamwork, and a deep sense of school pride, fostering unforgettable memories for students, teachers, and parents alike. As anticipation filled the air,

the grand sports meet commenced with aformal guard of honour. The event's president, Sr. Dr. Maria Roopa A.C., Joint Secretary of St Agnes Institutions, was joined by the distinguished Chief Guest, Mr. Clifford J. Joshua, an accomplished Asian athlete and Assistant ManagerattheUnionBankofIndia, ZonalOffice,Mangalore, alongwith other esteemed dignitaries. Their

arrivalwascelebratedbythestirring melodies oftheschoolband.

The flag was carried by notable sports achievers of the school: Janicia Saldanha, the Sports Minister; Jewel Crasta, the Deputy

Sorts Minister; and outstanding volleyball players Sanvi S. Ira and Priyanka Correa. The squad troops stood poised, prepared to demonstrate their marching skills, moving in unison to welcome the honoured guests, who acknowledged them with a salute. The ceremony commenced

with the raising of the school flag, symbolizing unity and discipline. The Pride Team introduction event allowed team members to present themselves to the program's president, the chief guest, the Principal, the PTA Vice President, and the March Past Judges: Mr. NarayanSherigar ,PhysicalDirector

of St. Agnes Special School, Mrs. Sachitha , Physical Director of Carmel School, and Mr. Praveen Lobo , Physical Director of Besant High School. The atmosphere became reverent as students performed agraceful prayer dance, conveying their gratitude and aspirations for a successful day. Teacher Sumana welcomed the

audience with warmth and enthusiasm, urging everyone to embracethespiritofcelebration. Anotablehighlightoftheeventwas the ceremonial torch relay, which symbolized competition and perseverance. The torch relay commencedwithAnvita,anational-

level karate player in Grade 8, who passed the torch to Jehann Isri, a talentedbadminton playerinGrade 9. The torch was subsequently carried by Riddhima Ranjith from Grade 8, Rinisha Vanya Mathias from Grade 9, and Saanvi from Grade10,beforebeinghandedover to Adwika KP, also a national level

athlete in Grade 9. The ceremony was further enriched by Sports Minister Janicia Saldanha, who led the oath-taking segment, emphasizing a commitment to integrity, fairness, and respect. The sports meet was officially inaugurated by Sr. Dr. MariaRoopa A.C., who, along with the Chief

GuestMr.CliffordJoshua,releaseda dove to mark the occasion, setting the stage for the day's events. Mr Clifford J. Joshua motivated the studentstohaveconfidenceintheir abilities, underscoring that obstaclescanserveasopportunities for personal growth. His personal narrative illustrated that success is

attained through hard work, resilience, anddetermination.

Students from grades V and VI captivated the audience with a stunning free hand exercise that highlighted the significance of fitness, coordination, and teamwork. Neoma Fernandes and Jane Goretto expertly hosted the

inaugural ceremony. TeacherShalet wrapped uptheeventwithasincere voteofthanks.Withtheenthusiastic crowd cheering, students engaged in a range of track events that showcased their strength, agility, andendurance.Theeventsincluded shotput, highjump,longjump, and thrilling sprints of 100m, 200m, and

400m. Team sports such as basketball, throwball, andvolleyball fostered school spirit and collaboration among participants. Additionally, recreational games

such as the Hoops Relay, Treasure Hunt, Race Challenge, Color Ball Throw, Ring Game, Musical Chairs, and Ball Throw provided additional excitement. Each participant distinguished themselves, earning the admiration of spectators. Champions were honored with

medalsandcertificates,recognizing theirexceptionalachievements.

