May 2018

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A Germantown Home Gets A New Look


Our Mother’s Day Gift Guide

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30 HOME:

Germantown designer Kimberly Bacon of Easy Living Interiors worked step by step to give her clients their dream home.


Royal wedding bells are ringing! Host your very own “royal wedding watch party”even HRH the Queen would approve of, and celebrate with your ladies as the royals tie the knot. 8 | At Home Memphis & Mid South • May 2018

Photo by Kellsey McDermott

May 2018 • | 9


62. F O R YO U


26 healthy you Sugar Shrug Part 2 46 gift guide Mother's Day 98 on a good note Giving Back Bags Kindred Spirit Style

HOME & DESIGN 16 at home with Rhea Crenshaw and Miller Crenshaw Cowan 30 home feature Step-by-Step 40 design Screened in Porches 50 home trends Growing Herbs

T R AV E L & C U L T U R E

54. 90.

54 getaway Serenbe, Georgia 62 travel Splendid Safari Singita Style 70 experience this Discover Park of America & Oxford Garden Event 78 social Mid South Happenings 80 wedding Stimson/Benefield

FOOD & DRINK 84 entertaining A Royal Wedding Watch Party 90 dining out The South Main Market 92 happy hour Palois Royale - The White Rose 94 in the kitchen Week Day Ribs 10 | At Home Memphis & Mid South • May 2018


May 2018 • | 11










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At Home Memphis & Mid South doesn't accept unsolicited manuscripts. To inquire about freelance opportunities, send a letter, resume and three writing samples to—Editor, At Home Memphis & Mid South: 320 South Walnut Bend, Suite 11, Cordova, TN 38018.

SUBSCRIPTIONS Call 901.684.4155 or subscribe at athomemms. com. Annual subscription rate: $19.95. Single copy price: $4.99. At Home Memphis & Mid South is published 12 times a year. Postmaster: Send address changes to At Home Memphis & Mid South, 320 South Walnut Bend, Suite 11, Cordova, TN 38018. We make every effort to correct factual mistakes or omissions in a timely and candid manner. Information can be forwarded to Trip Monger; At Home Memphis & Mid South, 320 South Walnut Bend, Suite 11, Cordova, TN 38018 or to


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publisher’s note The month of May brings with it so many reasons to celebrate. We have Cinco De Mayo, because who doesn’t like tacos and margaritas? Then, on the same day as Cinco this year, we have the Kentucky Derby, with fried chicken and mint juleps (I am beginning to see a pattern). Many will be celebrating with that special graduate throughout the month. Most all will be celebrating the person with the toughest job on earth. That wonderful person we call mother. It has been said that the mother is the heartbeat of the home and her job is the most important in the world. A very special mother, and new angel in Heaven, reminds us of the importance of that most extraordinary job of mothering. Former First Lady Barbara Bush once said, “Your success as a family and our success as a nation depends not on what happens in the White House, but in what happens in your house.” Although Mrs. Bush shared with us many “pearls of wisdom,” that is perhaps my favorite and it couldn’t be more relevant to the times in which we live. If we as mothers and fathers put less effort into pointing fingers and judging what is going on in other homes and more effort into raising strong, educated and kind-hearted children, the world’s problems would eventually take care of themselves. I hope May brings you much happiness. Take the time to enjoy some tacos and margaritas, if you desire, and watch a good “Run for the Roses”. For the graduates, best of luck, and you are all in for a great ride we call life. It’s not “adulting” it is life. It is not fair, and you’re not always going to win. Sometimes you will get praise but most of the time you won’t, and that’s ok. Just be kind and do what is right. I promise you will have days that are absolutely the best days of your life and make it all worth while. Maybe like me, it will be the day you marry your best friend or the two times I was blessed to hold my heart in my arms when I became a mom and later watched them marry their best friend. God Bless those who hold the toughness job in the world, their names are Mom.

— Margaret


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at home with

At Home With

Rhea Crenshaw and MillerofCrenshaw Cowan Rhea Crenshaw Interiors Text by Ginni Jones Photo courtesy of Rhea Crenshaw Interiors

In honor of Mother’s Day on May 13th, At Home Memphis & Mid South took the opportunity to sit down with the motherdaughter design duo, Rhea Crenshaw and Miller Crenshaw Cowan of Rhea Crenshaw Interiors. Read below to learn a bit more about this ever-so-talented, family-oriented team!


At Home Memphis & Mid South: Tell us a little about your background, both personally and professionally. Rhea & Miller: Rhea Crenshaw Interiors started around 30 years ago. After Miller graduated from the University of Mississippi, she decided to come work with the company. With Miller on board, we decided to open a storefront. From there, HOUSE was born! Now House, Blue Moon Bedding, and Rhea Crenshaw Interiors are all under the same roof. Having Miller work alongside me over the last few years has been such a blessing; we’re grateful to have each other. AHMMS: What inspires you? R&M: Bringing life to a project and being able to provide the best services to our clients. AHMMS: What’s your favorite thing about your job? R&M: There are numerous things we love about our jobs but the best would be seeing a project through to completion, leaving clients with something they can be proud of forever. Our work is only as good as our last job, something we truly take to heart. We love seeing the smiles on their faces following completed projects. Being able to do this together has brought so much joy to our business! AHMMS: What advice would you give to people who want to succeed at their dreams? R&M: GO FOR IT! It will be hard, you will make mistakes, but that is all part of the journey. AHMMS: How do you spend your time outside of work hours? R&M: We both enjoy yoga, going to the lake, and spending time with our friends and family. We believe it is very important to have a work life and a home life, finding balance between the two. AHMMS: What are some of your favorite places in the Mid South? WR&M: Our beloved yoga studio, Hot Yoga Plus, and any stop on the Green Line. Also, Crosstown Concourse— we love what that is doing for this city! 16 | At Home Memphis & Mid South • May 2018

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healthy you

Sugar Shrug

Text by Michelle Johns

"Like heroin, cocaine, and caffeine, sugar is an addictive, destructive drug, yet we consume it daily in everything from cigarettes to bread." ­â€”William Dufty, author of Sugar Blues *This is the second in a three-part series on sugar. Continuing to build on the not-so-sweet effects of sugar, the highlight quote from last month's article is still appropriate. This month I am also including my gleanings from Gary Taubes' book The Case Against Sugar (2016), a great read backed up by deep research. If you like to read about scientific research and findings, you'll love this book by the investigative science and health journalist and co-founder of the non-profit Nutrition Science Initiative ( Before delving further into this months topic, it's important for me to note that research, findings and statistics can often be interpreted in a variety of ways. Frequently there is research to support whichever theory we choose to believe. That's why the saying goes, I can prove anything by statistics except the truth. From its earliest usage, sugar was touted to be medicinal, an aid against fatigue, and a sweetener to make food taste better. While I believe most people nowadays would agree that sugar does not prevent or cure coughs, colds or inflammation (in fact, it may cause inflammation), many still love a bit of sugar for an energy boost and sweetened drinks are still a mainstay refresher. It may be time to realize that the negative effects of sugar might outweigh any advantages. Before consuming sugary food and drinks, it is important to consider the following questions: "What do I have to gain?" and "What do I have to lose?" What you gain from a sugar-heavy diet might be weight, not to mention chronic health problems such as obesity, diabetes and cancer. Significantly limiting sugar may help you lose weight and reverse health conditions. A major change in eating habits will likely require a drastic shift in mindset, however. In The Case Against Sugar Taubes shares research theories dating back to the late 1800s and early 1900s that warn of the dangers of sugar on the body. Early on, it appears researchers noted the increase in sugar intake accompanied diabetes, obesity, rheumatism, inflammation and gaseous diseases. Though research was done and indicators were present, true to typical fashion, the research was dismissed if it didn't coincide with the worldview or with what distributors and consumers wanted to hear. Early French and German researchers were curious about how the body expends energy and how food impacts energy for the body and mind. Although studies in the early to mid 1900s indicated sugar as a possible hormone disruptor, World War II stifled the research; much of it was done in Germany and the Germans lost credibility for a while after the Hitler regime. 26 | At Home Memphis & Mid South • May 2018

