Message to the Graduates
Message to the Graduates
These core values are embedded in our graduates’ aspirations, spirit, and DNA. We’ve seen them confront numerous challenges, from battling a pandemic to aiding nations in need, all of which they have met with resilience,
Our graduates have shared their passion for service in the school community, whether by debating focal concerns in MUN, raising awareness, researching, or supporting campaigns. They understood the importance of altruism and compassion. Their years were spent promoting and embracing universal human values, environmental and global awareness, and the pioneering spirit of charity. Those were the values they gained not only from their homes or school but from the essence of this nation and its leaders. These values make the UAE a peaceful, progressive haven for more than 200 nationalities and over 200,000 Al Mawakeb students of more than
Our graduates’ service to others has given meaning to their lives and inspired children and adults who are always moved by their attitude in any circumstance. Through its students, Al Mawakeb becomes a place where kindness prevails, and giving and service are everyday acts
Commencement is one of our most cherished times at Al Mawakeb, when we celebrate you, our fine graduates, who are all running a marathon in one way or another. Today, you are at
Stay true to the values you’ve attained. Make it your calling to transfer them to all those you meet. Fly out of this building knowing that you have left your mark and can continue to make a difference. You taught us about hard work, overcoming obstacles, achieving goals, and showing loyalty and kindness. You are more ready to face the real world because you already have.
We salute you and the extraordinary life of promise you have lived up to this moment and the new life you are entering.
As you embark on the next chapter in your lives, we hope you go where you are wanted, where your voice is heard, and where your talents are valued. Be kind and compassionate and see that there is much to gain and learn in the service of others. Be guardians of our planet and make it better, safer, and more just. Each of you has the ability and determination to be a maker of change. We are counting on you.
so many skilled orators...
So many skilled orators gathered to gain the opportunity to speak on behalf of their classmates. This was their chance to express their feelings, happiness, gratitude and anxiety about leaving this familiar home to seek new accomplishments. As usual, the judges had the challenge of choosing the best, and the best were many, for all of them spoke words from the heart. So many impressed and dazzled us with their sincerity, confidence, and maturity. The scores were close, but finalists were finally selected. Again, more rigorous auditions took place, but finally, our anxious finalists rushed to hear the results. Sounds of murmurs, beating hearts, and sighs filled the room but only to be later replaced by wonderful smiles expressing how honored and fulfilled they felt at having been chosen.
AMB: Deema Hazim, Hana AlZarouni, Jude Sharaiha, Khalid Al Taweel, Leyan Ali, Mahra Al Saffar, Maryam Al Saeed, Omar Saied, Sima Nassif.
AMG: Ahmed Beltagy, Al Sayed Al Hashemi, Alae Moukri, Aya Abdul Raziq, Joana Ayyad, Mona Khatib, Omar Chouman, Sama Elgendy, Sina Mohammadi.
AMK: AlJood AlHajjaj, Hoor AlHajjaj, Jana Dalleh, Mariam Ali.
We are very proud of our finalists, and we hope that their voices will echo in the future and provide inspiration for aspiring AMSI orators.
so many skilled orators...
From the soles of my shoes hitting the brick flooring of Al Mawakeb’s exterior for the first time to the pulse of my heart exasperatingly beating while being dressed in a graduation gown that represents our journey, I am proud to say that the best educators have raised me. In fourteen years, I have shed my blood, sweat, and tears. I have developed a constructive understanding of who I am and how I learn; therefore, I believe every second and action you took in these years are pivotal and meaningful as they are the sharpest proof of human evolution, whether that is mental or physical; however, one memory stands unique, and it is when Al Mawakeb allowed me to take part in a campaign at the American University of Sharjah’s Engineering Department. I’ve always been ambitious, yet I had never fully utilized this aspect of my life, so when I took the chance and experienced an educational drive beyond any other, I was in awe. It was as if I crossed a unique intersection of my social life at Al Mawakeb, and I realized that I could be more than just a student. I can be a learner, a thinker, and a creator. Thus, it comes with a tinge of sadness how grateful I am to leave Al Mawakeb as their student and to venture beyond the impossible.
In 2019, I had to move to the United States because of family circumstances. It was a very challenging experience. I was away from home, and everything was unfamiliar. I struggled to adapt to the new environment and make new friends; however, when I returned to school here, it felt like coming home. The campus’s familiarity and the teachers’ support made all the difference. They were there for me when I needed help and encouragement. This experience taught me an important lesson about the power of community and support. We can overcome even the toughest challenges when people believe in us and stand by us. As we move forward into the future, I encourage all of you to seek out those who will support and encourage you. Whether it is your family, friends, or teachers, surround yourself with people who believe in you and your dreams.
