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Contents SUMMER

ISSUE 2018


Summer Time





Davina Ferreira is the publisher of ALEGRIA Magazine. She is also a poet and published author. Recently, she received the prestigious Rising Star Award by the National LBWA at the Egyptian Theater in Hollywood. This honor recognizes entrepreneurial excellence to a business owner under 35. She is currently working on her second book: “Finding my ALEGRIA.” Her ALEGRIA? Sharing time with her loved ones and her dog Emilio, traveling (minus the flying) and helping others accomplish their dreams.


Carlos is a colombian designer passionate about illustration, editorial design and graphic design applied to fashion marketing. His spare time is spent creating graphic publications with multiple applications (clothes, magazines, archigraphy), also cycling and walking his dog “Domingo”. What does Carlos think about design? Quoting maestro Leonardo Da Vinci “Simplicity is the utmost sophistication.” You can contact Carlos at: @mckadamia.


Editor Riitta Kärävä was born in Helsinki, Finland and received her Master of Science degree in International Marketing of Foodstuffs from the University of Helsinki. She spent her free time playing ice hockey, designing fashion semi-professionally, learning languages, and travelling extensively while working as a multilingual tour guide for 10 years in Europe. After two decades in California, she decided to immerse herself in Spanish language at California State University Channel Islands, where she obtained a certificate in Spanish translation and a pool of Latino friends. Her husband and two adult children bring her mucha Alegría. She is still passionate about languages and international travel.


Paola Hernandez is a journalist and a co-founder of KiiKAS (a breast cancer awareness program) from Pereira Colombia. She is a passionate writer, an amateur chef, and a love expert. She posseses a unique sense of humor and a lot of friends. Paola is a proud Scorpio and a sexy momma who loves to read, travel and go on hot dates with her husband. Paola’s ALEGRIA is her son Santiago.


I moved to LA from the Bay Area to pursue my music career some time ago. Along my journey I did many photoshoots myself, as an artist. I slowly fell in love with the art of photography. I can now see through both sides of the lense while bringing my experience and passion into every shot that I take.Iv’e always been obsessed with perfecting my craft and creating your flawless image. Perhaps I’ll let my work do the talking. Shooting with me is professional, comfortable, fun, and in return you will get some top notch images! My clients like that they can be themselves when working with me. All that I am looking for from you is to bring your “A” game. I’m here to help you build your career, capture your moment, or save your memory.


Colombian designer Carolina Gutiérrez, versatile, crative and enterprising, with her design proposal “Silvestre Puritico Handmade”, were she bets on design with high craftsmanship, visual and functional value. “Design is in the air” You can contact Carolina at: @silvestreceramica


Clare is a Los Angeles native. Of MexicanAmerican heritage, Clare spent years singing and acting in choral and theatrical productions. After studying in Italy and traveling throughout Europe, she completed her B.A. in Speech Communication and went to work in the fashion industry specializing in bridal fashion and helping to run a trendy boutique. When not traveling, or planning her next adventure, she enjoys kickboxing, dancing and supporting the arts. What gives her the most ALEGRIA in life, however, is spending time with her beloved family; Ysidro, Grace and Leah and their Dutch shepherd puppy, Kuma.


Daisy Solis is a Los Angeles based freelance writer of Mexican descent. She currently works in the field of education but enjoys doing a kaleidoscope of things. She is the Event Planning Coordinator for Latin Dance Pro, a Los Angeles/Pasadena-based dance academy. “What gives me ALEGRIA? That’s easy: writing, dancing and creating beautiful events!” Daisy can be reached at: and via Facebook.


This Venezuelan beauty is an award winning trainer and entrepreneur. She is the director of ALEGRIA´s special events division. In her free time, you can find her hanging out in Hawaii or running a marathon. Her son Matteo and merengue music bring her true ALEGRIA.


Born and raised in Mexico City. She comes from a family where her parents taught her that honor, respect and integrity are the main keys of credibility in the business world. Karla got her bachelor’s degree from the University of Iberoamericana in Torreon, Mexico in Communication Sciences which covers marketing, publicity and journalism. She came to the United States to study English as a second language and found many opportunities for her career and future. Karla started her own design studio for record labels in 1995 and was very successful for twenty years. As we all know the record industry changed and this led Karla to explore many other business opportunities in the Latino and Armenian community. Karla has become an image consultant, designer and marketing director for many successful business owners.



LETTER Hello Summer Time, ALEGRIA Familia!

I am thrilled to introduce our 1st ALEGRIA Festival in Palm Springs this September! This space will be a very special wellness and creative entrepreneurship retreat, where we will be inspired by leaders within our own community and dedicate ourselves to the art of joyful living and self-care together! Of course, this would not be possible without you and your incredible loyalty throughout the years.

We are so grateful for you! That’s why we have created plenty of opportunities this 2018 to bond,meet new amazing creators and entrepreneurs, network, learn new things and dream together! From four Latin Dance cruises, where we celebrate the joy of our Latin dance and culture, to our private parties with the prestigious Diamond Brand, Eravos and our new festival... We are ready to live the best version of ourselves, Much ALEGRIA to you,

Davina Ferreira Alegria Bilingual Magazine Publisher CEO @davifalegria



GOAPELE | July 26 PETER MAWANGA | August 2 THE MARĂ?AS | August 9 RANKY TANKY | August 16 KISHI BASHI | August 23 GILI YALO | August 30

FREE live music under the stars! The 2018 Sunset Concerts season is made possible in part by generous support from:

2701 N. Sepulveda Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90049 On-site parking: $10 per car (cash only) Carpooling encouraged Street parking strictly prohibited Or take Metro Rapid 734

Media sponsors:



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Artistas de Miami en destacada exposición del museo de arte FROST DE FIU inician conmemoración del 10mo. aniversario

Para iniciar las celebraciones de su décimo aniversario, el Museo de Arte Patricia y Phillip Frost de FIU presenta el estreno de Deconstrucción: Un reordenamiento de la vida, la política y el arte, con obras de 12 artistas de Miami: Eddie Arroyo, Zachary Balber (EE.UU.), Frida Baranek (Brasil), Christopher Carter (EE.UU.), Leyden Rodríguez-Casanova (Cuba), Yanira Collado (República Dominicana), Gonzalo Fuenmayor (Colombia), Pepe Mar (México), Glexis Novoa (Cuba), Sandra Ramos (Cuba), Jamilah Sabur (Jamaica) y Frances Trombly (EE.UU.). “Dicen que el dinámico entorno artístico de Miami puede ser eclipsado por las ferias de arte que descienden sobre nuestra región cada diciembre, y surge una importante pregunta: ¿Cómo es el verdadero panorama artístico de Miami las otras 51 semanas del año? Con el gran crecimiento de esta ciudad, quienes se dedican al arte en Miami tienen cada vez más oportunidades y retos”, dijo la Dra. Jordana Pomeroy, directora del Museo de Arte Frost en FIU.

“Para esta importante exposición que celebra el 10mo aniversario de nuestro espectacular edificio, estos 12 artistas de Miami le hacen frente, con audacia, a los temas mundiales de actualidad”. Julia Tuttle (Hidden Spirits) (Zachary Balber, 2010), cortesía del artista y Spinello Projects



Los 12 artistas provienen de todo el país y el mundo, y consideran que Miami es su hogar. Muchos han tenido exposiciones en destacados museos y galerías en varias ciudades de Europa, Latinoamérica y Asia. Su obra examina el tema de deconstrucción, desde los acontecimientos del día en el frenético ritmo de las redes sociales hasta las experiencias reveladoras por el contacto con diferentes culturas que tuvieron estos artistas en Miami. El subtítulo de esta exposición se deriva de los proféticos mensajes de Guy Debord en su libro “La sociedad del espectáculo”, publicado en 1967, que advirtió sobre un mundo futuro en el que la interacción social se vería excesivamente impactada por imágenes que nos impedirían tener contacto personal directo. Hace más de 50 años, Debord profetizó nuestra dependencia en la tecnología portátil que nos aísla y el control que ejerce sobre nosotros el ciclo de noticias de 24 horas. Las diversas maneras en que estos artistas plantean en sus obras la deconstrucción abren una ventana que nos permite dar un paso atrás y examinar el mundo actual detenidamente.




“It is all about living from a place of love�


It was a summer afternoon in Silverlake, where I got to meet Mayte Carballo, aka Flor Amargo. I had crossed Los Angeles from the Westside a few hours earlier for this interview and to attend her first show in this city. Just like her social media persona conveys, Mayte is eccentric and full of energy. It takes me a little more time to realize that behind this persona there is a woman who keeps her soul alive through daily meditation practice and a philosophy of life that makes her sublime.

Mayte Carballo nace en el Estado de México. A los 6 años comienza a estudiar piano gracias a su madre, pero es hasta los 12 años que hace su primer canción, llamada “La vida loca” .

“Ever since I started playing in the streets and public spaces, I have felt the power of my music and the love when I perform”.

Estudió piano clásico en el Conservatorio Nacional de Música y es ex participante de La Voz México, primera temporada. En el 2010 lanza su primer disco, “Carrusel”, con OCESA-Seitrack y ahora, de manera independiente, se encuentra promocionando su segundo material discográfico, “Espejo Cristal, el cual es vendido únicamente por plataformas digitales. Torreblanca, Jaime Kohen, Mon Lafferte, Tren a Marte, René Lugo (de Adíos París), Dr. Shenka (de Panteón Rococó), entre otros, forman parte de este exitoso disco a duetos.

She has been called loca, which in Spanish means, crazy, and she is just fine with that, as she knows that authenticity is at the core of her music. How does she deal with the ever-present scrutiny and criticism that comes from being a public figure? “For me, it is all about living from a place of love,” says Flor. “Ever since I started playing in the streets and public spaces, I have felt the power of my music and the love when I perform.From that place, nothing else matters,” she concludes.

A few hours later, I catch her show at Los Globos. There she is. An artist that must be experienced with all of our senses, let alone our hearts. As Flor Amargo takes the stage and sways her hair, you enter a new dimension. Time stops. She takes you from one country to the next with seamless effort, from La Vie en Rose to La Sandunga. I left that evening feeling more alive than I had in a while.

Photos provided by the artist






La mamá del Rap crea un álbum de empoderamiento femenino In the Dominican Republic, she was given the moniker La Mama del Rap - the first and most respected female rapper of her generation. Melymel was also named one of Pandora’s Latin Artists to Watch in 2018. She’s an urban music superstar with more than 1.4 million social media followers and over 20 million views on her YouTube channel. Now, with the release of her new album “Dragon Queen”, Melymel is ready to take the world by storm. Photos provided by management

Con el lanzamiento de su nuevo álbum, “Dragon Queen”, Melymel celebra el empoderamiento femenino, y motiva a otras mujeres a no disminuir la marcha, a mantenerse enfocadas y lograr sus sueños.

