ehl August 20 issue 182

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and d vere d e li t hl y mon

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Aug 2020 Issue 182 eh’s independent community magazine

This Month...

Where’s Charlie? is back! • Summer Dining Rosie’s Summer Reads • Reducing Energy Waste

Open Morning – Saturday 3rd October

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Used with permission from Microsoft.

Best School in Hampshire for GCSE results

Contents... 8

16 22 24

August 2020



Every Month

22 | Where’s Charlie?

6 | Better Photography with Kim

4 | Editor’s Note

this local business

8 | ehl meets…

Parish Council

22 | Where’s Charlie?

10 | Revitalise Your Life

14 | Elvetham Heath Primary

April Reveal

16 | Reducing Energy Waste

School News

18 | Easy Grilled Vegetables

28 | Church on the Heath

24 | Summer Dining

29 | Health & Fitness Classes

25 | Money Matters

29 | Useful Numbers 32 | Community

19 | Watson Thomas

26 | Electrical Installation Condition Report

FREE initial appointment

30 | Rosie’s Summer Reads

34-37 | Local Groups,

27 | Neale Turk

31 | Is it time for a holiday yet?

Win £100 voucher from

Special Offers 13 | Oven Clean Summer Holiday offer

30 min FREE consultation

12 | Elvetham Heath

Notice Board Clubs and Societies 38 | Index of Advertisers ehl August 2020 | 3

Hello... ...and welcome to our August issue… This is definitely going to be a summer like no other! Most people I have spoken to are opting for a staycation or are staying in the UK but there are still people that will not be deterred to fly off wherever possible. Personally, we have a family celebration in Germany and we are ceasing the opportunity to add a few days for a change of scenery. Whatever you are up to this summer stay safe, considerate and kind as we live in these unprecedented times. It was so lovely to see local shops, cafes, pub and restaurants re-opening at the beginning of July. Let’s keep

living life local and support each other through this. Don’t forget, you can still buy tickets for the Fleet Community Raffle! For every 50 tickets sold we add one more prize to the raffle – all prizes (worth £50 or more) are donated by local businesses and paid for by the proceeds of the raffle. Best of all, tickets are just £1! So, what are you waiting for? Go to our facebook page @ FleetCommunityRaffle, check out all the prizes so far and click on the ‘Book Now’ button. Thank you to everyone that has already participated and please continue to like the page and share our posts.

Alexandra Editor

The Complete Tree Service Health & Safety focussed 25 years experience

Printed by JMG Creative Print Limited, 35 Bishops Way, Andover, Hampshire, SP10 3EH *The ehl is delivered to all homes in Elvetham Heath and pick up points have been temporarily suspended. This magazine is printed on paper which comes from a sustainable source. /ElvethamHeathLife

All visits by appointment only due to present situation

Teams all over Surrey, Hampshire, Sussex and the South

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Village Cleaning Services

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Copy deadline for September issue: 31st July 2020 Copy deadline for October issue: 4th September 2020

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from May 1st for information, opening times & to place orders.

Page 1

Better Photography

with Kim

Hi, I’m Kim from Kim Byrne Photography and welcome to this series of Better Photography.

create mood or focus on the shape of the body or face, or look for patterns in their clothes.

Over the last few months we’ve looked at the basics of composition. We’ve thought about the frame, the light, the background, rule of thirds, simplicity and where we place the subject in the frame. As I write this, I’m coming up to 8 weeks of a very painful time due to a prolapsed disc in my neck. This has meant that I haven’t been able to get around much and so have spent a lot of time looking out of the window into the garden with its colourful flowers and different shades of green on the trees, plants and grass. Most of us can take this colour for granted, but for many years, all photography was what we now refer to as Black & White so I thought that this month I’d talk about B&W photo and how they can help convey a message to the viewer. While you can photography

Seeing in B&W might not be easy, but with practice you’ll develop an eye for what works and what doesn’t.

August anything in B&W, it is often at its best when you take advantage of its abstract nature to emphasize aspects of the scene. B&W strips out the distraction of colour and lets you focus on other things like shapes, patterns, texture, light and shadows. Many street and urban photographers use this to their advantage to try and convey emotion and meaning in their work. Portrait photographers often use it to try and capture something of the person’s character or soul as they strip the portrait down to its minimalist essence. The question of whether your image should be B&W or colour can only be answered by you because you know what you want to express, and which does that better. For example, if you want your subject to stand out you could do this by dressing them in brightly coloured clothes. In B&W, you might focus on the bright areas or shadows to

Photo Challenge We see in colour so when we see a B&W image it gives us a reason to look a little longer. But colour is fun and vibrant which is why it’s often used on billboards for advertising. Part 1 – Identify your subject think about whether it would be better in B&W or colour. Does colour add to it, are there strong shapes and patterns, is the emotion better shown in B&W, does the image have different colours hues from different light sources? Don’t forget to move around your subject or place them in a different area and think about the points mentioned. Part 2 – Get your camera and take your images. When you process them look and see which images you think work in B&W and which you prefer in colour. Then think why you prefer the colour or B&W. Don’t over think it and have fun.

Kim Byrne

ehl August 2020 | 7

ehl meets... Fiona Bailey, a 45-year-old whose whole world was turned upside down after a visit to her sister’s! Please tell us about ‘your story’… “My husband Jonathan and I went to visit my sister at the beginning of December 2019. While we were there she noticed my skin was a bit yellow - a sign of jaundice. I tried to enjoy the weekend as best I could, but as soon as we got home I booked a doctor’s appointment. It was for December 10th - a day that will never leave my mind. The nurse looked at my eyes and noticed some white dots. Straight away she knew something was wrong with my liver so she took some bloods and sent them off as an urgent case. The following morning I missed three calls from my doctor as I was driving to work - I knew then that something was seriously wrong. I called them back and was told my liver wasn’t functioning correctly. I burst into tears. Over the next three weeks the doctor sent me for an Ultra Sound, CT Scan and finally a PET scan. My skin became more and more yellow, my liver enzymes were sky high and I was admitted Royal Surrey County Hospital on Boxing Day to try and flush my jaundice levels through. When I saw my consultant Professor Nariman Karanjia he showed me the scans which revealed the cancerous tumour on my liver - I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. There was talk of chemotherapy before removing the tumour. I felt sick with fear. He said that liver cancer in women is very rare and they were baffled as I did not fit their criteria due to my age (45) and being a non-smoker. Fortunately the PET scan revealed the cancer cells were in the tumour on my liver and nowhere else in the body. I was called in to have more bloods done as they wanted to remove

8 | ehl August 2020

the tumour the following day - 8th January 2020. I rushed home to pack my bags with no idea of how long I would be in hospital for. My husband and I left home at 6am the next day and drove to Guildford in a daze. My operation was scheduled for 11am. The next thing I remember is waking up in the ICU department and being sick from all the drugs. I remained in hospital for four weeks, having meltdowns every day. I needed help getting out of bed to go to the toilet and relied on staff 24/7. I had to have two lots of painful drains to remove the fluid on my lungs and liver. After 12 days they removed the staples from my scar. My infection markers were 376 - the normal rate for a healthy person is between 0-30. They were still high when I left hospital to go home on the 27th January but I felt surprisingly OK. However, two weeks later I was admitted to Frimley Park Hospital and put on strong intravenous antibiotics for a week. The staff were brilliant and liaised with the Royal Surrey every day to make sure they were doing the right thing. In the end the consultant removed the tumour itself, the cells around it and a margin of the liver as well. As of May this year my liver has regrown by a third - it can take a full year for it to be fully grown. I’d set myself the goal of returning to work on March 16th. I was so looking forward to this but was back for just two days when we were all told to work from home due to Covid-19. Two weeks later I was put on furlough. My employers, Card Connection in Farnham, have been amazing and their support has been tremendous. I

would also like to thank my consultant Professor Nariman Karanjia and nurse Helen Griffith - their quick actions saved me from what could have been a very different outcome. Thanks to them I am still here. I will always have to live with the worry the tumour may come back but for now, somehow I will try to enjoy life. I could not have gotten through the last six months without the support of my amazing husband Jonathan, my brother James and his wife Julie, and my sister Helen and her husband Simon. I’ll also be forever grateful to all my girlfriends who came to visit me in hospital and when I got home, helping me through my darkest days. Moving forward, I would love to be able to offer support to anyone else who’s had/has cancer. Talking about it is so important and I will happily help anyone that needs it - I would love it if something good can come out of my experience.” What would you do to improve or change Fleet? It would be nice to see more clothes shops for men and women. Your favourite place to eat / drink / go in Fleet? Gulshan. What’s the best piece of advice you have ever been given? Take each day at a time. What is the most trouble you have ever been in? When I was at boarding school and got caught running into the boys’ dormitory! Interview by Emily Gregory of Baby Love Photography,



