FF 2019-Print Media Spec Sheets

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Forbidden Fruit Magazine 2019 Media Kit

i n d u lg e n c e fo r t h e p r i v i l eg e d f e w

MISSION STATEMENT The Aristocrat Media Group (AMG) publishes Forbidden Fruit for the in-the

Limited to 5,000 the numbered print copies, the magazine is created and

know connoisseur, a by-invitation-only luxury magazine exclusive for high-net-

distributed to the readers as follows:

worth men living in the wealthiest zip codes in the United States. •Private residences AMG’s goal is to deliver a magazine of sophistication—an indulgence

•Private jet and yacht owners

for the privileged few. Our controlled-distribution model zeroes in on

•Five-star hotels

the most suitable prospects and ensures that Forbidden Fruit will go

•Private clubs

directly into the hands of the ultra-elite, who buy only the best and for

•Doorman buildings in pre-selected zip codes

whom cost is no consideration. In turn, enticing editorial content and advertising will propel the consumers’ desire for the ultimate in luxury.

Forbidden Fruit is a comprehensive men’s magazine devoted exclusively to the marketing of upscale goods and services—an opulent gallery of the best

The private-circulation model, as a quarterly is targeted to reach men in New

of the best in high-end luxury. It targets the top 1% male demographic and is

York, Florida, Chicago, Texas, Las Vegas, Scottsdale, California, Hawaii, and

destined to become the go-to source in the luxury market and the prestigious

other key regions across the nation. This will expand and go international in

collector’s publication of choice.

the near future.

We search the world for the most unique, the best, the newest, and the hottest, and we bring it directly to our readers’ homes.

Photography disclaimer: All photographs contained herein are rights managed by the photographer, publication and/or manufacturer. All images are being used as ‘for placement only’ (FPO) and represent the products or services Forbidden Fruit Magazine intends to showcase in future publications.

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FORBIDDEN FRUIT DELIVERS LUXURY Through Forbidden Fruit, AMG offers manufacturers of luxury products and luxury service providers a unique opportunity: Reaching the most affluent consumers in some of the highest-income markets in the world. With its elegant design, full-color format, thought-provoking articles, and award-winning photography, Forbidden Fruit brings to the elite the latest in aircraft, boating, automobiles, electronics, jewelry, travel (whether relaxing or extreme), financial services, real estate, and much more.

Photography disclaimer: All photographs contained herein are rights managed by the photographer, publication and/or manufacturer. All images are being used as ‘for placement only’ (FPO) and represent the products or services Forbidden Fruit Magazine intends to showcase in future publications.

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WHO IS FORBIDDEN FRUIT? Published by the Aristocrat Media Group, Forbidden Fruit cuts through mailbox clutter to reach the wealthiest of the wealthy, and does so right where they make their purchasing decisions: in their homes. The individuals in our proprietary database include captains of industry, from real estate moguls, Wall Street financiers, socialites, entertainers and other celebrities, to professional athletes and team owners, serial entrepreneurs, Global 500 top executives, Hollywood powerbrokers, philanthropists, and a plethora of others who have accumulated a minimum of $30 million in overall net wealth. Market research classifies individuals in the upper income brackets as UHNWI (ultra-high-net-worth individuals). The UHNWIs, with at least $30 million in spendable cash, and can spend more than $1.1 million in luxury goods and services each year. They comprise roughly 75% of the market for their purchases, and we make sure Forbidden Fruit shows up where they live, work, and play.

Our publication aims to provide these discerning individuals with a thoroughly researched marketplace of some of the most exclusive brands known worldwide and the latest innovations in this elite realm. Better still, the categories in each issue are designed to convey the prestige and style of the featured products or services, from the most fashionable accessories, including watches, and jewelry, collectible art to cigars, spirits to multimillion-dollar estates, bespoke private yachts, and the ultimate in automobiles and aviation—as well as private club memberships and the highest of high-end travel. Our articles focus on the top luxury products of the moment, while special features cover topics as far ranging as art and designers, lesser-known auction houses, customized goods, interviews with real estate insiders, VIP programs in yachting and private aviation, exclusive resorts, and the ultimate in private security systems.

