FL Jan/Feb 21

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Fleet Lif L Fleet FREdE

Serving the residents of Fleet & Elvetham Heath

Jan 2021 Issue 187 Fleet’s independent community magazine

This Month...

Achievable New Year’s Resolutions • Fleet Life meets... Win with Charlie • Reboot your Body and Mind

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Contents... 7

5 34

Competitions 34 | Where’s Charlie? Win £50 voucher from this local business


Jan/Feb 2021


30 | Church on the Heath

Special Offers

5 | Achievable New Year Resolutions for a Healthy and Happy New Year

33 | Locally Based, Nationally Recognised

13 | Oven Clean New Year Offer

7 | Fleet Life meets… Olly Manning

15 | AHM Installations FREE Georgia toilet and basin with every bathroom order

10 | Mackenzie Interiors

34 | Where’s Charlie? Last month’s Reveal

15 | M&M Tree and Garden Care 10% off* 19 | Mirrored 10% off* 35 | Watson Thomas FREE initial consultation*

36 | The Harlington News

Every Month

12 | Reboot your Body and Mind on a Cellular Level 14 | New Year, New Confident You!

4 | Editor’s Note 16 | Elvetham Heath Parish Council 22 | Talk from Town Council 24 | The Key Centre 32 | Community Notice Board

18 | Taxing Times 26 | Revitalise Your Life 27 | Electrical Installation Condition Report

38 | Index of Advertisers

29 | Saving Money! Fleet Life January/February 2021 | 3

Hello and welcome... …to the NEW Fleet Life, now combining Fleet Life and Elvetham Heath Life and being delivered to more Fleet homes than ever. You will now receive your copy every other month and we will continue to bring you all your favourite content, including businesses providing local products and services, interviews, competitions and much more.

now win a £50 voucher to spend at the featured businesses.

Our office mascot Charlie will also continue to hide in local shops around Fleet and you can


Whether or not you are planning any New Year’s Resolutions after the year we have had, take a look opposite for some examples that let you move in the right direction without the dread of failure before you have even started. Wishing you a fab start to the new year and let’s make it a good one regardless!


COPY DEADLINES March & April: 5th February 21 May & June: 26th March 21 Published by Big Little Magazine Company, 12 Oak Tree View, Farnham, Surrey, GU9 9AG T: 01252 711810 E: alex@biglittlemagazineco.uk W: www.biglittlemagazineco.uk Fleet Life is delivered to 10,000 homes in Fleet and Elvetham Heath, Edenbrook, Edenbrook Village, Hartland Village, Ancells Farm, Pondtail, The Blue Triangle and Central Fleet. 5000 per month to selected homes in 2 alternating distribution areas. Pick up points are The Harlington, Fleet Library, The Key Centre, Church on the Heath, Ancells Farm Community Centre, Ancells Veterinary Centre, Co-Op plus the Sales Suites at Edenbrook and Hartland Village. This magazine is printed on FSC certified paper and inks use are vegetable based.

www.facebook.com /FleetLife

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4 | Fleet Life January/February 2021

Achievable New Year Resolutions for a Healthy and Happy Year


Improve your finances in 2021 If your income has stayed the same during 2020 you may have

saved money during the lockdown. So, now is the time to boost your savings or plan for the future. If finances have been tight, then make a goal and tackle debt head-on. Either way, make this the year you sort your finances out.

Drink less alcohol At home drinking increased in 2020 but with pubs shut and socialising restricted, we still consumed less alcohol overall. So, if it was a boozy year for you or a more sober experience, make a commitment to drink less this year and have deeper sleep, a brighter mood, more energy and better skin.

Volunteer 2020 has seen communities pull together and more people are volunteering now than ever, especially among younger age groups. So, join the trend and volunteer at one of the many local charities in the area. Research shows that it builds self-confidence, lowers blood pressure, reduces stress and anxiety and gives a sense of purpose.

Take more walks Guidelines suggest we should be taking 10,000 steps each day, the equivalent of walking between 5-6 miles. And walking is one of the most underrated forms of exercise; it’s free and comes with a host of benefits, especially if we can walk in nature. So, lace up and reap the rewards such as reducing the risk of dementia increasing weight loss and improving mental health.

Eat veggies regularly Of course! But what is also

essential is variety. Plants all contain antinutrients; toxins which act as a form of defence, because unlike animals, plants cannot run away from their predators! These antinutrients, if eaten in large quantities, will make the predator unwell, encouraging consumption of a different plant instead. y For Nutritional Therapy and NLP Coaching visit www.andreabremner.co.uk or call Andrea on 07721 881021

Learn a new skill Mental exercise is key to keeping your mind sharp and when we learn a new skill the benefits go way beyond the actual skill learned. So, adopt a continuous learning mentality in 2021 and see benefits such as reduced risk of dementia, increased learning speed, better employment opportunities and an increased ability to adapt to change – something we all needed in 2020!

Do more for the environment Would you like to live greener this year? Start small and lots of small steps add up: try walking instead of driving, signing up to an eco-energy tariff, re-using and re-filling or just using your recycling bins properly. One step is investing in cleaning products that let you clean your house just using water! y ENJO UK with Helen Wray –

Cleaning the World one Home at a time. 07886 587850 helen.wray@uk.enjo.com

Practice self-compassion Responding to our faults, mistakes and misfortunes with kindness, caring and understanding rather than self-pity or judgement can be a challenge. But practices like meditation can help re-wire the brain so that it becomes more natural. Make self-compassion a new year’s resolution and expect to see an increase in happiness, healthier body image, more resilience and better mental health.