Americans later lead the way in research and the US became home to sugar research institutes (funded by sugar producers). Nutritional research focused primarily on caloric intake, vitamins, minerals and energy in vs. energy expended. Meanwhile, diabetes and obesity continued to rise. The research indicated and the message was conveyed that obesity caused diabetes, and too much eating was the cause of obesity. Sugar was portrayed to be an insignificant factor; a calorie was simply a calorie, and sugar calories were burned through the body relatively quickly. So how does the body really process sugar? According to Taubes, a German researcher named Gustav von Bergmann originally theorized that excess calories become trapped in fat tissue. Additionally, Bergmann and others questioned why women and men store fat differently, leading research on the role of hormones and biological regulation. It seemed fat cells were trapping excessive calories and not releasing them to be used as energy by the rest of the body, impacting overall health. Due to poor research, filtered information and marketing during the past century, people have been lead to believe that sugar is not so bad. Many still live by this principle, especially when trying to nourish the ill. We will continue to explore the adverse effects of sugar next month as we reveal the backstory and see how the public is influenced by science and research. Michelle Johns is a corporate onsite health promotion specialist, integrative health and wellness educator, yoga teacher, food literacy educator and a green smoothie connoisseur. She graduated from the University of Memphis with a B.S. in psychology, is a certified health coach from the Institute of Integrated Nutrition and an RYT 200 yoga teacher. Her approach to well being and living your best life every day focuses on the foundations of self-awareness, self-care and self-discovery through whole mind, body and spirit nutrition. Johns educates clients through a journey focused on the way the whole self is nourished through food, career, relationships, exercise and spirituality. Her ultimate goal is to help clients discover not only how to live longer, but to live better by honoring the unique individual with compassion and self-love as they were created.

May 2018 • | 27

Get the Pure Drinking Water That You NEED, That Bottled Water CAN’T Deliver! P

ure water is essential for everyone’s health. Public water systems, however, continue to be under pressure. Contaminants accidently get into it, construction projects can harm it, delivery systems age, companies dumping illegally, and natural occurrences can all add pollutants.

One of the annoying things about public water systems is that if problems do arise the public does not seem to be told for years later. We have seen the movies and the Flint Michigan stories too many times. In Memphis, in the past year, there were 9 stories on the local aquifer getting pollutants into it and lead from old pipes found in the water as well as arsenic. The best thing for you to do to protect your family is to install a water purifier in your home. A purifier is not a “filter unit” but a 5 stage reverse osmosis process that removes virtually all serious contaminants. These include, lead, e coli, bacteria, pesticides, chemicals, arsenic and chlorine to name a few. These are the ones that can do harm. Some homes have a filter but a one stage system is very limited in what is contained and must be changed frequently to maintain any effectiveness. One stage filtering is mostly for rust particles, dirt particles and what is called total dissolved solids. These are not the dangerous elements anyway. For pure water, medical grade water, it has to go through reverse osmosis. Our units are approximately $1,550 installed and only an annual filter change is needed. The purifiers have a five year warranty. This is not an under the sink unit. A feel good fallacy on water purity is water from plastic five gallon jug systems. This water comes from the local municipal water source and is subject to the same pollutants mentioned. These jugs are stored in hot warehouses and moved on trucks exposed to a lot of heat. Heat and plastic do not bode well for water quality. Smart Water Memphis is a local company that has been installing water purifiers for the past 12 years. One of our best references is West Cancer Clinic which installed our units 6 years ago in all of their clinics because of the water purity. Why take chances on something so important to our bodies as water? Install a water purifier from Smart Water Memphis and never worry about it! WellSys Benefits: - Delivers purest water possible by five stage reverse osmosis process. - Attractive compact counter top unit dispenses hot and cold water. - Five year warranty. - Requires only an annual filter change. - Can also filter your ice-maker water as a standard feature. - Fills up personal water bottles. - Local service. - Stainless steel reservoir. 28 | At Home Memphis & Mid South • May 2018


• • • • • •

Delicious Aerated Filtered Water Never Runs Empty No More Plastic BPA Water Instant Hot & Cold Water No Jug Hassle No Storage

FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: Cindy McLarty 7891 Stage Hills Blvd Suite 108 Bartlett, TN 38133 901-367-9500 May 2018 • | 29

home feature

Step -by-Step

30 | At Home Memphis & Mid South • May 2018

home feature

In a series of renovations, a Germantown designer gives her clients their dream home Text by Jordana White | Photography by Steve Roberts May 2018 • | 31

home feature


ive years ago, when Kimberly Bacon, owner of Easy Living Interiors in Germantown, first got a call from her tennis team mate and highschool friend regarding a new design project, she didn’t know what to expect. High school friends, the woman and her family of three had just purchased a mid-century modern ranch home on Winding Road, and it needed some work. Right after the purchase, Kimberly's clients weren’t up for major renovations, but certain issues in the four-bedroom, six-bathroom home simply couldn’t wait to be corrected. After placing the family’s existing furniture in the home to see what was what, Kimberly noticed one feature that stood out like a sore thumb. The kitchen and family room were floored in a coral pink tile, a look she knew would get old long before the entire area could be overhauled. With a full gut renovation waiting in the works, Kimberly laid a floating floor down over the existing tile, sparing the expense and mess of removing it in the interim.

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home feature During that initial round of improvements, Kimberly also knew the flow between kitchen and family room had to be addressed. “There was a tiny opening between the rooms and it was surrounded by kitchen cabinets. We knocked out the cabinets between the rooms and were able to create the bar area in the family room. To make up for the lack of storage, we added stainless steel shelving behind the bar.” After those early adjustments, Kimberly's clients were once again ready to dip their feet into the renovation pond. The focus this time? Bedrooms. First up was the clients’ daughter’s domain, as there was a leak between her bedroom and en-suite bathroom. Also, there was an awkwardly gray bathtub that Kimberly just couldn’t leave alone. Once the tub was gone, it just made sense to gut the entire bathroom, knock out a linen closet and steal a little space from the hallway as well, to make room for a luxurious suite that features heated floors, an oversized shower accented with Italian glass tile and, as an added bonus, all Kohler fixtures. Next, it was time to take care of the man of the house. With only three family members residing in the home, the fourth bedroom was slated for use as a “man cave”, according to Kimberly. Keeping an eye to the future, the bathroom was completely redesigned to make it handicap accessible. Focusing on the present, Kimberly installed a completely unique feature in the space: a golf closet specially equipped to house and display all of the homeowner’s sports paraphernalia.

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home feature Of course, the master bedroom needed some attention after the other rooms received their upgrades. Since Kimberly's friend was a huge fan of color, she selected a unique shade of orange for the walls, leaving the ceiling a nice, clean white for contrast. A sliding door, fitted with six-paned frosted glass windows, was installed to separate the master bedroom from the master bathroom. With the addition of a custom bed, monochromatic furniture and Pine Cone Hill bedding, the space was complete. Once the bedrooms were up to her clients’ standards, it was finally time to tackle the biggest project of all: the kitchen renovation. To begin with, the floating floor and original tile floor were both removed and taken down to the concrete; the room was then leveled and a slategray limestone floor was installed. With the base in place, things really got going. After the remainder of the room was gutted, new cabinets were installed: Kimberly and her clients opted to mix overlay and inset doors and drawers in a soft shade of gray. To add a touch of fancy to the clean, modern design, Kimberly selected glass and stainless pulls and a rare Brazilian quartzite from Taj Mahal quarry for the countertop. All appliances —Thermador across the board, except for a Sub-Zero refrigerator— were built in for a seamless flow that married perfectly with the flat-front cabinetry. Double freezer drawers were installed in the kitchen island for added storage and convenience.