Photography disclaimer: All photographs contained herein are rights managed by the photographer, publication and/or manufacturer. All images are being used as ‘for placement only’ (FPO) and represent the products or services Forbidden Fruit Magazine intends to showcase in future publications.

i n d u lg e n c e fo r t h e p r i v i l eg e d f e w

A PRIVATE CLUB The men in our proprietary database, all of whom have accumulated at least $30 million in wealth, are of an elite group who have been invited to receive this publication based on merit. On an average, these private discerning men spend in excess of $500,000 a year on their average luxury goods and more than $1,000,000 on even larger purchases and most enjoy private services for lifestyle experiences tailored to their needs. They demand a certain level of style and integrity in design, manufacturing, and service and are willing and able to pay top dollar for the very best in any category.

Moreover, many retain the services of those who assist them in fulfilling their distinctive consumer needs. The average yearly income of each magazine recipient is well over $1,000,000, and more than 10,000 of these private individuals have a minimum of $30 million in net assets. We are not only selective in choosing our readership, but also search out the brands that will provide our readers what they desire and deserve, products and services worth a kings ransom.

Photography disclaimer: All photographs contained herein are rights managed by the photographer, publication and/or manufacturer. All images are being used as ‘for placement only’ (FPO) and represent the products or services Forbidden Fruit Magazine intends to showcase in future publications.

i n d u lg e n c e fo r t h e p r i v i l eg e d f e w

GENERAL EDITORIAL CONTENT KING-MAKERS How do you let others know you’re a success? You surround yourself with the best in luxury aviation, automotive engineering, yachting, fashion, horology, jewelry, art, and more. Forbidden Fruit will introduce today’s movers and

THE ARTIST Collecting art and antiques will be a regular feature of Forbidden Fruit as well, with articles on new collections coming up for sale and painters, sculptors, and other artists to keep an eye on.

shakers to the panoply of top-of-the line products and services that are fit for


a king, whether they are established brands with long histories or brand new

Forbidden Fruit will regularly feature residential real estate offerings both to

contenders with a competitive edge.

inspire with their opulence and to entice savvy investors. We feature everything

WIN, PLACE, OR SHOW Picking a winner means you have to keep current, and Forbidden Fruit keeps

from sprawling ranches to renovated castles, island retreats, country mansions, and posh penthouses.

track of what’s new in products, clubs, destination, travel, fashion, dining, and


more. This is where we hope to introduce readers to something they hadn’t

It becomes clear after one starts acquiring things that health sufficient to

noticed yet, but should.

enjoy them is also a vital pursuit. Our healthy living section goes beyond

THE HIGH BID Forbidden Fruit features one or more auction houses in this section. We highlight a past auction, especially when something particularly unique,

staples like physical exercise regimens, spas, and nutrition. We also explore medical technology, pharmaceutical news, and even promising scientific and technical work before it is commercially available.

particularly expensive, or particularly inexpensive was sold, and then we let


collectors know how to make sure they’re at the next offering there.

In some ways, private aviation is a world of its own, and Forbidden Fruit

INTEGRITY OF DESIGN Integrity of concept and manufacturing is one of the most important considerations for many wealthy consumers. In this section we highlight the most innovative and artistic design work, including top-of-the-line automobiles and motorcycles, home furnishings, architecture and interior design, watercraft, jewelry, security systems, aviation, electronics, and more. Forbidden Fruit introduces you to the manufacturers and designers around the world, whether it’s a new or a vintage design that hasn’t been unseated.

will make sure you learn all about the newest products—not only in private jets and helicopters, but also in regard to services and events associated with the art of flying. The same goes for yachting, another prime pursuit of the ultra-high-net-worth reader. Our travel sections not only cover where to go, but how to get there in style.

i n d u lg e n c e fo r t h e p r i v i l eg e d f e w



The destinations part of the magazine is never content to cover the same

It is said that clothes makes the man, and those who can afford the best will

old vacation spots. In the 21st century the whole world has opened up to

find it in Forbidden Fruit—from bespoke suits that fit like a glove to custom-

luxury travelers, and we’ll let you in on the most exclusive, unique, and exotic

made shoes to velvety leather atttachés and briefcases for the executive

destinations and adventures spanning the globe. Whether you explore the

and elegantly understated ties, belts, cufflinks, jewelry, and more.

Americas, Europe, Africa, Asia, Oceania, Australia, New Zealand, Antartica or


even outer space, Forbidden Fruit will point the way as no other magazine can.

