ALEGRIA Women Uprising Edition 2018 (Winter)

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COVER PHOTOS/ EDITORIAL BY @teograph STILING @daikygamboa MAKE UP @daniduke PRODUCTION @agudelofel

Contents WINTER

ISSUE 2018








ALEGRIA FAMILIA, This 2017 brought us closer together as a community because after all, we are #Unstoppable.

It was a year filled with unpredictable circumstances -that for many of us- were great opportunities to reach out through love and contribution. This year has taught me much about the nature of impermanence -in a world of unpredictable natural disasters & political madness- but it has also allowed me to look deeper within and reach a level of greater love for everyone, where there is not time to embrace our egos, but run to each other’s arms in the spirit of collaboration and contribution to one another.

Photo by: Marin Sild



On a personal level, Love surprised me in the most magnificent of ways, finding care, kindness and true love at the core of my experiences. I got married to the kindest of souls in Malibu,fell in Love with Paris and Ying Yoga and a few incredible creative masters and books. I became a fan of everyday warriors speaking for the voiceless and learned more about self-love and doing more of what truly makes me happy. It was a beautiful year to be a WOMAN witnessing a majestic renaissance in our lives and our voices. Women from all different cultures and backgrounds came out filled with courage to share their experiences of abuse and harassment, bringing awareness to the many atrocities that have been affecting us for many moons. It was a year for womanhood to share its common bridges of compassion and unity. Our covergirl,Karol G is a living testament to a new wave of young and determined young women ready to follow their dreams with actions and unwavering faith because they are #Unstoppable. Dreamers like Maribel Serrano filled with courage shared their stories of hope and uncertainty to bring more awareness to all the work that is yet to be done in our world. A world that leaves us pensive but that encourages us -more than ever- to stay in the present and live our ALEGRIA as much as possible from within and open our hearts to empathy and compassion, living spiritually centered lives geared towards global wellbeing and social justice.

A world where our moments of ALEGRIA with those we love are at the core of our priorities, a world where living our dreams with urgency and care matters the most, a world where contribution and collaboration are the only real answer. Local artists and content creators gave a new aura to 2017 defying a mass market with unique creativity, a trend that won’t go extinct in our fast paced world. A creative economy filled with curiosity for the unknown, undiscovered and untraveled territories. It was thanks to our partners and loyal friends and readers that we can still exist as an independent media company. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart: Thank you Aventura Dance Cruise CEO Moshe Raiser for showing us a year of pure ALEGRIA and taking us through an amazing world of Latin Music and Latin dance. Thank you Skirball Cultural Center for caring about the Arts & Culture in our community year after year. Thank you to each and every entrepreneur, team member, entertainment media and PR colleagues and business owners: Eva Macias, Jose And Carlos Alfaro, Maritere and Peter Bellas, Leyna Topete, Luz lluncor & Ayled Zuluaga, Lucy & Brett at Pez Cantina, Cesar & Paola Hernandez at Cad Stone works and many others,who walked with us this new milestone and all the influencers who supported us in our mission. May you soar even higher in 2018 and may we be able to witness it to celebrate you, Much ALEGRIA to you,

DAVINA FERREIRA Alegria Bilingual Magazine Publisher CEO @davifalegria


DAVINA FERREIRA - PUBLISHER Davina Ferreira is the publisher of ALEGRIA Magazine. She is also a poet and published author. Recently, she received the prestigious Rising Star Award by the National LBWA at the Egyptian Theater in Hollywood. This honor recognizes entrepreneurial excellence to a business owner under 35. She is currently working on her second book: "Finding my ALEGRIA." Her ALEGRIA? Sharing time with her loved ones and her dog Emilio, traveling (minus the flying) and helping others accomplish their dreams.

CAROLINA GUTIERREZ - DESIGNER Colombian designer Carolina Gutiérrez, versatile, crative and enterprising, with her design proposal “Silvestre Puritico Handmade”, were she bets on design with high craftsmanship, visual and functional value. “Design is in the air” You can contact Carolina at: @silvestreceramica

CLARE MIRANDA - WRITER Clare is a Los Angeles native. Of Mexican-American heritage, Clare spent years singing and acting in choral and theatrical productions. After studying in Italy and traveling throughout Europe, she completed her B.A. in Speech Communication and went to work in the fashion industry specializing in bridal fashion and helping to run a trendy boutique. When not traveling, or planning her next adventure, she enjoys kickboxing, dancing and supporting the arts. What gives her the most ALEGRIA in life, however, is spending time with her beloved family; Ysidro, Grace and Leah and their Dutch shepherd puppy, Kuma.

RIITTA KÄRÄVÄ - TRANSLATOR Editor Riitta Kärävä was born in Helsinki, Finland and received her Master of Science degree in International Marketing of Foodstuffs from the University of Helsinki. She spent her free time playing ice hockey, designing fashion semi-professionally, learning languages, and travelling extensively while working as a multilingual tour guide for 10 years in Europe. After two decades in California, she decided to immerse herself in Spanish language at California State University Channel Islands, where she obtained a certificate in Spanish translation and a pool of Latino friends. Her husband and two adult children bring her mucha Alegría. She is still passionate about languages and international travel,

DAISY SOLIS - WRITER Daisy Solis is a Los Angeles based freelance writer of Mexican descent. She currently works in the field of education but enjoys doing a kaleidoscope of things. She is the Event Planning Coordinator for Latin Dance Pro, a Los Angeles/Pasadena-based dance academy. “What gives me ALEGRIA? That’s easy: writing, dancing and creating beautiful events!” Daisy can be reached at: and via Facebook.

the TEAM CARLOS MENDOZA - CREATIVE DIRECTOR Carlos is a colombian designer passionate about illustration, editorial design and graphic design applied to fashion marketing. His spare time is spent creating graphic publications with multiple applications (clothes, magazines, archigraphy), also cycling and walking his dog “Domingo.” What does Carlos think about design? Quoting maestro Leonardo Da Vinci "Simplicity is the utmost sophistication."

DAVID JR. MARTIN - PHOTOGRAPHER I moved to LA from the Bay Area to pursue my music career some time ago. Along my journey I did many photoshoots myself, as an artist. I slowly fell in love with the art of photography. I can now see through both sides of the lense while bringing my experience and passion into every shot that I take. Iv'e always been obsessed with perfecting my craft and creating your flawless image. Perhaps I'll let my work do the talking. Shooting with me is professional, comfortable, fun, and in return you will get some top notch images! My clients like that they can be themselves when working with me. All that I am looking for from you is to bring your "A" game. I'm here to help you build your career, capture your moment, or save your memory.

PAOLA HERNANDEZ - WRITER Paola Hernandez is a journalist and a co-founder of KiiKAS (a breast cancer awareness program) from Pereira - Colombia. She is a passionate writer, an amateur chef, and a love expert. She posseses a unique sense of humor and a lot of friends. Paola is a proud Scorpio and a sexy momma who loves to read, travel and go on hot dates with her husband. Paola’s ALEGRIA is her son Santiago.

YESIKA BAKER - SPECIAL EVENTS DIRECTOR This Venezuelan beauty is an award winning trainer and entrepreneur. She is the director of ALEGRIA´s special events division. In her free time, you can find her hanging out in Hawaii or running a marathon. Her son Matteo and merengue music bring her true ALEGRIA.

KARLA SILVA - MARKETING Born and raised in Mexico City. She comes from a family where her parents taught her that honor, respect and integrity are the main keys of credibility in the business world. Karla got her bachelor’s degree from the University of Iberoamericana in Torreon, Mexico in Communication Sciences which covers marketing, publicity and journalism. She came to the United States to study English as a second language and found many opportunities for her career and future. Karla started her own design studio for record labels in 1995 and was very successful for twenty years. As we all know the record industry changed and this led Karla to explore many other business opportunities in the Latino and Armenian community. Karla has become an image consultant, designer and marketing director for many successful business owners.

luxury & bilingual latin arts and lifestyle magazine in the united states General Counsel: Alvaradosmith All rights reserved © 2016, the entire contents of this publication are protected by copyright. no part of this publication can be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any forms or by any means without the express written prior permission of the copyright owner. The translating of the content has been created by the editing board and does not represent literal translation of the articles. Some words have been modified based on editorial needs for each language. Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this publication, Alegria Magazine cannot accept liability for errors or omissions.




MANWELL HERNANDEZ photos provided and authorized by talent



anwell Hernandez (AKA Mr Quiza, Señor Quiza or Manz) is an First-generation Colombian American LAbased artist and performer, experimenting with impermanent installations, painting and Tarot readings from his own deck: The Tarot de Quiza.

His work draws from the interconnectedness of life and the visual language of mythology, enabling a new paradigm through which humanity examines existence through a lens of intuition and symbolism. Mr Quiza’s projects span mediums, with works ranging from origami, Tarot reading, and sacred geometric painting. With a background in Multimedia Fine Arts from the Art Center in Pasadena, CA, Quiza uniquely blends digital media with creative endeavors.


The Tarot de Quiza is conceived from primitive imagery and synthesized with the basic visual structures of the Rider Waite and Marseille decks. Both Quiza’s investigations of intuition, and the deck itself, spotlights humanity’s innate ability to use inner vision and intuition to navigate existence and self-evolution. Quiza’s instinctive reads consist of a tarot spread drawing, with annotations derived during a reading, which are then gifted to the seeker.

anwell Hernández (también conocido como el Sr. Quizá, Señor Quizá o Manz) es un intérprete y artista colombo-americano de primera generación, radicado en LA, que experimenta con instalaciones impermanentes, pintura y lecturas de Tarot desde su propia carta: El Tarot de Quizá.

adivinación y la magia. La culminación artística de este viaje es su gran obra, El Tarot de Quizá. Inspirado en la mitología de la creación colombiana y en numerosas disciplinas antiguas, El Tarot de Quizá está compuesto por 22 pinturas arquetípicas y 56 tarjetas construidas digitalmente alojadas en una plataforma autoeditada.

Su trabajo se basa en la interconexión de la vida y el lenguaje visual de la mitología, lo que permite un nuevo paradigma a través del cual la humanidad examina la existencia a través de una lente de intuición y simbolismo. Los proyectos del Sr. Quizá abarcan distintos medios, con obras que van desde el origami, la lectura del Tarot y la pintura geométrica sagrada. Con estudios en Arte Multimedia del Art Center en Pasadena, Quizá combina los medios digitales con esfuerzos creativos de una manera única.

El Tarot de Quizá está concebido a partir de imágenes primitivas y sintetizado con las estructuras visuales básicas de las cartas Rider-Waite y Marseille. Tanto las investigaciones de intuición de Quizá como la carta en sí resaltan la capacidad innata de la humanidad para usar la visión interna y la intuición para navegar por la existencia y la auto evolución.

Quizá ha pasado los últimos seis años involucrándose en una exploración guiada por el alma de la intuición, la


Quiza has spent the past six years engaging in a soulguided exploration of intuition, divination, and magic. The artistic culmination of this journey is his magnum opus, The Tarot de Quiza. Inspired by Colombian creation mythology and numerous ancient disciplines, The Tarot de Quiza is comprised of 22 archetypal paintings, and 56 digitally constructed cards housed in a self-published deck.

Las lecturas instintivas de Quizá consisten en un dibujo extendido de Tarot, con anotaciones derivadas durante una lectura, que luego son obsequiadas al interesado.