As a strong latina representing us in a maledominated genre, why was it essential for you to create a female empowerment album?

Because females have worked hard to finally get recognition in a male-dominated industry, it motivates other up-and-coming women not to slow down, to stay focused and accomplish their dreams. What have been some of the major obstacles in your journey as an artist to get where you are today?

Due to the taboo that “rap is only for men” people get intimidated by women who can run things as well or better than men. And sometimes men are not the problem, it’s the women who have been incapable of getting things done that serve as an obstacle to those women who can get things done. There is a lot of hypocrisy in the industry among females. What keeps you inspired and hungry for more?

Seeing my fan base grow and how people who don’t know me react when I perform. When I do an interview, the reaction of the interviewers and their motivational words are truly inspiring. What Brings you ALEGRIA?

My son, creating, the love I get back [from fans, the industry, other artists], being successful… and chocolate!


Females have worked hard to get recognition in a male-dominated industry


Osmar Escobar arrived to the US when he was 13 years old, with a dream that was fueled by Jairo Varela -the Colombian composer, founder and director of the Grupo Niche, and inspired by his cousin, who was a Hip Hop rapper.

Osmar Escobar llega a los Estados Unidos a los 13 años, con un sueñ impulsado por Jairo Varela -compositor, fundador y director colombiano del conocido Grupo Niche-, e inspirado por su primo, rapero del género Hip Hop.

At 15 this wuderkind had already signed a contract with Warner Music Group, in LA, an experience which has helped him become the artist he is today.

A los 15 años este joven perspicaz ya firmaba un contrato con Warner Music Group en Los Ángeles, experiencia que lo ayudó a convertirse en la persona que hoy es.

“I don´t want to create a straightforward trap, I want to create a more subliminal trap that will take this genre to the next level.”, the singer said. Osmar defines himself as a different kind of artist and is aware that humility and a positive attitude are the key to success. Osmar could tell many stories about loneliness and poverty. However, these have helped him mature as a person.

“No quiero hacer trap directo, sino subliminal, para llevar el trap a otro nivel”, declaró el cantante. Osmar se define como un artista diferente y está consciente de que la humildad y una actitud positiva son la clave de todo éxito. Osmar podría contar muchas historias respecto a la soledad y la carencia, pero estas también han sido instrumentales para su maduración personal.

For Osmar Escobar, everything is and generates ALEGRIA. First God, who fills him with positive energy all the time, and the women who are his greatest inspiration and a symbol of admiration and respect.

Para Osmar, todo es y produce ALEGRIA. Primero, Dios, quien lo ha mantenido lleno de energía positiva todo el tiempo, y las mujeres, que son su mayor inspiración y símbolo de admiración y respeto.

“I don’t want to create a direct trap, but a more subliminal product, so as to take trap to a diferent level” Writer: Katherine Gonzalez / Photos provided by management



Writer: Clare Miranda

Congratulations to Zuleyka Rivera on being named the International Ambassador for the prestigious Eravos Diamonds brand





Armed with beauty, brains, and ambition, actress and television personality Zuleyka Rivera seems to have it all. She recently sat down with ALEGRIA and shared the secret of living the life you want. And here’s a hint: it starts with YOU. Zuleyka Rivera is very proud of one of her most recent achievements -her son just graduated from kindergarten, a moment that brought much joy and pride. “The unconditional love of family is the most important thing,” Zuleyka says. She enjoys her roles as a mother, daughter, and friend. Indeed, these are titles that women everywhere can relate to. But Zuleyka held a title few other women share, and most will find intimidating: Miss Universe. Despite winning the title in 2006 and going on to succeed in many other exciting projects, Zuleyka wants women to know that they can relate to her: “Look, everyone has responsibilities, whether you are a mother, a wife, a friend, or a career woman, and it’s not easy to balance it all. It can actually be difficult and a lot of work.” She insists that her success and happiness are the result of loving herself and encourages other women to do the same. She has had this mindset ever since she was a young girl competing in local pageants in Puerto Rico. “From my family to Miss Universe, I’ve been very blessed since I was born.” She describes herself as “very spiritual,”


which has helped her find contentment. “You can’t have negative thoughts about yourself or your life. You need to love yourself every day,” Rivera advises. Having this perspective, along with her hard work and perseverance, has allowed her to pursue many opportunities that have come her way. After spending time traveling as Miss Universe, she tackled various acting roles and hosting gigs. Greeting viewers with her smile and charisma every day on the Emmy-winning show has been a rewarding experience. “Being on the show has made me feel more human. Getting to share things daily with my colleagues and the public has been very enriching. I am very happy with this new stage in my life,” she says. Zuleyka also received a unique opportunity when she starred in the music video for Luis Fonsi’s “Despacito.” The immensely popular song, which garnered several nominations and accolades, was also performed at the Grammys. There, she reprised her role, dancing at the live show. Zuleyka is also very excited to be the new international brand ambassador for Eravos, the luxury diamond jewelry company, a role that she describes as a great honor. She is collaborating with the company on a collection that will be released soon. The partnership is a natural fit for Zuleyka, “The brand has elegance and its message of making women -and everyone, - shine and feel empowered, motivated, and radiant captured my attention,” she explains. This echoes her own personal message and mission as well, as she hopes to “...represent all women. Not just Puerto Rican women, or Latinas, but all women. No matter where we come from, as women we have so many things in common, the same needs and together we can achieve great things.” While winning the title of Miss Universe was a great honor, and it opened the door to success and achievement, Zuleyka still sees herself as any other woman who is striving to have it all, “I’m a hard-working and determined woman. I seek to be a better person at all times: a better mother, a better daughter, and a better human being.” And for her, this endless pursuit is her ALEGRIA.


“No puedes tener pensamientos negativos sobre ti o sobre tu vida. Debes amarte todos los días”

Armada con belleza, inteligencia y ambición, la actriz y personalidad de televisión Zuleyka Rivera parece tenerlo todo. Recientemente se sentó con ALEGRIA y compartió el secreto para obtener y vivir la vida que deseas, y aquí hay una pista: todo comienza contigo. Zuleyka Rivera está muy orgullosa de uno de sus logros más recientes: la reciente graduación de su hijo de Kindergarden, un momento que le trajo mucha alegría y orgullo. “El amor incondicional de la familia es lo más importante”, dice Zuleyka. Ella disfruta de sus papeles como madre, hija y amiga. De hecho, estos son títulos con los que las mujeres de todo el mundo pueden identificarse. Pero hay otro título que Zuleyka obtuvo, que muchas personas encontrarán menos accesible, e incluso intimidante: el de Miss Universo. A pesar de haber ganado el título en 2006 y tener éxito en muchos otros proyectos emocionantes, Zuleyka desea que las mujeres sepan que se pueden relacionar con ella: “Mira, todas tenemos responsabilidades, ya seas madre, esposa, amiga o una mujer profesional, y no es fácil equilibrarlo todo. De hecho, puede ser difícil y mucho trabajo “. Insiste en que su éxito y su felicidad es el resultado de amarse a sí misma y alienta a otras mujeres a hacer lo mismo. Ella ha tenido esta actitud desde que era una niña que competía en concursos locales en Puerto Rico: “Desde mi familia hasta Miss Universo, he sido muy bendecida toda mi vida”. Se describe a sí misma como


“muy espiritual”, lo que le ha ayudado a encontrar satisfacción. “No puedes tener pensamientos negativos sobre ti o sobre tu vida. Debes amarte todos los días”, aconseja Rivera.

es perfecta para Zuleyka, “La marca tiene elegancia y su mensaje de hacer que las mujeres -y todo el mundobrille y se sienta motivado, empoderado y radiante, captó mi atención”, explica.

Tener esta perspectiva, junto con su arduo trabajo y perseverancia, le ha permitido perseguir muchas oportunidades que se han cruzado en su camino. Después de pasar un tiempo viajando como Miss Universo, tuvo varios papeles de actuación y de anfitriona. Saludar diariamente a los televidentes con su sonrisa y carisma en el show ganador de un Emmy ha sido una experiencia gratificante. “Estar en el programa me ha hecho sentir más humana. Compartir cosas todos los días con mis colegas y el público ha sido muy enriquecedor. Estoy muy feliz con esta nueva etapa de mi vida”, dice.

Esto hace eco también de su mensaje y misión personal, ya que espera “... representar a todas las mujeres. No solo a las mujeres puertorriqueñas, ni a las latinas, sino a todas las mujeres. No importa de dónde venimos, como mujeres tenemos tantas cosas en común, las mismas necesidades y juntos podemos lograr grandes cosas “.

Zuleyka también recibió una oportunidad única cuando protagonizó el video musical “Despacito” de Luis Fonsi. La popular canción, que obtuvo varias nominaciones y reconocimientos, también se presentó en los Grammy. Ahí ella repitió su papel y bailó en el espectáculo en vivo. Zuleyka también está muy emocionada de ser la nueva embajadora internacional de Eravos, la marca de joyería de diamantes de lujo, lo que ella describe como un gran honor. Está colaborando con la compañía en una colección que se lanzará próximamente. La sociedad

Aunque ganar el título de Miss Universo fue un gran honor, y le abrió la puerta al éxito y los logros, Zuleyka aún se ve a sí misma como cualquier otra mujer que se esfuerza por tenerlo todo: “Soy una mujer trabajadora y decidida. Busco ser una mejor persona en todo momento, una mejor madre, una mejor hija y un mejor ser humano “. Y para ella, esta búsqueda interminable es su ALEGRIA.

JoyerĂ­a: ERAVOS Fotos: Felipe Torres Asistente Fotos: Ivan Ojeda Mua: Emanuel Agosto Stylist: Kathy Rossy Blusa y Falda: Michelle Meller




La prestigiosa joyería fina de diamantes ERAVOS presenta su colección “FOREVER GOLD”, para la mujer empoderada, con presencia y estilo único.

Blooming Roses Gold


Inspirada en la femineidad, Eravos presenta su colección “FOREVER GOLD”, para una mujer elegante, libre y segura de sí misma. Esta se va puliendo día a día en un arduo proceso para crear una hermosa y deslumbrante mujer, igual que un diamante. ERAVOS se inspira en hacer brillar a la mujer.


