Incoming Exchange Process Booklet | MC Orenda

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Incoming Exchange

Process Booklet

Introduction This booklet is specifically made for every ICX fellow. It contains guidelines about the entire ICX process. It also includes templates of all the documents you will need. This booklet summarizes the necessary minimums that need to be fulfilled in every phase of the Customer Flow, for you to deliver the most efficient and beneficial experiences by ensuring the Leadership development. This is what we as AIESEC strive to provide for our customers. Thus, you should not limit yourself and your LC to only these actions, if you believe you can do more to improve your process, do it. Then share your GCPs with the rest of us so we can learn from each other and grow all together in order to empower ICX in Algeria. Find all the documents mentioned below on this link: This folder is shared with LCVPs ICX only. Ask them if you need anything!

The objectives of this booklet are: ďƒź To set clear guidelines that should be used by every single team member in every LC in Algeria. ďƒź To align and optimize the ICX process in all LCs for a more customer centric AIESEC in Algeria.

Customer Flow for ICX?

The Customer Flow in AIESEC is defined in details for each one of our stakeholders: Young people, Partners, and even AIESECers. However, when we speak about “young people”, we usually mean outgoing EPs. In this document, we will see how our Incoming EPs can go through the same Customer Flow, and what are we supposed to do in order to make the ICX operations as smooth, fast, strong and good as they can be.

Do you think this is possible? Well, let’s go through the ICX Customer Flow, phase by phase, and figure out together how things are supposed to work, for a disruptive growth.

Rumor has it that Algeria isn’t attractive enough, hence we don’t have enough applicants.

With the right projects, timing and promotion, let’s put an end to that rumor, together!

Shall we?

Opportunity creation For more attractive opportunities on YOP, check and follow the Opportunity Posting Guideline booklet:

Make sure you raise your OPPs in time, so you can promote and go through all formalities (Interviews, visa…etc.) comfortably. iGV


Having a problem with SDGs and EXPA? Read this: iGV Contract: EP Contract: Use the contract you signed with your enabler to fill the opportunity’s details: JD, working hours, accommodation, location…etc. iGET Contract:

Promotion 1. Entity partners (MC2MC and LC2LC) promote your opportunities to their customers. • • • •

How do you make these partnerships? Do you sign a contract? How do partners promote our OPPs? What do they use to do it?

2. We promote to oGV managers from non partners entities. 3. We promote to the EPs directly.

• •

Use emails and the global Facebook matching groups. oGV contacts can also be found on EXPA.

Spam EPs. Spamming AIESECers and OGX people from abroad is okay only if you respect the AIESEC hierarchy. But this can be annoying for customers and might have the opposite result of the one you wanted.

Be Creative. It’s always better to have something concrete to give to your (potential) partners.

1. National iGV Booklets They include all national and local opportunities, along with an attractive brief description of Algeria, its culture, the basic living cost and our iGV contacts. 2. Marketing Materials MC and LCs can make persuasive and interactive posters and GIFs, but also collect EPs’ stories and testimonials to make blog posts and promotional videos. 3. Search tools MC and LCs should use a national opportunity search tool to share with OGX contacts from abroad. LCs can also have their own local search tool, to be used for LC2LC partnerships. Link of the National Searchtool:

All national and local iGV products need to be promoted only with one national brand which is #SalamAlgeria.

I have applicants! What should I do to make them choose my project and how can I facilitate the visa process for them?

The visa support is theoretically part of Value Delivery. But for now, we’ll consider it as one the most important elements of Consideration, because of the current realities related to Algerian visa process. Then the challenge for us is to do everything we can in order to make sure it will be smooth and efficient for all of our EPs.

Get in touch 1. Email all your applicants. Every! Single! One! Within 48h (max) after they apply. 2. Time for the interview: the moment of truth, both for us and the EP.

3. 24h after the interview, send an acceptance or a rejection email. 5. After approving your EPs, send them the Invitation letter + the Expectation Setting booklet.

Check out the emails templates and the interviews’ guidelines here:

Visa 1. Attach to your acceptance email the Algerian Visa Information Package.