Au cours de nombreuses années à Al Mawakeb, j’ai appris beaucoup de choses, mais celle que j’ai apprise et qui m’a vraiment marqué était d’accepter à la fois le succès et l’échec... Je reconnais également les personnes qui m’ont soutenu tout au long de mon parcours, que ce soit ma famille, mes amis ou mes professeurs. Je sais que je ne réussirai pas toujours du premier coup, mais ce n’est pas grave car je peux profiter de ce que j’ai appris et l’utiliser pour m’améliorer. Dans mes futurs projets, que ce soit à l’université, dans ma carrière ou dans d’autres aspects de ma vie, je sais que je ferai face à la fois à des succès et à des échecs. Saisir les deux m’aidera à rester motivé et à continuer quand les choses deviennent difficiles.
Sina Mohammadi - 12D, Al Mawakeb Al Garhoud
As I reflect on my school days, I cannot help but feel a deep sense of gratitude for my teachers’ unwavering support and encouragement. Their belief in my abilities and consistent guidance during a challenging time in my academic journey profoundly impacted me. Through their mentorship, I learned the power of guidance and support. Their encouragement gave me the confidence to persevere through difficulties. Through their support, I understood the importance of working together and supporting each other. I strive to create inclusive and collaborative environments wherever I go. I am committed to carrying these lessons and I aspire to be a source of inspiration and guidance for others and to embody resilience and perseverance...
Sama El Gendy - 12A, Al Mawakeb Al GarhoudImaginez une communauté là où on vous enseigne constamment de nouvelles compétences, où vous êtes aimés et soutenus pour ce que vous êtes, où vous êtes toujours entourés de votre famille. Pour moi, c’est ma réalité quotidienne à l’école... Chaque moment à l’école a une place précieuse dans mon cœur; les rires, les larmes; le soutien, l’amour, les encouragements, le stress et l’apprentissage! Comme ma plus grande source d’inspiration l’a dit un jour, nous sommes une génération d’espoir, nous sommes des apprenants et nous sommes des impacteurs et nos journées d’école nous ont façonnés pour être les meilleurs possible afin d’inspirer ceux qui nous entourent. Je quitterai cette école, la tête pleine de connaissances mais aussi le Cœur et l’esprit pleins de merveilleux souvenirs qui font de moi ce que je suis aujourd’hui...
Fun... Laughter... Chants and cheers... Victory... Sports Day is a memory everyone shares, a day everyone looks forward to. It is a core memory. One for the books! However, the most meaningful memories are not always the significant events that everyone awaits, for the little things are the ones that leave the most everlasting print in one’s mind. My most meaningful memory? After tearing a ligament in my ankle, I felt cared for. I was always taken care of by having my bag carried by others while I went up the stairs or by being told “salamtek” in the hallway. The tiniest things make me appreciate and feel grateful that I’m in a school such as Al Mawakeb. Thank you to our teachers for your inspiring kindness and compassion, for always being there for us through everything. The courage and determination you possess is truly admirable. And most importantly, thank you Class of 2023, for making school so worthwhile and for the experiences and memories shared.
Scattered throughout the globe are over 200 nationalities with different stories to uncover. As an Al Mawakeb student, I had the privilege and opportunity to hear some of these stories. As my teachers and classmates delve into their experiences and recount the morals they have learned from their cultures, my interest, passion, and curiosity are awakened, allowing me to discover new possibilities and dive into new fields that interest me. I have become more aware and enthusiastic. Throughout high school, I noticed a drastic shift in my sense of independence and self-reliability. qualities that will reside within me forever as I tread my future path. Most importantly, among the myriad things that Al Mawakeb has taught me is the true value of family. Our closely-knit bond goes beyond our campus; our connections will undoubtedly last for years to come.
Today is a day to remember. We all started feeling so timid on the first day of high school, but today we are the confident achievers of tomorrow. Our path is filled with countless memories; memories that never fail to make me smile. The memories, however, that genuinely tug at our heartstrings are the ones we shared with our beloved teachers. They are the moments when we laughed until our stomachs ached. We are blessed with the most devoted teachers who were family to us, and they play integral roles in shaping us into the individuals we are today. As we step into the next chapter of our lives, let us cherish and honor these moments. Graduates, let us celebrate this momentous occasion with joy and appreciation. We have achieved so much, and the future has infinite possibilities.
Jana Dalleh - 12C, Al Mawakeb Al Khawaneejso many skilled orators...
What can I say? I have had many special memories during my 14 years at Al Mawakeb; however, one feeling is embedded in my memories: family. I recognized one feeling embedded in my memories: family. I recall the day we lost the volleyball tournament at the AUS sports competition. We were devastated. We spent the following months training, supporting each other when making mistakes, and constantly reminding ourselves and each other to hold our heads high. After months of hard work, we went on to win the next two tournaments. Thankfully, this spirit of support and encouragement has always been prevalent within Al Mawakeb’s community. Receiving friendly smiles from people you barely know as you pass by them in the hallways is a common occurrence that only exemplifies how uplifting our community is. I will forever cherish this precious feeling and be grateful to have been part of the Al Mawakeb family.
