WL Sep/Oct 20 issue 4

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Sep/Oct 2020 Issue 4 Aldershot’s new community magazine

This Month...

Do you know how your children learn? • WL meets… Confident first days • Making the most of lockdown

Maternity, Newborn, Family & Cake Smash Photographer

Website: www.baby-love-photography.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/babylovephotography2014 Email: baby_ love _ photography@hotmail.com Telephone: 07891 908319

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Contents... 6

8 10

Sep/Oct 2020


Special Offers 4 | M & M Tree and Garden Care 10% off* 5 | Church Lane Management FREE consultation

Education Special

15 | Making the most of lockdown

8 | Confident first days

Every Month

11 | Do you know how your children learn?

4 | Editor’s Note

Features 6 | WL meets… 7 | Wills by Video Conference – a New Era? 12 | Don’t miss out! 14 | The Times They Are a-Changin’

10 | Cambridge Primary School News 16 – 19 | Local Groups, Clubs & Societies 20 | Community Notice Board 21 | Useful Numbers 22 | Index of Advertisers

Wellesley Life September/October 2020 | 3

Hello... ...and welcome to our September issue! I hope you have all had a good summer, albeit a somewhat

Copy deadline for November issue: 2nd October 2020

their first few days, whether they are starting Big School or off to Secondary School. Do you know how your child learns? Sarah Brazenor, Learning Mentor and successful learning expert, has some tips for you on page 24.

form of normal. So, seize the

Let us know what you would like to read about or how we could improve your community magazine. We would love to hear from you!

moment for some ‘me time’ put

Have a great month!

strange one! Hopefully, for many families it is back to school and back to some

your feet up, have a cuppa and a read!


In our Education Special Nicky for supporting your kids through

GU51 3AB T: 01252 711810 E: alex@biglittlemagazineco.uk www.biglittlemagazineco.uk Printed by JMG Creative Print Limited, 35 Bishops Way, Andover, Hampshire, SP10 3EH WL is delivered to all homes currently occupied on the Wellesley development plus selected homes in Aldershot. Pick up points are Rushmoor Borough Council, Smith Dorrien House, Café Macciato, Cambridge Primary School and Princes Hall. This magazine is printed on paper which comes from a sustainable source.


Adams shares her suggestions

Published by Big Little Magazine Company, Gateway House, 8 Kings Road, Kings Parade, Kings Road, Fleet, Hampshire,

Please follow us on facebook: @WellesleyLife



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4 | Wellesley Life September/October 2020

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Wellesley Life September/October 2020 | 5

Wellesley Life meets... Sarah Kennedy, Head Teacher of the Cambridge Primary School. Please tell us about your background – childhood, education, career etc? I grew up in Poole, Dorset and lived there until I was 18 when I moved to Guildford to start my degree in Applied Psychology and Sociology. I then went on to complete my PGCE at Roehampton University before beginning my career as a teacher. Prior to working at The Cambridge Primary, I was an Assistant Head Teacher at Ravenscote Junior School, a school part of Engage Enrich Excel Academy Trust. Have you always wanted to be a teacher? Yes – as a little girl I used to line up my teddies and teach them. I also always knew I wanted to be a head teacher. Working with children is rewarding and teaching is a privilege, but we’re constantly facing challenges. As soon as I began teaching, I knew I wanted to be in a position where I could use my passion to motivate, inspire, support and create opportunities for all those working with children to be the best they can. What makes TCPS stand out from other local schools? As a new school we are not yet established and there are many things we do not have, like a PTA or a trim trail – or according to the children, a rollercoaster and a swimming pool! But our families understand that in coming to our school, they are part of our

journey. They are contributing to the shape and direction the school grows in and that is an incredibly unique and special opportunity for all involved.

and we will continue to adapt and grow, listening to our community’s needs.

How have the last few months been coping with Covid-19?

The diversity. It is wonderful to see how our children learn from each other’s culture, beliefs and family circumstances. In a world which can be so close minded, it is so refreshing to listen and learn from the innocence, purity and openmindedness of the children.