The Valedictory Program provided an exuberant conclusion to Sports Day.The eventwashonored by the presence of Chief Guest Mrs. Geeta

P., Inspector of the Excise Department, along with other esteemed dignitaries Namratha Rao, Associate Secretary, PTEC, Principal Maria Sarika A.C., KG Coordinator Sr Letitia A.C. and Sr Reshma Dsouza A.C. The school band set a celebratory tone by presenting aguard ofhonor forthe distinguished guests.Theceremony

commenced with an invigorating jumble march, followed by an opening Chorus from the students, which infused the atmosphere with gratitude. A captivating welcome dance embodied the spirit of joy, andTeacherLavinaPerisextendeda warm welcome to all present. The ChiefGuest,Mrs.GeetaP,expressed

her gratitude for the invitation and encouraged students to embody sportsmanship, discipline, and perseverance in both athletics and life.Shecommended theschool for recognizing the achievements of students in the sports arena and acknowledged the principal's support in fostering the athletes' development through various means.Additionally, shepraisedthe

school for providing students with opportunities to participate in a widerangeofsporting activities.

Champions, both individual and team, along with the victors of the March past, were honored for their remarkable achievements. The enchanting evening was elegantly hosted by Shannon Saldanha and Nidhi Nirvani, who captivated the

audience with their eloquence. The extinguishing oftheflamelitduring the inauguration was followed by the lowering of the school flag, marking the conclusion of the festivities. The atmosphere was filled with joy, further enhanced by the presence of esteemed guests. Teacher Josna delivered a sincere

voteofthanks,expressing gratitude

to allthose who contributed to the event's success. The day concluded with theNational Anthem, instilling

aprofound senseofprideandunity amongallattendees.

Champions, both individual and team, along with the victors of the March past, were honored for their remarkable achievements. The enchanting evening was elegantly hosted by Shannon Saldanha and Nidhi Nirvani, who captivated the

audience with their eloquence. The extinguishing oftheflamelitduring the inauguration was followed by the lowering of the school flag, marking the conclusion of the festivities. The atmosphere was filled with joy, further enhanced by the presence of esteemed guests. Teacher Josna delivered a sincere voteofthanks,expressing gratitude to allthose who contributed to the event's success. The day concluded with theNational Anthem, instilling aprofound senseofprideandunity amongallattendees.

A Glimmering Tribute to Excellence: St

Agnes School’s Luminous Achievers’ Day

St Agnes School, CBSE observed Luminous – Achievers’ Day on November 19 in the School Hall, a resplendent celebration thatlauded the brilliance, dedication, and tenacity of its students. The event,

aptly titled Luminous – Celebrating the Spark Within, honoured the stellar accomplishments of participants in the recently concluded inter-school competition, Agno Magnifecencia. Adding to the significance of the

day, the school also marked the Establishment Day of the Apostolic

Carmel Congregation, founded by the visionary Venerable Mother

Mary Veronica of the Passion, whoseenduringlegacycontinuesto inspiregenerations. Asahallmarkof the Diamond Jubilee festivities commemorating 60 Years of Excellence, the event stood as a testament to theschool’s enduring

legacyofexcellenceanditsvisionto nurture the next generation of achievers. The Chief Guest, Mrs Roopa Baliga, Managing Director andPrincipal ofTree HouseSchool, was accorded a symbolic welcome with light and flowers, a cherished tradition at St Agnes School that signifies the illumination of knowledge and the blossoming of talent. The program commenced with an opening chorus that set a harmonious tone for the event, followed by a vibrant welcome dancethatcaptivatedtheaudience. The inaugural remarks were eloquently presented by Tr Vijetha, who extended a warm welcome to all, with a special acknowledgment to Mrs Roopa Baliga, recognizing her esteemed leadership in education. As a mark of deep

respect and admiration, Sr Maria Sarika, the Principal of St Agnes School,bestoweduponMrsBaligaa potted blossom, symbolizing growth, nurturing, and the flourishing of potential. Following the welcome address, the program showcased performances by the event winners. Joyline Sequira and group mesmerized with a musical rendition, while Bhavishya Kulal of Class 2 impressed with a spirited folk dance. Poorvika of Class 2 captivated the audience with a charming fancy dress act, and Bollywood group dance winner from Festember 2K24 delivered an exhilarating performance. These displays of talent highlighted the school’s commitment to nurturing creativity and excellence across diverseartisticforms.Inheraddress, Mrs Roopa Baliga, the Chief Guest, lauded the efforts of St Agnes School inproviding aplatform that cultivates diverse talents while fostering teamwork andinnovation. Mrs Baliga, the guest, extolled the significance of co-curricular activities in holistic education and commended the school for its unwavering commitment to fostering holistic development,

