WL November 20

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an d vere

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Serving the residents of Wellesley and Aldershot

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This Month...

Shop in Aldershot this Christmas • Rosie’s Good Reads WL meets… • What is so wrong with being needy?

A real place to call home and enjoy life.


Contents... 14

8 20

Nov/Dec 2020


Special Offers


Every Month

6 | WL meets…

4 | Editor’s Note

7 | Coronavirus and

9 | Community Notice

5 | M&M Tree

Child Contact

Board & What’s On

and Garden Care

8 | What is so wrong

16 – 19 | Local Groups,

with being needy?

Clubs & Societies

12 | Property Inspections

20 | Cambridge Primary

10% off* 5 | MGF Wills FREE* will storage for 1 year

14 | Rosie’s Good Reads 15 | Shop Local and Stay Safe this Christmas

School News 21 | Useful Numbers 22 | Index of Advertisers

Wellesley Life November/December 2020 | 3


Copy deadline for Jan/Feb 2021 issue: 4th December 2020


from Christmas decorations and


Music. In the absence of the usual

to our

Christmas fayres around why not


join a virtual Christmas fayre like

/December issue! Now the clocks have gone back and the evenings are getting longer are you ready for Christmas yet? At the end of a year like no other, this Christmas season will definitely be ‘different’. However, I am sure we all will

Virtual Christmas Fayre UK on facebook and we have compiled some ideas and a small selection of businesses that can help you find the perfect gift locally on page 15. Stay safe, have a great month and a fab Christmas!

Alexandra Editor

little things in life and a little help

T: 01252 711810 E: alex@biglittlemagazineco.uk www.biglittlemagazineco.uk Printed by Bishops Printers, Walton Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO6 1TR WL is delivered to all homes currently occupied on the Wellesley development plus selected homes in Aldershot. Pick up points are Rushmoor Borough Council, Smith Dorrien House, Café Macciato, Cambridge Primary School and Princes Hall.

Please follow us on facebook: @WellesleyLife


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4 | Wellesley Life November/December 2020




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Wellesley Life meets... Rachael Austen-Jones, Project Officer at Rushmoor Healthy Living (RHL) – a charity that helps to run social projects in Rushmoor, Hart and East Hants. Please tell us about your background – childhood, education, career etc. I lived in Norway for some of my childhood – this helps me understand a little of the issues that the local Nepalese face as we moved over there not speaking any Norwegian. We moved back to England after five years and after University I got a job teaching at a local secondary school, eventually becoming Deputy Head of PE. After my son was born my epilepsy kicked off – I’d never had a fit before and suddenly I was having constant fits lots of absence seizures (where you forget what you were saying). I was also experiencing drop seizures where you just fall to the floor – particularly embarrassing in the alcohol aisle in Tescos! My memory was shot to pieces with the brain damage, I needed full time carers and I could barely string three sentences together. I was a mess! Did you know much about RHL before working there? I knew about RHL as they helped me get into volunteering when my epilepsy was really bad and my confidence was at my lowest. That was the start of me getting my life back together! How did you come to work at RHL? Teaching was my passion but with the epilepsy there was no way to go back to it. With a lot of support and as part of my rehabilitation, I retrained as a nutritionist. I contacted RHL to see if I could have a publicity table at one of their projects… I ended up working on the project and can honestly say it’s the best thing I’ve ever done! For anyone who doesn’t know, please tell us about RHL and its services? RHL is a local charity, based in Rushmoor. Our projects improve physical and mental health, as well as

reducing loneliness and social isolation. Many of the people we work with are older adults and/or those suffering from long term health conditions. Each year we run a wide range of projects including fun exercise and rehabilitation classes, as well as activities offering support, health education and social opportunities. We believe that no-one should feel unable to take part in activities due to ill health, physical disabilities or financial constraints and we do our best to remove barriers and support our service users to make long term changes which will significantly improve their quality of life. How has the charity been affected by the pandemic? We’ve put a lot of effort into finding new and innovative ways to still deliver our services despite lockdown and the challenges it has brought to everyone. We replaced some of our face to face exercise and rehabilitation classes with online zoom classes. We’ve introduced Boredom Busters on our website, with fantastic ideas and activities for keeping busy during lockdown and beyond! We started a popular weekly RHL Radio Show on Gurkha Radio, talking about different health topics in Nepalese. There have also been changes to how we run our Nepalese Cancer Education sessions with Macmillan. To be honest, it’s been a bit of a baptism of fire for all of us, but we’ve achieved so much and have had such a lot of positive feedback from our service users. What are you most proudest of at RHL – something you individually have done and/or the charity as a whole/people helped? I am most proud of our Language No Barrier and Namaste Everybody projects – the former teaching English for Nepalese women wanting to get

