Kempshott Kourier October

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empshott ourier

Issue 226 | October 2021

Editors Scribble. . . . .


he change in the weather and children returning to school heralds the onset of Autumn and the run up to the Christmas - where has the year gone? And what a difficult year it has been and most recently with the fuel shortage due to the lack of HGV drivers. Let us hope this is resolved shortly. Readers will be aware that there was a further much more serious fire in the Stratton park recycling bins, the 3rd in two years. The clean up has taken a number of man hours to clear up and finally the council have taken the decision to remove the facility. Obviously a disappointment for the regular responsible users but there are understandably some concerns that the next incident could be much more serious We are pleased to welcome a number of new advertisers to the Kourier many are new businesses and we wish them well. Also the Anvil is back with a programme of shows up to Xmas. The image used for this month's editorial comes from the lady photographer who kindly supplied the photos for the popular July competition and our thanks for these.

Richard & Andy

Sat Closed

beechdown club fitness





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Winchester Rd, RG22 4ES

Pick-up points: - Kempshott Post Office and stores, China Garden, Kempshott Village Hall, St Marks and St Michael's Hospice Shop



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CONTENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 1: Page 4: Page 6: Page 7:

Page 10/11: Conservation News Page 13: Basingstoke Rotary Page 14: Jolly Olly's The Editor Page 15: Ramblers Association Noahs Ark Camrose, Gillies & Hackwood PPG Page 16: Neighbourhood Watch Page 22: Small Ads The Anvil

Page 24: Probus club of Basingstoke Page 25: Citizens Advice Page 26: Phillips Solicitors Page 27: N2N Page 29: St. Marks Church Page 30: Useful Contacts

BASINGSTOKE CIVIL SERVICE RETIREMENT FELLOWSHIP There were 44 members and 2 visitors at the meeting on 1st September who were welcomed by the Chairman,

David Cowling, who then gave apologies for those unable to attend. The Secretary, Tony Brazier, gave details of the forthcoming trips planned for this year and said that the programme for next year would be available within the next few weeks. The planned speaker for this meeting was unable to attend but we were fortunate enough to have Alan Jones stand in at short notice. Alan titled his talk “The Roving Reporter” though he said that perhaps after some of the experiences he had endured during his time at BBC Radio Solent it ought to be the “Raving” reporter. He explained the area was very diverse and that he must have conducted over 20,000 interviews throughout the area with differing degrees of success despite a great deal of preparation. This included interviewing a bishop who disliked heights at the top of a cathedral, a Frenchman playing the drums at altitude in a Galaxy aircraft to gain entry into the Guiness Book of Records and a group of naturists raising money for charity. He also had to scale the side of a USA warship to speak to the captain, assist in the milking of a deadly poisonous snake for its venom and cope with many situations where he had to use his initiative to get the interview completed. The scariest occasion was nearly being arrested by MI5 when they did not realise that he had special clearance to speak with those presented to the Queen at a ceremony. He re-enacted this for us using members of the audience. The group’s first outing this year will be the Mystery Trip on Thursday 14th October to be followed on Thursday 18th November by a trip to Haskins Garden Centre for Christmas shopping and then the Christmas lunch at BCOT on Thursday 9th December. The next meeting is on 6th October when the speaker is Malcolm Nelson speaking about 40 Years of Catching Smugglers and the speaker on 3rd November is Dave White from the RNLI. The group meets on the first Wednesday of each month at Brookvale Village Hall from 10am to 12noon and all retired Civil Servants, their relatives and friends are welcome. Further details about the group and information about our trips can be obtained by contacting csrfbasingstoke@

David Cowling

GARDEN WASTE COLLECTIONS SUSPENDED DUE TO HGV DRIVER SHORTAGE Owing to the national HGV driver shortage, garden waste collections are to be temporarily suspended in Basingstoke and Deane to protect the core household waste and recycling collections.

The council’s waste and recycling contractor Serco has made every effort to attract drivers, by offering increased salaries and enhanced benefits packages, with some applicants currently being recruited or trained. But a number of driver vacancies are still not yet filled. Agencies, who are also affected by this shortage in a fast-moving market, are unable to provide staff to fill gaps. Therefore, the council has had to take the difficult decision to temporarily suspend garden waste collections due from the week of Monday 4 October in Basingstoke. The suspension is not related to the current fuel situation. All existing garden waste customers will be contacted by letter to advise them of the pause in service. The council will review the situation regularly and hope that, if the HGV driver availability improves, the service will start again in November. However, Serco will continue to catch up on the backlog of garden waste collections that were due during the week commencing 6 September across Basingstoke and Deane and subscriptions will be extended to cover missed collections. Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council’s Cabinet Member for Recycling and Waste Hayley Eachus said: “We’ve tried hard to keep the garden waste collections running despite the continuing challenge of COVID-19, but the increasing impact of the national driver shortage means we now need to temporarily pause the service. We believe it is better to suspend the service rather than continue with the uncertainty customers are facing about collections currently. “We apologise for the disruption and understand that it is frustrating for our customers, who we thank for their patience and understanding. Our bin crews have worked hard for more than a year, since the beginning of the pandemic, to keep our waste services going despite all challenges they have faced.” Updates will be provided on the council's websites and social media channels. For more information on bin collections in Basingstoke and Deane visit or follow @BasingstokeGov on Twitter or Facebook.


Noah’s Ark Preschool Kempshott Village Hall Stratton Park Off Pack Lane Basingstoke RG22 5HN

Kempshott Village Hall

Registered charity:Tel: 1022407 01256 323853

October 2021

Settling in Since we came back in early September all of our new children have settled in really well and are slowly getting Novemberchildren 2017 used to their new daily routines and making new friends. Our existing have come back full of beans and have been extra helpful with the new ones showing them round and helping them to access any resources. We have had a fun first half term back where our topic was All About Me

Sign of the week We have started to introduce simple Makaton signing for all the children and adults in the setting and this this children carried out activities“thank which included all “toilet”. about their families an has proved to be very enjoyable for all. So far, we have learnt On how totopic saythe “good morning”, “please”, you” and They also carried out activities about their favourite things; we started with an activity

Topics In September we looked at “All About Me” which was really beneficial to learn more about all the children, we looked at our emotions, our family, our 5 senses and our body and how it works. We carried out lots of fun activities including making Halloween / fireworks a colourful mini stick hand x-ray, and pulling different faces on how the children were feeling at that time. our first week back this half termhibernating the children made manyand spooky creations for our Looking ahead to future topics this month we will looking atOn autumn, seasonal changes, animals, spooky Halloween fun. children dressed up in their scary outfits (or favourite outfits) for Halloween day. We m explosive fireworks activities with lots of bright colours filling up our preschool with all

Teeth cleaning As part of the new EYFS curriculum we have introduced a segment into the daily routine and that is teeth made. cleaning. Each child has been given their own labelled toothbrush and so far, this has proven to be a successful activity.

Christmas SPACES Yep, we still have spaces available for all children aged from 2years up to primary school age. If you are interested then please don’t hesitate to give us a call on (01256) 323853 and ask for either Linda (manager) or Alison (admin) to book a is now time for us to be thinking about Christmas and all the wonderful things this joy show round. We are open Monday – Friday 8am- 4pm term timeitonly.

We look forward to seeing you soon.

Tel: 01256 323853 Email:

from the children getting excited about Santa coming, to all of our Christmas theme cra doing. We will also be practicing for our end of term Christmas nativity that will be takin Garden update

As autumn is here, the children are enjoying watching how the leaves change colour an winter vegetables and watching them grow. The children planted pumpkins earlier in t for Halloween; we also enjoyed pumpkin soup and crusty bread for snack.


If you are interested in your child coming to join our friendly caring preschool, we are o

Kempshott Under Fives is part of Hatch Warren Under Fives Preschool. 4pm. To contact please callto01256 323853 or email Welcome back! We love the start of a new academic year at Kempshott Under Fives –usit’s lovely see how much our or text 0759 returning children have grown over the summer holidays and it’s wonderful to meet our new children too. Two by Two parent toddler group

Transitions can be challenging for young children, so our first few weeks are all about settling in, exploring the new environment, making new two by twoas toddler group runs on Wednesday mornings 9.45am-11.30am friends and looking after the children's well-being – this helps to make Our the transition smooth as possible. All children are individuals, and term tim village hall. There is no need to book just turn up on the day. We provide lots of exciting while some children will adjust fairly easily and quickly to new routines, others will take longer to feel comfortable and secure. At Kempshott child to do together around different themes each week and also include a snack and li Under Fives we work hard to ensure that all children settle happily.

end. The group is run by members of staff from the preschool with helpers too all ready

Our first topic “All About Me” is a great chance for the children to learn all about themselves, their new friends and their families. We use stories, arts, crafts and songs to help our children discover what is unique and special about themselves and each other.

As the weather is still good the children have been making the most of the garden. We will be using our outdoor learning environment as much as possible and we have some great activities planned for extending our children’s learning outdoors. We’ll also be learning about autumn this term and exploring colours, outdoor sounds and hibernating animals. There will be lots of sticks and leaves to collect to build bug hotels and hedgehog houses. And we’ll be holding weekly cooking sessions and weekly science experiments too. KEMPSHOTT UNDER FIVES AND THE EARLY YEARS FOUNDATION STAGE (EYFS) Kempshott Under Fives work to the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework in all our activities. The EYFS sets standards for the learning, development and care of children from birth to five years old. At the start of any new academic year change is ahead for our little ones. Will they see new teachers? Stay at preschool for a longer amount of time without Mummy or Daddy? Will they be starting their school journey for the very first time? One of the areas of the EYFS is 'PSED' which stands for Personal, Social and Emotional Development. A large part of what we do here at Kempshott Under Fives is to ensure that we bond with your children and encourage their confidence building. We would encourage and observe a little one to see if they can separate from their main carer with support and encouragement and also express their own interests and preferences. If they are not quite ready we work on it together. It is lovely to hear your little ones asking for a particular toy that may not be out on that day...and yes we will get it for them. Kempshott Under Fives is based in St Mark’s Church on Homesteads Road and has a lovely main room and a wonderful garden. We still have spaces available for this academic year, to enquire about a space please contact Melissa, Preschool Manager, on 07951 660401 or at

Cuckoo Meadow Preschool


Rathbone Pavilion, Church Road, North Waltham, RG25 2BL. Tel: 01256 398172

Hello from Cuckoo Meadow Pre-School! In July we had a gloriously sunny leaving ceremony for all our Pre-Schoolers starting Reception in September - we wish them lots of love and luck – it has been wonderful teaching them, mostly Cuckoo Meadow Pre-school since the age of just two. Since then we have been enjoying our six weeks of summer, we hope you all did the same (despite the Cuckoo Meadow Pre-School offers a warm, friendly and stimula environment for children aged 2 yrs 9 months up to rising 5 year o The Pre-school is situated in an enviable location in the heart of rather gloomy weather!)

