Ask Us Beauty Magazine: New Beginnings 2022

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With Love A new series with Constance Marie

TRUE BEAUTY Kelly Hu’s guide to happy and healthy living


Routine with Ali Landry


Jenny McCarthy

She’s got the glow, the gloss, and the right stuff


with Mastermind Cindy Eckert NEW BEGINNINGS




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Kelly Hu

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Baring it All

By Michelle Emmick

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Written by Michelle Emmick

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Saying YES...

















emow rof gnidnuf dna pihsrotnem l flesruoy peek ot od uoy od tahW ?taerg gnileef dna aN nosaer a s’erehT !xes ezitiroirp I grO hsulb gnillestseb rieht deman ertca tsil A na oga gnol toN !?thgir oc gniga gniyfed rof nwonk regnis sa syawla elpoep elihw taht em ot ahw ,enituor ytuaeb reh tuoba reh .xes erom evah si yas ot stnaw ehs aeler ehT .thgir s’ehs ,yllacfiitneicS lloc sevorpmi xes gnirud negortse h dna ,dica cinorulayh ,noitcudorp s srewol nicotyxo eht neht ,htworg sulP .nitsale fo nwodkaerb eht dna nedfinoc evorpmi dna retteb peels .aHaH ?tuo keeg tsuj I did ,tiaW uoy pit ytuaeb eno eht si tahW hw dna ,eno devol a morf denrael ?nosrep taht si ,eitseb ym taht I ma ykcul woH ehS ?naicitehtsea na si ,niboR ,spit ytuaeb lla rof ot-og ym si desirprus meg elttil siht tub -etal etanutrofnu na retfA .em ,tnedicni gninnat-fles thgin eht ni reh ot llac dekcinap ym .eruc tcefrep eht ot del gninrom evomer ot etsaphtoot gninetihW eveileb retteb uoY !rennat-fles etagloC emos ni flesym detaoc I ieb ot kcab yaw ym debburcs dna .niaga cilbup ni tuo og ot elba ?ytuaeb enfied uoy od woH ,ecnegilletni ,amsirahc si ytuaeB fo esnes a gnivah dna ,ecnedfinoc lla era eseht taht ezilaer I .esoprup m ot tub ,ytuaeb renni fo stnemele .ytuaeb tnatropmi tsom eht s’taht











CONTRIBUTORS Ali Landry Arianne Zucker Diane McMillen Dr. Beverly Pedroche Dr. Mary Lynn Moran Dr. Pia Lieb Jennifer Polt Robinson Josie Bissett Laurie Wing Yannon Marcia Agius Tequila Dodard


Contact Us at or Visit our website at GUIDELINES

Ask Us Beauty Magazine looks to provide our readers with educational and empowering content. We ask our contributors to share their stories through their own words and beliefs. Our stories are published after reviews by our editorial team. Our content providers are not employees of Ask Us Beauty, and while we do seek out contributors that we consider subject matter experts to the stories we share, we do not represent or guarantee their contributions, and note that we are independent to the information they provide. We do want to always acknowledge that we are committed to providing accurate information. If an error is brought to our attention, whether grammatical or factual, we will be happy to make the appropriate changes. Please feel free to contact us You will find links inside our stories based on the readers interest in related topics discussed. We encourage our readers if they like the content, to support our contributors through their personal social platforms that are included inside the articles we publish. Ask Us Beauty participates in various affiliate marketing programs, which means we may get paid commissions on editorial chosen products through our links to retailer sites. These are products/services that we believe may offer value to our readers. This does not affect our decisions on the products or services we select. We always want to champion that our readers decide for themselves on all beauty/ wellness decisions which is the mission of our platform.




With Love (An Amazon Original) with Constance Marie


Routine with Ali Landry



TRUE BEAUTY Kelly Hu’s guide to happy and healthy living

Jenny McCarthy

She’s got the glow, the gloss and, the right stuff


with Mastermind Cindy Eckert NEW BEGINNINGS





hhh January. The month that starts it all over- all the things you will do differently this year, and then don’t. By the time this issue comes out, some of you may have already ditched the resolutions. Many of the statistics reflect that 80% of people give up their resolutions by the early part of February. If you are part of the 20% that is still pushing forward towards your goals, then a big kudos to you. And if you fall into the 80% majority, well, a big congrats to you too. Congratulations on taking the time for personal reflection and identifying your areas of opportunity. Creating new habits isn’t easy, and maybe it’s time we cut ourselves some slack and start playing the long game. Whatever your goals and resolutions made, from my own experience, I do know it helps to reframe our words. What if we flip those resolutions upside down? Instead of saying stop, we start. Instead of less, it’s more. Instead of a take-away, it becomes an add. We no longer want to give up; we want to give in to self-love and self-acceptance while we make positive changes towards an even better version of ourselves. Our words matter, and if we can move from using negative language to positive, well, that’s certainly a good start. While some people thrive on goal setting and others like to follow systems, we know that mentality plays a part. We know that setbacks occur, yet that’s where we can appreciate what we have accomplished, pick back up, reset, and keep forging ahead. No throwing our hands up. We are not quitters! We are strong, able, and we can accomplish anything and everything! This year, let’s acknowledge that our resolutions take time and that we show ourselves and others nothing but love. Let’s take one day at a time, make ourselves a priority, and just enjoy the journey. That’s what I’m going to try this year, and I hope you will join me.

Michelle Emmick Editor-in-Chief 6



WE TAKE THE GUESSWORK OUT OF EVERYTHING There is a lot of conflicting information out there regarding cosmetic surgery. If you’re like most people, you likely find yourself scrolling through social media, watching infomercials, reading tabloid magazines and tv shows trying to navigate through it all. MyCoachMD provides you a personalized and private learning experience on your time to see the possibilities.




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By Kellie Hall Stafford, Virginia


aised as a “Navy Brat” Kellie Hall


Kellie (LT Hall) served onboard for two

is originally from Stafford Virginia.

years as the First Lieutenant. In 2016

After being recruited to run Track

she moved into Human Resources

and Cross Country, she attended and

which followed by years in Recruitment.

received her commission through the

Kellie has earned military awards that

U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, MD in

include three Navy and Marine Corps

2014. Immediately upon graduation, Kellie

Commendations Medals, two Navy and

was commissioned as a Surface Warfare

Marine Corps Achievement medals, the

Officer and reported to the USS PINCKNEY

Navy District Ohio’s FY 18 “Inspirational

during her Western pacific deployment.

Officer of the Year” Award FY19 “Medical


Recruiter of the year” Award and 16 Gold

become whatever I wanted to me, to be

Wreaths for Recruiting Excellence.

bold and stand out. So that’s exactly what I did. When I was younger, I didn’t have

More than a Naval officer, Lieutenant Hall

the confidence in my exterior— but I grew

is also a professional model, business

confidence in my interior. That’s truly what

owner and motivational speaker travelling

is beautiful. I learned to love my greatest

nationwide to speak with girls and

attributes, I learned to love the beauty in

women about obstacles facing women

my differences.

in the military and maximizing their full potential within. Kellie shared that when

As an adult, my exterior changed: the

she was a young girl, she dreamed of being

braces came off, I grew into my skin, I

“beautiful. “I was so skinny, wore braces for

learned how to do my makeup, competed

5 years, the boys in my class always asked

in pageants, and became a professional

me to pass notes to other girls for them

model. All while serving in the military. All

instead of passing notes to me. I used to

of those qualities I learned as a young girl,

pray one day I’d be the “pretty girl” and I’d

all the time I spent on myself internally,

grow up to become beautiful. During that

has made me a more confident, beautiful

time, my mom would always remind me

leader. I grew to believe in myself, I

that I already WAS beautiful. I didn’t believe

celebrated the qualities God gave me

her. She celebrated my creativity, my

instead of focusing on my exterior features.

mind, she said my drive, whit, and tenacity

That’s what beauty is to me.

were all beautiful. She encouraged me to

IG: @kellierenehall







volve Med Spa is an award-winning

everyone as a special and unique individual.

medical spa and lifestyle. After

Evolve Med Spa works with their clients to

opening their first location in June

create customized treatment plans that

2020 (amid the COVID pandemic!),

provide personalized care. Whether it is

they have since grown to 8 locations

treating the skin with high-grade, medical

and became the trusted destination for

solutions, injectables or body contouring,

skin rejuvenation, body contouring and

Evolve helps every client meet their

injectable treatments in the NYC/NJ area.

aesthetic goals. “We love empowering our

Evolve Med Spa delivers the highest quality

clients by helping them look and feel their

medical aesthetic services in a boutique,

best and their most confident. When they’re

client-oriented environment. Their team is

comfortable in their own skin, that can

comprised of top-rated medical providers,

radiate into all facets of their life,” said Dr.

estheticians, nutritionists, cosmetic tattoo


artists and other leading industry experts. Evolve med Spa is offering an exclusive deal Medical Director/co-founder Dr. Oz

for Ask Us Beauty clients: 15% off your first

Fernandez shared that the main secret to

visit with promo code ASKUSI5. Book online

their success is that they do not provide


“cookie-cutter” care, but instead treat

Denville Red Bank Hoboken Jersey City Montclair Short Hills Coming Soon: Tribeca Coming Soon: Ridgewood

Jenny McCarthy By Michelle Emmick



y definition, a bold woman is a


Awards to New Year’s Rockin’ Eve. And

woman who knows what she

in a world so often filtered, Jenny’s

wants, a woman who is driven,

transparency is what strikes the chord

courageous, and passionate, a woman

with her fans. A New York Times best-

who speaks her mind and defines who

selling author, Jenny has written nine

she is, not what others expect her to be.

books to date. She has been open with

People can’t help but be drawn to a bold

her readers by sharing real, heartfelt,

woman because of her confidence and

hilarious, and relatable stories on

belief in herself.

topics such as pregnancy, motherhood, relationships, and everything in between.

Jenny McCarthy is a bold woman.

She kept that conversation going by hosting The Jenny McCarthy Show, a daily

Jenny McCarthy can not only be

radio show on Sirius XM that recently

characterized as a bold woman, she is an

ended after six years. If that wasn’t

unstoppable force. Her honesty, humility,

enough to keep her busy, Jenny is also a

and humor have been the springboard to a

successful entrepreneur, having created

long and successful career as an actress,

and launched countless brands. Recently,

comedian, host, best-selling author,

Jenny launched Blondies, a line of gluten-

spokeswoman, and entrepreneur.

free, ready-to-drink cocktails, and her newest passion, a line called Formless

From her early days of MTV to her


current role as a judge on the popular TV competition The Masked Singer,

Formless Beauty is a vegan, cruelty-free

no one can argue this bold woman’s

lip gloss line created and founded by

nonstop work ethic. Jenny has appeared

the beauty herself. The first collection

in numerous films and television shows,

launched with three lip colors and will be

including her own comedies, a late-night

expanding to include a variety of colors

talk show, daytime talk, and Donnie Loves

along with meticulously formulated

Jenny, a cable docu-series she executive-

foundation, mascara, and eyeshadows

produced and shared top-billing with her

that are free from hormone disrupters

husband of seven years, actor, and New

and other chemicals that are harmful to

Kids on The Block member, the one and

our health. Jenny shared that she started

only, Mr. Donnie Wahlberg.

the company because she couldn’t find a lip gloss that checked all the right boxes.

Many of us have shared memories and

“I wanted a product that was vegan,

moments with Jenny, watching her host

cruelty-free, pure Ingredients that you can

everything from the American Music

actually pronounce, not sticky but stays NEW BEGINNINGS




on, hydrating and made in the USA,” Jenny shared with us. The careful consideration goes beyond Jenny’s new line and into her messaging, by naming each gloss by a specific intention: Manifest, Dream, and Love. “I’m a huge believer in the power of our thoughts and how they create our reality. Just look at

“ I’m a huge believer in the power of our thoughts and how they create our reality. ”

how powerful placebo effects can be. Our

Don’t get me wrong, I still have insecurities.

thoughts and beliefs have real power! I

And I still enjoy the occasional Botox.

hope to inspire everyone who buys one of

But because I fell more in love with the

my glosses to put a positive intention into it

formless version of myself, I don’t feel like

so every time they use it, they activate their

I’m chasing my 20s or 30s. My wrinkles are

own positive intention into their lives.”

there because of the amount of smiling I’ve done my whole life. Whenever I see a new

Jenny shared that her definition of beauty,

one, I say to myself, ‘it’s good to know I’ve

real beauty, true beauty, comes from

been so damn happy in this life.’”

within. No exceptions. “Whether I’m glammed up or look like a hot

Jenny shares one of her greatest anti-

mess, I feel most beautiful when I feel good

aging secret weapons has been using an

about myself on the inside. This is one of

infrared sauna. “I beg everyone to look up

the reasons I named the company Formless

the benefits. Not only do you burn a ton

Beauty. Even though I’m selling makeup, I

of calories, it helps create collagen, helps

wanted to remind people that real beauty

with elasticity, shrinks face pores and

doesn’t have a form. Real beauty comes

detoxes your body. Many spas have them

from within. Thus, Formless Beauty was the

now, and I can’t express enough how much

perfect name.”

of a difference it makes in your appearance and overall health.”

Having held titles and named on lists for the most beautiful and sexiest, I asked

We love seeing women who are passionate

Jenny if she ever felt pressure to keep those

about beauty and wellness and putting

titles. “20 years ago when I received those

their name behind a great product. Kudos,

titles, I didn’t believe them because I was

Jenny McCarthy, for being Bold, Formless,

insecure. As I got older, I found myself

and Fearless. We can’t wait to wear our

becoming more secure with how I looked.

new favorite accessory!




Q: A: Q: A: Q: A: Q: A:

Do you still shop drugstore products, and if so, what is a good go-to? I sure do. I get press on nails from Kiss. It’s amazing how much better they have gotten through the years as far as staying on and actual designs. It saves me from having to make yet another maintenance appointment for myself. I just pop them on when I need them.

Any secrets you have learned from the professionals, whether it’s skin, makeup, or hair? A few things for sure. The higher your blush placement is, the more your face looks lifted. This is the same for contour. Also, setting spray actually works! I hate any extra steps I have to do, but I will say, a good setting spray can help your makeup stay on all day.

How long do you have to sit in the chair at work for hair and makeup? Too long! People always say, “you’re so lucky to get your makeup done,” but I can’t sit still very long. I have too much energy, so it’s really hard to sit still. No wonder why I got into trouble so much in my school days. To answer your question, it’s three painful hours, lol. But is it fair for me to complain? No.

You have amazing hairstyles, and you are not afraid to change it up. What would you tell women who have been stuck wearing the same hairstyle or afraid of change? Go to a good wig store with a girlfriend and try on a bunch of different styles and shades. Not only will you have so much fun, it’s the best way to know exactly what you would look like without having to make the scary jump. 18






The Vixen

The Siren

The Luna

shapewear worn by all she | her | he | him | they | them



Kelly Hu By Michelle Emmick




eauty is so vast. It comes in all

dramas, including Army Wives, NCIS: Los

forms and is really about the type

Angeles, The Vampire Diaries, and Hawaii

of person you are and how you

Five-0. She also voices the character

treat other people.”

Stacey in the popular animated series Phineas and Ferb. Her most recent

Beautiful words spoken from Kelly Hu.

project was in the Lifetime film List of

Kelly is an actress, entrepreneur, former

a Lifetime, where she played the lead

fashion model, and beauty queen who

role of Brenda Lee, who is diagnosed

was crowned Miss Teen USA 1985 and

with breast cancer and is prompted

Miss Hawaii USA 1993. Her career in

to look for the daughter she gave up

acting started in 1987, and she hasn’t

for adoption decades ago. The film

stopped since. Kelly shared that there

is dear to Kelly’s heart as her mother,

weren’t many Asian actresses when she

grandmother, and aunt all had breast

started, which she believes is one of the


reasons she never lacked in opportunity. In addition to acting, Kelly has a line “My first acting job was on a special

of socially-conscious graphic t-shirts

Hawaiian-vacation episode of Growing

called 33 Edge. She created the

Pains. I was still living in Hawaii when I

line in response to the protest and

landed the part. The show was shot in

discrimination demonstrated during

Maui and when it was finished, I packed

the COVID-19 quarantine. “My hope is

my bags and moved to Los Angeles. The

that it encourages more unity, equality

day the show aired, I took out a full page

and respect for fellow human beings.”

ad in Variety announcing my arrival and

Designing and producing her apparel

availability. I got called by 20 agents

line came during the pandemic when

before the show even premiered! Timing

the creative economy was effected the

is everything in life. I was gung-ho and

greatest. It was also during that time

willing to put myself out there and not

that Kelly shifted her overall outlook in

afraid of failure. I came to Los Angeles

terms of her expectations of herself. “I

with my eyes open and full of hope.”

wasn’t going on camera, and I had a revelation to see how the industry would

Kelly has built a lengthy resume, starring

receive me. One of the ways was letting

in shows like Sunset Beach, Nash

my hair grow out grey. I’m trying out my

Bridges, and Martial Law, which led to

white hair and becoming part of the

big screen films like The Scorpion King

silver sister club. It saves me money, its

and X2: X-Men United. She’s played

freeing and I’m not getting hit on any

high-profile roles on a variety of TV



Kelly stresses that she has become much

that are supposed to be helping you

more relaxed over the last few years. “I

have an agenda, and it’s easy to make

was that crazy girl that would take three

the wrong choices. It’s important to have

yoga classes a day. I stopped that. Three

people looking out for you.”

of my grandparents lived well into their 90s, and none of them ever stepped foot

These days Kelly says she has a much

in a gym or on a treadmill.”

better understanding that living healthy is to be happy and living stress-free. “It’s

Kelly also acknowledges that her

about not spending money you don’t

friendships, which she calls her

have, wearing clothes you can’t afford,

sisterhood, play a big part in her positive

or buying cars and homes that are over

outlook. “It’s so important to have friends

your means. You have to find happiness

that you can rely on for an honest opinion.

in what you have and with the people

The most successful years of my career

you surround yourself with. At 53 years

were the most miserable because I felt

old, I’ve never been in more of a happier

like I couldn’t get the truth. Many people


“ Beauty is so vast. It comes in all forms and is really about the type of person you are and how you treat other people. ”





Ali Landry By Michelle Emmick



ust a small-town girl, Ali Landry


women suffer through without answers.

had big dreams for herself. She

“I was tired all the time, I had bouts of

knew early on that if given the

depression, brain fog, sleepless nights,

opportunity, she would use her platform

and other symptoms,” Ali shared. “There

for good.

was no way I was going to accept this, and we as women are worthy of much

Ali Landry’s rise to fame started early


in pageantry and moved quickly as she became a recognized actress,

Through research, education and her

model, and television host. Her first

commitment to find answers, three

taste of beauty was selling skincare,

years ago, Ali launched her wellness

working in her mom’s beauty shop

brand, RE/SHAPE, a lifestyle platform

while putting herself through college.

focused on overall health and wellness,

It was during those college years when

lifestyle, beauty, and fitness. Her

Ali first entered pageantry and was

platform has curated the best resources

crowned Miss Louisiana Teen USA at just

in products and services, along with

seventeen. This led to her Miss USA title

her personal network of specialists.

in 1996, and after a few acting stints, a

“I’m here to do the work and share my

famous super bowl commercial in 1998

knowledge with others. We have one

pushed Ali into what some refer to as

life, and we deserve for it to be great.

the “celebrity beauty hall of fame”- a

So many women accept sitting on the

title of which Ali has never been a driver.

sidelines. I want them to know that they

“I’ve never considered myself a sex

owe it to themselves to reshape their

symbol and never took those titles too


seriously,” Ali says. At 48 years old, Ali shares that she Beauty and wellness, however, have

wants to feel her best. Ali isn’t afraid

been a big part of this genuine beauty’s

to be vocal when it comes to her love

story. While under the spotlight of fame,

of aesthetic procedures, and she

appearances and experiences gave

currently sits on the board at Beverly

Ali a strong understanding that while

Hills Rejuvenation center. “I’ve had

someone can do as much work on the

fillers, Botox and different non-

outside as they want, it will always come

surgical treatments. I like the effects of

back to the inner journey we take. This

tightening and lifting. My concern is that

belief is what has driven Ali for years to

the cosmetic industry is like the wild,

become a student of life. Part of those

wild west. I’m interested in rejuvenation

studies centered around what so many

on a cellular level and learning about all NEW BEGINNINGS


the options so I can help educate others.”