Challenging but as cheesy as it sounds, behind experiences like this are opportunities to learn lessons. The global pandemic, as horrendous as it has been, has enabled us to pause, reflect on what is truly important, adapt our practice and ‘build back better.’ Our parents and families have been incredibly supportive. They engaged with the school consistently and enthusiastically during lockdown, often delivering boxes of chocolates to staff each week – which were very well received! During lockdown, we were able to offer weekly Zoom assemblies. Our families engaged in our digital time capsule challenges enabling us to create memorable videos on our YouTube channel, capturing key moments from lockdown such as Captain Tom Moore’s walk, clapping for key workers and VE day celebrations. Plans for the school when you return in September? Normality where possible. Who knows what 2020/21 will bring – I never would have guessed 2019/20 would have turned out like this! Either way, this year has strengthened us as a school, affirmed our vision and priorities

6 | Wellesley Life September/October 2020

What’s the one thing you love about working in Aldershot?

Your favourite place to eat / drink / go? The Wellesley Woodlands are beautiful for dog walks or cycling along the canal path. What’s the best piece of advice you have ever been given? “Be kinder than you need to be.” Despite the sadness of the Covid-19 outbreak, one of the best things to come out of it has been hearing about acts of kindness. Whether it’s walking 100 miles or shaving your hair to raise money for charities, delivering hot meals to frontline workers, providing free hotel rooms to NHS staff working tirelessly, checking on vulnerable people, doing the shopping for those unable to get out, putting rainbows of hope up in windows or sending cards to those who are alone, kindness has been a light in the darkness, and as the darkness starts to get lighter, I hope people hold on to the power of kindness. Interview by Emily Gregory of Baby Love Photography, www.baby-love-photography.com

Wills by Video Conference

- a New Era? The Government has announced that legislation is being introduced which will enable Wills to be validly witnessed by videoconference. In an area of law that remains unchanged since the Wills Act 1837 came into force, this is a significant development. The Wills Act 1837 requires a valid Will to be signed by the testator in the presence of two persons (who are not beneficiaries of the Will) who then also sign the Will in the presence of the testator. Due to restrictions in place to prevent the spread of Coronavirus, people shielding or self-isolating have faced difficulties signing a new Will, because it involves being in the presence of two other persons. Options under the existing legislation have been for signing to take place whilst maintaining a social distance, allowing witnesses to watch the testator sign through a window, from an adjacent room through an open door, or in the garden/on a driveway. The new legislation is intended to allow Wills to be witnessed by video conferencing, provided the witnesses have a clear line of sight of the testator signing the document

and they are aware that they are being asked to witness the signing of a Will. Although this might appear to be a simplification of the Will signing process, in practice it is likely to be more complex than a straightforward signing in the physical presence of witnesses.

The Government is not permitting the witnesses to sign a counterpart or copy of the Will. After the witnesses have watched the testator sign, the Will must be physically delivered to each witness, so that further video conferences can then take place as they sign the document. The Government guidance suggests that this should be done “preferably within 24 hours,” which would require a courier who can collect the Will and deliver it to the witnesses or involve the risk of the original document being lost by other delivery methods. If the person making the Will dies before the witnesses receive the Will and join a video conference to also sign it, it would not be valid. This process requires multiple video conferences, clear and correct acknowledgements of the process being followed by all parties involved and the disclosure of the whole Will to each witness. Regardless of the way in which the Will is signed, all other conditions for a valid Will remain. The person making the Will must have mental capacity, have knowledge of the contents of the Will and approve the terms. It therefore remains as important as ever that a professional has checked and recorded the instructions given by the person making the Will and has assessed

their capacity. It might also be advisable to change the Will itself, to state that the signing is to be witnessed by video conference.

This change to the law is anticipated to be temporary – if and when the legislation does come into force, it is only expected to apply until 31 January 2022. Best practice will remain for the person making the Will to sign the Will in the physical presence of the two witnesses. Although signing by video conference might appear to provide a convenient way forward, extreme care will be required to ensure that all formalities for making a valid Will are met. Rather than being a new era in the way in which Wills are witnessed, this measure should be seen as offering emergency assistance in extreme cases where there is no alternative for putting in place a valid Will. Neale Turk LLP has been providing local, friendly, expert legal advice for over 50 years. For advice on Wills, Estates and Court of Protection matters contact Charlotte Searle, a solicitor and fully qualified member of the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP), the Association of Contentious Trust and Probate Specialists (ACTAPS) and Solicitors for the Elderly (SFE).

Bridge House, 27-31 Reading Road South, Fleet, Hampshire GU52 7QP Tel: 01252 811070 Fax: 01252 811133


Wellesley Life September/October 2020 | 7

Confident first days Seeing their child skipping into the classroom on the first day at nursery, primary or secondary school is the dream for parents, but how do you help your son or daughter to be confident right from the start? Nicky Adams offers some advice. Starting a new school is a milestone for any child – and parent. Undoubtedly, it’s important that the even tiniest of pupils makes the most of the opportunities to learn to love learning, but the first hurdle is getting them through the door! There is a lot parents can do to build their child’s self-confidence, when and make sure he or she is raring to go. Which is especially important during this unsettling time.

