Memoirs of A Love | A Love Never Told

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A Maker’s World

Published by A Maker’s World ISBN 978-0-9570059-0-7 First published in Great Britain 2011 by A Maker’s World Copyright © 2011 Lemuel Phillip-Moore All Rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior permission of the copyright holder.

Memoirs of a Love A Love never told For the women we lost.

By Lemuel Phillip-Moore


MEMOIR: Call me sad or call me special Depending in which persona she would judge me Draw on our positivity When thoughts of her stream my mind I elevate to planes not seen And visions of dreams become real I love her feverishly. Would she walk with me? To find all that we can seek? I love her compulsively I still love her the same today, Nothings changed. Does she fight for the same peace? When she sleeps with me does she feel free? Is my romance the story she wants told? Does she feel infinite measures of strength? In my presence I want her to feel Bold I pursue her like pirates pursue gold She denies me, for what reason I fail to know. I shall remember her in my days of old. Memoirs of a love A love never told. 1.

PLACE HER BY MY SIDE She lives in our love forever In a love never told Her heart made solid by fire A heart solid gold A radiance empowering Away with frustration Her tender patience Graceful wisdom Of ages ancient Belligerent Prince Awaiting A Princess once lost Is hard again to find Who can conquer? A solid heart A solid mind How vast is my love? On an eternal pursuit Love me Princess As I have with you. Not a belligerent love I have no war with you What will war bring? What can war do? An offer of my all For something new Cast aside My bellicose pride Selfless intention Procure power Then confide 2.

LOVE Love is the force the keeps us warm The strength of binding, from keeping us torn All goodness I find is love and love is gift from The powers of the Almighty Lord whom rises dawn Concealed in a mysterious force.


OLDEN MAN OF MANNERS Have you ever been memersized by a womans eyes Leading to fluctuations of the heart that spiritualise Shall I fall in love so briskly, does she love my gifted Ability to romanticise, such a wonderful service Of a sensual night, a gentleman holds a woman in a Tender fashion pledging affection in balanced perfection, In a ladies sight. Old fashion night dance with me through The darkest of nights, hide me where a depression cannot find. 4.

SECOND MEMOIR: Of all the women I loved They all ended in tragedy If love taught me anything It taught love ends tragically As blissful and magical It may seemingly be The only magic real Is magic end suddenly Lord escape me from poverty For surely it shall bother me How can a man find love If he does not feed His people properly? 5.

FOR ALL TIME Precious love, sacred love I have not forsaken Seeking you through The wonders of our maker Beautiful women taken Rare flower, precious gem Where I shall an eternal friend Loyal servant, tell me Who to the end can I depend Sacred lover, precious friend Love me now until the end.


SWEET DEBUR Don’t let me fall any deeper with your sweet allure Your words you spell to entice and deburr My heart is strong and worn, your puzzling But not the first and although your figure Of womanly pleasure is a mystery I desire to learn I am strong and God will quench my thirst.

DESPAIR AND PATIENCE Tongue which I cannot speak, Love which I cannot see, Patience that I cannot seem, I apologise for my unpolished demeanour. Does it bare difference if my core be pure? Where there is plenty, in solitude there is fewer. Hope which I cannot find, shall I leave my soul behind? Thoughts of clarity, clear my confusion alleviate my taunts Show me my life’s parody so I can be joyous You are not beneath me around me nor above my head I see right through you, despair leave me I will be patient I’ve seen greatness in what patience can do.

LOVE Lust is a common treasure and ever so dazzling Searching for love is forever so frazzling With all the power in the world, I still ask of love.

SHE CAN NEVER KILL ME. Love has no measure A million guns and no treasure All handkerchiefs and tissues Without any feathers Perhaps I can find a million reasons why I love you Perhaps love can be measured By the amount of times You’ve wronged me. While I stand by your side Love has no measure Love is romance And a million treasures.