6 | Wellesley Life November/December 2020

a job and the latter providing a social hub for over 70 Nepalese people. Singing, dancing and learning English each week, you really get to know them and the struggles they face – and they LOVE the Hokey Cokey! How can people support RHL – financially and physically? (volunteering opps?) You can make a donation at www.rhl.org.uk or email admin@rhl.org.uk to find out about our volunteering opportunities. What’s the one thing you love about living in Aldershot? The mix of cultures and traditions! What would you do to improve or change Aldershot? Get some really good shops in Aldershot town centre. Let’s make it a place that people from outside want to shop at again! Your favourite place to eat / drink / go in Aldershot? Mimosa. What’s the best piece of advice you have ever been given? Treat people how you would want to be treated. What is the most trouble you have ever been in? My funniest moment with RHL was doing a Health and Nutrition presentation for about 50 people. I sat on a chair to show them some seated exercise and it collapsed, leaving me flat on my back staring at the ceiling! We couldn’t stop laughing! Due to the current situation, RHL’s class timetable is operating at a reduced level. Please email classes@rhl.org.uk to be added to the mailing list. Please note sessions MUST be pre-booked. Interview by Emily Gregory of Baby Love Photography, www.baby-love-photography.com

Coronavirus and Child Contact Child contact arrangements for many separated parents and their children continued more or less as usual during lockdown. For some however, there was considerable confusion. A common issue faced by parents during this time was how best to meet the requirements of court orders whilst also complying with restrictions imposed to prevent the spread of Coronavirus. In particular, difficulties arose in situations where one parent may have decided to limit or stop the other parent’s contact during the lockdown period to protect children or other members of the household who were shielding. Even now, that confusion continues for many as they adjust to the ‘new normal’. Does contact start up again exactly in line with court orders or can you change it? What if a parent feels that the previous arrangements are not safe and they still want to limit contact or they feel that it is not possible to restart contact with children at all? The legal position is specific to each particular set of

circumstances, especially as the guidance across England and Wales varies depending on where you live. However, the general approach is that everyone must follow the Government guidance and ensure that they are complying with it. The guidance is constantly changing and parents will need to keep up to date. Where parents do not agree to change child contact arrangements, but one parent is sufficiently concerned that continuing with arrangements would be against current advice, then that parent can change that arrangement to one that they consider safe. For example, currently if a parent or someone in the household develops symptoms of coronavirus, the person with symptoms must self-isolate for at least 7 days. Everyone in the household must self-isolate for at least 14 days, even if they have not developed symptoms. Therefore, children should not be travelling for contact, going to school or other childcare during the period of self-isolation. Where, as a result of parental agreement or as a result of one parent changing the arrangements, a child does not get to spend face-to-face time with the other parent as normal, it is expected that alternative arrangements are made to maintain regular contact between the child and the other parent

within the stay at home rules, for example, Face-Time, WhatsApp, Skype, Zoom or other video connections or, if that is not possible, by telephone. If a parent is being put under pressure to make a child available to spend time with the other parent even though that would involve going against Government guidance, then it is essential that they take independent legal advice. At Neale Turk LLP our family law team has a wide range of experience in family law and relationship issues and can efficiently guide you through all areas of family difficulties, including complex child contact issues. We are members of Resolution, an organisation of 6,500 family lawyers and other professionals in England and Wales, who subscribe to a Code of Practice which is geared towards encouraging a constructive and non-confrontational approach in all family matters. If you have any concerns or queries, please contact us for a free initial appointment. Louisa Callaghan Family Law Team

Bridge House, 27-31 Reading Road South, Fleet, Hampshire GU52 7QP Tel: 01252 811070 Fax: 01252 811133