Waltham village, just 10 minutes drive from Kempshott. It has play suitable for outside play in the winter months as well as access to th

Park andas playing field inas the summer. It has a fantastic As of Monday September 6th the children have been back and we have enjoyed welcoming the old pupils well the new to team of esta and qualified staff who will be happy to show you around or answe questions you have regarding the pre-school or forthcoming events. our newly repainted pavilion and playground fencing. We have our settling in week and then the children willcontact enjoy learning all Jo or Fiona on 01256 398172, email, or visit the website about the different nursery rhymes. What’s more we will be introducing them to Emily, our newest member of the team. For the latest news do visit our Facebook page

With not much to update on given the recent summer holidays, please can we take the opportunity to remind you of the ways you can support us…. Firstly we invite you to take part in the Cuckoo Meadow Pre-School lottery. This lottery has been set up specifically to raise money and make a difference for our children. It's a fantastic way to bring parents, carers, teachers and the wider community together, in partnership with our Pre-School, and at the same time give something back. Visit www.YourSchoolLottery. and search for: Cuckoo Meadow Pre-School.

Please do consider us on and ‘Cuckoo Meadow Pre-School’ asparents ItItisisso sogood goodto tobe beback backAllocating and andwe wehave haveenjoyed enjoyedwelcoming welcoming all allof of the thechildren childrenand and parentswh wh your nominated charity on either of these platforms will mean that shops such as John Lewis, Argos and many more donate a % joined joinedus us this thisterm term and andour our returning returning families. families. of your purchase price directly to our Pre-School – and at no extra admin for you!

About Cuckoo Meadow Pre-School: We are a small, friendly, Ofsted Outstanding ranked pre-school located in the Rathbone Pavillion, North Waltham.both Theinternally children and During Duringthe thesummer summer holidays holidays the thesetting setting has has undergone undergone aacomplete complete make-over make-over both internally andextern exter who attend come from within the village and the surrounding areas including Dummer, Hatch Warren, Kempshott and Beggarwood and all agree the location We WeOakley, have havetransformed transformed the thesetting setting making making ititaamore more natural natural environment environment for for the thechildren children to toplay playand andthe the and wonderful caring staff mean it is more than worth the short journey. To find out please contact orrevamped Fiona on 01256 398172. garden garden area areamore has hasbeen been opened opened up upJo and and revamped offering offering us usmuch muchmore morespace spaceto tohave haveadventures adventuresand andee

All Allof ofthe thechanges changeshave have been achievable achievable due dueto tothe theparents generosity generositywho of oflocal local businesses, businesses, families families and andfriends friendsdd It is so good to be back and we have enjoyed welcoming allbeen of the children and joined us this term our ourfund fundraising raisingevents eventsand andwe wecannot cannotthank thankyou youall allenough enoughfor foryour yourkindness. kindness. and our returning families.

During the summer holidays the setting has undergone a complete make-over bothchoice internally and externally. Our Ouraim aimgoing goingforward forward isisto togive givethe the children childrencomplete complete choice over overtheir their learning learning experiences, experiences,allowing allowingt explore and and experiment experiment during duringplay. play. The The setting isisfilled filledwith with open ended ended resources and andloose looseparts partst We have transformed the setting makingtoto itexplore a more natural environment forsetting the children toopen play andresources the garden will willprovide provideus the themuch children children with withthe the tools toolsto to tolet let their theiradventures imagination imaginationflow. flow. area has been opened up and revamped offering more space have and explore. AllOnof theMay changes due to wedding the and Saturday 12th we heldhave our Funbeen Day! Thisachievable was themed around the royal generosity of local businesses, families andcarried friends during we all had a wonderful time! The children and their families out a treasure hunt, tried their luck on the various tombola’s and lucky dip stalls.thank you all enough our fund raising events and we cannot fun was had by all and the proceeds from the day will be used for new resources in our forGood your kindness. outside areas for both groups.

Our aimbeen going forward the complete We have making the most of is theto goodgive weather andchildren the children have been enjoying searching for mini beastslearning and playing in the mud kitchen. allowing them to choice over their experiences, We are hoping good weather stays for ourplay. Sports Day on the 23rd and is 24th.filled The children explore andthe experiment during The setting will take part in several races and we are even planning one for the parents if they would like with open ended resources and loose parts that will provide to take part! the children with the tools toth let their imagination flow. Our Quiz night is taking place on Friday 8 June from 7.30 at St Marks Primary School.

Ticketswe are available at £5.00 (Teams of 6).to Morrisons Lastly wouldfrom likeDandelions to say priced a huge thank you will be holding a raffle during the evening!! Bring your own refreshments!! forWetheir kind donation of party food for our leavers It’s a busy timein forJuly. us preparing all of extremely our new startersgrateful in September. are looking graduation We for were to We Naomi forward to welcoming the new parents at our Parents Evening on the 3rd July. for organising this and it went down a treat!

Snap Dragons still have spaces available! If your child was born between 1st September 2014

We limited spaces therefore if your child would wassuit born between 1st September 2018 and 31st August 2019 please do 2016 do please getavailable in touch so you can let us know which sessions andhave 31st August you. You us can do calling Jane on 01256 818857 or e-mailing info@dandelionsLastly Lastlywe wewould would like liketo to say sayaahuge hugethank thankyou youto toMorrisons Morrisonsfor fortheir theirkind kinddonation donationof ofparty partyfood foodfor forour ourlel contact forthisabyregistration form on 01256 818857 or alternatively e-mail

graduation graduationininJuly. July. We Wewere wereextremely extremelygrateful gratefulto toNaomi Naomifor fororganising organisingthis thisand andititwent wentdown downaatreat! treat!

Kempshott Junior School News

We Wehave havelimited limitedspaces spacesavailable availabletherefore thereforeif ifyour yourchild childwas wasborn bornbetween between

An impressive start to Autumn 2021 has been had at Kempshott Junior 2018 School changes happening all theus September 2018and andwith 31 31ststAugust August 2019 2019 please pleasedo docontact contact usfor foraaregistration registrationform form 11 September time! st st

01256 01256818857 818857or oralternatively alternativelye-mail

Kempshott Junior School ran a Summer Holiday Club for Infant and Junior pupils as a trial, and we have to say it was you want to make a differ a great success. We hope to run the club again in Do forthcoming The governing board at Kempshott Ju holidays.

academic year starting September 20

(including those joining from S Everyone has returned to school with brilliant success,school settling like community who feel that they could m they have never been away. A Year 6 residential to We Calshot took are incredibly proud of our schoo school’s strategic directio place…photos to follow. A vast and varied range ofshaping aftertheschool improvement. We typically don’t get clubs have started across the school. New school counsellors Passion for making a difference is have been chosen for each class to work alongside the councillors education is not essential. We welco interest from underrepresented socia from last year, who perhaps didn’t get a chance to shine receive thedue supportto and training you w lockdowns. Each class is also having an eco counsellor in a bid to Most governors spend around 7 hour continue to improve our impact on the environment. school. At Kempshott Junior School,

Our windows are gradually being replaced and they are looking very nice…it’ll be well worth the wait and disruption. The What do we need from you? outside Playdale has received a fresh coat of paint and is looking as good as new. We look forward to the exciting things that the Autumn terms brings.

Most importantly - an interest in all aspects of school life. Y

 

A natural curiosity, helping yo An ability to listen to the idea

What we offer:


NEW COUNCILLOR GRANT SCHEME LAUNCHED TO SUPPORT COMMUNITY PROJECTS Community groups and organisations can now apply for funding support for small-scale items to support local groups and projects following the launch of Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council’s new Councillor Community Grant Scheme. Grants of between £250 and £1,000 are available to help groups and not for profit organisations purchase equipment which will make a difference to people’s lives and help bring communities together following the COVID-19 pandemic. Each councillor across Basingstoke and Deane will have a £2,000 pot to support projects in their communities until 31 March 2022. The maximum grant that will be available for each project in a ward is £1,000. Funding is available for voluntary groups, charities, schools, faith groups and town and parish councils for projects which meet the scheme criteria. The grant funding can be used for items that contribute to key priorities set out in Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council’s Council Plan - strengthening communities, protecting and enhancing our environment, improving safety and planning for the future. This could include purchasing tools or equipment for a variety of group activities such as community groups, health and wellbeing activities, lunch clubs or play groups. Cabinet Member for Communities, Infrastructure and Planning Cllr Simon Bound said: “The COVID-19 pandemic has shone a light on the amazing community spirit we have in our borough and has given people more opportunities to explore the facilities and activities on offer in their local communities. “Our new Councillor Community Grant Scheme will give councillors the chance to support their local communities with grant funding for projects and activities which will make a big difference to residents’ lives and foster thriving communities across the borough." For more information about the scheme and eligibility criteria, visit


(CGH) PATIENT PARTICIPATION GROUP (PPG) NEWS Dear Local residents, We hope you will find our latest article helpful. Flu Vaccines Invitations for the flu vaccine should have been received by all age 65+ patients by now. Any problems, contact CGH on 01256 479747, or email: Members of the PPG will be acting as marshalls on vaccination days. Please feel free to have a chat with them about your experiences as patients of CGH. GP Patient Survey Patients can explore results of the survey for CGH via Blood Tests The NHS has guided that the shortage of blood test tubes should be concluded by 17th September. Please keep an eye on the CGH website for up-to-date information.

CGH PPG team

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Folk Music



THIS PERFORMANCE HAS BEEN RESCHEDULED FROM 9 APR 2021 Louis Pearl has been thrilling audiences worldwide for over 30 years with the art, magic, science and fun of bubbles. An Edinburgh Fringe favourite, he has sold out there for the last twelve years.

from Tue 20 Oct 2020

THE ANVIL | THE HAYMARKET | THE FORGE Louis explores the breath-taking dynamics of bubbles, combining comedy ANVILARTS.ORG.UK 01256 844244 and artistry with audience participation and enough spellbinding bubble tricks to keep everyone mesmerised. #GREATPERFORMANCELIVE The band released their debut album Hark The Village Wait, a record that 1970 would prove to be a vintage year for music and the start of an era that would change the world. For Steeleye Span, formed the year before, it would mark a major milestone.

would not only launch one of the most enduring stories in the folk world From square bubbles to rocket bubbles, tornado bubbles to flying saucer bubbles, The Amazing Bubble Man conjures shrieks of laughter and gasps and beyond but also come to influence further generations of artists. of amazement from all ages. Five decades on and the band, led as ever by the recognisable vocals of TICKETS: £15. UNDER 16S £13 (INCLUDES £3 BOOKING FEE) Maddy Prior with a seven-piece line-up, will celebrate their anniversary SUITABLE FOR: ALL AGES playing a selection of tracks from that famous album as well as favourites from their long and varied career. TICKETS: £27 (INCLUDES £3 BOOKING FEE)

FRI 29

TUE 26



THIS PERFORMANCE HAS BEEN RESCHEDULED FROM WED 8 APR 2020 This fin-tastic, family musical follows Timothy Pope (and his telescope!) on three exciting adventures… but wait, is that a shark, in the park?!



RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW Comedy superstar John Bishop is coming to The Anvil with his highly anticipated brand-new stand up show – Right Here, Right Now. This will be John’s eighth stand up show and it is shaping up to be his best yet.

From the creative team behind The Hairy Maclary Show - see all three of Nick Sharratt’s Shark in the Park books; Shark in the Park, Shark in the Dark and Shark in the Park on a Windy Day, live on stage! TICKETS: £15.50 (INCLUDES £3 BOOKING FEE) SUITABLE FOR: AGES 2 AND OVER RUNNING TIME: 55 MINUTES, NO INTERVAL

John has achieved huge success with a number of his own comedy, entertainment and documentary shows including- John Bishop’s Australia, John Bishop’s Britain, John Bishop’s Only Joking’, The John Bishop Show, The John Bishop Christmas Show and John Bishop’s Gorilla Adventure. TICKETS: £38 (INCLUDES £3 BOOKING FEE) WARNING: SUITABLE FOR: AGES 16 AND OVER LATECOMERS NOT ADMITTED

NOVEMBER 2021 Selling fast! Selling fast! Selling fast! Selling fast! Selling fast! Tues 2 / Wed 3


REGIONAL TRINKET Alan’s back on the road with a brand-new standup show, Regional Trinket. From the exhilarating high of his star-studded wedding day to the low of lockdown stuck on a farm, a lot has changed since Alan’s last tour four years ago, including Alan. Nowadays, it’s all about finding happiness and joy in the small things - why be a national treasure when you can be a Regional Trinket?! £28 (INCLUDES £3 BOOKING FEE) WARNING: SUITABLE FOR: AGES 14 AND OVER





Join Herman’s Hermits, The Tremeloes, Marmalade, The Merseybeats, PJ Proby, Steve Ellis, Mamas And Papas, Dave Berry and Gerry’s Pacemakers for a rockin' night with some of the biggest and best-selling artists of the 60s. With hits including Silence is Golden, There's Kind of a Rush, The Crying Game and many more, you won't want to miss this Sixties Gold. TICKETS: £41 (INCLUDES £3 BOOKING FEE)

We're Covid-secure How we're making our safe In line with the latest government guidance, we have put numerous measures in place across our venues to ensure that we remain Covid-19 secure. Please take the time to understand these measures before attending our venues to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our staff, artists and audiences. We all need to work together to help keep one another safe. Trained Covid Compliance Officers will be present for all performances and can be identified by coloured armbands. Please take note of any information provided in addition to any instruction given by staff. If you feel unwell, have a high temperature, are displaying any Covid-19 symptoms , tested positive for Covid-19, or have been notified to isolate by NHS Test and Trace, please stay at home and do not attend our venues. If you feel unwell prior to attending a performance for which you have tickets, please do not attend and e-mail our box office who will be happy to credit the value of your tickets to your account so that you can use it on future ticket purchases.

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Kempshott Green SPACE Space KEMPSHOTTWildlife, WILDLIFE, GREEN Old Down & Beggarwood Wildlife Group

We are well into Autumn now. Sadly the wild flowers and butterflies are now gone. The meadows look a bit sad now and some areas will be (or have already been) mown. You will recall that Spring was pretty chilly and wet and there was thought that butterfly numbers would be badly affected but surprisingly they seem to have been plentiful this year. The little hot spell we had in September kept many species of butterflies around into the Autumn – such as Speckled Wood (see photo), Large Whites and Peacocks. The fortnightly bird count has started up again (there is always a break in the summer months). From mid-September the migrant birds start leaving our shores to go south so this is a good time to bird-watch. An unusual local sighting in September was a Wheatear (see photo) on the Manydown Estate up by Breach Farm Cottages. These birds like open fields and are summer visitors. No doubt it was on the start of its migration to Central Africa for the winter. There are also Barn Owls up there – but one has to get up early or be there at twilight to catch a sighting. The weekly work parties are now in full swing. On both sites it would be nice to have a few more volunteers turning up – you don’t have to commit to turning up every week. Due to the lack of maintenance on the sites over the last two years, the dogwood has spread prolifically. Digging up and cutting back the dogwood has been a top priority for the work parties during the last couple of months. If the dogwood is left there is no space for the lovely wildflowers. Work Parties. For Old Down we meet outside Old Down Hall every Thursday 10-12 noon and for Beggarwood 10-12 noon at the café on the first Tuesday of the month. Please come along. Check the Internet address for updates. Internet: Old Down & Beggarwood Wildlife Group ( Facebook Page : Email:

Kempshott Conservation Group Email: Internet:

An interesting partnership This year has been a good one for ants in meadows. At the end of last year large conical ants nests were found in Down Grange Meadow constructed by Lasius flavus, the Meadow Ant. As this area of the Meadow had not been cut for some time, it’s likely that the ants had built these nests over the last couple of years. Recently we have been doing some late summer work in the Old Orchard and we came across a number of nests there as well. This is the first time we have noticed these nests in the Orchard. In early summer, Common Blue butterflies were spotted there, but were a bit thin on the ground in the Meadow. This year in the Meadow we saw more of the rarer Small Blues than the supposedly Common Blue, despite the many large ants nests. Why the connection between Ants and “Blue” butterfly species? All of the blue species that occur on our sites, Common, Small and Holly Blues (as well as Small Copper and Brown Argus) use ants as part of their life cycle. The other blue species not found on our sites, Chalk Hill, Silver-studded, Adonis and Large Blue, also use ants. None more so than the Adonis Blue. The caterpillars of the Adonis feed on Horseshoe Vetch and have organs that secrete a sweet “honeydew” viscous liquid. This drives the ants wild. Adonis caterpillars will attract any species of ant but particularly Myrmica sabuleti, a red ant and Lasius alienus, a brown ant. More………………………………………….


and Conservation AND CONSERVATIONNews NEWSfor FOROctober OCTOBER

The ants will swarm around each caterpillar protecting it from predators. The caterpillar then produces some pheromones that fool the ants into thinking this butterfly larva is one of their own. The ants then carry the Adonis caterpillar down into their nest. There, the Adonis larvae will not only continue to provide “honeydew” but will “sing” to the ants by rubbing two ribbed tentacles, located behind the head, against its body. Soldier ants then guard the Adonis larvae, protecting them from attacks by other carnivorous ants and even parasitic wasps. This armed guard is on duty 24hours a day. When the larvae are ready to pupate, the ants are still in attendance as the pupae will sing to the “armed guard”. Even when the caterpillar has crawled out of the nest to pupate, the ant guards will follow it to wherever the larva chooses to turn into a pupa. This very close relationship between larvae and ants is an extreme example, but all “blue” species use ants as part of their life cycle. They may not get the same treatment as the Adonis, but that of its close relative, the Chalk Hill Blue, is very similar. Most species of “Blue” caterpillar will sing to ants, but may not get the dedicated attention that the Adonis does. Larvae of the Adonis and our Common Blues receive protection and the ants receive the “honeydew” food – this is known as a symbiotic relationship (mutually beneficial). This is why we like ants nests on our sites. The Large Blue butterfly (found only in Somerset, Dartmoor and Gloucestershire) is very rare and only present in the UK thanks to conservation reintroduction. The larvae of the Large Blue feed on the larvae of their ant hosts. This is a parasitic relationship – no way to return the ants hospitality. If it’s a warm year the Common Blue can be seen until October. If you’d like to attract Common Blues or Holly Blues to your garden, try letting ivy grow.

FUZZY DROVE CONSERVATION GROUP On 12th August some of our volunteers were made aware that a large tractor with flail machinery was carrying out work in Fuzzy Drove. Several of our volunteers spoke to the tractor driver who stated that he had been given the job of cutting back the entire length of Fuzzy Drove 1.2 metres either side of the vehicle track and was completing the first half from Kempshott Lane that day, returning the next day to do the top half beyond the bollards. The driver confirmed that Basingstoke Council had ordered the work to prevent over hanging branches from scratching passing vehicles. Our group understands that the shrub and bramble growth needs to be controlled. However, a bit of judicious pruning would have done the job. Instead of which, as you will see from our photographs, the result in many places is really upsetting for those of us who value Fuzzy Drove as a haven of peace and natural habitat for wildlife and people alike. Branches were left torn and new plantings (which are all native hedgerow species complete with council-issue guards), have been shredded. No sense of empathy or moderation came across at all. We managed to persuade the Council to stop the same work being carried out on the top half and they are currently "hanging fire" on the top section, for which we are grateful. We are very disappointed that so many new plants (many supplied by the Council!) and some very established trees will have to be written off. Branches still overhang the Drove which our group cannot deal with as we may not use power tools or carry out work at height. As you can imagine there has been much comment on the local social media pages as well as in conversations with regular users of the Drove. One of our young volunteers who had planted a sapling a few years ago and always kept a close check on it is very upset as it has now totally gone. Fuzzy Drove is a natural and wild area, rich in flora and fauna, not least hedgehogs which as we know are now an endangered species. It gives a strong sense of place to all those who live hereabouts, just as envisaged in one of the Council’s own policy aims. Our group will continue trying to look after the natural habitat of the Drove as best we can, although we are short of volunteers to help since the Covid lockdown. During warm wet summers such as this year the growth will bolt and we are limited as to what we can achieve using hand tools, but if you are able to help then please contact us. We are really keen to ensure that work can be carried out with empathy for the natural habitat that makes the Drove so valued. For up to date information on work parties in the Drove please visit our Facebook page: 'Fuzzy Drove Conservation Group' or

our website:


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and I sincerely to all our readers Happy New Year be a better one. hope that 2021 will Anne sadly passed will know my wife As many of you just 64 and we had November, she was - founder of the away on the 24th co a nearly 44 years. As been together for doting grandmother proud Mother and KK, my soul mate, missed. she will be sadly their thanks and like to expres s would family The t time including the help in this difficul nity gratitude for all the n's, local commu s, BDBC, Rotaria plus Coniston road emergency service Also for the 250 all those who lined limited urs and friends. es of support and groups, neighbo nce attendance was us calls and messag the church attenda nces and numero ed to hold a cards of condole current circumstances to the community it is propos the Anne's funeral. Given ed service Further details and on the day of the 23 years of dedicat her of tion fund in Anne's name. to 30 but in recogni this year and form a community later memorial service d on page 3. eulogy are include in Kempshott, her Richard & Andy competition lives tulations! of the Christmas Finally the winner Tesco voucher - Congra £25 the wins who name is Ann Jones


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Recently in 2010, 2018 & again on donated 10 Shelter Kits ROUNDUP Paul d and 14many latermagnitude The sturdyROUNDUP green Shelterbox is an essential part Augustare thishomeless. year, whenDays ain 7.2 JUNE 2021 erything place the Memorial m Grace added to theHaiti, devastation earthquake struck leaving significant damage of the aid package, and not just for storage. and over Buildings were flattened ovides a 2,000 dead.Park To donate towards a SHELTERBOX or SHELTER KIT go and was and attended Basingstoke Deane Club use Rotary it as a work bench, a wardrobe, a hospitals already under strain from COVID-19 are Families to; X sleeping, by the Mayor ofsturdy overwhelmed and many are2021homeless. Days later seat, and even a crib! The green Shelterbox is an partgo to; www. HAITI EARTHQUAKE CAN YOU HELP? donate towards a SHELTERBOX or essential SHELTER KIT d international charity SHELTERBOX was and earthquakes. To Tropical Storm GraceHaiti added the devastation Throughout its history, hasto suffered hurricanes of the aid package, and not just for storage. of to Club Basingstoke Recently in 2010,of2018 & again on 14 Augustand this year, Deane, when a the10 Rotary Helston, Cornwall. Families use it as a work bench, a wardrobe, a 7.2 magnitude earthquake struck Haiti, leaving significant BASINGSTOKE damage The sturdy green Shelterbox is an essential part of the aid package, SHELTERBOX FESTIVAL TRANSPORT 2021 ngsideandUNICEF & other international seat, and even astorage. crib!OF mosquito over 2,000 dead. Buildings were flattened and hospitals already Cllr Onnalee Cubitt, with and not just for Families use it as a work bench, a wardrobe, The UK-based international charity SHELTERBOX was under strain fromshelter COVID-19 are overwhelmed and many are rovides emergency & survival kits aon seat,and and even abiggest crib! 30 years the and best ever festival took founded by the Rotary Club of Helston, Cornwall. homeless. Days later Tropical Storm Grace added to the devastation toys and special guest, rally of families who have lost everything BASINGSTOKE FESTIVAL OF TRANSPORT 2021 place in the Memorial Working alongside UNICEF & other international BASINGSTOKE FESTIVAL charities, emergencyprovides shelter Paddy & survival kits 30 years on attended and the 2021 biggest and best ever festival took SHELTERBOX ral disasters. Ait provides full Shelterbox a Park and OFwas TRANSPORT KIT’s,and champion Hopkirk The1000’s UK-based international charityhave SHELTERBOX was founded byplace to of families who lost everything in the Memorial 30 years on and the and the basic essentials for sleeping, by &theand best Mayor ofbiggest the Rotary Club of Helston, Cornwall. Working alongside UNICEF ever festival took through natural disasters. A full Shelterbox provides a Park and was attended are also Thanks go who waterrobust purification family of emergency 10 for toto Deane, other international charities, it provides shelterall &Basingstoke survival in the Memorial tent andfor the abasic essentials sleeping, by place theand Mayor of Park kits to 1000’s of families who have lost everything through natural and was attended months. If needed in that area mosquito ed tocooking the Cubitt, withby the and water purification for a family of 10 toCllr Onnalee Basingstoke and Deane, attended, the exhibitors disasters. A full Shelterbox provides a robust tent and the basic Mayor of Basingstoke and survive forfor6will months. Ifbe needed thatpurification area Onnalee with ncluded. There alsocooking small toys and mosquito guest, rally essentials sleeping, andinwater for a special family ofCllr Deane, CllrCubitt, Onnalee Cubitt, opes, tie nets will be included. There will also be small toys and nets willwho special guest, guest, rally 10 to survive for 6 months. If needed in that area mosquito and to the volunteers helped us rally on the day. with special pencils for children. SHELTER KIT’s,and champion Paddy Hopkirk books and pencils children. SHELTER KIT’s,and be included. There willfor also be small toys and books and pencils forchampion Paddy Hopkirk champion Paddy Hopkirk ems OL KIT’s used SHELTER to build and also children. KIT’s,and usedThanks to buildThanks SHELTER TOOL KIT’s used repair toSHELTER buildare andTOOL repairKIT’s are also go the to toall go allwho whoSave date and repair are also needed. The contents of these kits are tailored Thanks go to all who attended, the exhibitors and to the volunteers needed. The contents of these kits are to the contents of these kits are tailored to tailored the attended, the exhibitors attended, the exhibitors to the need in the area and may include tarpaulin, ropes, tie wire, who helped us on the day. th need in the area and may include tarpaulin, ropes, tie and tovolunteers the volunteers whobe helped usus on theMay area and may include tarpaulin, ropes, handsaw, nails, hammer, axes & other items tie 2022 Next year’s Festival of Transport will on 8on and to the who helped the wire, handsaw, nails, hammer, axes & other items Save theFestival date -of Transport will be on 8th May Save the date - Next year’s ew,chosen nails, hammer, axes & other items Save the date SHELTERBOX is the chosen route Next2022 year’s Festival of Transport will be on 8 May 2022 through which the 32,000 Rotary Clubs SHELTERBOX is the chosen hich the Next year’s Festival of Transport will be on 8th May 2022 in over 200 countries route which the around CHRISTMAS SHOEBOX APPEAL 2021 SHELTERBOXoperating is thethrough chosen the world canRotary provide rapid and directCHRISTMAS CHRISTMAS SHOEBOX APPEAL It’s not tooSHOEBOX late2021 to donate a Shoebox APPEAL 2021 full of goodies to give pleasure 32,000 Clubs Clubs route through which emergency helpthe to families in desperate to an underprivileged child operating in over 200 It’s not too late to donate ina Romania, Albania, Montenegro, need after disasters. Again theCHRISTMAS contents SHOEBOX 2021 Moldova, Serbia and the Philippines. 32,000 Rotary Clubs er 200 It’sarecountries not too thelate to donate a APPEAL world tailored around to the needs of each disasterShoebox full of goodies to give operating in toofindtolate can over provide200 rapid andIt’s not pleasure an to underprivileged area To out moredonate a he world countriesShoebox full of goodies to give directthe emergency childabout Christmas Albania, around world help toShoebox fullin of Romania, goodies to give Basingstoke Rotary asked whatMontenegro, Shoeboxes -Moldova, Check families in Deane desperate need Serbia rapid into and atan pleasure to anWebsite underprivileged id and can provide pleasure underprivileged was needed Haiti the moment andand out after disasters. Again the the our Philippines. and we have funded donated 10 Shelter inSocialRomania, Media below Albania, emergency to contentshelp are and tailored tochild help SHELTERBOX to direct child in Romania, Kits to Albania, print off the entry To find out Moldova, more about Christmas families need the needs of each disasterMontenegro, Serbia Shoeboxes - Check with sample contentsin desperate form and for updates area our Website and Social Media below to print off ate need after disasters. Montenegro, Serbia Again the Moldova, and theoutPhilippines. the entry form and for updates arecontents tailored to with sample gain SHELTERBOX the contents and the Philippines. To find out more about Christmas Shoeboxes - Check the needs of each disaster Basingstoke Deane Rotary is a group of 35men & women from a wide variety of backgrounds. All live locally in the ored borough to but area outMost ourjoined Website Social Media belowand to print some commute to work outside Basingstoke. Rotaryand to help others less fortunate, they off find Basingstoke Deane Rotarymore adds another enjoyable to their lives. Twitter: To find out about Shoeboxes - Check Facebook: @RotaryBasingstokeDeane @RBstokeDeane theextremely entryChristmas form anddimension for updates disaster If you would like to find out more about how we enjoy ourselves, just tune in to to see what we with sample contents have coming up,out or contact Helen or Paul aboveand to find out more . We think you’llbelow be pleasantly surprised. our Website Social Media to print off e Deane Rotary is a group of 35men & women from a wide variety of backgrounds. All live locally in the Facebook: @RotaryBasingstokeDeane Twitter: @RBstokeDeane some commute to workthe outside Basingstoke. Rotary to help others less fortunate, and they entry form Most andjoined for updates CONTACTS

Helen Ricketts: or Paul


With the Royal Corps of Drums and special guests The Chelsea Pensioners, the Band of Her Majesty’s Royal Marines gave their usual stunning performance at our Annual Charity Concert at The Anvil on 26th January On the day everybody won. The Band got to perform to a nearly full house in our magnificent Anvil Concert Hall. 12 Chelsea Pensioners and a group of local Army Cadets were given a great day out. The Cadets, from the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Corps of Drums, all musical instrument players, were invited by the Director of music to shadow the Marines during the band’s rehearsal. From this they got a feel of how it is to be part of a professional Military Band before they watched them perform.

Hospital to purchase a new piece of equipment to help with the treatment of atrial fibrillation, this will mean hundreds of patients being treated in our local Hospital instead of having to travel to Southampton or perhaps even further afield. Our thanks to all the local folks who supported this event and hence these great charity causes. We hope you had a wonderful time, and that we see you again at our concert next January.