Alors que nous nous réunissons ici pour célébrer nos réalisations et faire nos adieux à l’école d’Al Mawakeb, je ne peux m’empêcher de réfléchir aux souvenirs que nous avons créés au cours de ces 14 années incroyables et aux leçons que nous avons apprises... Nous avons ri, pleuré, et célébré ensemble, formant des liens qui dureront toute une vie. Al Mawakeb est plus qu’une école; c’est une place qui est devenue notre maison et notre famille... Alors, célébrons la diversité de nos rêves, et les chemins uniques qui nous attendent. Gardons les souvenirs et les leçons de notre passage ici, et embrassons l’avenir avec un cœur ouvert, prêts à affronter de nouveaux défis, et à être le changement que nous voulons voir dans le monde. Peu importe où nos chemins nous mènent après plusieurs années, Al Mawakeb sera toujours là pour nous accueillir chez nous!
so many skilled orators...
le souvenir le plus significatif pour moi se rapporte à mes amis. Les liens que nous avons créés dépassent le cadre de l’école. Pour le meilleur et pour le pire, nous avons partagé des moments de joie, de bonheur et de tristesse aussi, et nous avons grandi ensemble. L’amitié est un soutien et un réconfort pour toute la vie. La leçon la plus importante que j’ai apprise à l’école est que le travail acharné et la persévérance sont toujours payés. Cette belle leçon est ma motivation pour mes projets futurs. Je garderai toujours à l’esprit que la persévérance est la clé du succès. Peu importe les obstacles auxquels je ferais face dans ma vie professionnelle ou personnelle, je sais que je peux les surmonter en travaillant dur et en gardant mon objectif en tête...
Alae Moukri - 12A, Al Mawakeb Al GarhoudJe suis très émue et flattée. Le simple fait de partager mes réflexions avec vous est déjà un honneur. Un des souvenirs les plus significatifs que je garde était la journée sportive... J’ai vu de mes propres yeux à quel point notre école accordait de l’importance à l’esprit d’équipe, à l’esprit sportif et à la persévérance... Je peux affirmer que mon école m’a offert bien plus qu’une simple éducation, un environnement où j’ai pu grandir et apprendre, tant sur le plan académique que personnel. J’ai été inspirée par le dévouement et la passion de nos enseignants, qui ont travaillé sans relâche pour nous aider à atteindre notre plein potentiel. J’ai également noué des amitiés durables avec mes camarades de classe, qui m’ont soutenue dans les moments difficiles... Cette leçon et les souvenirs que j’ai créés resteront avec moi dans mes futurs projets et aventures, et je garderai toujours une place spéciale dans mon cœur pour cette institution.
Seniors Class of 2023 AL MAWAKEB AL GARHOUD
Al Mawakeb Al Garhoud - Class of 2023
Grade 12A
Alae Moukri
Alia Azzani
Anfel Ghettas
Arwa Jouz
Aya Rabah
Aynur Hakimoglu
Bushra Sadeddin
Darin Attia
Diana Amir Rad
Fatima AlAzavi
Ganna Basha
Ghaya AlUmari
Haya Alawamleh
Hoor Hussain
Maram Bashir
Maryam Ourabi
Mayar Ghayad
Mena Al-Zuhairi
Nada Tabbakha
Nagham Adra
Nazanin Mehdiyeva
Nicol Lubbos
Rana Al-Abhari
Rawan Mawlawi
Sama ElGendy
Shahira Fidra
Tala Al Rojmah
Yassmine Ayloush
Ziena Nasser
Al Mawakeb Al Garhoud - Class of 2023
Grade 12B
Abdelrahman ElSamman
Abdoulhamid Shayan
Abdul kareem Bazian
Abdullah Harhar
Ahmad Chakif
Ahmed Tarahony
Ali Higazy
Arian Agassi