Keep clutter out of the kitchen My top tip for having a clutter free kitchen is to have your worktops as clear as possible. Worktops are ‘clutter magnets’ for post, keys, and other non-kitchen related items. Have a system in place to stop the build up. Also, only have out appliances which are used regularly. y For help with decluttering and organising your home, visit www. yourorganisedhome.co.uk or contact Victoria on 07905 453268. Follow yourorganisedhomeltd on Facebook and Instagram.

Switch up your exercise routine We can all get stuck in a rut doing the same workout week in week out, but your body and your brain will reap the rewards if you switch up your routine. So, try rock climbing, weight- lifting, Pilates, Tai Chi, swimming etc and stimulate different muscle groups, relieve pressure on joints from over-use, prevent boredom and meet new people.

Fleet Life January/February 2021 | 5

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w w w. b a by- l ove - p h oto g ra p hy. co m 6 | Fleet Life January/February 2021

Fleet Life meets... Olly Manning, a local teenager who is running 5km every day in December in an attempt to raise £5,000 for the charity Mental Health UK - and to prove his sister wrong! Please tell us about your background - childhood, education, qualifications etc I’ve lived in Fleet all my life. I went to Crookham Infants and Junior School before moving to Courtmoor. I was prefect and head of house there and took GCSE PE, Geography and Drama - all of which I absolutely loved. This is also where I decided to pursue a career in coaching. How did the 5k every day challenge come about? I decided to do it because I wanted to raise not only money, but also awareness for mental health. This year has seen so many people struggle, lose jobs, isolate and battle their own heads and I wanted to remind them that there are places they can go and people they can speak to for support. I wanted to play my part in helping them.

not to have suffered with my mental health, a few people that have had big effects on my life have struggled and I’ve witnessed that first hand. I think they are so strong and I wanted to show them how proud I am of them and that I support them in their battles. Biggest challenge of this challenge? The thing I’m finding the hardest is when I have to run on the same day I have a football game. I’ve been playing football since I was four years old and love it so didn’t want to have to stop that. My aim is to do the 5k after three points and a couple of goals to round off the weekend. Who is your running inspiration? No-one in particular but I’m really close with my sister and she is an unbelievable athlete. She didn’t think I was fit enough to do this so I thought I’d renew the sibling rivalry and prove her wrong.

Why running?

What do you hope to achieve?

If I’m honest, running is something that has always really bored me - I struggle to motivate myself. However, I am a massive football fan and play at the weekends, so as well as raising money I’m hoping it will get me fitter too. In addition to this, although I personally don’t struggle with my mental health, running is extremely good for your mental health, so I’m hoping it has only positive effects on my happiness.

To raise as much money as I can and to remind people that it’s okay not to be okay!

Why Mental Health UK?

What’s the one thing you love about living in Fleet?

Whilst I’ve been fortunate enough

Will you be running alone or with friends/family? I will mostly be doing this challenge on my own. However, lots of friends and family have offered their company so it will be amazing if they get involved too. I’m going to be mainly running in the Fleet area but may change routes to keep me from getting bored.

The main thing I love about living in Fleet is the variety of things you can get up to. I love going up Caesar’s Camp, playing football on the 4g pitches, and going to the various pubs and restaurants with all my friends that live in the area too. My favourite place to eat is the Gulshan and I also love going out in Propaganda. What would you do to improve or change Fleet? I would add a cinema and a bowling complex so you can do something fun in the evening after a nice meal. What’s the best piece of advice you have ever been given? “You can’t make anybody else happy until you are happy yourself”. Also, to “always make sure you find time for yourself, to relax and unwind”. What is the most trouble you have ever been in? This one I probably shouldn’t answer but here goes… I wasn’t always the most well-behaved kid and used to get myself in a fair bit of trouble at school - usually for being cheeky or telling jokes. I once got told off for turning on all the disco buttons on all the keyboards in a music lesson when I was 11 years old. Luckily, I’ve grown up a bit since then although my mates would probably disagree and say I’m still a big kid! Interview by Emily Gregory of Baby Love Photography, www.baby-love-photography.com

Fleet Life January/February 2021 | 7


Hello Fleet & welcome to my very first column! My name is Mackenzie and I started Mackenzie Paige Interiors during the first lockdown last year. Starting a business during the midst of a pandemic was quite a bold move, but I’m so glad I took that leap of faith as it’s the best choice I’ve made! I’m very passionate that Interior Design should be available for everyone - there is definitely a misconception that it is only for the rich & famous with exclusive pricing, but this really isn’t the case. Now we’re spending more time than ever at home, it really is important that we are happy in our home. Design is so much more than plumping cushions. If you’re designing an office & need a new desk, then ergonomics must be considered, or if you’re choosing a colour scheme, it really is important to

consider the psychological effects of each colour and how that will reflect in a space. For example, grey is particularly popular at the moment and whilst it can connote maturity and independence, too much grey can cause psychological effects of insecurity and lethargy. Texture is another huge consideration within design - and often designs can be quite linear with little depth to them, as they lack a variety of textures and materials. Design is such a broad subject and it’s my aim to bring affordable but beautiful design to everyone. I feel privileged to have been involved in the design of so many homes in and around Fleet in my first year of business, but I really would like to help more of you too. From Art Deco lounges, to Modern Farmhouse designs,