Starting nursery or reception Fond farewell: If visions of your child clinging to your neck while you try to deliver him or her to the teacher on the first – or the tenth – morning is the stuff of your nightmares, then it’s important to prepare for goodbyes. Your child will find it easier to settle at nursery or school if he or she is already used to spending time apart from you, in the care of grandparents, other relatives or friends. Start with a short time and gradually build up. Familiarisation: Take advantage of the familiarisation sessions, even if they are virtual ones, usually offered in the run-up to the first day – introduce your child to the teachers or nursery practitioners and make sure he or she has a good look around. At home, chat about the experience to make sure it stays

fresh in the memory. Making friends: If you already know children who are joining nursery or school at the same time, or who will already be there, arrange a playdate and get them all together, socially distanced if necessary – seeing friendly familiar faces is reassuring in a new environment. Practising how to share and take turns can help avoid initial squabbles. Confidence: Boost your child’s selfbelief by creating lots of opportunities to show that he or she really can do it! Encourage any efforts to put on clothes or tidy toys, for example, and be full of praise at a job well done. Focus on your child’s strengths, rather than criticising weaknesses. Emphasise that making mistakes is ok and just part of learning.

Starting secondary school Independence: The major shift from primary to secondary school is in the level of responsibility pupils are expected to take for themselves and their belongings. Gradually build independence in the last couple of years of primary school – encourage your child to pack a bag for a day out perhaps – and practise remembering instructions, such as for a shopping trip or feeding the family pet.

Education Special

Homework: Designate a quiet place in the house where your son or daughter can study if homework will be a new experience - suggest he or she reads, does a puzzle or learns spellings there without you in the room in the run-up to changing school. Bon voyage: If your child is travelling to and from school unaccompanied by an adult for the first time – perhaps by bus or train – it’s worth trying out the route a few times before the big day. Go with your child to start with, but then find a friend for him or her to travel with, ideally one who will be on the same journey. Even if your child will be walking to school, practise the route and timings to make sure there’s no early-morning rush. Get used to crowds: Some new Year 7 students find the size of their new secondary school quite daunting, particularly if they have been used to a much smaller primary school. Summer holiday clubs are a good way to get used to crowds of big kids and teenagers all in one place, or perhaps take part in a community event that brings large numbers of young people together – socially distanced of course. With your child settled at a new school, the learning can begin!


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Education Special

The Cambridge Primary School

Wellesley | Aldershot Happy Second Birthday to The Cambridge Primary School Not only do we welcome two new Reception classes this month, taking our total number of children at the school to 150 pupils, we will also be celebrating the school’s 2nd year of opening its doors to the children of the Wellesley community and surrounding area.

Is your child starting Reception in September 2021? Keep your eyes peeled on our website for more information regarding school tours and admissions in the autumn term. If you have any questions, feel free to give us a call 01252 314884 or drop us an email admissions@cambridgeschool. hants.sch.uk Go to www.cambridgeschool. hants.sch.uk for more information.

New Starters for Reception Class September 2020 This month we welcomed our

The Cambridge are very proud of the local connections we have already made in the area which include Grainger, Aldershot Garrison, Rushmoor Voluntary Services, the local fire, police and ambulance services and local beekeeper’s association. We are looking forward to working with many more community groups as the school continues to expand.

Pod Life! With a majority of children back at our school, life is a bit different now. The children are in pods of 15, following government guidelines and risk assessments to ensure that everyone stays safe and happy. We asked some pupils how they feel about coming back to school after the lockdown. Their response was: “I like it when I meet my friend again and we play together” Vivaan, age 5 “I love it because I like playing and colouring with my friends” Ellianna, age 5 More children are choosing to walk, scooter and cycle to school. And our temporary scooter/cycle area in

our library has been filling up nicely every morning. The children have been encouraged to use school scooters as part of their day. With the lovely weather, the children have been busy outside renewing their friendships and settling into to their pods. The school’s Transition Day was a great success with the children meeting their new teachers for their next journey into Year 1 and Year 2.

new children to The Cambridge Primary School.

Beans & Mini Beasts

Our staff a have been working very hard to ensure that their transition to ‘big school’ is a very positive experience. This included a Parent Information meeting on Zoom, a pupil & parent visit and a virtual story time on Zoom. We

The children picking the broad

have a vision that will provide an

beans that they have been

excellent learning environment

busy growing from the school

for all of our children.

fruit and vegetable patch.