It’s always a good time to give diamonds, jewels, and furs to the woman in

We are passionate about featuring vacations that offer a complete

your life—a surprise diamond necklace from Tiffany or Cartier at any time of

experience from beginning to end, instead of just plopping you somewhere

year or, on those special occasions, an extravagant find from luxury-market


newcomers. You can count on Forbidden Fruit to present the most lavish gift


ideas for your significant other.

The culinary arts have blossomed in the USA and abroad over the past two


decades, and Michelin one- to three-star restaurants and the newest James

Our brief yet engaging conversations with industry experts, collectors,

Beard Award-winning chefs are suddenly popping up in the most unlikely

designers, and influential leaders in their respective luxury-market categories

places. Twice a year our magazine will update you on the latest culinary

will provide the kind of insider knowledge no true connoisseur should be

masters and the best selections they offer, from the finest dining to the choicest

without. Each “Captain” profile will also feature a sidebar on his favorite

wines, spirits, and cigars.


HOROLOGY The art of horology—in plain English, watchmaking—dates back five centuries,

BAZAAR Our classified marketplace offers smaller format ads listed under

and today its intricacies remain as fascinating as always. Here you’ll find the

headings like Time Shares, Charter Jets, Services, For Sale, For Lease, Investors

finest selections for connoisseurs of men’s timepieces.

Wanted, and more.

i n d u lg e n c e fo r t h e p r i v i l eg e d f e w



Travel the world in style with Forbidden Fruit as we begin showcasing select world-class cruises to luxury resorts and experience one-of-a-kind travel excursions.

Forbidden Fruit Magazine’s Luxury Toys will celebrate the newest innovations in machines, gadgets and gear. We search out toys guaranteed to entice the ultimate man, the one who thought he had everything. You will be exploring the year’s most ingenious and outlandish creations from among the automotive, aircraft, yachts, motorcycles, watches, electronics, home entertainment industries and beyond.

Forbidden Fruit compiles and reviews the ultimate destinations that the sophisticated traveler should take advantage of for the year ahead. We present our choice for the cars of the year and also will bring you our best design choices. From cars and yachts to homes, the magazine’s editors will feature the newest introductions from the world’s most exclusive and sought-after luxury designers. There is no boundary to where we will take you. Supplemental: Private Aviation Source Guide, Unique and Luxurious Valentine’s Day Gifts, Spring Style Guide for Men: Fashion and Grooming SUMMER/FALL THE ULTIMATE REAL ESTATE ISSUE Forbidden Fruit takes readers through some of the world’s most private and exclusive estates, showcasing both the architecture and interior designs from some of the most magnificent homes in the world! We will invite readers inside to experience how others are defining the personal style of luxury in the home. Supplemental: Top 10 List, Gift Ideas The Gift Guide is our countdown of the finest and most unique gifts the luxury world has to offer the when you are living the good life, from the most coveted automobiles on the market to the most impressive private aircraft, exquisite jewelry and the rarest of watches, to the very best hotels and restaurants worldwide. The Top List represents the culmination of an entire year’s search for the most exceptional at the top tier of the luxury buyers market.

Supplemental: Game Changers in Luxury, The Future of the Luxury market Supplemental: Guide to Fall Fashion. FALL / WINTER: THE WORLD’S COLLECTORS/JEWELRY & WATCHES Forbidden Fruit profiles some of the world’s most savviest collectors from automobiles, fine art, rare wines, watches, exquisite jewelry, antiques, and more. These discerning individuals will share with us not only their unique collections, but also the lessons they have learned in their accumulation; their best and worst buying decisions, what the future holds for certain investments, and which category offers the best opportunity for the greatest return on investment in today’s marketplace. Forbidden Fruit’s Jewelry & Watches feature will showcase the world’s rarest watches. Our editorial content will give you a glimpse into the very best designs from horology and exquisite jewelry. Our Pre-Holiday Gift Guide presents an imaginative take on the world’s most exclusive bling. The holiday guide answers the question of what to give yourself or a loved one, when the sky is truly the limit. Supplemental: Season’s Host and Spirits Guide, Year-End Round-up (Best of the Best) in Gifts. This will be Forbidden Fruit’s most widely read and soughtafter issue of the year.



Each magazine will be nationally distributed to primary 5,000 U.S. households with a minimum liquid net asset of $10 million.

Forbidden Fruit is nationally distributed mainly throughout these key U.S. regions as well as other locations not listed.