shaping students into exemplary citizens. The crowning moment of theeventwasthehighlyanticipated prize distribution ceremony, where theChiefGuestbestowedaccolades upon the winners, a tribute to the luminous achievers whose exceptional performances illuminated the occasion. The honours were also graciously extended by Sr Maria Sarika, the Principalof StAgnesSchool, andSr Meena Fernandes, the Vice Principal, Sr Reshma Dsouza, who joinedincelebratingtheremarkable accomplishments of the students. The intra-school competition showcased the talent and creativity of participants from LKG to Grade 10. For the youngest contenders in LKG and UKG, a delightful array of events, such as Drawing, Elocution, Fancy Dress, Folk Dance, and Handwriting Competitions, provided a nurturing platform to showcase their budding potential. Meanwhile, students fromGrades 1 to10participated inadiverserange of individual events, totalling 24 events, including Recitation with Props, Leaf Art, Vegetable Carving, and Western Singing, along with group eventslikeAcousticBlissand

Mad Act, which infused a spirit of collaboration and teamwork. The competitions were meticulously judged by a panel of esteemed evaluators,comprising bothinternal facultyandexternalexperts.

The program was expertly compeered by Tr Reena, who skillfully guided the proceedings. The vote of thanks was eloquently delivered by Tr Teresa, who extended heartfelt appreciation to all involved. The event concluded with a stirring rendition of the school anthem. The celebration

culminated in a triumphant showcase of brilliance, where each achievement gleamed as a testament to the students' unwavering dedication and boundless creativity. As the ceremony ended, the air was charged with inspiration, urging all to pursue excellence with renewed vigour. St Agnes School, through this resplendent occasion, reaffirmed its steadfast commitment to shaping the visionaries and trailblazers of tomorrow.

Father Muller Homoeopathic Pharmaceutical Division (FMHPD) Celebrates Vicennial Milestone with Grand Event

Father Muller Homoeopathic Medical College Hosts

Zone-Wise Training Programme for MD (Hom) CBDC

Father Muller Homoeopathic Medical College &Hospital hosted a two-day Zone-wise Training Programme for MD (Hom) Competency-Based Dynamic Curriculum (CBDC) on 19th & 20th November 2024, organized by the National Commission for Homoeopathy (NCH).

Theprogramme began by invoking theblessings oftheAlmighty witha prayer song, followed by the welcomeaddressbyDrESJPrabhu Kiran, Principal of Father Muller

Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital. The training programme was symbolically inaugurated by the dignitaries ontothedais.

Day 1:

heappreciated forreadilyaccepting tohostthetraining andurged the

participants to make use of the opportunity to learn and enhance the quality of Homeopathic education.

Rev Fr Faustine L Lobo, Designate Director, FMCI & Administrator, FMHMC presided over the programme and in his presidential addresshewelcomeddelegatesand highlighted the importance of havingcompetency-based learning. Day 2:

Dr Anil Khurana, Chairman, National Commission for Homoeopathy (NCH), New Delhi inaugurated session. In his address heextended heartycongratulations

to the management, staff, and students at Father Muller Homoeopathic Medical College on achieving theA+grade rating from theMedicalAssessment andRating Board of Homoeopathy, NCH. He encouraged the institution to continue upholding these exemplary standards.

RevFrRichardACoelho,Director, FMCI presidedovertheprogramme and in his presidential address, he expressedimmensejoyandprideas institutions under Father Muller

Charitable celebrate significant milestones, marking the jubilee of their inception and remarkable contributions to society. He honored the pioneering spirit of founder Rev. Fr. August Muller and

encouraged the community to uphold his values, fostering continuous growth and service to society.