In the fall of 2022, Ali will be releasing her book, Reshape. In her book, she shares

When it comes to health and fitness, Ali

her life story and what propelled her on

shares that she’s in better shape now than

this journey. “It’s been a huge learning

she was in her 20’s. “When you know better,

curve with big life-changing moments.

you do better. I grew up on rich southern

I’ve gotten through all those moments by

food. It wasn’t until I really educated myself

tapping into my mindset, heart set, soul set,

that I understood the effects of healthy

and health set to create a full reshape.”

choices. I love to cook, and I love the


experience of eating. I’m a foodie!” As for

It’s no surprise that Ali Landry is living the

exercise, Ali says she doesn’t exercise every

dreams and aspirations she created for

day as she has suffered from chronic pain,

herself all those years ago, and we know

and too much of an intense workout or even

that her dream of making a difference and

lack of proper sleep can trigger her pain,

using her voice for good will keep getting

but she does like Orangetheory to stay fit.





Loving, Living and Leaving a Latina Legacy By Amy Breuer



Constance Marie


s relatable as the many characters she portrays on television, Constance Marie is as warm and approachable in person as she appears

to be on screen. What was supposed to be a more formal interview, ended up to be a casual conversation touching upon an array of life lessons, ranging from hard work, perseverance, the pandemic, and unavoidable flexibility. Constance Marie believes one of the biggest keys to her success is the ability to pivot professionally in times of change. With a career spanning over 30 years, she laughed as she described what life was like as an actress before HD, the internet, and social media. Does anyone else remember the rotary phone or the dial tone you get when picking up a landline? Interestingly, when I asked her what changed the most over time, she said, “Technology, of course;



older women being seen as “sexy”; and

a particular interview, a project, or script,

Latin people being viewed as ‘regular

it took all of a second for her to respond


with “I have to connect to it. I have to feel like it is something of integrity; it has to

Tracing her ancestry back to 1850, she is

be something good that I am putting out

highly connected to her family, her Latin

into the world and that my daughter and

American heritage, and the important roles

my culture would be proud of.” From the

that she has played over the years. Growing

age of 13, Constance was a go-getter and

up, she quickly recognized the lack of

not afraid to put in the work necessary to

diversity and multigenerational influences

achieve the success she desired. There

around her, so saying “yes” to The George

were many times in her life that required

Lopez Show was easy. This was the first

her to stretch outside of her comfort zone.

English predominately Latin show to have

From being “painfully” shy in her younger

ever made it past 13 episodes in 75 years

years to later dancing in front of eighty-

and ultimately changed the American

thousand people, her resilience and her

perceptions of Latinos. Constance

strong sense of self are deeply rooted in her

continues to find opportunities to bring

Latinx background and she instills that same

attention to her background by seeking out

strength and work ethic into her daughter.

roles that highlight her unforgotten culture. In closing our conversation, we talked about Her latest work can be found in the Amazon

how interconnected we are and how, as

Original With Love, released on December

women, we need to support each other.

17th. Constance and the rest of the badass

When asking her how she defines beauty,

cast continue to entertain the world with this

she paused and replied so beautifully,

feel-good, romantic comedy series which

“Beauty makes you feel good. People that

leaves those that watch it feeling like they

make you feel good are beautiful.” For

have just received a big hug that they didn’t

women, we can often make comparisons

even know was needed. So, whether you

to the illusions around us or judge ourselves

want to binge-watch all of the episodes at

too harshly. Constance had once heard a

once or watch them individually to celebrate

saying about changing the narrative and

the holidays alongside the on-air family

shared… “Instead of saying what’s wrong

navigating through them, you will find and

with me, say, what’s strong with me.” Such

enjoy all the meaningful moments and be

a mindful shift in thinking can often make

forever moved.

a big impact! To get Constance Marie’s “glow”, remember to drink plenty of water,


All of us have a choice in the activities we

get enough sleep, and try using one of her

choose to do. When asking Constance

favorite beauty products, “Suntegrity tinted

Marie about what makes her say “yes” to

Sunblock 5 in 1 Sunscreen Moisturizer SPF 30!


With Love

(An Amazon Original) is Now Streaming on Prime Video




ELENA GEORGE @elenageorge1mkp


lena George is a legacy

social media became the come up, it

trendsetter. This eight-time

was word-of-mouth, talent, and God’s

Emmy Winning Make-Up Artist

higher plan that gave Elena everything

has used her creativity and artistry on

she prayed for and more.

the most famous faces in the world. The jet-setting Elena George started From the early days in the ’80s, before 34


doing hair in her early years of high

school and through college. She quickly

Vivica A. Fox, Mariah Carey, to Presidents

became the go-to beauty person in her

of the United States, Elena George is the

New York neighborhood, but it was her

woman behind the screen-ready face.

high school friend Sandra Denton, aka

For the last 17 years, she has also been

‘Pepa’ from top female rap group Salt-

the lead makeup artist on Good Morning

N-Pepa, that catapulted her career when

America, as the personal makeup artist

she asked her to style her hair for her first

for one of our favorite TV anchors, the

music video. That first music video was

beautiful Robin Roberts.

1987’s single “Push It,” which not only became an iconic song, it created the

When it comes to makeup, Elena’s

asymmetrical mushroom haircut trend

philosophy is less is best. “You don’t have

that everyone was rockin’ back in the day.

to paint a mask on. You want the skin to look dewy and fresh-faced. For television,

Elena shared that the style came from

especially TV anchors, it’s easy to get

a visit by Sandra to get her hair done for

stuck in a look. For Robin, I change up

the video, and the rest was history. ‘Pep’

her look every season, so her look keeps

asked me to continue styling her hair, and

evolving.” Elena shares that while she

we kept getting creative. Styles like the

can still do hair, it’s makeup that is her

one-eyed jack, pin curls and braids by Fifi.

true love.

She became my billboard where people could see my styles. Once I realized

Elena advises that too much makeup

what the word trendsetting meant and

can do more harm than good for mature

seeing people wearing a style I created, I

women, adding years to their look. She

realized the power I had when it came to

stresses that mature women should be


careful with powder under the eye as it can wrinkle you even more. “We call it

Elena had a salon with her partner Cheryl

the ‘casket look,’” she says.

Renee James, aka “Salt”, but God had a much bigger plan for both of them.

One trend we talked about was the

Elena’s plan led to millions of people

overdrawn lip. “Everything is a style,”

seeing her talent and connecting with

Elena told us. “The overdrawn lips have

people that she never imagined. While

been done for years, just differently. In the

styling hair was where Elena started, her

‘80s, it was about the black and brown

creative makeup skills made the plan

lip pencil that was used to trace the

bigger than she could dream for herself.

lip and never blended. Now it’s getting

From Aretha Franklin, Cecily Tyson,

injectables and drawing. There’s a

Angela Bassett, Gayle King, Star Jones,

balance, and if not, you can look crazy.” NEW BEGINNINGS


Elena also shared that the best thing for

do things for yourself to make you look

those who don’t have a lot of experience

and feel good.”

is to educate themselves. “There are


so many options out there today when

Elana believes that while makeup

it comes to beauty. There is really

enhances, beauty comes from within and

no excuse. Whether it’s going to the

what you project. “It all starts in the mind.

dermatologist, getting a weave, or buying

Talk to yourself and remind yourself every

some makeup at the store, try things and



Elena’s Top Tip when it comes to skincare: Vitamin C is the Holy Grail. It keeps your face looking great. Some of her favorite brands are Peter Thomas Roth, Perricone MD, and Dr. Dennis Gross. Secret Tip if you weave your hair: Weaves can mess up your edges. My Mom taught me to put A & D ointment on my scalp once a week. It works and helps!




Around the World




Jess Weiner By Michelle Emmick



ess Weiner needs a standing


Jess works primarily with Fortune 100 and

ovation. She can easily be

500 companies with the largest market

considered a game-changing

shares, which can make the biggest

leader who has spent the last 26 years

impact for positive change. She started

working to understand and educate

this path over two decades ago when

others about cultural trends that help

she was contacted by Dove, leading to a

people feel more seen, heard, and

strategic partnership on their Campaign


for Real Beauty.

Having always been a speaker,

Another recognized partnership that was

performer, and communicator from

culturally changing was the strategic

a young age, Jess grew up in Miami,

partnership with Mattel and the Barbie

left at 18, and never looked back. With

team, introducing more realistic body

stops in between, Jess became a true

types, skin tones, eye colors, and

Californian, having now spent the last

hairstyles to the doll. “We went on a

21 years in Los Angeles. Jess shares

journey to more variety and inclusivity.

that living in a place known for its

The biggest conversation on the table

appearance-driven aesthetic is exactly

was, ‘what does Barbie look like?’ And

what draws her in. “I like that tension

that shift did not happen overnight.”

point because I never lose sight that we value a very particular aesthetic and

Jess shares that brands need to focus on

that being in the epicenter of exporting

intersectionality. People have multiple

media content, I can impact the

identifiers- race, gender, abilities,

message that is being sent out.”

education, so much that makes us up. She stated that the census report from

Jess is known as a cultural expert. She

2020 reflected that 50% of kids under

sits at the intersections of studying,

the age of 18 are multiracial. “This age

researching, and teaching about cultural

group has a very different relationship

trends. “I look at what’s happening

when it comes to appearance. Trust that

regarding beauty, body image, self-

the next generation will show up to play

confidence, creativity, identity, and I

and that will be an aspiration. We are

use those insights to help contextualize

living in a beautiful, blended world, and

what people are experiencing. I track

Barbie needed to reflect that diversity!”

and look at historical and future trends.


I’m an Educator and Communicator,

Jess says that when it comes to body

helping companies stay on the leading

image, there is a body bias. From Baby

edge of diversity and inclusive content.”

Boomers to Millennials, generations


have grown up with beliefs that a larger

identify, investigate, and interrupt those

body isn’t beautiful or healthy. “These

stories.” Jess brings her smart and witty

beliefs are so subconscious, which is why

personality to each conversation with

we had to change Barbie’s aspiration to

her guests, where you can reclaim and

be traits other than a physical.”

rewrite those stories.

Jess has authored two books and is

From Barbie to business boardroom,

working on her third. Her first book, A Very

Jess Weiner is a cultural changemaker.

Hungry Girl, was penned at the young age

As a lifelong learner, truth-seeker, and

of 27 and shaped her interests in studying

teacher on a mission, Jess continues to

cultural issues. Her second book, Life

open the conversation and get to the

Doesn’t Begin 5lbs from Now, focuses on

humanity that connects us all with the

helping women change their thoughts

stories inside of us. She has taken all

and actions to appreciate their bodies.

her experience and continues to use her voice as an advocate and champion for

Besides being an author, consultant, and


motivational speaker, Jess has a podcast from Shondaland and iHeartRadio. Her


podcast series is called Dominant Stories with Jess Weiner, a principle that has been part of her teachings for years. Jess says the show stemmed from her personal and professional mission to help challenge the external and internal voices that hold someone back from living the life they deserve. “We have a dominant story that runs in our head. Stories that, not intentional, can be passed down generationally. The stories we tell ourselves about ourselves that can stop us from pursuing our passion, block us in our careers, and even sabotage relationships...if we let them.” The good news, Jess says, is that those dominant stories can be rewritten. “They don’t disappear. What we can do is NEW BEGINNINGS




Trish Hammond

I am lucky enough to live in one of the most beautiful parts of Australia, the shire of Byron Bay. This region is famous for its beaches and nature, and for attracting beautiful people from all over the world. I think everyone is beautiful. Beauty, for me, is about feeling comfortable in your own skin, whatever shape, colour, or age you are – if you like yourself and respect others – then that will always shine through.


I’ve advocated for the aesthetic community for almost 15 years, founding the Plastic Surgery Hub, Australia’s leading patient, and consumer information website. One of the more pleasing trends I have noticed over recent years is the broader acceptance of our uniqueness. We are all beautiful – regardless of our body weight, wrinkles and differences. The media, social media, and online communities have helped break down barriers. Still, there is more than can be done – and that is why I have co-founded ANYBODI, a community of aesthetic practitioners and everyday humans that support selfacceptance, self-love, wellbeing, and healthy living. Becoming a trusted source for a community seeking honest, informed advice and being an advocate for the Australian aesthetic industry continues to be my most incredible privilege.

Simi Ali

My name is Sima Ali and I live in Lebanon. Beauty for me starts from the inside out. My beauty rituals start in the morning. I wash my face with Luminesce cleanser and then I apply the Luminesce day cream for a glowy complexion. Every morning I take supplements to feel energized throughout the day. I always drink the antioxidant drink Reserve to keep wrinkles at bay. My nighttime ritual includes washing my face with the cleanser, then applying Luminesce night cream and I end it with the PM supplements so that my beauty is taken care of as I sleep. I am an entrepreneur and a mother of two. I hold a Bachelor’s degree in business management and have spent 6 years in the humanitarian sector. I recently started my online business through which I can express my essence. And that to me is the definition of beauty, to freely express our best self through everything we do.





Eva’s Healthy Hair Tips

1 2 Czech Republic


Eva Broadbent

Having moved to America from a small town in the Czech Republic in 2010, Eva has been cutting, coloring, and creating her way through the hairstyling industry. As an encaustic artist outside of the salon, she finds that being an artist and a hairstylist is interconnected. “Hair is very artistic because you have to have a vision on what would work well on someone else and be able to bring that vision to life.” Favorite product: Moroccan oil. It’s a great way to protect your hair from the environment. How do you define beauty: “A smile and confidence!” 44



Focus on building healthy hair from the inside out with a healthy diet. Good products from the salon. While it may be deceiving, products and brands you often see at your “big box” retail store are not necessarily the same as you get from your salon. These imitators can often be out of date or even fake. Less heat on your hair is best and if you do use heat, be sure to use a protectant.


Emeline Stout Founder of Elastique Athletics

Q. Elatique Athletics has been very successful. What do you believe is its biggest victory? Seeing this through, from the ideation phase all the way to the great reviews we get from our customers, gives me a great sense of pride. I wanted a way to make our wellness routines more attainable and believed that working on combining the Beauty world and the Apparel World into a line of products that work for us instead of the other way around made the most sense. Knowing that we’ve helped thousands of women feel better is the biggest victory. And it’s just the beginning.



Q. What has been your biggest lesson learned since founding Elastique? Know when to trust your gut. There have been countless occasions on the Elastique journey where I’ve followed advice from others (business partners, suppliers) that didn’t feel right and then it ended-up creating a huge mess. When you’re an entrepreneur, you’re spending most of your time in the unknown and need to surround yourself with experts to guide you. I’ve learned to be more intentional in my decision making, taking everyone’s advice but always making sure it feels right. If I had known this earlier, we would have moved 100 times faster but it’s all part of the process. I’m learning to appreciate the “lessons learned” part more as it is the best path for growth on a business and personal level.

of my past go-to natural/clean brands were actually full of harmful chemicals. They’re 100% independent and are doing wonders in shaping tomorrow’s beauty industry. It’s a French company but the app works great here as well. Today I swear by our friend and advisor Lisa Levitt Gainsley’s Book of Lymph, which gives you all the information and techniques you need to know to start practicing self lymphatic drainage. You’d be amazed by how quickly you can see the results once you start implementing her regimens. And, of course, l’Original leggings- they’re such a life-saver. There’s nothing better than getting a little lymphatic massage as I am rushing to get my daughters to school, sitting for hours on Zoom calls, or attending my favorite Lagree class.

Q.What are the biggest differences in beauty trends between France and the US? If you had asked me this question a couple years ago, it would have been obvious, French women are more into skincare than make-up and bodycare is as important as facial skincare. But for the past couple of years we’ve seen a shift, clean skincare brands are dominating the US market and bodycare is now fully part of the American woman skin regimen, thanks partly to (our favorite) the lymphatic drainage trend. On the other hand, young French women are getting their make-up technique inspiration from US based beauty influencers.

Q.What is your favorite beauty / skin care ritual? I love a good drainage session. I usually don’t have time to practice as often as I’d like, but I love my Sunday evening self lymphatic drainage. It’s very soothing and always makes for a great night sleep, which we all know is a must for radiant skin. Especially after all the great eating we do during the holidays, giving some love to our lymphatic system is a must. It’s fairly simple. A good facial cleanse twice a day; I love Caudalie Vinoclean. Then the SKII facial treatment essence followed by Caudalie VinoPerfect brightening cream. I also make sure to moisturize my body every day and apply Yonka’s Huile Silhouette on my legs. I finish with Saie’s slip tint and a little mascara.