Wellesley Life November/December 2020 | 7

What is so wrong with being needy? I would like to share with you some thoughts I recently had about statements I frequently hear. These phrases I have observed are said with great disparagement, self-condemnation, and harsh judgement: ‘I feel so needy’, ’Why am I so needy’? ‘What’s wrong with me?’ This self-criticism can become a self-punishment for being ‘needy’. The self-exploration can go further though – ‘What if my loved-one would find out’? Which indicates there is a fear that others might discover us as ‘needy’. We might wonder how loved-ones, family or friends might react if we are discovered in need. There is a fear that the pretence of being completely independent has been blown – and then what might happen? My hunch is that the fear of being seen in need – ‘If people really know just how needy I am…’ could bring about negative judgment or we might fear being rejected abandoned or even ridiculed. Told we are silly or scolded for feeling a certain way or needing something/support. However, don’t we all have needs? There have been several theorists who have discussed human needs, and whether you agree with their theories or not. It seems pretty much evident that to be human is to have needs. Psychologist Abraham Maslow

described 5 categories of needs: physiological, safety, love, esteem and self-actualisation. So, at a basic level there are the needs for food, air, water, shelter and at the top level the need to be true to yourself and your purpose. So, for example you can imagine how difficult it could be to develop professionally if you were homeless. With the impact of the pandemic has increased anxiety for many people particularly about work, preoccupation with this need would make needs higher up the hierarchy e.g. love, relationships or esteem difficult to focus on. Marshal D Rosenberg, psychologist, goes further and mentions 7 needs; – connection, physical well-being, honesty, play, peace, autonomy, meaning. Thinking about the pandemic and how the restrictions may have impacted needs, perhaps some of them for the better but conversely in the main others have been negatively impacted. The need for connection had never been so evident then when the lockdown was upon us at the start in spring, so many people have been feeling isolated and alone. Is there anyone you could reach out to by telephone text etc or good old fashioned letter writing saying ‘I have been thinking about you? I want to hear about how are doing’. Think about how the pandemic has impacted on our ability to play not just our children but adults too. The activities we do help us feel ok have been altered or not longer available. Perhaps some of the difficulty lies within the ability to accept our needs – e.g. to feel secure, to feel love, to receive affection to feel reassured. It can also be a challenge to put

the needs into a verbal context. Sometimes we feel weird or unsure, anxious or stressed, and if we have not got the language to express, these feelings increasingly become difficult to verbalise. My work as a psychotherapist helps with this expression of thoughts and feelings additionally energy psychotherapy can have a specific advantage and by tapping on meridians or working with Chakras – feelings or traumas can be acknowledged within the body and worked through – or released from the system. So, to sum up – how about seeing our needs through the lens of selfcompassion? Telling ourselves a different story – ‘It’s ok to feel the way I do’, ‘It’s ok to need what I need’. Positive self-talk can help to acknowledge the needs, perhaps we can ask for help, this may help to put us in touch with feelings of vulnerability. With our friends and relationships, we could try asking ‘What do you need?’ rather than telling people what we think or telling them what to do. Offering reassurance that it’s ok to say what you need. It’s also ok if you don’t know what it is you need right now, by saying the problem aloud and having this heard and the feelings heard may be enough to help at that moment. The acknowledgement helps – maybe the fix is not always as vital as we imagine.

Until next month... Louise O’Connell BACP Accred Counselling & Psychotherapy Clinical Supervisor www.louisecounselling.com

Community Free entries for non-profit organisations


What’s On in Nov and Dec 20 11 or 18 or 25 Nov | Wellesley Woodlands Fungi Walk. An expert Mycologist will be joining us to share their expertise on the wonderful world of fungi! Free to attend. Booking essential: https://www. eventbrite.co.uk/e/wellesley-woodlands-fungiwalk-tickets-122533568201

18 December | Wreath Making at Wellesley. Join us to make some simple, elegant Christmas Wreaths using natural materials. £4 per person. Booking essential: https://www.eventbrite. co.uk/e/wreath-making-at-wellesleytickets-122560885909

20 November | Wellesley Woodlands Winter ID Session. Join us to learn how to identify different tree species when they are not in leaf! Meeting point at Puckridge Hill road. Free to attend. Booking essential: https://www. eventbrite.co.uk/e/wellesley-woodlands-winterid-session-tickets-122543401613