Dani Abou Assaf
Dani Alfred Youhana
Jad Halimi
Julian Hade
Karim Abdeldayem
Mikaal Ghani
Mohammad AlBdour
Mohammad Alhaj Hasan
Mohammad Azim
Mohammad Farid Janko
Mohammed Husami
Omar Abu Taah
Omar Badri
Omar Chouman
Omar Kaddah
Omar Mahfouz
Qusay Kahla
Sam Damaj
Yassin Sadek
Zaid Abu Laila
Zaid Yasin
Al Mawakeb Al Garhoud - Class of 2023
Grade 12C
Alisar Kayssoun
Anahita AbooNajmi
Celina Malas
Daniya Hammo
Dina Shahatit
Farah Mohammed
Fatemeh Khabbazi
Fay Abou Chacra
Hana ElHalawany
Iman Abou Iqran
Jana Akhras
Jana Tahboub
Joanna Ayyad
Joy Al Zawaideh
Karen Rezkalla
Kawthar El Chediak
Khadeejeh Matouq
Leen Almani
Luna Asil
Malak Aly
Mariam Al Saudi
Maryam Mousa
Maryam Yousuf
Maya Al Jamal
Melissa Khairallah
Mona Alkhatib
Naya AbuMahfuz
Reem Kannin
Salaam Farhan
Shams Kadhim
Wared ElGhosin
Yasmin ElHoseny
Zahraa Tawfiq
Al Mawakeb Al Garhoud - Class of 2023
Grade 12D
Abdel Hameed Amarneh
Adam Omari
Afif Darwish
Ahmad Beltagy
Ahmad Nasser
Ahmad Said
Al Sayed Al Hashemi
Amin Beidas
Andro Alber
Hadi Skouti
Hamza Vadaa
Jeremy Boustany
Karam Al Cheikh
Kareem Takriti
Mamoun Beidas
Mohamad Ali Lizzaik
Mohammad Hammad
Mohammad Kalbouneh
Mohammed Al Chouli
Mulham Salhi
Omar Matar
Ossama Arafat
Redha AlSabbah
Sarjoun Kantar
Sina Mohammadi
Tareq Abu Hanak
Wael Sleiman
Wissam AlSalahat
Al Mawakeb Al Garhoud - Class of 2023
Grade 12E
Ahmad AlHaj Naser
Ahmed Ali
Ahmed Al-Salihi
Ahmed Al Souri
Ali Jarkas
Amr Mahmoud
Asser Bayomi
Bachar Bakri
Becher Alnajjar
Essa Jassim
Eyad Alhag
Fahad Abdulla
Ghady Bou Said
Hassan Baydoun
Ibrahim El-Turk
Ibrahim Ali
Ibrahim Bsisou
Karam Maarouf
Karim Jawhar
Majd Wehbe
Malik Al Asbahi
Mayar Charaf
Mohamad Jouni
Mohamed Al Raeesi
Murtadha Al Kaabi
Nicolas Saliba
Suood Essa
Tareq Al-Ani
Yazen Mohammed
Youssef Mosafer
Al Mawakeb Al Garhoud - Class of 2023
Grade 12F
Al Maha AlObeidli
Alyaa Al-Kahtani
Ayah Abdulraziq
Ayesha AlMualem
Christa Fares
Dana AlKsibati
Farah Al Nashash
Fatma Makki
Fatma Rashed
Habiba ElShennawy
Hanin Abu Shaqrah
Hind Hammad
Jaddy Kair
Jood AlSayyed
Lalla Ibtihal Jerboui
Lamar Abu Shaikha
Layan Khzaei
Leen Abu Abbas
Leen Owaidat
Maram Al Mazloum
Maya Al Asbahi
Maya AlShar
Nada AlHashmi
Narjes Makki
Norhan AlNoamany
Razan El Lakkis
Shamma Al Nuaimi
Shantal Bachour
Vida Abdullahi
Zina Al Nashar
Seniors Class of 2023 AL MAWAKEB AL BARSHA
Al Mawakeb Al Barsha - Class of 2023
Grade 12A
Aliya Al Hlaiqawi
Alia Mohammad
Budour Al Qasem
Deema Hazim
Farida Emam
Farah Al Himairi
Farah Kawakneh
Farah Masarweh
Fatimah Al Duraye
Haya Douglas Hamilton
Jowariea Moussa
Joy Mekha
Jude Sharaiha
Lana Tannir
Lara Zaid Kasem
Leyan Ali
Leen Abazeed
Maya AlSha’ar
Maram Helmy
Mia Mora Issa
Mina Al Wandawi
Nil Astal
Nour Okba
Nour Alsoos
Nour Mohamed
Nour Fouani
Rama Issawi
Reem Agha
Reeman Al Fardan
Rozalin Saadi
Rozhan Shafie Zadeh Yazdi
Salma Daoud
Sara ElSharkawy
Salama AlAmri
Shahd Hodhod
Sima Nassif
Tania Haghighat
Tuleen Abdel Jaber
Zahra Khalil
Zeina Saeb
Al Mawakeb Al Barsha - Class of 2023
Grade 12B
Abdelaziz Al Qassem
Abdelrahman Alzubaidi
Abdulla Alshamsi
Ahmed Al-Jaf
Ahmed Zbala
Ahmed Atia
Ali Ghobadi
Ali Habib
Arshia Naeimi
Arshia Mahdvi
Charbel Nicolas
Elio Hanna
Faris Alnaji
Ghennadi Puscas
Hussain Alhaj
Jawad Younes
Jea-Hyung Kim
Karim Abu Fasheh
Khalid Altaweel
Mahmoud Abdulhak
Mohamad Baltaji
Mohamed Abdou