Q.What are your favorite beauty must-haves right now? The cosmetic scanner app Yuka, which I swear by any time I am looking for a new product, is, in my opinion, a must have. My daughters and I can spend hours in Sephora, CVS or Target scanning cleansers, face creams, shampoos... I love their rating system, I was actually surprised by how many

Q. How do you define beauty? For me beauty is a pleasurable instant that is seen, felt, smelled or heard and leads to a smile. There is beauty in everything if you open your mind to it. When you seek those moments, you instantly feel better. NEW BEGINNINGS


Bahar Kizil

Bahar Kizil is a German singer whose beauty truly shines from inside out. From a very early age it was obvious that this creative and photogenic girl was meant to be an artist. Bahar’s interest for music and love for singing has effortlessly led her to the big stage. After participating in the casting show “Popstars” her name became known all over Germany. With her spellbinding vocals, it was not surprising that Bahar won the competition. As a result, she became a member of the girlband “Monrose.” On top of platform records and sold-out tours, Monrose has performed with Jason Derulo and collaborated with British hitmaker Craig David. The years in the band gave Bahar a head start and a platform to start other projects.


Right now, Bahar is a successful Instagrammer with over 50,000 @baharkizilpolat followers. The singer’s social media content combines the showcase of her music and lifestyle, while also touching on beauty and fashion. In her mission to motivate people, she fearlessly shares her thoughts and experiences. The main message in all the posts however, is to be happy from within no matter the circumstances. Bahar always aims to set a good example for her fans, urging them to embrace themselves and strive towards set goals.

to mascara the lashes. And I am addicted to body scrub with cafe smell!

Questions Q. Are there any beauty trends from the past that you would want to bring back? At the moment, the beauty trends are very broad. But I am a fan of cat eyes, smokey eyes and desert looks in red tones. Q. What are your favorite beauty must-haves right now? Among my must haves at the moment are my eye pads, which I use in the morning to get a more awake look and I love my permanent lashes - they are a real eye-catcher in everyday life, plus I always save a lot of time on make-up when I don’t have

Photographer: @bychrishaimerl Hair: @officialyigitkhair MUA: @nicolebhm Interview/Article by: Karina Kurani 46


Q. The German press often praises you for your natural beauty and flawless glowing skin. What’s your secret? I am very happy with my skin. But that wasn’t always the case, because I tend to have extremely dry skin very quickly. I try to take care of my skin from the inside and outside With products but also through my diet and exercise. Lots of water, cold coffee (I can only recommend), especially in the summer! I also care for my skin in the morning and evening. Products here do not always have to be expensive but good. A good mix makes it! Q. What is your favorite beauty / skin care ritual? My care rituals include SAUNA, body scrub and good moisturizing masks.

Betty Mwangi

My name is Betty Mwangi, and I live in Nairobi, the capital city of Kenya. I love beauty and everything it encompasses. I believe beauty is cultivated. A beautiful person is herself, knows her worth, and constantly works on herself. Its resilience, grace, compassion, and kindness. Someone beautiful radiates joy and happiness and is easy to talk to, well cultured, and well mannered. I do the 5-step skincare routine morning and night (morning) -Clean, tone, serum, moisturize, sunscreen when it comes to beauty rituals. Exfoliate twice a week. (Evening) - Clean, tone, serum, moisturize, face mask. I’m a products junkie for both skincare and makeup and love experimenting. When it comes to wellness, I meditate, pray, drink warm water, and read one chapter of a book every single morning without fail. I also walk for 45 minutes every day. Being and feeling beautiful is something we can all attain. It takes inner work, being centered, putting in the work, building your self-esteem and confidence. Beauty is living a life of purpose and doing what you love without compromise. Betty Mwangi is the founder and CEO of White Swan Media, a Social Media Marketing company. She also runs Beauty from Ashes, an online forum where women share their stories of triumph. Favorite Brands: Favorite Skincare Clinique, Estee Lauder, Clarins, Neutrogena Favorite Makeup Estee Lauder, Fenty, MAC, Revlon, Loreal, and Maybelline




Nadia Caterina

While I’ve spent the last 6 years in the United States, I’m from Rome, Italy. I have been working full-time as the Pasta Queen. I love to bring my Italian Passion, beauty, and cuisine to the world. As I say, “pasta, drama, I am Italiana!” When it comes to beauty, I believe it expresses what’s on the inside. Your confidence, self-esteem, and positive attitude shine through whether you wear makeup or not. Make-up will absolutely help make you beautiful, and it might work on a photo, but when you interact with people, true beauty comes from within. Make-up wears off… I think it’s absolutely mandatory to wake up every morning, and before grabbing my phone, I spend a few minutes reflecting on all the people and relationships I am grateful for. Taking a step outside and grabbing some fresh air is amazing for the mind. I do this at night before falling asleep as well. It sets the tone for the day and a peaceful, sleepy night.



I absolutely love simplicity when it comes to beauty. I use just a few products as part of my ritual.

Eyeshadow Too Faced born this way eye shadow palette

Moisturizers Laura Mercier, IT cosmetics cc cream, plus SPF. Another line of product I absolutely love is the Ayurveda experience. I love the kesaradi face oil moisturizer.

Pencil Brown pencil from Givenchy and also Chanel eyeliner pen.

Powder Givenchy powder prisme Contouring Anastasia from the Beverly Hills palette. I use Fenty beauty’s cream for adding color to my cheeks


I do light yoga twice a week and walk an average of 2/3 miles a day. At least once a week, I reflect on all the people who bring me joy in my life and eliminate those who have entered who make me feel less confident. This is an exercise that must be done. It’s a weekly spring cleaning of some sort!


Mascara Sephora brand of mascara “size up.” Lips When it comes to lips, I use Sephora lip blush. It’s incredible, and I use it on my cheeks sometimes too. My signature red lips are a mixture of a Chanel red lip pencil, NARS “please don’t stop,” and also a red gloss from Dollface beauty.

Kerry Harvey

At 38, defining beauty is now simple. It’s all about doing what makes you feel good, from eating well, exercising to treating yourself to your favorite slice of cake or a new lippy. Do what makes you feel good! And above all, have a kind heart! That’s true beauty in my eyes. In 2017, Irish-born makeup artist and designer Kerry Harvey made a career shift from a full-time award-winning business owner of ten years to work with Global Fashion Retailer Primark, based in their head office, Dublin, Ireland. In a fast-paced industry, she now shares her expertise as Lead Coordinator on Homeware and Health and Beauty. ‘My day-to-day is jam-packed, and so getting out of the city is a must in my spare time. Hailing from Donegal, a beautiful county on Ireland’s North West Atlantic Coast, I’m a true country girl at heart. We’re surrounded by fantastic seafood and scenery in Ireland. Eating out, long hill walks wrapped up warm, and finishing the day with a nice glass of wine by the fire, is a perfect day off for me! I love getting out to breathe that fresh coastal air.



Although I’m no longer involved full-time in beauty, I like to post my beauty tips for girls in their 30s/40s on my Instagram! I love sharing my 14 odd years of beauty experience. My absolute favorite thing to do daily is cleansing my skin! Washing the day away, the ritual of cleansing, and getting a little ‘me time’ leaves me feeling relaxed and happy!

Lina Meca Gutierrez I live in Palma de Mallorca, Balearic Islands, Spain, and work as a civil servant at the University of the Balearic Islands. Among my hobbies, I would like to remark that I enjoy cooking, going to the gym, shopping, and going for walks. The beauty ritual I love is to moisturize my skin. To me, beauty means feeling great about yourself and being happy and confident with who you are.












t’s February, and love is in the air, my friends. Prepare to be inundated by heart-shaped everything this month as Valentine’s Day approaches, and people declare their love and appreciation for those they care about the most. We will openly be declaring our love for food, people, pets, places, and things without hesitation. With all this love being so candidly and generously dished out, the love that is most often forgotten is self-love. And sadly, most of us don’t even fully appreciate the concept. Self-love and self-care do not necessarily mean a trip to the spa or a new pair of shoes, nor does it equate to vanity and conceitedness. Self-love falls into the same basket as self-awareness, self-appreciation, and positive affirmation. We can hear it every time we get on an airplane. “In case of a cabin pressure emergency, put on your own mask first before assisting others.” A simple concept, yet often we metaphorically go on assisting others with their oxygen supply, giving little thought to our own risk or preservation. It can seem counterintuitive, but taking care of yourself first has the knock-on benefit of leaving you with more energy, a more positive outlook, and, ultimately, allowing you to be more present with others. This February, take some time to think about how you can nurture yourself for a change. Consider adopting some self-nourishing practices that will allow you to shift your habits and mindset, fostering spiritual, emotional, and psychological growth. Reflecting on what you need for yourself, you should consider both physical and mental practices that you can incorporate into your self-care routine. Your internal dialogue and attitude toward yourself matter and can affect every facet of your life. Thoughts and emotions are mercurial in nature, so make the choice to embrace the ones that make you feel happy, healthy, and proud, and dismiss the ones that don’t. Similarly, you should set aside the time for activities that bring you joy and add value to your life. You do not have to reinvent the wheel. Here are a few proven products and practices I’ve started incorporating into my self-care routine:  CLEANSE + RESET. Replacing bad habits with good: I’ve been replacing my morning coffee and nightly glass of wine with Organifi superfood juices and Equitea tea blends, and I feel incredible. No more sluggish mornings! I also invested in a portable sauna, and it’s a game-

changer. It forces me to slow down and feels incredibly healing and nurturing.  GET INTO NATURE. Exercising in nature as much as possible. Being outdoors and breathing in fresh air shifts my entire mindset. I absolutely love hiking! Nature calms my spirit and allows me to relax into the present moment, which is usually when I am at my most creative.  CALGON, TAKE ME AWAY. A warm candle-lit bath with added Lavender oil + Epson salts is my number one go-to when I need to decompress or relieve stress and anxiety; I love Dr.Teal’s bath products. This is also my favorite time to listen to an inspirational podcast, meditation, or audiobook. I highly recommend Kris Carr’s Self-Care for Busy People meditation album and all of the books offered at The School of Life.  ROUTINE FOR OPTIMAL RELAXATION AND SLEEP. One of my goals this year is to optimize my sleep routine. Getting 8 (or at the very least 6) hours of solid sleep each night makes a world of difference to both your physical and mental energy levels. I am a night owl by nature, and that doesn’t work in normal society. I recently came across a podcast about optimizing sleep with Author Tim Farris and Dr. Andrew Huberman, who outline some great sleep routine tips. Dr Andrew Huberman, a tenured professor of neurobiology and ophthalmology at Stanford, has also released a tool kit for sleep which I have been implementing to help me relax and unwind. And if you’re as committed to getting a good night’s sleep as I am, another great resource is this podcast by Dr. Matt Walker, Professor of Neuroscience and Psychology; who is also the Founder & Director of the Center for Human Sleep Science at the University of California, Berkeley. Self-love is the nourishment that allows you to grow and pay it forward in the love and care you give to others. So hopefully this February you will be inspired to love yourself a little more.


Josie Bissett | @josiebissett

What topics are you most interested in me writing about? I would love to hear from you! Email




You’ve Got to Let


Misha N. Granado, MPH, MS Misha N. Granado, MPH, MS is the founder and Certified Relationship Therapist for Love Grows: The Relationship Consultants, a boutique firm in Houston, Texas, specializing in cultivating and nurturing healthy relationships. lovegrows_misha




adore the energy that accompanies new beginnings, for it provides the space to create something new. Although we are in a new year, month, and season; the beauty is when it comes to love, you can create something new at any moment. I view relationships similar to a garden. Have you experienced a lush garden before? Let’s close our eyes and imagine a beautiful outdoor space with vibrant, diverse flowers and greenery. Moving water whether it is a gorgeous fountain or a running stream. Comfortable, soft seating options where you and your loved ones can

lounge and relax. Perhaps there are cabanas with crisp white linens gently blowing in the cool breeze. Subtle aromatherapy tickles your nose while the sun shines bright yet the trees provide ample shade. The birds are chirping or maybe the lush garden in your mind is near the sea, which provides a beautiful soundtrack as the waves ebb and flow. Feel that? The calm and relaxation felt at the thought of such a place? Now imagine if your relationships could feel this way. They can, when you become intentional and present in our relationships.

5 Steps to Grow Love: 1. Self Awareness: Are there beliefs and behaviors that are no longer serving you or no longer aligned with the vision you have for your life and relationships? Therapy is a way to discover more about you by identifying your growing areas (healing) and areas where you are blooming. The more you know about self, the more you can fully and authentically show up in your relationships. 2. Boundaries: When we do not have boundaries, we tend to take on more than we can manage and as a result resentment seeps into our relationships. Establishing boundaries are a wonderful way to honor self, others, and the relationship.

3. Active Listening: Be fully present when in the company of another. Put away the gadgets and fully immerse yourself in the moment. Listen, without interrupting, judgment or trying to fix something. 4. Practice gratitude daily: We tend to give thanks for the ‘big ticket items’ but when you begin to practice gratitude for the things that many take for granted, such as your breath, heartbeat, the gift of a new day, etc. it shifts your perspective significantly. This shift opens the door to more love. 5. Vulnerability: Trust is required for vulnerability and healthy relationships are emotionally safe places where people can be vulnerable.




It’s All About You This Valentine’s Day! Cheers to a brand new year when we get a chance to start fresh again! We all get caught up in our daily routines with family, work and commitments and tend to neglect ourselves in the process. This is the perfect time to hit the refresh button and start taking care of YOU! Instead of overwhelming yourself with strict New Year’s resolutions, go easy on yourself this year. Start off by making the decision to be the best version of YOU. Don’t compare yourself to others. That’s a recipe for disaster. Focus on your own strengths, your unique gifts and shoot for becoming your beautiful, authentic self. Take time out to enjoy the simple pleasures in life and discover what brings you joy.



1. Learn something new. 2. Visit a local tourist spot and enjoy your immediate surroundings. 3. Pamper yourself. 4. Buy fresh flowers. 5. Start a gratitude journal. 6. Create new healthy habits and do them for 28 days until they become routine. 7. Be creative. Paint. Color. Dance. 8. Help a stranger. 9. Spend time with friends and family you enjoy being around. 10. Pursue your goals in small steps and enjoy your very own journey. With each new year comes a new opportunity to better ourselves. We have chosen 12 products to help get you started.

Lock It Up The Cherish Cabinet “Believe” Lock up your journal and other private items in your very own Cherish Cabinet. This beautifully crafted hand burned, hand oiled pine is customizable to your liking. Add your favorite quote, initials, logo or a favorite design. The biometric fingerprint technology stores your fingerprint so you can hide all of your secrets. $279

Full Steam Ahead

Glowing Skin Is Always In

Pure Daily Care Nanosteamer A new type of facial steamer that generates nano-ionic steam. Improve blood circulation, cell vitality and oxygen absorption through skin for a healthier younger looking complexion. It’s not just a facial steamer, it’s a humidifier and towel warmer for the ultimate at-home-spa experience. $39.95

Vasanti Brighten Up! Glow Boosting Serum This serum will give your skin a glass-like finish so you can feel radiant throughout the day. The Vitamin C and arbutin (from bearberry leaves) repairs, enhances, and evens out your complexion giving you a bright new glow! $39

Plan It, Dream It, Get It! Plum Paper Planners Personalized for You by You Whether you’re trying to wrangle your family, keep your social calendar organized, stay on top of job responsibilities, plan your class schedule, get that trip on the doesn’t matter why you need a planner, just know Plum Paper has a planner for you. Plum Paper offers entirely customizable layouts for your exact needs, personalized covers to give you all of the warm and fuzzies, custom holidays and events catering to your lifestyle and schedule AND you choose whatever month you’d like to start. $32.00+ NEW BEGINNINGS


LAURIE YANNON-WING Paradise Bubbling Over Pink Bubbletini Bath & Body Retreat Kit This 4-piece set rejuvenates the body and senses in lush juicy scents with softly sweet powdery notes. Refresh your day with The Rasmopolitan® Liquor Infused Body Polish. Cleanse withThe Pink Moon® Body Wash and moisturize with The Pink Moon® shea butter hydration. $96

Rest Well Hatch Restore A sleek bedside assistant to help you fall asleep, stay asleep and wake up easily. If you like a good book before nodding off, the reading light has 22 different colors including a reduced blue light to encourage relaxation. Then you will fall asleep to white noise, water or wind and wake up to your own gentle sunrise with light that gradually brightens before your alarm sounds. $129.99

Stay Calm TouchPoint Essentials Next time you get stressed out, place TouchPoints on either side of your body - on straps, socks, pockets or holding in palms. TouchPoints gently vibrates to calm you down and keep you centered. Developed by neuropsychologists, TouchPoints uses gentle alternating vibrations to shift you from your “fight or flight” stress response to a peaceful, calm response.

Snack Attack! HealthyMe Living Snack Box Take the work out of finding new healthier snacks and reading all those nutrition labels and ingredient lists. No need to waste money on full size bags only to discover it’s not your favorite. All items are on-the-go and easy to grab on your way out the door. No artificial junk in any products so you can feel good about snacking on any item. Each month you will receive 8-10 healthy snacks for only $29.99 58


In Hot Water Like fine wines, there are many grades of matcha. makes it easier than ever to enjoy the amazing benefits found through the very best qualities. 100% authentic, stone-ground Matcha from Japan contains antioxidants, amino acids, vitamins, and minerals. Immune-boosting benefits and support for heart health, anxiety, allergens, mental health, digestion, and more. Dr. Andrew Weil is a world-renowned leader and pioneer in integrative medicine and co-founder of Matcha. com. Starting at $16

One Drop At A Time Bliss Essential Oils - The Self-Care 3-Pack Own the perfect self-care kit to keep you feeling good from morning until night! $125 -Stress Free: decreases stress, promotes restoration and puts you in a state of ultimate relaxation. -Good Vibes: the perfect blend to ignite your energy and re-center your focus. -Sleep Easy: enhances and promotes rejuvenating, deep sleep.

Sleep On It Zoey Sleep Curve Pillow Spin alignment is key for a good night’s rest. The curve shape fits perfectly around your shoulders aligning your neck accordingly to remain asleep throughout the night and wake up feeling rejuvenated. $110

It’s All Fun and Games BOARDGAINS | Fitness Board Game Designed by a personal trainer for group fitness or solo using only your body weight. Get a full body workout and have fun while you’re doing it! No equipment needed. $48 NEW BEGINNINGS


April Beyer


CONNECTION | @april_beyer


s the CEO & Founder of Level

and relationship coach early in her career

Connections, April Beyer knows

because she recognized the need for

about love connections. Her

personal growth and guidance in today’s

company LEVEL is a hybrid of AI and

dating market.