21 December | Wild Families Christmas. Join us for some family Christmas games and crafts in the woodlands, ideal for kids aged 6-11. Free to attend. Booking essential: https:// www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/wild-familieschristmas-tickets-122560013299

Aldershot Library The Hampshire Library Service continues to offer a range of online Learning in Libraries courses.

catalogue, issue books in the library from your phone, make reservations, and even search new arrivals. To find out more, visit https://www.hants.gov.uk/librariesandarchives/library/ mobile-app

Why not browse the Hampshire Libraries’ shop at https://www.hants.gov.uk/ shop/home.php?cat=369 to find out what’s coming soon and how to book? Have you seen the new library ‘Spydus Mobile’ App? Download it to your smart phone to search the library

109 High St, Aldershot GU11 1DQ All library enquiries call 0300 555 1387 www3.hants.gov.uk

Wellesley Life November/December 2020 | 9



LANDLORDS by Lorraine Hutley



252 622052

In order to manage a property effectively you need to visit on a regular basis. At Honey Lettings we make the first visit after one month followed by visits every 3 months. We try and establish from the outset that visits are positive and allow the tenants to point out the issues and concerns they may have. Checks are not as detailed as check-in and check-out inventories but instead look at the general condition whilst making sure the tenant is looking after the property correctly. We believe that establishing checks at regular intervals encourages the tenant to keep to their obligations. What do we look for : Landlords/Agents maintain a legal responsibility for the property and this includes who is living there. If more than three unrelated people are living at the property this would constitute a HMO (Home of multiple occupancy) and as a result should be licensed. This may well breach of the tenancy agreement however the legal responsibility still falls on the Landlord. A more regular occurrence is for a partner to move in who is not on the tenancy. If it’s just for weekends this may be fine but when it becomes a more permanent arrangement they should be added to the tenancy agreement and the relevant Right To Rent checks carried out. Pets are another addition which won’t be spotted without checking. We see a variety of pets from goldfish, snakes, mice up to large dogs. Fish are often not seen by tenants as an issue but in small flats a large tank of water can add to damp and mould issues. Larger pets are likely to result in the need for additional cleaning and de-infestation at the end of a tenancy. On walking into the property, if the tenants have been smoking it is immediately noticeable. Tenants may think that smoking out of window is a workaround but if your property smells of stale tobacco it may make it harder to re-let. Temperature and humidity are also noted. Cold properties may freeze and over warm properties tend to suffer from mould issues. Condensation on windows is a sure sign that the property needs airing and that damp and mould issues may follow.

Regular visits will highlight damage including marks on carpets and walls. Fair wear and tear need to be factored in but if the property has heavy wear and marks after six months steps need to be taken. The garden is another area that, if left to it’s own devises, may be difficult to sort out. The grass needs to be cut regularly in the growing season and the paving areas weeded. The tenant may not have the skills but they can arrange to pay to have this work completed on their behalf, to keep to their obligations within the tenancy agreement.

The most common issue is failing silicon around baths and showers and at the back of the kitchen sink. If caught in time this is not a major job but if not checked the first report from the tenant may be water through the ceiling. Based in the heart of Fleet, Honey Lettings specialises in lettings and property management. For friendly, knowledgeable advice on property letting call Honey Lettings. No houses to sell just homes to let.

& 01252 622052


12 | Wellesley Life November/December 2020






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WWW.ARMYGOLFCLUB.COM Wellesley Life November/December 2020 | 13

Rosie’s Good Reads Toubab Tales by Rob Baker is a travelogue set in Mali between 2009 to 2012. Musician Rob Baker and his family lived in Bamako, Mali’s capital city. Rob travels around the country investigating local music, instruments and songs. It offered an unusual theme to a travel style book. Through Rob’s work we get to learn about everyday living in the city of Bamako and about travelling to more remote places. An interesting book and one which had me reaching for an atlas to understand more about Mali and its neighbouring countries. Finding Edward by Suzanne McKenna Link is a contemporary romance. When Eddie’s grandmother dies, she leaves him two tasks; go to Positano, Italy to search for his father, and use his inheritance to enrol in art college. The author’s creation of vibrant characters and beautiful Italian settings which made this book come alive. They took me right to the Amalfi coast and I could almost taste the coffee, hear the Italian spoken and see the amazing landscapes. If you want a piece of escapism reading in an idyllic setting, then I can highly recommend this book.