Boho dining rooms & more - I’ve covered a huge variety of styles over the past year and with no ‘in house’ style, we really are flexible to suit your needs and budget. I have a variety of services, from room packages, to hourly advice, to styling & more and my prices start from as little as £25 per hour. For my first column I really just wanted to introduce myself to you all & in the next issue, I will focus on the main 7 elements of design. If you think I can help you at all, whether that be with the finishing touches of your bedroom, a whole new house design or anything in between, then please do feel free to contact me. Best wishes,


W: www.mpinteriors.co.uk | E: mackenziepaigeinteriors@outlook.com Instagram & Facebook: @mackenziepaigeinteriors

Wonder & Wild

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If you would like to have more energy, lose some weight, protect yourself from infections, settle any digestive disorders and reduce your anxiety levels, then you should be looking in detail at what you eat, what you drink, what you breathe and what you put on your skin. However, the right path is hard to find and follow, and my job as a Nutritional Therapist and Master of NLP, is to simplify it for you. The focus of this article is fatigue and if you were to decide to work with me, together we will design a nutritional programme and lifestyle that will give you back the spring in your step.

Mitochondria NOT Hypochondria The real reason why we get tired is because our mitochondria cannot produce enough energy for our daily requirements. Mitochondria are the powerhouses of our cells and every cell (apart from blood cells) in our body has them. Mitochondria make energy by producing ATP (adenosine tri-phosphate) and ATP is energy currency for us to utilise throughout our body. There isn’t just one mitochondrion in each cell, some cells in our body have lots of them; a liver cell can have up to 2,000, a heart cell up to 10,000 and a brain cell up to 2 million mitochondria! If the mitochondria do not produce ATP efficiently then fatigue will result. Two-thirds of the energy we produce is to keep us alive such as our heart beating, our lungs breathing and all the chemical reactions that go on every second. The remaining third is for us to enjoy life – go to work, go to the gym, go out with friends, etc. When this remaining third is not available then we suffer from something called chronic fatigue and we find little energy to do anything. If this occurs, it means that the mitochondria in our cells are not functioning properly and to get them functioning at their optimum we need to firstly give them the right fuel, secondly remove any blocking toxins, and thirdly

Reboot your

body and mind at cellular level in 2021 get the thyroid and adrenal glands working effectively.

Fuel for our cells The best fuel for cellular mitochondria is ketones which are produced when your liver breaks down fats from our diet. Contrary to myth or popular belief, ketones are a much needed and essential healing energy source in our cells. The entire body uses ketones in a more safe and effective way than the energy source coming from carbohydrates. Our bodies produce ketones when we eat a low carbohydrate, high fat, high fibre and protein diet.

Blocking toxins If fuelling on ketones does not completely fix a fatigue problem, this implies that there may be a toxin blocking the mitochondria. This could be a number of things such as lead, mercury or even BPA (Bisphenol A - an industrial chemical that has been used to make certain plastics and resins). Our bodies are having to cope with 85,000 more toxins in today’s world than our grandparents had to cope with 70 years ago. The blocking toxin could also be a chronic viral infection, moulds, parasites or an autoimmune response, however, one of our most common toxins in our bodies, and the easiest to deal with, is bad bacteria that live, fermenting in our small intestine. These bacteria should not be there, but are able to reside there when we eat a diet high in carbohydrates. Bad bacteria love to feast on sugar, and as all carbohydrates are broken down into sugar, if we have too many carbohydrates in our diet, we end up with an upper fermenting gut which is very toxic.

Thyroid and Adrenal Glands Your thyroid and adrenals glands work together to match energy delivery to energy demand. Thyroid hormones set

12 | Fleet Life January/February 2021

our basal metabolic rate and adrenal hormones are responsible for the fine tuning in response to environmental demands, such as running for the bus. If your thyroid is going slow, then your adrenals gear up and vice versa. If adrenal hormones are used because thyroid hormones are not available, then you will suffer “tired but wired” symptoms; feeling on edge as adrenalin constantly floods your body, and not being able to fall asleep or stay asleep once you have got off. If this is the case then both your adrenals and thyroid may need supporting to get your energy levels back on track. A good way to determine If you need glandular support is to keep a record of your core temperatures. You can do this by getting a digital thermometer and measuring your temperature first thing on waking, and then at another four intervals throughout the day (but not after you have eaten or drunk anything hot). Do this for five days and at the end you will have 25 temperature measurements. If your average temperature is below 36.8 degrees this implies that your thyroid needs supporting, if your range of temperatures is greater than 0.3, this implies your adrenals need supporting. Do this exercise and send me your results, I will be happy to discuss them with you.

Get in touch Please get in touch if you feel that your mitochondria need a boost, as I can help heal you from the inside out. You may also wish to sign up for my “14-day Reboot” to kickstart your health in 2021.

Andrea Bremner Nutritional Therapist and NLP Master Coach andrea@andreabremner.co.uk www.andreabremnernutrition.co.uk

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At Isvara Wellbeing, we offer a three-pronged approach to wellness - yoga classes, mindfulness workshops and counselling. Visit our website www.isvarawellbeing.co.uk for further information or contact Babs on info@isvarawellbeing.co.uk or 07749 342040.