RevFrNelsonDPais,Administrator, Father Muller Homoeopathic Pharmaceutical Division were present onthisoccasion.

Vote of Thanks:

Dr Vilma M Dsouza,VicePrincipal, Father Muller Homoeopathic Medical College (Day 1) and Dr Abhishek Dalmia, Member NCH (Day 2) expressed gratitude to the participants andorganizers.

Training Programme

The two-day programme featured subject-wise sessions, with around 250facultymembersfromsixstates (Andhra Pradesh, Telangana,

Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, and Odisha) participating. Eminent homoeopaths Dr Anoop Nigwekar, Dr Munir Ahmed, Dr Bipin Jain, Dr PrashanthThamboli, DrCPSharma, DrManeeshaSolanki, andDrNikita

Mehraserved asresource persons.

This training programme aims to enhance the quality of homoeopathic educationandfoster excellenceinthefield.

RUBYCON 2024 – 27th Annual National Homoeopathic Conference at Father Muller Convention Centre.

The Inaugural programme of the 27th Annual National Homoeopathic Conference

‘RUBYCON 24 – Pathfinder in Similimum’ of Father Muller Homoeopathic MedicalCollegewas heldon 21st November 2024 at

9.30 a.m at the Father Muller Convention Centre, Kankanady. Sri Dinesh Gundu Rao, Incharge Dakshina Kannada District & Hon’bleMinister,MinistryofHealth andFamily Welfare, Government of KarnatakaservedastheChiefGuest.

Dr Anil Khurana, Chairman of the National Commission for Homoeopathy, New Delhi was the Guest of Honour. Rev.Fr Richard Aloysius Coelho, the Director of FatherMullerCharitable Institutions presided over the inaugural programme.


began with invoking of God’s blessings in the form of a prayer song. The Organizing Secretory, Dr Ranjan C Britto then escorted the dignitaries on to the dais. Rev Fr Faustine L Lobo, Designate Director, FMCI & Administrator, FMHMC&H, gave the welcome address. The conference was

symbolically inaugurated by lighting thelamp by the dignitaries onthedais.

OnthisoccasiontheAnnualCollege Magazine – Pioneer 2024 and ResearchBulletin2024 wasreleased by The Chief guest, Shri Dinesh Gundu Rao. The Staff editor of Pioneer2024, DrJacinthaMonteiro

and Research & Scientific Committee Coordinator Dr K John Paul also joined the dignitaries for therelease.

Sri Dinesh Gundu Rao, Hon'ble Chief Guest, emphasized the significance of Homoeopathy asan alternative system of medicine in treating various ailments. He

stressed the importance of continuousgrowth andevolution in thefield, underscoring theneed for scientific studies to enhance the learningprocess.

Dr Anil Khurana, in his message highlighted India's prominence in Homoeopathy, boasting the largest infrastructure globally, with over

60,000 registered practitioners. He proudly noted that the Homoeopathic course curriculum is on par with other medical systems and Homoeopathy system has offered a lot of public health activities. He commended Father Muller Homoeopathic Medical College foritsoutstanding research endeavors, acknowledging the institution's dedication to advancing Homoeopathic educationandpractice.

Rev. Fr. Richard A. Coelho, Director, FMCI, presented mementos to the Chief Guest and Guest of Honor, symbolizing gratitude and goodwill. In his presidential address he congratulated the management, staff,and students of Father Muller Homoeopathic Medical College on achievingtheA+ratingdeclaredby theMedicalAssessment andRating Board of Homoeopathy, NCH.He

urged theHomoeopathy Councilto consider increasing the number of seats,providing moreopportunities foraspiring students.

Theprogramme concludedwiththe vote of thanks by Dr E S J Prabhu Kiran, Principal, Father Muller Homoeopathic Medical College followed bytheNationalAnthem.

DrDeepaPaisandDrManishKumar Tiwaricompered theprogramme.