Education Special

The patch which also includes gooseberries, strawberries and rhubarb was started this year with help from members of staff to show the children how easy it is to grow fruit and vegetables and they could also taste their very own crop! As the beans were ready for picking the children noticed that there were mini beasts who were feeding off of the vegetables.

Do you know how

your children learn? One of the major

As we start a new school year my thoughts and feelings are directed to our students returning to the classroom after nearly 6 months absence. Every student’s education has been affected in some

positives, for some

you know how you learn, you can

they were free to

select the right tools to help you.

study when they wanted and take time to go over lessons at their own speed. Students who prefer learning in a Kinaesthetic way were by far the happiest. They were able to wear comfortable clothes, move around when working and take

transition back into the

very frequent breaks. The freedom

by some and very difficult for others. As a learning coach and mentor, I have worked with a large number

to work in this way increased their productivity and also their confidence grew. Students who prefer to learn in an audio tonal way, had more time to go over the material and really let the information sink in.

of students during lockdown and

They were also able to discuss

have seen first hand how home

subjects more and felt able to

schooling has affected them. It has

ask questions when they didn’t

been interesting to see how the

understand topics.

way that our children learn has

Students who preferred to learn in

had an effect on their ability to

a visual way were generally okay

study at home.

with the work being set as most of

We all are unique and the way

it was power point presentations

we learn things depends on many factors but I think it would be true to say that our school system only really suits about 50% of our students. The rest have to find their way or can begin to think

knowing how you learn. Once

students, was that

way or other and the classroom will be welcomed

successful with learning, is

Schools always talk about revision and mention flash cards and mind maps. These tools are really great for visual learners but not so great for tonal and kinaesthetic learners. The amount of times students come to me with great mind maps or flash cards written out but then tell me they can not remember anything. So change the tools to fit the brain and the learning flows, confidence grows and results improve. If your child is struggling when they go back to school and you are worried that they have got behind, especially if they have GCSE’s or A levels in 2021, please get in contact. I’d love to be able to help. Don’t suffer in silence, everyone can learn, they may just need to find their way. Please contact me if I can be of help or take a look at my website. Happy to help.

and worksheets to complete. If they had the commitment to do the work, they just got on with it. So I ask you, how did your children get on? Do you know how they learn and does any of

they are “not academic” or “not

the above sound like your child?

clever enough”.

One of the key things to being

Education Special

T 07900 894725 E sarah@connective-learning.co.uk www.connective-learning.co.uk

Don’t miss out: Arrange your viewing of the stylish new show apartment at Hartland Village in Fleet this summer Homebuyers looking to find a beautiful new home in a leafy countryside setting should look no further than Hartland Village – St Edward’s flagship development in

kitchen space is the hub of the home; triple-aspect windows – including a large bay window – fill the space with natural light. The contemporary kitchen features laminate work surfaces and white cabinetry with a high-gloss lacquer finish, as well as integrated Bosch appliances.

The generously sized master bedroom features its own en suite bathroom while the second bedroom – also a double – is Bringing together a beautiful served by the main shower room, collection of houses and apartments ideal for guests or housemates intertwined with an abundance of 3GL alike.Fleet, EveryHampshire apartmentGU51 at Hartland green open space and a 70-acre Ively Road, SAT NAV: GU51 3GL Village includes an allocated country park, Hartland Village Telephone: 01252 888 444 parking space. is the ideal place to call home. Email: HartlandVillage@stedward.co.uk Residents at Hartland Village will Danny Rowland, Sales Director HartlandVillage.co.uk benefit from a traditional village at St Edward, said: “At Hartland centre which will accommodate Village, we’re creating an healthcare, fitness and wellbeing exceptional new destination and facilities as well as cafes and we’re really excited about all shops for everyday essentials. The the opportunities it has to offer. primary school and nursery, along These apartments are ideal for a with playing fields and children’s range of buyers including first-time play areas, will make Hartland buyers looking for their own space, Village an excellent choice for downsizers looking for something young and growing families. more manageable, as well as

Fleet, Hampshire.