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design home feature

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And then came the piece-de-resistance. In what was intended to be a walk-in pantry in the home’s original incarnation, a magical transformation occurred. Kimberly commandeered the space for use as a custom-built wine cellar using reclaimed sinker cypress racks, with space to house 1,100 bottles! Using an etched-gold artistic tile for an accent wall and adding a six-lamp chandelier to the room’s tiked domed ceiling completed the sense of luxury in the space. Upon finishing the kitchen renovation, Kimberly and her clients were finally ready to press pause but only for a little while. As the designer explains, “We’re already discussing an upgrade of the home’s front façade and installing an outdoor kitchen!”

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Let's Talk Screened In Porches with Southern


The warming temperatures are rolling in & it's finally time to enjoy your days outdoors! At Home Memphis & Mid South had the wonderful opportunity to discuss the ins and outs to creating the perfect "Screened in Porch" with Mike Reilly of Southern Screens. Text and photos courtesy of Southern Screens

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Courtesy of Mom's Landscaping

At Home Memphis & Mid South: Today’s “Screened-in Porch” can be quite different than it was in years past. Can you tell us why retractable screens are so rapidly replacing traditional fixed screens in popularity? Mike Reilly: Retractable screening systems offer several advantages over the old- fashioned fixed type – removability, versatility, outward view clarity, and architectural flexibility. Let’s start with ‘removability’. If bugs were never a problem, you wouldn’t need screens to keep them out. If the sun’s blinding and damaging UV rays weren’t unbearable at certain times of the day, you wouldn’t need screens to provide shade. However, once you decide to deal with these or other problems with fixed screens, the cure for the part-time problem becomes full-time and permanent. Screens are a necessary evil and if you could do without them, you would. That’s exactly why retractable screening systems are so superior. They provide protection when, and only when, you need or want it, and then they’re gone.

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design This ability to disappear provides tremendous versatility for your covered areas. Got a crowd over for a pool party? Raise the screens out of the way and allow your guests complete freedom of movement. Want to sit everyone down for a nice al fresco meal without constantly shooing flies? Bring the screens down and provide total comfort for your family and your guests. Open-air pavilion or screened porch? It’s your choice. Third, the unobstructed outward view provided by a retractable screen system is unmatched with fixed types. Fixed systems rely on a multitude of vertical and horizontal framing members – all of which are there just to attach small sections of mesh to. With retractables you get a ‘picture window’ for each section that you screen. No support members interrupt your sightlines. Your view is almost identical to having no screens. Finally, with retractable screening systems, you can blend into a wide variety of housing styles without impacting the home’s aesthetics. When the screens disappear, so does their effect on the home’s exterior look.

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home trends AHMMS: So once a homeowner has decided on a retractable solution, what is the main thing they’re looking for? MR: Invisible integration into their home and décor is a top consideration on their list. Will it draw my attention or will it blend in so completely that I’ll forget it’s there? Part of the answer to that question is the system manufacturers capability, and a big part is the experience and expertise of the installing company. On new construction, the ability to work well with the client’s architect, builder, designer/decorator is paramount. Always choose a company that ranks high in all these categories.

Trolley Tour

AHMMS: Looking into your crystal ball, what is on the horizon for retractable screening systems. MR: In a lot of ways we’ve already leapt into the future. Retractable screens are rapidly becoming part of the ‘internet of things’. The capacity to communicate with the individual and collective motors in a screening system is expanding in ways we couldn’t have imagined just 5 years ago. You can control your screens locally and remotely with phone/tablet apps, voice command through Amazon’s Alexa, a staggering array of remote controls both stationary and portable, and the list just keeps growing to meet the demands of today’s connected customer. May 2018 • | 43


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The motors themselves are no longer ‘dumb’. They have the ability to constantly monitor linked sensors so that they can react to changing conditions without human assistance. They can also electronically ‘sense’ obstructions below the screen, stop the motor and reverse it, preventing harm to the screen or to the obstruction.

El Cosmico

New materials like marinegrade clear vinyl are providing year-round use of covered porches. Dual delivery systems with both mesh and vinyl are also becoming very popular. Lastly, size. The need for larger screening systems has accelerated in the past 5 years. Homeowners want wider expanses to more fully enjoy their home’s potential. Be it the view, or the capacity for entertaining, spans continue to grow. And, we’ve kept pace. Three years ago, we designed and produced a hardware system for Bass Pro Pyramid that makes extremely wide screens possible. 25’ used to be the maximum single screen span. Now it’s 50’. Fixed screens are pretty much moored and mired in the past - what you saw on your grandfather’s porch 50 years ago is what you still get today. Retractable screen systems, on the other hand, continue to adapt to an ever-expanding and evolving world. May 2018 • | 45

mother's day gift guide

Freshwater Pearls with Platinum Medallion

Blessing Bath Bombs

Two Doors Down, $156

Kindred Spirit Style, $8.75

Germantown, TN

Oakland, TN

Florist To The Field

Lampe Berger Perfume Floral Gift Set

Garden District &, $50

Southern Muse, $60

Memphis, TN

Collierville, TN

Goose Feathers Cafe 46 | At Home Memphis & Mid South • May 2018


Seed Bearing Lollipops

Be the Parent, Not the Pal

Amborella Organics, $7 each

Amy Donaho Howell, $15

Memphis Y’all T-Shirt Design & Print, $20

The Olde Pink House May 2018 • | 47

Forsyth Fountain 48 | At Home Memphis & Mid South • May 2018


May 2018 • | 49

home trends

Growing Herbs Text by P. Allen Smith | Photography by Mark Fonville and Kelly Quinn

Herbs are incredibly useful, but also are beautiful and fragrant. I have herbs planted everywhere throughout the farm. You'll find them in the vegetable garden as well as in containers by themselves and mixed in with flowers for a decorative element that's also functional. If you're just getting into growing your own food, herbs are a great place to start. You'll need to keep a few rules in mind, but otherwise, growing herbs is a cinch. You'll need to have your bed or containers in full sun or at least half-day sun. Plant the herbs in soil that drains well and is consistently moist but not soggy. I like to keep a saucer under the containers to keep the soil moist. I also keep the tags from the plants and stick them in the soil near the plant so that I can keep track of what I have planted where. I like to keep containers with herbs close to the kitchen so that it's easy to use the fresh leaves throughout the growing season. These are some of my favorite herbs to grow:


Rosemary is an aromatic evergreen and has become an indispensable kitchen herb. It is a tender perennial evergreen with a shrubby form that hails from the Mediterranean region, so it prefers a warm, sunny and dry environment. It is not cold hardy throughout the country; most varieties will not survive below 15 to 20°F. Don't let this keep you from growing rosemary. This herb is ideally suited for container gardening. Keep a pot outside your kitchen door or plant it, container and all, in the garden. Just lift it out of the ground when temperatures begin to drop in autumn and bring it indoors. When you bring rosemary inside for winter, put it in a sunny window (south facing is ideal) and take care not to overwater it; the roots can easily rot. An occasional misting helps if it gets too dry indoors. 50 | At Home Memphis & Mid South • May 2018