Un diamante es el regalo de belleza infinita de la naturaleza y en Eravos escogemos los mejores diamantes del mercado para crear joyas únicas, exclusivas y modernas para la mujer de hoy: espontánea, independiente, elegante y que conquista el mundo con su brillo y carisma. Stellar Orbis

Las exquisitas piezas de diamantes en oro de 14k de Eravos son un reflejo de belleza y calidad, con una amplia línea de colecciones; una para cada estilo y cada mujer. Nuestro propósito es que cada mujer pueda disfrutar del lujo y la elegancia que significa poseer un diamante, descubre el tuyo. Visita nuestra tienda en línea ¡Super rápida y versátil! Mergin Waves



Mindful Birth Stories

A Blissful Way to Give Birth by Paula Betancur Our birthing experience started on March 28th, 2013. I was feeling like things were happening inside of me, but I was too busy to notice. It was the date of my prenatal checkups at my midwife’s office, and on my drive there, I kept noticing my belly tightening. I casually glanced at the clock and realized it was happening every few minutes. I didn’t think much of it and kept driving. I had my regular visit, and all was well.

were in a zone of presence and of calm waiting. I called Juan, my friend, and photographer as I knew he could be far. I was so excited and often overjoyed with tears imagining that pretty soon I would get to see my baby. After the birthing pool was set up, I went to our deck by the canal, sat on the birthing ball, put on my labor dance

I continued to knit and made jokes with my daughter, as we shared memories of fun times we’ve had together. While we were eating arepas, the midwife’s assistant, Mandy, arrived and so did Juan. I had been dreaming of the pictures for so long and had tried to make my home beautiful and sacred. I wanted the energy for this birth to be peaceful and special and being home made it easy to achieve.

Each surge was a chance to transcend, and each one left me feeling a little blurry and blissful as they ended. Emma stroked my face softly and I felt so much joy with each stroke. It seemed so surreal that here I was staring at my beautiful daughter, whom I gave birth not too long ago, as she comforted me and loved me during the arrival of my second baby. These moments were just pure joy and genuine love. So magical.

I headed back home and laid in bed to rest for a little while with my daughter Emma. I decided to pull some angel cards, something I do when I’m seeking guidance, inspiration or confirmation from the celestial world. I was wondering if this was the day my baby was coming, and the response from the cards was clear: “Yes! The timing is right for this new venture. A happy outcome follows your positive expectations. I am the angel of families; a happy change or addition is coming.” I got so excited! After our rest, my daughter and I went outside to draw with chalk and play hopscotch. By this time, I was pretty sure labor had started. Playing was quite the challenge, and I found myself squatting to get through a contraction as I bent to draw on the driveway before jumping up again. Not sure I have heard of any other woman playing hopscotch while on labor, I thought.

I sat down to meditate, and a few minutes later I felt a warm hand on my shoulder… It was Mindy, my doula. What a relief. My birth team is here! Complete! My pool is ready, my house is clean and beautiful, my daughter is happy, and my husband is HERE!!! I’m ready! It’s a perfect day to give birth.

I texted my sister, and she finally arrived. Aaaah! How happy I was to see her! My contractions were strong enough that I could focus on them and only them. My husband got home shortly after. It was such a relief to have company and to have my daughter Emma taken care of. I called the midwife to update her; though part of me really knew this was labor, another part didn’t want to believe it. Because my surges were close together, she told me she would like to come over to check me. It felt real then! I’m in labor! I called Mindy, my doula. I changed into the comfy labor dress I had picked for this occasion and put on my beautiful blessing necklace, the one made by all my sister-friends during a Navajo ritual to bless my new journey as a mother of two. I did some laundry while my husband washed dishes. My sister and Emma crafted together. We


My daughter kept coming in and out of the room. She brought me some artwork and made a beautiful festive garland. Then she came in with a basket filled with beautiful white rose petals to put in the water. She fed me a couple of apple slices and then came into the water with me…We hugged and played in the water, and she swam so beautifully like a little mermaid while I closed my eyes to go within and ride it out.

music and started knitting. What a beautiful day it was! I felt so peaceful. The midwife arrived shortly after with her gentle smile and sweet voice and started setting up her stuff. I texted Juan and my doula Mindy: “You can come over now. It’s time.” They both texted back: “On my way.”

As my labor progressed, I got into the water as I was happily chatting between contractions. I thought it was so cool that as soon as a surge would come, and my moaning started, everyone would stop talking and remain quiet during it. Then they would carry on with the conversation. Talk about respecting your space!

After a while I started feeling the surges spacing out a bit, I was beginning to feel too relaxed. I decided I would get out of the water to walk around and move. Right after I did, it all became difficult very quickly. I sat on the floor, and all I could feel was my husband and daughter’s hand on me. They hugged me and kissed me so sweetly. This was the moment I felt the most overwhelmed, and it was the first time it all became pain. Real pain. Not intense, deep waves of energy and pressure as before, but pain. I cried hard, and uncontrollably. Sobbing in a way that was so scary and so releasing. It was overwhelming, but somehow, I knew it was good for me. I knew this was “the gate of doubt” which is a moment of transition and it felt perfect to cry it all out! I really did know this! Wow! No inhibitions, just letting it out. I felt completely immersed in my body and in the strength and warmth and fear that each contraction brought. My heart and my body expanded. I could feel it. And in the midst of the fear and desire to give up, I truly knew everything was fine. I was fine. Everyone sat the floor and supported me. I was in the middle of a circle, surrounded with so much love. Emma’s hugs were filled with love. So much strength in those tiny arms. As each contraction came, I claimed my space to be with it and bend forward. My mom arrived right at that moment. I felt happy during the pain. Something that cannot be put into words.

Writed by: Paula Betancur Photos by: Juan Botero

I went back into the water after a while and continued going within with the surges, with the sound of mantras playing in the background. These mantras became my connection to myself and helped me travel in and out of me. I wanted to absorb it all… and I did. Beautiful sounds. Beautiful scents from therapeutic oils. Beautiful people. This is the joyful birth I envisioned and much more. What a dream! I kept my eyes closed this whole time… and kept feeling the intense urge to push. I did. And then I floated. I floated in my back, my mom and husband each holding my arms. My body floated and then my soul floated. My brother’s spirit was in my mind, and at that precise moment, I felt I was dying in the most beautiful way. Right during this moment, the “Go in Beauty” song by Mirabai Ceiba started playing. The song we have played to honor my bother’s soul for a few years. His song was up. And I was dying. On the same date as his heaven birthday, at the same time of the night he crossed over seven years ago. After some time, I felt a force within me that brought me back to my body. I visualized my baby, Luna, and I, as one, working together, birthing together. I pushed, and I grunted, and I screamed. My husband got in the water as my baby’s head emerged. “OH MY GOD!,” I shouted as I looked at it. And then, I could not open my eyes until she was out. I placed my hand on her head. Her soft hair was all I could feel. I will never forget that softness. I put both hands on her head, pushed some more with all of me. Yelled with all of me and then her little body emerged. I opened my eyes and there she was. What a miracle! She just came out of ME! I reached to grab her and cuddled her in my arms with such awe! In such reverence. I held her on my chest and cried. Pure tears of joy.

“Después de un tiempo, sentí una fuerza dentro que me trajo de vuelta a mi cuerpo. Nos visualicé a mí y a mi bebé trabajando juntos, naciendo juntos. Empujé, y gruñí, y grité. Mi esposo se metió en el agua cuando salió la cabeza de mi bebé. ¡OH DIOS MÍO! Grité mientras miraba… ¡Qué milagro, había salido de MI!”

“Después de un tiempo, sentí una fuerza dentro que me trajo de vuelta a mi cuerpo. Nos visualicé a mí y a mi bebé trabajando juntos, naciendo juntos. Empujé, y gruñí, y grité. Mi esposo se metió en el agua cuando salió la cabeza de mi bebé. “¡OH DIOS MÍO! Grité mientras miraba… ¡Qué milagro, había salido de MI!”

Emma came into the room right at that moment with my sister. My daughter got in the water and was speechless. We stared at the baby. She was perfect. It was all over. After getting out of the water and getting settled in bed, we toasted with a glass of champagne, and I ate. We all stared at Luna while my doula massaged my feet and midwife filled up paperwork. After they left, we all fell asleep together in the bed under the most beautiful full moon, with the most beautiful baby in our arms. Nothing in this life will awaken me more than birthing has, ever.


Para aprender más sobre Paula Betancur y su compañía @sacredinteriorsbypaula, please visit:



“You don’t need to be blessed with genetically perfect cheekbones to feel beautiful, be happy and to have an amazing, fulfilling life!”

Doralys Britto So much more than a Social Media Star! Photos provided by talent

You are a much more than a social media star, and that is apparent to anyone who shares some time with you. What keeps you grounded among the -often shallow- world of social media?

Thank you! And yes, the social media world can be very shallow and tends to focus on physical appearance, given the photo/video format. I try to stay grounded by remaining thankful for what I have. Everything in life is temporary and goes away sooner or later, so I try to be present and appreciate life as it happens. Also, I love spending time in nature… surfing, hiking, biking, running -I love it all! That allows me to disconnect and always reminds me of what’s truly important in life. I have a wonderful husband who, although very successful, is also a very unpretentious guy- he just likes to surf and explore life with me. So that helps me stay grounded despite the bright lights of the social media world.


You love to empower women, and your fans love your content about self-esteem and inner beauty. Will we see more of this?

Yes! I love to inspire my followers with positive messages! So much in social media today focuses on beauty and physical perfection but, really, there’s nothing more beautiful and attractive than a strong, independent woman and my content focuses on helping my followers become that woman. You don’t need to be blessed with genetically perfect cheekbones or a body type that is in vogue to feel beautiful, be happy and to have an amazing, fulfilling life! You are creative, driven and disciplined. Were you born this way, did you work towards this path or were you influenced by someone?

I was always pretty independent and driven. When I was 18, I was juggling jobs at a radio station and a television station while starting my own beauty pageant.

Both my parents were major influences. My mother is a doctor and a strong woman. I remember when I was a teenager we would go around the Dominican Republic on weekends giving free vaccinations to children. Just watching her work was such an inspiration. And my father works equally hard, sometimes 12 or even 14-hour shifts. And they never complained -they just did what they had to do, happily. So, from that, I developed a strong work ethic, which still benefits me today. What brings joy in your life and how do you keep it alive when most of your work is online?

I definitely need a break from the camera and the screen from time to time, and I absolutely love traveling. I try to take a 2-week trip every 3 months or so. That gives me something to look forward and allows me to recharge. I also love to unwind and cook at home in the evenings, and of course, I love spending time outdoors!

What is something you still struggle with and are working on? Do you have a selfcare routine?

I must often force myself not to get too wrapped up in work. I struggle with letting things go undone and tend to want to finish everything right away, but that it’s just not possible -there aren’t enough hours in the day! I’m learning to prioritize and to focus on the quality of my content and my state of mind rather than trying to be everywhere. It’s an ongoing process for me, but I’m getting there. As for my self-care routine, I love to read in the evenings, walk my dog and surf at sunset. I also avoid spending time on the phone/Internet after 6 pm. That helps me relax and disconnect from work. That’s my ALEGRIA!

Eres mucho más que una estrella de redes sociales, ¿Cómo mantienes los pies en la tierra, aún viviendo en un mundo como las redes sociales, a veces es tan superficial?

¡Gracias! Y sí, el mundo de las redes sociales puede ser muy superficial y tiende a centrarse en la apariencia física, dado el formato de foto/video. Intento mantenerme centrada agradeciendo por lo que tengo. Todo en la vida es temporal y desaparece tarde o temprano, así que intento estar presente y apreciar la vida tal como sucede.