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I think it’s fair to say that it’s been a changeable kind of year so far already! Everyone has adapted, made changes and made the best of what they can. The first half of this year gave us all a reason to reflect and many situations and thoughts surfaced encouraging us to make some changes. As you know, I’ve long been challenging the process driven, profit before people model of working and this is gaining momentum for a lot of people now. More and more of us are focusing on love, kindness and compassion in all areas of our lives. We’ve been listening more to our hearts and our intuition. We’ve been trusting more about what and how we feel than what we’re being told. Sometimes it’s hard to put your finger on it, it’s just something that feels wrong. And for the instances where you can put your finger on it, people around you are accepting it as the status quo and not challenging what feels obvious to you. This is your intuition speaking to you. Perhaps you’ve been having vivid dreams, more instances of déjà vu, flashbacks, a deep sense of calling somehow. Maybe you’ve been seeing white feathers in random places, seeing triple numbers or when you look at the clock you notice it’s 11.11 or 22.22 or 14.14 and so on. You are ‘waking up’ intuitively

Revitalise Your Life By Jenny Thomas, TEDx Speaker & Coach at Revitalise Coaching

Welcome to August’s column helping you to revitalise your life! and it can feel a bit odd, uncomfortable, scary, unknown, but also exciting.

working with spirit into

I remember fully waking up 4 years ago – no coincidence that’s when I left my corporate job behind me too – and feeling scared, confused but also with a strong inner knowing that this was the right path for me. What that path was I didn’t know at the time, as it took a while for me to understand what that inner knowing actually was!

out of my spiritual

Slowly but surely, all the childhood memories I had of seeing my guardian angel and of telling my friends about future events to happen came back. Shortly after I launched my coaching business I met a spiritual healer at a networking event and we did some work together. Lucky me! This has grown and developed at a rapid pace and now I work intuitively with my coaching clients, do distance energy healing and teach small business owners how to bring

their strategies. It’s been a big deal for me to ‘come closet’. Remember, I have a traditional corporate background and was genuinely scared that I’d be laughed at and not taken seriously. But, I followed my intuition and my guides and actually had the most profitable May, June and July ever! That guidance has also led me to start a Facebook group that anyone is welcome to join. If you’ve recently woken up, it’s ideal for you and it’s free. It’s a spiritual development group for beginners called, Healing Hearts Club. I share weekly guidance in the group and support you with your questions and welcome people to share their experiences too. Take care,

Jenny HealingHeartsClub/ Jenny Thomas Intuitive Coach Tel: +44 (0)7725 795563





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ehl August 2020 | 11

12 | ehl August 2020

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Call 01252 668358 and quote ehl Summer Holiday Offer ehl August 2020 | 13

Elvetham Heath Primary School News

Looking back to the Spring term with Year Four! We started the term with the excitement of Kala Arts Company coming into school and teaching all the children Bollywood dances. The children all took part and finished the workshop with a performance wearing authentic Indian costumes to parents. It was a real treat for both children and parents, as well as a great hook to start our new topic of India. Continuing to support our topic of India, the children took part in a tabla drumming workshop as part of their music learning. During this, the children learnt about and experienced the percussive element of Hindustani music, using different types of drums and other percussion instruments.

We also had the excitement of World

To help celebrate Science

Book Day where the children came

Week, we had a day of

into school dressed as an adjective

fun science challenges to

of their choice. Through the day, we

complete. Focused around

enjoyed sharing our favourite books

forces, Year 4 had the

with partner

excitement of constructing


catapults and adapting

and other

their design to make them

members of staff as well as completing

shoot further and higher towards their target. We also had a quiz to complete where we looked at photographs of items under

book related

a microscope and tried to guess what they were.


Mr Dinnin, Hughes class teacher

14 | ehl August 2020




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Reducing Energy Waste Being ‘zero waste’ isn’t just about not having as much in your bin at the end of the week but it encompasses all areas of life. Those things that we can’t see are often less obvious to us but they can have a big impact. In this case, I’m talking energy. It is important to lower our energy use because experts agree that reducing energy use will result in far less carbon dioxide being released into the atmosphere – the result of which is warming up our planet. In turn, this means that ice caps are melting and this is causing sea levels to rise globally. Even better; not only will reducing energy help our planet but it will also help your pocket! Reduce consumption – Easily the most important. Just buy less. Every item uses energy to be created, transported and disposed of. None of that needs to happen if you don’t buy it. Turn engines off – When sitting in a car, please don’t sit with the engine on. It may be hot/cold but pumping gases into the air for no good reason is criminal – if there is ice on the car, scrap it or use an overnight cover. If it is hot, open the door or window. This is particularly a problem outside schools where the air quality can be awful during pick up and drop off – it doesn’t need to be made any worse. Walk/ cycle or scooter – Better still, don’t take the car if you live close enough use a more eco friendly version of transport. I found myself making lots of excuses for this one but I have gradually realised that’s what they are! ‘I don’t have enough time’, ‘the children will complain’, ‘I’m tired’ have turned into me asking how I

CAN make it happen instead. Use a jumper and turn your heating down by a couple of degrees – According to Which?, a typical household can save £80 – £85 a year by turning the heating down by 1 degree. It has also been said that being cooler can burn calories! Only boil the amount you need for your kettle/ veg – this way you’re not only saving energy but you’re also saving water. To save further, why not steam veg in a colander above a boiling pan with something else in it and don’t forget to use your veg water to make your sauces/gravy/stock. Don’t leave taps on – Water may seem unrelated but there is a carbon footprint to cleaning and transporting our water and therefore, saving water can save energy. You can also turn the tap off when washing hands and applying soap, use a dishwasher in place of handwashing, take a shower instead of a bath and don’t keep a

tap running until it’s cold – fill a jug and keep it in the fridge. Turn electrical items off – not just on standby – The Energy Saving Trust estimate another £80 could be saved by turning devices OFF when they are not in use and by not charging devices unnecessarily. Buy recycled paper/ aluminium foil/ baking paper etc – There is often less energy used to recreate something from recycling in comparison to using virgin materials. Keep your fridge/freezer closed – Don’t keep opening and shutting it. Wash on 30/ Wash less often – Many of us are guilty of washing clothes every time we wear them. Mostly, this is unnecessary and not only wastes electricity and water but also releases millions of microfibres from our synthetic materials. Also, I am a massive advocate of washing EVERYTHING at 30. The motion of the washing machine and your laundry soap (refill this!) does the work – not the temperature of the water. Avoid using lights unless necessary – if you’re sitting watching TV in the lounge, do you need the kitchen lights on? Do you even need all the lounge lights on if you have more than one switch? Top of the list – switch your energy company to a company supplying renewable energy (not just supplying green tariffs. Octopus is the Which? best rated supplier) and check out your house’s energy rating. Insulation, double glazing etc can help significantly.



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Easy Grilled Vegetables (4-6 servings)

Summer time is BBQ time! Whether it’s meat or vegge there is nothing quite like BBQ food. I grew up with the traditional meat and salad and maybe a bun but ever since a friend of mine introduced me to these grilled vegetables, they have been a firm staple at our family BBQs. There is no need for skewers or marinating, all you need is a vegetable grill pan. If you don’t own one you can pick one up for about £9 from places like B&Q simply use a tin foil parcel.