Onion Chives

Onion chives are a grassy-looking perennial with onionflavored leaves and purple blooms. The mild onion flavor is a tasty addition to any savory dish. Use the flowers in salads. Plants are perfect for containers! In the spring, plant chives about four weeks before the last frost; or plant in fall in mild climates. They need well-drained soil amended with compost. Chives are not finicky and tolerate neglect, but will do best if you don't completely ignore them. Water and fertilize occasionally with an all-purpose liquid plant food and divide crowded clumps every two to three years. If you harvest the leaves often, fertilize every few weeks. After the first killing frost in autumn, cut the plants back to ground level. They will return the following spring. In sub-tropical climates they are evergreen, but you can cut them back anyway to refresh the foliage.

home trends


Among all of the herbs I grow, mint requires absolutely the least amount of care. In fact, it grows so prolifically, it could overrun the garden! I grow two main varieties, spearmint and peppermint. You can easily tell them apart by their distinct aromas and by their stems and leaves. Spearmint has a broader leaf, its stem seems to be a bit greener and the leaves are more crinkled. Peppermint, on the other hand, has a narrower leaf and its stems are a bit redder. Over time, you may find that your plants have become tall and spindly. If this happens, just cut them back. I use scissors, but if you have a larger plot you can mow it with a lawnmower. This will cause the plants to produce lots of new tender shoots, where you'll find the best flavor. To keep peppermint from invading your garden, keep it in containers or plant in a bottomless plastic nursery pot that is at least 10 inches tall. The aggressive underground stems will be confined within the container, and you'll have plenty of fresh mint for tea, lotions and infusions.



Basils are a favorite annual for summer. If you like to cook, you'll want to grow an assortment, from the tinyleafed spicy globe and boxwood types to the cinnamonspiced Thai, to the big leaves of Italian classic sweet basil. Set your plants out about two weeks after the last frost when the days are warm; basil can't stand cold weather. When planting, add plenty of organic nutrients from compost, blood meal or cottonseed meal to the soil. Basil is not a heavy feeder, but because you'll harvest often and it is continuously replacing the harvested leaves, feed every couple of weeks with an all-purpose, liquid plant food. Most grow about two feet tall, but the little-leafed ones are shorter. Basil needs well-drained soil and full sun, but appreciates afternoon shade in the hottest climates. Water deeply during dry spells. Plants in pots dry out faster so water them more often. Watering is very important because drying stunts growth. Avoid splashing water on the leaves to prevent leaf spots and sunburn. In fall you can bring potted basil inside. It is quickly killed by the first cold. Keep plants pinched and they will stay fresh and productive until fall.

Thyme is easy to grow in the garden or a container. I recommend starting with a planting or a cutting from a friend. It should go into the ground a couple of weeks before the last frost, when the soil is around 70°F. Thyme thrives in the sun and requires little water after the initial watering. You may want to place thyme next to rosemary since their needs are the same. Growing thyme in containers allows you to reproduce the well-drained soil conditions of the Mediterranean slopes where it grows wild. Since the soil in my garden is largely heavy clay I have to use caution when planting anything that requires good drainage. Even a plant as durable as thyme can be a total bust if I don't set the plant up for success by amending the soil with plenty of sand and pea gravel to minimize the effects of excessive moisture. Thyme is evergreen in most zones, but when it really gets cold I try to cover it with frost blankets to preserve the foliage and help the plants winter over. The more thyme you use, the more it grows. When cutting it, be sure to leave at least five inches of growth so the plant can flourish. I think you'll find growing herbs to be very rewarding. The thing to remember about herbs is that the more you clip them back and use them, the more delicious leaves they'll produce. May 2018 • | 51

May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month By Tejesh Patel, MD, FAAD, Department Chair at UTHSC Dermatology

According to the American Academy of Dermatology, skin cancer is the most common cancer in the United States, and everyone – no matter your skin color – is at risk. One in five Americans will develop skin cancer in their lifetime, and more than 9,500 people are diagnosed with skin cancer every day. Each year, there are more new diagnoses of skin cancer than breast, prostate, lung and colon cancer combined. Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is the most common type of skin cancer, with an estimated four million cases per year. Although it rarely spreads or is fatal, it can be disfiguring and debilitating, if left untreated. Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is the second most common type, with an estimated one million cases per year. It spreads more commonly than BCC, but has a good prognosis if diagnosed and treated early. Nearly half of all people who live to be age 65 will be diagnosed with either BCC or SCC. Melanoma is the third most common, with over 87,000 new cases per year. The incidence of melanoma has doubled from 1982 to 2011 in the United States. The vast majority of deaths from skin cancer are due to melanoma, with one person dying of melanoma every hour. In people of color, melanoma is often diagnosed at later stages, when the disease is more advanced.

Risk Factors: Skin cancer is caused by a combination of damage from the sun and genetics. Risk factors include ultra-violet (UV) light exposure from sunlight or indoor tanning beds; severe sunburns; having light-colored skin, hair or freckles; increasing age; and a family history of skin cancer. Signs and Symptoms: Early detection is very important to help prevent and treat skin cancer, and both patients and doctors play an important role. Skin cancers often present on sun-exposed areas as painful, oozing, rough, itchy, bleeding new or changing lesions. Melanoma can present as a new mole or a change in the color, size, or shape of a pre-existing mole. Of note, skin cancer in people of color is often found on areas of the body that are not typically exposed to the sun. If you experience or notice any new or changing growths, especially dark-colored spots, you should have them evaluated by your doctor. Prevention & Detection: Prevention is vital in the management of skin cancer. Protection from the UV light of the sun is very important. Seek shade during peak sun hours (10am to 2pm). If you are in the sun, always wear sunscreen and protective clothing. You should use sunscreen that is SPF 30 or higher, broad spectrum, and water-resistant. When you are outdoors, you should apply sunscreen 30 minutes before you go outside and then re-apply every 2 hours, even on cloudy days, and after you swim or sweat. Protective clothing includes long-sleeve shirts, pants, and wide-brimmed hats. In addition, it is very important to avoid both outdoor and indoor tanning. People who tan have a 20 percent risk of melanoma and are 2.5 times more likely to develop SCC or BCC. Lastly, examine your skin regularly. If you notice anything new, changing, itching, or bleeding on your skin, have it evaluated by your doctor. Treatment: BCC and SCC are highly curable if detected early and treated properly. Treatment may include small surgical procedures or topical creams. Treatment of melanoma depends on how early it is detected and how far it has spread. If caught early, before it spreads to lymph nodes, cure and survival rates are close to 95 percent. Treatment at this stage is surgery. However, if it spreads to other parts of the body, survival rates are much lower. When this occurs, patients and their physicians will decide on the best treatment option based on the stage of their disease, tumor characteristics, and risks and benefits of each treatment. Currently, there are many new and exciting treatment options that are being developed and improving survival in melanoma. The important thing is to get checked. At UT Dermatology, our board-certified dermatologists have expertise in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases of the hair, skin and nails. Our physician-led team has specialized training in evaluating and treating a variety of skin conditions and are available for appointments within days. Call us at 901.866.8805 to schedule your dermatology appointment TODAY! 52 | At Home Memphis & Mid South • May 2018

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Text by Alice Fugate Photos courtesy of Ali Harper Photography | Breanne Clowdus | J. Ashley Photography | Serenbe 54 | At Home Memphis & Mid South • May 2018



A Breath of Fresh Air

If you’ve ever imagined completely changing your lifestyle, Serenbe, Georgia, is the perfect place to give back-to-nature living a try. It’s a sustainable community located just outside Atlanta where nature is central to everything...a place where people know their neighbors. A place where you can pick blueberries while you walk along the hiking paths, stargaze, watch a play, sit around a fire, listen to a lecture or enjoy live music. May 2018 • | 55

getaway Steve and Marie Nygren founded the little town in 2004 to protect the land of the Chattahoochee Hill Country they so loved. The couple believes that connection to nature leads to a more fulfilled life, and they work to make Serenbe a place that's dedicated to nature, the arts, community and creativity. The town’s four hamlets offer opportunities to live permanently in Serenbe, make it a weekend home, or simply visit for a short getaway. Read on for a guide to a weekend in Serenbe—see what this little country utopia with city-style amenities is all about.