HARTLAND VILLAGE SALES & MARKETING SUITE stations, with services to London Waterloo from 40 minutes and 34 minutes respectively. Trains from Farnborough North station, an 11-minute car journey away have services to Guildford, Reading and Gatwick Airport. For drivers, Junction 4A of the M3 is around two miles away from Hartland Village, connecting you to London and the M25 to the east and Winchester and Southampton to the west.

friends buying together and young The first two-bedroom show families. What’s more, all buyers apartment, which showcases the Prices start at £318,500 for a will benefit from the amazing high specification and fantastic two-bedroom apartment with outdoor spaces at Hartland Village, design of the homes on offer at Help to Buy is available on a range including the 70-acre country park, Hartland Village, is now available The information in this document is indicative and is intended to act as a guide only as to the finished product. Accordingly, due to St Edward’s policy of continuous improvement, of apartments. To find out more the finished product may vary from the information provided. These particulars should not be relied upon as statements of fact or representations and applicants must satisfy themselves village green and play areas, to view virtually or by appointment. by inspection or otherwise as to their correctness. This information does not constitute a contract or warranty. Hartland Village is a marketing name and will not necessarily form part of book an appointment, call the approved postal address. Applicants are advised to contact St Edward to ascertain the availability of any particularor property. which have been designed to foster It is located in Redwood House, a M116/02CA/1218 01252 758844 or visit a great community and encourage stylish apartment building with a www.hartlandvillage.co.uk. active, outdoor lifestyles.” view of the picturesque humpback bridge and lake that marks the Hartland Village is located a entrance to Hartland Village. nine-minute drive away from The open plan living, dining and

both Fleet and Farnborough

12 | Wellesley Life September/October 2020





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WWW.ARMYGOLFCLUB.COM Wellesley Life September/October 2020 | 13



LANDLORDS by Lorraine Hutley

The Times They Are a-Changin’


252 622052

As Bob Dylan sang “The Times They Are a-Changin’” and never more than now. Like all businesses we have wound our way through the challenges presented by the pandemic including the lock down and things are not all bad.

2019  2020


We had a good start to 2020 and the market for property lettings was buoyant. The sales market was also starting to take off after a long period of stagnation. By March we had achieved our highest figures for the month and then lock down started. How quickly things can change! We took the decision to stop marketing new properties or carrying out new viewings. With half of our team furloughed and the remainder of the team battled on whilst isolating in different locations. The properties let in February and March still needed to be completed and so we managed, carefully, the process of preparation and completions for the next two months. The maintenance and support of tenants and properties continued throughout the lock down as faults still arise. We carefully managed the rental income and we are pleased to say we had less than 1% arrears. From the first of June we restarted marketing of properties and business quickly returned. It felt like the cork had been pulled from a bottle and the new properties and prospective tenants burst out. By July we had all our staff back to work and we achieved another record-breaking month. In line with government advice we looked to minimise viewings by providing video tours of the properties and by carrying out extensive pre-vetting of tenants. We have found that the new system is far more efficient and exposes the property and pre-existing tenant to less foot fall. We have found a significant change in the type of properties requested. Any kind of private outside space adds greatly to the popularity of the property. Flats with no outside space which before lock down would have been easy to let are now slower to move. Being closer to the railway station appears to be less essential for the moment as commuting is put on the back burner. Larger traditional family homes with gardens have proved very popular with those who now see working from home as a possible longer-term solution. Pets have also become a more common request as people have sought comfort in a furry friend. Many landlords may not like the idea of a dog or cat but accepting an animal at the property may help to tie up a let. As a small independent Honey Lettings have been able to move quickly to adapt to the changing times. Like everybody we hope for a return to “normal” as soon as possible but some changes may be here to stay. Based in the heart of Fleet, Honey Lettings specialises in lettings and property management. For friendly, knowledgeable advice on property letting call Honey Lettings. No houses to sell just homes to let.

& 01252 622052


14 | Wellesley Life September/October 2020


Making the most of

lockdown A lockdown caused by a pandemic affecting older people badly might not seem promising conditions for an organisation where groups of retired and semi-retired people meet, mostly faceto face and often in quite large numbers. But Fleet and District U3A has kept running since March and is now looking forward to a new year of activities. The U3A’s aim is to let people

their work online

in what we call the third age

while the Belly

develop existing and new

Dancing group

interests, meet new people and

has been meeting

have fun. In Fleet we are lucky

in groups of six in

to have one of the largest U3As in the country with around 2000 members last year so that means a very wide range of activities are on offer. It’s all summed up in the U3A’s motto Learn, Laugh, Live! This has still been possible even in a virtual world, although for some it has also meant learning new computer skills. Among the highlights has been a monthly meeting shared via You Tube featuring a talk by Maurice Kent about the surprising history of cinema in Fleet, Church Crookham and Aldershot which has had over 1000 views. That’s four times more than can attend the usual monthly meetings in the Harlington Centre. Many groups

a local park rather than indoors. Now planning is underway for things to start getting back to