Art Basel

Miami photos provided and authorized by talent

The highly anticipated 2017 Art Basel season in Miami launches new exhibition by Hispanic artists


The Jewish Museum of Florida-FIU reinvents itself for Art Basel Miami 2017


he Jewish Museum of Florida-FIU reinvents itself during the Art Basel season this year with a new series titled Subject to Interpretation. The series invites contemporary artists to reinterpret the museum’s permanent collection recounting the contributions of Jewish residents in Florida, and to create installations based on the interpretations and experiences of the artists with the collection.

The artists will bring to life the relevance of the themes, struggles and successes from the historical archives, that tell the story of the Jews in Florida since the 19th century, and will express the ways in which these personal stories continue to be valid in the modern world. The Jewish Museum of Florida-FIU is part of Florida International University and is located at 301 Washington Avenue in South Beach.

MONAD Studio, the award-winning firm of architecture, art and design founded by the Argentinian couple Eric Goldemberg and VerĂłnica Zalcberg was the first to be selected for this series. The series will feature their innovative artwork, created with 3D printers. This exposition, which is the first in which the couple appears alone in a museum, will be part of the Art Basel season. The exhibition will continue through February 25th, 2018.

El Museo Judío de Florida-FIU se reinventa a si mismo para Art Basel Miami 2017


l Museo Judío de Florida-FIU se reinventa durante la temporada de Art Basel este año con una nueva serie titulada Sujeto a interpretación. La serie invita a artistas contemporáneos a reinterpretar su colección permanente -que hace un recuento de los aportes de los judíos residentes en Florida-, y a crear instalaciones basadas en las interpretaciones y experiencias de los artistas con la colección. Los artistas harán cobrar vida los temas, las luchas y los éxitos contenidos en los archivos históricos que relatan la trayectoria de los judíos en Florida desde el siglo XIX, expresando las formas en que estas historias personales siguen teniendo validez en el mundo moderno. El Museo Judío de Florida-FIU es parte de Florida International University y está ubicado en 301 Washington Avenue en South Beach. Los primeros artistas seleccionados para la nueva serie son los de MONAD FALL

Studio, la galardonada firma de arquitectura, arte y diseño fundada por la pareja argentina Eric Goldemberg y Verónica Zalcberg. La serie presentará sus innovadoras obras de arte creadas con impresoras 3D.

La muy esperada temporada 2017 de Art Basel en Miami lanza nueva exposición de artistas hispanos

Esta exposición, que es la primera en que la pareja se presenta sola en un museo, será parte de la temporada de Art Basel. La exhibición continuará hasta el 25 de febrero del 2018.



Photo by David Jr. Martin

Being someone who comes from a different country, speaks another language and has a different culture, makes for a great conversation topic.

Actor ¿Qué es lo mejor de ser un actor bilingüe y bicultural?

¿Cuándo descubriste que actuar era tu pasión?

Siempre me gustó, desde niño, hacer obras de teatro en el colegio y realizar presentaciones actuadas, pero fue hasta mi último año de colegio, cuando casi acabo siguiendo la carrera de mi papá, que me di cuenta de que quería seguir realizando esas presentaciones y, más, vivir de ellas. Creo que específicamente fue viendo la película Chaplin, protagonizada por Robert Downey Jr., cuando dije “es un arte que trae ALEGRIA e inspiración a los demás, yo quiero hacer eso toda mi vida”. ¿Cómo te ha inspirado la ciudad de L.A. a crecer como artista?

Los Ángeles es una ciudad que te ayuda siempre y cuando tú lo des todo de tu parte. Te das cuenta de que las oportunidades van creciendo y mejorando a medida que trabajas en tu arte, y Los Ángeles solo te da la oportunidad de mostrar eso en cada audición. De igual manera me he encontrado con gente increíble que ha hecho de esta ciudad un segundo hogar y que constantemente me dan fuerza e inspiración para seguir adelante.


Que puedo conectar fácilmente con muchas personas. Siento que ser una persona que viene de otro país, habla otro idioma, y tiene otra cultura, ya hace de un buen tema de conversación y que de igual manera puedo moverme entre el mercado americano como el mercado Latino. ¿Sientes alguna responsabilidad, como artista joven, para ser un ejemplo para la comunidad?

Claro que sí. Empezando por mi hermano menor a quien le quiero dar el mejor de los ejemplos, yendo hasta todo niño Latino con un sueño de ser actor en la pantalla grande. Es parte de mi sueño no solo llegar donde mis ídolos se encuentran ahora mismo, sino también inspirar a todos aquellos que reconozcan mi cara y mi nombre. ¿Qué le aconsejarías a otros artistas jóvenes que están trabajando en cumplir sus sueños en Hollywood?

Concéntrate en lo que es realmente importante, si eres bendecido con la oportunidad de estar en esta ciudad, no la desperdicies y concéntrate en tu trabajo, pero

siempre recordando quién eres y de dónde vienes, porque al final eso es lo que te hace único y especial. ¿Cuál ha sido tu papel favorito y por qué?

Estuve en este proyecto llamado Immigrant Brothers en donde hacia el papel de Marcos. Son tres amigos, que terminan en los Estados Unidos y sin hogar, pero siempre tratando de buscar ese rayo de esperanza con el que todo inmigrante viene a este país. Podría decir que por ahora es mi favorito porque muestra la voluntad y ferocidad que todos deberíamos tener para alcanzar nuestros sueños, sin importar que tan duro y difícil sea el camino. ¿Qué te trae ALEGRIA?

Poder hacer lo que me hace feliz y lo que me apasiona como profesión y compartir cada momento de esta aventura con mi familia y las personas que amo. Puedes ver a Orlando en: Film/ TV : 2 Short film awards, American Vandal, Telemundo (Milagros de Navidad) and Criminal Confessions. Commercials/Videos: Nintendo (2DSXL), DJI Drones (Leave your Mark), Facaebook (app), Honda (nuevo Honda Civic)

José Andrés Cortés es un apasionado fotógrafo, cineasta y artista multimedia colombiano.



temprana edad desarrolló un interés especial en la estética de las películas y cómo inspiran y tocan las emociones de diferentes maneras. Él cree que no importa cuántas veces hayamos visto los mismos elementos en una imagen, siempre habrá una nueva historia significativa y poderosa que extraer de ella. José comenzó su carrera como fotógrafo en Bogotá, Colombia, donde trabajó y se entrenó con varias marcas y compañías para encontrar ese encuadre perfecto que represente cada una de sus historias. En otoño de 2015, impulsado por su pasión, se mudó a L.A. Durante ese tiempo, obtuvo diferentes premios en múltiples proyectos, como Mejor Película de Terror, para Play with Me, que escribió y dirigió; Mejor Comedia/Drama por A Series of Unfortunate Dates, y What happened at the Rio, en que se encargó de la fotografía y la corrección de color.” Hoy en día, trabaja en una instalación de postproducción que ha dejado su huella en películas galardonadas como Moonlight y 12 Years a Slave. En este lugar, como artista multimedia y colorista, continúa explorando y dominando el arte que más le gusta: la narración visual


¿Qué es lo que te gusta de la postproducción?

Es la mezcla perfecta entre el uso de tecnología y creatividad. Recibes el material crudo, lo editas, conectas las historias, añades el audio, corriges errores de producción y le das ese estilo único por medio del color. Es la fase donde puedes ver el resultado final de varios meses de trabajo. ¿De qué manera te ha ayudado a formarte como artista visual tu experiencia en Hollywood trabajando en películas como

12 Years a Slave? Encontrarme trabajando en grandes producciones de Hollywood ha significado un reto grandísimo para mí. Poder conocer a fondo los distintos procesos y controles de calidad por los que una película debe pasar te obliga a exigirte más como artista. El cine es una industria extremadamente competitiva y exigente donde el más mínimo error suma. Afortunadamente también es un entorno muy colaborativo. Es una industria donde se aprende constantemente. ¿Qué le recomendarías a un cineasta joven tratando de hacer carrera en Hollywood?

Mantenerse constante (sin importar los errores que se cometan) ayuda a adquirir seguridad y confianza en lo que se está haciendo y eso en Hollywood es demasiado importante. ¿Qué te trae ALEGRIA?

Compartir momentos con mi familia y amigos. Una taza de café colombiano en la mañana. Seguir trabajando en lo que amo. Eso me da ALEGRIA.

José Andrés Cortés is a passionate Colombian photographer, filmmaker, and multimedia artist.

Jose started his career in photography in Bogota, Colombia, where he worked and trained with several brands and companies to find that perfect frame to represent each of their stories.

At an early age, he developed a special interest in the aesthetics of movies and how they inspire and touch people’s emotions in different ways. He believes that no matter how many times we’ve seen the same elements in an image, there will always be a new story as meaningful and powerful to extract from it.

Nowadays he is working at a postproduction facility which has made its mark with such award-winning movies as Moonlight an 12 Years a Slave. In this place, as a colorist and multimedia artist, he continues exploring and mastering the art that he loves the most: visual storytelling.

In the Fall of 2015, driven by his passion for visual communication, he moved to L.A. During that time, he obtained different awards for his work on multiple projects such as Best Horror Film for Play with Me, which he wrote and directed; Best Comedy/ Drama for A Series of Unfortunate Dates; and What Happened at the Rio, which he photographed and color graded.


FASHION Designer Jessica Resendiz was born in Queretaro, Mexico, in 1987, but grew up in California. All through her childhood, Jessica created everything she wore, from hair accessories to clothes. As a 12-year-old, her curiosity took her even further, and she challenged herself to learn how to hand-stitch and use a sewing machine. Jessica attended The Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandise in Los Angeles and graduated in 2011 with a degree in Fashion Product Development.

In 2010, Raggedy Tiff -named after her 11-year-old daughter Tiffany- was born. Jessica describes the brand’s style as “an eclectic folk-cultural style, with an eccentric personality.” Specializing in accessories, apparel, and home décor, Raggedy Tiff is known for its unique and vibrant textiles and exquisitely handmade, one-of-a-kind pieces produced in San Fernando Valley. Jessica’s inspiration stems from family, her Mexican roots, folk art, street fashion, and rare fabrics. Raggedy Tiff is a brand for a woman who dares to be different and loves to be creative in her style. There’s a touch of Jessica’s personal story and traditions in every one of her designs. Some of her recent collections such as Arriba Las Mujeres, Frida PorVida and Amor Eterno have made an impact on people’s lives, and are creating a difference in the community. Jessica is currently working on her Spring 2018 collection, "Rosas y Recuerdos," conceived as a tribute to Tejano Music Queen Selena Quintanilla. When she’s not working, Jessica loves to spend quality time with her daughter Tiff and Fiancé Carlos. She is also an avid speaker and motivator, whose goal is to help the community. Jessica loves to travel, art shows, museums, festivals, car shows, and exploring new restaurants. Her favorite hobbies are cooking, crafting, painting, sketching, reading and meditating. “Designing with PRIDE and REPRESENTING the beauty of the place you come from, those are the most beautiful accessories a person can wear.”

“Diseñar con orgullo y representar la belleza del lugar donde vienes, esos son los accesorios más bellos que una persona puede llevar”.

Jessica resendiz photos provided and authorized by talent


e n t r e v i s ta e x c lu s i va

“Sexy Ruby se inspira en la conexión única entre poder y seducción. Y claro, el rubí. Glamoroso, brillante en todas sus facetas e hipnotizante: el símbolo perfecto del poder femenino. Se trata de una fragancia seductora, glamorosa y provocativa. Sexy Ruby cuenta la historia de una mujer fuerte, que sabe lo que quiere y lo persigue. Esta fragancia te invita a descubrir un nuevo lado de tu seducción, tan atrevido que nunca lo has vivido”. ______________________________________________________________ Michael Kors

What inspired the creation of Sexy Ruby?