The audience were given an outstanding concert. The Anvil itself is a Charity which received much needed revenue from a nearly full house. And profit was made for charities supported by your local Rotary. Some of you are doubtless aware that we have been supporting the Ark Cancer charity for a number of years and we are continuing to support this great project. However lead by our President Alf McCarthy we have started a new project to help the Cardiology Unit at Basingstoke and North Hampshire

Winchester University will again host PeaceJam this March but this year’s youth leadership development conference will be a 1 day ‘Slam’. We will again be sponsoring a group of young people from Cranbourne School and from Whitchurch WAAG to attend. This year the inspirational speaker will be The Right Honourable Stuart Lawrence the brother of Stephen Lawrence, the black British teenager from Woolwich, south east London, who was murdered in a racially motivated attack while waiting for a bus in Well Hall, Eltham on the evening of 22nd April, 1993. There will be a programme of development workshops and action projects covering topics such as conflict resolution and water aid To find out more see:


Basingstoke Deane Rotary is a group of 35men & women from a wide variety of backgrounds. All live locally in the borough but some commute to work outside Basingstoke. Most joined Rotary to help others less fortunate, and they find Basingstoke Deane Rotary adds another extremely enjoyable dimension to their lives. If you would like to find out more about how we enjoy ourselves, just tune in to to see what we have coming up, or contact Helen or Paul above to find out more . We think you’ll be pleasantly surprised. Facebook: @RotaryBasingstokeDeane Twitter: @RBstokeDeane

Basingstoke Deane Rotary is a group of 35men & women from a wide variety of backgrounds. All live locally in the borough but some commute to work outside Basingstoke. Most joined Rotary to help others less fortunate, and they find Basingstoke Deane Rotary adds another extremely enjoyable dimension to their lives. If you would like to find out more about how we enjoy ourselves, just tune in to to see what we have coming up, or contact Helen or Paul above to find out more. We think you’ll be pleasantly surprised.

find Basingstoke Deane Rotary adds another extremely enjoyable dimension to their lives. d like to find out more about how we enjoy ourselves, just tune in to to see what we WINDERMERE ROOFING SERVICES LTDof WINDERMERE SERVICES LTD ming or contact HelenROOFING Paul above to find out more . We think you’ll pleasantly surprised. en &up, women from aor wide variety backgrounds. Allbelive locally in the All ALL types of roofing work undertaken both new and old OF ROOFING WORK UNDERTAKEN BOTH NEW AND OLD Facebook:TYPES @RotaryBasingstokeDeane Twitter: @RBstokeDeane

Basingstoke. Most joined to help others less fortunate, and they SPECIALISTS IN VELUX WINDOWRotary INSTALLATIONS TILING | SOLAR PV INSTALLS | GUTTERING | REPOINTING dimension to their lives. dds anotherSLATING extremely enjoyable ROOF CONSTRUCTION | LEADWORK RE-ROOFS |just ANY REPAIRS we enjoy ourselves, tune in to to see what we NO JOB TOO SMALL l above to find out more . We think you’ll be pleasantly surprised. INSURANCE WORK UNDERTAKEN CONTACT PAUL ON - 01256 844878 / 07939 574521 tokeDeane Twitter: @RBstokeDeane TILING







CALL PAUL ON TEL - 07939574521


News from Jolly Olly’s Coffee Shop

This month, we are looking forward to The Oakley Green Week and we are trying to do our bit to help. As well as maintaining our exisiting efforts to re-duce, re-use and recycle, we are now collecting ring pulls. Jolly Team Member, Lucy Routledge, recently discovered a charity called, “The Purple Community” who re-cycle and re-use the tabs to make all kinds of products, including wheelchairs! We are happy to be a collection point for your used ring pulls too.

News From Jolly Olly

This month, we are lo tryin exisi colle rece Com Bag made from metal can ring pulls kind be a collection point for your used ri

response to the Greener In response to the Greener Oakley Challenge, we have turned down the water heater a smidge In and are being sure to useOakley C smidge are being sure to use our our dirty dishwater for our thirsty plants. Food waste has also been almost entirely eliminated, dueand to new measures also been almost entirely eliminated recently put in place.

Some of you know that, Jolly Team Member, Sophie Pogmore, is an enthusiastic environmentalist. Green Week SomeDuring of you know that, Jolly Team M she will be setting up a display explaining some of the measures we are taking here to improve our carbon footprint. environmentalist. During Green Wee She also has lots of new ideas about easy ways in which we can all help to suststain our wonderful planet. Sophie is very the measures we are taking here to i knowledgable and her enthusiasm is infectious. Please do come along, have a look and a chat. ideas about easy ways in which we c Other News…The Draw for the Oakley Pond print was won by Dave Nichols and the model Jolly Olly’s by and regualr very knowledgable her enthusia customer, Eve. Thanks to Bob Porter for the generous donations which raised a £106.00 in aid of the Pond Fund! a chat. My Landord has made improvements to the ramp he constructed for wheelchair and pushchair access to the shop. The Other News… slope is now less steep and he has checked that it is within safety regulations. Thanks to Tom for all your help. We hope to see you soon! The Draw for the Oakley Pond print w

regualr customer, Eve. Thanks to Bob £106.00 in aid of the Pond Fund!

Best wishes,

The Jolly Olly’s Team Find us at 32 Oakley Lane, Oakley RG23 7JY (Tel 01256 782658)

Find us on Facebook, Trip Advisor and our website,

New My Landord has made improvement pushchair access to the shop. The sl within safety regulations. Thanks to T


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RAMBLERS ASSOCIATION The North Hampshire Downs Ramblers group is part of the Ramblers Association. We walk mostly in Hampshire and the surrounding countryside. Our group enjoys both walks and social activities.

The group normally walk on Tuesday, Saturday and occasional walks on other days of the week , which are sometimes a bit shorter for those who do not want to walk the longer distances. The walks cover areas in and around Basingstoke as well as sometimes going further afield. Now that COVID restrictions have been relaxed walks are now going back into the programme. Although we do now ask walkers to register with the walk leader before the walk and most walk leaders are having a maximum number of walks who can attend the walk. The details for each walk are on the walks calendar on the website. On our Tuesday morning walks, which are typically 6- 7 miles, we continue to attract quite a number of walkers. Our Saturday walks tend to be longer, with fewer walkers, and can sometimes take most of the day. Our walks have included walking a linear walk from Bentley to Winchester in 4 stages , around Kingsclere and Upper Wield, Bentworth area. As well as the walks, the group also enjoys social activities, this includes an Annual Summer Picnic, Boys lunches, and Ladies walks and lunches, and the group occasionally organise weekends and days away. The men have just come back from a 3 day break in Dorset and intend another break around Arundel next year. The ladies have a walking trip in London booked for next April The group have an active path patrol group, who report problems to the local council and also do some work on the paths, which can be as varied as checking waymarking and replacing waymarking discs, minor clearing or even repairing stiles and gates. To date this group has replaced 20 plus gates in conjunction with the local council. If you are interested in finding out more about the North Hampshire Downs group, there is more information on our Website. If you are new to walking and want to give us a try, or already walk, you would be given a very warm welcome by the Group. We hope to see you soon! If you are interested in joining the Ramblers we suggest you come along for a couple of walks with the group first to get a taster. Do contact the walk leader before turning up for the walk. Membership details are available from the Ramblers’ national website: As a member of the Ramblers you can also access walks by other groups, the rambler’s website will give you information on walks within a specific radius of your postcode, so you can walk with other groups if they are more suitable on a particular date. Ramblers Charity England & Wales No: 1093577 Scotland No: SC039799

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At the time of writing, myself and the rest of the BDNWA committee are still having virtual meetings and updating each other by phone/email as required. Whilst this works well in most instances, we are hoping to get back to face to face meetings, as well as including police officers and local to Kempshott, reinstating the quarterly coordinator sessions in the village hall. The next item on the BDNWA committee agenda is a very limited virtual AGM in mid September where we hope to have representaives from Police, National Neighbourhood Watch, PCC, Local Council and others. I will update you all on this meeting in my article for November. We are finding that some of our coordinators are having to give up their role for a variety of reasons and we hope that they let us know so that replacements can be found or schemes merged into Area Schemes or similar as per my request last month Major issues still affect not only our area and many others including road safety, speeding, pavement parking, noise nuisance, anti social private use of fireworks and dangerous driving through urban areas. Measures are underway by Police & Local Council to educate drivers to recognise that most of the Kourier distribution area has a 30mph limit. Please be aware that is an absolute limit and not a target as I’m sure nobody wants to see or hear of a fatality on our roads. Allow yourself adequate time to make your journey safely. Please be considerate when parking so that you do not block pavements or obstruct driveways. Off street parking is always safer and best. We have had a spate of enquiries regarding letters that have been received from a company called Nextdoor Kempshott. As far as we have been able to ascertain the business is legitimate but please be very careful about sharing personal information if you do sign up, we have been told there have been many complaints. This company is NOT part of Neighbourhood Watch or the Police. As usual, any questions, suggestions or feedback to me at allowing a few days for me to respond.

Brian Adams

Police Support Volunteer NW Basingstoke



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Our Activities Return Enthusiastically (but Carefully) to Normal

Several groups (like our Spanish Group) managed picnic meetings over the summer. However within any restrictions still remaining, we’re really delighted that most of our groups have begun to meet together again properly. Both indoors and outdoors, we’re back to running a busy organisation, with a set of wide ranging activities taking place regularly for our members to enjoy once again - choosing as many as they want and can fit into a week! To name but a few, indoors there’re sports like badminton and table tennis to join, as well as music groups, singing, dancing, lunches, art, crafts, quizzing, and board games. With history, science, languages, film studies available for others too, plus new bridge groups for beginners and improvers. Outdoors, members are enjoying walking sports such as football and netball, croquet and rounders, cycling, walking and photography. The organiser of our excursions and holidays has remained tireless - with thanks to her, before Christmas some of us will have been to Croatia, Whitby, and the Royal Albert Hall! With more to come next year... So, if you’re no longer in full time work and would like to join us, don’t forget these activities are waiting for you, for just one annual membership fee of £40. Mark: 07968 808454

Interested in Chess, Backgammon or07766 Getting More Out of Your Mobile Phone? Greg: 111302 We have members who would like set up chess and/or backgammon groups if others join them. And a weekly tutorial on photography and video making on your mobile phone is on the cards, including how to use your home computer to enhance your edit Ayour movies. We’re also looking for someone who plays short mat bowls and willing to organise a group NO Cimages ALL OUTand CHARGE ND FREE QUOTATIONS for as a member. All us Plumbing and Heating Undertaken Bathroom Design and Installation Service

Do let ustiling, know if you’re Including flooring, lighting &interested decorating in any of these - we’re here to support as many activities as we can for our area: email: Landlord Safety Certificates | Telephone: 07787 520 281 96519

Gas Boiler service, breakdown and replacement

Oil & Gas Boiler installation: Ideal,ifWorcester & Grant You won’t be the only one you’re not on-line, we keep in touch with all our members regularly, including Water Softeners those who aren’t on-line. Digital shower / pumps and replacement Tap replacement or repair Mark: 07968 808454 Unvented hot water Mark: 07968 808454 07968 808454 Gledhill, Megaflo & all makes of cylinders Mark: Greg: 07766 111302 Proud members of Greg: 07766 111302 Wireless room thermostats / heating control upgrade Greg: 07766 111302 Hive and Nest installation

N CALL OUT CHARGE AND FREE QUOTATIONS NO O CALL OUT CHARGE AND FREE QUOTATIONS N CALL Oand UT C HARGEUndertaken AND FREE QUOTATIONS AllOPlumbing Heating All Plumbing and Heating Undertaken Bathroom Design and Installation Service All Plumbing and Heating Undertaken Bathroom Design and Installation Service Including tiling, flooring, lighting & Service decorating Bathroom Design and Installation Including tiling, flooring, lighting & decorating Landlord Safety Certificates Including tiling, flooring, lighting & decorating Landlord Safety Certificates Gas Boiler service, breakdown and replacement Landlord Certificates Gas BoilerSafety service, breakdown and replacement Oil Gas Boiler installation: Ideal, & Grant Gas&Boiler service, breakdown andWorcester replacement Oil & Gas Boiler installation: Ideal, Worcester & Grant Water Softeners Oil & Gas Boiler installation: Ideal, Worcester & Grant Water Softeners Digital shower / pumps and replacement Water Softeners Digital shower / pumps and replacement Tap replacement or repair Digital shower / pumps and replacement Tap replacement or repair Unvented hot water Tap replacement or repair Unvented hot water Gledhill, Megaflo & all makes of cylinders Unvented hot water Gledhill, Megaflo & all makes of cylinders Wireless room thermostats / heating control upgrade Gledhill, Megaflo & all makes of cylinders Wireless room thermostats / heating control upgrade Hive and room Nest installation Wireless thermostats Hive and Nest installation / heating control upgrade Hive and Nest installation

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Saying, “how to not fail a diet” sounds pretty patronising doesn’t it?