The last few months have not

normal, of course only when it is

been easy for many people;

safe to do so. It will inevitably be

some have just been bored and

a mixed picture and the next few

frustrated but for others lockdown

months will bring some different

brought loneliness and isolation.

ways of doing things. But we want

For anyone who is retired or

to get as many meetings running

semi-retired in Fleet, Church

as possible and every Group Leader is thinking about what they can organise. We have speakers lined up for monthly meetings covering subjects ranging from Electric Cars to Dietary Supplements to Elgar. Next year we hope to be able to resume

have continued through Zoom

our programme of trips and

including a group especially for

visits including Bowood House

Members on Their Own. Some

and Aerospace Bristol, while the

groups like Photography, Art and

Rollers Group is planning a trip to

Creative Writing have shared

Blenheim Palace.

Crookham, Aldershot, Wellesley and surrounding areas, the U3A is there. If you are interested in knowing more you can go to the website at fleetu3a.org.uk or contact the Enquiries Secretary at enquiries@fleetu3a.org.uk or on 0845 8723623. We would love to see you.

Wellesley Life September/October 2020 | 15

Local Groups For a free listing or to amend your group’s details, email alex@biglittlemagazineco.uk

As you are all aware, government guideline restrictions still apply, so if you are interested in specific groups please contact them directly for event and meeting updates.


Than a Pub’, offering other community activities outside pub opening hours. Basingstoke Canal Society act as guardians of the Basingstoke Canal and welcome new members to

conversation. People from North East Hampshire are welcome. Visit www.farnham.humanist. org.uk or email info@farnham.humanist.org.uk

Aldershot Branch, British Model Soldier Society meets on the third Thursday of each month, except Dec., at 7.45pm at Willis Hall, Sandy Lane, Church Crookham.

improvements, crew the ‘John

Call 01252 621056 or e-mail t.b.wright@btinternet.com

Contact Doreen Hornsey on

Railway Enthusiasts We welcome those who are actively modelling railways, wishing to know more about the subject or who have an interest in railways in general. We meet at 109 Horley Lane, Farnborough every Tuesday night from 7.30pm onward.

01252 623591 or visit



Aldershot Militaria Society We meet on the last Thursday of every month. New members welcome. We have speakers/ members giving talks on various subjects. We meet at Aldershot Military Museum, Queens Avenue GU11 2LG. Contact the chairman Colin Day on 01784 491695. Aldershot Community Pub Limited based at The White Lion, Lower Farnham Road, GU12 4EA has been established due to plenty of support from local people to keep the pub going as a traditional English local and develop it into ‘More

help with maintenance and Pinkerton II’ trip boat and to participate in talks and other social events. Members receive a quarterly magazine and a bi-monthly bulletin.

www.basingstoke-canal.org.uk Cody Farnborough Amateur Operatic Society An award winning local musical theatre company, producing two productions each year at the Princes Hall in Aldershot.

RHL - Rushmoor Healthy Living runs friendly, affordable exercise classes in Hawley, Aldershot, North Camp and Farnborough. www.rhl.org.uk

We rehearse at Velmead Junior

SeeAbility’s now offers

School on Tuesdays

day activities. Sessions

& Thursdays and always

available Monday, Wednesday,

welcome new members.

Friday. Baking, drama,

www.cfaos.co.uk Farnham Humanists meet for monthly Sunday evening talks and discussions

pottery, woodworking, music therapy, crafts. Further details please telephone 01252 815256.

on topics of general interest,

The Friends of Brickfields

and first Wednesday of each

Country Park are a small group of local residents, who

month for a pub drink and

16 | Wellesley Life September/October 2020

and Societies perform varied management tasks from rubbish clearing to building new paths, tree and habitat works. We welcome involvement from anybody, as members of the group or occasional volunteers. www.brickfieldspark.org WI - The Women’s Institute We meet the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 7.30pm at St Josephs Church Hall, Queens Road Aldershot. Open to ladies of all ages. Some months we have a speaker other times we may have a craft evening. We are a very friendly small group of around 30 and would welcome potential new members to visit. Please contact us on facebook @aldershotwi, email us on aldershotpres@hampshirewi. org.uk or visit www. hampshirewi.org.uk. Currently closed due to Covid 19 please check for re-opening details.