Sexy Ruby was inspired by the unique link between seduction and strength. And, of course, by the ruby itself. Glamorous, brilliantly faceted and mesmerizing—it’s the perfect symbol of powerful femininity. How would you describe Sexy Ruby in three words?

Alluring, glamorous, seductive.

What story does Sexy Ruby tell?

It’s the story of strong women. Women who know what they want and go after it. This fragrance really entices you to discover a new side of seduction, one that’s more daring than ever before. What does the “sexy” in Sexy Ruby mean to you?

People often mistake clothing that’s too tight and shows a lot of skin with “sexy.” To me, sexiness is confidence and feeling powerful and beautiful, regardless of you wearing a cashmere sweater or a daring dress. WINTER

What does “magnify your sexy” mean to you?

Every woman has a seductive side. I chose “magnify” because it’s not about creating sexy or transforming it, but discovering that part of yourself—that strength, power and confidence—and amplifying it. Who is the Michael Kors woman? Why will she love Sexy Ruby?

The Michael Kors woman is always on the go. She’s smart, strong, sophisticated, confident and knows what she wants. She appreciates the blend of comfort and luxury. Sexy Ruby walks that line wonderfully but also encourages her to be a little bolder. How should she wear Sexy Ruby? What outfit/look does she pair it with - a pair of sparkly heels and matching red lipstick?

It’s less about what you wear with Sexy Ruby, but how you wear it. Whether she

feels more beautiful in a luxe cashmere sweater or a sky-high stiletto and lowcut dress, Sexy Ruby will bring out her sensual and seductive side. How does Sexy Ruby maintain a similar tone to the Sexy franchise Sexy Amber and Sexy Blossom?

All of the Sexy fragrances have something a little sumptuous in them—like musk, sandalwood or cashmere woods—that gives them depth. I’ve always found the surprise of those notes mixed with fruity and floral scents intriguing. How does the campaign capture the emotion behind Sexy Ruby?

The campaign captures the sensuality of the fragrance but also focuses on how a scent can completely change your mood and your attitude. I think Edita really embodies the strength and glamour that’s at the heart of Sexy Ruby.

The location! We shot the campaign at Frank Sinatra’s “Twin Palms” house in Rancho Mirage. It’s incredibly glamorous and iconic—we even got to visit the guest house where Marilyn Monroe stayed; it can’t get more memorable than that. The bottle is designed to resemble a perfectly cut gem. It’s dramatic, luxurious and beyond glamorous. How did the ruby stone and color inspire this fragrance?

Ruby is one of the most iconic gemstones. It’s bold, powerful and certainly makes a statement. The glowing hue gives off passion and warmth, and we wanted the fragrance to inspire that and magnify the many sides—strong, sensual, confident—of today’s modern woman.

What was the most memorable moment while shooting the campaign? 13




By: Gloria Hincapie

Ch e ck o u t h e r m a g i c P i ñ a t e r a p i a t re a t m e n t s





UNiiQUE Photo by David Jr. Martin

How was UNiiQUE born?

UNiiQUE was born on April 8, 2017. The name UNiiQUE came from my name. I sought for a brand name to stand out, something that can relate to me and everyone else. And we are all unique. Each piece at UNiiQUE is unlike any other and supports Mexican artisans. How do you support these artists and make sure their art is recognized and honored?

Each piece is UNiiQUE in its own way. I make sure that all our pieces are distinct, handmade and they do not repeat, giving our brand name a unique kind of love. We started by helping our families. We manufacture home decoration, and yet, I knew that to expand and be inimitable, I would need to modernize the brand. Change it up and stand out. I tried to honor and respect handmade embroidery, but give it my own twist to it. Which is how we came up with clutches, backpacks, wallets, and other items. Each purchase helps an artisan family. We do our best to support our families as well as others.

What is the best aspect of being a bilingual and bicultural entrepreneur? The best aspect of being bilingual is the ability to communicate with my family and my community. The ability to interact with people and to really understand and immerse yourself in another culture, whether it’s your own or another’s. There are many advantages to being bicultural, such as having a greater number of social networks, being aware of cultural differences, taking part in the life of two or more cultures, being an intermediary between cultures, and so on. This has helped my social media expand not only in my culture but in others as well. We don't just focus on our culture but rather on how our products can be unique for everyone. What brings you ALEGRIA?

My family. My mom; she is my biggest inspiration and the one who taught me the most valuable word in business: persistence. My brother, who is my personal photographer and biggest supporter. My husband, my accountability partner, my best friend and biggest motivation. And tacos too.

@shopuniique 16


veratas jewerly Photos provided and authorized by talent

to innovate, taking pride in always keeping her designs fresh and current with today’s fashion trends. Every piece by Georgina Veratås features semi precious stones, crystal and high quality metals creating a new category between fashion and fine jewelry. eorgina Veratas Jewelry collection has two sides: fierce and confident or classy and chic. While creating each piece, she is open to the possibilities of using all materials, never limiting herself to only a few types. She is constantly trying


ALL GEORGINA VERATAS JEWELRY ARE UNIQUE AND HANDMADE IN NEW YORK CITY. Georgina M Taveras Instagram Georginaveratas_craftedjewels











MARIN SILD Photo & Style KLARIKA SILD-RÕMKEVITŠ Make up & Hair CLOTHING Embassy of Fashion





Leyna is referring to her new lifestyle brand, Impromptu. “The motto of Impromptu is ‘Life Unscripted.’ The message of my brand is to empower women to be strong and to pursue their goals and dreams,” Leyna explains.

Embodying that message is the collection of five vivid and bold lipsticks, named in honor of her mother, Lola. Due to Lola’s sudden allergies -which made wearing her lipstick unbearable,- Leyna saw an opportunity she hadn’t considered before: entrepreneurship. “I never aspired to be an entrepreneur; it’s not even something that I ever considered. I was on the path of acting and singing … But I’m glad I did because it feels so natural. Entrepreneurship has changed my life.”


rmed with her new lifestyle brand, actress, model and now, mogul-in-the-making, Leyna Topete is poised and ready to add a new role to her resume: CEO. It’s lunch hour at the eatery in Downtown LA where I’m scheduled to meet Leyna. Despite the bustling crowd, it’s easy to locate the table where Leyna and her manager, David, are seating. Leyna’s crisp, white ensemble sets off her perfectly coiffed makeup and hair. As we exchange greetings, her manager starts chatting with a woman sitting next to us. Them, before we know it, he is excitedly showing the lady a tube of one of the lipsticks Leyna just released. “Geez, let the woman have a few bites of her lunch,” Leyna says, chuckling. When I comment that he seems to be a good person to have on her team, Leyna agrees: “Of course he is. That is who you ultimately want on your side, especially when you’re trying to launch a brand.”


TOPETE Writer by Claire Miranda / Photo by Davis Jr. Martin

For three years, Leyna worked feverishly and tirelessly to develop the Lola Collection. “The first step,” Leyna recalls, “was going to ‘Google’ and typing in ‘How to start a lipstick line’ - because I had no idea.” At every juncture, from raising capital to working with chemists to designing packaging, Leyna worked to ensure that the Lola Collection would meet her standards and retain her unique flair. Remembering how at times the process has been daunting, Leyna says, “Knowing what it has taken, if I had to do it all over again, I don’t even know if I could. Even today, looking back, I can’t believe that I actually did it.” Leyna thanks her inner strength for getting her through times of doubt. She also pays tribute to the immense fortitude her mother, Lola, has demonstrated throughout her life. Besides serving in the Marine Corps for 29 years, Lola waged a war against an entirely new

enemy -breast cancer-. Reporting that her mother is doing well -though still fighting,- Leyna was driven to utilize her brand to do philanthropic work with an emphasis on two causes: breast cancer research and supporting women in the military. Leyna states that “It felt very natural for me to want to do that. I draw so much inspiration from my mom - for both being a breast cancer survivor and a woman in uniform - that I didn’t even really have to think about it.” Putting her words into action, during the month of October, Leyna designated a portion of the proceeds from the sale of the Ribbon in the Sky lipstick, to support families who are battling breast cancer. Then, during her first military base promotion, she gave away lipsticks to female Marines . For Leyna, the success of her company is just as important to her as giving back, “I only hope that as my company grows, my efforts to give back will grow along.” It’s just when Leyna gets notified that her manager is ready to take her to her next appointment that we realize time has flown. It’s now time for Leyna to head out to a convention center to set up a display for a women’s expo. Listing her upcoming commitments and her extensive travel plans, it’s evident that her schedule is packed, and she moves at a breakneck pace. But for Leyna, this is all part of the life she has worked towards for so long. Before she breezes out the door and into the afternoon sunshine, Leyna shares that her ALEGRIA is, “To be able to live the life I’ve always wanted to live. To pursue my dreams, to live them right now and to grow my dreams.”

Armed with her new lifestyle brand, actress, model and now, mogul-inthe-making, Leyna Topete is poised and ready to add a new role to her resume: CEO.

Armada con su nueva marca de estilo de vida, la actriz, modelo y ahora magnate en ciernes, Leyna Topete está lista para agregar un nuevo rol a su currículum: CEO.


rmada con su nueva marca de estilo de vida, la actriz, modelo y ahora magnate en ciernes, Leyna Topete está lista para agregar un nuevo rol a su currículum: CEO. Es la hora del almuerzo en el restaurante del centro de Los Ángeles donde tengo previsto conocer a Leyna. A pesar de la bulliciosa multitud, es fácil ubicar la mesa donde están sentados Leyna y su manager, David. El conjunto blanco y claro de Leyna resalta su maquillaje y peinado perfectos. Mientras intercambiamos saludos, su gerente comienza a conversar con una mujer que está sentada junto a nosotros. Antes de que nos demos cuenta, él le muestra con entusiasmo un lápiz labial que Leyna acaba de lanzar. “Dios mío,

deja que la mujer coma unos bocados de su almuerzo”, le dice Leyna, riéndose.

Cuando comento que él parece ser una buena persona para tener en su equipo, Leyna está de acuerdo: “Por supuesto, lo es. Ese es el tipo de persona que quieres de tu lado, especialmente cuando estás tratando de lanzar una marca” Leyna se refiere a su nueva marca de estilo de vida, Impromptu. “El lema de Impromptu es ‘Life Unscripted’ (la vida sin guión. El mensaje de mi marca es empoderar a las mujeres para que sean fuertes y persigan sus metas y sueños”,

explica Leyna. La incorporación de ese mensaje es la colección de cinco lipsticks vivos y audaces, nombrados en honor a su madre, Lola. Fue debido a las repentinas alergias de Lola, que hicieron que el uso del lipstick fuera insoportable, que Leyna vio una oportunidad que no había considerado antes: el espíritu empresarial. “Nunca aspiré a ser una emprendedora; ni siquiera es algo que hubiese considerado alguna vez. Estaba en el camino de la actuación y el canto ... Pero me alegro de haberlo hecho porque me parece muy natural. El espíritu empresarial ha cambiado mi vida “. Durante tres años, Leyna trabajó febril e incansablemente para desarrollar la Colección Lola. “El primer paso”, recuerda Leyna, “fue ir a ‘Google’ y escribir ‘Cómo comenzar una línea de lápiz labial’, porque no tenía ni idea”. En cada momento, desde reunir capital hasta trabajar con químicos para diseñar envases, Leyna se aseguró de que la Colección Lola cumpliera con sus estándares y conservara su estilo único. WINTER


Recordando que a veces el proceso ha sido desalentador, Leyna dice: “Sabiendo lo que me ha costado, si tuviera que hacerlo todo de nuevo, ni siquiera sé si podría. Incluso hoy, mirando hacia atrás, no puedo creo que en realidad lo hice “.

