Riding Instructor magazine Winter 2021

Page 14

Cameo’s cauldron … in which Cameo Miller stirs her thoughts and ideas to see what rises to the top.

So why am I writing about relationships in a magazine for riding instructors? Because we are more than just riding instructors. We have more relationships than just our professional ones. Relationships that help make up the totality of who we are. Because we are people with important relationships in our lives that we need to remember to value and nurture. The times we spend with each other throughout the year is often much more important than attending a prescribed day to be together. It is all of these times that truly build a relationship into what it is now and what it can become in the future. It is all the times over all the years that build the foundation of a relationship and determine how towering and important it will be. Special get togethers like holidays and birthdays, births and even funerals, and family reunions can be embellishments on the tower we build with others. For some, Thanksgiving and Christmas means that everyone makes a special effort to be together. That even if most of the year people are busy with separate lives, these two days are set aside to be with those who are special to us. That gives these holidays true importance to many. But we also know that, for some people, these large family gatherings are more misery than blessing. For them, the imperative is a burden. For them, we

The Importance of Relationships By Cameo Miller

Illustration by Bethany Caskey

are also reminded that the ‘families’ we create can be as, or even more, important that the ones we are born into. A thought to consider is that, perhaps, traveling during traditional get together holidays is not best right now—too many people crowding together, too much stress due to delays and high prices, too many expectations from whatever source. Perhaps we should reassess. What if instead of traveling now when society dictates for us to get together—we plan to go another time or other times

This article comes out sometime between Thanksgiving and

when everyone can truly enjoy the visit. After all, it should be

Christmas—times when family and friends usually get together.

actually being with those we value that is the truly important part.

Last year we were all told to severely limit contact with each

It’s not the feast of Thanksgiving nor the gifts of Christmas that is

other and many people did not celebrate these traditional coming

truly what is important, but the fact that we can be together with

together holidays as usual. This year we are told to still be cautious,

those we love. And gifts don’t have to be purchases. Thoughtful

but it seems that many families and friends are determined to be

gifts are good, but it can be just as special a gift to sit and listen to

together for this Thanksgiving and Christmas. Relationships are

someone who needs to vent, to cry with someone over a loss or a

important, and we have been reminded over the last two years that

fear, to rejoice with them over an accomplishment or a treasured

phone calls and video chats are not at all the same as a hug and


physically being together. There always seems to be stories on the news of tragic events with many lives lost. At the time I am writing

I am not advocating that we get rid of traditional holidays, or

this, the current death toll from covid is over 777,000 in the US

that we do or don’t observe them. I am suggesting that days that

alone. So we are also reminded that these relationships DO need

society has dictated as ‘special’ can be thought of as a decision

to have priority in our lives as those we care about could be lost to

rather than a mandate. That we need to make it more of a priority

us when we least expect it. We hear so often—to always give your

to be with those we love however and whenever that works best

loved ones a kiss and an ‘I love you’ when parting because you never

for us. That it is the being together that builds relationships rather

know if it may be the last time you see them alive.

than the predetermined day to do it.


Winter 2021 | Riding Instructor

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