For more book reviews

Rosie blogs at

www.rosieamber.wordpress.com/ Twitter @rosieamber1 14 | Wellesley Life November/December 2020

From A Wonky Path To An Open Road is a travelogue and semi autobiography of BAFTA award winning film producer Janey de Nordwall. In 2019 Janey drove her 1970s VW campervan on a soul-searching six-week trip around Scotland. For most of us driving off over the horizon in a campervan is just a dream, so going on a virtual trip with Janey, particularly in 2020, was lovely. Janey took an inspiring solo trip with just her cat for company; they stayed in campsites and even wild camped, took ferries to some of the islands, visited local breweries and distilleries and met plenty of generous and helpful people. This book would make a lovely gift, not just for those considering solo travel. The Hunted by Gabriel Bergmoser is an action thriller set in the Australian outback. Frank runs a service station, which is a lonely life but one that he chose. However, his granddaughter is currently staying with him; they’re strangers and hardly communicate. All this changes on the day a young woman covered in blood collapses on the forecourt. Maggie met Simon in a small town bar; they were both looking for ‘something’ and agreed to travel onward together, but what if that ‘something’ brought unimaginable terror on them all?

Shop Local and Stay Safe

this Christmas

Well, 2020 certainly has been a challenge for small businesses. And just when it looked like we might be getting back to some kind of ‘normal’ on our high street, more restrictions were put in place. Christmas is going to look a little different for all of us this year but there is still plenty to be merry about and many ways we can help support our local shops. So, read on to find out how you can shop local and stay safe this Christmas. If you can get out to Christmas shop, then pop on your mask and visit the high street and local shopping parades where gift shops such as Forget Me Not Gifts will be open with social distancing rules in place offering a safe place to buy unique gifts for loved ones.

Tennis Centre for tennis lessons, the Alpines Snowsport Centre for skiing or Army Golf Club for a golf lesson. Or support one of the many cafes, pubs and restaurants in the area such as Café Macchiato, The Swan or Wareong and buy a voucher for a meal out.

Wellbeing is paramount after such a difficult year, so give a voucher this Christmas for a treatment from a mobile beautician or a salon such as Ei8hty 5 for hair or Lisa Young for nails.

Don’t forget to support the markets in the area and buy locally produced food and crafts for unique presents. Organisers are doing everything they can to keep visitors safe with social distancing and oneway systems.

Visit the Games Shop to find a huge selection of games to keep everyone entertained this Christmas. Or how about a voucher for an experience? Try the Aldershot

If you can’t get out to shop or don’t want to risk the crowds, you can still support local businesses by looking on-line. Many retailers are offering

on-line ordering and delivery services. Besides making purchases, you can show your virtual support in many ways such as reviewing products, following businesses on social media, sharing posts, signing up to loyalty schemes or to receive newsletters and if you do visit a store, check in on Facebook and spread the word. There are many small businesses with no shopfront who depend on busy Christmas fayres to sell their products. This year attend a virtual Christmas fayre such as Virtual Christmas Fayre UK on facebook and connect with these local traders.

Happy Shopping and Stay Safe!

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Wellesley Life November/December 2020 | 15

Local Groups For a free listing or to amend your group’s details, email alex@biglittlemagazineco.uk

As you are all aware, government guideline restrictions still apply, so if you are interested in specific groups please contact them directly for event and meeting updates.


Than a Pub’, offering other community activities outside pub opening hours. Basingstoke Canal Society act as guardians of the Basingstoke Canal and welcome new members to

conversation. People from North East Hampshire are welcome. Visit www.farnham.humanist. org.uk or email info@farnham.humanist.org.uk

Aldershot Branch, British Model Soldier Society meets on the third Thursday of each month, except Dec., at 7.45pm at Willis Hall, Sandy Lane, Church Crookham.

improvements, crew the ‘John

Call 01252 621056 or e-mail t.b.wright@btinternet.com

Contact Doreen Hornsey on

Railway Enthusiasts We welcome those who are actively modelling railways, wishing to know more about the subject or who have an interest in railways in general. We meet at 109 Horley Lane, Farnborough every Tuesday night from 7.30pm onward.