Leyna agradece a su fortaleza interior, que la ha ayudado en los momentos de duda. También rinde homenaje a la inmensa fortaleza que su madre, Lola, ha demostrado a lo largo de su vida. Además de servir en la Infantería de Marina durante 29 años, Lola libró una guerra contra un enemigo completamente nuevo: el cáncer de pecho, contra el que sigue luchando. Al saber que su madre mejoraba, Leyna se vio impulsada a utilizar su marca para realizar trabajos filantrópicos con énfasis en dos causas: la investigación del cáncer de mama y el apoyo a las mujeres en el servicio militar. Leyna dice que “fue muy natural para mí querer hacer eso. Recibo mucha inspiración de mi madre, tanto por ser una sobreviviente de cáncer de mama como por una mujer en uniforme. No tuve siquiera que pensarlo” Poniendo

sus palabras en acción, durante el mes de octubre Leyna designó una parte de los ingresos de la venta del lápiz labial, Ribbon in the Sky, a apoyar a las familias que luchan contra el cáncer de mama. También, durante su primer evento de promoción en una base militar, regaló lipsticks a mujeres de la Marina. Para Leyna, el éxito de su compañía es tan importante como poder contribuir con la sociedad, “solo espero que a medida que mi empresa crezca, mis esfuerzos por retribuir crezcan también”.

Solo cuando a Leyna se le notifica que su gerente está listo para llevarla a su próxima cita, nos damos cuenta de que ha pasado el tiempo. Es hora de que Leyna se dirija a un centro de convenciones para prepararse para una “expo” femenina. Enumerando sus próximos compromisos y sus extensos planes de viaje, es evidente que su agenda está llena, y se mueve a un ritmo vertiginoso. Pero para Leyna, esto es parte de la vida por la que ha trabajado durante tanto tiempo. Antes de salir corriendo por la puerta y adentrarse en el sol de la tarde, Leyna comparte qué es su ALEGRIA: “Poder vivir la vida que siempre he querido vivir. Perseguir mis sueños, vivirlos ahora y hacerlos crecer. 27



Hailing from MedellĂ­n, Colombia & breaking stereotypes in the Latin music world with her #Unstoppable spirit, Karol G spoke to us on her way to her European tour to talk with ALEGRIA about her passion for music, life and perfect love.




How was your love for music born?

It was born from my father’s love for music. His company and tremendous support have made me love what I do every day, and to wish to make him feel proud. How would you describe Medellin to someone on the other side of the world?


Have you faced discrimination or difficulties because you are a woman in a male-dominated world?

Yes, it was difficult to change that mentality. Everything had a cost, everything became interchangeable, there was always an ulterior intention. This made me grow and mature as a person and as an artist. I understood that it depended on me, on my criteria, on my determination. During all those years of closed doors, I prepared so I could be ready for the opportunity when it came. Now I feel it is not about women and men anymore. That women are already on the map, and now it’s about everyone taking this genre to the next level, worldwide. What makes you get up every day ready to conquer the world?

Motivation comes when you are passionate about your career. You love what you do, and no one can stop you. Who are your influences in the world of fashion and how do you define your style?

I do not follow fashion. I follow what I like and how it makes me feel me. I usually dress according to the attitude I wake up with that day. Do you think you should sacrifice a lot in your love life for your musical career?

It’s hard. This profession needs your full attention, and when you have other focuses, you lose the main one.

Music for you is ...

Pure magic.

Your favorite artists ...

Very many, I love music. Selena Quintanilla is my inspiration. Something you miss from the time before you became an artist and public figure…

Sharing much more quality time with your family and friends. Your ideal partner should be ...

A man who is continuously searching adventures, makes me laugh, is strong, intelligent, talented; a gentleman. I’m happy to believe in real love. Your greatest wish ...

To feel that I have the power to change the world for the better. A fear ...

Losing someone that I love. A fantasy...

I want to be a mother of five in a countryside house, with a husband in love. The traityou most despise in someone...

Underestimation. Family is...

The purest, most unconditional and real company we can have in a world of so many superficial loves. What has been the most significant lesson you’ve learned from love? AFTER HAVING LIVED SO MUCH, I AM VERY CLEAR ON WHAT I WANT. I LEARNED THAT SINCERE, KIND AND REAL LOVE MUST COME FROM ME AND THAT WE MUST MAKE AN EFFORT. ONLY THEN WILL YOU BE WORTHY OF AN EQUAL LOVE. I DON’T WANT TO HANG OUT, I FEEL READY FOR A “HAPPILY EVER AFTER.”

Your beautiful dog...

My first son.

What you do to regroup when you are stressed ...

I like long drives, alone, with good music. The last time you got mad ...


Who makes you laugh the most?

Mmmhh… Rene.



¿Cómo nació tu amor por la música?

Nació del amor de mi padre por la música. Su compañía y apoyo infinito han hecho que cada día ame más esto que hago y que quiera hacerlo sentir cada vez más orgulloso. ¿Cómo describirías Medellín a alguien al otro lado del mundo?

Es la casa de todos. Allá te sientes así. ¿Qué es lo que te hace sentir más orgullosa de ser latina?


¿Has enfrentado discriminación o dificultades por ser mujer en un mundo dominado por hombres?

Si, fue difícil cambiar esa mentalidad. Todo tenía un costo, todo se volvía intercambiable, todo tenía una intención más allá. Esto me hizo crecer, incluso madurar como persona y como artista. Entendí que dependía de mi, de mi criterio, de mi determinación. Durante todos esos años de puertas cerradas me preparé para estar lista para cuando llegara la oportunidad. Ahora siento que ya no se trata de mujeres y hombres. Que las mujeres ya estamos en el mapa y que ahora se trata de que todos llevemos este género a otro nivel mundial. ¿Qué te levanta todos los días y te hace estar lista para conquistar al mundo?

La motivación llega cuando te apasiona tu carrera. Amas lo que haces y no hay nadie que te detenga. ¿Quiénes son tus influencias en el mundo de la moda y cómo defines tu estilo?

No sigo modas. Sigo lo que me gusta y lo que me hace sentir yo. Normalmente me visto de acuerdo con la actitud con la que me despierto cada día. ¿Crees que debes sacrificar mucho en tu vida sentimental por tu carrera musical?

Es difícil. Esta carrera necesita de toda tu atención, y cuando tienes otros focos, pierdes el principal.


La música para ti es...

Magia pura.

Tus artistas favoritos...

Muchísimos, amo la música. Selena Quintanilla, es la inspiración. Algo que extrañas de antes de ser artista y figura pública...

Compartir mucho más tiempo de calidad con tu familia y amigos. Tu pareja ideal debe ser...

Un hombre que este en la búsqueda constante de aventuras, que me haga reír, que sea fuerte, inteligente, talentoso, caballero. Me conformo con que crea en el amor de verdad. Tu mayor anhelo...

Sentir que tengo el poder para cambiar el mundo por uno mejor. Un temor...

Perder un ser que amo. Una fantasía...

Quiero ser mamá de cinco, en una casa en el campo, con un esposo enamorado. Lo que no soportas en alguien...

La subestimación.

La familia es...


Tu hermoso perro...

Mi primer hijo.

¿Qué haces para encontrar el balance cuando estás estresada?

Me gusta conducir por trayectos largos, sola, con buena música. La última vez que te enojaste...


¿Quién te hace reír más?

Mmm... René.

COVER PHOTOS/ EDITORIAL BY @teograph STILING @daikygamboa MAKE UP @daniduke PRODUCTION @agudelofel



DKNY Introduces a New Fragance DKNY NECTAR LOVE


In 2017 Clarins laboratories selected turmeric as the most effective active ingredient to protect the cells' listening system. This way, turmerone optimizes the five vital functions of the skin: hydration, oxygenation, nutrition, protection, and regeneration. Turmerone is the most important plant compound in Clarins' new Double Serum, proven to promote a more luminous and rejuvenated complexion in just seven days.

At the heart of Nectar Love, is an exclusive natural attraction extract. This unique blend allows you to revel in the warm seduction and indulgence of honeycomb and neroli. At the top of the fragrance, yellow freesia intertwines brightly with the juicy freshness of mandarin. Grapefruit and soft nectarine create a comforting warmth, as cedarwood mixes with a creamy skin-hugging vanilla musk. A flourish of irresistible florals takes over the body, with jasmine, muguet and exquisite orange flower -accented by enticing Mirabelle,- to create a blooming indulgence

After 4 weeks using Double Serum, 350 women of all skin types noticed a smoother, luminous, firm and beautiful skin. OTHER PRODUCTS THAT USE TURMERONE: Blueprint, Daily Apple Cider Vinegar Tonic / Buddha Teas, Turmeric Ginger Tea / Pure Synergy, Super Pure Turmeric Organic Extract

nos vamos de regalos...



DKNY Be Delicious’ signature juicy apple note created exclusively for DKNY, and now iconic in its history, is a natural extract surrounded by the crisp green ripeness of Grapefruit and Magnolia. At its core lie tuberose, muguet, rose and brilliant violet, finishing with a smooth touch of sandalwood, blond woods and white amber. 34

Tory Burch’s first fragrance is a modern, colorful interpretation of the collection she has created. Classic and unexpected, the fragrance captures the casual ease and polished optimism that define Tory’s aesthetic. “When we decided to create a fragrance, we spent a lot of time thinking about what it should be — we wanted a balance between femininity and a touch of masculinity; citrus and floral, and finally, casual and graceful,” says Tory.


The new and exclusive Tonic Scented Candle, inspired the legendary Clarins Tonic Body Treatment Oil, invigorates the senses for an ultimate feeling of wellbeing.

Laura Geller Loose Body Power

To glow like JLo, try Laura Geller’s loose body powder.

ORIGN , a New Book by Dan Brown

The hottest book of the season is Dan Brown’s Origin, the amazing and surprising new novel by the world’s most popular writer. The author of The Da Vinci Code offers a book full of unexpected twists, theories, suspense and action.


Kérastase brings us the first smart brush to stimulate the scalp. This could be a great gift for him or her.

Clarins Advent Calendar 2017

DONA KARAN CAHSMERE MIST Born of a Woma n’s Passion

An invisible layer of luxe comfort, Cashmere Mist is sheerly floral, combining the essences of Moroccan Jasmine, Lilly of the Valley and the freshness of bergamot against a warm background of sandalwood, amber and musk. Women love its quiet sensuality, its mist-like whisper of a scent. Created to capture the private luxury of cashmere itself, Cashmere Mist is the first layer of dressing, the one that is the closest to your body, your senses, your soul. Soft and intimate, it is intended to be perceived by the wearer and those closest to her only. WINTER

Every year, the holiday spirit brings us back to our fondest childhood memories. In France, the twenty-five days leading to Christmas are celebrated with an advent calendar revealing mini-gifts and candies as days go by. This season Clarins reinterpreted this holiday classic and created a gift-set every girl must have. Go ahead, open the tiny -or not so tiny,- Windows and receive a daily gift of beauty.




mix of autobiography and smart living manual, El Círculo Virtuoso borrows elements from Japanese art, post-WWII industrial design and Silicon Valley innovations to develop a system of seven archetypes that can help anyone recognize their potential, hone their skills and accomplish their goals in a methodical way. The idea for the book was born when the author noted a pattern. “After spending 10 years doing interviews with people at the top of their field -from the arts to science to sports- I noticed that these super achievers had many things in common, from their ability to be aware of their own potential to their daily habits and their need to give back. Based on a decade of observation, El Círculo Virtuoso provides a model that all of us can follow to improve our lives”, said Natale.