Siempre fui independiente y ambiciosa. Cuando tenía 18 años, hacía malabares con trabajos en una estación de radio y televisión mientras organizaba mi propio concurso de belleza. Mis padres fueron influencias muy importantes. Mi madre es médica y una mujer muy fuerte. Cuando era adolescente íbamos los fines de semana a vacunar gratis a niños. Solo ver su trabajo fue una gran inspiración. Mi padre trabaja igual de fuerte, en turnos de 12 o incluso 14 horas. Nunca se quejaron, hicieron lo que tenían que hacer, felizmente. A partir de eso, desarrollé una fuerte ética de trabajo, que todavía me beneficia hoy.

Me gusta pasar tiempo en la naturaleza… surfear, caminar, andar en bicicleta, correr. ¡Me fascina! Eso me permite desconectarme y me recuerda lo que es realmente ¿Qué trae ALEGRÍA a tu vida importante en la vida. Tengo un marido maravilloso que, y cómo la mantienes viva? aunque es muy exitoso, también es un muy sencillo: Definitivamente necesito un descanso de la cámara y le gusta surfear y explorar la la pantalla de vez en cuando y vida conmigo. Eso me ayuda a me encanta viajar. Intento hacer un viaje de 2 semanas cada 3 mantenerme firme a pesar de “Mucho del contenido en las redes meses más o menos. Eso me da las luces brillantes del mundo sociales de hoy en día se centra algo que esperar y me permite de las redes sociales. en la belleza y la perfección física, recargar baterías. También me Te encanta empoderar encanta descansar y cocinar pero, en realidad, no hay nada más en casa por las noches, y pasar a las mujeres y tus fans hermoso y atractivo que una mujer tiempo al aire libre! adoran tu contenido sobre autoestima y belleza interior. ¿Veremos más de esto en un futuro?

fuerte e independiente”

¡Sí! ¡Me encanta inspirar a mis seguidoras con mensajes positivos! Mucho del contenido en las redes sociales de hoy en día se centra en la belleza y la perfección física, pero, en realidad, no hay nada más hermoso y atractivo que una mujer fuerte e independiente, y mi contenido se centra en ayudar a mis seguidoras a convertirse en esa mujer. ¡No necesitas ser bendecida con pómulos genéticamente perfectos o el tipo de cuerpo que está de moda en este momento para sentirte hermosa, ser feliz y tener una vida increíble y satisfactoria! Eres creativa, motivada y disciplinada. ¿Naciste de esta manera, trabajaste para llegar a ello o fuiste influenciada por alguien a lo largo de tu camino?


¿Algo con lo que todavía luchas y estás trabajando? ¿Tienes una rutina de cuidado personal?

A veces tengo que esforzarme para no involucrarme demasiado en el trabajo. Lucho para dejar las cosas inconclusas y deseo terminar todo enseguida, pero eso simplemente es imposible, ¡no hay suficientes horas en el día! Estoy aprendiendo a priorizar y centrarme en la calidad de mi contenido y mi estado mental en lugar de tratar de estar en todas partes. Es un proceso continuo para mí, pero estoy llegando allí. En cuanto a mi rutina de autocuidado, me encanta leer por las tardes, pasear a mi perro y surfear al atardecer. También evito pasar tiempo en el teléfono/Internet después de las 6 pm. Eso me ayuda a relajarme y desconectarme del trabajo. ¡Esa es mi ALEGRIA!



W hen did you get inspired to create the Uniquely Bella Movement?

My professional journey has taken me from non-profits to schools and corporations, and in every setting, I noticed the pressures women, girls and teens experience through their journey. Society and social media have portrayed beauty in an utterly shallow way. Physical beauty is defined by shape, size, facial features and so on. Although we are starting to see a shift in social media, we still have a long way to go. When working as a Resource Specialist Assistant, I had the opportunity to be close to students, teachers and staff.



@ U N I Q U E LY B E L L A M O V E M E N T

Photos by José Andrés Cortés

A second grader once approached me during lunch time and said: “I can’t eat today.” When I asked her why she answered, “Because I’m fat; I’m not beautiful.” She broke my heart. How is it possible that we have 7-year-old girls worrying about body image? Uniquely Bella’s mission is to celebrate our individuality and uniqueness -we are all beautiful. Beauty is not defined by our size, color, or shape. Uniquely Bella’s vision is to educate and inspire women so they can empower our young girls. Only then can we build stronger, more resilient girls for the future of tomorrow. True Happiness starts with self-love; our focus needs to start there. What drives you to share your brand and story with others? What makes your story unique?


I am sharing my story and UB Inspirational Apparel to raise awareness. Many women are already inspiring other women, and that’s amazing; it is a movement. However, this is only the beginning. What are we really doing for our young girls? How are we empowering them? How are we inspiring our young mujercitas? My goal is to start at an early age. What we call UB Role Models are successful Latina professionals and entrepreneurs who can assist in strengthening our young girls and empowering them to want more and to believe in themselves. UB Apparel is meant to raise awareness and make a statement. The earnings from my boutique will eventually be used to begin a community and school-based “Mini UB Empowerment Workshops.”

What is your vision for the young girls you aim to inspire?

I don’t want our young girls to go through the same struggles many of us did growing up. Lack of self-esteem, of self-acceptance, not feeling supported, being put down, not having the resources to thrive. The goal is to enable them to dream big, have ambitions and hunger for success. I want young girls to be inspired and empowered now, so they are resilient, diligent, and driven at a young age. Change starts with one person; let’s start the chain of change. How do you see Uniquely Bella Movement evolving in the coming year?

This is more than apparel. When you wear a UB inspirational top you are joining a movement; you are sharing a powerful message. I can’t ex-

press the feeling I get when I see that support. In the coming year, I want my message to reach schools, communities, possibly other states. I hope that many successful women become a part of this movement and share this message with their loved ones. I also hope they inspire younger girls with their stories and encourage feeling comfortable in their own skin. To educate them, to support them- this is the only way to make them feel Bellas y Poderosas. Let’s make sure our young girls embrace their individuality; let’s make sure they feel that fire in their soul now. I want them to dream and think that anything is possible. What brings you ALEGRIA?

Life challenges and meeting genuine souls. Challenges keep me on my toes. They make

me feel alive! Challenging life experiences opened my mind and gave me the drive to keep moving forward. I have fallen, and I have learned. I became a stronger woman – a determined woman…. Now I feel I can do it all and no one will stop me. Without challenges we don’t change, we don’t move forward, and we don’t inspire. My challenges brought Uniquely Bella to life -and now, I want to bring it to the lives of many. We are not lucky to meet genuine souls on a regular basis. But when I feel a connection with a human being, I cherish it. Pure souls are transparent, they are willing to get to know you, support you and share special moments with you. The conversation and similar interests naturally flow, and your positivity feeds off each other; it’s truly magical.



Rocha KIKA

Writer: Daisy Solis

Wearing the wrong shoes is a mistake but not follo wing your passion is suic ide

When I found out I would be interviewing lawyer-turnedfashion-and-beauty-expert Kika Rocha, I got a little nervous. I envisioned Meryl Streep á la Miranda Priestly, the powerful fashion magazine editor in The Devil Wears Prada. I was the aspiring journalist who lands a job as an assistant to this powerful and terrifying fashion icon. Well, I could not have been more mistaken. While Kika’s influence has helped Colombia make a mark in the fashion runways of the US, she exudes an easy confidence and warmth. With a master’s degree from New York University and five years of law school in Colombia, Kika Rocha, People en Español’s former Fashion Director, knows a thing or two about passion and following your dreams. On her blog, En Tacones Y Más, #TipsDeKika, she informs more than one million readers on what’s the next “it” trend.

In our conversation, she shared her tips on personal style, the inspiration behind her blog, and what it takes to make it in the cutthroat world of fashion.

What encouraged you make the transition from a career in law to the fashion world?

Fashion is a way to influence people. More than trends, it’s about putting something together every day that elevates your mood and what you want to portray. We all have that relationship with the mirror, and we ask ourselves, “OK, how do I need to look today? What do I wear?”. And then there is that question, “What do I wear to make this moment unforgettable?” I am all for fashion within that sense. However, inclusive fashion, the kind of fashion that makes your life better, not intimidating, is what I love. Besides the obvious, why the focus on Colombian fashion?

Back in the days when I was the Fashion Director at People en Español, I faced an enormous challenge every day. I was always by these very well-dressed crowds. All these events entailed looking your best and wearing your best. I couldn’t afford the designer creations that other magazine editors were wearing, and I wanted to create a look that would both, stand out and represent me. We have such beautiful things in Colombia... So I thought, “How can I make my little black dress stand out?” And


so, I started accessorizing with colorful things that I would bring back from my country: bracelets, purses and earrings, and suddenly these women that were wearing the expensive brands would stop me and ask me about my unique pieces and I thought, this has a future... I am a fan of your blog Tacones y Más, aka #TipsDeKika; what inspired you to create it?

Ay que linda... It started with the name “Tacones y Más,” back when I was working at People en Español, but now I am trying to promote it with the hashtag #TipsDeKika. I started it with Twitter as a way of encouraging a dialogue between women, from celebrities that I would interview on the red carpet to professional women, students and domestic goddesses that do it all! Unfortunately, those tips would stay in Twitter, so I began the website with the sole purpose of uploading all those tweets. And it started growing and I would discuss health, beauty, and as of late, travel, on “Las Travesías De Kika”... I discuss my experiences with meeting these designers, the hotels that I stayed in and more. There’s a lot going on in the fashion world. What excites you about what’s happening?

I find that fashion is becoming more and more inclusive. When you see big names on the Parisian runways collaborating to create affordable pieces, I love that. It’s a way of bringing their designs to the masses. Finally, what brings you ALEGRIA?

There are so many things... Just waking up to another day and watching my daughter become a young woman. Friends, that’s something that brings me a lot of happiness. I have so many beautiful friendships that have been cultivated throughout 20 years, 30 years, 40 years… Yes, 40! To think that whatever it was that you shared with them had enough substance to eventually bring you back together. Of course, I love nature, horseback riding, traveling, being able to talk to people, connect with them and making new friends.

Cuando me enteré que entrevistaría a Kika Rocha, abogada convertida en fashionista y experta en belleza, me puse un poco nerviosa. Imaginé a Meryl Streep en el papel de Miranda Priestly, la poderosa editora de la revista de moda en The Devil Wears Prada, y yo como la aspirante a periodista que consigue un trabajo como asistente de este poderoso y temible ícono de la moda. Bueno, no podría haber estado más equivocada. Aunque Kika ha ayudado a elevar el nombre de Colombia en el mapa de las pasarelas en los Estados Unidos, es una mujer que exuda calidez y seguridad. Con una maestría de la Universidad de Nueva York y cinco años de facultad de derecho en Colombia, Kika Rocha, ex Directora de Moda de la revista People en Español, sabe lo que es pasión y perseguir sueños. Mas de un millón de lectores siguen sus tips acerca de las tendencias de la moda a través del blog En Tacones Y Más, #TipsDeKika. Kika compartió conmigo sus consejos acerca de estilo personal, la inspiración detrás de su blog, y lo que se necesita para tener éxito en el despiadado mundo de la moda. ¿Por qué es importante la moda?