Personal Matchmaking built to solve


modern dating problems. April started

“The work we do has led to thousands

in the matchmaking industry more than

of relationships and hundreds of

two decades ago. She became a dating



I built LEVEL Connections to bridge the

We asked April some questions about

gap between dating apps and traditional,

being a matchmaker:

personal matchmaking. I created a standardized and proven process built

Tell us about your favorite match you’ve

from my twenty years of successful


matchmaking. We match couples through

It’s so difficult to pick a favorite! Each one

my EVT™ (Emotional Value Trigger)

has been so meaningful to me. John and

interview and profile questionnaire, which

Jennifer are one of my favorite love stories.

measures ten categories of compatibility

John was a successful, well-educated,

and core values.”

handsome, divorced, single dad with three young children. He came to me asking

April shares that being a matchmaker is

for a loving partner who would accept his

equal parts: being an agent, a confidant, a

kids but not look to have more. John had

private investigator, marketer, mother, life

a vasectomy and was confident he was

coach, and best friend.

done having children. I met a woman who was 40 and looking to have a family. She

“We work with highly successful, single,

had her heart set on being a mother. They

marriage-minded men and have a private,

were the perfect match, except for the

offline network where women are invited to

very important aspect of having children. I

submit a complementary application.”

begged her to meet him even though they wanted different things. She finally agreed,

Our internal team oversees my proprietary

and they quickly fell in love. He proposed,

matchmaking algorithm and creates

and she said yes, knowing she wouldn’t

introductions when we feel a match for both

be able to have children with him but felt

parties. We match couples through our EVT™

fortunate to be a step-mom to his three

(Emotional Value Trigger) interview and

children. The day before their wedding,

profile questionnaire, which measures ten

he sat her down and told her that she had

compatibility categories and core values.

changed his life and that he wanted to get a reversal to see if they could have a baby

April and her team assist with the upfront

together. It worked! They had a baby boy

communication, date schedule, and post-

two years after their wedding date. This

date feedback to ensure the accuracy

story is a good reminder to trust and have

and ease of every connection they create.


“I love my life as a matchmaker, so I still work with a few VIP clients each year who

For our couples- what would your advice

require a personalized search and want my

be to keep the spark?

guidance and support.

We need to stay curious. Couples get



“Whether you’re single or with a partner, dating needs to be scheduled into your calendar just like anything else that’s important to you.”



comfortable and falsely believe they

attention to dating our partners.

know everything about their partners.

Whether you’re single or with a partner,

Curiosity creates connection, and when

dating needs to be scheduled into your

we have this with one another, we’re

calendar just like anything else that’s

more likely to feel sexy, romantic, and

important to you. It can’t be something

loving. Wake up every day and ask your

you simply fit into your busy life.

partner how they’re doing, how they feel about the relationship, and how

Do most people come to you after

you can make their day better.

they’ve tried online dating? Yes and no. Many of our clients haven’t

For our singles, how can they avoid the

dated online because they’re too busy or

Love Bomber? (What is love bombing

require more privacy and focus for their

and how to avoid it)

personal lives. Online dating gives the

Love bombing is when someone

illusion of endless opportunities, but the

overwhelms you with love and attention

ROI is very low. When clients come to

in a manipulative way. However, many

us after dating online, they’re grateful

people use this term loosely and can

for a more curated and thoughtful

be a way of not taking responsibility

approach but still expect the volume of

for choices. It’s all about how you pay

dating apps. This approach is frustrating

attention to the signs at the beginning

because quality and volume don’t exist

of a relationship. You can avoid love

in the same sentence.

bombing by having a solid layer of selfconfidence and an understanding of

What part does beauty and wellness

what makes you unique and loveable

play in matchmaking?

long before you start dating someone.

It plays a significant role. When a

That way, when someone comes along

woman prioritizes her physical, mental,

who expresses interest in you, you aren’t

emotional, and spiritual health, she’s

surprised, and therefore, you won’t be

naturally beautiful. That’s the woman

swept away in the attention and flattery.

who walks into a room and commands

Confidence is EVERYTHING in dating.

attention because of her presence and confidence. The way we take care of our

Whether you’re single or with a partner,

beauty and health is an example of how

how important is dating?

we care for our partners. A beautiful and

Dating is just relating. So, therefore, we

healthy woman is at the top of every

should never stop. Our relationships are

man’s wish list.

the glue of our lives, so it’s incredibly

important that we focus and pay

@april_beyer NEW BEGINNINGS


Small Town,

Big Heart Written by Jordan Peden 64


Ashland, Oregon

Nila Gaulden

y name is Nila Gaulden. My


will find some of the friendliest, most

mom, Julie Gaulden, and

knowledgeable people I have ever

I bought The Blue Giraffe

had the privilege of working with. We

together at the beginning of 2020. Julie

emphasize kindness and joy in our

has her master’s in nursing and 30 years

workplace and I think it really shows.

of nursing experience, and I am an

My mom and I have had a lot of fun

esthetician and have my BA in English.

breathing life back into this place and

We are both passionate about kindness

carefully choosing every little detail to

in the workplace, healthy work-life

relax and delight our clients.

balance, and taking a greener approach to the wellness and beauty industry.

I grew up in Yreka, CA, a small town near the California-Oregon border. It had

The Blue Giraffe has been in business

very little in the way of resources, so we

for 20 years. It is a funky, exotic spa

often came to Medford and Ashland

and salon tucked in an oft-overlooked

for essentials. To me, Ashland has

corner on Water Street. With Beasey’s

always been an idyllic hub of amazing

on the Creek a floor above us and

food, exciting culture, and small-town

the beautiful Ashland Creek flowing

charm. A truly caring community, it is

through our grounds, The Blue Giraffe

not uncommon for Ashlandians to band

is an unexpected oasis. Inside, you

together to support someone in need,



or to celebrate successes. Nestled away

we have been there. We’ve been part of

in the beautiful mountains and forests,

the grind, and we’ve felt the weight of

Ashland is a truly amazing place to be.

the world on our shoulders. It’s so easy to get sucked into crisis mode and live

There are so many hidden gems and fun

there. We see you, and we get it. We want

places for women to explore beauty and

to encourage you to keep going and let

wellness here! Off the top of my head,

things fall away. We are encouraging

I’d highly recommend Elder Apothecary.

ourselves and our staff to do less. Don’t

It is a women-owned haven of peace,

say yes to things you don’t want to do.

community, and wellness. Willow, one

Don’t take responsibility for other people’s

of the owners, is an amazing herbalist.

feelings or traumas, even if they push

She is very knowledgeable and so

them on you. You shine most brightly

accommodating. They hold classes

when you find joy in the little things and

in the evenings and have so many

slow down. Just remember, you can’t

community activities. An absolute must

pour from an empty cup.

to experience. Dobra Tea is another. It’s a great place for a healthy bite to eat.

You can find The Blue Giraffe at:

It’s a short walk from The Blue Giraffe


and offers great tea and tasty food. If

Instagram: @bluegiraffedayspa

it’s a relaxing day of self-care with the


girls you’re after, I’d recommend Chozu bathhouse. They offer group soaks, private tubs, massages, and beautiful cocktails. You’ll definitely leave with lighter shoulders. My mom and I both believe that your beauty is not defined by what you are on the outside or what has happened to you, but how you treat others and what you choose to do with what you’ve been given. I feel most beautiful when I do something kind for someone without expecting anything in return. I think we just want people to know that



Ashland, Ohio

Julie Mitchell

My name is Julie Mitchell, and my family

do the math, you will see I’m almost 40!).

and I live in the small, Amish country town

My husband and I have always wanted to

of Ashland, Ohio. We own a store in our

own a store, but we always said “maybe

little downtown called Fig and Oak. We

someday” as we became young parents,

are a unique gift/home decor boutique,

and life became very busy for us for a while

and every purchase at our store gives

with our two boys. “Someday” came once

back in some way to various charities and

our kiddos were older and could help us


make our dream become a reality. We knew from the very start we wanted to

I met my husband when I was 17, and we

have something unique and something

were married by the time I was 18. We have

that would somehow give back to support

now been married for 21 years (yes, if you

charities as my Dad had recently been



diagnosed with Parkinson’s. That is how Fig and Oak: Shop with Purpose was created. Ashland is small but mighty! Our community is passionate about supporting one another however they can. Our downtown is making an awesome comeback by rehabilitating old buildings and opening new shops and restaurants. It is booming downtown, and the excitement and support of the community is just wonderful! We have a wonderful state park nearby and a fabulous yoga and wellness studio just right down the street from our shop. Nearly every day, we have someone thanking us for being there or telling us stories of how they remember downtown being like this when they were young and how excited they are that it is coming back to life. We have customers from larger cities that come to Ashland

Prevention, and our bars of soap give back

because they love it so much. It truly is

to clean water efforts. When we all do

someplace special!

a little, it ends up being a whole lot! We are always completely amazed when

Our little boutique is mostly gifts and

we run our reports and see the difference

home decor, but we try to have a little

made from our customers’ choices while

something for everyone. We have a

shopping with us and with intention.

wonderful baby and toy section for the


littles, a Gentlemen’s Corner sure to

I feel when you are the best version of

please the men in your life, and home

yourself that you can be, when you are

decor and gifts that are unique and

radiating love and kindness and self-love,

different that you won’t find just anywhere.

that is when beauty shines. Nothing is

Every purchase made at Fig and Oak

more beautiful than kindness, especially

will give back to a charity or cause. For

when you give it to yourself! I feel most

example, our candles give back to Suicide

beautiful when I allow myself time to take


care of myself and when I am surrounded by

coffee date with a close friend or postpone

others who love me exactly as I am- flaws

a not-so-important meeting to take a walk

and all, perfectly imperfect.

in the woods. If you don’t make that time for yourself, you won’t be able to give your best

A close friend of mine who was diagnosed

to those you love.

with ALS once told me, “Julie, never be too busy that you don’t take the time to take

You can find Fig and Oak at:

care of yourself.” I’ve tried to hold true to

this promise, whether it means I have to

Facebook and Instagram: @figandoakshop

put off work for tomorrow to have a special



It’s Time for a

NEW HUE! Step out of your color box in 2022 & try out some new hues! And what about looking more vibrant, fresh & fabulous on absolutely every Zoom sesh from now on? No worries, Jill’s got you covered! Jill Kirsh is a color expert & Hollywood’s Guru of Hue. Her unique color system for fashion & beauty has been the talk of the fashion world for the past twenty years. Jill is frequently called upon by Red Carpet celebs, Grammy winning musicians and titans of business for her virtual & in person color coaching. “I’ve curated all your best shades of every color for fashion & beauty, based entirely on your present hair color. Here’s the thing: Your hair frames your face - your eyes, your smile - and when the shades you wear are in sync with the color of your hair, your features are enhanced & you’ll look your most beautiful & vibrant for all your on-camera appearances & beyond! “Wearing all your best shades of color in fashion & beauty is the most fun, effective & non-invasive way to be extremely made over without opting for an extreme makeover. And if you’ve opted for an extreme makeover, wearing your best shades will only enhance the results!”

Website: IG/Twitter: @jillkirshcolor 70


A FEW TIPS FROM JILL: $ If your hair is dark brown, black, salt & pepper or silver, like Courteney Cox, Angela Bassett, Rita Moreno & Andi McDowell, then cobalt, fuchsia, royal purple, charcoal, deep emerald, pure white & navy are amazing! $If you’re a warm blonde, like Elle Fanning, Amanda Kloots or Diane Sawyer, then camel, poppy, aqua, kelly green, ivory & orchid are stunning! $If your hair is a golden brown, deep honey blonde or red, like Christina Hendricks, Elaine Welteroth or Jennifer Aniston, then teal blue, champagne white, eggplant, burnt orange, olive, rust & goldenrod are stellar! $If you’re a gray tressed gal like Helen Mirren or Jamie Lee Curtis, then periwinkle, rose red, dusty pink, wine, mint, taupe & dove gray are sensational! Interested in finding out more or working one-on-one with color expert & Hollywood’s Guru of Hue Jill Kirsh, visit her website And while you’re there, download her free eBook “The Color Question: Are You Wearing the Perfect Shades…For Somebody Else?”



Strength & Resilience




started dieting at 15 and made it


Not sure where to start? Amber provides

pretty much my full-time job until

three simple things that you can start

around the age of 40 - until I said

doing today!


1. Start eating more REAL food. The

enough is enough, and I learned a better simple tweak of eating less food in a box I learned that the true secret to sane and

or a package is a considerable dial mover

sustainable weight loss is not about the

towards your goals.

latest fad or restrictive diet. It is all about building a lifestyle of primarily healthy

2. Start paying attention to added sugar

choices and allowing yourself the things

in your diet. I am not talking about natural

you love in moderation.

sugars like fruit. I specifically refer to “hidden sugars” that fly under the radar

It’s about staying consistent over being

found in things like salad dressings, bread,


condiments, and other “healthy” foods like granola bars.

Amber Shaw is a Body Transformation Expert who has coached thousands of

3. Stop being so restrictive and learn

women 40+ from all across the world

to release the mindset that indulging

to get off the crazy train of dieting and

in your favorite burger or piece of cake

find true food freedom so they can

occasionally will derail you. When you

feel empowered, confident, and sexy.

make nutritious choices 80-85% of the

As a Nationally Board Certified Health

time – those treats will not matter at

and Wellness Coach and a Certified

all. In fact, they will most likely keep you

Personal Trainer, Amber is committed

progressing towards your goals because

to overhauling the diet culture, giving

you are not being so restrictive, which

women the support and accountability

will allow you to be more consistent.

they need to change their lives. Her

Consistency is the key to lasting results.

mission is to help millions of women worldwide heal their relationship with food and themselves while empowering them to transform their lives, love their bodies, and create lasting results.

Tik Tok & Instagram: @msambershaw Website: Podcast: us/podcast/the-wellness-revolutionpodcast-with-amber-shaw/id1577282350



fter suffering from major burnout


self. Which for many can sound selfish.

caused by trying to make my

But, truthfully, without self-prioritization

“side hustle” my main hustle

we have nothing left to give. And, we are

while also working full-time, I realized

all here for a purpose. Teaching women

I needed to make a big change. I was 6

how to create a schedule that has their

weeks out from marrying my best friend

priorities in first, learning how to say

so the decision to make the leap was

“no” and truly be it till they see it has

scary, but ultimately it was the start of

become my mission.

having a life that allowed me to support and inspire others to do the same- Do

It started with Pilates. Pilates became

more of what they love!

the touchstone for me to prioritize myself. And then my curiosity in human

I had to ditch perfection, take messy

behavior, how we create habits and

action, and do “it” scared! Those three

routines, showed me that we do more of

phrases have become my mantras for

what makes us feel good! It’s beautiful


when I see women feeling good about themselves and what they do. Even

What I realized is my burnout and

the smallest things. Which is so hard.

overworking wasn’t something only I

We tend to think if something is “big

was experiencing. I saw women all over

enough” it’s not worth doing.

the world doing too much, doing more, working harder and trying to “balance

It’s beyond beautiful when you take

it all.” Which was leaving them, and

time for you first, even 5 minutes. It’s

me, burnout, exhausted, and massive

beautiful when you say “I can’t do that

imposter syndrome.

right now but I could do it on ___ date.” It’s gorgeous when you enforce the

I now see that beauty, strength, and

boundaries that allow you to show up

success all come from prioritization of

fully in everything you do.

Lesley Logan, a certified Pilates teacher, habits and mindset coach, is the founder of and host of Be It Till You See It podcast. Teaching Pilates since 2008, she has run multiple studios, trained hundreds of teachers and taught thousands of students around the world. When not teaching or recording she is leading retreats around the world.





IG @lesley.logan NEW BEGINNINGS



LIWELI CBD Written By Kellie Galvin


hondita Dayton is a mother of two, a Harvard grad, and major health and Eastern medicine advocate. She founded Liweli, pronounced LeWELL-ee. a plant-based CBD brand with fast-acting, water-soluble drink mixes, gummies, and mints in fruity flavors stacked with benefits. It all started when Chondita was consulting a dispensary that was doing market research on CBD. They knew that 70% of U.S. adults were aware of CBD, but only 20% had tried it, leaving an enormous gap in the market to educate people about the benefits

of CBD. Chondita, with her natural medicine background and looking for ways to relieve her aches and pains, was naturally curious to know more. Part of her research was to test existing CBD products, and Chondita stepped up to the challenge! She tried 30 different CBD tinctures packaged haphazardly and had all different colors, tastes, and effects. Through her experience and knowledge, she knew the first task was to direct a supply chain organization that created only high-quality CBD. The end goal was to create a high-quality product for someone like herself, a dedicated, busy parent trying to do it all. All of Liweli’s products are tested and lab certified. They are made for people with on-the-go lives who want less stress and more focus, without side effects T.H.C., or (tetrahydrocannabinol, or the chemical responsible for most of marijuana’s psychological effects). The Liweli product is very safe and easy to use, and organically grown in the U.S.A. Chondita Dayon, owner of Liweli, owns the entire process, from farm network to formulation. It is currently being sold online at: and soon to be sold in retail outlets.



The Nurse Is In

Here are Nurse Noel’s daily eight easy steps to a happier and healthier life:

N utrition E xercise W ater S unshine T emperance A ir R est T ime - It’s a New Year! Nutrition Eat to live, not live to eat. It is a struggle, but I am begging you to see food as fuel. It helped me not to overeat and really be cognizant of what I put into my body. Focus on a diet low in sugar, high fiber, low sodium and fat. Whole grains, fruit, and vegetables are also great for the vital organs. Exercise Who besides me starts off the year with a bang in the gym consistently but fizzles out by March? Am I the only one? Slow and steady is the most beneficial. Go at your own pace and remember, safety first. Water How much water does the body require? It is not a trick question, but there is a formula to it. Take your weight in pounds and divide it by 2. That number is the amount of ounces of water your body requires daily. Ex. 160lbs /2 = 80oz. (10 glasses)




Anthea “Nurse Noel” Noel has comforted and placed smiles on the faces of her patients and their families for over 20 years as a Professional Registered Nurse. As a writer for over 22 years in the entertainment industry in the metropolitan NYC area, she has successfully entertained through television, music, and the big screen. She merged her two loves of health and entertainment, coining the phrase “Health Entertainment,” and Nurse Noel was born. She recently penned a book, Help Me to Help You While I Help Myself in the Process, where she continues to spread the message of health and wellness to the masses. Nurse Noel is determined to help those in need with the goal of making this world healthier and happier one person at a time.

