Exchange Standards | MC Orenda

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Exchange Standards ICX & OGX


Dear ICX & OGX Fellows, In this booklet, you will be introduced to all the Exchange Standards that should be delivered by the HOME & HOST Entity in order to make the Exchange Participants go through a memorable experience full of new learning skills. Every Standard will be explained individually in the next pages. Make sure you read them very carefully and if you still have questions, approach your LCVP to cease all your doubts and questions. Thank you!

Exchange Standards

DEVELOPMENT Personal Goal Setting Every Home Entity should organize a space or a meeting for the EP to check his/her LDA and make them set their own goals before starting their experience abroad. Link:

Outgoing Preparation Seminar Every Home Entity needs to organize a space for EPs to introduce:  AIESEC way, LDM and Goal Setting.  Expectation Setting.  Culture Preparation. Link:

Expectation Setting The Host Entity needs to send each approved EP a booklet that includes information about the country, political situation, safety and the basic living cost.

PS. Every LC has already its own Expectation Setting booklet to be sent for EPs after their approval.

Incoming Preparation Seminar The Host Entity needs to organize a space for all EPs to prepare them for their new experience. The space will tackle these following points: • LDA & Goal Setting. • Your Project. • Your responsibilities. • Country’s Culture. Link:

Spaces with OPP Provider Every Enabler needs to deliver a space for all EPs to align the Job Description with their Personal Goals at the beginning and end of their experience. Link:

Debrief with AIESEC Home The Home Entity needs to contact each EP after their experience to check how was their experience and invite them for a reintegration seminar. Link:

LOGISTICS Visa & Work Permit Every Host Entity needs to send the EP the required documents for the Visa or Work Permit. Link: Link:

Arrival Pick up Every Host Entity needs to communicate to each EP the arrangement for the Arrival Pick-Up. Link:

Departure Support Every Host Entity needs to explain to EPs the legal procedure on how to leave the country 2 weeks before their departure or drop them off at the airport. Link:


Job Description Every EP needs to respect and execute the JD that was mentioned in the opportunity that he/she applied for. Link:

Duration The duration of each experience needs to be minimum for 6 weeks. Link:

Working Hour Every EP needs to work at least 25h/week for the GV program and 35h/week for GT program. Link:

First Day of Work An AIESEC Representative needs to assist the EPs at their first day of work. Link:

LIVING Insurance Every EP needs to purchase the travel insurance for the period of his/her stay. Link:

Accommodation The Host Entity needs to provide the EPs with the accommodation that they promised for their EPs. Link:

Basic Living Cost Every Host Entity needs to inform their EPs about any compensation ( Subsidy or meals) before their travel. Link:

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