Mohammad Abu-Khader
Mohammed Alhaj
Mostafa Bassyouny
Mustafa Al-Mashhadani
Omar Elgendy
Omar Alhashimi
Omar El Hajj Chehade
Omar Rajab
Omar Saied
Rayyan Alkhawaldeh
Ribal Alklili
Saad Chatila
Saif Tahlak
Ubada Kalaji
Wassim Bentebbal
Yassin Abdelfatah
Yassin Sami
Yazan Irshaid
Yehya El Aghakasbah
Younis Al-Dweik
Yousif Al-Fayyadh
Youssef Shokry
Youssef Montasser
Zein Hammoud
Al Mawakeb Al Barsha - Class of 2023
Grade 12C
AlJawharah Al Ghamdi
Ayesha Al Khayat
Cedra ElHaj
Fatma AlRahma
Fatma Alhawai
Hana AlZarouni
Hoor Al Hammadi
Jana Mohamed
Julie Saghir
Kinda Al Otaibi
Lana Kendakji
Mahra Al Saffar
Maryam Adly
Maryam Al Sayegh
Maryam Majademi
Maryam Al-Saedi
Maryam Al Saffar AlHammadi
Mira Darwish
Nadeen Baqade
Noor Rajab
Nour Serhal
Roudha Al Falasi
Salama AlKetbi
Sara AlNuaimi
Shahad AlMarri
Shames AlSayyad
Tamara Kokash
Yara Ababneh
Al Mawakeb Al Barsha - Class of 2023
Grade 12D
Abdulla Kahoor
Adam Trad
Ahmed Khaled
Alexandre Demyane
Ali Alshamsi
Amine Boughanja
Amine Hached
Bader Zaghlool
Emir Tokdemir
Ghaith Al Mulla
Hadi Machal
Hamdan Almarzooqi
Hamza Daher
Hamza Abu Al Afyeh
Hasan Almarhoon
Ibrahim Ibrahim
Jonathan Cox
Mark Francis
Meesam Arshad
Mohab Elgendi
Mohammad Arafat
Muhammad Khan
Nasser Al Khayat
Omar Abdelsamei
Rayan El Jiche
Saad Albusmait
Saif Alfalasi
Youssef Hegazy
Youssef Salahaldin
Al Mawakeb Al Barsha - Class of 2023
Grade 12E
Abdalla Al Bayoumi
Abdulaziz Falaknaz
Abdulla Alfardan
Abdulla Rashid
Abdulsalam Ali Zadma
Ahmad Almheiri
Ahmed Ismail Mahmoud
Ali Ayad
Ebraheem Al Hutheily
Ebrahim Alshamsi
Hazeem Alsuwaidi
Khalid Alblooki
Mahdi Ahmad
Mayed Alattar
Mohamed Almheiri
Mohamed Aboras
Mohammad Bin Touq Almarri
Rayan Ghadhab
Salam Ghanoum
Yassin Haggag
Yazan Hamzah
Al Mawakeb Al Barsha - Class of 2023
Grade 12F
Aya Jiblawi
Aisha Abbas
Alia Bin Rashed
Alisa Bakhareva
Anya Boussaid
Aya Yaghi
Dana Bittar
Evelina Ivannikova
Faryal Jalili
Patimat Saikhanova
Haya ElGamal
Judy Saad
Khawla Al Fardan
Lea Al Mardini
Leen Costantini
Magda Al Laham
Mahveen Kamran
Maryam AlSaeed
Mira Saeed
Nada ElZoeiry
Nada Al Suhaibi
Nowar Obeidat
Rania Galadari
Reem Al Kaabi
Reem Faraidooni
Rojin Khatibi
Sara Assi
Salma Dzhamaldinov
Shamma Raei AlBoom
Shamsa AlAmri
Tala AlOmary
Yara El Habahbeh
Zainab Habib
Zena Qais
Seniors Class of 2023 AL MAWAKEB AL KHAWANEEJ
Al Mawakeb Al Khawaneej - Class of 2023
Grade 12A
Afra Alfalasi
Alia AlAraidi
AlJood AlHajjaj
AlMaha AlKaitoob ALNuaimi
AlMaha Badri
Alreem AlMudarreb
Fatma Baker
Ghalla Belhoush
Hala Ahmed
Halima Julfar
Haya Alawadhi
Hiba Al Khamlichi
Hoor Alhajjaj
Jomana Romani
Leen Kaddoura
Lubna Ahli
Maryam Alosaimi
Sara Belshalat
Shaikha Alfalasi
Shamma Almashghouni
Shamsa Aldabal
Al Mawakeb Al Khawaneej - Class of 2023
Grade 12B
Abdul Nasir Abdulrasool
Abdulaziz Ahli
Abdulaziz Alhajeri
Ali AlSuwaidi
Faris Sabt
Fatek Alshehhi
Hamad AlSharif
Harib Albalooshi
Khalid Althani
Khalid Salman
Khalifa AlMarri
Mohamed AlHussaini
Mohammad Abdulrasool
Mohammed Badri
Mustafa Alwan
Obaid AlShemeili
Omar Alhammadi
Omar Hawi
Rashed Alawadhi
Rashed Karmostagi
Rashid Alshaali
Salem Alyassi
Yaser AlSumaiti
Yousef Hammad
Zeyad Abdelkhalek
Al Mawakeb Al Khawaneej - Class of 2023
Grade 12C
Asma Ahli
Ayesha AlKhazraji
Fatma AlFahim
Fatma Alkhajeh
Fatma Bin Khadia
Ghalya Alshafei
Hind Almarzooqi
Jana Dalleh
Laila AlNoori
Lamar Husam