La moda es una forma de influenciar a las personas. Más allá de las tendencias, se trata de crear algo todos los días que eleve tu estado de ánimo y lo que deseas proyectar. Todos tenemos esa relación con el espejo y nos preguntamos: “De acuerdo, ¿cómo debo verme hoy?”. Y luego está la pregunta: “¿Qué me pongo para que este momento sea inolvidable?” Estoy totalmente a favor de la moda en ese sentido. Sin embargo, la moda inclusiva, el tipo de moda que hace que tu vida sea mejor, no intimidante, es lo que amo.

La moda es una forma de influenciar a las personas. Más allá de las tendencias, se trata de crear algo todos los días que eleve tu estado de ánimo y lo que deseas proyectar SUMMER

Además de lo obvio, ¿por qué enfocarse en la moda colombiana?

Cuando era Editora de Moda en People en Español me enfrentaba a un desafío enorme todos los días. Siempre estaba acompañada de gente bien vestida. Todos estos eventos implican lucir lo mejor posible. No podía permitirme las creaciones caras, de diseñador, que otros editores de revistas usaban, y quería crear un estilo que pudiera destacarse y representarme. Tenemos cosas tan hermosas en Colombia... y pensé: “¿Cómo puedo hacer que mi little black dress se destaque?” Y así, comencé a personalizar con cosas coloridas de mi país: pulseras, bolsos y pendientes, y de pronto, estas mujeres que usaban marcas caras me comenzaron a detener para preguntarme sobre mis piezas únicas y pensé… esto tiene futuro… Soy fan de tu blog Tacones y Más, también conocido como #TipsDeKika; ¿qué te inspiró a crearlo?

Ay que linda ... Comenzó con el nombre Tacones y Más, cuando trabajaba en People en Español, pero ahora estoy tratando de promocionarlo con el hashtag #TipsDeKika. Lo comencé con Twitter como una forma de fomentar el diálogo entre las mujeres, desde las celebridades a las que entrevistaría en la alfombra roja, a las diosas de la vida cotidiana, estudiantes y domésticas que lo hacen todo. Desafortunadamente, esos consejos se quedarían en Twitter, así que comencé el sitio web con el único propósito de subir todos esos tweets. Y comenzó a crecer y me gustaría hablar sobre salud, belleza y viajar tarde con “Las Travesías De Kika” ... Discuto mis experiencias al conocer a estos diseñadores, los hoteles en los que me alojé, etc. Están sucediendo muchas cosas en el mundo de la moda. ¿Qué te emociona de lo que está ocurriendo?

Encuentro que la moda se está volviendo más y más inclusiva. Cuando ves grandes nombres en las pasarelas parisinas colaborando para crear piezas accesibles, eso me encanta. Es una forma de llevar sus diseños a las masas. Finalmente, ¿qué te trae ALEGRIA?

Hay tantas cosas. . . Simplemente despertar otro día y ver a mi hija convertirse en una mujer joven. Amigos, eso es algo que me da mucha felicidad. Tengo tantas amistades hermosas que se han cultivado durante 20, 30, 40 años ... ¡Sí, 40! Pensar que lo que sea que compartiste con ellos tenía suficiente sustancia para que eventualmente te vuelva a unir con ellos. Por supuesto, amo la naturaleza, montar a caballo, viajar, poder hablar con la gente, conectarme con ellos.



WATERPROOF GEL EYELINER Crea instantáneamente una mirada audaz y magnética con este delineador de ojos a prueba de agua y transferencia. Formulado con pigmentos puros de carbono para un color rico y definido que ofrece ojos de mirada intensa. La punta única ofrece flexibilidad sin comprometer la precisión para un uso sin esfuerzo durante todo el día. Waterproof Gel Eyeliner U$28

Clarins otoño 2018 colección de color trae el icónico Joli Rouge y la clásica Supra Volume Mascara con una nueva decoración inspirada en los rituales de maquillaje. Clarins NUEVO Delineador de Ojos Gel agrega una vibra parisina a toda la colección.


SUPRA VOLUME MASCARA La solución para un volumen intenso y lleno creando unas pestañas hermosas. Su icónica formula con flores de Cassie y la cera de Clarins Potenciadora de Volumen espesa y protege las pestañas para crear un magnifico estilo. Supra Volume Mascara $28

JOLIE ROUGE GRADUATION El Nuevo Joli Rouge Gradation tiene una textura cremosa, una formula rica en hidratación que entrega un color intenso con un toque de sombra único. Combinando dos sombras vibrantes de Joli Rouge. Con un solo toque los labios quedan perfectamente esculpidos y visiblemente plenos, 6 horas de hidratación y labios totalmente audaces. Joli Rouge Gradation $30






One Breath at a Time

na Lilia is a UC Berkeley graduate, certified Breathwork teacher and intuitive healer. Her parents migrated from Aguascalientes to Napa, California, where Ana and her three sisters were born. From a young age, Ana knew she didn’t want a” regular” job. This infuriated her parents. All they wanted for her was to be “successful,” and for them, that meant working at an office. However, Ana always knew there was so much more to life than a 9 to 5 job.

Three years ago, she discovered Breathwork, and it completely changed her life. Now she teaches Breathwork all over Los Angeles. She also works with clients one-on-one, both in person and online. Ana helps people release stress, fear, anxiety, and anything else that’s holding them back from fulfilling their potential. She has been featured on Bravo TV, brings Breathwork to the corporate world, is an ambassador for the American Heart Association and volunteers at weSpark, a non-profit that helps cancer patients and survivors improve their quality of life. Ana loves to see her clients radiate in their light after a Breathwork meditation session. 34

How did your passion for Breathwork start?

I stumbled upon a Breathwork class at the House of Intuition three years ago. I showed up not knowing what it was. I had such an intense and incredible experience. I couldn’t believe that laying down and actively breathing would make me cry the entire class. My hands cramped up, and I was not able to open them during the session. Yet, after class I felt so light and free that I was hooked and wanted to experience more. How has it changed your life?

When I first found Breathwork, I was feeling overwhelmed with life. It seemed like no area in my life was going the way I wanted it to. I was frustrated with work, was feeling unseen and unheard in my relationship; life just felt very hard. I had already been dabbling in the healing world and was going to therapy, but I had never experienced anything so intense and straightforward like Breathwork. Breathwork allowed me to release all those repressed emotions in a short time. It gave me clarity and a sense of hope. And it created more space in me and confidence to help me start making changes in my life. And after 6 months of breathing to heal myself, I wanted to learn how to facilitate

Breathwork to help other people. And I’ve been facilitating Breathwork for two and a half years now. Why should Breathwork be a part of our daily self-care routine?

Breathwork is the perfect tool to release stress, anxiety, frustration, depression and many other emotions. I have seen clients heal from past traumas. I have clients who no longer need anti-depressants after years of taking them. It has helped people with insomnia and anxiety. Active breathing is the easiest way to immediately put your body and mind at ease. It helps lower blood pressure, calm your nervous system, and it helps you relax. What brings you ALEGRIA?

Music brings me ALEGRIA! It feeds my soul and body. I am always listening to music and love going to shows to see an artist pour their heart on a stage. And lately, I’ve been taking dance classes, which has been so much fun! Music is also another major competent of my Breathwork classes. Not only does it bring joy, but it also is another healing tool. My playlists are meant to take you on a journey. You can find my playlists on Spotify and Apple Music @breathewithana

Breathwork es la herramienta perfecta para liberar el estres la ansiedad la frustracion la depresion y muchas otras emociones Photos provided by talent





Cacao Ceremonies


any moons ago the Mayans, the Incas, and other indigenous cultures considered cacao, (the bean chocolate comes from), sacred. In the shamanic world, it was regarded as a sacred medicinal plant. Through history, it has been used as a form of currency, an antioxidant, a cardiovascular superfood and an antidepressant. It contains an alkaloid called Theobromine, which comes from the Greek “Theos” (God) and “Broma” (Food).

This food of the Gods and Goddesses works with our heart on a physical level, but also on an energetic, spiritual level raising our sensibility, empathy, and remembrance of oneness. The effect from my first cacao ceremony was profoundly healing, and I felt an immediate connection and calling to share it with anyone I could. In cacao, I found a teacher, an ally, a healer and a bridge -who doesn’t love chocolate-? to help spread love and light through ceremonies. Through these ancient practices, I have remembered and re-established my connection with myself, the community, and the Earth. I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to share cacao ceremonies. I also cherish all of those who have kept these ancient ways alive, so we can


keep remembering we truly are one, and if we want to help the world we must help ourselves, honor our hearts. I am eternally grateful for the collective healing that every circle creates, everyone has a story, and a battle and a gift, and a ceremony is a beautiful space where all of these are woven together.

Photos provided by talent


En el cacao encontre un maestro un aliado un curandero y un puente 37


Upgrade your basic workwear look with tips from celeb fashion stylist, Laura Zapata

earrings for a cute happy hour option. An accessory swap is also key: lose the power pumps for strappy evening sandals, and leave the oversized work tote for an edgy, embellished clutch.

What are your top beauty and/or styling essentials that every girl should keep at her desk to make the work to dinner/drinks transition seamless? I keep some key essentials my desk, especially when I know I have after-work plans and limited time to get ready. Here are some items I suggest every chica should have on-hand:

Foot Petals: After hours of being on your feet, foot

How can I incorporate both comfort and style to my summer work look? When it comes to staying stylish and comfortable in the workplace, go for low-maintenance wardrobe basics in striking colors. On-trend colorways will keep you looking fashion-forward. Separates that you can easily layer or move around with ease, like breathable fabrics or items that stretch, will help to keep you comfortable throughout a long workday. Try slim trousers in yellow or lavender, an A-line skirt in red, a tweed blazer in hot pink, or a shift dress in jewel tones like moss or terracotta. Pair your bold colors with neutral separates for a streamlined look.

What tips can you share on transitioning from work to happy hour or date-night, what colorful styles or pieces should be my go-to? A conservative style is safe for the workplace, but super blah when it comes to an after 6pm look. Find ways to shed layers and show some skin to transition your look from day-to-night. Ditch the blazer and a style a shift like you would a party dress. Pair with heels and flirty fringe

petals add an extra layer of cushion and comfort on your feet, especially if you’re throwing on a pair of killer heels for the night. Dove Invisible Dry Spray Antiperspirant: This amazing deodorant has an innovative formula that doesn’t leave any marks on 100 colors of clothing, and it also provides 48-hours of odor and wetness protection, which is super important for a night out dancing with the girls!