• 1 pound tomatoes, cut into large dice (if using cherry

1. Prepare/set your grill to mediumhigh heat.

or grape tomatoes, leave whole) • 1 yellow or white onion, peeled and ends removed, cut into eighths • 1 medium zucchini, ends removed, sliced in half lengthwise, then cut into 1/2” pieces • 1 medium yellow squash, ends removed, sliced in half lengthwise, then cut into 1/2” pieces • 1 carton (8 oz) mushrooms, cleaned and halved • 2 Tbsp. olive oil • 1 Tbsp. dried mixed herbs (or Herbs de Provence) • black pepper and sea salt, freshly ground (optional) You can pretty much use whatever vegetables you have available. I love using aubergines, leeks and peppers, too and make sure it is as colourful as possible.

18 | ehl August 2020

2. In a large bowl, combine tomatoes, onion, zucchini, squash, and mushrooms with 2 Tbsp. of olive oil and the mixed herbs plus a generous amount of freshly-ground salt and pepper if using. Then toss until vegetables are evenly coated. Transfer vegetables to a grill pan and set on the grill. Stirring every 2-3 minutes, until vegetables are tender and lightly charred. 3. Remove from the grill and serve as side or main dish at your BBQ. Enjoy!


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Home owners often ask us how they can make the most of their home. Home owners often ask Today we look at us how they can make the conservatories and the most of their home. highly rated e e owners often ask Guardian™ roof. we look at w they can Today make the conservatories and the st of their home. highly rated day we look at Guardian™ roof. ervatories and the highly rated uardian™ roof.


Enhancing your home



ese all

t val.


Flush sash

QUESTION I can't afford to heat our conservatory in winter, so we don't use it. Can you help?

ANSWER It's all down to the heat loss through your conservatory roof. You can fit blinds but the best solution is to replace the roof with a lightweight, fully insulated Guardian™ roof. It will also help to keep your conservatory comfortable during summer.

Home owners often ask us how they can make the most of their home. Today we look at conservatories and the highly rated Guardian™ roof.

Want the look of a traditional timber window frame with all the advantages of PVCu? The Liniar flush sash window was developed for the more traditional property where the sash needed to be fitted flush into the frame – and which, with foiling, could look just like a timber window.

Enhancing your home




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Where’s Charlie?

Welcome to our monthly competition and the answers can be found right here in Fleet! Each month our cuddly toy version of puppy Charlie can be seen in a Fleet business. The picture will give you clues like a company logo, interior colour scheme, art or photos on the wall or even a sample of the product the business sells. This month’s business is located in the High Street! All you have to do is tell us the name of the business!

This month you could win a £100 voucher* to spend at this local business *The prize is a voucher to spend on services or products at the business you guessed correctly and valid until 31.08.21 Terms and conditions apply. No cash alternative or exchanges given.

If you know where the above picture was taken, then enter our competition with the name of the business in the subject line by either emailing your answer directly to via Closing date is 12 August when the winner will be notified and announced on our facebook page. The winning business will be revealed in our Sept 2020 issue.

Last time Charlie was hiding here...

With a wide range of hand crafted sourdoughs and classic breads, there is plenty to tempt those with a sweet tooth too – rich chocolate brownies, gourmet doughnuts and a variety of loaf cakes to name a few! Breakfast and lunch is also covered from croissants to bacon rolls, savoury pasties, sourdough toasties and generously filled sandwiches. Although we are sadly no longer open in Fleet, we hope that we can continue to welcome you at our shops in Farnham. 22 Downing Street, Farnham 01252 726004 OPEN Monday – Saturday 9am – 2pm 41 Ridgway Rd, Farnham 01252 723279 OPEN Monday – Friday 7.30am – 3pm, Saturday 8am – 2pm


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Edenbrook Village, Hitches Lane, Fleet, Hampshire GU51 5DN Sales Suite and Showhomes open daily, 10am - 5pm

*Price correct at time of going to press. **Source: Photography depicts Streetscene and Showhome and is indicative only. Help to Buy is available on selected homes only. Terms and conditions apply. Visit for more information. †Part exchange available on selected homes only. Terms and conditions apply.

ehl August 2020 | 23

Summer Dining Sorrento Gurkha Square • We are open every day except Monday (closed) from 5.30pm until 10.30pm. Limited capacity so booking

Our restaurant has finally opened its doors again to the public and we are looking forward to serving our customers our full menu of delicious, fresh food. We offer seating indoors as well as Al Fresco dining, whilst adhering to social distancing rules in order to make all of our colleagues and customers feel comfortable in our space whilst also giving attentive service.

collection except Friday

Whilst there have been some changes, our dedication to making quality food and happily serving our customers has remained the same.

and Saturday

is highly recommended • 20 % online discount on

• Get Gurkha beer over £40 only for delivery • Covid -19 guidelines are in place and risk assessment has been carried out

24 | ehl August 2020

The Spice Merchant The Spice Merchant is not only renowned for their authentic Thai cuisine but also have a fantastic outdoor area including a garden that sits up to 80 (with a play area that we regret is closed at present) and if it is too hot a covered patio area is available too. Booking preferable. www.spicemerchant

Money Matters Target income needed – Realistic? Possible? My wife retired 3 years ago and during this time we have been managing fine on my income and her pension. I am planning to retire and calculate our combined net pension income will be £29,200. This will comfortably cover our outgoings including the running costs of a holiday property. We think we need an additional £12,000pa to cover extras such as holidays, weekend breaks and occasionally changing our car. We have savings of £320,000 which we intend to use to fund the additional £12,000. Is this realistic or possible, if so how? We are both aged 65. To generate a net income of £12,000pa from capital of £320,000 will require a net return of 3.75%pa. If you pay income tax at 20% on all of that it means you need a real return of 4.69%pa. Is this realistic? No. Is it possible? Yes. Prior to the financial crisis in 2008/09 you might have received a return in the region of 6%pa gross from a good deposit account. Now you would do well to get over 1%pa gross if you are prepared to tie the money up for 5 years or more.

A cashflow will show how long your money lasts and I have built in that holiday spending rises more quickly than general prices, at say 4%pa. Spending at £12,000 a year means your money would last until age 84 and you would have received £347,000 after tax at an interest rate of 1% a year. The cashflow shows that at age 75 you would be spending over £17,700 a year and would still have £196,000 in the account. Do you think your needs will change as you get older, maybe fewer long-haul holidays? For example; if you halved your spending from age 75 the cashflow reveals your money would support spending until you are 90. The cashflow can reveal whether you need to invest to achieve your objectives. If you are happy to reduce spending over the years then you may decide you do not need to take investment risks. Alternatively we can model investing some of the money. If we take the money you will spend after age 75, say £196,000, the cashflow reveals how much extra growth and the probability of success given the risks and costs. Investing involves management and administration costs, but income tax might be reduced through careful investment selections and products that are eligible for ISA. If you doubled the return offered on deposits ,i.e. to 2%pa for 10 years you would have £212,000 available to spend at age 75. This

is equivalent to an extra year of holidays. There is a very real risk at least one of you will out live your money. If additional money is then required to pay for care how would you deal with that? Before looking at how you use the money, you need to consider the above and decide what is more important; capital security or income; looking at my figures you may have to compromise on one or the other. There will be many other aspects to be considered in developing a coherent plan for your future and I would recommend the plan is regularly reviewed as your needs, tax legislation, investment markets and products all change. If you would like to receive Money Matters electronically, simply email stating Money Matters Article in the subject heading and we will add you to our distribution list. Michael Powell, Partner Please note: information is given for general guidance only and specific advice should be taken before acting on any suggestions made.

Kirk Rice Accountants and Financial Advisors Victoria House, 178-180 Fleet Road, Fleet GU51 4DA Tel: 01252 960 500 Email:



LANDLORDS by Lorraine Hutley



252 622052

In July 2018 the government announced that they would introduce legislation to mandate private landlords to carry out inspections on their properties’ electrics every five years. The regulations apply to all new tenancies from 1st July 2020. All existing tenancies will then be covered by the regulations from 1st April 2021. This will give all landlords time to make sure they comply with the regulations.