"Cuando algo está listo para convertirse en una narración espiritual, su mensaje se extiende mucho más allá de nuestra imaginación. El Círculo Virtuoso es un libro que llega en tiempos inciertos y transmite un mensaje de transformación personal que apunta no solo al logro individual, sino también el bienestar colectivo ",

Gaby Natale is a multiple EMMY-award winner media personality, entrepreneur and influencer. She is the executive producer and host of the TV show SuperLatina that airs nationwide in PBS en español (VmeTV).


l Círculo Virtuoso, es una mezcla de autobiografía y manual de vida inteligente que toma prestados elementos del arte japonés, el diseño industrial posterior a la Segunda Guerra Mundial y las innovaciones de Silicon Valley para desarrollar un sistema de siete arquetipos que pueden ayudar a cualquier persona a reconocer su potencial, perfeccionar sus habilidades y lograr sus objetivos de forma metódica.

In 2017, Natale won a Daytime Emmy in the Outstanding Daytime Talent category, becoming the first TV host to win this award back-to-back. On May 2016, Gaby and SuperLatina won the Daytime Emmy award for Outstanding Daytime Talent in a Spanish Language Program and Outstanding Entertainment Program in Spanish, respectively, making it a first for an independently-produced Spanish language show.

La idea del libro nació cuando la autora notó un patrón. "Después de pasar 10 años haciendo entrevistas con personas en la cima de su campo -desde las artes hasta la ciencia y el deporte- me di cuenta de que estos súper-triunfadores tenían muchas cosas en común, desde su capacidad de ser consciente de su propio potencial hasta sus hábitos diarios y su necesidad de retribuir. Basado en una década de observación, El Círculo Virtuoso proporciona un modelo que todos podemos seguir para mejorar nuestras vidas ", dijo Natale.

Gaby Natale is one of the few women in the entertainment industry who owns not only the rights to her TV show but also a television studio. This unique situation has allowed her to combine her passion for media and her entrepreneurial spirit. In the digital world, Gaby has developed a thriving fan base, with over 50 million views on YouTube and 200K+ followers on Social Media.


She is also the co-founder and President of AGANARmedia, a marketing company with a focus on Hispanic audiences. AGANARmedia’s clients include Fortune 500 companies such as Sprint, eBay and Amazon, to name a few.


Photo by Jorge Rivas

Gaby Natale es una personalidad de los medios, emprendedora e influyente, galardonada con múltiples premios EMMY. Es la productora ejecutiva y presentadora del programa de televisión SuperLatina que se transmite en todo el país en PBS en español (VmeTV).


En 2017, Natale ganó un Emmy en la categoría de Talento Diurno Sobresaliente, convirtiéndose en la primera presentadora de televisión en ganar este premio de forma consecutiva. En mayo de 2016, Gaby y SuperLatina ganaron el premio Emmy por Talento Diurno Sobresaliente en un Programa de Idioma Español y por Programa Excepcional de Entretenimiento en Wspañol, convirtiéndose en la primera vez que esto sucede con un programa en español de producción independiente.

"When something is ready to become a spiritual narrative, its message spreads far beyond our imagination. El Círculo Virtuoso is a book that arrives at uncertain times carrying an awakening message of personal transformation that aims not just at individual achievement, but also for collective wellbeing"

En el mundo digital, Gaby ha desarrollado una base de admiradores próspera, con más de 50 millones de visitas en su canal de YouTube y más de 200,000 seguidores en las redes sociales.


Gaby Natale es una de las pocas mujeres en la industria del entretenimiento que posee no solo los derechos de su programa de televisión sino también un estudio de televisión. Esta situación única le ha permitido combinar su pasión por los medios y su espíritu emprendedor.

También es cofundadora y presidenta de AGANARmedia, una empresa de mercadotecnia enfocada en el público hispano. Los clientes de AGANARmedia incluyen compañías Fortune 500 como Sprint, eBay y Amazon, por nombrar algunos.


felipe photos provided and authorized by talent

Live Your Happy: Get Out of Your Own Way and Find the Love Within Before she was an author and a minister, Reverend Maria Felipe was an actress, a model, and a TV host. She appeared in TV spots across the U.S.; was the first Latina boxing announcer, and interviewed World Wrestling Federation competitors in front of audiences of twenty thousand people. People Magazine en Español even referred to her as “Una Campeona sin rival,” which means an unrivaled champion. But through it all, she felt insecure, unworthy, and downright miserable. All that began to change when she started studying a book called A Course in Miracles (ACIM), and eventually went on to get her ministerial certificate from an ACIM school known as Pathways of Light. “This selfstudy spiritual thought system helps students develop a relationship with the ‘internal teacher’ it calls the Holy Spirit, which in turn helps us change how we see the world every day,” writes Maria. “This ‘shift in perception’ is what ACIM calls a miracle.” In Live Your Happy: Get Out of Your Own Way and Find the Love Within (New World Library, available on December 15), Maria shares more than twenty years of experience studying and living the principles from ACIM. This is not a philosophic explanation of the Course. It is a practical, hands-on guide for actually living it. The book includes real-world examples from Maria’s life and from her students’ experiences. In nine crystal-clear chapters, Maria shows readers how to get the “cuckoo voice of the ego” out of the way, connect with their “inner teacher,” and access personal power and strength. Maria Felipe is the author of Live Your Happy. A CubanAmerican born in Miami, she is 5’9”, with a towering personality to match. After experiencing success as a model and actress, including hosting World Wrestling Federation TV shows, she felt called inward and studied to become a reverend at Pathways of Light, an accredited religious school inspired by A Course in Miracles. She leads monthly services in both Spanish and English at Unity Church in Burbank, CA. Visit her online at http://


¡Vive Feliz! Quítate del medio y encuentra el amor dentro de ti Antes de ser autora y ministra, la Reverenda Maria Felipe era actriz, modelo y anfitriona de televisión. Aparecía en comerciales a lo largo de los Estados Unidos; fue la primera latina en ser anunciadora de peleas de boxeo y entrevistaba a luchadores del World Wrestling Federation ante audiencias de veinte mil personas. People Magazine en Español la nombró “Una Campeona Sin Rival”. Sin embargo, a pesar de todo el éxito, seguía sintiéndose insegura y completamente infeliz. Todo esto empezó a cambiar cuando comenzó a estudiar un libro llamado Un Curso de Milagros (UCDM). Este libro eventualmente la llevaría a convertirse en reverenda en la escuela ministerial Pathways of Light, cuyas enseñanzas están basadas en el Curso. “Este sistema de pensamiento espiritual autodidáctico nos explica cómo desarrollar una relación con el ‘maestro interno’, al cual

llama Espíritu Santo, y así nos lleva a cambiar la forma en que vemos al mundo”, escribe Maria. “Este ‘cambio de percepción’ es lo que el Curso llama un milagro”. En ¡Vive Feliz! Quítate del Medio y Encuentra el Amor Dentro de Ti (New World Library, disponible a partir del 15 diciembre), Maria comparte más de veinte años de experiencia estudiando y viviendo los principios de UCDM. Esto no es una explicación filosófica del Curso. Es una guía práctica y realista que nos dice cómo vivirlo. El libro incluye ejemplos de la vida real, tanto de Maria como de sus estudiantes. En nueve capítulos claros y fáciles de entender, Maria le enseña al lector cómo ignorar la “voz loca del ego”, conectarse con su maestro interno, y acceder a su poder y fuerza interior. Maria Felipe es la autora de ¡Vive Feliz! Cubanaamericana nacida en Miami, Maria había encontrado éxito como modelo, actriz y anfitriona de programas de televisión, incluyendo del reconocido programa de lucha libre World Wrestling Federation (WWF), cuando se sintió llamada al camino espiritual. Estudió y se convirtió en reverenda con Pathways of Light, una escuela ministerial acreditada basada en Un Curso de Milagros. Maria ofrece servicios en inglés y español una vez al mes en la Iglesia Unity de Burbank, California. Pueden visitarla en la red en


Twisted for Photo by David Jr. Martin

LUCIA RIOS IS THE OWNER AND CREATOR OF TWISTED FOR SUGAR, A GOURMET COTTON CANDY BRAND WITH A LATIN TWIST. THE BRAND FEATURES AN E-STORE, WHICH SHIPS PACKAGED TREATS ACROSS THE U.S. THEIR CATERING SERVICE BRINGS FRESH COTTON CANDY, MADE ON THE SPOT, TO EVENTS IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. “El algodón de azúcar me llevó de soñadora a hacedora”, dice Lucía. “He crecido mucho desde que comencé esta empresa. Ahora más que nunca es importante amarnos a nosotros mismos y alentar a amar a los demás. El amor es lo que sana. Gracias a todos los que he conocido a través del negocio; amor es lo que he recibido y lo que me ha permitido mantener mi camino de sanación “. What inspired you to create Twisted for Sugar?

I am a mother of two young kids: Costello, age 7 and Stevie, age 1 ½. Twisted started as a means of working at home through the postpartum depression that followed the birth of my youngest. The idea of a cotton candy catering service had been on my mind for some time, but when I decided to jump the gun, it wasn’t an instant hit. What do you believe makes your company different?

After purchasing many kinds of sugars, we quickly found that they were not going to work. They tasted horrible and were not aligned with who I am. One day, as I was practicing with a watermelon flavor sugar, I decided to top it with Tajin, and it was as if a giant spotlight turned on! From that moment on I knew exactly what my brand was going to be:


LATINX FLAVORS! They were a representation of who I am but in cotton candy form! Was it important for you that Twisted Sugar represented a bit of your bilingual culture?

Yes, it was very important for me. I knew that infusing our culture in my business would encourage and teach our children about their culture in a fun way, and introduce others to the beauty and yumminess of the Latinx Community. As I created exciting flavors, I started to feel more in tune with who I am at the core. That, and the networking opportunities that came through the business lead me down the path of healing my postpartum depression. Learning to create my own sugars and flavors allowed me full control of the menu and established a quality standard for the brand.

Rosa Elia V ICTORI O Photos provided and authorized by talent

El Soñador se debe enfocar en una sola cosa mientras está en el aire admirando los maravillosos paisajes: en que cada día está más cerca del cielo abierto….


y hands may be tied up NOW, but my feet can still wander, and my mind will forever dream. For a dream can only be deferred if the dreamer loses hope. Some may believe it can dry up like a raisin in the sun, but it is up to the dreamer to handle his vision with extra care. One must nurture a dream, for just like the physical body, a dream needs oxygen to breathe, food to feed the soul, and peace of mind for the spirit. The only way a dream can fester like a sore is if he who dreams it allows the outside to invade one’s spirit. One may encounter adversity at every corner, look at misery in the eye, swim against the current when hurtful words are thrown your way, but the dream cannot run. The dreamer


may think it disappears because it's far in the distance, almost lost in the horizon, but he who’s had a dream knows that the sun always rises from afar. The dreamer may begin to think that his efforts start to stink like rotten meat because he sees no fruits from years of harvest, but if you look closely at the fruit you’ve gathered you will see the thin clear crystal crust that will soon become delicious sugar and cover it all like a syrupy sweet. One can never lose hope nor the passion for living. If motivation is what’s missing, the dreamer must believe his feet can take him to so many places for inspiration. Maybe, one’s wish is to be found elsewhere and not in the place you currently inhabit. Maybe at times, you will feel that your dream just sags, like a heavy load, because at that moment in time your goals seem to be paralyzed. Maybe the feeling is that of limbo, where all appears hazy and opaque. Perhaps it all feels like a huge beautiful air balloon that's about to explode because of all the frustration, impotence, and lack of motivation that’s fueling it. But the dreamer must focus on ONE thing only while being up in the air and admiring all the breathtaking landscapes: That each day he is getting closer to the open sky, where he will soon roam free and finally see what he always dreamed. No matter how difficult a situation may be or those moments when you feel you can’t do anything to change it, the dreamer must believe always that with one’s feet one can explore other places, other people, other things. As long as one’s dream, vision, desire, objective and goal remain vivid in the mind and in the heart, a dream will never be deferred.