Sunshine Sunlight triggers your brain to release serotonin, also known as the happy hormone. Serotonin is responsible for feelings of happiness and joy. Temperance Everything in moderation. It’s important to learn to show restraint for the things that are not serving you. Air Fresh air improves blood pressure, boosts the immune system, and aids in the effective digestion of food. Rest Are you getting eight or more hours of sleep a night? Adequate sleep is critical for optimal health. Sleep boosts the immune system, prevents weight gain, and strengthens the heart. Time Take time for you. Many times that is a difficult thing to do, but it is important that we take time for self-care.







or the past 3 decades, she’s been

can follow Tamilee www.tamileewebb.

helping women look and feel their

com to gain access to her on demand

best. She’s a legend in the fitness

award winning workouts.

world, with over 65 products, selling over 14 million fitness videos and inducted into the Fitness Hall of Fame. Chances

You can also check out one of her four

are at some point in your life you have

best-selling books:

grapevined and ab crunched alongside

1. The Original Rubber Band Workout, (sold

this fitness guru. Tamilee is America’s

in six countries and translated into five

Most Trusted Fitness Instructor, best


known for as the star of the famous

2. Step-up Fitness


3. Workout for Dummies 4. Defy Gravity Workout

Tamilee Webb has always taken a no-nonsense approach to mind, body, health and fitness which is what keeps workout enthusiasts coming back. While her original videos still stand the test of time, in 2018 Tamilee launched WEBBWORKOUTS.COM, a monthly subscription and design the workout you want for yourself program. Each month new workouts are added where you can choose the length of time and the body part. It also includes a monthly calendar, daily messages, tips, and unlimited access. Tamilee believes that fitness happens from the inside out. Her advice is to find an exercise that’s right for you. Tamilee continues to mentor, manage, and produce for other fitness professions and Influencers. When home in Cardiff, California, she instructs group classes and personal training for her clients. You



The Ergonomic Zoom Boom


HUMANSCALE Humanscale is the first company to offer products that are certified as climate positive, meaning they leave the world measurably better off by offsetting the negative environmental impacts of manufacturing. For example, they created an ergonomic chair with two pounds of recycled fishing nets used in its molded construction. Also, their designs have been made to be lighter in weight at about 30 pounds. Humanscale’s suite of ergonomic offerings includes award-winning seating with selfadjusting task chairs, sit/stand desks that promote movement, smart task lighting, flexible monitor arms, and tech solutions to keep clutter under control while enhancing connectivity.

Written By Kellie Galvin

rgonomics is defined as the study of how people work in their environment. Sadly, people don’t think about their work environment until they feel physical discomforts such as back and neck pain. In 2020 about 85 million people moved their workspace into their homes overnight. How many of you reading this article can relate to the challenge of setting up your optimum workspace for working 8 hours in front of your computer? It goes without saying that spending hours working from your couch, the kitchen island, or other areas that aren’t optimized for your comfort might not be the most productive thing to do. Jonathan Puleio, Global Vice President of Humanscale Consulting, discusses how the quality of our indoor environment is closely related to productivity and satisfaction at work. Humanscale is focused on the science of designing equipment, especially to reduce operator fatigue, discomfort, and injury. They provide principles like function, simplicity, longevity, and aesthetic design as necessary for creating the ideal home/ work environment. Stand Up, Sit Down? Jonathan had interesting comments about the stand-up desk and sitting desk. Stand-up desks are trendy, and there’s an incredible amount of research; standing desks have legitimate health benefits. The challenge is getting people to use them properly, as standing for eight hours is not healthy and can take a toll on circulatory risk and degeneration of spinal disks. This challenge also relates to the misconception that people need to sit up straight, and when you think about sitting up straight, you must force your body in an unnatural

position. The best advice is to use the back of your chair that supports the natural shape of your spine. The best combination is standing for 15 minutes to 45 minutes sitting or putting yourself in a position where you’re in constant movement. Jonathan advises taking a micro break every hour to get your blood circulating. How is Humanscale different? Humanscale was able to pivot its business focus to the home-based office. In doing so, they produced a software platform that uses an online scheduling portal to schedule an appointment.

The software includes Ergo IQ to self-assess your workspace, uses E-learning program, And A.I. software to transform traditional offices into active, intelligent workspaces; this includes home evaluations to assess their work environment. This brilliant idea reduces the analysis paralysis of freezing online trying to purchase the best option for your workspace. You fill out a few questions, take a couple of photos of your current workstation and meet with a consultant that can help you take the best step in investing in your healthy workspace.








The Compliment Challenge Michelle Emmick & Dr. Beverly Pedroche


bet you can remember a genuine compliment someone gave you. That out of the blue and very specific compliment. A sentiment that made the corners of your mouth turn upward and your eyes squint and sparkle as you nodded and gave them a thank you. It felt good, right? Most of us appreciate when someone recognizes something in us. Maybe it was for your kindness, effort or your beauty. Whatever the trait, those words stuck with you because it created a feel-good emotion. It hit the sweet spot and permeated your unconscious mind. Thoughtful words can create a powerful bond between people. It can create friendships, connections and can be an easy way to break the ice with someone. So, when was the last time you went out of your way to give someone praise? It’s easy to become inwardly focused and often hyper focused that we can miss the moments of seeing others and their positive impacts. Wouldn’t it be great to take the focus off ourselves and open our eyes to the all the beauty all around us? Psychology tells us that words make an impact us, so what if we use our power for the good of others. It costs you absolutely nothing and I’m pretty sure your kind words, will give you all the feels in return. So, let’s start pumping out the positivity, shall we? According to Clinical Psychologist Dr. Beverly Pedroche, people seek psychotherapy because they want to feel good…or, at minimum, to feel less bad. Compliments are one of the small actions that you can take that helps two people feel good with one action. Talk about



efficient! How does this two-for-one deal work? When you pay someone a sincere and specific compliment, the recipient benefits from hearing that you noticed something praiseworthy about them. They experience warmfuzzy feelings. YAY! But then there’s a positive boomerang effect. You deliver this morsel of positivity and those effects bounce back onto you. Warm-fuzzies everywhere (without the mess). A cool thing that is happening “behind the mental scenes” when you’re making proactive efforts to notice praise-worthy traits to compliment about others is what’s called attention training. Attention training is often used in the treatment of anxiety to help people better control their worrisome, negative thoughts. When you’re looking for something positive to compliment, your thoughts are focused on just that, the positive. Positive thoughts contribute to positive feelings. So, go out there and be a treasure hunter of positivity gems! Behavioral activation is a common Cognitive Behavioral Therapy technique that is used primarily in the treatment of depression. Behavioral activation is an evidenced-based, structured, and individualized treatment that, in part, focuses on engaging in positive activities to boost mood. This concept of “doing something positive to feel positive emotions” can be used by all of us. And one of the most simple positive actions one can take is paying compliments. Hence the 30 day compliment challenge!

Challenge Accepted! Our Compliments to: Leigha Jones Tricia Matison-Rennells Andrea Flynn Krysta Lee Kelley Bacalles Lindsay Batrowney Dena Sciacchitano Tricia Cronk Rachel Brooks Stephanie Lafler Shelly Good Dara Peyton Tia Molina Linton Audrey Levy Alane Martens Kristin Grennan Keary Miller Adriana Oliver

Take The Compliment Challenge Here’s the challenge, for the next 30 days try giving out an authentic and genuine compliment every day to at least one person. You can start with people you know and value and deliver them some heartfelt meaningful words. All you need to do is acknowledge something unique and special about someone and let them know. That’s easy! Once you’ve conquered your circle, try moving all that positivity to n acquaintance or even a stranger.

And for those that have trouble accepting a compliment, I have another challenge for you. Learn to smile accept and say thank you. Think about the fact that someone went out of their way to recognize something special about you so take it and integrate it. You owe it to yourself! What is the best compliment that you have ever received?






Aloha Friends, I am so grateful to be contributing to Ask Us Beauty. It’s a gift to share our secrets for each other and I hope that by sharing some insight into my life, my coaching business and coaching tips, you will be inspired to conquer anything you put your mind to. I want to focus this moment on your belief system and saying “yes” to committing to yourself. It’s about understanding what these two philosophies mean and how to start to embody them. Getting real with yourself and recognizing where you are in your life right now is the hardest part. What that means is you are listening, and you desire to take some steps forward to making a shift in your life. You are on the cusp of “learning a new dance” and are realizing the need for a redo or a reset, a reboot. Being ready takes courage, commitment and communication. You have to want to do the work. My first suggestion is to really think about one thing in your life that you really want to immediately change. You

things that you honestly want to shift in your life. Really take the time to write down at least 5 things. Once you have done that, let’s prioritize. Rewrite them in order of importance. Take a deep breath. Start to write down why you have this habit or issue. Be as truthful as you can with yourself. The more you write, the easier it is to start the shift. It’s okay if this takes you a few hours or a few days. Sometimes you have to get up and walk around to really discover the details. Once you have your list, ask yourself, “How can I shift my old habit? What is one thing I can do to stop myself from making the same choices?” Work with this during the next few weeks. What you will start to discover is your new belief system- the way you want to live today and moving forward. It could seem easy in the beginning and then get hard again. That’s normal. Stay with it. This will get you on the right track if you keep the commitment to yourself. Just remember, say “Yes” to a better you! Ari Zucker Positivity Advocate Coach

may have more than one. In fact, I know you have more than one. If you are not sure yet, let’s get specific. Grab a pen and a piece of paper and write a list of NEW BEGINNINGS


t is with sincere excitement that I


feelings of depression and just feeling

begin my contributorship with ASK

exhausted all the time forced me to take

US BEAUTY Magazine. I often say

responsibly of my health. I was not going

that we only get one life, so let’s make

to settle for this as just getting older; I

it a masterpiece. I take this statement

chose to figure it out.

to heart and have been working out my own reshape for several years now. I’ve

My health reshape started with a visit

focused on the shape of my heart, soul,

to a natural based doctor. They ordered

mind, and health because, afterall, they

a comprehensive blood panel that

are all connected. I believe it’s never too

provided insight into what was creating

late to reshape an area of your life that is

these health challenges. It gave me a

no longer serving you.

road map on how to naturally improve my overall wellness. This journey to

As we kick off 2022, let’s focus on our

regain my health and find answers was

health. A few years back, I was co-

the catalyst to launching my RE/SHAPE

hosting a live morning talk show. I was

Lifestyle platform for women where I

up at 5am, live at 8am, and finished by

share all the resources that have helped

11am. Initially, I thought this would be

me in hopes to pay it forward.

my ideal schedule - up early for work and finish in time to get home to take

It all starts with creating a personalized

care of family responsibilities, work out,

wellness and lifestyle plan. Once

and prepare for the arrival of my kids

I learned the factors that were

and husband. Let me tell you, this dream

contributing to my health problems and

schedule lasted for about 2 weeks. The

made the necessary changes, I felt like I

minute I returned home, I was crawling

truly got my life back.

back into bed and sleeping until my kids ran through the door. It took every ounce

Here’s to a year of extraordinary health,

I had to stay engaged and attentive to

you are worth it!

my own family. For my personal resources go to: I was already feeling a bit overwhelmed

before this new job, but this schedule

Follow @reshapelive

sent me over the edge. Brain fog on top of thinning hair, poor digestion, sleepless nights, low sex drive, occasional





Baring it All Written by Michelle Emmick

@barbaramajeski 90



arbara Majeski has been up in the club, performed at the club, and earned top billing at the club. Oh, and she’s baring it all! At 48, she’s found success as a Lifestyle and Entertainment Expert, a podcaster, and she is taking over the social networking app Clubhouse, a drop-in audio app where you can jump into conversations and connect with people that you would likely never have access to. “What’s great is that you can wander into a room and hear well-known voices and spaces. It’s such an interesting platform because it’s not one-on-one; it’s a podcast where you can be an engaged participant or just be a listener.” Barbara shares that what she loves most about Clubhouse is that it’s threedimensional. “On Instagram, you see me. On television, you see and hear me. On Clubhouse, you get to KNOW me. It’s a great give and take. People get to know me, and I get to know them. Clubhouse has allowed me to open up and be transparent. I share my story, and I can help others in their selfdevelopment and personal growth.” Barbara’s journey has been about baring it all, and she believes transparency and authenticity have given her a superpower. This jersey girl tags the line ‘grit behind the glamour’ because she’s

lived it. “I put myself through college, waited tables, been a door-to-door salesgirl in my ‘20s, and helped scale sales teams across the United States.” Barbara Majeski is self-made, and that’s only the first few chapters. The next few chapters for this mother of three saw her life turned upside down in an instant. The interesting part in the story is that those flips eventually got her to her center. For many years, Barbara was living a life on the outside that, to others, looked perfect. “I put so much into being a wife, mother, part of the community. I showed up and gave my best. I was such a contortionist in my marriage. I worked for 13 years to make him and others happy because I wanted to be accepted and loved. When the marriage broke, it was a feeling of being discarded.” If that wasn’t enough for someone to handle, during this same time, Barbara was diagnosed with cancer. Barbara shares, however, that what started as a complete breakdown actually became her breakthrough. “I lived my life in self-doubt and issues with self-esteem. I never felt good enough and was always a peoplepleaser. I was so broken, and on top of that, had to face mortality.”



“The conversation you have with yourself is the most important conversation you will have every day, but if you’re not in control of that narrative, you’re going to continue to struggle out of control.”

Barbara shared a personal story in which she had a random encounter with a stranger one night that opened her eyes to see herself for what she really was, a beautiful badass. “This encounter got my dial moving, and I started to take stock of who I was. I worked on myself, and I also beat cancer. Life is short, and I was ready to live my best life. I knew that coming through the other side, I had a voice, and I would use my voice to help inspire



others to live with purpose.” To take that leap and move on to the next chapter, Barbara had to amplify her profile. She immediately hired a media trainer, made her first stop at the Today show, and from there, a star was born! Today Barbara is continuing to use her strong voice to help others. She is writing her book and does public speaking. When conducting her Masterclasses, she always starts by saying, “The conversation you have with yourself is

the most important conversation you will have every day, but if you’re not in control of that narrative, you’re going to continue to struggle out of control. Take stock, find what’s not serving you, and replace new talk or even a new story.”

Barbara continues to bare it all in the club, with several others to see where their relations can evolve. “I’ve found this amazing platform where I can dive into real conversations, and I’m going to continue my mission of sharing my story to help others with theirs.”

“Life is short, and I was ready to live my best life. I knew that coming through the other side, I had a voice, and I would use my voice to help inspire others to live with purpose.”



The Beauty Couch Empowering Through Psychotherapy e all know an empowered woman


confident. Psychotherapy can help you

when we see one. She confident

identify and build on your strengths, core

and kind, ambitious and assertive. She is

beliefs, and value systems and use these

giving but knows her limits. She stands up

assets to be successful.

for what she believes in and advocates for others. She’s a freaking unicorn! Or is

Empowered women have coping skills

she? If you’re interested in becoming more

to deal with adversities. They are not

empowered, psychotherapy can help.

insulated from problems but have the tools to manage them. Psychotherapy can

Empowered women are assertive.

teach you coping skills to manage stress,

Psychotherapy can teach you how to set

depression, and anxiety. You can learn

boundaries, say no unapologetically, and

decision-making skills and techniques to

make and refuse requests confidently.

improve relationships.

Empowered women prioritize self-care.

Empowered women are aware of the

Psychotherapy can help identify your

power of their thoughts; they keep things

unique needs (bubble baths aren’t for

in perspective. Cognitive Behavioral

everyone) and take steps to get those

Therapy teaches you to identify errors in

needs met to prevent burnout, increase

your thinking (errors that cause emotional

efficiency, and improve mental health.

distress and prevent you from reaching your full potential) and techniques

Empowered women are self-aware.

to correct these errors. Empowered

Psychotherapy will guide you through the

women see failure as part of success,

process of exploring your thoughts and

challenge as opportunities to grow. They

behaviors in order to develop insight. Self-

recognize irrational thinking, such as

awareness is necessary to discovering

catastrophizing, as unlikely or inaccurate.

your purpose, living authentically, and


understanding why you do what you do

Empowered women are kind to

and, therefore, how to make changes.

themselves, in thoughts and actions.

Empowered women are capable and

Psychotherapy teaches you that you can


be kind and driven at the same time. You’ll learn to recognize and correct your negative self-talk and realize that you deserve the same compassion that you give others. Empowered women empower women. They know that empowerment happens on an individual level and collectively. Psychotherapy helps you develop confidence and a willingness to be vulnerable so that you don’t seek to compete or compare but, instead, lift up other women. Yes, empowered women are special but not so unique that you, too, can’t be one. Don’t let their confidence fool you. They experience pain and self-doubt, but they don’t get stuck in the suffering. They look for solutions, support, or a new direction. Start with the small step of scheduling an appointment with a therapist.

Dr. Beverly Pedroche @drpedroche NEW BEGINNINGS


Inspire Always Meet our newest Ask Us Beauty Contributor! When we first connected with Marcia for our Holiday issue we knew that she had to join our team! Marcia Agius is the founder of Inspire Always. Over many years, she has been inspired by countless amazing women. These incredible individuals prompted Marcia to create a community and a forum that highlights their strengths and struggles. This group of women support and motivate each other while spreading kindness, positivity, and giving back to the community. @_inspirealways



What Inspires Me? Monica Linda @girlsquadinc

Naomi Shapiro @rocknkarma

Favorite Quote: ‘Keep the welcome mat out for the woman you’re becoming.”

Favorite Quote: “Stress doesn’t really go with my outfit.”

All the women who wake up every day to work on their businesses. Every day. I wake up everyday because we have come so far. I am a firstgeneration college graduate and woman entrepreneur. I am a warrior. And I always want to be better than the day before because I have fought like hell to be exactly where I am.

Although my creativity and inspiration are fueled by many sources such as music, art, nature, people, one’s energy and all things colorful, I find my greatest inspiration comes from the places I’ve travelled to and aspire to travel. I truly believe in people, positive energy, and good karma.

One day at a time. One post at a time. One client at a time. Where are my fellow warriors?

Lisa Sonshine @sonshinel Favorite Quote: “The only way out is through.” What inspires me is my tribe. The people I surround myself with. They inspire me to show up honestly and authentically. My 2-year-old son inspires me to see the world through his exciting eyes.

Erin Tarr @be.the. benchmark Favorite Quote: “I choose my thoughts, to create my life, and change the world. I. AM. FIERCE.” What Inspires me: All the trailblazing women that have come before me; the amazing tween and teen girls I get to work with everyday; and most of all my own three daughters Adsen, Finley & Logan.




ULTIMATE “NIGHT IN” As Valentine’s Day approaches and romance is in the air, here are my picks for the ultimate at home spa night—even if your date is a glass of Pinot Noir and a sultry Spotify soundtrack. After a little self care, you’ll be bringing sexy ALL the way back!

