As faculty and staff of Althoff, we are called by Jesus Christ to educate young people in the Catholic tradition to lead successful, faith-filled lives - that is why we come to work every day. Together with our student body, we begin each day reciting our values statement: "Rooted in Jesus Christ and Catholic values, we aspire to achieve our personal best in all we do."
Each day we are blessed to witness the growth and development of our students in the classroom and their chosen extracurricular activities. It is no secret that the four years of high school go by incredibly fast. Our faith-based, personalized approach to education allows for meaningful relationship development, robust academics, a strong sense of community, and Crusader pride.
The community we experience inside the building is part of something far more significant. What makes Althoff so special is the vast network of alums, parents of alums, former faculty, coaches, and friends of the school.
We are grateful for your generous support and the many ways you spread the good news about Althoff in the community. Thank you for believing in our mission. Every gift matters and adds up to make a difference in the lives of current and future students.
As you will see on the next page, the total cost of educating each student is $17,293. Your generosity helps keep tuition affordable for families. Like you, we believe our community and the world need young leaders like those we help form at Althoff.
Thank you for giving!
Dr. Sarah Gass PrincipalThe 2021-2022 school year was full of wonderful accomplishments including:
Austin Frazier, Althoff teacher, and coach was recognized as a Belleville Citizen of Character by BASIC Initiative
The Class of 2022 boasted 12 Illinois State Scholars and was offered an impressive 166 scholarships worth more than $7 million dollars
The liturgical choir sang at the Diocesan Chrism Mass at the Cathedral
Our drama department put on two very entertaining shows - All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten, and Little House on the Prairie Guest artists Kent Eppler and Sandra Zak, Art on the Square exhibitors, worked with our art students
Krzysztof Filak, an international student from Poland, spoke to our students and helped lead our fundraiser to help Ukraine
The boys soccer team finished second in the state in the IHSA Class 1A Championship
The calculator team made up of Ben Schreder, Xander Digiovanni, and Krzysztof Filak placed first at the State Championship Finals where they competed against 5 member teams from over 60 schools
your choosing weekly, monthly, quarterly, or semi annually. Visit
or scan the QR code.
$83.33/ month =
Congratulations to the 70 members of the Class of 2022 on their decision to attend the universities listed here.
Arizona State University
Arkansas State University
Auburn University
Greenville University
Illinois State University
Indiana University
Jackson State University
Lewis University
Lindenwood University
Maryville University
McKendree University
Millikin University
Missouri Baptist University
Missouri S&T
Missouri State University
Monmouth College
Mount Allison
Notre Dame
Oklahoma State University
Purdue University
Southeast Missouri University
Southern Illinois University -
Southern Illinois UniversityEdwardsville
Saint Louis University
Southwestern Illinois College
Truman University University of Alabama
University of Arkansas University of Evansville University of Florida University of Illinois University of Kansas University of Memphis University of Mississippi University of Missouri University of New Mexico University of San Diego
Michael and Colleen Atkin
William & Mary Baker Charitable Trust Jerome and Tudor Basinski
Edward G. Bassler
Andy and Joanne Blassie Louis and Pam Boggeman
Christina White Salon
Jodi Edgar Reinhardt and Brad Reinhardt
Elco Chevrolet
Hilary Evers
Chris and Sarah Gass
Gerit and Elizabeth Geiger George Renner & Sons Funeral Home
Antonia M. Goelz
Alan and Jane Goepfert
Edward Grau
J. Clyde Grogan
Michael and Patty Guignon Gregory and Linda Gundlach Joseph Gundlach
Hardin Family Giving Account Eugene and Mary Ann Hausmann Wesley and Lois Heintz John and Angie Hiller Anthony Holdener, Jr. Adrian and Bridgett Jacquot Neil and Victoria Jansen Jeffrey and Michelle Jones Kevin Boyne, P.C. - Attorney at Law