Concealer: An illuminating concealer works wonders to brighten and refresh tired-looking eyes after a long, hard day in the office.

What fashion piece, whether an accessory, top, shoe, etc. can I incorporate into my daily wardrobe that will help elevate my at-work look? Definitely go for the statement jewelry! It’s eye-catching and a quick way to elevate any work look. Jazz up a simple sheath dress or a basic blouse and skirt combo with some fashion-forward jewelry in hammered metals or edgy metallics. A bold cocktail ring paired with oversized earrings is always a win-win work combo.

Photos provided by talent

LAURA ZAPATA Laura Zapata is a Latina fashion stylist with more than a decade of experience in the NYC fashion industry. Specializing in the multicultural, millennial, and Gen Z markets, her career in styling and creative content can be seen across print, digital, TV, branded content, and celebrity projects. Dove has partnered with Laura, whose client roster includes Latina celebs like – Gina Rodriguez, Diane Guerrero, Dascha Polanco, Camila Cabello, and more – to learn all the ways to avoid common fashion mistakes and how to embrace bright, bold colors, as we celebrate the second year of Dove Invisible Dry Spray Antiperspirant

Dove Invisible Dry Spray Skin Antiperspirant Dove Unvisible Dry Spray Antiperspirant goes on invisible, leaving no white marks on 100 colors of clothing. It provides 48-hour odor and wetness protection and offers the brand´s signature 1/4 moisturizing technology to care for skin. HOW IT WORKS The active ingredient found in antiperspirant is a white powder and primary contributor to white marks The powder becomes visible on clothing due to light acattering,an optical effect. The new antimarks protection technology combines a finer milled active ingredient with an innovative masking oil to reduce overall appearance of white marks.

AVALABLE IN TWO NEW FRAGANCES Crystal Touch Watery and modern, opening with fruity and floral notes complemented by a creamy qbackground of sandalwood and musk. Sheer cool An infusion at grapefruit, zesty lime an lemongrass combined whit tea rose and sunny mimosa that awakens your senses. SRP: $5.49 (3.8 oz)


Pranic Healing Pranic Healing® (Curación Pránica), es un sistema simple pero poderoso y efectivo de curación de energía sin contacto. Se basa en los principios fundamentales de que el cuerpo es una entidad viviente, autorreparable, que posee la capacidad de curarse a sí misma y que el proceso de curación se acelera al aumentar esta fuerza de vida disponible a través del sol, el aire y la tierra, para manejar desequilibrios físicos y emocionales. El maestro Choa Kok Sui dice: “la energía vital o el prana nos rodean. Son ubicuos. En realidad estamos en un océano de energía vital. Basándonos en este principio, un sanador puede extraer energía pránica o energía vital de los alrededores”. Pranic Healing® is a simple yet powerful and effective system of no-touch energy healing. It is based on the fundamental principles that the body is a self-repairing living entity, that possesses the ability to heal itself, and that the healing process is accelerated by increasing this life force that is readily available from the sun, air and ground to address physical and emotional imbalances. Master Choa Kok Sui says “Life Energy or prana is all


around us. It is pervasive; we are actually in an ocean of Life Energy. Based on this principle, a healer can draw in Pranic Energy or Life Energy from the surroundings.” Pranic Healing® is not just another “energy healing” modality, it’s a way of life. It was founded over three decades ago by Grandmaster Choa Kok Sui. But before we get into the juicy details allow me to share how this super advanced modality came into my life and how anyone can apply its life-changing techniques immediately.

Photos provided by talent

of my final medical exam I had an out-ofbody experience that left me in shock. At the time, I thought it was only a nightmare caused out of fear. Though the test results were normal, as usual, I realized that from the moment I had the out-of-body experience to the point of receiving the test results, I had been symptom-free for the first time in more than 10 years. What the heck had happened? So, I asked the prophet Google: “hands, heat, heal”. The first thing that popped up was this thing called Pranic Healing®. As soon as I clicked the link my jaw dropped. I was finally home. I knew deep within my heart and soul that what had just found was worth more than gold.

body and not directly on the physical body. This energy body, or aura, is the mold or blueprint that surrounds and interpenetrates the physical body. It is the energy body that absorbs life energy and distributes it throughout the physical body, to the muscles, organs, glands, and more. The reason Pranic Healing® works on the energy body is that physical ailments first appear as energetic disruptions in the aura before manifesting as problems in the physical body. This pervasive energy that surrounds, interpenetrates and sustains the physical body, also affects our emotions, our ability to handle stress, relationships and even finances.

The year was 2011 and my life was a complete mess. I was feeling depressed, my head was filled with junk thoughts and my body was I’ll leave you with these thoughts: So, what is Pranic Healing®? Pranic tired, and in pain. It didn’t stop there Because of what I learned in Healing® is a highly evolved and tested – my marriage, family, career and Pranic Healing® I was able to system of energy medicine developed by finances were suffering as well. The change the course of my life and Grand Master Choa Kok Sui. It utilizes bottom line was that I wasn’t feeling manifest my greatness. I launched prana to balance, harmonize and transform or living my life to its fullest. Sounds the business of my dreams: in the body’s energy processes. Prana is a familiar? nine months, I went from selling Sanskrit word that means life-force. This out of my garage to having my invisible bio-energy or vital energy keeps Wanting to break away from products distributed by Whole the body alive and maintains a state of good years of suffering I began going Foods Market. Achieving a health. In acupuncture, the Chinese refer to countless of doctors in hopes of certain level of inner peace, to this subtle energy as Chi. It is also called finding the root of my suffering. But health, success and abundance Ruach or the Breath of Life in Hebrew. the response was always the same: in a short period of time has been “Mrs. Arrieta, there is nothing priceless. I’m far from perfection, medically wrong with you. All test but what I do know is that I am not results indicate you are in perfect the same person at the dawn of health, but please take these pills for your Pranic Healing® requires no drugs, each new day. I become a better version depression/bipolar disorder”. gadgets, not even physical contact of myself, all because of Pranic Healing. with the subject. Physical contact is not Close to desperation, I decided to go in required because the practitioner is Marcela A. Arrieta for one last medical opinion. On the eve working on the bioplasmic or energy Pranic Healer, Entrepreneur



If you were to lose your eyesight, what would you like to see? From Pitipol Ybarra, the Director of Pulling Strings and A La Mala, comes Ya Verémos, the story of Santi (Emiliano Aramayo), a preteen who is dealing with the recent separation of his parents, Rodrigo (Mauricio Ochmann) and Alejandra (Fernanda Castillo.) Despite their divorce, Santi’s parents are both desperately devoted to their son. When they learn that Santi has a medical condition that could jeopardize his eyesight, Santi’s father encourages him to make a list of places and things he wants to see and do before losing his sight. Santi immediately obliges with an elaborate list, but with one condition – the estranged couple must come together to help him fulfill his dreams. As the three embark on the amazing, sometimes whacky adventure, the couple must learn how to live together for the sake of their son. But, will the adventure open their eyes and make the separation impossible? Fernanda, eres una artista versátil que hace todo: desde teatro musical en vivo hasta actuar en películas y dirigir. ¿Esto es parte de tu naturaleza artística?, ¿qué es lo que más te gusta?

Creo que la versatilidad en un actor es muy importante para seguir creciendo y retándote. En los últimos años me he concentrado más en hacer cine y televisión, pero tengo que admitir que mi gran amor es el teatro, pues te ofrece la experiencia viva de tocar y sentir al espectador, así como el reto de plasmarte como artista sin mayor protección. El teatro es un salto al vacío cada función. ¿Cuál fue uno de los momentos más memorables de tu participación en Ya Veremos?

Convivir como “familia” con mi gran amigo Mauricio Ochmann y con Emiliano (quien interpreta a mi hijo), fue entrañable y divertido. Un momento crucial para mí fue la escena donde tenía que esquiar, porque no sabía hacerlo y ¡le tengo miedo al agua!! Aprendí para el rodaje, vencí mi miedo y salió al primer shot, así que me sentí profundamente orgullosa.

Fernanda Castillo

YA VEREMOS Photos provided by management


¿Qué te mantiene inspirada como artista en estos momentos de disturbios políticos, en que queremos representar a nuestros países con orgullo y dignidad? ¿Sientes esa responsabilidad como artista?

Siempre he creído que es mi misión y deber como artista ser un agente de cambio a través del arte. Hoy más que nunca creo que mi responsabilidad con el público que me sigue es inspirar y crear consciencia en ellos con los personajes que realizo, pero también con mi ética y calidad humana como persona pública. ¿Qué te trae ALEGRIA?

Saber que con mi trabajo como actriz represento a un país tan maravilloso como México dignamente en muchas partes del mundo y tener la certeza de que, a pesar de todos mis años en este medio, sigo siendo la misma mujer soñadora, entregada y apasionada a todo que hago.

The future of entertainment is now here with Virtual Room – the best virtual reality Los Angeles has to offer families, friends, corporate and party groups. Virtual Room is one of the world’s only collaborative or teambased virtual reality experiences. WHAT IS COLLABORATIVE VR? While most current virtual reality (VR) experiences only allow one person to play for 2 to 10 minutes, Virtual Room offers a unique possibility: an immersive virtual reality experience for several people working together as a team, for up to forty-five minutes! Experience a truly exhilarating and mindblowing adventure with your friends, family, or colleagues as you communicate and work together in a totally realistic virtual world. Each player has their own dedicated room, specially designed and equipped with the latest virtual reality gear (HTC Vive).

You will participate in the game standing up and will get to move around, search for items, manipulate objects and collaborate with your fellow team members. The HTC Room Scale Virtual Reality experience allows you to explore worlds in a way that’s never been possible before. Your movements are fully tracked in the virtual world, combined with the maximum usable space we offer in our specially designed play areas, you get the full experience, and nothing less. It’s unlike anything you’ve ever experienced before - immersion, freedom, adrenaline, the ultimate thrill!

If you’re up for the challenge, build your team now and join the adventure.

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As a young child, Ben watched his father, Dr. Talei Senior, a PharmD and Ph.D., dealing with and creating various formulations and combinations of essential oils. Dr. Talei Sr. felt that essential oils had numerous properties both in healing and rejuvenation. These ideals were instilled in Ben by his father and have resonated with him since.

Together, these two beliefs led to Dr. Ben Talei’s mindset of creating the perfect oil blend, AuraSilk. His goal was to create an all-natural oil with no toxins; an oil blend that could be used on all skin types. Promoting overall skin health would allow lightening of melasma on sensitive skin, healing of scars, moisturizing of dry skin, healing eczema amongst a host of other properties. Remembering the therapeutic effects of aroma and character, Dr. Talei realized the healing properties of oils were not limited to their inherent abilities but how they would act once mixed with other oils to intrinsically calm the skin, body, and senses all at once.