For a truly decadent at home facial, take your pick of any of the Knesko Collagen Gel Masks. The serum-infused masks use precious gemstones and minerals to activate the chakras and rejuvenate the skin. Try the eye and lip masks—or go for the ultimate indulgence with a full face mask—my favorite is the Nano Gold Repair. Add the neck/décolleté mask, pour yourself a glass of wine, throw on your silk robe, and live your best life. Knesko Collagen Gel Masks: $15-$35

If the winter weather or the summer heat has left your body feeling dry and in need of hydration, start with my favorite body scrub for baby-soft skin. The Kiehl’s Crème de Corps Soy Milk & Honey Body Polish is a game changer for dry, flaky limbs. A luxurious body polish with Shea and Jojoba butters and Sweet Almond Oil, it has a subtly sweet fragrance that lingers. I love to massage it into my skin just before I get into the shower to slough off any dry skin areas. After a quick rinse, my skin transforms from crocodile to cashmere. Kiehl’s Crème de Corps Soy Milk & Honey Body Polish: $30



Once you slip into a steamy shower, reach for the L’Occitane Almond Shower Oil. Slather it on and enjoy the experience as the decadent oil transforms into a milky lotion that washes away even the most stressful day. And if you’d prefer to soak your cares away, try their Creamy & Comforting Bubble Bath. L’Occitane Almond Shower Oil: $25-$42 L’Occitane Creamy & Comforting Bubble Bath: $39

If your dreams of a tropical island getaway seem miles away, take a quick trip in your mind with the Nars

Monoi Body Glow II body oil. The fragrance will transport you to a beach in Tahiti, as you rock the day away on a hammock and sip a cocktail from a pineapple. The lingering scent of Tahitian gardenia and coconut will have you dreaming Polynesian dreams. Nars Monoi Body Glow II body oil: $59

If a fragrant body cream is more your speed, look to Jo Malone. My favorite is the Wood Sage & Sea Salt Body Crème—a unique scent that is both cozy and invigorating, the cream is loaded with conditioning oils and leaves a whisper of the fragrance behind. For the ultimate indulgence, light the candle in the same soothing scent, and spritz on the matching cologne to keep the fragrance with you all day. Jo Malone Wood Sage & Sea Salt Body Crème: $86 Wood Sage & Sea Salt Cologne: $144 Wood Sage & Sea Salt Candle: $70

I can wax nostalgic from time to time—and I still LOVE the Advanced Fango Delicato Moisturizing Mud Mask from Borghese. The mint green color, the buttercream frostinglike texture, the subtle herbal scent, and the flip-top glass jar—and I’m transported to my younger days. I have been using this mask for DECADES and it never fails to deliver on moisturized, brighter and calmer skin.

When your hands are in need of a little TLC, start your mani off with CHANEL’s Le Lift La Crème Main hand cream. Combining Botanical Alfalfa Concentrate (a gentle ingredient as efficient as retinol) with Licorice Extract— this cushiony, subtly fragrant cream will give you hands anyone will want to hold. Finish off your manicure with the cuticle oil from CND and my favorite everyday nail color, Porchester Square, from Nails Inc—a beautiful mushroom-meets-lilac shade that is the perfect wearable nude for all skin tones. CHANEL’s Le Lift La Crème Main: $65 CND SolarOil cuticle oil: $8.50 Nails Inc Gel Effect Nail Polish in Porchester Square: $15

Borghese Advanced Fango Delicato Moisturizing Mud Mask: $50

So, whether it’s a date with your partner, a night out with your “Galentines”, or a cozy night spent home alone, treat yourself to some self care this Valentine’s Day. You deserve it!

xo, Jen









A Mission for Success Cindy Eckert


self-made serial entrepreneur

A lot of women do not know about HSDD. Can

and vocal advocate for women,

you explain what it is?

Cindy Eckert defies convention. In

Frustrating low libido is the most common

her industry, in her companies, and in her

sexual complaint for women. In fact, it affects

outcomes, her work today in The Pinkubator

millions of us. Yet so few women have ever been

continues to break barriers by investing in and

told that there’s a name for it! The medical

mentoring other women to reach her level of

term is HSDD, or Hypoactive (low) Sexual

success. She’s on a mission to make women

Desire Disorder. HSDD has a biological basis

really rich. You cannot miss Cindy. Everything

and occurs in women who can’t turn off their

she touches turns to PINK!

“everyday brain” to prioritize their own pleasure. The great news is that there are legitimate, FDA

Over a distinguished 24-year career in

approved options to address it. My company,

healthcare, Cindy spent the last ten of

Sprout Pharmaceuticals, broke through with the

those building and selling two businesses

first and only FDA approved pill, called Addyi.

for more than $1.5 billion: first Slate

Did you know there’s a little pink pill for women?

Pharmaceuticals, which redefined long-acting

We deserve options too!

testosterone treatment for men, then Sprout Pharmaceuticals, which broke through with

You are all about uplifting and empowering

the first ever FDA-approved drug for low sexual

women. Can you tell us about The Pinkubator?

desire in women, dubbed “female Viagra” by

After building two companies, I took stock of

the media. After selling the company for $1B in

what it was that I enjoyed the most about those

2015, she successfully fought to get the drug

experiences. Here was the trifecta: First, I was

back and launched it on her own terms.

moved by witnessing firsthand the change that can come when women advocate for each

Cindy has made waves and made her own

other. Second, I knew that improving women’s

success, creating mission-driven companies

lives through innovation is what fuels me to

that deliver big. Her results have become a

jump out of bed in the morning. Finally, it was

widely covered business success story featured

clear to me that one woman’s ownership can

in major media outlets. But, she is most

create an army of women owners. Take those

proud of helping others take command. The

three things and you have The Pinkubator.

profoundly positive impact those companies have made in people’s lives is what keeps her

We identify game-changing product firsts and

coming back for more.

women leaders to mentor, invest in, and elevate to transformative outcomes. Nothing brings me


We had a few questions for the self-made

and my team more joy than doing our part to

wonder woman.

help fix the deficit that still remains in terms of


mentorship and funding for women. What do you do to keep yourself looking and feeling great? I prioritize sex! There’s a reason Nars named their bestselling blush Orgasm, right?! Not long ago an A list actress/ singer known for defying aging confessed to me that while people always ask her about her beauty routine, what she wants to say is have more sex. Scientifically, she’s right. The release of estrogen during sex improves collagen production, hyaluronic acid, and hair growth, then the oxytocin lowers stress and the breakdown of elastin. Plus, you sleep better and improve confidence. Wait, did I just geek out? HaHa. What is the one beauty tip you learned from a loved one, and who is that person? How lucky am I that my bestie, Robin, is an aesthetician? She is my go-to for all beauty tips, but this little gem surprised me. After an unfortunate latenight self-tanning incident, my panicked call to her in the morning led to the perfect cure. Whitening toothpaste to remove self-tanner! You better believe I coated myself in some Colgate and scrubbed my way back to being able to go out in public again. How do you define beauty? Beauty is charisma, intelligence, confidence, and having a sense of purpose. I realize that these are all elements of inner beauty, but to me, that’s the most important beauty.




Written By Kellie Galvin


BEAUTIFUL MISSION Founder & Chief Executive Officer, Aesthetics Biomedical®


aryAnn Guerra’s diverse and impressive career has focused on progressive health, science, technology, and start-ups. Her passion has brought technology to market, accelerated innovation from the lab into commercial businesses, and provided an incomparable consumer experience, making an impact on healthy aging for men and women all over the world. As the founder of Aesthetics Biomedical®, MaryAnn is soft-spoken but mighty. Her passion and grit allowed her to navigate the



red tape to design experiences backed by science and data to create optimal outcomes for her physician network and consumers. MaryAnn is respectfully known for creating novel programs to accelerate technology transfer from the lab into new business opportunities. She served as President of TGen Accelerators, LLC. and had an impressive career at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), where she held various senior-level positions. Her experience with NIH

provided her with a foundation to share high-level knowledge when it came to FDA regulations and clinical studies. MaryAnn worked with BioAccel, a non-profit organization that served as an incubator for investing in medical technology. While at BioAccel, she discovered a potential gem in medical aesthetics where she used her experience to streamline the proper studies to the FDA for approval successfully. Her investor and high-level advisors encouraged her to take the next step with this amazing technology and introduce it to the medical aesthetic market as CEO of her own company. MaryAnn had an opportunity in her life to leave behind health science and pivot to medical aesthetic technology. She discussed this opportunity with a friend who was the head of a major insurance company. Her friend’s profound observation was simple, “Some of the biggest health expenses are related to aging, people who don’t feel good about themselves, and who are dealing with depression. If you could do anything to help people feel good about themselves to eliminate anxiety, drink alcohol or take drugs… You will make a huge impact.” These words of wisdom inspired MaryAnn. In 2016, she founded Aesthetics Biomedical®, the parent company of Vivace®. One month later, they sold their first device. MaryAnn shares that consumers of all ages love this leadingedge technology because it provides incredible results. Known for treating fine lines and wrinkles, Vivace® uses radiofrequency with microneedles to create purposeful injury. With 36 insulated needles delivering heat into your dermis, your body automatically stimulates collagen and elastin, which in turn creates skin that looks simply luminous without pain and downtime. Quoting MaryAnn, “You don’t need to have a painful treatment to have a beautiful result with Vivace®,” It’s also the gift that keeps on giving as after one treatment, not only will you see your pore size shrink but the reproduction of collagen is long-term.

products are backed by science. Aesthetics Biomedical® launched an innovative personalized skincare product with two patents called SoME® Skincare. This product is ahead of its time, made with two clinical and lab studies and safety studies published in peer-reviewed magazines. SoME® Skincare is a revolutionary serum made with all-natural ingredients, which includes your own Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) that lasts up to 120 days to give you a truly personalized cosmetic experience. The field of personalized aesthetics and the use of PRP to effectively achieve aesthetic outcomes is expanding daily, providing new opportunities to advance the science with Aesthetics Biomedical® at the forefront of regenerative aesthetics. The future is bright with Aesthetics Biomedical® and MaryAnn Guerra at the helm. MaryAnn has built a company with a great team behind her as she is a true investor in people. MaryAnn provides opportunities for her employees to reach their highest potential for growth, where honesty and integrity can’t be taken for granted. We look forward to what’s around the corner with Aesthetics Biomedical®!

All Aesthetics Biomedical® treatments and NEW BEGINNINGS


Stitched with a Mission by Amy Breuer

eauty is a character trait that is


with her family fell through just 24 hours

built around the appreciation of

before departure, Stephanie Giddens’

differences and diversity. It is how

passion for social movements and desire

someone engages with those around them

to help underserved populations are far

and beauty looks different on different

from standing still. Stephanie’s interest

people” is how Stephanie Giddens, Founder

exponentially grew after she discovered a

and Executive Director of Vickery Trading

large refugee population living just miles

Company, defines beauty.

from her home in a neighborhood called

Victory Meadow. Since 2015, Vickery Trading Although her plans to relocate to Africa 106


Company, located in Dallas, Texas, has

been providing professional and personal

of things such as custom tailored drapes,

development programs that empower

bedding, pillows, suits, wedding dresses,

women to become self-sufficient and

dance or cheer uniforms, chances are you

contribute back to their local communities.

will need a “just-in- time”’ service close to

Texas became one of the top three states

home. This growing need has made sewing

for resettlement of refugees by 2021, and

an essential skill for women and those that

the Victory Meadow neighborhood is often

employ them.

the first place refugees settle, so there has been a tremendous opportunity to make

Looking for a way to help refugee women

a difference without being a world away.

thrive? Check out their products at https://

Refreshingly, Stephanie is always able where every purchase

to see the positives: “There is so much

benefits the refugees that make them. Make

misinformation about refugees and I want

a tax-deductible donation or volunteer your

people to know that they bring a strength

time in one of many ways.

(not a drain) to our community and that as humans, they bring the most beautiful, creative and colorful life to our community”. Through Vickery Trading Company’s unique and holistic 21-month program, refugee women are hired and trained to sew at a professional level using industrial machines and paid fair wages for their work while also learning English and other valuable job- readiness skills. The sewing industry is a sustainable one, and a sewer’s salary, combined with the income of a spouse, would enable a family to function well on their own and give back to their community, which is the ultimate goal of the program. “We are teaching women how to fish rather than just giving them one. We are all about the hand up, not the hand out,” says Stephanie of their approach. Currently, 98% of clothes are made overseas, but the industry is thriving here in the United States and is growing rapidly. For anyone in need

@vickerytradingcompany NEW BEGINNINGS








r. Deep has enjoyed a lifelong

Written By: Kellie Galvin

interest in art, design, and aesthetics. These passions

prompted her to open Nina Deep MD Aesthetics in 2005. She comes from a large family of physicians including both of her parents, her two siblings, seven of her aunts and uncles, six of her cousins, her husband and two of her in-laws (and two of her children are attending medical school). After receiving her medical degree from Northeast Ohio Medical University in 1994, she specialized in Internal Medicine and was recognized as one of Columbus’ Top Doctors by The Columbus Dispatch. Nina Deep Aesthetics is a small boutiquestyle practice dedicated to providing exceptional care to each person who walks through its doors. Dr. Deep specializes in a select number of nonsurgical aesthetic procedures that



strive to provide natural-looking results.

plasma or PRP) provides a regenerative skin

Always seeking advanced treatments, she

therapy using Nitrogen Gas. Simply put,

discovered AgeJET® technology. AgeJET® is

energy travels into the deeper skin layers

nitrogen plasma technology that treats the

without breaking the surface layers. more

skin from the inside out. The technology is

youthful appearance and will continue to

not new, but it has recently been upgraded

improve for up to a year! To quote Dr. Deep,

to an outstanding treatment for patients of

“I don’t understand why plasma technology

ALL skin types for skin laxity, wrinkles, age

is not everywhere, but I couldn’t be happier

spots, acne, and precancerous Lesions. The

to offer it to my patients.” Just for the record,

all new AgeJET EYE is used, with superior

Dr. Deep is not a paid spokesperson for

results, to treat the sensitive upper and

AgeJET® just a huge fan of a company that

lower eyelids, so reflect the patient’s

can produce what it promises.

younger version of themselves by appearing wider, brighter, and more youthful. In

After years of experience working with

the past, patients with darker skin types

nitrogen plasma technology, Dr. Deep

couldn’t take advantage of the benefits

was introduced to AgeJet when selected

of laser resurfacing without potential side effects, and patients who were ideal candidates for laser resurfacing had to deal with the discomfort of treatment along with peeling and redness for up to 1 to 4 weeks to be completely healed. Using AgeJET®, Dr Deep’s patients healing time is a fraction of the time used to with traditional laser and ultrasound technologies The AgeJET® Eye is the holy grail of eye treatments. Dr. Deep has extensive experience in this industry to curate only those procedures that are safe, comfortable, and quick for her patients, hence the reason she discarded all the lasers in her practice that couldn’t equal the safety, comfort, and quick recovery AgeJET® can produce. Dr. Deep explains that plasma (not to be confused with “blood” 110


to test for clinical evaluations on AgeJET® technology. What she’s discovered is ‘less energy is better.’ She realized when treating her patients with less energy that they were recovering quickly and still getting amazing results with lower levels of energy. “It’s a new, and better, method to deliver results we expect. Like Tesla and electric cars, AgeJET® goes beyond the traditional light-based modality systems of lasers, RF, and ultrasound. Once you try it, you’ll quickly realize the efficiency, safety, efficacy and immediate benefits to your practice.” AgeJET® is expected to be available in 2022. The AgeJET® is the new Tesla skin treatment of the century. There’s a calm confidence about Dr. Deep that she’s earned with her dedication to her profession and passion for helping her patients seek solutions. She encourages women to maintain a healthy balance between hyper-focusing on looks while accepting that looks change; it is natural to hold on, but she offers solutions to move on to graceful aging. Dr. Deep speaks eloquently about women and beauty and has a lot to say on the subject. “I think it’s important for women to understand that their appearance has value at any age and caring for it requires effort at every age.” When asked about her definition of beauty, she replied, “I would say I feel most beautiful when I am connecting with others, whether it is a friend or family member, a patient, a student, or even a stranger. That is when

my inner and outer selves feel most in alignment.” Dr. Deep is distinctly aware she is a trailblazer in a generation of women in aesthetics, where technology, treatments, and definitions of beauty are constantly changing, and ’looking as good as you feel’ should be more than just a pleasant cliché; it should be a lifestyle adopted by smart and thoughtful women as they journey through the aging process. Dr. Nina Deep is an active member of The Women’s Fund of Central Ohio that invests in the potential of women and girls. She is nationally recognized as an expert in facial injections and is a sought-after trainer throughout the United States. Her years of experience and artistic eye benefit her patients and have distinguished her as a leader in the aesthetics industry. You can reach Dr. Deep at: NEW BEGINNINGS



r. Liu received her medical degree from

the University of WisconsinMadison and residency and the University of Minnesota. She curtly holds the title of Assistant Professor for the department of dermatology and Medical Director for Dermatology at the Hennepin Health Care Clinic and Specialty Center.




orn in Beijing and growing up

health and skin. Dr. Liu defines beauty as

in Minneapolis, board-certified

Self-acceptance, self-love, and self-

dermatologist Dr. Jenny Liu fell in


love with dermatology because of its visual aspect and the ability to treat all genders and groups. Fluent in both Mandarin and English, Dr. Liu received her medical degree from the University of Wisconsin-

Reader Questions

Madison and residency and the University

What is skin slugging?

of Minnesota. She curtly holds the title of

Use petrolatum (also known as petroleum

Assistant Professor for the department

jelly) to coat the entire face, especially

of dermatology and Medical Director for

using petrolatum moisturizer helps to

Dermatology at the Hennepin Health Care

minimize transepidermal water loss, great

Clinic and Specialty Center.

for dry and irritated skin. Conversely, those with oily skin may not find it ideal, and it

During her undergraduate studies, Jenny Liu

may increase penetration of ingredients

met her husband where they went through

like retinoid, which can increase irritation.

medical school and training together. He is an ENT surgeon. They have a 3-year-

Do I have to use separate face cream for

old daughter and 7-year-old bichon fries.

eyes and face?

Jenny loves skincare, fashion and loves to

You don’t have to, but you may get


additional benefits from using separate eye creams, depending on your concern.

Dr. Liu shares that what she loves most about Dermatology is making impactful

My skin is so dry in the winter, no matter

and visible changes in one’s skin, hair, and

what I use. How can I keep my skin

nail conditions. “Many don’t realize that


skin conditions can be very complex and is

Minimize or remove all actives like retinoids

more than just skincare or cosmetics. Skin

and acids.

is the largest organ and greatly impacts one’s health, mental well-being, and

Use a gentle cleanser while the skin is still

quality of life. Being able to help patients in

damp. Apply a thicker/rich moisturizer.

that way is very gratifying.”

Adding a humidifier to the bedroom while sleeping can be helpful.