HER BAD INTENTIONS Love has no measure Love is romance And a million treasures. A millions doves And one thousand Peacock feathers Peace and happiness Dancing for joy Dancing in love And deceptive And coy Never can she have me Not in this life Chains of lust are loosed Clarity and wisdom are mine Embalm my body from sin Embioptera I am no longer in your doom.

ROMANTIC LONLINESS Holistic Journey of pain and love deeply intwined, Love is romantic turning up when all else is gone, Loneliness is romantic turning up when all else is gone Drawing upon the splendour of the unknowable. Love is romantic and youthful with no thought of deep rest Unbind me from my lesser thoughts of love. Danger of Love, not letting go of painful self-abnegation

ABOUT HER Actually there’s somethings special about that girl. Never doubt the mind of a genius Coming from another world Higher power of love conceited with lust. Always protect your heart. Elegy of friendship formongated by the spirit Love us always, in respect of our lost.

SENSES The touch of her breast, Sent thoughts of self interest amiss. When my fair lady is not near Torture stems out from a bliss. What love is can quickly become so violent and aggressive, Impatient and conceited and selfish. Hate can brew from love Lust is never far, For the latter I pray We never are.

CANDACE AND JESSICA Still I walk on by do I, In the same direction Still catch my eye, You do the same. Still love you do I. I still do the same Your sister is beautiful All the same. To misfortunate We have lost For two beautiful daughters Your mother bore I love you both I love both the same.

Abyssinian Queen I did not sleep with you as an apology Is that why you hate me? I love your ways and your beauty Is far from unappealing. The way I fell for you was brisk and loyal Of all my lost I apologise For not being able to get you back My bad demeanour caused a blunder of track Ignore my arrogance made by frustration I apologise my Queen sincerely for my shameful rages.

LOVE AND PROGRESSION Wealth is wisdom and poverty is oppression Lust is deceptive leading victims to depression Love is true, love is wisdom, wisdom is always An exception. Be at peace in love blessed be Peace, praying for progression.

HER SPLENDOUR Ebullience, brilliance and beauty be mine. Spiritual, intelligent, sophistication come in sight Joyful peaceful heart inside, Optimistic angel sent from a guide Lord of Lords he does provide Patience entwined with virtue This is my chosen life. Martyr of despair, miracles occur In despair that makes you wonder If life were so unfair

LUSTRE AND CLARITY Diamonds and semi precious gemstones Are so easily taken, but a kiss is an imprint An inscription on the heart is far greater. When your name is uttered, Of my heart flutters, and the nights Torture my mind while my body lusts Under duvet covers. A diamond must be given in love Or else leaves value behind. Without love there it is hard to find meaning in life. Lustre is glowing skin and soul Clarity in true love What a true gem shows.

BRISKLY, QUICKLY! I have loved you without fail And I will not fail. My tender thoughts you aim to shatter so briskly, So haughty to deny my love so quickly.

WONDERING VOICE When she sings all the heavens cry Demons leave their victims side She makes victims victorious Those without glory become glorious I’ve seen her ways, and my eyes glisten

MARVELLOUS FALL Although she marvels she is not fantastic Her behaviour is irrational and erratic Why I chose to consume my time with such Behaviour makes what was clarity frantic, Alleviate me from these antics, its not my eyes But my heart engaged in foolishness if she loves Me she’d wait, if not she’ll pay.

BIND ME Incomprehensible love Bind me, so I can live in your mystery Relieve me from the downfall of my history Love empowers, a queen to my assistance Counterfeit love is not love it hinders.

A LOVE NEVER TOLD Your lips are soft and delicate like the red of a delicate rose. She embezzled a kiss, then pierce my heart with her thorns. I am strong I am not torn. Wiser a serpent of knowing, I Prince of a kingdom born of my own heart and Breathe God has given me, and though you speak of me as your enemy Forgive me, I have cherished every moment, my memoirs Account for the story of a love never told.