01252 623591 or visit



Aldershot Militaria Society We meet on the last Thursday of every month. New members welcome. We have speakers/ members giving talks on various subjects. We meet at Aldershot Military Museum, Queens Avenue GU11 2LG. Contact the chairman Colin Day on 01784 491695. Aldershot Community Pub Limited based at The White Lion, Lower Farnham Road, GU12 4EA has been established due to plenty of support from local people to keep the pub going as a traditional English local and develop it into ‘More

help with maintenance and Pinkerton II’ trip boat and to participate in talks and other social events. Members receive a quarterly magazine and a bi-monthly bulletin.

www.basingstoke-canal.org.uk Cody Farnborough Amateur Operatic Society An award winning local musical theatre company, producing two productions each year at the Princes Hall in Aldershot.

RHL - Rushmoor Healthy Living runs friendly, affordable exercise classes in Hawley, Aldershot, North Camp and Farnborough. www.rhl.org.uk

We rehearse at Velmead Junior

SeeAbility’s now offers

School on Tuesdays

day activities. Sessions

& Thursdays and always

available Monday, Wednesday,

welcome new members.

Friday. Baking, drama,

www.cfaos.co.uk Farnham Humanists meet for monthly Sunday evening talks and discussions

pottery, woodworking, music therapy, crafts. Further details please telephone 01252 815256.

on topics of general interest,

The Friends of Brickfields

and first Wednesday of each

Country Park are a small group of local residents, who

month for a pub drink and

16 | Wellesley Life November/December 2020

and Societies perform varied management tasks from rubbish clearing to building new paths, tree and habitat works. We welcome involvement from anybody, as members of the group or occasional volunteers. www.brickfieldspark.org WI - The Women’s Institute We meet the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 7.30pm at St Josephs Church Hall, Queens Road Aldershot. Open to ladies of all ages. Some months we have a speaker other times we may have a craft evening. We are a very friendly small group of around 30 and would welcome potential new members to visit. Please contact us on facebook @aldershotwi, email us on aldershotpres@hampshirewi. org.uk or visit www. hampshirewi.org.uk. Currently closed due to Covid 19 please check for re-opening details.

Sport Angling Aldershot Park Angling Club located at the end of Guildford Road, Aldershot, is suitable for beginners and more

experienced anglers. Contact: 01252 330599

league. A bowls club based in Farnborough.


Contact: 01252 673946 www.aldershotanddistrict.co.uk

Cody Bowmen is based at the Cody Sports and Social Club, which offers both field and target practice archery.

Rushmoor Indoor Bowling Club An indoor bowling club based at the Farnborough Leisure Centre.



Athletics Aldershot, Farnham and District Athletics Club offers training facilities and competition throughout the year in a variety of disciplines. This club accepts members from age nine and above. www.afd.org.uk Badminton Parkside Badminton Club is based at the Alderwood Leisure Centre, Aldershot. The club competes in the Aldershot and Camberley leagues and meets on a Tuesday evening.

Boxing Aldershot Amateur Boxing Club An amateur boxing club located at Alderwood Leisure Centre. www.aldershotabc.com Canoeing Basingstoke Canal Canoe Club A canoe club based in Mytchett. www.b3c.org.uk Cricket Aldershot Cricket Club based at Guildford Road, Aldershot. The club offers

Contact: 01252 344438 Bowling Aldershot Traction Bowling Club plays in the Aldershot and District bowls

More overleaf...

Wellesley Life November/December 2020 | 17

Local Groups

Clubs and Societies

youth coaching and aims to encourage players of all ages and abilities to join.

Email: secretary@



Hawley Lake Sail


07817 292685.

Football Aldershot Town Boys and Girls provides football for both boys and girls of Aldershot and the surrounding area. It is open to children from 5 to 8 years old for non-competitive football and competitive football for those aged 9 to 16. www.abgfc.co.uk

contact 01252 33222 or www.britishjudo.org.uk Kung Fu Kung Fu Kids offer lessons for children aged between six and

A military centre open to all, offering training courses and club facilities in multiple water sports. www.hawleylake.org.uk

12 years old. It is based


at the Alderwood Leisure

Scuba Dolphins

Centre, Aldershot.