Fleet Life January/February 2021 | 13

New Year, New Confident You! withered from use. Your choice of attire will tell the interviewer a lot about you. Your potential employer will want to know they can put you in any environment whether it be with a new client or representing them at a conference and be confident in your dress.

Confidence is key! Have you ever heard the saying ‘confidence is the best outfit, rock it and own it’? It’s one of my favourites sayings because it is so true. You really can wear ANY colour, ANY style, ANY accessory if you have

Don’t restrict yourself to black

CONFIDENCE, and wear it with a smile of course. maybe you now find yourself trying to find a new job.

Self-confidence can be difficult to ‘fake’ though. If we don’t feel it, it can be hard to pretend, and this can lead us to make ‘safe’ choices with our clothes and style. So many of us reach for the same colours as we’re unsure whether other shades may suit us, we reach for the same styles because we feel comfortable and don’t want to risk making a fashion ‘faux pas’. So how do we achieve this fabulous feeling of self-confidence and how does this translate into our colour and style choices? Well that’s where I come in! A colour analysis, image consultation and wardrobe detox will help to give you a toolkit of advice and information specifically tailored to you to give you the confidence to try new things.

Dress for the job you want, not the job you have!

No matter how impressive your CV is or how much you’ve practised giving the right answer to every possible question, if you don’t make a lasting first impression on your interviewer, you will most likely not land your dream job. While your choice of attire is no substitution for your skills it never hurts to dress for success. Here’s a few top tips – You can thank me later! Dressing for the position you’re applying for doesn’t translate to turning up in jeans and a cropped top if you’re looking to be hired as an intern or for a junior position. Similarly, if you’re interviewing for the role of a senior manager, you need to dress to your level. Also, pay attention to your shoes and handbag to make sure they aren’t torn at the edges or

There is no denying that 2020 was a tough year for employment,

14 | Fleet Life January/February 2021

A lot of people believe that dressing in black translates to power-dressing – Wrong! It’s important to pick colours that are not only flattering for your colouring, but also true to your personality.

Birthday Gifting Ideas If a loved-one already has most things they need, how about giving them a personal styling experience with me? The benefits are far-reaching and last many years. I offer colour and personal styling packages which are one-to-one or via Zoom, so distance isn’t an issue. If you’re not sure which service would make your lovedone feel good and look good, please send me an email on natasha@appandatt.com I can also create something bespoke for a shared experience or special package! Get in touch today and start the new year in Style!

Natasha x

07825 509318 | www.appandatt.com natasha@appandatt.com


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Fleet Life January/February 2021 | 15

16 | Fleet Life January/February 2021

Home owners often ask us how they can make the most of their home. Home owners often ask Today we look at us how they can make the conservatories and the most of their home. highly rated e e owners often ask Guardian™ roof. we look at w they can Today make the conservatories and the st of their home. highly rated day we look at Guardian™ roof. ervatories and the highly rated uardian™ roof.


Enhancing your home



ese all

t val.


Flush sash

QUESTION I can't afford to heat our conservatory in winter, so we don't use it. Can you help?

ANSWER It's all down to the heat loss through your conservatory roof. You can fit blinds but the best solution is to replace the roof with a lightweight, fully insulated Guardian™ roof. It will also help to keep your conservatory comfortable during summer.

Home owners often ask us how they can make the most of their home. Today we look at conservatories and the highly rated Guardian™ roof.

Want the look of a traditional timber window frame with all the advantages of PVCu? The Liniar flush sash window was developed for the more traditional property where the sash needed to be fitted flush into the frame – and which, with foiling, could look just like a timber window.

Enhancing your home




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www.hartwindows.co.uk Fleet Life January/February 2021 | 17

Taxing Times foreign taxes on income and

I should stress that this is

I live in

gains arising to UK residents.

often a fairly complex area

the UK

In some cases, however, the

and a lot depends on your


agreements provide for an

personal circumstances and

exemption from taxes on income

so professional advice

or gains in the country where

is recommended.

but I receive a regular income from outside the UK, which has tax deducted at source. Is this income also subject to UK tax?

they arise for UK residents.

regarding this issue or any tax,

with the country concerned,

accounting or financial planning

then there are unilateral double

matter, please contact us.

tax relief provisions within the UK tax legislation which

I would need to know a little

provide for a credit against

more about your personal

UK tax. Where the relief is not

situation to give an accurate

available, then the foreign tax

answer, but assuming you

may be deducted from the UK

have been resident in the UK

income before calculating the

for some time, or have always

UK tax liability arising.

been resident in the UK, then you are subject to tax on your worldwide income and capital gains. So yes, the foreign income could well be subject to UK tax. However, this would mean that your income would be subject to tax in the UK and the overseas jurisdiction. To mitigate the effect of double taxation, double tax relief operates to reduce the UK tax liability by the amount of the foreign tax paid. The UK has a

If you would like more advice

If there is no double tax treaty

So, the starting point in applying double tax relief is to look at what the domestic position is, i.e. Is there a

If you would like to receive Taxing Times via email, simply email info@kirkrice.co.uk stating Taxing Times in the subject and we will add you to the distribution list. Tim Neale, Partner Please note: information is given for general guidance only and specific advice should be taken before acting on any suggestions made.

taxable income or gain? If there is, and overseas tax has been paid, the next step is to check if there is a double tax agreement in place if so it should be applied. If there is no double tax agreement in place, the UK unilateral relieving provisions will apply.