Visa Package: You should read it too for general visa information. It can be useful if the EP has any enquiries during the interview. Involve your stakeholders. To facilitate the visa process, ask your enabler or host family to

provide: Host Declaration, Reception Declaration, Project Description and Execution. 2. After receiving the EP’s passport, send them the following:

• • • • •

Invitation letter. Hosting declaration + ID of the host. Project description. Association legal documents. Enabler’s documents (optional).

Find all these documents here: You only need to adapt them to your LC.

Follow up with your EPs during their process: As soon as they apply for the Algerian visa: call the Embassy of Algeria in their country, introduce our organization and your EP, and inquire about the progress of their procedure. You can’t reach them on the phone? Email them! An embassy is asking for extra documents? Always deliver them! Even if you are not sure what they are asking for, get them the closest document to it. Being in direct contact with the embassy will help you keep a close eye to our Eps’ progress, and if ever it blocks, you’ll be able to know where the problem exactly is and to fix it ASAP.

Time to seal the deal with your EP! Send them the contract that they will have to sign and send back, if you want to have one. The contract should include both the EPs’ and AIESEC’s responsibilities along with all final details of your OPP, and the actions to take in case one of the parties does not deliver.

They are here! Now I only need to deliver everything I promised‌ This is where the magic happens!

Exchange Standards

As simple as it is to deliver, it’s highly important for the EP to find someone waiting for them at the airport. So be nice and be there!

- Whether it's an EP house or a host family, send all details about it to the EP, before their arrival. - If your enabler is providing accommodation, make sure you check it before the EP is here. - Keep in mind this flow for the host families: Campaigns (offline) → HPS* → Contract → Involve the host in the experience.

It stands for Host Preparation Seminar: A little event that all your (potential) hosts attend, where they get to meet you and know more about AIESEC, your project and the Host Family program. HPS is a great way to select the most suitable hosts and to set the right expectations from both sides.

Make sure you are giving the space for the EPs to execute their JD and fulfill the working hours for the entire duration of their internship, and that they’re fully aware of their individual responsibilities and goals.

Incoming Preparation Seminar (IPS) Development spaces with Opportunity Provider

- Cultural preparation. - LDA and goals setting. - Expectation settings. -JD Alignment with Personal

Goals. -Debriefing.

Quality leadership development spaces are the equivalent of a quality AIESEC experience.

The buddy is the contact person of the EP, a friendly hand always present to assist, support and help out the EP in his needs. The Buddy is also responsible for the cultural integration of the EP; explaining cultural norms, providing guidance of places, transportation, shops, restaurants‌etc. Taking Value delivery to the next level? The EP buddy JD should be more relevant, by including in it the facilitation of the inner journey for the leadership development of the EP. The EP buddy gets in contact with the EP before their arrival. Check the following national guidelines provided by MC Orenda: - IPS, and HPS templates. - Accommodation minimums checklist. - EP Buddy JD. - How to deliver standard 5.

Accompany your EP to the airport or provide them with the right information about how to get there, in written format, at least two weeks before their departure to their country.

How good did I do?

Time to see if we’re really a customer-centric and a leadership-obsessed organization!

Evaluation 1. Evaluate the experience and standards accomplishment with the EP. -Remind your EPs to fill the Exchange Standards Survey so that they can switch to COMPLETE. -The NPS (Net Promoter Score) on EXPA is your best reference. Always remind your EP to fill it after their experience is completed. 2. Gather all the data possible for you to use it in showcasing your opportunities and attract more EPs to deliver more Leadership Development experiences. Check the Story Collection booklet (Guidelines on how to collect and showcase EP stories) on MC Orenda hub. EPs’ testimonials in videos, pictures, blogs…etc.

The experiences we deliver create promoters or detractors of both Algeria and AIESEC.

After the end of each experience, you must ask yourself the following questions: • How was the experience you delivered? • What did you create: promoter or detractor? • How will you use your EPs feedback to improve your Value Delivery?


Let’s impact Algeria with hundreds of relevant opportunities and hundreds of international volunteers and interns.

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