Diving Club

Martial Arts

A friendly and active diving

Surrey and Hants Tai Chi

complete beginners to fully


and Qigong Club

Rushmoor Gymnastics Academy A local gymnastics academy, based in Aldershot, offering a range of classes catering for all levels of ability.

Tai Chi and Qigong lessons

www.chris-phoenix. squarespace.com

Training Centre

taught in and around Aldershot and Farnborough, with separate classes for different ability levels. www.surreyandhantstaichi.com Rugby

club, welcoming divers from qualified divers from any diving agency. Full training is offered by a team of nationally qualified instructors. Contact: 07907 565529 www.scubadolphins.co.uk Skiing Aldershot Ski Race Club


Aldershot and Fleet Rugby

offers young skiers a chance to

Aldershot and Farnham Hockey Club Friendly and competitive hockey club, which runs men’s, ladies’ and mixed teams, as well as junior and mini hockey.

Club based at Aldershot Park.

develop their skills on artificial


A free weekly 5km event for


runners of all standards, taking

snowsports in a safe and secure

place at Queens Avenue,

environment, both competitively

Aldershot, GU11 2JL.

and uncompetitvely.



Judo Club Osaka offers lessons, based at the Maida Gym, Aldershot.

www.aldershotandfleet rugby.com Running Rushmoor Park Run

18 | Wellesley Life November/December 2020

surfaces and snow. www.aldershotskiraceclub.org Aldershot Snowsports for the Disabled Offering the disabled of all ages to chance to experience different types of

Local Groups

Clubs and Societies

Swimming Aldershot Youth Swimming Club Children’s swimming club based in Aldershot. www.aldershotyouth swimming.org.uk Rushmoor Synchronised Swimming Club (British Champions 2013) welcomes girls aged between 7 and 12 to join our fabulous club. To find out more visit www.rssc.org.uk or email membership@rssc.org.uk Squash Scamps Squash Club A small, friendly club, offering competitive and social squash, at the Aldershot Garrison Sports Centre. www.scamps.biz Taekwondo Predator Taekwondo Academy is based at Fight Science, Aldershot, which has produced countless domestic and international champions. www.predatortaekwondo.co.uk Table Tennis Aldershot and District Table Tennis League Website showing results, tables and standings of teams within

the Aldershot and District Table Tennis Leagues. www.aldershot.ttleagues.com Tennis Eggars Hill Tennis Club (incorporating Aldershot Methodist Tennis Club) A thriving and very friendly local tennis club, consisting of two professional tennis coaches that offer private lessons. Their club consists of three all weather courts with floodlights on two of them, a comfortable clubhouse, ample parking and pleasant gardens. They also have adult and junior league teams. www.eggarshilltennis club.org.uk Volleyball Hart and Rushmoor Volleyball Club The Volleyball Satellite Club runs every Monday at Wavell school, from 4pm till 6pm for 11 years and over. www.pitchero.com/clubs/ hartrushmoorvolleyballclub

Support Groups Aldershot & District Tinnitus Support Group We meet on the second Wednesday of the month, between 1.30pm and 3.30pm at the Rowhill Nature Reserve.

Youth Organisations 1st Blackwater BP Scouts We meet at the Scout Hut at the far end of Carrington Lane Recreation Ground in Ash (behind Holly Lodge School) and cater for boys and girls aged between 5 years and 18 years. Email richard.llewellyn@ benchmarkgeo.co.uk, call 01276 63940 or view www.1stblackwatervalleyscouts co.uk Air Cadets for boys and girls from 12 – 18 years old with a spirit of adventure and an interest in aviation. Contact Flt Lt Lynda Bradley 01252 515143 also www.2407aircadets.org Sea Cadets Farnham Fleet & Aldershot For ages 10 – 18, we meet Mondays and Fridays at Sea Cadets, TS Swiftsure, Lower Weybourne Lane, Farnham, GU9 9LG. For more info see www. farnhamseacadets.org or email info@farnhamseacadets.org

For a free listing or to amend your group’s details, email alex@ biglittlemagazineco.uk


Wellesley Life November/December 2020 | 19

The Cambridge Primary School

Wellesley | Aldershot New School Year

150 children, across YR, Y1 and Y2. The school

The start of a brand new year at The Cambridge

doors. They have settled wonderfully, exploring

Primary School saw the pupil numbers rise to

their surroundings and getting into a routine.