Sport Angling Aldershot Park Angling Club located at the end of Guildford Road, Aldershot, is suitable for beginners and more

experienced anglers. Contact: 01252 330599

league. A bowls club based in Farnborough.


Contact: 01252 673946 www.aldershotanddistrict.co.uk

Cody Bowmen is based at the Cody Sports and Social Club, which offers both field and target practice archery.

Rushmoor Indoor Bowling Club An indoor bowling club based at the Farnborough Leisure Centre.



Athletics Aldershot, Farnham and District Athletics Club offers training facilities and competition throughout the year in a variety of disciplines. This club accepts members from age nine and above. www.afd.org.uk Badminton Parkside Badminton Club is based at the Alderwood Leisure Centre, Aldershot. The club competes in the Aldershot and Camberley leagues and meets on a Tuesday evening.

Boxing Aldershot Amateur Boxing Club An amateur boxing club located at Alderwood Leisure Centre. www.aldershotabc.com Canoeing Basingstoke Canal Canoe Club A canoe club based in Mytchett. www.b3c.org.uk Cricket Aldershot Cricket Club based at Guildford Road, Aldershot. The club offers

Contact: 01252 344438 Bowling Aldershot Traction Bowling Club plays in the Aldershot and District bowls

More overleaf...

Wellesley Life September/October 2020 | 17

Local Groups

Clubs and Societies

youth coaching and aims to encourage players of all ages and abilities to join.

Email: secretary@



Hawley Lake Sail


07817 292685.

Football Aldershot Town Boys and Girls provides football for both boys and girls of Aldershot and the surrounding area. It is open to children from 5 to 8 years old for non-competitive football and competitive football for those aged 9 to 16. www.abgfc.co.uk

contact 01252 33222 or www.britishjudo.org.uk Kung Fu Kung Fu Kids offer lessons for children aged between six and

A military centre open to all, offering training courses and club facilities in multiple water sports. www.hawleylake.org.uk

12 years old. It is based


at the Alderwood Leisure

Scuba Dolphins

Centre, Aldershot.

Diving Club

Martial Arts

A friendly and active diving

Surrey and Hants Tai Chi

complete beginners to fully


and Qigong Club

Rushmoor Gymnastics Academy A local gymnastics academy, based in Aldershot, offering a range of classes catering for all levels of ability.

Tai Chi and Qigong lessons

www.chris-phoenix. squarespace.com

Training Centre

taught in and around Aldershot and Farnborough, with separate classes for different ability levels. www.surreyandhantstaichi.com Rugby

club, welcoming divers from qualified divers from any diving agency. Full training is offered by a team of nationally qualified instructors. Contact: 07907 565529 www.scubadolphins.co.uk Skiing Aldershot Ski Race Club


Aldershot and Fleet Rugby

offers young skiers a chance to

Aldershot and Farnham Hockey Club Friendly and competitive hockey club, which runs men’s, ladies’ and mixed teams, as well as junior and mini hockey.

Club based at Aldershot Park.

develop their skills on artificial


A free weekly 5km event for


runners of all standards, taking

snowsports in a safe and secure

place at Queens Avenue,

environment, both competitively

Aldershot, GU11 2JL.

and uncompetitvely.



Judo Club Osaka offers lessons, based at the Maida Gym, Aldershot.

www.aldershotandfleet rugby.com Running Rushmoor Park Run

18 | Wellesley Life September/October 2020

surfaces and snow. www.aldershotskiraceclub.org Aldershot Snowsports for the Disabled Offering the disabled of all ages to chance to experience different types of

Local Groups

Clubs and Societies

Swimming Aldershot Youth Swimming Club Children’s swimming club based in Aldershot. www.aldershotyouth swimming.org.uk Rushmoor Synchronised Swimming Club (British Champions 2013) welcomes girls aged between 7 and 12 to join our fabulous club. To find out more visit www.rssc.org.uk or email membership@rssc.org.uk Squash Scamps Squash Club A small, friendly club, offering competitive and social squash, at the Aldershot Garrison Sports Centre. www.scamps.biz Taekwondo Predator Taekwondo Academy is based at Fight Science, Aldershot, which has produced countless domestic and international champions. www.predatortaekwondo.co.uk Table Tennis Aldershot and District Table Tennis League Website showing results, tables and standings of teams within

the Aldershot and District Table Tennis Leagues. www.aldershot.ttleagues.com Tennis Eggars Hill Tennis Club (incorporating Aldershot Methodist Tennis Club) A thriving and very friendly local tennis club, consisting of two professional tennis coaches that offer private lessons. Their club consists of three all weather courts with floodlights on two of them, a comfortable clubhouse, ample parking and pleasant gardens. They also have adult and junior league teams. www.eggarshilltennis club.org.uk Volleyball Hart and Rushmoor Volleyball Club The Volleyball Satellite Club runs every Monday at Wavell school, from 4pm till 6pm for 11 years and over. www.pitchero.com/clubs/ hartrushmoorvolleyballclub