Joseph Klein
Stephen Kovac Paul and Deborah Kozak Matt and Lynne Lanter Thomas and Janis LeChien Greg and Tammy Leib Jim and Jenny Maher Nancy Mahoney
John and Deborah McDermott
Jack W. McEvilly
Robert and Margaret McGlynn
Roberta Meehan
Hans and Doreen Moosa
Rena Murphy Gerald and Karen Nash
Michael and Anne Nash Tracy and Barbara Neighbors John and Anna O'Gara
Terrence and Jan O'Leary
Eileen Orlet
Julie Orlet
John Pearson
Frank and Judith Pratl
Michael Rall and Adele Roth Kim and Lisa Reichert
Virginia Renner Brad and Julie Ringhofer Guillermo and Ramona Rodriguez Joe Roos
James and Katie Rybak Anonymous Glennon and Patricia Schott
Steven and Barbara Schulte
David and Pamela Schumacher Richard and Sandra Schumacher Paul and Louise Schwartz James and Debra Shay Dan and Judith Siegel
St. Henry's Mens Club
Christian and Renee Stein Strano and Associates Elmer and Virginia Strieker
James Thomas
Michael Tognarelli
Terry Trout
Robert and Janice Vernier
Thomas and Judith Vernier
Marvin Volk
Mark VonBokel
Leo and Herminia Voss
Charles and Melissa Wagner
James and Dianne Walsh
Jeff and Jan Watson
Michael and Kathleen Wenzel
Terry and Pat Westhoff
Steve and Ruth Wilke
Danna Wittenauer
John Wubbolding
Michael and Joann Wuller
Matthew and Kathleen Yarber
Thomas and Jessica Ysursa William and Lorraine Zogg
Michael Abba Boyd and Jamee Ahlers Angelo and Mary Alvarez Anonymous Arnold & Mary Henry Franklin and Carol Augustine William and Susan Balint John and Mary Barger John and Marti Lee Baricevic Joseph and Teresa Bassler Bernard J. Bauer, Jr. James Bauer
Thomas H. Bauer
Barbara J. Baum Keith and April Becherer
Ronald and Sandra Becherer Steven and Nancy Becherer Bel-O Sales and Services Inc. Stephen and Nancy Bertelsman
Laura Betten
Jerald and Susan Bolen Philip and Tammi Bottcher Susan Brennan Matthew and Heather Bruening
Richard and Norma Jean Brune Allen and Karen Buchheit Michael and JoAnn Buettner
Terry and Karen Burnham Michael and Sharon Busch
John R. Cahnovsky
Gary and Judith Calhoun
Catholic Knights and Ladies of Illinois Randy and Lorraine Cavataio
Dennis and Jean Cerneka
David Charles and Ruth Chady
Classic Auto Body Inc. William Crotty, III Clarence and Marilyn Crowder Jane Cygan
Dennis and Bonita Dalke Brent and Jill Dalke Scott and Terri Dankenbring Ronald Daubach
Robert and Jackie Davinroy Rose Mary Davis Kris DeBourge
Robert and Jean Deitz Ray and Karen Delaney John and Marian Dengler
Joseph R. DiGiovanni Benjamin Dodd Bernie Duchinsky Mark Leonard Ebel Wayne and Jeanne Edgar James Robert and Geralyn Eichelberger Jack and Amy Elliott
Joseph and Virginia Elliott Bruce and Pamela Elser John and Erin English Ray Farmer
Maribeth A. Farnham Anthony and Kim Ferguson Paul and Helen Fiedler
Lial and Janet Field Linda J Fingerhut Mike and Melinda Fitting David and Karen Foeller Allen and Patricia Foppe Mark and Cindy Forhan Timothy Forneris
Fred and Jane Fournie Raymond and Mary Fournie Jim and Joyce Friederich Paul and Ann Fries
Robert and June Gagen Dan and Kim Gall
Thomas Richard and Donna Kay Galvin Mark and Deanna Gansmann James and Helen Gass James and Julie Gehrs Michael and Debra Glenn Mike and Karen Gross
Bryan and Anne Guignon Mary Jo Guinn Christine Gundlach Dean and Susan Hageman Michael and Mary Hallbauer Michael Robert Hallbauer Joel Hampton Patricia Hanger David Hankammer Harlan Harla Mark and Elaine Harter Ann Dolores Harvilla Gerard and Barbara Hasenstab Claire J. Hatch William and Miki Hausmann Teresa Hayner John and Sally Heffernan Sylvester and Michele Henry-McGee Hideg Pharmacy Inc. Alfred Higgins Charlie and Laurie Hill Janet Hill
Patrick and Kathleen Hill Donald and Bev Hinkle
Russell and Elaine Hoernis Jack and Colette Hoffarth Hoffman Family Charitable Fund Ben and Kim Hoffmann Kathleen Hoffmann Dolores Hogan William and JoAnn Holdener
Paul and Loretta Holdener
Dennis and Linda Hopfinger
Robert Horvath, II
Victoria Howard
Gregory and Yvonne Howell
Shirley Hrabusicky
Joseph Hromadka
Joseph and Julie Hubbard
Maria Hucker
Michael and Ann Hug
Jerry and Mary Innes
Edward Jasiewicz
Carol Jenkins
Patricia Jenks
Joe and Onies LLC
John and Linda Brissenden Charles and Janet Kacsur Sharon Kaesberg
Jessica Jo Kalmer
David and Marissa Kaltwasser Michael Kappel Gerald and Jacqueline Keeney John Kelahan, Jr.