RevFrNelsonD.Pais,Administrator, Father Muller Pharmaceutical Division, Rev Fr Ashwin L. Crasta, Assistant Administrator, Father Muller Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital, Dr Vilma M. Dsouza,VicePrincipal,FatherMuller Homoeopathic Medical College, Dr Girish Navada U. K. Medical Superintendent, Father Muller Homoeopathic Medical College

Hospital, Dr Ranjan C. Britto, Organizing Secretory, RUBYCON 2024 werepresentontothedais. Dr Ambrish Vijayakar, Managing Director, Predictive Homoeopathy, Mumbai, as the Keynote speaker with the topic ‘Pathfinder to Similimum’, along with Distinguished Alumni stalwarts like Dr Girish Navada U.K., Professor and Head of Department of Psychiatry and Medical Superintendent, FMHMCH and Dr Kumarvel V, Associate Professor and Head of Department of Pathology, National Institute of Homoeopathy, Kolkata were the resource persons for the 2 days of Conference. Around 1000 delegates all over Indiaattended theconference.

First Province BES Convention – A

Gathering of Educational Excellence

The Bethany Educational Society (BES) Mangalore Province proudly organized its First Province BES ConventionatMaryvaleHigh

School, Kinnigoli, and Sacred Hearts’ High School, Kulshekar, on November 19&20,2024. Theevent saw an overwhelming participation of 436 employees from various BES institutions acrosstheprovince. Theconvention wasinaugurated by Rev.Sr.SandhyaBS,theSecretaryof BESMangalore, who,inherkeynote address, paid tribute to theServant of God, RFC Mascarenhas, the Founder oftheBethanyEducational Society. She described him as a visionary who was deeply passionate about education, tirelessly advocating for the rights

of women and theunderprivileged. Sr. Sandhya emphasized that RFC Mascarenhas was a true educationalist who understood the transformative power of education. His relentless pursuit of opening schools and empowering the marginalized wasatestamenttohis beliefineducationasakeydriverof personal, social, and economic growth. She also expressed her gratitude to the BES subcommittee andthevariousBESunitswithinthe province for their continued commitment to carrying forward thelegacyofBethany’seducational mission.

The convention featured three insightful sessions led by distinguished speakers:

• Rev. Sr. Dr. Mariette BS spoke on the vision of Servant of God Raymond Francis Camillus Mascarenhasregarding education, the core values of BES, its pedagogical approach, and the profileofaBESteacher.Hertalkwas a profound reflection on the educational philosophy that continues to guide the Society’s work today.

• Rev. Sr.Dr.LillyPereira addressed the crucial topic of Caring for MotherEarth . She emphasized the urgency of taking actionto combat climate change, preserve biodiversity, and ensure a sustainablefutureforall.Hercallto protect the environment resonated deeply with the attendees, urging them to be stewards of the planet forfuturegenerations.

• Rev. Fr. Stany D’Souza, Vicar General of theDiocese of Shimoga, delivered a thought-provoking session on PromotingJusticeand

Harmony . He highlighted the importance of upholding the principlesofjustice,liberty, equality, and fraternity in our daily lives. His messageinspiredtheparticipantsto livebythevaluesoflove,peace,and justice, promoting harmony intheir communities.

The convention was a deeply enriching experience for all involved,withparticipantsreflecting on the life and teachings of the Founder. Manylefttheeventfeeling renewed andcommitted tomaking positive changes in their personal and professional lives. The gathering also provided a unique opportunity for participants to enjoy moments of spiritual communion, reinforcing the sense of bondedness and solidarity amongtheBESfamily.

Theeventwaswarmlywelcomed by Sr. Mariola BS, the BES Province Coordinator for Education, who expressed her joy at the gathering of so many dedicated educators. The programme was expertly compered by Mrs. Jyothi Sinthiya Serrao and Mrs. Savitha Menezes, while Mrs. Coney P. Vaz and Mrs.

Lavita Jyothi proposed thevote of thanks.