Mahra Almheiri
Maitha Aljawali
Maitha Bin Sougat
Mariam Ali
Maryam AlMahmood
Maryam Rashid
Mira Ali
Norah Alzahrani
Roudha Alzarooni
Salama Alfalasi
Sara Madani
Shaikha Hesa AlQasimi
Sherena Almutawa
Shifa Bin Haidar
Al Mawakeb Al Khawaneej - Class of 2023
Grade 12D
Abdulla Alarif, Abdulla Ali, Abdulla Almarri, Abdulla AlThani, Ahmad AlRafi, Ali Darwish, Humaid Alshamsi
Khaled Aljaberi, Khalifa Naqi
Mahmoud Fakhry,
Mansoor Al Kamali, Mohammad Al Falasi, Mustafa Al-Musawi, Nasser Almarri, Omar Almarri Rashed AlRaeesi
Saeed Ali, Saeed Belhoul, Sultan Bin Hafiz,
Another year goes by, and we find ourselves bidding our students farewell as they embark on another journey of learning and discovery. Within the class of 2023, an exceptional group of students deserves a special mention – a group that spent 14 years within their second home, Al Mawakeb.
Fourteen years ago, we watched their little hands grip their parents‘ hands as they escorted them into their kindergarten classes. They were nervous and tearful; however, each year, we saw our once anxious 4-year-olds transform into remarkable, resilient, and ambitious young learners. They now stand tall, fine young men and women, each with tremendous confidence and integrity. They leave us with the fondest memories; a first performance on National Day, a triumph during Sports Day, or a memorable contribution to the school community.
Our goal has always been to educate them to become independent thinkers and lifelong learners. We provided them with a nurturing environment that fostered an attitude of strength and selfreliance. We have seen our aspirations unfold and come to life through all of them.
We are proud of who they’ve become and how they created the highest, grandest vision possible for their lives. They say it’s a brave and challenging new world out there, but if anyone can make the best of it, we know they can.
K-12 Girls
Al Mawakeb Al Garhoud
(From front)
Sitting 1st row (Left to Right): Jana Akhras, Maya Al Asbahi, Maryam Yousuf, Dana AlKsibati, Hanin Abu Shaqrah, Habiba ElShennawy.
Standing 2nd row (L to R): Maya AlShar, Wared ElGhosin, Nicol Lubbos, Dina Shahatit, Christa Maria Fares, Layan Khzaie, Al Maha AlObeidli, Leen Almani, Celina Malas, Fatma Makki, Narjes Makki, Shamma AlNuaimi, Mayar Ghayad, Aya Rabah, Vida Abdullahi, Ms. Nada Halaby
Sitting 3rd row (L to R): Rawan Mawlawi.
Standing 4th row (L to R): Maryam Ourabi, Karen Costandy, Jana Tahboub, Hoor Hussain, Arwa Jouz, Nagham Adra, Yasmin ElHoseny, Alia Azzani, Yassmine Ayloush.
K-12 Boys
Al Mawakeb Al Garhoud
Sitting 1st row (Left to Right): Karam Al Cheikh, Mulham Salhi, Hadi Al Mobadder.
Standing & Sitting 2nd row (L to R): Mohammad Albdour, Karim Abdeldayem, Yousif El Hoseny, Omar Chouman, Omar Badri, Ahmad AlMuhsen, Ahmad Nasser, Sina Mohammadi, Mrs. Nada Halaby, Abdel Hameed Amarneh.
Sitting & Standing 3rd row (L to R): Ahmad Rehouma, Mohammad Kalbouneh, Ahmad Saeed.
Standing 4th row (L to R): Mohammed Yousuf, Abdulla Humaid Almansoori, Dani Alfred Naser, AbdulRahman Alhabbai, Yahya El Hoseny, Fadi Zaki, Ahmed Tarahony, Qusay Kahla, Redha AlSabbah, Ahmed Beltagy, Wissam AlSalahat.
K-12 Girls
Al Mawakeb Al Barsha
(From front)
Sitting 1st row (Left to Right): Aisha Abbas, Reem AlKaabi, Rozhan Shafiezadeh, Zeina Saeb, Tuleen AbdelJaber.