Tom and Mo Kelley Arvid and Monica Kemezys Courtney Kemper
Mark and Deborah Kiblinger Robert Klopper
Charlie and Mary Klumb
Knights of Columbus - Council #4741
Michael and Mary-Denise Kohl Norman and Therese Krause
Kenneth and Martha Krausz
Bernard and Ellen Kueny Richard and Marsha Kurowski
Phyllis Lang
Michael Lawder Elaine Laws Kara LeChien James and Shereen Lehman
William and Carol Lesko
Michael and Donna Lewis
Russell and Catherine Lisch James and Nancy Lombardo Dorothy Jane Lopez Mary C Lowdermilk, MD Mark and Heidi Lucarelli Mike and Jenn Lyke
William and Beverly Lyke Mary Marisa
Michael and Kathleen Marlin
David and Barbara Masters
Gregory and Rosalie Maul Thomas Maziarz
Joseph McDonnell Myles McGee
Daniel and Mary Kay McGinnis Daniel and Denise McGlynn Kevin and Debra McKeon Adam Meloan Timothy and Elizabeth Messbarger Kevin and Becky Meyer Steven Michelfelder Jeffrey and Pamela Miller Robert and Stacie Mize Margaret Modglin
Shirley Alvarez Mohrman Patrick X Mordente
Chris and Susan Morford Tanner and Brianna Morford John and Ruth Morton Margaret A. Mueller Michael and Cookie Mueller
Mona Murphy-Gunn Michael and Paula Murtha Thomas and Kristen Myatt Tim and Fran Myatt Jennifer Elizabeth Needham Michael and Cynthia Neff Eugene and Mary Neighbors
Doreen Nersesian
Charles B. Nesbit
Jeff and Laurel Newbold Keith Newman
David Normansell
Steven and Susan Normansell
Eileen Nowak
Nancy Olson
Raffi Ovian
Ken and Barbara Pajares
Michael and Cassandra Pate
Paul and Marilyn Peters
Ernie Pfershy
Stephen and Lauri Pierson
Bo and Kathy Plurad
Gary and Barbara Poleskey
Jeff and Amy Pollock
Patricia Poncoroli Robert Porter
Laura Pratl Print Master Donald and Susan Rafalowski Rapid Expressions
David and Agnes Rasure Michael and Debora Reeb Carl and Cynthia Reed John and Denita Reed Charles and Bridget Reeves Marinell Reeves
Michael and Karen Reilly Calixto S Reyes Eduardo Rivera
Andy and Lauren Robinson KayDeane Rodriguez Priscilla Roman
Joseph Rossmann Karen Rowan
Alana Rufkahr
Manuel and Angela Saavedra
Michael and Jeanne Sanders
Raymond Scheibel
Jean Schifferdecker
Bradley and Susan Schmidt Catherine Schmidt
Mary Schmidt
Robert and Mary Kay Schmieder
Janet Schmitt
Mark and Mary Ann Schmitt
Jeanette Schranz
Charles and Deborah Schumacher
Laura Ann Schumacher
Marjorie Schwartz
Janet Schwierjohn
Mickey and Jack Scoville
Carolyn Sedabres
Gregory Sierra Gregory and Kathy Simmons
Stacy Simonin John Simpson Gregory and Susan Skinner Melvin and Julia Speichinger
Jane Spreng
Jeffrey and Angela Springer Teresa Sripada
St. Henry Ladies Club
Aurzella Staten Tina Steibel
Francis and Debra Stoltz
Robert and Diane Stroud
Michelle Taylor
Ivan and Patricia Tepen
James and Charlette Threlkeld Richard and Barbara Tissier Kevin and Rachel Tribout
Michael and Barbara Tuncil Robert and Susan Tyler Ronald and Pamela Usselmann Arthur Voellinger
Ricky Volkmann
Paul and Carrie Vollmer
Daniel and Pamela Von Alst
Dennis Voss
Tim and Pamela Vosse
Kevin and Marlene Wade
Ryan and Narelle Watson
John and Sandra Weck
Michael and Robyn Weilbacher
Robert and Patty Wells
Donald and Stephanie Wenkel
Helen Werner
James and Lina Weston
Thomas and Donna Whitworth
James and Susan Wiegers
Darlene Wilhelm
Randy and Sue Willard
David and Mary Ann Woesthaus
Edward and Rose Wottowa
Thomas and Kathleen Wuller
William and Cynthia Wuller
Roger Wysong
Stephen and Connie Yordy
Michael and Debra Zoeller
Ameren Corporation
Belleville Health and Sports Center
Dieterich Bank
Metro East Counseling
Minton Outdoor Services
Professional Therapy Services, Inc.
Renner Funeral Home
Shay Roofing, Inc.
United Ink