Kirk Rice Accountants and Financial Advisors

number of double tax treaties

If relief is not available as a

Victoria House, 178-180 Fleet

in place with other countries

credit, the foreign tax paid

Road, Fleet GU51 4DA

throughout the world. In most

can be treated as a deductible

Tel: 01252 960 500

cases, such agreements provide

expense in calculating the

Email: info@kirkrice.co.uk

for a credit against UK tax for

income or gain.


18 | Fleet Life January/February 2021

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Fleet Life January/February 2021 | 21

22 | Fleet Life January/February 2021


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Fleet Life January/February 2021 | 23

24 | Fleet Life January/February 2021


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One of the top performing boys’ schools in Hampshire T: (01252) 893000 www.salesiancollege.com Independent Catholic Grammar School for boys aged 11-18 with a Co-educational Sixth Form

Fleet Life January/February 2021 | 25

I’m not going to talk about last year – it will now be known as ‘the year that shall not be named’! It’s all about looking ahead and moving forward now. Always take the learnings from past experiences and apply them to your plans but don’t dwell on them or allow them to limit you going forward. A new world is emerging as we continue to move into the new age of Aquarius, and we have all been feeling it on some level. But what does moving into the age of Aquarius mean? According to earthsky.org: “…roughly every 2,150 years, the sun’s position at the time of the March, or vernal, equinox moves in front of a new zodiac constellation. The Age of Aquarius begins when the March equinox point moves out of the constellation Pisces and into the constellation Aquarius.” Even if you’re not completely aware of planetary movements and how they affect us, a big shift after 2,150 years is bound to be felt by everyone! What is significant about this new age is that Aquarius is a water sign and about emotions. In short, we’ll be feeling things on deeper levels than ever before. We are seeing an upswing in feminine energy to balance out the previous 2,000 years of more weighted masculine energy.

Revitalise Your Life By Jen Thomas, Intuitive Coach & TEDx Speaker at Revitalise Coaching

Welcome to my first column of 2021, helping you to revitalise your life! seen as softer or weaker before, but in the age of Aquarius we see the paradigm shift to one of strength and power where love, kindness and compassion are viewed as huge assets. This paradigm shift sees new leadership models coming through with a much greater focus on empathy, community, inclusivity, people before profit and a much greater responsibility towards our environment. Ultimately, we are moving towards balance – hooray! One of the most significant shifts I am already experiencing is a realisation that if we want to see a change, we have to be that change. It is our responsibility as an individual. It is not up to someone else, it is not about pointing the finger and blaming corporate giants and governments. It is very much about each one of us being the leaders we’ve been waiting for. When I first started to comprehend that shift, I felt small, overwhelmed suddenly. I thought, “who am I to be a leader?” and “how can I change the world?!” I was reminded of a quote from the Dalai Lama, that I absolutely love, “If you think you’re too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito.”

This is not about gender though. All human beings have feminine and masculine energies, and we dial them up or down according to our environments, experiences, levels of stress etc. Feminine energies have often been

26 | Fleet Life January/February 2021

Gradually I started to feel it on a soul level and thought “who am I not to?” And I’m starting to see it more and more – people stepping up, rising to the challenge, taking up the invitation, giving themselves permission to speak their truth and inspiring others to do the same. It’s wonderful to see and I am excited for our future together, full of possibility. In celebration of the new year and this exciting new age, I’m extremely excited to share that I have a brand new website! There are new courses for you, news on the work I do to support the White Lion Trust and How Many Elephants charities as well as new intuitive coaching services, all at affordable prices. I can’t wait to welcome you in! Wishing you a fantastic 2021,

Jen www.revitalisecoaching.co.uk www.facebook.com/groups/ HealingHeartsClub Jenny Thomas Intuitive Coach Tel: +44 (0)7725 795563 jenny@revitalisecoaching.co.uk



LANDLORDS by Lorraine Hutley


Electrical Installation Condition Report


252 622052

In July 2018 the government announced that they would introduce legislation to mandate private landlords to carry out inspections on their properties’ electrics every five years. The regulations will apply to all tenancies including renewels from 1st April 2021.

Failure to have an EICR in place when required can lead to a maximum fine of £30,000!

Unlike a gas safety certificate and EICR will take some time and will probably require follow up work to complete. As we get closer to the 1st of April 2021 there will be a high demand to get the work completed in order to meet the deadline. It is important that you book an electrician to carry out the EICR whilst appointsments remain available. The current COVID 19 pandemic has not altered the obligation or timing of this new requirement. The earlier lockdown and possible future lockdowns have and will delay access to properties and avilability of the electricians. These new regulations are part of the Government’s wider work to improve safety in all buildings. Electrical safety in rented properties is hugely important to tenants’ health and safety. Most landlords are highly responsible and will already have safe electrical installations but this needs to be checked and certified. Once landlords have an Electrical Installation Condition Report from a competent inspector showing their property has a clean bill of health, they won’t need to worry about it for another five years. If you have already had an inspection in the past 5 years there will be no requirement for to renew this until the 5-year period is over, though they will need to be able to provide the report when required. During the inspection the engineer will look at general wiring around the property. Poor DIY cabling and damaged switches and sockets will be highlighted. Older properties with the old fashioned wire fuses may need updating if they do not include an RCB breaker ( Residual Current Breaker ). Newer properties may also require updating as RCB’s were only initially used on sockets only and now need to be installed for all circuits including lighting. The engineer will remove 20% plus of socket face plates and light fittings to check the wiring. The engineer will also use equipment to test the earth connections and check that the sockets and lights have been wired correctly. If you intend to continue to rent your property you will need to carry out this process. If you currently have tenants and they are likely to remain until after 1st April 2021 then you will need to get this done. Based in the heart of Fleet, Honey Lettings specialises in lettings and property management. For friendly, knowledgeable advice on property letting call Honey Lettings. No houses to sell just homes to let.