Carlos A GUILA R Photos provided and authorized by talent

“El mayor regalo que mi madre me dio fue decirme que apuntara alto en mis



he greatest gift my mother gave me was to tell me never to aim low when I dream. Even though we were a low-income family from a workingclass neighborhood in Mexico City, she let me believe that, against all odds, one day I could work in the film industry. Movies were ingrained in me early on. They gave me hope for something beyond my circumstances, and continue to do so. Financial instability forced the family to send me to live in Los Angeles with my aunt, so that I could at least make it through high school. Separating from my mother and brother and moving to another country in my early teens was emotionally devastating, but


internally I knew that this was the only way for me to have a shot at a different life from what my parents had known, and maybe have an opportunity to fulfill my wildest aspirations. I went from not knowing a word in English to making a living writing in this language, but that didn’t come easy. I worked as a cashier at a fast food place for seven years to support myself, right until DACA was announced. Graduating high school as Salutatorian with outstanding grades should have been given me the chance to attend any college, but since I was unable to receive financial help, I had to abandon the idea of attending schools like CalArts or Chapman, to which I was accepted to study film production. The easiest path would have been to assume that as a DREAMer, working in the entertainment industry was unrealistic. Although I knew my future was uncertain, the indomitable drive that all of us in this situation share kept me going. I took the bus every day from Cudahy to Pasadena City College, just to be able to take film classes that weren’t offered anywhere near me. It was a blind pursuit, but I refused to be defeated by the system and the environment that told me I couldn’t do it. DACA of course changed everything. Not long after it was announced, I started an internship

at Strand Releasing, a distribution company that focuses on international cinema – one of my greatest passions. Thanks to that opportunity I could get my foot in the door at the Sundance Institute and eventually I became an intern there as part of the Feature Film Program. For someone like me, who grew up in a world that seems so far away from this one, working at Sundance was a defining moment. I’m eternally grateful to the people that took a chance on me and got me there. Almost simultaneously I started writing a personal blog about film, and then came my first articles in small outlets. In 2014, I was chosen as one of six young film critics to be part of the first-ever Roger Ebert Fellowship. I attended the Sundance Film Festival for the first time, and my world expanded like I never thought it could. My work has now appeared in Indiewire, MovieMaker Magazine, Variety Latino, Filmmaker Magazine and Remezcla, among others, and I consistently work as a screenplay reader for the Sundance Labs and as a film screener for the Sundance Film Festival. I’ve interviewed heroes of mine such as Salma Hayek, Pedro Almodovar, JeanPierre Jeunet, Isabelle Huppert, and Diego Luna, and have also been a jury of prestigious festivals. Thus far, my mother’s gift has served me well. I keep believing, despite it all.


t happened 25 years ago, but I can still feel the excitement of embarking on a “road trip” with my family, without realizing that I was leaving my home forever. I was born in Jalisco, Mexico, but only resided there for the first four years of my life. I am surprised at how much I remember, considering how young I was. I grew up reciting the Pledge of Allegiance and feeling prideful of who I was and who I would become in the future. At home, I watched movies like Mary Poppins and listened to Britney Spears. It wasn’t until the age of 16 that I would realize I was living a lie. As I witnessed some classmates obtain their first jobs and congratulate each other on getting their driver’s permits, I realized it was my time to become a young adult. An arrangement was made with a family friend to help me obtain the paperwork for a job. This friend drove me to a place in Los Angeles that did not feel safe. I was confused and quite frankly, frightened. Something was not making sense. I was taken to a photography studio to take passport style photos.

These obstacles kept presenting themselves at different times in my life, reminding my that I was not worthy and that I was considered “criminal” by U.S. standards. I witnessed my peers and friends move on, apply for college, pass their driver’s license tests, earn their first paychecks. Since I did not partake in these accomplishments, people viewed me as lazy -a person who did not care to progress. - This was several years before DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) was introduced and before we were known as Dreamers. It was a scary and shameful time when there was no word to describe who we were. I questioned my identity and my purpose and life. I feared that sharing my story with my peers would invite criticism and bullying.

It took me eight years to graduate college due to the inability of obtaining grants, loans or other forms of financial aid. I ended up paying college out of pocket. I eventually graduated with a degree in broadcast journalism and a minor in political science. Nevertheless, the passion for sharing my story remained unchanged as I witnessed the DREAM Act fail in Congress twice in a in five years span. DACA was introduced in 2012. To me, this became a permission to tell my story. I created a 30-minute documentary that same year called DREAL: Dreams Are Real. In October of 2016, I was able to travel to my birth town for the first time in 25 years. Over time, I’ve developed contacts in film and media and was not going to miss the opportunity to bring people on this journey with me. That is how my documentary My DACA Life, began.

“Estoy determinada a continuar este camino, por aquellos que no tienen voz, por nuestros amigos, familia, maestros, mentores, y sobre todo, por América”

Afterwards, someone handed me an envelope. Inside was a Social Security card and a plastic card with my photo and the words “Resident Alien,” across the top. Seeing my identity and my image carry that label crushed my soul. This was completely against what I stood for. I wanted nothing to do with breaking the law or anything that I felt was wrong; this was not me. That was the day that it became clear I was not “normal,” and the day that initiated the wave of obstacles, setbacks, fears, doubts, anger, frustration and confusion that swept my path.

When I was 18 years old, I flew to Washington D.C, to share my story with Congress. It was the first airplane trip in my life. I knew that I had no choice but to share my truth with the leaders of this country. I also knew the risk that I was taking by openly discussing my not being “legal.” After this trip, I promised myself that I would work towards sharing my story with as many people as possible. I felt that if Americans knew the truth about who we were and the situation we face, they would understand and support us.

Less than a month after my return, the 2016 election took place, redirecting the storyline of the documentary. Although DACA has been rescinded, I feel a sense of freedom and victory. I once dreamed of having a voice, of our stories being heard, of powerful leaders seeing us and supporting us. We are here today, and this is happening in real life. I feel proud of all the work others have done to bring awareness to our plight. I am determined to continue this journey, for those who don’t have a voice, for our friends, our families, our teachers, our mentors, and most importantly, for America. Please visit:

Maribel SERRANO Photos provided and authorized by talent



INTERVIEW WITH LUZ LLUNCOR When did your love for home loan financing begin?

My passion started by watching my mother in her real estate office and seeing Latino families walking in every day wanting a piece of the American Dream. What is something that most Latinos who are interested in buying a home don't know?

Photo by David Jr. Martin

Many Latinos don’t know it is entirely possible to buy a house. The funds are available to participate in low or zero downpayment programs. They also don’t know that credit coaching, homebuyers workshops, and financial planning are available. What is the best part of being a bicultural and bilingual Latina in the real estate industry?

The best part of being bicultural and bilingual is that I can understand my clients; we share the same stories and dreams. What brings you ALEGRIA as a businesswoman and a leader?

I am excited and happy to see that more women are bringing awareness to our working environment through education and mentorship. Having a successful marriage, happy kids and a thriving career are all possible. INTERVIEW WITH AYLED ZULUAGA When did your passion for real estate begin?

When I was working as a Spanish radio host in Los Angeles, I was able to identify our community’s need for knowledge around home ownership. What is something that most Latinos that are trying to buy a home don't know?

Many Latinos may not know about the different programs our government offers to assist them with the most important purchase in the United States. "Su Primera Casa/Their First Home." What is the best part of being a bicultural and bilingual Latina in the real estate industry?

One of the best parts is the feeling of welcoming Latinos into my open-houses. To greet them in Spanish, show them the home, talk about the homeownership process, and winning their trust. What brings you ALEGRIA as a businesswoman and a leader?

Assisting my clients with their needs, assuring them that by trusting me and working as a team, we can accomplish what they want; that gives me ALEGRIA.


Mi pasión y misión son ayudar a nuestra comunidad latina a lograr uno de los mayores sueños en los Estados Unidos: la compra de su primera casa. Luz Lluncor

Uno de los mejores sentimientos es ofrecer y darle la bienvenida a mis open-houses a la comunidad latina. Hablar con ellos en español, mostrarles las propiedades e informarles sobre el proceso de comprar su casa es una gran satisfacción para mi. Ayled Zuluaga

¿Cómo empezó tu fascinación con la realidad virtual y la tecnología?

La creatividad es inherente al ser humano. Como decía el gran futurista Alvin Toffler, “Los analfabetos del siglo XXI no serán aquellos que no sepan leer y escribir, sino aquellos que no sepan aprender, desaprender y reaprender.” Toffler me inspiró temprano a convertirme en un autodidacta de la tecnología emergente, especialmente de la realidad virtual. En mi caso, el amor por la tecnología emergente va de la mano con la pasión que como etnomusicólogo siento por el estudio de las culturas. Mucha gente se sorprende que alguien que fue DJ con Shakira ahora sea ganador de competencias de innovación del MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology). Pero todo surge de la misma intención, y en un mundo con recursos como los de Coursera, Udacity, o YouTube, todo se puede aprender. Lo que falta son personas con lo que profesores de Stanford llaman growth mindset –mentalidad de crecimiento-. ¿Cómo está revolucionando esto, la manera en que contamos historias?

Marlon Fuentes Photos provided and authorized by talent


arlon fuentes es un diseñador interdisciplinario, investigador y emprendedor. Fundamentándose en la innovación continua de la información y la experimentación científica e interactiva, Marlon no solo ha transformado su propio trabajo de diseño sino también el de las organizaciones con las que ha colaborado y el de cientos de profesionales que se han beneficiado con sus dinámicos seminarios de entrenamiento.

productos, el análisis de mercado, el diseño centrado en el ser humano y en crear historias en pequeño para su uso en mercadotecnia.

In a digital world saturated with food pics and blogger wisdom, there is nothing better than the ability to tell a shocking story with few words, for a hearing with little time.

Dentro de sus campos de estudio, Marlon es un pionero de la tecnología del video de Realidad Virtual y está interesado en trabajar con otros profesionales para desarrollar métodos de uso de la Realidad Virtual en el campo de la educació, y en la implementación de la tecnología Beacon en combinación con la tecnología de asistencia (assistive technology) para el beneficio de las personas con discapacidades. Marlon es también un apasionado expositor del Método de Aprendizaje Ágil, la metodología “Lean Entrepreneurship” para el desarrollo de empresas y WINTER

Ganador del gran premio en Realidad Virtual de MIT en 2017. Marlon fuentes, se graduó de la Universidad de California Los Angeles UCLA, con una licenciatura en Etnomusicología, y ha realizado estudios etnográficos de la relación de la gente, con la música, la tecnología y el diseño.

En preparación de sus estudios de postgrado, Marlon fue seleccionado para participar en el Programa Riordan, de Maestría en Administración de Negocios (MBA Program) de la Escuela de negocios Anderson-Universidad de California Los Angeles (UCLA Anderson School of Business). Donde fue asesorado por profesores de alto prestigio del programa MBA, en la presentación de casos de negocios y estrategias de desarrollo de liderazgo.