The FirstProvinceBESConvention not only celebrated the enduring legacyofRFCMascarenhasbutalso reignitedthezealandenthusiasmof the BES staff, strengthening their collective commitment to the

missionofBethanyEducation.Itwas truly aday of inspiration, reflection, and arenewed senseof purpose in thenoble workofeducation. Sr Laveena Maria BS. BES Vamanjoor.

Celebration of Religious Day and Sister Celestine's

Decennial Jubilee at St. Lawrence Church and Shrine.

OnNovember21,2024, at4p.m.,St. LawrenceChurchandShrinehosted a solemn celebration marking a religious day and Sr Celestine D’ Mello’s Decennial Celebrationof

Consecration and Morning Star

Family Ministries. The Eucharistic celebration was presided over by the Most Rev. Dr Aloysius Paul D’Souza, Emeritus Bishop, and Concelebrated by VicarGeneral

Lawrence Maxim Noronha, Rev. Fr Andrew Leo D’Souza Parish Priest, RevFrWilliam D’SouzaAsst. Parish Priest, Rev Fr Arul –


Celestine, holding a candle, processed tothealtarastheliturgy was led by religious representatives. During a reflective homily, Rev.Fr Andrew Leo D’Souza emphasized the divine origin of humanity, remindingthecongregationthatwe are all created in the image and likenessofGod. CitingJohn3:16,he highlighted the profound love of God, who entrusted His apostles with the mission of spreading faith and trust in the Lord. Fr Andrew inspired the faithful by affirming that miracles continue to occur in theworld through unwavering

belief in God. God’s call through baptism, emphasizing the mission within familiesasthefoundation of evangelization. He highlighted Sister Celestine's decade-long commitment to serving families, recognizing herasaninstrument of God’spurpose.

The Permanur Youth Choir enhancedthecelebration withtheir melodious hymns. During the service,SisterCelestinerenewedher vows, and a documentary showcasingherlifeandmissionwas displayed. After the Mass, Dr Sr Mabel Clara Dmello B.S expressed gratitude onbehalfofallpresent.

MLC, Mr. Ivan D'Souza, visited the shrine and extended his

congratulations totheParish Priest, Rev. Fr Andrew Leo D'Souza, by honoring him with a shawl. In a reciprocal gesture of love and appreciation, Rev. Fr Andrew Leo D’Souza presented Mr. Ivanwith a shawl and a memento while Most Rev. Dr Aloysius Paul D’Souza, EmeritusBishopplacedagarlandon him.

Aformalfelicitationfollowedat6:15 p.m. with a prayer song. Sister Celestine,accompaniedbytheMost Rev. Dr Aloysius Paul D’Souza, EmeritusBishop,VicarGeneralMsgr Lawrence Maxim Noronha, and priests, litaceremonialcandle. Bishop AloysiusPaul,inhisaddress, reflectedonthewordsofSaintJohn PaulII,emphasizing thatJesuscalls

eachofusbyname,justasHecalled PeterandJohn.Hehighlighted that thisdivinecallcomeswithgraceand acceptance, allowing us to collaborate in God's mission. The Bishop urged everyone to be thankful to God for the dedicated serviceofSrCelestine,who,overthe past decade, has profoundly impacted and uplifted numerous families through her efforts. He presented her with a flower bouquet asatokenofappreciation. TheMassconcludedwithaheartfelt thanksgiving notedelivered byRev. FrAndrew. Theliturgy wasledbyDr Sr Mabel Clara Dmello B.S, accompanied by a sincere note of gratitude fromSr. Celestineandher family, adding a personal and meaningful touch to the celebration.

Formal Function Honoring Sr. Celestine'sDecennialJubilee Theformalcelebrationbeganwitha prayer song,setting areflectiveand reverenttone.Sr.Celestinethenlita ceremonial candle, symbolizing her commitment anddedication. Inhisaddress, theBishop remarked that, just as Jesus called Peter and

Johnbyname,Hecallseachofusto serve.Heemphasizedthegraceand support provided by God, urging gratitude for these blessings. Highlighting Sr. Celestine's impactful 10-year ministry, he acknowledged her role in uplifting numerous families and wished her continued successinhermission.