The goal in creating the AuraSilk Oil was to produce a natural, toxin-free serum which would take advantage of the body’s own ability to heal. Dr. Talei spent over a year mixing and studying various formulations before finding the perfect blend of natural oils that could moisturize, lighten, brighten and heal the skin while also having a calming and aromatic therapeutic effect.

For most patients, the aroma alone is reason enough to use the oil. Complementary notes of lavender, tea tree oil, and argan oil dominate the character of the oil and have a therapeutic effect of relaxation. In Dr. Talei’s practice, the oil blend is routinely used after surgery for incisional healing and to aid the effects of pharmaceutical compounds when they are needed.

Pharmaceutical compounds for skin lightening and pore reduction are extremely effective, but they can also be quite irritating for many patients. In Dr. Talei’s experience, and after extensive research, it appears that no single oil can do the job of these compounds. However, when combined, the cumulative effect of the 20 oils found in AuraSilk is outstanding. Each oil in this serum has a unique property that becomes enhanced when mixed with other complementary oils. The patients who have used AuraSilk Oil confirm that this oil blend is able to gently lighten and brighten the skin, aid in the healing of new and old scars, and dramatically improve the overall radiance of the skin. Although this oil was formulated by Dr. Talei for the face, the patients that have used the oil have enjoyed its use all over the body including the hands where it acts as a natural moisturizer and healing serum.

TO PURCHASE, GO TO Growing up, Ben Talei and his mother would blend different varieties of tea leaves in order to achieve the most pleasant aromatic flora, flavor, and color. After mixing endless types, his favorite became a combination of Earl Grey and English Breakfast. Once the right ingredients were found, they continued to modify the color and flavor by changing the ratio of the ingredients, which also had a profound effect on the final product of the teas.



SO MANY PLACES TO ZEN FROM EAST TO WEST, YOGA IS TAKING OVER Angelenos have many yoga studios and classes to choose from in Los Angeles, a place which is often described as the yoga capital of the Western world. It can be difficult to choose from such a wide variety of classes and venues. But we’ve narrowed it down for you and found the best of the best. Below are some East and West standouts that will keep yogis unfurling their mats across the Southland!


ONE DOWN DOG 4343 Sunset Blvd Suite 208, Los Angeles (323) 989-3696 One Down Dog is more than just a yoga studio, it’s an inclusive community space offering awesome, feel-good yoga and fitness classes, one-on-one sessions, yoga dance parties, workshops/events, retreats, teacher training and so much more - all in the heart of Silverlake! The classes are vinyasa flow-based, unique, exciting, upbeat and set to the best playlists you’ve ever heard. If you’re looking for a place to hang out, work out, and maybe learn a little something– get your booty to the studio.

One Down Dog es más que un estudio de yoga, es un espacio comunitario inclusivo que ofrece increíbles clases de yoga, sesiones individuales, fiestas de baile de yoga, talleres/eventos, retiros, entrenamiento de maestros y mucho más ¡todo en el corazón de Silverlake! Las clases son basadas en flujo de vinyasa. Son únicas, emocionantes, alegres y con el mejor playlist que hayas escuchado. Si está buscando un lugar para pasar el rato, hacer ejercicio y tal vez aprender algo, ve a este estudio. 44


NAMASTÉ HIGHLAND PARK 5118 York Blvd., Los Angeles (323) 212-5118 If you’re a yoga fan with an equal appreciation for art, tea, and DIY-ing, then you’ll love Namaste Highland Park! This is East Side’s all-inclusive urban oasis, and a place to stretch out, unwind and expand your horizons. NHP also features an Art Exhibition Space, urban life workshops, yoga classes, and a tea shop. The gallery rotates exhibitions of local artists every 6 to 9 weeks. They offer a wide array of classes, from the mellow Hatha Flow to the vigorous Vinyasa, Yoga Sculpt to Yin Yoga and Meditation. Beyond yoga, the NHP team lead workshops on tea preparation and tastings, urban gardening, urban beekeeping, kombucha making, drumming, jewelry making, couple’s massage workshops, and more!

Si eres fan del yoga, el arte, el té y el bricolaje, ¡te encantará Namaste Highland Park! Este es el oasis urbano todoincluído del East Side, y un lugar para estirarse, relajarse y expandir tus horizontes. NHP cuenta con un espacio de exposiciones, talleres de vida urbana, clases de yoga y una tienda de té. La galería rota exposiciones de artistas locales. Ofrecen una amplia gama de clases, desde el suave Hatha Flow hasta el vigoroso Vinyasa y Yoga Sculpt, pasando por el Yin Yoga y la meditación. Más allá del yoga, el equipo del NHP dirige talleres sobre preparación y degustación de té, jardinería y apicultura urbana, fabricación de kombucha, tambores, joyería, talleres de masaje para parejas y más.

KRYSTAL SPA (323) 646-3551 Krystal Spa is fully committed to providing their guests with holistic lifestyle and overall health improvements achieved through yoga, fitness, massage, spa events, and innovative products. Krystal Spa offers health strengthening, stress relieving and relaxing techniques to achieve healthy well-being and a balance of vitality. Guests will experience a range of high-quality, rejuvenating methods to refresh and renew the mind, body, and soul.

Krystal Spa está totalmente comprometido con proporcionar a sus huéspedes un estilo de vida holístico y mejorar su salud en general a través de yoga, ejercicios, masajes, eventos de spa y productos innovadores. Krystal Spa ofrece técnicas de fortalecimiento de la salud, alivio del estrés y relajación para lograr un bienestar saludable y un equilibrio de vitalidad. Los huéspedes experimentarán una gama de métodos de rejuvenecimiento de alta calidad para refrescar y renovar mente, cuerpo y alma.

PEOPLE’S YOGA 5161 Pomona Blvd., #209, Los Angeles (323) 739-4018

YOGA HOUSE 11 W State St., Pasadena (626) 403-3961 Warm, inviting, gleaming hardwood floors. A comfortable place to sit, relax and drink tea after class. A convenient resource for yoga mats, props, clothes, books and more. Yoga House is an ideal, supportive environment to practice yoga. Classes range from the gentle to the challenging, from relaxing restorative poses to the most intense workout imaginable.

Cálidos, acogedores y relucientes pisos de madera. Un lugar cómodo para sentarse, relajarse y tomar un té después de la clase. Una fuente conveniente para adquirir colchonetas, accesorios, ropa, libros y más. Yoga House es el entorno ideal para practicar yoga. Desde clases suaves hasta desafiantes, de relajantes poses restaurativas hasta el ejercicio más intenso que se pueda imaginar.

Finally, a yoga studio for the real Eastside! Owners Leah Gallegos and Lauren Quan-Madrid named their space: “People’s Yoga.” Bringing the chi to Chicanos means “Yoga y Luz” classes in Spanish, prenatal yoga, “Baby and me” and family yoga sessions. For a couple of years, the pair traveled around the Eastside and other underserved neighborhoods to bring the practice to the working-class. Then, in June 2014 they raised $10K in just 60 days with a crowdfunding campaign, which allowed them to open the doors of a dedicated studio. Hard to believe that East Los does the Downward Dog? Let’s just say that it isn’t “Ése” that we are chanting, but rather, “Namasté.”

Finalmente, un estudio de yoga para el auténtico Eastside! Las propietarias Leah Gallegos y Lauren Quan-Madrid lo bautizaron como el “Yoga de Gente”. Llevar el chi a los chicanos es clases de “Yoga y Luz” en español, yoga prenatal, “Mi bebé y yo” y sesiones de yoga familiar. Por un par de años, la pareja viajó por el este y otros barrios marginales para llevar la práctica a la clase trabajadora. En junio de 2014, recaudaron $10K en solo 60 días con una campaña de crowdfunding que les permitió abrir las puertas de un estudio dedicado. ¿Es difícil de creer que East LA hace el perro boca abajo? Digamos que no es “Ése” lo que estamos cantando, sino más bien, “Namasté”.

GODA YOGA 9711 Washington Blvd., Culver City (310) 287-1255

LIBERATION YOGA 124 S La Brea Ave., Los Angeles (323) 964-5222

At Goda Yoga, Hatha Yoga style is blended from the traditional and modern influences of teachers and is practiced as a healing and transformative art. Their groups provide support, energy, and inspiration. They encourage the dissolution of self- limiting judgments and look to the unique gifts in each of us. While some teachers emphasize connecting to the Sacred, they believe Yoga is not a religious practice. It is a philosophy and science that sparks spiritual inquiry and leads the student more deeply into what is already true for him or her, supporting their chosen path.

The physical beauty of the Liberation Yoga studio embodies the internal and external experience of yoga. The indoor asana room with rich dark wood floors and twinkling star lights provides a safe, magical environment in which to explore the vast regions of the inner mind, body, and spirit. The garden studio with its tall trees, bubbling fountain, and ancient Chinese wood carvings opens the senses to nature and an infinite connection with the organic world.

En Goda Yoga, el estilo Hatha Yoga se mezcla con las influencias tradicionales y modernas y se practica como un arte curativo y transformador. Sus grupos brindan apoyo, energía e inspiración. Fomentan la disolución de juicios autolimitantes y miran los dones únicos en cada uno de nosotros. Algunos maestros enfatizan su conexión con lo Sagrado, aunque no sea una práctica religiosa. Es una filosofía y ciencia que despierta la indagación espiritual y guía al estudiante más profundamente a lo que ya es verdadero para él o ella, apoyando el camino elegido. SUMMER

La belleza física del estudio Liberation Yoga encarna la experiencia interna y externa del yoga. La sala de asanas cubierta con ricos suelos de madera oscura y luces centelleantes proporciona un entorno seguro y mágico en el que explorar las vastas regiones de la mente, el cuerpo y el espíritu interior. El estudio en el jardín con sus altos árboles, fuente burbujeante y antiguas tallas en madera china abren los sentidos a la naturaleza y a una conexión infinita con el mundo orgánico.




BRIDGE TO NOWHERE If you like river-crossings and old Los Angeles. history, put the Bridge to Nowhere on your list. This epic 10-mile route follows (and crosses) the East Fork of the San Gabriel River deep into the mountains, where engineers tried to cut a road in the 30s. The great flood of ’38 washed most of the road away, except for a 120-foot concrete arch bridge that still stands. This flat hike is great in the summer.

Writer: Daisy Solis

PUENTE A NINGUN LUGAR Si te gustan los cruces de ríos y la historia vieja de L.A., pon el Bridge to Nowhere en tu lista. Esta ruta épica de 10 millas sigue (y cruza) el tenedor Este del río San Gabriel en lo profundo de las montañas, donde los ingenieros intentaron abrir una carretera en la década de 1930. La gran inundación del ‘38 lavó la mayor parte del camino, excepto por un puente de arco de concreto de 120 pies que todavía se levanta. Esta caminata plana es genial en el verano.