& 01252 622052



Fleet Life January/February 2021 | 27

Village Cleaning Services

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SERVICE CENTRE www.fleetservicecentre.org.uk 28 | Fleet Life January/February 2021

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Get the Scoop...

Saving Money! For many people, recent months have not been kind to our bank balances and I often hear people frustratingly lamenting about how expensive being ‘zero waste’ is. This article is going to dispel that myth and show you some easy wasy of creating less waste which will SAVE YOU MONEY! I mean, if we really think about it, wasting less and reducing our carbon footprint actually means buying less and when we do choose to buy, it means buying locally and better quality. Therefore, more often than not being zero waste at the very least balances your books, if not, it leaves you with cash to spare. For example, cutting down meat consumption to half, means you can afford to spend double on locally sourced meat - although it rarely costs double to buy better. Many things are sold to us under a false economy too. For example, a plastic water bottle for my children often lasted no longer than a few months due to being dropped or due to leaking issues. At the very least, I was purchasing a new bottle each year (and in one year 3!!) which was costing me £5 - maybe more each time. However, 3 years after buying a personalised, stainless steel version, its still going strong, looking amazing and cost me £20 worth of investment. In the long run, this bottle is saving me money. Here are some more ideas for saving your pennies for the things you really want to spend it on…

• Investing your time and effort into a compost bin means free compost from your kitchen waste. Free compost means you can grow your own veggies which saves money and the waste can then be put back into the compost bin… Winner. • Buy second hand. It is perfectly possible to buy pretty much anything second hand between charity shops, Facebook Marketplace, Ebay etc. So many people get rid of things which are brand new or nearly brand new that there is little point in paying full price for anything. My recent 2nd hand purchases (or sometimes freebies) include brand new Converse trainers for my children (free), a dehydrator (free), 10 Lego sets (£50!), a waterproof coat and some Wii console games (free). • Make things yourself. This is a massive feel good activity and it saves money too. An added bonus is that you know exactly what has gone into your creation so there doesn’t have to be any synthetics, added sugars or salts that you don’t want or chemical nasties. You can make ornaments, homecooked food (from dinners to nut butters, from chutneys to wine), cosmetics,

household cleaners and more. They don’t even have to take up loads of time. A great moisturiser involves mixing yogurt with honey and leaving it on your face for 20 minutes. • Save glass jars. They can be used for almost anything. Organising your food cupboards and refilling from your local zero waste shop, making Christmas or Birthday gifts for friends in, storing leftovers in the fridge or freezer (yes you can - look it up!), using to take your lunch to work etc. • Don’t buy bin liners! Use old bags, check out how to line your bin with newspaper or simply don’t use a bin liner (easier if you’re veggie and are composting/not wasting food. • Eat everything! Don’t waste a scrap. We throw away SO much food but some of the stuff we bin is actually not only edible but yummy and highly nutritious. Peelings from potatoes just need a little oil and throwing in the oven. Add broccoli/cauli stems to all kinds of dishes to cook them long enough to be soft. Don’t peel your veg generally but if you do, make a broth of soup from the onion skins, carrot peelings, the tops of leeks and spring onions etc. • Need a cleaning cloth? Cut up an old towel or sheet! • Borrow items rather than buying them. Only your imagination can limit your ability to zero waste for free. Happy saving!

Kate, Zeroaholic

Fleet Life January/February 2021 | 29

Unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies... January is a bleak month. We wake up to dark mornings and make our way to work in the snow, wind and rain. Short days, long nights; everything lies dormant and only the snowdrops hold out hope of new life emerging from the frozen earth once more. I sometimes think that January is a

That’s why January reminds me of

picture of the times when we find life

the words of Jesus in John’s

the most difficult – times of illness,

gospel: ‘Unless a grain of wheat falls

loneliness, separation or grief. And still

to the ground and dies, it remains only

under the shadow of the pandemic,

a single seed. But if it dies, it produces

these feelings may be more prevalent

many seeds’ (John 12:24).

this year than other years.

January may be bleak, but it heralds

But beneath the surface of January

in the New Year with all its hopes and

there is another story. Buried deep

expectations. As you begin 2021, may

in the frost covered soil new life

you know God’s peace and presence in

germinates, preparing to burst forth

the midst of whatever circumstances

when the time is right. And although

you face.

it may seem unlikely, our present time of painful struggle will eventually

Rev Patrick Butler

produce unexpected fruitfulness.