Circulation is carefully controlled in order to reach the target reader, including: • Sent to key households valued in excess of $3 million • Private jet owners • Strategic partnerships • Privately controlled reader data base

• New York, (Tri-State region) • California • Florida • Nevada • Illinois

• Texas • Georgia • Colorado • Hawaii • Arizona

Photography disclaimer: All photographs contained herein are rights managed by the photographer, publication and/or manufacturer. All images are being used as ‘for placement only’ (FPO) and represent the products or services Forbidden Fruit Magazine intends to showcase in future publications.

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Full Page





Half Page





Quarter Page





15% premium on the pre TOC positions subject to availability PREMIUM POSITIONING GROSS RATES

Cover 2 Spread





Cover 3





Cover 4





Rates are available upon request for the following: Stand-alone, business reply cards, supplied inserts, gate-folds, cut-outs, pop-ups, page markers, advertorials.

Photography disclaimer: All photographs contained herein are rights managed by the photographer, publication and/or manufacturer. All images are being used as ‘for placement only’ (FPO) and represent the products or services Forbidden Fruit Magazine intends to showcase in future publications.

Our Magazines are printed from computer to plate using CMYK process color. Only 4-color digital files will be accepted.


PREFERRED FORMATS Mac files InDesignCS2 or higher with associated images and fonts. PC users are recommended to call before sending files. HIRES PDF files are accepted, created at a minimum of 300 dpi. PDF files must contain proper registration marks and bleed at least 1/8” beyond the trim.


PREFLIGHTING FILES Please preflight electronic files before submitting to ensure all graphics and fonts are included and all color files are converted to 4-color process. Pantone colors will be converted to CMYK and may result in a slight color variance. Our linescreen is at 150, please make sure all graphics are placed at an acceptable resolution (300 dpi) full size. We will not be responsible for any errors resulting from submitted files that have not been preflighted.

Trim Size: 16.75” x 10.875” (Allow 1” in center for gutter) Bleed Size: 17” x 11.125” (0.125” on all sides) Live Area: 15.75” x 9.875”

COLOR PROOFS All ads should be accompanied by an acceptable color proof. A Digital Waterproof, Kodak Approval, Polaproof, Iris or Rainbow are acceptable and should conform to SWOP standards to ensure that the printed results match supplied proof. If ads are submitted without adequate color proofs, one will be provided by the publisher and the cost wll be charged back to the customer.


BLEEDS Create at least 1/8” (.125”) bleed beyond trim, on top, bottom and sides. Build spreads as printers spreads (2 separate pages in the InDesign file); this will allow for the proper bleed across the gutter for binding.

Trim Size: 8.375” x 10.875” (Allow 1” in center for gutter)


Bleed Size: 8.625” x 11.125” (0.125” on all sides)

All critical graphical information must be kept in a safe area 1/4” from trim. Keep critical information 3/8” out on both sides of the gutter to preserve information on crossovers.

Live Area: 7.375” x 9.875”

DENSITY A maximum ink density of 280% is preferred. Rich black should be built as C-60% M-50% Y-50% K-100%. BINDING


Our magazines are perfect bound jogging to the foot. INSERTS/BRCS Insert or BRC size is determined by client, up to trim size 8.375x10.875. Binding edge must have at least 1/4” built-in perforation on all BRCs. Clients have the option of printing BRCs at press, or shipping preprinted materials to press. Please call for press requirements and shipping instructions on raw materials used for insertion or polybagging.

Vertical Size: 3.7” x 10” Horizontal Size: 7.57” x 4.9” Bleed Size: No Bleed

FILE SUBMISSION Files may be sent on CD, DVD or posted on to an FTP Site. Clearly label your discs and include any special instructions. In some cases, files may be uploaded to our FTP site. Please call and request our current FTP instructions. Color proofs are still required of files uploaded to the FTP. Discs and other materials will not be returned unless requested in writing.



Size: 3.7” x 4.9”

Size: minimum 30 words

Bleed Size: No Bleed

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F R U I T I n d u lg e n c e f o r t h e P r i v i l e g e d F e w

Aristocrat Media Group LLC. 244 Fifth Avenue, Suite T201 New York, New York 10001 (877) 685-4294 (646) 362-5233 Fax: (646) 362-5546 EMAIL- AMG DIRECTLY AristocratMediaGroup@gmail.com or forbiddenfruitmagazine@gmail.com

Website Coming Soon

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