HIDDEN FEELINGS Blistering pain I cannot feel, Arrogance I cannot seal, Ego I tender, love is powerful Love reveals. Eyes that I can see Heart I cannot steal my memoirs Are cynical you taint my dreams. I remember the first day I saw you, Beautiful lady, son full of admire Father teach me, I don’t want to fall I want to build a strong empire. Sons and lovers, women of deviousness Are women who are takers, Mingle with tortured souls And that begets hatred. Lord I ask you as my maker, Provide me a princess Make me a Jacob. Ascend my soul to heaven, ike all of your powerful men. I have discovered Real love lies deep within you, All the love I imagined has been of lust But yours is of spirit, manifested after Inception of trust.

ADRIENNE HAYLEY Oh Adrienne Hayley, The ambition of vision First love of high school Mesmerising, think of you daily Although not in love anymore Still think of you daily Admiration and respect Forgive my lack of trust Or if my character is to cagey Of persons motivations Governed by Self-interest I am sincere and integral So in being vigilant one must, I call God’s blessings Upon you all your life Thank you for your gifts I am praying for his guide.

PAGAN QUEEN Driving on a dark road I can barely see. Which laws do I adhere in which city am I bound I roam the streets free, I am a sovereign prince The truth is my heart is embellished with power to destroy kings Driving on a dark road I can barely see, Tension of torture lonely nights, can make a king scream Path I steer clearly, kissing comes rarely Banished from my kingdom a pagan queen Demonic forces hold no power to torture my dreams.

STOLEN GEM Oh how low, how invaluable have you made. Taking what was priceless, in your lack patience And his harsh words were but full of grace Memories of you I wish where nothing more Than a burnt page, corruption can never be bliss I can never go back to being, for an eternity miss.

TRUTHFULLY Thoughts of you stab me in the heart and reopens the void I spent a lifetime to escape. The blissful holes of passion where tranquillity was placed begin to aflame and blaze. The desire of you, impatient unchanged, half a decade is beyond a phrase. Lord lift me from my vainer ways.

PAGAN HEART She couldn’t love me even if she tried Truth is, her truth died Truth is, her heart cannot cry True definition of cold soul Cold, Cold Cold.

WITHOUT WARMTH Without warmth the is no healing Just shivering days, with vivid memories And blistering pain. Without warmth there is no hope for brighter days Just cold mornings and dull evenings that bring no rains. Without warmth there shall be no passion Just a hex. My cold days have gone away Thank you, God for carrying my unbearable pains.

CONTRADICTING TERMS The beauty of lust is despair The fortune of a true love is rare The looking on the future is never clear Hence why better those who never see But keep faith. So though my love blinds me It makes my future clear And takes away my feeling Of lustful despair.

ELEGY With or without her, I am still king. With or without her I can still dream. Though she may not love me, I still respect her character, Queen. Conceal your thoughts, Maintain your dignity. Apply your wisdoms learnt from history. Temptress stop dancing, My visions are clear. I am a man to take time This quality in such ages are rare. Forgive me if I seem haughty and brash I know what I like, that is my fashion Indecisive characters never appease me, Neither do the liars, or the greedy Devils of lust I told you to leave me I am stately and the universe needs me, Though I may die my words are forever, Kiss me never, who knows the power And mystery of that which is untouched Be not tempted of evil but evil with good. These are the days of lives, Have you ever wondered what life may be How short it may seem when death is epic Life is for loving, and lust is less than nothing. Young love precious gem, graceful wishes to my friends. For the women loss, God’ Spirit be with all of them.

Traditional Woman Dine sophisticated night of elegance and patience. Modern attraction last for moment then quickly passes but the traditional woman is stable and understands my vision, she see’s through my eyes that leads to my heart. Her love determines my path. I pray she never loses her principles for her culture in which she was raised has given her favour.

First published in Great Britain 2011 by A Maker’s World Copyright © 2011 Lemuel Phillip-Moore

A Maker’s World

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