Julia Tavener MCFHP MAFHP

Experienced Foot Health Professional

But from a recent survey I did of my social media following, 84% of my followers have failed on a diet more than 5 times … so I think that gives us enough reason to discuss it. When it comes to thinking about how to not fail on a diet, there are 3 key aspects to think about and if you’re missing even 1, it increases your chances of failure significantly Here are the 3 tips, with a little explanation: 1) Understanding – For example, I don’t just give my clients a calorie target and say, “here you go – now just get on with it”. I teach them why that’s their target, so the client understands the science and reasoning behind the targets 2) Enjoyment – if you can’t see yourself eating this way in 5 years time from now, what’s the point. If you lose weight by not eating carbs that means you can never eat a potato or some pasta again… if you want to keep the weight off – that’s 9 times out of 10 unsustainable, and very boring 3) Flexibility – you need to keep living a normal life whilst losing weight. Saying no every time your friends ask you out for dinner gets tiresome for all parties after a while. The more you can enjoy the process, the more likely you are to stay on track and consistent – that includes socialising whilst losing weight As I always seem to say in my blogs, none of this advice is earth shattering, but I can bet my bottom dollar you haven’t enforced all 3 at the same time before? Unsexy right? But that’s where success lies, I’m afraid! If you’re struggling with losing weight, feel a little lost then test the above tips out If you’re feeling overwhelming confused by the whole weight loss thing, join my next Lean Bean intake starting 25th October and we will work it all out together

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Social media: @foodislife.nutrition Website: Email:

Find me on Facebook @UniqueBlockPaving


The speaker for our September meeting was arranged at relatively short notice following a cancellation by the person previously booked. However, the talk on “Plant Collecting on the Equator - Papua New Guinea' by Graham Pattison was both interesting and informative. In 1975 Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew chose Graham as the horticultural representative on a 6-month botanical expedition to Papua New Guinea. The purpose of this was to take living and herbarium specimens and send them back to Kew. Some of those taken were in fact new to science. This was the first time a horticultural representative had gone on a Kew expedition. This was to ensure that a higher percentage of the material sent back was suitable for propagation. The expedition took the team to some very remote parts of Papua New Guinea. Much of their time was spent in the forest amongst the indigenous clans. Transport to and from some of the more remote islands was not for the faint hearted – dugout canoes loaded to the maximum, old single engine aeroplanes landing on air strips that were just clearings and crossing bridges that were still “under construction” i.e., just loose planks of wood! Amazingly, only one of the group on the original trip had a fever just for a day, everyone else stayed fit and healthy. Although that visit was some 46 years ago Graham’s presentation did not appear to be dated, except the clothes which the group wore were definitely not current! Graham and his wife paid a return visit in 2019 and a book was available to purchase which was compiled from Graham's journals written at the time of his first trip and contrasts his return visit to Papua New Guinea. Interestingly he said nothing much had changed which was quite a surprise since we do tend to assume that all the world progresses as fast as we do in the West. We are hoping to meet again in Kempshott Village Hall on Monday 18th October at 7.30pm when our speaker is Jim McDonald, and his subject is “Growing Sweet Peas for exhibition and pleasure”. For more details or to get in touch please go to our website.


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Hugh Roscoe

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Sainsbury’s Kempshott Our Values Make Us Different

ored & earning . 07763 My Nectar Prices The latest Nectar offer has been released, My Nectar Prices. letts1@


DOGS. hecked. S(Trina) service. Y Tracey com


CHEEKY PAWSPrices, AND isCLAWS Initially, My Nectar only available via the Digital Nectar App and Smartshop. We’ll be releasing PET SERVICES further offers for all customers soon, so watch this space. Customers will be able to see their offers, based Katy Beschizza. Dog Walker,with Pet the Sitting & on their shopping habits, savings deducted at the till when they pay. HOLIDAY HOME FOR DOGS Home visits for all pets. 07752414821 Text


The Digital App is available from all the relevant App stores and, our colleagues will be at hand only. COSY STAYNectar HOLIDAY HOME FOR DOGS. toCouncil help with anyFully queries you may have toKaty get you started.Dog Walker, Pet Sitting & Licensed, Insured,CRB checked. Beschizza.

Tel: 01256 351647 / 07940741342 (Trina) Home visits for all pets. 07752414821 Text Christmas Food Ordering Service Our Christmas 2021 Food Ordering service is now live. We’re E-mail only. HEALTH PRACTITIONER

continuing to reduce the amount of paper associated with this offer so, won’t be publishing a brochure

HEALTH AND BEAUTY Emma (MCFHP MAFHP) available around this year.nail care the Kempshott area for routine cutting nails/hard skin. Call Emma on 07767 PHYSICAL THERAPY FOOT HEALTH PRACTITIONER For the full offer, visit 887093 Tanya Ball MSc BA BCSI LSSM MISRM Emma (MCFHP MAFHP) available around MCNHC MIASI. Preventative & remedial the Kempshott for routine16th. nail Based care - on the huge demand from last year, it is The final date for accepting orders area is December hands-on soft tissue treatment, alongside cutting nails/hard skin. Call Emma on 07767 best to secure your order as early as possible. self-awareness, exercise, and lifestyle advice. 887093 SHOTT Tel. 07710 229 704 / E-mail Tanya@tmb-src. Neighbourly Following a successful trial, Sainsbury’s has partnered with Neighbourly. LL ADS /

MISRM emedial ongside advice. mb-src.

mation The Neighbourly platform works with local charities to help supply any food waste which we would

racters inc.

normally send to Aneoribic Digestion, for the community. As we confirm our charity partners, we’ll keep Y-FISH, CHIPS AND FINE CHINESE you informed, with the aim that every day a charity partner will be collecting food from the store. MEALS TO TAKEAWAY-FISH, CHIPS PS AND FINE CHINESE MEALS TO CHINESE tory MEALS TO TAKEAWAY-FISH, CHIPS AND FINE CHINESE ec TAKEAWAY-FISH, CHIPS AND FINE SH, CHIPS AND FINE CHINESE MEALS TO TAKEAWAY-FISH, CHIPS


The social organisation for retired Professional and Business Managers

Lockdown has ended and are you looking for the fellowship of likeminded men?

Join the Probus Club of Basingstoke, in its 41st year, where you can enjoy good speakers at our monthly lunches, trips to interesting places and other social occasions. “It’s great for meeting likeminded men in a social environment” retired engineering manager “We get some really interesting external speakers at our lunch meetings” retired printer “Can’t wait for our trips to start again visiting interesting places with our wives” retired RAF officer “I enjoy our social pub lunches” retired lawyer

Interested? See our web site and contact our Secretary, Stephen Thair on 01256 352909 or email

Come and join us. You will be made very welcome.


Probus Club Back to Normal Activities

It was with a sense of demonstrable relief that after twenty months since their last face to face business meeting that life is getting back to normal for the Probus Club of Basingstoke. The Club has continued unabated since its foundation in 1979 and it was time for a much-delayed 41st Annual General Meeting. Covid restrictions delayed the AGM from the traditional June until mid-September and it was held at the Test Valley Golf club, the normal venue for Probus monthly meetings. Because Covid also made it impossible to hold the AGM in June 2020 the Executive Committee had continued in office for a second year. This time there was a change at the top with David Wickens (a retired engineering sales manager) taking over as President from Richard Wood (a retired Chartered engineer). The other committee members, who range from a nuclear scientist, a solicitor, a small business owner, a civil engineer and two RAF officers have specific responsibilities and were happy to continue in post for another nine months until June 2022. This ensures that their experiences are paramount in successfully returning to normal operations as a social club for retired Professional and Business managers as per the acronym of the name the Probus Club. Although Probus Clubs now extend throughout the English-speaking world, with most UK towns having one or two Probus Clubs, the organisation was founded in Caterham, Surrey, in 1965 for retired managers who wanted to remain socially active. With no central office each club sets its own rules while following the basic tenet that likeminded men from all branches of society enjoy meeting for lunch with an attendant interesting speaker. Other opportunities exist to include wives for visits to interesting places throughout the year. Their October meeting will have as its guest of Honour the Worshipful the Mayor of Basingstoke & Deane BC, Cllr Onnalee Cubitt. Interested? See for more information.

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BASINGSTOKE CITIZENS ADVICE Accessible, Reliable, and Independent

Are you're being harassed or bullied at work Harassment is where someone creates an atmosphere that makes you feel uncomfortable - this could be because you feel offended, intimidated, or humiliated. If you’re being bullied, your situation might also be harassment under the Equality Act 2010. If it is, you can take action under that law. If the bullying isn't harassment under the Equality Act you might be able to deal with the problem another way. It might be harassment if someone has: ● verbally abused you ● asked very personal questions, for example about your disability or religion ● put up posters that make you feel uncomfortable ● made rude physical gestures or facial expressions towards you ● told you jokes of a sexual nature ● made comments you find offensive, for example on social media If your colleagues say the behaviour was just friendly banter, it might still be harassment if it meets the definition of harassment in the Equality Act. If the harassment is very serious, it might also be a crime. For example, it’s a crime if someone has sexually assaulted you or made physical threats. Contact the police if you’re worried about your safety. Check what's harassment under discrimination law For all types of harassment, the behaviour you’re complaining about has to be something you didn’t want. The law calls this ‘unwanted conduct’. You also always need to show that the person who harassed you meant to make you feel a certain way, or that you felt that way even though it wasn’t their intention. This is called ‘purpose or effect’. If the person didn’t mean to make you feel this way, it also has to be 'reasonable’ that you felt that way.