2019  2020


As you know, all landlords are already required to make sure that the wiring and appliances in their properties are safe, but it is now a legal requirement for private landlords to have their electrical installations inspected every five years. So that tenants know their properties are safe, landlords will be legally obliged to provide them with a copy of the report from a competent electrical inspector and must also provide this report to their local authority on request. If serious problems are identified, these will have to be remedied quickly. Local authorities will have a duty to act if landlords do not comply with the requirements and will be able to issue fines if necessary. These new regulations are part of the Government’s wider work to improve safety in all buildings. Electrical safety in rented properties is hugely important to tenants’ health and safety. Most landlords are highly responsible and will already have safe electrical installations, so are advised to start early and book an inspection. Once landlords have an Electrical Installation Condition Report from a competent inspector showing their property has a clean bill of health, they won’t need to worry about it for another five years. If you have already had an inspection in the past 5 years there will be no requirement for to renew this until the 5-year period is over, though they will need to be able to provide the report when required. During the inspection the engineer will look at general wiring around the property. Poor DIY cabling and damaged switches and sockets will be highlighted. Older properties with the old fashioned wire fuses may need updating if they do not include an RCB breaker ( Residual Current Breaker ). Newer properties may also require updating as RCB’s were only initially used on sockets only and now need to be installed for all circuits including lighting. The engineer will remove 20% plus of socket face plates and light fittings to check the wiring. The engineer will also use equipment to test the earth connections and check that the sockets and lights have been wired correctly. If you intend to continue to rent your property you will need to carry out this process. If you currently have tenants and they are likely to remain until after 1st April 2021 then you will need to get this done. Due to the Covid 19 Virus there has been a significant delay in electricians being able to access properties for the last few months. This has created a backlog of work and so we would suggest that Landlords do not delay in getting this work booked and completed. Based in the heart of Fleet, Honey Lettings specialises in lettings and property management. For friendly, knowledgeable advice on property letting call Honey Lettings. No houses to sell just homes to let.

& 01252 622052



 

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ehl August 2020 | 29 27 ehd May 2019

COVID-19: The church continues to be alive and active with prayer, worship, study and community life online. We are accepting Foodbank donations/ collections 10am - 12pm on weekdays. For information on building opening times, please visit our website or contact the office (details at foot of page). Below are details of our usual regular activities programme and organisers, which we hope will resume as soon as circumstances allow. MONDAY Coffee Bar All welcome U3A Line Dancing Contact 08458 723623 Bumps and babies Coffee and chat for parents or mums-to-be. Just come along Little Lambs For mothers/carers and children up to age 3 U3A Painting Group Contact 08458 723623 TUESDAY Coffee Bar All welcome U3A French Group Contact 08458 723623 U3A Creative Writing Group Contact 08458 723623 Youth Café An after-school café for young people 11+, term-time only. Just drop in or contact Yener: Guides Contact WEDNESDAY Coffee Bar All welcome Zumba Gold Latin dance moves, party atmosphere. For the active older adult generation. Contact Daphne CAMEO Coffee, cake and friendship, table tennis and board games, for over 55s. Contact Phil and Dee 691944 (first and last Wednesday of the month) Hearing Champions NHS Hearing Aid Clinic for advice, re-tubing, battery issue (monthly, 2nd Wednesday). Contact Stephen 810852 Lunch All welcome, sign up in Church (monthly, 2nd Wednesday) Oasis A monthly support group for parents with children with special needs. Contact U3A Reading Group Contact 08458 723623 (monthly, 1st Wednesday Rainbows Contact Brownies Contact

01252 400236

U3A Health and Wellbeing Group Contact 08458 723623 (monthly) Vibe youth group (10–14yrs) Contact Yener: Guides Contact THURSDAY Coffee Bar All welcome Ladies’ Group Contact Ruth 622846 Pilates Contact U3A Ukulele Group Contact 08458 723623 Gospel Choir Contact Sophie at NCT Antenatal Class Contact Tara 020 8752 2476 Positive Parenting Courses Contact Diana 679249 FRIDAY Coffee Bar All welcome Sing & Sign Helping baby to ‘talk’ through singing, music and signing. Contact Noah’s Ark Parent and toddler group. Contact Office 400236 (term-time only) Slimming World Contact Katarina 07977 407736 SATURDAY Men’s Breakfast Contact Office 400236 (monthly, 2nd Saturday) Coffee Bar All welcome Pit Stop Social for Dads and Kids: bacon rolls and time out together (monthly, 1st Saturday) Contact Yener: SUNDAY Services and groups currently meet online Information correct at time of going to press.

' God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.' Psalm 46:1

Local Health & Fitness Classes To list your class in both ehl & Fleet Life for just £10 per month email Class Name





Contact Details

9.30 - 10.30am

Contact Andrea

Andrea Bremner 07721 881021 or

Fitness Free Power


Walking class

for update

Tai Chi Jing Sung Tai Chi


7.30 - 8.30pm

Contact Gordon

Gordon Hardless 01252 628334 or

for update

Qigong Fleet Qigong


1.15 - 2.15pm

Contact Kevin for update

Kevin Chapman

for Health and Wellbeing Fleet Qigong


for Health and Wellbeing Fleet Qigong


7.30 - 8.30pm

Contact Kevin for update

7.15 - 8.15pm

Contact Kevin for update

(Medical non-emergency number)

month and reach 7000 local homes! Completely flexible so you can fill your classes that have availability. Email or call 07769 690136.


0800 800 151 0800 111 999 0845 46 47 111

Local Numbers CAB 01252 617922 Fleet Library & Learning Centre 01252 612709 EH Parish Council 01252 819204 Hart District Council 01252 622122 Hart Leisure Centre 01252 629974 Police Station 0845 0 45 45 45 (Non emergency number)

The Harlington

or 07786 526361

List your HIIT sessions, dance lessons, pilates or yoga classes here for just £10 per

Useful Miscellaneous BT Faultline Gas - Emergency NHS Direct NHS 111 Service

or 07786 526361

Kevin Chapman

for Health and Wellbeing

Do you need to fill your physical exercise sessions?

or 07786 526361

Kevin Chapman

01252 811009

Transport National Rail Enquiries StageCoach (bus)

0845 7484950 0870 6082608

Hospitals Spire Clare Park Fleet Com. Hospital Frimley Park Hosp.

01252 850216 01252 813800 01276 604604

Schools All Saints Junior School Calthorpe Park School EH Primary School Fleet Infant School Tavistock Infant School

01252 01252 01252 01252 01252

615428 613483 622205 613582 616778

Disclaimer: All pages are copyright of either Elvetham Heath Life or its respective contributors. No part of this publication may be reproduced, copied or transmitted in any form without the publisher’s written permission. All material published in Elvetham Heath Life (including adverts, editorials, articles and all other content) is printed in good faith. However, Elvetham Heath Life accepts no liability for the content of the material or the services provided by the advertisers nor does it endorse any company featured. All material is accepted on the understanding that its publication does not infringe any copyright. Elvetham Heath Life does not accept responsibility from claims of copyright infringement.

ehl August 2020 | 29

Rosie’s Summer


Season Of Second Chances by Aimee Alexander is contemporary Irish fiction. Grace has left her husband and has returned to her home town on the west coast with her children. Here she hopes that they will embrace this quiet life compared to their city one in Dublin. Will it be a ‘big ask’ as far as her teenagers are concerned? Especially as it involves moving them mid-way through the school year. Fifty Miles Wide by Julian Sayarer is a travelogue about cycling through Israel and Palestine and meeting local people, hearing their stories as well as discovering the complicated history of the area. He met a mix of people on his journey: artists, refugees, soldiers, shopkeepers and fellow cyclists. He gained insights into their daily lives, their struggles, their survival and their hopes for peace and a different future.

30 | ehl August 2020

Highland Cove by Dylan J Morgan is a highly atmospheric story that gathers momentum like skeletal fingers walking slowly up your back. It is about a party of five who set out on a foolish mission – to make a documentary in a haunted asylum on a lonely Scottish island. This book will delight lovers of dark, horrifying ghost stories that do not necessarily end well... The Vermeer Deception by Jennifer S Alderson is an art mystery set in Munich, Heidelberg, and Amsterdam. When Zelda Richardson investigates a new lead about a missing portrait, no one expects her to actually find the painting in a retired art dealer’s home. Not her parents visiting from America; her boss, private detective Vincent de Graaf; or the rightful owner of the Nazi-looted artwork.