Mystery Reader Via Zoom In September the school also had their first Zoom Mystery Reader. One of the parents read a story to a class via zoom followed by a Q & A session from the children. The children loved it! We also welcome members of our community to be Mystery Readers – email info@cambridgeschool.hants. sch.uk if you would like to be a Mystery Reader!

welcomed two new Reception classes through their

A visit from Her Majesty the Queen Year 1’s topic for this term is ‘Bright Lights, Big City’. They have been learning about the United Kingdom and London. They celebrated with a Hook Day which saw them wearing their best clothes to impress the ‘Queen’, who visited them. The Queen read The Queen’s Handbag by

Steve Antony and they enjoyed listening to the National Anthem followed by a lovely tea party.

Muck, Mess and Mixtures The Year 2 kicked of the start of their term with a Hook Day where they were invited to dress up as scientists, artists or a character from the book George’s Marvellous Medicine by Roald Dahl. The children spent the day performing experiments including testing materials to see whether they would float and creating different shapes out of clay.

Virtual Tour for New Parents for September 2021 We have released our very first virtual tour on the school’s website, twitter (@TheCambridgePS) and Youtube channel. In light of current restrictions, we are sorry that we are unable to show parents around the school. We hope that this video will help parents to make an

informed choice ahead of applying for their child to start their school journey in September 2021. If you have any question about the admissions process, please do email us (admissions@cambridgeschool. hants.sch.uk), we would be happy to help.

20 | Wellesley Life November/December 2020

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Local Numbers

Anti-terrorist Hotline

0800 789 321

BT Faultline

0800 800 151


0800 555 111

Gas - Emergency

0800 111 999

NHS Direct

0845 46 47

NHS 111 Service


(Medical non-emergency number)

Police - Hampshire Constabulary 101 (Non-emergency Number)

Our virtual admin services offer everything an in-house PA can and more:

Aldershot Library and Learning Centre

0300 555 1387#

Citizens Advice Rushmoor

0300 3309 046

Princes Hall

01252 327671

Rushmoor Borough Council

01252 398399

West End Centre

01252 330040

Hospitals Aldershot Centre of Health

01252 335000

Frimley Park Hospital (A&E)

01276 604604

Royal Surrey County Hospital 01483 571122 (A&E)

Wellesley Life November/December 2020 | 21

Your quick guide to everyone and everything in your Wellesley Life

Accountants Church Lane Management


Admin Services Starfish Admin Services


Magazine Company 5

Stuarts Plumbing Services


RM Carpets 10/11

Cleaning Products

Fashion – Womens



Baby Love



Garden Services 5

Golf Clubs 13

Leaflet Distribution




Mobile Phone

Computer 21

Counselling 8

Mobile Genius



Mind Body Sole


The Cambridge Primary School


Solicitors Neale Turk


Tree Services



and Heating


Letting Agents

Aldershot Library



Big Little

Honey Lettings


Stuarts Plumbing

Library Services


Louise O’Connell

Wellesley Woodlands 9

Magazine Company 5

Carpet & Flooring

Problem PC

Clipeez 1

Army Golf Club


by Helen Wray

Outdoor Activities

and Garden Care

Big Little


Covid Safety

M&M Tree




Cedardale 4

New Homes

Will Writing Service

Grainger 2

MGF Wills

Disclaimer: All pages are copyright of either Wellesley Life or its respective contributors. No part of this publication may be reproduced, copied or transmitted in any form without the publisher’s written permission. All material published in Wellesley Life (including adverts, editorials, articles and all other content) is printed in good faith. However, Wellesley Life accepts no liability for the content of the material or the services provided by the advertisers nor does it endorse any company featured. All material is accepted on the understanding that its publication does not infringe any copyright. Wellesley Life does not accept responsibility from claims of copyright infringement.

22 | Wellesley Life November/December 2020


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