01252 400236 office@churchontheheath.org.uk





Come and join our family school Virtual Open Morning Friday 29th January

Yateley Manor

www.yateleymanor.com ∙ 01252 405500 ∙ tanja@yateleymanor.com Fleet Life January/February 2021 | 31

Community Free entries for non-profit organisations


Volunteers Needed at Phyllis Tuckwell! Local charity Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice Care is looking for more volunteers to help it provide its vital care for patients and families who are living with an advanced or terminal illness, such as cancer. It has volunteer vacancies in many different areas of its care. If you fancy flexing your retail muscles, how about a role in one of its charity shops, serving customers, operating the till, and sorting, steaming and pricing stock. Those with good customer skills will relish this role, and flexible morning or afternoon shifts will allow you to fit it in around your other commitments. For those who are looking for a diverse and fast-paced role,

and have good IT, admin and communication skills, maybe a shift on reception at the Hospice in Farnham, or Beacon Centre in Guildford, would be of interest? From greeting visitors and managing deliveries, to answering phones and putting calls through to different teams, there is much variety and no day is the same! Weekday and weekend shifts are available. A similar role is available on the Hospice’s In-Patient Unit, where volunteer Ward Clerks are needed to help greet visitors, assist with admin tasks and answer the phone. Empathy and good communication skills are a must, and vacancies are available during the week and at weekends.

Volunteers help out on Phyllis Tuckwell’s reception, greeting visitors, managing deliveries and answering the phone. To find out more about any of these roles, please contact Phyllis Tuckwell’s Voluntary Services team on 01252 729400 or email voluntary.services@pth. org.uk. Just a few hours of your time can make a big difference to those who are facing such a difficult time in their lives.

Fleet Library & Learning Centre Hampshire Libraries’ 2021 Winter Reading Challenge The Hampshire Library Service is delighted to launch its 2021 Winter Reading Challenge for children. The theme this year is ‘sharing the pleasure of reading with someone else’, so enjoy reading a book/eBook or listening to an eAudiobook together with someone else. Aimed at 4-11 year olds, the challenge runs from 11th January 2021 – 27th February 2021 and this year is being run online. Visit https://www.hants.gov.uk/librariesand archives/library to find out more and to register your child.

If you would like to make a donation for taking part in the challenge, please visit the Hampshire online shop at https://www.hants.gov.uk/shop/ home.php?cat=369 . So, let’s get ready to get cosy with a good book and join our Winter Reading Challenge today!

Fleet Library and Learning Centre, 236 Fleet Road, Fleet GU51 4BX. For all Library enquiries please call 0300 555 1387 or visit https://www.hants.gov.uk/librariesandarchives/library

32 | Fleet Life January/February 2021

Locally based, nationally recognised! individually named in the Legal

During the Coronavirus pandemic, more of

500 as highly recommended.

us have become aware of the benefits and

Furthermore, although we are

importance of using locally based services.

a locally based firm, this does

When choosing where to take legal advice,

not mean that we only offer

having an adviser who is local can provide

a small selection of services.

numerous advantages. Solicitors are obliged to

We have expert advisers who

verify the identification of new clients, so being able to hand

are experienced in helping our clients across a full range of

deliver important documents to an office is often easier than

business, property, litigation,

having to trust the documents to a national delivery service. A local office also provides clients with easier opportunities to collect, sign and return documents, or to meet with a solicitor

wills, probate, matrimonial and family issues. Transparent information about the cost of

to give instructions and take advice in person.

our services is published on our website, to help our clients

Taking advice from a local law

in Legal 500 following feedback

firm does not mean you have

provided directly by existing

to compromise on the quality of

clients who have used the firm

the advice or the expertise of

within the last 12 months.

your adviser. Neale Turk LLP are based at the top of Fleet high street, and we are delighted to have once again received national recognition for the outstanding quality of our work. We have been recognised as a recommended law firm in the Legal 500, which is a leading guide to law firms and solicitors based in the UK. The newly

understand what their costs are likely to be and how we charge for our work. If you need legal advice, give

The contentious private client team at Neale Turk LLP has

us a call to find out more about your locally based and nationally recognised solicitors’

been recognised for work done advising both local and international high-net-worth individuals on a broad range of contentious trust and probate

firm. We are proud to have been providing local, friendly, expert legal advice to Fleet residents for over 50 years.

matters, such as professional negligence claims and disputes regarding the validity of wills and trusts, the removal of

released 2021 edition of the

Bridge House, 27-31 Reading Road

trustees and representatives, and

Legal 500 offers reliable and

South, Fleet, Hampshire GU52 7QPÂ

Court of Protection matters. Our

Tel: 01252 811070

up-to-date information on law

head of Private Client services,

Fax: 01252 811133

firms. Firms are recommended

Charlotte Searle, has been

www.nealeturk.co.uk Fleet Life January/February 2021 | 33

Where’s Charlie?

Welcome to our bimonthly competition and the answers can be found right here in Fleet! Each month our cuddly toy version of puppy Charlie can be seen in a Fleet business. The picture will give you clues like a company logo, interior colour scheme, art or photos on the wall or even a sample of the product the business sells. This month’s business is located in Fleet Road! All you have to do is tell us the name of the business!

This month you could win a £50 voucher* to spend at this local business *The prize is a voucher to spend on services or products at the business you guessed correctly and valid until 30th April 21. Terms and conditions apply. No cash alternative or exchanges given.