The Blue Eyed Daisy

The Hill

Farm-Fresh Only Only the most farm-fresh and organic fare is served in Serenbe. The Blue Eyed Daisy, one of the development’s first restaurants, sits in the heart of the community and makes a perfect spot for people to gather around a table. It’s a restaurant and coffee shop ideal for getting some work done or meeting up with friends. The menu includes farm-to-table breakfast, lunch, a Taco Tuesday night and a meat-and-three dinner. The mouth-watering array of baked goods includes award-winning cupcakes. The Hill is defined by refined simplicity: farm-fresh, organic food sourced from the Serenbe Farms in a friendly yet upscale-style atmosphere. Browse the menu for perennial favorites like gulf crab fritters, okra straws, braised rabbit with tagliatelle pasta, and Bartlett pear frangipane tart. Other eateries scattered throughout Serenbe include Bamboo Juice (juice shop), Yumi Sushi (sushi bar), the Farmhouse at Serenbe (another amazing, casual farm-fresh fare restaurant), and the General Store (a grocery with a selection of fine wine and craft beer—and wine tastings). 56 | At Home Memphis & Mid South • May 2018

The Inn at Serenbe

The Inn (and out) at Serenbe Minutes from the Atlanta’s Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport, the Inn at Serenbe is lovely and comfortable. And, typical of its community, the outdoor amenities coax guests into the open air. The grounds feature two pools and a cabana, an animal village, miles of hiking trails and meadows, a croquet lawn, and swings and rocking chairs for true relaxation.

The General Store

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Artistic Endeavors Not only a place to feed the body well, Serenbe also provides nourishment for the soul through nature, arts, education and, of course, shopping. Indulge yourself at the Proper Hair Salon or The Spa at Serenbe. Your four-legged traveling companions can get pampered at Combs and Collars. Stop in at The Ballog, an artisans’ market full of locally made accessories, art, home goods, bath products, baby gifts and greeting cards. On Saturday mornings from May to October the Serenbe Farmers Market sells not only delectable local produce, but also a wide assortment of arts and crafts made in the area. Take in a performance by the Serenbe Playhouse. Outdoor presentations (rain or shine) seek to keep with the spirit of Serenbe by connecting art, community and nature. Check the theater’s online schedule at to see what’s playing when you visit. Recent productions have included Sleepy Hollow, The Snow Queen, Peter Pan and Titanic: the Musical. For more inspiring entertainment, check out the Art Farm at Serenbe’s Art Over Dinner series with a lineup of Atlanta-based performing and fine artists who interact with the audience over dinner. Upcoming events this spring include the annual Spring Trail Race (5k or 15k) through the beautiful Chattahoochee hills, as well as the community’s biggest event of the season: the May Day Festival. It is a day to celebrate Serenbe’s locally made, arts-and-nature-inspired music, food, shopping and entertainment. This is just a sampling of the plethora of opportunities available to enjoy in Serenbe. Fitness enthusiasts can ride bikes or practice yoga, arts aficionados will want to take in a film showing or participate in art classes; and those seeking educational enrichment will appreciate the town’s frequent lectures and children’s programs.

The Spa at Serenbe

Spring Trail Race 58 | At Home Memphis & Mid South • May 2018

Serenbe Playhouse


May Day Festival

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Splendid Safari Singita Style Text by Terry Beaty | Photos courtesy of Regency Travel

Singita Lebombo Lodge May 2018 • | 63

travel experience this Cape Grace

I recently visited Africa, along with two friends. When planning our trip we wanted to find a program which would afford us the most diversity in a limited eight-day visit, so we focused solely on one country, South Africa. The southernmost country on the African continent is immense and bordered on the south by the Atlantic and Indian Oceans and on the north by Namibia, Botswana and Zimbabwe. The landscape varies from mountains to winelands producing world-class vintages to major cities like Johannesburg, Cape Town, Port Elizabeth and Durban to lovely beaches and the huge Kruger National Park, famous for its abundant game and safari camps. We did not want to miss anything, but time would not allow us to experience all of South Africa. We selected Cape Town and Winelands combined for the first four days and focused on big game viewing for the latter part of our trip. We were not disappointed in our decision. Getting there was time consuming; the flights were long and required a connection and layover. Travel added two days in each direction and stretched our eight-day trip to 12 days. South Africa’s second largest city, Cape Town is most famous for its beautiful harbor and the imposing flat-topped Table Mountain which overlooks the city. Cape Town is the home of the South African Parliament and is the cultural and business hub of what is called the Western Cape region. Cape Grace Pool

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Hotels old and new abound in Cape Town. The 28-room Silo, with its amazing architecture and abstract furnishings, is the newest on the famous Victoria & Alfred Waterfront. The beautiful Cape Grace Hotel has been a favorite for international dignitaries and luxury travelers for years. The elegantly appointed rooms face Table Mountain or the V&A Waterfront, bustling with cafes, restaurants, shops and a museum. After two nights at the Cape Grace Hotel, touring the sights and indulging in the great cuisine for which Cape Town has become famous, a visit to the famous Winelands just south of the city became our quest. Only an hour and a half drive from the city we found vineyards as far as the eye could see. The hilly countryside is ideal for grape growth and wine production. Beautiful wineries and estates, some with fine restaurants on the property overlooking manicured vineyards, welcome visitors to discover their products. The small, picturesque towns of Stellenbosch, known for its popular university and quaint shops, and Franschhoek (French Corner), with its ancient vineyards and artists’ galleries, have become the country’s food and wine capitals. Both towns feature classic Cape Dutch architecture. Lunch at La Petite Colombe in the center of Franschhoek at the Quartier Francais Hotel was a special treat. At the end of the day, it was time to return to Cape Town and prepare to depart for our safari. May 2018 • | 65


A two-hour flight to Kruger National Park in the northeast of South Africa was followed by a short hop on a 10-passenger aircraft to Sabi Sand Reserve, the site of the first lodge built by luxury safari operator Singita. Since Ebony Lodge opened its doors in 1993 the company has added four lodges in Sabi Sand and Kruger National Park as well as a private-use home for family or corporate events. The properties are located in pristine wilderness areas, and Singita is dedicated to maintaining the ecosystem for future generations, as is evident in their statement of purpose: “to conserve, preserve, and protect the miraculous places of which they are the custodians.” Upon landing at Singita’s private air strip at Sabi Sand Reserve, it was evident that our arrival was expected. Johan, our guide and driver, and George, our game tracker, were waiting in a deluxe open-air Land Rover safari vehicle. They transferred our luggage from the aircraft and we set off through the bush to the Boulders Lodge, our camp for the next two nights. Overlooking the game-rich Sand River, the lodge has only 12 suites. Each is elegantly appointed with floor-to-ceiling glass, handmade furniture, fireplace, private plunge pool, indoor and outdoor showers, sheepskin rugs, private bath with freestanding tub in the middle of the room and personalized toiletries. Each suite is private with unobstructed views of the Sand River. The safari starts from the suite; watching wildlife from the private deck is unforgettable. Impala, elephants, hippos and leopards come to the river for water or for play. Singita Boulders Lodge Room