Burntbridge Boys by John F Leonard is a horror novella set in 1979 and is about Sammy ‘the butcher’ Rafferty, a former footballer, football club manager and general bad boy, whose glory days are over; he is currently on the run from the police and from unfriendly criminal types. However, when Sammy finds himself in the decaying stadium of a defunct club, it seems that his dreams might not be over after all.

For more book reviews

Rosie blogs at www.rosieamber. Twitter @rosieamber1

Is it time for a holiday yet? Hello and welcome to my column about beauty, health and wellbeing Hopefully it is, whether you are brave enough to go on a flight somewhere, or preferring to explore our beautiful countryside and beaches, you still need to look out for the biting bugs and look after your Summer skin, naturally. I trained as an aromatherapist 27 years ago and have always been fascinated by the amazing effects of essential oils, the 100 % pure essence of a plant.

stings, spots, heat rash, shaving rash, blisters, piercings, the list is endless! I call it my ‘first-aid kit in a bottle’. (Always use diluted on children under 12)

The most fascinating and effective by far, is Tea Tree Oil: an indigenous plant of Australia found in Queensland and New South Wales. The amazing benefits of Tea Tree Oil were discovered by the aborigines over 200 years ago. There is a story that they used to bathe in ‘magic lakes’ where the water healed their skin. It was actually the oil in the leaves of the Tea Tree bush that had fallen into the water, that was healing their skin. There was no medication at that time, so the tribal people relied on the power of the plants and nature, as their medicine.

So, my Tea Tree Oil products are essential travelling companions on any of my holidays! And they are so good that I always find someone else in need and give them away!

Tea Tree Oil is now recognised as one of the most powerful, natural antiseptics known to man, which will kill all bacteria, fungal infections, parasites and will stop viruses in their tracks. It has amazing healing properties, so is safe to use on any breakage of the skin; any burns,(including sunburn), bites, bee or wasp

If you are shaving or waxing before you go on your hols, a good Tea Tree Oil Lotion will take down any skin irritation or rash, making sure you are bikini ready! The best aftersun is a Tea Tree Oil Lotion, because it will take the heat out, and the Tea Tree Oil will start to heal the burnt skin. It is also great as an insect repellent in the evening. This essential oil smells like Eucalyptus, which insects do not like, so wearing a tea tree lotion in the evening will

stop you getting bitten. Wearing neat Tea Tree oil on your pulse points – wrists, and around the ankles, will help to scare the mozzies away! Strong perfume actually attracts them, so be careful. If you do get bitten, a dab of tea tree oil on the bite will soon stop the itch. I have always used a professional brand called Australian Bodycare, and was their guest presenter on QVC shopping channel for 6 years, so I know lots about it. If you haven’t tried Tea Tree Oil products before, please do take some away with you on your travels. I am sure you will be impressed! I honestly couldn’t live without it! Happy Holidays!! Love

Carol x Queen Bee in the Woods Sandy Farm Business Centre, The Sands, Farnham, Surrey GU10 1PX • 01252 781077

Community Free entries for non-profit organisations


Fleet Library & Learning Centre The Summer Reading Challenge goes digital in Hampshire

The challenge supports the literacy of Hampshire children aged 4-11, by awarding a medal for every child who reads six books over the summer holidays. Every participating child who signs up online at uk/library will receive a medal and a certificate in the autumn. There are more ways than ever to take part this year: • Sign-up online and read books you have at home, or borrow eBooks and eAudio books from our digital collection – we have lots of choice for kids – look for our ‘Summer Reading Challenge’ bookshelf

As well as the Summer Reading challenge, there are all kinds of activities on offer this summer through the @HantsLibraries Facebook page, including bedtime stories, Baby Rhyme Time, Virtual Construction Club and Code Club. To access the free digital resources from Hampshire Libraries, visit where you can also find links to the social media sites. Membership is available for free to anyone who lives, works, or studies in the county.

Fleet Library & Learning Centre, 236 Fleet Road, Fleet GU51 4BX. Located inside The Harlington. Call 01252 612709 for course bookings. All library enquiries call 0300 555 1387.

Illustrations © Laura Ellen Anderson 2020

The annual Summer Reading Challenge is coming back to Hampshire’s libraries – and this year there are more ways than ever to take part!

• Sign-up online and use our free Ready Reads, We Select You Collect service to get actual books from the library without having to go inside and browse. For more information check out this page on our website: librariesandarchives/library/ready-reads • From Monday 6 July make a short visit to your local library, if you can’t sign-up online we can help you sign-up for the Summer Reading Challenge and you can browse and borrow books. For more information on making short visits to the library please visit our website

Maternity, Newborn, Family & Cake Smash Photographer

Website: Facebook: Email: baby_ love _ Telephone: 07891 908319

w w w. b a by- l ove - p h oto g ra p hy. co m ehl August 2020 | 33

Local Groups For a free listing call us on 01252 711810 As you are all aware, government guideline restrictions still apply, so if you are interested in trying a new hobby or joining a social group please contact them directly for event and meeting updates. 2nd Fleet Boys’ Brigade. We are part of a National & International uniformed organisation for boys from the age of 5 –18 years and meet at Fleet Methodist Church, Reading Road South, during term times. Tel: 01252 653038, Email: for more information. 2nd Fleet Girls’ Brigade is an international and interdenominational Christian organisation. We meet at Fleet Methodist Church on a Monday evening, and have fun playing games, making craft, and trips out. From year R to 18 we currently have spaces in all age groups. For more information email siangamble@ Accessible Boating is a charity offering opportunities for disabled people or those with access difficulties to go boating on the Basingstoke canal from Colt Hill Wharf, Odiham. Contact us on 07934 926683 or visit Air Cadets for boys and girls from 12-18 years old with a spirit of adventure and an interest in aviation. Contact Flt Lt Lynda Bradley 01252 515143 also Albert Social Club welcomes new members Club has Pool & snooker tables. TV on 10ft screen. Bingo on Mondays at and poker on Wednesdays at 7.30pm. Private function room for hire. Details go to or contact secretary on 07876 568617. Aldershot Branch, British Model Soldier Society meets on the third Thursday of each month, except Dec., at 7.45pm at Willis Hall, Sandy Lane, Church Crookham. Call 01252 621056 or e-mail Aldershot Militaria Society We meet on the last Thursday of every month. New members welcome. We have speakers/ members giving talks on various subjects. We meet at Aldershot Military Museum, Queens Avenue GU11 2LG. Contact the chairman Colin Day on 01784 491695. All Saints Ladies Group meet on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month in St Philip & St James Church Hall at 8pm for a speaker, games or quizzes. For more information contact us on 01252 627848. AMICA is a friendly 50+ social group for the Hants/Berks/Surrey border communities. We extend a warm welcome to single and unattached people interested in wide-ranging weekday and weekend events. Visit or contact Pauline on 01483 502331.

