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A Maker’s World

Lately - A Prose written feverently By Lemuel Perhaps, we should evelate our consciousness before we consider paradise? Lately I been thinking... Not all the people around me share my vision. my Father said ‘Lemuel people do not think like you.’ This was a massive revelation for me. Surely everyone has the same innate nature? Lately I been thinking... Wisdom is no guarantee of wealth, some systems are easier to break than others, but values prevail everything.

Lately, my faith has been tested openly and all my temptations are obvious. Theft, fraud, robbery. I shall be honest because this is a humbling time. Lately I have made some bad choices in the grand scheme of things. I battle to see myself clearly. My anger burns beautifully in an attempt to massacre my future, my Father warned me of that before he passed. He also said... ‘Lemuel... In these times you will see people’s souls.’ I saw a beautiful engagement proposal, that gave me hope. I know a young Lady who keeps her viginity and faith in God.

Lately I visit my Father’s grave more frequently I hear his commands and my Grandmothers voice in a metaphysical realm clearer there. at the bottom of the ladder is the beautiful essence where the substance is gained, at the marvellous top are the rewards and glory. The point is the foundation must be deep/ened for the strength of the glory to increase. Lately I been pondering on my prioties. Considering my character and futhering my knowledge. It is hard to find anything if your soul is not at peace.

Lately I buried my Father what a handsome, charming and powerful man. It’s hard to find a mentor to replace him. the Bishop has treated me well. God bless him forever. Lately I ponder on myself and how dogmatic I am. I ponder on my worth and the great fortitude I must demonstrate to overcome this homelessness. Of course I would appreciate a Hex upon the households of my enemies, but their suffering is long and my heart cannot remain bitter forever, so despite my hatred in my turmoil. I forgive my oppressors and pray for us all collectively.

What is the point of my poetry? To demonstrate and document the reality of beautiful things. To impart wisdom and understand to those who read and perceive. To strengthen those in times of need and help maintain a healthy mindset on those who are living well and desire to increase their living. Becareful who you love and ask them intensely if they love you. A child needs a Masculine-Feminine balance it is beautiful when life is lived God’ way. Lately I considering on whether my morals are a hinderance. I have come to know they are the backbone of my strenght.

When things are going well try to control your excitement. And sometimes beautiful things just need to be kept private. Lately the heavens have been questioning me and the law of man has tried to enforement its power upon me. Lately i have experience tremendous pains, that has arisen new levels of strength. Lately... I look up to the stars and I see a trillion stars looking back.

A Maker’s World

Love Life.

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