Strategic Edge - January 2021

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THE STRATEGIC EDGE ASP's monthly update on strategy news, tools, resources and upcoming events January 2021

NEWSLETTER OVERVIEW Board Perspectives ASP Annual Conference Update Announcements Upcoming Events Strategic Stockmal Certification Corner Meet the Members Click here to visit the website.




ASP Strategy Management – Taking the Mission to the Next Level – Thanks to Our Volunteers By Denise McNerney, ASP Board President What is a professional association if it is not all about its vision and mission, members and the value proposition? And how better to manifest this than through the entire strategy management cycle. Particularly given the fact that this is the Association for Strategic Planning, I believe we must role model an exemplary process of ongoing strategy management. In July 2020, the Board of Directors began a review and revision of our strategic plan, including a strategic decision to explicitly put a stake in the ground that we shall be the standard bearer for strategy, and re-articulated our vision and mission: Vision: Be the global standard bearer for organizational transformation and success through strategy. Mission: Lead and support people and organizations through the promotion of a holistic approach to strategy management and by setting standards for strategy through thought leadership, professional development and certification. Furthermore, we restructured our strategic plan content under the following pillars: Mission Driven Pillars: 1. Thought Leadership: Create and curate relevant theory and practice, introduce high-level and innovative strategic thinking and approaches, and create new knowledge and high-impact tools. 2. Professional Development: Deepen ASP’s content offerings, expanding the value ASP brings to members, and continuing to use this information as an opportunity to connect with potential members and leaders in the strategy field. 3. Member Experience: Offer worldwide and local networks where people share experiential knowledge and ideas in strategy. 4. Certification: Establish a high level of quality and consistency within the fields of strategic planning and management so that strategic planners and those responsible for developing and deploying strategy can assist organizations in meeting and exceeding the challenges of the 21st century. Foundational Pillar: 5. Foundation: Financial Sustainability/Operational Excellence/People: Deliver value and impact for our members through operational efficiency, transparency and stewardship. Keep an eye out for an upcoming communication with more details about the plan and our ongoing process of strategy management. One of the most successful approaches to make this all come to life is through members serving members. This is where our incredible volunteers come into play. And we are seeing a surge of volunteerism perhaps greater than ever before at ASP! There is a new infused energy across a larger group of engaged members that has advanced a number of initiatives into new territories that are helping ASP further our vision and mission, as well as our value proposition. As we move into 2021, I’d like to take this opportunity to give a huge shout out to all the volunteers who have led and carried out the critical work needed to make this all come together, positioning ASP for an incredibly successful path to the future. ASP could not carry on its important work with these incredible folks. The following acknowledges those members who have given of their time and expertise to advance our strategic pillars and initiatives. Click here to read more.




SAVE THE DATE ASP’s 2021 Virtual Conference May 19-21, 2021 Registration is opening soon‌ CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION

If you have any questions about our call for presenters or registration please contact: Martha Feenstra at or 1-844-345-2828 x 239 If you have any questions about marketing or sponsorship please contact: Lorien McMahon at or 1-844-345-2828 x 240



ASP’s 2020 Virtual Conference Series This is your last chance to purchase an ‘All Access Pass’ to ASP’s 2020 Virtual Conference Series presentations. This package includes 18 hours of workshops, keynotes, Q&A’s and deep dive masterclasses presented at ASP’s 2020 Virtual Conference Series. Content can be viewed on demand at any time between now and March 31, 2021. Purchase for as little as just $209.00 USD for individual registration and $749.00 USD for groups of up to 5 people.


Check out who presented at the ASP Virtual Conference Series! CONFERENCE AGENDA

Thank You to our 2020 Virtual Conference Series Sponsors PLATINUM







ANNOUNCEMENTS ASP Government Community of Practice Update The Government Community of Practice (CoP) is continuing to explore the best ways to bring knowledge sharing, learning, and networking to the government strategic planning community. In December, Woody Stanley pilot tested an approach for bringing strategic planning research to the CoP. Woody distilled and shared the article, Does Strategic Planning Improve Organizational Performance? A Meta‐Analysis by Bert George, Richard M. Walker, and Joost Monster (2019). The session was well-received, with participants citing the usefulness of having current, in-depth research presented in a digestible way. Woody will present the article to the full CoP in February (date TBD) and we will gather feedback from the CoP on the broad value of this kind of research sharing. On January 27 at 1:30 PM (ET) the Gov CoP will host our next webinar. Ted Sienknecht and Andy Dziewulski will present “Extending Enterprise Strategy Through Public-Private Partnerships”. If you would like to join or become more involved with the Gov CoP, please contact Jennie Benjamins. We are interested in your ideas.