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At Boulders, the focus is to please and to make sure all guests receive above and beyond their expectations. Everything is included: gourmet meals, all drinks, game drives and intense personalized service from the most accommodating staff. Singita Lodges are one of the largest South African purchasers of wines and famous for their wine cellars. Wines and spirits are included in every stay, as are tastings, cooking demonstrations and local handicraft displays. There is something for everyone’s taste. The real reason for coming to the bush, though, is wildlife viewing. The object of going on a safari is to see the Big Five (leopards, lions, rhinos, elephants and Cape buffalos). It is almost certain that visitors to Boulders will encounter all five on two daily game drives, one in the early morning before breakfast and one in the late afternoon in order to maximize sightings of animal activity. Shortly after leaving the lodge, we saw a young male leopard, and we soon encountered three rhinos in the underbrush. Within 10 minutes we were surrounded by a herd of elephants slowly moving toward the river. As we drove across a shallow part of the river we interrupted several hippos submerged in the water. Just before dusk, as we continued into the savannah plains, we witnessed a pride of 13 lions aggressively enjoying a fresh dinner of wildebeest. The highlight of the next morning’s game drive was a sighting of a large Cape buffalo in a small watering hole. Game is abundant everywhere, and thanks to our talented and accommodating driver and tracker, we had the views of a lifetime. After our two nights at Sabi Sands and Singita Boulders Lodge, we flew to Singita Lebombo Lodge in another part of Kruger National Park, near the border of Mozambique. Here we spent our last two days in the bush. The lodge’s 15 steel-and-glass suites suites hang from a cliff overlooking the N’wanetsi River. The facility was built to minimize the impact to the land and environment. Once again, we were fortunate to have spectacular game viewing right from the suites. Watching herds of elephants bathing and spraying each other with water and listening to their trumpet sounds was thrilling. How amazing it is being eye to eye with wild game in their natural habitat! Experiencing the wonders of the African wilderness is magical and memorable.

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travel Lebombo created the Singita School of Cooking in this area to encourage the development of skills and to provide job training for local people. Singita has made a commitment to nearby communities to save the pristine sites on its properties for generations to come. The locals who work for Singita live on the outskirts of the reserves. Singita operates 12 lodges in five regions of three different countries in Africa: South Africa, Zimbabwe and Tanzania. Next year Singita Kwitonda Lodge will debut in the cloud forests of Volcanoes National Park of Rwanda. The company’s owners hope the lodge will have a distinct positive impact on the survival of the world’s endangered gorillas.

N'wanetsi River 68 | At Home Memphis & Mid South • May 2018

For more information about Africa and safaris, call the travel advisors at Regency Travel, Inc., at 901.682.9065 or visit

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experience this

Discovery Park of America Text and photos courtesy of Mary Nita Bondurant

The summer 2018 is shaping up to be full of educational opportunities and new activities at Discovery Park of America in Union City, TN. The park recently hit the milestone of one million visitors in its first four years, and organizers say their goal is to continue to give people a reason to visit by offering new and different experiences. Several highlights this summer should create a buzz in the region, according to CEO Jim Rippy. “We have new opportunities through both our education and event departments and we plan to help people get around the grounds easier by adding trolleys.” The Old Jewish Cemetery 70 | At Home Memphis & Mid South • May 2018

experience this EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES For the first time, Discovery Park of America is offering summer camps for children. Four distinct and different summer camps are in the works, including a one-day session on July 7 called “Minecraft.” Educational Specialist Russell Orr says that children ages eight to 12 will have the opportunity to see things come to life that they have experienced playing the popular game. July 10-13 the park will offer LEGO Camp. Open to children ages six and up, camp hours are 9 a.m.-5 p.m. each day. Storytelling Camps for children six and up are scheduled for July 17-20. Two sessions are available: 9-11 a.m. and 3-5 p.m. The final summer camp will focus on all things dinosaur. Geared for children ages six to nine, this camp will run July 24-27 from 9-11 a.m. Park members

receive a discount on fees. Camp spaces are limited in number, so parents should sign up early to insure availability. Additional information can be found on the park’s website. Educational Director Polly Brasher says the park presents educational offerings monthly including Saturday Morning Science, Family Education Series classes, Kids Create art classes, Stargazing and weekend-long events like Civil War Days and Military Living History. “Discovery Park offers parents and grandparents the perfect opportunity to foster learning in a fun environment this summer,” Brasher says. “In addition to the website, we have an Annual Calendar of Events that we are happy to mail to anyone who requests it.”

SPECIAL EVENTS Discovery Park’s featured exhibit this summer, “The Science of Rock N Roll,” is sponsored by local TV and radio stations KBSI and WTPR. The interactive display highlights the technology that has created the music since the early 1950s. Guests can experience the production studio and play instruments as they learn about the technology behind rock n roll. This exhibit will be open 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Tuesdays through Sundays all summer. New for 2018 is the members-only Park after Dark set for June 15. Event Director Lauren Jones says this fun evening will be worth the price of a membership. “It is a rare opportunity to experience Discovery Park of America at night. We will make it extra fun for families by having all the special attractions open: bounce houses, unique food options and special treats throughout the park that night.” Other summer events include:

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experience this May 4: Movies on the Lawn May 5: Elton Dan Concert May 12: Cardboard Boat Regatta May 12: Froggy Idol Contest May 17: Singer Songwriter Night May 24: VIP Dinner for Science of Rock N Roll May 25-28: Military Living History May 28: $10 Admission for Memorial Day June 15: Members Only Park after Dark June 23: Fourth Annual Car Show June 30: FROGGY Concert

July 4: $10 Day, Music and Fireworks July 13: Illusionist Dinner July 21: Bicycle Parade Day July 28: Southern Nights Rockin’ Out at the Museum August 4: Second Annual Antique Tractor Show August 11: Food Trucks at the Park August 18: Rockin’ through the Ages September 3: Labor Day September 15: The Great American Airshow September 15: Cornfest Concert September 17: Cornfest Fashion Show

Located on the grounds at Discovery Park are a Log Libation Station is open every Thursday evening, 6-9 p.m., at the Train Bar, with different food featured each Cabin Settlement, Ag Center, Mill Ridge, European garden, week, live entertainment and a cash bar. Admission is free. Japanese garden, American garden, chapel, antique full-size train exhibit, Freedom Square and lovely venues for parties Discovery Park memberships are $30 for children and weddings. “We consistently receive a five-star rating on ages four to 12 and $60 for ages 13 and up. “The annual TripAdvisor. If anyone is traveling in the area, it is absolutely membership offers unlimited general admission into the a must-do experience! They need to plan to spend the entire park,” Rippy explains, “and with the new half-million dollar day at the park, and they still won’t see it all,” Rippy says. Children’s Discovery Garden, this is a great place to spend the summer if you have children.”

The park’s mission is to educate children and adults and help them see beyond their current level of knowledge. Discovery Center is the flagship of the campus, along with nine distinct galleries: Natural History, Regional History, Enlightenment, Transportation, Energy, Military, Native Americans, Children’s Exploration, and Science Space & Technology. The facility also features an Earthquake Simulator, Starship Theater and the popular Observation Tower inside Discovery Center. 72 | At Home Memphis & Mid South • May 2018

Discovery Park of America is located at 830 Everett Blvd. in Union City, TN. For the park’s complete 2018 calendar, including upcoming events, visit the website at

Open Tuesdays through Sundays 10 a.m.-5 p.m., the attraction is a unique blend of history, science, architecture, art and fun.