34 | ehl August 2020


Ancells Dance Club Ballroom, Latin, Sequence. New members always welcome, Tea Dance Thursdays 2 - 4pm, dance outings and holidays arranged. Contact Rosemary on 07803 047009. Avondale Tennis Club. Situated behind Redfields Garden Centre, Church Crookham where we have 6 floodlit all weather courts and play social and league tennis all year round. Coaching available for all ages including Mini Tennis for children 3-10. Phone 01256 702340 for membership or see website Basingstoke Canal Society act as guardians of the Basingstoke Canal and welcome new members to help with maintenance and improvements, crew the ‘John Pinkerton II’ trip boat and to participate in talks and other social events. Members receive a quarterly magazine and a bi-monthly bulletin. Contact Doreen Hornsey on 01252 623591 or visit Bowenhurst Bridge Club. Friendly, social, duplicate Bridge Club meets Thusdays 9.45am – 12.45pm at Church of Our Lady, Kings Road. New members welcome. Contact Wendy Hylden, Secretary, 01252 711919. Bowling at Pyestock B.C. is fun, friendly and competitive. Located at Cody Sports & Social Club with a bar and function rooms. We welcome all ages and abilities to one of the friendliest clubs in the area. Contact Sec. Mick 01252 650916. Brendoncare Clubs run 4 weekly clubs, including weekend and lunch clubs, for older people in Fleet. The clubs provide fun, friendship, activities, games, speakers, trips out and more. Call 01962 857099, email, or visit Church Crookham Garden Society We are a friendly club for gardeners of all abilities. Two shows are held annually in the Spring & Summer including novice classes. Activities are organised throughout the year, including an annual guided RHS tour. Visit Church Crookham WI, warmly welcomes visitors. A varied programme of speakers is organised. We meet on the 1st Thursday of the month at 2.15pm in the Memorial Hall Sandy Lane. Call 01252 672358. Cody Farnborough Amateur Operatic Society An award winning local musical theatre company, producing two productions each year at the Princes Hall in Aldershot. We rehearse at Velmead Junior School on Tuesdays & Thursdays and always welcome new members. Cody Sports and Social Club We are looking for new members and have a function/meeting room for hire. Well

behaved dogs and children welcome. See or contact Anna on 01252 543009. Cove Brass Friendly Brass Band in Cove, rehearsals on Tuesday evenings from 7.30 at Cove Methodist Church. New players welcome. Free taster lessons for beginners of any age. Contact Chris on 07790 574790 or visit www. Crondall Entertainers is a thriving dramatic group, with three productions per year (plays, revues & pantos). We rehearse in The Old Gym (behind Crondall Village Hall). See website www. or tel 01252 616991. Crondall Petanque Club A friendly club who play all year on a terrain at Cody Sports & Social Club at Pyestock. New members are welcome – no experience necessary - come along for a practice session (boules provided). Call Brian Armes on 01252 650994 or visit Crookham Street Social Club welcomes new members. Friendly Atmosphere, Snooker Room and Pool Table, Main Hall and Function Rooms available for hire. For further information contact Maureen Beagly 01252 664371.

Crookham Village Duplicate Bridge Club is a small friendly club and would welcome new members. We meet every Monday and Friday evenings at the Holy Trinity Church, Aldershot Road, Church Crookham. Contact Chris Harnett on 01252 546342. Crookham Village WI. A small friendly group, meeting on 1st Wednesday of the month, 7.45pm in WI Hall. Speakers, outings, social events, fun and friendship. Call Secretary, 012152 625259. Dogmersfield Cricket Club are looking to recruit players for our senior Saturday/Sunday teams as well as all our Colts teams. A friendly club set in a picturesque village setting. Contact Jeremy 07850 279113 (Adults). Steve 07966310772 (Colts). Elvetham Community Choir We are a friendly, non-auditioned choir which meets on Tuesdays, 7.45pm, at the Key Centre on Elvetham Heath. Our repertoire includes pop, folk, musicals and light classics. Call Richard 01252 642259. Farnborough Bowling Club warmly welcomes new members. Coaching available. For details visit our website, email or tel Michael Andrews 01252 811281. Farnborough District Motor Club organises and promotes local club-level sporting events for road-going and

and Societies specialist cars. Get involved by being a Marshal, Volunteer, Officiate, Spectator or Competitor. Family friendly & accessible to everyone, you do not need to have car. Farnham Geological Society The Society holds meetings at The Maltings, Farnham every second Friday of the month at 8pm. Call to find out more contact our Membership Secretary Sally Pritchard on 02392 783465 or visit Farnham Humanists meet for monthly Sunday evening talks and discussions on topics of general interest, and first Wednesday of each month for a pub drink and conversation. People from North East Hampshire are welcome. Visit www. email info@ Farnham Mixed Social Touch Rugby Club. Ladies and Gents aged 18 - 60+. Wednesdays 7.30-8.30pm at Farnham Rugby Club, Monkton Lane, Farnham, GU9 9ND. No experience necessary, a great way to have fun, make new friends and keep fit. Contact: David Jeffs 01252 684858 or facebook. Farnham U13 Ladies Rugby Club meets 6-7pm on Tuesdays at FRUFC, Monkton Lane, Farnham, GU9 9ND. For further details contact David Jeffs on 07786 226396 or david.jeffs1@ntlworld. You could also visit www., FRUFC U15 and seniors ladies rugby also available. Fleet Afternoon Townswomen’s Guild Come along on the second Thursday of the month? We meet at 2.45pm in the Catholic Church Hall, 32 Kings Road, Fleet, GU51 3ST and enjoy speakers, games, fun, friendship and regular outings. Email maureenvalentine@ Fleet and District U3A is a voluntary organisation for retired people providing study groups, recreational and social activities varying from Art to Walking. For details, please access our website or phone 0845 872 3623. Fleet & Crookham AC The friendly running and athletics club for all ages 8 - 80 years. Meet at the Club HQ, Peter Driver Sports field behind the Tweseldown Pub - 7pm Tuesday and Thursdays. Organisers of the Fleet 1/2m & 10km races. For more information visit Fleet & Church Crookham Society We promote a community spirit in Fleet & Church Crookham and take an active interest in issues that affect residents. New members welcome. Fleet & Crookham Local History Group We provide a focus for those with an interest in the area in and around Fleet

by researching, recording and preserving its history. Monthly presentations and visits are arranged, held, usually, at United Reformed Church Hall, Kings Road, Fleet. Contact: Pat Mackenzie, tel 01252617084, email patsystewart@, Fleet Art Society A society of 200 local artists, holding demonstrations and workshops for members’ advancement. An annual exhibition of their work supports Friends of Fleet Hospital, charity no.261384. Secretary 01252 792542. Fleet Choral Society meets every Tuesday, 8pm at All Saints Junior School, Lea Wood Road, Fleet, GU51 5AJ during term times. New members welcome. Contact details and further information see Fleet & District Dog Training Society train at Crookham War Memorial Hall on Tuesdays (for Ringcraft, show ring) and Wednesdays (for Obedience). Contact the secretary on 01252 614846. Fleet and Ewshot Hockey Club is a family friendly club. We have 5 men’s and 5 ladies’ teams. Youth and junior teams and Mini’s (under 8’s & 10’s). Please go to fleethockey.comto see our training days, times and all other info. Or contact Fleet & Farnborough Family History Group is a group of like-minded people interested in Family History part of the Hampshire Genealogical Society. Meetings are every 2nd Thursday of the month, 7:30 pm at the United Reform Church hall in Kings Road, Fleet. Contact David Broomfield on 01344 761375 or Fleet Choral Society meets every Tuesday, 8pm, at All Saints Junior School, Lea Wood Road, FLEET, GU51 5AJ, during term times. New members welcome. Contact details and further info see Fleet Community Orienteering From 28th April to 14th July, Mondays 6-7 pm, various venues around Fleet. First 2 sessions at Oakley Park. For more information email Sue & Dawn at Fleet Cricket Club Calthorpe Park are seeking new members. Seniors: contact Juniors age 7-16: contact Andy Martin 07747 118696 or Or visit Winter nets are run from January. Large licensed bar also for hire. Fleet Cycling is friendly non-competitive cycling group which organises social cycle rides every Sunday, Thursday, Friday and some Saturdays for a range of abilities from beginner to experienced cyclist. We campaign to improve cycling infrastructure

for all by working cooperatively with the town, district and county council. Contact Colin on 01252 677909 or see