NEW - Volunteer Recognition Program ASP wants to celebrate our volunteers! If you have a story to share, whether a firsthand experience, or a time when a volunteer you know went above and beyond, let us know! Please submit the volunteer’s name, day job and how long they’ve been volunteering with ASP (if known). We’d love to hear about any of the following: Why volunteering with ASP is rewarding/enjoyable A brief account of a successful event or meaningful experience A brief description of a volunteer enhancing your experience in ASP Favorite memory as a member/volunteer of ASP

Strategy Magazine: Have you got a good idea for an article? Strategy Magazine was released in May after an 18 month hiatus! We thank all our authors for their contribution and sharing of their strategy content for our readers. If you have not read the latest issue, it is FREE for everyone and on the new Strategy Magazine website! You can check it out here. Share the knowledge with your friends and colleagues! If you are interested in contributing to the next Strategy Magazine issue, we want to hear from you! Click here to review what we look for and what you need to do to be considered.

Launch of the Global Marketing Committee (“GMC”) You asked. We listened! To help align our marketing efforts, a Global Marketing Committee (“GMC”) has been formed. The Global Marketing Committee's purpose is to serve as the conduit between the Board and the Marketing initiatives at ASP. The Global Marketing Committee is co-chaired by ASP members, Anthony Taylor and Caitlin Akers. Together, with the support of Ejona Balashi from Managing Matters, they held their first Townhall with team leads in early December. After an hour and a half of open discussions and a walk through a 2021 strategic roadmap, the team left feeling very positive and



excited for the future of marketing at ASP. If you have interest in volunteering to help advance ASPs marketing efforts, please email Ejona Balashi.

UPCOMING EVENTS Webinars in January Global Webinars Presents: Culture May Eat Strategy for Lunch, But Strategy is the Menu Date: Wednesday, January 13, 2021 Time: 2:00 - 3:00 PM (ET)


ASP NorCal & NCA Presents: IntelliVen Manage to Lead System Online Interactive Overview Date: Wednesday, January 13, 2021 Time: 8:45 - 10:30 AM (PT)


ASP Government CoP Presents: Extending Enterprise Strategy Through Public-Private Partnerships Date: Wednesday, January 27, 2021 Time: 1:30 - 2:30 PM (ET)


Click here to view the full events calendar.

STRATEGIC STOCKMAL A New Year: A Reset or Survival With the start of 2021, I took time to look back at all the articles I have written for ASP’s Strategic Edge since 2012. Twice, my January piece focused on a strategist’s New Year’s resolutions in keeping with best practices. So, I didn’t want to do that again. Likewise, I offered recommendations for new strategic management books I came across while doing holiday shopping. Can’t do that in person in 2020, so the joy of finding something unexpected while browsing the shelves of my favorite book stores is not going to happen. After ten months of working from home, many of you have already strategized



and have pivoted to stay operational. Many more have not been able to survive. With the good news of at least one vaccine for COVID-19 and the promise of a few more (for example, at UVA they are working on an additional four vaccines) we can be hopeful that a reset might be possible. But we are not out of the woods yet as it will take months and months to get as many people vaccinated as needed to really defeat this invisible menace. Click here to read more.


2021: The Year Your Career Reaches the Next Level It’s 2021! A re-launch . . . a fresh start . . . new opportunities . . . and the chance to achieve that ideal future you’ve always envisioned for your career (or for your business if you’re an entrepreneur). If you attended the ASP webinar “Professional Certification in Strategy: Is It Right For You?” on December 9*, you already know that a professional certification is both a powerful tool and a valuable asset. Acquiring that asset and using that tool is the most direct path to your ideal future and to the new opportunities you’ll discover along the way. Take the first step on that path right now. Go to the ASP website, click on “Certification,” go to “Apply for Certification” in the drop-down menu, and then click on “Submit Your Application” to find applications for both the Strategic Planning Professional and the Strategic Management Professional certifications. Unsure which certification is right for you? Simply go back to the “Certification” drop-down menu and select “About ASP Certification.” There you’ll find links for both Strategic Planning Professional and Strategic Management Professional. Each link has the eligibility requirements, information on the application process and fees, and everything else you’ll need to make an informed decision about which certification is most appropriate for your current level of experience and expertise, and for your career goals. Your ideal future is calling . . . and 2021 is the year to answer the call. Make an investment in that future today by taking the first step in acquiring the asset that is critical to realizing that future . . . a professional certification in strategy. *The benefits of certification are discussed in the webinar. If you missed it, you can view it here.

MEET THE MEMBERS Welcome to new members who joined in December 2020 Boston Chapter Ray Doerr, Ray Doerr & Associates Members at Large



Nikoia Greene Natalie Guriel, Tyndale University Sara Salman, Coverys JC Sum, Evolve & Adapt Gary West, Ironwood Strategic Solutions LLC Beth Yoke Uganda Chapter James Wanjagi, Iricon Ltd

ASP's Corporate Members



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