Cuando era chico me fascinaba ver los grande paisajes y mundos fantásticos que creaban directores como Akira Kurosawa y Federico Fellini en sus películas. Ahora pienso en un mundo de historias donde el web -y por extensión, nuestro consumo de experiencias digitales-, regresa a un campo teatral, en que la audiencia tiene oportunidad de interpretar o interactuar con la obra. Aunque el surrealismo lo exploraron esos viejos directores, ahora tenemos la oportunidad de integrar nuevas tecnologías como la realidad virtual, holografía, inteligencia artificial, y sensores para crear nuevas experiencias. ¿Qué es lo que más te gusta de tu trabajo actual?

Mi trabajo como productor y líder de tecnología emergente en BuzzFeed me da oportunidades para aprender del comportamiento de usuarios y me da acceso a líderes de empresa. Todos los días trabajamos con la intención de crear contenido autentico que refleje la identidad de nuestra audiencia y que llene alguna función en su vida diaria. Para realizar mis proyectos independientes alrededor del mundo, tengo una empresa de innovación que se llama Fuentes Creativas, con mis padres. Nuestros clientes incluyen a Redbull, al Consulado Brasileño en Los Ángeles, y damos talleres en Latinoamérica sobre tecnología emergente. Como contador de historias creativas, ¿qué es lo que más te ha dado resultado y lo que más disfrutas?

Humans of New York fue un gran éxito en los Estados Unidos. Mi técnica que es la brevedad, la microhistoria. En un mundo digital saturado de fotos de comida y sabiduría bloguera, lo que más vale es la habilidad de contar una historia impactante con pocas palabras, para una audiencia con poco tiempo. ¿Qué te da ALEGRIA?

Gran parte de mi ALEGRIA viene del mar. Yo he sido surfista desde que estaba chico y mi salud física, mental, y joie de vivre, vienen de poder disfrutar la adrenalina y momento Zen que me brinda una ola.




MACIAS Photo by David Jr. Martin

El dinero tiene todo que ver con saber en dónde estás, y que no tienes que permanecer ahí por siempre. Hello, my name is Eva Macias. I have been in business for nine years now, and have learned a lot about my relationship to money. I realized that the fear that was holding me back from having what I truly wanted was really a CHOICE. Before the recession, my ex-fiance and I were experiencing turbulence in the relationship over money. However, I kept quiet and told myself I just need to work a little bit harder and make more money. What I failed to realize was that I was unhappy. I failed to see is that I had a CHOICE. A choice to stay or move on. You are probably asking yourself what does this have to do with money? Well, everything. Before I met him, I had a six-figure job, and being under 30, I considered myself very successful. I had already purchased a home, and gifted myself a Mercedes SLK 350 convertible for Christmas. I had a FICO credit score of over 720, but because of love I almost lost it all.

Financial Freedom One on One Consultation with Award Winning Financial Expert. Learn more about Eva at www.evamacias. com Access Modern Day Money at moderndaymoney Connect with Eva on Facebook or Instagram @evamacias


Why? Because I lived in fear. What if I left him? Where would I live? How would I get by? What would my family say?

It wasn’t until I choose to attend a transformational workshop out that things started to change. As time passed, I felt a clear understanding of what was going on. I didn’t love myself enough to walk away. I had forgotten what a responsible human being I was before I met him. I was rediscovering myself. Throughout my personal growth and transformation, I saved my home, paid off a motorcycle, continued to grow my business every year, and -since I had no money for an attorney,- learned to represent myself successfully. If it weren’t for this mess, I would have never known my true power to recreate myself, my finances and open a business that would help others in so many ways. Money has everything to do with knowing where you are and that you don’t have to live there forever. If you are rock bottom, then it’s time to get up. It’s not the fact that you failed that is the problem. The problem comes when you choose to give up. I now realize that my mess was truly a message to inspire others to learn how to create wealth. This year, I created an online course called Modern Day Money: Increase your Net Worth Inside and Out. The goal of this course is to allow yourself time to look within and ask what’s not working and what’s causing the gap between you and building your wealth. Once you look deep within, you will find a powerful person waiting for you, to support in what the universe holds for you. It’s a matter of choice to choose wealth. It is a choice to be committed to you and only you. I learned to be committed and in love with myself. As a result of my new choices I manifested an amazing business, a coauthorship of a book, an online course, and an amazing husband who supports me daily to be a better woman. But most of all I keep learning to be in a healthy self-loving relationship with myself.

626-315-5769 13305 Penn Street Suite 110. Whittier, CA

PEOPLE How did the idea of creating Avenida Productions come to life?

It’s no mystery that Hollywood has a diversity problem. We opened Avenida to give a platform and voice to independent filmmakers of color, women, and those who are overlooked and underappreciated by the traditional studio system. Unlike most production companies, Avenida aims to empower independent filmmakers by creating a path for them to master and manifest their destiny. This is all part of an bigger plan to leave the world better than we found it; one film, script, or project at a time.

Do you believe there is still a lot of work to do in our community to support our own projects?

Yes, we have a long way to go. The most prominent challenge is that our community is fragmented because we come from different backgrounds, nationalities and upbringings. A lot of times we don’t act like one. If we

all came together to support projects that highlight our community, Hollywood would realize that our projects are lucrative and that they are missing an awesome opportunity by not telling our stories. Latinos spend the most money going to the movies and on entertainment than any other group. If we as a community took a stand and demanded that our stories be told, then Hollywood would have no choice but to follow suit. Why is it so important for you to make sure these stories are seen?

Representation matters; it informs others of who we are and teaches our children who they can become. The Latino experience is diverse, and it deserves not to be told just through the stereotypes that plague current media. Also, the entertainment business is one of the largest industries in our state, and our community has a right to participate in telling our stories more authentically.

You have raised an incredible amount of money this year for Latino content, projects and independent films. How challenging was it to bring awareness to these projects?

We knew that there was a market for diverse content; the challenge was getting the community to understand that they have the power to support these projects, instead of waiting for the Hollywood machine to give them the green light. We are not only empowering filmmakers to tell their stories; we are also encouraging and creating a fan base for Latino and other underrepresented filmmakers by reaching directly to the consumers and the community. It’s been challenging -but at the same time, very rewarding, to see that projects can be made outside of the system; it creates pride that we are all making a difference.

What brings you ALEGRIA?

We love what ALEGRIA stands for. It showcases the beauty and richness of Latino culture. It highlights who we truly are -as opposed to who we are portrayed to be. - We are vibrant, educated, ambitious, talented, and hard-working people and that is what ALEGRIA showcases.


PRODUCTIONS Avenida busca empoderar a cineastas independientes al crear un camino para que dominen y manifiesten su destino. Todo esto es parte de un plan más grande para dejar al mundo mejor de lo que lo encontramos; una película, guion o proyecto a la vez. WINTER


Dos de las filosofías de nuestra compañía son “el auto-cuidado una necesidad” y “consiéntete”, por lo que nos gusta infundir esto en los clientes/productos/ marcas con las que trabajamos. Si tu o tu marca/compañía están mejorando y haciendo que las vidas de las personas sean más satisfactorias, queremos trabajar para potenciar tu mensaje. También nos encanta todo lo que se siente lujoso.


WORD stands for We Open Real Doors. How did the idea for this new company come to life?

Angela: At its core, WORD is the conjunction of ideas plus passion, which we have been able to meld together to form a beautiful picture. For me, it began as an attempt at an entrepreneurial endeavor that would provide freedom from the grasp of corporate agency work. It has blossomed into something holistic and beautiful. We are still in the infancy stages and have a lot to accomplish and learn, but wherever we go, we will be led by the sense of community and collaboration that fuels our fire. Women empowerment is a big part of what you do. What is one thing you have both struggled with during these years in the entertainment/creative industry?

Zoila: What I’ve struggled with most in this business is finding a platform for underserved voices, including


my own. People in power aren’t often willing to stick their necks out for progressive, forward movement and that is where I have struggled the most... so starting WORD with a partner who encourages my crazy ideas has been amazing. I encourage more people to step outside the box and discovery their gifts - the world deserves to see them. What kind of talent or products do you feel more aligned with and why?

Angela: These questions! Man, it’s like a self-reflection questionnaire: thank you! Truly, I think anything and anyone that aligns with doing good or improving the way we live is a perfect match for us. Above all, Zoila and I are a sensitive, creative and hardworking duo who wholeheartedly want to be better humans, and be part of a movement of kindness and equality and yes, love! Zoila: Two of our company philosophies are “self-care is a must” and “treat yourself,” so we like to infuse this into the clients/products/brands we work with. If

you or your brand/company are making people’s lives better and more fulfilled, we want to work to empower your message. We also really love anything that feels luxurious. Standing up for yourselves and your creative ideas brought you a lot of attention as you created awareness about a big retailer copying one of your Creator/Woman T-shirts without permission. Were you surprised with the amount of support you received via social media and traditional media? What was the biggest lesson in all of this?

Angela: That was both one of the most nerve-wracking and positively overwhelming times of our lives. The outpour of support and love was magical. I believe it was something bigger than our shirt, it was rage at the continuous foul play big companies employ on small biz or independent creatives: especially minorities. Also, the fact that “Creator Shirt” was made to support women and women’s health

was a big flame that helped spread the word on social. The lesson for me is that doing the right thing and owning your truth will always yield a positive outcome. Zoila: Oh man, that was crazy! Honestly, we didn’t know what to expect and definitely didn’t expect such significant support from friends and strangers. It was extraordinary. What made it so special was that it proved how staying honest and staying your course really resonates with people. I have been screaming “girl power” and “independent business support” from the rooftops ever since I can remember. So to have it culminate in such a memorable way, -which also brought attention to Planned Parenthood- was beautiful. We were believed and supported because of our reputation for being truthful and reliable women. That was probably the best feeling of all. What brings you ALEGRIA?

Angela: Serenity. I am happy when I have peace and when those I love to feel loved. Also, Cuban coffee and Argentinian wine… since you asked! Zoila: Providing a life for myself on my terms, surrounded by people that inspire me to push the envelope every day. I’m gwWoing to be a mother in the Spring of 2018 so bringing myself joy is a surefire way to bring joy into the world of my son. And red wine, which I miss so damn much!

ALEGRIA IS ... FINDING THE PERFECT LATIN DANCE CRUISE As a world traveler and influencer, I loved my experience at The Aventura Dance Cruise in LA. I was excited to be part of the first cruise in Los Angeles. I had fun, I danced, I rested, I explored Ensenada and I made new friends. It was something different from what I’m used to experiencing and I would do it again for sure! - Pablo Ortega / @LyxPlanet

"I was having dinner with my parents at the restaurant, when in the middle of our unforgettable experience all the servers/staff surprised the whole dinning area with a FIESTA, the most amazing RUMBA show I ever seen! My parents and me got so excited that we stopped eating, stood up and started dancing!. Thank you so very much Aventura Dance Cruise for creating this amazing cruise that is great for the whole family!" - Tati Polo (celebrity Chef, Radio/TV personality)

Had one of the best experiences of my life with all my friends! Thank you Aventura Dance Cruise for an epic weekend! First time on a cruise was the best ever! - Vannessa Vasquez (Award-winning actress)

“Deep in the heart of TEXAS...”

When it comes to enjoying and indulging in the finer things in life, Texas may not immediately come to mind, but it certainly should! Of course, the Lone Star State has long been regarded as one of the most obvious places to visit when you want to sink your teeth into delicious barbecue, cheer on America’s team on Thanksgiving Day or two step your way around town. But it’s also bursting with luxe lifestyle offerings if you know where to look.