Support Groups Aldershot & District Tinnitus Support Group We meet on the second Wednesday of the month, between 1.30pm and 3.30pm at the Rowhill Nature Reserve.

Youth Organisations 1st Blackwater BP Scouts We meet at the Scout Hut at the far end of Carrington Lane Recreation Ground in Ash (behind Holly Lodge School) and cater for boys and girls aged between 5 years and 18 years. Email richard.llewellyn@ benchmarkgeo.co.uk, call 01276 63940 or view www.1stblackwatervalleyscouts co.uk Air Cadets for boys and girls from 12 – 18 years old with a spirit of adventure and an interest in aviation. Contact Flt Lt Lynda Bradley 01252 515143 also www.2407aircadets.org Sea Cadets Farnham Fleet & Aldershot For ages 10 – 18, we meet Mondays and Fridays at Sea Cadets, TS Swiftsure, Lower Weybourne Lane, Farnham, GU9 9LG. For more info see www. farnhamseacadets.org or email info@farnhamseacadets.org

For a free listing or to amend your group’s details, email alex@ biglittlemagazineco.uk


Wellesley Life September/October 2020 | 19

Community Free entries for non-profit organisations

Bat Walk


In Wellesley Woodlands on 16th September 7pm. Visit https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/bat-walk-tickets-115961073693 for details and to book. Tickets to go on sale on 28th August. We will increase the capacity for ticket sales based on the current government guidance.

Aldershot Library Hampshire Library Service launched a range of online Learning in Libraries courses over the summer. The virtual sessions, which covered digital skills, wellbeing and art were very popular – so keep an eye out for the new courses they are launching this term. Why not browse the Hampshire Libraries’ shop at https://www.hants.gov.uk/shop/home. php?cat=369 to find out what’s coming soon and how to book? Have you seen the new library ‘Spydus Mobile’ App? Download it to your smart phone to search the library catalogue, issue books in the library from your phone, make reservations, and even search new arrivals. To find out more, visit https://www.hants.gov.uk/librariesandarchives/ library/mobile-app

109 High St, Aldershot GU11 1DQ All library enquiries call 0300 555 1387 www3.hants.gov.uk

20 | Wellesley Life September/October 2020



01252 316 11140 years


01252 316 111 www.beaconshome.com



in Ald





Local Numbers

Anti-terrorist Hotline

0800 789 321

BT Faultline

0800 800 151


0800 555 111

Gas - Emergency

0800 111 999

NHS Direct

0845 46 47

NHS 111 Service


(Medical non-emergency number)

Police - Hampshire Constabulary 101 (Non-emergency Number)

Aldershot Library and Learning Centre

0300 555 1387#

Citizens Advice Rushmoor

0300 3309 046

Princes Hall

01252 327671

Rushmoor Borough Council

01252 398399

West End Centre

01252 330040

Hospitals Aldershot Centre of Health

01252 335000

Frimley Park Hospital (A&E)

01276 604604

Royal Surrey County Hospital 01483 571122 (A&E)

Wellesley Life September/October 2020 | 21

Your quick guide to everyone and everything in your Wellesley Life




New Homes

Church Lane

M&M Tree and

Grainger PLC


Hartland Village


Management Limited 5

Garden Care Ltd



Leaflets Distribution


Big Little Magazine

Big Little Magazine

The Cambridge



Stuarts Plumbing 4


Senior Learning



Honey Lettings


Kites Property Services 5

U3A 15 Solicitors 7

Library Services

Maintenance 5

Aldershot Library


Tree Services Cedardale 5


Golf Clubs Army Golf Club

Primary School

Neale Turk LLP

Computer Problem PC


Letting Agents

Bathrooms Services


Baby Love 13


Tuition and 2

Study Skills Connective Learning 11

Independent Schools

Plumbing & Heating

Frensham Heights


Stuarts Plumbing

Salesian College



Volunteering 4

Wellesley Woodlands 21

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22 | Wellesley Life September/October 2020

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