Rev. Fr. Andrew Leo D’Souza extended a warm welcome to the dignitaries and guests, which included prominent figures like Msgr Maxim Noronha Rev Fr. Andrew Leo D’Souza Rev. Fr Arul Betharram. Rev. Fr Joseph V C, Sr. Leela, Sr. Annette, and Vice PresidentJohnD’Silva PPC.Heartfelt testimonies were shared by Rupert andDaphne,MrsRaniandJohnand William and Maria, shedding light on Sr. Celestine’s profound influence.

A cake-cutting ceremony followed, marking the joyous occasion. V.C. Msgr Maxim Noronha acknowledged Sr. Celestine’s resilience and spiritual strength, commending her for building strong family foundations and proving herself a remarkable missionary.

Family members presented Sr. Celestinewithasaplingasagesture of admiration and gratitude. Baba Nishan also offered a heartfelt congratulationtohisauntinhisown endearing manner. In her thanksgiving address, Sr. Celestine expressed her deep appreciation to all who had supported her ministry. As the DirectorofMorningstar, sheviewed thecelebrationasanopportunity to bear witness to God’s work in her life, acknowledging Him as the source of hermission and strength. She extended her gratitude to the Bishop ofMangalore, clergy-Rev. Fr Andrew,RevFrWilliam,revFrPeter, anddignitariesRev.FrAnilSVD,Rev Fr Jaya Prakash, Rev Fr Joseph VC, RevFrAnAlvitoOCD,RevFrGratian FrAlanOFM.Capfortheirguidance andassistance,presentingtokensof lovesuchasshawlsandmementos.

Vicar General Msgr Lawrence Maxim Noronha praised all the religious individuals present and specifically lauded Sr. Celestine for her dedication to her mission. He emphasizedherinstrumentalrolein helping and uplifting families, calling her a true missionary and encouraging her to continue being abeaconofhopeforothers.

TheCapuchinBrothers sangvarious hymnsduring thevocationevent. Theprogram wascompered by Dr Sr Mabel Clara Dmello B.S and a voteofthankswasalsodelivered by SrMabel.Rev.FrArulBetharramled thegracebefore themeal, bringing theeventtoaheartfeltandgracious end.

Photography: Marvin D’Silva (Bantwal)

Report: MeenaBarboza

Ph.D. awarded to Sreejesh P. C. of St Aloysius University

Sreejesh P. C., Assistant Professor and Program Coordinator in the Department of Biotechnology at St Aloysius (Deemed tobe University), has been awarded Ph.D. Degree from Mangalore University. His


pioneering doctoral research, titled "Isolation and Characterization of Bacteria from Mice Ovaries and Effects of its Bioactives on Ovarian Cancer Cell Lines", sheds light on thecrucialroleoftheorgan-specific microbiome in influencing cancer biology and highlights its potential for developing novel anti-cancer therapies.

Thestudywasconductedunder the expert guidance of Dr Asha Abraham, Associate Professor, Department of Biotechnology, School of Life Sciences, St Aloysius (Deemed to be University). This milestone achievement adds to the growing recognition of the department's contributions to cutting-edge biomedical research.

Bangalore Donates Rs 10 Lakh to Father

Muller Charitable Institutions, Mangalore for Oncology:A GestureofGratitudeandCollaboration

Media Release: The Federation of Konkani Catholic

Associationsmarked a significant milestone in philanthropy by from

10,00,000/- to Father Muller Charitable Institutions (FMCI) for theoncology department.

Theheartfeltceremony washeldat FMCI’s premises on Saturday, the 23rd of November 2024 at 10 AM and witnessed agathering of FKCA

members, FMCI dignitaries, and well-wishers.