One beauty tip Dr. Liu learned from her mother is never to undervalue the

importance of food and its impact on one’s NEW BEGINNINGS



r. Kendall Roehl is a native Texan who was born in Alice, Texas. She moved to Victoria,

Texas when she was just nine, and she was raised there within a close and supportive family. She is the daughter of a teacher and petroleum consultant and has one younger brother. In her younger years, Dr. Roehl lived for sports. “I ran cross country and track, played basketball and softball. I carried my love for playing sports into college at Sam Houston State University and was even named an ‘All American’ in flag football!” Dr. Roehl grew up always wanting to help anyone or any animal that was injured or didn’t feel well. She knew she wanted to become a doctor at a very young age, and as she followed her education and interests, she discovered in medical school that her true love was in the operating room.



“On my surgical rotation, I fell in love with pediatric surgery. I also met a pediatric plastic surgeon who took care of congenital deformities, like cleft lips and palates, and he convinced me to try plastic surgery. I remember telling him, ‘I would never be a plastic surgeon,’ yet during my rotation, I fell in love with the diversity and art of plastic surgery!” Dr. Roehl went on to work with many other plastic surgeons and then met another microsurgeon like herself - a mother/wife/ surgeon. “Her practice focused on breast cancer reconstruction, and I realized that was my calling. I love helping women restore their bodies and feel good about themselves. Reconstructive surgery is the one light in a very dark time and helps women feel whole again. In that process, I really get to know those women- what they love and about their work and families. I enjoy that intimate connection with those patients and helping them walk through a very difficult chapter in their lives.” Dr. Roehl shared that she feels so blessed to be doing what she loves. “Being a plastic surgeon is one of the greatest honors, and in this profession comes some of the largest responsibilities on Earth, in my opinion. Patients are often in the most vulnerable state of their lives, and they then allow me to modify parts of their bodies (oftentimes they have a hard time looking at those parts themselves) whether for reconstructive or cosmetic purposes.”

The most rewarding part of her job is seeing the impact it has on a patient’s self-image and self-worth. “Many people judge or ridicule plastic surgery, but it truly can change a person in not only what they see in the mirror, but also in their soul. These changes trickle over into every aspect of their daily lives at work and in relationships. It brings me so much joy being part of people’s journeys and watching them transform physically and emotionally. Not every patient will share these stories with me, but those that do leave a lasting impression forever on my heart. I am so humbled and honored to be able to do this for ‘work.’” One tip Dr. Roehl shared that has been passed down is from her late grandmother: NEW BEGINNINGS


“‘You feel better and stronger, and are taken

I’ve lost 60 lbs. and have stalled for a year

more seriously with a little war paint on your

with the last 20. Should I go ahead and

face.” No matter how little sleep I have,

schedule my tummy tuck?

even after being awake for 48 hours on-

I truly respect and applaud those who have

call, I always wash my face and put some

undergone major weight loss or are taking

makeup on to feel ready to tackle whatever

steps to reach their goal weight! So many

life throws at me. People ask me all the time,

people seek surgery to “fix” their weight,

‘Dr. Roehl, why do you have a full face of

and it is not intended to be that way. My best

makeup on if you’re just going to get sweaty

work is when patients are at a stable weight

doing liposuction all day long?’ The simple

and are at or close to a good weight for their

answer and truth is because when I look my

body. I ask my patients to be at a stable

best, I feel my best and can do better work!”

weight that they can realistically maintain and ideally be at a BMI of 30 or less before scheduling a consultation with me. Having

Reader Questions

certain parameters in place is really done for

Can you briefly explain to our readers what

the most “bang for their buck” since I’m able

Lipo360 is?

to truly work on addressing their problematic

The term “Lipo 360” refers to liposuction of

areas, like stubborn areas of fat or stretched

the flanks, abdomen, and back to remove

out skin after pregnancy/weight loss.

the patient’s health and allows them to get

stubborn areas of fat from the entire circumference of the torso. This is often combined with other procedures, like the popular Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL), where the fat that is removed from liposuction is then transferred to the hips and buttocks to reshape the overall body contour. I’ve seen women with really defined abs; how do you achieve that with liposuction? “Ab-etching” - If a patient has good skin quality and wants a more defined look in her abdomen, “hi-definition” liposuction can be added. This creates the look of abs by creating hills and valleys in the skin and fat of the abdomen and gives the illusion of an extra athletic appearance.




DOCTOR NIGMA TALIB K indness, caring, and healing is in Dr. Nigma Talib’s roots. Growing up in Vancouver,

Canada, Dr. Talib spent her weekends volunteering her time cooking and cleaning for the elderly and serving the underprivileged. “I knew that this was the true me- being of service. I wanted to help those in need, and

being a Naturopathic Doctor was in my cards as a healer and caretaker,” Dr. Talib told us. It’s no wonder, then, that she has become a top Naturopathic Doctor, treating her patients from the inside out and empowering them to live healthy, radiantly beautiful lives. Dr. Talib loved that Naturopathic medicine gave her the ability to see patients with all sorts of health concerns. However, as she opened the doors to her clinic, she began to notice that her patients weren’t just concerned about their internal health; they had concerns about their appearance as well. “Time



after time, they’d start telling me that they

one but two best-selling books, Reverse

were aging faster than they thought they

the Signs of Ageing and Younger Skin Starts

should.” Dr. Talib worried that her patients

in the Gut. In addition to Dr. Talib’s book

had resigned themselves to poor health

success, she founded Healthydoc Clinics,

and poor skin as they aged, and that didn’t

which were previously located in West

sit well with her. Those who hadn’t given up

Vancouver, Canada and London, England.

hope had resorted to fillers and injections,

She is now based in Los Angeles, California.

procedures Dr. Talib believed were only disguising the problems her patients

In her books and through her practice, Dr.

were experiencing. She believed that by

Talib attends to patients’ gut health and

addressing her patients’ internal health,

nutrition. After years of focusing on what

she could help them achieve healthy,

goes in the body and how those things

youthful-looking skin. “As their medical

affect not just our overall health but our

treatment progressed and we addressed

appearance, Dr. Talib can now pinpoint

the gut problems, hormonal imbalances,

components of a patient’s diet based on

or inflammation behind pretty much all

the issues they’re having with their skin. She

of their health concerns, my patients also

shares these trade secrets in her books. “For

started to notice major skin changes. Not

example,” she told us, “if someone had

only was I helping my patients achieve

been eating more dairy in the weeks before

optimum wellness, I was also helping them

they saw me, they’d often appear with dark

turn back the clock and look better than

circles under their eyes; a higher intake of

they ever had before.”

alcohol would leave skin with more fine lines and wrinkles around their mouth,


Dr. Talib’s success with her patients’

the nasolabial folds, and the eye area; if

skin concerns motivated her to train as

I took gluten out of a patient’s diet, in no

a medical aesthetician. She felt that

time it would result in a face that was less

being able to provide medical-like skin

bloated and puffy.” Dr. Talib also discussed

treatments would complement her work

how so many foods we consume contain

as a Naturopathic Doctor. “I felt that

harmful products that wreak havoc on our

together, the two could help me absolutely

bodies. Between poor diet and inactive

determine the root causes of why people

lifestyles, Dr. Talib says that we are aging

age before they should. I saw more and

at an alarming rate and developing very

more patients, and as my knowledge grew,

damaging health conditions. However, we

I could clearly see the link between their

have the power to take back control of our

health and why they were aging.“ It was Dr.

health. “The process begins through proper

Talib’s work in the intersection of gut health

nutrition. A poor diet can lead to the spread

and skincare that propelled her to write not

of inflammation and infection,” says Dr.


“A good rule is to follow the Japanese principle of Hara Hachi Bu, which means you put down your knife and fork when you feel about 70–80 percent full. It takes a little while for your brain to catch up, but you will soon feel fully satisfied. Always eat mindfully.” Dr. Talib credits fellow Naturopathic doctors and healthcare practitioners who have mentored her over the years for shaping the doctor she is today. When asked about her definition of beauty, Dr. Talib had this to say: “I don’t believe that tackling aging or getting perfect skin is related solely to what you put on the outside of your body. It is also about what you put inside your body, as deep down inside the gut is where real aging begins.” Her book Younger Skin Starts in the Gut helps solidify this concept and allows readers to achieve beautiful skin. “The book’s Talib. “To protect your immune system,

comprehensive four-week program and

you must limit your consumption of sugar,

healthy recipes provides solutions to eight

gluten, cow’s milk, dairy, and processed

different signs of aging—including uneven


skin tone, puffiness, dark circles, and adult acne—and guarantees one blissful result:

While Dr. Talib does address proper diet

younger-looking, healthier skin.”

and nutrition, her program is not a weightloss plan. She outlines certain foods for

IG @drnigmatalib

optimal health and more youthful skin,


but she doesn’t include portion sizes. That doesn’t mean, however, that we should go overboard on those ‘good’ foods. For patients and readers looking for portioncontrol advice or simple takeaways they can implement on their own, Dr. Talib recommends a common Japanese practice.



Australia found that eating a high GI meal raises levels of inflammatory markers three times higher than a low GI one. What about sugar substitutes? Avoid artificial sweeteners. Not only do they prevent you from losing your craving for sweet tastes, they negatively change the make-up of gut bacteria. If, once you’ve rebalanced your sugar levels, you want to sweeten foods, use a natural sweetener such as stevia, xylitol or coconut sugar instead. What are your thoughts on juicing (fruits/ vegetables)? I am a huge fan of juicing, but the main ingredient in any kind of juice should be green vegetables and not fruits—otherwise, you’re simply aging your skin with every sip.

Reader Questions

You’ll be eating three main meals a day,

How much does sugar effect the signs of

with a beauty burst of juicing in between to


feed your cells with extra greens and other

In the United States, the average adult

natural boosts. Every time we consume a

consumes about 130 pounds of sugar every

full meal or snack too much, our digestion

year. Increased consumption of sugar

must work harder and harder; by constantly

can lead to the production of advanced

snacking, you can overstress digestion,

glycation end products.

which makes it sluggish. This can then potentially cause a buildup of undigested


As with the signs of Sugar Face, it’s not

food in the digestive tract, which can then

just the obvious sweet foods that cause

cause problems such as fermentation,

problems— refined carbohydrates that the

bloating, toxicity buildup, and a potential

body turns quickly into glucose (aka those

imbalance of bacteria that can upset

with a high GI, or glycemic index) also

everything. Juices, however, are readily

cause an inflammatory reaction. In fact,

digested by the body and nourish the cells

researchers at the University of Sydney in

within, avoiding this effect.


Did she..

OR DIDN’T SHE? Only her doctor knows for sure

Silagen® Scar Refinement System for BEAUTIFUL HEALING of


WITHOUT Silagen treatment

(right breast 7 weeks post-op)

WITH Silagen treatment

(left breast 7 weeks post-op)







March of 2022






efore becoming a surgeon, I was a


Over the years since this first patient, I have

dedicated student of the sciences

learned techniques to better the explant

with one goal in mind, to become

surgery. I now perform an average of 6-8

a doctor. Even before college and in grade

a week all year long. I have changed the

school, I knew I wanted to go into medicine. I

dynamic of my practice to focus on women’s

grew up in a wonderful extended family that

health and have stopped performing

supported my goals along the way. When

cosmetic augmentations. I offer free

I was a young lady, my dad died of cancer,

consults to those considering a cosmetic

barely 12. This experience helped guide my

augmentation as an opportunity to educate

future toward medicine as I wanted to help

them as to the many health risks associated

people where I felt medicine had failed me.

with breast implants.

I was a division I college lacrosse athlete on a very successful team. Memories of playing

To me, beauty is not defined by the size

in the NCAA Final Four tournament will stay

of a women’s breast. Beauty starts on the

with me forever (even though we lost!).

inside and comes through on the surface when we allow it. This means a balance of

Being on a team at this level taught me

all aspects of life. When we are not healthy,

many things useful in life, both personally

this balance is impossible. The many women

and professionally. After four years of

in my life, my mom, aunt, stepmom, and

medical school, five years of general surgery

grandmom, have instilled this in me. Still, I

residency, and two years of plastic and

have continued to learn this and so much

reconstructive surgery fellowship, I finally

more from my Bii patients, as I have seen

found myself doing what I love, plastic

lives change after removing their implants,

surgery. A few years into practice before I

both for them and their family members.

learned about breast implant illness (BII). My first patient came to me asking to have

For more information, you can go to www.

her breast implants and capsules removed

because she felt they were making her sick.


We discussed the surgery and my plan. I was candid that I didn’t expect her health to improve, as we were all made to think breast implants were safe. She had a complete resolution of her symptoms and returned to


Reader Questions

health, to my surprise. I couldn’t believe it,

What does explant surgery involve?

but after several more patients she referred

It involves removing the surrounding scar

to the office had a similar response to

tissue (capsule) with the breast implant.

surgery, I knew there was something to this.

Anywhere the implant touches the body, a


capsule has formed. Removing this tissue

post explant. Either way, I have had this very

involves carefully separating the capsule

procedure done myself for Bii symptoms. I am

from its surroundings, whether breast tissue,

so glad to have done it, regardless of how my

muscle, or chest wall. The goal is to leave

breasts now look. Because, as I always tell

the breast in a state that allows it to heal

patients, your breasts do not define you.

properly while finally giving the body a chance to reduce its inflammatory levels, having removed the scar tissue and implants. What are my options after explanting? To date, the only breast implants available all have a silicone shell. Therefore, once the implants are removed for Bii, it is not advisable to have them replaced. Breasts always look different once they are removed. We all know that breast implants do damage to the breasts, with varying factors playing a role: How long the implants were in place, the size of the implants, under or over the muscle, was there a pregnancy and or weight loss/gain over the years, were the implants placed for breast cancer after a mastectomy, were they placed for breast asymmetry improvement, what is the quality of the skin, and how much breast tissue is present over the implants are just a few of them to consider. It is very similar to pregnancy. Some bodies handle pregnancy very well, and they don’t need an abdominoplasty after nine months of growing a baby. Others have lots of resulting skin laxity excess and request an abdominoplasty to improve their look. The same goes for removing breast implants. We can do some techniques simultaneously to improve cosmesis. For others, some delayed procedures, such as fat grafting, are utilized to assist with any contour changes noted



Breast Matters

Written By: Michelle Emmick @theplasticsurgerycoach


hile October

was Breast Cancer awareness month, it’s every month that we as women need to be conscious of our health. The Ask Us Beauty platform is about education and empowerment, and therefore we believe it is


important to bring awareness on a breast topic


you may or may not be aware of; one of the


most popular cosmetic surgical procedures

breast implants

that brings satisfaction for some, and serious

for physical, lifestyle,

health impacts for others.

and personal reasons.

Of the many plastic surgery procedure options

Some women feel that their

out there, breast augmentation continues to

implants could be the root cause of

rank near the top of the list. However, it’s not

their deteriorating health and a connection

uncommon for women who have implants to

between implants and illness. Hundreds of

end up wanting to have them removed later.

thousands of women are connecting inside


Facebook groups to support one another

Breast implant illness, referred to as BII, is a

regarding Breast Implant Illness. If you search

term that many women and some doctors

hashtag “BII” or any variation on Instagram,

use to refer to a wide range of health problems

you will be flooded with accounts discussing

that women develop after undergoing an

this topic. However, many doctors won’t

augmentation or reconstruction with breast

acknowledge breast implant illness with

implants. Also referred to as Autoimmune/

certainty because little research has been

inflammatory Syndrome Induced by Adjuvants

done to support women’s claims and BII is

(ASIA), BII symptoms show up with all types of

not currently classified as an official medical

breast implants. For some women, symptoms

diagnosis. This lack of certainty, research and

occur right away, while for others it can be

understanding brings the need for more education in the forefront on this issue.

years later, at which time they can explant- a surgical procedure performed to remove breast implants. Board Certified Plastic and Reconstructive surgeon, Dr. Kevin Brenner has been performing revision breast surgery, including explants, for his entire career. In his 15 years he has seen a significant increase in explant surgery for BII in the last 3-4 years. “I perform an average of 2 explants (usually with breast lifts) per week. That averages out to roughly



100 per year.” Dr. Brenner advised he does still

Sadly, stories like Melinda’s coworker are

perform breast augmentation with implants,

not that uncommon. Similar situations and

almost universally for revision breast cases.

others can even apply to women that have

“The big difference in my practice recently

had a mastectomy and reconstruction. We’ve

(aside from a shift to more explants than

talked with many reconstruction patients over

implants) is that everyone gets counseled

the years, who after going through so much

about the risk of breast implant illness as

already, later develop problems related to

part of my pre-operative informed consent

their implants.

process.” We asked Dr. Brenner why he believes BII Whether breast implants are something you

is not a classified as an official diagnosis.

have, are considering, or looking to remove,

“The ICD 10 coding system is broad and

it’s important to note that plastic surgery

vast, encompassing nearly all diagnoses

is a personal decision. Those that have

and disease processes. The problem that I

worked with aesthetic patients can share

see with breast implant illness is that there

that many have gone issue free to date,

are roughly 40 different symptoms that

loving their results. Melinda S is one of those

have been associated, none of which are

patients. Melinda decided to undergo breast

pathognomonic for BII. (i.e. there is not one

augmentation three years ago at the age of

that specifically and only indicates breast

49 and is currently problem-free and satisfied

implant illness). Many, if not most, of them

with her decision. “I had wanted implants

already have an ICD 10 code associated. Until

for years after my children. However, I’m

we are able to more precisely delineate BII,

glad I waited. It was a very big and personal

this may persist as a problem.

decision for me and one I didn’t take lightly. I


visited three plastic surgeons before I chose

Dr Brenner goes on to share that there are

the doctor that was right for me. I have been

many physicians that he encounters who

fortunate to have had no issues so far and

either do not understand BII or simply do not

understand the risks.” One of Melinda’s

believe that it is a real issue. “Much like the

coworkers had an implant rupture ten years

political divide in this country, it is difficult

after her procedure. Her friend shared with

to sway one’s opinion once they hold it as

her that she was twenty-one at the time,

a firm belief. What I try to do is to educate

naïve and didn’t remember the being advised

physicians about my experience with BII

of what she could expect. She shared

patients, which is extensive. With respect to

with Melinda that after her final follow up

fellow plastic surgeons, all I can do is lead

appointment, she never saw the doctor again.

by example. In doing so over the last few

It wasn’t until a routine mammogram that she

years, I can tell that we are starting to make a

realized she even had a problem.

difference already.”