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experience this

Oxford is Rolling Out the Green Carpet! This Memorial Day Weekend Tour “The Most Beautiful Campus” with Ole Miss Landscaping Director Jeff McManus Text by Maggie Chambers | Photos courtesy of Rosie Vassallo

With over 10,000 colorful seasonal flowers and an array of magnificent trees spread across 1,000 acres, the University of Mississippi boasts an award-winning campus that brings people from far and wide to visit the town of Oxford. Ole Miss Landscaping Director Jeff McManus is rolling out the green carpet at an event this month designed to demonstrate the way to achieve the most beautiful yard in the neighborhood, with less work. The Oxford-Lafayette County Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring the three-day Landscaping Camp, set for Memorial Day weekend, May 2527. The event will feature professional landscaping speakers and exclusive tours of famous local residences, including the late William Faulkner’s house. It will surely ignite the inner gardener in everyone, even those who lack a green thumb. Photo courtesy of University Communications. 74 | At Home Memphis & Mid South • May 2018

experience this wedding

National Championships The Ole Miss Landscape Services Department calls their awards their “national championships,” and so far they have garnered four—most recently having been honored by Newsweek magazine as “The Most Beautiful Campus.” The distinctions demonstrate how McManus has turned the university into a five-star campus. Using his mantra, “Work Smarter, Not Harder,” McManus has created award-winning beauty, and now he’s ready to teach campers how to do the same. The agenda includes the master’s tips on his famous skill, pruning. “We will be learning how to grow and prune the most beautiful roses and azaleas,” he shares.

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experience this

Cutting Garden Joining McManus will be Donna Yowell, president of the Mississippi Urban Forest Council, who specializes in cut flower gardening. Her store in Jackson, MS, became one of the first shops to sell loose stems of cut flowers. She also created the first public cut flower mini farm, which was developed to provide flowers for the Mississippi Governor’s Mansion. Her topics will include cut flower gardening and selecting the right plant material. Using expertise from her 35 years in agriculture, Yowell will share her knowledge on how to have beautiful fresh-cut flowers in your home anytime.

Text and photo courtesy of Brad Pitts 76 | At Home Memphis & Mid South • May 2018

Garden Mama Nellie Neal is a garden guru and she shares her knowledge with the world on her radio show, The Garden Mama. A certified Master Gardener who has published five gardening books, Neal continues to share as much of her knowledge as she can. At the landscape camp she will discuss her secrets to success with container gardens. Container gardening is a great option for small spaces, or to add color and variety to a larger garden. Neal’s garden party will help campers develop their own beautiful container gardens to add color and personality to any space.

Down South The managing director of Southern Foodways Alliance, Melissa Booth Hall, will also be featured at the camp, speaking about the connections between Southern garden, Southern food and Southern larder. Hall will help attendees learn more about the farm-to-table movement and how to implement it for everyday lifestyles.

House Tours Join Ed Croom, a retired botanist from Ole Miss and the author of “The Land of Rowan Oak, an Exploration of Faulkner’s Natural World,” for a unique, in-depth tour of Rowan Oak. Learn about how Faulkner lived in the historic home and experience the beauty of the famous trees surrounding the property. Campers will also tour the magnificent Scruggs estate, where the landscaping is maintained by McManus.

For more information on registration, the event schedule or hotel information, please visit

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On Monday, March 19, a reception was held in support of Diane Black’s campaign for governor. Hosted by several supporters at the Memphis National Golf Club in Collierville, guests enjoyed food and drinks while they got to know Diane Black and more about the gubernatorial candidate and her platform.

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Ann Stimson Harrison Benefield September 3, 2017 Charleston, South Carolina Parents of the Bride: Kitty & Buddy Stimson Parents of the Groom: Susie & Jim Benefield 80 | At Home Memphis & Mid South • May 2018



Event Planner: Fox Events Wedding & Reception: The Lowndes Grove Plantation in Charleston, SC Rehearsal Dinner: The Warren Room at The Westendorff Photographer: Reese Moore Weddings Videographer: Frank Guy of Francis West Studios Florist: Fox Events & Kitty Stimson Caterer & Baker: Patrick Properties Group Wedding Dress: Monique Lhuillier Bridesmaids' Dresses: Bella Bridesmaids Hair & Makeup: Lashes and Lace Invitations: Dodeline Design Band/Entertainment: 2nd Coming Tent & Rentals: Snyder Events

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ROYAL WEDDING WATCH PARTY Event Design and Text by Ginni Jones | Floral Design by Angela Mazanti | Photography by Anna Haley

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Royal wedding invitation got lost in the mail? Host your own royal wedding watch party that even Her Royal Highness, the Queen would approve of! Mark your calendar for May 19, when Meghan Markle will marry Prince Harry. It’s an event you won’t want to miss. Set your alarm, grab your ladies in waiting and enjoy a posh breakfast to celebrate the royal nuptials.

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LET THEM EAT CAKE It is never too early to have dessert, especially if wedding cake is involved! Laura Jackson of the Flour Garden provided the perfect cake for the event. Simple yet sophisticated, it was a lovely addition to the royal wedding watch party brunch. Also on the menu for dessert was a donut tower made from Gibson’s powdered sugar and glazed donut holes mixed with fresh strawberries. A donut tower is always fun to include on a party table, especially at brunch, when it provides part of both the decor and the menu!

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FIT FOR A QUEEN The decor was simple, yet fun. The table was decorated with a moss runner topped with white and glass platters. The biscuit bar was set on a long breadboard, a perfect fit for all the toppings. The fruit tray brought bright colors into the mix, but the main pop of color came from the whimsical and bright floral arrangements by Angela Mazanti. As soon as the royal wedding date was set, we started collecting an assortment of tea tins from England —all the perfect size for the arrangements. Mazanti used a mix of peach ranunculus, white sweet pea, orange Dutch tulips, colorful poppies, roses and blooming spirea branches. Fascinators from England were scattered along the table, perfect for guests to don for the ceremony.

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dining out entertaining

TEA TIME The noon wedding will take place in Windsor, England, and due to the six-hour time difference, we devised a menu perfect for an early (and we mean early) brunch. A biscuit bar complete with a variety of spreads started the morning off right. Fresh fruit with a ricotta wildflower honey dip, spinach and white cheddar quiche, black peppered bacon, ham, parmesan and rosemary scones, and mini chicken and waffle skewers finished off the menu. An assortment of tea was served, accompanied by the essentials: cream, sugar cubes and honey sticks. And, of course, a mimosa bar provided the perfect beverage to toast the newlyweds.

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DRESS THE PART It’s important to let your guests be comfortable and since this party involves such an early wake up call, why not let the attire be pajama chic? And tell attendees not to forget their slippers! Guests will have fun completing their ensembles with oh-soBritish fascinators scattered throughout the decor. May 2018 • | 89

dining out

South Main Market

One of the hottest new food trends of the moment has debuted in the Bluff City. South Main Market, located at 409 South Main, brings food hall dining to downtown Memphis. The family-friendly concept provides enough variety to satisfy the pickiest of eaters and to intrigue the most adventurous. Vendors range from a full-service restaurant to a quaint coffee bar.


emphis transplants Justin Dyer and his parents, Rebecca and Steve Dyer, were inspired by the popular Chelsea Market in New York City and Reading Terminal Market in Philadelphia. They knew something similar could be successful in Memphis”all that was needed was to find the perfect location. “We were doing market research and narrowing it down to one zip code,” Justin says. “We walked into the building and fell in love. It was a lot of space, but we knew it was perfect.” The multi-level building is laid out with Civil Pour, a full-service bar, on the first level, along with ample seating and lounge space. Other vendors occupy the second story, with more seating on the third floor. The Dyers realized the beauty of the circa 1913 building’s antique craftsmanship, and made sure to preserve historical details including the hardwood flooring and exposed brick. The new elements they added maintain the venue’s historic charm and add to its urban chic aesthetic. The mix of vendors offers an eclectic blend of local favorites and new ventures. Cooper-Young coffeehouse Java Cabana’s new second location at South Main Market specializes in fair-trade coffee, vegan drinks and pastries. 90 | At Home Memphis & Mid South • May 2018

Text by Lee McAllister Photos courtesy of The South Main Market

Longtime East Memphis fixture City East Bagel & Grille has also expanded to South Main Market with the freshly made bagels and traditional Jewish deli offerings that made the original such a hit. Open daily at 3 p.m., Civil Pour is a fullservice bar with an impressive menu of craft cocktails and local craft beers.