Standing 2nd row (L to R): Shamsa AlAmri, Sara AlNuaimi, Fatma AlRahma, Fatma AlHawai, Hana AlZarooni, Budoor AlQasem, Ayesha AlKhayat, Mahra Al Saffar, Sima Nassif, Rojin Khatibi, Shamma AlBoom, Zahra Khalil, Alia Mohamad, Julie Saghir.
Standing 3rd row (L to R): Salama AlAmri, Mira Darwish, Reeman AlFardan, Maryam AlSayegh, Deema Hazim, Maryam Majademi, Noor Rajab, Alia Bin Rashid, Dana Bittar, Jude Sharaiha, Leen Costantini, Rama Issawi, Nour Fouani, Nadeen Baqade, Tala AlOmary, Rania Galadari, Maram Helmy, Shahd Hodhod, Lara Kassem, Zena Qais, Zainab Habib.
K-12 Boys
Al Mawakeb Al Barsha
(From front)
Sitting 1st row (From left to right): Abdelaziz Al Qassem, Mahdi Ahmad, Mohammad Bin Touq.
Standing 2nd row (L to R): Zein Hammoud, Mohamad Al Haj, Yazan Lrshaid, Rayan Ghaddab, Rayyan Al Khawaldeh, Charbel Nicolas, Rayan El Jishi, Ali Habib, Wassim Bentebbal, Hussain Al Haj, Abdulla Al Shamsi, Moustafa Bassayouny, Saif Tahlak, Omar Al Hashimi, Arshia Naeimi, Nasser Hassan, Hadi Mashaal.
Standing 3rd row (L to R): Ghennadi Puscas, Ibrahim Ibrahim, Mohamad Abu Khader.
Sitting 4th row (L to R): Abdulla Kahoor, Abdelaziz Falaknaz, Ahmad Al Mhairi, Emir Tokdemir, Jonathon Cox, Alexandre Demian, Abdelrahman Al Zubaidi, Elio Hanna, Salam Ghanoum, Omar Saied, Youssef Salah, Mohamad Aboras.
K-12 Girls
Al Mawakeb Al Khawaneej
(From front) 1st row (Left to Right): Asma Ahli, Jana Dalleh, Sara Madani, Hind Almarzooqi. 2nd row (L to R): AlJood AlHajjaj, Hiba El Khamlichi. Absent: Laila AlNooriK-12 Boys
Al Mawakeb Al Khawaneej
(From front)
Sitting 1st row (Left to Right): AMansoor Al Kamali, Yousef Hammad.
Standing 2nd row (L to R): Mustafa Al-Musawi, Rashed Alawadhi, Mahmoud Fakhry, Faris Sabt.
We officially welcome you to the next phase of your life as you become our newest member of the AMSI Alumni Association. There will be nothing you cannot accomplish on your journey to becoming global citizens, and we look forward to supporting all your future endeavors. In many ways, the AMSI Alumni Association serves as a tremendous resource for all of us with more than 10,000 former students contributing to our alumni network by providing personal and professional support. Our relationship with you does not end after today. You can be sure your bond with your alma mater will always stay strong.
Graduating class of 2023, we officially welcome you to the AMSI Alumni Association.
Sign Up Now:
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Class of 1994
Class of 1994
Class of 1995
Karim Abu Fasheh, AMB Samah Badawyieh, AMG Al Maha AlObeidli, AMG Mahdi Fadhel Mahdi, AMG (Ahmed AlObeidli) Omar El Hajj, AMB Batoul Badawiyeh, AMGClass of 1996
Class of 1996 Class of 2003
Class of 1996 Class of 1999
Ebrahim AlShamsi, AMB Essa AlShamsi, AMG Sara Madani, AMK AlMaha Badri, AMK Mohammad Badri AMG Khawla Saeed AMG Mohammad Madani AMG Leyla Madani AMG Saeed Belhoul, AMK Amna AlQaizi, AMG Class of 1997 Leen Costantini, AMB Zeina Hassan, AMG Class of 1997 Yousef AlRaeessi, AMG Maryam Abdullah, AMG Class of 19971998
Mohammed Al Chouli, AMG Bassam Al Atrouni, AMG Class of AlJood AlHajjaj, AMK Nada Binghalib, AMG Class of Sara Belshalat, AMK Raisa Aljaziri, AMG Class of 20002000
of 2001
of 1997
Nagham Adra, AMG Hayfa Adra, AMG Class Alreem AlMudarreb, AMK Sara Al Mudarreb, AMG Class of Maryam Alosaimi, AMK Abeer AlFalahy, AMG ClassAMSI Awards & Honors
Indeed it is…
Every year, we honor a select group of students who have gone that extra mile to be extraordinary. There are two faces to this process, academic and non-academic.
Valedictorian: the student who achieves Highest Distinction and the highest grade point average among the seniors.
Salutatorian: the student who achieves Highest Distinction and the second highest grade point average among the seniors.