MOUNT BALDY No SoCal hiker’s journey is complete until they’ve summited Mount San Antonio, better known to locals as Mount Baldy. At 10,064 feet, this is the highest point in Los Angeles County, the highest peak in the San Gabriel range, and the third highest peak in Southern California. This leg-busting and exhilarating loop route feature jaw-dropping views and hair-raising ridgeline trails that will make you question if you’re really just an hour away from L.A.

Los Angeles may not be a city that is known for its hiking trails, but it should be. With a variety of distinct climate zones, fascinating geology, wilderness areas nearby and near-perfect weather, L.A. does have something for everyone who’s looking to get outside. And in some cases, you might not even have to leave your neighborhood!

MOUNT BALDY Ninguna excursión al sur de California está completa hasta que hayas llegado al Monte San Antonio, mejor conocido por los lugareños como Mount Baldy. A 10,064 pies, este es el punto más alto del Condado de Los Ángeles, el pico más alto en el rango de San Gabriel, y el tercer pico más alto en el sur de California. Este excitante recorrido ofrece asombrosas vistas y escalofriantes senderos que te harán preguntarte si realmente estás a solo una hora de distancia de L.A.

Here is a list of some of the distinct hiking areas of the Greater Los Angeles area, from East to the West, with my picks for the trails that will give you the best feel for the region.


RUNYON CANYON While many hikers who enjoy the solitude of longer trails in the wilderness will turn up their nose at Runyon, this is one of the most popular accessible hikes in L.A. -and for good reason. There’s a gently graded paved path for beginners, a rare off-leash dog area for our canine friends, free yoga near the Fuller Avenue entrance, and a surprisingly rugged outer loop that will definitely give you a good workout. Yes, celebrities, and celebrity wannabe’s hike this trail. It’s a great place to watch the sunset!

RUNYON CANYON Mientras que muchos excursionistas que disfrutan de la soledad de los senderos más largos miran con desdén a Runyon, esta es una de las caminatas más populares y accesibles en L.A., y por una buena razón. Hay un camino pavimentado para principiantes, un área de perros sin correa para nuestros amigos caninos, yoga gratis cerca de la entrada de Fuller Avenue, y un sendero fuerte que te dará un buen entrenamiento. Sí, celebridades y wanna-be’s pasean por este sendero. ¡Es un gran lugar para ver el atardecer! 46

EATON CANYON Eaton Canyon Trail is a relatively easy hike to a 40-foot waterfall with views of the San Gabriel Mountains and Santa Monica Mountains. Its proximity to Pasadena, Altadena, and Santa Monica make this a very popular trail for casual hikers. The trailhead can get very crowded on weekends- but it’s worth a visit- especially when spring wildflowers carpet the lower portions of the canyon floor.

SANTA ANITA CANYON Santa Anita Canyon is probably the most beautiful river canyon in Southern California. This stellar loop winds through a canyon dotted with historic cabins and two waterfalls, including 50-foot Sturtevant Falls. While the falls can be crowded, the trail above the falls is idyllic and serene. There are several campsites here and junctions with longer trails.

CAÑÓN EATON Eaton Canyon Trail es una caminata relativamente fácil a una cascada de 40 pies de altura, con vistas a las montañas de San Gabriel y las montañas de Santa Mónica. Su proximidad a Pasadena, Altadena y Santa Mónica hacen de este un sendero muy popular para los excursionistas casuales. El comienzo del sendero puede ser muy concurrido los fines de semana, pero vale la pena una visita, especialmente cuando las flores silvestres de primavera alfombran las partes inferiores del cañón.

CAÑON DE SANTA ANITA El Santa Anita Canyon es probablemente el cañón de río más hermoso del sur de California. Este espectacular circuito serpentea a través de un cañón salpicado de cabañas históricas y dos cascadas, incluidas las cataratas Sturtevant, de 50 pies de altura. Mientras que las cataratas pueden estar abarrotadas, el sendero sobre las cataratas es idílico y sereno. Hay varios campings aquí y senderos más largos.


CAHUENGA PEAK AND THE WISDOM TREE There are many ways to hike to the back of the Hollywood Sign in Griffith Park, but only one that feels like an actual wilderness adventure. The recently-added trail to Cahuenga Peak passes the beloved Wisdom Tree (the only tree in the area to survive an early 2007 fire), hops along a ridge on some gorgeous single-track, and then finally joins with the more tourist-friendly paved route on the back of Mount Lee. If you want to hike to the Hollywood Sign and still have a bit of solitude, this is the hike for you.

PICO CAHUENGA Y EL ÁRBOL DE LA SABIDURÍA Hay muchas maneras de llegar hasta la parte trasera del letrero de Hollywood en Griffith Park, pero solo una que se siente como una verdadera aventura. El sendero recientemente agregado al Cahuenga Peak pasa por el amado Árbol de la Sabiduría (el único árbol en el área que sobrevivió a un incendio de principios de 2007), salta a lo largo de una cresta en un magnífico camino y finalmente se une con el pavimentado más amigable en la parte posterior de Mount Lee. Si deseas caminar hasta el letrero de Hollywood y gozar de un poco de soledad, esta es la caminata para usted.

SANTA MONICA MOUNTAINS Rounded, rolling hills and low mountains nestled near the Pacific Coast and stretching into Hollywood. Trails here generally have lower elevation gains than the San Gabriels and are less shaded. Here, you’ll find large swaths of native California Grassland and incredible wildflower blooms in the spring.

MONTAÑAS DE SANTA MÓNICA Estas redondas y onduladas colinas se encuentra cerca de la costa del Pacífico y se extienden hasta Hollywood. Los senderos aquí generalmente tienen elevaciones más bajas que en San Gabriel y están menos sombreados. Aquí encontrarás grandes franjas de pastizales nativos de California e increíbles flores silvestres en la primavera.

SANDSTONE PEAK The Mishe Mokwa Trail to Sandstone Peak and Tri-Peaks might just be my favorite hike in all Southern California. This trail will take you to the highest point in the Santa Monica Mountains, past jagged peaks, riparian canyons, and popular rock climbing routes. With killer views of the Pacific Ocean and the Santa Monica Bay, this is an absolute must-hike.

PICO DE LA PIEDRA ARENISCA El sendero Mishe Mokwa Trail to Sandstone Peak y Tri-Peaks podría ser mi excursión favorita en todo el sur de California. Este sendero te llevará al punto más alto de las montañas de Santa Mónica, pasando por picos irregulares, cañones ribereños y populares rutas para escalar rocas. Con vistas espectaculares del Océano Pacífico y la Bahía de Santa Mónica, esta es una caminata obligada.





WE LOVE Writer: Daisy Solis

HERE ARE OUR PICKS FOR THIS SUMMER: In SoCal, hotel swimming pools are designed for way more than doing laps. Pool-side bars, DJ’s and luxury cabanas offer everything from peace and relaxation to high-energy party mode, depending on what you are looking for. Some of the pools on this list are only open to hotel guests, while others welcome non-guests who want to enjoy the atmosphere and soak in the sun -SoCal style.

En el Sur de California, las albercas de los hoteles están diseñadas para mucho más que practicar natación. Los bares a la orilla de las albercas, los DJ's y las cabañas de lujo te ofrecen todo -desde paz y la relajación hasta fiesta de alta energía-, dependiendo de lo que busques. Algunas de las piscinas de esta lista solo están abiertas para los huéspedes del hotel, mientras que otras dan la bienvenida a quienes deseen disfrutar del ambiente y tomar el sol al estilo SoCal.


THE SAGUARO If you’re going to Palm Springs to get that perfect Insta shot, go no further than The Saguaro. The bright indigenous flowers of the desert inspire its architecture, and the hues are so intense, they’ll threaten to break your iPhone lens … or, at least play tricks on your pupils as you admire your favorite photo just a tad too long (#nofilterneeded). Home to many famous pool parties such as the popular summer event, Splash House, the water is often saturated in equally fun and vibrant pool toys. After a long day of swimming, dine at El Jefe, the hotel’s top-rated restaurant, lead by “Iron Chef,” Jose Garces. Serving small plates inspired by Mexico City’s cuisine, it’s a darker place with low lighting, the perfect end to an extremely sunny (and colorful) day. Your sunburn will thank you.



SPARROW'S LODGE The location of Sparrows Lodge is one of old Palm Springs glamour. Originally built in the 50’s as Castle’s Red Barn by MGM actor Don Castle, it long served as a playground for many of Hollywood’s elite. Fully restored in 2013, it still encompasses the charm of decades passed. A repurposed barn with modern rustic architecture, it is a mellow and quaint place to unwind. So quiet, in fact, that the Lodge’s 20 rooms all lack televisions or phones, prompting its guests outside to spend their days lounging by the pool, soaking in the spa, or roasting a marshmallow around the fire pit. Guests are also encouraged to use the hotel’s complimentary bikes to explore the city. Sparrow’s is exclusively 21+, so gone are the days of screaming kids and murky water. The saltwater pool will leave you feeling as clean and refreshed as a morning’s shower. The staff is attentive and thoughtful gifting guests with Sangrias at check-in and popsicles at the pool. Which, Hollywood elite or not, will have you feeling pretty A-list.

WET DECK - W HOLLYWOOD High above the iconic intersection of Hollywood and Vine, the WET Deck at the W Hollywood offers stunning views of Los Angeles and Hollywood. Monday through Friday, the WET Deck provides a laid-back scene, complete with your own W lounge chair or private luxury cabana. Saturday and Sunday, the hotel hosts lively pool parties. During summer weekends, WET Deck is a high-energy adult environment. If you’re seeking a relaxing getaway, traveling with children, or wishing for a peaceful, quiet setting, one of their sister properties may be more suitable.

THE SUNDECK ANDAZ WEST HOLLYWOOD Once a landmark West Hollywood hotel, famous for its rock ‘n roll parties hosted by celebrities like The Rolling Stones, The Who and Led Zeppelin, Andaz West Hollywood is now a modern urban oasis with a touch of vintage glamour. The 239-room hotel boasts spectacular panoramic views of the Hollywood Hills on one side, and the Sunset Strip and Downtown L.A. on the other.

THE STANDARD DTLA Few hotel pools are as iconic as the one at The Standard Downtown LA, which is why Travel + Leisure voted it one of the top 10 hotel swimming pools in the world. Situated on the rooftop, the outdoor pool is as hip as it is relaxing. Vibrating waterbeds and a cocktail lounge highlight the pristine water, additions such as movienights and DJs take “pool party” to the next level.

untos P Calientes


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Come this weekend. Come next weekend.

Stay the week.

Forward your mail. Just move in already. We got you. It’s a prismatic paradise with free Wi-Fi, morning yoga, desert cruiser bikes, a buzzing pool scene with boozy frozen drinks and weekend DJ sets. | @thesaguarops


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