Fleet Falcons Junior Badminton Club is a Junior Badminton Coaching Club for young people between the ages of 9 & 16. We hold sessions on Saturday & Sunday mornings at Hart Leisure Centre in Hitches Lane. Contact us on 01252 615637 or visit Fleet Film Society Join us to see the very best films from around the world and for a great social experience. Screenings on alternate Mondays throughout our season at The Harlington. Fleet Flower Club A friendly club meeting on 3rd Thursday of each month at the Crookham War Memorial Hall, Sandy Lane. We have a varied programme of events, please visit our website for more details or contact 01252 852297. Fleet Folk Dance Club meets on the 1st, 3rd and 4th Wednesdays of the month, from 8-10 pm at The Catholic Church Hall in King’s Road, Fleet. Contact: Secretary Fran Risius 01252 409175 or MC John Hale 01252 621692. Fleet International Folk Dance Group Term-time Tuesday evenings at URC Hall, Kings Rd. Learn some dances from Europe and beyond (no partner required), led by a friendly, experienced teacher. Contact Elizabeth on 01252 616950. Fleet Jazz Club puts on monthly jazz performances from some of the UK’s finest jazz musicians on the third Tuesday of every month, in a “jazz club” environment at the Harlington in Fleet. The club has a very enthusiastic and growing membership and we are always very happy to see new people. For more information visit our website Fleet Knitting Club at Room L1, Library Block, Court Moor School, Spring Woods, Fleet GU52 7RY. As we now meet in the School we cannot always meet on 1st Tuesday of the month, so readers should check our Blogspot for latest dates. Fleet Language Circle Chat in French, German or Spanish. Free membership for native speakers. Phone Nick on 01252 676385 or visit www.fleetlanguagecircle. Fleet Lions Ordinary women and men helping the community in Fleet, raising funds & having fun! If you are interested in helping us then contact membership@ or see www.fleetlions. Fleet Morning Townswomen’s Guild Meetings are held on the first Wednesday of each month (except August) at The Harlington, Fleet from

Local Groups

Clubs and Societies

10.30am to 1pm. Contact Pam Howard 01252 624745 / Anne Baker 01252 624271. Fleet Morris are looking for new dancers. We dance at festivals and pubs from April to July and practice in Yateley from October to April. Our dancers are female and we dance in the Cotswold style. Visit or email or call 07856 153377. Fleet of Foot walking football club ladies’ section welcome more members. They play at Hart Leisure Centre on Thursday evening 7-8pm. Ladies of all ages are also welcome to the (mainly) mens’ sessions on Tuesday and Thursday 2-3pm. Please contact robglen37@yahoo. com for more details. Fleet Orchestra is a small friendly group meeting in Fleet on Wednesday evenings. We welcome new members, particularly strings players! Contact Anna Day on 01252 672190. Fleet Pond Society The active group for the protection and voluntary management of Fleet Pond Nature Reserve. Join our monthly tasks or just support our work for the Pond’s future through membership. Contact Jim Storey on chairman@ Fleet Social Bowling Club We are a friendly, yet competitive club, for all ages. We welcome both beginners and experienced players, and can provide coaching to assist you, whatever your ability, to learn or improve your game. An added bonus is the membership of our fully licenced club, with many activities. Lawn Bowls season: April to September. Contact 07917 798499 or fleetbowls@ Fleet Tennis League An easy way for men and women to play friendly, competitive singles. Players arrange their own matches at a mutually convenient time over 8 weeks and can use any court that suits them both. All standards welcome. Email or call Sally or Nigel on 0750 328 1732 or visit Fleet Town Girls and Ladies FC is looking for new players. If you are aged 3 – 10 why not give it a try? Training continues through the summer and there are summer tournaments as well! Contact Gary Niblett on 01252 626291 gary.p.niblett@ntlworld. com for further details or visit www. Fleet United Bowling Club Whether you are a beginner or an experienced bowler you will be welcomed at our friendly Bowls club where we can offer you bowls all year round, outdoor in the summer and shortmat inside our clubhouse during the winter, free coaching is available. or call 01252 621069. Frensham Pond Sailability For those with disabilities or long-term illnesses

who would enjoy sailing. We meet every Thursday and Saturday morning between April and October at Frensham Pond. Anyone interested please contact us at Friends of Ancells Farm We aim to work towards maintaining and improving the play parks on Ancells Farm for the benefit of the local community in partnership with the local Council. Friends of Basingbourne Park. Group of local residents working with Fleet Town Council to make the park and surrounding woodlands a better place for people to visit. New members always welcome. Contact info@ or visit Friends of Calthorpe Park A voluntary group made up of local residents and users of the park committed to the preservation and development of Calthorpe Park, in partnership with Fleet Town Council, for the benefit of the wider local community. Friends of Oakley Park A notfor-profit community group run by a committee of volunteers and funded by members’ subscriptions, plus donations and grants. Fugelmere Ladies Probus Group A friendly group of semi-retired and retired ladies, who meet for lunch, followed by a Speaker, at Peppone’s Restaurant on the A287, on the third Monday of each month. Contact us on 01252 620471 Fugelmere Probus Club of Fleet is a friendly club for retired gentlemen. We meet for lunch, followed by a speaker, at The Lismoyne Hotel, Church Road, Fleet on the second Monday of each month. Contact our Secretary Simon Hackett on 01252 684346 or visit our website www. Hants North East NCT Branch is the local support network for parents and parents to be in the Fleet area. Our events and activities are open to members and non-members. Visit our facebook page ‘Hants North East NCT Branch’ for details of all our events. branches/hants-north-east Hart Bridge Club welcomes new members on Tuesdays, 7 - 10.30pm, Fleet Methodist Church Hall, Reading Road South, Fleet. Contact Andrew Lewis at 01252 629123. Hart Creative Stitches Our friendly group of embroiderers meets at 2pm on 2nd Friday of each month (excl. August) at Victoria Hall, Hartley Wintney. Beginners and experts welcome. Contact Miriam Ward 01635 867927 or Pat Roome 01252 877965. Hart Decorative and Fine Arts Society Members meet monthly at The Harlington to enjoy illustrated lectures by guest speakers on subjects related to the arts as well as having the opportunity

to take part in guided visits to places of interest. Further information is available on our website: Hart Health Walks run six Hart health walks each week. These are aimed at people who would like to walk at a gentle pace in a safe and social setting and are open to all. For further details Contact Hart Voluntary Action on 01252 815652 or visit Hart Herons (Disabled ) Swimming Club Meets every Sunday between 5 and 6.10pm at Hart Leisure Centre, Emerald Avenue, Fleet GU51 5EE. Friendly swimming club with exclusive use of the pool to provide a space for both individuals and families. Children have to be accompanied by an adult and those requiring additional assistance need to bring a carer, friend, or family member with them. All ages and disabilities welcome. Further information please email Hartley Wintney Good Friends Club Come and join us for a variety of activities, guest speakers, games and other entertainment. The Baptist Church Hall, High Street, Hartley Wintney, Hampshire, RG27 8NY. Run by Brendoncare. 1st and 3rd Tuesday each month 2pm-4pm. Call 01962 857099 for further information. Hart Lions Club an all-ladies group who serve the community. If you are interested in joining us please contact us on 0845 833 7353 or through our website: Hartley Wintney Dance Club Join us at a friendly social tea dance every Wednesday afternoon 2 - 4 pm at the Victoria Hall, Hartley Wintney. Ballroom and Sequence dancing. Singles welcome. Contact Jill 01256 353424 or Maureen 01256 711810. Hart Road Runners - your local friendly running club, cater for runners of all abilities. Meet at Hart Leisure Centre, Hitches Lane, Fleet at 7.30pm on Tuesdays and 7.00pm on Thursdays. For more details go to: Hart Squash Club Now located at The Garrison Centre, Aldershot GU11 2LQ, and welcomes new members of all abilities. Contact Adrian 01252 615309. Hart Swimming Club Has your child reached ASA Level 5/6+ and interested in competitive swimming or are you a swimmer looking for some Masters’ coaching? Come join our team! Free Trials sessions available. Get in contact Hart Voices Mixed-voice choir directed by Roy Rashbrook. Rehearsals every Wednesday: 8pm – 10pm at All Saints Church Hall, Church Road, Fleet. New members ALWAYS welcome. Find out more at Heath Hoops Netball Club Friendly and successful netball club; 3 squads playing competitively locally. Experienced players as well as returners to netball