If you know where the above picture was taken, then enter our competition with the name of the business in the subject line by either emailing your answer directly to alex@biglittlemagazineco.uk or via www.biglittlemagazineco.uk. Closing date is 12 February when the winner will be notified and announced on our facebook page www.facebook.com/FleetLife. The winning business will be revealed in our March & April 2021 issues.

Last month Charlie was hiding here...

Bespoke Yoga Studio in Fleet, sharing the beauty and transformative power of yoga in a tranquil, friendly and fully immersive environment

Try our classes:

Hatha Glow Awake and Ignite Vinyasa Flow Yin Ground & Restore Slow Flow Guided Ashtanga Kundalini Yoga ABSolute Core Beginners Yoga

34 | Fleet Life January/February 2021

Elements Yoga Studio 112 Fleet Road, Fleet Hants, GU51 4PA T: 07444 439880 E: elementsyogastudiofleet@gmail.com


Looking ahead to a brighter, clearer future Recent times have challenged family life. From divorce to child disputes, Watson Thomas are here to offer clear, expert advice with the reassurance of a fixed or capped fee. Our services include: l

Divorce, Separation and Mediation


Child Related Issues and Disputes



Cohabitation and Pre-Nuptial Agreements Wills, Trust, Probate and Inheritance Tax


Court of Protection and Care Fees


Lasting Powers of Attorney

Watson Thomas

Watson Thomas are continuing to offer a full service on a remote basis, where needed. Book a free initial consultation, however long it takes, either by a video conference or a telephone call.

For a FREE initial appointment call 01483 320114 / 01252 622422 or email info@watson-thomas.co.uk

14-16 Haydon Place Guildford GU1 4LL


Pearson Court, 3 Kings Road Fleet GU51 3DL

A clear approach to family law

www.watson-thomas.co.uk Fleet Life January/February 2021 | 35



Chartered Accountant practising in Fleet and London Let me assist you with: Self Assessment Tax Returns Revenue & Customs Investigations Tax Planning & Advice Accounts Preparation Personal & Limited Companies VAT & PAYE Matters Making Tax Digital By appointment on Freephone 0800 644 3500 or email davidaccountant@btinternet.com

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Business Opportunity

Are you looking for a new challenge in 2021?

Did you know that we deliver LEAFLETS with our magazines? From as LITTLE as ÂŁ45+VAT you can have your message handdelivered to a BIG audience. Call us today on 01252 763762 or email alex@ biglittlemagazineco.uk to request a Media Pack and find out how we can help you do more business locally.

bigmagazineco. little

If you have a sales/marketing background and love connecting with the community then this is for you! Work from home, be your own boss and see where your creativity takes you! To find our more call 07769 690136

celebrating 14 years at the heart of your community

Fleet Life January/February 2021 | 37

Your quick guide to everyone and everything in your Fleet Life Accounting Services


David Stone


Kirk Rice


Bathrooms 15

Two Guys Kitchens & Bathrooms


Business Business Opportunity


Car Servicing Fleet Service Centre


Carpet & Flooring RM Carpets Limited


Churches Church on the Heath


Cleaning Phone Joan


Village Cleaning Services


Cleaning Products 5

Coaching 26

College of Queen Mary’s College


Computer Maintenance

Handyman Stuart Hawkins

Mirrored 19 Independent Schools Frensham Heights


Salesian College

25 2 31

Interior Design Kids Clothing 11

Kitchens & Bathrooms Acorn Ironmongery


& Bathrooms

15 23


Parish Council


Fleet Town Council


Counselling Decluttering

Honey Lettings Phone Joan

38 | Fleet Life January/February 2021


Photography Baby Love Photography


Soft Furnishings Hart Curtains and Blinds


Solicitors Neale Turk LLP


Watson-Thomas 35 Styling & Colour Consultation Appearance & Attitude


Tree Services Cedardale


Weightloss/Slimming Andrea Bremner

12 13

Windows & Conservatories

Yoga Tuition


Elements Yoga Isvara Wellbeing


34 13

Zero Waste Shop

Lifestyle Management 5



Letting Agents 13

Andrea Bremner Nutrition 5,12

& Glazing LTD

Big Little Magazine Company


Hart Windows

Leaflet Distribution

Elvetham Heath

Dave Jull

MGF Wills

M&M Tree and Garden Care



Will Writing Service

Landscaping 20/21

Isvara Wellbeing

Oven Cleaning 13

Home Decor

St. Nicholas’ School


Nutrition 13

Two Guys Kitchens

Computer Services

Your Organised Home

Vicky Lovelock

Lisa Christmas

Music Lessons 4

Foot Care

Wonder & Wild

Further Education

Isvara Wellbeing

Florist Flowers by Becky


Mindfulness 15

Mackenzie Paige Interiors 10

Revitalise Coaching

Tier One IT Ltd

Keen Electrics

Loftplan Designs Marketing



Yateley Manor

ENJO with Helen Wray

Loft Conversions 37

Doors Acorn Ironmongery Ltd

AHM Installations

Problem PC

Lady Decorator



Fleet Scoop




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At Frensham, we hope to inspire our children to love learning, to question the world around them and to develop their sense of self in this world. As part of a school for 3 to 18 year olds, our younger children benefit not just from amazing facilities, but also from the opportunity to be inspired by older children and passionate teachers - to watch and discover who they might like to become. Get in touch at hello@frensham.org to find out more.


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