By: Daisy Solís

For starters, there’s a premium private aircraft service called RISE that makes commuting from the state’s most notable cities, Austin and Dallas, an absolute breeze. The plane accommodates nine passengers at a time and flies on an ongoing schedule daily. The membersonly service operates out of private terminals, which eliminates the hassle of navigating massive airports and waiting in line at security check-ins and baggage claims. At just $1,850 for an unlimited RISE membership, this option is a great solution for those wanting to check out Texas’ major cities during one trip.

You can tell a great deal about a city by the way its citizens express themselves, whether through art, music or civic engagement. I, personally, find food to be one of the most engaging articulations of individuals and community, with restaurants offering a specific lens through which to view a city. So let’s mosey on down to exclusive lounges, fine dining, historic monuments and a festival for the music lover located in two gems that are “deep in the heart of Texas


The Driskill was built in 1886, yet the look and feel of the bar & lounge are timeless. The space is defined by overstuffed caramel-colored leather sofas; ornate copper ceilings; and plush carpets. (There are also a few requisite Texas touches in the form of cowhide and the occasional piece of taxidermy.) It’s also said to be haunted, which might not make much of a difference in a strictly aesthetic sense... but it does certainly make for some interesting ambience. Moonfire Lounge - Located Downtown Austin’s Warehouse District, the upscale bar focuses on drinks, wine, and small bites, as well as dancing events and parties.The cocktail menu includes classics drinks like martinis, Old Fashioneds and margaritas. Then there are the house ones, called Moon Cocktails (a play on its name), like the Chocolate Moontini with creme de cacao and chocolate syrup, and the Blu Moon with blue curacao. It also features a dedicated sparking cocktail section with French 75s, bellinis, and the mango sparkler.


One big outdoor playing ground. A big city with a small-town heart, Austin earns the love with great music, culinary prowess, whip-smart locals and a sociable streak impossible to resist. Whether you’re a longtime resident or just trying to hang like a local during SXSW, these are the things that everyone should check off their bucket list in Austin. Mostly they involve eating, drinking, and natural beauty — that’s how they do it in Texas. Austin’s greatest strength lies as a nightlife center. Make no mistake: other Texas cities are not becoming the “new Austin.” The state capital’s atmosphere downtown and in surrounding neighborhoods on a Saturday night is unrivaled anywhere in Texas, and perhaps America, save maybe New Orleans.



Olamaie - Wynton Marsalis unveiled his “Blues Symphony” in 2009. The idea of expressing one musical tradition through the classical modes of another struck me when thinking about Olamaie. Chef-owner Michael Fojtasek, whose restaurant is named after four generations of Southern women in his family, cut his teeth at restaurants like the

world-class Per Se in N.Y. City and uses some of the techniques learned there to reimagine sustainably sourced seasonal Southern food, like a symphony playing the blues. Lenoir - The job of a great chef goes beyond creating a distinct concept and a great setting. The best chefs have an eye for the right people. They find smart, talented employees whom they can trust and then give them the room and support to operate. Those criteria speak to how Todd Duplechan, co-owner of Lenoir with his wife, Jessica Maher, has created such a special place. Yes, the idea of hot-weather food — taking local ingredients and creating dishes with flavor profiles that replicate regions around the world with similar climates to Texas (think quail with green mole and Gulf shrimp with tomato curry) — is brilliant. And, yes, you feel like you’re entering a secret hideaway when you enter the shabby-chic bungalow space. But, it’s the other details of leadership that take Lenoir to the next level. LIVE MUSIC

The city easily earns its title of ‘Live Music Capital of the World.’ One of two music festivals, South by Southwest (SXSW) has earned international acclaim. The SXSW Music Festival is an iconic global music industry event taking place every March in Austin, Texas. Each year the SXSW hosts a curated mix of artists performing in bars, clubs, parks, churches, hotels, and more in Austin, Texas. Not limited in genre or regional focus, audiences can enjoy a variety of musical styles at SXSW. At the 2017 edition, new, developing, and established talent from 63 countries were represented amongst the 2,000plus official performers. Showcases are curated by record labels, booking agencies, management and PR firms, export offices, publishers, media outlets, lifestyle brands, and more, drawing on a pool of artists looking to enhance their careers by reaching new audiences.

SXSW season will be here before you know it. On October 11th, the celebrated Austin festival announced the first wave of more than 200 music acts set to perform in March 2018. Highlights this upcoming year include German R&B singer and H&M designer Ace Tee, Japanese indie rockers DYGL, Las Vegas electro-pop artist Shamir, Baltimore three piece Snail Mail, Indonesian rapper and comedian Rich Chigga, and post-punk legends The Wedding Present.

As always, Austin is well represented with psychedelic trio Night Beats, singer-songwriter David Ramirez, family hip-hop act The Bishops, electronic breakout Dylan Cameron, Latin funk ensemble Cilantro Boombox, and garage rockers Leather Girls on the schedule. Other Austin acts include Curved Light, Charlie Faye & the Fayettes, William Harries Graham, Greenbeard, Warren Hood, Oliver Rajamani, Adam Torres, VVV, and World Music Unleashed from the School of Indian Percussion and Music


Dallas, on the other hand, is the anti-Austin. Rather than pursuing preservation, the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex expands into infinity, having become Texas’ largest, and America’s 4th largest, metro area. This growth has been utilitarian in nature— the metro has one of America’s biggest highway footprints, its most rapid housing construction rates, and even its longest light rail system. This willingness to build and build big has been economically beneficial, as Big D sits near the top in corporate relocation and job creation. LOUNGES

Theory Uptown - Promising a more sophisticated experience in Uptown Dallas, its goal is to provide five-star VIP service, with a staff that will cater to the clients every whim! Theory Uptown hopes to elicit the open feel of a New York warehouse, with an outdoor patio and elevated front entrance that makes you feel like you’re walking into a fashion show. Theory will redefine the concept of bottle service — a realm that sorely needs redefinition — by adding a long list of benefits such as personalized booking, premium mixers, and custom lighting. Late-night cuisine can be arranged, plus concierge service and parting gifts. Candleroom - Exclusivity is key and ensuring that not any average Joe can walk in off the streets. Devoting itself to the concept of a private venue, Candleroom is an “invitation only” venue


opening its doors to members and referred guests only. What will you find inside this members-only Henderson-area lounge? Beautiful people enjoying equally beautiful cocktails and having an amazing time on the dance floor. The dress code is strictly enforced, so leave the flip-flops and football jersey at home. Lighting up the Dallas’ Nightlife scene since 2003, the Candleroom is the perfect place To Be, Be Seen, Socialize & Celebrate. Captivating Style, Cutting Edge Music and World Class Service have separated this exclusive lounge from all the rest. This Award Winning venue has continued to stay current by always evolving. Providing a bar-like atmosphere for a classier crowd, the Candleroom takes a the concepts of small-town bar and a high end lounge and blends them together to create an experience that must be seen to be believed.

Al Biernat’s - A Dallas treasure where owner Al comes by to check on your table and bartenders know everyone by name, this swanky, upscale steakhouse in Oak Lawn never disappoints thanks to out-of-this-world food and an extensive wine list delivered by a top-notch staff; it’s lively and expensive, yes, but worth every penny, especially for date night or a business lunch or dinner. The wine list here is one of the finest in the state, with more than 650 selections. Occupying a brand new location, the Al Biernat’s team gave the space an extensive — read: $4 million dollars worth —renovation. The result-


ing space is an airy, sunlit spot complete with a three-story atrium and an array of dining “areas” located throughout the restaurant, to suit whichever mood (intimate, fun, etc.) strikes. Blue Sushi Sake Grill had its debut recently in Uptown’s brand new M-Line Tower. Sleek and possessing a see-andbe-seen dining room and giant fish bowl cocktails mixed with fresh fruit. Fresh and energetic, Blue offers an inspired mix of creative sushi for purists and adventurers alike. Blue’s vibrant scene offers a dining experience full of creative flavor and intense with spirited atmosphere. A large maki, sashimi and nigiri menu is complemented by Asian-inspired cold plates, hot plates, entrees, soups, salads, desserts and an extensive sake menu. BOOKSTORES

INTERABANG BOOKS is a new full-service, independent bookstore. The store was exactly what Dallas needed and comes from independent bookstore veteran Jeremy Ellis; Nancy Perot, daughter of billionaire Ross; and Lori Feathers, a lawyer. It sells fiction, nonfiction, and children’s books, and features a children’s stage for storytime sessions. This 5,000 square foot store carries more than 12,000 titles in a wide variety of categories with a special focus on fiction, children’s books, and creative non-fiction. The store features a flexible event space with seating for up to 100 people for book signings and a children’s stage for weekly story times and other programs. . The name of the store, Interabang Books, comes from an old printmaker’s term. The interabang is a punctuation mark that combines a question mark and an exclamation point in a single symbol. When discussing their vision for the store, ‘discovery’ and ‘excitement’ were words that came up again and again and the interabang symbol seemed to exemplify the owners’ essential idea. Interabang has filled a gaping hole

in the city’s literary scene. Although the area is well-served by several Barnes & Noble and Half Price Books locations, Dallas has not had a fullservice independent bookstore for years. Interabang’s owners have the resources and experience to make their idea work! THE WILD DETECTIVES became Dallas’ literary heart. Flourishing in a city not noted for literary concerns, where an evening featuring local writers can bring a crowd that tests the fire laws and fills the small frame house from front to back and top to bottom. The Wild Detectives is the brainchild of Javier García del Moral and Paco Vique, two Spanish civil engineers. The name comes from Roberto Bolaño’s 1998 novel “Los Detectives Salvajes.” It opened at the end of February 2014. Against all odds, it remains not only in business but also “healthy.”


Perhaps, but there’s one Texas stereotype that’s pretty accurate. It’s that southern charm and southern hospitality that Texans seem to epitomize. They smile at strangers, they shake their heads in agreement, they tip their hats when passing people, they hold the doors open, and they make small-talk look easy. It doesn’t matter if they’re having a bad day or not, they’ll still remain polite. And it’s those very passive smiles and meaningless-but-ultimately-charming greetings that make people leave with a smile. Nothing can ever shake a true Texan’s spirit… not even one of the most horrific hurricanes in history.




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his wonderful new restaurant is the culmination of years of hard work in the kitchen by Lourdes Cuello Pernia whose recipes are featured on the menu. Indeed, Lourdes learned the art of Venezuelan cuisine at a young age as she sat at the feet of her mother and grandmother and observed the tender touch and far-reaching influences on the food. The centerpiece of the menu is the ubiquitous street food found throughout the country: arepas. However, Lourdes puts her own unique spin on this delicious offering which is both tasty and healthy. In keeping with family tradition of handing down kitchen secrets, Lourdes’ two daughters, Yelitza and Yesika, are heavily involved with the restaurant. Both help


with the cooking, but they also bring their own specialized training to make this dining experience all the better. Yelitza has been trained in business administration and technology, so she carefully guides the all the business decisions. Yesika, on the other hand, who is a graduate of the prestigious Hotel School of Venezuela and Cornell University restaurant management program, brings more than 15 years of experience and expertise in restaurant hospitality to the mix. Together, it truly is a family affair, one that promises to add an amazing dining experience to Pasadena and Los Angeles in general.

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Los Angeles • San Francisco • Orange County • Houston 056


LEFT Ken Gonzales-Day, Palm Trees at Venice Public Art Graffiti Walls, Venice Beach, 2017. © 2017 Ken Gonzales-Day. RIGHT Tina Modotti, Anita Brenner, c. 1926. Gelatin silver print. Courtesy of the Witliff Collections, Texas State University.


SEPTEMBER 14, 2017–FEBRUARY 25, 2018


2701 N. Sepulveda Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90049 • (310) 440-4500 FREE on-site parking; street parking strictly prohibited FALL 057








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