Ask Us Beauty wants to raise awareness

journeys, discoveries, and advocacy, they

around these and other breast matters. We

are championing this women’s health issue

know there are women who are happy, and

and making an impact.

we know there are ones that are suffering who need a platform. That was true of

Our takeaway is that while we commonly

Amanda Porta, an industry veteran who,

turn to medical opinions and scientific

after years of trying to figure out why her

data, we can’t turn away from our own

health was failing, uncovered that the root

feelings and intuition. We as women must

of her issues was what she believes to be

ask questions, voice concerns, listen to our

breast implant illness. On the mental and

bodies and continue to look for answers

emotional side, Amanda Savage Brown,

when it comes to our personal and physical

PhD LCSW (scientist turned therapist and

wellbeing. And whatever you decide

BII survivor) sheds light on why so many

regarding these topics, doing your own

of us want better breasts and what to do

research is important considering only 6

when breast implants and other fixes don’t

states currently have legislation requiring

work out well for you. Despite starting in

women seeking implants be provided with

a place of uncertainty and concern, both

a checklist of health risks prior to surgery.

stories have taken a 180 degree toward

Once you have done your research, you can

hope, inspiration, and change. Through their

then weigh both risk and reward. NEW BEGINNINGS


the breast decision I HAVE EVER MADE



Written By: Amanda Porta | @theholisticbeautycoach have worked in plastic surgery for

implant illness at the time. I had never

over 20 years. I had breast implants

been warned of the illness when I was

for fifteen of those years. My breast

getting implants in 2003, nor had I ever

implants were the root cause of my

heard a surgeon warning patients of the

chronic illness for seven years. I had

disease. I also had never been privy to a

a constellation of symptoms that

surgeon warning a patient that implants

perplexed 67 doctors that I saw over that

could cause hormonal disturbance or

period and the myriad of tests I took with

trigger autoimmune disease. Finally, in

no conclusive results. While I suffered,

December 2018, a colonic practitioner,

I never had one woman with implants

who had eleven former clients with BII,

come into any of the practices where

helped to put the puzzle pieces together

I was working complaining of these

for me- not a surgeon, nor a doctor. I

symptoms. I had never heard of breast

explanted in February 2019. I have made


almost a full recovery in two and a half

plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills for


women going through Breast Implant Illness. Having gone through the illness

I am now a patient advocate supporting

herself, Amanda Porta has explanted,

other women who are explanting due

detoxed, healed, and now guides

to breast implant illness. I worry for

women through their own explant

women because it has been known

journeys. She has advised thousands

for years that breast implants impact

of women around the world, from

your immune system. Had I known

celebrities and athletes to prominent

that fact, I might not have gotten them

businesswomen that have trusted her

in the first place. I had several active

expertise to support them through their

viruses, including Epstein Bar Virus and

health crisis. Amanda has received her

Shingles, before realizing my immune

certification as a health coach through

system was greatly compromised.

Trinity School of Wellness.

Whether or not you personally have breast implants, I guarantee you know

someone who does. Please familiarize


yourself with the symptoms. If you


suddenly feel you have had many of

(You can learn more here https://

these symptoms, come on at once,

or you have been feeling poorly and


not getting any clear diagnoses, and


you happen to have breast implants,

warnings/ )

you may want to start researching the subject or join an online support group. Amanda Porta blends her love of aesthetics and natural health to help her clients achieve optimal results. Having 20 years of industry experience and training under some of the best practitioners in the country, Amanda saw the importance early on and believes that to get the best results for herself and others, you should incorporate holistic health into every treatment plan. She’s found a niche as a patient advocate for a prominent NEW BEGINNINGS


Busting THE QUEST FOR BETTER Breasts Written by Amanda Savage Brown, Ph.D., LCSW


@dr.amandasavagebrown spend a lot of time thinking about

them: pregnancy, breastfeeding,

breasts. I contemplate why we

weight loss, breast cancer treatment,

surgically place devices inside

or age. Others reveal painful infidelity,

breasts to increase their size or to

critical partners, professional pressure,

change, restore, or reconstruct their

or depleted post-divorce confidence.

shape. I am curious about the powerful

These are tenderly told stories of

beliefs fueling the practice, despite

longing to feel womanly, complete,

the FDA’s 2020 guidance on Things

proportionate, sexy, confident, desired,

To Consider Before Getting Breast

and safe. Whether or not you agree


with this reasoning, it’s certainly understandable. After all, we grow up


In my work with women whose lives are

in a society obsessed with breasts. We

impacted by breast implants, I ask why

learn those mounds of flesh somehow

they wanted them. Some tell decades-

display our desirability and worth. Their

old stories of hiding in shame over

size and shape bring us attention,

their underdeveloped, asymmetrical,

envy, and praise or make us targets of

or non-ideally shaped breasts. Others

ridicule, judgment, and rejection. Like

wistfully recall being satisfied with

it or not, in a breast-obsessed society,

their breasts until something changed

breasts matter.




Whether you long for bigger, smaller, closer together, fuller, or perkier

$Genuinely validating your natural

breasts, the quest for better breasts

drive to belong as a woman in a

can dominate your view of self so

breast-obsessed society.

completely that it directs what you wear, where you’ll go, and how

$Letting go of how tightly you hold

you see yourself. When that’s the

your beliefs about women, breasts,

case, you rarely think to question

and belonging, and recognizing you

the social whims fueling your self-

have a choice in whether you follow

dissatisfaction. Instead, you’re busy


trying to fix the way you feel on the inside by “fixing” the way you look on

$Staying mindfully present to your

the outside.

breast-related thoughts or feelings, so you know what needs your

For many millions of women, the


quest for better breasts leads to push-up bras, inserts, or surgical

$Responding to your inner pain like

solutions like breast implants. While

you would for a friend.

these fixes can help you temporarily feel better, they teach you nothing

$Discovering what matters most to

about self-acceptance. That’s

you and doing things based on your

problematic because push-up bras

values instead of social whims.

must eventually come off, inserts can be annoying, and breast implants are

$Reconnecting with the parts of you

not lifetime or problem-free devices.

that go beyond your breast-related

You spend your life on a quest you


never knowingly signed up for.


Busting the quest for better breasts

Keep in mind: these things help you

is simply about learning more helpful

change how you relate to the quest

and ongoing ways to care for the part

for better breasts, but they don’t get

of you that learned “better” breasts

rid of it. Rather than convincing you

make you better. Doing so puts you in

that breasts’ aesthetics don’t matter,

charge of decisions you make for your

these practices reclaim you from the

body and can help you struggle less

toxic messaging insisting they do.

with other arbitrary social norms, not

They free you to pursue beauty on

just those involving your breasts. To

your own terms no matter how your

get started, try:

body changes over time.


Amanda Savage Brown, PhD LCSW,

who eventually want or urgently need

is a scientist turned therapist, coach,

to remove breast implants or who are

and author. She uses science-based

adjusting to life after explant. She is

approaches to help women reclaim their

authoring a book (anticipated 2022) to

bodies, minds, and well-being from

help women with breast implants learn

things that harm them. In 2018, her

science-backed inner skills to overcome

personal life and professional expertise

the mental and emotional DIFFICULTIES

aligned as she removed her breast

of explanting in a breast-obsessed

implants and witnessed countless

society. www.amandasavagebrown.

women struggling with the mental


and emotional side of breast implant removal. Now, Amanda addresses the

Facebook group: Breast Implant

unmet psychosocial needs of women

Through Explant Inner Companions NEW BEGINNINGS


Is it Time to Buy New Underwear?

D lives.

Written By Kellie Galvin

r. Taraneh Nazem, a board-certified Ob/Gyn physician, recommends what all women should do to stay hygienic and feel good about themselves at every stage of their

•Change your underwear every day or twice a day, depending on how active you are. •Routinely switch out all your underwear every six months. •Buy underwear with a cotton crotch. •Buy workout panties just like you would buy a workout bra. Dr. Taraneh Nazem is a spokesperson for Underclub because she feels women may need a reminder not only to change their underwear daily, but they can make it super simple with a subscription that will make them feel sexy and refreshed by receiving beautiful underwear in the mail. is a designer underwear subscription service supporting all shapes and sizes to help women feel their most confident, badass selves.


Each month Underclub introduces new designers and styles to fall in love with. Underclub subscription service surprises members with their next favorite pair of underwear curated to their size and style preferences. Treat yourself or a loved one to a monthly delivery of designer underwear from the female-founded Underclub. Simply fill out a preference sheet -- full-coverage, lacy, high-waisted, or prints, for example -- for high-quality undergarments suited for everybody (and every body) delivered to your doorstep.





ANDREA FLYNN n grade school, I noticed my features


use a chin, and then I realized—I could use a

differed from my friends’. Bus rides


fun of for having buck teeth, a prominent

In December 2020, I explored my options to

forehead, and big lips. I’d go home and look

balance my profile. Before this, I didn’t know

in the mirror, posing with different angles and

there were options such as jaw realignment

holding my lower lip in to feel better about

surgery, dermal fillers, and silicone chin

myself. I never really got over the harsh


were long. I was constantly being made

words, but the embarrassment eased. I opted for the implant with Dr. James Rogers; It wasn’t until I immersed myself in the world

the procedure was done under general

of aesthetics as a PA that things finally

anesthesia with an incision just below my

clicked. A coworker commented that I could

chin. I also had a bit of liposuction performed NEW BEGINNINGS


to the anterior neck, which gave me more of

an overbite and a large forehead, but I also

a jawline.

have new confidence that I didn’t realize was possible! I’m no longer afraid that someone

My recovery involved ice packs, bruising, and

will catch my side profile in a photo, and I

surgical headbands. The discomfort was

like my larger bottom lip as it now has the

minimal. I felt numbness to the area, and the

structure to rest on.

swelling improved after a few weeks. Despite the bruising and swelling, I was utterly in awe

Andrea Flynn is an Aesthetic Physician

of my new look the first time I changed my

Assistant with Ocala Plastic Surgery in The


Villages, FL (injecting Botox/dermal fillers and working with lasers). Originally from


Does my new chin projection meet beauty

Rio Grande, Ohio, Andrea graduated from

calculation standards set by skilled

Marietta College in Marietta, OH, with an MS

physicians in the field? No. Is my profile

in Physician Assistant Studies in 2009. Her

perfectly balanced? No. Am I completely

favorite hobbies are spending time with her

in love with my results and more confident

two children, listening to audiobooks, and

in my appearance? Absolutely! I still have





Books & Media

we love The Queen of Percussion Here’s an easy question, put these two together, Music icon + drummer= Who comes to your mind? That’s easy, the one and only Sheila E! Percussionist, singer, author, and actress, this fearless beauty has touched the lives of millions around the world with her gift. The iconic Queen of Percussion shares with Ask Us Beauty that she is all about celebrating life. “I find joy in hearing the laughter from my parents, my family, and friends. God brings joy even in the midnight hour.” Sheila E defines beauty with the heart and spirit of a person. “Someone can be so beautiful on the outside and rotten on the inside. Kindness, love, and giving is beautiful.”

@sheilaedrummer @andreaflynnpac 140


Shes a 10 x 5 Most of us can recall the iconic movie scene in which the insanely beautiful Bo Derek exits the ocean and runs up the beach. The movie was called “10.” If that doesn’t ring a bell, what about the 1984 Summer Olympics when Mary Lou Retton scored two consecutive “10” scores on the vault to secure the all-around gold medal? Perfection, right? If you need a more recent example, tune in to “Dancing With the Stars.” Score a 10, and that means, wait for it, “perfect score.” So, does “She’s a 10” mean she’s perfect? HELL NO!


In January of 2021, Laurie Jabbar and Lisa O’Coyne launched their thriving podcast “She’s a 10 Times 5.” Their goal was to provide a platform and content that would help other women navigate their “second act” by rediscovering their purpose and recognizing the many amazing opportunities that come with a new chapter of life. Laurie and Lisa leverage honest conversations, informed guests, and relatable stories to inspire other women to define their own “perfection” at any age. “Our listeners are looking for a sense of sisterhood when they listen in. The goal is to feel as if they are hanging around a fire with a glass (or two) of

wine with us. We’re here to share the good, bad and ugly, while also lifting each other up.” When Laurie and Lisa say, “She’s a 10,” they are not referring to perfection. No one is perfect, and the true beauty is in our flaws and owning it all. Their podcast focuses on being a “10” at any age, which means giving it all we got. Recognizing the importance of perfect effort and not being so damn hung up on a perfect result. Embracing and even laughing at our flaws as part of the complete, beautiful, and messy picture. Celebrating bravery, taking risks, and not being afraid to fail or look stupid, emphasizing the need to rock what you got, doing the best we can, and then trying to do better the next round. Most importantly, a “10” is always the first to raise their hand, throw their hat in the ring and answer the call to help another woman in their efforts in becoming their own “10.” Loving yourself, saying yes, asking “why not,” and having faith and investing in sisterhood are being a “10, “not perfection. We ALL have the ability to be that! NEW BEGINNINGS

















Taking STRIVES... By Rachel Brooks | @iamrachelbrooks


verything we desire starts within.

We desire and aspire to be, do, or have requires discipline, commitment, dedication, and hard work.

When we shift our awareness, we create new perspectives, shifting from letting go of what’s holding us back to embracing who we’re becoming. This process is a practice. It is the journey.

To get to where we’re going, we must first acknowledge where we’ve been.

Each day is a gift, a new opportunity to learn, grow, let go, forgive, and surrender.

To create lasting change within, we must first ask ourselves WHY we want to change? How would it feel to become this version of you?

Every day is a new beginning, a step closer to becoming your best and most confident self.

Once you’ve identified your motive and intentions, consider what you are currently doing? How are you living? Do your habits and behaviors align with this new and improved version of you? If not, continue to ask yourself, why? Remember, everything starts within. Now, let’s take this a step further and ask yourself, what is made possible when you become the “you” you’ve always wanted to be? Who else’s lives could be impacted by your choice to transform your life radically? How would your relationships look and feel? How would it feel to be fully and unconditionally loved and accepted by yourself for the beautiful soul you are?

Let today be the day you strive for progress, not perfection. Rachel Brooks, Author of Chasing Perfection, Host of The Confident Woman Podcast.

Once you’ve answered these questions with honesty and conviction, you can begin to employ your newfound healthier beliefs, thoughts, and habits. Now, let’s get honest with ourselves and accept who we truly are - beautiful souls living as perfectly imperfect human beings, striving to be and do our best.




@furaha.moye 144



t is my belief that in life, we have to “feel the fear and do it anyway.” I’ve spent a good deal of time struggling and pushing back on myself because I listened to all the negative messages. Fortunately, I found my center, my art through becoming a

Custom Picture Framer; this was a blessing I could never have even dreamed possible. My birthday present to myself in my 35th year was to open my frameshop. I started framing at 23, and 50 years later, I’m still going strong. Through framing, I discovered that I could do anything and everything I put my mind to. I became confident, hopeful, driven, forgiving, and most importantly, at peace with myself. I gave up my shop, my condo, my car and moved to New York City at 50 to pursue a career as an actor; and yes, it has its ups and downs, but the most important thing is that I’ve gained enough traction to know I’m on the right path. Hope, faith, and belief in myself keep me grounded and moving forward. I have opportunities as a 72-year-old woman that my Mom could never have imagined, and for that, I’m grateful. Besides being an actor and a custom picture framer, I am a photographer, model, tap dancer, and writer.

Interview When and where were you born? Tell us

to support myself as an artist. I’ve done

about you!

and continue to do that very thing as of this

This life has been quite a fabulous ride from the very beginning. I’ve seen many ups and tremendous downs from the time I was born in Manhattan in 1949. I am an artist in multiple disciplines; actor, custom picture framer, model, photographer, singer, tap dancer, and writer. Art was a part of my life as a young girl, but at that time, I was assured I’d never be able

writing. What’s one thing you learned about beauty from your Mother/Grandmother? My Mother was an exceptionally beautiful, wise, and intelligent woman and the one thing she would often expound on was that beauty stems from your inner being. Who you are internally has everything to do with what you’ll exude externally. NEW BEGINNINGS




How have beauty standards changed?

What advice would you give the younger

Fortunately, I’ve become an older woman

generation when it comes to beauty?

at a time when aging is being embraced as

That would be to focus on being healthy,

a positive for older women. We are seeing

stress-free, living in the moment, and

more and more women who are ardently

being brave enough to pursue your deepest

pushing back on “treatments” that defy

passions for the things you love. Be all the

aging. Aging is a natural progression of living

woman you are meant to be; it starts young

and is not granted to all.

and matures like a fine wine.

What is something beauty/wellness-related that

Do you have a motto you live by?

you can’t live without?

A time-honored adage: “Treat others the

My morning routine starts with a cup of hot,

way you want to be treated.”

steaming Matcha Tea followed by a luxurious shower, after which I apply pure Aloe to my skin before applying moisturizer. It makes me feel alive, fresh, and ready even before makeup! What do you enjoy most about being your age? I love the fact that I’ve grown to be quite comfortable in my skin and no longer feel the need to excuse, explain, question, or deny any of my actions. I like who I am and the life I’m living. How do you define beauty? Beauty for me is all above love on the most visceral level. Who I am, how I feel, what I share, what I accept, what I think is exactly what I put out into the world. What is a favorite beauty product? A concealer made by Dermablend. It provides maximum coverage for dark spots, birthmarks, scars, and a host of other issues when I’m preparing to look and feel my best.

Photos by Susie Lang






ime is the currency of life. The precious gift of a single day gives us 24 hours, no more, no less, and it is up to each and every one of us to determine how we will use them. If you are like me, you’ve encountered two types of people: those who are master timekeepers and those who squeeze every second out of life and strive every day to check another box of the never-ending and everevolving bucket list. There’s a good chance you fall into one of these two categories. The whirlwind of life can be real. In a blink of an eye, our calendars can quickly fill up, limiting the amount of time we have for meaningful activities. Why does this happen? The majority of the time, our calendars are left wide-open, leaving us at the mercy of everyone else’s needs, and in other instances, it is simply easier (and more satisfying) to tick off easy goals with quick wins. Getting more time back into the day can be as simple as time blocking your calendar. Consider time blocking those activities that you feel are most important, and watch how your narrative changes in a positive way. You will feel more accomplished and satisfied with the time you have and how you are choosing to spend it. It is true that New Year’s Day remains the most popular time of the year to reflect on your intentions and set new life-changing goals. Intentions are great, but taking action is what moves the needle forward. A mindset shift from intention to action can be done at any moment in time, so there is no need to wait to reset your priorities. Decide when to spend time on activities related to family, friends, special projects or interests, and dreams you dare to dream. Creating a schedule is just like starting a new diet. You don’t want to make it so strict that you will feel like chucking it after the first month. Make sure you allow yourself some downtime but be aware of activities that can become major time-suckers if you do not set boundaries for yourself. Implementing and sticking to a new scheduling system might sound easy, but it takes time to build new habits, so having a support system is strongly encouraged; many will even require an accountability partner to keep them on track. But no matter who you are or how organized you think you may be, this magazine is bursting with a plethora of resources to help. Time is priceless, and our New Beginnings Issue celebrates you, our readers, by reminding you that this is your journey and story, so you can write it or rewrite it as you wish!





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