dining out

South Main Market is also home to a unique three-in-one venture run by up-and-coming local chef Cole Jeanes. Jeanes studied at L’Ecole Culinaire and has lent his skills to Acre Restaurant and Hog & Hominy and helped open Porcellino’s Craft Butcher. “ I’m thrilled to have my first restaurants in South Main Market,” Jeanes says in a press release. “Food halls are enticing and affordable options for chefs who want their own space but perhaps not the risk of a stand-alone restaurant. Plus, I’m able to explore entirely different concepts at once.” Jeanes, Kinfolk and Magnolia, which Jeanes developed in culinary school, can all be found in one booth. Kinfolk’s menu is available for breakfast and lunch. Jeanes takes

traditional country cooking and elevates it with delicious homemade biscuits. The Coop Le Fleur is the ultimate breakfast sandwich; starting with a biscuit, it includes fried chicken, gravy and a two-egg omelet. The Magnolia menu in contrast features a variety of handmade gyoza (pan-fried dumplings) and Asian-inspired small plates, all made with fresh local ingredients. South Main Market’s Facebook page highlights the different pop-up shops the venue hosts monthly, as well as its calendar of events including Trolley Night, the last Friday of every month. The facility is available for party rentals, with the vendors providing catering for a turnkey event planning experience.

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happy hour


The White Rose I’m a sap for a delicious spritz any time, but even more so once the weather starts turning warm. It’s a simple drink to construct, yet the flavors can be surprisingly complex with just a few ingredients. It’s also the perfect aperitif cocktail to get your digestive juices flowing before a meal with family or guests. Cheers!

Recipe and photo courtesy of Brad Pitts



• 1oz. whole vanilla bean infused Old Dominick Vodka*

• Fill a large Collins glass or wine glass with ice and add measured ingredients.

• 1oz. Solerno Blood Orange Liqueur

• Top with tonic or other fizzy water of your choosing.

• 1oz. St-Germain Elderflower Liqueur • Fever-Tree Tonic

• Gently stir and garnish with fresh orange, raspberries or other fruit.

*To infuse vodka, add one whole vanilla bean to a 750 ml or one-liter bottle of vodka and let it sit for a week. Also, you may substitute any vanilla vodka if you have a favorite. 92 | At Home Memphis & Mid South • May 2018

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in the kitchen

Weekday Ribs People in Memphis take their barbecue seriously. In fact, many have perfected it to an art form. I am not here to argue that “low and slow” (the mantra for cooking ribs in the South) is not the best, but the reality is that I just don’t have time to tend to the grill for hours on a busy weeknight. By baking the ribs in the oven first, you take the guesswork out of making flavorful and tender ribs.

By Jennifer Chandler Excerpted from Simply Grilling by Jennifer Chandler Photo by Justin Fox Burks Food Styling by Jennifer Chandler 94 | At Home Memphis & Mid South • May 2018

Ingredients • ¼ cup yellow mustard • ¼ cup barbecue dry rub seasoning • 2 slabs pork baby back ribs (about 3 to 4 lbs. total) • Vegetable oil, for grates • 1 ½ cups barbecue sauce Directions Preheat oven to 300°F. Place each slab of ribs on a double layer of aluminum foil. Evenly slather both sides with the mustard. Generously season the ribs with the dry rub. Tightly wrap each slab of ribs in the foil and place on a baking sheet. Cook until meat pulls away from the bone and is easily pierced with the tip of a sharp knife, 1 to 1½ hours. Preheat a clean grill to mediumhigh with the lid closed for 8 to 10 minutes. Lightly brush the grates with oil. Carefully remove ribs from foil, pouring off any liquid. Brush the barbecue sauce generously on both sides of the ribs. Place the ribs on the grill. Close the lid and cook the ribs until sauce begins to bubble and brown around the edges, about 4 to 5 minutes per side. Serve ribs with extra sauce, if desired. Serves 4. Cooking Tip: For Memphis-style dry ribs, leave off the barbecue sauce and add extra dry rub prior to grilling the ribs. May 2018 • | 95

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Sources 16 | AT HOME WITH


Special thanks - Rhea Crenshaw and Miller Crenshaw Cowen

Special thanks - The South Main Market

632 South Perkins Road Memphis, TN 38117

409 South Main Street Memphis, TN 38103 901.341.3838



Special thanks - Michelle Johns

Special thanks - Brad Pitts 98 | ON A GOOD NOTE 30 | HOME FEATURE

Special thanks - Patti Yancey

Special thanks - Kimberly Bacon

Kindred Spirit Style 7040 Highway 64 Oakland, TN 38060 901.235.6945

Easy Living Interiors 901.605.2537 40 | DESIGN Special thanks - Mike Southern Screens Inc. 901.758.2121 84 | ENTERTAINING Special thanks Flowers - Angela Mazanti Angela Mazanti Event Design Flowers - Garden District 5040 Sanderline, Ste. 110 Memphis, TN 38119 Cake - The Flour Garden 4370 Poplar Ave #3 Memphis, TN 38117

May 2018 • | 97

on a good note

Give Back Bags

“Kindred Spirit Style “ Text by Lee McAlister | Photos courtesy of Kindred Spirit Style

For Patti Yancey, Kindred Spirit Style started as a dream and a way to generate income after she lost her job. Little did she know that in creating work for herself she was starting a business that would benefit the larger community. Yancey designs a line of bags, hats, bows and aprons and a team of local seamstresses assembles the product from recycled and discontinued upholstery fabric that Yancey sources. From the beginning, Yancey has found ways to give back through Kindred Spirit from its inception, but recently she started dedicating part of the proceeds from sales of the compan’s Give Back Bag to a different charity every month. Yancey turned to Facebook to ask her customers and fans what charities they would like to support. “I didn’t want to have a bunch of meetings to decide what we were going to do,” she says. “I wanted our fans to be the ones to choose the charities. When (the post) got almost 10,000 views we knew we were onto something. Since then Kindred Spirit’s supporters have chosen a different charity each month to receive five dollars from the sale of each Give Back Bag. The first recipient was Fayette Cares, an organization that provides shelter for abused women and children. They’ve also chosen the Carl Perkins Center, a safe house for children who have experienced abuse and neglect, and Goats for Uganda, a charity that gives a goat to a widow to provide sustenance and the ability to be self-reliant. The May Give Back Bag will benefit the new West Tennessee Veterans Home. This month’s limited edition bag is made with remnant fabric from another charity that makes flags for veterans’ funerals. Yancey moved to Memphis when she was 16 and has been here ever since. Designing bags started out as a hobby, then when she lost her corporate job she made the decision turn her pastime into a career. “I just needed to do something,” Yancey recalls. “What I ended up doing was creating jobs for others. Now we have a team of up to 20 ladies who sew from home and do as much or as little as they wish, giving them the freedom to make money and live their lives the way they want to.” Yancey sells her designs out of her store in Oakland as well as at trade shows across the South. One of the things she is most proud of is the family atmosphere she’s cultivated with her brand and in her store. Customers and employees are treated like family and encouraged to live by Kindred Spirit Style’s tagline, “Freedom, fellowship, fearless living.” “After working in the corporate world,” Yancey says. “I wanted to get away from everything being about money. I always wanted to empower others to live their life to the fullest, whether that be my staff or our customers.” Giving back has always been a large part Yancey’s goal for Kindred Spirit Style. She provides her products to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital at half price for them to sell in their gift store and  holiday catalogue. “This is not just about making a bag,” she says. “I’s about making a difference in people’s lives.” For more on Kindred Spirit Style at the Oakland store located at 7040 U.S. Hwy. 64, on their website,, and social media, or visit them at the Collierville Fair on the Square, May 5-6. 98 | At Home Memphis & Mid South • May 2018

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