Awards & Honors
The Green Stole:
Worn by seniors who graduate with Highest Distinction
The Yellow Stole:
Worn by seniors who graduate with Distinction
The Grey Stole: Worn by seniors who graduate with High Achievement
The Golden Rope: Worn by seniors who graduate with Achievement
The Silver Rope: Worn by seniors who graduate with Merit
“The Difference between Ordinary and Extraordinary is that little EXTRA….”
In addition to the aforementioned academic honors, Al Mawakeb prides itself on having within its student body a large contingency of students who distinguish themselves in nonacademic fields.
We honor them tonight with three awards.
Recognition Award:
Presented to students for altruistic contribution to the school and its community through leadership and participation.
Outstanding Athlete Award:
Presented to students in recognition of outstanding athletic achievement.
Award for Excellence in Fine Arts:
Presented to students in recognition of outstanding potential in the field of Fine Arts.
Outstanding Graduate:
This honor is bestowed upon a senior who distinguished him/herself through academic excellence and outstanding service.
He/she demonstrated a positive presence on campus, an outgoing personality and a commitment to his/her school and fellow students. This senior exhibited the highest standards in character, selflessness and drive to succeed. She/he is an Outstanding Graduate of Al Mawakeb.
Class of 2023 and awards recipients for all your accomplishments and achievements. This is but the beginning of a long journey... and as a new class of AMSI Schools Alumni, you travel carrying us with you as we hold you close in our memories.
AMSI Leadership Award
This honor is bestowed upon seniors in AMSI schools. This award celebrates our students’ strife for excellence, their ded-ication to their school, their drive for accomplishment, their commitment to the community, and their distinguished sense of leadership. They have positively impacted our school and soon they will do the same in our world.
We stand proud knowing they left a significant mark on all those who knew them so that others may follow in their path. We look forward to watching them become outstanding forces of change in our future.
We wish them all the best…
The AMSI Leadership Award is presented to a senior who:
1. Exhibits exceptional potential as a leader
2. Shows outstanding innovation and initiative
3. Is valued by those with whom he/she works
4. Gives generously of his/her time, skills, and talent
5. 5. Demonstrates exemplary commitment and responsibility and makes significant and meaningful contributions
This senior embodies the true spirit of his/her school’s mission and fulfills the AMSI expectation in a potential future leader.
Le prix de Leadership est décerné au diplômé qui :
1. Présente un potentiel remarquable en tant que jeune leader
2. Joue un rôle important au sein de l’école
3. Apprécié et respecté par tous ceux qui travaillent avec lui
4. Il donne de son temps, ses compétences et son talent à son école
5. Responsable et enthousiaste
Ce diplômé incarne l’essence et l’esprit de la mission de son école et réalise les attentes d’AMSI dans son potentiel de leadership.
Al Mawakeb Al Garhoud
Media Gallery Back to Seniors PagesAl Mawakeb Al Barsha
Media Gallery Back to Seniors Pages Media Gallery Back to Seniors Pages Al Mawakeb Al KhawaneejOrder of Proceedings
Procession of the Class of 2023 to the March Triumphante from Aida
UAE National Anthem
Reading from the Holy Koran
Al Mawakeb Al Garhoud: Mohammad Kalbouneh
Al Mawakeb Al Barsha: Yehya El Aghakasbah
Al Mawakeb Al Khawaneej: Omar Hawi
AMSI Board of Directors’ Address
AMSI CAO Address
AMSI Principals’ Address
Presentation of AMSI Awards introduced by:
Al Mawakeb Al Garhoud: Dina Shahatit and Sarjoun El Kontar
Al Mawakeb Al Barsha: Lara Kasem and Mohammed Al Haj
Al Mawakeb Al Khawaneej: Hind AlMarzooqi
Graduates’ Address delivered by:
Al Mawakeb Al Garhoud (Boys):
In Arabic - Hamza Wadaa, In English - Omar Matar, In French - Omar Badri
Al Mawakeb Al Garhoud (Girls):
In Arabic - Nicol Lubbos, In English - Ganna Basha, In French - Fay Abou Chacra
Al Mawakeb Al Barsha (Boys):
In Arabic - Hussain AlHaj, In English - Saif Tahlak, In French - Omar AlHashimi
Al Mawakeb Al Barsha (Girls):
In Arabic - Farah Al-Himairi, In English - Aisha Abbas, In French - Julie Mouarrawi
Al Mawakeb Al Khawaneej (Boys):
In Arabic - Obeid AlShemeili, In English - Mustafa Al-Musawi, In French - Faris Sabt
Al Mawakeb Al Khawaneej (Girls):
In Arabic - Shifa Bin Haidar, In English - AlJood AlHajjaj, In French - Maitha Bin Sougat
Presentation of the Diplomas
Announcing Class of 2023
The Graduates exit to the Ode to Joy from Symphony Number 9