Local Groups

Clubs and Societies

welcome. Please contact heath.hoops@ for more information. Heathuns WI a friendly, fun group of women who meet in The Key Centre, Elvetham Heath 3rd Weds of each month at 7.30pm. We have a varied programme of speakers & activities. www.heathunswi. , email heathunswi@gmail. com or call 01252 504292. Hook Eagle Morris Men We dance at major festivals, events and pubs from April to January and practice in Hook from October to April. No experience required. We guarantee a warm welcome and lots of fun. Visit or call John on 07900 886855. Hook Kurling Club A friendly club that can get quite competitive over a game indoor kurling! We always have a laugh so come and join us. Hook Community Centre, Ravenscroft, Hook, Hampshire, RG27 9NN. Run by Brendoncare. Every Tuesday, 10.30am - 12.30pm. Call 01962 857099 for further information. Jill’s Fundraising Journey (JFJ) Charity raising cancer awareness and fundraising to provide free holiday home respite., Kindred Spirits Choir for anyone who has had treatment for Breast Cancer. Meets every Thursday, 7.30pm at Cove Methodist Church, GU14 0EL. New members welcome. Contact Lani 07530 849921 or email kindredspiritschoir@ Log Cabin Quilters We are a friendly group of ladies who meet on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month in Hartley Wintney to make quilts, to natter and enjoy tea and cake. Contact Pepita on 01252 844337 or Brenda on 01252 660653.

for people who enjoy playing and/or listening to pipe organ music, or maybe have a desire to learn to play. Contact the Secretary Gillian Lloyd on is 01483 570586. North Warnborough & District Garden Club warmly welcomes new visitors. During the year a varied programme of speakers is organised and we meet every 4th Thursday of the month. For further details please telephone 01252 626524. Parkinson’s UK Have Parkinson’s? Need help and support? Try the local branch monthly meeting at Shawfield Centre, Ash. Also Seated Pilates classes at Ancells Farm, Fleet on Tuesday afternoons and Exercise classes at Badshot Lea on Friday mornings. Contact Lyn White on 01252 657027. Phoenix Probus Club is a friendly group open to retired couples and singletons who meet at North Hants Golf Club on the last Friday of the month at 12.00pm for 12.30pm for lunch followed by a speaker. Contact 07710 571310 or 01252 621164. Pinewood Badminton Club is a non-league, social badminton club for experienced players (not suitable for beginners). We play every Monday evening at Hart Leisure Centre from 7.30pm. Contact Matthew on 07974 000980. Railway Enthusiasts We welcome those who are actively modelling railways, wishing to know more about the subject or who have an interest in railways in general. We meet at 109 Horley Lane, Farnborough every Tuesday night from 7.30pm onward.

Morris Minor Owners Club The Surrey Hants Border Branch of the MMOC now meet @ Crookham Street Social Club, The Street, Crookham Village, GU51 5SJ. 8pm 1st Monday of the Month (NOT Bank Holidays). More info Tony 01252 629575 or

Reiki Healing Group All welcome to come along to enjoy a relaxing Meditation, Healing and a chat over a cup of tea. We meet fortnightly on Wednesdays 2.15pm-4.15pm at Willis Hall, Sandy Lane, Church Crookham, GU52 8LD. For further details please contact Lynn Raeside on 07748 498024 or e-mail

Noah’s Ark Parent and Toddler Group meet weekly during school term time from 9.45am - 11.15am every Friday at The Church on the Heath, suitable for under 4’s.

Rotary Club of Fleet Please visit www. or email info@fleetrotary. to find out more about your local Rotary Club, where we meet, what we do and how we can help.

North East Hants Miniatures Group Need inspiration or just purchased your first dolls house? Then join our small group in Church Crookham, on the 3rd Tuesday of each month. Contact Anne Munday on 07974 422819 or anne.munday1@

Royal Voluntary Service organisation enriches the lives of older people. We deliver a package of services and support to help them live independently through the power of volunteers. Tel: 01264 317080

North East Hants RSPB Local group warmly welcomes new members. Come along to our monthly indoor meetings to enjoy our experts’ nature talks and friendly company. Visit groups/northeasthants for all details.

Rushmoor Synchronised Swimming Club (British Champions 2013) welcomes girls aged between 7 and 12 to join our fabulous club. To find out more visit or email membership@

North Hampshire Organists’ Association A friendly association

Sea Cadets Farnham, Fleet & Aldershot For ages 10 – 18, we meet

Mondays and Fridays at Sea Cadets, TS Swiftsure, Lower Weybourne Lane, Farnham, GU9 9LG. For more info see or email SeeAbility’s now offers day activities. Sessions available Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Baking, drama,pottery, woodworking, music therapy, crafts. Further details please telephone 01252 815256. Starburst Theatre is a local theatre company that welcomes members of all ages and performers from the age of 8 upwards. If you are interested in becoming a member of Starburst please go to our website for further details. The Flower Pot Club (part of Hart Voluntary Action) can help anyone with a learning disability to actively engage in a broad range of gardening and growing related activities both indoors and out. It is fully supervised and supported by experienced and friendly staff on a weekly basis. Contact Amanda Conlon 01252 815652. The Pelly Concert Orchestra rehearses most Tuesday evenings from 8.00 to 10.00pm in the Community Hall at Samuel Cody Specialist Sports College), Ballantyne Road, Farnborough, Hampshire GU14 8SS. We would love to hear from any violin or viola players, grade 6 or above, French horn and tuba players of Grade 8 and above who may be interested in joining this local, friendly orchestra. Please email secretary@ or telephone 0345 269 4614 if you are interested. The Royal Voluntary Service for Retired People How about coming to our friendly Lunch Club on Mondays and/or Thursdays from 12-1.30 behind The Harlington. Call our office on 01252 628634 for details. Totally Hooplass - Hula Hoop Club Meets Weds Eves at Ancells Farm, 8.30pm. All welcome. Contact tel: 07818 412360. URC Toddler Group Kings Road, Fleet. Drop in session for under 5s. Fridays 10 11.15am. Join us at urctoddlergroupfleet to find out more. Wednesday Afternoon Fellowship meets at 2.15pm every week during termtime at Fleet Methodist Church. We enjoy a wide variety of guest speakers, games and quizzes, members’ own contributions and occasional celebrations usually involving food. Interested? Just drop in for a taster. All are welcome. Yateley Archers are looking for new members. We are located at Frogmore Leisure Centre, phone 07534 173153

ehl August 2020 | 37

Your quick guide to everyone and everything in your ehl Accounting Services David Stone Kirk Rice LLP

Councils 5 25

Ovenclean 12

Home Furnishings & Decor

Admin Services Starfish Admin Services

Oven Cleaning

Elvetham Heath Parish Council



Mirrored 5


Paving R.Gold Construction





Baby Love Photography


Big Little

Power Walking

Kim Byrne Photography


Magazine Company


Loaf 22

Yateley Manor

Two Guys Kitchens & Bathrooms


Queen Bee in the Woods


Blinds & Curtains Design Room


Car Servicing Fleet Service Centre


Church on the Heath


Phone Joan Village Cleaning Services

13 4

Coaching Revitalise Coaching





St Edward Homes

The Spice Merchant


Schools Elvetham Heath Primary School



Watson-Thomas 19

Jing Sung Tai Chi


Tree Services

Lifestyle Management

Berkeley Homes 20


Sorrento 24

Tai Chi

Letting Agents

Lisa Christmas



Neale Turk LLP

Big Little

Loftplan Designs




Cedardale 4 Tyres & Exhausts


Roadwheel Tyre & Exhaust Ltd.


Windows & Conservatories 27

Hart Windows & Glazing LTD

New Homes

Hart Windows

38 | ehl August 2020


Marketing 4

Conservatories & Glazing LTD


Leaflet Distribution

Phone Joan

Fleet Qigong

Gurkha Square

Loft Conversions

Computer Maintenance Problem PC

& Bathrooms

Honey Lettings



Two Guys Kitchens

Magazine Company



Kitchens & Bathrooms Dream Doors

West Green Fruits Qigong

Jewellers Riordan Jewellers

Beauty Treatments


Independent Schools St. Nicholas’ School


Pick your own

Hotels The Elvetham



23 1


Zero Waste Shop Fleet Scoop




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