What is income tax

You need to show that the purpose or effect of the conduct was that it violated your dignity or created an environment that: ● humiliates you ● offends you ● intimidates you ● is hostile  ● is degrading

Income tax is a tax on income including:

earnings from employment, including benefits in kind such as company It doesn't matter if the behaviour is car directed at you or not - for example, if you overhear your colleagues making racist jokes or comments to each other.  earnings from self-employment If you have a problem, please contact us to see how we can help.  most pensions income, including state, occupational and pers all us on 0300 3309 064 | Chat online: pensionsWebsite: search onsocial the National Citizens advice website  Orsome security benefits  interest on most savings Kempshott W.I from shares (dividends)  income Once again we find ourselves wondering where the last year has gone with the realisation that Christmas is only monthsincome away and already supermarkets are displaying the first of their  three rental Christmas offerings to tempt us. Knowing that a lot of our members were reluctant to venture income from a took trust. out on winter  evenings, some years ago we the decision to meet in the afternoons and as one of the few WIs in the area to do so we have gone from strength to strength and even during these recent months as we have been able to meet again we have been joined by new ladies but there is always room for a few more.

Not all types of income are taxable.

We are now able to get together once again in the village hall and although we are required to observe all the Covid protocols laid down by the hall management we have managed to have a couple of successful meetings already. The general view has been that it is worth it to meet up with friends after so long. Masks are still required when moving about the hall and sanitising etc is still being carried out.

You won't usually have to pay tax on all your income, even if it is all because you will be entitled to a certain amount of income tax free in Our September meeting is at 2.30pm on Monday 27th and our October meeting is on Monday 25th. If you are year. The tax year from 6 April oneyourself. year We tohave 5 April the following visiting for the first time please come a runs little earlier so you can introduce a full and interesting programme in place and we hope to be able to add more activies as the year progresses.

If you would like more information about us please contact our President Barbara Hutton 01256 460475 or email the Secretary

There is no minimum age at which you become liable to pay income matters is the amount of your taxable income. If this is below a certa no tax is payable.


LUCY’S ADVICE ABOUT LPAS REINFORCED THROUGH PERSONAL EXPERIENCE Sadly, a lot of us will lose mental capacity in our latter years but if we face that as a possibility we can at least prepare as best we can for that fate.

Failure to do so may cause our families enormous stress and worry, on top of the upsetting emotional impact of seeing a family member cease to be the person they knew and loved. These are the views of Lucy Watson, who heads the Wills and Probate Team at Phillips Solicitors, which have been reinforced following the death of her parents to COVID19. “They were both 90 but the loss has been devastating,” said Lucy. “Losing a parent is never easy whatever their age and the circumstances of the virus were awful.” Well before the coronavirus pandemic Lucy had encouraged her parents to make Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPAs) for their property and financial affairs and also for their health and welfare. “While doing so we took the opportunity to have the difficult discussion about life sustaining treatment,” said Lucy. A health and welfare LPA can only be used when the donor has lost mental capacity. Lucy knew her father’s capacity was starting to fade when he made his LPAs and could envisage a time she might need to act on it, but doubted that this LPA would be needed for her mother, whose mental capacity was very good. However, when Lucy’s mother was unconscious in hospital and the outlook was very poor, Lucy and her family were sure that their mother didn’t want to be ‘kept alive’ and had to make a difficult decision and refused life sustaining treatment. “Were we playing God? It was very upsetting, but we felt and still feel sure we did what our mother would have wanted,” said Lucy. “Health and welfare LPAs can be needed in unexpected circumstances and unexpected times. My personal experience has reinforced my advice to clients of the importance of making these LPAs and of using the process to properly think through and discuss your wishes with those close to you.” If you would like to discuss setting up an LPA, please contact Lucy Watson, head of the Wills & Probate Team at Phillips, by calling 01256 854646, emailing or by visiting Phillips Solicitors incorporating Brain Chase Coles Town Gate 38 London Street Basingstoke Hampshire RG21 7NY t. 01256 460830 f. 01256 854638 e. w.

BASINGSTOKE & DISTRICT DISABILITY FORUM (BDDF) Are you finding it increasingly difficult to live in this ‘online’ world? - You are not alone. As a charity supporting Disabled people in Basingstoke we are seeing a sharp increase in the digital divide, of older people and those with a disability being ‘left behind’. Basingstoke & District Disability Forum (BDDF)‘s services are all free and available to anyone with a disability, visible or invisible. If you feel you will benefit from what we do, then we are here to help you. Since the outbreak of the pandemic services have been forced to move online, not just for BDDF but for every charity and business in the world. For people who do not have access to a computer, this can be a very lonely, isolating experience. At BDDF we are working hard to reach our members who do not have computer skills, or who are lacking digital confidence. During September and October, we have been running a five-week basic IT course at the Basingstoke Discovery Centre. Our learners are discovering how to send emails, safely shop online, join video calls so that they can see loved ones, and search the web. Some of our learners didn’t have access to any technology at home, so we teamed up with BVA’s Reboot IT scheme to offer free refurbished laptops to those who would otherwise not have the means to buy one. We have some more funding to help more Disabled and older people to get connected. If you or someone you know needs our help, please contact us on 01256 423869 or email As soon as we have enough people interested, we will work with our partners to deliver a further basic IT course to teach them the skills they need to get online. For those who simply could not afford to buy a computer we will refer them to obtain one free of charge, subject to availability.



Sir Clive Sinclair was a prominent British inventor that created many products from the fated C5 electric personal vehicle, for which he was ridiculed, to the superb range of ZX computers that changed the face of home computing. Sinclair was the son and grandson of engineers, both of whom worked at the Vickers shipbuilders. His grandfather, naval architect George Sinclair, was responsible for making a mine-sweeping device, the paravane, operate. Clive Sinclair first started inventing electronic goods whilst still at school. He penned the circuit for a radio in one of his exercise books and planned to sell these as kits. As he did not want to go to university, he left school at the age of 18 and started selling miniature electronic kits by mail order to the hobby market from his kitchen at home. On July 25, 1961, Sinclair founded Sinclair Radionics Ltd as his original choice Sinclair Electronics was already taken. He attempted two times to acquire start-up funds to publicise his inventions and purchase components. Eventually he found someone who agreed to buy 55% of his company for £3,000 but unfortunately the deal fell through. Sinclair, unable to find capital, joined United Trade Press (UTP) as technical editor of Instrument Practice. In March 1962, explained how to make silicon planar transistors (the manufacturing process), as well as their features and applications, and predicted that they would be ready by the end of 1962. As his career evolved, it became increasingly apparent, that Sinclair was preoccupied with miniaturisation. During the 1960s, Sinclair Radionics created several radios and amplifiers and in 1972 they released their first pocket calculator. The Executive calculator was considerably smaller that most of its competitors at the time because it used hearing aid batteries whereas most other calculators required mains power. In August 1975, Sinclair introduced the Black Watch, an LED digital watch that was available in kit form for £17.95 or readybuilt for £24.95. Whilst ground-breaking at the time, the watch suffered multiple issues from a dire battery of only 10 days to a clock crystal which was very temperature sensitive causing the device to lose or gain time. This resulted in the company making a loss and Clive Sinclair eventually worked with the National Enterprise Board to help recover funds but in 1979, Sinclair’s relationship worsened so he broke up Sinclair Radionics and left the company. In 1977, Sinclair had established Science of Cambridge Ltd with a former employee Christopher Curry and planned for Curry to develop technology ideas Cambridge University. The company had already developed a calculator watch and by the time Sinclair joined full time, cheap microprocessors had started appearing on the market. Sinclair came up with the idea of selling educational microprocessor kits and launched the MK14 kit. At this point Curry wanted to build small computers but Sinclair was against the idea, so Curry and Hermann Hauser left Sinclair of Cambridge and set up their own company Acorn Computers. Their first product was essentially the MK14 kit with a keyboard. This incensed Sinclair so he embarked on a project to create a cheap personal computer. The Commodore Pet was already making inroads at school and this was the first computer I ever used to program on. However, the Pet, and other similar products were very expensive, and Sinclair wanted affordability. Jim Westwood, a former Sinclair Radionics employee was hired to start working on the ZX80. This was launched in February 1980 and was initially only available in kit form for £79.99; that’s around £350 in today’s money. I remember our school getting one of these kits and I helped to build it so watching this come to life was magical. The ZX80, despite its many limitations, became a huge success and Science of Cambridge was renamed to Sinclair Computers Ltd and finally Sinclair Research Ltd. Sinclair and Curry got wind that the BBC were planning to run a television series on computing and programming and both companies pressured the BBC to choose their respective computers. This pushed the development of the ZX81, my very first home computer at £69.95, which I still have! Ultimately the BBC chose the Acorn computer, a successor to the Atom, originally called the Proton but renamed to the BBC micro. Again, another computer that I spent a lot of time on at school. The issue with BBC micro was price as the Model A cost £235 and the more powerful Model B was £335. This was fine for schools but unaffordable for most students. This is where the Sinclair ZX Spectrum shone when released in 1982 at a cost of £125. This small computer with spongy rubber keys plugged into a normal TV and proved to be very popular as it went on to become the UK’s highest selling computer. Popularity amongst teenagers led many to learn programming and they began producing original games which they sold through word of mouth or via mail order. These “bedroom coders” kickstarted the computer games industry in the UK. Small gaming companies began to spring up all over the country creating quite a few millionaires in the process. Sadly, Clive Sinclair is probably remembered most for his most catastrophic invention, the C5 which release in 1985. This small personal transport vehicle was the 5th iteration of a product. Powered by a 12-volt lead acid battery, the C5 had a claimed range of 20 but it could only travel at 15mph. Its other disadvantages were a lack of any form of weatherproofing, while the C5’s low build and recumbent driving position left drivers feeling exposed and vulnerable in traffic. This concept was a compromised between a car and a bike but either way, both types of user disliked it. That said, I still believe that this product was way ahead of it’s time, like many of Sinclair’s other failures.