Theeventcommenced withawarm welcomebyRev.FrRichardAloysius Coelho, Director of FMCI, who extended his gratitude to all present. Director DesignateFMCI & Administrator FMHMC&H/FMCOPS Rev. Fr Faustine Lucas Lobo, who served as the key liaison between FKCA and FMCI, elaborated on the shared vision andvaluesof thetwo organizations. Highlighting the alignment in their mission to uplift society and support the needy, he emphasized the potential for a long-term partnership in sharing resources and ideas for greater societalimpact.

FKCA members shared their personal experiences with FMCI, resonatingwithemotionsofhealing and comfort. Several attendees recounted how FMCI had touched their lives whether it was through the birth of their children, routine check-ups, or even coping with the loss of loved ones. Each story echoed a sense of belonging and gratitude for the compassionate careFMCIprovides.

The highlight of the gathering was the formal handover of the cheque by Mr Robert Cutinha, Chairperson of FKCA, accompanied by Mr Vincent Dsouza, General Secretary, and other FKCA members. The funds, raised through the efforts of FKCA’s diverse members hailing fromKonkaniCatholicbackgrounds in Coastal Canara, will support FMCI’soncology department.

Inhisaddress,MrCutinhaexplained thatthedonationwaspartofFKCA’s ongoing initiatives to contribute to meaningful causes. After fulfilling their commitments to other projects, the organization chose FMCI, a place many members hold close to their hearts, as the beneficiary of their surplus funds. FKCA’s decision was influenced by personal connections and the exemplary care provided by FMCI. He expressed hope for continued collaboration, with FKCA also expressing interest in supporting FMCI’s Diabetic Fund, another charitableinitiative.

Notable FKCA Members Present:

MrHenryJPinto – Founder&Past


MrRobert Cutinha – Chairperson

Mr Vincent Dsouza – General


Mr Silvian Noronha – Immediate


MrNeelSequeira – JointSecretary

MrNigelFernandes – VicePresident

MrPeterAnilRego – JointSecretary

MrNishalDsouza – MediaSecretary

MrHRAlva – Member

MrRonyCutinho – Ex-Treasurer

Mzs. Leena Lobo – Ex-General


Mzs.LoboCeline – Member

MrIgnatiusDsouza – Member

Mzs.MamathaBarboza – Member

MrEdward Dsouza – LegalAdvisor

FMCIDignitaries Present:

Rev. Fr Richard Aloysius Coelho –Director FMCI

Rev. Fr Faustine Lucas Lobo –

Director Designate FMCI & Administrator FMHMC&H/FMCOPS

Rev. Fr Ajith B Menezes – FMMC


DrAntonySylvanDsouza – Dean

DrVenkatesh BM – ViceDean

Rev. Fr Jeevan George Sequeira –FMMCHAdministrator

Rev.Fr Donald NileshCrasta – Asst.


Prof Cherishma Dsilva – Principal, FMCOP

ProfCynthiaSanthmayor –Principal, FMCON

Prof Dr Agnes E J – Vice Principal, FMCON

SrNancyMathias – CNO

Mr Melwyn Peris, the acclaimed Konkani singer, also graced the occasion,adding totheculturaland emotional depthoftheevent.


The Federation of Konkani Catholic Associations (FKCA), based in Bangalore, is a collective that supports Konkani-speaking Catholics from Coastal Canara by fostering cultural unity and providing practicalassistance.FKCA helps members adapt to urban life by facilitating job placements through networking, skill development, and referrals, while also offering housing support and integration programs for newcomers. Beyond this, the association actively engages in charitable ventures such as educationalscholarships,healthcare aid,disasterrelief,andsocialwelfare projects. Through cultural events,

counseling, andphilanthropy, FKCA preserves Konkani traditions while empowering its members to thrive in Bangalore’s dynamic environment.

The gathering concluded with an expression of mutual respect anda

shared commitment to making a difference in society. The collaboration between FKCA and FMCI marks a promising step towards expanding their collective impact, strengthening ties, and fostering acultureofgiving back.

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