Revista N° 43

Page 165

The house´s distribution follows two concepts. First, that of "family vacation" and the need for both large gathering areas and places to read and relax with total independence between them. To achieve this, the interior courtyards are used as a separation. The second concept has to do with the adaptability of uses. Taking into account the fluctuation of users, four areas are defined: family, parents, children, and guests. All of them were distributed in two volumes that are connected to each other through interior glass bridges that cross the forest. The location of each area follows the views of the site and its requirements of sunlight according to when they are used. Thus, the bedrooms have the sun in the morning and the common areas have the sun in the daytime. As the project´s starting point, the idea of a burnt log where the bark protects its interior was developed. Extrapolating this image to the house, the metallic cladding protects the intermediate facades´ acetylated wood and the interior pine walls. The construction proposes two broken concrete foundations that absorb the slope of the land, allow the forest to pass through it, and completely isolate the foundation from the ground´s humidity. Above these, a series of prefabricated wooden panels and frames are arranged to form the house´s structure and geometry. This prefabrication helped reduce the structural work and to design a series of irregular frames every 120 centimeters that create different roofs. Between these coverings, overhead windows are installed that allow both the view of the trees´ foliage from the interior as well as the entrance of natural light to all areas of the house. /





5m 5

CB-SEC-Transversal / CB-SEC-Section Obras / Works

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