Neale Killick

N2N Solutions are a IT Support specialist offering a full range of professional IT services, including networking, broadband setup and PC health checks for both home and business users. Telephone: 01256 322 455 Mobile: 07775 681 787 email: Web:


Super- heroes and super crimes

Transition & Transformation

Hello. My name is Debbie Veel. I am one of the Licensed Lay Ministers (LLM’s or Readers

Much as I love spending time with my children and granddaughters and helping sometimes as they are sometimes known) at St. Mark’s church.them LLM’s areout, not ordained, so we don’t a dogthe collar,super-power but we can do much what a vicar canso do Iwith some just notable as a busy mum, wife, Nana and ordinand I wishwear I had ofofinvisibility, could exceptions. We can’t bless the communion wine and bread; we can’t marry people nor disappear for a bit and have some space and time. do we baptise anyone. Interestingly enough, we can lead funerals. Other than that we

preach, lead worship, prayer and mid-week groups and we are involved in the running of the church. I think If you could choose a super- power what would yours be? Strength? ability to fly ? ability to move at the speed of of it as being a bit like being a deputy head of a school. light? or there might be many other things you'd choose.

I am writing this month because, as you may or may not know, the Rev. Kelvin and Jane Taylor left St. Mark’s

end of May. They the had been withI us for nine years and we Iare sad to to see them Many exciting Although I don't often watch super-hero movies atI the have enjoyed few have watched. have saygo. my one of things have happened in the church and community under their leadership. my current favourites is 'Thunderforce' on Netflix with Octavia Spencer and Melissa McCarthy.It is a bit of a spoof For examplewe have started aagainst messy church (verymisinformal craft, a short super-hero movie. Without adding any spoilers the Thunderforce duo are fighting fear, use offood, power, celebration and lots of fun for families of all ages 2.30pm -5pm every third Saturday); injustice and hypocrisy in their home town of Chicago. we have started doing the fabulous ‘Open the Book’ assemblies for the Y4’s in the

eaders *ignorance | *power | *fear |*prejudice | *silence | *hypocrisy e don’t otable ple nor hat we ning of the church. I think

junior school; started Saturday @ Saint Mark’s (2nd Saturday of the month from 9:30am) which is an informal chance to learn such things as your ancestry, try flower arranging go for walks or bike rides round Kempshott or find out about various things to do with IT or further education. We have employed an Outreach Worker and renovated our kitchen at church – if you have ever used the old kitchen at St. Mark’s you know what state it was in! All of this and much more Mark’s, under backKelvin’s in March, leadership.I looked at silence, power and hypocrisy, so picking

These 6 words are the ‘super-crimes’ of our times

Last time I wrote the Kourier article for St up the remaining three this time.

Kelvin and Jane are off on a well-deserved long holiday to their

favourite place- the Greek islands. We wish them well, as I am sure These 6 ‘super crimes’ play a major part in the ailments of our town, our nation and indeed our world. It is not just many of you do also. the imaginary Thunderforce team who need to fight against them. It is a time of change and transition for them and for the church.

Ignorance We don't want to be a community thatIt may is ignorant of the plight of others; or ignorant of their experiences well be a time of change and transition for you too. You may be changing job; maybe moving house; and perspectives. It is easy to stereotype people based on their race, gender, faith beliefs.It is easy having a new baby; getting married; leavingsexual home for identity the first time or to go to university or to travel. There may also getting be some lessto pleasant changes happening in your life- divorce, bereavement. to think we know what people think without actually know them.Really getting tounemployment, know someone who is different to us requires time, openness and courage In the church’s year, the weeks just gone still form part of the ‘Easter Season’. It was a time of transition and

change for Jesus’ disciples too. They had travelled around the country with Jesus, listening to him teach and

Fear Fear can cause us to feel unable to speak out or watching to be him honest about whoButwe rejection byreally others preach, do miracles and healings. theyare. hadn’tWe quite fear understood ‘what he was about.’ or even open hostility. We may become increasingly marginalised and isolated and our fearfulness may be directly On Easter Sunday and on many occasions after that they met the risen Lord Jesus, and during this time, linked to mis- use of power. In our conversations before and He inascended our actions need to beallsensitive and compassionate to heaven,we they all began to understand that He was teaching and explaining to them about God and about how much He loves each and every one of us. They finally did begin to comprehend when dealing with other people. ‘what He was really about.’

Prejudice We separate ourselves from others andMany identify with weappearances feel are in‘like us involve ‘ andeating. formThis cohesive of what are calledthose resurrection the Bible is importantgroups because it and whilst these can be positive and enriching they also a physical kind of where we reject, tells uscan that the risenbecome Jesus had a real bodytribalism -he wasn’t some kind of ghostly apparition.exclude and vilify those who are different to us. These prejudices givedidn’t riseimmediately to unhelpful stereotypes. Often the disciples recognize Jesus-‘he was the same but different.’ The best analogy of this is when maybe you have had your hair done or get new glasses. Often people comment that there is

What are some of the stereotypes and prejudices‘something arounda bit within ofquite Kempshott oronin differentthis about community you’ but they cannot place their finger it. our town ?

transition period, Jesus appeared to his disciples in pairs, groups and once to 500 people in one Have you ever experienced being stereotyped or During havethis you experienced prejudice ? go. This tells us that Jesus’ resurrection appearances couldn’t have been a hallucination. It is unlikely that 2

3 people, alone 500 would the same hallucination! These 6 ' super-crimes' or ‘pervading evils’ make or up the 6let topics thathave arehadcovered by the Pastoral Principles, which form a basis that will enable us all to try to have conversations difficult in such a wayit isthat doesn't Transition is unsettling andabout often make us feel ill attopics ease - It was for the disciples, for us at St. Mark’s it may importantly well be for you. Weallows wonder, “What we’ll do?” to and be “Howvalued. we will manage?” Jesus promised to polarise opinion, allows everyone to be heard andandmost everyone

send his disciples a ‘helper’, which we call the Holy Spirit, to guide & support them and enable them to

manage and find a way Love and Faith.’ ( LLF) LLF has taken over 5 They are part of the Church of England’s programme called ‘Living years to develop and has been worked on by a wide range of professionals from outside the church as well as church leaders.It is primarily, but not exclusively, concerned with gender identity and sexual relationships.

On hearing this some of you may be uttering a huge sigh of relief "Finally! the church of England has finally caught up with the rest of society." Others of you may be horrified that the church has lost its reason! There is as much difference of opinion on this topic inside the church as outside! The LLF course and the 6 pastoral principles are aiming to bring people together , to create safe spaces where people can be who they are and where we can disagree without vilifying those who have a differing viewpoint.

Jane Taylor left St. Mark’s them go. Many exciting

What a difference it would truly make to our world if we could listen, learn and live together and get rid of theses 6 evils from our society. The last book of the Bible is called the book of Revelation. It is a book of visions and imagery, much of which is difficult to understand, but there is a beautiful description of what the new heaven and new earth will be like. “Look! God’s dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. ‘He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’ or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” and a bit further on it says “The city does not need the sun or the moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and ....the nations will walk by its light, and the kings of the earth will bring their splendour into it......Nothing impure will ever enter it, nor will anyone who does what is shameful or deceitful....” I think that sounds like a wonderful place to live, a place where everyone is happy, is loved, is free to be who they truly are, with no crimes, no racial hatred or bigotry, no one living in fear or being excluded.

rmal craft, food, a short

We could make where we live right here and now more like this if each one of us became a super- hero fighting these 6 ‘ super-crimes' in our everyday lives, at work, in school, in college, in clubs and in our recreational activities.

29 To finish I leave you with a prayer taken from the Pastoral Principles booklet (p33) even if you don’t have a faith I hope the words of this prayer will connect with you. God bless us with discomfort at easy answers and superficial relationships, so that we might live deeply from our hearts. God bless us with courage to challenge prejudice in our lives and community, so that all people might be seen as made in your image God bless us with tears for those who feel the pain of fear, rejection or exclusion so that we might reach out our hands in love. God bless us with enough faith and hope to believe that we can make a difference in our world Amen (adapted from a traditional Franciscan blessing)

Debbie Veel

Licensed Lay Minister St. Mark’s Church, Kempshott

Kempshott Methodist Church

Kempshott Lane Kempshott Methodists’ New Mixed Approach

September 5 saw us return to worship in the church building for the first time since the first Lockdown. It was good to be together led by our new minister, Revd. Martin Beukes. The organ sprang into life and we rediscovered the joys of communal singing and sharing in Communion. This will be the pattern for every first Sunday in the month. On 3 October we will celebrate our harvest with gifts of canned and dry goods for the homeless. On November 7 our focus will be on remembrance of people involved in war and on those lost during the pandemic, with thanks for the service of all the key workers. Our on-line presence will continue on the remaining Sundays in the month and each Wednesday morning at 10.30. Our building will continue to be used by the local dance school which offers classes on Wednesdays and Saturdays. The contact for that is Kiersten Lloyd-North (398586). The Topspin Table Tennis group meets in the church every Friday evening from 7.30 to 9.00. Anyone wishing to join this should contact Sarah Whithorn (324689). If you wish to know more about any of these activities please contact Charmian Harrison (326081) or charmian.e.harrison

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LOCAL SURGERY CGH Partnership St Andrew's Centre,Western Way, Basingstoke Tel: (01256) 324666 Beggarwood Surgery Broadmere Road, Basingstoke Tel: 01256 396500 CHURCHES St Marks Church Office Tel: 840502 (Weekdays 9am - 1pm) Email: Kempshott Methodist Church Revd. Martin Beukes 0118 9472223 General enquiries 01256 468969 Sunday Morning Worship at 10.30am St Andrews Methodist Church, Western Way Office 816173 St. Joseph’s R.C. Church St. Michael’s Road, South Ham 323595 The Salvation Army Corps, Church and Comm. Ctr. Wessex Close, RG21 3NP 01256 328178 CHATTERBOX NURSERY Children aged 2years - 5 years Mon, Tues, & Thurs:- 8am - 3pm, Wed:- 8am - 3pm For more details call 01256 350533 (term time only) or email NOAH’S ARK PLAY SCHOOL Open Monday to Thursday 8 - 4, Friday 8 - 3.30. Children aged from 2 - 5 years Call :01256 323853 or 07592 913953 or SHOOTINGS STAR NURSERY SCHOOL Opening in January 2020. Children aged from 2-5 years. Monday - Friday 8am to 4pm. Call : 07900 600243 SNAPDRAGONS KEMPSHOTT UNDER 5S Telephone 07951660401 or email FAULTY STREET LIGHTS 0845 850 44 22 ReportFault.aspx POWER CUT Power cut - call 105 You can also call this number if you spot electrical damage. This is a free national service http://www.

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